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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
n TOE OMAHA DAIIjY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1906. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Show a Lower Bano of Prices Than Week Ago. HOGS EXPERIENCE A DECIDED ADVANCE No Freak Receipts of sheep to Make Tent of Value For Week Trade Blow, with leaner Tendency ob All bat Beat. 3C n Si ... ( is ti tn ... t ii4 M r.l ... Ill W I2 ... I 111, "4 ... I II 14 1.1 ... I 12 n I 4o lo ii ri i its M 10 M I 14 44 tJI ... I US 71 2- ... 4 10 41 114 40 I IIV, 7 ... I 11 Jil ... I llt lit ... I 10 II !7I 44 4 li i i t ... 4 io ? n a in 1 ill ... 4 II 4f I3 ... I II 71 Ill ... I 14 7C 231 D III 7 Z"l 40 4 II K Ml ... I it 7) ill H I It II tat M I It K tl ... t 1 If Its ... u O 0 imnnp II Mlliillftliil r n 1 1 1 mwmn SOUTH OMAHA. March t, 1904. Receipt were: Official Monday ... Of7l:'lal Tuesday .., Official Wednesday O ti n ia I Thursday .. Total thla weea. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. ,.. 4.1M 1,i6 lt.but .. 1,63) u,m 4. tin .. 4,64 12.741 7,333 ,.. ll.K-2 1.61s .. 2,2X4 10.105 1,M1 .. 244) .W0 ..24,123 M.MO 23.42 ..21.7C 61.212 44.011 ..19,67 5J.2:H 17,340 ..17"4 67.6H1 15,tw8 ..1R.232 47.3H7 28.W1 ..15.6S1 M.277 21.352 Same week last year The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep for the year to date at South Omaha, compared with last year: 19U6. 12u8. Inc. Dec. Cattle isa.209 134.132 25.077 I'ogs 40.327 t'M.ri 66,426 Bheep 2(,1S7 274.781 ,04 FRIDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to the country Friday and their points of destina tion: CATTLK. Cars. .H. W. McDonald. Herman M. A 0 1 Boyer D., Comstork g 1 W. T. Hamilton. Ord J 2 A. Berkhoffer, Dow City, la. I. C 1 William Keeley, Anoka. Neb F. E 1 C. N. Carsen. Logan, la. I. C 1 O. Porter, Fairfax, la. F. E 2 F. P. Lewis. Bradlnh Q 1 J. W. Preston. Lewis, la. R. 1 1 A. F. McDanlel, Webster City, la. I. C. 1 T T i i- i . . . . . . tf. iviuuiirii, ia.umei, in. i. j. ...... A. O. Seymour, Gravity, la. Q Ed Eno, O'Neill F. E C F. Walters. Lyons M. ft O Bwanson Bros., Newman Qrove F. E.. W. Burgton, Silver City, la. Wabash! rviTn-r nros., nanrocK, la. . 1. . S 1 1 1 1 1 ThumiN IVMna flrinnLu la it i " - Uaardman & S., Overton U. P. 1 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The follnwlnir will ahnar Ih. nt.t,A Ml.4 for the different kinds of cattle on the Houth flmi. hn n,ufUc. Good to choice corn-fi?d steers $4 9fEf6.tV Fair to choice corn-fed steers 4 6o'(i4.9i) Common to fair corn-fed steers. ... 4.j"'g4 60 Good to choice rnwa nni4 hrlfura fl etiunA rt Fair to good cows and heifers...!! 2."u3.60 vuiiim'ib na cuiiers X.oo'uXiio Good to choice stockers ft feeders.. 2 Ho-i .e) Fair to good stockers snd feeders.. !.5ofy3.ft) Common to fair stockers 2 mmiXM Bulls, stags, etc 2.6'J'u 4 uuuu teal calves O.WUtj.IiO RANGE OF PRICES. . Cattle. Hogs. Omaha I2mii,A R0 in ilyiiiI is Chicago l.tiiKoij.) 6.S'.i(37tt """ -ny .:af(fo i) 6.aout) a Bt Louis 2.30ti.10 6.4lKUti.40 SlOUX City 2.uO"u.j.aJ 6.90,1.. BID The following table shows the average " im ai ouum i.rnuna lor me last ' wun comparisons; Dute. Mug. UW6.il9o4.lW3.19U2. 11901. IISmO, Feb. Feb. Feu. - .... Feb. i ... Feb. Fun. Feb. Feb. Feb. aViOll. Moll. Men. 19. . 19.. iu.. -i.. vt.. 26.. ii. . 23. . 1.. 2.. .. U J I 0 K.'Vll 1 I ! 6 22 ,1 6 H4l I 10i l I I bw-i I I V7j 4 Mi 4 IA t J4 4 ( 4 Ml V 4 $0, 4 .2 4 '. O-06I 6 121 Ojto, 6 fc , a A ! 6 ill B 40 i 3i( 6 21 s U a UUi 6U, ts 9l Uk t. :i'i I 3 l( 84, tu( 4 b 0i ss 6 bi! 7 i 7 6 S7 4 24 St.! V M 6 96 2S t U Al, ii 21 5 ii 4 81 6 ill 4 7S & x.i 4 :i 6 iu 4 70 6 ii 4 70 ill) S 3X 4 4 to h i'., 4. , 6 24, 4 70 4 )R b 4 W 4 wj 4 Mi 4 .V Sunduy. The official number of cars of stock viuuftiii in iuuay i eacn roau was: c m. & st. p .l.lif:llo""iH',ef. Miaduu.i A'aciiic 1 1 j cii.uu x'acihu ttyHtem....... 2 14 J C oc V. W., east 12., C dc VV weal g ,, c, bi. i'., M. & U 2 8., C, a., . w-, eaut 2 4., u. 4c V.i weal 12 ., i-.. ii. I. ot t1., east 1 S.,. Jv. 1. dc P., west 1 M....U.S Centra. 1 ., v...,k.uau ureal eslern. .., .. 1 . bo 2 hi 1.4 1.412 -ota.1 recelDts 1 fnlflM tinea The diapoHllion of the day's .empia was urn luiiuvva, miu uue. puiciiaauig iue num ber of head indicated. Cattle. Hogs umana racking company biu iinu company iU cuuuiiy i'ULKiii4 Louipany i ..nuuur ic Co Ac boa 4 uu.vr bujci'a ltU Totals 2w XiVt U. . iii,--1 nu, e ttfiw iiui...,,ai ui any i.oriuacu in lue cai.iu huii acI c.aa mo. mug, ueu leueipla ueniH ailnc:l noiuina, a Uauui ou tkiluiuuy, wilu oniy ti lew add. l.uiial kdus anu wads carriud over l.oiu .aierdaV. rveueiina of cattle of all kinds have been Veiy uutiai lam week, the lolui lunnuitl mer luu pievioua week and tubnui a. auiu ot i.ov Lluu over tn corre ri,ui. weuu ci it ear ao. ' nave oecii uoiu ua and downs In tae t.ail.u ...aiei i.aa weva, but tne downs liavi s.-iewnai ine utoi of It. On iio.iua, va.uc, u anyiniiifc, were a little wo.', out v.n lUuuuf cue inaiket was ui..eie iioui ti.ut lo lw; lower. This toats was uiacticuuy all miiuo up on l (Ulieiuuy, bill ou i liui eKlay lae marke tuu UixLi, aim wao lijile loo strong on Fnuay, so l.,al ai toe clooe of tne sob a.tiia a.o helically 10 1SU .OWCl' tliall one luu. CAteiiunt on lae very besi L..... ....ion do nol jIiow inach cnange. -..a i.cneiM i.iiie nad tneu ups ...-, oui i..ey ueJaned tuoie snarp.) l...., a.iu u l..o c.oao of Ihe Wee uii v.o.e lo .v.(.ij town laau one v. ten uw. &.o .iieu.u..i fefuiiet nae fullered lue l..wi, Vtal.e wucu i.atc not cnanaeu veiy l..Uw... eiocktis anl feeders have been cumins In tn voiy numuui ail tne weva, t l)c.a..y coui.aon lo laeuiuiu nan we.k.iia. . niie lae country lias been a ireu ouyer, u uaa oit.i ui.auie lo take ail tuai i.uvu oeun l ooU.d be. pel i.aj-J. nio.e lo.iecl lo .i "keeu uiuible lo Ul' U.i l,e Coi.laiWil l ll.VlilUUi calllu V...1-1. a-iv o. ai-ou an. all. : hi uie yarus iUii;.' iajt lv.j if I. .ire ual s and 01 .ni... taelo a.e still .j!.ifc ..ibolo. On the oli. n haiio. I. .tie have bin none too many tioa lo i.iiuKe neaty feeue.s. and cattle of tual UeDCIlLllon nave fcuiu jusi uouui sieaay all tne week. The decline on Ui other tiauea amounts to I.jjC, the common, lla-nl und o.i-coior Mtutt suliering the uiosu ni reeniutlve sales: LEEF Bl'EEKS Ns 2.. U.. 1. t t 1. 1. 1. 61 A . .llil . . Mil . . V , . f ., . .. tin .. 4: .. u .. Ii0 .. I xl . . 210 OCKl . Pr. .111,4 I .1IJ t TI . K'l U .. t34 I H ..110 3 W .. T 4 40 .. U t 40 W. No. 4 40 iJ COWS. I .;o ....... i j in . i t i i HEIFERS, t 4 rcLi.s. is ... .. CAL.VE.H. 3 76 I I lo t 4 IA) EKd AND FEEDERS. w 10 11 74 44 W KiTERNS. C. E. Cook-W j o. ; steers. ...11 iu uouft-'lua kcve.e storm which prevailed ov.' ...e a i car axi i oi iiM sui I'ounuuux lernioiy cul uowi. itceipia lo a vily iuv lain. V lien l.e ..ia.rl oinea oniy lit luu caib toriv ... ij"i. ana wniie la It I. inereaaea uainoer uomewnat, the Ij., ua liio .ai lor a uaiuraav in fe.tat Mlilie. t nuti' the Influence of the kii uei.iana, tne ..alii receipt and favor' u.e lepuiis from oiber selling poinia Uie laaiKtl anoacU a tf.iaip advaoee. PrLes Wu.w on an averaae a big ibc lilntiei lua )tliiildy, the nob kvaili vexy largely a,, witu a u.i top. cveiytiiln cnai.ed i. anus la a veiy shoit tuna and lie ja.uu ut ueatittu ai an early Hour. Wi.ile lae top louay was l.oi as high ras been toucned before tins year. Hi uverage of ail liio saies was the iiigiieat of any uay so far this ear. The advance lo uay makes uy lor au the decline of e leiuay ana tne uay ix lure ana leaves in market ai a point is 6uVac lilglie loan ine ciom il iusi week. Kepieseiuallve sun-. 9v 4t s rr A aa. Pr 44 " M li4 11 it M 4 It M ttf li 4 lw Tl 124 ... U It 121 to 1 ul, 14 ill 44 4 1 It 1"4 ... 4n1 74 J;l 140 110 M... Ml ... Mi T Ul ... I 11 H U HI Ul IU 71 Ill 44 I 12a M k ... 4 1 T Ill M lw 1 1M ... I 1 II 41 11 44 ll ... I II 44 141 ... I llw m 242 i4o i is n m ... ( U BHEEP No fresh receipts were rennrted today, there being nothing of any come quetire In the barn. There Is not very much to be said regarding the sheep trade tn addition to what has already been pub lished In these columns. Good to choice heavy wethers and ewes have been in active demand all the week, and the few arrivina have met with ready sale at fully steady prices. In fact, prices on this kind of stuff have been strong as compared with all other market points, ewes especially selling very well. Medium graues oi Doin sneep ana lamos, and even good kinds of light, have not been In such active demand and show some little decline for the week. The kinds are. In fact, selling at the low point of the sea son so far. The lamb market' has not been entirely to the liking of sellers In that the de mand has been lighter than usual at this point. Packers have not had uso for the ufuul number, and under the Innuence oi the slack demand the trade has been In clined to drug, giving values a lower '- aency. The best iambs are not so mum off as are the common to medium kinds, but all grades have been slow sala. AS has been noted from time to time, ine eastern mutton market has not been as good as might be desired, and the begin ning of Lent has reilurert the consuming demand still further. This fart has had no little Influence on the market for both sheep and lambs during the current week. Quotations: Good to choice native lambs, 6.4"4i.; good to choice western lambs. ''..;i .So; fair to good lambs. J.0Wj.3O; cull iambs, H MH-..2I: good to choice ugni ye. lings, 5.65ft5.80: good to choice heavy year lings, ln.5tH,i6.66: fair to good heavy year lings, 36.40fr6.50; g(,od to choice wethers, t&.&itti-S.fti: fair tn a mil wethers. good to choice ewes. f4.Wu6.40; fair to pood ewes. f4.oOw4.SK); cull sheep and bucks, 23.01) 64.00. KAKSIB CTTV. March 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3oo head. Market unchanged; na tive steera. 14.uiiS.M: southern steers, 23.75 i6.00; southern cows, $2.2663.80; native cows and heifers, .25-a6.00; stockers and feed ers, $3.0ira-4.HO; bulls. 2-75''o4.2o; calves, 23.00 (&.7S; western fed steers, 23.5tKii5.BO; western lea COWS, ...DU4.0. , HOGS Receipts, 3.000 hend. Market 5 10c higher; bulk of sales. $6 liKS-fi.lR; heavy,; packers, 20.10(u.16; pigs and lights, . out'tri. in 1.1MHS- Recent. 300 head. Market nominally steady; muttons, M.TMjS.SO; lumbs, 25.6o4jti.7B; range wethers, 2&.bo'u'6.00; fed ewes, )4.2&4i6 40. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hon Five to Ten Cents Higher Sheep Strong;. CHICAGO, March 3. CATTLE Receipts, 3"0 head; market steady; beeves, 23.80;&1.30; cows. Jl.60fc4.BO; heifers, 2.4(.(in.uo: caivea, 5.&Oif8.0O; good prime steers, 23. 76 p 6.30; poor medium, l3.eXHub.30; siocaers ana ieo tr. 2 75''a4."o. HOGS Kecelpts. 1S.00O heaa; esumaiea Monday, 45,000 head; market 61?10c higher; mixed and butchers. I6.10&6.35; good heavy, W.i&tiii 37i,; rough heavy, $0.15&iii.2f): light, $', 116.274; pigs, 2j.80iifi.l5; bulk of sales, 3U 21iti.3:H . . . . BHKLP AND bAMba lieceipis, nw head: market strong; sheep, I3.25tfjfi.10; yearlings, 2B.(NSi.6S; lambs, fo.UO. Knnsaa City Live Stock Market. T ' , .-i, . n ,-v fn.AU 4 ClTTT X," T? - 1 A .1 O V il V 1 L 1 , i,itiii.ii . ' n . " " celpts, 6u0 head. Including 60 southerns: market, steady; choice export and dressed heef steers, $o.25'5.!0; fair to good. ?4.0ii'a a. if; western iea sieers, li.iFryn.uo. rmmr ana leeoers, tviii"; aouiueri. nireiB, gM.'.'i; soutnern cows, j.on, uno cows. fiSfi.lO; native heifers, 23.2&''i6.'W; v.. .n. o-J;aii.i. r.l,,., t.1iVV?.H7K; rernlnta for the week. 41,300 head. uniiau...lnii 1 .1 liAtt1 mnrlfAt Ryt llllUD ... V . .,uw ...... ... -. in.. I I ..l... . , .... t il 1 r. l,n 1 Lr f m U. Ill ( , B.15; heavy. $rt.l2Vntil6; packers, 25..5'ifi.l0; . , a ,.-,.. -r i-.. l.i. raMlnta , . iha I1KB UIIU UKIllB, ft IVU1.1V, av,j. wa -" week. 61,100 head. . BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, "?9 head; market, steady; native lambs, 2S.6(Kt 2.76; western lambs, 25.Mi"5; ewes and yearlings, 24.7Sii5.0; western fed yearlings, 26.6iKit4i.00; western fed sheep, 24.25ii6.So; stockers and feeders, 3. 254.50; receipts for the week, 33,9o0 head. Kew Tork Live Stock Market. uriv vAPi' Uamh tikf;v Eft Re ceipts, 396 head: no trading, market feeling weak; dressed beef, slow at CasMrc per lb. for native sides. No later cables. Ship ments, 760 beeves and 7.6S1 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 93 head; none on sale; market feeling nominally steady; city dressed veals In fair demand at W14c per .. . a -. .a.. . u.,1'.. nna. IK id. ; country oressea, Bifmiy bi oi i-- i"1 BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.1S5 head: sheeD market nominally steady; lambs dull and a shade easier; western iambs sold at 27 S7r7.6i; dressed mutton, steadv at 74110c Dor lb.; dressed lambs, 10 .. ik n n ..... it A a mti inrlnff UII17TIO 'e. id., ...vjiii.j , . ... b lambs, steady. 24.Ou4i9.00 per carcass. HOGS Receipts. 9.6O0 head; none on hand; market feeling steady; country dressed, firm at 6ijygl3c per lb. St. I-onts Live Stork Market. RT. LOl'IS. March 2. CATTLE Receipts. S.OfH) head, including 175 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, . , l - . .A, K.a a rA hii.rhir aleers. faxasioo; steer under 1.000 lbs., 23.1Vg4.60; siocaers nna reeiie.s, tij'iii. iv, vwo .nv heifers, 22.2in "o; canners, ii ikmo o; duiis. dian steers, $3.90ij4.70; cowb and heifers. HOGS Receipts. i.OftO head; market 10c l i i . I A lln-K.a 4C AMiA SR nnilrarfl Jf!'y&.35; butchers and best heavy, 26.269 4R. . . BHEEP AND LAMBS No market. Slonx Ctty I.Ito Stock Market. BIOCX CITY. March S. (Special Tele- gram.) CATTLE Receipts. oO head; mar ket steudy; beeves. 4 OOQ6.50; cows, bulls snd mixed. $2 6014. 26: stockers and feeders. 23 0iM14 25: calves and yearlings, 2.1. (Hi 3. 9. HOGS Receipts, 1,000 head: market 10c higher, selling at 26. 900.10; bulk of sales, !J.(oii.05. . St. Joserk Live Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. March $. CATTLE Re ceipts, 137 head; market, steady; natives, 34UXn5.90; cows and heifers, .xaM; stockers and feeders, 23.00(64 50. HOGS Receipts. 3.O70 head; market, hlKher; lluht, Jf .0fS6. 1 2V, ; medium and hesw, IW.06.50: bulk of sales. 2t 07Hy.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market nominally steady. Stock la Sight Receipts of live stock nt the six principal rrestern markets yesterday: U'l' Pouth O-M ha.. Pioux Clr Kansas City... t. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Totals 248 2)0 fc)n .. 137 ..8,0110 .. 2 K ..4.373 Hoes. Sheep. 4. mo 1.00 2.070 t.OtO 16.000 1.6)0 26.70 "Two Midos Cloalag Stocks. LONDON, March 2 Closing quotations on he 'tnok exchange were: Cow'l. aoair I0WN. T. Cmtral 1504 do count NT-la .Nortulk & W Anaronda 1 ' do pfJ Al.lllKia ' Onuir.a A W H to T& 104 Ptnnaylal Tl D.lilmor A Ohla....lll4 Rnd Ulnas 1 I'snsdlsa Pi-lllc 17b-, Hawdlug 11 ( h4. Ohio do lat pfd 47 rhiufo W at! Vsi t d0 M P'd ias C li. tk St. t 1U Soulhr Hallwar ... rx-Bwrs us' do p(d loi Oenw A R. 0 4jl Sou 'hern Paris 414 do pld tl 1 1 oion Ptciac Eri 44 do pfd It do lt p'd nX I Stool 42 do td pld 14 do pit I"1 Illlnoll Contra! 174 iW.tain 14 Louiarlllo A Naik....lM4 do ptd tl U . K. A T ill SILVER Bar. dull. 3td per ounce. MONEY 3H4i3 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 per cent; for three monibs bills. 3 9-lbyJS per cent. .New York Mlalav Stocks. NEW YORK. March 2. Closing quoutlons on mining stocks were OWNS A PROVED GOLD ShlppeirS r--i Adams Coa Alic Brooco bninsvWk Coa .. Cooulora Tuoool. Cou. lal. A Vs.. Hira Siitot Iroa t.lor larad.uli Cos. .. ti ,..W ... it ... tl ... I ...I2 ...r- ...I7t LlttU Chief ... Ortario ,, Opbir raoaau Polool Savaio Sierra Navada "UII HcpaB ,. Siasdard ... tV4 II ... il ... 10 ... lo Bask riearlatra. OMAHA. March 3 Bank clearings for today were txl5o,o&2 09. and for the corre sponding date Ual year r. 717.1W.U. 190o. 190S. 3 1 94o.SJ6.74 1.613 .332.M 1.673 ivl 64 l,412.l"il 00 1.797.7i7.yl 1,667.19S.j0 1.967.142 94 1.9v4.&uiBl 2.23.797 73 1.967.14.o 2.160,12.1 L717.lio.ilS Monday Tuesday Wedneaday Thursday Frl tay , Saturday Totals 311.7UVM9 1& 110.062.304 00 Increase over last year. 31.639.646.13. Tresisry Stateaaeat. WABHINOTON March 3. Today's state ment of the treasury balances la las gen- IN THE HEART OF MANHATTAN, NEVADA. SURROUNDED BY OTHER BONANZAS HONEYCOMBED BY OTHER SHIPPERS First Offering of Treasury Stock of the oh grit!: Sfilhw mo f mm M 3 m a our5 JUMPING JACK MANHATTAN MINING CO. Capitalization - - $1,000,000 1,000,000 Shares of the Par Value of $1.00 Each Fully Paid and Non-Assessable Treasury Stock - - 350,000 Shares OFFICERS: President ...... FRANK GOLDEN President Nye and Ormsbv County Hank, Tonopah. Vice-President . - - TH0S. S. ROBINSON Director Jumbo Mining Co., Goldfleld. Treasurer J. P. MARSHALL Cashier Nye and Ormsby County Dank, (ioldflc-ld. Secretary - - - - - - L. M. SULLIVAN THE UNION No. 9 is a SENSA- Executive Offices -. - G0LDFEID, NEVADA 9 - i si ii I.,..-.. ii ,. i i .1 ii i asi . ' ' A BONANZA GOLD MINE The Jumping Jack is situated in the midst of a network of great gold mines on Manhattan's famous Gold Hill. The Jumping Jack is bounded on the WEST by the famous UNION No. 9 claim of the Manhattan Dexter Mining Co. TIONAL SHIPPER. The Jumping Jack is bounded on the SOUTH by the great STRAY DOG claim and RILEY FRACTION. BOTH OF THESE ARE SHIPPERS OF HIGH GRADE. The Jumping Jack is bounded on the EAST by the Big Pine claim, and on the NORTH by the Big Four claim and the Gold Wedge Fraction. They have opened up high grade in all of these. The Jumping Jack itself is already a steady shipper of high grade. The first two hundred sacks of ore shipped from the Jumping Jack mine went over $200 per ton. Another shipment will be made presently. A true fissure vein averaging three feet wide has been explored to a depth of 80 feet by a shaft, and at this level drifting has been begun. Over 100 applications for leases have been received, and bonuses of from $1,000 to $5,000 have been offered therefor, but only three have been let. These cover 300 feet of the claim. The company has reserved an acreage of approximately 1,200 by 600 feet on which to do its own development work. A vigorous plan of development has been decided upon and a DIVIDEND-PAYER will bo made in tho quickest possible time consistent with niiner-lika mining, 1 STOCK OFFERING 150,000 shares of the treasury stock are offered for public subscription at SO cents per share. , ' Early application will be made for listing on the San Francisco and New York Exchanges. Reservation of shares should be made by telegraph direct to the secretary, L. M. SULLIVAN, G0LDFIELD. Allotments will be made by priority of appli cation. Notification of acceptance will be given by telegraph, Certificates will be forwarded immediately on receipt of cash subscription, which must be sent promptly after telegraphic notice of allotment, to the company's depository. . ear OLOFBELO, NEVADA. iaaaa 1C eral fund, exclusive of the 2160,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, 2192.263.992; gold coin and bullion, 7S,7o5.iiO; gold certificates, 201.6M6.UOO. Kew York. Moarj Market. NEW YORK. March 3 MONEY On call, nominal; no loans. Time loans, steudy; sixty and ninety days (fa per cent; six months, 51 per cent. PRIME MEJRCANl'lLB PAPER-6g6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at 24 S676& 4 8iao tor aemand and 34 aJocyl f.'uo for sixty-day bills; posted ratrs. H W-j and 31.67, commercial bills, 14 624j4.6iU. SILVER liur, 6V-; Mexican dollars, 50c. UONDS Government, Ilrm; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations on bonaa today were ss lolluws: V. t. ts rag. ...I" J"pa 4s M saiias. ...1M' so coupon lultS lo Ii ctfa tt V. S. rag Ul do 4Vti ctfa II So coupos MS io ti sarlas M f. B. oil 4a, n KeVL- N. anl. 4a lot do coupon lu. Maabattaa c. g. 4a..,ltil4 C. 8. t aw 4a. rtf ....lM ,M. Caolral 4s IS So coupon li so 1st lnc U4 Am. Tobacco 4a Tl Minn. It. U 4a.... io tm Ill M , K. T. 2a 14 Atrbiaos fas. 4a lot! lo la 114 lo adj. 4a 4 ft It. R. ot If. a. 4a. Atlanllo c. U 4o s N. V. C. s las Bal. Ohio as 104S N ) C. f. la 131 4o ISO M I No. Pacific 4s 1044 Bra. R. T. s. 4a MS1 do la n contral ot Oa. 4o....ll44'M. W. a. 4a 1014 do lat Ina M4a!Pan. mi. Im 0 to Id Inc 17 .Raadlns sen 4a IOCS da Id Ino 84 I St. L. A I. M. a. la. 114 ChM. A Ohio 4ta.i ... lo4t St la. r. t u Cta.aao A A. IWa .... ovw St L. W. c. 4a ... tu C. B. ft Q. a. 4a.... S Baaboard A. U 4a.... 1 C . B. 1. ft P. 4s.... Til Ba. PaaiBc 4a. t) do co. U..I at do lat la cila MS (H'C. ft g. L.. g 4a.. 101 'Bo. Railway aa.. 114 Colo. Ud. la. sr as. T7 Taxaa P. la 121 do aariaa B Tts T . 81. U ft W. 4s.. a34) rolorado Mid. 4a 74s t'sios Paella 4a IMS Colorado ft Bo. la..,. MS! do coot, la 165 s Cuba la l(s V. . Btaal Id lo u V ft a. O. 4s MS Wabaa Is tus rmlltan' Boo. lo.... I da dab. B w Bna p. I. 4s lot IWaatara Md. 4a 4144 do I mi. 4a KH W ft L. g la Ho.klr Val. 4Sa. 1S Wis. Can Ual lo US ...luoSi .!Tered 2orelaa itaaaelal. LONDON, March 2. Money was lo qui, ter demand today and supplies were more plentiful owing to government dis bursements. The demands next week, apart from the block exchange settlement, will not be heavy, whi'.o 2l0.OO.0uu In treas ury lulls will bat redeemed March 7. Lts eouiiLB ware uulet. Tiadlug ua tbe Slock exchange was quiet and the market had a better tone. Consols Improved and home raila hardened In places. Americana opened lrregulur, moved to sell above parity and became strong on New York support. Union Pacific and Southern Pacific were the fea tures. A moderate amount of business was transacted and prices closed Arm. Grand Trunk at the opening was In good demand On tbe traffic returna, but later they sagged somewhat. Foreigners were upheld and Japanese were bid up. Anacondas and Rio Tlntos were wanted on the copper position. Kifflri frequently Improved. Japanese Im perial 6s of HhjI were quoted at PAR 8, March 2 Prices on the bourse torliiv were animated and tirm, except Rus sians, which were depressed, following the decline of prices on tiie Bt. Petersburg bourse. At the close stocks were weak on a bourse rumor of the death of the em peror of Austria, which was transmitted under express reserve. Russian Imnerlul 4s were quoted at 3.v and Ruasi&n bonds of 1H04 at fifl. BERLIN. March 2. Prices on the bourse today were weak and Irr. gular. Mlnaeapolls Grata Market. N17W YORK, March 2. SL'QAR Raw, easy; fair refining, 2 7-164rJ 16-loc; centrifu gal, 96 lest, 2-S'uJl 7-Wc: niolaaaes sugar, 2H tilll-ltSc; refined, quiet; crushed, 6.30o; powdered, 4.7uu; granulated, 4 ouc. COFFEE Steady; No. 7 Rio, 7-16c. (Superior quotatlona for Minneapolis de livery). The range o orict-s, aa furnished by F. D. Iay 4k Co., 110-111 Uoard ot Trade building, was: Articles. Open. High.) Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat I I I Msy..7S,e 1H VS T74, 79 July.. . j i, fn, 7,ii 7V4i 61 Sept.. I 7V-SI 7iHb 72 76 20 Flax- 1 i May.. 1.14Vf 1.14H 1.15 1.131 l.llt Jujy,. 1.16 l.m j.16 l.lii 1 14 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 northern. 7'.c. to arrive, 76Vc; No. 2 northern, 7isc; to arrive, Uc; No. 2. 7J"4 72c; No. 1 durum, 70c; No. t durum, tsc. Corn: No. 2 yfllow, 26V; No. 2. 24c. Oats: No. 2 white, ZTTsc: No. 2. 24s3'-tV- Wool Market. LONDON. March 2 WOOL The arrival! of wool for the second series of auction aalea amount to 276,414 bales. Including 166,. 6U bales forwarded direct to spinners. The Imports this wek were: New fclouth Wales. 2.u bales; Queensland. 2.54 bales; Bouth Australia. 177 bales- New Zealand. 2,aol bains, Cat oi OucmI llupe and aVatai, 1,442 bales; China, 924 bales; various, &S66 bales. 8T. LdUIS, March I.-WOOL Steady ; medium grades, combing and clothing. 22 626c; light fine, Zt'Zc; heavy fine, ls-'lc; tub washed. 32S4tc ETuporatett Apples lad Dried Frnlta. NKW YORK, March 2. EVAPORATED APPLES Market shows a slight Improve ment and rules firm; common to good are quoted ut 7f08'e: good 1904, SH'Wic; lair to good 19fo. 9'fisr'4c; fnncy, Jlfjill'v. CALIFORNIA DIUED FRLli'S-Prunes are in moderate demand, with quotations ranging from 4't,c to 2c. according to grade. Apiicois ar miulerately active, though de mand Is still confined to Immediate n'.-eds; riiuii'O are quoted at 10'oloVtc; rxtra chol- loV44l'.'4o; fancy, HfflJUc. Peaches are un changed, with extra choice quoted at lOHc; faii"v. 10tillc, extra fancy, WA'gVie. Raisins are quiet;- loose Muscatel are quoted at Ct-Sc; seeded, 6l&7Sc; London lay ers, $1. if 31 to. CoATre Market. NEW YORK. March 2. COFFEES Fu tures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points on the bullish world's visible supply statement, which showed a decreuse of 6 SAGO bags to 11.324, Ml bags, against 13.271.746 last year. The close was quiet, unchanged to 6 points lower. Bales were reported of 1 BOO bags, including April st 706c; May. 61Sc; July. 7.c; Sep tember. 7.60c; December, 7.75c; February. 7.66c. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 8c. Imports and Exports. NEW YORK. March S.-Total Imports of merchandise and dry goods at the port of New York for tiie week ending today were valued at ll3,SfC7,KM; total imports of specie at the port of New York for the week ending today were 2102. i silver and 64. 638 gold; total exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were H.liOO.ilO silver and $15,000 gold. Borate rr at Elk polat. ELK POINT. B. D., March 2. (Special.) C. E. Butler, a barber, formerly working for Frank Wade at this place, broke Into the latier's barber shop Wednesday nlgbt and secured presumably his trunk and con tents, which he left here under a mortgage given to Wade as security for a board bill. After securing his trupk Butler Immedi ately pulled out, but was soon caught In Bloux City by aid of a dfescxipiion sent there by Deputy Sheriff Anther, lie will be brought to Elk Point for trial, probably without requisition. Mutual Iasaranee Company. ELK POINT. B D., March 2. (Special.) A meeting was held in the court house far the purpose of organizing a mutual fire insurance company and was largely at tended. The organization effected is to be known aa the Vnion Mutual Fire Insurance association and will do a general business throughout the state, with headquarters in Elk Point. Articles of Incorporation will be llled with the secretary of state at once. Thirteen directors were elected, from which number the officers will be chosen March (. Hepabliraa Clubs to Meet. 8IOLTC FALLS, 8. D.. March 2-(8pe-clal.) The executive committee of the State League of Republican Clubs met in Sioux Falls yesterdny and decided to call the seml-unnuo.1 meeting for this city on the evening of June 4 and the morning of June $. SPECIAL "LETTERS TELL ALL ABOUT GOLDFIELD Tonopah. Bullfrog, DiamondfVeld and the new Ulscoveiiea at MA Ml ATT A. All the lateat developments and the best stocks to buy, the surest DIVIDEND PAYERS MAILED FREE. WRITE TODAY. I. TREVOR LEWIS, 49 Eaehartgt Placa. r4aw York. And at Goldfleld. Nevada. F. Dm Day & Co. Dealers la St ocKs. Grain. Provision hip Year Urals to la. rssck Offlea). IIO-11I Hoard of Traa HI da.. Oaiaka. deb. Teleohooa SAIi, E3-214 Eichaage Bldg , Bouth Omaha. Ball 'Pbeue 2aA independent 'Phooo a a4saHi U. S. STEEL PFD. $.'.00 will buy 100 shares U. 8 Hteel I'l'd. on our margin plan. This stock jiuya the liohler 7 per cent, or $7m) a year for each 1H) aliares thus liclil. bonlilen the In crease in value, which hIioiiM not be Ichs thun f'JO to Slo a hare, or $2,000 to f4,000 on each loft Mm res. F periu I Information, mailed fre?. Write u at once. R. M. WEAVER E.tabllahad 1893 223 Diamond St. Pittsburg. Pa. VaavXaC W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds. Investment Securities. Wi offer suhjwt to sale 2U to l'O bharea I'MOX HIOCK VAKUM 1320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1064 It