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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1906)
a TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TTESDAT. MAY 29. . 190. A SQUARE1 DEAL A WOMAN'S-- BACK Is assured you when ou buy Dr. Pierce's family medicines for all the ingredients entering into them are printed on the bottle-wrappers and . their formula are attested under oath as being complete and correct You know just what . you . are paying for and that the ingredi ents are gath ered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native medicinal roots found growing in our American forests and while potent to cure are perfectly, harmless even, to the most delicate women and children. Not a drop of alco hol enters into their composition. A much better, agent is used both for extracting and preserving the' medicinal principles used , in tfiem, viz. pure triple-refined glycerine. This agent possesses in trinsic medicinal properties of its own, being a most valuable antiseptic and anti-ferment, nutritive and soothing demulcent ' ' . Glycerine plays an important part in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in the cure of indigestion, dys pepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart ; burn, foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing . feeling in stomach, biliousness and kindred derangements : of the stomach, liver and bowels. Besides curing alt the above distressing ailments, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes, as catarrh, whether of the na sal passages or of the stomach, bowels or pelvic organs. ' Even in its ulcerative stages it will yield to this sovereign -remedy if its use be persevered in. In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages, it is well, while taking the "Golden ' Medicai Discovery" for the necessary constitutional treat ment, to cleanse the passages freely two" or three times a day with. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. This thorough .. course of treatment generally cures the worst cases. In coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat - and lung affections, except consumption in its advanced 6tages, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a mqst efficient remedy,' especially in those obstinate, hang-on . coughs s caused by irritation and congestion of the bronchial mu cous membranes. The "Discovery" is not so good for acute coughs arising from sudden colds, nor must it be expected to pure consumption in its advanced stages no medicine will do that but for all the obstinate, chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead up to consumption, it is the best medicine that can be taken. Study the medicinal properties and uses of the root of Golden Seal (IJydrastis Canadensis), one of the most valuable of our American forest plants, as set forth in a little book of extracts made up by Dr. Pierce from the standard works of the leading medical writers and teachers of the several schools of . practice, and it will be conclusively apparent to you that a medicine like Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which is rich in all the curative principles abounding in Golden Seal root, so highly extolled by the most eminent medical men, must be surpassingly efficacious io the cure ' of many obstinate and distressing ailments and especial ly. so in all catarrhal affections of the mucous surfaces, whether of the nasal passages, throat, or bronchia or of the stomach, bowels, bladder or other pelvic organs. Scarcely less valuable than the properties of Golden Seal, in a curative way, are the several medicinal principles ex tracted from Stone root, Queen's root, Black Cherrybrk, Bloodroot and' Mandrake root, all of which are harmon iously blended with triple-refined glycerine in "Golden Medical Discovery." From the writings of Drs. Bartholow, King, Scudder, Hale, Hare, Johnson, Coe and a host of others quoted in the little book above referred to and which will be posted free to any one mailing request by postal card for same to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. it will be seen that a medicine like "Golden Medical Discovery''' which is rich in all the curative properties, not only of Golden Seal, but also of all the other most valuable native medicinal roots mentioned, will generally cure not only all the ordinary catarrhal affections of the nasal passages, stomach, bow els and pelvic organs, but will also overcome and cure such affections even after they have reached the ulcer ative stage. In this list of diseases cured by "Golden Medical Discovery" may be included catarrhal dyspepsia, or indigestion, chronic and ulcerative diarrhea. In severe or long standing nasal catarrh it is well to cleanse the nasal passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy while taking "Golden Medical Discovery" as a constitutional course of treatment Has many aches and pains caused by weaknesses and falling,-or other displacement, of the pelvic organs. Other symptoms of female weakness are frequent head ache, dizziness, imaginary specks or dark spots floating before the eyes, gnawing sensation in stoniach, drag ging or bearing down in lower abdominal or pelvic re gion, disagreeable drains from pelvic organs, faint spells with general weakness. If ariy considerable number of the above symptoms are present there is no remedy that will give quicker re lief or a more permanent cure than Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It has a record of over forty years of cures. It is the most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine known to medical science, made of the glyceric extracts of native medicinal roots to be found in our forests. Every ingredient entering Into "Favorite Prescrip tion" has the written endorsement of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of practice more valuable than any amount of non-professional tes timonials though the latter are not lacking, having been contributed voluntarily by grateful patients in numbers to exceed the endorsements given to any other medicine extant for the cure of woman's ills. .... .... ( You cannot afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for this well proven remedy of known composition, even though the dealer may make a little more profit thereby. Your interest in regaining health is paramount to any selfish interesj of his, and it is an insult to your intelligence for him to try to palm off upon you a substitute. You know what you want, and it is his business to supply the article called for. , People Who Think Know that it is safest and best to only medicines of known composition. They don't stupidly open their mouths like a lot of young birds, and gulp down what ever is offered them, but insist on knowing what they are swallowing. Dr. Pierce recognizes the right of his pa tients to know what his medicines are composed of, so he prints the full list of ingredients of which they are composed on each bottle wrapper, and verifies the same under oath as being correct, thus taking his patients into his full confidence. ' A glance at these printed formulas will show that the f Doctor's medicines contain no alcohol, so generally em- ployed for extracting and preserving medicinal princU pies, pure triple-refined glycerine being used instead. By exact and scientific processes devised by him, and . with the aid of specially designed apparatus and applian ces he is able to fully extract and preserve, in any cli mate, for any length of time, all the medicinal virtues re siding in the most valuable native medicinal roots found in our American forests and that too without the Use of a drop. of alcohol. Besides the glycerine possesses most valuable medicinal properties of its own, instead of being injurious like alcohol which is so generally employed in nearly all fluid medicines. Delicate, weak nervous women should especially shun the use of alcoholic medicines which, from theis stimulating and-exhilarating effects may seem, for a time, to do good, but which, from the inevitable effects of the alcohol in shrinking up the red corpuscles of the blood are sure to do great and lasting harm in the long run. Besides they beget a craving for stimulants which is most deplorable. Neither alcohol, narcotics or other deleterious ot habit-forming drugs enter into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and only salutary, invig orating and nerve strengthening effects can follow tha use of this famous medicine for women. It , has been carefully adapted to their needs by an experienced phy sician. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. .....'. ' An invitation is extended, by Dr. Pierce to every sicle and ailing woman to consult him by letter. There is Otf.;, solutely no charge or fee for this.. Every letter is care-. . fully considered; fully answered, and its statements held as strictly private and sacredly confidential; Address as directed below. Dr. Pierce V Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Con stipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. One "Pellet" is a gentle laxa tive, and two a mild cathartic. Druggists sell them, and nothing is "just as good." . ' Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser w ill be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. COUNCIL BLUFFS Offlon, 10 rvarl St. Tel. 43. FIGHT IS OVER TREASURER t H. Bwtnion of Gretcent Oity Comei in and Complicate the Situation. COUNTRY DELEGATES WANT TO HAVE SAY Dr Braadea Slated lor the .. Komlaatlopa for the LrsTlalatnre, ivlagr Vaeaaer the v.Caaaty Board. A least two-thirds of the .delegate to Oa republican county convention to be held this morning1 arrived In th city yesterday and the Kiel hotel, -whore they made their headquarters, was A busy place and many a caucus was In progress up to late hour last night.. The candidates (or the several offices were to be seen .making hay, and this was particularly true of the can didates, for the contested nominations. ' . Indications last night were that the con test of the convention would be over the nomination for- treasurer. Interest was added -to. the contest yesterday by the an nouncement that N. SWanson, an old-time republican of Crescent City, had shied his castor, Into the ring and announced him self as a candidate for the nomination for . treasurer.' . While the local organ of the "standpatter" yesterday announced that J. W. Mitchell, the candidate of that wing 'of the party, had the nomination prac tically. nailed down, talk among tile country delegates last evening showed that they In tended to havo something to say as to who the nominee .would be. It was rumored that to the event of the local Vstandpat ters" failing to nominate Mitchell they would throw their strength elsewhere, and the rumor' was to the effect that It might peSMlbly be Frank K. Everest, who was their first choice, but who a few days ago announoad he was. not In the race. . James , P. ChrlstenHen developed consid erable strength yesterday, as did Bmll Leffrt. Matters In connection with this nomination, however, appeared so mixed last night that it would be guesswork to make any, prediction.1 It was also reported that the iwnks were, likely to take a hand In the fight for the -nomination of treasurer, It being' hinted- that Mitchell was being put forward by the First National bank and. Ha friends. tT aad Brands tor Representatives. It was generally conceded last evening that Htnry' C. Brandts and Wllloughby Dye would be the two nominees for repre sentatives and If this proves to be the case there will be a contest for the place on the Board of Supervisors made vacant by the promotion of Mr.-Brandes, Tha other four members of the board will be renominated without contest. It la said. ' National Committeeman. Ernest E. Hart will 'head the delegation tnthe state con , yanllon and George 8. Wright, .lie retiring ' county chairman,, will be the choice of in convention for member of the state committee. In connection with the county chairmanship It was stated yesterday that Freeman L. Reed, who had practically been Selected as Wright's successor, would be unable to serve, as he. expected to be out of the county- a great deal during the summer, and Elmer p. Smith, former county recorder. It Is understood, Is slated for the- position. County Attorney . Hess will retire from the city chairmanship and City Attorney C. F. Kimball will succeed film. It was stated last night that the delega tion to the convention of the Fifteenth Judicial district would likely be Instructed for. Judge' Wheeler, who' Is seeking a re nominatlon, although former County, At torney Klllpnck is an aspirant for renom inating . The delegation to the convention of the Ninth congressional district will be In structed for Congressman Walter I. Bmlth, and as to this there Is, of course, not the slightest doubt. Some City omlaatVaa. In addition' to naming a candidate for judge of the superior court the delegates from the city will also be called upon to name two Justices of the peace for Kane township, which Includes the city of Coun cil Bluffs. In the latter nomination they will be assisted by the one delegate from Kane township outside the city. The contest for the nomination for Judge- of the superior court appears to be be tween W. B. Balrd and former City So licitor 8. B. Balrd, although W. A. Mynster and H. J. Chambers are still In the ring, E. B. Gardiner and H. H. Field each seek a renomiiiattnn for Justice of the peace. Other candidates are K. T. Bryant Ovlde Vlen, both of whom have held the office before, and F. E. Deuel. The convention will be called to order In the south court room of the county court house at 10:30 this morning by Chair man G. 8. Wright of the county central committee. As stated before, State Senator C. G. Saunders will be Selected as tem porary chairman. GC AVENGER WORK f haul dead animals. C OO per I irb. aaliee, manure and all ush; clean vaults and cesspools. vurk done is guaranteed. Calls promptly attended to. '... 'Phone. Red U.4. J. H. SHERLOCK head. rub-All W ANTED'Four new carriers. Bee Office, 10 Pearl Street him will be dropped provided he leaves the clly at once. Plcper's release was decided upon by the authorities when it was learned that he had quite recently been an Inmate of the state hospital for the Insane at MountPleasant. Golf Gooes Bale. Golf set, consisting of driver, cleek, put ter, canvas bag and three of the beet pneu matic balls, 16.60 for the set; also a full line other clubs. Wi A. Maurer. Borwick wall papers, with their variety of textures and their harmonious and rest ful colorings, resdlly commend themselves to all customers seeking artistic results, and the price Borwick charges tor his work and paper is within the reach of every body. Call him up at 211 8outh Main street Tel. $83. If you don't read this you will lose your digestion. Read It and then csJlj your grocer and order a sack' of Big a flour, the kind that Blesses. ARTHUR LEVI RELEASED 0 RAIL, Case Against Him aad Pat Crowe May Be Dropped. , Arthur Levi, alleged accomplice of Prl Crowe In the holdup and robbery of the crews of the two motor trains near- the east end of the bridge last summer, was released from the county Jail yesterday on a 11,600 bond furnished 'by his mother, Mrs. Jennie Levi; W. P. Turner and Charles P. Bowman, relatives of the young msn. Levi has been In the county Jail for a number of months awaiting trial. . In addi tion to the Joint indictment with Pat Crowe for alleged complicity In the car robbery Levi was Indicted on the charge of holding up and robbing O. K. Harden s saloon st Broadway and Twenty-first street. He was acquitted on this charge for lack of Identification, but another In dictment was returned against him in con nection with the saloon holdup on the charge of robbing one of the men In the saloon at the time of the holdup. It Is. doubtful If the case against Crowe and Levi on the charge of holding up and robbing the motor crews will ever be tried. Solid t'UMNrt. Rustic hickory and Adirondack silver birch porch furniture, Vudor porch shades, Vudor hammocks, Vudor hammock chairs. If you wsnt solid comfort on hot sum mer . evening get Into one of our Vudor hammocks or one of our Vudor hammock chairs and you will get It. Uwn furniture. Catalogue" free. Keller-Farnsworth Furni ture. Co. Refrigerators, rerxlgerators, refrigerators, carpets, linoleum, oil cloth, sideboards, combination bookcases; anything In bous furniture. D. W. Keller, lut B. Mala. We are selling eik our beat grade of lawn mowers at rock bottom prices. Qee us for lawn mowers. Bwaine Mauar, S3 and 138 Weat Broadway. CENTRAL FLOUR 11 1. Every Back warranted. Central Grocery aeti Meat Market. Something entirely - new and Just out. BeauUful new photos at a special offer for short time only at Schmidt's studio. - N. T. Plumbing Co. XcL 360. Night, L69. Pi per to Leave til,. W. H. Pieper, the solicitor bound over to await the action of the district grand Jury en the charge of unbecoming be havior to Mrs. tfldaker of Benton street while calling at her house, aas r4esed from in touulv tail aud lbs vase axsiusl The average smoker must have a cigar that Just suits his taste, so that he can en Joy a few minutes' comfortable smoke. We krow that this Is a fact snd know that It is hard to suit ail smkers, but we also know that we can suit you If you will call on us and designate your choice. We han dle manyYbrands and nothing but first class stock. Msloney, JO Pearl street, New location. Investigate our cheap land proposition In eastern Colorado, 16 per acre for raising all kinds of crops; good soil; best of waters delightful climate. Excuraions fust and third Tuesdays ot csch month. Send for printed matter. F. C. Louge. 134 Main street. Council Bluffs, la. A hot weather refreshment Jello-O Ice Cream Powder prepared In vanilla, choc olate, strawberry and several other flavor Two packages, Sic, niakes the finest home made Ice cream going. Fancy pine apples, sweet and Juicy. We have lunch cheese hard to beat. John Olson, 7S9 W. B'way. The Title Guaranty and Truat company, abstractors of titles. Books date back to UoX Books are all up to date. Work ac curately and promptly done at lowest prices.. Office opposite court house, 236 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, la. ment for benefits arising from the construc tion of the Joint drainage, ditches, and it Is expected that the hoard will' be In Joint session for another weet at- least before; all the objections "'fJJ -heard. PROGRAM OF DF.t OR ATION MAY connection with the sale of Kansas lands. Burke claims to be a stockman and from Mound City, Mo. He had in his possession a map of Kansas with certain lands desig nated for sale by him. T.he nsme "Van Brunt" is snyonymous of all that denotes merit and quality In vehicle construction. "Van Brunt" vehicles are substantial, attractive, and always embodies the latest Improvements and are unequaled In price. Ice cream, all flavors, at wholesale and retail. Purity Candy Kitchen. 64$ West Broadway. . TsL 671, Council Bluffs. A good school Is Western Iowa college. Politics Tee Seek for Board. Politics proved too big an attraction for the members of the Pottawattamie board and the Joint sessloa of the Harrison and Pottawattamie county supervisors was ad journed early yesterday afternoon until Thursday morning. I'p to dste the board hsa heard but few ul lbs many' protest gaiuei'tht gsses- Hoa. E. F.xerrlses In' Park. Hon E. L.- Bhugart.'wlir preside at the Decoration day exercises at Falrmount park tomorrow afternoon, The exercises will be held from the bandstand and will commence at 2 JO o'clock. ; -This Is the pro gram: Opening prayer :. Quartet Memorial Pay .Hymn General B. H. M. Byers Mrs. R. Mullls, Miss tirade Barr, J. Gerke, J. McCargar. Oration Hon. A. H. Sniff. Missouri Valley. Quartet Star Spangled Manner Address Our Unknown Dead ..Rev. J. O'May Bong America , ' Audience. Benediction. ... Taps : . ' The members of Abe lilneoln post, Grsnd Army of the Republic, will meet st post headquarters at :30 a. m. and proceed to the cemeteries and decorate the graves of their deceased comrades. ' At t p. m. the members of the post. Woman's Relief corps and all veterans who desire to Join them .will assemble at the handstand in the park to take part In the exercises. . New grass figure paper work paper H. C. W. 8. Mason . styles In wall paper. The new cloths, etc. Just arrived. Let us on your home decorations. Wall trlmmed and retailed, cheap; all done with neatness and dispatch; hanging work now in charge of Mallck. Good psperhanger wsnted. Hewetson, new wall paper store, ic Temple, . Council' Bluffs. High grade pianos sold on easy payments, $10 down .and 16 per - month. Swansou Music Co., 407 Broadway. '"' ' riit Parse. Two hundred-acre farm five miles from Missouri Valley. Good Improvement and orchard. Cheap at $72 per acre. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, ' First National bank building. Office telephone 3US. ' For Bale 4 rooms. Aw. B, west end, city .water, a nice little home for $900. For $2,000, 10 rooms, modern except heat, barn, on 11th Ave. For $3,ono, 7 rooms, modern except heat, on Glen Ave., 2 lots, good barn. In good repair, and rents for $300 year. Easy terms. Alva Smith, Real Estate and Insurance, Room 7, Everett block. Rest your feet on one of our foot stools, 3c and up. Just received, a new stock of lace curtains, 90c and up to $10. They are the real, latest patterns. Btockert Carpet company. Parties having, houses for rent or sals, list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for quick action. Recent sales have greatly reduoed our list and w have customer waiting for Investments. Stmsie Career laterrasted. The stage career of Judson Miller, a 14-year-old boy of this city, was nipped In the bud yesterday by Judge Wheeler of the district court, who ordered the lsd com mitted to the industrial school at Eldora. Young Miller had become stage, struck, and despite the efforts of his mother, Mrs. Brans, who lives at Eleventh street and Fifth avenue, declined to go to school. At time he was employed as a "sup" at the New theater. If the lad Is to be believed, he declared that at the time he was taken Into custody he was about to Join th "Fighting th Flames" aggregation which ha Just finished an engagement in Omaha. Young Miller declared he had. been engaged to enact the role of the little girl who, clad In her night robes, Jumps - from sn upper window into the firemen' net and is saved. During the hearing the. boy succeeded in Inducing his mother to ask the court n give him another chance. Mrs. Brans sug gested that If the boy was given another chant h would send him to his father. In reply to tha court, Mr. Bran said th boy's father was a 'fisherman "up th river." That settled it In th mind pf Judge Wheeler, snd he stated that the boy would be, far better off at the Industrial school than helping his father earn a precarlou living as a fisherman. As Esgatist Darter uses gentle means, such as Electric Bit ters, In curing dangerous diseases, like billlousness, dyspepsia, etc, 10 cents. For sale by Sherman A MuConnell Drug company. CENTRAL FLOL' Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Mtat Market. ' DIAMONDS Frenser, 1Mb and Dudg t May Be Waated tor wladlla;. A stranger giving his nam as W. If. Burke waa arrt.d yesterday and is be ing held "by the police for Investigation He Is thought to he the psrty wanted at Galesburg, ill., va a vharg ol fraud In White canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices, $1 to $2. Duncan aY Dean, 23 Main street. A good school I Western Iowa celleg. Lowest in price, best in quality. We guar antee satisfaction in work. Neatness In decoration of wall paper. Work don promptly. Le us figure with you. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass company. Nw location, Merrlam block. , If you are looking for real estate bar gains, call and see Charles T. Officer. 41 Broadway. Look at a five-room house for $660, near Avenue B school house. Look at the finest building lot In city for $!,!. Bargains in all parts of Council Bluffs. Go to Hicks' for your money's worth la tailoring. No bluff, either. A Hsser saver. That's what we are all looking for, to save money. If w find something w want to buy and can save money on It, we buy It. Here is one of the things you are look ing for. If you are Interested In an lo chest and. In saving money, a Herrick re frigerator. They are th best made lc box on th market. W do not want you to believe what we say, but come in and a Herrick. only $16.00 to $76 00. paddock A Handschey Hardware Co. Don't forget that I have fin spring and aummer suits from $30 to $. B. B. Hlcka. A good school is Western Iowa collag. Arrested for Lifting I. Id. By order of Mayor Macrae an informa tion was filed In the superior court yes terday charging Gus Wendlantt, a saloon keeper at W3 South Main street, with the' illegal aale of liquor on Sunday laat. Wend, landt lives at the rear of th saloon and Sunday morning th patrolman on the beat noticed a boy go to th door and get a package, which on Investigation was found to contain three quart bottle of beer. Later officer visited th house under authority of a search warrant and dis covered a large pail filled with bottles of beer and several bottles of whisky wr brought to light. These were taken to police headquarter. The supposition of the officers was that Wendlandt was trying to evade the Bundaycloslng order by re tailing bottled goods from his residence. Wendlandt' expls nation to Chief Rich mond yesterday waa that he end party of friends were going fishing Sunday, but on account of the cold weather, postponed thejr trip. The beer and oxher liquor found on his promise, he said, was what they had prepared for the fishing trip. The three bottles given the boy, h said, was the act of hi bartender and without his knowledge, he being In bed at th time as he was not feeling well. 'The hearing has been set for this morning In police court. Don't pound th life out of your fine Hilton or Axmlfistar rug by cleaning U the old-fashioned way. There I a better wy, cheaper In the long run.- Our way will not injur, th finest fabric. Our wagon will call. Tel. 1. the Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Manu facturing company. Berry boxes, $2.60 per 1,0(10. Cherry, market and bushel baskets, beekeepers and poultry supplies. YOUNKERMAN SEED COMPANY. Why" don't you get your' piano now and have the children practice during vacation. A. Hospe Co., S3 South Msln street, sells them on easy payments If you do not wish to pay cash. FOR OVt 8IXTY YEARS. An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. M mm. WIN BLOW'S BOOTH I NB VPMJS uUn UM4fnrotr SUl f VrptjjLl.!i)Va f Mul lli.Hh fur UlirC H UJ'W C M WyiijE T K f rH . JU.lloitrtinil( r too. II B MriUlU 11 It t .rt n v a ik S th 01144, ALI.A1I su PAIN : IN Q. WITH M B F fHlLn. if Tt h I WISP (I'LIG, end ii sota if .urvir wiid. Be sure and si f o MRS. . W1N SLOWS .00THING AMbfif g HOO ta U1J.D. -' Uau a tnl rmfA f lot rerjr pan ss SYRUP. MINOR MKV no. Clark's sodas. Pa vis Mil drugs. Btockert sells carpet. Ed Roger' Tony Faust beer. New location, 30 Pearl St. Maloney. Plumbing and heating. Blxby Bon. A good school is Western Iowa college. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 33. Lewi Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone $7. Diamond a an Investment. Talk to Leffert about It. Besutlful lac dour panels. $& and up. Btockert Carpet Co. Buy your tires and bicycle sundries from Williamaon,. 17 South Main street. Pictures and art nevelties for graduation gifts. C. U. Alexander. MS Broadway. Mrs. Bray has a full line of Cluny lace brslds and patterns, la) Broadway. Bluff Ctty Masonic lodge will meet thia evening for work in the tlrst degree. Bee Stephen Bros, for fire brick and fir clay, sewer pipe, fittings and garden hose. For Imported wines, llcjuors end cham pagne. L. Rosenfeld company, tus Main. Rug special, fill tapestry brussels rugs only $14.00, on easy payments. Peterson- scnoeoing i o.. any part of the Itate. Special prices to th retell trade. I. Mucct, 31$ West Broadway, Co. Bluffs, la. Tel. iti. Mayor Macrae received yesterdaw a cfr--eular from the American Flag association asking that the rltlsens and school of Council Bluffs observe June 14 a Flag day. These cases of contagious diseases wero reported to the Board of Health yesterday: Ray Hill, 1 Vine street, measles; Helen Cooley, 1811 Fourth avenue, and Arthur Mason, 1813 Fifth avenue, scarlet fever. There I no cooler plac in ta oity than at Clark. Good electrlo fans, neat,, clean glasses and tables. Good service and the finest ice cream in the city served In all flavors and a nio place le rest. Clerk Drug Co. The $3,Gni) personal Inury damage suit of Clark . C. Cooper of : Portsmouth, la., against the Omaha aV Council Bluffs Street Railway company waa not completed yes terday afternoon when Judge Wheeler ad journed court until Thursday morning. Year of expertonc nas told us the best variety of plaqts to gtow. can furnish them to you, no extra charge, and will do the planting free, either at your horn or in th cemetery. Will be planting all this week at th cemetery. J. . (Vlloox, Florist. ' A. T. Fllckinger of the legal Arm of Fllcklnger Bros., i.mj, pu.'c:esed a ten-acre tract east of town adjoining Judge J. R. Reed's country home on th old Chau tauqua road. Mr. , Fllcklnger anticipate building a suburban horn for himself and family Horn cooking, is our specialty. Ws da the rooking ourselves and prises are made as near horn economy as circum stances will permit. Good cool surround ing, clesn tsbl linen and clean, -table were. W do our , best to pleas you. Vienna Restaurant. Justice Field performed the . marriag ceremony yeaterdsy for the following three couples: Charles A: Fry and Kin ma ). Ropp, both of Omaha; C. E, Klrby of I'hampaign, 111., and Elisabeth Burkhoven of Hastings, Neb.; G. F. Walton and te ther Lovell, both -of Omaha. Th wagon and team of the Are depart ment, which will take part In the state tournament at Clinton, together with the men who accompany It, were photographed yesterday In front of the postofflue. The party comprised Chief R. Jonea, Captain A kln of sut, is g Joy Frwvtr: DR. T. "Ha )urwr Oriental Oroam or Magloal outlflr. fZZ huts VSS aWe, a4 Mia JWm. as otott S-y HHir, ead it- lLVt3 ua, Jones, Captain Telfer and W. Martin. Why shorten your life by baking over a hut stov when you can buy better bread and pastries at McAfee? It' th real mrll of our gwods that makes them o popular. They are not simply equal to, but better than any sold in the city. Try Twentieth Century and Colonial bread and b convinced. A three-roomed frame uottage, owned by George Pryor at 326 Fleming avenue, erecltd on leased ground, wss destroyed by lire - yesterday afternoon. . Th blaae Is supposed to have started from a defec tive flue. There was $JU0 Insurance on the huuaeliold oojls, which were practically destroyed. The department waa also called to the Turner residence at 722 First iv.iiim. Mrs. Coyne waa. granted a building per- where bovs and matches had set tha bej-a mil yeaterdsy for a $nU frame cottage In 'on lire. The blase waa extinguished before cjverena aaaiuun. i tne arrival of to nr department. Six per cent mortgages on real estste for sal. Absolute security.' Clifton Wslker cornpeii). If you want your- fir Insurance to in sure hav Clifton-Walker Co. writ It In reliable companies. If you have tender feet and want a good comfort able si to see Duncan St Dean, 2$ Main street. Superfluous hairs, warts, and moles per manently removed by electrolysis, at Graves', 16 Pearl street. Moving vans and wagons: furniture stored. Nesbltl's Trsnsfer and Storage. Tel. m. Office $21 West Broadway. The saloon Injunction cs against Fred Bokemper la the district court hsa been dismissed by County Attorney Hess. A front room for rent, with' or without board, fs'ewly furnished and a line home for summer. Address W, Bee office, 10 Pearl St. We carry atl style, kinds and 'length of ladders. W buy a full car every spring Get up. by buying our -ladders. C. Hafer. Peony blooms for Decoration Day, AH color. Leave order early. F. W. Men tray, Crtacent Nursery Co., $101 Ay. A. Pbon $73. Ic cream and le cream aodaa srd In a nice eool room with electric fans. Com In and cool off. U. C. Brown, 644 Weat Broadway. For Sal Will sscriflc on my Sn piano. Payment if desired. Csn be seen at Schmoller A Mueller's, $ot Broadway, Council Bluffe, la. Do not sell your old iron, topper, brass and old lubbers befor you ses us. W psy $ per ton for No. 1 msehliaery iron. J. Katllsman. BUI S. Main. Tel. M. The members of the Woman's Relief I corps still need flowers for l(r I Iimi day and all contributions will be thankfully received today at Grand' Army hail. Wo hav th fliieat line of samp) monu ment to select from In the weet. Shely A Ine Msrble and Granite works. &7 East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. We wholesale lc cream, shipped t tm i MH4 Ua I f 47 ?, I U m ssreuaa v tutttt lWrat ta srpclr Mik iMflMMIH da f i ar-a. Dr. U A. krn Mid Is a uUf mt taa toa (a tti I m r WWu Oearad's Creass M tka Uest kaiaWal J tW aba iiiiiwimi.' tor Wf by all ArM ead raif Sum Dmim la ta Uslt4 i.m, Onus aad UHMCtm frits 17 Im Urn ttmllfilki HAND SAPOLIO TOR TOILET AND BATH ' FlBjrsrA rcttra4 $y $M441swait catch over (tela gad look bepeloilw' dirty.- Hanoi SapoU rmove sot only tat dirt, but U th looses, la)ur cuikl. asd r$tor $xW Umgtt tm ' thtlr mmttnl htmaty. ALL CROCS. AMD PVKUT 1