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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
unday Bee. HEWS SECTION. Pages 1 (a 12. THE OMAHA DEC Best i". West OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, IPOfi-FOUtt SECTIONS-TIIIKTY-TWO PAOES. SINGLE COPV FIVE CENTS. VOL. XXXV-NO. 50. Fhe Omaha INDUSTRY IN IRELAND Qrovth of the Wand in Material Prosperity Duriutc the Tear. DEPOSITS IN BANKS SHOW UP STRONG loeomnlationi Chow Steady Increase in . Thrift Amonc People. OVE TO PROTECT. THE IRISH FISHERIES loternment Asked For Bubsidj Similar to That GWen Sotitland. i 3UEER CASE OF SPREADING CONTAGION Diphtheria Communicated la aeheol hy Menne mt Lead Penella Used tn Com molt by the In fant Claseeo. 'DUBLIN- June 2. (Special Cablegram f The Bee.)-At the laet meeting f ,the . council . of t the Dublin In dustrial Development association W. I. Branagan. the nwrrta ry. Informed he oouncll that he had a communication fi-om William Hayden, who has been com missioned by Mr. Hegarty of Boston to form a comany for the establishment of a hoot faotorv on American lines In Dublin Mr. Hayden Informed him that he . had already aecured aubatantlnl sup port 'from' many.' people,, and -.he had not .he least doubt ,thnt It would be sucoeas Tul. The oouncll expressed tha opinion mil Dm hone that the lnduatry. when Marted,.' would be successful. In a return just. Issued by tha Depart ment ef Agriculture and Technical In itructton for, .Ireland aome Intereatirg sta- tlatlca conce.rnlrtg, banking and rallwaya n Ireland are given. According to this the deposits and eaah Salaneea In the Joint stock banka at the lose of December. 19r, etood at 1227,000.000 is compared with $230,000,000 for the corre-anondlna- Derlod In the year 1904. The amount of ..depoalta and caah balances, which are compared by half yeara, ahow an Increaae In December over the figures In June. IinHU la navlas Deioal. On December SI Uat the estimated bal anc In tha Poatoffloe Savings bank in Ireland amounted ta $60,000,009 as compared with Mf.O00.000 In 1H. The accumulation ef .depoalta In tha Poatoffloe Savings bank ahow a steady Increaae In each half year. In each year alnca 18M there haa been an Increaae. and the balance In savlnga banks on December' SI, 1M6, was nearly ""treble the amount to the credit of de positors at the cloaa of the year 1886, the first year for which statistics are given Tha total of tha balances in the aavtnga banka la tha highest amount of which there Is a record. The number of depositors haa more, than trebled In the course of twenty years. . ..' : i . i -s . . . . Tha atatlatlra of tha agricultural credit eoclatlea In Ireland for the year 180 show , that theae societies then numbered J00, of which; 190 ware returned aa working as compared returned as working la IM. Tha. membership of the credit so cietle In 1904 reached tha number of 11.257 aa compared with. 7.MT In- December, 1S03. Tha weekly . railway. traffic returns show that tha total recelpta for the fifty-two weeka of 1905 amounted to $19,750,000, - a deoreaae of per cent as compared with tha amount received In the preceding year. Rabalar Flehertes. At a meeting recently held at tha Cork County 'Council an Important resolution was passed on the motion of Mr. O'Neill and directed' to' be aent to tha chief sec retery. The resolution demanded a ape cial flsherlee department, and for Irish fish the same right to a distinctive government brand that had already been accorded to Scotland. Timothy Bheehy seconded the resorutton and pointed to the very apeclal advantages offered to Scotland and tha 'consequent enormous development of the deep sea rlsherles.1- "They would find out." he said, "that for the apaca of twenty one yeara. after tha establishment of tha Scotch Fishery board, the government subsidised the fisheries of that, country to tha extent of nearly $8,000,000. with tha result that While the Scotch fisheries era- ployed ''at the. present time about 140,000 people, the Irish fishery lnduatry gave em ployment to only M.OOO, Many a deserted district along tha Irish seaboard would be alive with an Industrious population of if the same fair play and assist anue waa meted out by-the government to thlt flsherlee." .,,. Leadpeactls Spread Disease. A very curious question came up at tha Merionethshire education committee at the County halt, Bala, recently. It con cerned' a' caae of all red infection through tha use 'of leadpenclla, in the Festlnlog district. . It appeared that a communica tion had been received from tha clerk of the Teat tnlog Urban district oouncll on- closing a copy of their medical officer's report, in, which, .It. wag recommended, in order to check tha prevalence of diph theria ,) that district that tha use of metal-bandied penclle should be resorted to Instead of lead pencils. Tha report contained tha following passages: "Tlys following are; tbe moat important facta as bearing dlreotly ut-un lite cause of the disease (dlehthei) (1) band trays and wooden pencils are be.lng ustxt In the In fant's department of tha Festlnlog schools; ' 41) these are used exclusively In tlio babies' class rooms; 1$) tha woodan pen cils and lead pencils used in tha school bear undoubted marke of teeth; (4) though the majority rasea are not from the infanta' school, yet tha three fatal casea were children from thta department; (t) tha thre fs'.ai casea were front the bMes olaaa of the Infants' aohool; t) sand traya and wooden pencila were ax. I elusive? liked In the babies' class of tha Infant's school; (7) tha last fatal case, (a boy yeara of age) waa In the school on tha BOth of tha month, and ha died ou tha 6ih froia heart failure as a oomplloa tioaef Malignant form of diphtheria; i) this little boy In all probability attendd suhool on tha 3th. he at tha time Buffer ing from diphtheria, It la worth noting, also, that tka medi cal officer reuommended that tha whole evhool shoulil be fumigated and thor oughly dial of acted, aud tha walla and desks cleaned, ami that the oouaty educa tion commlttaa "soould hava the aad trays and wooden peaclls removed." The, medical officer also thought that there, were too many maps said diagrams, plates and aapera, "left permanently an the wall, allowing disease germa to propagate," Art rwtrwa!e4 la Belfast. Same laaa of the popularity of the loaa llecttan of modern pictures la Belfast nay be gaihiMl frona the fact that tha athiaiUoa was visited by lt,a04 parauoa ea rvurtJs F4fa.) . a " SERIOUS TIMES FOR WORLD Troubles to Multiply During Seat Quarter Ostarr and The Comes the Knd. LONDON. June i. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Terrible predictions concerning what will hspr n to this poor old earth during the next twenty-five year are brln made at the Congress of Prophets at Exeter hall. . The prophets of disaster were In Httenr--nce at a "prophetic and second advent .on fere nee. "and while they differed some. what in details, they all agreed that f " end of the world Is at hand. Thev .N"& not nulte sure whether the final fit " ' ' will come 'oil May Z, 193. or A JsJ hut they axe nuite sure ths rtatea will prove to be the mere can De no ao. ,cft world has nearlv outlived Its " the prophets declared. The ' and earth quakes which hsve afnlrted"'lt recently are proof positive, and all that is required to fulfill the prophecies Is , the coming of Anti-Christ, who Is somewhat unkindly Identified with Napoleon. The chancelleries of Europe will no doubt be Interested to learn that an entire readjustment of the political divisions of the weatorn world Is coming. Between now snd 1!09 the twenty-two states into which the original territory of the Roman empire Is now divided will be renrganlxed In ten . allied kingdoms, and then Anti Christ, or Napoleon, will arise. Hi- will make his first political npperrance as kins: of 8yr!a, bu In im he will attack and conquer France, and then he will extend his rule over the rest of the ten kingdom. There will be 10.000,000 Christians in the world at this time, the prophets declare, but evidently they will not all be equally deserving of favor, for In 192 or 1926, 144,0 of them win be translated to heaven, while the other 9,8M,000 will be transported to a desert near Mount Sinai, where they will have to wait three and one-half yeara. Kev. Mr. Baxter presented a glowing pic ture of the delights of life In the desert of Sinai. ' . "It will be a atrange congregation, In which there will be no distinction of rank,'" he said. "Food and water will be brought by angelic hands, and the time will be spent in reading the Bible, hearing ser mons and attending prayer meetings. 14 will be a good time for the nonsweated workers, who will look upon It as a pleas ant picnic and an enjoyable holiday. At the end 'of the three and one-half yenrs the pious will be translated to heaven, as the 144,000 were before them. Everywhere else Anti-Christ will have full away. In all the cities and towns of England his image will be placed In the principal squares and the soldiers and po lice will bring all the Inhabitants mcn women and children before it. Those who refuse to worship the Napoleonic Caesar will be taken to a scaffold and have their heads cut off. Those who accept tho wor ship of fhe Image will be branded on their foreheads and right hands with 466, which Napoleon's names, singly or conjointly, will contain as the total of the numerical value of their letters In the Greek language." PAST PLAGUESJOHN BURNS Warklncraea Carry Baa a era Renlad Z .laaT Him Hla Metro ' R4lra) Days, LONDON, . June . 1 (Bpeolal Cablegram to Tha Bee.) The daya when John Buma waa a labor agitator instead of a cabinet minister are constantly and continually re turning to plague him. . For Instance the participants in the '.'West End March of the Workless," 1,000 in number, displayed these banners: . "Work or riot one qr the other." "Slaves are fed, free men starve," "The workless poor die, trie Idle rich feast." , "Liberals and tories alike neglect the workers." 'The freedom of the working clssses Is sis very or starvation." 'Work, starve, or steal which is it to be?" "Hsb John Burns no answer?" "Which? Works, bresd, or disorder?" Passing through Regent street, the as sorted bands played, and the demonstrate sang "The Starving Poor of Old Eng land," which is known as the "National Anthem" of John Burns, because the president of the local government board made It popular during tha dock strike riots. The stirring refrain la! The poor, the poor, the taxea have to pay. The Door are starving every day. They starve and die on the king's high way. The starving poor of Old England. KNIVES UPSET COMPASSES traage Caase of Many Wrecks Vfshlac Vassals la North aa. to LIVERPOOL, June 1 (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Many fishing vessels have been wrecked In recent times because of Inexplicable errors of tha compass. This fact haa Induced the underwriters of fish ing vessels sailing from Grimsby to make an Investigation, which haa led to tha dls covery that the knives commonly used by fishermen are a positive danger to nav igation. Strong knives are needed in the fisher Iran's work, and a style of large clasp knife that has been specially treated In forging la on aale at all ports and highly popular with Ushermen. It haa been dlsoovered that thla knife possesses mag nettc properties so powerful that in the pockot of the man at the wheel It deflect the needle two or three points Ill Orders are now being Issued forbidding anyone to enter the brtd-e. houae with knife in his possession. SOLDIERS MORE TEMPERATE Tammy Aeklas Dtiaklag Less Tkt la Yeara Gaae LONDON. June I. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) At the annual meeting of the Royal Army Temperance association held at tbe I'nlted Service Institution under the presidency of the Duke of Connaugh the statement that sobriety is lncreasin in tbe anry was made. The secretary of the association, of which, the king la a patron, declared (hat they now had SU branches, with a total Uienibershlp of T.. of which U.SSt art in India. Of the remaining 22,7tK no fewer fewer than l,Si were total attstalners. The Duke of Connaught said that In i rent years the association hsd nothing to complain af in their treatment by the War office. It had been recognised thst the ssch Istlon played an Important part m raining the morale of the British soldier, and in prepsrtng him for whatever em ployment he nilsht obtain in after Ute, POLITICS IN PARIS European Situation as Viewed by the Wise Ones Early in Summer. WITTE MENTIONED FOR VARIOUS POSITIONS Late Premier of Russia Accuse 1 of Earing Diplomatic Ambitions. - uinooire rur roruruuru rwun wynnir-a aieer' Course a Blind Trail With Many Turns in It. MISTAKES DUE TO UNOFFICIAL ADVISERS Kltehea Cabinet at Berlin Has In done the Work of lean and Lesvei Germany la Pe culiar Position. .1 PARIS, June 2. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Curious reports come from St. Petersburg. One of these reports is to to the effect thst it Is Count Wilte's ambition to be sent to Paris as ambassador and aucceaaor of M. de Nelldoff. This would undoubtedly cause very great embarrassment In Paris. Count Wltte is notoriously pro-German In his sympathies, and only looks to France as a source of supply for the Ruaaian finances. As he has been prime minister and may be so again, the French government could not go to the point of declaring him j persona non grata. At the same time he would be leas able to give pro-German di rection to Russian policy than he would be If still prime minister of Russia In dally communication with the cxar. Another report la that the count was treated so handsomely at the time of the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, peace con ference that he la anxious to go to Wash ington aa ambassador. Indeed it begins to appear as though Madame 'Rumor has ac credited Count Wltte to almost every court I n the world except that of Japan. Germany and the Mohammedans, One thing that in making the French government anxious Is the unrest among the native population In Its African col onies. ' Though little lias transpired In the press there Is reason to believe that both In Tunis and Algeria there la a certain ferment among the Mohammedan popula tion. This is due ' to the Increuse of tha Kslser's prestige as the "protector of Islam." For years the Turks have looked to him to support them in the councils of Europe, and since his Tangier adventure thla has spread to Morocco, Tripoli, Al geria and Tunis. Officially, of course, this s denied by the WIlhelmHtrasse. but tha German emissaries who spread this legend are not all officially in touch with tha gov ernment. " Every German doing business In theae countries (and their name ' is legion) -Is Industriously fostering the be lief thst in trouble with 'Europe (In the present Instance, France , and England) they can count on the kaiser's support. The Information recently ..received from Berlin ..Increases .the res ret that Prince Btlelow Haa taken ill. as It looks Ilka as if alnca hie temporary and enforced retire ment from clfflce, the police alone were the masters of German policy, both home and foreign.. To the onward observer the trend of German policy for the last four years seems so simple that ' the. French are tempted to seek some hidden explanation for it, because If there are no unexplained motives, the kaiser seems to be playing va banqua to an extent that seems incredible , Glimpse .at German Poller. Five years ag"o the balance of power In Europe was as nearly perfect aa possible. On one side was the triple alliance of Ger many, Austria and Italy, and on the other dual alliance of France and Russia. Great Britain might by throwing lta-weight on either aide have played the role of arbiter of Europe. Then came the Transvaal war. which awakened in Germany. the idea that England was a brasen figure with feet of clay. That eeerued to Wllhelmstraasa to eliminate the moat dangerous factor. When therefore, Russia showed an Inclination to plunge Into tha . far eastern adventure. Germany rendered It possible by the kaiser giving the caar, at Welsbaden in IKS, his promise that he would take no advantage in . Europe of the fact that Russia had withdrawn lta troops from the German frontier. All through tha war Russia had the actlva .support of Germany. Herr Bellln of tha Hamburg-American Una and Dr. Wiegand of the. North German Lloyd company put the whole of the resources of these two moat powerful corporations at the disposal of tha Russian governnie- Anyone who knows the footing of abso lute intimacy on which these two gentle men, particularly Herr Ballin, stand with the kaiser, ia aware that thla waa the direct order of tha kaiser. If the govern' ment had frowned on tha affair, the North German Lloyd would not have dared to sell a ship to Russia, nor could the Ham burg-American irne hava coaled Rojestven sky's fleet. Eur far tha Germans. Germany's policy- waa clear. If Russia "won out" in tha far east It waa bound to Germany by a debt of gratitude for services rendered; if, on the other hand. it ' waa , defeated, . tha debt waa all the greater and Germany had a possible enemy the less. This is what the English mean when they say to "run with the hare and part with the hounds," a some what difficult operation. Tha curious thing waa that Russia's natural allx, Franca, waa help leas. The Anglo-Japanese alllanoe simply tied Its hands. Every t hi Dg want according to German ideas, exoept one thing, and that was the rapprochement - between England and France. Count Buelow had counted on the rival alliances to bring about antagonism He did not reckon on the fact that, aa neither power could afford to oppose the other, they would infallibly come together. The Anglo-French convention came like bombshell on tha German Foreign office. It was only after Mukden that Franca got its lesson, and everybody knows that It lost nothing en tha keeping. . It wus at this point that Germany mistakes began, ant tUase have two ex planatlona. The first is the kaiser's ten dency to pass over his constitutional ad vlaera and listen to all points of Irrespon sible advice. Herr von Holsteln. Dr. von Luoanus, General Von Hulaen Haeaeler, Count von Eulenburg snd all the persons of his Immediate entourage have his ear quite aa much aa and even more than the imperial chancellor and the secretary of state for foreign affairs. The former, un fortunately, convinced htm that ha had only to rol fills eyes and knit his brews and France would drop what they de scribed a only a flirtation with England. Thekiiser lltened to them, snd the Tan gier vIMt wss the reeult. Tha result was the absolute contrary of tCwiUnutd on Fourth Page. PARIS AS A DIVORCE MECCA Commission Formulates a Plan Whieh Separation Is F.aally Obtained. by PARIS. June 2 iSpeclal Cublegram to The Bee.) Paris like tendon Is having Its divorce agitation. After resolving that j love should be made legally compulsory , in wedlock, the unofficial marriage reform commission, which has been carrying on Its labors for a long time past, lins now , come to the vast subject of divorce. Above J all, it has sfflrmeil perfect equality between the sexes as regunls the dissolution ns well as the contracting of marriage. ; French law, like English law. Is hardef on wives than on husbands, and miscon duct alone, without aggravating circum stances, Is a sufficient ground for divorce when committed by the woman, but not 'hen committed by the man. However, the radical reform proposed Is divorce for ln-ompatibllty, not merely by mutual consent, but on the petition of either of the parties. French law does not as does that of England refuse divorce when both hushanl and wife sre convicted of misconduct; that Is to say, In esses when divorce Is most needed. But It vetoes divorce by mutual consent. The latter ihould, according to the reform commis sion, be allowed with the least possible hindrance of formality, on the principle, that love, being legally compulsory .In wedlock, the married state should be severed when both parties agree that they love one snother no more. On the same principle either party should be able to obtain divorce, even without the conaent of the other. If love has cooled on one side and not on the other. the commission pities, the constant one. but dowl not feei jtnd tn compelling trie nckie nair to go on Dearing an irk some yoke. However. In such cases, divorce would not be made easy. It would be compulsory for the parties to go on living together for two years after the first petition of one of them, which would have to be renewed every six months during that time, as a warranty that the petitioner was quite sure of his or her feelings, snd not acting on a whim. Among the grounds sufficient for Immediate divorce the commission would Include habitual drunkenness and some diseases. EFFECTS OF THE ERUPTION Prof. Mattenrrl F.xatntns Vesuvius to Determine Chances Wrought la Crater. ROME, June 2. (Special Cablegram of Vesu- Matteuccl to The Bee.) An ascent ius ' just made by Prof. to Investigate the changes made In the crater and on the summit by the recent eruption reveals some Interesting facts. Cook's funicular railway, with its station at the summit, has completely dls- ppeaxed. the very rails and telegraph poles being destroyed, only a few yards of the rails remaining, but all "twisted and wrinkled. The cone haa now a diame ter of about 1,600 metres.- There Is no more -eruption of lava and (.hat of smoke has almost ceased, but from time , to time sulphurous gas arises. .The great' portion of file cone which had fallen Is still warm, so that . the persons visiting and walking on- it hava to keep constantly moving "it elr shoes get badly burnt. Mattucci was desirous of measuring the diameter f the crater, tut the Impetuous wind and the puffs of arhes prevented him from placing tha measuring apparatus aa It waa necessary. A brigadier of carbineers, to whom a rope was tied, one end of which was held by his companions, ascended tha edge of the crater, but he could only get a glimpse of this extinct caldron, for tha rise of sulphurous gases rendered it neces sary for him to descend quickly. He saw, however, that inside the cone preserves its funnel-like shape, but that it la very much enlarged. Matteuccl calculates that the height of Vesuvius has been lowered by 66$ feet during the eruption. That has been caused by the fall of the cone or sides of the crater. Such changes ss these a lowering and elevstlon of the summit hava scoompanied the greater eruptions of this volcano. MOROCCAN STATE BANK SAFE European Governments Ready to Talc t'p Shares According to Algrertraa Treaty, MADRID, June 2. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The Spanish government has been officially informed that the European governments who were represented at the Algeciras conference are willing to muko arrangements with their respective na ttonal banks and bunkers to take up the share assigned to each high contracting power In tha Moroccan State -bank under the Algeciras convention. The Bunk of Spain has agreed to cover the Spanish share in the Moroccan State bank, this having been considered by the government and ; the board of the Bank of Spain to be the most advisable course with a view to prevent even a part of the share from falling Into the hands of other foreign shareholders likely to be eager to exercise influence in the Stata bank and in tha finances of Morocco. A Spanish auditor, or censor, according to the phraseology of the Algeciras conference, wilt soon be ap pointed by the Bank of Spain on the same conditions as the audltora to be selected by the Banka of England, France and Germany. LUTHER'S NAME IS ' SACRE0 Germaa Workman Beat ta Prison for Throwing; Obloquy ou Great Reformer. BERLIN, June !. (Special Cable gram to The Bee.) A Journey man mason named Baumgartner haa been sentenced to three months' Im prisonment for throwing obloquy on ths name of Mart.h Luther and the doctrines with which the reformer Is associated. Playing with Luther's name, he called him a "luder," or abominable person. The ex traordinary sentence Is Interesting, in that it waa passed by a Catholic court on tha prisoner. PCSEN EDITOR GOES TO JAIL Tare Months for Less Majeate CaaaertlaB with tha Kaiser's Visit. la BERLIN, June 2. (Special Cable gram to Tha Bee.) At Poaea the editor of the Polish Journal Pohraku has been sentenced to three months' imprisonment on the charge of Wise majeste. Tha charge rose out of a poem which tha editor published. In which tha archbishop of Gnesen waa denounced for ordering tha church bells ta be rung en tha oocaakm at Ua luiaar'a recent visit to Poaea. .- - BUSY DAY IN SENATE Conference Report on Bate Bill is Presented by Mr. Tillman. ONLY TWO IMPORTANT CHANGES MADE 8enate Bill and Amended Bill Are Ordered Printed for Comparison. STATEHOOD BILL IS ALSO REPORTED Provisions of Measure as Amended by the Conference Committee. PANAMA CANAL RESOLUTION PASSED Supplies to He Parr based la t silted Mates t aless President teems Friers t treasonable or Extortionate. WASHINGTON. June 2-The senate to day received the conference report on the railroad rate and statehood bills and heard the announcement of the result of the deliberations of the committee on priv ileges and elections In the case of Senator Snioot. In the case of Senator Smoot, Senator Burrows, who made the statement as chairman of the committee, asUel that a day be fixed for the consideration of the subject, but objection was made because the ntflclal report wus not ready for con sideration and on that account the further consideration of the subject was post poned. There was no discussion of either the statehood or the rate question. The consideration of the joint resolution prescribing a policy In the purchase of Panama canal supplies consumed the major part of the session, and It ended by the adoption of the resolution by practically a party vote. The democrats sought In msny forms. but in vain, to secure the. adoption of an amendment that would commit congress against the protective system. The only amendment adopted was one suggested by Mr. Pettus providing that bids shall be from the lowest responsible bidders. After passing a large number of private pension bills the senate adjourned until Monday. Fevr Chances In Rate Bill. In practically all essential details the conferees on the railroad rate bill agreed to the measure as It was passed by the senate. The report was signed at about 4 p. m. and almost Immediately presented to both houses. It shows that the senate receded from six amendments, two of which merely change the numbers of sec tions, while twanty-elRht of Its amendments- were retained verbatim, and the re maining seventeen were redrsfted and re tained under different phraseology. Senator Tillman, ohairfnan of the senate conferees, gave notice that he will urge prompt action in the senate. ' It Is safe to say the report will be acted' upon by the house with the utmost dispatch. The disposition of the amendments, in the, order In which, thejt appftarln. tha bill follows: The first ainendmm.l to the bill is that making pipe lines common carriers. It was stricken oi.' and Included. In the amendment making express companies common carriers, sleeping car companies having' been eliminated so that the amend ment now reada: The term "common carrier" aa used in this act shall include express companies and all persons or corporations engaged In me transportation-' or ou by pipe lines, or paruy Dy pipe lines and partly by rail mad. or partly by pipe lines and partly by water. Pass Amendment Redrafted. The next amendment ia that prohibiting passes. It was entirely redrafted, made much more stringent, all excepted classes being eliminated and either to Issue or re- relve free transportation was made a mis demeanor. The amendment Is aa follows: No carrier subject to the provisions of this act phail, after January 1, 1907, directly or Indirectly Issue or give any Interstate free ticket, fre pass or free transportation for passage. Any rarlert lolstlng this pro vision shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not exceeding $l,j0, and any person who uses, solicits or accepts for himself or for another, any such inter state free ticket, free pass or free trans portation, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a like penalty. . The Elklns' commodity amendment was retained practically In tha form originally agreed upon and the provisions Inserted later regulating timber and the manufac tured products thereof were stricken out. As agreed to the amendment provides that after May 1, I, it shall be unlawful for any common carrier to transport any article or commodity, manufactured, mined or pro duced by It, or produced under its author ity or which It may own when whole or In purt, or In which it may have an Inter est, direct or Indlrectf except such articles or commodities aa may be necessary and intended for Its own use In the conduct of Its own bualnesa The requirement that common carrlera shall, upon application of any shipper, con struct and operate switch connections with private side tracks or branch lines of railroads. This provision waa offered in tha senate, but waa not adopted, and the statement was made today that It would be objected to when the conference report reaches the senate. "Jim Craw Provision Gaes Oat. The senate receded from the "Jim Crow" amendment, which declared that equally good service and accommodations should be given to all persona paylnb the same com pensation for interstate transportation of passengers. The provision was stricken eut. The several senate amendments (twenty In number) relating to the application of. schedules of rates and charges of all kinds, were agreed to and the provision relating to joint rates waa added the following: No joint rate over the through rate baa bran established the several carriers in such through rata shall rile, prtnt aud keep pen to public Inspection, as aforesaid, the separately established rates, fares aud chaxges applied tn the thruugh transporta tion. Ths original penal sections of the Inter state commerce law, which were repealed by the Elklna law and placed In the bill by the arnate, were retained. Tbe secaU amendment, however. Was arondd by strik ing out to words: "Knowingly and wil fullyy" In ths provision relating to offer ing or accepting rebates, concessions or discriminations. The conferena also elim inated the proviso which declared that the penalties should not apply to rebates or considerations received prior to the paa sage and approval ol thla art. All of tha aenate amendments to section 4. which is the rate-making section, ware retained. Among theae are several relat ing ta tha Alllsoa compromise. The meet important latitudes the striking- out at the wards "in Its judgment and the words "and fairly i-eraaneralrre." The BswvuUea wwe sue air, sol presrttitae' tha4 (OuittmjsaV ea THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair In orh. Showers In tenth Pertlon Sunday. Monday Fair. FW SFC1 lOWI-welTe rsaes. 1 Revival of Industries of Ireland. Paris rolltleul Gossips Busy. Sennte Mas a Hnay pay. Mrtlrna Wlots Qnletlnar Dews, it Cirri-, n Protest American Meats. hiss and Queen Attend Ball Fight. .1 Sens from All Turfs ef tebrste. 4 Methane Heurs from Mexlran Biol. Triplet! Objects to F.splonase. 5 Urnorrili Knur nu U. M. Hitchcock dr tittle's Injuries Finally Fatal. Pfist Week la Omaha Society. T Wain Draws a Life Sentence. H Cantlllon Still Bess of Leaarae. f Sporting Errata of the Day. 10 Pioneer Telearephers of Omaha. Bridal Costumes of Spanish Hoeen. Condition of Omaha's Trade. 11 Council muffs and Iowa Xeivs. 12 Sunday Services at the Churches. EUITOHIAI. SKt TIO F.larht Panes. 2 Kdltorlnl. 3 Timely Talks About Beat Estate. First History of City of flmahn. Birth and Growth of South Ousalin. 4 Went Alls. A Want" Ads. H Want Ads. 7 Financial aud Commercial. HAI.F-TOXE tECTIor Fight Paves. 1 Bryan's Experience In India. Kdnard Koerwater on .Modern Rome. Palmer's Memorial nay Address. 3 Amonsi the Tiara and Flayers. Mna(c and Musical Matters. 4 Military Mass on Memorial Day. In the Field ef Electricity. Memorial Day Kxerclaes at Han aro m Park. 5 Poleless Streets of Omnba. Orchards and Farms of Wash- Insrton. fl Woman. Her Ways and Her World. T Weekly Grist of Sporting; Gossip. COLOR SF.CTIO Four Pages. 1 Buster Brown In sin Indian Play. 2 Tale ef Trasredy of. fjloorty Creek. 3 Fuds and Fancies for the Women. 4 Sambo Makes Rome Funny olscs. j r i . ,. , . Dour. Dca. lour. rift . f B m 7B I 2 p! ml. 1.1! 77 ! 5 a. m . 6 a. m. T a. m . St a. in. 9 a. m . 10 a. m . 11 a. in . 12 m.. . . UK A4 66 at 7 Tt T.I TO p m , 7" HO 77 7.1 4 p. m ft p. m , H p. m T p. m DELEGATES IN REAL THRONGS Knights of Columbus Arrive at Sietv Haven In Large .umbers for Convention. NEW HAVEN, Conn., June 2. The ad vance guard of the great throng of Knights, of Columbus, numbering into the thousands, will attend tha national con vention in this city next week, arriving here today, and many others are expected here tomorrow. The presence In this city for almost the entire week of this large body 'included srong "which - will "be ev eral leaders in the Catholic church throughout the' ecu n try, will make nota ble what otherwise promises to be one of . the most imposing ceremonies seen here for a number of years. Among. those wTio sre expected to attend the convention are Cardinal Gibbons and United ' Statea Senator John M. Gearln of Oregon. Par ticular interest centers In the dedication of the new national headquarters of the order next Wednesday. Other Important matters to be taken up will be tha elec tion of officers and the selection of the meeting place for the next annual conven tion. Invitations hava been received to meet in Detroit, Mich., and Jamestown, Va., and many favor the latter place, it la said, on account of the exposition. C. J. Smyth Is the only Omaha man at the convention. T. J. Hahoney was a dele gate, but could not go nnd his alternate, Attorney McGuIre of Lincoln, went. DUNKARDS' SPECIAL IN DITCH Five Hundred German Baptists In Wreck and Many af Them Hurt. SPRINGFIELD, 111., June . A broken rail today derailed three coaches of a special, train bearing 100 Dunkards en route from Cedar Rapids and other polnta In Iowa to this city to attend the conven tion of German Baptists or Dunkards. The accident occurred on the Chicago, Peoria ft St. Louis railroad at Forest City. 111. No person was killed, but a number were Injured. They were brought to the 6prlnrteld hospital, this city. PKORIA, 111., June 2. A special train over the Chicago, Peoria A St. Louis rail read bearing Iowa German Baptists to Springfield, ran over a defective frog at Forest City, derailing the engine, bag gage car and three coaches. The cars crashed into a freight train en a siding, tearing out the aides of the three pas senger ceaches. Six were injured. The company physicians say none la Injured seriously. GOVERNMENT TO PAY THE COST Waaswerth's Substitute for Be-rerMce Beef Inspection Amend ment Beady. WASHINGTON, June 2. --The Wadswerth substitute for the Severidge beef inspection amendment to the agrlru IturwJ appropria tion bill has been completed and printed for the Information of the house committee on agriculture. I'nttl the substitute haa been submitted to the committee Wednes day It will not be made public. The substi tute la said to follow tbe lines of ths Bsv eridge amendment with tha vital exception that tt places the cost of Inspection upon the government. Ct aim provides a court review of the administration of the Inapee tlon and restricts the jurisdiction of tha secretary of agriculture in the power to make regulations given farm in the Bever idge amendment. PAY FOR SPECIAL MASTER Cuttew tares WU1 Allow Sla Fee in C'aee of Baa'itesaleB Adams. W AJ5 HTNTTID .V, June 2. The senate eoni mfttee on Judiciary today recommended an approprwttun of fO.0u0 fur tbe compensa tion of a special master in the exsa of tha United States against Oeorge B. Adams, charged with embesalemeut from ths United Bttttea assay offiue at fteatUe. The purpose la M asertaln the loss to each depositor and determine the maimer of settlement tt ia believed that the toinl of tha embeaslemsnt is about (loo.noo snd that A4nma baa nrarperty new ia the cus tody of tha CnUasV ftutu as to whisk vaill canejsr tnavl PEACE IS RESTORED Qniet Follow! Night of criooV Riotis at Cananea, Mexico. RINGLEADERS TAKE TO MOUNTAINS Arrital of Governor with Bi? Posse Friebt ens Trouble Makers. FIRST REPORTS GREATLY EXAGGERATED Only Two Americans and Eleven Mexicans Are Killed. aaaHuauaesnui REPORT FROM PRESIDENT V. C. GREENE Says Disturbance Was Started by Socialist l)amee Confined to Lumber Aard. "rlV BM.LFTIV' DOl'GUAS, A.Ix., June :. A later dis patch to the International American from Naco, Arlx., conveys the Information thrt United States Consul CSalhraith at Cananea, has addressed h message to President Roosevelt urging the necessity for federal troops at Cannnea. Consul Galbralth, It la said, Informed the president that all the Americans In Cananea are In great dantcer, and suggested that it was "time for quick action." NACO, Arlx., June A telephone mes sage wss received from Csnanea at t iO a. m. today, reporting that peace has been restored there. After the arrival of ih. nngers last night many uf the rlncleadviaW. In the riot yesterday ran to the ing mountain and no further ' serious trouble occurred sfter their llight. Governor Yssbel of Sonora, arrived here this morning at 7:30 o'clock with a posse from Bl.tbee and other points ntimbetintf r.i.o wen srmen men. i noy were im- ""'''' '"" '"'"a counted by the governor s adjutant gen- bo accompanied him. PJ., PAMtl. rev .Tuns A nr-l ,- telegram received from Cananea says thit Americans are now in control of the town and many Mexicans have left. One hun dred rifles and a quantity of ammunition were shipped from here today to Colon. I Orecne at Naco and will be taken to Cananea If they can be gotten over tha boundary. Iteport from President Urecwe. NEW YORK, June .'.-George S r.ob bins, secretary of the. Greene Consu.idi.ted Copper company, today received the fol lowing telegram from W. C. Greene, presi dent of that company, from Cananea, Mrx,; Furnaces and mines all closed down to dsy on account ot rioting among the Mexi cans. Authorities giving us every protec tion posmhie, asnlsted by the employea of the company. The Mesa lumber yard burned and Metcalf and brother allied de fending profierty. Kieven Mexicans killed during oisturhsnce and nu.nher wounded not known. No other Americans killed. Governor of Ktinora, wltn troops, win ar rive in the morning. We hsve the situs-. non wen in nana, emeiung ana conce.ii trstion nlant uninlm-ed 'I rouble lnolte' by socialistic orgamututn that has berjl fnrft-.eri hrt hv- nth. InAnl tent irnt4 11 liks government. rxpeci plants to tx" run ning full capacity tomorrow. 11 Is be a, lKuglas snd Naco have sent M0 volun teers to aid in preserving order. W. C. GRKtCNK. Prasldent Mr. Bobbins said that tha Mesa lumber ! yard waa one of the smallest of the yards and was located several miles from the main plant. The financial loaa, he said, was not large. Dlas Orders Oat Troens. EL PASO, Tex., June 2. President Diss has ordered all troops at Nogales and Hermosillo to rroceed to Cananea. Order wss restored there soon sfter the arrival today of the American volunteers, who were permitted by Governor Isabel to cross the huur.dsry. Messages from Ualbrulth. WASHINGTON, June J.-The following telegrsm was received st the War depart ment from the headquarters of the South western division; DENVER, June 2-Mllltary Secretary, Washington: Following telegrsm. Fort Huuchuca. last night: "Repeat telegrams Just received. Nat. Arts.: 'A general In surrection at Cananea; Mexicans ag.iluxt Americana and all others. Several Amer icans killed; governor at Sonora at Nogales tonight on the way here. We must have protection. Can you render Itninodiate as sistance? W. J. Galbralth, 1'niied Statea Consul.' v "Second dispatch, same place: 'My life, ss well as the lives of American cltisens. In Jeopardy. A number of Americans were killed. I am I'nlted Stales consul; must be protected. Send troops by Naco imme diately, w. J. Galbrsith. Consul.' "Major Watts, with his. souadron. leaves for Naco tomorrow, daylight. Hurry or ders; will render sll possible saslstanre; obrervlng law. H I P.UMAP., "Commsndlng Southwestern Division Head quarters. "DAVES. "Military Secretary, In Absence of Depart ment Commander." Consul Asks Aid. WASHINGTON. June 2-The State de partment has recrtved a most urgent tele graphic appeal for help from Amerlcaa Consul Gaibrafth at Cananea, Mex.. in which the consul says: "Aid from United Statea absolutely essential" The State department bat also received direct application from the governor of the state of Sonora, Mexico, for help from tha American side, a most extraordinary occur rence. The direct sppesl was tbe subject of hasty consultations today between tha secretary of state, the chief of stsff, Briga dier General Bell, snd the law officer af the'Wsr department insomuch as the ques tion af the right of the i'nlted Statea te send troops into a friendly stats Is la doubt. Present Reepoase Is Made. Meanwhile the officers of the general stS are making ready to- execute any orders that may be Issued as the result of Secre tary Root's decision. Four troops of cav alry" are at Fort Huacbucs, Just north of ths International boundary In Ariaons, and. the staff officers assume that by bard rid ing this fmce rould reach Csnanea withig a half day aflsr it receives orders. Com muuleatlon is about to be opened a lta Major General Baldwin, commanding tha southwestern division, st his headquarters in Oklahoma City, and he in turn will give the necessary Instructions In case It Is de-clj-d to use American troops to Brigadier Ueneral Constance Williams at the head quarters of the Department of Colorado la Denver. Tbe official dispatches upon which the State and War departments are expected to set s.e ss follows: "NACO, Aria., June 1 Beirretaiy of State, Washington: Shi.i1 asulMtaui-e 1:iittird:ately to Cananeu, Sonora, Mi-i. American t Hi lars are being murdered a tul property dynamited and we must hate help. Send answur to Na o (signed; - UALBRAITIC" Another dlspatnh from the aaane official, saUa Is consular agent aa tlranau. aua te- war