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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, AUOUST 21, 1005. 8 SOCIALIST PLAN IS WEAK Eer. Philip Dtidon Awcrti Legislation Cannot Make Men Idsral. CHRIST'S LAW IS ONLY TRUE GUIDE Dr. Sawhlll of Warns Against ihe Motion That Ootid Will (nmr from Sowing? of Evil Seed. "The wsy to bring rrcnry Into busings in to tinrh mm Chrlsllnn prInrlpW-s," saM Rev. Philip Davidson Sunday morning In Mil srmon on 'Hnrlallsm nmi Biilnpos" at 6t. Mathlss" chiirrh. He scnuteil the Idfa that oVstreil ronoitlons rould he brought hr.nt hv lrgislBtlon arcordlng to the no- riallstlc Irtra. "Colossal fortunes Ktirh as were nevrr bo for 1reatn1 of exist In the mitert States today, built up on crime and misery." he aid. "Ijiw after law and system after vstem of laws hns heen pased to bring about a distribution of wealth and cherk the growth of these mammoth fortunes, and yet they continue to prow. Hfing business men, the millionaires find a way to evade these laws. No multiplication of them Is Itnlru to bring about the right order of things. Already there Is too large a horde Of vampires of the law to watch whether you keep the laws that are made, for no one trusts you. "The only Just principle In business Is that In the transaction each man may get something worth lust as much to him as what he gave la worth to the other mnn. Without this balance there la sin. With It there rould he no great fortunes and no Suffering among those who are Industrious "Socialism and Christianity acknowledge one rnmmon principle, that the rich man and the poor man are equal before God Hut socialism would legislate, the self-re. apect and responsibility out of man and make him a bond slave. Men ought not to allow their minds to be filled with theories and socialistic dreams as to the distribution of wealth. They ought not to advocate law which would take away their business self respect. Manhood demands that man should be manly. The law of Christ Is the law to follow." Oh to be Something.' Thla I the time of pportunlty; alcie It. I don't see why the Salvation Army should not beat the drum n the streets to save souls as much as you people with your magnificent hurdies." RELIGION IS WORTH Cl'LTIVATING Rev. nr. Potter rleads for More Con sideration of the Fntore 1,1 fe. Greater rare and painstaking In matters Of the spirit as opposed to things of the world was urged by Rev. O. F. Potter In his farewell sermon at St. Paul's Kplscopa church Sunday morning. He has resigned to take a larger charge, but his new piwt has not been definitely settled. The para ble of the rich man and the unjust steward was used In his discourse. "The conclusion to be drawn from the words of the preacher Is somewhat start Ifng." said he. "It Is to the effect that If persona professing religion only gave as much care and diligence to religious mat ters as worldly men give to business af rairs all would be well with them In thlh life and hereafter. The prudence, foresight and effort of the business man In his af fairs la held up as an example for Chris Uans In their affairs. "Men rise early In the morning' and itudy matters of temporal concern to the last Item, but they never stop to read the two greatest books In the world, the Bible and the book 6f common prayer. Women lose alght of more Important things In the desire to break Into society, to hobnob with persons of wealth and Influence and to get Into a higher social class. "In the atory the name of the steward Is not given, so that you may write your name In the Wank. Ood Is the rich man, Whatever talents and goods you have came from Him. You are Ills steward and you da not use all you have to the glory of Ood and the welfare of man you are wasteful. You may say that Ood has given you nothing to be steward of, but this Is Idle talk. Your bodily health and strength, your mental faculties, everything you have, la given to you for a purpose. N one can escape having an Influence upon someone else, particularly by example." TALE FROM AN OMAHA LODGING Wlerd Story of a llnldap nrakeman Who (lobbed a Victim Off the Train. Clarence Smedley Thompson tells In Pub c Opinion some of his tramp expcrVncrs as Illustrating the attitude of western rntl roads and towns toward the "hobo." This story which he tells has In It the germ of a tragedy: At the Salv.itlon Army lodging house In Omaha I on-e chanced to meet a fellow who had Just come out of nn extreme case of clubbing at the hands of a brakemnn. The vagabond was a young Swede of good un- lcrstamlftig who had been working In the Kansas harvest fields. Ills clothes and his manner lifted him out of the ordinary run if "stakemen." In fact, he showed me let ters nnd papers that gave him a claim to some respectability In Chicago, where ne was going at the time of our meetlnij. He hud been traveling east with a companion, but they had lost one another, nnd It was In relntlng this experience that he men tioned the subject of clubbing. 'We got on a train In western Kansas." said the Swede, "where all the brakemen carried clubs. They were holding tip every one that had been working In the fields, de manding $1 n division from each man. We paid our mnn tl and when he went away I climbed Into an empty boxcar, while my chum remained on the bumpers. Pretty soon the brakemafi came running back and locking the little end door through which 1 had crnwled he began demanding another ft from Tom. The fellow evidently got the idea we were coming away .with a good sized stake, and he Intended to share In It. Hut Tom refused to give up, and what do you suppose the brakeman did then? He hauled out a club, and, standing above Tom, said he'd have the money or know the reason why. At that he hit Tom a clip over the head. I tried to break open the little end door, but that was Impossible without any bar to work with, and there was none within reach. There waa noth ing, either, to permit my climbing to the top of the car out of the open side door and so I Just had to stand and look on through a split In the end door. Tom grabbed at the fellow's legs to pull him down on the bumpers, but he couldn't reach far enough, and, besides, every time he put up his hands, the brakemnn clubbed his fingers and knuckles. Then the brute aimed for Tom's head, and cursing him for re sistance, struck a savage blow. Tom made another break to get on top of the car. but the club smashed his fingers, and then, dizzy, I guess, from the blow on his head, he Jumped, for all that I could see, to his own death. I went back looking for him at the next stop, a distance of some twenty miles, but I couldn't get any trace of him, and since then I've been waiting for him here; but he hasn't shown up, and I haven't heard any word from him, either." CONFERENCE ON ESTATE TAX First of Iti Kind in Nebraska Will Be Held on Tuesday. VINSONHALER TO ACT AS APPRAISER Shonlrf Derision Re Against Appoint ment of Men to Valne Estates the Coonty Attorney Will Appeal. Tuesday of this week la the day set for the holding of the conference on the In heritance tax law between Judge Vinson baler, County Attorney Slabaugh and the executors and attorneys of the estates In Douglas county which might be liable to the tax. The matter comes up In this form because the county attorney has ap plied to' the county court for the appoint ment of, appraisers 'of the various estates subject to the tax under the state law. This will be the first conference of the kind ever held In Nebraska and the out come will be awaited with Interest- In the case of the estate of Ben B. Wood, Judge Vlnsonhaler has, as hereto fore noted In The Bee, declared the state Inheritance tax law unconstitutional for the reaaon that It Is not uniform In Its provisions for taxing Inheritances, collat eral and otherwise. It Is rather expected because of this decision that the court will deny the application for appraisers made by the county attorney. If this Is done the latter will then take further measures to have the point settled, probably by ap peal to the district court. Should the county Judge's decision be sustained by the district court the fight Is certain to be carried to the state supreme court, and It may eventually reach the supreme court of the t'nlted States. This august tribunal as heretofore sustained an Inheritance tax Inw enacted in Illinois, but Judge Vln sonhaler, In his decision, said that the constitutions of the two states differ on the matter in Issue. In Douglas county there are nearly two score estates that would be taxable, some for very large amounts. The tax derived from estates probated since July 1 of this ear would be at the disposal of the Board of County Commissioners for the construe tlon of permanent roadways outside the city limits. All Well. The least thing wrong with your bowels, makes you sick. Dr. King's New Life Pills may you all well. 25 cents. For sale by Sherman & McConnelll Drug Co. St. Paul and Return 11250 I5ULUTH, ASHLAND AND BAYFIELD and return new DEADWOOD AND LEAD and return J18.75 VERY LOW RATES NOW TO ALL POINTS EAST via The North-Western Line City Offices 1401-1403 Farnam Street. O. A. H. to Denver. Special tourist sleeping cars will leave the Burlington station at 4:10 p. m. Sep tember 4, joining the official headquar ters train at Lincoln. For berths and Information apply at Burlington ticket office, 1502 Farnam street. Bee Want Boosters. Aas are the Best Business Ml ST KEEP VOI R RECORD CLEAR Men will Reap In Matare Years th Crop gown In Yonth. - Rev. W. R. Sawhlll of Washington. Iowa, occupied the pulpit at the Central Presby terlan church Sunday morning, and spok from the text. Galattnns vlrvll "Be not de ceived. God Is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Dr. Sawhlll said In part: "We are too often confronted with the expression that It does not always folio at that sowing of wild oats In youth means continued wickedness In mature years. That Is true providing the sowing does not settle tn some weak spot. But be not de ceived; the scriptural admonition Is the red lantern of danger swung across the path of life. The harvst of evil sowing may not be Immediate, but some time It will come. "When tares are sown with the wheat they -must be permitted to grow until the harvest tlma comes, for we cannot pick them out grain by grain. Whatever is sown will bring a harvest of Its own kind. If we violate the laws of morality wa alone shall reap the harvest of sorrow. Ths good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, nor can the bad tree bring forth good fruit. Punish lent will surely follow the violation of God's laws, and the punish ment will be In kind of the sin committed or the Indulgence tolerated. The sins of our youth are those to be most hated and loalhed. Sin grows and reproduces Its kind. Eminence In sin tn youth does not produce eminence of piety In maturer years. It does not follow that men are fitted for great works, bv a vouth of nrotllimev. ' Keey your record clean, and If you do so you will reap an everlasting harvest of Joy." BENTIVOGLIO Rev. Mother Magdalen died Saturday morning. Aug. 19. Next Wednesday, Aug. 23, there will be a solemn requiem at 9 o'clock In the chapel of the Poor Clares. 29th and Hamilton Sts.. for the repose or me soui or nev. luoiner Magdalen, abbess oi trie monastery or EH. Clare, Kvansvllle, lnd., and foundress of the Poor Clares In the I nited States. HOLMAN Klmer Victor. Infant sun of Mr. and Mrs. victor Hoimnn, August is, iwb. Aeel li) months 20 days. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from family residence, 2416 South Twentieth avenue. Interment, Laurel mil cemetery Friends Invited. SAVATIO ARMY WORK EFFECTIVE OOleer of Ueneral Booth's Fore Preaches to Methodists. Lieutenant Colonel 8cott of the Salvation Army occupied the pulpit of the Seward streeet Methodist church Sunday morning and with koine of his associates led the service In true Salvation Army style. Choosing that part of the first verse of ths 11th chapter of the acts of the Apostles. "Ys men of Uollllee, why stand you here gazing Into heaven. This same Jesus will gain corns to you as you have seen Him go from you." "People art wont to say of the Salvation Army, Why don't they go to work?" If soma of these people would go the rounds with the Salvation Army workers for a short time they would see the work ac complished and not be heard to make that remark again. The harvest field Is here and the door of opportunity open. Go forth and do something. "We are not In the same position as the disciples when Christ had left them and they knew not what to do. For three years He was their guide and settled all difficul ties with an all wise hand. Tnless we believe In the coming of the Comforter we might as well not believe In tha resurrection from the dead. The kpustles prayed and the Holy spirit came. "The world today Is full of power. Peo ple want trains faster than ever before. There seems to be no limit of the power of today. When we come to the church of 3o4 find people making excusea. They sing 'O to be nothing. This was never tv tavutiis avotf of udu. It should road SEASOXlSli FASHION. MAN WAS 1 UNDULY ANXIOUS Thonaht a Voting; Woman Waa Victim of Fool Play and Gave Police Needless Scare. A man giving his name as B. F. Johnson elephoned police headquarters Sunday that tie entertained grave fears for the safety of one Miss Goodhart of Twenty-fourth treet and the city limits. Mr. Johnson confided to the police his suspicions that foul play might have figured In the dls appearance of the young woman. Detec tives Mitchell and Dunn were detailed on the case and located Miss Goodhart under her father's roof. According to the story telephoned by Johnson, the parents of the young woman have wished that she marry the man of their choice, while the woman entertains certain well-defined notions on the subject and. In an unguarded moment, told John son she would not marry the man in the case. At least, so Johnson's story goes. Now, when It came to pass that Johnson did not see Miss Goodhart for several days he donned a pair of gum boots and went on still hunt for the woman, without say Ing a word to her parents or anyone else In the north precincts of the city. The longer the matter pressed on Johnson's mind the more he thought that foul play was in the air; so he called up the police station. Detectives ifltchell and Dunn started on the case with a bunch of clues, alt of which led to a stone wall or up a blind alley. The Goodhart house was finally lo cated and It was learned the young woman had been tome right along. Johnson said he saw a hack moving at a rapid rate on North Twenty-fourth street at an early hour Sunday morning, with a pair of feet sticking out of the door of the vehicle; hence he Just concluded there must have been foul play somewhere, so It Is reported. ARMY HEWS AND GOSSIP. EAGLES STILL ENTERTAINING Ohloans, Returning; from Denver Con vention, Receive Brotherly Treat ment In Omaha. Members of the Omaha aerie No. 38, Frat ernal Order of Eagles, who did. not attend the Denver convention and those who have come home entertained a returning Ohio delegation yesterday evening for several hours. The visitors numbered nearly 100. They were escorted to the local club rooms and later taken to ths Merchants hotel for dinner. The Omaha delegation Is rsturnlng In squads, many being still In Colorado. Presi dent D. H. Christie has not yet returned. Be Wa Boosters. t Ada Arn ths best Business YonnK Campers Entertain. A quintet of Omaha young men have been camping for several weeks this sum mer at Lake Manawa and have named their place Camp Passaway Troubles. The party consists of Jack Best, Frank Ma lionev. Charles Maunterferlng, Earl Buck and Bert Knapp. Saturday evening the campers acted as hosts to a party of young women friends, entertaining them at supper In the regula tion camp style. The hosts acted as cooks, stewards and waiters, and a very nlnasant evening was enjoyed. Following the ban quet all the social features available at Manawa were Indulged In and the pleasant event continued until a late hour. Thu guests of the evening were the Misses Mar garet Maney, May Kane Hess Kane, Hes ter Peters of. Omaha, Katherlne Ripg of Beatrice, and Blanche Woolrldge of Sioux City. LOCAL BREVITIES. NO. 85 LADIES' PRON. What would the busy housewife do without the serviceable apron? It there are tanks for the morning, ur, In fact, an hour of the day, 11 Is quickly slipped into and If the auron covers one entirely, li Indispensable from an economical siund miint in nrotectina the dress. Then, too, these aprons are so Inexpensive and require so little time tn the musing, only a rew yards of calico or gingham, two seams to sew up and the hems to turn, and one has the finished garment. M.iny women use unbleached muslin for work aprons and thev are both serviceable and very effective. If trimmed with a rtniflitng brsld in colors. Holland cloth Is an excellent material fur aprons both for ladies ami children, not to mention duck, linen, calico, nmdras and gingham Sixes, 32. y and 40 inch bust messurs. For ths accommodation of readers of Ths Bee these patterns, which usually rstall at from a to W cents each, will be furnished at th nominal pries of 10 cent. A supply is now kept at our oftles. so those lio wish any pattern niay get it either by call ing or enclosing 10, cents, addressed "Fat lexa I'eyarunent. bet, umaUa." Mr. snd Mrs. Alfred E. T.lndell of 3069 Curtis avenue announce the birth of a son on Sunday morning. Detective 8ergeant Drlscoll of Chicago was In the city yesterday to get Roy Sla'er. arrested on Friday by Omaha detectives It la said Slater Is wanted at Chicago for wrongfully securing and cashing a post office money order about a year ago. Vernon W. Sabln, now residing at Grand Encampment. Wyo., has filed a suit In the district court to recover possession of his two children. Wilbur, aged 14. and Nellie, aged 9. They are at present In the Deten tion home and the father alleges in his peti tion that the mother has abandoned them to leave the city with another man. The Auditorium company Is still seeking to make subscribers for stock pay up. The latest suit brought In county court by the company Is against Rosenberry Bros. A Miller, who in a planing mill. It Is al iened the firm subscribed for 1600 worth of stock and has not paid up. Several appeals In similar cases are now pending In the dis trict court. Jacob Kocsr. a milkman living st East Omaha, met lth a slight accident S-mday afternoon at Thirteenth and Martha streets, where his weuon collided with a street car. Kocar wis thrown to the pavement, hut escaped without serious Injuries. The ani mals were more or less Injured, while the vehicle was badly damaged. The police am bulance was called, but when the surgeons arrived Kocsr's friends had him In hand and looked after his comfort. Judge Sears has made an order awarding Mis. Klla P. Jacksin a Week during the pendency of the suit of Amos 1- Jackson against her for divorce. Defendant Is alo to pay s" 'or court costs and attorney's fe August Carstens hss filed suit against ths rltv for I? Mi. He alleges that the construc tion of the street paving near the south west corner of Sixteenth snd Hsrney is faulty aud that by reason thereor ha fell ami injurul hlmselt o.ulta asnously on February last, Fort Riley. Kan. FORT HILKY.'Kan . Aug. 19 (Special. The first annual racing meet of the Junc tion Cltv and Fort ' Riley Driving club opened at the post athletic park Tuesday and closed Thursday afternoon. A board of officers, consisting ot I apiains John K. McMahon of the artillery corps, H. C. Williams of the Thirteenth cavalry, and Geo. F. Hamilton of the Ninth cavalry, has been appointed to examine anrt report upon the oats being delivered at this post by the contractor. John R. Morris. Sergeants Christopher Scriwaini, iroop i First cavalry, and John Clark. Twenty- fourth batterv. held artillery, were relieved Wednesday from dutv with the detachment of farriers and horseshoers and ordered to report to their organlxntlon rommanners for dutv. the former at Fort Sam Houston, Tex., and the latter at the Presidio of San Francisco. Orriera nor. Uanrit this week orohlblllng the employment of dishonorably discharged soldiers oh any work on this military res ervation. This order was made necessary bv the action of contractors In hiring such men for work on buildings being con struqted In the post. The second vear class in lopograpny m the school of cavalry began Its work Tues day under the Instruction of Captain Waiter i Tiaheock. Thirteenth cavalry. The class Is composed of ten cavalry ohl cers. who will devote five das of three hours each to the study and will also make a road-sketching trip of five days duration. All the excavation for the new post hos pital building Is finished and the walls of the basement are now aoove me grounn level. The work of construction Is being rapidly carried forward. ITIvates Horace tiinson, t rea miyse ami Fred A. Fraiee. Seventh battery, field ar tillery, were appointed corporals Tuesday. A board of officers was apoointen i uesuay to examine Into and report upon the char acter of Private A. J. White, troop A, Ninth cavalry, upon his discharge Septem ber 5th next. The board consists of Cap tain R. C. Williams, Thirteenth cavalry, and First Lleutensnts F. J. Herman. Ninth cavalry, and W. II. Westmoreland, Eleventh cavalry. Private Homer H. nattennurg. iMineieemn battery, field artillery, has been relieved from extra duty In the subsistence opart-ment. Orders have been Issued by the ar de partment covering the detail of members of the next class of cooks In the training school for bakers and cooks. The class will be composed of twenty-four men, who are to report not later than September 12. Kleven Infantry and rour coast artillery recruits will come from Columbus Bar racks, Ohio; five cavalry and two field ar tillery recrtiltn will come from JetTerson Barracks, Mo., and one colored soldier each will be detailed from the Ninth and Twenty-fourth Infantry. Major (iranger Adams, artillery corps. who Is In command of a corps of the First provisional regiment of field artil lery here, has been relieved from duty as a member of the board for the purchase of public animals, In order that he may devote his whole time to the experiment In regimental organization. The new chaplain. Captain Oliver C. Miller. Thirteenth cavalry, has taken hold of his work here In earnest, and Is reviving mucn interest. The attendance at chapel has greatly Increased, and much good Is resulting from his earnest work and evi dent sincerity. Commissary Sergeant Joseph Ziealng, Post Quartermaster Sergeant Charles II. Franke. Ordnance Sergeant Michael Leach. Squadron Sergeant Major Wilbur R Mor gan of the Eleventh cavalry. Sergeant Major II. M Bunce of the artlllerv sub post. Commissary Clerk I R. Boudereau, Mrs. McBaln, the postmaster. Librarian O. 8. West of the school of application and Second Lieutenant F. B. Hennessy of the artillery corps have nil returned to duty at the post, after a trip to Colorado, where they went to register for claims In the T'lntah Indian reservation. Rach innb along a soldier's proxy to register In addi tion to ms own name. The Fort Riley base ball team defeated the team rrom St. Mary's Kan., at the Athletic park last Sunday, by a score of 9 IO J. Private McTntyre of the Eleventh bat tery, field artillery, was arrested In Junc tion City last week for stenlinir a tan-n He Is now working out his fine on the city A contract has been let by the commls sioners of Geary county for rlprapplng BiiiiiKLon sireei oridge con m-ciing me town or junction Cltv with the military reservation. About 600 yards of rock will be used In the work. Privates Albert H. Alvers, for the past J' if'TuamK service at Hloux City 'm mi Nineteenth battery of J, " wnicn organization inriiMJ II itlllHPrrPQ, First Lieutenant William B. Cowln Third cavalry, v sited friends at this post for a few days last week. The new road in front nt n, ...... i stables has been completed and opened for i cuuauiuirii a mucn-needed Im provement and greatly facilitates the work of caring for the cavalry mounts. The War department has Issued general orders governing the school r,f Dnnii.n for cavalry and field artillery, drawn up In accordance with recommendations sub mitted by the commandant. These orders form the most complete as well as the most clear and concise set of regulations Ui si-noui iihh ever naa. First Lieutenant F. J. Herman vino. cavalry, has been granted leave of absence for one month. Much talk has been satined by the recent secret marriage at tvansas Llty of Lieu tenant iiaivtnont A. Donaldson of tho Twenty-third Infantry to Miss Mable C Roth of Leavenworth, the divorced wife of Oeorge P. Klmmel. a clerk in the nun ring master's office at this post. The newspapers have had much to say about the case, their articles auounuing in tne much-abused wora romance. me raots in the case, however, reflect much more credit unnn Me Klmmel than upon any of the other par ticipants In this "army romance." Squadron Sergeant Major Wilbur R. Mor gan of the Klevenlh cavalry, now on fur- lougn, nas tuaen a position In the post ex chunge, where he will he employed until tne expiration or nis turiougn. Captain M. 8. Murray, commissary and director of the training school for hil:em and cooks, has been placed In chnrge of the f uardhousu mess, recently placed In opera Ion, and he will use It In exemplifying the course oi instruction in tne school. The guardhouse Is now becoming known as the Murray inn notei. The second class of bakers aradiutteri from the training school for bakers and cooks Tuesduy, and under orders from the War department the members were assigned to organizations and at once sent to their new stations. Recruit William Bell was as signed to the First Infantry at Fort Wavne, Michigan; Recruit Albert Kenlg to ' the Third Infantry at Fort William H. Sewurd. Alaska; Recruit William McUrall to the Thirteenth infantry at Fort McDowell, California; Recruit Harry L. Warrell to the Fifteenth Infantry at the Presidio of Monte rey, California; Recruit Jessie P. Hook to the Twelfth cavalry at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Recruit Andrew W. Sudduth was sent to Fort Monroe, Virginia, for assign ment to a company of the coast artillery, and Recruit George D. Grunnlnger was Sent to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for assignment to a battery of field artlllerv. First Lieutenant Albert S. Odell, squadron adjutant, Eleventh cavalry, has been re lieved from duty as adjutant of the cavalry subpost. The office Is being filled, tem porarily, by Second Lieutenant H. R. Love, Ninth cavalry. Lieutenant Udell has been granted leave of absence and has gone east for medical treatment. Privates Owen A. Love, Seventh battery; Alois Mltohl, Twenty-ninth battery, und Eman RoinlK. Twenty-filth battery, Held artillery, have Wen appointed corporals. Corporals William W. Masters, Seventh battery, and Howard L. Vannerson, Twenty-fifth battery, field artillery, have bven promoted to be sergeants. In order to enable htm to carry out more systematically the schedule of Instruction for cooks, Captain M. 8. Murray, director of the training school for bakers and cooks, has, with tho assent of the organisation commanders concerned, been placed in charge of all the kitchens of the cavalry truotis of tills command Orders have been issued from the head quarters of the Ninth cavalry here, trans ferring Captain John It. christian from Troop L to unasslg ned, and Captain AI varado M. Fuller from Troop II to Troop L Private Frank Qulnn, Troop B. Thirteenth cavalry, was detailed on special duly as clerk In the office of the post adjutant Augustus O. Halter, Troop O, Fifth cavalry, having compli ted his term of confinement In the guardhouse, has been sent to his proper station at Fort Apache, Arts. Halter was sent here to attend the training school for farriers and horseshoers, and got into Jail before com pleting the course of Instruction. Private John E. Moore. Troop C, Ninth cavalry, has been transferred to the laud. The army pistol competition was finished Tuesday, biii.ging to aji t nd the various small arms competition which have been held at the national rltle range here. Of the twelve making the highest scores In the competitive shooting, the first four re ceived gold medals and t lie remaining eight received sliver medals, the twelve com prising the team which goes to the na tional match at Sea Girt. Tney are: Trum peter Oscar O Robinson, Troop D. Ninth cavalry4 Sergeant John J Daerda, Troop l. Fifteenth cavalry; First Lieutenant Jens E. Stedje. Fourth cavalry; Corporal Carl Schmidt. Troon A. FirM cavalry. Captain J Ptgraai WLUwortii, Fust lUauiri". Cur- a poral Charles H. McNalr, Troop F. Twelfth cavalry; ( orprral cavalry; Corporal Mlrhael Kelly. Company C, First battalion, corps of HJnglneers; WuarU-rmaster Sergeant Daniel O Council, Thirteenth cavalry; Quartermaster Sergeant Berkley E. Barker, 1 roop 1), Third cavalry; Second Lieutenant Herman S. Dilworth, Tenth cavalry; First Lieutenant Richard II. Poillon. Jr., Porto Rico provisional regiment, snd Corporal James E. Logan, Troop I. Ninth cavalry. It Is to be noted that the highest score. 24 out of a possible 3'1, was made by a colored soldier, Trumpeter Robinson, of Troop D, Ninth cavalry. At the conclusion of the shooting the work of breaking camp began, and the competitors and officers III charge left for their proper statioos. Fort Des Moines, la. FORT PES MOINES, la.. Aug. 20 (Special.) captain James McMnley recent ly promoted lias been assigned to Troop F, Eleventh Cavalry. C.iptaln Parker, transferred to this regi ment from the Fifteenth Cavalry, has been assigned to troop A, eleventh cavalry. A severe rainstorm struck this post on August lti. The contestants at tlie rltle ratine were thoroughly drenched. Second Lieutenant Rawson Warren has transferred from troop 1 to troop F and Second Lieutenant Sherman Miles has been assigned to troop I, Eleventh cavalry. In spite of the recent very damp weather the state competitions at the United States rifie range here has been carried out ac cording to the program. The national guardsmen broke camp August 17. The shooting at the ranee waa most creditable to the state. The eleventh cavalry begins thir carbine practice August 18. beginning with the third squadron. The following changes In the service calls have been announced to the command and took effect August 13: guard mounting 6:50 p. m. Instead of 1:00 p. m. Musical drill suspended during target season. The quarter muster department Is having their els-htv mules shod, probably in view of the practice marches billed for this com mand. Sergeant Francis N. Bull, troop iv. Eleventh cavalry, has returned from Fort 1 jin venwort h. Kansas, where he has re cently been on detached service, taking the competitive examinations of enlisted men for promotion to graoe ot secouu nrui ant. Lieutenant Colonel Cunllff H. Murray. Eleventh cavalry, has been relieved from the duties of summary court omcrr aim Major Homer W. Wheeler. Eleventh cav- lry, has been ncianeo in nis eieau. Th. ties Moines street railway company has almost completed the double track from the city to the post as far Jis rara avenue. It Is understood mat me remainoei ui nc distance will be hutlt next spring. l no service Is greatly Improved already by the Improvement made so far. The First squadron of the Eleventh cav alry is expected to arrive here some time In September. They will occupy the new quarters and stables now being completed. Rev. Dr. Hanson of the First Baptist church of Pes Moines visited tne post last Sunday afternoon with his choir. The weekly service was held outside the ad ministration building, but on account of the threatening weather the aitenuance small. .. The Shaw match was wen coniesieo uj the cavalry teams from this station. Troop F made a good average, and although the trophy remained in the hands of the Na tional Guard for another year, there was some very lively individual practice done and all members of the different teams enjoved the benefit of the extra practice it afforded them. Sergeant Hurd of the Iowa National Guard made an average of fortv over the entire range and at 800 yards made nine consecutive bullseyes. Fort MoKensle, Wyo, ponT vapkect.IF. Wvo.. Aug. 20 (Spe cial. )-Thursdav. Aug. 10, Companies I and M of the Eleventh Infantry under the com mand of Captain Z. B. Vance, returned from their "hike," after a very pleasant stay o( seven days. First Class Sergeant Theodore Schuman of the hospital corps, and Private Clar ence O. Bloom, as ambulance driver, ac companied the squadron. Second Lieuten ant Emmet Addis, Tenth cavalry will act as quartermaster for the squadron. They will be gone eigni aays aim win the post via old Fort MaKinney, Wyo., August 20th. Friday. August li, waa uj. v , . Annei nnd Mrs. McWllllams. went to the city hospital Saturday to visit Mrs. Leo Oeullette. They found her very much Improved. , Th. twinn and riimMnT gardens are flourishing, and supply vegetables sufficient for all the residents of the post. They have In them all the vegetanies oi tne Os.nnH riau Rerveant. Chas. C. Cooper, of the hospital corps. Is preparing to take an examination In September, for. First Work on tne cement wains a piuKimmg nicely. They have aireauy compieien me walks "ud on the officers' line," and they will soon be complete before the soldiers Via -ta rLs m Pursuant to Special Orders No. 168. War Department, detailing First Lieutenant tj a T.rroii Tenth cavalry on recruit ing services, the commanding officer. Major Blatchford, of Fort Mackenzie, Wyo., Is sued orders August 16, relieving Lieutenant Terrell of his duties as quartermaster at Fort Mackenzie, wyo., ana ueiaiiiug d t i...,t,.nni v. V. Ellis. ba'tal'"n nuartormaster and commlssiary of tha t-i-onth Infantry, as Dost ouartermastei . It Is reported that August 14 Private Earl O. Bishop of company M Eleventh Infantry stationed at Fort Mackenzie. Wyo., deserted. Nothing has been heard from him. THIS STORE CLOSES at 5 P'. Af. Every Eveniag Except Satur day at to P. M. Till September 1st Hayden Bros Great Clothing Sale Men's Suits worth $10 to'$lo, on sale at. $5 and $7.50 These suits are made up in all the latest styles nnd newest patterns, in single and doublo breasted styles, also two-piceo outing suits these suits are made up in all the newest fab rics, such as cheviots, eassi meres, worsteds, serges, home spuns and tweeds, in plain blue and blacks, brown and gray mixtures, plaids, stripes and fancy mixtures, all well mado and perfect fitting, nn sale at $5 and $7.50 Boys' and Children's Suits, at $1.95 Fort Meade, Sooth Dakota. FORT MEADE. 8. D., Aug. 20. (Special.) Thursday. August 10. Mrs. Read, wife of iLi.nni h II Kead. and her two child ren returned to the post after several months' visit with her parents. Senator and Mrs. Monev. of Mississippi. Friday, August 11, the regular weekly hnn was held in the post hall. As usual, a very enjoyable evening was spent by all. ... . . ninniiuv Aiurust 14. Lieutenant O. L. Stryker arrived at the post after a two n,..,h.' I..V. nt absence. Lieutenant Stryker JuhI received his promotion as first lieutenant of the fourth cavalry and left Wednesday. August 16. to Join his new regi ment stationed at Fort Walla Walla, Wash. Tuesday evening, August 16, an Im promptu dance was given In the post hall i i...n,.. nf Lieutenant Strvker. Th. alxth cavalry band gave the first uir ..nneei-i on Monday evening. Aug 14 The same evening Captain and Mrs. Lott a ,.w,t en lovable riding party In honor of the young people of the garrison. After and a most delicious supper was served. Wednesday evening, August 16, the en .a ....... iruve a dance ill the post gym nasluiii. A number of Stuigls people at tended and a very pleasant evening was spent by all. Hodden Attack of Dysentery Cured A prominent lady of Brooklyn, N. T. writes to Inquire where she can obtain rhamherlaln's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. She saye: "While stopping at ranch In South Dakota I was taken ill of what seemed to be cholera. They gave ma some of this medicine and It cured me. brought a bottle home and have Just used the last of It today. Mother was taken aud denly 111 of d sentry and It helped her Im mediately." Omaha District l,o Rollers. Modern Woodmen T:ith Annua! Picnic at Plattsmouth. Thursday, August 24. Fins grounds within short walking distance Trains leave Omaha Burlington station 11:30 and 9:00 a. ni.; South Omaha B 4 M depot 8:45 a. m. A good time for all. Boys' double breasted knee pants suits. In vary fine fabrics, all shades and ctjlors, for boys Jn the ages of 6 to 16 years worth from $2.50 to $3.60. ON SALE AT 1.05. Children's very nobby novelty suits for boys In th ages from S to 10 years made np In Russian blouse, eton, sailor blouse, and Norfolk styles, In red, blue, brown and fancy mixtures, made up of serges, chev iots and homespuns, any of these suits worth $3. 60 ON SALE AT $1.05. Boys' Wash Knee Pants, ages 3 to 10 years worth 15c ON SALE AT 5c. Jelly Tumblers, with or without tin tons Wine Olasses for Extra heavy Fruit Jar Rubbers, Ar per dozen No. 1 and 2 all brass Lamp Burners. .. Decorated Bread and Butter tr Flates CHINA DEPARTMENT Jc lc 4c 3c Open Chambers for ' Extra large Imported Holland Bowls Art Pottery Jardinieres for Decorated Soup and Milk Bowls Just received, the finest Ime, painted China In the west. ot Jlc 9c 25c ;2c hand- IMYDEftj BROS, PEEWIT For this occasion the Rock Island will sell excursion tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo and returri, at the remarkably low rate of $10.75.. Dates of sale, Aug. 30th to Sept. 4th. Return limit, Oct. 7th (by extension). Three fast trains daily, leaving Omaha 7:20 a. m., 1:30 p. m., 8:55 p. m. Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers and Day Coaches, Dining Car service on all trains. Special trains leave Omaha 7 p. m., Sept. 4th. For further information, address . 8 8 F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. 1323 Ftmia St., Omaha, Nab. The janitor service in The Bee Building is as near perfect as it can be, remembering that janitors are human. Offices from $10 to $4? per month several desirable ones from which to choose. S-K wedding rings. Edholm. Jeweler. Harry B. Davis, undertater. Tel. 181 Green Poison a KILLS BED BIGS, KILLS COCKROACHES. KILLS ANTS, J JT. V KILLS MICROBES, li KILLS ALL INSECTS. Kills the F.((i, Too. See tha Polatl HAS NO 0D0R1 Does Hot Burn or Explode. GBEICN POISON" Is easily . applied with brush or .'eather. A 26-cent bottle of "GREEN POISON" ftom your druggist will kill a million bugs. D R. McCREW SPECIALIST Diseases of Men Only ID Tsars' Kiperlsnea. 10 Years In Omaha. Varicocele. Stricture, nf Blood Poison. Veak- ness. book frea Box 71 Onto. Il B. UUl 61. Omaha, NebjJ HOTELS. NX HOTEL MARLBOROUGH Broadway, 36th and 37th 8troU, ' Herald Square, New York. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED HOTEL BROADWAY Under rew waoneraeni eunce arrl. lt. Completely RENOVATED and TRANS I'OKUED In vr7 dTrtnient. Tb largest and roost attractive Voblf and Jtotneda in ttae city. Two beautiful new PINING ROOMS Superior TAfiLE D'HOTE MNNfcfc every day from 6 to 9 P. M. THE FAMOUS GERMAN RATHSKELLER, Broadway's cbtrf attraction for SpeclU Food Dishes, ropular Music. Better than ever before. EUROPEAN PLAN. 400 ROOMS. '-400 BATH REDUCED RATES for Permanent Ouests. Rates for Rooms. I1.B0 and upward: $2.00 ami jipward with bath. I arir bedroom and bath $3.00, $4.00 and $5 per day.' 'Potior, two bedrooms at.J bath $5.00. $600 and 8o0 per day. 11.00 extra where two persons ocvuyv t am Wriw 'OTOTlwf.Y HOTEL COMPANT. v-'VI"! 'Mil mimmri-7i