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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1905)
14 TITE OMAnA DAILY HEE: PATTJTtPAY. JUNE 24. 190S. SPECIAL NOTICES AilTrrllitmrnia fo- tueae colomna villi be lakf til lli m. for the evening edltlaa and antll p. m. for (be mornlnc and Suaday rdltlua. Ilatre 1 l-2 a word ftret Inaertloni lo a word thereafter. Nothing Ukfi for leae than SOU for the flrat Inaer lion. Tbnr adrertlaements nail be ran consecotlrely. Advertisers, by reqnfstlnaT a aom. bered check, pan have unium ad. dreeaed to a numbered letter In ear of Tha lice. Anawera ao addreaaed will ba delivered on presentation of check. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Eualness, Shorthand, Typewriting, Teleg raphy, Normal ami English. All summer sessions. Catalogue fret-. Address ii. 13. Boyle, Pres., Boylis Bldg., Omaha, 0 CITY HAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. K-937 TRY KKLLV'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. &). It 'jja EYE STKA1N relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to tit; prices riK tit. Bennetts. R-93J A NTT-Monopoly Garbage Co. Tel. 1779. 621 N. I6th. R-940 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM 211 Bo. 11th SU Telephone 264. H-1B1 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 16o Farnam. 'Phone 784. R H43 STOVES REPAIRED Water backs, gasoline stoves cleaned. Omaha Stose Repair Works. Tel. 960. R-M193 OMAHA Kafe and Iron Works make a spe clalty Oi lire escapes, shutters, doors and afes. G. Andrecn, prop., 102 8. loth Ut. R D44 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron uud brass castings. 8u2 Jackson. Tel. 2432. . R-846 EXPERT piano moving; lowest rates. Tel. 1636. Bchmoller Mueller, 1313 Farnam. R Mt43 Jy WANTED MALE HELP YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN THE Bt'MMER TERM OF THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE WILL BOON OPEN. CATALouUE AND INFORMATION FREE Classes In all departments. HOHRBoLGll BUoS., l.lli ana Douglas. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARM. able-bodied ummuMed men, between ages o 18 and 80, cililens ot United (Stales, of good character and temperate habits. Who speak, read and wiue English. For ln- lorinatiun Hppiy to Reciuiuug Offlcer, ldtli and LougtuS tots.. Oinana, Lincoln, isco., or Bioux City, la. a "As a rule, man's a fool When it's hot he wonts it cool, When it's cool, he wants it hot Never pleased with what he's got Always wanting what is not." The many who use Bcc Want Ads get what they want Bee Want Ads do the business a trial will convince PERSONAL FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS EMPLOYERS are clamoring for competent ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. men anu women. I Hid v e re running low on gooa material. Here s a partial list ut vacancies: I DEWEY, European hotel, 13th & Farnam. ccneiui ici cimiiuinu iin.-, w' "'" i s,) Otlicu Men. dialling experience. I Ualu Stenographer, $70. VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe, I'nnl Mn 1, Minfln. rrutil experience 1100. i . . And many others. Booklet sent on appu- ROOMS and rood board, $5 per week and canon. s "P. can 16U Chicago St. E sis r.9 1 l',n. iter, v uu.u vec 810-2 N. Y. Lite Bl.lg. B-362 23 IF YOU aro In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart ' talk wiin haiu, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-957 W A NT ED Men and boys to learn plumb- In- tiailR. w cannot suddiv oemana ior graduates; $4.50 to $0.00 per day. Eight weeks completes course. Earn "while learning. Address for catalogue, Coyne Bros. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., Bt. OUlS, Mo. ioo EAST front parlor and smaller room; mod ern conveniences, lis N. 2oth Bt. E 617 20 x Tel. 611. O.M. E. Haul Trunks E M266 FURNISH ED front room; reasonable. 1933 a. ntn. K ONE large, very desirable east front room in private cottage, suitable for i gents; vith or without breakfast. 3318 9. 2oth St. E M291 24x THE Home Educational Society of Phila delphia wants more men to exnlaln school and text books; good pay; pleasant work; ,. ,,.,. lenenoe needed. Manager, boo ware .T . VL i ",Vh no expe Blk., Omaha. B 11737 DRUG stores bought and aold; drug clerka wanted, b. v. Jvniest, 624 JN. x. B 958 with or without board: use of 'phone. 1426 N. 18th St. EHi 23x $86 PERMANENT aalary and expenses paid rehiililH nii.n out fide of the city: very pleasant work. Address A. W. South, 316 SOUTH-FRONT room, In new house; everything strictly modern; relerences re quired. 23u6 Douglas St. E 3o 23x STEIN WAY PIANO, upright, sllglitly used, $22; bargain. Perlield llano Co., Kill Farnam R-B48 (slQN PAINTING, S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-M1W . f-v -'a pTQ REDUCED prices to re UU 'rtlM O duce stock; some great . bargains this week. Omaha Reed and Rat tan Works. 1512 Howard. R Ms23 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ' LOOSE leaf lodger cheap. F 45. care Bee. Q-ltil FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first class standaid school In Omaha, compris . lng complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q-ai.2 FOR SALE, about 50 feet ornamental gal vanized Iron cornice and ornamental Iron posts suitable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee building. Q-M826 1'ULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 10 pulleys, from 6-inch to 4S-lnch In diam- tcr; 3 counter shafts, complete. These are all In first-class condition. W. H. Bridges engineer Bee Building. Q-U2 NICELY furnished room for gentlemen; all mouern conveniences; excellent location; references exchanged. 2101 Farnam. t! aijio 24X WANTED Several young men to travel for the summer, or permanent. Work plenBnut. Good remuneration. The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. li All 13 .1 PLEASANT rooms for rent, all modern. illi .Douglas Bt. E AU2I 24X WANTED Man for foundry work, black smith shop, pattern making and general machine work; must give good reference; good pny to right man. Gleso Bros.' Mfg. o., Holsteln, Neb. B Misa zo FURNISHED ROOMS, The Lakota, 1U13 Howard. Modern rooms by nay or ween. rj A1.I20 Z4X FURNISHED rooms; nice cool rooms; mouern; walking distance; very reason able. 1425 N. 17th. E M34'i 2Sx WANTED Thnrouchly experienced, first' claps shoe salesman. Apply at once to mfimiser shoe department. J. L. Brandeis & Sons. B-M258 24 TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport, opposite high school. . E M3M 2ox WANTED Experienced man, Dane pre ferred, to buy grain and operate grain elevator, located In western Iowa: must be person of good habits and be able to furnish satisfactory references. Address J 12, care Bee. aiu WANTED Men to work on sugar factory at Sterling. Colo.; concrete work: good wages; 6 months work. C. Leonardt. B M352 25 FURNISHED room; use of piano and pnone. 403 s. 2tn Ave. t&3 20 SOUTH alcove room; single room. 250 Niamey. t ai3i Jox NICELY furnished rooms; house modern and telephone. 2427 Dodge St. , E jloiH 2VX FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON. Good, Modern Houses 4102 Nicholas 6 rooms and bath, barn, etc. All in fl'.e shape. $2,5iH 3928 N. 22d Fine 9-room house, modern ex cept furnace; lots of fruit and shrubbery. Only $2,300 if sold at once. 2705 Dewey 8 rooms, modern, best of shape, $3,800. 1044 8. 2Sth 7 rooms, modern except fur nace, large lot, $2,350. . 2541 Chicago, 10 rooms, modern except fur nace, large grounds and lots of shade, $5,600. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-446 Board of Trade Bids. 'Phones: Office, 2181; residence, 8153. RE 330 23 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Nearly new 9-room modern housp, oak finish, every convenience, lawn. 810 Worthlngton Place. $46. GARVIN BROS., 1014 FARNAM. D-MS53 FURNISHED flat for rent for the summer; reasonable; references. 240S Cass. D 271 $1,100 Lot 66x132 feet, on Harney St, east ot 28th St. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS ST. RE 314 23 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. W. L. BURGESS. Manager. 813 So. 16th Street, Omaha. RE-M177 e 30 FURNISHED house of 8 rooms, close in. Address J 24, Bee. E M376 26x WANTED -A coachman. Apply Joseph TRN'ISHED room; use of piano and Barker. 1524 Farnaru, between 2 and 6 p. m. Saturday. B ow tsx phone. 403 S. 25th Ave. WANTED 'Men, everywhere, good pay, to distribute circular, adv. mntter, tack signs, tic: no canvassing. Address Na tion:! Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, III. B M.xiy 2ox FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD SIGHTLY east front with alcove, for two persons. The Pratt, 210-12 S. 26th St. F M70S WANTED A shoemaker at once. Martin Sorenson, Fremont, Neb. B M367 2fix WANTED FEMALE HELP Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-M257 80 WORKING girls. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. c j GIRLS wanted. Burgess Shirt Co. C 61S HARNESSl HARNESS! HARNESS! An endless variety and at prices that can not be duplicated anywhere else. John son & Danforth, S. W. cor. loth and Jones Sis. Entrance from viaduct. Q-102 FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard , and pool tables, bar fixtures ot all kiuds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. ,. brunswick-Balke-Colluuder. 4u7 S. luih St., Omaha. Q lo3 It, A VTL'H IT" ,.,.nlu aa . 1 i . . I r. ,r .s.ivt rl..l App y Madison hotel, 21st and Chicago ' i . ""'" "'"-'. R1V c M'H? toT two- with board, $4.50 per week. Also , . . .1 , . . . V. . .. . ') A . n . . . 1 CllMPFTEMT irlrl- nlnpn Mr 111 apiIOl Ave. V Mi IX F. D. wead, 602 B. 40th Bt. C iSli i W'ANTED Competent mold for second work In small family. Apply to Mrs. Bud borough, 2240 Iindon Court, first de tached house east of 24th St., between Howard and St. Mary s Ave. C 315 23x COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 202a Q lot WANTED A cook for private family in country: no laundry work; other help kept; wages wo a montn; references re quired. Address j lb, care wee. C M350 25x RELIABLE POWER IN ULod UAo on GASiOLiLNi ENGINES, UIU our Ui.PsMUun.Hi, always ready, lew slightly used euginea cheap, bend lor catalogue uud prices. , OUDB GAS ENGINE v UKKS, 1114 Fainam ot., omalia. Q-f.74 WIRE chicken, hog and lawn fence, iron - fence, iniuu posi, li VV'lre Works, oil b. loth Bt. Q Uu WANTED Two girls for dining room work; will furnish tickets. Koehler Hotel, Grand Island, Neb. C M3i4 26 GOOD girl for chamber and dining room worn; good wages. ixi capitoi Ave. C M373 2 .UlOMOBlLEb $1.0u0 electric runabout witn lop, fclsu; $l,4uu Mobile, 4 passenger, sicum, yx, iM Kamuicr, 32o; ooo Olds, iuO. f'lcurlcksoii, lulu uud Capiiol Ave. - W Ma.ii Jo u-HAND .'iale cheap. Deright, Ills Far nam. J luo SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE ud wunl u oamain lu steam mtuigscail and look over ine following supplies; 1.6-iuch Austins horizuiiial stpaiaior. t.t-Uicu Ausliu'a veiuual sepaiuior. ' uav ueeu lakcn out on account ot cuanges in our sieaiu piaul auu aro lu gouu ounditiou. Auuicbs Beo Building Ci., or sue Wi H. Anuses, kuiiieer Bu liug., Ouiuhs.. y 6w VwuB L I S good ruuaboul automobile, guar uuiefeu lu good luiiiung order; original U.SI hM. AUuresa Uii J'"auiain Bt. W 108 bHEl'.V.'lN WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED f Al NT, Bherniau & Meconium Drug Co., oiuaua. W 107 CHEAP chicken fence, long Or timbers and leiepnone poita. H01 Dougiaa. W li FOR SALE Great Dune watch dog, 1 year old; very fond of children. Address Box 26. Gretna. Neb. y M2'.0 27 FOR SALE Drop-head Singer sewing ina chiuti. Call and examine. 2114 Chicago. Q Ml 2ox FOR SALE Cheap, fine violin; parties leaving cuy. oiu uewey Ave. Q-M371 WANTED AGENTS WANTED General state agents to handle , i ariuie; oonanza to right party; sold In California In few months. Hlir prullt; investigate. Angelus Mfg. Co., 82, O. 011 ilia Cl., IlL'ieS, 1.111, J-M3M 25x $2400.00 IN THREE MONTHS Is what one agent made selling our five- piece sei or Bohemian sanitary cookln vessels to consumers. He showed what energy and perseverance would ao wiin in greatest money mak lng proposition on the market. You can do us well, if vou will. We want live men. If you want DroHlatilrt employment write us today, and to show you mean business send 26 cents to Cover postage on complete canvassing outtll wiin wuicn to begin worn. i J. W. McCoy Pottery Company, Rosevllle, Ohio. . J-M365 24x CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. FRIT-, clutrvoyant, 1521 Leaven worm. b i Palmist-M ME. B U D D II A-Clairvoyan Luxated over 113 S. loth, upstairs. He suuiui predictions guaranteed. B 837 MME. BOYER. advice reliable, yin N i?t vCenter Hotel), half block N. W. om Ottice. 'I'houe B2ul7. 8 M244 26 MME. FRANCISCO. 1704 i.ouis 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. Capitol Ave, B M2 I3 26 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 2'jO Douglas Blk. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A27, 72 LKAK.N dressmaktna at home bv mail. full, complete and scientific cours in aressiiiuKing laugnt By man. our stu dents very successful. Bend for cata logua describing the course. Ceniui Curreapondauc School, Des Molnvs la. . . M-wi Jvx BACHELORS HOTEL 20th and Farnam. F U23 Jyl6 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.; broad verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot anil cold water; reasonable rates. F 306 FIRST-CLASS front parlor .for two; also side room for two, with gas, bath and 'phone; good board, reasonable. Call at 1714 Douglas St. F-M354 25x MODERN rooms, good board, reasonable. 'Phone Black-5M9. 1811 Chicago St. F-359 25x Farm and Ranch Lands NebrasKa, Kansas, Colorudo and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. H., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE-953 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good Iowa corn farm of 6oO acres; 480 acres In cultivation, balance tine pasture; good Improvements, 3 miles fro intown. Price, $05 per acre. Will take stock of goods, or good city property, as part pa ry men I. J. P. Martin, Missouri Valley, la. RE 448 CiAS- Williamson Co.u- W,' RE-96 BOOM on for Custer county lands; get In on the ground floor. Write Willis Cad well Co. (Ltd.), Broken Bow, Neb. RE M920 Good Lot on 40th St. $2,000 for aoxliio feet, east front, on 40th St., 2o5 feet south of Dewey avenue; city water, sewer, gas to curb; asphalt paved street; permanent sidewalk. GEORGE & COMPANY, ibol Farnam St. RE M341 24 FOR SALE A six-room modern house at , a bargain. $1.2oo if sold at once. The O. F. Davis .Co., 60S Bee Bldg. RE M263 25 4-ROOM cottage, 2314 Boulevard avenue; city water inside; price $8oo, $126 cash and easy terms to responsible puny Walter Breen, 416 Karbuch block. RE-M293 423 N. 39TH 8 ROOMS, 'modern; burn. D 312 23 FOR RENT, 9-room modern house, 1"X 8. 2Mh St., nearly new and in Al condition; splendid lawn. Call or address as above Charles A. Patteison. Telephone. 234i. 1 M.l-4 2SX WANTED TO BORRROW WE HAVE the following 6 per cent mort gages for sale on improved Omaha real estate: 50000 6-room house and barn. Rent, $12. O00.U0 Farnam St. lot, with Improve ments. Rent. $25. $2,000.004 houses on Izard St. Rent, $41. $1,000.00 7-room modern house, near Cuming Bt. We collect the rents on all the above prop erty and Interest and principal will ba paid promptly at this office. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. M319 24 I)R JACKSON treats successfully chronic and nervous diseases. Call or write. Dr. Jackson. 418 N. Y. Life Bldg., Cmnha Consultation free. U 130 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 16J6. Bchmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-1S1 FOR SALE FARMS THh TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes ot farmers and stuck raisers, so It you have a good piece of land lo sell at a reasonable price you will rind a buyer among tnetn. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word in small type, or $2 80 per inch if set In 'tr ivpa MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Moneyl WE have it to advance you' on Furniture, Pianos, Live Mock and other chat tels, or if you are employed on a sal ary we can loan you upon your own agreement without mortgage. WE can give you the money on very short notice and handle the business with out publicity. WE never charge for making papers or for notary fees and we never deduct In terest in advance as some do. WE can make your contract in 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 or even more monthly pay ments, making the payments very small, and if you pay larger payments than the conn act calls for we allow a rebate which in all cases shall bo proportionate to the original contract. Others say they do this, we do it, ONLY see us Is all we ask, and if we can n)t (in as well or better than others we cannot expect your business. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Xi'j Board of Trade Bldg. lei. 22. suiuiisned 1; 3ou a. lota Si. X-M&S8 WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION wanted by competent hardware man who understands all kinds of heat ing. Best of references. Phone 3n0. A-M351 24x BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult u. a. bales Bureau, 634 and this Bee Bldg. y JH9 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or uusiueas ycictv see tonip- ton-avails u., u riun in. x ko I HAVE ons blacksmith shop, 60x60, and 2 ROOMS, one large and one small. 2410 Cass. F 361 2ax FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building 22x feet, four stories and a basement. The basement la 22XU2 feet, la cemented. The calling over me basement haa a brick vault ana iron beam construction, niuKiug the bageiueul nio proof. The rlist floor haa a marble floor in front and granolithic floor in rear. There Is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floor have windows on three aides. Address The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewaler, secretary, room ivO ee Bldg. 161 lot 60x100, with good tools, both iron and THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far- wood: only shoo In town: good trada good territory. Come and see or write 11. A. Buhmaii, Buftalo Gap, S. D. Y SM nam, elevator. 314 first isai i Ban lug. SHARES in Omaha Typewriter Exchange a l eacn; incorporation, tio.uoo; fi,U worm oi snares soiu in tnrve days; 20 to loo uer cent profit on your investiuonr We will handle the best new typewriters on the mantel. x u6 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office, which rents lor xiu.uu per month. Price includes neat, ilgui, waier ahd ji'.nUor service. It is located on ie lujrlu tloor ot The Bee buiiumg and la the "lung for any one wauling a nice Utile office in the best office bunding in town. R. C. Peiers Co.. rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771 GOOD paying drug store; will sell at In voice: doing good DUBiness. Also a urlnt- lng plant, complete; good location. F'or IF you apply at once we can give any lug jiu,i, i.uiiijidiv, iuiiun, J? OI full information ' write William Madgett, Hastings, .eu X 174 WHOLESALE and retail candy and ice cream uusiness, everytning nrst-class; no competition; mint for making money; very ill-health cause for selling; invoice $5,(wo; an opportunity of a lifetime. William Maogeii, Hastings, inch. Y M8W one desiring a large oilice space almost any arrangement they desire. This space is on tho sixth tloor of The Bee builulng, with north light. R. C. Peters Co., Rental, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1-373 DOCTOR WANTED The best chance for a pnysician in ine state or I. olorado. Ad dress for particulars to Manager Craig iioepuui, cists, xvuuu county, uoiorado. M273 26 ni-iowm iitti, i uriiiniit-u, ior sale at a ourgain; gooa location ior roomers. J. t-nie, jv-i io. luill. lei. i,l. x M28o the ttoreroom. No. 2912 Farnam St.. only $la per montn. inquire n. . cetera 4t Co., ground tloor. Bee Bldg. I 952 STOREROOM, 621 South 16th St. Clarke Powell, loitt capitoi Ave. rnone 2i. AM1M WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANT1UUAR1AN. 828 N. i. ue paya cigutst price tor oooaa. Tel. 3o36. N-ltos WE buy, sell or trade carpets, furniture and stoves, leu in or write j. evine, city. N M2M i . . FOR SALE, $7,000 general merchandise SOU A RE PIANO In good condition. 1811 stock In good country town in northern Farnam. N 887 Isi'iirasHa; splendid business; cause for Belling. Address J 14. Bee. Y MS17 27x WANTED To buy or rent an invalid wheel chair. Apply 706 6tn Ave., council uiuns. N M.I57 24x MORTGAGEE'S SALE. I have four cottages which eastern In vestors have just obtained title to under foreclosure of mortgages. Streets paved. Permanent sidewalks. Houses newly painted and papered and modern in every way except fucnaces. On car line. Prices, $1,260 to 1.8i. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE M.64 26 FOR SALE Frame building, to be re moved from ltith & Cliicago Sts. The O. F. Davis Co., 5o8 Bee Bldg. RE M348 26 BEAUTIFUL home, 12 rooms, near West 4oth; cost $25,000; 140 feet front; will sell for H,000. Address J 22, Bee. RE M372 TWO CHOICE LOTS DUNDEE 21600.00. Corner of 61st and California streets, lOox 136 feet, south and wesi front, lots on grade, fine shade trees and permanent walks. GEORGE & CO. RE-M377 27 FOR RENT HOUSES HOIISl-S'" "ia Ita'l of luo city. R. llv"',-'Jk"yJ. x'clbia ee iiug. 1 iw) THE Omaha Van jrid Storage Co. pack, move uuu store a. xi. goouo. Biureuuusu li tu in lulu, Oiilca, uiis Faniaiu. 'lei. i65V. JJ Mis WE MOVE p'anos. Maggurd Van Stor age '.o. Tel. lSv. Ulwcc, j.,13 V cosier Bt. Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service, lei. 16. buiimuliei Uluouei. U low NHl KPQIu 1 pans of Uie city. The j, , Davis Lu., eon co lliu. D bSi HOUbES, Insurance. Ring wait, Barker Bill. u xui FURNISHED FLA"! In new apartment building lor tno summer. Addiess m. Bee. u Mb 6-ROoM modern house, 2u24 Dewey Ave., paved, I G. 1 ui King lull, koo lie;, D soi TO RENT New brick store building, sult- uuit? ior any line oi uusiness. Well lo cated ana nmn growing. write C. L. noiueu, crao urcnara, xseo. Y M304 27 WE have party with few thousand dollars and services to invest in good paving business. I nlon Ixian & Investment WANTED Second-hand oonv cart and har Co., 212 Bee. Tel. 24. Y-M344 25 WE hnve two good parties who wish to buy homes on monthly payments. List property ior sale or rent with us. Union Loan Investment Co., 212 Bee. Tel. 2W4. M345 25 ness. 806 6th Ave.. Council Bluffs. N MISS 20 LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE Four years' lease and part of equipment of the finest modern country hotel in Northwestern Iowa. For full par- ucuiuia auuienn i,ox id, Jewell, la. Y M3I9 6 FOUND The right place to have your eyes tested ana in led right Bennett s. Found 70 IIOM ESTEADER For $V I will locate party on section or land worth $:i.(ioO. ileal r.state exchange, til4 Bee Bldg. wiiuinu. I .mjm 2ox YELLOWISH mare, black mane, small white spot on forehead and on right side. Jacob H. Armbrust, south Petrof's grove, Center street load. Found M:!S3J!4x LAW AND COLLECTIONS SPECIAL. 1641 S. 26th, 6 rooms, porcelain bath, fur nished $22. 6o. 84v3 l,uiaeiie Ave., 6 rooms, strictly mod ern; nice snadtj 3o. 642 to. 3'Jin bt., i looms, strictly modern, newly papered only $.12.50. 316 N. 2om Bi., 7 rooms, strictly modern, close in only $30. 22j4 Farnam Bl., 7 rooms, strictly modern, close in $30. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D C63 23 8-ROOM modern brick, line condition, 316 N. 23d. D 242 FOR RENT 10-room modern house. 2207 No. 20th St. $20. 8-room modern house. 2029 No. 2oth St. $20. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Lite Bldg. D-M287 27 (-ROOM modern cottage. 23d St. Apply 511 No. D M297 23x 10-HooM house, modern, north of Han- scorn park; vacant July 1. Inquire 2525 California. D M332 pvr RENT About July 20. 10-room mod ern house near high school. The O. F. Davis Co., 50JI Bee bldg. D Ml WANTED Young man In Omaha with at least $. to invest In a mail order med ical concern; new plan; Investigate. Ad- uress j is. nee. 1-.MH 26x POSITION with Investment of $3.0o0 to Dy .nan wiin best of references. Address j as, nee. Y M381 x WANTED Position In country bank with Investment. Best of references. Ad- uress j ai, nee. Y M382 25x ATTORNEYS aveiywhere. The New Snow. Church Co., main fl., N. Y. L. 'Phone 133. K)i 3. M. Macfarland, 304 N. Y. L. Bid. Tel. 1552 837 OMAHA COLLECTION CO.. Tel. 1275, 6o9 ee mqg Mj0 PATENTS NEWSPAPER for sale in fine town of 1.000, no other pars. $750 if taken at once. Outfit Includes cylinder press Address WUli K, care noe. Y M3S6 26 OSTEOPATHY H. A. STURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade oiarks, copyrights; no lee un lets successiul. 617 N. Y. Life. Omaha. -4M 6UES A CO., p.itent attorneys. Washing- uin, u. c, opposite u. B. patent umcs. Advice and paioul blanks fr. WUyl Johnson Institute, 615 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel. 16M WHS. JOHN R. MUblCK. Osteopathy Phy. siclau; oUicu. vUl Blk. TtL J. MUSICAL C. STEWART, ladle' 'Phona Red-lila, Voice aperlallat. 4oU Jyl4 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room bouse. 220 N. 23d. iJm r in rv.r. ; i . m 519 S. 26th Ave., 9-room brick, strictly mod ern, furnace. 2 blocks from Farnam car, tine neighborhood, near church and school. $10 and water rent. M'CAGLE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 15ot Dodge St. D M370 26 NO. 831 SO. 19TH ST., between Leaven, norm and Mason. 8-ro ni modern house bath, furnace, etc. Apply to B. Wolf, 6.9 S. l!itn. u-ajn APARTMENTS TO LET. We are partitioning off two apartments, In The Hamilton Apartments, 24lh and Far; one suitable for family ot two and for hachelors. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Agents, 1330 Farnam. D olit BORROW MONEY WHERE You get it on Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Cows, Salaries, otc, WHERE iou get It on short nouce. WHERE You get low rates and easy terms. WHERE Confidential and courteous' dealings bring you back. WHERE Can you do better? PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Top floor. 633 PAXTON BLK. sol CHATTEL LOANS. We have money to loun at a reasonable rate on diamonds, pianos, housenoid furniture or other good chattel securi ties to parties whose position In life re quire that such transactions be made and held In strict confidence. Union Loan and Investment Co., 212 Bee. Tel. 2ol. X M281 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; nan usual rales. Dr. Frlbbe now, room 4, at Mt S. 16th St. Tel. B2:t4. X 9 MONEY .oaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Ottices In 53 principal cities. Tolman, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X 963 BOWEN'S MONEY - Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note if sieaduy employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X 904 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co.. 3 Barker Blk. X 9oo MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, ?19 S. 13. X-9o6 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X--UGS MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 614 BAA. TON BL.K. X-967 CHATTEL, s ilary aud Jeweiry loans. Foley IXian to.. itiiH rarri-im r.. a. ybii MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R, C. Pettis Co. W 940 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W, II. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bid;;. Tel. Jo4H. W ael PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. w-jsa WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnuin Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-M3 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W Wit GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rules; uo delay; gut our terms. W-itoo LOWEST rates, city property; 6 P. C. on farms in eastern Neb. Bemls, Pax Ion Blk. BUILDING loans on residence property; S per cent. W'. B. Melkle. Ramge Blk. W-U88 $J0-RUVTURE CURED-$.10; no Injections, no pain; absolute guarantee: we cure per manently; new method; call or write for booklet. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., 611 WOODMEN WORLD HLD1., OMAHA. V M178 8ox RECORDS of th. living voice of Pope lo XIII reciting tho benediction and Ave Maria. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. U SiW Jy 14 LARSON JOHNSON Cut rntes to all points. 140 Farnam. Tel. 1935. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. U 121 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can pay It back in monthly payments. Hastings Hey den, lilODW Far nam bl. W-M878 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth lng; In fact, anything vou do not need: we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will calL U-611 PRIVATE home during confi nement: ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U 123 WE RENT sewing machines. 7Re week. Ws repair nil makes of machines: second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cyclo Co., Tel. 16ti3, Cor. 15th and Harney. U 123 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge. Blk. U-124 PR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 8, 1B08 Farnam. U-126 Sl.OAOOO TO IX) AN on business and residence property in Omaha. Lowest rates. No delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, New York Life Ultii,'. W-M2:5 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS RUNABOUTS, wagons and carriages at freatly reduced prides. Johnson & Dan urth, southwest corner loth and Jones. P-114 WOULD exchange sound, gentle, family horse, fine runabout, blankets, robes, itc, for cash or a good diamond. An op- portu n I ty. P-M 30 2a PRINTING DDlMTlNir MEMORIAL CARDS; ar rKliNlliNCJ ll8lic utslgns. b. E. Cur. I.YGNbTAD l"ttl 6t- B"a ""'JV- GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., 1511 Capitol Ave., Tel. 2405; lully equipped for (ill kinds of printing M9tM) FOR EXCHANGE FOR RENT 7-room, all modern house; choice neighborhood. 2123 California bl. -$32 60. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. v" D-MS27 t7ol DODGE St.. 9-room house and bath, strictly modern and up-to-date; most de sirable; investigate If you deslra a good home; good as new; rent $44. Call 2:". Dodge. Phone 6141. i 247 IF YOU do not find what you want In thl column put an ad in and you will soon ge' It- 2l-8 2-8EATED carriage for good horse or single buggy. J. Levlne, 3o4 No. Mth. Tel. 771. - Z-M.'Sj WANTED TO RENT ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send tor price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1936. U 804 GENTLEMAN wants room and board, pri vate family. Address J 36, Bee K.-M367 26X PIANO CLUB Just forming; 60c and $1 weekly; pianos de livered Immediately; piano lessons free. Cull for particulars. 1611 Farnam St. U-126 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. ,28 First Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 771. U 624 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Per.lcld Piano Co., 1611 1' ai nam. U 127 IvlAnNFTTPtr ltlnent batha. Mm. 11380 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. U-132 BEST umbrellas, lowest prices; repairing done. Boston Umbrella Co., 620 B. 16lli. Tel. 1617. U-M183 Jy31x EDWARD NORMAN KENT, music studios. Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney. Write for clrcula-s. U 673 Piano Tuning. Tel. 6604. Dalbey, 2207 Mason. U-670 Jy-9x TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530. u-m WILL give worthy party shorthand schol arship in leading school and wait for pay ment. Address C 66, liee. U 129 HEIRS wanted of Stanislaus Adamskl, Company G, Seventh Connecticut infan try, who formerly resided at No. 1133 N. 18th St.; $5 will be paid to the first person xenuing correct address to Henry N Copp, Washington, D. C. U M368 25x WANTED Attractions of all kinds for O. A. R. reunion Aug. 14-19; amusement com panies, negro minstrels, acrobats, tum blers, merry-go-rounds. Address Geo. Williams, Cambridge, Neb. U M3S5 30 MEDICAL For Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no inter ference with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mail, $2. Dr. G. G. Raymond Remedy Co., Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111. Ill PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladies; never falls; $2 postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 118 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities ot women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511V Dodge St, Omaha. U 113 FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 991 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnar.s. Tel. 1258. 992 POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read DAILY by all interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending Juno 24, 1906, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the General Postofllce as fol lows: REGISTERED AND PARCELS POST MAILS close at the General Post office ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown below. Parcels-Post Malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. June 21 and 26. Parcels-Post Malls for Great Britain and Ireland are despatched by the White Star Line on Wednesdays and by the American Bino on Saturdays. An additional ciespaicn Is made by the Cunard Lino when a Cunard steamer sails on Saturday LATER than the American Line steamer the same day. The Parcels-Post malls close one hour be fore the regular malls. Parcels-Post Mail for BARBADOS and GREAT BRITAIN aud IRELAND CAN NOT be registered. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Station (corner of West and Morton streets) half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe, and for Cen tral America via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Stalls. SATURDAY i24 At 6 a. m. for EI'ROPE, per s. s. Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (including Ireland when specially addressed for this Bteamer); at 6:30 a. m. for EI'ROPE, per s. s. Etrurla, via Oueenntown and Liverpool; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM (PARCELS-POST MAILS), per s. s. Kroonland (also reg ular mail for Belgium when specially addressed for this steamer); at 8:30 for ITALY direct (specially addressed only), per s. s. Koetrtgln Lulse; at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct (specially ad dressed only), per s. s. Furnessia. Malls for South and Central America, Weat Indies, Etc. SATURDAY (24) At 7:30 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Rosalind; at 8:30 a. in. (supplementary 9:30 a. in.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (also Colom bia, via Curacao, when specially ad dressed for this steamer); at 9 a. in. for GUIANA, per s s. Orange Nassau, via Parlmurlbo; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.), for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA and COI)MBIA, except Cauca and Magdalena Departments, per s. s. Blbiria (also Costa Rica, via Llmon, when specially addressed for this steamer); at 9 30 a. m. (supplementary 10:3n a. m.) for NICARAGUA (except East Coast) . HON Ut HAS (except East Coast). SAL A DOR. PANAMA. CANAL ZONE. CAUCA DE PARTMENT OF COLOMBIA, ECU ADOR. PERU. BOLIVIA and CHILI, per s. s. City of Washington, via Colon (also Guatemala when eclally addressed for this steamer); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s s Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. ni for GRENADA, ST. VINCEM, TRINIDAD. CIUDAD. BOLIVAR and GUIANA, per s. s. Grenada. NOTICE. Five cents p"r half ounce In ad dition to the regular postage, must bo prepaid on all letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MA1I,H, and letters deposited in the drops marked Letters for Foreign Countries." after the CLOS ING OF THE REGULAR MAIL, for despatch by a particular vessel, will not bo so forwarded unless such additional postage is fully prepaid thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls are oi.ened on the piers of the AMERICAN.' ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sailings occur at ami a m or later; and late mall may be deposited In the mall boxes on the piers of tho German Unes sailing from Ho boken Supplementary mail for Turks Island and Dominican Republic la also opened on the Clyde Une Pier. The ma I j on the nlers open one hour and a half before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only regular post age (letters 5 cents a half ounce) Is re quired on articles mailed on the plrs of the American, White Blar and Herman POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Sea Post) steamers; double postage (let ters 10 cents a half ounce) on othor linos. Mnlle Forwarded Oirrlnnd,, Us ee t Transpacific. Mails (except Jamaica and Bahamas) sr forwarded dally to ports of sailing. The CONNECTING malls nt the General Post office, New Yolk, m follows: CUBA, via Port Tampa at S4.;'.oa. m. (Mon day. Wednesday and Saturday). (Als' from New York, Thursday aud Saturday see above ) MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:30 p. m. and lo.3D p. in. dally, except Sunday; Sunday at l:oO p. m. aiid 10:30 ii. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday (also occasionally from New York and Phila delphia. See above). MlyUKlAlN, via Boston and North Syd ney, at 6:30 p. m. every other Suiulay (June 4 to 18. etc), JAMAICA, via Boston, st 7:0o p. ni. Tues day and Friday. (Also from New York on Saturday. See above). COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at 10:30 P. m. Tuesday. BUI r IISII HONDURAS. HONDURAS (F.ast Coast) and GUATEMALA, via New Or leans, at f.lo:30 p. m. Monday. (West Coast of Honduras Is despatched from New York via Panama see above ) NICARAGUA (East Coast I, via New Or leans, at 10:3o p. m. Wednesday. (West Coast of Nicaragua Is despatched from New York via Panama see above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE, via New Orleans, at 10:30 p. m., Sundov (after 10:.' p. m. biiudny and until sailing of New York steamer, mall for Panama, and Canal Zone Is held for the Now York steamer see above.) REGISTERED MAIL for overlnnd de spatches closes at t:o0 p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malls, Forwarded Over land Dally. The, schedule of closing of Transpaclfia Malls is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overlund transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malls (ex cept Registered Transpacific Mails de spatched via Vancouver, Victoria, Tncomii or Seattle, which close at 6 p. m. previous day) close at the General l'ost Office, NuW York, as follows: NEW ZEAUNll, AUSTRAJ.1A (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, HAWAII und FIJI ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at fi p. in. June 24 for despatch per s. s. Ventura, (if Cunard steamer carrying tho British mall for New Zealand does no' arrive lu lime to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing st 5:30 a. m., :30 a. m. and 6 p. ni.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6. p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). PHILL1PPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, vli San Francisco, close at (i p. m. June 25 for desjiatch per U. 8. Transport. HAWAII, JAPAN. i'OREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 li. m. June 26 tor de spatch per s. s. Doric. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via' San Francisco, close nt 6 p. m. June 24 for despatch per s. s. Mariposa. JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Malls), CORE A, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, . C close nt 6 p. m. June 27 for de spatch per s. s. Empress of China. HAWAII. JAPAN, CO RE A, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco close at 6 p. m. July 8 for despatch per 8. s. Manchuria. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at p. m. July 8 for despatch per a. s. Ala meda. FIJI ISLANDS, and specially addressed mail for AUSTRALIA and NEW CALE DONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, 13. C, close at 6 p. m. July 15 for despatch per s. 8. Mlowera. MANCHURIA (except Mukden. New chwang and Port Artl ur) and EASTERN SIBKRIA is at present forwarded via Russia. NO TE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and certain ' places In the Chinese Province of Yunnan, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines addressed "via Eu rope must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii is forwarded via San Fran cisco exclusively. WILLIAM R. WILLCOX, Postmaster. Post Office, New York. N. T. June 16, 1906 LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICE. Notice In an action of Multlplepolnding and Exoneration raised In the Court of Ses sion at Edinburgh, Scotland (Lord Ardwall, Ordinary, Mr. Ross, Clerk), nt tho Instance of Marcus John Brown, S. S. C, Edin burgh, and others, the surviving trustees appointed by and acting under trust dis position and settlement by the deceased Mrs. Hannah Martin, or Thomson, widow, who resided at Hawthorn Terrace, Loan head. Pursuers and Reul Raisers, against (first) Archibald Thomson, some time re siding In OmAha, Nebraska, U. 8. A., there after believed to have resided In Texas, U. S. A., but whose more particular ad dress, or whether he be alive, is to the Pursuers unknown; (second), the child or children of the said Archibnld Thomson, whose names, more full designations and addresses, or whether any are in existence, are to the Pursuers unknown; (third) The heirs In movables of the said Archibald Thomson, whose names, df slgnatlon8 and addresses are to the Pursuers unknown; (fourth) the heirs In movables of the said child or children of the said Archibald Thomson, If he any had; (fifth) John Thom son, M. B. C. M. Ardrle, Mrs. Margaret Thomson, or Roberts, wife of Thomas Roberts and residing with him formerly at No. 99 Chesson Road and now at No. 166 Gunterston Road, West Kensington, Lon don, and the said Thomas Roberts as her admlnlstrator-ln-law and for Us Interest as an lndlv'dual; Mrs. Janet Thomson, or Jameson, widow of Archibald Jameson, fish merchant, Edinburgh, and residing at No. 7 Nile Grove, Edinburgh; M.-s. Mary Thomson, or Allison, wife of and residing with Alexander Allison, M. D., Ioanhead, and the said Alexander Allison as her admlnlstrator-ln-law and for his Interest as an Individual; Alexander Milne Thomson, surgeon, residing at Southsea, England; William Brown Thomson, residing at Rainier, Columbia county, Oregon U. S. A.; Cornelius J. Thomson, residing at Waplnitla, Wasco county, Oregon, U. S. A. ; Mrs. Sarah Downie Thomson, or Eley, wife of and residing with Georgo Eley. No. 826 Hanford avenue, Iis Angeles, L'allfornla, U. S A., and the said George Eley as her admlnlstrator-ln-law and for his Interest as an Individual; Robert !wls Maltland Brown Thomson, W. S., residing at Moyle, British Columbia, Defenders, to determine, who has right to a legacy of .00 be queathed to the said Archibald Thomson, whom falling, to his daughter. The Lord Ordinary officiating on the Bills has pro nounced' an Inierlocutor, of which the fol lowing Is a copy: "ED1NHURGH. 3rd May, 1905. Act. Mac millan. The Ird Ordinary officiating on the Bills finds the Pursuers and Reul Raisers liable in once and single payment; ...,r,ints I ii 1 1 ii in 1 ion of the deiMdidcuce of this Hctlon to be made once In each of the Scotsman, New York Herald and St. Ixiula Democrat newspapers and in a newspaper published In Omaha. U. 8. A., and appoints all parties claiming an Interest in the fund In meillt) to lodge their condescendences and claims by the first Box duy In August next A- LOW . Of all which Intlmotlon is hereby given. M J. BROWN. SON & CO., S. 8. C, 7 North St. David Street, Edinburgh, Agents for tho Pursuers anil Real Raisers, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for a loo-horse power boiler complete will lie received at the office of the secretary of the Board of Education of the State Normal schools, capitoi build ing, Lincoln, Nebraska, up until 12 o'clock noon June 30, lime, for the State Normal school at Peru, In accordance with tlio specifications on file in the office of the secretary. Tho board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive de fects In same. By order of the Board of Education of the State Normal schools. J. U M BRIEN. Secretary. Jlfcdlot NOTICE. Bids will be received by the secretary of the Iloiird of Public Lands and Buildings, at the office of the secretary of stale, up to ) o'clock noon Saturday. July 1, lis, for two (2) dynamos for the Nebraska Hospital for Insane, at Lincoln. Nebraska, as per specifications now on file In the office of the secretary of state. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. OALUSHA, Secretary of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings. Je22df.tM BONDS FOR bALS. Rids are wanted on a $U.o00 Issue of refunding school bonds of School District No. One of Weston County, Wyoming, said Issue being In 10 bonds of $1.0oo each, bearing aix (0) per cent interest. Interest payuble semi annually The first bond of il (0 is payable 6 years from date of Issuo and une bond of ll.Ooo each year thereafter until paid. For further In formation address A. EVANS, Clerk of School Board. Newcastle. Wyo. M31d2ut m When You Write to Advertisers remember It only tagee an extra stroke or two of the pan to mention tha fast that you saw the ad. U To