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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1906)
o L THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1905. "3 r i i I i J1 I 1, I I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Witt Warert Back and Forth on Weather Reportt. "URRENT DELIVERY HALF-CENT HIGHER Kt Mack Talk f Daaaage la Hoatk 1H Ciri RtraaB, Jaly Cloa lac Tkree-4rtera la Oat a Plraa. OMAHA. May 26. l&Ott. Wheat prices wre on WVc at tne Karl, due to clear weather in ine northwest.. tilings were steauy around the opening tinul the forecast carne lor more lain in tne norihweel. toirung ouylng developed men and the mat net advanced Vic ir.ue ngnienca and tuere was some, eelllng at . L.e advance, the market reacting and clos- ing hc lower than yaateiaay lur juiy. ei-y Ciosed tiu aouva tne pievioua day. ueports ot da.nage lrom tne soutnweet were not ao numt-roua today, trices in tne sample marital were on tjlc. the de mand btu.g slow. Foreign nem waa bear tan. coin was in sympathy with wheat and ilia opening puce were a little lower, tienty of buying turned the market strong and prices weni up over a cent, tteceipla oven an estimates and estimates are ia,se lur tomorrow, casn demand la fair, auiy i.cseu c higher. uais ..ere mill, after opening a trifle ea b corn vieaseu 4ot,uw bushela. 1'rimn ry wneat receipt! were 440,000 bu. and shipments I6,uuu ou., against rewlpta last year of tiw.wu tu. and shipments ot us.uuo bu. corn receipta were l.iaa.wA) bu. and shipments 4S4,uvu tiu., against receipts last year of i,24o,uuu bu anu ampinenta of tn.tiOu ibu. Ciearancea were 268,000 bn. wheat, 29,440 bbls. flour, S4,UM bu. coin anu luU.oQU Ou. bats. iucal range of optlona: Articles. Opn. High.) Low. Close. Eat'y. heat- j May...) I I i 80b 80U July... J J6:B ',tiH ibU .B'.i 7b-?A Coin- I I I way... 4V., lit 4Vtb 44b 46VA 44U Juiy... iiJSAI . Ht, WVll 441 Oata- I . ' I I I iay... , 3iB, auiy... ,.. A asked. B bid. Oaaaka Cash galea. WilEAT No. I hard, 1 car, 76c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, nttlc; No. 3 hard, 1 34 77c; No. 4 hard, 70i i2Vsc; No. 2 spring, 7c; No. 8 spring, Tint I YtC cOrtJS .o. 8, 44c; No. 4, 44c; No. grade. 8w42c; No. 8 yellow, 44c; No. i white, 46a .OATS No. 3 mixed, S3Hc; No. 3 white, 83c; No. 4 white, 82 c. RYE No. 8. 64 He; No. 2. 66c, Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duiutn Hi. Louis ... &!2 246 96 2 ...2U7 ... ... 28 ... 64 210 296 . 11 186 CHICAGO URAIX A SO PROVISIONS Featares of the Tradla aad Cloalagt Prleea oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 28. Clear weather In the northwest had a weakening effect to osy on the local wheat market, but be cause of fresh damage reports from the ilv a sllaht close bilna oits wera M'Uthwest pricea showed on loss, lbs July option at the 1 "-" ...... ,,n . 0 1 ... ,,(. ... n c huntr. Pruvi.iu.ia mauH a r.. Ol 100 200. Sentiment In the wheat pit waa bear sh but selling was held In check by tresu damage reports. The opening quotations were at the lowest point of the day. local traders, who were prompted by advlcea ol rein In the spring wheat territory, veil ing treely. The fact that rain had falHn in Illinois, Indiana and the Ohio vainy also created bearish sentiment early id . tiie, day. ..Toward oliavend jotlUe Beat ttouri snorts bought treely because or an omciat icrecaal ot rata tonight hi Minnesota and other sections of the spring wheat coun try. Later came dispatches from Kansas nalmlng that many damage reports were ccmlng In from weatern Mlasourl, south western Nebraska and northwestern Kan sas. This strengthened pricea somewhnt and during the laat half of the session tna feeling In the pit was firmer. The market closed steady. July opened Vi " c to H&HC lower, at t2'j83Hc. ad- a need to S3 He and closed at 83 m 3 c, Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 400,700 bu. The amount on passage decreased 1,786,000 bu.. and the viiu..? nupply decreased 1,660,000 bu. Primary receipta were 440,000 bu., compared with 609.000 bu. for the corresponding day one year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 268 cars, against 161 cars laat veeek and 621 cars a year ago. Increased local receipts and wet weather In the middle west caused some wraKii. In the corn market during the early trad ing. Later, however, the market became quite atrong on covering by shorts and buying by cash houses. A liberal decrease In lo al stocks during the last week waa largely responsible for the urgent demanu. The demand closed atrong and close to the highest point of the day. July opened H ft He lower, at 47H?47Hc, sold up to 48Hc and closed at 48H&48HC. Locril receipts were 683 cars, with 427 cara of contract grade. Wet weather In Illinois had a depressing effect on the oats market at the opening, but later a firmer feeling developed In Sympathy with the strength of corn. Cash Interests and commission houses were the chief buyers, while the selling waa mainly by pit traders. July opened He lower, at 3SSc. advanced to S344r and cloaed at 33H33c. Local receipta were 245 cara. Notwithstanding a (c decline In the price of live hogs the provisions mark-t was firm all day. Local packers were free bidders for lard and ribs, but offer ings were small. This started active cov ering by shorts. At the close July pork waa up 20r, at 816 40. Lard waa up )0' 12 H at S 7H. Ribs were 17Hc higher, at 89 47 HS.60. Estimated reoelpts for tomorrow: Wheat, 13 cars; corn. 638 cors; oats, 214 cars; he. 20,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat y. Wheat I May... 8V July...82a-SH Sept...)81HtH Oata I 8 8SH 81V SiH ftS' 86U 82VMHV83SflH 81H81HiWj 1 May... H July... 47SUH: 49 H Hl ' 49H 47H!48ViH 47V4H H S3l 33 83 S S3H 48 47H 47S 4r.H! Sent... 47H 48H4V Corn Aiay. July. Dept. Pork Msy. 33V 88V 34 S-'H 16 K 1 40 14 85 8 80 8 90 S 06 40 IZL 31H Siva' 81 S 32Hj 16 27H 16 27Hi 16 22Si 16 12H 16 35 16 40 16 86 t 80 16 20 16 20 16 2 I 67H 8 77 H 8 V-'H 26 8 32H 2-H July 16 ii'H 18 12H May.. 8 80 8 72H 8 0 15 S 85 8 80 8 72H 8 0 July... 8 87H1 Sept.. Ribs- S 00 t 40 8 60 8 86 May... 26 35 July.. S 60 Sept... 22H 36 I 22Hi No. 2. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; wlnteg patents. S3 bjQ l.tO; atralghts. SJ8wa3.70;' spring patents S30dS.M; straights. S3. 46jj3.o6; bakars, 32 30 tt!. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 8Ka87c; No. 3, Stiff-; No. 3 red. 9l4u94c. CORN No. 2. &tc; No, 2 yellow, 49Hc OATS No. 2. 4Hc: No. 2 white, 34V 16c: No. 3 white. Sa',Ai-34'c. R YF No. 2. 61HC. BARLEY Oood feeding. 4843c; fair to choice malting, 4TCi63c.' SEEDS No. 1 flax, S109H: No. 1 north western. 81.16. Prime timothy, S33nj3S5. Clover, contract grade, 311 25. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides (lonsel, '.te'u4o. Mesa pork, per bhl., 16.30 16.36. Ird. per loo lbs , S8.82H- Short clear sides (boxed). 89 419 7a. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 14.710 Wheat, bu l.Ouo St.) Com, bu M7 W l'U"0 (lata, bu 333 OuO ii? 7) Rye. bu I.uOO Barley, bu 31. KO S.aO Cn the Produce exchange today the but ter market was strong; creameries. 14(9 aHc; dairies, lS'yilHr. Frt: steady: ai mark, rase Included, 144il4He: firsts. 14Hc; prime firata. 16', c; extraa, 18c. Cheese, aieady; loqllc. Dalath Grain Market. DULUTH. May 28.-WHEAT-T0 arrivs hAd on track: No. 1 northern, $c; N. 2 asier. All montna were up at the cioae. I steady and later anvaiicea on wra wrnn.,, tvoild a wiiiat atiiiuuenta were I active covering and lighter world a yiiip- uahe.a and corn snipiiisula S.fcl.uUi) busne.a. ments, closing at net higher May. neat vimnie decreased l.oou.uw Dusnels. 6iv4!. cioseo at i,c; juiy, increased oi.imi nusneia and oata de- ciosea at oohc; Bepiemoer ,n,.ci?i., 84'c; July track 3KW t OR K UR1ER AL M ARKET Qaotatlnn of the Day Varloaa Commodities. NEW TORK. May 28.-FlXlR-Recetpts, 20,ri8 bbla.; eport. 8,370 bole.; n.arket firm, but quiet; Minnesota patents, 84."ii 4 00: Minnesota bakers. l3.4fittS.fin; winter patents. S40i4.3O; winter straights. 3.1.H" 4.00; winter extras. 2WB3.4l; winter low grades US1.36. Hye nour, quiet; fnlr to good,; cholre to fancy, S3. "ft 4.25. :oRNMfc-AIy-8teady; fine white and yel low. 11.20, coarse. fl.oful.U9; kiln dried, $2 80 0 2 90. RYE Quiet; No. 1 western, STtyS; t. o. b., New Vork. BAKL.EV Dull; feeding, ITtfcc, 0. I. f.. New York; malting, 62i67c, c. I. f., New York. WHEAT Receipts. 60.600, bu.; exports, 87,M8 bu. ; spot market, steady; No. It red, .To. nominal, elevator: No. 2 red. c. nominal, anoat; ino. i nortnern. uu u.n J- o. b. afloat; so. 1 northern A ""'los sSc, f. o. b., afloat; It waa an Irregular day In wheat, winding up with prices ic lower to He net higher. Early weakness, based on clearing weather on the north west, was succeeded by a rally on the strength of corn and thereafter the market was steady to firm, closing quiet. May, l'aultc; closed, lc; July, H8 16-Ii(i89-It-I6c; Heptemher, S6Vtjio 11-lric, closed at &-; Decemlier, KmiKiHc, closed at STSc. CORN Receipts, 36.860 bu.; exports, 8.636 bu.; spot market, firm; No. 2, 5i"'c. nom inal, elevator and 67e asked f. o. b., I alliuat- Nn 2 Velio and r0. i wniie. boc-. nominal. option maraei i'"','u at faH.f liernmher. 63''ii64c. Closed at 64C. OA 1 Receipts, 6.Wiu ou.; exports. o..-w bu.; spot market, steady; mixed oats, ill to 32 lbs., yj'a.c; natural wniie, io oo ion., i'Ai'aMic: clipped white, 3a to 40 lbs.. 40i am tn T .. . r fc.E.u ateaay ; spring orn, .v w. shipment ; middlings, IM.bO, June snipnieui, cltv, SI.OlVa 24.60. , HOPS-Steadv; state, common to choice, 19n6, 8tl3c; laiH. yuloc; olds, nominal. H1DE8 Firm. Oalveaton. 20o; California, liAY Mrm; ' shipping, 35f,c; Sooi to choice, 9'a'f5c. .... ... PROVIBIONS Beef, steady; family, $11 -60 (&12.00; mess. &.tWt.WK beef nams, j).o.w 22(K: nncket. S9.60l lO.oO: city extra, India m. 117 nnri7.fin. Cut meats, firm; pick led bellies, $10.cKB12.0; pickled shoulders, ItiiKXSSO! nlrkled hams. 811.604112.00. Lard, firm; western prime, tfc sTa8.90. nominal; le- fined. lirm; continent, 19 so; eouin rarin, S'J.75; compound. S7.00U7.37Hc. Pork. firm. family, Slil"'vl9.00; aiiort clear, SlB.50Bl-s TALLOW Steady, city (C per package) 6c: country (package free), 65tic. RICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra. BUTTER Firm. Street price: Extra creamery, 20U'2OHe- Official prices: Cream ..... Ira 1 i'.r 1Ui(V C'ilBKSE Stronger; new mate, full iP.rge best, 10Hc; fair to good, SHlOc; small best, 10Hc; fair to good. SH'lOc; inferior, 74'(f 8c; old state full cream, large and small, colored and white, fancy, 1Su12Hc; a"ood to prime, 12'gl2V4C. Knns Quiet: state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy; aelected white, 21c; state choice, UHfeUlc; state mixed, extra, lSVti1 2icH western firsts, KHc; unaer graaco. 15iilBHf; soutnern, hoik. POULTRY Alive, firm; wetsern broilers, U'2c; fowls, 13Hc; turkeys. 12c. Dressed steady; western broilers, 22(&28c; turkey3, 14ul6c; fowls, 1K313HC. St. I-onls General Market. ot i-nms. Miv 28. WHEAT Lower No. 3 red, cash, elevator, Kfq96c; track. 85 7c; July. 81Hillll!c; September. 804c; No. 1 bird AVntfiti. -. -..! . H CORN Futures higher, cash lower; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 4U4V4c; juiy, 4yic; Hentember. 47Hc. OATS Futures nigner, casn lower; rso, a ! ca. track- J4c; Ju'y- Hc; Sop tember, 33Hc; No. 2 white, 3&Hu36c. FLOLR Steady ; red. winter patents , 4 40W4.6. exira fancy and straight, J 13.7504.86; clear. 82-76 3.00. . SEED Timothy steady, S2.SO02.9O. CORNMEAL steady, 2.&o. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track S B2o. 90 HAY Firm: timothy. $12.6O17.00; prairie, $11.00frlS.00. IRON COTTON TIES $1.00. BAOOINO 8HC, HEMP TWINE 7Uc. ' PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, fiO.'Wi f Jinrr mgrier prime-wreiwn,- sh.oth- Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, S9.12U: clear ribs. S9.37H: snort clears, 89.60; bacon steady; boxed extra short. J9.87HJ clear rios, jiu.iivfc; snort clear, 110.26. Tl e T T T T1 T? V ITtvr.. ohlnkana OyOl.. springs, 2026c; turkeys. 9c; ducks, 8 He; geese, 4xitc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1620c dairy, 14&16c. EOGS Steady. 13c case count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 6.000 ' 4.000 Wheat, bu 64,000 38,000 Corn, bu 95,000 101,000 Oata. bu 184.000 111,000 Kaasas City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITT. May 18.-WHEAT May, 78c: July. 76Hc: September. 74H.C: cash. No 2 hard, 79Hi3c; No. 3, 77(&77Hc; No. 4, HM& 77c: no. i red, wtfb.c; no. a, 6wc; no. 4, 7oU5c. CORN May, 44Hc; July. 44Hc; Septem ber, 46c; December, 43Hc; caah. No. mixed, 45H'6,Vc; No. 3. 4546Hc; No. white, 48H(4iHc; No. 3, 48Hc OATS Steady : No. 2 whke. 3&'a3tc. HAY 8teady ; choice timothy, I13.00iffl3.60 choice praine, iii.u"OU.ffl. K YE Steadv: 6Vo68o. EGOS Steady; Mlasourl and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 13Hc; case count, 12c; caaes returned, He less. BUTTER-Creamery. lc: packing. 12c, Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bit 87,000 8.000 Com, bu 123,0"0 60,000 Oats, bu 11.000 12,000 Mlaaeapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 28. FLOUR First patents, S4.itc4.46; second patents, S4.204 4 80; first . clears, x3.Mx3u.0u; second clears, 82.462. 66. BRAN In bulk. $16.25-316 60. (Superior Board of Trade Quotation for Minneapolla and Chicago delivery.) The range of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day at Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Sat'y Wheat I May... 82 82U81'82 82H 8H July...;82HS S8 I 52HI 2Hl WH 84 6ept,., aO'ill 81Hi oVHHiaWH 1 1 Flax May.., July.., Evpt.. 1 16 1 17 1 17H 1 16 I 1 15J 1 li 1 16 1 17l 1 lvs 1 17 117HI 117 I in 1 17H 1 17H Visible Sapply of Grain. NEW YORK, May 28 The visible sup ply or grain Saturday, May tn. as compute bv the New oVrk Produce exchange, wa as follows: Wheat, 31,963,000 bushels; de creased, 1.669.0u0 bushels: corn. 2,3O9,0u0 bUHiu-ls; Increased, blO.Ouu bushels; oats, 1 10,123,009 bushels; decreased. 4,0o0 bushels; ' rye- l.Sll.ou bushels; increased, 1.7.i0 nusneip; uariey, i,ui,utm ouaiieiB. urvrrawi, Ibi.uuu b'.'fliels. Liverpool Grata aad' Provlalona. LIVERPOOL, May 28 WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, quiet; July, ds Hd; Sep tember. 6s td: December, os 6"4d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new ia 7d; American mixed, old, 4a SHd: futures, quiet: July, 4s 6d; September, 4s 4Hd. HOPS In London (Pacific coast. firm 38 16a. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. May 2.-WHEAT-Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern. 8'H7c; No, northern. h3x6Wc; July. K3H4MHC. RYE Eaaier: No. L V'd6Hc. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 56c; aanipl 4!MU4C. CORN-teady; No. $ caah, 48Hr949Hc July, 4S'(jHi-c ..." P...I. r.wmi m Mavlcel I'bUKiA, May ?. 4.uri nrm; xxo. yriiow, tic; x o. o, taa", ia . no grade, 4i46c OATS Firm; No. t white. 34c: No. I white. S3V 6 8ac; No. 4 white, S13SSS'- WHISKY On the basis of 11. 28 for finished goods, w Ptttlalrlshla Prod are Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 38. Bl'TTEH Firm; etra weatern creamery, 21j.ilVc; extra nearby prints, 33c. EOUU Firm: nearby tyc higher; nearby fresh and weatern freau, 17c at mark., CHEESE Firm: New York full creams. lOajllc. northern. !y; May, September, 2c. oAia To arrive, on Z3e. NEW TORK, May 88. COFFEE Fut urea Opened steady at a decline of MM points In response to lower Europeaa cab Ira. and closed steady at a net dtacllne of lMj?) points. Pale were reported 173.580 baga, Including July at 4'Vi ISo: Bptemher, tiria2Sc; November, i.JL'hitac; lawmhrr, 8 SbtilbU.-; January. i.Uie. Mart k. 8 4ti75x'; Apri. . (spot Kjo, tairtly steady; o. 7 Invoice, ",c. v Z Z:!nEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Spurt of Slight Aotiritj Marks Berinnioc of Day of Apathy. READING THE FEATURE OF THE MARKET Ramnr that Head of Read la tu aeeeed rrealdent Caasatt of Penasflraala Caaaea Rise ia the Isaae. NEW TORK. Mav ?8 The anaenlatlnn In stocks today sank Into anaihv. There an n spun oi sugnt activity in tne nrnt our of the tradlnc. The lion's share of attention was given to Reading, and If he congested deallnas In this half stock were deducted the volume of the market would make a smaller nhnwlni even than on last Monday, the dullest day thua far In the present year. iteiaing is in the hands of an elaborate market organisation and la closelv re sponsive to control. It opened lower than n Saturday, but was oulcklv turned tin- wards. News regarding the movement was not forthcoming beyond what hsa bee ue at a previous staare. Bometh Ins was made of a public rumor of the coming retirement of the president of the Penn- yivania to he succeeded by the present lead of the Reading and the aasumbtlon was added of closer relations between the wo properties. Home of the extreme dull less of the tradina was attributed to the braking of the week by a holiday on Wednesday, habitual operators disliking an Interval of closed markets, which deprive them of opportunity to act on sudden de velopments. The fact that subscriptions fall due tomorrow on the S&o.OOO.ono of Penn- ylvanla notes also had the effect of de- erring some traders from operating. Money rates were firm today, but the money market showed no sign of disturb- nce from the pendency of this transac tor Assurance has been given that the fund paid for the notes will be left on deposit with the hanks and only drawn upon in limited amounts as required tor he purposes of the company. This will reduce the operation largely to one of book transrers oi accounts and wouia lessen the chance for disturbance In the money market. The tendon market was In a conserva tive mood on account of a Stock exchanne settlement this week and Paris was dls- urbed by the Russian outlook. The only Interest In our market was due to move ments In sneclnl stocks. American Sugar and American Beet Sugar started upwards together as they did several weeks ago and revived some rumors of Intended hanges In trade relations. The rumors were without any confirmation.. The-usual Monday rise In Brooklyn Transit on the strength of Sunday seaside traffic was re versed, owing to yesterday's Inclement weather and poor traffic. There was quite a sharp decline during the first hour of the trndlng. The rise in rteaamg naa me effect of checking this and partly over coming it. But when prices got back to about Saturday's closing level the trading became listless and Indifferent and th drift of prices waa acarcely appreciable. The addition to tne agricultural appropria tion bill in the senate of a meat Inspection bill and the agitation following has added to. the feeling of possible damage to values from the spread of sentiment against cor porations on account or anuses, i.onui tlona In the late market became lethargic and the market closed about stagnant. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, S1.6O,nO0. 1'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. The fo lowing was the range or prices on the New York Stock exchange: Bln. Win. Lw. cioas. AAfttlll Kiureas MO Amalgamated Topper American C. ft F Amarieaa C. F. pfd American rotton Oil Amarlcan Kxprtea 44.400 10S 107S 1W4 tn 41 40 404 100 lm in tOO US 41 101 s US tl IS II US' II ra 114 Amarlcan H. U ptfl Amarlcan Ira, securities... Ml It American Linseed OU.. Am. Llnaeed Oil pfd American tacomotlr Am. Locomotive pfd American 8. ft R American 8. R. pfd American Sugar Refining.., Am. Tobacco pfd. ctf Anaconda Mining Co 1,400 a 'MS : ins 114 7.100 IMS 11 mo in 11 IMS ms 4400 1S7S 1S 134 ino m 101s iras tt.lOA t K I64S 1,400 MS II lOis MO 141 146S 11. S 700 1074 107 S 17 S '. M 17,000 ms DOS l"4 L10Q IMS .IMS 1S Atchlsoa Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coast ulm .., Ball I mora ft Ohio Baltimore ft Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Trar.aU..,. Canadian Parlflc Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey Cheaapeake ft Ohio Chicago ft Alton Chicago ft Alton pfd Chicago Oreat Weatern.... ton us "S 104 in MO SJ4 l.xio (14 IM 144 M i 'a ii ii 100 1 100 tot Chicago ft Northweatern... Chicago, Mil. ft St. r Chicago T. ft T Chicago T. ft T. pfd C C. C. ft 8t. Louie Colorado Fuel ft Iron Colorado ft Southern Colorado ft 80. tat pfd.... Colorado ft 80. td pfd Conaolidaled Gaa Corn Product, rfg Cora Producta pfd tois tot 4,100 IMS IM Hi 11 ws HS 14.400 65 S M MS 1,800 13 S S MS 100 lS 4S 48 S 100 47 S 47S 47 100 1I6S IKS 134 too 21s S 100 M 71 1,100 111 111 III 100 14S !4 146 400 4?' 43S 4SS 100 tl MS MS 1.700 I4S 4S MS 11.200 4S 4S 400 10 7S 70S 200 71S 71 71 S Delaware ft Hudeon Delaware, L. ft W Denver ft Rio Grande Denver ft R. O. pfd Dlatlllera' Securities Erie Erie lat pfd Krte Id prd General Electric Oreat Northern pfd...- 17 . 1,100 mas tots 02s mo ias nS 111 .. I.IOO 171 176 S 174 , 14 M 200 44S 44 S I4S II 27 100 10 40 4S XO MS I 2IS 600 MS 63 S II .. 1.400 144S 1464a 144 IM .. Ill loo lis IIS ills 100 71 71 70 IM 171 .. 1,000 44 MS M 400 14 S I4S 14 4S 100 744 74 S 74 S rioo is iiis us .. 1.70 US II 51 S .. 1.400 M M MS .. .. H 10 47 17 M'i .. 100 t07 201 tois 3S .. H.000 1I4S IMS H4S loo las us 11 400 It 404 60S I7S 12 ..167.40 1414 HIS 140S II tOO MS MS M 100 21 I7S J7S 400 icns 101 101 400 MS MS ilS IM MS 44 S 44S 14S J1S MS 100 7IS 7IS VI .. 1,400 46 S 44 MS Ill .. 4.100 MS M II .. 1.400 MS M M 40 161 160S lilS .. 0 tt Its US K0 40 60 ls, ,.. 11.10 14S IMS H4 S 4 104 70 12 1 M 40 tos 1044 bos los ... 40s 40S 40V ... 4. 0u0 10fcS luts lis ... to 101 101 101 t'lO II 11 )w ,.. 1 4IS 41 S 4 100 2M M4 MO 144 ... SOI Its IIS MS us M Hocking valley llllnnla Central Iuternatlonal Paper ....... International Paper pfd.... International Pump International Pnmp pfd.... Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaa City Southern Kanaaa City So. pfd Loulavllla ft Neah villa.... Manhattan L Metropolitan Street Ry Mexican Central Minneapolla ft St. Loula.. M , St. P. ft S. S. M M , St. P. ft I. S. M. pfd Mlaeourl Pacific Mtaaourt, Kanaa ft Texas. Mlaaoaii. K. ft T. pfd..... Netlonal Lead National R. R. of M. pfd., New York Central New York, O. A W Norfolk ft Norfolk ft W. pfd North American , Northern Paclfle Parlfle Mall Pennerlvanta ? People' Oa P., C. C. ft St. L , Preaaed Steal Car Preaaed Steel Car pfd.... Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading lat pfd Reading Id pfd Republic Steal Republic Steel pfd Rock laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. L. ft S. P. td pfd St. Loula Southweetem.... St. Loula S. W. pfd Sloaa-bhemrld Steel southern PaclAc , 80. PaclAc pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneaaaa Coal ft Iroa... Texaa ft Pacific Toledo. St. L. ft W t'nlon Pacific Colon Pacific pfd I'nltad State Eipreae t ailed Stetea Realty tailed State Rubber V. 8. Rubber pfd t'nlted Slate Steel I'. S. Steel pfd Va -Carolina Chemical ... Va -Carolina Cham. pft... Wahaah Wabaah pfd Welle-Kargo Expreea Weetlnghouae Electii ... Weetera talon W heeling ft Lake Erie.... Wlerooaln Central Wlaronala Ceatral pfd Ladoa Closlagr Storks. LONDON. May S.-Closlng quotations on ma Bigcn exenanga were Conaola money MS Norfolk ft W .. II .. M do account . WS do pfd . 1S Ontario ft W II Penneylvaala .104 , Rand Mlaas .IIIS Reading .1441 do lat pfd . 4Xsl do td pld .171 .Southern Railway . 174,1 da pfd . 44 Southern Paclta . . ilaioa PaciSc . 47sl do pfd Aaacoada ... .. : .. MS .. IS .1 a plt Baltimore ft Oh!.. .. lis (ancdlaa ParISc .. Chea. ft Ohio C . M. ft St. P.... DeBeer Denver ft R. O da pfd Erie da let pfd da Id pfd llllnola Central ... Loulavllla ft siaak., M . K. ft T .. 4T .. 4 .. lS ..101 .. r ..iS .. 4 . ai"it. S. Steal. .. 41S . .1US . 7J da sfd . lav .110 . S Wabaak ... do pfd .. Spaalak M .. 0', .. I N Y. Central.. 1U SILVER Bar, quiet, 31 Sd per ounce. aitrv rji avipjt oer rent. The rate of discount In the opn market for short bills ts H per oent; for three montna 0111s. isa 14 per cent. Bask ClearlBgs. OMAHA. May 38 Bank clearings for to day were and for the eorre spondlng date laat year 81.110.778.88. Treaasirr Stateaaeat. WASHINGTON. May 28 -Today s slat sn.env of tn treasury balances In the gen- ersl fund, exclusive of the i5e.nrm,of gold reaerve shoas: Available cash bnlnnce, $158,435.1.; gold coin and bullion. 875.757. 1!M; gold certificates, l4.41".:tw. ew York Money Market. NEW TORK. Msy 28 MONEY On call, firm, 8 1 4 H lr cent: ruling rate 4 per cent; closing bid, 8 per cent; offered at 8H per rent; time loans firmer; sixty tisys, 4HV4H per cent; ninety days, 4H percent; six months, 4 n ti 5 percent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER jr 6 V per cent. STERLING E X C H A N O E Sllphtly firmer, at S4.8525iB 4 .8 530 for demand, and at 84 8210V 4. 21 5 for sixty day bills. POSTED RATES S4.S3W 4.8H H : com mercial bills. 84.81 V SILVER Bar. 67 He; Mexican dollar, 82c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Quotations on New York bonds today were as fallows: V. 8. Rf. .'Japin 4 Mi; do coupon l'flStJpan 6. M aerie... Pftt V. 8. u. ret 40 u ttn do eoupoa !i2V do 41 rtfa.. V. 8. old 4a, rea lrnl do id err'.te.. .. MH .. as ..Hi., .. T3 .. 50H . k: , do coupon n.i'4 I., ft snl. V. 8. n. 4a, rf. m pin. c. 1 Mtx. central 4e 7 I do let In.- I1SVM . K ft T. 4a lot -4 1 dn 2 do rotipon Am. Tobacco 4a.. do ia Atrhtenn fan. 4a. do sd). 4a Atlantic C U 4a. Ml 4VN. R- ft- of M c. 4a. K4 .lonviN. Y. r. . a H Pal. ft Ohio 4a inisa N. J. C. 1 te U7ka dn IHa Rrk. R. T. c. 4a... Central et Oa. ta. , do let Ine , do td Ine do Sd Inc No Pacific 4a IM 71 do 3a 7 111 IN. ft W. f 4a IM r. s. L. rMg 4a K .Penn. conr. 3'aa 8 84 meadlnt gen 4a !' 10M4!SI. L. I. M. r. (a..1'.3li rhee. ft Ohio 4Ha. Chicago ft A. Wa... 71 (St. I., ft 8. F. ff 4e. K C . B. ft Q. 4a mi's St. 1.. s w. c. 4a ao R. 1. ft P. 4.... 7' 'Seaboard A. L. 1 do col. &a. Poaido Pa.ftc 4a rrr. ft at U t 4e..ltt1 do 1t 4a rtfa... t'olo. Ind. ia. ser. A. 7H 80. Railway , .. . do eenea R 7aS Texaa ft P. la .. rolorado Mid. 4a 7 T., St. I,, ft W. Colo, ft So. 4a M'a I'nlnn Pacific 4a .... t .... MS ,...r.t -..KSH 4a.. 0 ....KM .... ....114 .... SIS .... M SH .... ft- Cuba fta ..10(1 I 8. stael td Ie ..lOo't Wahaah la .. W4 do drb. A . 10IV Weatern Mil. 4a . .. 14 W. ft L E. 4a.. . Ill .Wit. Central ta. . D. ft R. O. 4a .. Platlllera' Sec. (a.. Brie p. I. 4a do ten. 4a Hocking Val 4Ha.. Ofierod. Dostoa Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, May 28-Call Ipans, 4.-1 per cent; time loans, 4'S5Si per cent, official closing on stocks and bonds: Atchlaon adj. 4a 34 .Atloiiex ... SH ...ion ... I ... lis ... ii . . .110 ... :j ... 7S .. 16S ... i;s ... lis lS ... 74S ... us ... ... i ... 41S ...110S ... 2S ...19 ... il ...100 ... ... I3S ... S ... II ... H , ... is ... S ...1U ... lis do 4a 101 Amalgamated Max. central 4a 77S American Zinc Atchlaon H7 Atlantic.., do pfd 102 Hliigham Rnaton A Albany.. 1st iCal. ft Hecla. Bnaton ft Maine. 174 ICentennlal ... lf..1S Corper Range I t l'aly Wrat ... i SI Franklin 11.4s Oranhy Boat on Elevattal ... eFltchhurg pfd Mexican I entral . . . N. Y., N. H. ft li en ton Pacific 149 l.le Hrtyale Amer. Arge. Chem SfS Maaa. Mining do pfd 5 Michigan Amer. Pneu. Tube '.Is Mohawk Amer. Sugar IMS Mont. C. ft C... do pfd Amer. T. A T A mer. Woolen , . . . , do pfd Dominion 1. ft R.. P.dlaon Klec. II lu Maa. Electric do pfd , Mara, naa t'nlted Trult United Shoe Mch. dn pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Weatlng. common Adventure Bid. "Asked. IM ,Old Dominion ... ...137 Oa.-eol . .. 4S Parrot ...10S Ouincy . . . 31 Shannoh ...145 Tamarack ... iS Trinity ... 1 I'nlted Copper ... . .. Mi V. S Mining ... I)" I. R. Oil ... 1 trtah ... 30S Victoria . .. 4'-4 Winona ...I0;,s Wolverine ... n 1 North Butt ... I I New York Mlninar Storks. NEW YORK, May 28. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adama Con 0 Little Chief ... Ontario (iphlr proenli Potoel Havage Slerr Nevada Small Hopea .. Standard . S 21 .57b . . 1 . to . It . tu Ahc Drear Brunswick Con ... Comatock Tunnal .. Con. tel. ft Va... 41 SI .IDC Horn Silver 1W Iron Silver ft. Leadvill Can . I Ottered. London Stork Bzrhansje. LONDON. May 28. The Btock eKchange here will be closed on Saturday, June 2, and on June 4, Whit Monday. . OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade aad Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, case count, 15c LIVE POULTRY H;ns, 10c; roosters, wAic; turkeys, 15c; ducks, lie; spring chick ens, Sa.dO'ao.uo per. doaa-n. BL'TTEH Packing stock, 12c: choice to fancy dairy, lbc; creamery, iioisic. HAY fricea quoted oy oinana reca com pany: No. 1 upiapd, SlO.ou; medium, la.W; course, 88.00. Kye straw. Ki.60. BRAN Per ton, n.oo. NEW VEQJlTABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 30 lbs.. net, 33 00. wax BEANS per box 01 about Jb ids., $3.00. 8IK1NU BEANS Per D0X 01 BDOUt IS lbs., net, $1.00. TLRNIPS. BEETS AND CARROTS Louisiana, per dos. bunchea, 46c. HEAL) LUTiLL'B-Home grown, per doz. heads, 4r60c. LcjAr HfiTTLCls Hothouse, per dox. heads, 3Sc. CL CUMBERS Hothouse, per dos., 7ac. ONIONS Colorado, yellow and red. 14k0 per lb.; Texas, In crates, white, $1.75; yel- iOW, ,1.2a. ML 6HKUUM8-Hothouse, per lb., 6txjti0c. RADISHES Per dox. bunches, 26o. CABBAGE California, 2&3o per lb. CELERY Florida, Si 00 per dox. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, per bu.. 503 80c; South Dakota, per bu., 66c; Colorado, per bu., 80c. Ijv v 1 BtAnB-rer nu., i.oo; ino. i. i.ia LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6ic. TROPICAL FRUITS. DATES Per box of 30-lb Pkgs . 32.00: Hallowe'en, In 70-lb boxes, per box, 8c , Bayer, per lb., 4c; walnut etuffed, 1-1 b. pkgs, 32.00 per dox.; 8-lb boxes. Si. 00. ukanuls Lauiornia. extra tancy Zea land, large alses, 33.603.76; Mediterranean sweets, all sisea, 83.botuS.00; fancy navels, $5.00. lemons Limoniers. extra tancy. 240 sixe, 86.00; 300 to 800 slse. So ft. FIGS California, per 10-1D. carton. 7b'i 86c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown. Ho aix-crown, 11c. bananas- per medium sized punch. $1.762.i6; Jumbos, S2ij3.u0. GRAPE r nil 1 i. ainornia, per dox, H bO. PINEAPPLES Sizes 34, 30 and 38, $6.00; slse 42. $3.60. FRUITB APPLV-Utah. Ben Uavis. 32 ter bu. box; Winesaps, $2.60 per bu. box; other varieties, l-'Ua-'ou per bu. New York ap ples and Rusaets, So. 00 per bbl. .,M..,nl L U 1 ' ,. 1 1 f r 1, 1 u t ? in. rK v fi IV. V.n BEEF CUTS. nF.EF CUTS No. 1 ribs. 11c: No. I ribs. V4c; No. 8 ribs, 7Vc; Uo. 1 loin. 14"4c; No. 2 loin, KVic No. 3 loin, lU4c; No. 1 chuck, 6V&c: No. 2 chuck, 6.c; No. 3 chuck, 6c: No. 1 round. 8c: No. 2 round. 7c: No. 3 round. htc; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 3 plate, 3c; No. S plate, I'ttc ,, cue a. CIDER Per keg, SJ76, per bbl., $8.76. HONEY New, ,er 24 lbs.. 33 60. CHEESE Swiss, new. 16c; Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c; twins, 13H'": Young Americans, 16c. NUTB v ainuts, jno 1, son aneua, new crop, per lb., lMc; hard shells, per lb., 13c. Pecans, Urge, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c Peanuts, per lb., tVrtc; roasted, per lb.. 8c. C hill walnuts, per lb., K'jjUV. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 16c. . Cocoanuu, 84 per sack of 100. FRESH FISH Trout, 11c; halibut, 11c; pickerel, dressed, 7c; white baas, lie; sun fish, 8c; perch, skinned and dressed, 8c; pike, fraioc; redsnapier, 11c; salmon, tiv; crappies, 8c: eels, lbc; black base, 22c; whitensh, loal2c; frog legs, per dm, 66c; lobxiers, green, 16c; boiled lobsters, 4-e; blutih, 16c; herring, 6c; Spanish mack erel. 16c; haddock, 10c: shrimp. Si per gal.; smelts, 12c; cod, 12c; bullheads, 12c; cattish, 16c: roe shad. 7c; flounder, lie. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW No. 1 green hidfa, 8c; No. 2, 8c; No. I salted. He; No. 3, 10c; bull hides, 7fe8rI dry hides 2flU0c; horse hides, large, S3: small, 32 sheep pelts, each, 6UfiS1.2S. Tallow, No. 1, 4c; No. 2. SV: rough, 14c. . bl--l A . I i.,nn,ilul.H f u t m n 1.1,1. Il IM. i DLin" " - " . . ,,, ,.v., granulated cane, In sacks, $4.91; granulated beet. In sacks, 14 ol. SYRUP In barrels. 24c per gal.; In cases, 8 10-lb. cans, 31.60; cases. 11 8-lb. cans, S2.MI; casea. '.' 2Va-ib. cans. SI M). COFFEE Roasted. No. 36. 254c Der lb.: No. 30. 2o4c per lb.; No. 25. lbs-o per lb.; No. 20, lHe per lb.; No. 21. 124c per lb. CURED F16H Family whilefiah, per 4 bbl., 100 lbs., 84 60; Norway mackerel, per bbl., 24) lbs., bloaters, 840.00; No. 1, S2V00; No. 2. 326.00; No. 3. S-UOO; Irish. No. 2. 814.00; herring, in bbls., 200 lbn. each, Norway, 4k, 813 00; Norway, Sk, 813 00; Holland, mixed, SUM; Holland herring, In kegs, milkers. Sue; kegs, mixed. 70c. CANNK.D GXjDS Corn, stsndard west ern, 6Miuoc: Maine, SI 15. Tomatoes, 3-11). cans, 11 Mjl.iiO, 2-lb., 74rtjtl.0O Pineapples, grated. 2-lt, 32 u04j2.$o; . sliced. 81fuii220. Gallon apples, fancy, 8380; California apri cots, S1.4V'i ! U): pears. 81.76jr2.60; peaches, fancy, S1.7f.(il40; H. C. pearhea, 32 'wfJS 60. Alaska salmon, red. 81. 26; fancy, F., 32.10; fancy aockeye. p., 8) So; aardlnea, 4 oil, 3160: S mustard. S2ya3.10. Sweet potatoes, $1.16inl.26; sauer kraut, 31 "0; pumpkins, suttiSl ut': wax beans. 2-lb., 7oj sue; lima beans, 2-lb, 7fx-i1iU: sp:nach, 31.36; cheap peas, 2-lb., 80c; extra, 75svoc; : fancy, i. 8.41.76. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl Slow, but Generally About Bte d" with Saturday. HOGS ARE SELLING A TRIFLE LOWER Moderate. Ran of heep aad l.a mba, with 4 Great Chaste In TBlBea.Thssik Trade la Sot So Very Brisk. SOUTH OMAHA. May . IMS. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sneep. Official Momtav i,,V 6.MH) .M0 Same day last week 3,746 t.M 4,U8 8ume day two weeks ago 4.6-1 3,0u 3. J. J Same tnr-e wcks ago.. 4.3i'J 4.MW 11, i 14 Same four weeks ago..., 4.i.i 4.K77 7.6.18 Same day last year n,4!i 4.49 4,1 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of rattle, nogs and sneep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last 1 year: i.m. n- inc. cattle SM.16.' XU.M h,.x Hogs K.t.lvM lieMW bneep 716. 0i5 3.1il Sn,Mi CATTLE QL'OTAllONS. The following will show the prices paid for the different kinds of cattle on the Boulh Oniuha market: Uood to choice corn-fed steers J4.60o.6t) Fair to choice corn-fed steers S4 boi,4.0 Common to lair corn-ted steers.... 4 Ui4.o4 tiood tn cnoiie cows and neliers.. 4.wu4.w Fair to good cows and heifers S.wut.OO Common to fair cows and helfera.. l.twgj.oo Uooa to choice siocaeis t teedera. 4.ai4.v r air to good stockersand teudeis. 8.w4.uu Common to fair stockers 3uii(3.o Bulls, stsgs, etc S.6(it.A Veal calves 3.tXlj)o.00 Tne following table shows the aveiage price of hogs at bouth Omaha tor tne Uat xe viral Ua. with comparisons: Date. I 1306. :1906.il9O4.;i9O3.lXr2.lWl.ia0O. Mav 15 ... 6 iS t;i& 6 34, 7 11, 6 M, i 21 May 16...; 8 29 6 20 4 81 8 u 7 0. , 0 W a U May If. .. 4 a 2i 4 ad I 7 12 s 20 iviay l.s... 8 8.4i 26, 4 bi 8 27; i 74, 6 11 .Uay Hl... 8 4uv,, e A' 4 4i) 6 ii 7 1$ s 11 Mav 2u...i i a 24, 4 4bi 8 2il V Hi S 73 1 May 21. .. 6 2o i 4 41 7 0i 0 Hsi i 00 May 22... i 6 U 6 29, 8 18 7 02 6 61, a u May 2J... 6 ID o 2si 4 37 6 19, 7 0, u ot May 4... i 6 24, o in 4 3o 7 Ua, 6 6i a 01 okay j... b o lu 4 H 6 04 6 bi ti May 26 .. 2si 9 1 4 o; 6 Ji W i 6 00 May 2,'... I 6 171 4 '. 6 'm 7 6 60 May s... 4 49, 6 72; 7 02, 6 W, 4 90 Sunday. SATURDAY S SHIPMENTS. The following snows the number of cars of stockers and leeders smppeu to tne country and tnelr points of domination: Cattle Cars. A. Sutherland, Blair, Neb.. M. O I James Macixamara, Beemer, Neb., F. a!.. 1 The official number of cars of stock brought in today by eacn road was: Cattle. Hogs, sheep. H'ses. C, M. & St. P 1 1 Waoash 1 Missouri paciilc Lnion Pacinc 27 c. ct N. V.. east 4 C. de N. V., west.... 34 C, St. P., M. & O.... U C, B. Ac east 8 C, B. tt W . west 2d C, H. 1. ct P., oust... 2 C, H. 1. P., west Illinois Central 1 Ureal Western Total receipts 119 3 27 18 1 32 1 4 1 .. .. S3 .. 1 I .. 2 in 2 2 126 17 4 The deposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, eacn buyer puiciiasing tna nuin bvr oi' head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omulia Packing Co 619 l.iK" 467 Swill and Company 767 l.ta2 2,in0 cudahy Packing CO 21 2..-.91 ,8o6 Armour i Co 6.19 2,6l7 94t Vansant & o .... .... W. 1. Stephen 163 H HI A Moo a, Huin.ilin kr ttothahllrl . A I oif At Murnan 221 .... Sol Degan 28 J. B- noot or Co 16 St. Louis Dress Beef Co.. 346 Otner bujeis 69 ' .... Totals 2,758 8,822 ,bl CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning were small as compared with previous Mondays this month, Tne arrivals, aa haa been tne case every day for some time back, consisted largely of cornfed cattle, with only a sprlnallng of other grades. The quality on an average was fair, there being quite a good ni.iny right desirable killers among the offerings. Packers, it will be remembered, were very heavy buyers of beef steers last week and most of tnem had quite a number of cattle still on hand that they had been unable to kill out last week. The reault was that they were hot as hungry for fresh supplies this morning as on a good many days. Hence the market opened a little later than usual .and was rattier alow at the start. As a rule sellers seemed to feel that It was time for values to take a turn upward and, encouraged by the lighter re ceipts, were generally pricing their hold ings at somewhat higher figures than pre vailed at the close of last week. Buyers, however, did not appear to want cattle badly enough to put on very much, and hence were not disposed to coincide en tirely with sellers' views. When the cnttle did sell they went at prices Just about steady with the close of last week. Cows and heifers were In very light sup ply and In consequence sold freely at Just about steady prices. There were hardly enough stockers or feeders In sight to make a test of values and the few loads here sold at prices unchanged from laat week's close. Repreaentatlve aalea: BEEF STEERS. N. At. Pr. 742 8 40 1010 I 40 IS4 I 44 754 4 IS 611 4 It , 421 4 10 1074 4 26 MO 4 H 144 4 11 44 4 14 446 4 40 146 4 41 741 4 60 440 4 40 146 4 40 1IM 4 40 1044 4 44 421 4 64 1100 4 44 I. ..,.11.77 4 40 IB4 4 40 484 4 44 107 4 70 1011 4 74 mi 4 7i 11.41 4 76 1071 4 71 111U 4 76 1041 4 74 441 4 76 1101 4 74 1060 4 74 1114 4 40 UuO 4 M 1141 4 40 1127 4 10 loll 4 40 NO. 4 11 11 4 I 14 7 II 13 II 11 11 11 II 1 1 44 10 II 14 I n 40 41 , 40 II II II n ti 10 1 1 17 M 1 At. PT 1074 4 M 1111 4 40 1141 4 M 1111 4 44 104 4 84 1140 4 44 1410 4 4 lit) 4 M 1200 4 44 1)41 4 44 1114 4 44 117 4 44 1114 4 40 1IM 4 40 Iia 4 44 1IHS 4 44 1410 4 II 1111 4 44 1161 4 H lMt I 60 1171 I SO , 104 I 46 ISM I OS 111 I 4 1110 I O 1171 I 04 1154 I 01 114A I 04 1441 II 111! 3 10 1267 i 10 1121 I II 1I I 14 1180 i 16 152 I W 1401 I 10 1444 I 28 1111' 3 m 1041 I 14 , 474 I 4 l 4 44 1044 4 04 1114 4 44 lOOO 4 00 171 4 40 1140 4 01 1144 4 1 ......1100 4 10 l.'M 4 14 41 I 1420 4 1 1100 IS 1041 4 10 727 4 14 104 4 14 410 4 14 7!4 4 14 7 t 14 I 11 12 I It to.'.'.'.'.-; COW8. 11 1.... I.... I ... I... I 1.... I.... 4.... 1 1.... I.... I.... I.... 1.... 4... I.... s ... I ... I.... 1.... T. ... 8... 1.... 21.... I.... 6.... . . . . I.... I.... I ... II ... I.... 400 t 1 1040 40 460 I 44 1040 I 70 101 t 76 4.1O I 76 740 I Tl 107 I 71 U I 76 110 I 76 40 I 00 1210 t 00 110 10 171 I 20 10 I 16 .1040 I 26 770 I II 00 I M 120 I 40 4ki 1 40 1064 I 64 1011 t 40 1( I 40 400 I 40 00 I 10 740 I 44 740 I 46 IMI I 7 lull I 70 1120 I 71 1024 1 74 1014 I 10 loti I 44 Ml I 44 14U0 I 16 1US7 I 14 i t to 1 1 4 11... 1.... 1.... 1.... I.... 1.... I. .. II. ... 10.... I.... I.... 44 ... 1.... ...1100 4 4 ....10M 4 ....1147 4 4 ...1171 4 40 ...1200 i ...1020 I 21 ...1171 4 16 . . . . Mt 4 24 ....I1H 4 II ....111 4 14 ....1104 4 tt ....1140 4 14 .... I'l 4 40 .... TI4 4 44 . ... 1 160 4 44 ....1140 4 4 . ... 714 t M .... 171 I 44 .... la I 10 .... 671 4 W .... 461 4 4 .... 414 4 4 4 14 .... Mr 4 14 4 II .... 44 4 44 .... 404 4 4 1 4 11.'."!'. 1.. 11.. UEIFERJI. 1 , !:::-:::: 1 1 1 a 1 1 4 t 1 t 1 740 I 14 . 50 I 40 140 t 74 .414 I 4 . 4M I II , :v 1 24 . Ml I 40 74 14 . 10 I 40 , Hit .1 76 1 I 71 . i I 76 1..:... 11 1. BU ...1174 I 74 ... 761 I Tt ...1174 I ue ...1210 I I ...IM I II . . . 70 I 15 ... lea it . . ne lev ...ietf 3 44 147 I 44 1444 I 44 i:o 1 44 1144 S 44 14TT 14 U- I 14.4 IN -..14 I M 171 I I 1.. 1 . 1.. 1.. 1.. 1 1tn I et 1 1" 4 os 1 I ts 1 l4i t m t in 1 to 1 lira 4 w 4 lilt 8 t I .ll 4 1 ma 1 ti : 11" 4 ea 1 14(i t at 1 r 4 4 1 u; 8 CALVTB t M II tl 14 8 I an 4 44 1 li) m 1 1 an 1 aa 4 147 as 1 100 ea in 114 m 1 M I M 11 147 0 1 114 I M t ITn I " 1 IM t M II IH IN 1 IM T4 18 4 M I IM I 74 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 8 4 I tin 4 t 1 1114 IM 1 7M 4 fi I I.'O l b 4 U! 4 4 1 4411 It II 444 4 1 4W M ii I I 4ii i 714 4 I II 1117 4 44 HOGSV-There was a very fair run of hogs (or the first day of the week, tn lecelpis being about on a par w.tii uat week and heavier than usual on a mondny. Ti.e mar ket wa a little slow to open, advice from ail points being lower, and so pack ers at this point were disposed to take off quite a little s.lce. Keller, however, herd against any reaucth n, and wnen buyers tlnally got down to bjaim-se 'he market was nnly a shade lower tnen at the close of last week. While It wns dull at the npenlng. the trade became more active later on, so that the b.g hulk of the receipts changed hands In reasonable sea son, closing stronger. At the close of last week It will be re membered that two-thirds of all the hogs sold at 38 17HS with nearly one-third lit $il 26 and a sprinkling at 88 30. Frnm the representative sslea given below It will he noted that tliawe prices were siisded very little today. TT,e week starts out with the arket Just about where It was at the beginning of last week. Representative sales: ft. ..., 74... 14..., 71... ..., 71... 77..., 1... II... 44... 77... J4... 7S... in... 107.. 71... 44... ... It... 71... 71... 41... 7... 44... 51... 71... 70... 77... 77... 44... il... 10... 71... ?:.. II... 40... 14... 74... 74... 74... 41... II... It... II... 41... S3... 74... 42... 7C. . 1... Ae. .11 .104 ..144 ..201 ..IM) ..111 ..214 .144 ..ill .207 ..0 ..101 ..141 .212 .114 ..It4 ..14 .III ..!?! ..M ..10 .110 ISO . tl .114 ..Kl ..14T .141 ...214 ,.14 ..110 ..III ..144 ..114 ...214 ...127 . .144 ...121 ..IM ..III ...III ,..111 ..I5S ...141 ...111 ...nn ,..241 ...114 ..444 h. Pr N. A". 8b Pt 14 4 IIS II ri ... Iri ... i :is n ii4 ... ii ... I !?S 44 214 10 I 24 ... I ns r toi 114 IK 41 I 21S 71 JM 113 I 24 140 I its 74 Ill 14 I II 210 22S II rot ... I 24 ... !S 71 141 440 I IA 140 I MS 71 1 . . Ill ... I I2S 44 2l IM 40 4 2IS II HI 14 I X III I 21S 71 110 in I 24 40 I t?S 74 HO 24 4 H 40 4 124 71 t2 ... 4 1 14 I IIS Tl I'll 40 4 2 120 I 14 72 107 IA I 2 0 4 24 47 242 10 I ... I 14 II I'J ... I 18 41 I 8 II 227 110 I H ... I 14 71 tM 110 4 21 ... 4 26 10 1.44 10 I 24 ... 4 24 71. 10 4 24 III I 14 f4 120 20 I 25 40 I 14 10 211 l I 15 ... It! 41 Ml 0 I 2 0 I 24 61 J .'4 120 4 26 IK) 8 K 71. 117 ... I7S 0 34 74 .171 ... 4 27 S 14 4 16 71 K4 44 I If Ifl 4 14 T t:.7 ... 4 ITS 10 I II T !fl 40 I 27 S 100 I 24 4 147 40 I 27 S 114 4 24 15 140 ... 4 21S ... 4 tl 44 t 10 I 21S 0 I II II 11 240 I 17 S 110 4 IK 41 14 IS I TS 40 I II 77 211 ... 4 ITS ... I 14 74 Ill 110 I 27 S ... Ill 4 117 ... I ITS 110 8 II ka 121 100 27S ... 1 24 it 101 its 1 ns IM I A TC 24 ... 17 S 140 I IS 4 MI 120 I I7S M I 24 tl 404 40 4 17 ... 1 ts 4 tii ... 4 i;s ... I 21 4 144 ... 4 II ... I 2 44 211 ... II ... I II (J tot ... I 10 IS I 14 ' 40 tos ... It tOO I 15 II 30J lu I 14 STAG HOGS. ... I 50 1 404 II I Tl SHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning proved disappointing. Instead of there being a heavy run, according to the early eatlmates. It turned out to be a very mod erate run, with the average qualltv poor. With very little really desirable stuff on sale, the market as a whole waa slow and It waa later than usual before a clearance was effected. The few sheep and ewea In sight sold quite readily at steady prices, wethers and yearlings bringing 36.60, with several cars of ewea at $675. These pricea were very satisfactory, being fully as good an last week, and, If anything, a little stronger, taking quality Into consideration. The dullness mentioned above was con fined to the lamb trade. Buyers seemed In need of supplies, but It took a good deal of hard work on the part of salesmen to move the medium kinds, which constituted the bulk of the receipts. Ther, however, sold tn the end, the most of them bring ing Sft.0OiipS.25, which looked Just about steady with last week. There were n. few good lambs here, such as sold at the close of last wek at $8.80, but buyers seemed to feel that the market on that kind was too high laat week, and they were not very anxious for them todsy, unless they could get them at a little less money. It must be born in mind that the market at Chicago broke badly on both sheep and lambs last week and It was not surprising that the market at this point should have been a little slow on lambs, which have been selling right up to Chicago's prices; In fact, some of the stuff sold here lost week brought moreamoney than It would have at Chicago. Quotations on clipped stock: Oood to choice western lambs, S8.J5tJ4.; fair to good lambs, S6.00.26; cull lambs, II.6At?j 6.26; good to choice yearllnrs. 36.7604V26: fair to good yearlings, 36.80i3o.75; good to cholre wethers, 85.7B8fi.00: fair to good wethers. $; good to choice ewes, 5 5066.76; fal rto good ewea. 84.75416 60; bucks. S4.26G4.7E. Representative ssles: No. At. Pr. W 4 26 72 t 25 106 I 76 108 I 75 81 I 80 100 8 26 78 (25 98 8 80 74 3 00 99 4 00 80 I 36 88 6 33 83 t 80 108 6 80 67 (00 86 6 09 "1 ( 26 80 8 60 80 (60 MARKET VI western cull lambs 100 western cull lambs 811 western ewes 328 western ewes 268 western wethers 1 western lamb 2K3 western lambs .' 3 western lambs 10 western ewea, culls 10 western ewea, culls 134 western lambs, culls Ob western ewea and lambs 60 western lambs 179 western lambs 168 western lambs .V. 367 western lambs 642 western lambs 643 western lambs 649 western lambs CHICAGO IJVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Test Ceate Higher Hos Weak te Five rest Iar. CHICAGO. Msy 28.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 22.000 head; market, 10c higher: Common to rime steers. 84.1508.20; cows. S3.26tM.7a; elfers. S2.76ffi6.10: bulls. 83. ?f, 64.26; calves. $2.767 00; stockers and feeders. S2.T7.tf4 80. HOGS Receipts. 48.000 head; market. weak to 6c lower; choice to prime heavy, S6.46A4.6&; medium to good heavy. S6.40TI 3.46; butcher weights, 846f860; good to cholre heavy mixed, 3i.409.474: packing, S8.Vtfw 424. BHKKP ANU UAMBB Receipts. lO.ODD head; market, atrong to lor higher; sheep, yearlings. 86.90igtt.S6; shorn I run be, S5.2tVii8.7t. nt. Loals Live Rtoek Market. Ol. 1A1I. ID. mmj o. n 1 uw-,icb.i.i., 4,500 head. Including t.ono Tsxans; market for natives, weak; for Texans, loo lower: .live snipping bihj vxijum airrra, wi 0; dreesed beef and butcher steers, 83 60J r. -. ...a a aoa Ik. ea K,.. o,.. storkera and feeders. 31044 80; cows and fJ iYrfrR 15- eanner. ll.ravtYl 36: hulls. S2.4o$4.00; calves. IJit:H.60; Texans and Indian steers, vluxq w, cows ana neners, 2.0C4iS 90. HOOS Receipts. i,6tm neaa; market, uc We Own and Offer $100,000.00 MARIOK-BOCYRDS RAILWAY & LIGHT CO. First Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds Will Be Sold to Net the Investor 7 Per Cent In Detiominntions of $50, $100, $500 and $1,000 The INTER VRB AN Is a link In chain of railways that connect the city of ClevaW land with Columbus, fiprlngfleld. Dayton. Cincinnati and Indianapolis. The right-of-way la private, the Company having secured DEEDS In fee simple. Principal (and Interest payable semi-annually) at the office of the CLEVELAND TRl'BT COMPANT. This rosd Is bonded at 112.600 a mile, which is less than any other railroad In the I'nlted States. . The terminal points of this line are Marion and Oallon, two of the bast Inland cities In the state of Ohio. The population along the line la over l.Otfl per mile, from which the earning power ss compared with other lines In this slate will pay a divi dend of more than double the amount of the Interest on fhe bonds. REFKRKXCE8 AMEIUCAN EXCTHAXGE BANK, CALEDONIA, OHIO. Buettner & Company, BONDS, STOCKS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES Free Press Building, Milwaukee Wis,' ... lower: pita and lights. f,YTV"M $5; parV.ra. St. lopf, So. butchers and heat heavy, $ Htj 4.1 "ItKFP AND LAMBS-Receipta 8.SM bes.1; traikei, lower; native millions. SKal Cidr1: lsml. noc,tf: rolls and bui-ks, H ;il3; stockers. H4 0. Ketaaaa Clfy live Mark Market. KANSAS CITY, May ai.-CATTLB-Ra-relpts, 9.(00 head, Including L0 southerns; msrket. stead to 1T higher: choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $5 JMSfi-M1; fnlr 'o gi-od, 84.2i Cro.rti: western fed steers, f.t 9ofi4.7i ; stockers and feeders. 83 hvjT4 8V; southern steers. S.l.!vu47ft: southern cows, $.8a4ii0; native cows. SJSnro; heifer .V2m.5.15; bulls. H.!4 50; calves. HtK',8-Receipts. lS.fiOO head: market, to lower; top. SI 4.4; bulk of sale. SH SMJaSo; heavy, 3 80!M 4S4; packers, 36 2C4Si .35: pigs and ligr-ts, 15 SHEEP A NO LAMRS-necelpls. 144 head; market, steadv; nailve lambs, 8.oprr "46: fed sheep mil yearlings, 36CVfii: western fed yearlings, So.TrVfjii 26; western frnA ahr.en X5 noiir, rO atrwltara and feettera Sofoij6.(0. t Joseph lire Mtnck Market. ST. JO8KPH. May 28 -CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.&00 hend; market, steady; nsftves, 84 frOfnVrHl; ows and he!fer. 31.75774 75; storkrrs and feeders, J30rfl41R. HOGS-Receipts. 8.RS0 head: market. 24 Be lower: closed strong: light, S.4Sel ; mrvilum and heavy, 3l rfvffft 4K; pigs, 84 'Of 5.00: bulk of salrs. $8.3!,tJvi.74. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 14 head; market, nominal. tnax City I.tre Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia , May I8.-f6peclal Tele- tram. ) CATTLE Receipts, 8i head. Mar et lfc higher; stockers strong: beeves, It OofjtaS: cows, bulls and mixed, S3mHf4 60: stockers and feeders, S3.9itr41.28; calves and yearlings. 33.0034.10. HOGS Receipts. 3.700 head. Msrket to lower, selling at 341 ifl. 30, bulk of sales, S6.iortfS.224. Meek In Bight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2.700 S.fcoo 7.300 Floux City tOO 3.7110 Kansas City .000 I3.1C0 9,400 St. Joseph 2.6i4) 8.830 14 St. Louis 4.600 8fc 8.6t Chicago iC.000 48,000 20.000 Totals .41.300 90.230 42,714 Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 18. METALS The London tin msrket continued very nerv eus and unsettled with pricea breaking 3 and over to 182 10e for both spot and futures. I-ocally the market waa weak In sympathy, closing at $..7HT4 36. Cap per was generslly firm. Iondon closed higher at & 6a for spot and 84 12s 6d for futures. locally the market was un chaiged. l-ak Is quoted at (18.7519.00; electrolytic. $1S .374fil8.76; casting. $8.2V 18.374. Lead wss unchanged at 18 1 3d In London and at S.7Mi6.96 In the local market. Spelter also was unchanged In both markets, closing at 27 10s in Lon don and at tS.f4jfi6.9o locally. Iron waa lower In the English market with stand ard foundry closing at 4s 6d and Cleveland warrsnts at 49s 9d. Locally the market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry, northern, 318 754J 19.(0; No. J foundry, northern and No. I foundry, southern. $18269'1S.80; No. 2 southern. SI i.7V(f 18.00. .,,, . ST. IjriS. May 28 METALS Lead, quiet at $68I436"- Spelter, dull at $6.80. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. My .-COTTON-8pot . I a ..1 -a . IAA linear ai t 1 ra -k r. 11 fek" mill . noFfa quiri, miuuiuii a. .dllng gulf, 12.16c: sales, 3.400 I"''"-. , . I ST! LOUIS. May a.-COTTON-Qulet; middling. 114c; sales, none; receipts, w ' bales: shipments. 116 bales; stock, 81,o7 LIVERPOOL, May 2 -COTTON-Bpot In fair demand; prices 6 points lower; Amer ican middling fair 6.iiSd; good middling . 8d: middling, 4U7d; low middling, 89W; good ordinary, 6.18d; ordinary. 6.16d. The sales of the day were 10.000 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export and Included 9.800 American. Receipts, 1,000 bales. Including no American. .T NEW ORLEANS. May 28 -COTTON-Spot closed quiet; sales, 1,275 bsles; ord n ary. 84c; good ordinary. 13-16c; low mid dling, lesc; miaaung. 114c; middling fair. 124c; receipts, S.oi bales; stock. 128,011 bales. ' Olla mad Itoata. vAoir v. - niT.fl Cottonseed ... .. . 1 -,i f ft, ti mills. SOTO 011 airauy, aiinnw y. . - 31e: prime crude, t O. b. mills yellow, 874 ewe; petroleum sieaoy; mmu " 87.70: Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.T0; turpentine firm, 604'3e. ROSIN Quiet; strainea common w $4 10. ... .. 8AVAKNAH . lie.. Hay a.-viu-mr-pentlne Arm, 5" 4c ROSIN-8teady; quote A, B. C. $S.7M8. D $4 80; E, $4 85; F. 84 40: u. o; i-"-L St!: K. MM; M. $4 80; N. $4; W. O, $: W, W. $4.78- OIL CITT, ra., may ,-oiu i.... ances, $1.84; -hlpm-nt; W- 7 age, ou,ar iwiir... ....... - - , - sverage, 88.081 barrels; shipments. Lima. 98,915 barrels; aversge, 82.3M barrels; runs. Lima, 70.468 barrels; average, rels. Inter and Molasses. w -m Dt'rl 1 a T4aw. firm; fair refining. 116-lftr; centr fugal. 9 a . 1 a a 1 sa-S V 11-1 rr test. sia-BC, rnmaa-v, -.-.. ; fined, steaay; no.i. ' j;"',. ' .' 8, 8c; No 11, 8.85c; Np. 12. 3.80c; No. 13. 3 75c: No. 14, $.76c: confectioners A. -6c, '"".'.' . . si.. .... i.f ItV" errantllated. mould A. -" 4 80c: rubes. 4.86c. . MOLASSES-Steady; New Orleans, open kettlegood to choice. vffMc. --.-, NEW vni.n.. -v -j Quiet: open aeme U"""JM1V, ' r' centrif tieal. SliS-tc;, yellows. 8HVc. sec- MOllASSES-Nomlnal; open kettle. 17 80c: centrifugal W,.-, '.'; SYRUP Nominal. 36C30e. , Wool Market. ST. LOPTS. May M.-Wr30L-Stedy: medium grades combing and clothing. 3H SeT light fine. 2W264C; tub washed. 330394C-. . . a We hv for Tk Fr Mu- si oleipat Bonds of lsrj: eltlw. A. B. LEACH & CO. FORMERLY ; ,., ! FARSON, LEACH & CO NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON PHILADEXPUIA a . f j . , 1 v. 6 J.: '-YV.r f