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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 25, 190ft 3 d 2 CIZZ3 C r CATlnDAY, INVENTORY SALE Preparatory 1o our taking stock next month we are going to dean out our entire line ol ladies spring suits at three prices: 98 This will Include Butt that sold for S4n.flo to $45.00 In every color and black mill vp In Pony, Eton or Rolero styles, with long- or short sleeves. Positively no spring suit In our establishment Is withheld from this sale. - , Onr Covert and Black Jackets some of which Bold ffr Clfl for aa ranch as 128, will go at -. $J )U CRAVENETTE COATS We hare the largest assortment In the west anl every garment will be cut in price from 25 per cent . to 33 1-3 per cent. Onr Beautiful Line of Skirts Voiles, Panamas, etc. will be offered at a similar reduction. All bur fine new Bilk Eton and Bhlrt Waist Bults all up-to-date crea tions shown exclusively by us, will be sold at a discount of 30 per cent to 40 per cent. WAIT FOR THK BIG SALE SATURDAY, MAY 26. Watch the Tapers tomorrow. S. Fredrick Berger & Co. Authority The New Cloak Shop. nzzi nzzz 1 C POLLARD SEES PRESIDENT Receives Bo Enoouraeement for Proposal of Commission to Yiait China. JUDICIAL DIVISION DEAD FOR SESSION Bo Maay Tatars Ahead af feasors Delegation Decides Not to Paah It Daring; the Present v Besaloa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 24.-8peclal Tele gram.) Congressman Pollard today had an Interview with the president and Secretary Root In relation to the suggestion made by the chancellor and faculty of the Univer sity of Nebraska that a commission be sent to China for the purpose of studying the situation and directing: the current of Chinese thought so as to bring to the United States a much larger number of their stu dents than now come to this country. Both the president and Secretary Root expressed themselves In favor of a morn liberal inter pretation of the Chinese exclusion act, but did not look upon the commission Idea with any great favor. Later Mr. Pollard Inter viewed the chairman of the foreign relations committee and learned that a bill Is now In preparation, and which would shortly be reported out of committee, removing many 1 i r i ii m nnnnxinui rarura Ar tna .vaiii. n. act as relates to students, merchants and travelers, but keeping rigidly to the exclu sion of coolie labor. Jndlclal Division Bill Dead. The judicial division bill is dead for this session of congress. There are so many and more vital things pending In which the Nebraska delegation is Interested that it has been practically decided to allow the bill to rest in the Judiciary committee of thg house until, the shoft session. - KJttrrdge Does Sot Give I p. .Senator Klttredge returned to Washing ton today from South Dakota, Some things political have been happening In South Da kota In which the senator. Representatives Martin and Burke have had a hand, as well as Senator Gamble. Senator Klttredge et al.. on the face of returns that reached Washington, were badly defeated. The sup porters of Senator Gamble seem to have carried practically everything they went after. Senator Klttredge said today that his sdvlees received from the field of bat tle as to the county conventions held Tues day Indicate a mixed condition of affairs ICE CREAM AT flU? E Bee our schedules to cities: . Detroit ,..21 hour Buffalo 27 hours Syracuse 30 hours Albany. 33 hours New York....... 37 hours Boston 44 hours mil WW dJ r IT? A TPIF- maij in TBI . The Illinois Central's fast "Chicago Limited" train leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m. Fast day train at 8:00 a. m. Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all prin cipal points. Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points. Cafe car service. ' Tickets and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnani St, Omaha. KUHTL i 1 c MAY 26 D 0 on Style. 1517 FARXAM STREET. i cz: c and results are In doubt. On the other hand representatives of Senator Gamble have dispatches from the state which Indi cate that Gamble has K4 delegates abso lutely certain to vote for him. It requires 6R6 to control the convention and the Gam ble people contend, allowing for a fair average of contests, that they have the Klttredge folks beaten to a standstill. Minor Matters at Capital. The senate committee on military affairs today made a favorable report on the bill granting Charles H. Cornell the right to abut a dam across the Niobrara river on the Kort Niobrara military reservation and to construct and operate an electric railroad line and telegraph and telephone line across the reservation. This bill passed the house May 7, and with a favorable report from the senate committee it will certainly become a law before the close of the pres ent session. " Senator Burkett today Introduced bills Increasing the pensions of Harvey Gamble and William J. Wells to 130. Captain Perry Garst, U. S. N., who was In command of the battleship Rhode Island when it ran aground off York, Va., some days ago and who is to be court-martialed, is a brother of State Senator Warren Garst of Carroll county, Iowa, who Is a candidate for lieutenant governor on the Cummins ticket. Congressman Norrls was today notified that the following pensions had been granted: Adam 8llger, Wilson, (12 Increase from March 21 last; Augusta E. Gano, El wood, IS from April 8, 1891, and accrued pension of her husband; Emma C. Taylor, Curtis, $8 from March t, 1896, and her hus band's accrued pension. . Congressman Pollard today secured a pension of 18 from Sarah E. McDay of Au burn. Postal Matters. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Eagle, Cass county, George W. Peterson, vice W. H. Gardner, resigned. Iowa Elkhart, Polk county. Ralph A. Clark, vice J. H.. Woods, resigned;.. Lehigh. , Webster county,,, Josuua A. Beem, vice Ada R. . Kellogg, resigned; Minerva, Marshall county, Albert D. Mc Cormack. vice Thomas Nichols, resigned. Wyoming Thornton, Weston county. Hut tie G. Brooks, vice L. M. Bailey, resigned. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Ra venna, route No. 1, Willis O. Hutchinson, carrier; Susan E. Hutchinson, substitute. Iowa Bedford, route No. . Ora E. Wertx, carrier; Ralph S. McKee. substitute. South Dakota Tyndall. route No. 2, Emll G. Koe nlg. carrler; John Koenlg, substitute. Termaovn Defease Rests. NEW TORK. May 24 -The defense of Josephine Terranova rested Its case today. YOUR OFFICE Saucers and Spoons Free With Each Order Come In and get one of our llttlo barrels of Ice creams, put it in your pocket and take It along with you to eat later in your office. It Is packed so that It will keep hard for two hours. Each barrel contains three flavors of Ice cream and i supply you free little paper saucers and tin spoons, so that It will be convenient for you to serve. Quart slse (sufficient for eight persons) 40e Pint size sufficient for four persons) .80e BALDUFF rkaae Douglas 711. 1JM Faraasi SL ATI E&SI some of the principal eastern Indianapolis 21 hours Cincinnati!...... 24 hours Pittsburg 26 hours Philadelphia.... 35 hours Baltimore. ......36 hours "Washington 33 hours NC2TTL District Passtjijer Agest j 1 i"198 DIPSOMANIAC IS RELEASED Judirs Cornish Holds Law IsTalid aa Improper Use of Police Power, METHOD OF INCARCERATION FAULTY Law Provides Inebriates Mast Hot Be toadned with Insane, Wall It Appears Complainant Had Been. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 24. (8peclal.) The dipso maniac law got a whack from Judge Cor nish of the district court this afternoon when he ordered the release of LeRoy Craig from the asylum, Craig having been adjudged an Inebriate. He sought release by habeas corpus proceedings, and In his opinion Judge Cornish said: In the matter of the application of Le roy Craig for writ of habeas corpus the court Is of the opinion that the demurrer In this case to the application must be overruled for the reason: First, that the law providing for the commitment of dip somaniacs to the asylum provides that they shall be confined in a separate ward. The petition which upon demurrer Is ad mitted to be true alleges that the appli cant Is not confined In a separate ward, but Is confined to a ward in which Insane patients are kept. It is also alleged that It Is proposed to continue to so confine him, and that the state Is unable at the present time to provide lor otner connne ment of such persons. If this varlatloa from the law Is prejudicial to the rights of the applicant, then It seems to the court that his petition makes a cas1. We believe such confinement does constitute substantial injury. These persons are sup pose! to be already weakened by the use of drinks or drugs and their confinement with insane patients is dangerous to their natural health, end at least until the legis lature shall see fit to so confine them their complaint In this particular ought to be held good. Another reason why the court is of the opinion that this law is bsd Is that It does not seem to come under the general rule permitting police regulations In this, that It does not confine itself to those cases where the person's conduct Is assumed to have become a menace to the peace, safety, health or morals of society. The court is of the opinion that for such a law to be constitutional it must be so limited in Its application. Bhrlners Called to Lincoln. Bcsostris temple of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine will meet in Lincoln May . A program has been Issued and Is being mailed to the nobles, of whom there are 800 In this Jurisdiction. There are two temDlce in Nebraska, one for the South Platte Jurisdiction and the other for the North Platte Jurisdiction. Falls and Breaks Leg. Walt Dawson, county clerk In this county, broke his left leg below the knee yesterday afternoon and Is now at his home with good prospects of staying there some weeks, as he weighs over 200 pounds. Dawson was talking to some friends while standing at the edge of a sidewalk and stepped backward and fell. His leg was twisted under htm. Doing of State Officials. Secretary of Slate Galusha has gone to Grand Island o attend a meeting of tne finance committee of the Ancient Order of United Workmen lodge, which will be held at that place this evening. Attorney General Norris Brown will speak at Rosalind tomorrow night, at Albion Monday night, Wlsner Wednesday, Bloom ing-ton May 81 and at Kenesaw Friday. With the exception of the Wlsner speech graduating exercises is the occasion. Land Commissioner Eaton is making out registered notices for all lease contracts which are six mo.itha In arrears or which will be six months in arrears July 1. On that date the notices will be mailed out ar unless paid the lend will be leased again. The notices of the sale contracts dellnauent were mailed out April 1. The number this year Is greatly reduced from former years. Showing the state Is enjoy ing a great deal more prosperity than In former years. Auditor Searle Is Shown. State Auditor Searle has been shown. For some months the auditor and Deputy Auditor Cook have doubted the existence of grey wolves in Nebraska, especially In the thickly Inhabited portions of the state Today the auditor received by express from the coufity clerk of Johnson county a real live grey wolf a few months old With the wolf came a message that the county clerk had the scalp of another, much older, and that he sent this one on alive to. show the auditor that It was really a grey wolf. Hew Corporations. The Nebraska City Commercial club filed Its articles of Incorporation with the secre. tary of state this morning. The business of the new club will be to advance the interests of Nebraska City. The Incorpora tors are John W. Etenhart, F. J. Homeyer, R. O. Marnell, W. L. Wilson and William Hayward. The Farmers' Business association of Beaver City has Incorporated to do a gen eral business In grain and live stock, with a capital stock of $5,000. The incorporators re W. C. Kinsman. C. W. Downing and others. The Vulcan Chemical company of Omaha has Incorporated to sell certain chemical combinations and starts out with a capital stock of $100,0u0. The Incorporators are H. E. Hursh, A. E. English and J. F. Bloom. Under the name of the James P. Con nolly compsny, a corporation has been or ganlsed In Omaha to sell at wholesale and retal I men's and boys' furnishing goods. The -capita I stock Is 126,000 and the incorporators are James P. Connolly, P. A. Connolly and William P. Arnold!. A telephone company has organised at Chambers, Holt county, with av capital stock of 112,000. The officers are: J. M Jackman, president; J. R. Relts, vice presl dent; W. H. Graver, secretary; Robert McClannahan, treasurer. Holiness Csnsnettlsg. The Nebraska State Holiness association will hold Its thirty-fifth annual camp meeting at Epworth Lake park, Lincoln, June It to 2t, Inclusive. President George I. Wright, Nebraska City, president, and W. H. Prescott, 1817 M street, Lincoln. secretary, have Issued the following an nouncement: The association has secured the services of three of the best camp-meeting leaders In the United States, Rev. H. C. Morrison of Louisville, Ky.; Rev. C. B. Allen of Denver, Colo., and Rev. E. F. Miller o Chicago, lead-r.ln song. Every meeting held by this association has been a meet tng of great spiritual power, but every thing points to the best meeting this year ever held. Epworth Lake park Is beaut! ful and attractive, sanitary conditions are the very beat of board and lodging ac cemmodations will be 1rst class and very reasonable In price. Free admission grounds. Ground rents free to all who will bring their own tents. Tents preachers half price. Inqalry lata Asylans Death. to Coroner Graham will hold an Inquest over the remains of Mrs. Julia Maseey tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Masse y died in the Lincoln asylum two months ago, since which time there have been many ugly rumors concerning her death. Coroner Graham was out of town at the time and no inquest was held though It was reported her nose had been ; broken and her skull cracked back of one 1 eye. ,The woman waa 101 years old and . It was given out she died of senility. i Since Dr Greene asked for an tnvsstlga . . l. . i- A. ... a . j j 1 Ce'0aax Graham concluded to bold aa In quest to inquire Into the death of Mrs. Mesne?. A Jury was empaneled tonight. BAWKEBS MEET AT GHAD ISlaftD Fartaer of Seeretory Shaw Dell vers GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. May 4.-(Speelal.) The members of Group I of the Nebraska Bankers' association met In annual con vention In this city yesterday, showed great Interest In a well selected pro gram of papers and discussions, elected officers for the ensuing year and enjoyed a fine banquet t the Koehler last night. The district Is comprised of the counties of Dawson (north of the Platte), Merrick. Hamilton, Howard. Hall. Greeley, Wheeler, Garfield, Valley, Custer. Sherman, Buffalo, Loup, Blaine, Sheridan, (south townships), Lincoln (north of the Platte). Thomas, Logan, McPherson, Hooker, Grant. Box Butte, Scott's Bluff, Banner, Kimball, Cheyenne, Deuel and Keith. About fifty members were present. Among the addresses were: "The Needs of Western Nebraska Banks," by Warrick of Alliance; "The State Bankers' Association," by Mr. L. B. Howey of Beatrice; an ad dress by the secretary of the state banking, board, Hon. E. Royee of Lincoln, and "The Banker and the 'Public," by Mr. Carl Kuehne, business associate of Secretary Shaw, of Denlson, Iowa. The banquet was one of the finest ever participated In by the group. The following officers were selected for the ensuing year: S. K. War rick, ' Alliance, president; John A- Miller, Kearney, vice president; C. A. Robinson, Shelton, secretary-tressurer. JOHXSO COl'STY ASKED TO SETTLE A. B. Cody Soes for Twenty Thoasaad Dollars Damasjrea. TBCUM8EH. Neb., May 24 (Special Telegram.) An Important caae to Johnson county people will be taken up In the federal court In Omaha tomorrow. It Is wherein A. S. Cody of Midland, Mich., brings suit for damages. In the sum of 120,000 against P. 8. Jones and C. H. Dennis of Tecumeeh. Cody came to Tecumseh after the failure of the Chamberlain bank of thl. plare with papers In his possession which had been the property of the Institution. He was accused cf endeavoring to sell them and was apprehended at the request of Jones and Dennis, heavy losers In the bank fail ure. He was given a bearing n the county court and bound over for trial in the res trict court. Pending the preliminary and the furnishing of bonds he was incarcer ated In the county Jail. The district court cqultled him, and he now brings suit for false Imprisonment. Cody asserted he bought the papers of Chamberlain. A dosen witnesses will go to Omaha from this city tomorrow. LITTLE GIRL FATALLY BVRXF.D Tries to Start Fire la Stove with Kerosene. NORFOLK. Neb., May 24. (Special Tele gram.) With every square Inch of her flesh cooked by fire that caught her cloth ng as the result of an explosion of kerosene with which she tried to kindle a fire, the little 11-year-old daughter of William Nix Is suffering torture untold tonight, and will die. Every stitch of her clothing waa burned from her excepting her stockings, garters and shoes. Her hair was burned from her head. The fire ' set her home afire, but this was quenched. Son Flarhts for Estate. NIOBRARA, Neb.. May 24. (Special.) M F. Harrington of O'Neill was In town yesterday obtaining evidence in an 1m portant case growing out of a will left by the late William Lamont, who willc-I to his eldest son, Frank, 620 acres of land adjoining town, and leaving no pro vision for his son Scott, whom he dli owned, claiming . illegitimacy, Lamont came here in lSBVifronv-Pennsylvanla, and waa an eccentric. - His wife was an educated Womanof domestic tastes. She m as popular among the early settlers and bore a good name at the time of her residence. Lamont became enraged by Jealousy and she left him In 1860 or 1881 for the old Pennsylvania home, taking the two children. She offered to return on the promise of better treatment, but being refused she remained away and procured a divorce, about 18T9. Frank Lamont died in Pennsylvania a few weeks ago and now Ms brother, Scott, brings action for his share of the. estate. Commencement at Kearney Normal KEARNET, Neb., May 24. (Speclal.)- The first commencement exercises of the State Normal school at Kearney will begin May 27, continuing to May 29. Sunday the baccalaureate sermon will be preached at 10 a. m. by Rev. Luther P. Ludden at the opera house. Monday .there will be a general reception at 8 p. m. at the normal chapel and Tuesday at the opera house the commencement exercises will end. Gov ernor Mickey will deliver an address, fol lowed by Dr. E. A. Ross, The diplomas will be presented by Dr. Ludden, president of the board. Swedish Methodist Conference. SARONVILLE, Neb.. May 24. (Speclal.)- The district meeting for the Swedish Meth odist church for Nebraska held Its first meeting at 10 o'clock this morning. Most of the ministers were present, while a few arrived today. The congregation gave thetn a reception last night at the church. Rev, C. O. Sherman and A. Aspegren welcomed the visiting pastors an Rev. C. J. Mell berg, presiding elder for Nebraska, re sponded. Refreshments were served in the class room later. Opening; Hew Stoa Qnarry. LOUI8VILLE, Neb., May 24. (Special.) A company has been formed here known as the Louisville Stone company, with Tom E. Parmele, president and George H. Wood secretary and treasurer. The Missouri Pacific Railway company will put in a switch to the quarry within tho next ten days. These are send quarries and the company will put In machinery to dress the stone in any shape or stxi required. Farmer Commits Snlcldo. . HATES CENTER. Neb., May 24. (Spe clal Telegram.) Ells Davis, an old res) dent of Hsyes county, committed suicide last night by shooting at his home In High Ridge precinct. He sent the coroner word by telephone. Coroner Dambach and Sheriff Detty went out this morning to In vestlgate and found a clear case of suicide with no Inquest necessary. Reeestlon to Commander Mason MINDEN. Neb., May 24. (Special.) The members of Grand Army post No. 91 and the women of the post gave a reception in honor of John R- Mason, who was recently elected department commander ot the Grand Army for Nebraska. There was large crowd In attendance. Members of the poet gave short talks. Refreshments were served at 11 o'clock and all went homo saying they had a pleasant time. Mlekey Speaks at Chantaaana. OTTAWA, Kan.. May 24. (Special.) Governor Mickey of Nebraska has accepted the Invitation of the assembly board to deliver the address on Grand Army day at the Chautauqua assembly here on June 21. He was to have been here on "governors" day last year to Join the governors from Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado and Kaasaa, but waa unable to bo present. Boy It U led by Llahtalaar. AIN8 WORTH. Neb.. May 14. (8peclal Telegram.) Yesterday afternoon the S-year-old son of W . Cornish waa killed by lightning about five miles south of btre. Hews of Nebraska. BEATRICE Frank Fethoud was severely Injured yeeterday by being kicked on the leg by a horse. FAPILLION The recent rains have put everything in fine condition. The straw berry crop will be lmmenae. MINDEN The Mlnden Commercial club at the meettng Tuest'.ay evening appointed committee on extending the water mains on several streets. BEEMER A aood. snaklna rain fell here this afternoon. Farmers are all through filantlng corn and moisture was beginning o le needed to start growth. BEEMER .The nuoils of the Beemer High school will give a comic entertain ment In the opera house Fridav evening of thla week, entitled. "The Old Maid s Club." PAPII.LION J. Kellev was killed by lightning yesterday near Forest City, Parpy county. He was ;3 years old and CMne from Geneva, Neb. No Inquest waa held. BEATRICE The Beatrice Dally Courier the name of a new democratic paper which will make Its appearance here this week. Ed Roberts, an Omaha printer. Is to tie edltor-ln-chlef. BEATRICE Walt Mason, who recently received word from Washington that his monthly magaxtne had been renised ad mittance to the malls, was yesterduy noti fied by Postmaster Hollingworth that the fflcials at Washington had reconsidered he matter and admitted his patter as a egal publication. BEATRICE Charaed with kssaultlnc Mrs. Arthur Woelke and her sister, Mrs. Llzsie Rcharton, Henry Rodgera, a barber, no William Tombly, a painter, were nnc-i 6 and costs each In police court today. LEIGH This section was visited by heavy rains yesterday and last night. The first rain fell at noon yeaterday and rained at Intervals during the afternoon and night. Sufficient moisture fell for all pres ent needs. COLUMBUS It has been the custom In his city for the churches each Memorial Sunday to send an Invitation to the Grund Army of the Republic post. This year Bauer post No. 9 will meet In the afternoon at the Methodist church. OAKLAND Andrew Osterbera son of Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Anderson, south of Oak- and, waa married at noon Wednesday to Miss Anna Johnson, oldest dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Johnson, at their home. Just east of town, Rev. Sandahl of the Lutheran church of this city performing the cere mony. BEATRICE Farmers In Gere county have finished planting corn, and In some Melds the grain is coming up with the ap- earance oi a good stand. v neat and oats ook fine, but farmers reDort that a aood soakjng rain would be beneficial to crops of all kinds, aa the ground Is becoming very dry. OAKLAND At the reaular meetinc of Oakland chapter No. 91 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Wednesday evening the following officers were elected for the en suing year: A. C. Holmuuist, W. M. ; Charles P. Lang. 8. V.; Clyde C. Neumann, i. w.; v. L fried, secretary; A. l. cuu, res surer. BEATRlCE-'-Fiiday will be observed as 'Patriotic Day" In the public schools of Beatrice. The civil war veterans chosen to deliver patriotic addresses st the differ ent schools on that day are: W. N. Whlt- lock. H. A. ijl aelle, colonel w. o. Tiuon, O. carnahan. D. H. Dorn. J. H. cralg. George Little and J. W. Jackson. FREMONT The Standard Oil company la going to have some opposition in this vicinity. The National oil company, an Ohio independent concern, has bought some property in Cloverly addition near the brewery, where it proposes to ereot tanks and a warehouse and do a Jobbing business. The Standard has previously had a monopoly of the oil traoe of this section. . r.BAND ISLAND At a regular ad journed session the Board of Education deliberated over the plans of several architects for the construction of the new high School building, and F. A. Menmnge. w riven the contract. The commlttoo on buildings recommended, in a report. that the price or tne Dunning, inciunin? heating and plumbing, be fixed at $60,000, thla giving tne Doara me nmimimn 810,000 of the bond Issue for furniture and fixtures. FREMONT There was a severe thun derstorm accompanied by heavy rain here yesterday afternoon, oeiween i ana J o'clock. Lightning struck the chimney of H. J. Lees hardware store, throwing It down and shaking up some of the peoplo Inside. Some damage was also done to Jarmin's confectionery store next door. Lightning also struck the telephone wires and C G. Fletcher, a Bell company line man, who waa on a Dole at the corner of Sixth street and Nye avenue, sustained a severe shock, paralysing nis legs.. n will i.tohably recover the use of them. BROKEN BOW The commencement ex ercises of the high school last night at the opera house were of unusual Interest and will long ne rememnerea dv mnse wno ex tended. Following is the program: Over ture by orchestra; Invocation, Rev. Mr. Mitchell; solo, .'.f.a Sullivan; salutatory. Faith Gutterson; "Step ny Htep. r;va Miller; violin solo, Thomas Btuckey; "A Squandered Inheritance," Hazel Norcutt; "Opportunity,'1 Elenor Richardson; "Para sites," Lynn Sullivan; selection by glee club; "Vim." Guy Armstrong; "Evolution, Hazel Jewett; "Shepherdess of Domreniy, Edna Russom; duet, Mesdames Btuckey and Taylor; "Future of the Graduate. Iris Dewey; valedictory, tttiemont rigman: orchestra; presentation of diploma by President J. R. Dean; class song; benedic tion by Rev. Mr. Levack. COLUMBUS Judge James G. Reeder Is making an effort to clean up the docket In this term of the district court, nnd the present gait is sure to accomplish It. Among the most Important cases was one by Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson against James Nevlls and August Steffen. She stked for $5,000 on the ground that Mr. Nelson was filled up with booze at tho bar of the defendant, started for horn.' fell in a basement of a new building and had his Jaw fractured and otherwise badly Injured. The Jury brought In a verdict of $260. Another case of the same kind, only In this the man lost his life, was Mrs. Joseph Ravage against several saloon eDers of Humphrey. Tne usual amount is asked for. but it was settled outside of court by mutual agreement, the de fendants paying $800 damages. Gone Crnsy. Many people have gone orazy from dy spepsia, constipation, etc. Dr. King's New Life Pills cure; 26c. Guaranteed. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co, dominations by President. WASHINGTON, May 24. The president today sent the following nominations to the senate: v Postmasters Illinois: W. E. Ludlow, Griggsvtlle; 8. B. Roach, Mason City. Iowa: F. G. Atherlone, usatte. Kansas: Louisa Kerns, Oakley; C. M. Hlgley. Cawker City; Laura Goodfellow, Fort Leaven worth; R. A. Marks. Oberlln. New Mexico: P. A. F. Walter. Santa Fe. South Dakota: G. B. Craft. Belle Fourche. Texas: . H. A. Griffin, Galveston. Sterling Silver Frenzer. 15th and Dodge. Traction Mntoal Insnrnnee. DAVTON. O., May 24. Electric traction men of Ohio and Indiana, In meeting here, will form an Insurance company to take care of their properties, as they claim the regular Insurance companies charge too high rates on electric properties. The 20th Century Sanitary Carpet There la bo other floor covering UkeCREX. Wore sanitary thaa earpet mora durable thaa mat ting. CREI is d oat-proof and grerm-proof made in all widths and a variety of colors. Water caanol to jura CREI, CAITI05H Avoid Imitations be anra yon grot CREI. BoM oatrnar Corset am AMERICAN CRASS TWINE CO. New York W. P"'- Mim. Jobbers in Omaha: Orchard, WUfcelaa Carpet Coaaaaay. . an" ii ' ' 1 " " ' i Ippepf m W- ss : v yg if :rH m t .k -J l w fa MR. D. HAMMOND. M. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is the best cure for Indigestion, dyspepsia, flatulency, nervousness snd every form of stomach trouble. It Is an absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating stimulant and tonic, builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the bra n, strength and elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings Into action all the vital forces. It makes digestion perfect and enables you to get from the food you eat the nourishment It contains. It Is Invaluable for overworked men. delicate womm j and sickly children. It strengthens the system. Is a promoter of good health and longevity, makes the old young and keeps the young strong. i .. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey contains no fusel oil snd Is the only whiskey recognized by the Government as a medicine. This Is a guarantee. CAUTIOX There in but one ltiffy'a. Pure Malt Whiskey. Sold in waled bottles only; never in bulk. Insist on having the Knuine and refuse in jurious substitutes and imitations, which are cheap only in name. Look for the "Old Chemist" trade-mark on the label and be sure the seal over the cork Is unbroken. Druggist and grocers, or direct, $1 a bottle. Doctor's advice and medical booklet free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, Rot-heater, X. Y. 11 Pacific Coast and Return DESTINATIONS: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle and Tacoma. - w"v v . VIA SHASTA ROUTE, one way, $73.50. DATES OF SALE: Daily after June lstj return limit, October 31st. ROUTES: The usual direct routes to and from the coast. For instance, to California via Denver; scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City; to Portland and Puget Sound via Burlington-Northern Pacific direct Northwest line through Montana and Washington. AXIOM: No tour of the Coast is complete unless it include the Puget Sound country. TRAIN SERVICE: Daily. Standard Sleepers through to San Francisco via Denver, scenic Colorado and Salt Lake. Daily through tourist sleeping car service, same route. Personally conducted, tourist, sleeper excursion ,frora Omaha Thursdays and Fridays to Los Angeles Tia Coast , Line, also Tuesdays and Saturdays to Los Angeles via Salt Lake Line. Two daily through trains, carrying all classes of equipment, between the Missouri River and Seattle. Write or call for special folders descriptive of summer rates, routes and train service for Pacific Coast tours. Give me an outline ofyour proposed tour and let me advise you how best to make it at the least cost. j. n. Remolds. C. i.--.iiLjt:f.;Bi,x',,L iMi. JLmmMi-L gL-ga ' . .r',i-nf.-,'ltcv '.... W' 4 ie-M-'S -"j 4. Our treatment is known the world over, and has proved its merits in over 350,000 cases. 5. We give value received, and that is the reason we are' at the head in our specialty. 6. The only Keeley Institute in the state of Nebraska is located in Omaha: Bead for our frea booklet "Facts About the Keeley Cure." am, rrZr4"tI,L THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Take laraey street car ire at either aVpoL OMAHA, NTS. HOT otelHRLBOROUGrl, am: a tlttt l. W, Is n Innovation. Uniaue snd original. All posed cooking. Sea food ot all varieties specialty.' Our combination Breakfasts are a popular feature. The German Rathskeller is Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes snd popular music EUROPEAN PLAN. . ' ' .A . 400 rooms. 100 baths. Rates for rooms 11.60 and upward; II 00 ul upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath 13.00. 4.00 and 5.00 per day; parlor, two bedrooms snd bath, $5.00, $6.00 snd $8 00 per day. $1.09 xtra where two persons occupy single room. Write for Booklet. ... 6 WEENEY-T1ERXEY HOTEL COMPANY, E. M. Tleraey, Mgf ' for Years Mr. D. M. Hammond of Wheel ing, W. Va., a Victim of Dys pepsia and Indigestion for Years, Could Not Eat a Meal Without Suffering Severe Pains. He is, Today, Healthy and Strong, Thanks to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, and to Use His Own Words, 4,Today I Am Well and Strong and I Can Now Enjoy My Meals." He writes: "I feel It hiv duty to thank vou for the good Duffy's Pure Malt w hiskey has done me. 1 was afflicted with dvapeps'la and Indigestion for years, never eating a meal without suffering after IL About six years ago a friend of mine ad vised me to trv Duffy's. 1 bought a bottle and commenced taking a little of It after each meal. Today l am well and strong, and I can now enjoy my meals." P. A.: 1502 Firnam St.. Omaha. Keb. 1. Drunkenness, Opium, Morphine, Cocaine and other drug addictions are diseased conditions. , 2. Therefore, scientific medical treatment is nec essary. 3. In c.-ie of sickness, none but the best should be accepted. LXS, BROADWAY; 86TH AND STTH 8tS Herald Square, New York. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated and refnra nishod. Th largest and most" attractive LOBBY AND ROTUNDA Id New York; has been newly opened up. , Special Inducements to COMMER CIAL MEN with samples. Thirty large' and well lighted 8AMPLU ROOM 3.' with or without bath. Forty large front mill with narlor. two pearooma snd private bath, suitable for families' or parties traveling together. The Old English . Grill Room