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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1906)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1906. OMR OF UNION PACIFIC ria&aoitl Managsment and Phjrisal Optr tien Objeeu of Gsneral Amasenent RIAD -CNJIYS UNBOUNDED PROSPERITY Crasa Earalaa-s far 10OS Orar F kfrlllaa Dollar Greater Ttaaa la 19M, ar Over Bcrea Par Oat. Ths financial majiaEwment and physical operation of the t'nlon Pacific railroad con tlnua to b matters of wonder In the rail road and financial world. Since the reor ganisation of .the road In 1898 It has rear by year developed In both these direction until It come now to be the object of ad miration. If not wonder. In Wall strset and throughout the country. Of thla the Rail way Are sars: Not only were last year'a receipts the larceet In the history of the property, but he movement of the Increased traffic coat leas than the expenditure for a smaller vol ume of business In 1904. The physical con dition of the msdn In the system have been steadily Improved, and as to financial conditions, the Union Paciflo has now be rnmn a trut holding 'fnmoanv. with mis cellaneous Income equivalent to some 0 1 per cent of Its fixed charges. A stuay 01 the report In hand aoes far to disclose the substantial foundation for the recent re markable advance in the price of the com mon stork and In dividend prospects. The Income accounts of the Union Pa cific and Its auxiliary oompanles for the last two years, excluding- all cross entries, ar compared In the following table, no change of note having occurred In th mile age, xcpt the sale of 611 miles of the Oregon Short Lin two years ago; 1V0C. 1904. Average miles operated.. 6,86 6.3E3 Gross earnings tf3.324.M9 156.279.231 Operating exp. and taxes, 81.86i714 90,497,443 Net earnings Other Income Lichten stein's Pattern Hat Sale Jfo) Saturday Lichten stein's Pattern Hat Sale ...27.2,2M $24.7S1.78 ... 6.498.769 4,266,844 Total net Income 629,048.632 Fixed charges 11.173.47 12.461,640 Net divisible Income.. 122, 786,607 $16,697,092 Dividend 11,087.060 6.333.636 Balance S1L698.447 f 8.263.466 Special appropriations.... 4.479,166 3,660,000 LACE SALE! Right now when yon need fine new Wash Ijacea for a hundred purpose in your home sewing Brandel Is offering new patterns at leas than half their aclual cost to manufacture. . Edgings. Insertlngs and Bands, that are worth up to 26c a yard cluny bands, Vals, and f ' C ss torchons, a big variety of pat- I0CvjC-lC terns and many widths, at, yard. Vw n Ladies' All Wool Golf Gloves - Mittens I Cold weather demands warm, comfortable wear. Don't freeze your hands, in kid 5 gloves wear these all wool Oolf Gloves, fleece lined " Cashmere or Scotches, also fine oaxony wool Mittens many regularly 50o a pair, 1 Cn fit. tnntr. . ..... ..................... U w f Iflllll H , , OMAITA WEATHER FORECAST Wednesday Fair. 1 I . Green Trading Stamps Every Time HOSIERY SALE ' I Big Bargain Square Filled With Ladies', Men's, Boys and Girla Hos- ierv Extra special bargains for Wednesday plain cotton and heayy ribbed many fleece lined winter hose a big 1 f fl 5 assortment of hose' that you usually buy at llC,oC 2 20c a pair, -at, a pair., mw aaaiv WIDE SHEETINGS 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, at yard 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, at yard Utlca .27k Utlca 25c -4 Bleached Vtica Sheet- Sk 23k lb-i ' Bleached Pepperell oneenng, ar, I'll- frV2C 9-4 Bleached Pepperell Sheeting, at yard. .UjC 8-4 Bleached Pepperell Sheeting, at, Ql yard lOC M Surplus t 7.219.281 t 4,713.466 Cross Earalnii Iacreaee. Comparing 1906 with 1904, gross earnings, aa above, Increased t4.O46.0iiO. or 7.53 per cent., while net Income available for fixed charges and dividends Increased $4.910, J0, or 16.9 per "cent. The gain In net Income ap plicable to dividends was 36,188,000, or 37.29 per cent. No change occurred during the year In the amount of preferred stock out standing, but the common stock n the hands of the publio Increased from $108,000, 000 to $164,000,000, because of the exchange of convertible 4 per cent bonds for slock. On the $164,000,000 of common share capital tne company eamea in irmo hbuui aiti A l ent. A UUIIJIHUn BhtJVIV UlVIUCllUfl T- against tne income oi me year agsreaaiv I ' per oenb Gross earnings increased in au no pari- i nienis. in ireigni revenue leiq iuwe was $3,600,000 and- In passenger revenue 100,000. For maintenance and iceneral ex penaea, the outlay of 1 were greater than thoite of 1904. but transportation expenses were somewhat less. The disbursements for maintenance of way and structures in creased $846,000 and for .maintenance . and equipment $772,000. On the other hand, the suvlng In conducting transportation waa about tiO.OOO; It would have been fiW.OOO but for the enhanced payments for injuries, loss and damage. The report points with pardonable pride to the reduction of trans portation expenses due to the steady Ira-pi-ovement of ' lat years In alignment, rraiKu and roadway, and the ' Increase in the. oapaclty of rolling' stock. . - ' Aaisaat of Hold lacs. At th close of the year the Union Pacific owned $6.1.000,000 capital stock of Its axillary companies and $196,000,000 capital stock of other companies, together with $141,000,000 of bonds of all other companies, making a total ownership of $366,000,000 of stocks and bonds. Of this aggregate almost exactly one-half remained free in the company's treasury. The report details the changes In financial pMltlon resulting from the -dissolution of th Northern Serurtlrs combination. Within the yeur the Union Pacific bought $10,000,000 worth of Chicago. & Alton preferred stock, which stork "la held under agreement that secures improved and substantial advan tages to the Union Pacific company." The 1'nion Pacific's investment in the Ban Pedro. Lps .Angeles & Salt Lake properly now stands at $.'0,400,000. The more significant transportation and traffic results of the last two years are compared hereunder: PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. '1906. 1904. rassengers carried...,, 4.128,4 $.839,011 Passenger miles (29.295.847 4W.936.636 Passenger train miles. 8.474.410 l,762,M4 Passengers per train.. 69.71 61.61 Train mile earnings.. $1.63 $1.48 . FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. " 1904. 1 Revenue tons carried. 11, am. 276 ' lo.267.Z1 Revenue ton miles. ...4,821, 267.771 4,062,410.811! Freight train miles... 10.H40.767 10.S34.830 Mixed train miles. .M 380.466 886,629 T'nload, all f'ght, tons 461.06 Ton mil rev., mills.,, 8.91 . 9.78 Train mile earnings.. $3.82 $3.68 Statistics for 1904 as In the report for 1906. Since 19M th average freight tralnload of the system, commercial and company's freight Included, baa Increased from 278 tons to 64 tons, a gain of 82 per cent. In th same period th average loaded carload has risen from 8.67 tons to 21.1 tons, an ad vance ot 63. per cent. The clearing house system adopted last year for the first time for the use of the rolling stock of the va-. Hons line produced excellent results. In creasing the average number of loaded cars per train 1 60, and increasing, alao, the pro portion of loaded freight car mileage to . total freight ear mileage 1.66 per cent. Th new construction authorised since the clou of th fiscal year, to develop and perfect the tributary territory, amounts to 20 miles of new railroad, estimated to cost. Including equipment, about $12.000,xi0. Other Imports nt extensions are undor considera tion. The company Is preparing to expend (2,000.000 to construct a cut off eleven and a. half miles long from Omaha west to In on the main line; the distance by the existing route 1 twenty and a half miles. Th eut off will hav lower grades than th present track. TALES OF ANOTHER KLONDIKE Jab. W. rarlsh Brlaga Great terlea frosa Gold Field aad Tsafak, Jo W. Parish la bark from a visit to Tonopah, Goldfleld and other towns In the .new Nevada gold district and th tales h tails ar thoae of a new Klondike, H waa la th district about a week. "Hundreds of prospectors and persons of all klpds are still flocking In." says Mr. Pariah. "Th general . layout Is like you read about in descriptions of gold camps In ta old days and picturesque in th ex tram. ' Goldfleld ta now a city ot lO.Ouu ' Inhabitants, half of them living In tents. .Thar la a fairly good hotel there, how over, and a Business Men's association that would do credit to Omaha for enterprise and courtesy. ', "While I was out thr a big strik was mad to a new field, the Manhattan, mak ing: -four different fields In which th gold xcttatnent is running high, and th profits ar ' tnuneas. At th Red Top mine. In th , Manhattan district. I waa told that a few aaya be tors I left an inch-thick vain had swan atruca. $0 par cent of which was olid gold. Th stocks ot this mln went up with a speed . never known on Wall street. bsliev they ar now worth about no, ' . - "A small oorner lot in th business dis trict of Goldfleld sold recently for $37,500. Mortality Statistics. The following birth and deaths hav been reported, to the Board of Health during th twnty-four hour ending at noon Tuea- ay: Births Tom Pyrnea, 291$ South Elght- .Ih Willi. M q,. , - - , ' boy; T. P. Isett. 87S Webster, boy; V. C. . iiiMjnu, a. lm . uinjr-iii in. Bin. Deaths xilhel Harklaa, 4104 South Thir teenth, ; Clifford R. tsirsen. 2v7 Du poat. t months; Mrs. al. C. Mann. 1m7 Cass. ; Harry U Hagana. ZSt Miami, as. Dead th Ulustratad Jubilee Edition of Th Bo to your frtaaaa. UiwlU pleas (ham aJtd advartlM 4u)aha. yard LOWEST PRICES ON Ready Made Sheets and Pillow Cases 42x36 and 45x36 size Pillow cases, made from Fruit of the Loom Pepperell and Warn- sutta muslins, regular 18c value for 12ic Wednesday Special in Linen Dept 17-inch Unbleached Linen Crash Toweling sold every where at 10c, for, yard. 3 NOTION SALE The extraordinary bargains that we are offering; in this sale are the talk of the shoppers in Omaha. Staple notions at cut prices. Base ment Our best 60 pins, two papers for Be. Adamantine pins, per paper lc. One dosen Corset for to. Shell hair pins will go at. each. lc. Whalebones, will no at per dosen, lc invisible natr pins, per .box, lc. Drawer Supporters, at, each, lc. Bachelor's Buttons, at, each, lc. Embroidery Silk,, at, dozen, 2c. Barbour linen thread,, spool, 4c. Two balls knit ting cotton, (.' Bteel and bono . Crochet Books, lc dwiiw: Satin covered dress stays, set lc New Semi - Weekly Solid Vestibule Through Train . V BETWEEN ST. LOUIS and the CITY OF MEXICO VIA THE Iron Mountain Route Texas & Paciflo Railway International & Great Northern R. R. and x the National Lines of Mexico First train south-bound leaves St. Louis 9:00 a. m., Tuesday, January Hth. and every Tuesday and Friday thereafter. In addition to tha'aervlee shown above a through Pullman Sleep ing Car leaves St. Louis dally at 8: SO p. m. for the City of Mexico. For full Information caU or addressi TOM HUGHES, T. F. GODFREY, Trav. Paw. Agt Pass, and Ticket Agt. S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. H. 0. TOWNSEND, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Mo. I 1 sQQSSsssBsaksBHsSflsB I J ZZfTtt M III FOR WINTER. WEAR. $3.50 We are prepared to fit our cus tomers with a 3.CO winter shoe that we believe Is about the best value in 3.60 shoes that has ever been offered to Omaha men. These shoes are made up in box calf, plump vicl kid and Kun metal calf, double soles and on the newest winter lasts. They fit and wear. They're stylish and comfortable. . " FRY SHOtCO. U 16th tad DouqIms Sts. ' Five FastTrains DAILY TO Chicago and the East via the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY over the only double track railway between the Mis souri River and Chicago. This complete . service includes Pullman drawing room and private compart ment sleeping can, parlor cars, composite observa tion cars with library and buffet-smoking apartment, free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and dining cars (a la carte ser. vice.) Ttckstaaad full laierBstioa m span catioa I lickst &c Specials in Dry Goods Dept. 20 dozen Bleached and Unbleached Bed Sheets all sizes heavy muslin worth 65c each this sale CA each ..JUL Sale of Flannels All of our fine English, Outing, Heavy Fleece Downs and Fancy Flannelettes worth tfir to 25c yard, Wednesday a yard till All of our fine French Flannels, Challis, Fancy Waistings and Fancy Tricot Flannels that sold at 50c and Ofyn 75c, Wednesday a yard Table Damask 62-inch Table Damask, extra heavy qual-' ity, in both mercerized and half bleached linen, AtJlf worth 65c yard, Wednesday a yard F-ssi2C Sale of Blankets 60 pairs of extra heavy Twilled Union Blankets, very large T C size, worth $2.50 pair, Wednesday a pair only. Is J A few pairs of our $8.50 quality Oregon Woolen Blankets, f A while they last a pair , U U 85 Comforts, made of a very fine ullkollne, both sides alike and I T P filled with, nice white cotton, regular price $2.50 and $3, each, i D A Great Sale ef Wide Embroideries 60 pieces of fine Nainsook and Swiss Deep Flouncing and Wide Corset Cover Embroideries lots of wide Bands worth from 35c to 95c yard, Wednesday in a yard 5c and aC BIr Jjace Sale Wednesday Hundreds of pieces of fine Wash Trimming Laces, ln creams and whites, worth to 25c yard, Wednesday, y a yard '. .. ...'.'. .. ,. C Ladies' Coats : : , 25 elegant tight-flttlng, semi-fitting and loose box material, finest light weight kersey satin lined regular prices $25 It PA and $30 Sale Wednesday Morning UDJ Ladies' Cravenette I lain Coats tan shades only $10 Coats, A A C new this season, Wednesday morning... ntij3 $8.50 Coats for $2.05 Ladies' and Misses Coats, 27 and 30 Inches long, worth $8.50 ft r to $15 all at LADIES' OUTING FLANNKL GOWNS All our best quail- 7 C ties that sold from $1 to $2, now at $1.19 and DC . UNDER WE AR REGARDLESS OF PRICES Ladies' Shirts and Draw ers, in gray and cream, half wool and cotton, regular 69c M Q garment, special Wednesday each , T'OC CHILDREN'S FLEECED UNDERWEAR 10c Gray and creanwShirts and Drawers plain and ribbed, heavy fleece lined sines 18 to 28c . worth 350 to 50c each Special Wednesday s-a each ,3 i i . ; I IC HAND BA(3 SPECIAL" AT 19c 200 Hand Bags, in black and brown Imitation walrus leather and patent leather Strap and Hand in Bags regular 25c ones Wednesday only "C Bennett's Big Grocery COFFEES! COFFEES! 2,000 two-pound cans Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, always full weight in Coffee no weighing in of tin or paper Sixtv Green Trad, ft ar ing Stamps with each can, uL fL C x-r BEN NETO' 'fiwrAsr corra i IWras aj ouMuiifcj j ISA SfSMMT fj BfnnCornpaitfJ Wednesday. Finest Granulated Sugar Lots of different- Granulated Sugars, you know our is finest 1 AA Twenty pounds for laUll And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. 101 satf HOS FaraasjtL, OMAHA, NEB. . Graniteware Graniteware Graniteware Hifh Grade Graniteware. At a Rajirt : Disccunt nt Per Cent 20 Sit"' Basement. Business Boosters Try the Want Ad . Columns of The Bee. this sale, at. 1.19 Velvet Rugs, 27x54, a flyer at $2.25, in all colors, both conven tional and floral pat- terns,, this I lf sale, at These ktc all new goods and very special for this s&vle. Boy's Knee Pants Suits, worth up to $3.00, at $150 See Windows. ffiYliEKIs THE RELIABLE BTOKK. Boys' Knet Pants, worth 53.50 to $4.00, at $1.95. See Windows Third Day of the Great Sale of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR The greatest stock and the most sensational bargains ever seen in the west. . Better values than ever Wednesday. FOUR GREAT HOUR SPECIALS. From 9 till 10 a. m. Ladies' Corset Covers, In newest styles, handsomely trimmed with fine laces and em broideries, worth up to $1, JJg From 10 till 11a. ru. Ladies' Skirts, extra full and well made, deep flounce with five rows of insertion and cluster of tucks, $1.50 values . limit of one to a customer at 50c 25c From 2 till 8 p. in. Misses' and chil dren's Drawers, made of fine cam bric and nicely trimmed, worth up to 25c, limit of S pairs to a customer, at 3 pairs for, . . . From 3 till 4 p. In. A gTeat lot of ladles' Lisle. Gauze Vests, in pinks, blues and white, silk taped come in regular and extra , llr . ...... ,..5cl0c Special Lace Sate "We are clearing out all odd and edges, in Oriental, Val and fourth actual worth. pieces of Insertings, Lace Bands Nottingham, at one-half to one- Dainty Val Edges at Fine Val Inserting nt Fine Val Beadings at 1c lc lc 20c to 25c Torchon Laces, hand made, all linen f r yard 1UC Fancy Allover Laces worth up to $1 go at per yard jC 5c quality Val Edges at 5c quality Val Insertlngs at 5c quality Val Beadings at : 2ic 2 V ...'..2ic Torchon Edges. 5c and 10c quality,' Wednesday at ll yard ZC Hand Made Torchon Laces,-all linen, 10c and 15c quality f" at ac Silk Department Attend our big sale of Black Silks. Wc carry all the noted ' makes, both foreign and domestic, sucli as C. J. Bonnet, Winslow, Moneybak, Waterette, First Prize, etc. Tomorrow, extra special inducements. ?.Bla.c.k. 75c 98c Our $1.75 36-inch Black Taffeta and Peau de Soie, until noon and only one pattern to a customer, f 1 A at yard 1. 1U Our $1.00 36-inch Black Taffeta and Peau de Soie for one hour from 10 to 11 at yard , 73c Our 27-lnch $1.00 Black Taffeta at Our 27-inch $1.50 Peau de Sole at Our 19-inch Black Peau de Sole and Taffeta 75c grade 4"5c Our Muslin Sale is now in full blast. Compare these prices: Rugs Very Cheap Persian Tapestry Rugs, 27x54, an A-No. 1 rug at $1.85. a good line of patterns to select from, nil colors, special sale, begin ning Wednesday, m Wednesday, Double Faced Smyrna Rugs, 30x60, an excellent value at, $1.75, all good colors and up- to-date patterns, 1 XK A. Saoipsoa, Qa l gales Aasut. Oma&a, You Sometimes Annoy Tour frianda with that hacklns courh. Why not accept a auscestlon of a remedy? LA GRIPPE COUGH SYRUP Will b a r.llsf and th rUf bglns with h. flr.t Anmm. IT STOPS THB TICKLING. bL't IPI'l-.fl GllDTVTtl SOOTHES NERVES After sever colds tbs cough that re- GRIPPE COUGH 8TRUP puts you on th $1.60. Samples Ire. Maou(a.tur4 and sold by Sbermio & McConoell Drog Co. Comer lth aad Pods Straeta. ffh t a PT'Q CENTAL r L ROOMS, 111 WlVqusi St UNBLEACHED. 10-4 Lockwood unbleached 9-4 Lock wood unbleached 8-4 Lockwood unbleached BLEACHED. 10-4 Bleached Lockwood 9-4 Bleached Lockwood 21c 19c 17c 23c 21c 19c 8-4 Bleached Lockwood 86-Inch Bleached Muslin, Fruit of the Loom or Lonsdale "11 " sC The best Standard Sheets A 81x90 at. each 4 DC We are headquarters for Muslin Sheetings, Ready-Made Sheets and Pillow Slips ALWAYS LOWEST. Big Mid-Week Grocery Sale Read this; it means money saved on your grocery bill. 22 pounds Pure Cane Granulated : sugar for Sl.OO 10 pounds best Granulated Corn meal . .15c 10 bars best Brands Laundry Soap. 25c 7 pounds best Hand Picked Navy Beans '. 2ftc 8 pounds best Rolled Oatmeal. . . .25c 48-pound sacks best Patent Flour. 1.25 2-pound can Sweet Sugar Corn.... 5c Oil Sardines, per can . . ; .2Hc 3-pound can Fancy Table Syrup. 8 l-8e Washing Powder, per package. .2)c On Time Yeast, per package. . . . . .Sc Large bottle Pure Tomato Catsup.7Hc 3-pound cans Boston Baked Beans 7$c Cold Water Starch, per package.. .4c Diamond C Mince Meat, pkg 4c Jello or Jellycoh, per package. . .7 He 1- pound package Corn Starch. 4c 2- pound ran Sliced Pineapple. .12 He 2-pound can Fancy Wax or String Beans ,...6c 2-pound can Early June Sifted Peas 7 He The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound e Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb... 6c APPLES. " APPLE8. . The .big Bellflower Apple sale to be continued Wednesday. Remember these are worth from $1.75 to $2.00 per box as long as this shipment lasts we will continue to 1 C sell them per box Don't foreet to Tislt our big new Be and 10c department and see what you can buy for the money. It will surprise yon. HAYDEN BROS. YOU'LL NEVER FIND Any coal that will give you more genuine satisfaction for cooking or heating than our high grade, well screened 1 Genuine Trenton Coal . You can't beat it and you don't want to try when you have once tested it. We always deal in iha best because we know we can best hold our trade in that way. LUMP TON $6.25 Always prompt delivery. C. B. HAVENS & CO. Tel. 317. 219 S. 16th St. J ft lmf MEW FAST CHICAGO TRAIN 1 VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Leaves Qm)ha . . 6:01 P. M. Arrives Chicago . 7:3 A. M. Connects with all mornlnf trains In Chicago (or the east aad south. DINING CAR SERVICE TICKETS AJTD INFORMATION AT 140 FARNAM STREET. SAMUEL NORTH, District Pass. Agent, OMAHA, NEB.