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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1906)
! 12 THE OMAIIA DAILY -BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1906L SIOUX WIN IN THE EIGHTH Tut, a 8acrifio and a Binrl Brinci in tha Winning; Scot. OMAHA MEN COULD NOT CASH IN HITS la the Field Tne 7 Had mm On" Day, Old Reliable GoadlnaT Marine Tin Errore Charged la Against Him. SIOUX CITT, June . H' lone elngle In the eighth Inning, scoring Weed, who had been passed to first and sacrificed to second, won the game for Sioux City today. At time the fielding was brilliant, espe cially on the part of the Packers, which enabled them to win. The Omaliana out hit them throughout the game. Bcore: ' SIOUX CITY. AD. R. H. PO. A. E. 0 0 1 2 0 0 n Campbell, If. Nobllt, ft Bauer, lb Weed. 2b Tate, rf Newton, ss... Frost, 3b .... Hees, c Jarrott, p.... Totals .... 3 0 10 0 0 0 10 1 1 1 115 3 0 0 11 0 0 4 6 0 113 1.26 2 110 2 4 7 27 17 4 3 3 3 4 2 ....... 3 3 28 n ! 0 OMAIIA. AB. R. H. PO. A. 3 4 3 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 4 1 0 1 3 4 0 24 0 0 2 0 0 10 1 3 1 0 -4 Earned runs: Sioux City, 1: Omaha, 2. Two-bane hit: Dolan. Double plays: frost to Weed; Weed to Newton to Bauer. First base (in errors: Newton (21, Dolan, Car ter. Rassey. lyft on bases: Sioux City, : Omnha, 7. Stolen bases: Bauer, Bender. Sacrifice hits: Tate, Welch (2, Dolan. First base on halls: On Jarrott, 2; off Koukallk,' . Struck out: By Jarrott, 8; by Kenkslik. 4. Time: 1:14. Umpire: Davis. Attendance: 1,800. ttlmmel a Passle, Pl'EBlX), Colo., June 1. Btlmmel was practically unhitlahlp In today's (fame snd won his game by a score of 8 to 2. Engle, who waa on the slab for Everett's men, proved easy for the local team, especially In the first Inning. After that he tightened up, but the damage had been done. Btlm mel was1 sent to the firing line for the Indians and pitched great ball, allowing Ihe visitors but three hit. Five hundred enthusiastic fan were out to welcome the Indians home and watched them take the scalp from the Grizzlies. Score: PL'EBDO. AB. R. Cook If 8 1 Meoilvray cf 8 1 Hlnigart, 2b 6 1 Meyers, lb 4 0 Mclchlor, rf 3 1 M'irrlntin, 3b 3 1 Fluke, ss 4 3 Meswltt. c 4 1 Stlmmrl, p 4 0 Totals 35 8 DENVER. Pender, 2b ( drier. If 3 1 Rsssey, rf 4 2 Welch, cf 2 Dolsn. lb 3 0 Ktinkle, as 4 0 I'erring, 3b 4 0 Oondlng. t 4 0 Koukallk, p 3 0 Totals 32 3 Ploux City 0 0 0 Omaha 0 0 0 H. PO. A. to. 2 2 0.0 110 0 1 4 3 2 0 12 1 1 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 8.7 0 5,2 2 0 2 0 2 0 14 27 18 i It. PO. A. E. 0 10 0 .0181 12 0 0 1 10 0 1 1110 0 2 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 10 3 24 IS 3 i 1 0 0 0 -t 0 0 0 0 0-2 AB. R. McHale. cf.... T. Smith, 2b... Randall, rf.... Russell, lb Tteridlck, 8b... Helden, If J. Smith, .as... Welgartlt, c... Engle, p 4 Total 32 2 Pueblo 8 0 10 Denver 0 0 0 2 Stolen bases: Cook (2), Messltt. Two base lilt: Messltt. Three-base hits: Cook, Russell: Home run: Melchlor, Messltt. Sacrifice hit: McOllvray. Bases on balls: Off Btlmmel. 2; off Engle, 2. Struck out: By Btlmmel, 3: by Engle, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Engle. Double plays: Fiske, Shugart and Meyers; J. Smith and Russell; T. Smith, J. Smith and Russell. Left, on bases: Pueblo, 7; Denver, 8. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Keefe. Attendance: 800. Lincoln Ilnnipa Leaders. DES MOINES, la., June l.-The cham- Flons took an off day yesterday and with lsch, a new pitcher, trying out for the first time, Lincoln won by a score, of 11 to 1. Eyler pitched a stellar game for Lincoln and was given great support throughout. Lincoln hit Dlach almost at will. At the end of the second Inning Holmes ran in at Umpire Fuller. Fuller promptly ordered him to the bench and Holmes, grabbing a bat, started for Fuller. Flllman took tha bat away from him. Holmes secured another, but Zlnran and others took it away and led him from the field. He waa fined 310. The score: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. PO. R. 0 2 A. 7 0 0 3 1 1 0 i 0 2 Flllman, ss .. Holmes. If .. Cook, If Uulllln, 8b .. Ketchum, cf Thomas, lb t'olUns, rf ... Bnrton, 2b..., Zlnran, e .... Eyler, p ..... Total .... 4 3 18 1 0 0 3 IS 0 4 1 0 43 14 18 27 1 . PES MOINES. AB. R. HPO. A. Caffyn. If 8 1 - 1 3 0 O'Leary, 3b 4 0 13 2 Welday, cf 4 0 1 8 0 Dexter, lb 4 0 0 7 0 Towne, p 4 0 3 7 2 Hogreiver, rf 4 0.1 0 1 Andreas, ss 3 0,2 1 2 Magoon, 2b 3 0 0 8 - t Dlsch, p 3 0 0 0 2 Total 82 1 I 37 11 T Lincoln ...,1 4 0 2 0 4 1 8 014 Dea Moines 1 0 0 000800 1 Stolen baaes: Ketchum, Collin (2). Bar ton, O'Leary. Two-base hits: Holmes, Ketchum Double plays: Flllman, Barton to Thomas; Ketchum to Thomas; Barton to Thomas. Bases on balls: Off Eyler, 1; off Dlsch, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Disch, 1. .Struck out: By Disch, 7. At tendance: 1,100. Time: 1:66. Umpire: Fuller. landing- . of tha Teases. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. rs Moines 28 20 3 .714 Omaha 27 14 11 .596 Sioux City 2 18 13 .563 Denver 80 14 18 .47 IJncoln 28 13 18 .4C4 Pueblo 28 8 22 y .214 Game today: Omaha at Bloux City, Lin coin at De Koines, Denver at Pueblo. ' Araaaas Ileal Cndahys. The Armours defeated the Cudahys In a hotly contested gam at Duffy' park veaterdav afternoon. Donahue was hit for two two-baggers and a home) run, after which he. held the Cudahys safe, while Smith blew up In the seventh, allowing Bpltaen a two-Dagger, followed oy Hnana han's and Driscoll's singles which, with Carey error, gave the Armour the game, The score: A MOrm. ' CCDAHT. B.H.O. A E. II H 0 A I. Bokasr. v.... 1.0 T I I a. rarer. Ib. I I I I M, M.hoo. Ib. I 0 I I iCun'iluBt. as. I I Tonavaaan. lb I 1 !Una, rf... 1 1 Skaaanaa, as. I 1 ltnaralL. cf... I I MlllMt. Ib ... I 0 Kasllah. If... I I Dooahtia, p .. I 0 14 1 Smith, p I I 4Pow.ll. lb.... I lit Mcaubos. tf. I 14 0 Bunk.r. Ib. .. I I I I r Caray. rf., I 1. I I Ctuauh, i I t I t I 0 McMillan, If. I 1 t 0 Totals 12 4 II t 1 Totals ,11 I M II Armours . 0 1 0 0 0 23 Cudahys 0 0 1 0 1 0 02 Earned runs: Cudahys, 2; Armours, 2. Two-base hits: Spltsen, Carey, McMillan Home run: t avanaugn. Stolen bases Armours 2; Cudahys, 1. Bases on balls: off Donahue, 1; off Smith, 3 Struck out By Donahue, 3: by Smith. 7. Time: I:. L'.itpire: alurpny. Gaaaa at Field dab. The Omaha Field club base ball team will play thin ufternoon at the Field ctitb grounds with tha Carpenter Paper company team for opponents. Game will be called at 3 with this lineup: Field Club. Karr Gordy AhlMHt Mitlitne Irf urphy Martin Chamber..... Rogers Hauck Carpenter Pper Co. ..Catch 1. Setter Pitch ...Sage .... First . . .. Second .... Short . .... Third . Ift ... .... Center Right Wertdie ..C. Smith I-awnh ..F. Smith ..Cockrane Davis Wllco Kearney Bnnana Sehoyler. 8CHUYI.FR. Neb., June l.-(Specla Tele irum Kearney fBt bunch defeated 5chukr today by the score of i lo 3, chuyter being outplayed by Kearney throughout the game. Kearney plays at Fremont Saturday. Bcore: R. II. E. Kearnev 2 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 113 I flchuyler 00000001 1 2 4 Struck out: Py Howard. T: by Ptlltt. 7. Batteries: Howard and Zahiskl: Stilts. Ruff and Wilson. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Corblt. GAMES 151 AMERICA ASSOCIATION Toledo ghats Oat Colombn la a Fast (test. TOLEDO, June 1. Camnlts and Roh ertallle pitched great ball, but Toledo bunched hits on Kobertaille In the sixth and with Wrlgley's error scored two runs. Score: TOLEDO. COLVMBVR. B.H.O. A E. B H O A B. ctsnell, rf... I 0 0 rlraerlnt. rf. 4 1 1 Wrlsler. tb. . 4 1 1 4 1 Coulter. If.... 14 10 4 t Kllim. lb 4 4 1 4 Hlnrhman. rfl t 1 I B 1 Krlel, 9b I 0 0 1 II 4 1 Hitlaarltt, as.. 14 114 4 Rmn. e 3 (' 4 4 0 0 Rnbertallle, p I 0 0 I 4 SO - Total 31 4 24 13 1 Nsnre, cf..... 0 0 0 S Clarke, If.. 0 I Pemont, M. .. I f JiMe, rf I t 1 Krueger, lb. . t 1 8 Knahe, tb I W. riarse, 10 1 11 Abbott, c t t f'amnlti. ... I Totala 24 4 17 JJ t Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Krueger. VVrlaley. Sacri fice hits: Kruegei, Frlel, XV. Clarke. Stolen base: Abbott. Struck out: By Camnltz. 7: by Robertalllc, 1. Buses on balls: off Camnltz, 1; of Robertaille, 2, Time: 1:40. Umpire: Sullivan. Brewers Baach Hits. MILWAUKEE, June 1. Opportune lilt ting and loose fielding by St. Paul gave Milwaukee an easy victory today by a score of 7 to 2. Curtis was Invincible until tha eighth. The feature of the game wns the fielding and batting of Danny Green. Score: MILWAUKEE. ST. PAUL. B.H.O A.E. B H O A K. Robtneen. as. i 0 1 S 0 Celer. If 14 10 1 Oreen, rf 4 I I 4 4 sufdaa, Ik... 4 4 11 1 1 Clark, lb 14 4 Bataman. Ib.. 4 t 11 Hemphill, of. 4 1 f i 4 VenZsndt. cf. 4 t 0 t 4 1 Fries, rf 4 4 1 J 4 4 Rm-k'nelri. aa 1 1 1 1 0 4 Pailtlen. 2b... 4 1 4 I 4 4 t Wheeler, lb.. 4 114 1 4 Drill, c 4 0 1 1 1 t 4 Cor, P 4 i 1 1 4 Roth. e I aTOheenejr, If 4 McOorm'k, Ib 4 Curtis, p 4 1 I 1 4 1 1 0 4 Totals 31 T 17 14 1 Totals t. U II 4 Milwaukee 8 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 7 St. Paul 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-2 Two-base hit: Hemphill. Three-base hit: Coy. Stolen base: Green, Roth, MeChes ney. Rases on balls: Off Curtis. 2; off Cov, . Hit by pitched ball: By Curtis. 1; by Coy, 1. Struck out: By Curtis, t. Double play: McCormlck, Robinson to Batcman. Sacrifice hits: Clark, Roth. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 10; St. Paul, 7. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Owens. Parkers Defeat Millers. KANSAS CITY, June 1. Swann won the game today with a clean single In the fifth which scored two men. Minneapolis played ragged ball. Score: KAN8AR crrr. Minneapolis. B.H.O. A.E. B.H.O. A.E. Perrine, aa..,4 III 1 Pa via. cf s 1000 ' "Mr, if... a lit OSnlllvan, rf.. lit Waldron, rf..l I I 1 t Hart, lb t 1 I lattery, lb.. 4 1 11 0 0Ormlnfr. Ib I 4 I I Hill, cf 4 lit 0 Graham. If... 4 104 Phrla. Ib I 1 1 Oyler, as I 1 1 I Burks, lb.... I 1 4 I 0 Shannon, e... I Oil Sullivan, e... 1 0 4 4 t Pox. 2b 4 Oil Swans, p 4 3 4 I 0 Canwsl'dar. si 0 1 1 uenrins, p 110 1 oteie s 11 at is i Totals 14 2S 13 4 Slattery out on attempt to bunt third strike. Kansas City 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 6 Minneapolis , 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Earned runs: Kansas City, 4; Minneapolis, Three-base hit: Hill. Two-hase hits: Graham, Oyler, Davis, Phvle, Waldron, Gehrlng. Bases on balls: Off Swann, 3: off Cadwallader, 3; off Gehrlng, 8. Struck out: By Swann, 3; by Cadwallader, 2; by Gehrlng, 1. Left on bases: Kansas Cltv, 10; Minne apolis, . Double plays: Cadwallader to Shannon to Hart; Waldron to Sullivan. t'asscd Ball: Bull van. Hits: Off Cadwalla der, 10 in five Innings; off Gehrlng, 1 in three innings. Stolen bases: Perrlne, Cas sady, Burke, Bulllvan (2), Hart. Sacrifice, hit: Sullivan. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Egan. Game Postponed. At Louisville Indianapolis Louisvlilo gum e postponed; wet grounds. Standing- of the Team. Played. Won. Lost, ret. .641 .051 .528 .612 .474 .43 .1113 .363 Toledo 3 25 14 olumbus 45 28 30 17 20 20 21 21 28 Milwaukee ? 19 Kansas City 41 21 St. Paul .18 13 Minneapolis 89 18 Louisville 39 IK Indianapolis ....41 15 Games today: Columbus at Toledo. -In dianapolis at Louisville, St. Paul at Mil waukee, Minneapolis at Kansas City. On Rellarloas Field. These games will be clayed bv the Church and Sunday School Athletic league tooay: first Methodist Episcopal against Lowe Avenue Presbyterian at Fortieth and Burt. Castellar Street Presbyterian acrainst Olivette Baptist at Twenty-second and Elm street. Central United Preahvterlan aeralnat St. Mary's Avenue Congregational at Dundee. Westminster cresDyterian against cur ton Hill Presbyterian at Park avenue; be tween Poppleton and Woolworth. Seward Street Methodist Episcopal against Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal at Twenty-second and Paul street. The home team must provide an umpire. Sunday schools wishing membership In league will please notify E. H. Packard or A. W. Miller. Telephone Harney 3406. Iowa Lcifso nesnlts. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. June 1. (Special Telegram.) Following are the results In, the lo wa league: Burlington, t; Ottumwa, 7. Boone, 2; Marshalltown, 1. Fort Dodge, 8; Waterloo, 0. Oskalooaa, 7; Keokuk, 5. Games la ThreeI Lraiaf, At Peoria, 111. Decatur, I; Peoria, 0 At Rock Island. III. Rock Island, 17; Dubuque, 8. At Blooming-ton. in. Bioomington. 8: Springfield, 7. At Cedar Rapids Davenport, 14; Cedar Rapid, 8. Clark Janlers Win. The W. G. Clark Co. Juniors took the second game from the Excelsiors by a score of I to 1 Batteries: Fltsgerald and Muaselman; Gurman and Roberta. Wicker Traded for Overall. CINCINNATI. June 1. The Chicago Na tional league club tonight traded Robert wicker for urviiie overall, a pitcner ot the Cincinnati club. OMAHA GOLFEH8 ARB VICTORS One Nebraska City Man, H Make Law Score. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. June 1. (Special Telegram.) A golf team comprising six members or the omana neia ciuo defeated the Overland Country club on the volt link this afternoon. In the match play the visitors made eleven points and the home team seven. In medal play the fol lowing score were made: Overland A. J. Smith, 88; W. S. Cornuctt, 84; G. J. neausang, i; a. h Wilson, 100; Otto Schneider, k; H. D. Wilson, 100. Field Club H. C. Townsend. 88: O. P. Boyer, 87; J. B. Porter, ; Judge Shields, W: J. B. Clarke. 96: H. W. Howell. M. W, 8. Cornuctt defeated Boyer one up and broke the course record. Eighteen hole were played and Cornuctt made the long course of nine holes In forty-three, which 1 uuar. WITH THE BOWLERS. The following scores wera bowled last night in the Dally New handicap tourna ment. Frush failed to reach Horiara'a total. leaving Huntington now the only man with any possible chance of winning the New iropny. , , Ht'n Tnt Pickering 318 226 187 3o8 ISO 1,02! IS 1 087 Frush .. .Iwi 147 301 1S 172 bt 16 84 Totals ..401 372 388 368 362 1,891 go 1,321 Hdc'p.Tot. i-nannier m 134 lit 160 189 834 2 64 Ujeroe ....lau m sus 192 IS 978 0 ;g Total ..871 328 873 63 Sa8 1.812 X 1,833 Rheamntlans. Why suffer 1'rora tills painful malady? One application of Chamberlain' Pain Balm will relieve the pain and make rest and sl.ep loaalbl. Many cure have been ef fected by It continued use. Try It and be convinced. Price, 35 cents; largo .stse, 50 ceuts. SIS. OO to Boston and Itemrn. SIS.lto, plus II 00. from Chicago, via. Nickel Plai Road. May 31 to June 3. laclualve; also via New York City at excursion rates. Return limit of July 11 by oxtetuloo of ticket. Folder, rata and all !U?orma Uoa furnished ky applying to J,ua Y. Calahan. general agent, Room 398, 113 Adam s treat, Chicago. WATCH i.U rrenser, loth and Dud stt QUAKERS EASY FOR NEW YORK Philadelphia Nationals Usable to Find Wiltae and Art Bhut Oat GOTHAM TEAM HITS AT WILL Snarstlehy and Ryrhle Tonehed In tar Tea Staples and On Doable, Which Nat tlx Rans. PHILADELPHIA, June 1. Inability to hit Wiltae gave New York an easy victory today over Philadelphia. The Visitor had no trouble In finding the home team' pitchei. Score: NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. B.H.U.A.K. B H.O A t. Rrowna, rr... 4 I ti OThoinan, rf... 4 0 114 Mi-limn, lb., t Old IQIeaioti. lb... t 1110 Maria. If I J 4 0 OCmrtuy, Sb. I 0 I 0 d Hah k n, as.... I 1 I 1 0 Matte, If I tilt Derlln, lb.... I i 0 1 O TItua. rf 1 0 1 I V llll hart. 2b... I 1 I 4 OBrantBcla. lb I 0 I 1 u Htranc, if ... I log 0 Doolln. as.... 3 all Marshall. tf .J 0 10 0 Itooln, c I 1110 Hnwerman, c. 4 1 I 0 Onychia, p 0 0 0 0 0 Wlltas, 4 0 4 0 Puijslaby, p.. 2 0 1 1 : aWaid 1 0 t 0 0 Totals 12 1'. 1 10 0 Totala : I II II 1 Batted for Duggleby In ninth. . New York 22000002 08 Philadelphia 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 Stolen base: Devlin.' Two-base lilt: Bowerman. Double plays: Titus to Bratis tleld, Wlltse to Gilbert to McOann. Struck out: By Duggleby, 1; by Wiltae, 7. First base on balls: Off Rychle, 1; off Duggleby, 8. Hit: .Off Rychle in one and one-third innings, 6; off Duggleby In seven and two thirds innings, S. Wild pitch: Duggleby. Time: 1:30. Umpire; Klem. Brooklyn Shnt Ont Boston. BROOKLYN, June 1. Brooklyn again shut out Boston at Washington 'park this afternoon, winning by a score of 6 to 0. Donovan nine played perfectly In the field and Strlckletl's pitching at all stages had the tal lenders worried. Score: BROOKLYN. BOSTON. B.H.O. A.E. 1 B.H.O. A.E. raaejr, Ib I 0 I 7 it Brldirsll. ss..4 I I DBtidirall. ss.. 4 Balih, If 4 110 (1 Tanner, lb... I 0 10 Lumlar, rf...C I I 0 0 Dolan. rf 4 1 t (j Tanner, lb... 8 0 Dolan. rf 4 1) Hnwit-d, If... 4 4 Brain, Ib I 4 Haifa, cf 8 Ostrohsl, lb... t u Naatlham, e.. I 0 Llndaman, p. 1 Jordan, lb.... 4 I II 1 M.I. may, cf.. 4 1 I 0 Bargcn, c... 4 I 1 C Alfrman, Ib. I 0 1 3 Lcwla, aa 4 10 1 Strlcklett. p.. I 4 1 4 Wither-up, p 1 -joiaia 41 iv si 17 0 Totala M 4 24 II 4 Brooklyn 10310000 -B Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Sacrifice hits: Tenney, Lumley, Alper man (X). Stolen bases: Casey, Lumley (2), Jordan (2). Double play: Strobel to Ten ney. Left on bases: Boston, 4; Brooklyn, 8. First base on balls: Oft Wltherup, 1. Btruck out: By BtrlcKlett, 1. Hits: Off Llndaman in three Innings, 8; off Wltherup In five Innings, 4. Wild pitch: Llndaman. Time: 1:23. Umpires: Carpenter and Johnstone. I'lttabura- Wins In lh, PITTSBURG, June 1. Pittsburg won to day's game by scoring a run In the sixth inning on singles by Nealon, Sheehan and Phelps, St. Louis Raving tied the score in Its half of the inning. Thompson was taken off the rubber after the third Inning and Brown was substituted. Score: PITTBBt'RO. 8T. LOt'IS. B.H.O. A.E. B.H.O.A.G. Maier, If Oanlar, rf... Laach. cf.... Wanner, ss. . Naalon, lb.. Klu-hey. 2b.. Bheehan, 3b Phelpa, r.... 4 110 ORtnnatt, 2b.. I 0 4 1 0 I 4 1 1 1 0 I II 1 2 1 0 I I 0 0 Shannon. If.. 1 0 0 Hoslak'tor, If 1 1 0 Smoot, cf I 0 0 Borklty, lb.. 4 1 OAmttt. Ib 4 7 0 Marshall, rf.. 4 0 1 Oradr, a I 1 0 MoBrlda, ss. . I Leifield, p 4 0 Thompson, p. 1 Totals 11 II rf 12 1 Brown, p I Totals tt I 14 14 0 .. 0 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 -5 .. 00000400 04 Grady, McBride. Sacri Stolen baaes: Sheehan. Pittsburg St. Louis Two-base hits: flee hit: liitcney. PIicIds. Double dIhvs: Smoot to Bennett, Grady to Arndt. First base on balls: Off Brown, -2. Hit by pitched ball: Bennett. Struck out: By Leitleld, 2; by Thompson, 1; li. Brown, 9. Left on base: Pitts burg, G; St. Louis, 2,. Hits: Off Thompson In three Innings, 7; off Brown In five in klings, 6. Time; 1:30. Umpire: Conway. - Uam Postponed. , At Cincinnati Chlcago-ClnoinnaU postponed; wet grounds. Standing: of the Teaaaa. Played. Won. Lost. Chicago 44 29 15 New Ifork , 42 27 15 Pittsburg . 40 25 15 Philadelphia : 45 26 19 St. Louis 43 W 13 game Pet. .tw .643 .it to .Si8 .4 .ifc6 .357 .2b6 Cincinnati 44 17 Brooklyn i i " Boston 42 12 80 Games today: Boston at Brooklyn,' New York at Philadelphia, Chicago at Cincinnati, St. Loul at Pittsburg. , GAMES IS' THE AMERICAN LEAGIE Boston nnd Washington Break Even in Double-Header. BOSTON, June 1. Washington won the rt nf two (airiri here today by a score of 4 to 0, while Boston took the second by a score of U to 8. Patten pitched masterly ball In the. earlier game ana- nis support whs perfect. Ralph Glase, the former Dartmouth foot ball and base ball star, pitched the second game for Boston and was nor. compeuea 10 e&eri nimseii, ss ins local players piled up an overwhelming lead In the first Inning on a combination of hits and error. He weakened toward the end, however, and Young wa put In to make the game absolutely safe. Score, first game: WASHINGTON'. BOSTON. B.H.O. A.E. B.H.O. A.I. Alllier, aa.... 4 111 0 Parent, ss.... I 1110 Senator, lb...! 0 4 I OBtahl. cf 4 0 I t 4 Croaa. Ib I 0 1 I 0 Orlmahaw. lb I 14 1 0 Anderson, If.. 4 114 Oielbach. If.... 4 I t 0 0 Hickman, lb. 4 1 10 1 0 Godwin, Ib... 4 0 14 Jones, cf 14 1 4 Ferris, Ib t 1 1 I t Stanley, rf... I 111 a Freeman. rf.. 1 0 1 0 Klttredfe, C..1 1 4 1 4 Peterson, 0... I 1 I I 4 Pattaa, p I 0 1 4 0 Hsrrla, p I 0 t 4 0 Totals I 4 IT II 0 Totals II 7 17 11 0 Washington 0 0110010 14 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hit: Alttzer. Three-base hits: Parent, Peterson. Home run: Hickman. Sacrifice hits: Patten, Klttredge, Cross. Stolen bases: Altiier, Jones. Double plays: Bchainy to Hickman: Klttredge to Schaltly: r erris to fallen. First base on balls; Off Harris, 3; Patten, 1. Struck out: By Pat. ten, 3; by Harris, 4. Time: 1:35. Umpire; Connor and Hurst, bcore, second game: BOSTON. WASHINGTON. B.H.O. AS. B.H.O. A.E. Parent, ss.... I 114 1, as ... I 114 1 8lJil. cf I I i 4 4Bcnaifly. tb.. I 1 4 Unmabaw, lb t 1 4 t 0 t'roea. Ib I 0 I Freeman, rf.. 4 111 OWllllame, Ib. 1 1 If... I 110 0 Anderson, If.. I I 1 I 2 0 I 0 0 (lodwln. lb... I 10 1 1 Hickman, lb. 4 Perrla. lb.... I 14 1 1 Jones. cl..... Armbruatsr, si 1 I 4 IStanler. rf... I Ulaia, p I I I 0 1 Harden, c ... 4 4 11 Touns, p 00 osadhea, p.... I Smith, p.. . .11 II 27 IV 4 Kitaoa .. Totals. 4 0 0 Tots Is II I 24 li I Batted for Budhoft In the second. Boston 9 0 1.0 0 0 2 0 -!! Washington 3 0 0 0 0 8 0 a Two-base hits: Glaxe (2), Freeman, Giim- ahaw. Three-base hits: Bellamy, Ander son. Sacrlilce hit: Hayden. Stolen bases: Altlser, Anderson, Stanley, Selbach, Good win, f reeman, nits: on sudhofl, 7 In one Inning; off Smith, 6 In seven Innings; on uiase, in eignt innings, uoubie plays Schalfly to Hickman to Hayden; Schaitly lo Altlser; Parent to Ferris; Ferris to Grlmshaw. First base on balls: Off Bud. hoff, 2; off Smith, 8; off Glase, 8. Hit by pitched ball. Williams. Struck out: By Glase. 8; by Smith, 2. Passed ball: Arm- brusler. Wild pitch: Budhoff. Time: 1:56. Umpires: Hurst and Connor. Ten Straight tor New York. NEW YORK, June 1. The New York Americans ran away from Phlladelpnli winning tneir tenin utraigni game and Jumping into first place today. Hard hit ting by the home team and poor fteiluing by cne visitors comuinea to make 11 an easy victory. Score) : NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O. A.E. B.H.O. A.E Keeler. rf e 0 I 0 a Hsrtaal. If... I 1 v 1 t'.lberfeld. aa.. Ill Chase, lb I I 11 Laporle, lb. .. I I 1 Wllllaou. lb. I 1 1 Conroy, If . ... 4 5 1 Hoffman, cf . . 4 1 4 Kleluow, ... 4 0 I I 4 c roaa, ss I 0 I I I 4 Daeia, lb 4 4 1 1 II 0 1 Arret) aler, cf 4 1 4 4 1 1 Seybold, rf... 4 I 4 u 0 0 Murphr. tb... 4 4 1 1 I 0 4 Knight, lb.... 4 1111 0 0 Putters, e 4 1 4 1 1 1 C oak ley. p... 1 0 4 4 1 atroulkars ,. 1 4 0 4 4 Oieauro. p. ... 4 4 4 Totala 11 10 17 11 Tsui I T 14 11 1 Batted for Coakley in the ninth. New York 56 41 2 0 1 0 3 0 10 Phliadt-lphia 0 0091l-i First base on errors: New York. 3; Phil adelphia. 3. Left on bases: New York, 3; Philadelphia. 2. Btruck out: By Chesbro. 4, by Coakley, I. Three-base hits: Wil liams. Conroy, Hansel. '1 wo-baae hits: K 1 bet f eld. cteUold. Knlglit. Macrlnto hies: Chase, Cross. Stolen buses: Coaroy. HoS auan. Double pas; Croats lo Knight; ! Croat to Davl f2). Umpire: O'Loughlln. Tlma; 1:40. St. Lonla Wine front Detroit. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. June l.-St. Louis cele brated It return home from the most suc cessful eastern trip In Its history by de feating Detroit, 4 to 1. Score: ST. leOlIS. DETROIT. B H O A C. B.H.O. A E. Stone. If 4 1 Ci.Hi. cf I Hemphill, c(. 4 1 Llnd.ay. lb. . I Ot rawford. rf.. 4 0 Mclnlrre. If.. 4 Jones, lb O-Prion, lb.. Nllea. rf Hartsell, Ib. Wallace, as. O'Connor, e. Jacobean, p. 0 ("oughlln. Ib. 4 1 Lowe, lb 3 1 O'Lrarr. aa... 4 1 4 Payne, c I I 0 DosoTsn, p i Totala 32 I 27 12 1 Totala 21 t 24 12 I St. Louis 00000310 4 1 troll 1 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 I Karned run: St. Louis. Two-base hits: O'Leary, Hnrtzell, Lindsay, 8tone, Hemp hill. Stolen bases: Jones, Hartzell, Wal lace, O Connor. Hit bv pitcher: By Dono van, Niles. First bane on balls: Off Jucobittm, 2; off Donovan, 2. Struck out: By Jacobsen, 4; by Donovan, 2. Left on bases: Hi. IaiuIs. 7; Detroit, b. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Connolly nnd Evans. Cleveland Hats Ont Victory. CHICAGO June l-llard hitting by Cleve land, coupled with H pair of errors by the local Americans, gave the visitors today's game. 3 to 2. Score: CLEVELAND. CH1CAUO. B.H.O. A.E. B.H.O. A.E. Kl'ik. rf Bay. cf Turner, aa Lajele, 2b... fioeaman, lb. Jackeon, If.. Hrailler. lb. Bemia, e 4 14 0 2Hahn If 0 1 1 It 0 4 I OJonee, cf..,, dlanell, lb..., OPnnohue, lb 1 OO'Nell. rf.., OHart, c 0 ORohe. lb..., tTannehlll. as. 4 VAItrock, p.... I Hhoedee, p . . 'DaTla 1 Totals 14 8 27 I Totala 11 7 27 17 I Batted for Altrock In ninth. Cleveland 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 Chicago 01000100 02 Left on base: Chicago, 7; Cleveland, 6. Two-base hits: Flick, Lejole (2), Turner. Sacrifice hits: Bay, Kossman, Isbell. Stolen base: Donohue. Double pley: Alt rock to lsbell. Struck out: By Hhoades, 8. First base on balls: Off Khoades, 2. Wild pitch: Rhoades. Time: 1:28. Um pire: Sheridan. Standing of the Tram. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. .t!48 .(132 .b29 .038 .foil) .4.9 .35 .2o8 New York ., Philadelphia Cleveland ... St. Louis .., Detroit , Chicago Washington 37 24 38 .In 39 3ti 35 39 41 24 22 21 18 lo 15 11 Boton Cuinee. tnrlav Detroit at St. Louts. Cleve land at Chicago, Phlledalphla at New York, Washington at Boston. LOl DILLOX CASE IN COl'RT Attorney Make Coaster Charge of Frand and Conspiracy. NEW HAVEN, Conn., June l.-Judge William K. Townsend, In the United States circuit court today denied the motion of the Memphis Trotting association for an Injunction against the National Trotting association to restrain it from holding a meeting to hear the famous Major Delmar I.ou Dillon case, Involving the alleged drug King of the mare In the gold cup race at Memphis In the fall of ino4. The decision, rendered at the close of rather stormy argu ments by counsel for the Memphis apsocla tion and the national body, Is a victory for the National association, which whs ac cused of conspiracy and treachery by At torney James Meagher of Chicago for the Memphis association In a closing argument. Colonel P. P. Johnston of the Natlotinl association, who came here from Kentucky to be present at the hearing, tonight said that the date of the meeting of the associa tion to pass upon the case wa not fixed. He added that he hoped the matter would be settled before the trotting season open. The meeting of the National, association was originally called for May 28 In Lexing ton. Ky., but the Memphis association se cured a restraining order resulting In to day' decision. A replevin ult in connec tion WKh the gold cup is now penning New York. Frand J. Kearful of New York represented the Memphis Trotting association. Mr. Kearful made the opening argument, declaring, that E. E. Smathere, owner of Major Delmar, had conspired with Spear ,the driver of Lou Dillon, and Trainer Baunder for drugging the mare and enld that the Memphis association had evidence in the shape of statements from Spear and Baunder to this effect. He declared that Becretarv W. H. Oooher of the National association had, with the knowledge of the president of the association, gone bon: tne country securing witnesses 10 tesiiry in the Lexington hearing, under alleged threats that If the testimony w not given as the secretary directed expulsion from the National association would follow. Secretary Oooher. according to the state ments of the counsel, also Instructed these witnesses to go to the office of John J Adams. Mr. Bmather s attorney, and to submit to an examination by him. Affi davits to this effect were submitted. Lewi Sperry of Hartford, for the National asso ciation, asked that the petition of the plaintiff be denied on Jurisdictional ground, stating that the Memphis Trotting associa tion was not a member of the National association, for It failure to be reinstated according to the rules of the association. The allegation mat Mr. smatners was a party to the alleged drugging of Lou pillon was denied. Mr. Adams denied that an agreement nnd been made between him and the trotting association to examine witnesses sent to him by Secretary Gooher. Mr. Meagher in his argument earn thnt the power of the National association had been used to benefit Mr. Smather and de clared that the crime which had been perpetrated by the latter was a grosss a one as was ever known In any snorting event. He declared that he would follow the cup In every state In the union, no matter how many attempt to prevent him were made. 1 Judge Townsend In summing up the case. said that the bill had been filed to prevent the defendant from holding a meeting of the board 01 review or control of the Na tional association and the holding of such a meeting would cause, It was claimed, an Irreparable loss to the plaintiff, but he said there wa nothing to support the belief that tne expeciea nnatng by the board would have any weight In the replevin suit In New York which was for a title, while any action by the board of review In relation to the drugging of Lou Dillon would be on an entirely different question. EVENTS ON THE RUNNING TRACKS Flip Flap Win the Clareaaont Hnndl enp nt Belmont Park. NEW YORK, June l.-Flip Flap, split favorite at 11 to 6, won the Claremont handicap, six and a half furlongs, at Bel mont park today, equalling the world's rec ord of 1:18, neld Jointly by Martinmas and Mine Ola. Ztnenap set a terrible pace to the stretch, where Dolly Spanker took command. He appeared to be a winner, but Radtke, on Flip Flap, gradually closed and won by a nose. Cairngorm, making his first appearance of the year In the last race, tied the track record for one mile and a sixteenth, 1:46. Three favorite won. Summary: First race, seven furlongs: Samson won, Yalagal second. Old Faithful third. Time: 1:27. Second race, four and a half furlongs straight: Mxican Silver won, J. Cove sec ond, Gresno third. Time: 0:62H- Third race, seven furlongs: I-urabee won, Belmer second, Woolwich third. Time: 1:254. . , Fourth race, the Claremont handicap, six and a half furlong: Flip Flap won, Dolly Sparker second, Oxford third. Time: 1:1V Fifth race, mile: Ginette won. King Cole secona. iua intra, lime: i:s Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth: Cairn gorm won. Pretension secord, Had News mua lime: 1:4b. CINCINNATI, June 1. Result at La- tonla: First race, six furlongs: Lidwlna won, Oak Grove second, Trlsauce third. Time: 1:10. Second race, seven furlongs: Oolden Min eral won, 8elf Reliant second. Bitter Brown third. Time: 1:284. Third race, seven furlongs: CareW won. Zinda second. Matador third. Time: 1:2'. Fourth race, mile: Colonel Jim Douglus won. Cotton Town second, Belllndle.11 third ji me: i:;tuvi. Fifth race. Dainly won. third. Time: four and a half furlongs: Bitter Miss second, Levla 0:55. six ftirloiiKH: Follies Her- Sixth race. geres won Nonle Lucille second. Intense tnira. lime: 1:14. Seventh ruce, mile: She Englishman won. Careless second, lole third. Time: 1:41. Foot Ball Hales for Big Nine. CHICAGO. June 1. Members of the fac ulty foot ball committee of the "hlg Nine" colleges met here today and after a prolonged dim ukhioii adopted the foot ball rulea of the rule committee for the coining year. The (Juestlun of summer base ball also came up for tllacusslon. It was beld by some of Hi members that the committee should be conservative and al low the game to be played during vaca tion time. No definite action was taken, but a resolution was passed In which the various athletic bodies were Instructed to Inquire thoroughly Into the proposed change of the present rule and advise the con ference U.ard as soon a possible of (he conclusion arilv-d at. WESTERN LEAGUE MEETING! Vatrottes Will Gather in Omaha for Business Bess ion Today. PRESIDENT 0'NEIL SAYS HE IS COMING All Clnbs to Be Represented nnd m ' Reorgnnlsatloa on n Bnalnea Result. The Western league base ball meeting will be held here today, according to agreement and Indications are the magnates will all be present. Nothing has been heard from Cantlllon. Rourke came from Sioux City last night and Duncan and Holmes will arrive In the morning. O'Neil has given out an Interview that he will come accom panied by Mr. Burke of the Denver learn and a representative from Pueblo. v nni win De oone at tne meeting Is a matter which the mugnates will have to decide,, but one thing is certain and that Is that Rourke, Duncan and Holmes snd probably Pueblo will Insist on the removal of O'Neil and a reorganisation of the league upon business principles. League matters have been run most loosely by the Joko president, who ha never been qualified for the office and did not make an accounting of the business for last year. O'Nell's threat to call a meeting at Pueblo doe not seem to have been carried out to this time, for he has evidently seen the handwriting on the wall. In an Interview at Denver "President?' O'Neill said he would pay no attention to the agreement of the owners, but would call a meeting on his own account for Pueblo some time between June 8 and 8, when Dc Moines will be In Denver and Sioux City In Pueblo. Telegrams gent to Others. Telegrams were sent to Zlnk at Pueblo and Burke at Denver, signed by Rourke. Duncan and Holmes, asking these men It they Intended to attend tho meeting as per agreement. 8hou1d the answer b eva sive or in the negative another telegram will follow, stating that Omaha, Slonx City and Lincoln will withdraw from the West ern league unless the meeting which Can tlllon proposed is held. Rourke has stated unequivocally that mi les there 1 a change in the presei.t man agement of the league Omaha will with draw. Sioux City has already suffered In attendance from the disgraceful scenes in cident to the visit of the Des Molne team to that town. Duncan ha said he atnnds with Rourko and the Omaha meeting will have to be beld or Sioux City will quit, and Holmes has made the same statement. The agreement plainly say the clubs will hold the meeting, provided O'Neill does not call for a meeting on or before that time. He has Jumped to Pueblo and Denver In hope of turning those people in his favor, but from the statements made by Zink on his visit here a week ago his mission will be fruitless. Sane View of nn Outsider. The sporting new In un editorial on the situation say: The Western league expire by limitation this year and those interested In It should see to it that its future is not Imperiled by mismanagement during the current season. It franchise are valuuole. but every plant In the circuit will depreciate If It patron are not given good, ciean ball. The revolt against rowdyism extends throughout the country and the magnate or manager who resorts to 'rowdyism and Intimidation, la bringing about his base ball burial. The Cantillon are base ball experts. Their team won the Western league pennant In 1906 and Is the leader In this race. M. E. Cantillon, who 1 In control of the De Moines club, is charged with disorder con duct during games In every city which his team naa visited. UUier club-owners assert that the president of the league has failed to execute the law of the organization and the rule of the game for the repression of rowdyism. Rourke of Omaha, took the Intla tlve by writing to hi associates a circular letter, setting forth condition and Inviting their co-operation In putting the organ isation on a law-and-order basis. All responded and assembled at Omaha on Sat urday to carry out this commendable pur pose. Cantillon concluded that his Interests were menaced ana sougnt protection irom the courts. The row should go no further. If O'Neill is unlit for the position, to which he was elected, he should be deposed and Vice President Myrlck should act aa executive for the rest of the term, aa the constitution provide. If Cantillon ha been guilty or rowayism, as cnargea, ne should be reproved end required to change his methods and contorm to the laws of has ball. If Dovle. or any other player. captain or manager of the Western league, defies umpires and Insult spectators, he should be fined and suspended and If ordinary penalties are Inadequate, he nouia De piacea on me inriisiuio unw. 1 welfare of the Western league demands the repression of rowdyism without regard to the cost of club or consequences to player, but with a conscientious, coura geous and competent executive, drastic measure will not be necessary. The Woet ern league has been badly governed be cause It ha a poor executive. The remedy Is hi removal and the enforcement of dls. cipline on the diamond for the balance of the season by his exofflclo ucoewor, Vice President Mjrlck. What Myrlck Say. Vic Preldent Myrlck, who Is spoken of for the presidency of the Western league, said Friday he had received no advice as to whether the tnagnates would com s per agreement. He aid the lgned agree ment waa intended to mean that these own ers would meet If Mr. O'Neil did not call for a meeting In the meanwhile and that the statement that Mr. O'Neil would call a meeting St some future date should In no way affect the meeting In Omaha. As to the matter of his accepting the presidency If offered to him, Mr. Myrlck Said he did not think hi busine would permit him giving it the time which should be devoted to the office. He is the head of the Capital City Construction company, which ha the contract for building the M. B. Smith build ing, as well aa several others, and Is a very busy man. O'NEIL TELLS . OF HIS PLANS Joke President of Western Will Oraanis New Team In Omnhn. DF.NVER, June 1. President O'Neil of the Western league announced In an Inter k.n n.tev that it the owners of the rw.h. Hinux Cltv and Lincoln clubs should withdraw from the league or at tempt to drop Denver and Pueblo from the circuit, they would forfeit their franchises and the three esstern clubs would remain In the league under new management. President O'Neil. R. R- Burke, president of the Lenver club, and a representative of the Pueblo club left for Omaha totley to attend the adjourned meeting of the league tomorrow. Before hi departure President O Neil mmA ' "I understand that Michael Cantillon of Des Moines will try to stop the meeting tomorrow by Injunction proceeding. Should the meeting go ahead and I should be ousted from the office of president I will Institute suit for personal damages. Bhould any club be damaged by the action of Rourke. Duncan and Holmes, that club', manager will have the prlviUge of redress throush the courts. "I will go ahead with my business ac cording to the rules of the league, and If any club fails to appear to fulfill It schedule that club will be fined n dsy, as the rules provide for. K tne managers balk I will call out the captains and the club, because they are hired through me. "Now, if Rourke or any of the ethers want to throw up his franchise, there are people looking for these f raiiclilws. "I have understood that a Denver mun will gladly take the Omaha frnnchlKe. loftua is looking for a franchise in the Western league, I am told, and annt'if man told me toduy that he would put a Western league club in Sioux City If he prisalbly oouid. so I do not believe that the Western league Is going to break up. There would be loo great a loss to the men that broke It, and If the president of an associa tion Is not to run the organisations, who Is?" Keystone Wine the Oak). EPSOM. Kngland, June 1. The rare for the Oak (takes of 4.000 sovereign for 3-year-old Allies, one mite and a half, was won today by Keystone11. Gold Rioch was ft Ik FOR THK WKLL HRKSSEU MAN OH WOMAN KI HiDDT 1HRKCT FROM THK KORF.MOST AMF.IUCAX DESIGNERS AND AMI TAILOKiS, SUM A.H STROUSE and BROS, and 8CHLOS3 BROS. CO. SOLD ON AN V TERMS TO SUIT YOU At the leant hinnU1o price good clot lies ran lie wild fur $1.00 A WEEK WILL DO iLasti all ON LADIES' SUITS. illc Variety laft to aalaet from, our regular $19.60 and $22.50 Suits, J Saturday, CASH OR CREDIT fTjj FINEST LADIES' SUITS that sold up to $45.00, ovory atylo, eolor and quality. CASH OR CREDIT, 1 ' 1 frf r'AMl second and Snow Glory third. Twelv horse started. The winner of the Oaks was riaaen Dy Maher, the American Jockey. COLLEGE ATHLKTK8 MEET TODAY Michigan I Expected to Win First Place In Contest. rnirfiO. June 1. The Intercollegiate track meet, the goal for which every col lege athlete of prominence in tne west tiu been training since the opening of the season, will be decided on Shepard field, Northwestern university, tomorrow. More athletes have entered to contest In the various events than at any former meet of this organization. Besides the "Big Nine" colleges which form the organlaatlon, ten of the smaller colleges will be represented by their star athletes tomorrow and their work may result In some surprises. The University of Michigan is belleven to have the best chance of capturing first honors.' The best Judges of track athletes figure that the men from Ann Arbor will run up a total of at least 43 points. The University of Chicago, University of Wis consin and the University of Illinois will be the contenders for second place. Chi cago' chances for finishing In this posi tion are conceded to De tne nest. The nrellmlnary heats In the 440-yard run and the weeding out of the pole vaulters were decided today. The 440-yara run wa divided Into three heats. Results: First heat: waller or. Wisconsin won, Barker of Chicago second and Revoke, Iowa, third. Time: 0:6S. Rocond heat: Goodwin. Michigan, won: Merlam, Chicago, second; Mueller, Wiscon sin, third. Time: 0:62. Third heat: Taylor, Chicago, won; mae- out, Wlrtconsln. second; Mangreni, Minne sota, third. Time: 0:62Vi. The Qualifying mark In the pole vault waa set at ten feet six inches. Those who suc ceeded in clearing the bar at this height were: lddlngs and Mennenerry, i;nicago; Grear and Norrls, Illinois; Samse, Indi i!aVl .efctt issn ill t t t r a r i r Do You Lack Vitality and Energy? Borne men are classed as lacr. shiftless, unreliable, careless; they lack atnbl- tlon, energy and courage and are disheartened, who really can't help being tired, worn-out and a miserable failure. Muny of these men are In falling health, unable to determine the nature of their ailments, and tholr condition baffles their physician, too. They never know the happiness of being Infiltrated with the vim. vigor and energy possessed by healthy men, and which Is so essential to achieve a marked success In life. The sufferer may eat well, sleep well and possibly never complain, hut an unaccountable languor clings to him which he cannot shake off, robbing him of all ambition for business or pleasure. Nervo-Sexual Debility will account for this condition In a large majority of rases. Men who llnd that the condtlon we have described corresponds with the condition of their own health, should consult the eminent specialists of the State Medical Institute without unnecessary delay. Come to our office and: w will make a thorough, searching and scientific examination of your ail ments, and examination that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge cf which vou are groping In the dark, and without a thorough un derstanding of which no physician or specialist should treat you. Don't allow disease or weakness to take away all the pleasure of living. Ufe Is beautiful when you possess perfect health. You should' not beoonie discouraged and lose your grip on life beruse Inferior ur.d unreliable treat- -ment has failed to benefit you. Our special treatment for this clsss of troubles, which is varied ar.d mod' fled to meet lite requirements of each Individual case, Is a safe cure, to which hundred of cured men owe their sturdy health and happy condition In life. W cure safely and thoroughly : Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilif), Rectal. Kidney and Urinary, Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men, due te excesses, self.aeu Of tfco sn)t of sped do or private diseases. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMIHATIOSI. 9 m STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Farnam St, Bet. 13th and 11th Ss., Omaha, Nt. a-'nWs3 . Ofl I R$7l Weather l44V h-Um Shown 1 & :fr;hA Saturday I V Built oxtra lights with quarter or half linings, of apoelal sum mar fabriea, In Bluo Sorgo, Homo Spun, Cray Sorgo, and a big variety of Mixtures, Ideal aummer garmenta, coat from $10 tos18 COME AND LOOK. v.. ana; Haggard, Drake; BIckel, Iowa State, and Parka, Oberlin. The entry of Tldd of Missouri wa thrown out by the managing committee today because his name whs omitted from the original entry list sent In . by Mis souri. QtilRley, the quarter niiler of the Uni versity of Chicago, was also barred from participation In thev meet on the ground that his entry had not been received within the proper time limit. porting Mrevltle. Brhipke has hurt his finger and will be out or the game for a week. Washington was able to beat the Collins team with Stall! out of the game In soared of new players. The second game for the president's cup will be played on the golf links at the Field club Saturday. Lincoln and Sioux City are standing pa on the proposition of having clean ball In thla league or none at all. The Chicago White Sox are languishing way down In the second division and Commy doe not know what to do to boost them up. Both the Boston team are tall-endors and the Beaneater fans have their choice between two evils. Kach has lost twenty nine game so far this season. The Browns took another game from the Cleveland sluggers and now the Bt. Ixiuisans are In fourth place. Stone's per sistent slugging has been an Incentive to his team mate. Noah Henllne, whose magic 'work as a ball player Omaha saw something of once upon a tin.e. has fulled to make good with Bloomlngton in the Three-I league and has drawn his release. Chance and his Cubs opened Thursday'a gsme with the Reds with six runs In the first Inning. That's enough to take the ginger out of any team, but old Clncl was live enough to get two runs Just before the curtain fell. FOR BJ1 0 Em , ... IIIJ t III Ijl I ' " ;