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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1905. CRAB AND PRODUCE MARKET Wek-End Profi! Tiirig LUkta Certali Lit;U Lower. WEAKNESS RUNS IHKOUGH THE LIST World's fthlpaieala Lighter (or Mon day 8ealoarsl. Ha Demand for Oa .Cash Cora Baslne.s Drat Friday for Wrrki. OMAHA, Auk. 11, 190. Tho wheat market was steady In the early part of tlio snsslun. nr.enln- l 4iV. ClVc for September and reaLhins the hlzu i, oi i- uui later eased oil on reaming oy longs. Closing figures were l?'wJr. yettcrday's. September closed i ktkiiW'Iic, December at Xlac and Mil' Rl ('. j Corn was about Vio lower than Friday. 1 P1'"1"'" closed at 03v,c. old September nt b3Vc, December at 444c old Oocember i wo ana May at 44c. ' . weio a iullo. weaker, Aftor opening "i .iiuum i rainy i ngures. September iinisnea nt 25c. ieccmber ttt 2(i,v0 and may at Z8e. Liverpool cloaed uncbsngrd to 4d higher on wheat and d lower on corn, Ti:ro wcr further report of famine In Russia nun iaig or light worlds report Mond.ty. (Blimnui the world a shipment Monday nt 7.a,X0 bushels. Aumtallan shipments of wheat fils week w'ijt nusiieia, last Week Mrt.00 bush els, ana last ar J04.000 bushels. Primary w-heat reoclpta wer T.7.0uO bushels, anJ Shipment US Ittl tu.h.l kgln,l rrli.t. of t'j.,M, bushels last year and shipments or V&.irAt bushels. Corn receipt were 4'Jti.uriO bushel and shipment 4,2.o0 bushe.s. against receipts fast vtnr of .TM.oni) bushels and shipments of 837,00 bushel Shipments "rlt ' pusnei ids than Saturday oi mm neea. . Recent rain In th "northwest have changed the position of. seller of new wheat, and instead of offering r twenty days' shipment, tliry are now trying to seil for September shipment, us they fear rains may delay threshing. The seaboard was after oats yesterday, jtammore being; most active. There were siuen or Z2S.0iit buShfM 'Whlto' clipped a. t. nicago and the sun-board, sold IM.uuu bush el Home of the. exporters at the seaboard reported few bids obtainable and prices He out of line. RusIuosh In caah eorn yesterday at Chi cago was the hrst lri several week a. 735.00 bushel"! selling for shipment and export, nnd about 75 pet cent of It being for export. The hedges were taken off In September, one nousa buying 25.O0 bushela The sea board late In the day confirmed S2.000 bushels sold at New ' York and exports, Including: 200.000 bushels worked direct from Chicago to Liverpool and Olasgow, for August and September shipment. Chicago also sold 40,000 bushels of corn f. o. b. gulf. 1 car. 2lo. - - '-- Omsk Caaftv gales WHEAT No 2 hard, I cars, hard, t oars. 7fic. . OATS No. 2 white. 1 car, 25c: no grade. Onxafaa Cash Prlers. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 81c; No. S hard. 7te; ISO. 4 hard, iiXfTEx-; No. I spring, soc. lOKN-itn. L 5uci.No. 1 uVc: No. 4. 49c: no grade, .4441 Ho: No. yaliow. 50Hc: No. 3 yellow. AWc: No. 2 whites. 50Aci No. t white, OATB-J. 2 mixed. 24Ci No. t mixed. 23c; No. 4 mixed, ac;. Ho. white, 254c; No. 3 white. 25c; No.. .1 white. 24 Vic; stan dard. 25 Ho. C'arlot Rerelpta. Whoal. Corn, Oats. Chicago .'...........; 75 82S T 238 Kunsas City ............... 241 73 21 Minneapolis ,, , 91 Omaha , 22 (4 1 Duluth .' 15 ..V Mlana?Ua Gralfc Market. 8uperlor quotations for Minneapolis de- very. Ihe tang of prices as reported by the Kd ward-Wood company. 110-ill Board of Trade building, wag Ue; September, old. t".c: September, new, OATS To arrive. m track and Bp5cin- b'r, Xio. CHICAGO ORAM AD Pit 0V1SIO5 Peatnrea of tbe Tradlag and Closing! Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. All IS rteartvhnes. Inspired by good harvesting weather In the north west, took. Dosseion of tha wheat market here today. In cuiisequem-e optemter oi chned Vc under tho previous close. Sep tember corn is off He. Oats are down . Provisions recorded losses of 2'kul"0. The market for wheat save Indication of strength at the start be. aii!e of higher quotations from Liverpool and Paris, due. It mas said, to talk of It'issian famine. 10- r ether with failure of seasonable rains In ndla t'nder the stiell of such news ths September option here started a shade lower to hlglier at H'(iHV nd a1" vanred to 81c. The firm mood gradually save way, hewevef, when ossurances begsn to come In from the northwest that spring wheat threshing had recommenred even in the low lying districts of the Hed River valley, while In other portions of Hie spring wheat territory harvesting was In full sv.cig under most favorable weatner con UlUona. A reaction In prices followed. sales of September being made as low as ue. The break was accompanied by much professional short selling ana oy liquida tion on stop-loss orders The close showea but a shade of Improvement ever me inv est prices for the day septemoer was easy at S0','8Wc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to llfi,0"0 bu. Pri mary receipts were 677,CO0 bu.. comparu with 7S7,(J bu. a year ago. aninne..i.-. IJuluth and Chicago reported receipts or 181 cars, against 30 cars last week and ZM) cars a year ago. A Ittle of the Drevlous nay a nnnn. growing out of export demand, was mani fest in the corn pit at rhe outset, but, con tinued fine prospects for the coming oroo later Inclined the trade to take a bearish view of those futures that will be effected by deliveries from the new grain. Some early buying of an Influential character oy two prominent cash houses sent the price of September from BSVjC to 63H1ji3Sc at the opening, up to Mc, but from that point a gradual recession occurred until the close. The final quotations for September ai 6SHe. 4c anoVe the lowest poini m " session. Local receipts were 824 cars, with lfiO cars of contract grade. ' . In the market lor oais me iniiuni a crmtlnusnce of heavy receipts and In creasing stocks was onset to a gree by improvement ln ' 7 VT Tradlnir on the whole was light and with out feature September gold down from Kc, the opening price, to 2f.1c1 the final quotation. Local receipts were 238 cars. Previsions were easy, under the weight of scattered local offerings. "r crt; Ing for the packers aided In the recovery of part of an early loss throughout the list, but their support was Inadequate, and final transactions netted small losses Sep tember pork 1s off 10c at $14 I. La closed re down at $7,674. Ribs are 24o lower at Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat (2 cars: corn. 354 cars; oats, tt cars, hogs so.oon head. The leading futures ranged as follows. 81o; No. 8 Articles. Open. I Hlglt I Low. n -fo Wes'y. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef 8teen od Cwi Week. Lower 'he HOGS SELL AT A FlVE-CENT DECLINE no heep or l.arans on tale Today, bat Market for the Week A boat a Quarter Higher AH Around. SOtTH OMAHA. Aug Receipts were: Officll Monday.... Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday tittii ial Thuisday . Official Friday Official batuiduy . Total this week. Total last week... Sam week before. ame three weeks ao... 15.(4.1 Same four weeks ago... .18.268 Same week last year.... 15,110 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table show the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for no year to date, comparing wun iasi ye, . 1 1. a iyr.4 Inc. Cattle 533.7S3 514.420 2S.S73 Hogs 1.883. 615 1.&A3.UH 7,tvsJ Sheep i.250 ii.e tollowing labi snows me viS price of hogs at South Omana for the last several days, wiifi , cuinparlaonst Aug. 1... Aug. ... Aug. ... ug. 4... Aug. 5... Aug. ... Aug 7... Aug. 8... Aug. ... Aug. 10... Aug. U... Aug. U...I Aug. 13... Aug. 14... Aug. 16 .. Aug. li... Aug. 1 1 ... I Aug. IS... Aug. 1... Wheat Sept. Ihc. . May Corn tSept. JHept. TI ec. J Dec. May Oats. Sept. Ilec. Mav Pork- Sept. Oct. Lard- Sept. Oct. R lbs- Sept. Oct. 1827l.'?3' 4h4 44VSi 2 Winn 81H 8.14 85TsJ H41 53 4GH''": 44 44'T Soi.R'," 8041 85V, W I 27 14 15 14 20 7 74 7 774 8 70 8 7741 14 Tf, 14 30 7 T?4: 7 HU 8 724 8 874 C3' 53 4fi4 444 44 2T.V &4 14 00 14 124 7 74 7 774 8 70 8 75 534! sat1 444 44 2i 28 I 14 06 14 15 7 7H 7 774 8 70 8 80 I 534 534 44 44t 2fl 28'4 14 15 14 26 7 724 7 ) 8 724 8 X0 Article. Open. I High. I Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat I Sept.. 88SI3'T4 ' 44 834 83H 834 Dec..; 824'iH ' 82H 81 tl 82 May... 8641 MS - 4'e 86 8&4 WRATHEn IH THE GRAIN BELT - . ' Clear la Mlswonrl and Went Heavy Rata at Lakes. OMAHA. Aug. 19, 1905. Clear Wreathsr.'prsvaUS throughout the Missouri valley and west. Heavy rains have fallen In the upper lake region and showers were general throughout the Ohio, Mississippi and lower Missouri valley and continue In the lower Mississippi valley this morning. No decided change in temperature has occurred In any section: It Is slightly lower In Iowa, Nebraska and over the southern slope, and slightly higher In the extreme upper valleys and northwest. Omaha record of temperature And precip itation1, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1X06. 1104. 1808. 1M Minimum temperature.... 65 tt . (4 $8 Precipitation 00 1.83 .00 . 00 Normal temperature tor today, 74 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation slooe March 1. 7.75 Inohes: Defl lenoy corresponding period In 1804, 8.50 niches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1803, 8.67 Inches; OMAHA DISTRICT AVERAGES. TeicB . Rain, Stations. Max Mln. Inches. Sky. No. 2. tOld. JNew. S V. nnntatlnng West Aft FCW IO W B . vTriVtifitendv: winter patents. $S.908f i aa. -t 1 W a, 7 J 4 111 IIinnK DBlCIUli 4.605.26; Btralffbt". $4,6544.75; Danera. WHEAT NO. 8. KKawc rtv. . w e . ...,. at ..JU. RK1Z. t X?TM rV' Maak-OI fH tl- a TCUU"i ''v OATfl-No.' 2. 25c: No. t white, 26VS274o; No. 3 white, 26'w'S2fiHc. RYE NO. Z. 0ic. B A RLET Oood feeding. choice malting, 43f47e. SEED No. i nax, i.u; na. i nunnwv ern, Il.lS; prime nmoiny, o.n, tmii 1 1 " R'"":l: . . t l , . ui.ns PROVISIONS Mess pora. per om., ww 1415. 1-Ard, per uw iob., sides (Uiose), $8.6fi(,(f8.75; short Recelots and shipments of flour and grain were as ioiiows. ' KeceiPtS. DlllDfOeniw. Flour, bhls 16.300 . S1.M Wheat bu 107 900 11.300 Corn? bu 2.W) W7.80O OatsV bu. 862.500 188.0CO Rye, bu ; ""' K.rlev. hu 80.TO0 f.9W " I " - - . . - 1 .V V. . . . On the fiymum exenanae luuay vow iu- ter market was steady: creameries, 1745!Uc; dairies. K'18c. Eggs, firm at mark, case Included. 12164c. Cheese, firm, ll'8114o. NEW YORK. QERERAl MARKET 87c; fair to Short rib clear side Qaotatloae 9 81. S3 80 81 , 7 80 ::8 anianu. cVshland. Neb..,.. Auburn. Neb Columbus, Neb.. Falrbury. Neb..., Fairmont. Neb.., Or. Island. Neb., Hartlngton, Neb, oakdnle. Neb.., OnitlM, Neb... Tekaman. Nab Carroll. Ia 81 Clatinda. Ia 78 Sibley, la 78 Sioux City. Ia..., Storm Lake. Ia.. 78 DISTRICT No! Central. Statlo Chicago. Ill 30 Columbus, O lies Moines, Ia... Indlsuapotls,, Ind. Kansas Cty Mo. Louisville. Ky.... M'nneapolta Omaha, Neb 8:. IaiuU.. Mo.... 61 61 i 63 5.4 58 68. 58 5S 10 67 60 M - 53 to 56 1.76 .00 .13 .00 .00 .00 .00 T T .00 .00 .00 .09 .02 T .11 AVERAGES. Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear PL cloudy ciear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear of Mai. Temp Rain. Mln. inches. 64 64 84 62 54 60 M 64 ,M 63 M 8 76 12 60 58 tit 64 L. A. WELSH Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. 28 15 w Kansas City Gcmlai aaa Provisions. KAN8AR CITT. Aug. 19-WHEAT-Sep- tember, 7c: ueoemDer JitiidVi May. Vc: cash. No. i ird. T8Wiu44c No. 8, 7Ctiii3c: No. t red. 80c; No. 8. KoTSc. CORN September,- 47Tc; December. 88 J7,c; Mav, Ju4c; cash. No. 2 mixed, UjotNe. No. 3 white. M4c: No. i. 504o. CATS No. 8 white. 17c; No. $ mixed. Tiaic. R L'TTER Steady: ereameiiea, 19c; dal EtjGS Higher; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 3 white wood cases Included. 18c; case count, ltio per tfof.; cases, returned. 4c per - aox less. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 3800650; choice prairie, 0tu.2o. ki V E Steady, ale. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, tu,:.....'. 273,100 1.0.0 Cora, bu 8.u lun.ixV Oats, bu...... v.... KOis) 9,u0t The range of prieeo nl4 In Kansas City as reported by the t wards-Wood com pany, uo-iil Board of Trade building, was: Artcle7 Opn.THl4iB. Low. Close. Tss y. St Wheat I Kept... 74S,ti ' fy Das... 76 754 May... nw 774 Corn Sept... ' 474 .48 Dec... 39 May... f, X) Oats Sept... V . 5S Dec... 25 Po.k Stpt.. 14 0T4 14 10 Oct.... 14 li) 14 30 Lard Bept... T 674 174 Oct.... T 'u ITS Ribs Sept... I 8 66 810 Oct.... 675 t 80 78 T8 T44 74-J 74 To- i n nI 74 474 47r Sf-S 8S ta i 3 S J5 . K 26 25 II 9? U r4 14 05 14 l . 14 074. 14 15 T 624 T G6 7 7" IT:', T 75 7 77 4 8 65 I I 674 8 674 I 70-- $ 7 8 774 New. tOld. A asced. H bid. PMIaaelakta Prodac Market. PHi:aPELPlUA. Aug. 13 Bl'TTFJl rr.chsareO; extra itern creamery, 214c: M tiearb)- piintn. riC'JS .'Irm; T'AJ by f-n-sh, loas off 2140: i. -1 irrsu. ,v)3,i DHira, wesiorn tresn, ... -i-. nuik. -fcw C'll.l-.',-:-iu-Mdy; Niw York full crear.v fc !tBliH5". ,?holce. I'M:; fair to of the . Day on Various Ceaanaodlttes. ' NEW YORK. Aug. 19. -Receipts, 4.593 hbis einorts. 6.497 bbl.'. sales. 1.&U0 Pkgs market was quiet, but steady; winter pat ent. $4 404i4.S5; winter straights, 84.1U04.36; Minnesota patent, w.wmii.s); winirr extras 1.1 immM 45: Minnesota bakers. $3 60 a 4.16; win ter losv grades, $2.9ii3.40. Rye flour, steady; sales; bou boia.; lair 10 goou, luwui.i choice to fancy, $4.8634.60. COKNMKALe-nnii; nne wnue ana yel low western, $1.30; coarse, $L16(tfl.l8; kiln drled, 13.101&3.30. rye Bteaay; imo. i western, oj-c, o. 1. 1. Nsw York. BAItUEX vuui leeaiag. sro, 0.1.1. uui- falo. WHEAT Receipt. .s,soo ou.; sales, 1,800, 000 bu. futures. Spot market firm; No. red, 87o elevator and 844c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duium, u.UHk r. o. D. afloat No. 1 northern Manltooa, nominal afloat, Optlona were generally firm all the fore noon on better cauies man expectea, cov ering of shorts and prospects for export business. The close was Ua'rtO net higher. Sales Included No. 2 red May, SS'.'Me, closing at Juo; September, 86:tUs74kC. closed t 8140; December, ksviMiV. closed at , O XT T3.n.ln, TiM V... . . bu.; sales. bD.uuo nu. bpot market nrm; No. 2, 62o elevator nd 6240 afloat; No. 2 yel low, K'c; no. 1 wnm, nine option mar ket closed at ov-sjc; Deoeniber closed OATS Receipts, 114.000 bu.; exports. 1.510 bu. Spot market steady; mixed, 20 to 30 lbs.. :4j.wc; natural wnue, jo to 32 lbs ll(Q32c; clipped white, 86 to 40 lbs., K'y, m,c Options nominal. FEED Quiet; spring bran. $16 75; Augus shipments, middling. $17 25; August ship. litems, uiiy, .io.uuw in w. HAY Steady; shipping, 605c; good choice, 90ij9ic. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice, 1M, lSfOJoc. "r'S. ivijuc; oias. Ial2c; I'a- clflo coast. 1904, l!u24c; lu3, 17'flljc; olds. 1UTB ic. IIIIEB Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs 25c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas (dryl. tS to SO lbs.. 184c. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family, 311 50 iiiuu, iiieBu, ri iu i; oeer nams. x.l.o-tti 2200. packet, nn-jo'.l.uo; city, extra India mess. w.uuijm. Lui meats, steady; pick i-euics, h.liu.w; picKien srioulucis W.o'Kftrou; pickled hams, Sll.fsv11 25. Lard steady: western steamed. 37 SOfjjjl.20; re fined, firm; continent. $8 25; South America .,; rompnunn, s.r rt-(i.w. tork. nrm: fain lly. $17 5o4i 1.00: short clear. $13 7u316 25 liir,B. I., ,.iJQ wO. TAMiW-Steady; city. 440; country. 44 t54c. RICE Steady; domestic, S4til-He: Japan, nominal. Hl.'TTER Strong, receipts. 6.045; street price, extra rreaiuery. 21c; official prices, creamery, common to extra, 184j-'lc CHEESE Quiet ; full creams, colored and white fancy, loHc: full creams. fair to choice, 9fil0,c; fu creams, large, colored and white fancy. 104c. EOU8 Strong: stato Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, white 27 fa 8c -tits Pennsylvania, choice. 254 2c; sta'te 'I'-nn-ylvanla. mixed extra. 26c; wester-i se lected extra, 22S2Se; western firsts, ua JtU'LTHV-Alive, quiet: chickens. 14c; fowls, 12o; turkeys. ic. Dressed, steady western chickens, 13&15c; fowls. l!4c; tur keys, 13$ 17c. MllwaaJcee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 19 WHEAT -tower; No. 1 northern. 8itC5$lir No 2 northern. tecifStl.Ol; September. SouaO.c bid RYE-Steady; No. 1. 54c Vi-HV uini-'-' BteiLUy; ocDtember i, . , 19. 1. Cattie. Hogs. Bheep. . 6 4il 4.0H 4.44 . 7!t'3 11.101 7.193 . 4. Ml 9,H 7.td8 . l.') 7.i-14 3.8W . 1.187 6.31 4 044 I 1.( l.OlO 44 699 27.591 14.5"4 87.0(0 40,025 53.S31 3S.3W 73.17V 80.21 83.581 20.694 21.132 16.157 Date. I 1806. 11904. 11903. 11802. 1901. 11800. 118S8. 6 8S 4 9; 4 87 7 411 I 66 1 6 16 4 19 6 724. 2 I 7 M I Ml J W 4 24 6 i 4 IM 4 99, I 6 7 81 6 loi 4 88 6 t4l ul 6 8 7 ) 1 W 6 7,, 6 tW 6 04, 7. 32 t 84 J 4 46 , it On 6 ut., . t; syi to 6 78T, 6 M , MS, 6 8441 Si W1 5 10; 6 vt 6 01 4 87 4 1 4 94 5 V4 6 Hi 6 854 6 89 4 e i 6 8.'4 6 9341 4 ST.' 1 I 5 W 6 01 5 02; 4 a 7 211 i tol I '4, I 171 6 65, 6 l5 4 37 7 151 6 721 6 TO 4 82 6 19 6 74 6 00 4 28 i it 7 04 4 99 4 89 6 w 78 5 741 I 4 8s 0 15i 6 81 6 77 1 4 951 6 21 6 7J 5 73; 4 V7, 4 6 251 6 liS 5 ii' i '.'7 1 4 44 I 6 tin - . 6 20, 1 5 -, - --1 Ju 5 l.i 0 t)7 I 4 l 4 47 5 11, u -, a l I 60 to choice iaml s, f7 .OV77 n: gocd choice jesrllnir trettl,. $.'..2.vtjj W: good to choice old wethers, $i.ii5 3i; good to choice ewes, 84.ft.Vu6 10. Qnotstions on feeder sheep and lambs: Good feeding lnmbs, 85 757i 6 no : good feeding jesrllnprs, 14 TB'i'iS j'v; good feeding wethers. $4:r1l4'; feeding rwes, $3.o"'o3 8); brewing ew es. $4.0t''4 50. 4 tlllCAflO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Meidy, Hogs steady to Five Cents I.ovrer. CHICAGO. Aug. 1-CATTLE-Recelpts, 900 bead. Market steady; good to prime to ers, f .1 5" ,j In ; p,ior to medium $4 y 6 !5; stockers and feeders. $J 25.(4 25; rows, i2..'a'tj4 iv, heifer.. $2 Ibui.'S; rsnners. $1.25-3' i !0: bulls, I2.CVJ3 6: calves. $3-fru7.tiu; Texa.i f.vl steers, $34.75; western steers. $3 5.1-. I 4 80. HiKJ9 Ree,ts. ln.rno bead: estimated Monday. 85. 00 head. Msrket steady to 5c lower; mixed nnd butchers $5 8"' a5 : good o"rholre heavy. $4 l'Vti6.8; rough heavy, $5 75-..I.1 X; light, 86 9-ni 36; bulk of ssles. fS'N'V'". SHE8.P AND LAM BP Receipts. 6.00 head. Nf.trket stendv; good to choice wetli its, $5 5)u6 75; fair to choice mixed, $4.5v;? 4 85: western sheep, $t.754i6.4); native lambs. $5.50S(S.0u; western lambs, $15,004(7.75. New York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK. "Aug BEEVES Re ceipts, 80 had; no trading, niwrket feeling firm; dressed beef, firm at 'a 9c per for natives; Texas beef, slow at 4'a7n; ship ment today, 1,4; cattle, and lo0 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 64 head; veals, nomin ally firm; buttermilks and grassers, steady; western calves sold nt $:l5tt)5.50 per 100 lbs.; city dressed veals, firm at 8'q 124e per pound; country dressed, steady st 8-i114c SHEEP AND LAM 118 Receipts. 3.709 head; sheep, strong; lambs, SVv higher: sheep, sold $.15ii5 5rt per 100 lbs.; culls, $2.10'e'2.76; lambs. $7 00ii8874; culls I6.0iit $'5.10, dressed mutton, firm at S'cilic. per pound; dressed lambs, firm 8tl3c HOGS Receipts, 1,162 head; none on alo; market, steady. Indicates Sunday- The official number of cars of tock brought In today by each road was: Hog. Sh p. H ie. C, M. & Bt. P 5 Wabash 1 L'nlon Pacific system 24 A N. W. R 8 E. & M. V. It. R 45 St. P., M. 4 O. Ry 10 & M Ky 15 C. 11 & Q. Ry 4 R. 1. Je P. Ry.. east 3 C. R. 1. & P. Ry.. west 1 Chicago Ut. Western 6 17 Total receipts 120 4 17 The disposition of the day receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of tiead Indicated; Omaha Packing Co...., Swift and company ... Cudahy Packing Co..., Armour & Co Swift and Co., country, &. a Huffman Kreyxpucklrig Co , Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 2,826 1.873 2,2 199 393 121 72$ 6 1 16 Totals 7 8.S38 750 CATTLE There was not enough stuff here today to make a fair t;st of the mar ket. The receipts for the week were lib eral, especially the first three days, and bIhiw un im-erax over last week of about 184 cars and an Increase over the same week laHt year of about 221 cars, western enure were In heaviest supply, but natives were wel lreoresented. Tne quality 01 the oner Inas was fairly Brood. The market for tne wee on oeei iw-ci. closed very satisfactory on the good to choice grades, but the trade on common stuff was off all the week. There was a fair showing of corn feds, some choice stuff being offered. This is the time of ho vear when rood natives are carce, and on this account there was a good strong demand for them all the weea. ine iirsi three days conditions were against selling Interests, the heavy runs affording buyers an opportunity to pound the market ior a big oecune. ine loss kji m. amounted to 254j40c. and in somo cases even a bigger decline than thl was noted. A part of thl loss was irsmiim last two market days of the week, which put the trade In bettor shape.. Good na tives for the week are steady to a little stronger, while real toppy grosser are Just about steady, but common grades of bottt kinds of cattle are off fully a quarter. Cows and neners, ooin grass "; stuff, suffered from the lower tenaency 01 the trade that prevailed all the week. The cows went down with the steer the first three days, but unlike the steer tuff, did not recover as quicgiy. iiauius along all the week, only showing a little ... . . . . - J .. . . .. ami nrlii, fit the life tne iasi iwu un., close are Just about 25c lower all around. Bulls, veal calves and stags suffered along with the other grades of cattle and . Ua,., tnr the veek. mv - - - - . a , -n m The supply or iiocaers nnu -fairly liberal this week and the market Is 1 .hune There was a good country J. " 1 .11 . i-.. k althnueh orlces suf fered on account of the heavy runs and the depression noieu un uuro Bi-.v- w. cattle. Good, heavy feeders, lor ine weea are lust about steady, bui the light weights and common kinds are 10fi2oc lower. Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSA8 CITY. Mo , Aug. 19 CATTLE Receipts, 400 head. Including 2i southerns. Market nominally steady: choice export and dressed beet steers, l5.0iti6.6O; fair to good. tt.755T5.O0; western steers. $3.6tKj4 76; stockers and feeders. $2.5oJj4 15; southern Steers, $J5O(4 00; southern cows, $1 76T3 00; native cow s.. $1 76j4.tX; native heifers. $2.50 feOOO; bulls, $2.0JVaS25; calves. $3.50fi5.26 HOGS Receipts, 2.000 head. Market steady; top, $6174; bulk of sales, 8fi.0oij6.10; heavy, $6.i)6tjti OA; packers, 86 ooitij.lS; pigs ana iiKni, 1,'aij. 1 , SHEEP AND LAMES Receipts, 500 head. Market steady to strong; native lambs, $S.76'(i26; western lambs $6.75a7.25; fed ewes and yearlings. $4.6(VyS ,6; western ewe and yearlings, $5,261(6.75; western sheep, $4.2&0.26; stockers and feeders, $4.00 64 W. t. I.nnls I tve stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 19.-CATTLE Receipts. 850 head. Including 150 Texan. Market steady: native shipping and export steers. $4.6"ij5.30; dressed beef and butcher steers. is. Mil .no; steers unaer 1.1""' 10s., ,-i.oif'(l Stockers end feeders, $2.0ft6"-a4.00; cows ana heifers, $2034.76; canners. 81.9i32 40; bulls, $2 10Q2.15; calves, $3,0018.00;' Texas and In dian steers, $2.003.70; cows and heifers, $2 OOiTS 00. HOUS Receipts, 1.200 head. Market slow: pigs and lights. $6.15'nU.86; packers, $5 50 4.30; butchers and best heavy, $.0f86.30. SflEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1,500 head. Market steady; native muttons, $4 55 f(4,70; lambs, $5.00Cu'l 50; cull and bucks, t3.0ti1i4.25; stockers, $2.754.75; Texans, $2.26 &4.7S. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 19 CATTLE Re ceipts, 15 head; market steady; natives, $3.60 (r&.ou: cows ami neuers, i if; siocaers and feeders, $2.75414.15. HOGS Receipts. 2.915 head; market steady; light, J6.o0Ti6.15; medium and heavy, $5 9offi'10; bjilk of sales, $.0('io.ia SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1,457 head; market steady; lambs, $7.00. freely today at second hands. IJnen im porters r-port the receipt if heavy advance ordeis for next spring but prices are un- at!sf.ictory. OMAHA WHUI.tSSALK MARKET. Fancy I'rodece. fair; market steady; Stock In Sight. Receipts of IW stock at the sis principal western marKets yesteran South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas city . St. Joseph .... St. Louis Cattie. Hogs. Sheen. 9 7.000 l.OuO .... 100 4.000 ... 4(l 2.000 50O .... 16 2.915 1,457 ... 350 1.200 ... 600 10,000 5.000 ...1.474 27,115 8,467 HOGS There was a pretty good run here B.,rriv. about 108 fresh loads being on sale, together with about a doxen hold overs. Dower repori nvm put buyers In a bearish mood and they were asking concessions. Heavy packing hoss were pounded again today for the big end of the decline. There woe no activity to the trade, although the hog were picked up right along and the big end of the re ceipts were cleaned up by midday. The market was slow In opening, sellers holding off for better prices. The general market a.s a big nlckle lower and In some cases even a higher decline was noted. The bulk of the hogs sold at I5.85a6.924- As the morning advanced buyers became more v!.-i.h and the closing trade was slow and weak. sales: to fair to extra. N 11.. . . 41 . 44.. 76.. .. t.. 44.. .. ki.. 44.. 41.. It.. (0 . 41. ;. ic. 14., 41. . tt . 40. , tl. II.. 44 U . H. 41. Ik. . 14. II. 12. 41.. tt.. 4.".. 44.. U.. II.. 19 . 14 . 41.. 1.4. . It . 44 .. 14. ., 14 ... 10. . 40 . (i . II .. A.. 1U 500 to J 271 117 IM 154 M tit tat 162 174 170 US til to ll til 6I lf.4 lot JC7 til -....:: IM H4 171 , 261 t!.l 2iO m 121 1 131 110 l ..111 ...:t& ...ttt, ...:i ...u ...Ml ...27 ...jro ...121 ...iw .. i: .. iw . til ...:37 ..121 ...: .. 124 .. til ...31 .140 .. .K ...Ml ...Ml .. 17 140 "to 10 too 10 110 40 10 110 '46 to 40 IS 140 160 10 '4O IM S. Pr. . . 1 00 t 174 I I2 I 12 4 124 I U s u t i li t U I V W I tl i K i 15 I It t 15 H4 I I7S I 174 i 41 W I 114 t 174 I 17V, I 174 i I7 i "S I 17 I 174 I 174 I 174 I 17 4 4 174 I 174 4 174 i S74 i 114 t 174 i U; I S14 I 174 1 114 1 174 1:4 I t;4 4 M I ts I to 4 to I to I tJ 1 1 I to I to I to I to 1 t I to I to I to , M io M 110 IM 40 to 140 to 140 'to i:o '40 140 to w M 40 io No. . Sk. Pr. 1 t4l 10 I tO 72 J'l 40 t to M 11 I M ei ;i 40 t 'jo 11 .M 110 4 M 14 211 .. 4 to tt 126 40 I to 47 161 ... i 0 11 tit ... I to 71 HI 10 I to IS 141 to t W 3o .j8 40 I tO to m io t to 12 in n t o 14 Ill M IN -,i Stt ... I to 14 ill 10 I to 14 ft 40 i 10 41 211 41 I to 44 291 ... 6 tO ft 120 10 I to II tft 111 I to U til to 1 to II 197 ... 4 to 41 1' I 4b I 40 47 Ill ... IM 11 144 40 I 90 II Mi ... I to 1 1.04 SO I tO tl 24 ... I to It I'-O 40 I to 71 Ill 10 4 10 71 L4 ... 4 90 tl IM. 40 I to 87 2-1 ... I 4 II 1'J 12S I 1!4 W !!! ... 4 I'! , 71 101 ... 1114 It 214 to 4 f.'s m tt: ... 24 71 117, ... I 1214 11 lui 110 1 t4 1 iii ... ie4 it 11 ... 1 i;., III 174 ... I 924 11 lit 10 I 124 44 M4 40 it., (.4 K4 40 I 124 H 124 I'O 4 14 211 ltd) I 92U 11 Kl ... 11:4 11 Ill M I 74 M ... 4 S ' e tti ... in W 117 40 4 94 II t ... 94 Ill 40 I 94 0 244 ... tu, W 191 ... M Wool Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 WOOL-Domesttc fleece. 3rifft.79c. ' BOSTON, Aug. 19.-WO0L The Boston Commercial Hulletln has this to say of the wool market: The market la generally quiet, but some dealer report a fair busi ness In a smaller way. The trade's prin cipal activity Is the receiving and distribu ting of new wools. Australian and South American wools have not had an active call, while fine 'pulled wools have sold wherever shown. A little wsj contracting In Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada, prices of fered and the attitude of growers does not at the present promise any general con tracting. The foreign markets are ex tremely strong and stocks are light. The London wool auctions open September 19, and the first important Australian sale will be held at Adelaide on September 19. The shipments of wool from Boston to dale from December 29, 1904. eccording to the same nutnority, are pounas, against 134.618.951 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 248,901, 104 pounds, against 293.477,942 pounds for the same period last yeart ST LOV18, Aug. 19. WOOLSteady; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 2ia 81c; light fine. 217527c; heavy fine, 18322c; tub-washed, 821S42C. LONDON, Aug. 19 WOOL The arrivals of wool for the fifth series of auction sales amount to 45,691 bales. Including 19,000 bnles forwarded direct to spinners. The Imports this week were: New South Wales. 161 bales; P.ombav. 1.077 bales; Victoria. 16 bales; New Zealand, 4.743 bales; Persia, 2,610 bales; River Plata. 6.000 bales. St. Loals General Market. BT. LOUIS, Aug. 19. WHEAT Lower; No. I cash, elevator, 79c; track, 644fg54c; September, 78c; December, SoQic; No. 2 hard, 82i&74c. CORN Ixiwer: No. 2 ensh, B2c; track, 53 534c; September, 5oHc; December. 414c. OATS Steady ; No. cash, 254c; track. 204j j,c; September, 25c; December. 26c; No. tl white. 2!"ifi30c. F I AJl'R Steady; red winter patents, $123 thiiii, extra innoy and stiaighl, UuU4.15, ciear, $3S15. CORN MEAL Steady nt $2.11 HR AN Slow: sacked, east track, 67-611C. SEEDS Tiniotny, steady; $22jB2.75; prime, higher, HAY Unchanged; timothy, $6.00011.00; prnlrle. $Vi-u85t'. IRON COTTON TIES 99c. - HAO''.l'G-8'i.e. HEMP TWINK-dH'. PRO VISION 8 Pork lower; Jobbing, $14 16. Lard Hteiiuv; prime steam, $7.30. Dry salt meats steiirty; boxed extra shorts. $8.45; clear rlns. 9.'X); chort clears, 9 2j. B.icon steady: boxed extra shorts, $9,37 4; clear rlbt. 1975; short clears, $10.00. POt.'LTRY Firm; chickens. 9c: spring, 13c; turkeys. 114c; ducks. 7ro.'c; geese, 5Sc. BUTTER--Steady; creamery, 16'(j214c; dairy, 141 17c. EGGS-Higher at 154c. case count. Receipts, hlupments. 8.0VO 14. IKK) 99.0 ) Ki.v) 29.UJ 47. IM) 49.0OU S7.0U0 Condition of Trs Staple and EG(; Receipts, candled stock. J6c. LIVE Poi'LlHV-Hens. 94c; roosters, 6ikr, turkeys, l-VISc, ducks, 3c; spring ducK. Fining cnlcsens. 13ul4c. BITTER Market firm, tunning stock. 154c; choice to fancy dairy, 18-(il9c; cream ery, 21 fl214o; prints, 214c BL'UAK-otandari grui.i-iated. in barrels. J5.f net cwt. ; cubes, 80 50 per cwt.; cut loaf, t .96 per cwt.; No. 6 extra C, 85 69 per it ; No. :. t xtra C. li 36 per cwt.; No. 11 e!o. tb.M per cwt, X powdere.- $'! per C t. FRESH KISlI-Trout. He; halibut, lie; buftalo tdiesseu:. Jc; pickerel tdressedi, 8c; rhite bas (dressed 1. Lc. sunflsh. kc; pervll tscaied and dressed), kc; pike, llo, catnsn, 15c; red snapper, loc; salmon. 11c; crappl., 12c; eels, 16c; bu'llieads. lie; black bass, 25c; whlteflsh, lie- frVg legs, per dot., 36c; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters, 80c; shad roe, 45c; bluefish, 80 HAY Prices quoted by Cmaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice. $7; No. 1. $6.50; No. 2, $6; coarse, $6. These pries are for hay jf good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $15 TROPICAL S-RUIT. ORANGES Valencia, all alses, $5.0O-?&.6O LEMONS Limonisro, extra fancy, 1,4 size, $7.00, $00 and 360 sixes, $7.50u6 00. DATES 1'er box ol 8J 1-lb. pkg., $2; Halloween, in 7v-lb. Ov.x; per lb., 60. FIGS-Callfornla, per lO-lo. carton. 76il 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crowr., 12o; 4 crown, 12c. BANANA 3 Per medlum-elied bunch, 11.71 2.26: iumbos. $2.50i(j3 00 FRUITS AND MELONS. PEARS Bartlett, per 60-lb. box. $2.90(fJ 8 oo. ' 1'LT'MS California, per '-basket crate. $1 60-jl 76; gross prunes, $1.75; Hungarians, $1.75. PEACHES California freestone, per bo, $1 15; Elbertas, $120. CAN TALOl PhS Texas, per crate, $300; Texas, Rocky Ford seed, $2.50. WATERMELONS Alabama Sweets, 150 26c each; crated, lc per lb. APPLES Dutchess, Wealthy and Cobb Pippins, In 3-bu. bWs.. 83.0iiy3.2o; In bu. baskets, tl. VEGETABLES WAX RgANS-l'er basket, 2538o. string beans, per 4-bu. box. iitfj3V. LEANS Navy, per bu., $2. CrCUMBERS Per dos., 25c. TOMATOES Home-grown, 4-bu. basket. 254)350. CAnflAGD-Homo-jrown, In crates, pe lb., 14c, ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and white, per bu., 6O0. BEK'I 8 -New. per bu.. 75c. CELERY KaianiBEoo, per do., 2Ro. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per 3-bu. bbl., H&0. M1BCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new. tBc: Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; Twins, 124c; Young Americas. 14c NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard snells, per lb., 13c: No. t soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shelU, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb.. Sc. Chill walnuts, , per lb., 12'ul34c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb.. 17o; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu , $1.50. HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; No. 2 green, 7o: No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 3 salted, 8c; No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. 2 veal on If. c; dry salted. 7d He; sheep pelts, 25cQ$1.00; horse hides, $1.5i Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues firm; common to good are quoted at 446te; prime at 74c; choice at 74. and fancy at 8. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunos are unchanged with quotations ranging from 44t'"4 according to grade. Apricots are In moderate demand with holders llrm In their, views. Choice are quoted at 8'u84c; extra choice at 84fi8e and fan?y nt 94f10c. Peaches are offered sparingly for future shipment and spot supplies ure still contracted. Fancy are quoted at 11 4. Raisins are unchanged. Iose muscatels are quoted at 4'&t!4: seeded raisins at 5V84 nd London layers at tl-Oudl.15. Sugar and TMoInsses. NEW YORK. Aug. 19-SUGAR-Raw, nominal; fair refining. S7-ltic; centrifugal, 96 test, fu4 1-32c; molasses sugar, 3 3-15. Refined, quiet; No. 6. 4.70c; No. 7, 4.C5c; No. 4.55c; No. 9, 4.50o; Tso. 10. 4 46c; No. 11, 4.35c: No. 12. 4.8c; No. IS, 4.D0c; No. 14. 4.15c confectioners' A, 6.15c: cutloaf, 6c; crushed, c: powdered, 6.40c; granulated, 5.40a; cubes, 6.65c. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 19-8T'GAR- Quiet; open kettle centrifugal, 4fr54c; cen trifugal whites, 4 lo-ltfiio l-16c; yellows, 44J 4')c; seconds, 24f'3. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 13 2)C; centrifugal, frtJHc. Clearlntr House Averages. NEW YORK. Aug. 19. The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for the week shows: Loans, $1,146. 101 500; Increase, H.21ii.lo0. Deposits, 1.1VI. 651,3X; Increase, $1,892,100. Circulation, $31, 692.1'0; Increase, $1,124.60. Legal tenders, $:6 2O8.700; decrease, $2,821,900. Specie, $221, 194.800; decrease. $196.2'i0. Reserve, $;U6.4M, 60; decrense, $3,018,100. Reserve required. $Hi 1S7.826; Increase, $478,025. 8urplus. $:tS?c,675; decrease, 3 4si,12.i. Ex-''ilted States deposits, $ll,462,92i; deer, aae, $4431, 423. Rank Clearing;. OMAHA. Aug. 19 Bank clearing for to day were $1,197,104.72. and for the corre sponding date last year $1 OS3.491.70. 1905. 1904. $1,452,243.65 $1,242.770 60 1.3i.13.V 46 . 1.4S;.486.73 . 1,471,341.42 . 1.1M.KM.32 . 1,197.101.72 .$8,174,218.30 ..$1,462,979.17 1.096,623 61 1.124.662.80 1.121,118 62 1.072.351 60 LOj8.491.70 t6.7il.23S U TWENTIETH mm piiiVIER Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday . Friday .... Saturday . Total . Increuse ... Forelan Financial. LONDON. Aug. 19. Today Is a holiday on the stock exchange. Bar silver steady at 2Cd per ounce. Money 1 per cent. Dis count rates, short bills. 1 per cent; three months' bills, lVil 15-16 per cent. PARIS. Aug. 19. The bourse today wn dull and Inactive. Russian securities de clined. Russian Imperial 4 were quoted at 88.50 and Runslun bonds of 19f'4 nt 505. r.EKLIN, Aug. 19. The bourte today was Quiet. Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, hu Outs, bu Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 COFFEB-Market for futures opened steady st a decline of a'u 10 points under realising and In sympu'hv with disappointing European cables. The close was steady, net unchanged to 6 points higher. Sales were reported of 56.150 bags, Includlns: September. 7.-&7 25c; October, 7.27c: December. 7.5fl-ft7.i5o; January, 7.50e; March. 7. 75 1 7.8' c; May, 7 '& 7 !c; July. 8. (tic. Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio. 8?c. Slonx City l.lvr Stork Market. . STOUX.C1TY, la.. Auc. 19.-(8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. Ks; Lca-. Mar ket strong: ueeve.4. J3.7i;5 .00; cows snd heifers. $2 .25'a4 KI; stockers and feeders, $2.76 (S3 S0: calves and yearlings. $2 6053.50. HOGS Receipts, 4(l head Market strong, selling at $5.s0i6.('5; bulk of sale. to.8ufyo.w. ample. 3i'il4Kc. CORN Steady: September, 6JSc bid. I'alntv fjlratn Market. . 'I CUTH Aug. 1 -WHEAT -". 1 bvrtfteiQ., 6.s4. . Minneapolis Floor Market. MINNE APOIJ8, Aug 1 -FLOUR-Fli st stents. 85 4tuJ6.50i sei ond patents $." MS .:Jr.":t clear. $4.i.!j 10; second clear. : Cii; ,3. BRAN In bulk. $12.26. Toledo Seed li-rket. TOLEDO. Aug 18SKEO-C1ovrr. riih. tober, 8S.10; Deei,iS-. Kir-jL- Ink. $7 H; j'liino '" J 8" 6 asked; letoer, $s.lO; I" On tr-irk. I January, Kin,; aljUsI uui '.bcu, I timothy, $4,614. SHEEP There were only rour cars of sheep received and they went direct to a packer, leaving nothing with which to test the market. Ricrlpts fo.f the, week have been very light. Wednesday being the heaviest u.i, wi;n iwenty-i-icnt cars on sale. The market Is in need of some good, liberal runs, which would not tend to iniko prices any lower. The most of the receipts were killers and nothing like enough feed ers wero offered. Tho demand was strong for everything and the market at the close was In very satisfactory condition. Tho general mantel for the week is about a qjsrter higher all around, with lamb and yearling selling Kte higher. The market every day was quoted stronger and the total advance i shown in the above figures What few feeder there were on sale were plckod up vulukly every .day at higher prices. There are plenty of Trdra and buy ers are anxious to All them aa soon as re-c-lfts will allow. Quotation oa tat sheep and lambs: Good Cotton Markr. NEW YOR1C. Au,;. 19. COTTON Fu ture r.ird steady; August. 1041c; Septem ber. 10 4tc; October, 10 4.1c; November, lOiSc; Decem-HT. Ij 75c; January. lOMc. February, lc&i'c; March, 10.02c; April, 10.9Jc; M.iy. 10 9fc. Spot Closed quiet; 5 points ad vance; midiling uplands. 10.8Tc; middling gulf, lli'jc. sales. 61 bales. LIVELPOOL. Aug. 19-COTTON-Spot, quiet; prices, 6 points lower: American middling, fair, 6 Ld; gocd middling. 5 Mil middling, 6 7ld; low middling. 6f.:d; guod ordinary. 6.47d. oidinary, n 4.'d. The sales of tnei day Mere 3.0-O bnles of which 29) were for r-prrulallon and exi"irt nnd In cluded 2. HO American; receipts. 5.i0 bales, all Amer ciin. Eutuies nn ued quiet and i-liw'd dull. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 19-COTTON-Qu'et; middling. H.4c: sales, 106 bales; receipts. 1 0 baler.; shipment. 914 baits; stock, 13 786 bale-i. NEW ORLEAVS. Aug 18 COTTON Knsy: sales 2nu bales; ordinary, 7s.c; good ordlrary, 7 l"-ltjc; low middling, 8 11-1-middling. 10 6-li'c; g.iod middling. H4c; middling f:ilr 10 15-100; receipt. 1,194 bales; tuck. 74.SK6 hale. Metal Market. NEW .YORK. Aug. 19 METALS The metnl market were atl qiret, but holders In nearly all Instances mere fi.-in In their views. Ijike nnd " eleetrolvtie cop'-r is quoted at flS.Cj'tfir- ';; casting, tUISfj' 15 f; snot tin. $12.5ni3.'.75. Lend quoted at $4t4.70; spelter. t;.7 4r5 80 Iron remains stendy at recent prices. ST. LOt'13, Aug 19. MHTALfl Lead, teady. $i 624. Spelter, quiet, 85.60. Pry Good Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 -Nothwithatanding the presence in the city of hundreds of country merchant dry goods business was not unusually active today. Another big ln flux of buysre Is due Monday and Tuesday Cotton goods of all kinds are becoming very eoarc for Immediate delivery and prices are all tending upward. Bieaciiod (eods axe up Vt cent a ard, P rials sold nnd Specie. 19.- Total Imports of Merchandise NEW YORK. Aug merchandise and specie at the port of New nrK lor tne wees-: ending todiv were valued at f9.9eo.i3. Total Imports nf specie at the port of New York for the week end In:? liiday were $45 971 silver .ind $55,244 gold. Ton I exports of Hpec-.e frmn the port of .New Yt.rk fur tin- week er.-ling today wero ?v50,i;CK! silver and no gold. 1 An Up-to-Dat AGRICULTURAL WEEKLY Full of Interesting Reading for Every Member of the Family Partial List of Feature Articles Already Printed This Year "Vancourer Country of the Northwest," Five Articles. Prof. Charles E. Bessey, University of Nebraska. "Fruit Raising in the Sunflower State," E. F. Stephens, Horticulturalist. "Hessian Fly and Orowing Wheat," Prof. Lawrence Bruner, Nebraska Stat TSntomologittr "Gosling's Demonstration of Beef, Mutton and PorV E. R. Davenport, Market Editor. "Management of Incubators and Brooders," Q. C. Watson, U. S. Department of Agrlcultvira, "LTow to Raise Turkeys on the Farm," C. E. Matterson, Kewaukee, Wis. "Live Stock Breeding in Great Britain." Prof. W. J. Kennedy, Iowa State College. "TubcrculoHis in Live Stock," Dr. A. T. Peters, University of Nebraska, "Story of Twentieth Century Irrigation," II. A. Crafts, Fort Collins, Colo. 'TJotv to Get Good Seed and Maintain It," Prof". T. L. Lyon, University of Nebraska "Soils nnd Methods of Seeding Alfalfa," E. F. Stephens, Ilorticulturalist. . "Regulation of Railways by Public Authority," William R. Larrabee, Ex-Governor of Iowa. "Traveling Libraries in Rural Communities," ; ' ' 1 Edna D. Bullock, Nebraska State Library Commission. "Champion Steers in Feed Lot and Cooler," Prof. II. R. Smith, University of Nebraska - . ''Readjusting Wyoming Ranching System,." A. S. Mercer, Western Ranchmfj-f The Rnihoitd and the People," Eight Articles, Edward Rose-water, Editor The Omaha Bea - 'Fall Sown Alfalfa in the Ilunild Region." Prof. P. (1. llclden, Iowa Agricultural College "Durum Wheat for Semi-Arid Land," M. A. Cu ll mi. Cercalist U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 'Practical Drainage of I'pim Lands," .1. C. Holmes, Drainage Engineer. "Forestry Problems Yet to Be Solved," Frank O. Miller, U. S. Department of Agriculture. "Grass and I'Vragf Crop us Fertilizers," Prof. T. L. l.vtiii, University of Nebraska. "Beef Production--Mot hoite of Feeders," Prof. II. W. Muniford, Illinois Agricultural Station. Effect of Cold Weather on Fruit Blossoms," Tueodnre William, Ilorticulturalist. 'Calendar of A'ork in the Apiary," AnMa A. Clarke. Plymouth Creek Apiary. Live Stock in tho Middle West," F. D. Coluun, Secretary Kan-ns State Board. Che vJoverniLi-nt Reclamation Service," Frederick Ii. Newell, Chief Engineer. areer of the J .rite Robert W. Furnas," I'io' '.'hnvlos F. Bessey, University of Nebraska. mprt-verient in iinnl Winter Wheat," Prof. T. L. Lyon. University of Nebraska. "roblems CnnfronUn Western Stock Growers," Murdo Mackcnxie, Pres. Am. Stock Growers' Abs'b. Oil nml ftnsln. NEW TOni;. Aug. 11.-OILS Cottonseed, steady; pnnm crude, nominal; prime yel low, SO". Petroleum, steady; rellned New Ynrk. $1190; I'lilladelpliia and Haltlniore. $'7 fi; In bulk. $3.16. Turpentine, dull, 6.4'if Ut ankiil. SAVANNAH Oa . Aug. 19 OIL Turpen tine, firm; t'J,sc. Peoria Murker. PEORIA, Aug. 19.-CORN-Flrm; No. 8 Vjllow, 64c; No. 3. tic; No. 4. Mc; no grad, OATS Firm: No. 3 white, 36'ic; No. 4 while. 2D. i).'5c. WHISKV--on the basis of flti. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 18 -WHEAT Spot, nominal; futurea. o,uiet; Keptniibrr. lis 8'd: . T'.d: Lecemher, lis "Vjd. ColiN-Spot. stiady; American mixed. 4s lid; futures hull; Eepteinber. 4 8d, Oe-c"iiibi-i-. in 141; January, &4d. EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Incorporated) ' Main Oilier 1 I ifili anil Huberts Itreets. ST. Hill.. MIX. Dealer In Stocks, Grain, Provisions Chip Your Grain to Us Branch llirtre, liu-lll llo rd nf Trade Mil . Oinebi. VrhTe.ephoue ;i:-2W "i- liu'g.. Snntii Oiiana Beit 'I'hooe ..a. IndeixiuUent 'l'.e orn Crcj in Pork 'n ou-i!cu." Hod. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. The Past is the Best Guaranty ot the Future. ONLY A DOLLAR A EAR SEND SUBSCRIPTIONS TO The Twentieth Century OMAHA. Farmer