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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
i TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1906. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PERSONAL GENTLEMAN traveling In Nebraska, de sires personal acquaintance nt rennea and cultured ladle. Address T 4ft. far of Omaha lie. U M4o4 lit MRS. MERGES, PIANIST. a 8. 20th. Tel. Doug. 4SSS. U SOMETHING NEW We sell beautiful upright pianos on terms of tti cash and K monthly, Telephone Pouglas-KlS. Srhmoller At Mueller, 14o7 Harney Bt. After April 1. 1311-1313 Far nam St. U 63 4 Piano Buyers, Attention! Wt are compelled to vacate our present location on April lit and will sacrifice our entire mock of over three hundred Pianos. A taring to the purchaser of from $100 to 200 during this sale. Call and get our prices or write for catalogues and bargain list. We ship pianos and organs everywhere. $08.00 buys Kimball Upright. , $S5.00 buys Vose I'pright. $112.00 buys Singer, oak case. $133.00 buys Mahogany Norwood. $158.00 buys new eastern made Upright. $185.00 buys Whnelock, walnut case. $225.00 buys Steger.oak case, slightly used. $250.00 buys Stelnway & Sons Upright. $285.00 buys Emerson, slightly used. $310.00 buys Piano and used Pianola. $375.00 buys Stelnway, ebony case, full size. 450.00 buys Emerson Grand, slightly used. TERMS AS LOW AS $10.00 CASH AND $5.00 MONTHLY. Our regular line of new pianos comprises the following famous make: Stelnwav & Sons. Hardmnn. A. B. Chase, Mason & Hamlin, Steger & Sons, v. .nv ii v.,i,rni or, ,4 itiA folohmtorl Sehmnllpr AV Mnllpr Piano. I from residence. 2778 California street. In Aiuersuu, rauiiBii, uu.m.u .u terment, Bpringwell cemetery. Friends ln- tjiw oesi in me wona iur uurnuuuj. ACTORS snd actresses always wanted; learn the profession by mail from pro- Erletor of big company; positive success; chool of ActltiK. l66xNA testimonials, etc., Tree. Kuss rxationai School of Acting. Lock Box 922. Mil waukee, Wis. U 170 4x DEATH NOTICES MOLI.ER Mrs. Cathrlne Chrpstlne, aired 77 years, 1 month, 11 days, beloved mother or Andrew v., 1'eter f.. Paul A. Moner ana Mrs. lora Gannon, March 1, 1908. Funeral Sunday afternoon at o'clock vlted. New pianos for rent, $3.00 monthly, paired by expert mechanics. Instruments moved, tuned and re- MEDICAL SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1407 HARNEY ST. After April 1st 1J11-151J Farnam St. Closing Out Sale on Pianos FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills, women s monthly regulator, has Drought happiness to thousands of anxious women: no caln. no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief In 3 to 6 days. We have never known or a single laiiure. Price, $2 by mall. Raymond's Monthly Kemilator In liquid. $3. Dr. R. Q. Ray. munrt Remedy Co., Room 55, 84 Adams St., Chicago, in. LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my ivever- ailing J-JKUO-KOI.O Remedy. Safely relieves longest. most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods In 3 to 6 clays without harm, pain or interference wun worn. Mail, ii.fau. Double strength. 12.00. rf eaiau FOLD ER FOR liADIES FREE. DR. H. H. SOUTHINGTON CO., KANSAS CITY, MO. Wo BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Fills fl box, postpaid, snerman At McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 966 50 new pianos, 15 square pianos, 36 second-hand organs and many second-hand and slightly used upright pianos must be sacrificed this week. Prac tically at CUSTOMERS OWN PRICE We find we are obliged to vacate our factory wareroom In Washington JjiViTffL'?J2??L cumin hoa hall at once. All the above mentioned goods being Btored there, must do qis- Douglas aw. LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; sate, rename, 'laice no other. Send 4c; stamps for particulars. Relief for Ladles." n letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. posed of at once. Call at our salesroom, 1611 Farnam St., and a man will ac- ladies Dr. Darwin's Compound cotton nnm laoieLH win relieve uubu iuu- larltles, $1. Guaranteed powerful and harmless. Address Dr. Darwin Co., Rock- ley Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 1 - company you to our factory, where you will be given a once-ln-a-llfetlme opportunity to buy an Instrument, If price has anything to do with It. New Pianos at Just Half Price for Cash for sale-horses, wagons Any piano in our store. Including our famous Smith & Nixon and Ebersole pianos, also such will known makes as the Story & Clark, Hampton, Marshall FOR SALE OR TRADE A roan gelding, 8 years old this spring, pacer, name Prank R.. eligible to tho Sj class: has gone miles in 1(. Address w. v. cott, Beatrice, Neb. P 617 5 & Mendell, Haines Bros, and many others, will be sold this week at a price for sale Grade English Shire stallion. Ibou Ins.. o yeniB uiu, uiim uiuwii, buuiiu, or iew that will startle the piano purchasers. Call early and select a high grade piano at Just one-half regular price. We are determined to demonstrate to tho piano buying public that we can afford them opportunities for purchasing a piano that can be secured In no other piano house in Omaha. Material and startling reductions will also be allowed to anyone who comes in prepared to pay $10 down and $6 or $7 monthly. warranted a breeder, can show plenty colts. Price HU0.00. Lock Box 3X4, Ne castle. Neb. P-M733 M19 HAMRELTONIAN and Percheron stallions. blacks. 6-year-oios: iwo young opanisn Jacks, Tennesscenna; bargains. Write U, J. uarison, VYH.UUU, neu. r-MM2 x PERFIELD PIANO CO., FOR SALE Pacing mare, 8 years old, weight 900: nice, gentle driver, good un der saddle and safe for lady to ride or drive, P. C. Caldwell, &17 N. St., South Omaha. rMsii 4 1611 FARNAM ST. TELEPONE 701 PERSONAL I a f T n. 1 r rMCITY STEAM LA U IN UK I m s. uiu bt. U-ett PERSONAL PLEATINCl Ruch?ng.K Buttons! LUailMU fcena tor prlc9 ll8t and samples. THb GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. 1935. ' U-.02 MACrNFTin treatment & Baths. Mnn. U-865 DR. JACKSON, R. 4, Frenser block. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consulta tion free. U-S53 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 34 N. :4th Bt.. Omaha, Neb. U-M100 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All muslo lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co.. 1611 Farnam St. U 66 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uaidell, Charles. Tel. Doug. 5311. U 90ii THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ' Ing; In fact, anything you do nut need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. lllh BL, fur cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call U-i'l DIAMONDS sold for ensh or on very easy payments at A.1 Mandelberg's, 152;! Far nam St. U M675 WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, IS to 110. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 16(3. Cor. 16th and Harney. U S67 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best and cheapest in the vu. mu e. isia bi., omaiia, jncd. U M50S 18 CARRIAGES We have the largest stock In America or: Reflnished closed carriages, prices from to XKIMI. Reflnished hearses, pi Ices from $300 to 11,000. Reflnished casket wagons, prices irom zy to $375. Write and tell us exactly what you want and get our list and nnotograpns. JAMr.a LUIN.M1MUHAM, BUXN C W., 661 Wabash Ave., Chicago. , P 498 4x SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES OMAHA Seymour Camp No. 16 will meet at Myrtle hall, commencing Wednesday evening, Oc tober 4th. 16. M. IL REDFIELD. Consul Commander. J N Oj N ,JL R A V O R D,Ck r k Weakness Eons Through the Cereal List. LEGAL NOTICES NOT ICO. Notice la herchv uivin thitt thn KAlth anil Lincoln Counties Irrigation District will receive sealed proposals lor the purchase 01 tne K,ijy.w bona issue 01 said unmet up to the hour of 6 o'clock p. m., standard time, of the Id day of AdiH. 1IMI. 11 1 tha office of the secretary 'of said Irrigation LMsinci, in me towa oi euincnaiid, In Lincoln county. In the state of Nebraska. Snld bonds are In the denomination of lluo.OO each and bear Interest at the rate of six per cent, payable semi-annually, 011 the first days of March and September of each and every year, beginning with the tlrsi day of September, lifuti. These bonds are In ten series, 33 of which are due on the first day of March, lull; US due un the first of Marcn, m aue on me nrsi aay of March, 1913; 62 due ou the first day of March, 1914; 69 due on the first day of March, liit; Do due on tne nrst day of March, l:16; 72 due on the flrBt duy of March, 1917; 5 due on tl Pra; nay of March, 1!18; 98 due on the first day of March. 1919. and 101 due on tne first day of March, 1820. The sealed proposals may be for the hole of said bonds or for any Dortion thereof, and such bids will be opened Im mediately after the hour of 6 o'clock d. m. of said 2d day of April, 19j6. the board re serving the rlKht to reject any and all blda Dated this mh day of February, law. JAMES SHOUP. Secretary. F17-d2ut WHEAT TAKES THE TOBOGGAN SLIDE ones Katlmat of Farm Reserves Is Bearish Feature, C'anslnsr "ala by Shorts lorn Wrsk-Oali Decline Fractionally. OMAHA, March 8. 1900. It was a sick market, declining steadily with scarcely a reaction, closing at the uttom. The Jones report tsuuiuies 01 farm reserves was a big bear card, snowing total of Z13.oii0.0"0 bushels, tne laigem on record. Short selling began afresh und liquidation was renewtu. Measmiaoie weather throughout the belt remos-ed the nly possible buying Incentive, i'recipiiu- tlon was general excepting in Omaha and heaviest through the 01110 valley. There were no local cash transactions. Corn weakened on aggressive short sell ing by successful wheut bears. 1 he large estimate of wheat reserves drew ulieniion to the probability of large reserves of coarso grains and this witn uigiier estimates 01 the AiKeiitiuu eXDOitaluo surplus con ea the selling Influences. 1 lie casn . t wim Uo lower. showed rather a nrm tone ana ub- NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte I-and Co. will be held at the office of said company In Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 7th day of March, A. D. 190H. By order or the board or directors. C. H. MORRILL. President A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln. Nebraska, Feb. S, 1908. Febll-DSOt NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The regular annual meeting of atockhold ers In The Bee Publishing company will be held on Monday, March 5, 19"8, at 4 o'clock P. 111 , in Its ottire at The nee building, cor ne." 17th and Farnam streets. In the city of Omana. ny order or tne president. C. C. ROSEWATER Secretary. F-bi: M4E lOt RAILW5 i TIME CARD IN lO STATION -TENTH AND MAHCY. Arrive. a 8:18 am MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, facial massage; thoroughly first- ciuss wurg. iuue uryant, ait) Hee uidg. U MWi3 18 MADAME PATTERSON, magnetic mas seuse, un Davenport St., ground floor. iront room; nours, 1 to 8:30 p. m. U-431 7x MME. PAR EE of N. Y.. Shaving. Facial Massage, Manicuring, aw Uuuglas Blk. U MH22 18 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. renneu Millinery co., ill south loth St. U-700 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut rtrlf.Ari lvAra.lllllnn Urn. rv, , . ..... V. U 748 Mchii HEAFEY & HEAFEY. Carriages lor funerals, weddings and par- lies; electric ngniea. Aei. 200. U-MC0 SI FOR SALE-Full brother to Rita E (3). 2:15, a trotter, road and show horse; city proKe and can trot a gau. u. u. Hell, tirand isianii, fen. i' til w PATENTS H- A. 8TURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un- 1 .. ,. e . . i T. 1 1 xf V T 1 f i I. .. UiS F. J. LARSON & CO., patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 9W SHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Pfttents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, Satterns, castings, machine work. 60t-t12 . 10th St. 981 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional investment to., M ucrugios uiock. Union Pacific. Overland Limited a 9:40 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pra a 6:10 p.n Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:16 oni a 9:30 am California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pin Los Angeles Limited.... all :30 am al0:46 pin Fast Mail a 1:66 pm a 8:30 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 cm a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm Beatrice Local 4 b 8:16 pm b 2:00 pm Chicago, Hock Island A Paclffle, EAST. Chicago Limited a S:2S am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:00 nm a 9:56 pin Chicago Express, Local. bll:l5 am a 4:30 pin Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:40 pm a 1:16 pin WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. .a 7:30 am a 3:16 am Colorado Express a Z:0o pm a 4:56 pin Oklahoma & Texas Ex.a 4:40 pin al2:u pm Chicago A Northwestern. St. Paul Daylight a 7:50 am Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am Chicago Limited a 8:J8 pm Carroll Local a 4:32 pm St. Paul Fast Mall a 8:8 pm Sioux C. & St. P. Local. b 3:50 in e 9:36 am Fast Mall 2:80 pm Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:30 am Norfolk & Bonestoel....a 7:40 am 10:36 am Lincoln & Long Pine.. .e 7:40 am 10:36 am Casper & Wyoming e 2:6o pm 6:16 Dm Deadwood & Lincoln.. a 2:M pm 6:16 pm Hastings & Aioion d z:au pm Chicago Local all:.) am Chicago Limited all:00 pm Chicago Great Western. Leave. St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am St. Paul & Minn a 7:46 am a 7:65 Dm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm al0:30 am Chicago express a am a :so pm Wabash. St. Louis Express ..a 6:30 pm a 8:40 am Ht. Louis iocHi tirom Council Bluffs) a 9:16 am al0:30 pm gtanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll:80 am Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Chicago & Colo. Spec l..a 7:56 am a 7:35 am California & Ore. Ex. ..a 6:46 pm a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:35 pm a :) am Marlon & Cedar R. Lo..b 8:45 am bU:U0 pm Illinois Central. Phlrniro Exuicus a 8:00 am a 8:65 nm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:30 am Minn. & bt. raui cx...d :uu am o 8:06 pm Minn. & St. Paul Ltd.. .a S:J pm a 7:3u am Missouri pacinc. St- Louis Express a 9:00 am a 6:30 pm K. C. a 8U k Express..all:15 pm a 6:oO pm BURLINGTON STATION IOTU UASON Burlington. 10:00 pm U .hQ pm 9:16 am 9:50 am 7:06 am 6:15 pm 3:46 pm u:i am Arrive. DANCING ACADEMY MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rltten- huuse. 418 14. loth, room Z. second floor. U-618 Mchl8 WILL ASSIST arranging for functions. uecorauug, etc xeiepnone LMar-n. U-M62 4 ATTRACTIVE young widow, very wealthy, but lonesome, wishes to correspond with some nice gentleman. Ohject matrimony. Aauress vox SB tiarvey, 111. u 4.7 4x THINK IT OVER IF IT ISN'T WORTH CONSIDERING when you can buy a ticket good tor U lessons at Mo -a mi a Dancing sciiool, 15th and Harney, for 12 less than regular price, if you Join on the opening of the spring term, Friday, March 2. at 8 p. in. Suc cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. Douglas 104L Assemblies .every Wednesday. -M121 Ix OTTO PIEMRSEN 838 N. Y. Life. CO. Fire Insurance. U FREE meiiiosi ana surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sis. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college piofessors. 'Phone Doug. llriT. Calls answered day or night. L' UD HAIR DRESSING. Special attention given to developing the arms; moderate prices for dyeing and bleaching hair. HATTIE HAUL. 20S Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 1S6. U-M144 Vf. W. LEMON. EXPERIENCED CHINA PACKER; price moderate. Tel. Red 7375. U-M220 Uch2a YOUNG woman employed during day wishes room-mate In light housekeeping rooms. Address T Is, Bee. U M Max 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $i. Perneld Piano Co., lull Farnam. L'-r958 LET us furnish your home. We sell on easy payments. We don't ask Installment prices. 1100 worth. 12 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO. Between 12th and 13th ou Farnum Street. U-633 4 MORAND'S private or class lessons; adults. Tucs. and Frl., 8 p. m. Tel. uouglas 1011. ?!9 MfW) PRINTING WE have a lady client, age 30, brunette, musical, worth $36,000; another, 30, blonde. worth 818.UU0; Catholic maid. 2i. worth i.jov. Home and Comfort, Toledo, O. U-439 4x I VNinTAn High grade 1906 Calendars. 6d JvJKVC capltoi Ave. VERY wealthy middle ag gentleman, alone, lonesome, wishes lady correspond ent. Object early marriage. Address Box 18 Harvey, 111. c 4h0 4x lv fYrV T? A & Co-- flne lb printing. 1VU1L1VA linaarii. Tel. Douii "ki7 860 DOUGLAS P't'g Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. 644. 930 Mch OTTO 8IEMSSEN, German consulate corre spondent, (UK IM. x . Life. U BNELL Printing Co., 310 South 12th Street. 20fi Men 12 NURSES' College, Pueblo. Colo.: six weeks' course; opens April 1; diplomas; massage tuugnt. 437 4x DRESSMAKING A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant: what he tells comes true; send 10c and birthday. Prof. K. Uarnot, Box 2179. Boston. Mass. U 438 4x LADIES' TAILOR Killing habits and even lng coats. ilA,i r arnum St. lei. Douglas 3B11. rj) M14 M'DOWELL S school, 1C3 Far., room 4.. Denver & California. Black Hills Northwest Special ., Northwest Express , Nebraska Local Neoruska Express .. Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mall Leave. Arrive. ...a 4:10 pm a 3:30 pm ...a 4:10 pm a 6:30 pm ...a 4:10 pm a 7:10 am ...all:lo pm a 6:30 pm ...a 8:00 am a 7:40 pm ...a 9:10 am a 7:40 pm a 9:06 am ...d z:u pm al2:20 pin Ft. Crook & Plattsm'h.b 2:60 pm blO:25 am Bellevue & Plattsm'h...a 7:50 pm a 8:30 am Denver Limited a 7:10 am Bellevue & Pac. Junes 3:30 am a 8:30 am Bellevue fc rac. june...a am a z:oo pm ChlcaKo Special a 7:26 am a 7:25 am Chicago Express a 2:45 pm a 8:65 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm a 7:26 am Iowa Local a 9:16 am al0:68 pm St. Louis Express a 4:45 pm all :30 am Kansas Clty-St. Jos'h..al0:45 pm a 6:46 am Kansas CltySt. Jos'h..a 9:15 am a 6:10 pni Kansas 1 iiy-oi. jo 11.. a 1.1a pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1STU WEBSTER Missouri Paetfto. Nebraska Local, via Leave. Arriv. Weeping Water ...b 8:50 pm bl2:30 pm Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. .b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:00 pm all:20 am Oakland Local b 6:43 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local o 8:46 am o 6:00 pra a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only. Dally except Aionuay. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. TRY KELLY'S Doug. 3U0. LAUNDRY. 'PHONE U 968 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet, yuuk Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bulg., Omaha. U d DR. ROY, Chiropody, K. I & i, i&oi Farnam. u u JACK: Papa says ir you buy the ring at Mandeitx'ig s we may get married next week. Edith. U MI64 MASSAGE specialist for chronic diseases. Joseph Ruben, room 218 Bee Bldg. Tel. Sun, Omaha; 27 years experience; woik guaranteed. U MSil 6 MASyUE costumes. Lie ben. Tel. 4115. L'-altA 8 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2ul8 N. list Su TeL 869. U-Mi7 8 WE TAKE CARE of clothing by the month. L. BOl KIP 4 CO., expert clean ers aud dyers, 618 8. 13th 8U Tel. Doug. 1729. U-Mi8 20 HANDSOME young lady worth $.000 wants acquaintance of honorable gentle man; early marriage; no objections to poor man ir honest. Address Mis. W., 697 Fulton St., Chicago. U LADIES' shirt waist suits our specialty. Burgess, 2u.'4 Farnum St. Tel. Doug. 4113. M507 M19 TICKET BROKERS OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 784. iy P. H. 1'hilbin, l&oa Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 640 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity: con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mrs. Allender. 423 N. Y. Life. U LARSON & JOHNSON. 14o6 Farnam. 11)35. Doug. -987 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WEALTHY Indies and gentlemen of re- nnement, anxious to marry; photographs and descriptions free. O. B., Box 7, Canon City. Colo. U 424 4x ATTRACTIVE and handsome young widoi worth tlO.UiO cash, owns home, desires me acquaintance or gentleman; object, matrimony; no onjeetion to poor man; will assist financially after marriage. Alias Hart. iJept. a, 64 Wabash. Chicago. C 4 4X "NO trust prlees;" brand new solid oak billiard ana pool tables, 1U0; also bar fix tures cheap. No agency expenses. Cata logues free. Chas. Pussow & Sons, Chl cago. 174 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. lt04. 9S5 WANTED Information of Sarah C. Phil lips, a sister of Rosannah E. Fish, de ceased, late of Newark. N. J., or of Mrs. John Walters, late of Newman Grove, Neb. Address August Wagner, Attorney, lulumuus, rteo. U 431 4 Dr. Wells. D. O. and M. D., Neville Block S7 A) LAW AND COLLECTIONS DR. SHIPMAN, Specialist Diseases tf the heart, liver and stomach. 618 Bee Bldg. SYMPATHT" and Feenan, sob S. 12th. 40 other sonits, 5c V-M27S 13 WANTED Information as to the address vf John 11. Noleware; he served as iy niasier during the civil war and lUe.l in Nebraska about 1872; small recovery ran probably be made. Address Harvey Spalding 4k Sous, Washington, D. C. MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocoatne habit myself cured; will Inform you of harmless permanent home cure. Mary tsaiawin. nox iij, 1. nicago. l - ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow l hurch Co., main floor N. i. L. lei. Doug. 128. 93 J. M. MACFARLAND. S0 N. Y. Te 1. 1 Hiu g;!'l L. Bldg. PRIVATE LEHSOVfl In drawing, painting ara illustrating oy j. r.nKeooii. artist. Office 8. E. corner 15th and Leavenworth. 1'hnne rted S24a. L M 4x CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY HIT I'OIFici Down cement block mi .ilibil.o chlnery. fall or write and let . . ... ,1 t 11. .. I . t , , . . - 1 us fcli"w you our inia. i iiuii w.w. uie. unij vno nour uiit or nigntiy Taun i nn.tru. tlon Co.. 229 Neville Hlk. and Increase your earnings IX per week; I M 671 MJO experio'u-e unnecessary 1 raei society Biiig., 150 Nassau St., isew York. Suite 1238. U 486 4x FLORISTS AN elderly gentleman, wealthy, kind and liberal, wants a good companionable wife. Address Uox lOf, taK Para, ill. V-4TJ 4x U HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D"ug. Lis. , HESS ft BWOBODA. 1418 Faruam. -4R9 Ieeds nied for record March 8, 1906, a furnished by the J. Fred Kerr Co., bonded abstracters, 1008 New York iJfe building: Mary A. Gray to William Kempeke. part s4 2-10-10 89.200 ancy t.-oniey to l . J. OMeiu, lots 1 and 2, mock 84, and other lots. South Omaha C. J. Wharton to Edward Crounse. lot 11, UlfTords add ., 2,000 H. lienaon and wire to H. M. Jen sen, lot 8, block 8, Gramercy park... 213 Jennie Adams and husband to W. H. Smiley, east H lot 17. block L Denis add 2,000 E. E. Howell and wife to H. E. Pease. part tax lot 27, section 21-15-13 800 South Omaha Land Co. to J. C Chris tie, lots 6. 6 and 7. block 2o4. South Omaha 350 Lorlnda M. Robison and husband to 8. W. Scott, tract adj. to lot 1. block 2. Quinn's add 1,000 J. A. UrifTen to. J. B. urlffen. tract In swti 32-15-13 10 William Fltxpatrtck to John McKeon. D4 lot 4. block 3, Pattes & Co.'a 2d add. 900 & C Ayer and wife to F. C. Aver, lot 18. blocks 3. MarysvlUe 600 Nebraska Investment Improvement Co. to M. F. Funkiiouser, lot 8. Rivervlew add 260 W . F. Gerke to H. B. Zemmann, und. lot 7, Gtffen A Smith's add 1,200 PRAIRIE FIRE RUNNING WILD Great Damage Has Been Done Panhandle and Blase Still Races. ROSWELL. N. M., March t Over l.OXI.OOO acres of fine pasture land In the western part of the Panhandle and Just east of Portales, N. M., have been burned in prairie lire that has been sweeping east and south fur two days and Is still beyond con trol, with a bead fifteen miles wide under a still wind. J. P. White of the Yellow House ranch and L. F- Douthlt. one of the biggest stock raisers in the southwest, state that the loss la already Sl.000.0u0. Probably a doien big ranches bars been robbed of their feed, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Entire t 1 sh cllnt only fractionally, uesplie the weuk- nes.i elsewhere upon the floor. Ihe cash Drlces were irit4n lower. linltitnore exporters bought 2Io,0iT0 bushels of corn at Omaha yesterday. Liverpool closed Va-Sid hlghM- to M lower on wheat and VuVl higher on corn. Broomhall estimates world s wneai snip ments for Monday . ut 10.4oO,000 bushels. Australian wheat shioments this week were l.fciw.OOO bushels, against 8R0.0W busliels last week und 1,8SO,000 bushels last year. Minneapolis has bought 4U0,0UO ousneis Nebraska wheat, to be taken to that mar ket Primary wheat receipts were 417,000 bush els and shipments lln,0JO bushels, against receipts last year or 444, mm ousneis ana shipments of 42,ouO bushels. Coin receipts were 6US.000 bushels und shipments tui.ouu bushels, against recelnts last year of 730,- 0o bushels and shipments of 371,(w) bushels. Clearances were lll.oiM bushels wheat, 31, () barrels flour, 4G2,0O0 bushels corn and 94,0 ItUKhels oats. Hartlett wired to W. C. Sunderland: "Through this season the 2O0 or S"0 fldur mills in New York state have run entirely on state wheat. Buffalo wires If naviga tion opens by April 1 the millers there will have more wheat than they can dispose of. Of Ave mills In Buffalo, three are shut down." Reports fiom Kansas vary from those of yesterday. They uay there Is no snow In western part and little snow ana nign winds elsewhere. . The local range of prices: Articles. Open. High. I Low. Close. Wheat- j j May 74A 74A 74A 74A Coin 1 1 May 37HA 87iA 37 S7UA July 37A 37A 87'frl 37HA new, 4s; American mixed, old. 4s 7H1; fu tures dull; March. 4s d; May 4S iwi. NEW YORK OEXERAI. MARKET 4(notatlona of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW TORK. March S.-FI-OUR-Re-r-elnts, 12.s2Ti bbls. : exports, 8.218 bbls.; dull and lower to sell. Minnesota patents, W-OiVrtl Do; Minnesota bakers, 83.5t'i)'35; win ter patents, $i.ttf4 35; winter straights. 83.7518.".; winter extraa, $2.7iii3.25; winter low grades, $2.8&'n1 2T. Rye flour quiet; fair to good, 3J.tMu-i.90; choice to fancy, 1.1 9.VIH sa CXH N. MEAL Steady : fine white and yel low, $1.15; coarse, $1 ORo.l.0i; klln-drled, $l.S5-fil . BARLEY Dull; feeding, i'r c. I. f. Buffalo ; malting. 47'iiOe c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, a-.' bushels; exports, 8.31(5 bushels. Spot market weuk; No. 2 re l, Mc, elevator; No. 2 red. Me, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Dutiith, f o. b. nfloit. Under favorable weath-T news llutildat on prospects for bearish statistics on Mondnv and the estimate by n private nuthorlty of 213,l),t0 bushels in farmers' hands, wheat broke sharply today, reaching new low records for the crop. Mav, K'i ho 9-lrtc, closed 8."Sc; July, &o1,fifc.Uc, closed tw'c; Septenilier, Sli'iiN'iiip, cioseil S4Sc. CORN Receipts, 1(16,2111,") bushels; expirts, 2"5,614 bushols; sales, fcii.tmo bushels futtires. Spot market steady; No. 2, 4lc, elevator and 47c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 47Vo; No. 2 while, 48i4jc, option market opined steady on cables, but weakened with wheat, and closed partly c net lower. May, 4N'ii 49c, closed 4tl7c; Sepiember, 49 u-luqiKuc, closed 4;'c. OA 18 ueeelpts, 42,tK.Xi bushels; exports, M.O08 bushels. Spot, market stcalv; mixed oats. 28 and 32 lhs., S4tj'ii0c; natural white, 30 and 33 lbs., 35 VutHtc ; clipped white, 3S and 4i lbSj 8?iia:ic. FEED Steady; spring bran, $19.75, March Shipment; middling, $19.75, March shipment. HAY Firm; shipping, 4.Vjc; good to choice, 77(86c. HOPS ulet; stat, common to choice li. HWSc; 19o4. IKhUc; olds, bU7c; Pacific coast, iyi6, 9f14c; olds, biilc. HIDE.S Quiet; Galveston, 20 and 25 lbs., 25c; California, 21 and 26 lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 and 30 lbs., 19c. LEATHER Steady; acid. WVd'.Ho. PROVISIONS Beef steady; family, $11.50 Hid. to; mess, js.uory iu.w; Deef htuns. $..0u 21.6o; packet. 8l0.bMull.ti0; city extra India mess, n Mua.v. cut meats firm; bellies, $f.7oCa 60; pickled shoulders, $.oou 7.5"; pickled hams, 10','u loV4c Ird firm; middle western prime, bur continent. $N 20; coinpound, $6.iOif.87Hi. Pork firm; family, $17.W"y 17 o"; short clear, $15.17.i; mess. $l.2u'i;16.75. 1 ALLOW Stead v: cltv. Se- rnnnlru ti. " ' - ' ...... j , v v. 5!4c. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 34 6c; Japan nomlnul. BUTTER Firm; renovated, common to extra, 12V20c; western factory, common to firsts. 13'i ltfic. EtltiS Easy; state Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, white, 20t21c; state choice, 1h19c; state mixed extra, 17c; west ern firsts, lotic; western seconds, 14'4'gljc; southern. 13'h15c. CHEESE Quiet; state full cream, small and large, colored and white, September, fancy. UTiH'e. POULTRY Live, quiet; western chickens, 11c; fowls, 13c; turkevs, lfie. Dressed quiet; western chickens, 10tjl3c; turkeys, 16'u21c; fowls, 10S13C VeV YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Opening Lcrel of Prices is About One Point Higher. SAGGING TENDENCY SOON SETS IN (losing Prlees Are Lowest of Day I nsatUfactnry Condition of Money Supply the Feature of the liar. Omaha Cash Sulea. CORN-No. 8, 1 car, 3&a. Omaha Cash Prlees. WIIEAT-No. 2 hard. 724i75c: No. 3 hard. 63ti724c; No. 4 hard, OUniilc; No. 2 spring. M'-tc; no. a spring, ti.'tij.ivic. CORN No. 3. 3o?tc: No. 4. :1i3lc: no grade, 2'.tlj32c; No. 3 yellow, 34c; No. 8 white, 36'ic. OATS o. 8 mixed. 28c: No. 3 white. 28Hp; No. 4 white, 22810. It x E No. 2, 55c; No. 3, 53HC. C'arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 3 Kansas City 28 Minneapolis H)i Omaha l7 Duluth 26 St. Louis 24 300 34 64 42 167 21 16 CHICAGO GRA1X AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Closing; Pricea on Board of Trade. v. . ,vj , ...,11 11 u . n on., y U.1111U 1,1 the price of wheat today followed a raid by the bears on the local market. At the close wheat for May delivery was down ISiC, corn waa down c, oats were off Ho and provisions were a shade to 10c higher. prices or wheat were on the down grade from the start to the finish of the session. Early In the day pit traders and commis sion houses were moderate sellers, but later the selling became general and a large volume or business was transacted, ex cept for covering by shorts the market was practically without support and un able to withstand the continued liquida tion by discouraged holders and persistent short selling by bears. The market closed extremely weak, with prices only slightly above the lowest point of the day. May opened a shade to 4c lower at 80c to (UV iX)c, declined to 78Vc and closed at 78'o. Clearances of wheat and Hour were cijual bu., compared with 444,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 826 cars, against 4uo cars last week and 323 cars a year ago. The decline In wheat was chiefly respon sible for a weak tone In the corn market. Cosh houses and outside interests were tho chief sellers, and buying was mainly by shorts. The market closed weak at about the lowest point of the day. May opened a shade higher at 43Vtc, sold off to iso and closed at 4.Vji4,c. Local receipts were 306 cars, with 8 of contract grade. Oats were weak. In sympathy with wheat and corn. Much long property was thrown on the market and shorts took advantage of existing conditions to put out new lines. A decline of V(j"e in the price or casn oats Increased the bearish feeling. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at 30Va;io'c, declined to 29!c and closed at 30c. Liocai receipts were ibi cars. Despite the weakness of grain, provisions were nrm. mere was an active uemana bv local riackers. but offerings were light. A 10c advance In the price of live hogs constituted the chief support of the mar ket. At the close May pork was up 10c at $15.42'. Lard waa a shade higher at $7.80. Kihs were up bo at $s.uus.iift. Estimated receipts for Monday are: Wheat, 10 cars; corn, 203 cars; oats, 226 cars; hogs, wt,("j neaa. The leading futures ranged as follows Articles ! Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May July Corn May July Sept. Oats May Julv Sept. Pork Mav July La rd May July Sept. Ribs May July so eVuomt'i 00 ui 43 43 44 Is I 43 Vj, 43 44 3Oti'SVi,30',4'S'1 2SI 15 r4j 16 36 7 80 7 9o 8 IK!H 8 15 8 224 15 45 16 45 7 Km! 7 WW 8 021 8 20 8 26 7SH! 7SS 7!Hi78Vj7 80 8041 43J43t,'5-U 4:H 43 !. 2 28 15 35 16 35 7 80 7 90 8 00 8 15 8 20 80 29 28 15 K.V, la 46 7 80 7 90 8 00 8 174! 8 224! 304 29' 2t; 15 324 15 274 7 80 7 90 8 00 8 124 8 20 No. I. Cash quotations were as follows: FI1UU Dull, neglected; winter patents, $3.94.U0; winter straights, $3.40ii3.70; spring patents. $3.rfi3.M: spring straights, $J.t0dj 1.60; bakers, $'J.2tVu3.0O. WHEAT No. ! spring. 79381c; No. I spring, 78c: No. 2 red, SOiJjKic. CORN No. 2, 394'iHoc; No. 2 yellow, OAT-No. t. t9K: No. 2 white, 804 114c: No. 3 white, 2!&31c. RYE No. 2, 61c. BARLEY Good feeding, 874gic; fair to cholre melting, 414100c. SEED No. 1 flax, $1,074; No. 1 northwest ern $1 124. Clover, contract grade, $13 86. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $1630 ti15 85. Lard, per v lbs., $7..0. Short ribs sides (loose). $ KhjS.IO. Short clear sides (boxed). H.3&S8.40. The receipts and shipments or flour and rteceiYi. Diiipmenin. 23.8'JO 41.700 12.000 20.O 272.SHO 2,5" 217.bOO 19,'Ml l.OiO 4i0 53.t0 82.6o0 rn ths Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries. 17fc274c; dallies, 17''C24o. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases included. 134c: firsts, 134c: prime firsts, 144c; extrus, 16c. Cheese, steady, ll&13c. Peoria Urala Market. PEORIA. March 1 CORN Firm; No. I yellow, 404c; No. $, 4o4t; No. 4. 89c; 00 "oATS-Bteady; No. t white, 29c; No. 4 Wtiitu. 29c. WHISK Y $1.28 Toledo Seed Market. TOIJ3DO. March 8 SEED Clover. cssh and March. 8S.27; April, la 2u. October, $6.26; timothy, $1.0; alsike. $.16. l.iTvrpeol Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. March 3 WHEAT Foot, nominal; futures dull; March, 6a 74d; May, 6s 'ii, July, 6a 6d. CORN Spot steady; American mixed. grain were Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, bu oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu... St. I.oa!a General Market. 8T. LOUIS. March 8. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator. STyWc; track, 9123r; No. 2 hard, 7Mi8.'c; July, 7Cc. CORN Ixiwer; No. 2 cash, 3:''ac; track, 40ti4(J4c; May, i4c; July, 414c OATS Lower; No. 2 cash. c; track. 304 ftlc; May, 29"4ru3tic; July, i8Tc; No. 2 white, 3.'4c FLOUR-Steady; red winter patents. $4.30 4.60; extra fancy and straight, $4.10si4 30; clear, $2.9uu3.U. SEED Timothy, steady; $2.6oti2.SO. COHNM EAL Steady ; $120. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 840 S5c. HAY Steady; timothy, $8.00813.50; prairie, $S.(Vn!i.p-. IRON COTTON TIES $1.02. BAGGING 9'4c. HEMP TWINE 74c. PROVISIONS-Pork, firm; Jobbing. $16.25. Lard, steady; prime steam, $7.45. Dry fait meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, $8,874; clear ribs, $S.624: short clears 8 .75. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, $9,124; clear ribs, $9.26; short clear, $9.60, POULTRY Firm ; chickens, lg-104c; springs. 124c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 13c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2Ka29c; dairy, 18r2?c. EGGS Firm at 12c; case count. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls l.m 6.000 Wheat, bu 24,0K) S8.U00 Corn, bu 42,000 69.000 Oats, bu 69,000 9o,0i 0 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March S. WHEAT Slow and lower; May, 72c; July, 72c; Sep tember. 714c; cash, No. 2 hard. 74!377c; No. 3, 714S70C; No. 2 red. 874fc!84c; No. 3, 83fi8c. Receipts, 29 cars. CORN Lower; May, 384c; July, 89o; Sep tember, 394c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 38c; No. 2 white, 38V; No. 3, 3i4c. OATS Steady : No. 2 white, 304fj314c; No. 2 mixed. 29430o. RYE Steady; 66c EGOS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2. whltewood cases Included, lac; case count, 11c; cases returned, 4c less. HAY Strong; choice timothy, $10.73(511.50; cholre prairie. $s.S.Vj8.75. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, Kc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 29.m0 16.000 Corn, bu 46,0"O 29,i0 Oats, bu 30,000 ll.ouO Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, March S. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 81c; No. 2 northern, 77i??'79c; May, 784(U74c asked. RYE lower; No. 1, 63iti4c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 65c; sample, 38 CORN Lower; May, 42c asked. Philadelphia Prodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. March S. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 30c; extra neurbv prints, 32c. ' EG(iS lc lower- nearby fresh and west ern fresh, 15c at mark. Tlulnth Grain Market. DULUTH. March 8 WHEAT To arrive und on track. No. 1 northern. 76e: No. 2 northern, 744c; May. 78c; July. 794c OATS To arrive and on track, 2ftc. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March 3. COTTON Spot closed steadv; middling upland, 11.30c; mid dling gulf, l'l.Krf-: sales, none NEW ORLEANS, March S.-COTTON-Bpot. firm: sales, 2.25") bales; ordinary. 7 1o-16c; good ordinary. 84c; low middling, 104c: middling, l"-c; good middling, tl 3-Vic; middling fair. 114c; receipts, 6.001 bales; stork, 27.1Sil bales. ST LOUIS. Murch S COTTON Stead v: middling, 11c; sales, 731 biles; receipts. 4L'8 bales; shipments, 55 bales; stock. 43,53i bLlVERPOOL, March 8 COTTON Good business was done in spot, with prices 14 points hlfiher; American middling f'llr, 6 44d: good middling, 6.10d; mldiUlng, 6 9M: low middling. 5.7d; good ordinary, 6.5Sd; ordinarv, 5.42d. The sntes of the day were 12.000 bales, of whlrh 1.CO0 wer for specula tion and exoort, und Included 9,lo0 Ameri can. Receipts were 3.0O0 bales, Including 2,100 American. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. March 3 OIL Cottonseed oil firm; prime crude, f. o. b.. mills, 2l'i S44c Petroleum steady; refined. New York, $7. CO: Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.56; Philadelphia and Baltimore In bulk, $4.65. Turpentine, quiet, 714f72c. ROSIN Quiet ; strained, common to good, $4 l"fi4.20. OIL CITY. P., March 8 OIL Credit balances, $1 5i: shipments. SS.UJ bbls.; aver age 57 7i4 bbls.; runs. 6!.W1 bbls.: average, 6-.6ol bbls.: shipments, Lima, 6V930 bbls.: average, 64.6o5 bbls.; runs, Llnuu, 3a,966 bbls : average. 3.9Gfl bbls. SAVANNAH Ga.. March 8. TURPEN TINE Firm. 65c. ROSIN Firm; A. B. C. D. E. F and G, $4 1o: II. f4.2: I. $4.M: K. $T. 20: M, $5.46; N. $5.90; W. G . $0.10; W. W.. $6.20. Snaar and Slolasses. NEW YORK. March 8. SUGAR Raw, t,ulet: refined. 24'"2 15-10c; eentrlf tigitl. 96 test. 34t(i 7-16c; molasses sugar, 2H'i-' 11-Wc. Rtflned. quiet: No. 6, 4 10e; No. 7. 4('ti-: No. 8. 4c; No. 9, 9 35c; No. 10. 3iOe; No. II, 3 85c: No. 12. 3ic; No. 13, 8.76c; No. 14 3.7Cc: con fectioners' A. 4 4fc: mould A. 4.8t: cutl iaf, 5c; crushed. R3Cc; powdered, 4.71; gran ulated, 4"rV; cubes, 4 85c. MOLABSES Steady ; New Orleans open kettle, good to cholri, X"i3kc. NEW ORLEANS. March 8 BUG A It Firm : open kettle, een:rifugHl. 8tia5-Vic: centrifugal whites. 8 Uric; ellows, 34fi 3 11-l''ic; B'eonds. 2rfj$ l-16c MOLASSES Open kettle, 17fi3fx:; centrif- USll. V.'il'MO. SVRUP Nominal, 17f30e. Metnl Market. NEW YORK. March 8.-METALS There was no quotable change In the various metal markets and business aits quiet, as usual. In the ahaenee of esbles. Spot tin Is quoted at ti ii.ta; lake copper is quoted at $18.124'&18.1.i; eU-etiolytic, $1H.7&'.(19 o": lead remains at $5 3fo 5 43 ; shelter at tu.'XZit $ lo; iron Is in moderate demand. ST. IO IIS, Mirih $. M K TAL8 Laad, toady, $6,274. Hpjlter. firm, $3-9u. NEW YORK. March . There was a fhirtup of prices In the opening dealings today touching to a point or upwards In many of the International stocks and spe cialties. Within ten minutes of the open- Inn, however, a sacalnir tendency set in which continued with only temporary Inter ruption up to the closing of the two-hour session, when prices were at the lowest and still declining, losses having been Quito genermiv substituted for tne earner gains. The little spurt at the opening was caused by the decision of the secretary of the tumsury to deposit $1o.flflO,ouo at the great banking centers to offset the effect of the heavy payments to the government on account of the 5 per cent redemption fund last week incident to the expiration of the currency redemption period of old bank charters which were renewed In large num bers three years ngo. The last action of the market was based to some extent on the conclusion that the amount ntnulally thus promised for the money market would have little effect on Interest rates. There was s suggestive advance In foreign ex change rates today, following the secre tary's announcement, which raised the question as to how far a resort to foreign banking facilities might 1 precluded by the offering of tho additional supply here. The bonk statement proved equally In adequate to check the sagging tendency of the market, although the contraction of lnnns and the consequent reduction of deposits nnd of the reserve requirement served to protect the surplus of the banks from any but a nominal Inroad by the week's withdrawals of cash. These proved about what was expected nnd as some of the heaviest shipments to the Interior wero mail" on Thursday and Friday the effect on the diily average may be expected to bo tl-rown over Into next week's bank state ment. The sub-treasury had a credit bal ance nt the clearing house today, Indicstlng a continuance of the drain from the money market to the government. The compara tively favorable hnnk statement Indicated that the consolidation of the surplus re serves was dependent on the loan contrac tion. With the tendency still running against the cash reserves of the banks and the propserts nf a further withdrawal of credits to keep pace with the shrinkage In reserve speculative sentiment was dis inclined to venture upon new commitments In the stock market. The Inter pressure on the market centered particularly on Amalgamated Copper, as was the case yes terday. Total sales of stocks, par value, $1,440,000. The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. Htgb. Low. rinna. Alams Express Amalgamated Cnpprr 8(1.700 10714 10114 im American C. ft F Amertran C. A P. pfd.... American Cotton OH Amrrlran Cotton Ut! pfd.. American Expreea , American H. & L,. pM American tee. aerurUtea.... S.S0O 4S American Llnaeerl Oil American Llnaeed Oil pfd. American ixtcomotlve l.loo 41 ie 4 i"0 mm toil, loi 14 l.toO Sl4 :i 41 Amnr. Locomotive pfd AmerVan 8 A R American S. A R. pfd American Su?r Refining. .. Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa Anaconda Mining Co Atchison Atrhiaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Line llalllmore A Ohio Paltlmnr & Ohio pfd Rrnoklvn Rnptd Transit.... Canadian Pacific Central of New Jeraey Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago & Alton pfd Chicago Great Wentern Chicago A Northwantern . . .. Chlcro, Mil. A St. Paul... Chicago T. & T Chicago T. A T. pfd C, C, C. A St. Lou la Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado & Southern Colorado A Bo. let pfd Colorado A So. Id pfd Consolidated Oaa Corn Producta Corn Products pfd Pelawaro A Hudson Delaware. L. Jk W Denver A Rio Grande Denver A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities Erie Erie lat pfd Erie Id pfd General Electric. flocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper International Pnper pfd International Pump International Pump pfd Iowa Central . Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City Southern Kansas City So. pfd Louisville A Nashville Manhattan L Metropolitan Seeurlttea .... Metropolitan Street Ry Mexican Central Mlnneapollc A St. Louis... M , St. P. A 8. 8. M M . St. P. A 8. S. M. pfd.. Mlsaourl Pacific Missouri, Kansas A Texas. Missouri. K. A T. pfd National Lead National R. R. om M. pfd.. New York Central New York. O. A W Norfolk A Western Norfolk A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall Ponnaylvanlt People's Gas P.. 0., C. A St. 4ula Pressed Steel Car Pressed Pteel Cor pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading 1st pfd Kraillng 2d pfd Republic Steel Repuhlle Steel pfd Rock Inland Company Hock Iniand Co. pfd St. L A 8. F Sd nrd 8. Louie Pouthnrcetern St I-oula S W. pfd Fonlhern PiclSc Southern Pacific pfd Pouthem Railway suth(rn Hallway pfd Temissce Coal A Iron Texas A Pacific Toledo. Rt. L. W Toledo. Bt. L. A W. pfd... t'nlot Pacific Colon Pacific p'd t'elt'd Ptstes Express foiled S'etes Rciilly t nl'cd Plates H"lor I' 8 r.ul.-r rM t olled stites cte I t'. B. Steel r'- Va.-Carolt-is J mtral Vs. -Carolina 1 lim. pfd.... Wabs.h Wl,sh pfd Wells-Fargo Evnrcss W.stl:rh"Ue EU-ttrlc W-stern Colon Wheeling a I.ske Erie Wisconsin Central Wl.roosln Central pfd Northern Psclflc CcnlrHl leather Cnlril leather pfd Slose-Sh'ffleld Total aalea for the day 1,800 ij.'joo IMS i4Vi 'i.ti ii 3i to tm ! 47H II 4.1 lit lB4"t IS1 Z0 1044 10C4 1J.700 ta ;( 11 .7on ' S9H 100 10J4, l"2a 102 inn 158 im ir oo 11014 110il0i4 S e.itno H14 gnu ao4 800 170S 16 109 'w 114 1,400 66 H 85 4 So4 tl T7 K) tl n o 1:5 .tX 1784 17744 177H m 714 is 72 49 4 154 174 ta 2o5'4 4M rr H 41-4J 400 1 800 400 100 ino UK e.n4 SC4 75 4P'i 000 188S too II T 14 14 71 4Uj 184 i1 K0 10844 20S 1.400 200 t Aon 7.000 SIX) "0 ST M 42T4 77 84 m 88 42 4 78(4 4 17V 8 400 148 17V 174 llti'a SnO wn i8Uj ie4 400 2144 1S 84 80 II 100 I0H ni M ti 8n4 ano 14114 ll'H 1484 80O 188 1874 187 1.7IO 72H TIV4 71'4 I H) 11H H84 111 l.ooq 1414 11 1414 78 148 14t V 8S 70 18 too ni 1 1.100 10014 1.400 3414 1.100 100 100 71-4 7414 1.100 141 4il 8014 1o 864 U 814 mi 70 74 88 14814 14r 14 494 4v4 t4 42'4 13.800 1H814 138 I0O W14 ( 400 88 4 424 400 81 UK $4,80 1S4 1844 too 82 1 V4 oO 2814 ion 102 l.too 24 t.100 800 700 210 8. J "1 87 4S'4 U'l f,f, i 88 4 2 102 2(i 48 284 8414 884 M I 8 4 424 137 '4 M 78 (24 87 I37U. 134 '4 U'l t(4 28 102 2S 4 45 '4 24 88 100 117S 11T4 11714 4.100 tl'4 18 k4 800 148(4 14SV4 800 H4 14 H84 tliO 2o0 t(4 83 (n 148 1 544 r5.6'!0 1824 1514 181V r.Z 100 ut 111 lis 84 4 S0 82V4 8014 8" '4 I o 1U'4 1104 IU'44 40 800 41S 12,800 10814 80 4V4 10f.' 48 40S 1054 49 100 lli'x 1114 1114 200 23 Z1 4.1 80 . 6 800 214 . i.soo 424 . 4 1100 104 800 80 499. 'Ha) shires. 49 4 49S4 234 1(8 914 tfli t" M'4 2114 tll 4214 42 104 1054 It 19 '4 Iloaton StiirLa nnd Bonds. TIOSTON, March S Call loans, triXV. per cent: time loans. 4fiCV4 per cent. Official quotations on stocks snd bonds were: Atchison ad. 4a. . .. do 4s Mex ('antral 4s ... Atchlaon do pfd Host on A Albany noston A Maine.., Iloslon Elevated ... Fltchburg pfd Mexican Central N. T . N H. A H..t") .Grsnhr L'nlon Paclfle Amer. Arge. Chun.. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tub.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T... Amer. Woolen .. do pfd Dominion I. A 8 .181 Ul Rnyale ... 21 slaaa Mining . 8 Ml'hlgan 22V4 Mohaak issju Mont C. A C. , ...187 old Iiomlnloo . ...1S7 Osceola ...41 Parrot ...104 qulDcy Shannon E 01 son F.lee. Illu ?:8 Tamarack 18W Trinity . 8 t'nited Cooriar . 4'4 V. 8. Mining... lu I' S. oil 81 it'tah . II Iviclorla . I V Winona . p .", 4 iU'olverlne . 78 jNurtu bulla ., 14(4 Allouaa 17(4 ..lniVk Amalgamated 104 .. 82 (American Zinc 10 .. hH(4 Atlantic I4 . .1"."4 Hlngham 4u4 . .27 ;('al. A Heels 4 ..177 Icentennlal 28 .184 Copper Hang "4 .141 !laly Weal H .. 24(4 Franklin I"1 10(4 . . 2t4 .. 1(4 .. II .. t .. i ::S .. it .. it .. 4(4 ..10T .. 10 .. 44 .. 14 (4 .. 12'4 .. 414 :: .15 .. UV4 Mass Electric do pfd Maaa Oaa fnlted Fruit I'nltad Iboa Mach . . do pfd V g. Steal do pfd Westing common . Adventure Hid. "Asked. Clearing llouae Averages. NEW YORK. M-ireh $. The statement nf the clearing house hanks for this week shows that the bunks hold te.OOS.T&O over the learal requirements. This Is a decrease of r.(U75 und r last week. The statement follows: U.ans. $1,4fp.37oo; decrease. tX r eposlts. lM 545 u; decrease, $12 7U.TU1. Circulation. $00 fltf: Increase, $I19J. Ix-gal tenders, t'i.'i'ii 'W: decrease, $14). !. Fperle. $lM.t7?.': decrease. t,WA.t. He. serve required. $JR7.Sh;.!S(; decrease, $3 .1.-4-6 Surplus li.'xaj.TTJJ; decrease, $i lo.rrS. LU-L'nl(ed- States deposits. $7,147,72; doe crease, $iis,ioa i