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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, IIKC). a- AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Bttrt Mads oa Firing of Twsatj -Fourth Btrtet with Brick. CONTRACTORS HUSTLE TOR LABORER! Work af Trarlac Oat tha Wara Asphalt la Well ladar War Vlgaroas Efforts Ara Preaalsaal aa Jab. L Whelr. pastor of the Presbyterian itat Delajt Faring. CONTRACTORS COMPLAIN 0FL0SING MONEY Wednesday forenoon Parks, Johnson A Park! started to work on tha Twenty fourth street paving-- Several teams are employed In hauling Purlngton blo'k brick from can In the yards to the vicinity of Twenty-fourth and A atreeta. Last nlnht brick bad been piled alone the curb line for- a distance of two block! and mora la to be hauled right along. Jamea Parka hunted the town over for men yesterday. He even called at the city tail to see If he could not find men willing to work. He la offering 2 entr, an hour for ordinary labor. After con siderabla hunting around Mr. Parka finally collected fourteen men and put them to work breaking up the old asphalt pave ment and loading it In wagons. These contractors aay that they want fifty men right away to work on this paving, tha pay to be 90 cents an hour. The Parks company will unload material for tha paving of the north and of Twenty. fourth street at the Krug brewery switch This will make a short haul, and there will soon be plenty of material on the gi-3und At the tracks and J street this Arm haa fenced In. about half an acre and put , up a couple of big sheds for the storage of material. About six cars of cment are in sight,, enough to commence work on. Fourteen cars of brick are in the yards, Every day that work can be done all the men that want to can find employment. The telephone company has completed the laying of conduits on Twenty-fourth street from A to J street and will not Interfere In any way with the pavement. Tf labor era con be secured the contractors expect 10 finish the pavement on tha east side of the street this year. Never In the history of the city has the pavement on this street been In such a dilapidated condition and residents are greatly pleased at the start made on the paving. ' Maeman Break l,ear. ' 8. Zinnlnl, a lineman in the employ of the Electric Llrht company, fell from a pole near Avery Wednesday afternoon and broke Ms right ,0S Just above the ankle. Dr. C. M. Schlmlel was sent for and after the limb had - been placed In splints Zlnniel was taken to his home at 1327 Canton street. Omaha. Tha accident happened aa the last bit of work was being done on the new line from Souri Omaha to Fort Crook. Two heavy lare copper wires now run from the Electric Light company's terminal station. Twenty. third .and M streets, to Fort Crook. The current will be used In lighting the fort grounds, buildings, etc' The Chicago com pany doing the wiring at the fort expects to be ready for the current to be turned on November t.' Waat Street Wldeaed. . A petition' was presented to the city council, some time ago signed by property nwners In Corrlgan addition asking that the city purchase a part of lot 14 in Wagoner at Phelan's addition In order that tha Intersection of Thirty-ninth and 8 atreet may be widened. ' The statement was made that the prop erty desired could be bought for $200. The council '.referred the matter to the city attorney. Mr. Lambert yesterday sent Id a communication stating' that there was no legal objection' to such a purchase' If the ' council, desired to. go ahead. A this intersection la so narrow that two teams cAnnot pass with safety, the ground will most likely. ,be bought, " Maar Iaqnlrlea for Beads. About three dosen inquiries have been received by City Clerk Glllln regarding the refunding of $70,000 of general Indebtedness tends. From the number of Inquiries It tMfcs as If the bidding at the sale to be fcaM by the council next Monday night would be spirited. The advertisement for the sale of these bonds Is being printed In The Bee and in response to inquiries the clerk malls coplea of the paper containing the advertisement. This issue of bonds Is now' owned by Rev. George Farson of Chicago. This holder Is expected to be a bidder on the bonds as he has written the clerk for details. The bonds are now draw ing S per cent interest but will be refunded at. 4Vi . per cent. . A copy of the financial conditio!) is sent to all persons Inquiring about these bonds. notice Voters. - Chairman Olbaon of the republican county central committee is having notices sent to all voters to be sure and register on the two remaining days. While these notices are sent to republicans generally, particu lar attention is being paid to thosa who registered on September It to go and regis ter- in. - Friday -of this week Is the second , day of registration and Saturday, November V l the last day of registration. The registration booths are open from $ a. m. until p. ni. Lcfler-Rlea Kautlala. Charles M. Lefler and Miss Mabel C. Rich were married last evening at the First Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. R. groom is a well known young business man of South Omaha and the bride la the compiiehed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. c. I Scarcity of Mta in City Engineer's Depart- M. Klcn. A large number or invited eueats were present at the church to witness the ceremony. Mara Sew Bsekt. About 200 new Juvenile books were re cently purchased by the South Omaha Li brary board, but there la still a demand for more books of this class. Only re cently the South Omaha Century club pre- nted the library with fifty volumes of fine books, which are greatly appreciated by the reading public. The library now has 87 patrons and the list Is constantly ni . ' .k . Vr T a f rA de'ay'd by limitations of the city engi llbrarlan, says that the demand for good .,, , , , . GREAT LACK OF SURVEYORS K, II. Vaa Coart Saia He I ftafrerlaaj Flaaaclal L.a Beraaae RU aeer (at Imt Oat Work Fast Kaoaaa. at Crawfonlavllle. nd., Mr. Oerrard will have oniethltig of Interest to sav to the members of the order. It la stated. Re-fi-eelimrnt and a ehm t musical progmm will be among the gtxwl things for those who attend the meeting. FIFTH WARD REPUBLICANS Jadse Rea a. Baker Makea IMIrrlng Address at a RoaelaaT (1k Meeting. At a meeting of the Fifth Ward Republi can club held last evening at Young's hall, Pixteenth and Corby streets, Judge Ben Raker was the principal speaker. The Judge spoke for an hour and tourhed on Paving work all uver the city Is being VBriou" Phases of the political economy of in government. "I sincerely believe the primary law a neeilng department due to short funds. books far exceeds the supply Contractors for several day. have besieged and urge, now that the people of books are always thankfully received. Those desiring to make donations are re- the city hall demanding the setting of t L art Ih.v ,-a r. m,.a,ak ahaarf m-ltli quested to communicate with Miss Abbott I . . k lit. . I wora. Every available engineer or engi- at the library. Omaha Maa Skaate His Wife neer student, from Assistant City Engl- have expressed themselves at the pri maries, that we republicans support the entire ticket," stild the speaker. "A man Is not dishonest Just because he be a demo. neer mi. Dnn h. h.. r,..i i,n crmt or republican, and there will be more William Mylee of Ninth and Howard .,. ,h. Ar.ftnm mom la or corruption, whether the party in etreets. Omaha, last night shot his wife, aeserted. but the force cannot lay out the powr he "Publican or democrat The one Duuei passing inrougn ner arm ana i worj, aag. enough for the pavers -rh i arc minim a great nue ami the other through one of her lungs. cry about trusts and corruption Without altar ara nlna thali. twaat In aitvan. The shooting accurred on Twenty-fourth .i--.. ..,k t,... nn t,., reason. Partisans should meet one an street, between M annd O streets. The mvch nand b tn, con(lulon, ,n the ,tnr "an t0llhl lnlv!"'y injured woman was taken to the South h-.,. ( ""an ahould know why he afflllates with Omaha hospital and Myles was arrested aaa-a .... a. --a h,. any particular party." and is now In the South Omaha police sta- ,mi)OM,blty of hlrig enough men at fair f .th tar'(t 5I'",AU'1 ,"A he, bel'VM "on. I araa-ea tha Aeta.rtment la pnnfrantMl with an I Ur,ff houl1 eV"w, ot' wher The shooting was the outgrowth of family I a a ,a absolutely necessary and that domestic differences. Mvles having been arrested last . -,v, v. . .u 1bor ahould be protected. Of the national week on the charge of assault prererrea uy about handling a transit Instrument or " ,a I a V1a nia wire. lartlna- aa rodmen. New construction by ' . ' " Ml City Oaaalp. . ,n Onion Pacific. Burlington and other "Hhl. JtruMMnSTt Voters must not forget to register on totAm onl,nin, the available supply of !!!P', ,h. JlZJl Friday, October 17. young and old engineers. Within the last 1 i. r i i. l .1.1. aM -I, n ' I L P 1 1 nUUItHT II, II U W aula IU d I k. uu 1UI . . . , , . . . a few hours each dav w oaya me cuy engineering Department Is the sentiment of the American people to be fair. "The present outcry against the corpora tions has much foundation of fact. We must use caution In handling the issue before us," declared the Judge. ' Candidates Ed. Simpson and Charles Fields made short talks. Billy Klerstead Jacob Balr. Thirteenth and O streets, has lost two engineers ana two roamen. renorts the birth of a daughter. I One of the latter Immediately was placed Mrs. Peter Powers. Twenty-fourth and U I In -ham of an Instrument, showing his streets, is reported 10 o quite hick. . nr.0fieeneT Taw Tavariv la hnrV from a Mtrfl trtn. 1 where he want to look after live stock mat- I All Get Mora Pay tera. I All had their wages much increasea. .nnounced he would bear the expenses J. K. Hodeeman has returned to oouin I nn man who was drawing onlv ISO rer 1 .1 1..1. 11.1. ..... ,.v,nra..n iaRv - V. . - I " - - - I lf IIIO tlUU IUI 1. 1 1 1 0 J . , - K.I V UJ.MII uv- J Yr.y Tm Yn. " - month from the city was given 1100 a month Luca, m0Ved Mr. Klerstead be given a life Miss Mary Quinn has returned to her from th raroad that employed him. tenure of the office of chairman of, the home at Canton, 111., after a pleasant visit "I do not see now tney can Keep any financial committee, under civil service with Miss Mary Gallagher. I engineers at all," said Chief Engineer 1 rulei Carried unanimously, J W. Melnxer. the sidewalk Inspector, I n.rrv nr tha tTnlnn Paolflc to Cltv Knerlneer U 1 .......... ...1 ... InaM.nfr Ika HfKltlOT I : MnstaHas Miarl araTat, - Rosewater, not long ago. "We pay mucn . Meeting I. Captain Shields has secured a number better wages than the city, yet we have The 81)ltn ,nd Twelfth Ward Republican of search warrants and hopes to locate great difficulty in securing and keeping ciUDa held a Joint meeting last evening some of the merchandise stolen Monday competent surveyors." at Idlewlld hall. Twenty-fourth and Grant nignt irom a Burlington oox car. 1 w.f,i,k-t.n,iine. the disheartening con- .1 . f ti, r,..ra n talking over CVC It'WnPk'Cn OUT RY A TnilPH Idltlons, the city engineering department Is I registration matters. Committees of from tit nUbCU UUI DIM lUUUn tryng to do the best It can. Although Uve to ten members were appointed to look Comptroller Lobeck has found a way to after the various precincts and act with add about $1,600 or more to the engineering I the county central committee. Short talks funds, the council has taken no pains to I were -made, all being in regard to reglstra- go through with the necessary formalities. Hon matters. The meeting was largely Contractor B. D. Van Court, who Is doing attended. n.1.1.1 J nihhaiiir.i of Rwi.. birth, livin-1 much of the curbing, was at the city en- t ini2 nav.nnnrt hart hla left eve knocked glneer a office Wednesday trying to get Greevy ts Baay nut In tha mn.t he.rtl.aa manner bv an ma Stakes Set lor a lot 01 wora. secretary ureevy OI inn uougma uuiu, tough negro last night on Twelfth street, "I am losing money because the city Central committee waa one of the busiest between Capitol avenue and Davenport. He engineering department simply can t lay men in town last night at republican head la aecond cook at the Commercial club and out work fast enough," said he. I don t quarters, where he had a staff of twelve as he was going home entered the drug blame Mr. Rosewater. The authorities typewriters sending out postal cards to store on Capitol avenue, thinking to get who mage me approprmi.on. " P"" .,. mii. . ,u.. hi.,. from control of the finances are responsible. It I rh.i.matl.m H. determined tn nut It off la a Shame a City lIKe Um.nn snouia m, Wt TT airj SI lull. flX UAt until the next day and as he turned away d down ana nanaic.pp ... he was accosted by a young negro of 19 or l"g department.. 20. Kegro Makea an I'apraraked Aaaaalt Vpon Daalel J. Gib-belllal. BUSY NIGHT AT ORPHANS' FAIR Faalra aad Fareatera aad Otkera Make the Aadltorlaaa a Merry Place far the Kvealag. Last night was Eagles and Foresters' evening at the orphans' fiilr and the mem bers of these two orders were out In lorce to aaslHt In making the fun. They made thing hum. They spent th.-lr monev at the booths along with the rest of the public and were as happy as larks. The j regies 01 Benson, Houtn ommia and Otnahu met at the Eagles' hall curly In the evening and marched In a line Ave blocks long to the Auditorium. Th:c they mingled with the crowd and th?ir gold ! badges made a conspicuous showing. It was the biggest night of f ie fair, j from 1 ne time the dmns were op?ned until 11 o'clock all the booths and shows had as much business as they could possibly at tend to. All the space between the tiootlis waa filled with merrymakers, and necessity demanded, as well as pleasure suggested, that several hundred go to the basement to see the Fantanas and the other side shows. If the attendance Is ss good for the remaining three nights the manage ment will be well pleased. On behalf of the Eagles, Joe Sonnenberg presented Father McNamara, for the talr, with a check for $25. The fistic contest of the previous night proved so popular that it was called for again. Two colored boys In barrels ham mered each other on the stage and pro voked great merriment whenever the bar rels were tumbled over. In the afternoon, by special arrange ment, the fair was open for the entertain ment of the children of the city's parochial schools, who were attended by their teachers. The children enjoyed them selves Immensely, especially around Dave O'Brien's candy wheel, where they dis posed of many a nickel and ate many a box of sweets. There will be a matinee today for the orphans themselves, and the management will take special care that the little ones enjoy themselves. They will come under the escort of E. A. Benson. Tonight the Knights of Columbus will be the guests of honor at the Auditorium. It Is expected that the attendance will be the largest yet. Dlmlck's orchestra will play selections from Tobanl's "Irish Melo dies," which made such a hit on te open ing night of the fair. The Undeland Ju venile orchestra and the Apollo Zither and , Mandolin club also will furnish music, j There will be a drill by Company C, Wood men of the World. IK 111 11 Every rnotfier faala grrat dread tf .' the pain and danger attendant upOrJ the most critical period of her life. Hecomihe" mother should be a source of joy to all. but the Buffering and danger incident to the ordeal makea its anticipation one of misery; Mother' Friend it the only remedy which relieve women of the grtat . pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which is dreaded aa woman'i severest trial is not only made painlesa, but all the danger is ayolded ' by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent of gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions trw overcome, the system it made ready for the coming evraf, and th .' serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold." says many who have used it. fi.oo per bottle at. drug stores. Book, containing valuable information of interest to all women, will be sent to any address free upon application to BHAD FIELD REGULA TOR OO., Atlantm. Oa. friend' Mm LasBi (NORTH STAR BRAND) Ladies' fur lined coats are popular garments this season. We make a complete line, from quite inexpensive garments to high priced onesthey are all well made in a variety of fur linings. Our label in a fur garment means reliability. Lanpher, Skinner & Co. St. Paul, Minnesota I your aaahr 60m aot carry sur line, write us and wa wiU direct you. er Yxlvs "at" a-ataa Expert Bookkeeper Explains Method of Heaeblnar Valuation oa the Rallroada. la Over. The testimony of Louis Wettllng, treas urer of the Farmers' and Merchants' In surance company of Lincoln, cashier of the Farmere' and Merchants' bank of that city Tl a AA ha! knnw lha fAllrtW .an no amaA on. The negro followed him and overtook FLOOR FOR ROLLER SKATES him, saying: 1 .. v Stop there! Why don't you stop when I Rlak Will Be rat la t """ tell you to?" When Orphan' Fair Olbbelllnl answered: "Why should I stop T I don't know you." "Take that." aaM the hmtk atrlUlna- fJlh hatlinl with a haavv nolntait .Oi.fc It Is expected tne executive commuwe 01 1 ana expen accountant, was laarn vveaneo time vou ston or I'll kill vou the Auditorium board in the next few days day morning before Special Examiner The injured man wag ao blinded by the autnonxe manager uman i pui . manea v. riu m m oum.iaum Mow that he ivni.M make iW.. r floor In tne DUIIOing lor roner BRaiing. mi. way tax case. could he watch which way the negro went OlUan wishes to get at the work as soon as The examlnaUon was held at tha office of When he reached the police station his eye "a Orpnanr ratr is over, in i.ruer u. j. oreene in me ntw ior u.f ouuaing. was protruding from the socket and was skating may be begun November 8. the Mr. Wettllng appeare fr the state and bleedinr from a rin. incision, which 1. night after Emma Eames Is here. A new the examination waa conduced by Attor- thought to Mve penetrated the eye. thus floor to make hatlng a sue- ney General Norrls Brsjwa,. Mr. .Wettllng destroying the sight forever. He was able I CM"- Tw0 men wlu "" a" nr"1 11 was tne oniy wuness riaminw, ne went to give a very clear story of the aasault. I putting tne saaies in repair. irw numr, 1 mio a scneauie . 01 murej nwnnj uiiun He claims to have seen the negro at other will be provided this year for the band, value of the road. Its net, Wnlngs and the times and knnwa where h Uvea skate boys and other employes. stock and bonds test, ami uie value or tn-s Oihbllllnl came from Bwitierland fifteen Space is being taken rapwiy for tne im- stock on the markets. His examination oc vaara am. He haa been in Omaha ai.van plement exhibit at the Auditorium during 1 cupled about two hours. Wednesday after years and for the last seven years he has the meeting or tne implement ieaiera aa- noon Mr. weuiing was examine,, aiong xne been working for Ed Maurer About a aoolatlon, which will be held November 15 1 same general lines on the Union Pacific month ago he took the position as aecond and 16. Manager QHlan had a letter Wednes- railway properties . tha pa.i.i ik ii. haa k... I dav from the J. I. Case company at Lin- I . ...,a .y,t ,v-. coin, asking for space to exhibit a separa- Annoaaceraeata of the Tbeatera. offense to any one. tor. Among other firms which have secured Friday evening at the , Boyd "Mrs. Lef- The police took up the case with avidity. "oor room are tne uninger meicaii com- " ;""'- - , T . .. At the ranrht a man -km ih.. I DAnv. tne rJaum iron company, m jaounor 1 "... think is the right one. It turns out that his Drill company of Minneapolis, the Sechler In Omaha. The company Is under the dl- nanie la Charlie Hawkins and ha Uvea at Manufacturing company OI Monne, 111., uie recuon 01 ..nariea rnimnan, wiimi uugiu Sixth and Clark streets. - Dempster Mill Manufacturing company of I to be a sufficient guarantee of the excel- dibbelllnl. on seeing Hawkins, declared I Beatrice, Neb. lence or tne organization. 1 nts was one wv,ax na -a,.. kA - u. vi I - 1 i oi idBT, leuon I KrvaieBi bucchbhpb in xngw -' V ijxx nag .i-a umil wuu unu BUUUa Iltlll I . .ti a rtAIIAlia- a a an. I Ith the club. Hawkins says he will be TWO tLtVAIUKd DUUlxrl I UT orK and is now making its first tour of able to prove an alibi. Dr. Arnold made a tne country. Tne piot or tne piay is woven temporary dressing for the Injured eye. I Granaries , at Creaton and IMatte I about a prank played by a graceless scamp Glbbellini waa then sent home for the night Center Aeanlrcd br the Traaa, I on his Jealous sister and a Jealous hus band. He misappropriates Mrs. uning well's boots by placing them outside the door of the room occupied by the affi- s GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSAI-8 FOR TWO STONE BU1L.D Iuga Department of the Interior. Office or Indian Affairs. Washington, L. C, Oc tober 20. 1SUO. tSnaled propositls Indorsed "fropoaala for Bulftlings, ripestone. Minn.," and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington. U. C, will be received at the Indian office until i o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, November HI, la 16, for furnishing and delivering the necessary materials and labor required to conatruct and complete a superintendent's eaidence and employes quarters, nutn 01 atone, with plumbing, steam heat and gao liue gas Dining. In strict accordance with plans, specincallons and Instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this onVe, tha otttcea of the "Improvement Bul letin, MinneuiHilia, Minn.; tha "l-'ioneer I'rraa," 81.. Paul, Minn.; "The Bee," Omaha, Neb.; tha "Argua-Ueailer." Sioux Falls, B !.; the "American Contractor," Chii'agu, 111.; the Builders' and Traders' exchanges at Omaha, Neb.; Milwaukee, Wis.; St. 1'uul Mini).; Minneapolis. Minn.; the Northwest ern Manufacturers association. St., 1'aul Minn.; the U. 8. Indian warehouses at South Canal St., Chicago, 111.; US Wooat.-r Bt.. New York. N. V.; S16 Howard 8t.. Omaha. Neb.: 601 Boutn Seventh Hi.. St l.ouls, Mo., and at the school. For further Information apply to Willard 8. Campbell, Superintendent, Pipestone, Minn. f- E. LKl'i'i. Commissioner. o24-J!-a-a-N4-7--n OFFICE CONSTRUCTING 4 CARTER master, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Septem ber rs, 1.-Saied piopuoals, lu Irlpl.cate, 'will ba received here uutll 11 a. tn., cen tral time October HI, 16. and then opened, for tha construction of dva t& double sets of lieutenants' quarters. Including plumb ing heating and electric wiring, at Fort l.earan worth, Kan. Full Information ami blank forms of proposal furoiaued oa ap plication to this othoe. where pUua and secincatlons may be seen, l ulled Stale reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any pa.rt thereof. En velopes to be endorsed "Proposals for Pub lic Buildings," and addressed to Captain J E. Noiinoyla, quartermaster. 8 p-30-OctJ--M Tomorrow his eye will be removed, as tha ball was cut almost In half. mlaalaalppl Company. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. N. F. Brown of Denver Is at the Millard, C. N. Bragg of New York Is at the Arcade. W. M. Carpenter of Osceola is at the Murray. M. Balrd, a prominent stockman of Dun lap, la., Is at the Arcade. O. A. Dunlap, a prominent business man of Tecumseh, Is a guest at the Murray. A. Perry, a breeder and trainer of fine trotting horses, is staying a few davs at the Murray. At the Millard: B. G. Cory, Republican; 8. T. Jackson. Elgin: W. S. Harrilna- Nebrsska City: O. B. Engler. Plalnvllle. At the Arrade: 1 fl nmiM tvm.rinn' D. N. Henderson, Waterloo; T. P. Moodv. Crawford; V. P. Kosrory, Tobias; W. j. Smith, Lyons. At the Murray: M. H. Hainriv Alli ance; o. F. Farnum, Rushvllle: Charles Jolty, Spencer; Mrs. E. Ouerln, Lincoln; Edgar Howard. H. C Cannlna. Ciilnmniia- A. M. Hastings, Lincoln. R. J. Kirknatrick of St. Cloud. Minn A. -K. Saunders, Hapgond. S. D., and E.-A.'.' vtniuer or rtea Wing, Minn., prominent stock buyers of their respective cities, am guests at the Her Grand. Mr. Elklns. agent of the American and Australian line at London, la in the city. This system surrounds the world and crosses the United States via the Vnnrf.r. bllt lines, the Union Pacific, Southern Pa- 1 .-111.. aiiu Damn, re luttim. At the Merchants': B. C. Trowbridge, Burwell; S. K. Anker and aon, Wayne; J. C; Hotchklss, Raymond; W. M. Kusel, HHper; E. A. Wright, Wolbacb,; W. S. BHrrett, Alliance: Rr. J. W. B. Smith, Albion; W. Stanfor, Vesper; J. Finch. R. E. Allen. Arnold. iJOilS TIP ..i..;, r "i'T L,, I with chronle con. ilipat on and 1nHn, (hla t.m. 1 bad to k an Le"?14hTn aenon tie rar bowala. Happily I It?nV?!;',ar?"' n4 C,1r I am a ntllVu. K.'a' h. "',!. f "" 1 l Caicr-ta I fj. .-1 i"ui.'ld Jl"rSr,"h Internal pll... Thankt to yon 1 aru fraa fromVl that thla mornlnf. Soa eaa nae tula in behalf of auffrrlnf humanity." B. F. ruber, Koanoka, III. TRADE MARK HELD AS VALID Darlsloa af Jkdge Manger la Case Over Iafrlagemeat oa Wkiaky Braads. Judge Munger has decided the demurrer In the cases brought by W. A. Gaines Co. against certain liquor dealers In Omaha for the Infringement of "Old Crow" and "Hermitage" whiskeys, overruling the de murrers and requiring the respondents to answer, The defendants named in these cases are Julius Furth and Carl Furth, Henry Hlller, Meyer Kline, Jacob Kline, Harry . May, Solomon Goldstrom, Charles Schlank, Wal ter Molse and Harry V. Hayward. The attorney for W. A. Gaines ft Co. Is John W. Bat tin. and the attorney for the de fendants Is S. R. Rush In his decision Judge Munger states that the bill of the complainants cannot be aus- The Transmisslssippt Elevator company 1 ..-,, hll,jbllnd of hl, .later, and this starts has bought two elevators which belonged to the row tnat , flnany cleared up by con- josepn connor, one ai uresion, non., wnn 1 feMon a capacity or zc.ouo Dusneis ana one at Leigh with a capacity of 16.000 bushels. The tftrtmnanw alan hil tvllaht a IS nHn-hilahal ala. vatoVat Platte Center from Ed VanAllen of "e P?PU!!f hoPP"" m'UnM' wl" be Thla afternoon at the Burwood another of that city. Work la being pushed on the company's new S.OOO-bushel elevator at Sargent's Bluff, given, the Woodward Stock company pre senting Its latest success, "The Lost Para dise." This fine melodrama haa been la., which Is being erected In Dlace of the warmly welcomed this week; Its clean smaller one recently torn down. llne and Interesting situations proving that Contractors are driving nlles for the new a properly presented play dealing with Transmlssisslppl elevator at Council Bluffs problems of human Interest Is always wel proper and construction nf the elevator wilt be begun In a short time. The Westbrook-Glbbons Grain company The regular midweek popular price mat- of Omaha has made the announcement that Inea, which from the fat that the audi- it will build a 110.000-bushel elevator at nce made up mostly of the gentler sex Kearney. D. it. Cramer of Omaha has the might be called "Ladles' Matinee," will bo contract and he expects to begin work next given at the Orpbeum this afternoon. The week. I bill as a whole is a good one, especially No work has been done on the Cooper- I this true of "The Chorus Lady," which VonDorn Elevator company's building at I has for Its theme the rescue of a wife from mined on the ground the complainants have Counc1' Bluffs, but Mr. VonDorn says it temptation and disgrace by a hardened a valid trade mark and the bill does not w,u nul ae"TO V9r ,llue cnorus gin. ii anoras a gooa moral na nere ana mere nas . nneiy applied FRED FOSTER DISAPPEARS touchea of comedy, as the cnui us Bi axiom nuie 01a 11 1 uuri a capital declare the defendants are deceiving. The defendants are liable, however, for unfair trade. LITTLE ONE HANGS ITSELF Infant Wiggles Tkraagh High Chair aad Dleg from Btraagulatloa Despite Medical Aid. Nelgbbora Are gaepleloaa aad Call Police, Who Dlacover Xotka. lag; fcew. bit of acting. f(fty Best For l am' The Bowel . vfj!I-"t-P,lSabi PoeS Taste Good, Do flood, aol4 in onlk. The gaonln tablet (.toped 0 0 0. Uaarant-4 to euro or yeur money back. Sterling Remedy Co.. Chlcaro er N.Y. Boa AKXliRSIlF, TEN M1LU0K BOXES Unveiling of ..onument To J. Sterling Morton The Burlington will run a special train to Ne braska City for the unveiling ceremonies of the monu ment to the late J. Sterling Morton, leaving Omaha at 9:00 A. M. October 28th. .1 Ex-President G rover Cleveland will deliver the oration. Ex-Vice President Adlai E. Stevenson, and it is expected all other living members of his cabinet will be present. Special train returning will leave Nebraska City at 7:00 P. M. $1.80 for the Round Trip Tickets 1502 Farnam Street. 1 Rate; taaai 1L Q!Sar mm DOCTOR GEARLE9 AND GEARLES We use our own nana In our business; yov ,4 know who you are doing I business with. Ceasultatlea Praa. VARICOCELE - HYDROCELE sured. Method new, without palg or loaa af Una. CHARQE8 LOW. SLUUU rUlwUH sign, symptom (soraa on body. In snout h, tongue, throat, balr and yebroa-s falling out) disappear eempletely forever. Wilt Kenoos, Men U?t!S ".V. nervous debllty, early decline, lack of rigor and strength. URINARY, Kidney and Bleeder Troublaa. Weak Back, Burning Urine, Frequency oi Urinating. Urine High Colored or wits Milky Sediment on standing. Treatment by mall. 14 years OF BUYV CfcbblTUla rttaCTlCB IN OMAHA. bar of Hlh and Dauglaa, Oanaka. Nab. Every Woman sroieraeiea ana enoaia bbow ' . snooi tna wanderral MARVEL Whirlina Sorav I The n rattiei Smaae. to In-. urn. lieet Hl rS',MW)raia i v.x'TlS-JV' ' au Moet cqnTenlent, It h rennoieunulY tha XS1 2V.',';'' ' ' h- rannoi buduIt lha HtHtHL. arrot n oui-r. but aenii ataniD fir lllualraled book aaaba. It fflT-a full nartlmilamand nrationa in. valuable to laiira. MtHVl:i, rO.. it. aaa sr., kVv tuRia. For Bale or ' (HERMAN & McCONNBt.1 DRUG ".(X. Cor. 16th and Doage Bts.. i1me,l.a. ' J saa. Those safferlng from weak 5 U ne8sei which sap the pleasures aj of life should take Juven Fills aaaaaaaaaaaaaaae One DOS will tell a Story Of marvelous results. This medicine has more rejuvenating, vitalising force than bag ever uenire uero gurnu. cent pie-piu lu yiain i OI tOlS I m o package only on receipt i adr. and 11. Made by lu originatora C. I. Hood Co.. pro- Vrietors Hood a Karaaparllla, ljowell, Maa A 8Mn of Beauty la Joy Fervvor. Fred A. Foster, living at 338 Kansas avenue until last Monday morning, has disappeared. Some of the neighbors of the A sad case of a babVs death occur,! family became suspicious and reported the Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and I maUer 10 the Pllce- They 'i they had D" PROrX)8AL9 FOR RKSl'RVKY8 AND sureys In Rmk and Brown counties, Ne braska. Orpartment of the Interior, October in. lute, poaliwiwmenl. Scaled propoaals will be received at the General Iand ofllce for executing said resurveya and aurveya until Heitnt-Mlay. NovenitMrr 1. la. an extenaion of time from October 11 1X6. aa originally auvertiaeo. ana suujrx-t 10 same conditions and provialuns. W. A. Richards, cuiumla- aiuaear. 17. II. ll.2t.Ja.kl. Mrs. V. O. Under, 26t3 Popplatpn avenue. Raymond I.indec, the 7-month-old son, wriggled part way through his high chair snd literally hung himself until dead. The Llndee family was Just moving Into the hoiiae at the above address and the baby was left In a high chair for a few minutes while some of the family went upstulrs. Dr. Clark waa culled and worked over the child for some time. The parents are much broken up over the affair. Mr. Llndee, is an engineer on the Union Pacific. LOCAL BREVITIES. Sheriff Joseph W. Dreger of Minneapolis, Minn., was calling on friends at the county court house Wednesday. Frank McVey. HI 5 Capitol avenue, waa arrested by Ofrlcer Rinn. He is auapected of bring the party who stole a clock front the Cambridge hotel. The clock waa lo cated to-Oay by Infectives Druminy and Makmey In one of the dives between Klgtilh and Ninth on Dodge. This bouaa waa conducted by some negro women, who said the clock had been If ft by McVey. DIED. HAZ.ARD-WIHiam H. at g:30 Wednes day evening. Ot-loher A aged at years, at rnHriK-e. 16-i Btiuih Twenty-alxta street. Notice t faaaral latas. often heard violent quarrels there between Foster and hla wife. Detectives were sent out last night and after much effort roused the Inmates of the house, Mrs. Foster and her two sons. Mrs. Foster was apparently under the Influence of liquor. "Well, he's gone," she said, and that's all there Is to It. He had 130 or more. I've had enough left to buy a little something to drink. Good night." Foster la well known as a teamster. He weighs over toll pounds. He worked last for Caldwell Sc. Brown. He left two horses, two cows, a calf, two pigs, and a number of chickens. Tha boys are too young to handle the team. No evidence of anything suspicious could be developed by the detectives. Maay Drat bead from so-called Heart trouble, when the real causa Is acute Indigestion, easily curable by Electric Bitters. M cents. For sale by Sherman aV McConneU Drug Co. W Address la Be a Hare. Oerrard. supreme chief of tha Tribe of Ben llur, will speak at Ba right hall. Nineteenth and Fariiam atreeia Thursday evening to the tribea of Ben Hur of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluff. Being the organiser of the order and com ing from the home of General Lew Wallace T. Felja Oouraud'a Oriental Cream er Mcgloal Beautlfler. Kemnea Taa. FiBiplea, Irecalea, Vlota PuUliea. Kaau, aad bkia D!aee, Ban every Qieo,tfB I oa beauty, sag ja. see aiectioa. It haa atuvd taa teat at AT eaere. aad la ao saral-ie we laalelt Ictxtu-eU la prcprrly bums. ateotpt aoceuaier. felt af elwiiar aaa. Dr. L. A. fiarre aaid te a la.ty af ilie haut tua va palleai 1 1 "At you ladles will uaa iUtm, I -aa.ianmaad Taaraaa a I rea at' aa tu leaai kanafUl ai an la Ula areparailOBa. t rust by all InuM aad Faacy Uooda Dcalara la Ike U ailed buiea, Caaiaua aad urup, nSLT.HOPtllS. Prof, 87 fir-it i.m StM In Ti t HAND SAPOLIO Is especlallj valuable during the summer season, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS Aug CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it is particularly aCTeeable when used in the bath alter violent exercise. AU. QROCERS AND DRUQQItTS iiTOinraiserwww Colonist E . .iiti SEPTEMBER TO OCTOBER 15th 31st, 1905 To California and the Northwest Double Daily Tourist Car Service to California from Kansas City. Through Tourist Car from Omaha every Monday night. SPECIAL .IQMESEE..EE.S' EXCURSIONS Three-fourths of one-way rate for the round trip with minimum of ten dollars, Tuesday, November 7th and 21st, to points in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, etc. Three fourths of the one way rate for the round trip with minimum of ten dollars. For full information call on any agent of the Company, City Ticket Office, S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam Streets, Omaha. ' TOM HUGHES, Trav. Pass. Agt TH0S. F. GODFREY, Pass. Tkt. Agt OMAHA, NEB. ; H. 0. TOWNSEND, G. P. T. A., St. Louis, Mo.