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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1906)
THE OMAIIA' DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUXE 10. 190& I ASSESSMENT IS GOING UP Butler and Bock Couitiel Chow Larger Talnaiion of Property. PLANNING B!G RECEPTION TO 'BRYAN Jmm Hjleosaa. Recently Removed to rattle, Reported Almost Km. Ilrely Recovered frees Rhee aiatle Attack. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. June 18 (Bpeelal.) Butler and Rock counties have made the returna of assessment to the State Board of Aasess nient and each shows an Increase over the assessment of 1916. In the former county a portion of the Increase li due to the In crease la the assessment of the t'nlon Pa cific railroad, while In the latter county the Increase Is on the property other than that of the railroads. But?r county re turna an assessment fit 15,780,701 against one of $5.734.64,1 made In 19C5. In Rock county property Is assessed at a total of 8l.40.0 against $78,370.71 returned last year. Real estate In both cuunties Is re turned practically at the same figures as last year. Following Is a comparison of several of the Items this yesr with last ytar: BUTLEH rot'NTT. 18(4. 190$. Horses, average t 1474 $ 16.68 17.S4 1X3 .60 16? 894.941.07 8.38 72.83 16.780.701.00 Mules, average at tie. average Sheep, average Hogs, average Railroad property.... Wl lnd, per acre Lots, average 17.f 3. 57 1.17 748 ol) (JO -0.l0 Total assessments.... 16. 734,4.W Increase In assessment, $46,007. ROCK COPNTY. v ,' i 190b. 190$. 910 11.60 S41 .60 1 U loO.21b.lO 1.01 lk.uu Horses, average I . Mules, average.. 13.70 Cattle, average. Sheep, average. Hogs, avers.. Raliroads l.nd, per acre. Lots .60 -1.00 l. - 190 Total aseessmente..$ 687,370.71 I 691.4U0.W Lincoln ta Receive Bryan. At a meeting held today the directors of the Lincoln Commercial club decided to co operate with the city officials In making the welcome of WlllUm J. Bryan one of the biggest events "ever pulled off ln the city! Secretary Whltten. lafter the meeting called upon Mayor Brown and assured him the club , would take part In the reception. The railroads will be asked to make a re duced rate Into the city and people from all over the state, will be Invited to come t Lincoln on that occasion. A mass meet ing of the business men will be held at the Commercial club rooms next Monday at noon, at which time committees will be appointed. A cablegram was sent - Mr. Bryan today asking him to accept no Ne braska Invitations until he hear from Lin coln, "''- ftapreme Cosrt Convenes. Chief Justice Sedgewlck and Judge Barnes of the supreme court and all of the supreme court commissioners reached the city this morning for consultation prior to holding a regular Session of the court until Septem ' her, and: many . Important opinions likely wKlr pe handed down, among them being that of the Hoys! Highlander case In which tl.e right of the county assessor to assess the reserve fund of -a fraternal order Is Cs issue. The Bartley bond case also Is boutdue.;aieent la Norfolk Case. Ttiel Slate Board of Public Lands apd tfluildlnsa will meet Thursday afternoon to listen to the arguments on the testimony Introduced at the hearing of the charges agslnet Superintendent Alden and Assistant Superintendent NichulsVn-of the Norfolk In fsflwjp..rhei tmDnyu"teken - been transcribed and la now In the hands of the members of the board. Six days after the arguments are concluded the mtote require the report of the board must ha ",t 4-he hands of the governor, who Is ti e Judge In the mstter. Jsdse Holromk Recoveries;. Puv.d Ewlng. formerly county Judge of Meirlck county, but now a practicing law yer of Seattle, Wesh.. called upon Deputy Attorney General Thompson this morning 'while visiting Lincoln friend. Mr. Ewlng said he saw Judge Hplcomb recently In Seattle and hla health Is improving rapidly and .nearly atl tracea of his rheumatism had left him.' When Judge Holcomb left Lincoln ha waa In bad shape, and It was . Ihe opinion of his friends he would never fully recover. Mr. Ewlng said a large num ber of desirable eHlsens of Ban Frsnclsco had removed to Seattle since the earth- WOMEN WHO CHARM KUITB IS THE FIRST BSECTUi If Helpe "Women to Win and Bold Galea's Admiration, Reepect and Lot . Woman's greatest git t U tha power to lnplr admiration, respect, and love. There ia a beauty in health which la more attractive to men than mere regu larity of feature. To be a successful wife, to retain lha love and admiration of her' husband, should be a woman's constant study. At the first indication of ill-health. painful or irrefrular periods, head . ache or backache, secure Lydia E. Pinkhara'e Vegetable Compound and - be pin lta use. t ' . Mrs. Cha. F.Jrown, Vice-Preaiden ; Mothers' Club, tl Cedar Terrace, Hot ' Springs, Ark., writes: .Dear Mrs. Plnkham- - "Tor nine years I dragged turoegh a miser., able existence, suffering with Innammatios) '.and femaie weakness and wqrn out with -pain and weariness. 1 one day noticed a state ment by a womaa suffering as I was, but who bad been cured by Lydia E. Hnkkuun'e Veg etable Compound, and 1 deteruuned to try it. Lt the end of three months I w as a different woman. Every one remarked about It, and my husband fell la love with me all over eain. LvdU E. I1nkhams Vegetable Conv ' pouud built up my entire systMn, eured the trouble, and I felt like a Bow woman. I am ure it will make- every suffering sromaa auong, well and nappy, as It has me. Women who are troubled with pain ful or lrrejrular periods, backache, bloating' (or flatulence), displacements, jnfiamniation or ulceration, ihafbear-lnsr-down " feeling, dizziness falntneaa. Indigestion, or nervous prostration mar be restored to perfect healxt and strength by taking Lydia . PuLaiiAua a Vegetable CetujjMMuul, (Arj. Chas.FBronn ) l"ke and the population of the town was Increasing rapidly. Capital Briefs. v Governor IMrkey wss In Council Bluffs today attending to some private business In connection with the recent purchase of a farm over In Iowa. Tomorrow the gov ernor will go to Randolph, where he de livers an addrs at a meeting of old set tlers and soldiers. Iand Commissioner F.tnn will go to Per kins county tomorrow to auction soma lesse Isrfd. and Deputy Bhlveley will go to Frontier county to review some ap praisements of school lands. . MQTHEIt AXD SO" HELD FOR THEFT Aeeaeed of Meallea Three Steers Valaea at KlatilyHT Dollars. SIDNEY, Neb.. June 18-(Sneclal Tele gram.) Mrs. Mary Ingraham and her two sons, Dan and Tsd, were bound over to the district court today, charged with stealing three 1-year-old steers, valued at 1X5, the property of Henry Heard. Mrs. Ingraham rurnlshed the requisite tl.SftO ball, but the boys were unshle to get bonds and Sheriff McDanlel Incarcerated them In the county Jail. Mrs. Tngraham's ranch Is near Bay ard, fifty miles northwest of here, and she Is known as the "Csttle Queen" of western Nebraska. She was represented by Hamer at Hamer at preliminary examination Jfewa of Kebraska. BEATRICE Rainfall estimated St two Inches fell Sunday night and it la still raln- 1 Ing. WTMORE It Is rumored that the Bur lington shop and office forces are to be re duced here soon. OAKLAND Ollie 8 Sanson won the piano In the Independent's contest Bsturdny over Msble Bwanson by about 1000 votes. WOOD RIVER The Woodmen lodges of this county sre organising a county log rolling association and propose giving sn annual picnic. WEST POINT County Judge Louis De wald united In marriage yesterday at his office in West Point Miss Bertha Blelke and John Btuckers. WOOD RIVER The biggest crop of cher ries ever known to central Nebraska Is be ing picked. The trees are simply loaded down with the fruit. BEATRICE The Plckrell ball team de feated the Ellis nine at Ellis yesterday by a score of 0 to 2. The same teama play at Plckrell next Ssturdsy. WICST POT VT William Charlea Mohr and Miss Myrtle Eunice Hughes were mar- rird at the home of the bride a momer in Tekamah on Thursday. BEATRICE Oliver Frlti was arrested on the charge of violating the city dray ordi nance. He pleaded not gAtlty and his case was set for hearing on June 30. GENEVA Rev. Mr. Smith of Crete con ducted services In Trinity' Episcopal church yesterday and will have charge every other Sunday hereafter. BEATRICE Henry von Steen. In diving from a spring board Into the rlvor, broke three ribs yesterday by the board breaking ana nis isiung across tne supports. WAHOO The assessed valuation of Saunders county, as returned by the county Measurer, amounts to over Il,o71,uo. This Is an increase of over l3o,6S3 over the as seesment for 1905. WY MORE Police Judse Crawford lias had placed In the city Jail yard a few tons of large hint rocks. As long as the va hold out tne city will operate a private stone crusher. PLATTSMOUTH-Will H. Clementa re ports that the Missouri river at tnls point has risen l.t feet within the last forty eight hours and is still rising. l"he Platte river is aiso on us annual June boom. WYMORE The Bell Teleohrm. comnanv haa a force of men at work setting poles In the alleys, preparatory to rebuild ing the system Here, it will be strictly a cable plant. The contemplated Improve ments will cost close to (6,000. BEATRICE Robert Klose and wife, who have been spending the past year In Europe, have returned home. Just before leaving Bremen. Germany, Mr. Klose was taken sick and was obliged to undergo an ope.a tion for appendicitis before, sailing for America. WYMORE Battery A of the state guard haa received a supply of new blankets and tents to replace tnose sent to San Fian clftco. They are taking In new recruits to have a full enlistment when . they go to Fort Riley In. August to the national ma neuvers. BEATRICE! Miss Isabella .:herrtll, ' 'a daughter of -the late 'Thomas Sherrill, a pioneer resident of Gage county, died at her home Ave miles northeast of Beatrice, after an illness of three yesrs of tuberculosis. She Is survived by her mother, three broth ers and three sisters, WOOD RIVER Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Ir win of the Presbyterlsn church are expected home from California soon, where they have been for the past winter and spring. Rev. Barrett of Indiana, - who has hud charge of the church during their absence, will return this week, i BEATRICE-The returns of the deputy assessors show a considerable increase in valuations In Gage county over laat year. The total number of schedules In the coun ty In 1906 was .3S9, and ,41 this year. The total valuation Inst year was 17. 876,8.11. This year It Is IS.707.SS7. an Increase of S32,ti9B. PLATTSMOL'TH The Burlington Kail road company haa recently spent thousands of dollars In rlpiaplng the east bank of the Missouri river, opposite this city, and the officials of the company have little fenr of damage by overflow end ths washing awsy of the bottom lands during ths "June rise.' ... WEST POINT-Mrs. Miller of West Point, who Is the oldest womsn In Cuming county, being over M years of age, sustained a severe accident yeaterday by losing her balance and falling, breaking her arm. Some .months sgo she broke her lower limb, which makes this accident doubly serious. H A RTIJCCJTON County Treasurer Henry Hoese, L. F. Hoese. C. M. Olsen and Will Pohle returned today from a two days' fish ing trip to the Missouri river near St. Hel ena. They caught over 700 pounds of nsn, among which wss one catfish that whn put on the scales here weighed seventy three and one-half pounds. BEATRICB-The little town of Jansen haa arranged for a big celebration on the Fourth of July. Tha speakers for the oc casion will be Hon. Peter Jansen. John Heasty and Frank U Rain. The Plymouth band will furnish the music, and there will be ball games and outdoor sports, besides a great display ot nreworas in tne evening. BEATRICE The police raided the Davis hotel and Davis block at midnight last night and arrested Arthur Wilson nnd Eileen Bartow in the former and Clarence L'ave and Genlveve St. Clair In the latter. I each couple occupying apartments together. In police court tnis morning vtuson ana the two women were fined $9.80 each and Cave, being an old offender, drew $31.80. COI.V'MBrS The members and congre gation of the First Presbyterian church of Columbus, sfter listening to two fine ser mons from Rev. W. H. Lytle of Bellevue, ' Kan., yesterday, had a large and enthu I aiuatic meeting lest evening and voted to I extend a call to Rev. Mr. Lytle to become I their settled pastor. The church has been ! without a aettled pastor for several I months. H ARTINOTON Hartingtcn lodge, Inde- r indent Order of Odd Felluwa, observed unday. June 17. as memorial day, und the lodge marched In a body to the public ceme tery, where the beautiful and Impressive ritualistic services of the order were held. After the services at the cemetery the lodge attended church In a body, where a memo rial sermon was preached by the Rev. eheppard of Coleridge. i GENEVA The body of Walter Anderson. ! a young man who wae accidentally drowned In Uncoln on Saturday, was brougnt to the home of County Attorney Waring today, where the funeral services will be held tomorrow, the Interment being In the Fairmont cemetery. Walter was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Waring when but a small boy and had since made his home with them until ot late. i "l vdd ' 'ST BLR WELL The Independent Order of elloas toage neia Its memorial serv- yeeterday at tne Methodist cnurch. The largest congregation ever assembled nere in one ouiioing we ureeeni. i rie address was delivered by Chaplain J. P. Waldron. Mualo waa fumialied by the Burwell band and by a select Quartet. A committee was sent to the cemetery, whore the regular eorvlcee were conducted. BRAINARDA picnic waa held here yes terday by the local Bohemian society Z. C. B. J. Lodges from Prague. Unwood. Able and Bruno, accompanied by brass bauds, arrived hare on a special Fremont, t Ik horn Missouri Valley train. About 11 o'clock a procession was formed in town snd marc hed to the picnic grounds, where P""lng. music and amusements of vsrlous kinds were held. Frank J. Sadllk of Wilbur being the apeaker. The attraction of the afternoon was a ball game between the Seward and Brainard nines, which reaulted In a score of 1 to 0 In favor of Rrai.iarrf. The game waa hotly contested front start to nnian. Batteries: eeward. Darling and Lynch; Brainard, Kavalee brothera. DIAMONDS-Fienaer, Ula and Deoae sla ALL NEBRASKA IS SOARED Bain Burt Sunday Right and Continues v Thronr,n ths Day Monday. COKES JUST AT TIME WHEN NEEDED Reports Indicate Drr Weather Ha Done Little Da ma ere, Oats Betas the Only- teas Which Had atfrred to say Eateat. I FALIS CITT. Neb., June l..-Spedal.)-The first rain which haa visited this sec tion of the country for six weeks fell Isst night. The extreme drouth and the hot winds, have seriously affected the corn. Wheat la In good condltlcn. This rain will save most of the small fruit, which has been suffering for moisture. UTICA. Neb., June 18.-Bpeclal.) The lor.g continued drouth In this part of the country haa at last been broken, "as It commenced to tain yesterday afternoon and continued raining all night Sunday evening. The rain waa gentle throughout the entire night and all day today, about two Inches having fallen so far. The rain comes Just in time to save the crops. Tha farmers are extremely happy now, aa a good crop is assured them. STELLA. Neb.. June 18 (Bpeclal.)-The long drouth waa broken at 10 o'clock yea terday evening by a two-Inch rain which fell, during the night, followed by a half Inch rain thta firenoon. It will be of Im mense valtle to the country in general and will be of great help to everything. The prospect for a bumper wheat crop Is flat tering and wheat will be ready to harvest by the first of next week. Corn Is looking fine and did not seem to be hurt any by the dry weather. Oats are heading out almost too short to bind, but this rain may cause them to grow a little yet. LIN WOOD, Neb., June .It. (Special.) After a "three weeks' drouth a rain fell here last night and this morning of about one and one-half Inches., This will help all growing grain and the pastured The early oats will not make over half-a crop. They have headed out at about ten inches In hefrht. . Oats Only Grata Injared. LEIGH, Neb., June 18. (Speclal.)-The fong dry spell was broken here yesterday by a magnificent rain. It began raining at 5 o'clock ' In the afternoon and continued at Intervals and furnishing about all the moisture that the ground could absorb. A few miles north of here quite a hailstorm la reported, but not of sufficient magnitude to do serious damage. It wss the first rain for twenty-four days and the ground was becoming very dry. The oats had be gun to suffer, but corn, which Is the prin cipal crop, is looking fine. PLATT8MOUTH. Neb., June ll-(Spe-clal.) A much needed and long looked for rain visited this vicinity Sundsy night and Monday. Fully three Inches of water fell, which was highly appreciated by al!. FREMONT. Neb.. June 18.-Speclal.)-The dry weather ended last night with a rain which haa continued all day today. The total precipitation is over two Inches. The mercury yesterday afternoon reached 96 and when the storm reached here, at t o'clock, dropped 20 degrees in a few min utes. The rain was badlv ne,i.i v crop except oats had suffered much from lack of moisture. WEST POINT. Neb., June lt.-(Special ) The Intensely dry weather of the laat three weeks, which threatened to cause serious damage 'to growing crops, .came to an end Sunday afternoon. . Rain fell In torrents for four hours, and at intervala throughout the night, throroughly soaking the parched earth. Corn was standing the dry weather well, but the grass, amall grains, potatoes and gardens showed., the. effects of the drouth to a marked degree.- Many upland pastures throughout the county have dried up completely, but will be greatly revived by this rain. Nearly two Inchea of rain fell during the night. Th cherry crop Is the most abundant In history, the trees being literally loaded with the fruit. Ap plea promise well and small fruits are abundant. ' AH Croats Boom In a. STANTON. Neb.. June 18. (Special.) A heavy rain fell here yesterday afternoon, and at noon today It Is still raining slightly. Farmers are elated. There had been no rain here for almost three weeks, and while noth ing waa suffering, the rain came very timely for amall grain, which Is looking well. Corn Is generally a good atand and is grow ing raeldly. GENEVA. Neb.. June 18-(Speclal.)-After tne hottest aay ot tne season, yesterday, tne mercury reaching 97 degrees, a rain earned up from the northweat In the afternoon and continued to descend umetly part of the night and commenced again thta morn ing, until about an inch of water has fallen; It waa needed badly, the oats being past help, but nothing else suffering seriously aa yet. COLUMBUS. Neb., June It. (Speclal.) A glorious rain has been descending for the last twenty-four hours, snd people generally are rejoicing, for all kinds of crops are assured. HABKINS, Neb.. June 18. (Special.) This section got a very much-needed rain today. A INS WORTH, , Neb.. June 18. (Special Telegram.) The dry spell Is now broken and tha farmers are rejoicing. Last night at 11 o'clock rain commenced to fall and It has continued until I p. m. today, and the ground Is In fine shape. The amall grain la hurt, but thia will help it out. ST. PAl'L, Neb., June 18 (Speclal.)-The dry spell of the last three weeks waa broken yesterday afternoon by a fine shower of raip, accompanied by thunder and lightning and some hall. - Aa far as heard the hail haa not done much damage. but the rain, amounting to .61, Inch, waa hailed with delight. Little eLate al ehawka. NEHAWKA, , Neb., June 18.-(8peeil.) An Inch of rain fell last night, which will dc Of great nenent to corn, and Insures a good winter wheat crop. This Is the first good rain since the first' of April. Many pastures are entirely dead and many meadows are not worth mowing. Soma oat fields are past redemption, but a few may make a light crop. The strawberry crop was an entire failure on account of the drouth, and raspberries are being forced to ripen two weeks before their time, which makes them hard, amall and worth less. Ths cherry crop is very good, snd people have been gathering them for a week. They should not have been ripe be fore the Bth, but the dry westher has forced all crops 'to an unusually early ripening. WAHOO, Neb.. June 18. (Special V-A steady rain has been falling In Saunders county since last evening at I o'clock. This morning two Inches of rain had fallen. This rain came Just in time and will bring the wheat crop out all right and most of the oats, which were com mencing to head with scarcely any straw. BATTLE CREEK. Neb.. June lt.-(Spe-clal.l There had been no rain here since Msy until yeaterday, when rain began falling at about I o'clock. Since then one Inch haa fallen and it is still raining. Tha rain waa badly needed, though no serious damage had been dona All crops are re ported In excellent condition. CREIOHTON. Neb.. June UWSpacIa!.) Thla section of tha country waa thoroughly soaked today by about two Inches of rain. After a protracted dry speU of nearly two weeka today's ryn came at a very op portune time. Corn haa never been better, and all small fraln will conUuae well from R To brand a pi purity means to kaf . Then it is biliousness, wood pulp. Ask for the Brewery Bottling. Common beer is sometimes substituted for Schlitz. To aioid being imposed upon, see that the cork or crown is branded noV on. Farmers, generally are Jubilant' over today's downpoun, v BRAINARD, Neb., June 18. (Special.) The long dry spell was broken here last : night. About S o'.clock a beautiful rain j aet In, continuing all night, and it la still raining this morning. This will assure a fair crop of small grain, as far as moisture la concerned. OAKLAND. Neb.. June 18. (Special. ) A much needed rain has been falling In this locality since. Sunday evening, benefiting small grain and corn, as well as fruit.. Cora Joat In Time. WTMORE. Neb., June 18.-(Speclal.) It commenced raining here last evening at 8 and la still at it. Yesterday at all the churches rain was prayed for. The mois ture Is of Inestimable value to the grain and fruit. A few days more of dry weather would have killed most of the grain. HARVARD. Neb., June 18. (Special.) Following seteral days of continuous wind that at tlmea reached a high rate, a thun derstorm came on yesterday about 6 p. m.. changing to a slow rain, which continued through the night, giving a rainfall of 1.1 inches. No damage has been reported and the storm seems to have been timely- in all respects and of. great benefit to all kinds of crops. WOOD RIVER. Neb.. June 18.-(SpeclaI.) -The rain yesterday afternoon proved very helpful to the growing crops, although no damage had been done during the dry weather. Corn and small grain are look ing fine and the farmers are rejoicing. The llrat cutting of alfalfa haa been made, and the second crop Is coming on. nicely. The sugar beets are making rapid progress. Wheat harvest will soon commence and the farmers are buying twine. TABLE ROCK, Neb., June 18 (Spe cial.) The welcome rain came last night, commencing between and 10 o'clock and It rained gently the most of the night, and thla morning the rain guage showed couple of Inches. Little wind accompanied the rain. About this morning it com menced to fall again and another inch has fallen and It still Is coming down gently at thla writing. As it had been nearly two weeks since there was any moisture what ever, things were suffering and the people were greatly discouraged. FVLLERTON. Neb.. June 18. An Inch of needed rain fell here last night, which Insures a line wheat crop In this county. All crops are looking fine. Corn and oats are aomewhat Vackward for this time of the year. v HART1NGTON, Neb.. June 18.-(SpeclaI.) A general rain all over this part of the stale did an Immense amount of good to crops last night and today. At this place the rainfall up to noon Monday was 1.71 Inches, and the ground took up the water almost as fast ss t fell. Farmers who had begun to get somewhat discouraged over the prevailing dry .weather are all happy today. Sheriff Heads -otT Mob. NORFOLK. Neb.. June 18 (Bpeclal.)-An excited crowd of his neighbors were re ported to be forming to attack Patrick O Gormen, a farmer living six miles west of Norfolk, because of various ugly rumors that had been set afloat regarding the dis appearance of 4ils 14-yesr-old son, James. County Attorney Koenlgstelng and Bherlft Clements went to the home and investi gated.' It is their opinion that the boy was not Injured, but that he ran away from home. The crowd quieted down. Jlmmie disappeared eight weeks ago. .His f ether aaya ha struck him twice that day snd haa not seen him since. Terk Boy Grades tea. YORK, Neb.. June l$.-(8peclal.)-Walter J. Ryan, son of A. J. Ryan of York. Neh., who received the bachelor of arte degree at Oberlln college In 180. will graduate with the class of civil engineers at Cor. sell June U. and has accepted a lucrative o jj beer brewing. That Schhtz beer ,16 brewed cleanliness, and cooled in aged for then Then asie.o at SVfl a d t M position wtth'the'Vorthern Pacific Railroad company at Spokane, Wash. TWO KEGROES BREAK JAII. Men Held at Nebraska City for Burs; lary Saw Way to Liberty. NEBRASKA CITY, . June 18. (SpecKl Telegram.) George Crockett and Robert Fleming, negroes held In the county Jail on the charge of burglary, made their escape last night by sawing the. hinges off their cell doors. The saw had been smuggled Into the Jail by friends of the prisoners and given to Crockett, who sawed his wsy into the corridor and then liberated Fleming by sawing his door open. The prisoners had easy access to freedom and their escape was not discovered until this morn ing. . The men were charged with robbing Goldbe'rg's clothing store. They had been captured several weeks ago at Pacific Junction, la., and were wearing part of the ttolen goods at that time. ELEVATION CHARGES ABSORBED Stlckaey of Great Western Makes Important fhaeare la Grain Tariff. Effective June 23 the Chicago Great Western will reduce grain ratea from Omaha to Chicago, Minneapolis and Mis sissippi river points 14 cents per 100 below the present schedule. This information was contained In a telegram received yesterday afternoon by H. H. Churchill, general agent of the road, from the general freight agent. ' The amount of the reduction Is the amount of the elevation charge, and the change In the rates will, in effect, be the elimination of this charge, placing the rate on a flat, open basis. President Stlrkney of the Great Western will speak before the Commercial club at noon today and is expected to discuss the change in rates. He n "Pure," but actual ' double the cost attain in absolute filtered air. avoid causing months to filtered through bottle is sterilized. That is why every Schlitz . is unique for its I wa u kec PROPERTY OWNERS PROTEST laerease In Assessed Valuation of Fsraisi and Harney Real Estate I'npopalar. 7 The decision of the County Board of Equalization to raise the valuation of real estate on Farnam and Harney streets in the uptown district has brought out a flood of protests from property owners. A gen eral hearing will be held this morning at which the protests will be listened to snd property owners will have an opportunity to give their reasons' why the valuations should not be increased. IV is understood the legality of such action will be ques tioned by lawyers Interested In property affected. The beard Is acting under ad vice from the county attorney that it has power to. increase valuations where they , appear to be lower than other propetty similarly situated. One of the protests comes from M. I Learned, representing the lots at Twen tieth and Farnan. streets, which the board proposes to raise from 860,000 to $70,000. The board has boosted the valuation of :he J, L. Brandels it Sons real estate at Sixteenth and Douglas streets, upon which the old Young Men's Christian association building stood, from IHS.ono to $130,000. Paxton & Gallagher, he McCord-Brady company and Allen Bros., three wholesale grocery firms whose personal valuations were placed at $350,000 each by the as sessor, appeared before the board yester day afternoon to protest against the In crease. J. I Brandels lc Sons, whose per aonal property w9! placed at $37i,0(i0, and Hayden Bros., whose property was valued at $400,000 by the assessor, are also pro testing. The board did not take action In either case, but will Lake them up again later. If you have anything to trade sdvertls. It In the For Excnangq column of The Bee Want Ad page. food to work on is food to live on. A man works to live. He must live to work. docs both better on Uneeda Biscuit - the soda cracker that contains in the most properly, balanced proportions a greater amount of nutriment than any food made from flour. JSC NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY the . l, m wi white purity. Phone 918 Schilti brewing Co. So. 9th St., Omah. Fa FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today and Tomorrow . la Ne braska and Soath Daketai Showers la Iowa Today. VJ ' WASHINGTON, June 18.-Forecast of ths weather for Tuesday and Wednesdsy: For Nebraska, South Dakota , and Kan sas Fair Tuesday and Wednesdsy. For Iowa Showers and cooler Tuesday; Wednesday fall. r or Luiurauu, yuining ana woniaiiB" Fair Tuesday and Wednesday1. , Loeal Record.' i OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. June 18. Ofhelsl record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1906. 16. lfM. lo Maximum temperature... 9 80 M M Minimum temperature... 80 $4 68 W Mean temperature 64 . 77 74 77 Precipitation 2 6 .00 .00 T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal st Omaha since March 1, and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature. ........ v ; Deficiency for the day M Total dcflrlc-ney since March 1 r.. 14 Normal precipitation ............ : 20 Inch Excess for the day t. 36 inches 'Precipltstlon since March 1 .10. K Inchea Deficiency since March 1 1.79 Inches Deficiency for for. period,- IMS.. $.82 Inchea Deficiency for cor. period, 18H... 1.28 Inches Reports front Stations at ,7 P. .31. Station and State - Temp. Max. RaJn- iiinmarcK, clear. ss- t'heyenne, partly cloudy.... 7 Chicago, clear -.... . 66 ' Davenport, cloudy ft i Denver, clear 72 Havre, cloudy U Hlena, clear l 62 Huron, cloudy : fig Kansas City, partly cloudy. 66 North Platte, clesr 74 Omaha, cloudy 61 Rapid City, clear 68 8t. Louis, cloudy 71 St. Paul, cloudy To Salt Lake City, clear 7 Valentine, clear 70 Wllliston. clesr 66 ' moos. n .an 72 , .an "88 . .a ' M .on 7 .90 ' . .m .00 72 T T8 , ,01 ' .00 e .14 7 . .00 86 .l 80 .ng ( .on 'i'. , . 70 . "T" Indicates trace of nr-f n.aLn. ' . U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.' ust - fi ci-rSfer-lfel is?