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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY,' OCTOBER 20, 1003. 10 Special Bar gains in Winter Underwear Thursday. Creat Notion Saie Continues Until Friday. OM4H 4 WEtTHKR FOR KC AST Tlisira ilay Fair Warmer. Jfol im n rn fhi nn our new Tiki Lunch li flnr Wy IV lyjliBSfc Th Boom Balcony Tea Room I i I 17 T IV) HIE IlKLIAULK STORK. n v, 1 Ladies9 Cold Weather Wear Priced at Most Attractive Bargains. Ladies' Fall Suits at $7.50 New long and short coat styles well made, light and dark mixtures and plain cloths- all this fall's style-smartly rf 5) trimmed an exceptionally A good dressy suit, at Ladies Suits at $14.85 Stunning long Chesterfields' short Etons, Husasrs and blouses every new style feature embodied in these well tail ored. neatly finished sui a most attractive bargain, THREE FUR 5CARF SPECIALS Ladles' Cluster Fur Scarla-A. naw Oft lot Just received new styles... mJS Double Fur Scarf -Cord and tail ? Q ft trlramlnsr, at.... J9 Natural Squirrel Scarf or muffs to match 4.98 bLADIUS STYLISH WOOL SWEATERS at 98: and SI 50-Very stylish tnouuloorwor-bMjht clors and plal or mixed e,Tact,-n,ie. L -"v,..;.'- nnnirl. mrvlela a fayorlte CI H 1 Cfl BUr inn auu m . J jtmW.JJ forfait and winter, worth uti i H, at ... . r 7 -: - - L-dle.' Knit Pcttlco.ts - Wnrm I ua , Four Genuine Big Bargains in the Basement 4?irM Ladies' Wi 2 Wrappers S Wortn 2i- Hli. SO ( Ladies' Jackets Good and wnrm fo.'- 1 OR Tuo- 2 .Sr. UV w v L r w - i ou r Ladies' Aprens Regular 50-oent Ladies' Tailored Suits W'rthl OQ Ladies Stylish Fall Millinery Third Floor Main Building A thousand new fall hats, made of velvets, silks, rhentllo braids and felts nothing but new shapes,' new colors and new trimmings tur bans, toques and larger shapes many have , admired them In the window m IJQ aaviQ and marveiea at tne cxtreme '.Jr low prices now on sale at l--2: ;r styles $5 A Very Special Offer In a Stylish $3 Hat In this offer are new' models that have been cleverly designed In correct winter styles ' also a great number of stunning thas in the seasonable styles 'and trimmings will go at . . .. ..-.. Ladies' & Men's; Handkerchief S On Special Sale Ladies' and men's all linen handkerchiefs in all widths of hemstitching--also ladies' initialed and em- 1 jf bfoldcred edge handkerchiefs should readily I! 0 Bif bring 23c each special at 11 v Ladies' Kid Gloves A' errand display of ladles' new full gloves in the correct shades of kid for both street and even ingthe highest class kid gloves manufactured ar In this assort- ment, at 69c-$l-1.50-$2 Wool Gloves and Mittens bargain square of fabric gloves In heavy and medium wool, cashmere, "etc., also ladles' and misses' all wool mittens, will go at per pair 25c Advajvce Notice of x Big SaJe . Cash purchase of 125,000 Worth of Fine and medium TAPESTRY CURTAINS 1 a AND COUCH COVERS Beginning uciooer 30 from slightly , ,. Entire stock of a well known mill that retired business one of the biggest bargains in years. Couch Covers and Curtains Some of which are f imperfect, they are worth up to $5 a pair f i CI Q " Monday at, each 0 JC-ZOC Highest grade silk brocaded Velour and Plush Portieres j .and eouoh covers that are worth $20 a pair 1 QO i ' Will be Bold at, each a0 Couch Covers, worth $1.25 to $7.50, go at, each 39c to $1.50 ft 1 These goods now on display in our show windows. J. L. Brandeis & Sons COMPORTS In Bterlinit Silver and Cut Glass. Thsy are quIU th thins these days In place of the lower dishes for bon bons, ulivea, pickles, etc. Any of these, would make a nloe wediilnir gift. 8pend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSW, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St. Sewing Machines and Supplies ! Anything and everything in this line, from a needle to the very finest Cabinet Machines of any Standard make. Our prices are moderate and goods f beat quality. When in need of anything pertaining to sewing machines Jt a trial... We guarantee satisfaction. A ' . :;. V. K. FLOD.MAN & CO telephone 1574. 1514 Capitol Avenue W manufacture our own trunks, travellnc baa and suit vaaes. Ws make Uim of tha beet material. Our workman dip is uneicelled. Wa sell thtaj or less than inferior Kradfc- would ooat you alaew here. If you buy of us y a will set the best you will sa ve money you will be better I?!!?fle1; I,hr Bound Matting 8uit Cases. 11.80. R.75 and J4 00. We do repairing-. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Ptrntm Street. MACaf and COMFORT ar aure to come to those whs amok fllil-XcirnlUt WIUU JIM M S S9NS 209.211 S. 15th Street. It's a Toss Up with some men whether to have their garments made to measure or to buy ready made gnrmente. v mwt I 'pis'" Sit ' J It wouldn't be if they know the kind of fabrics the kind of tailoring and the moderate prices to be found at Xlcoll's. , We'll meet the price of rrndymade with fortter gar ments to measure. Trousers, $5, to $12, Suits $20 to. $50. We would as soon try to hold water in a sieve and save it as to offer our trade a mean style poor work inannhip or an unfair price. Over a hundred fabrics to select a $20.00 suit from' and the assurance that gar ments at this price will re ceive the same careful atten tion as do the higher priced fabrics. FRED PAFFENRATH Mgr. NM Oil Green Trading Slamp Booth, Main floor. I Fine Dress Goods Cheap tor lhursaay Just Recrlved, Another Lot of the Topular Tanamas and Tweeds In invisable checks and plaids, stripes and mixtures, 46 to 58 Aft inches wide; they are worth $1.50 yard; Thursday, per yard. . leW Mock lress Goods 54 Inches, Black Rainproof Nuns Serge, 1 will not wrinkle, the regular priee Is $1.75; Thursday, yard. . A Sale of lied Sheets 72x90 and 81x90 fine Seamless Sheets, torn and Ironed, all ready for use, they are worth 75c each; CCI Thursday, each J. ATTENTION', LADIES You are cordially invited to Inspect our new creations in Evening AVraps, Tea and Tarty Gowns and Tailor Made' Suits. Our stock is the largest, embracing most of the very latest colorings, styles and materials. We select two items from each class that is entitled to special attention: Ladies' Gowns Fine Nun's Veiling, in black and light blue, silk yoke with faggoting, silk chiffon and silk girdle, skirt . with cluster panels and silk Ladies' Gown Fine Voiles, champagne shade, all-over chiffon, Pllk girdle, shirred puff sleeves, deep tucked . flounce skirt Evening Coats Loose Empire style, light ' weight Kersey, all satin lined, Reseda green with silk piping, collar and medallions of moss green panne velvet; also in all fill aJ.VU 25.00 lace and 27.50 The Newest of the New in Ladies' Readv-to-Wear Garments. il Our cloak buyer has Just returned y. from New York, bringing with him , : some of the newest and nobbiest crea- fi ' tions for wear. Let us show you, " . . a. . 7 nr new pMcrn kiphs. NEW ETON HUTS in fine broad cloths, one of Dame Fashion s new favorites ror winter wear, an elegant line Just received, splendid values at 5... $50 15, 20, up to . . . THi nsnAV A DAY OK GREAT HAR GANS fnniatchablc bargains' in stylish garments are offered you for this dav. Don't fall to see them. THREE-QUARTER LENGTH COAT In coverts or montenacs, tans or black, with the stylish Empire back, splendid values Clfl at io special at 3J9 HANDSOME NEW COATS In great variety of plain and fancy mixed fabrics, with loose, tight fitting or Empire backs, swell garments, worth $22 60 178 SEW.CBAVENETTE8 In tans, arsys. greens, onsto, ana ouve enaarn, w jjij i vaiuee Hi ' SKIRT8 In .2.98 1 v I n black . Evening Coats Loose shirred Empire style, all satin lined, C A trimmings silk, velvet and crochet ornaments, self vest. . . J iJU Ladies' Tailored Suits Redingote style, in imported Scotch Tweed, light gray, satin lined, velvet collar, side pleated 1) CA skirt. &,D3 Ladies' Tailor-Mnde Suits 34-inch Jacket, Mannish Worsted, fancy collar and buttons, all silk lined, flee pleated, 19- gore 1C Art skirt ..ZD.)) Cheap Sale of Dress Trimmings A big lot of fancy braids In Persian effects, imported heavy lace appliques and banding In cream and white, black lace appliques; this lot worth to 75c yard; spe- IP clal Thursday, per yard, at 25c and IDC Sale of Golf Gloves Ladles' and Children's Wool Golf Gloves, in mixed, and plain colors, fleeced lined Cashmere Gloves, worth 50c; special Thursday, per pair 85e Neckwear. 10c All Silk Embroidered Stocks, Linen Stocks and Lace Collars and Fancy Embroidered Turnover Collars, worth f A 25c to 35c; all go Thursday at, each 1.C KJd Glove Sale French Kid, high glace finish, Paris point stitch ing, in full assortment of shades-; special, a fl A A pair, 2.00, $1.50 and l.UU Ladles' Fleeced Underwear Cheap Fine Jersey ribbed, heavy fleeced shirts and drawers, perfect shaped garments, in gray, ecru 1 r and white; special Thursday, a garment JmjC Children's Union Suits Fleece lined, Jersey ribbed, finished seams, in gray, worth 39c a suit; special Thursday, a ip 8u,t &DC Ladies' and Children's Hose, 15c Ladies' plain black fleeced and cot- ion nose, cntiaren s fleeced and cotton, fine and heavy ribbed hose; mi warrauifa iasi oiacK, wortn zoc a pair; sale price Thursday," a pair , 35c 15c THE DANCING SEASONIS HERE And we are showing; all the newest styles in dancing slippers for misses' and children. One of the most popular styles for this aeason is the GIBSON TIE. made of patent leather with low heels. Young Women's sites. 2 to $3.50 Misses' sixes, 11H to 2 X.00 Chllds' sites. 8H to 11 1.25 Patent Strap Slippers, low heels Young- women's sizes, JVi to 6. $2.55 and ....2.W Chllds' sizes, 8 to 11. $1.50 and.... l.X. DrexelShoe Co. 1419 Faruam Si. Send for catalogue. A Comprehensive Assortment of Mod ish Millinery, at a Very Popular Price THURSDAT WE OFFER ITNL'SUAt, BARGAINS IN TRIMMED HATS A VERY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THEM. THE COLORINGS. STYLES, MATERIALS ARE FASCINATING AND PROPEJR. .:... THIS EXCEPTIONAL LOT INCLUDES POPULAR SHAPES.' DRESSY I-URBANS, AN ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT OF MISSES' . STYLES IN CLUDINGJ PLAQUES TASTEFULLY r.ENT AND FA8HIONBD POPULAR TAM O'SHANTER STYLES, FRENCH SAILORS, ETC ETC Your Choice . from an Elaborate and Bewil dering Assortment, $2.98 Gigantic Picture Sale, Saturday. OIL PAINTINGS, WATER COL ORS. CARBONS. CHRISTY PIC TURES. ETC., ETC. THE SALE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. WATCH ADS, FRIDAY. SEE DISPLAY 16th St. Window. nnA 112 SO WOMEN'S S0O WALKING treat variety of styles and nkMrt m I a 1 - t DRESS AND WALKING SKTRTSln al most unlimited variety oi myie mm ma terial and colop, most complete line and best values at 15.00 mm 7W. m. 12 50 and ,u,uv ftnratwn vi'Tt RPir.PTAT.Pl $6.00 RUSSIAN CONEY SCARFS Inches $5 SILK UNDERSKIRTS in ail colore special Dargaina ai 3.98 special, at Innjr speolnt bargralns ..-V. I r. .. m . Fine oossn'm. squirrel. Jap mink and other fine novelty scarfs, great snap g.CQ $10 tor i scarfs, with two large brush tails special, Thursday. 0.98 at Women's flannelette 39C dressing saccule, at Women's long kimonas $2.00 98C value, at 2.93 Grand Ribbon Sale Thursday All colors and widths of strictly all silk ribbons, at one-third less than rerulat rm. price All silk baby ribbons at, per yara All silk No. 1H satin ribbon at. ner vard All silk No. 2 satin ribbon at, per yard .. i All Bilk No. 5 taffeta ribbon at. per yard All silk No. 7 taffeta ribbon at, per yard All silk tin. 9 taffeta ribbon at, per yard I fine line of fancy pillow ribbons on sale, at, per yard Regular price. 25c a yard. I great lot of printed warp fancy ribbons- at. per yard Regular price, at, per yard 36c. .. ..ic 1c ...lie ...2ic .3ic 4ic All silk No. 12 taffeta rlbbon- at, per yard All silk No. 1 taffeta ribbon at, per yard All ilk No. 22 taffeta ribbon at, per vnrd All silk No. taffeta ribbon at, per yard All silk No. 60 taftota ribbon at, per vard ....... .-.-. .. .. All silk No inn UfTeta ribbon at, per yard 5ic " 74c "Sic ioc 124c ...15c . 15c L I Bennett's Big Grocery ! eg SMALL PROFITS AND MANY QUICK SALES MOVE STOCKS SO CON STANTLY THAT EVERYTHING IS FRESH AND NEW ALWAYS. TEA SPECIAL. Ten Green Trading Stamps wltb pound imperial japan lea s Zbo Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound packuge Bennett's Ofir1 Capitol Coffee Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound B. F. Japan 38C Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond "S" OX. Salad Dressing "JW Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond "8" 0ir Chill Sauce ok' Ten Green Trading Stamps with 3-lb. 20c fen Green Trading Stamps with thre. packages Jellycon, C?Sr ussorttd flavors CvJKt Bennett's Bargain Soap, ten bars ran Burnham'a Clam Chowder 25c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with can imported small Mushrooms (the finest) 35c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond "8 ' Fruits, .issorted, (very delicious) 28o Thirty Ureen Trading Stamps with pint bottle finest Grape Juice.... 25u Ten Green Trading Stamps with pack age Krotana Biacuita 10c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound finest Domestic Swiss Cheese.... 22c BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Ten Green Trading Stamps with large fancy box vanilla flavored Marsh- . mallows 15c lallowe'en Novelties, each ........ 6c HOARHOUND DROPS, pound 10c Trimmed Hat Specials foi Thursday TiirneniT ci'K OFFF.R THE MOOT WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN TRFM MED HATS AT PPrCES THAT SHOULD CROWD OUR MILLINERY DEPART MENT FROM ONCE THE DOORS OPEN UNTIL CLOSING HOURS IN THE EVENING. $$7.50 TRIMMED HATS 2.98 $3.50 TRIMMED "ha'tS ' f Q8 AT ' i $3.00 TRIMMED STREET HATS 98C $10.00 PATTERN ' HATS ' " 498 $1.00 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL " CAPS ' . 50C AT i . .. . 76C CAMEL'S HAIR TOMS 39C 'Al Hay den's Grocery Prices Arc Trade Winners. Read Them. . 21 lbs. pure cane granulated Sugar for $1 00 48-lb. sacks tlancy Wlgn faieni ninnrwiu Flour 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 16c 10-lb. aacks best granulated white of yellow Cornmeal The liest Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina, per lb $"Vo The best hand ricked Navy Beans, per lb 3c Choice Japan Rice, per lb 3s 1-lb. can Rumford HaKlng rowaer ihc 1- lb. package Cornstarch 4c Gibson Polish, large can. each Ktjc 2- lb. can Sweet Sugar Corn 6c 3- lb. can Baked Beans 7Hc Fancy Brick Cheese, per lb 12Vc Fancv Wlaconsln Cream Cheese, per lb.. 15c Choice Dairy Butter, per lb 18c Fresh, crisp Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb r'4c Xcelo Breakfast Food, per pkg T'.io FRUIT! FRUIT!! SFRUIT!!! H bushel baskets of Fancy Duchess Cun ning Pears ! New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb 2o Fancy cooking Apples, per peck 25l' Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart 8'jc Fancy ehellfd Popcorn, per lb So Fancy Tokay Grape, per lb 8'c 3 measurea Fresh Roasted Peanut 10c Bushel boxes fancy cut Bellflowor Apples U.7! mm O) 0 Home Visitors' Excursions VIA A FIRST-CUSS CISAR MADE OF A FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO - TY TMIM J'h.W MUANTILI 0IOAI CO. ... ST. keyiff. Nov, 27th, 1905 To Many Points In Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Western New York and Western Pennsylvania Rate Fare and One Third for the Round Trip Return Limit, Twenty-One Days For further Information call or writ F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. 1S23 liriaa St.. Osaka. Dash West for tha - 3 A whole day saved en route to San Francisco via the UNION PACIFIC This Hosts la 9 Hours Quicker to bait Lake City . 10 Hours Quicker to Sun Francisco 24 Hours Quicker to Portland From Omaha This Air Other Mao. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET Phone 316. '' BRIGHTEST LIGHT LEAST CURRENT . J? I ' . BOLD IN OMAHA BY . t ff V) WESTERN ELECTRICAL COMPANY CI .' TELEPHONE 466. 12U FARNAM STREET DEALERS IN CLKCTRICAL IMMUII 5 : s From Nebraska Points Direct to Chicago. In addition to three daily trains, Omaha to Chicago, through service is also offered from other points on the main line of the Union Pacific railroad to Chicago by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Through sleeping cars, both standard and ' tourist, and through chair cars are operated ' by this line. All ticket agents sell tickets ea9t" by this line. Ask them to do so. Leave Omaha 7:55 a. in., 5:45 p. in. or 8:35 p. m. F. A. NASH, . Canaral WaaUrn Agent, 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA V : 5 : 5 . 3 m 5 3 3 1 5 I r - -