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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs TUESDAY, MAY 20, lPOfi. SPECIAL HOTICES AJtfrtlnfmnl for these eolaiaae will e ukra II 11 for tha evenlaa- edition and watll p. m. for the mornlni aad Sanaay edition. Ratea 1 l-e a word aril laaerlloa, i. - ...j thereafter. Knhia lakta for leas than 20e for the llrat laaer- Thnf advert leeaaaata aaaat ha I ton conseeatlvelr. Advertisers, ly reoaeaiiasj - """" bered rherk, can have answers -dressed to a ns-mbered letter la ear f The Bee. Answers ao addressed k. a.iivered aa preeentntlaa of ckeck. MISCELLANEOUS BOiLES COLLEGE. Summer Term, June 4th. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting. Teleg .....I i,niih. Catalogue free. Au dress 11. a. isoyies, rr., a'?'' Omaha, Neb. OMAHA Sufe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of nre escapes, shutters, doors and aafea. u. Anureen, rru., m a. vv.. SIGN PAINTING, 8. II. Cole. 1803 tKls. K 263 TRY Kelly s Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. IM. l 4 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 181 Farnaiu. SURVEYING, Bllckensdeifer, 312 Bee B'S ; K iii ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. 'lei. Doug. liit. Hea. phone, Doug. Jotil. R Mo4u BEE KEEPERS' supplies. Send for cata- logue. Leahy Mfg. Co., USD So. 13th. E-l-HASSFIt A BR1CE. Machinists, 31? South 12th tot. Tel. 5837 have Wllnon ham Daper: quick. Clean; paper cleaning a apeclaliy. lei. Oougim tii6. . K Mill jei MARTIN MEYER Shirts, underwear to order. R Mil Junel WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, suit cases and shopping bags. Old trunKS taken In exchange; repairing. FREL1NG & s I fc.llSL.ii... 410 N. lblli St. Phone Doug. 499a. H M193 June 28 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any alse, 181S Farnam. w SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint, bherman Mct-ounen urug w., Omaha. VI ' HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1318 Farnam. FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. .Inquire ot It. campoeii, oee man ruuiu. i at WE buy everything In the furniture line. Chicago furniture Co., itiv ioage. Q 277 CAUTION! Beware of take piano ads.; fcrnulne new Klein way pianos are sold u.Ll oy oenmouer at juuetier tun iu ui inn ulSLi autnonseo rseDiasxa rt-u- itaiiuatlves. Tel. Douglas ltia. Ull-laU l-'arnam. UiiH CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers, wnite basswood for burnt work. 921 N. luth. Q 278 CAUTION Beware of fake piano ads.; getiuino new btelnway pianos are sold u.LY by Schmoller at Mueller and they art- tne ONLx authorised Nebraska rep- j cuentatlve. Tel. Douglas lt26. 1311-1313 Farnam. Q 279 MILCH COWS, on easy terms. Center. 43d and Q M819 SEND US your mall orders for drugs: freight paid on lu lots. Myers-Dillon m ug. Co.., Omaha M Ki FOR SALE at a bargain, a 1906 Oldsmo- blie, just new. Address L it, Bee. U-04x FOR 'SALE A lot of buffalo and steer , horns cheap. 1302 Chicago St. W-844 28x ORIENTAL and domestic rugs, piano and a't'Tbtg SffWiul '.CORRESPONDENT and bookkeeper. $65 to moi'al from the city. H u. BiacKiin, aptiument 6, The Hamilton, 24th l urnam Sts. Q M7 and 30 FOR PALE Houseboat on Lake Manawa; price $300, cost over $4uu to build. Ad dress F 25 Bee. Q M364X A GAS ranee. 4107 Hard. Harney 2431. Q 363 29 FOR SALE Solid 107 No. 12th. mahogny sideboard. g M986 June i ONE I-flve-gallon porcelain lined Ice cream cabinet. E. Klster, 13rd and o bt., no. Omaha. ' M M9 29 vn ,.lr vvhi .K-,,, StAArn&.mhOVt BUSINESS CHANCES WANTEDTo sell or rent, hair dressing parlors, newiy rurnisuea, on easy terms, to responsible parly, can sol or e- vine Blk.. omaha, rieo. x MR71 DENTAL PRACTICB FOR BALE-Dr. Byrnea' Cedar Rapida. Neb. Y M679 J18 $3,200 WILL buy a fine hotel; best location lU"."' T cVSmafc Bee. Y M900 31x FOR SALE Secondhand laundry machln- - ery. Apply M. u,. emltn co. factory, iiiu ana xraugiaa bis., umana. ieo. Y-M931 June 1 tuKniKATlUN controlled business, es tablished b, desires energetic. ' ex perlenced business man to manage state agency; salary z,aw yearly and commls aiona; investment ot ll.uoo and upwards nd unquestionable references required. Address Box 426, Madison, Wis Y 156 28x WANTED Partner mff business: some thing new; can clear $200 to t00 per montn; no competition; win stand in vestigation. Room 830 Neville block. Y M20J 3 ix WANTED To borrow three thousand dol- lars on property worth ten thousand for two to four years, whu privilege of pay Ing part every three or six months. Ad- areas r au, ..ire wince. sau juiw x , AMERICAN De Forset Wlrelesa Telegraph stock for about one-half the company s prlc-s. II. K; Miller, 214 N. 17th St. Phone LfUUginB OITVI afUIIVJ at A AUTOMOBILES ONE 14-horse-power, air cooled Knox Tour. Ing Car, In fine condition, $7uo. One 10 11. P. side entrance Cadillac Touring l r. fine condition, Vuo. One Model K Rambler, l-cyltnder. 18 H. P.. canopy top. side curtains, glass . storm I rront ana sine touring pasxeis. trcv. One single cylinder, lo H. P. Rambler Run- about. recently overnauiea, vs&. One brand new Cadillac Touring Car. $850. One 14 II. P., double cylinder, 4-pasaenger car, $376. , One side entrance. 48 H.' P. Surrey. Typa 1 Rambler, ta Al condition, iu. One Hr Orient Buckboard. good shape, $212. One 85 H. P, Royal Tourist, fine shape, with t.M cost new $3,850: now 81.760. One la Olds Runabout, new tires. $30. One 1906 Stevens-Durye.- 4-paaaenger. with top; good ahape; list li.soa; now too. One 14 2-cyllnaer Winton, excellent condl Ion tl.wiO. One 19u6 White Steamer, with top, almost new, 81.760. H. E. FREDRICKSON. 15th and Catiitol Ave. M397 LARGEST -stock of new and. second-hand automobiles in umana, aiso supplies, Ul it 8- H. P. Royal Tourist. 4-ryllnder touring car with top. at great bargain. U. E. l'rlrti'kinii Ifith and Caollul Ave. . -803 J3 roR SAIJE Muat be sold. SO H. P. 3 sealed, 3 cylinder Rambler automobile, fully equipped In perfect order; will carry five people anywhere; any reason tble rash offer acented. Call or ad- rcea ill South 28 ih St. wanted male help spring and bummer school NOW OPfcN t the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 19th and Farnam. STUDENTS EN HOLL1NU DAILT. For Business Course, Shorthand, Type writing and Telesraiiny. Reduced summer rates of tuition. CATALOGUE and PA RTICL'LARS FREK. nuimiiULun onus., umaiia, jcu HMiil JuneS TWO office clerks. vOuns men. SJ:"5"i:!,':i Kun n,an' 10 stenographer and bookkeeper. $60 to start. Orocerv clerk. 140 lo 150. Call or write rr complete list or. vacan cies and booklfit. WESTERN REK. A BOND A88 N.. INC.. Dept. B, es41-42 N. I . Life BM6T- B tub a MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering tra.lea; pay 16 a 1 car. to ne tiroi. u., rew i wi v n- i cago, Cincinnati, oi. l.ouib. log j. Free cata- B 24 WANTED Three men of good personal appearance; outside position; steady em- iloyment. C. "F. Adtmi Co., 1619 Howard DRUG atorei bought and sola; orug cieraa wanted. ' V. Knlc.L 6l;4 N. Y. Li. B-28 WANTED For U. 8. Army, ablebodiod un married men between ages or u ana ou niiinm f i Htittea. of Kood charac tr .mi ipmnrni. hablta. who can speak, read ftnd write Engliah. For Information auuly to Recruiting Office, H'h na Doug- las Sts.. Omaha: Lincoln and Grand Is land, Neb., or Sioux City, la. WANTED Laborers at the Brush I funtnrv Hriiatl l.:olO.. KOOQ WHBPB uniu. TEN TEAMS; long job. In city; excavation worn, inu v - i rec'.eyjacksoBn. th and M.m B.".; " n ill 'ii k i WANTED Men to learn the barber trade; we prepiire you for positions. $12 to $20 w.,k v: busy season nu , waiting; can nearly earn expensea before finishing; call or write. Moler Barber col- lege, illu t arnam bi. olu? W ANTED TWO gooa joo pr.nir... union; lor a prosperous amau Iowa. Address F 2, Care Bee. ti ftli). dune i WANTED Man with small capital to Join me ,n one of tne cieaneat, most proflt- able manufacturing businesses In Omaha; h v Ttrtittra und will Dftv llvi Der niunLII salary to a sober man. Addresses F-5 Uee. I GET A GOOD POSITION. Below see partial list of positions to be filled at once: 1 exnert bookkeeDer. S& to start. 8 traveling salesmen, $60 to $1U0. 2 collectors, salary and commission. $ dress goods salesmen, top salaries. 2 pressroom foremen, $.15 weekly. 1 window trimmer, out oi town. Many others. Call or write. BRAIN CblSAKIftU (lULDH. 921-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. B M221 39 CARPENTERS wanted at Fort Omaha. F. P. Keete, contractor. tsMtn WANTED A competent druggist by June 1; unquestionable reierence required; a prominent position, v. o. iiarn, urus- gist, So. Omaha. B 3B6 39 WANTED Man and woman for country place, near Omaha. Tel. Harney Kit. 1 D 0W WANTED Head fitter for cloak and iult department In city; long experience necessary; must lane compiere cnarge oi alteration dept. Address zz, Bee. ti-Mra a WANTED 150 yarfls of sodding done Apply, or write to 903 N. Y. Life Building atntlna- nrlra and slvlns address, u mijo THE McCook Tribune has a steady position at good wages for a competent printer. WANTED FEMALE HELP GOOD wages for experienced Help at Model Steam Laundry. c is 2 , WANTED Good cdbk; referenoea ra- aulred. Apply win case. . . u uun WANTED At once, good cook. Apply Mrs. Edward Hayden, ajltt cans bt. l-miu 1 ' APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co.. C 2S7 n';,tM, tcA Bookkeeper and stenographer, $50 to start. Assistant bookkeeper. $40. Call or write for complete list ot vacan cies and booklet. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., INC., Dept. B, 840-41-42 N. X. Life JjF-g J. '. GIRLS for laundry work. Experience not necessary. Kimball laundry, 1511 Jackson, I WANTED Middle-aged woman to take care of children and do llgnt nouseworx. 1711 Ontarla St. C M95 WANTED A cook and houaemald at once. Worthington Place. TDouglaa 3180. ONR exnerience saleslady for hosiery de partment, sit) weexiy, out oi town, uu or write. BRAIN CLEARING MULBti 921-2 N. Y. Life. C-M220 29 WANTED Man and woman for country place, near Omaha. Tel. Harney, irm. V C-398 28 wanted Neat arlrl for areneral house work; no washing or bedroom worn, mis th St: Tel. Harney 3166. C-402 80 WANTED AGENTS ot.. . v. . a,. n ... fflSi 'Banks' and OrT."'we aefl l.ntli: 500 uaa-es: 100 photos; 60 per cent: credit; freight paid: outnt iree. w. a. Hixenbaugn at CO., ware eia., umnra. J M4M I AGENTS wanted on our new work, "The natruot!on of San Yanclsco." Abso- lutely new and nonsensatlonal. trated. filled with comprehet ble Information and containing scale map of the city, as it was with the burned dlatrlit. fully outlined. Com- plete outfit receipt of It and terma sent prerld upon f 20 cents. P.and-McNolly & HI. J-494 Co., Chicago, AGENTS wanted to sell our popular poll- ctes, covering all accidents, diseases and gxORK ROOM for rent. 408 8. 15th. Or ocuitlonj; something entirely new and heuin Theater Bldg. Dyball. 1618 Doug Issued hy this society only, easily under- J. 1 M466 stood and easily sold; coat but $6 per annum each; large commissions paid im- mediately and exclusive territory al l'wnd. Address National Accident So ciety, 32o Broadway, New York. Eatab Ushed twenty years. J WANTED SALESMEN WANTED 4 good traveling men. $.10.00 per week to tne right men; reterence ana bond required; legitimate business; no raklra wanted; communications connaen- tlal. Address F 21. Bee. L M201 June26 SALESMEN wanted to place our cigars with a nne premium deal. Aaureas t. m. Phillips V Co., Milwaukee, Wis. L M408 June 3 WANTED SITUATIONS I WANTED All klndi of carpenter work will be well tended to: 1649 ,N. 17th bt. Call after 6 . m. evenings. A-M413 Six HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE ONE blmtiaon Stanhope in first clasa ahaoe: roust be sold by June 1, account of my removal from the city. H. C Blacklin, apartment (. Tha Hamilton, 24th and Farnam streets. P M978 80 i ELEGANT park surrey, near new. Must be sold. 19. Bee. Pi9 29 FENCING ANCHOR and Iron fencing. Wire fencing 6e per root. 8U5 N. aitn Bt. lei Ked 614. vat J UIJT 9 WIRE and iron feWlng. hitching poets. - I wire trellla. (tuitt W lreand lrn Wurki 1127 Farciiu St. TeL Had h9o$. an J L LET A DEE WANT AD TAKE A LOAD OFF YOUR MIND. FORRENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, Utta and Farnam. Bi : JJm, - , fill O f F. TiAlll Trunks UUK " V. ill. Ej. Haill J.rUIlh.3 a. do Tburaton hotel: rooms 11.60 ud wr week. TWO nicely furnished south front rooms. 2654 Harney. E M499X NICELY furnished modern room, 2306 E 810 Douglas Bt. DESIRABLE room; modern. Ill N. 31 ave. Jfi M June lx NICELY furnished front room, southern exposure, :new modern house, private family. 2208 Douglas St. E MST5 29x MODERN front room for quiet man in private family. 211 8. 26th St. E-M343 June 2x TWO nicely furnished rooms for light nouseaeeping. zvis Davenport. H M41S SIX FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD - -- i VOUg. 611 O. M. Jfl. llEUl Thinks . IT U VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe, F-l THE ROSE, 2020 Harney St., nicely fur nlshed south front room with good board. Rates reasonable. F 419 Je6x ill C I DM IO U m DflrtUO mD DCWT unrunilignuu iiuuhio run libiii CENTRAL; 1 rooms; bath. Ttxard. 220 N. zsd. u MUl FOR RENT HOUSES AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., STORAGE. f none Jougias ivai. uuo a armm. u .5 js WB DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel., Douglas-162fi, Schmoller Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D 318 TIOTTKFIS n U Brt of the city. Tho D 807 WEST FAENAM DISTRICT. Your opportunity to get one of the swellest nouses m tne Dest residence district rooms and reception hall. They will be ready June 1, but we are closing leases now. Everything up-to-date and we dec orate to suit tenants. These are the Nor wood & Kenwood houses, fronting south on Harney 8t., a little west of 83d. If you want a good, new house, look at these at once. Only one of the Kenwood i ... ' liuuBro let. Harrison & Morton. 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 814. D 842 TTnTT.QTT'.S In all part of the city. R. "w w C. Pelera & Co.. Bee Bldg. u m HOUSES, Insurance. RIngwalt, Barker Blk. D 808 THE Omaha Van A storaae Co.. Daok. move and store ti. ti. goods, siorenouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. omce, IsUft i-arnam. Tel.. Doug. 1569. D 309 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age co. Tel., Doug, l tun. umce, ma weo Ster St. D 310 NEW FLAT TO LET. 617 So. 2th Ave., flat, second floor, six rooms; new and strictly moaern: noon and Interior finished In hard wood throughout. Walls will be decorated to suit tenant. Ready for occupancy June first. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1820 Farnam St. N D 923 FOR RENT SI 03 Marcy St., modern except furnace; 7 rooms; new root; new noors; new plumbing; fine neighborhood. $22.5'i and water rate. Appiy to owner, atu Parker St. D-M973 ix BEE ug when shipping household good to large cities west. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel., Doug. 1195. D 811 HOUSES FOR BENT. hjoo very desirable -room house, rood- ern, 1029 S. 80th Ave. Bi Bldi ' " Uis6 , furnished house. 1919 Spencer 8L U M044 408 AtD 410 South 24th St., 8 rooms, all n.odern, jao.oo BEMIS. Paxton Blk. DM.H63 MAGGARD Van Storage Co. Dry rooms, low prices. Telephone uougias iusu. D M416 June 28 3910 NO. 22d, 8 rooms, all modern; open plumbing. t- a NINE-ROOM house, all modern, fine loca tion. 'Phone, Douglas 440. Jroi. FQR RENT STORES & OFFICES $80.00 per month for large store room. southeast, corner loin ana Mrenrin, Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor I Bf building. xm HI TOH KENT-Dart .room In Be. offlt. city ball building, 417 N. 26tfc St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. FOR RENT One first olasa four-story brick store, 180 reel oeep, gooa elevator, ioii Douglas. Inquire ot John Llndec, 1209 Douglas. 1 M666 LIS'". Li.Vr I SUITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu ."SJ i. facturlng; 22x100; 3 floors and basement; r? ! 1M Farnam. Inquire 814 Firat Nat. Bank I t Bldg. i-Mgn FULL ,ot wltn cnoire trackage on f'or ale lea8ei or wll, , tenant- 8. S. Curtla. 1S08 Harn Douglas build for rney. 114 gTORE 29th and Woolworth. Phone Red-4558. I-MH FOR RENT Fine office and salesroom In new building, lutn ana Lougias;weu suiten for some one In mechanical line. Sunder, land Roofing & Supply Co- I M925 1 WANTED TO RENT WANTED by June 1st, furnished house. I John N. Baldwin, lei. narney j-m. K-M222 29 WANTED Lady with three children wishes I board during August, at farm snout au I miles from Omaha. Address G 4216 Lafayette Ave. K-M224 80 CLAIRVOYANTS I M. ME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs, tteaultful prediction absolutely given. 8359 - TYPEWRITERS nil fAN BFVT An OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak table for 83 oa montniy. . CONVENIENT AT HOME. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., 11 8. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 291. PLUMBING CALL JOHNSON for quick services and low pricer. 1812 Harney. Tel. uoug. -M476 J1S LAW AND COLLECTIONS J M. MACFARLAND, 809 N. Y. L. Bldg Tsl. Douglas 6k&. -850 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10-room, modern; two lots; south front; permanent walks, paved street; shade and fruit; barn. Must sell by June 1. Make oflar. ' 6-room house: south front, shade; rlose to car; large barn; good location. Must sell by June 1. Make offer. 4-room house; large lot. $1105. Three beautiful lots; best residence dis trict; very chenp. If sold before June 1, NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. J. W. Martin. Pres. Douglas Blk. REJflS 2 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. HIGH AND SIGHTLY. Lot 60x121. For quick sale, $1,100; not bad at $1,500. On 38th Bt.; sewer, water and gas In th street. HARRISON AND MORTON. 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 314. RE-414 29 N. T. DODGE & CO. Had two offers on 2ith Ave. and Cuming St. before 10 o'clock Monday morning, but we are not going to accept either. This Is the cheapest thing on Cuming St. or In Omaha. Lot fitiVjxHo and good 7-room house, house alone worth Jl.iO, and $3.0u0 takes lot and all, and It Is cheap at $5,000. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. RE-403 30 A BARGAIN 8-room house and lot, 1714 8. 26th St., only $1,500. LOUIS BERKA, 941 N. Y. Life. RE 400 LIST your properties with Boyer. 22d snd Cuming. RE 803 FOR SALE CHEAP By nonresident, 8 rocjm modern house, half block from car line, In Dundee. Tel. Harney 1156. HE 978 CHS- Williamson Co., u- RE 801 YOU cannot afford to build when you can buy a new oak finished 8-room house for the price we are offering 3515 Dodge. You might also see new house 4151 Davenport St. R. P. & Ed O Hamilton, 526 Bee Bldg. RE M342 30 TRACKAGE A fine place of trackage property, 147x284, on U. P. track, at 5th and Jones Sts., $12,000 will take It for Immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN, . Room L New York Ufa Bldg. RE-299 LIST PROPERTY for sale, rent or ex change and. business chances with Tern pleton & Manker. 206 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas-2904. RE-M53J Traveling Man's Sacrifice Must leave city next Wednesday and will sell his beautiful modern nine-room resi dence, aouth front, permanent walk, paved street, in best residence district, at about 60c on dollar of vost to build. National Investment Co., Douglas Blk. J. W. Martin, President. RE-374 29 THE J. FRED. KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 100B N. T. Life Bldg.. 'Phone Doug. 2244. RE FOR SALE FARMS Union Pacific .-Railroad Co. is clpsingr out" Its lands. Fine Farm and Ranch Lands IN WESTERN NEBRASKA, COLORADO AND, WYOMING From $3 to $5 Per Acre. TAKE ADVANTAGE of the low prices and easy terms offered while the oppor tunity still presents Itself. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO THE LANDS. Fo Further Information Apply to Union Pacific Land Agency, 318 S. 15th St., Omaha Neb. . v H-M399 29 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R.. Omaha. Neb., Dept. "A." H 304 Cheap Western Lands LOOO.OOO acres, Colorado. Kansas ana Ne braska lands, $2 to $3.60 per acre. Gov ernment homesteads located. Printed lists giving legal descriptions and prices; also maps, pictures, etc, free. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., 201 Front St.; Sterling, Colo. H-523 FOR SALE Fine 120-acre farm. 110 acres in oats and alfaua, 9 acrea pasture, 1 acre timber, running water In 2 places, 6 miles from South Omaha, 1 mile from Fort Crook, 2 miles from Bellevus. Ad dress H. T. Clarke, Her Grand hotel. H M19u June 2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and b per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W M&23 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W 345 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith aV Co., 1320 Farnam St, W-44 BUILDING louns on residence property; i per cent W. U. Melklo. Ramge Blk. W-348 LOWEST RATES Bemis. Paxton Block, W 347N PRIVATE money. F D. Wed. 1520 Doug. W-340 fl.000,000 TO LOAN :n business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1. N. Y. Ufa. W 35u WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-l City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W-l LOANS on lmrroved city property. W H. Thomas, if.'i 1st National Bank Bldg. W 64 FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. W 352 PATENTS H. A. ST URGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights: no foe un less successful. 517 N. Y. Life. Omaha. 355 F. J. LARSON & CO, patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 356 8HARPE MACHINE WORKS-Pntenti procured, invention developed, drawing, patterns, casting!, machine worji. 6V4-AI3 6. loth St. -857 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 53 Douglas Block. NM-KW .15 DRESSMAKING BRENT ft BROWN, first class dressiiak ers. 2039 Harney bt. 'I'bona Douglas 6426. 21 M" POWELL SCHOOL 1628 Farnam. DRER3CUTTING. M-826 June21 Woodruff at Arnold. 313-14 Neville Blk. June 20 CALL and sea tha one-priced dressmaker. 2U) Douglas bloc. 620 Ja3 I PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION ALL kinds of plies cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching piles A guar antee given In every case treated by Dr. Maxwell, who has had twenty-five years" experience In treating plies. Hundreds of testimonials given on application. 524 Pee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1424. . V M419 June 2S HEALTHY, wholesome; Satin Bkln be stowed by Satin Skin Cream and Satin Powder, 25c. U OMAHA Steam Pasts Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 2310 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 452L U- A Dollar for You Any time before June 15, 1906, this slip will be accepted at 3100 down, payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or clothing, tha bal ance to De paid aa you earn lt- Ilome Credit Clothing Co.; 1520 Dodge St., Omaha. O. A. LARMON, Mgr. TJ-M47S WHY NOT YOU? I will give private instructions In ad writing to a few merchants, their em ployes, or others who wish to make more money. Practical common sense Ideas and methods open to your Investigation. Evenings if you like. Call or write. Waddell, Ad Man, 5u2 N. 32d St. U 410 2Bx MAGNET I ( 2 treatment baths. Mme. U 866 ANY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M100 ffRT KELLY'S Laundry, phone Doug. 36J0. DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 4 8. 1606 Farnam. U 4il CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. 1J Hutlful. linlmia mill from old carpets; prices reaaonabie. iM 8. 14th St. Tel. Douglaa 666. U-328 J -13 SEND your carpets to Omaha Electric Car pet Cleaning was., z&u ft. 2Utn. uoug.-iua. U M506 M31 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Lnvectigata. Pennell Millinery Co., Ill South 16th b U-824 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King. 2018 N. 31st St. Tel. 3659. U 825 PLEATING Buui'n1i,KHu?mn, i LiUlll inu EmbrolderinK. Ajjciim aiiu ciuouuia, oponKlna; and Shrink mg, only be per yard, bend tor prlca list and sample. GOLDMAN fUSAilNU CU., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1936. U 128 WE RENT sewing machines, $1 a week and $3 per mo. We repair all makes of .na- , chines; second-hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. U 127 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. ?4 211 8. 11th St. U 314 PRIVATE home during confinement; babieu boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gar den. 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6811. L 817 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th BU, for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug.-41 and wagon will call. U 611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sis. Special attention paid to confinement caaes. All treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls ausweved day or nlghu V 129 SEWING machines and supplies. P. E. Flodman at Co., JU14 Capitol Ave. U-M507 Mai THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1337. U 328 FLY tlma Is here, and you need new screens. See Johnson, 16th and Chicago, general repairing. Tel. Douglas 6203. L 888 Jet MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Ritten house, 410 N. 16th, room 2, second floor. U M509 JelS COMMON MASSEURS may copy our nam, but have no knowledge of therapeutics nor our system of treatment. Prof. Ward Institute of Magnetic Osteology, 20 Pat terson Blk., Omaha. U Msta JOILNSON-GOODLETT CO. $-layer white cakes, 30c; pure milk bread, groceries and meals, 2002 Lake Bt Douglaa 1675. V M497 41 MRS. SMITH'S school of practical dress making leaches all branches of dress making, cutting and titling. o.!;s-vaii earn melr own tuition. Jj Douglas B,i. L-Wi J PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba- bles adopted. Beat and cheapest in the' WANTED Would like to form I be -quaintance of a young unmarried Jew ish lady preferred; object matrimony; references exchanged. Address Box 248, Lowell, Arizona. U M361 29 WANTED For the city of North Bend, Neb., two attractions and one band. Ad dress all communications to D. M. Dodge. U Ml 23 30 A NICE healthy baby boy for adoption. 2319 bo. 13lh St. U M381 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-323 BHAMPOOS, manicuring and facials at your own home; New York method. Mrs. ' Willis, 2010 Lavenporr. Tel. Douglas 8024. U M683 ivl T1TTVR A If THE PAINLESS CHlR-LUxMJ-iJ.V OPOD1ST, 206 Neville Blk. Hail dressing, manicuring. Ladles' hir perfumed free. L-MU5 June 28 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. V 316 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut f rices. Send for free catalogue. Myers ullon Drug Co., Umaha. U 987 HONEST work at reasonable prices In the upholstering and furniture repairing line. John Hansen, 1522 N. 24th. Tel. Doug. U 1& June 16 PARASOLS and umbrellas repaired and re-covered. Boston Umbrella Co., t2t bo. 16th bt. L M508 Jel Madia Desdunes. Marcel waving. Doug. 7019. M Kl UtH Jltt The Wardrobe, expert dry cleaners. 61S 8. 13. U-811 June 20 MARCEL WAVE manicuring, racial mas saae. Lutle Bryant, 316 Bee Hldg. U M930 June 26 f Ai!VPTl( ,JI"M'. 1 N. 16th St., JHAUiVll ,econd floor, room 2. U MSi7 Jun25 MARCEL WAVE. 108 Neville Madia. U- M498 June 16 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes. Pay the best prices. Telephone Douglas ?. N-M Ji OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 18 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. U64. DEATH NOTICES j JENSEN Maren KJerstlne, ased 3S years. 1 montn, tetovei wire or Mnrttn Jensen, i runernl Tuesday afternoon nt I o'clock, ' from residence, 5i2!t Smith Forty-second ; street. Interment Sprlngwrll cemetery. I Friends Invited. , PF-NFOT-D-ln St. Louis. Mo., on May 26. , l, Henrv IeKov I'enfold, aged 27 year". son of Henry J. and Ella F. Tenfold. I Funeral private, UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN & GENTLEMAN. 702 N. 16th. Douglas 6591 68g Jt MONUMENTS GREAT WESTERN GRANITE CO. Doug-las-621. ' -M.voo June.'3 MEDICAL LADIE8. $1.0CV REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Failir.g HH'iU KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves loiiReat, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods In 3 to 6 days without harm, pnln or Interference w'th work. Mail, $1.50. Double strength, $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD R FOR LAIHES FREE. DR. B. H. SOUTUINGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY. MO. 829 LADIES Chichester's English Pennroyal Pills are the best: safe, icliable. Take no other. Send e stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return Trail. Ask your drueglsts. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. BEST nerve brnoer ror men. "Gray's Nerve Fond Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drue: Co.. Omaha 330 JIONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS OUR LOANS Our employes are well Informed and courteous and we are always pleaded to explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent where tha coat will be, and If you conclude that it will not pay you to borrow there is no harm done. Wa loai on furniture, pianos, live stock nd other chattels, and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. We ofter you rates as low aa you will find and our facilities for quick and con fidential service are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern iu our Una In the city and we always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2296. .Established, Wi.) 806 b. 16th St. X-284 LOANS On Household Goods, Pianos, Horses and Wagons, Etc. We will loan money on the above security t positively the lowest rate of Interest to be obtained in the city. Why? because wa have unlimited capital and would rathr loan money out than have It lying Idle. We make these loans in the strictest confidence, make no inquiry of your neighbors and merely want to see your security. If you owe several small bills which are bothering you, come to us, state your circumstances and we will loan you money enough to pay them all off, ao that you will have your in debtedness all In one place where one pay ment each month will take care of it. And we will make the payment small enough to suit you. , : We Also Loan Responsible Sal- : . aried People on Their Plain : : Note, Without Endorsement or t t Publicity. I 'RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 807-808 Paxton Block. X-M190 June2 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, eto. C. F. Reed, 810 8. 13th. X-336 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advancea private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day asked fur at small cost. Open evenings until 7. X M336 VR. PRIBENOW8 PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., in any amount, at less than ha'f tne rate; no red tape; perfeot pri vacy ; Immediate attention; on any terms aanted; payments suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 314, Karbach Blk.. 209 8. Uth St. X 337 When in need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 632-3 Paxton Blk. ' X 338 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; eaBy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-339 FURNITURE, Piano, Jewelry, Loans. 831 Neville Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X 340 FURNITURE, Live Stock. Salary Loans Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. X-841 CHATTELS, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam Bt. X 34$ EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Doug. X 318 FOR EXCHANGE WILL exchange for merchandise: I havo a good farm, 164 acres, to exoriange for stock of merchandise; It will pay to in vestigate this deal. F. M. Sachs, Thayer, Mo. Z 412 :9 I HAVE 640 acres of fine land I will trade for a $4.(O0 or $5,000 stock of merchandise. Price $10 per acre. C. Stock, DeWttt, Neb. Ztll 29x IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad In and you wlh soon PRINTING LYNQSTAD High Grade 1906 Calendars. V inuvTc 8 R . corner 16th Bt' Bnd ft JOKVE. Capitol Ave. -296 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera & Co.. 1510 Howard. Tel. Douglas 2007. -7 TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Philbln, 1505 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 784. -2&1 LARSON aV JOHNSON. 1406 Farnam. Dous. 1S35. W BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world in cheap prices nq billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswicke-Balke-Collender Co., 407 S. 10th til. Omaha. Neb. -235 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1268. -832 HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -531 GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S omce, Omalia, Neb., May a. iMi. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to mo usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock, a. in., central standard lime. May i9. Ilu6. at which time they will be opened In public, for furnishing and in stalling screens for door and wlnuow open ings in various publle buildings at Fort Omaha, Neb. bpecllica lions and biana forms of proposals may be obtained at this office. '1 he right U reserved lo reject any and all bids or parts of bids. Major M. Gray SCalinakl. Quartermakier, U. B. Army, ConstrOctli.g Quartermaster. ' May8--lo-ll-28-29 CONSTRUCTING QI ARTERMA8TEK S Office Omalia. Nebraska. May 1. lui. gealed proposals, In triplicate, subject 10 the usual conditions, will be received here unill lu o'clock a. in , central standard time, June 1, 190b, at which time they will be opened In public, for furnishing and in stalling electric fixturea In certain build ings, and for extending the lighting -tern so as to make proper connections there with, at Fort Omaha, Neb. Plans and spec ifications and blank forms of proMais may be obtained at this office. The right Is reserved to reject any ami all bids or part of bids. Major M. Gray Zallnakl. quartermaster- U. 8. Army, in charge of construction. M-l-2-3-4-29-31. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PR'TOPM.". FOR MACHINERY, EN glne, j rl illng press, eto., Plpea'ona, Minn., Mav 12. IK"". feaied proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed en velope "proposnls for machinery, tools, etc.." and addressed to the underalgned at Pipestone. Minn., will be received at tha Indian school until 2 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, June 2, 1904, for furnishing and delivering a pinner, cut-off saws, drill, engine Intlie, mortising machine, band saw. ln-horso power gasoline engine, one printing press, tvpe, etc., aa per list and specifications obtainable at tha school. Bid. ders must state in their bids the proposed price of each article to be offered under contract. The right la reserved to reject any bid, or any part of any bid, If deemed for the best Interest of the service. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository r solvent national bank, made payable to the ordr of the Commlaaloner of Indian Affairs, for at least t per cent of the amount of the proposal, which check or draft shall be forfeited to the United States in case a bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfac tory contract In accordance with his bid, otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of certi fied check will not be considered- W. 8. CAMPBELL, Supt. M15-17JM3-34-36-2B-SJ-J2 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. master. Fort Leavenworth, K a nan a. May tS, 1306. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11:00 a. in., cen tral time, June 12, 1906. and then opened, for constructing the following bulldinga. Including plumbing, heating and electric wiring: Three sets field officers' quarters, one double set captains' quarters, ona single barrack, one stable, at Fort Leav enworth. Kansas Full Information and blank forms of proposals furnished on ap plication to this office. Plans and speci fications may he seen here: also in nflWa of Chief Quartermasters at Chicago and . Denver, lHnot Quiirterniastera at New York. Philadelphia and St. lnits and Con structing Quartermaster at Omaha. United Slates reserves the right to accept or re ject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed. "Pro posals for Public Buildings," and ad dressed to Captain J. E. Normovle- Quar termaster. , CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER 8 Office, Fort Des Moines, Iowa, May 14, 1906 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 2 p. in., atandard time, June 2, 1106. for constructing, plumb ing, steam heating and electric wiring at Fort Des Moines. Iowa, 1 set field officers' quarters, 1 double set lieutenants' quarters, 1 double set N. C. staff officers' quarters. 1 stable for draft animals, 1 quartermaster's workshop, civilian employes quarters, all to be brick buildings, and 1 band stand, frame. Information furnished on appli cation here, or at Depot Quartermas ters Offices, U. 8. Army, at Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo., and Omaha, Neb. United States reserves the right to accept or reject nny or all proposals, or parts thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for " and addressed M. W. Rowell, Q. M. M-14-15-U-17-29-S1 PROPOSALB FOR QUARTERMASTER' Storehouse and Bend Stand Fort Doug laa, Utah, May 25, 1906 Sealed proposals for furnishing labor and material to con struct a brick quartermaster's storehouse and a frame band stand will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., June 16, 19iM, and then opened. Information furnished on application to the undersigned. United States reserves the right to accept or re ject any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids to be marked "Proposal for Quartermaster's Storehouse and Band Stand," and addressed Con structing Quartermaster, Fort Douglas, Utah. M27-28-29-30J9-10 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be lecelved up to 6 p. m. June 25. 1906, for all labor und ma terial required In the erection of . chapel and music building on the campus ot Doane college, Crete, Neb. For full In structions apply to A. B. Fajrchlld, Treas. urer, Crete, Neb. M26 -28-29 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Helen R. Clark to Chlale Kurcs and wife, iwt lot 6, subblock 6, Dupont Place $ 150 City of Omaha to Omaha & South western railroad, tract In Rlvervlew add 100 Mary Reld et al to Antonla Kuzol and wife, lot 12, block 3. Potter. A. Cobb's. .. , add 400 H. Chnpman and wife to Rena Jack- ' son, w4 lot 2, block 89, Omaha 3,500 Ellen M. Sumner et al to 8. F. Wysockl, lot 7, block 9. E. V. Smith s add 800 Bernard - Riley and wife to Martha Easton, lot 6, block 2, Patrick's 3d add 850 H. R. DelJind to James Miller, lot 3. block 56, Florence 300 Josephine P. Brlshln and husband to sahie, lot 2, block 56, Florence 350 Imperial Investment company to George A. Day, lot 2, block 2, 1st subdlv. to Grlffen & Smith's add.... 1.6n0 C. E. Perkins and wife to Hattle Baird, nw4 swV4 9-16-13 600 Mary Den m on to Julia Waack, lot 2, block 13, Park Forest 500 J. A. Dempster and wife to Mary G. Andrews, part lots 1 and 2, block 6, Reed s 1st add 12. W Tukey I .and company to Paul 8. Gil lette and wife, lot 16, A. P. Tukey's replat of block 2. Bemla Park 300 ' William E. Swentsel and wife to Emma Moeller, lot 6. Aldine Square 1.550 John Swanson to Al E. Johnson, lot 16. block 8. Wise ft Parmele s add... 1.150 E. E. Chrlstlanson to D. S. Efner, lot , 12, block 9, Patrick s 2d add 260 Annie Bensen to same, lot 12, block 9. Patrick's 2d add 760 Chester Hague and wife to Emma Telford, lot 72. Sullivan's add 550 E. C. Smith et al to C. J. Thurman. lot 7, block 8. Bemla Park 8.125 George B. Dandy, Jr., to Mary D. lean, part lots 2 and 3, block 8, John I. Redlck's add 8,000 John G. Johnson and wife to James A. Davis, part lot 10, blick 1, Marsh's add , $.165 E. D. Jones and wife to FVa Smith, lot 1, block 1, Halcyon Heights 52S H. J. Grove and wife to Charles I. Hesse, lots 8, 9. 10 and 11, block 26, Benson 2,500 Effie Young and wife to J. 8. Ronk. nnrt lots 25 and 26. block 3. Mayne Place 1.025 T. C. Havens and wife to F. A. San born. nw'4 sw'i 26-16-12, and other land 1 B. Jetter and wife to C. F. Dlttel, lot 4, block 10. Drew's Hill 160 Perlla J. Wilcox to O. Reeiley. lot 4 and part lot 3. block 6. Wilcox's add. 1 O. Beeiley and wife to J. L. Fra vltxke, lot 4. block 4, Wilcox s add.. OCEAN STEAMERS. French Line Compa&nii Central Trantatlantlqu Gigantic, Elegant, Fast Livlathant ftttt yorKr-TParU 6 Tay LA PROVENTE, newest twin screw flyer he, itig paHsetiger elevator, roof cafe, and many other innovations. Naval officers' man-of-war dtacl pline. Company'aventibuled trains, Havre-Paris, S hours, where convenient connections sa made for all points ou the Continent. 20thCenturyHugaTwlnSenwFlyrrt LA PROVINCE May 31 LA LORRAINE June I LA TOI'HAINB June 14 LA ("AVOIR June 21 LA PROVENCE June 21 For pinna, nervations and full lniurma. tlon call on. telephone, or write to Harry K. Moores, KIOl Farnam Street Louis Neese, care First National Jianlt I. U. Kcynolds, 1502 Farnam Street VV. Q. Davldsou, 1512 Farnam Htxeei G. K. Abbott, IU24 Karaant llrest, V. K. Hock. 131$ Farnam Htreet. Aareats for Omaha ANCHOR LI KB V. 8. MA It, STEAMSHIP. NEW YORK, IXNDONDIl:BT AND OLABOOW. NEW TCRK, PALERMO AKD NAPLES. Superior accommodatloo. asealUnt CutMQ. Tit corofurt ot p4Miigrre ,-arefullr eoDftldrv4- Single nr roand-trip tf-ku tMurd Mvs htm York aa4 Srolrh. Eosllah, Irian lad all principal eeotlDtaUl point at ailraMIro rat. Hon lor Seok el Taara. For tlrkota or genoral Informalloa apply to nf loci aiiont of tho Asrhor Lino, or la MENDKRSOU tillus . Uen'l Ainu. I bingo. III. Wnen You Write to Advertisers. remember It only lakes an extra stroke ar two of tho pen to mention tha fast that ye saw the ad. In Tha Baa.