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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1906)
- ' ; t . . r THE. OMAIIA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, V.K6. JUDGES FIX RILES OF JAIL fourt la tpt friar ta Ariioa tj Bowl tf CoTrnitfirctn. fCOICK INSTRUCTED TO MAKE CHANGES He Shall -rt ar AHh Old Rale Vktntrr II III Wwrtu A meet Ing of the Judge of th district court waa beld In Judg Er a room Tues day . morning to consider tho Vnaaing of i-ulea for tho government of tho count Jail. Thl la preparatory to actioa to bo taken by tho Board of County Commis sioner on tho rato of pay to bo allowed th sheriff for reeding tho prlsonera. The Judges had before them tt old et of rale adopted Is January, lm, by Judge Wakeiey, Xoan and GroS. Thooo provld for to meal a day, which tho priaonera mow get, but -do toot mention tho rat of iwy. They also prov1d for each prisoner being furnished with a Bible, aa the statute direct, tho Jailer being made responsible for furnishing the booka. There art provisions to the rulea for per etinal cleanliness, a bath onr-e a week for each prlebher. w th a change of clothe at tli aame time. A cleaning of cell and a rtallr hunt for vermin la directed by tho rule.- and primmer afflicted with diseas are' US be Isolated and treated by a phy sician. Priaonera In for a Hint offense are not to mix with hardened crimlnala and youthful culprit are not to be kept near prostitute,. '. ': Not only must tbe sheriff and the Jailer previa Clean bed clothe, but they roust )o have tlie bed ticks kept clean and filled twice year with freeh straw; and ihey must bar' the prisoner "whltewaah the cells aud tbe, hallwav." aa the runner from Gajway uaed to do; and there la a lrovt(don '' that V practicable the able Imdled prisoner shall be worked ten hour a day. Ch ,.'fcaniron court', that haa raised nieTejr' Cain in . the Jails of other State la guarded against In the rule here by a iroyh-ion,( that no prisoner shall be set over, other, prisoner or invested with any authority5 to direct other priaonera. A mlldH system of ."tier bosse" la recognised In the Jocalt Jail, -though, for the purpoae of preventing- m-icleanllnese on the part of realty bad and seasoned Jail blrda. Judge, Redick wm delegated to consider the old rifle. ' reviee them In any particu lar .Where found necessary and report If possible Wednesday morning. If the rulea are ready they will come before the oom mlaelonera ; at Hhelr meeting Wednesday rooming. . DEU.0NE : NOW A HOSPITAL HalldlaK for Tears at Hotel Haw Be. enaei "Refare for Sick aad lajored. , Punuut to plana annouoood some weeka KO the Dei lone hotel iiaa become a boa- altal., Three -patient hare been admitted and are t-acJ vine modJoai attendanoa. An aperatlnf room Ja beinc f urnlahed and la a lew . daya wIU be fully equipped for aarcloal work It waa the ' Intention to atop oervins meala to the public last Sunday, and rueeta . were- riven- notice .the Bunday . e-renlnr mal would be the laat one. - They did not 41ke to be but out and their combined ob jections and petitions resulted in a decision by toe tnSjnareraent to allow them to stay Indefinitely. They hare arreed to leave at. any tyne on hurt notice and as fast as room ia eqniied iter hoeplLal purposes ther iH .be jLrtced roi Board la paid forhy the el.... Aa cti'eaavaao la beinr anade for funda tor the new boapltal. and Manarer Robel si well pleased with the reeulta obtained. Mr. Bobel believes the lioapltai will soon have plenty of buaineaa. At present only the second floor of the bull dine Is used for lioepita . purposes.. With tho exception of Dr. W. O. Henry. j.lOTfician 1n char, the j-tafl bwa Toot been a&nouDeed. . NOT GOOD: WITH -THAT CAR Beer rkstkiea the Owl Paeee Oat , . . TmI "a" 7 -j . Cstaalaetac ' . ' While the' storm was raring Monday morntnr a young woman rot onto a street car on. tarmarq street." When 'the con darter -oatno he banded htm a dime and then got busy brushing the enow out of her , beavljirul" hair and off her garments. She took the change. and stuck It In her glove. After .doing aa . errand the young woman started 'home again. Wben the conductor reached for her fare on the home trip she pulled from ber glove the nickel aha had rot from the first fare oollecsor In- change. aftrt is ne good. said the conductor, as he tendered tb piece back to the passen ger. Taking the supposed nickel in her hand the young woman aaw It was a beer he k oa a aalown known as the Owl ' "Never mind.' said a keen-faced young -hap on tier V ft. "It will he good on the ial car tonight," - Tne 3-ungsoanah gave htm a side'glance f ' - supreme " disdain as he opened her haudnag and look out a lot of articles in ororr to gel ai a purse la the innermost tr-M of alma elisn-e was a rood rtk-keL Their she Hneed the purse, packed the hand beg agxin with Ita wonderful ooller ImmI of dry "good" and thrng and then aot off the car Just to shorn she didn't ex pect to ride very far for a nickel anyway. OSrer lairke Reaker. bcer TboM-as caught Nels ltindln st an ertv lMur this Hooruirs" robbing the rirar ' of H. Ilem-lin. arjn Nnith Twenty. TeMrtJi streeC Ltmdin had broken In a a-tn-- rivw a-Mli m Itii and had appropriated five ioxes of cigars a lien the oflWr nalibed Mm. The Food that Does Good fc -"", a 1 mmmmA!. Tbr Cod Lieer Oil EmulgJon "Pgr kreUhc" for Coasha. Colda. Infln- eaaa, Itroay-bitis, La tlrin. Sore? Thraai IrVI . 1 . T aZ. TT a K-woMMua, v 'w aauupUoai a&d all Pulruonary Diacaaea U drufgiata. tWO glaes. iOC gad II. TKLIL EOTTLK IsF.XT JBV MAIL t gll wndlnc tiaai and mddrwsa to ItaemaHioa Cmm M Plar fit-. Xew Vork TOO LATE Tw CXAggirT. BOONI HAND AXD SHOP SAFES ANL STCFF. la moving to our new location we bnd Uial hai-e ouiie a k.t of stuff to d a- I e r at priors: such sa abup- worn safea. . roll-top desks. tvti-iter fielta. two sir three IVililams' lMva.-nirs, tae standuig deaka some cliaira. hit era. two or three second-hand aSa ioin UUim. tae old stores, eleiHric and w aoM'tnubiles. a H. P. traat line c.iin. a luriksmitU band-power post drill, a Is n. P. uurior ifenora lor. and a 11 of aid lumber, including a S'..W buaib of -tach 1 planks end, ".,.-r v ' ' iJ i.rlla. St " tj MW tl at tie put mm Wr Clrla fjeeve H " at the Kraa. A play whoee- scenes are either of those of family quarrels or Incipient orriee Tra wine rooms and brothels is hardly to be commended. It may be labeled "A Warn ing on the Road to Dancer." but Its effects are more likely to be pernicious than bene ficial "Why Girls Lre Home" aa one of theee plays, and Its efforts to point a moral and adorn a tale are mors thaa overcome by the familiarity with which it portrays vloe on the stare. The company havtnc it In hand enters into Ha presenta tion with considerable Beet, and makee the most of lt opportunities. J. lrvinr White IS really-" con rtndnr as tan Sher wood, the brother who tries to sav hla aieter from a lire or shame, and PhlHlpa BmaJley quite realises the popular concep tion of the man wbo would rladly lead a truKtiruT a-lrl Into the pathe of Iniquity. Clara JoH Is the weak and headstrong rounr woman who haa the narrow escape, anrt Rose Tiffany and Florence Uois Weber play the ungrateful parts of women already down. The reat of the cast Is In keeping, and the whole of them could be In better business than erplolUng ""W hy Girls Ueave Home." The engagement ends with a mat inee and even' tig performance today. CLARKE SCHEME FOR RIVER rropoaHles to Make TMIaawarl Kavt rable "evtll Be t raed at Waeb lagrtoa by Otaaaaa. Henry T. Clurke is In Washington to at tend ths meeting of the National River and Harbor congress, which was called for January tf. This convention will consider a scheme to be presented to pongrees in pursuance of a resolution Introduced by Mr. Clarke at the Tranamieaineippi Com mercial congreaa at Portland August K It, 1( and 19. The resolution waa: Resolved. That with the many large and preealng emanda on the treasury for the improvement of our rivera. harbors and waterwava. and the Inability to grant funda from the internal revenues, that con gress be asked to provide meana for the a peed r Improvement of our national " a ter m's ya and harbors, so sa to sccotntnodale the larrert steamers and steamships that wish to use the same, by issuance of st leaat tiMi."'.t of 2 per cent bonda, to advance the work under way and supply other needs aa faat aa can be done with due regard to economy. Mr. Clarke's scheme is to have the gov ernment iaaue bonds Instead of a direct appropriation. He says his Idea Is not so much to make the Missouri a navigable stream as to prevent erosion and thus save thousands of acres of land which are now yearly wa sting into the river and taklug along with It the results of years of toil on the part of the farmers alongvjUie river bottoms. Omaha is not so much affected by this erosion, aa the Immense volume of slag thrown out by the emelter company haa made a permanent bank on this aide, but the farmers above Omaha and below are in oonatant danger from this washing away. Scott King of South Omaha, engineer of the stock yards company, has invented a scheme which will build a sandbar In twenty-four hours at any given point, and this Mr. Clarke will present to the con gress. It is very simple, consisting of anchoring a chain to the bank and having ome . orusn uea on. j tils will form a sandbar, which win stop the washing, form a sand bank and straighten out the liver. C E. BLACK CUT FOR MAYOR BBBBMBSB Hatter iaaaaara that He Waais Bit at Head mt Oaaaha'a - ' Cavrraaaeat. i ueeaay nornrog v.v a.. iiauic, the liaaer. announced he had entered the running -for the mayoralty nomination on the republic can ticket. Not being particularly Vtcntl- fled with any faction, Mr. Black stid he could enter the Held and run with the whole bunch. "I did not take seriously to ths Idea at first, but when so many of my friends broached the matter and promised their support. I finally concluded to shy my castor Into the ring and place myself in the hands of my friends. Tou ma say for me that I and my Mack cat will make one of the strongest races that has been seen on the local political track for some time. I am bow preparing my platform, which I will bare ready for announcement In a few days,' said Mr. Black. PLANS FOR THE NEW VIADUCTS Arravareaaaata gar lalet lata ftsata OaaaBas slaeaa Oarer Diaeasaew by lalaa PawlSe Eaglaeera ' Engineer are in conference with tlu Cnlon Pacific offlclaia over the new via duct a which th road will build with the first peep of spring In South Omaha. The first viaduct to be built will be In th southern section or the city over tlie tracks of th Union Pacific and Rock Island road. It will start somewhere near the neigh borhood of Twenty-fourth and W streets and cross th tracks la a southwesterly direction, thus giving th resident or that action ot th city aa Inlet to th business center. Sometime ago It wa announced that two viaduct would be built In South Omaha, one on F street and another In the southern part or the city. It has now been decided to build th south viaduct first. KtL ESTATK TlillFUL The folioaitir real estate transfers wer filed for record January 16: Howard E Freed to John O. Sterner lot 1. block 4. Redick Park IX Charles H. Guiou and wife to peter r. r-etersen. lot 7. block an. Omaha., l'.im rrance i v ifvejjuia and busband to txtaard Roeewatvr, loi i, block 11 w Omaha 2.Mw jwwi r-. nn.ltn 10 Jrei j Smith, lot 4. block 1, J-atrk k a Third fiaretora. Jsred J. Siuitb and wife t Jared E. Hniiih. lot A htock 1: lot and 4, blork 1 and outlot X. blot.'k S, Patrii-k's Third braioga Anna Corrlawn ta Martin Colllna lot 5. blk i LigMu Place John W. Mi rVaiald. shenff. to James lie 1 l.U It. McKtuuie, Kits 1: aad IX Uuck !3. Onutlia View Exieiuuua I.X34 John A. H-iineii, anenff. 10 Joktn A. Mline kit a. Lee s snbdiviatuu af lot 1. llow i. BrtHikline , Elleu E. Cannon to Oswald E. Ber geit, v swi, ne and other land in 1-lt-li M lias Robert B. Fleming and wife ta Harry j itaraett ud of a 444 feel of wmLnT ,1' ui to S5i 1 Hrry J. Hsckett. same.. I E1i'" B1.'' Siauaugh and husband i H Partridge. s33 feel lot r. ' t iara a addition 1 buu (Anna H Partridge to Ellen Belie 81.- rwugb. UC reel lot t tlark s addi- ; aiarT a" WTiite" and husband L5a L Ptieipa. sublot 1. taxlot 1. excent suhlot T and lart taken far Mle- sourl avenue and Buxleenlb street tn g-14-U Ijfl Harry S. Gates 10 Ida M. tiaie. nan feet lot 14. bio. k a. a wees a addi tion jC 1 b m.iifliani mi A ar.. 1U.RX j Bush, kits U aud U, block luu. Flur 1 eiMW James McOrrai and alfe to Joseph eWnaierl. pari sa S h-M-U Nauuaai Lite lusurantw ompuj,y ta 1.4M Ale Kinder Bex'k el ai.. lot li, block 1. biuan additiMi, eaoepi an feet Ei neet Sweet and wife to George A. Mortou. Hrt lot 11. alellugg Place.. ' Jot.a O. Sieruer and wife ia Miluw B. Walter. e4t feet hH T. blick t. tejiiara aoauiua W BC1I bar oglea or th Mew Tear IIlyatrad Edition of The Bee- Order them i "w haa the aaUUoa b) ixbaura. PAYERS T8 MAKE KEEN HGHI CoitTactm Expftc'.ei u Enter lot Etarp Ccta bastion Tail Tagr. "T ftUNf CHANGES ART UNDER PROCESS Mar pay Reported aa Reproeeatatlve f A. L. Berber Ceasasr (at eaaa Croat aa Galea? a Retire. The outlook for brisk competition among paving contractors for a large amount of work In Omaha Uiia year ia regarded at the city hall as encouraging. Conclusions are based upon developments among the big paving companies and Indies t tons of a healthy battle not only in asphalt, but la brick block aa well As a matter of fact, however, all new paving In Omaha next year not already contracted for depends upon whether a IM.etie intersection paving bond issue la authorised by the people by a two-thirds vote at the spring election. The Intersec tion fund Is empty and paying work can not go forward until It is replenished. Many changes bar taken place among the operating officers of the Barber Asphalt Paving company during the last few months. InchMltnr the resignation of Super intendent Mclaughlin of the Omaha dis trict. On the other hand, the A. U. Barber Asphalt company, which has valuable con cessions In Veneauela, tt pushing Its cam- fajgn against the other Barber company, of which John Mack Is the bead. Maraaf with A. L. Barber. Locally it ia given out that Hugh Murphy will represent the A. L. Barber people and will give the Mack people a warm run for their money on local can tracts. It waa noticed last year that the Mark company stayed pretty well out of Lincoln snd Hugh Murphy only landed a few asphalt con tracts in Omaha, but this kind of an ar rangement will hardly go this year. It is said. last year S7.S& yards of brick block were . . . . . . . - i tald In Omaha, against -. .rds of as- , phahV I A report has gut around that John Grant may reure from the aspna.t paving bus!- nee. in Omaha and go to Virginia to live. , He ia In that state at present. Charles E. 1.a 1. - lha Siirlnttiin bAck .Ttuatn f aVS ! years. Is looked upon as a probable Put chaser or the Warren asphalt and bltulithic interests here from Grant. Last year a as regarded aa one of very gt.sLUrd. of brick block bdna ob- tained for SU3.17C and o2.20t yard of asphalt for tlJ. Thia year he expects price con ditions to be even better. Only one contract Is hung over from last year and thst Iz held by Hugh Murphy ror South Tenth street from Center to Gas tellar. which is to be floored with asphalt. CAPITAL STOCK IS ' DOUBLED lacrease Made by State I ss era see raaapaay af Hearaika, Which Elects O Ulcers. At the annual meeting of the State In- sursnce Company or Nebraska held Tues- day afternoon in the company's office In J the New Tork Life building the same dl rectors were elected to hold over another rr. The directors then held a meeting and elected the old offlcera. The directors are: J. E. Boyd. E. A. Cudahy. J. C. Cowin. E. V. Lewis. John S. Brady. L. M. Keene. A. J. Love. E. E. HoweU and a W Palm. The officers are: J. E. Boyd. .. t- ..J,,... ,.t. iA-,. lt - ri ye" a: I , T , - .a v pi ' . ..,.,. ' ' It was determined at the meeting of di- actors to double the pald-up capital of rectors cne same frmi1""15 to ct the company, increasing 150.00 to riuO.tKK). The annual statement of j the company shows a substantial increase In assets, reinsurance reserve and net sur plus, with a loss ratio of but IT per oent. OMAHA MAN TAKES NO CHANCE grads Back Draft Received rkreatk Wail Evtdeatly laleaded far Aaather by His Sanaa. Postoffice Inspector A. J. Moore reoeived a draft for S30.42 Tuesday morning from Kansas CTty. which lad been forwarded to htm from there, being the discount due A, J. Moore en a bill of goods from the Royal Tailors company of Chicago. As Mr. Moore has had no dealings with the Royal Tallois compear, he is at a loss to understand Just bow ths letter should come to him. No letter of explanation accompanied the draft. The case is one almost identical with the W. H. Clark case, recently developed la this city, where a tXUC draft bad bees de livered te the wrong W. H. Clark. . Mr. Moore does not propose to take nay clianees mlu ,-tng in charge the awarding or on hia windfall, but ha sent th draft prises was cumpoeud of Mrs. Oeortre T. In WJc to the Roval Tailora. with the admun- derson. chairman: Mra. M. Reiser. Olga ttion to be a little mors peclfic tn their addressing of letter. If the firms from which you buy your good. Mr. Business Man. know how Omalia hi growing, wouldn't tt help your stand ing? Send each a copy of the New Tear Jubilee Edition or The Bee. It will help you it will help Omaha. LOCAL BREVITIES The Proapect Hill Improvement club wiTI talk of paving at tt meeting Wedueaday night. The Carnation Social club will give a danrlM na.etv Wednesday viirht mt itw- nolitan elulk ' The Visiting Nurses asaocistion will bold Ita regular monthly meeting Thursday at 4 p. m. In the parlors of the Pa a Ion hotel Lutie Roger la suing D. O. Rogers for divorce on the ground of nonsupport and abandonment. They were married at Car roll, la., in June. 1SS1. At trie of Incorporation have been filed with the county clerk by the F. P. Klrken dall compuny. wholesale shoes. The in corporators are F. P. Klrkendall. J. H Taylor and Walter t. Cullev. Capital stock Mua.vui, with ttMU.dub paid up. The oemnlalnt of enterlna 1 he tmme ..' Cliarlea Broa a. lnia Couth Taentieth si reel. nieo in pom court a-ainsi 1 nanes Wilson was dismissed Tuesday morning fur lack of evidence. Wilson waa bound over a week ago by the police Judge on a charge of having entered the Levelle borne, neat door to the Brown place. Roy Greea was acquitted Tuesday mora it'.g In police court, a here he waa tried en the charge of robbing Nela Ahlgran or 717 North Seventeenth street. The identifica tion of the prisoner by Ahlgran was not sufficient te warrant the police Judge hold ing Ores a to the district court. Ah 'gran was aaaaulted and robbed New Tear eve at Fifteenth and Webster streets bv sotne- ( one. wuo took a and a watch. 'i r. P. Carson of Ics Moines waa aen- ! ''"M" mm n T me poiM Judge ivmwj Nvnuni. iin vrrmiaileo no a charge of vagtaacy. Patrolmea Cunning basa aad Licaen arrested Caxaoa aad to report ta the Judge was Carson had bean tryiag ta gat mrs to frequent a disreputa ble bans at b&J Harney sirest- The pria oner aaa said to iisve plied bis nefarious calling at some of tit best hotels. Caraua denied the charge. Oeorge Mathews, colored, waa tried in police court Tuesday tuorcung oa the charge of breaking and entering the aaioou of James Adama Fourteenth and Lodge treeta. last Wedueaday saorning. Tba evt deace arsJaat toe prisoner waa largeiy baaed an the f rt that deiex-tivaa found la Mm tne we' puaeesaioa cigars af a canaia brand sold only by Adajn and stotes oa the idgtit of the robbery. Mathews piedd bot gui.ty. Oa the erldenua offered tt polio Jadge bound lite aneonar la tb dta trtut court ia th aaaa t gjoa. Ml UTTEI 131 The Jablle Bee. VNITED STATES C1V11, SERVICE COMMISSION. WASHIXOTON. t. C. Jan. It Te the Editor of The Bee: I thank you for the copy you sent me of tho Jubilee Tear Review of Omaha. The city has cer tainly wonderfully chanred. and for the better, and such men as you and Miller were among its greatest eullden. May all the goodness and kindness of the Mil reducing the width of public highways season of peace eblde with you. and may ' from sixty-six to fifty feet; by Olflll. chang you be.' with jour Bee. for many years Jng the law regarding working mads to the happy hen ere rs over ' the honey-sweet j old lew: by I-owers. ta manufacture hinder flowers of the prosperous parks and gar- taine at the Anamosa penitentiary; by dens of your beautiful town. Tour friend, j Teeters, requiting mine operators to psy JOHN C. BLACK, j shot-fleers: by Head, a resolution to change NEW TORK. Jan. 14. To the Editor of ; the eoro-tllutlon to permit of drainage legls The Bee: Will you permit me to thank ( latlon: bj Hambleton. concurrent resolution yon most cordially for sending me so to investigate wh.- munty officials In some promptly The Omaha Daily Bee and the j counties refuoe to accept Indemnity bonds. Illustrated Jubilee Tear Review? It Is j In the senate: By Elerlck. bill amending magnificently got up and Intensely Interest- law to prohibit Saloons within ? feet Of Ing a practical embodiment up to date of j passenger depots: by Elerk-k, bill pernilt the winning of the west. May you live j ting banks to Invest funds outside the state, long and prosper and may your circulation It develops today that the endorsement of never grow lee. The panoramic view of the candidacy of Julian Richards for see re Omaha is simply splendid. And to think tary of state by the Fiate university alumni that "the overland" was cracking Its whip mer prove a boomerang, ss Hayward. also o Jokeover it not ao very majiy years a candidate for the same office. Is chair ago, and the "pony express!" j man of the ways and means committee. I have had much pleasure In mailing your which fixes the state Us for the unlver Jubilee number, along wlrb the beautiful j picture of Omaha, to my father. Tours very truly. s. R. rERorsox. OMAHA AFTERM0T0R SHOPS raabaaerrtal dab Appalata raasBslttee ta I rge Itarrlsssa ta Sal Id riaat Here. Among the lxst official duties of the old executive committee of the Commercial club was the appointment or a committee i to endeavor to secure tor Omaha the shops . which are to be built for the manufacture t . wv-- . ,-,, -- m,!. eotnmittee '. win comer wim c rx. iwiiinwu, a. Moh)cT w MlK.n fclld olh, who , . . .... t. -x . .. - . ... - , ii . r ' ...... - 1K ,h. ! P" ' lr'.r'm.lrr " . ... ... ... . ; Mohler. Herman Kountce. Senator Millard. ! nd E. Rosewater, Tlie VT IT Tork to see Mr. Hkrriman If necessary The proposed concern will build motor cars far the Cnlon Pscifle af.d in all prob ability for all the railroads, for the car Is calculated to revolution! short distance passenger traffic. It is expected the shop. Ill employ about 1.000 men. Several large cities. In the east and In the west, are pre paring to offer Inducements for the loca tion of the shops and Omaha will have to begin active operations at once. The com mittee win meet lr a few days to talk over plans and decide what to do. Senator Millird. S. F. Miller, assistant general freight agent or the Xorthw-ste-n. and M. E. Secret were made members of Ik, e1f,V pv.a - MMnmlilM met anil n-s-Bnized 1 Immediately aftr adjournment of the old body. C. M. XTUhelm was unanimously elected chairman and the other officers j re-e.ectea. r. 7 "'"" " mce as secret,- v..- I treasurer. A vote of thanks wss extended ! to F. . Judson. tb Tetlring chairman. l - , . , . ,,9 1 .. - tA Ior ,u . V. 1." . . j Mr. Clarke for Irnvrng ovHecU-d Oa. out of potmlble At tb wree-noa of the club pra.dent. W- " dV "T. LI'",' h.i mCTV - right. Major E. R llcox. J. T. i CaircTiter. A. . Sm1t!n4 Charles P t. reduction of letter postage 1 r-nt. The I commissioner was aoth-rtxd to arrange . Ior lor ",c r"'"7 Z , ' Bute PlKitographers tssOciation to be held ANALYSES OF CITY WATER O atrial Teats VTIU Be TSeraa This Maath by HeaHh CbbbsIb sleaer Ralph. Health Commissioner Ralph win ber!n this month to have regular monthly analy ses of water taken from the general city supply In order that the department may feel certain the water is entirely safe for use. Should auspicious ' conditions arise test will be made oftcner. In addition to thia the commissioner will have analyses f weU ww BUBpecl ot being Itn- pure or when tb user reguests it. . Weaaaa Give rieraaaat Ball. Myrtle liall was taxed to ita capacity last night with a merry crowd, the ocoaaion being a masked ball given by the women of Alpha grove No t, auxiliary of Alpha camp No. 1. Woodmen of the World Six prixf were given to the maskers, the winners being as follows: Women First. Olga Hed wali, second. 8. Friedman, female charac terisation: third. Mr. Higley. Men First. Rooert Wiley. Chinaman; seoond. C. K. Hoi it...... . I. .4 1 J i.U. Th, Ann.- Hedwall, Mra. M. Lempaey and Mrs. C. title n. "WATCHES, t ranaer. Uth and Dodge PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Julius Weil and his new bride of New Tork are vis) ling at the home of A. Drey foos. J. C, Huteson snd wife leave tonirht for rSeatlie. San Francisco and Lo Angeles, to irid the winter. FIGHT IS BECOMINgTaNGLED Fate of IsaaairtaBt Meosarea May Hlase ea Prlater aad Binder t aalest. . iFruin a Staff Correspondenu) "DEB MOINES. Jan. . (Special.) The Question has been laised today whether or not the EnglMh and Chaaaetl force have a majority In the senate for state printer and binder. If they haven't It may result in the blocking of legislation along many lines at this session. English and ChasM-Il claim to have eighty vote pledged for the Joint session of the senate and house, at which the state printer sod binder will be elected It Is recognised that the greatest amount of strength for the two men Is in the bouse. The Joint meeting at ahich tba election will take place will be oa a Joint resolution. Tb bouse mar paaa th resolution and the enate refuse or delay to go lnu Joint session or refuse to fix a date till late in the session. As th fight for the primary election law haa com to be so Involved with the state printer and binder contest along with ether important legialatioo the matter may .become a aeri eus one. a it 1 believed tb opponent of th siate-wid primary taw would b perfectly willing t have tba leglalatur ret Into a deadlock and fall to pass any legislation provided rather - than bar tt Include the primary, antl-paaa and I -oent far biU.. Oa the application of tb Rock Island Brewing company, Gaeamor Cum a ins aad tha atat officials were enjoined today from iaaiiiar tba atat census voltuM till a k ear ing aw a pen oa nent Injunction. - Tb state metal ar anjolnwd front lasirtng th vel um and s bowing lb population of At lantic as being leas taaa &.Swa. aa thia would knack out tw saloons owned and operated la Atlantic by th hrawlar company. Judge McPberaoa af Bad Oak, waa issued the temporary Injunction, will be In this city January ZT to listen to any motions In the case. thougM the case Is art for hearing March i The attorney general hopes to be able to show that the census Is already issued on the certificate being made put by tle secretary of state and that an act which has already taken, place cannot be enjoined. Oovrnar Cummins today arolnted K. Ft Tewt of Coun' il TUufTa and H. Rhyneburger of Pella delegate to the Trenwileetssipnl Business VI en a congress, to be beld soon st Salt lke City. In the house todsy Greeley Introduced k i KI-TOJI ICT IS MORI THOl BI B Ar rested far Ihreatealag to Kill Members af the l-egtalatarc. DE8 MOINES. Ia., Jan. IK D. S. Clay- j tbough the motion to excuse them wss op man, an ex-con vlct, was screwed at the j preed by Sector Bracket t. wh expressed door of the senate chsmber of the Ir.wa j his desire to "pat every senator on record legislature this afternoon, charged with j on this moral issue." Senator Grady, the threatening the lives of Representative H- ' democratic leader, ssld the democrats re E. Teachout and Senator C. C. Dovell be cause the latter failed to get him a Job during the present session. Claynian was nt ' Penitentiery from Adair county j for if murder twelve years ago. He wred out his time and then tame to Pes Moines. sollctUng a Job during the legiMn- 1 inc ecBFiun nrcauif. m 11 r amio. ne n&a i served the slate fr twelve years. He also threatened to low uc the state house when ' arrested. It is believed he is insane. riwr-n inn limnnn nnnnnres nitn MIKU nMCUfl UUItUnCOO Heary T. Clarke erf tfiaaha Atmaag These Saaareated far Member af Eaeratlre fuaaaBlttee. WASHINOTON. Jan. 16.-The National River and Harbor congress upon convening today adopted the report of the committee on organization recommend u:g the election of the folloaing officers: President, Harvey D. Gouldrr. Cleveland; one vice president from each rUile represented to be named by the delegations: secretary. Colonel Wil liam H. Love, Baltimore. Md.; treasurer, E. R. Shari-woed. Philadelphia. Among those recommended for the executive com mittee, were: John W. Fo. Arkansas: Al bert BetUnger, Cincinnati; Henry T. Clarke, Omaha: John W. Ferriss, San Francisco: A. H. "Overs. Portland. Ore., with J. F. Ellison as stcretarj-, but not a member of j the committee. . The executive committee Is charged with the duty or actively prosecuting the work of securing Tegular and Increaaed annual appropriations for the Improvements of th rivers and harbors of tie entire country, and to this end to take such steps and use such means- as win tend to mould public sentiment in favor thereof. Resolution asue adopted devlscing thst the national government should put river and harbor bills an a par wiU other great appreciation bills by unnual approrrla tlons and direct all such work economically and cwntlnuem-dy without the waste Inci dent to iuiennltu-nt effort. The restitutions urge an annual a pproprtu tlon of at least "Ml.'.CW.'JOll. I PRIOR FORGERIES AF.E GROWING ' K",,"""' r aaakers that Three Mil. Ilea Dallsrs Warthless Paper Was Isawed. CLEVELAND. Jan. la-According to an officii.1 statement iuioed tod.v l.v binkers' committee Investigating the affa;rs of Denisou. Prior A Cc. the bankers and brokers who failed several days ago. th liabilities of the firm,-including the forged bonds, put out by L. iV. Prior, will segre gate The statement, as given out bankers' committee, is in part aa followa: The' total llablllUea, includinr aB or- rerira. aggregate approximately tS.uOO.010. s and there are valid assets either In the hands of the Ann. or up as collateral, of about tl.&no.tuv. This total of tel.UOO.OOO In cludes about n.ouO.OUO of assets and liablli- ! ties in the Boaton and Cleveland bond de- i partnirnta. which have not heretofore bean ! taken Into account, aa th Imnda in the ! bond department ar good and valid bonda, largely hypothecated, and .nor than ampl to pay obligation against them. Mr. Denisnn was in Boston last Sunday and had shipped on to b turned over to the receiver something over SH1.0OO of rood securities, which a-as all the property In the possession of the firm in Boston. ATCHISON WOMAN IS HELD llniattr Charred with rteailagr I a Pair af (MasaoBd Earrings Pleade laaeetat. Mias Liszle Barr or Atchison, arrested Saturday afterneon at the T. L. Comb Jewelry store. IOi Douglas street, on a charge of grand larceny, was arraigned Tuesday morning, before the police Judge, t Through her counsel. J. M. MacFwrtand. the 1 prisoner pleaded not guilty. The case wa set for preliminary bearing Thursday cnorn- j ing. Miss Barr'a bond was set at KM. She war charged with stealing a pair or dia mond eardrops vnlued at 1100 from the Combs store. It stands alone. apart. ILER5 PURE MALT WIISIIEY if uiimndition)) tpenor to tng loreijT' art icltTini Nt htmcort&i!y tU! 4 feMr w yoafcuyt. hm& jna-c-oa 6nahJ-f wad. . a i cv s Jr9 suai IS UNE VOTE AGAINST DtPEW few Ttrk Sena Ta;ag frcWa Reaelntisa aUqMtin Cfig'er tt Il(r. DEMOCRATS ARE IXCUStD FRCM VOTING AertssatalatM Debate the abeet Qevaptee fhree rlaara aether tlthaat gapstart ef Other eaatera. A 1. 1: A. N'T. .V T ., Jan. la Tlie stale senate this afternoon, by a rote of 34 to 1. rejected the resolution of Senator Edgar T. B-a ktt of Saratoga, demanding the resig nation of Chaancay M. Pepew from the I'nlted State senate. After h denote latllng more than three hours and tharacterlBed on the tne hahd by Senator frepew and tI aring nruncitloa of Senator tepew and the Insurance companies, and on the other by almost every harsh criticism of the Judgment and the motives of the Introducer of the motion, the roll call showed Aerator Bracken's own rote to be the only one la favor of the resolution. Every other re publican senator toted against H. with the exception of Senator-Armstrong of Roches ter, who Is In New Tors st work on the re tort of tle insurance Investigating com mittee, and he sent a telegram to Senator Tully. his colleague nn the committee, to the effeot that if he wer present he would vote against the resolution. The fourteen democratic senators were excused from voting on the resolution, al- garded the TDepsw ma'.ter as a purely per sona! republican on. ) " ' Senator Crady ssld they dM not. regard it as Senator PreckeU said he did. a great moral Issue. The principal speeches In opposition to the resolution and In defense of Senator ucitw urir n iqf vw DeiiBLora Miiiui . My. Raines. Coggeshall. Lewis and White, while Senator Elslierg denounced thst reso- lutton and Its Introducer and ssld espeulally tne senate was in tto position to pass auch a resoluthm ahtle it rested under Senator Bracken's Insinuation that ita members had been Oehauched by the usef "yellow dog" funds. Senator Cassidy referred to Senator lcpew's active eritHw as fomenting public censure ia order, "under the iktek of re form, to steal his nffuil position.". racket -Ope a a Debate. Senator Brackett dec.ared In opening tlie debate that he had introduced' tlie resolu tion In obedience to what he believed to be "Uie sal men demand of the right-thinking people of the a-.aie.. He denied that b bad the slightest wish to humiliate Senator Depew "more tlian wa ueoeaaarlly Implied in any possible resolution of the kind." He asserted that there was a lack of con fidence In the senator named which had been caused by recent disclosures H e- r.ied th asserUan that It waa not within MEUMffllSM KheoBiatisiBi id nsiwlly lewde la Winter becstase of th cold sad Asap ness snd other changed conditions of the climate. Tits occasional twigebu of the diaeas that at felt dining- tlie warmer wtathef sre Changed to pierc ing' pains, the maacles become inflamed and swollen, the aerves ret Sore aad excited, the bones ache, aad RartlinstiBm. the terror of winter, takes posses sion of the system. Then the sufferer turas to ths liniment botti, the woolea clothes, the fatwrite plaater or some home remedy, ta aa effort to ft i;-.r tctnt HtMiMtism ia int a tmnVile that fata be run Vied awar or drawn I out with a plafeter; these thing relieve the paia aad reduce the inflammation, , but do not reach the real cause of ths trouble, aad at the next exposure aa 1 ntVier attark roroc oa. Rheumatism is caused bv a sour, acid condition-! ithe blowL The refnse matter aad Oil tnrOug n UC council ut BSisre nave kcs icti iu un ;mjs indigestion, weak idners, torpid Lifer and a funeral tflnrwisa condition of the system. These impurities sour and form uric acid, which is absorbed by the blood and distributed to the different muscles, loiats, a erred aad bones, causing the painful gymptomi of Rheumatism. S. S. 6. goes to ths root of ' .. We ITOUDie ' 'T'l r "I f UC blOOO. 2s! them Out of th CirculatiOB and Sends a Stream f ' kTS kY. 10 J pure, rich blood to all parts of the body. Then . a H O O the pains cease, the inflammatioa subsides, the rjiiori v urrrTiei r aerres are Quieted, erery symptom of the disease . oassea awar. ana tne cur is pennaaeat. S. S. S. ' is purely vegetable and does not injure the system as do those medicines con , ' , tJl ' taininr Potash aad other mlaerals. Book oa Rheumatism aad medical advice , i i"1 CXiarje, ONVENIENCE it the most taporUnt thla to pcrsba whilt traveling. .. ... r"fEALS dclidously cooked and tumptuoutlf liVLl .served, are, of course a requirement. L AFETY is provided "-HOROUGH-Block System and prrvERSONAL Interest in your welfare' by a.!I em-! Xi ployees of the Chicago, Mi St. Paul This lis ruas thra of ths as oat tS ughly saulppad fast trains ta CBla-o, leae iac falsa Stalioa. Oiaaha. dally st 7:55 A. M, 5:45 TICKET OFFICII 1524 Farntun Street. Omaha, Neb. the provino of the senate to pas a reso lution on subject hi reference ta nforca s-tlnn and cited fesolotlons adfTttri oh th Vencsuelan aituatloa and the coal atrifce several r ars ago. . . kghtewa Idea Heeded. "1 want to sav to you saop of the stale," cH-ntm-Ted" Seoator arachtt, that antll g more righteous noausptew at publlr duty h(l prevail w ar withotit hope for the future, (hat Until the great rirMe manriood af tb atata ghail athhd ta tb proportion that he wha eflna te .tb performance of hi public duty most guffer the punishment for hla offahs. w caa as pect little of respeet for taw. HI tit at re gard for publle.honor and virtu, and bat the first long step toward condoning crime of every kind. Senator Bratkrtt declared that although he had voted for Senator Iepew he had been opposed to his re-election t th aenat because be hsd believed him unfit for tb office and rcpresentd unwholsom foros. Any senator present, he said, ought to biul for shame at the representation of bid state in the foited Elsies senate by either af tb . present senator He disc's imed the slight est responsibility for Senator Flat t a -reeled km and aald be would support any 01 her senator resolution requesting hits l resign. Senator Bracket t infested that ha aervlbs performed by Senator Depew for tb Xqwtt able Life Assurance oclety during the twenty year ft hi Mo.Oan "retainer" bad been other (hah what' he awad aa eUractor of the society. - The claim that till not moui aum was paid for legal Set-rice ex cited only laughter and contempt. The tepew resolution was defeated by a rot of St to 1. The democrat, did not rot. M. teals' aVMerfal Trad Cisastlsa fllaatrated ta the Shaw Boalaaaa. An IndUaUon of th marvalou expas si en ft business in St. Lcuia, particularly the shoe business, is found tn the recard of The Brown Shoe company (maker VThft House slioes for msa and women, atagtdr Brown Blae Ribbon shoes for beya and ffirls). Just published, annoandnr a gain In sales of over a million dollar per rear. for each of the last successive three yeart. a record unequaled by any ether aho eoa cern. St. Louis has. tn fact, be com the great central shoe tnarkat af th ftalted States. St.. Loots manufacturer are aaM to make more shoes than ar raad la ajry other city tn th world, -t. tta Orobe ttemocrat. St. Louis ha ! fergad ahead ta th leading boot and ahoe market of tb world. Kew Task Sua, Creat aarthera la ataay. ABERDEEN. S. CM Jaa. H (SpeoiaL ) Oraat -Northern aurrsrora ar actrcaly gt work in the vtcmHy of Bureka ta McPher son county. 7hl baa caused a rerral af ' the rumor that the road will 4mild from Sioox City to MlnoC K. D. tt la ttd that tli road will be built tr tb oerrtraj part of the state, paralleling the Missouri near. nd that an extension WTO be built from Ellendala N. U. Aberdeen. Huron and Sioux Fall to oonnect with tb new Una. The extenalaa from Ellandala ta Forbes m North Dakota I aald to b part Of thl plan. THE TERRdl. OF WTNTEtl Wflypnrities which should b carried ana cures .ncumaLim vj f"K U DCnUaiUeS US SCK1S BB3 BilOl TsasmrrzpcctnG co. AiruunA en for in the 6 P. M and 8:35 P. PI livaukee Railway