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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1905)
TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: PATURDAY. JUNE 24. 1005. 13 I v 14 I GRAIN AND PRODUCE HAR&ET Eia ii Iadm HrMt Tuld and Berth Helps Balls. WHEAT SITUATION 13 VERY STRONG Cra U -Weak Hire ere I at s aaa Light Deaaaael Oats trB Exsxart Tn4-' Esti va mat lafavarahlc OMAHA. June 23, ICC. There was enough rain In Kmui har fields and in in northwest where dry weather Ik nmtid to ravine appre henslon. This, coupled with a strong cash situation, and Bnow a estimate of the winter wheat crop of oo.oco.eji bushels Jeas than showa In the government report, was the reason for a strong market. Minneapolis' re,rt that ita atocKi had decreased bf'.ffH busnels tor the week helped the feeling. July closed at WaSHlc; Beptember ut fcc. and December al (k'Ii.ic. Keofipta of f.i caia ct corn at Chicago, whsr only 447 were tpf?tfd. and nil ir.atea ol id rare for tomorrow, together with a alow demand, caused a falling oT in com prices. July closed at KV. old July at fcst3ijc. .September at b2ia.i.2ac. oar September ot i.c. December at t-Se Vid old Lecemher at !ic. CMta writ drone on exiiort demand. July finished at tiee, September at W3"4c and December at lc. he uvi pu ., v. . on &Hd higher on "wheat and higher on corn. Argentina wheat snlpments for the liixt week were J,H.( bushels, 2.71I."U" bushels for the previous ween and 1 7H2 buahels last J ear. Com shipment were 2.1iii,H) bushels for the luat week, against I.WS.0H1 the pre vloua week and 2 2ii.ii bushels I aft year. The east ill In the market for oat a yes terday, bidding l.lgne-r prices. Bales at Chicago aggregated 171 ex. bushels. Includ ing aei.efo bushel atandard. I'uluth soid 3i ivaj bushels and In two days haa sold ff ') hashein for eastern shipment. New 1 or, sold Hi.Vtt bushels for export. Iarae fal a of oats have been made at Mmnr j ila -In the last two days for shipment tc Seattle. Frrm today's Record-Herald: "-practl-a-ally all the No - hard later wheat that lias been held so long In the offlra of J. H. Wrtnn e Co ha been soul out The lam lot of Wi,0f ricshels was dUiosed of yes terday at jl ;.'. thus r.iar.iiig an aggre gate of about'Hi bushels In the last iree dsya The eastern miller who have erfn taking the wheat ai-e rushing the shipment One lot of Sfi.wo bushels sold edreiaay v. a loaded and cleared yester iy Itr Puffalo The total stork of No. 2 fia-d winter wheat In public elei-ator at the close of business last Saturday was 611 "CO bushels All told there was a storA eof frlMm bushels contract, of which i?".'K iure v is No. 2 red winter and 13.000 Imshel (f No. 1 northern spring. It is "ierted that the stuck of contract wheat In Chicago public elevators tomorro night will be less tbsn WO.WiO bushels muiinp oemana witn heat so near shows era liave been work- aa been a hand-to uring tre last two livs tbrre ha been ab-'ut l.Iiin sacks of iyw wlr.ter wheat received at Pt Louis. 'I this his sold promiitly on arrival to couMrv mlllT" were waltlnir for It. Xost of It -as dispfised of at P.. Italtl more had Ita first arrival of new wheat vesler".ay. W bushels. The gTain was of poc- ous'l'v srd In poor condition and sold at Tbfc." Ornasia Cash galea. CON 'o. S. 1 car. OATS-No. 4 white, Sc. Oanabn Casb i'rleea. tVHEAT--No. haid. tv'STlc; So. t hard, ry; N. hard St; N, spring. (c CORN No. I, !"e; No. t. 4c; No. , 4.c: no grade, CSfcc; No. t yellow, 60c: j:o yellow. tivc; No. I white, hoc; No. i white, 49VsC OAT-.j. ? mixed. Be; No mlTd. I'fVic; No. 4. mixed. 27'c: No. ! white. :Se; No. I white. 7ti No. 4 white, 2Sc; stand ard. rS4c. '.a riot Receipts. Wbat- Corn. Oats ' ' h tunepcy of the ml threililig of hew whei tir Vw c'osely the rrl'.'.ers i .') Z-7 V x nB. for months It ha V f moutn pi-oposl'lori. pu V Hd: futures, firm; July, 4s d; September, a cmcAu6 GRtn aid moviMOJs Peatares ef the Tradlag til Claalag Prleea Board af Trade. CHICAGO, June Prt.sp rts of a greatly diminished rield of heat caused artle buying todar bv shorts At the rl wheat for July delivery was up Vyc. Corn is down r. tia's are up 4,i;y and provisions show TV'ilV- gain. The wheat market was strong the entire session. Influenced by rains in Kansas where hnrvesnnr is In progress opening quotations showed considerable gain, with the July option up H'aNc to ,'gric at !"H1rMc. Shorts and commission houses were active buyers. tVith only s-ant of ferings In sltht prleea quickly made fur ther adxances. rtoon after the opening bulls received fresh encouragement from a rport by a Minneapolis crop expert. According to the report the total vleld of fall sown wheat will iM'.j.n to J7n (i.frti hu.. Instead of 4j.i,(ii.-.ii bu. as indicated by official statistics June 1. Ad ditional bullish sentiment was aroused by a report from a Ft. Ixiuls trade Journal claiming that throughout the southern sec tion of the wheat belt the crop, both In quality and yield, would be below an av erage one. A number of bearish advices were received. Sentiment in the pit was apparently little affected by them, the riarket gaining constantly in strength. For July the highest point of the day Has reached at mc. Iiurlng the last half hour several prominent holders were liberal sellers. In the mar ket failed to hold fat the highest level. The close, however, wss strong with July at ilitiWie. September closed with a gain of lVc at 8fc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 73.n bu Exports for the week as shown by Pradstreets' were equal to !7a.lM bu. Primary receipts were 2X2. " bu . compared with "2.7UO bu a year ago. Minneapolis. Puluth and Chi cago reported receipts of V cars, against i'S cars last week and 241 cars a jrear ago. Early In the session the corn market was firm. mln1y In symriathy with wheat loiter a distinctly weak tona develop1 on heavy selling by a Wading long, lib eral receipts here and at all primary points furnished the principal bais for the selling pressure Another teaTi.'h factor was the weakness of cash corn. The mar ket closed weak with prices almost at tt-e lowest point. Julv opened, S,c to c higher at Hc to 54Vc. sold off to 63:.o and closed at 53U;p. September closed at a loss of Sc at ifr'i'Sfi' c Ixol receipts were S'.'l cars with MR cars of contract graces. Shorts were active bidders for oats and with only small offerings the market had a strong undertone. The advance in wheat had considerable Influence. July opened a shade to 'ne hlchcr at Kc to S'-'Vc. sold uo to J.'Hc snd closed at 22e. Local re op'rts were lid cars. Provisions were strong as a result of hlrher prices for live hogs following de creased receipts At the close September pork was uo lac at 112 96. Lard was i.p TWr t $7.6f. Ribs were llic higher St r7K7Vi7.!'. Kftlmatid receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. cms: corn, 633 cars; oats, 97 cars; hogs, 12.0(0 head. Thr leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcks.! Op n. 1 Hlgh.l Low. Close ! Tts 7. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Koremect to Adrtsce Viltel Continue and FuTlLe: FrcjreEj ii Mada. Whent Julv Sept. Lxc. Uuly tJulv tSepi. tSept. ;Utc. July ' Sept. Dec. I-ot K July Sept. Lsrrt July Sept. Ribs July Sept. Oct. PIS! I I V 91(fr 90 M S7.4, MSS5 JS MS M I ,v; 1 .32 GV I SIS. MN,' M hSW MS 63i rJH'ciS o24 bVt f?a: i2W MUS Sltstril 49 I 4S'. 4:, RISE IS NOT EVENLY DISTRIBUTED Late Market la Easy oa Rrallilag aa4 the Close Is lrregalar Galaa Are Creatly Hedared. NEW YORK, June 23. The organised movement for the advance in prices of stocks continued today and further prog ress as made. The market was on about the same se-ale of activity as for setrxl Qays pitst. Tije moveinent. licevcr, shuwcNl less consistency than ou yesterday or the day before. This was owing to the dis position to take profits In stocks which had led the previous advance with the advantage offend by pushing up new stocks to sustain the market. The rutatlon through the list was also less complete than yesterday. The day s gains as a con-J sequence are less widely distributed ana the high prices of the day were less evenly maintained. The weight of selling to reailre seen. a to show a progressive increase tbe further prices advanca and proved less easy to absorb today than heretofore. The same spirit which dissuades holders from selling their stocks Is expected to lead new buyers to come Into the market. New buyers thus far have not mads their pres ence conspicuous. The selling for London account was a special burden today, the foreign tnarkets being unsettled by renewed anxiety over the Moroccan situation. Oper ators In stocks, however, showed the same disposition to ignore unfavorable factors as for several days past. The prospect of criminal suits In the Equitable Life af fair was cited even as helpful to the mar ket, owing to the thoroughgoing nature of the reform thus Indicated, iioth the wjieat and cotton markets were decidedly un settled by reports of conditions against the crops. Nevertheless the giang.-r slocks we re rromlnent In the day s advance and were resorted to In the shift from the Pennsylvania group. In which there was selling to reallee on yesterday's advance. The market showed none of Its former sen sitiveness to the reiteration of the presi dent s views on control and regulation of corporations contained In his reports yes terday. The demand for the Pacifies was accompanied bv renewed rumors of a com ing dividend in Southern Pacific. The principal buyer of the stock proclaimed his willingness to wager large sums as to the early declaration of a dividend, but no official confirmation on this subject was to be had. The week's currency movement has re sulted in a large accumulation here, es timations running to as high as $i. .. including routine exchanges with the in terior, transfers through the subtreasury from Sun Francisco, payments on account of receipts ol Klondike gold and on ac count of the regular fiscal operations of the government. A strong bank return is therefore expected. The buying sub sided considerably during the altemoon and the closing was distinctly esy, with the gains reduced to fractions and a strag gling array of small losses. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. K.liKMKXl. United Slates bonds were all unchanged on ca.ll. Following were the sales and range prices on the Stock, exchange today: ersl fund, exclusive of the rmiwi gold reserve In the division of re-derT'lon. shows- Available cash balance, H37.e .1-E ; gold, $4o.7.".6"9. REPORT OF THE CLEARING 1IOI E Traasarllsai t tbe Aaawrlatea Daiki DairlasT Meek. NEW TPRK, June 22 -The following table, complied by Irilstreet. shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended June 12. with the percentage of Increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding aeek last year: CITIES. Clearings I Inc. I Dea. 32 V !2V31v'&: 31S I 112 M I 12 6 I 12 SJS 12 'H 4ilt SlVy1 1 12 fifl I 12 5 27H ' 42 hi ' 3 1 ' 52V 1 ' fTTV ' SKI 1 f-V 7 22V 7 42", I 7 rrv 7 77V 7 is 1 7 so 7 50 1 7 S7V 7 if" I 7 fc'V 3H 12 474 12 HO 7 22V 7 42V 7 65 7 77V 7 B2V, Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis , Omnha PmJuth Bt, Louis .... 1 . 41 .147 . It . 20 . 10 H2 42 K 110 4 Mlaneapolla Grata Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as repcTtrd by the Ld wards- Wood com pany, 110-111 board of Trade, was: Articles ! Open I Hlgh.l Low. 1 Close. Tes y. Wheat ' July . Sept . Dec . 1 1 ,i "sw; 1 iv 9"V t I OS 1 I 0 1 rrs! 89V Wis. 1 1 os "Si T 87 I 5a WEATHER IX THE CRAIX BELT Savowery tad raaettlea Coadltloas Caatlaae la Xearlr All PortUsa, OMAHA. June 23, 1S. E ho aery and unsettled weather con tinues general In alJ portions of the coun try except the southwest, where little or no precipitation has occurred since the last report. The rains of the last twenty four hours were qul's heavy at points in the Missouri and lower Mississippi val leys. A fall ot 2.75 Inches waa lecorded ut Grand Island, 106 Inches at Columhua, Neb., and 1.62 Inches al Concordia, Kan. The outlook is f.-ivorable for showers and slightly warmer tn the central valleys tonight and probably Saturday. Omaha reco.-d of temperature and precl- S nation compared with the corresponding ay Of the last three rears: 1W. ir4. 19m. 1K Minimum temperature.... ! (T B Precipitation 08 M . 00 Normal temperature for today, 71 de grees. reenrtenrr tn precipitation sltica March 1, 4 II inches. Ienclency corresponding period tn 1904. Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In lMt, LS tnchea., OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp Rain. Stations. Max. Min. Incites. Sky. Ashland. Neb.... 7G 61 .3$ Cloudy Auburn, Neb 75 64 .00 Cloudy' Columbus, Neb.. 71 So J OS Cloudy Falrbury. Neb... HO' 57 . 75 Raining J-airmont. Neb... 71 M . Raining Or. Island, Neb. 75 M J 76 Cloudy Hartlngion. Neb. M 44 .1! Cloudy Oakdale, Neb 65 i .31 Cloudy Omaha. Neh 74 M .0 Raining Tekamah. Neb... 7$ .23 Raining Carroll. Ia 71 ' Cloudy Clarlnd. Ia T7 a .00 Cloudy Sibley. Ia 44 .( Cloudy Sloug City, Ia ... 4 T Cloudy Storm Lake. Ia.. 87 tt .00 Cloudy No. 2. tOld. IXrw. PMwh toleration V ere nr follows. FLOCR Steady : winter patents. $4 20-& 4.J"; straights. $.1 ffiffM.10: spring patents. $a Kri5.70; straights. Si.iSigS X; bakers, $2.40 IjS Ol. WHKAT-No. 2 spring. tllCKTllS; No. I, $l.'tl s; No. 2 red. $1(6. CORN No. 2. f4Vc; No. 2 vellow. 54V-C. OATg-No. 2. 32c; No. 2 white, STagaic; No. 1 white, S2-?i33c. RYE No. 2. 7Kc. BARLEY Good fedlng, 40342c; lair to choice malting. 4ti(&47c. ivEKI S No. 1 lfax ll.S; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.43; prime timothy, $3. Clover, con tract er.(i,. i-H.7r.1l 12 2o PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.55 12 80. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7 22 V6 7.25. Short ribs sides (loosei, $7 7.75; short clear Sides (boxed!, $7.607.6JV Receipts and shipments of grain and f.out sere as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 14 tv-f. 51 ,300 Wheat, bu 2.10 47.2'io Corn, bu 412.00 243J Oats, bu 157. fl"0 71.K Rye, bu l.0 Barley, bu 37.40 4.3'0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was hteady. creameries. lc: dilries, liffilSc. Fg-ss easy: at mark, cases included, 13c: firsts. 13"-ic; prime firsts, choice malting. 4(Vu4!-c. of Adams Rxnress . Amalgamated Copper 57.8"0 & r.. Sales.High.Low.Close 82V 4'a ?2 4" 2-10 1I loO 81 34--, 6--V 32', 2 6,8u0 B.fioO 2-0 3 R'H S 40 15.2HI 2nn , . 15,400 . 24 i $7 is"' 48V 113 lit 12V 137V . ins 83V 104 1C1 111V " 1514 34 ii" i- 112V 117 120V m 96 10FV 82. 104 K IK'S (Viv 151 rv-, 31 'x 91 2rV 1,5 2.9O0 B2-, 61' 200 6. WW 1.1O0 16.W0 78V isV 1H81, 1T7S TtEW YORK GENERAL. MARKET (taotatloaa Varlons 400 2)10 1 2"0 1.2 1(0 2i0 10 97H 44V 271, 58V 37V lSs 9V 47V 187V 100 2SV $3 '4 60 .t 17 K W .10 13 72 S2 T 11 so V) ,i 18 W M .10 1 t4 C .22 tl 4 .12 li 73 51 -44 U C f -03 H8TRICT AVERAOES. No. of Trmp Rala. Central. Statlona, Max. Min. Inches. Shicago, 111 olumbus, O Pes Moines, la... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City. Mo. Louisville, Ky.... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb Bt Louts. Mo ... L. A. WELSH. Uexsai Faracaataf'. Weather Bureau. a. Iesals Oaaaral Market. ST. LOCIS. June WHEAT-Hlgher; No. t red. cash, elevator, iVc: track. IK; July. aJS9V;: fiptember, srtec; No. X hard. liiaval tC. CORN-Loaer; No. t cash, UVc; track, BSVc; July. 1V:; Weember. 4frc. OATS Steady; No. rash, lie; track JIVc; July, Hc; September, IVc; No. 2 white. 33c. FIXL"R 43uiet and steady; red winter natenta $4 !! 00; extra fancy and straight, i4 1bfl4 76; clear $3.1tf-94 (. SEEr Timothy, nominal. $2.00(3140. V ORNM EAL Steady, $2 U BRAN Slow and gtaady; sacked, east track. 75S7c timothy. TIES-Wo. $5a-l.0O; lobbing, $4 75. Prv HAY-lV hanged; prairie, isusniinj. IRON COTTON HEMP TW1SE-4H4 wi . PKOVISIONS Pork. higher; rm I jnt higher: prime steam, wrMtm steady -. boxed extra shorts. $75V: claar "Iba. $7 75; ahort clears. $ 0). hares stead v: loxed extra shorts. $8X7V; 1. k. t8 trw: short clear. $ 7w liL'TTER Unchanged; creamery, 105 21c; elairy. lSifiC. EtKlS Julet,llc ease count tni't THT-'irtli: chickens. Wc prtngs. I4lc; turkeys, lie; gucaa. Mjluc; geeaa. 6jc, Receipts Shipments Flexir. bbla. . Vbeat. bu..., Corn, km Ciata, bu t UieO .10 it ..! KU IT.on 4S.0KI of tke Day oa Commodities. NEW YORK. June 23. FLOI'R-Recelpta. 10.31 blls.; exjorts. Z.m brls.- Market, firm alth trade quiet; winter patents, $4 90 fc525: winter straights, $4.w;n4.80; Minnesota patents, $6.506 26; winter extras, H.1(K&36; Miniie-sota bakers $3.7f.(fi4 15; winter low grades. $3.(Knci3.55. Rye tlour, quiet: fair to good $4 in"l4 10; choice to fancv. $4 i4.!0. CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and vel low. $1.25; coarse,; kiln dried. 2. Ssj 63U0 BARLEY Dull; feeding. 46c, c. I f. New York; malting. 46SJ- c. c. L f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 7.800 l.u.; spot mar ket, firm; No. 2 red. $1.05 in store; No. 2 red. $1.0t, nominal, f. o. b. at.oat; No. 1 northern. Iuluth. $1.20,. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manltolea, 1112. f. o. b. afloat The wheat market was strong and active all day on a scare of shorts resulting from heavy rains tn the southwest, bullish spring wheat news, poor threshing returns and strong bull support. It finally yielded slightlv to realising and closed Irregular at WlVc ret advance. July, Hf.S,!rrt6 $-16c. closed at 9tic: September. R9'u!sc, closed at WSc; Iecember, K8VK'Vc, closed at 8SVc. CORN Receipts. 22. 2.7V bu : exports. 11.715 mi: spot market, easy; No. J. 6Vc, ele vator, and tile f. o. b. afloat; No. I yel low. 2c; No, 2 white. (71V The oriion market was quiet and generally wea'ter lu-cause of good crop news and big car lot estimates, closing V"TC net lower. July. SsvtitieVc. closed nt 5Vc; Be-ptember, ifi'.fftOVc closed at 58t,c. OATS Reeelots, r;.aK bu. : exports. :s.3.tx bu. : stxt market, firm; mixed oats, 16 tt lbs.. SSVBc; natural white. 3i to 22 lbs. Wuc; clipped white, 3 to 40 lba.. $74lW;. HAY Quiet: snipping. ervwV" HuPS Steady; stute. common to choice, 19i4 crop, 24e: 19il crop. 21jj23c: olds. IS il2c; Pacific coast, 1K-4 crop. 24'327c; 1903 crop. 2t22r. olds, liunx HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs. Joe: Califo'nia 21 to 25 pounds, luc; Texas dry. 24 to so lbs . lKVc. LKATHEK tniii; acid, :'r-c. PROVISIONS Bef. steadv; r.l.5C(jl4 ; mess. tlO.OoigU.W: I'2 "a iJI-oiy, extra inaia mess. 2? 50 Cut meats, steady: pickled tx c W10 e pickled slioulders. $5 5o(ii 00 pickled hams, n-malc a lard, dull, west ern steamed. $7 25; refined, steady; conti nent. $7.35; South America. $8 15; compound. $! 37V 'V Pora. quiet: familv, $15 . 16 So short clear. $11. Ottg 15.00; mesa, $13.37V fcU 75. TALLOW Steady: city r$2 per rg ). Vc; countr (package freei. 4Vc RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, $V fjtV; Japan, nominal. BL'TTEK Steady nd unchanged: re ceipta S id pans : street price, extra cream ery. H'VI'Sc. Official prleea, creamery, com mon to extra. 17V130V: state dairy common to extra. 15V&2"c; renovated common, to extra, l"Vtl,c; western factory, common to extra UV&1&?: western Imitation cresamery, common to extra, lbtilsc. CHEESE Steady and unchanged, rViOft-Uuiet and unchanged. POULTRY Alive, ejulet ; western spring chickens. 22c: fomla. 13c; turkeys. 15c. Dressed, steady; western broilers. Ha25c; fowls, 104512VC-. turkeys. 1Ssi17c MlaaaMlla Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 23 FIXH R-Flrst patents. $tl l3 20; se -onrt patents, $5 ra .; first clears, $4.!i4.10; second eleara, 7Mi WHEAT July, $1.0: September. December. f7c; No. 1 hard. $1 14: northern, $1.12; No. I northern. $1.08 22 ( 8.500 HO 6.200 1.3"ti 100 4SV 4-'V Sov G 174, 1B7V l'if-H 78V 19V 196V 175V V7 4::V 27V 37V 189V V 4V 187 4?.'t 41V 79V 67 174V I'alea ered Market. TOLEDO. Jjne . SfED Clove r. Oej tnhee 2H: tTtme alaike. $7 4t; August alsike, H-W. priaie timothy. Ui'V llrrrsaal Grata Market. ITtTRPOOL. Jan ti. "W HEAT Spot, romlnal; futures steady: July s livd: aWeetTr IXwiIkt, 4a M. CO AN--i pot, ttrna; AmcrKAn siiaed, ta family, packet. $22 im4J bellies. American C do pfd American Cotton Oil do pfd American Express Amer. H. & L pfd.... American Ice sec American Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive.... do pfd American B. & R do pfd Amer. Sugar Refin... Amer. Tobacco p. c. Anaconda Mining Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic CoaFt Line, Baltimore A Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Cheasapeake Ohio Chicago k Alton do pfd Chicago O. W Chicago & N. W C. M. ft St. P Chicago T. eb T do pfd C. C. C. St L.... Colorado F. k I Colorado & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Delaware A Hudson. Delaware. L. & W.... Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Testifiers' Securities Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry. Mexican Central Minneapolis A St. L. M . 61. P. & S. St. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Missouri, K. at T do pfd National Lead N. R K. of M. pfd... New York Central N. Y . O. at W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania .... Peoples Gas P.. C. C. St L Pressed Ste-1 Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Reading ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd , Republic Steel ... do pfd Rock Island Co.. do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. 6. F. 2d pfd. Bt. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific . do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Tennessee C. ek I. Texas Pacific .. T . St L. & W do pfd I'nlon Pacific do pfd V. 8 Express V. S. leather do pfd V. S. Realty V. S. Rubber do pfd I". S. Steel do pfd Va.-Caro. Chemical do pfd Wabash do pfd Wei Is-Fargo Er press Westlnghouse Eiec... Western I'nlon Wheeling ek L. E ... Wisconsin Central... Ex-dividend. Total sales for the day. $75,700 shares. joo 2o0 $.1' 1.100 1.700 8.eVm 2,700 20 78V TV 54 147V 1S 81V 12T.V 21S 7. two 5"0 J00 $.500 $.0 4.310 W0 5M 67. (Ml , 1.2o PKI i' 1SR.H4I 1.211 jm tytn li 40 $ (mo 100 OlO 3 Ml 2i0 ... 50.400 ,.. 7.3 ... 4m ... S. son .. .1G4.5H ... 1U0 11 28V 03 44V 144 52 83 l'V. S9V 140 inr4 38V 9'.'V Ets lV 81V 89V lV T87 7r.v S3 C7V -3V nv MV 12-V 32V 97 82V v 57V 127 19V 78V 15 54 147V 1MV 81 125 21 100 2SV 62 44V 144" 51V KTV 10fV 39V 139V 10? 77 S8'V 92V 2.18 91V 89V 18V 75V S 75V S3 gBV 23V t;i s 120i 31V 97 nv 34 67" 12s 100 KCV 107V li 20 i Vi aa 40.5-10 PKl $) 4U 3-10 rv 103V xV 9V J5 V 109 19 4V ii" vv ' 'V 97V '-V IK 19V 9V ia" 4 6"0 23V 2$ 18 41 4V 112V 117V 120 137V 13 1'8'V 82V 103 V ItiO 110V 9fiV STV 151V 2o0 51V 33 75 19V 19HV 175V 17 11 V 7V 43 V 58 37 190 9V 47 187V 370 : 88 42V 42 79V ti7V 174V 91 V 3ei V 19V v 2 81V 23 49 26 53V 147V lt'4 81 125 21V 54 11V 160 101 V 28 C2 44 . 34 V 144 61 82V 2 loV 3u V 1T.IV 102 7fi i 92 V 23'i 97V 91 89 V 18V 75V ? ,5 23 101 t 23 c.V rav 12"V 31V 9CV 81V 34 V 3M, j7 UOV "V 122 12V lisV 89 V se; 1(8 3-V 36 1 19V 40 2S'l MS 93 V, KV 23 New York Chlc-ago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg San I'rancisco tinclnnati I-'altlmore Kansas City New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Louisville Detroit Milwaukee ....e OMAHA Providence I. cis Angeles Buffalo Indianapolis Pt Paul Memphis St. Joseph Richmond Denver Columbus Seattle Washington Savannah A 1 ba n v Portland. Ore Fort Worth Toledo. O Atlanta Salt Lake City "Rochester Peoria Hartford Nashville SK'kane, Wash Des Moines Tacoma New Haven Grand Rapids Norfolk Dayton r Portland. Me Springfield. Mass... Augusta. Ga Evansville Sioux City Birmingham Syracuse Worcester Knoxvllle Charleston. S C ... Wilmington, Del Wichita Wllkesbarre Davenport Little Rock Topeka Chattanooga Jacksonville. Fla.... Kalamazoo, Mich... Springfield. Ill Fall River Wheeling. W. Va... Macon Helena Lexington Akron Canton. O Fargo. N. D Youngstown New Bedford Rockford. Ill Ixwell Chester. Pa Blnghamton Bloomlngton. Ill Springfield. O Grensburg. Pa Qulncy. Ill Decatur. 11! Sioux Falls. S. D... Jacksonville. Ill Mansfield. O Fremont. Neb Cedar Rapids tHouston tGalveston Totals. V. S Outside New York. 14 5 . 2H 0 . 1.-, s 23 9 . 9 I . V. . 28 8 . "i i . 15 o . 83 . 7 8 . 15 4 .. 1" 8 .... 25 4 .... 5c; 7 .... 17 3 .... 0 7 14 I1.4n7.144.r.$' l" 2W I 1?2 3 8.27n 111.U11.167' 54. 2" 729 47.929.19t 41 am' 25.4-l.iM' . L1.7W.325 21.477 .6T51 19,7"" 12.Hf.l.f.S 1.'"V 428 0 7;r 4', ll.674.eWS 7.7n;.121, 8.C-..4 971' f "22 rW 6.'i31.997, C.2M."28 6-71.213'. 4 H3 8118 4.424.C19 6. 40.4O1 fi.3M.l'.4: li;..l'Oi, 5 w74 2"" 6 116 73 8.983. k: 4 "elk. 132 1 S.946.9451 4.019. 41-4-4 o?l 271 2.99.1 097 4.2'..S"2 1.4'.5.:i82: 2 '.' 513 1 2.e!8S.M2 2 r.c-,1',.08-' ; 9;n 2.74L 677! 3 1X1.271 1.977. 3M' 2 ''29 518 1.721 '91 l.Ol. 637' 1.P27.917 l.fl.OW 1. 13.891' 1.394.722 1.7K..-2" 1.521.-!9' 1.55S.752' l..V:i.2'0, l.SO" 429' 1 tain l':9 947 ST1" 1.135.709 l.Plo.l-fi f.3.4';c.' K.4.149 849.217' t,ii, cuq. 1.0707l! 27.3 721. 4-' 9.5 7K7.5R01 7.2 744.r.3' 777.474 411.719 "94.241 641.517 49i.3"'' 423 (: 6Afi fi 29 522.9'-w3 29s ce,;y M9.3ol 4r7.0f1 S'.S C7 4'7.'"i 4'.8.049 S"8.297 3,V,.i27 261 91 2W 792' $r 2.797; 24' '."y'l 4Mi45fli 2.831.178. 9.135.0o0; 0 ii A II A LIVE STOCI MARKET Cattle EeoeipU Light with Trading ActiTt and Pricfi Eteaij. HOG TRADE SLOW WITH PRICES HIGHER Sheep) Market Fully Steady with Rev relpts Coaalatlng Largely ef Idah Graaarra Car ot and Lam be Oi 0 4 7 . 6 2 . 4.1.1 . v 33 71. 84 9 ... 27 1 ... 11 8 ... 23.7... 27 6 ... 18 5 ... 33 4 ... 61 8 ... 38 9 ... 47 7'... 17 9 ... ST. 3 ... 32 7 ... 20 3 ... G3 0 ... in 3 ... 7.8 ... in 0 ... 12 4 ... 12.9 ... 17 6... 70 4 ... 32 0 . . . 44 2 ... fi" 4 ... 16 0 0 5'... 7 0 ... 12... 12. I 11 ! 6 1 Receipts were: Official Monday ifcial Tii"edav fifrlal Wednesday, (imclal Thursday .. t'fflcial Friday IT Sal tloga. Fheep. 13 VI 11 710 IS 9. 12 649 4 avt 6 oni 1 747 2.857 17.T9 7 4 15.079 17116 2.2'5 11. 871 Five dsys this week. .19.141 68.31 Five davs last week .17 6 22 64. W Some days week before. .19 3V C.ri Ssme three eeka ago. .22 1-8 4 7 .913 Same four weeks ngo. M.ti Snme davs last year. .. .11.624 48.0C7 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, begs and sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last yeHr: 1916 10' 4 Inc. tee Cattle 418 lor, 443 T18 16.112 Hogs 1 22.cw3 1 29V t"4 67.7S1 Sheep 721.502 8fi.(W 68.6S The following table shows the average price of hogs at Sojth Omaha for tne last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1X 11904. '1903 11902. 1901. '19K).;i89J. June June June June June June June June June June .lune I 5 1JV 4 53! 5 93' I S 70; 4 68 60 .1 6 lv 4 4v 7 07 1 4 U " .111 I 4 49! 6 9V T ll I 70! 1 6S ! I 4 54' a 85 7 let' 6 71! 4 83 .' 6 yoXt' i R 78 1 ti: 6 701 4 911 2 5" 1 6 S2V S 63' 5 771 7 15' B Tl' 4 94! m .! 24Si 4 68 I 5 2T.', 4 C8 I 5 17 I 4 ft .1 1 an,! 4 74 I 4 78 I 181 6 761 4 961 1 7 5 80' I I 78 6 021 I fil 5 86 7 21' I a 10. 1 1 1 00' 7 20 81 I 1 S9 R 03 T S0 6 911 t 001 1; w r M 4 " t 11.. I 6 16V 4 81' 6 071 7 18 & S3 4 SG 1 64 14. .1 S 12V 4 84! 17 311 6 61! 4 88 IK 16.. I 6 19V 4 81' 8 W 1. .1 6 22 4 87' 01 17.. i 5 20 I 4 91 6 94 18..! I 4 92' 6 97' 19.. I 6 1SV i 6 94 ?"..' ' 14V 6 on 5 v 21.. I 6 11 ' 5 ei- 22..! 6 12V 5 nr.! 5 83 23 . 1 : 5 05 i 77 June 12.. 1 6 l. .'tine June June June June June June June June June June l r .. I it It e ls I t4 n ex I 11 ri in IK I rv, is f if- it M tr .. I n f s4 ia I it tl r3 .. 4 i"va Tt 44 . I it V. I .1 1"S ij irei t 11 a:. r i 1 " it f. io I it if ;. I 1: n r i no I it T 40 4 11 n m . . 1 11 n t'4 . i"s 1 tn . . 1 it rt ? in 1 rn Tt t:4 lli IK 1 lei SO I ITi, 71 !3 I I II S I US II i" f 111 tt til if I :" M !M 10 I II t? o I Vv U M .. I II 71 1.4 ISO I JTw f MS 1M I II It I 111) 4 11 H 140 I i 7 ItJ . I 17t 6 t" 4 I II 77 1S1 If I 11 rr it" I 11 t i ' I K tt I II 71 St't . . I 10 e re k 1 11 se l- M I M M I I let I II XI 1M . II" it res . . 1 11 -n iM i 1 n 17 t to 1 h j m 4.k. 1 ' 40 Il SO I li 71. f'l to I 9 M m e I 11 n H iw lit 14 rt 10 I n Kt 11 ill. jo - .. t 11 f f an I to n . 1 ii ice 114 too l 10 - ?'. ISO I II I" 114 4- I 10 to 13 110 111 74 ;?o so I to t.: )n 1 11 71 JiJ .. I tt 11 ;o ;y 1 11 SHEEP There was a fair run of sheep here for a Friday, about ten cats bclr.r. on sale. Nine cars of the receipts were Jdiho grass ewes and earlings anil were In good condition. There was a good, strong tone to the Hading and buvers seemed to want the stuff As has been the case for some time, there was a good demand for any thing desirable snd trading was active. The stuff had to be eorteM and It was a little late before the market opened, but never theless a clearance was made In good season. A bunch of the ewes sold ur to 14 80. The market ruled generally a little stronger than yesterday and has 1oen in very satisfactory shape all the week. QllOtRtlo-, f - e., f4 frtoe- ' to choice lambs, 16 Offiej 25; fair to good lambs. tr- '.tCfl giMect let ehole venri-ri'-s 8 t.f 6 50 fair to good I4.764i5.00; good to choice we'hrrs. M.75e5.2: fair to gcxd wethers. I4 26M4 75; good to choice ewea, 4Xtl4e3fi; fair to good ewea, 14 00(34 10. Representative sales: No I Idaho ewes, grass culls.. 177 Idaho ewes, grass S Idaho ewes, grass 1 western bucks 2V Idaho ewes, grass 197 Idaho ewes, grass joo Ids ho ewes, grass 114 we stern lambs Ar. Pr. .9 I 00 , 87 1 M .71 1 60 .93 4 00 .93 4 ?" .9 4 36 ,97 4 W .71 6 0 ' 49 5 86 4 H 1 64 I 4 90 3 2 8 81 I I w 6 88 5 02' 6 4 94 e on I 6 R9' 5 00' i 13 6 it: 6 89 6 e ' 1 64 8 71 3 d 1 C6 1 63 Indicates Sunday. v The official number ff cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle Hogs. Sheep. U ses 16.7 1 2 7.1 21 S 18 9 S5 5 ... 14 7 ... 58.7 ... 66 0 ... 14.3 .. C . M. St. P. Rv. Wabash Mo. P. Ry 27 V. P. svstem 6 C. & N. W. Ry F.. E M V. R. R. 11 C, St P.. M. O. Ry. 3 B. & M. Rv IS C, B. A- Q. Rv 1 C., R. I. tc P. Rv , E. 2 C. R I. & P. Rv., W. .. Illinois Central 1 j Chi. Great Western. 2 14 5 ... ISO 21.6 I 5 2 4 39 12 61 15 24 16 6 1 S 4 176 10 85 0'. 18.5 . 0 1 4 2 . 12 8 , 44:i' 19.6 .... 1 7 17.8'.... 6 3.... 9 7 .... 71.7 .... 75.1..... S3 1 .... 23.9 .... 36.4.... 9 3 Total receipts 67 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, earh buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buvers 11 Omaha Packing Co. . Swift and Compar.y .. Cudahy Packing Co. . Armour & Co 1 Swift ,v Co., country j Vansant & Co i Carey & Benton I'bman Co Hill & Huntiinper ... L. F. Husx Cudahy Bros. & Co. Mike Haggertv J. B. Root & Co Grey Packing Co. ... Other buyers Cattle. Hogs Sheep. 1- 32 3'18 917.016' 27 6., .! 901. 618.102 18.3,, CANADA. B. C... Montreal . Toronto ... Winnipeg' . Ottawa ... Halifax ... Vancouver, Queteec Hamilton St. John, N. B. London, Ont Victoria. B. C. Totals 23.644.502' 17.9-77,2161 6.16. 5:2 2.376,92 1.549.961' 1.877.308 l.79.747 1.259. S:8! 1.114.759: 951.117! 654.144! 20 fti.. 14 '.. 17 .. 102 2 030 347 3 429 270 S.K"9 546 162 2.943 1.190 77 15 12 1 6 1 124 1 5 124 80 848 991 12.536 2,880 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MtBKET Cattle Steady Ilosa Fire Cents Higher Laraba Higher. CHICAGO, nine 23. -CATTLE Receints. 2.000 head, including 9T Texans; market steady; good to prime, 15.2r.ejiu iv poor to medium, t3 75i6.1(': Blockers and feeders. S2 5ocg4 50; cows. $2S"i4; heifers. 12.5-- 6.41; canners. 11. 40532 5"; bulls. 12.25y4.0o; cahes, 13.lMjj6.50; Texas fed steers, fc4.i'(a 4 80. HOOSpece-lpts. ir.kHi head: estimated to morrow, 12,0n0 head; market 5c higher; mixed and butchers. 15 l.Vfl." 4'i; good to choice heavy, ;..3.Vc6.42; rough heavy, 14 70 icir.l'i; light, 15.2ocjj6.4v, bulk of sales, S5.1V I&5.40. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Pereipts. 8.000 head; sheep steady: lambs loi25o higher; good to choice wethers. 4 &4i5.5; fair to choice mixed. S3.5oii4.40; western sheep. I3 75(ci5.10; native lambs, including spring lambs, S4.5v57.(Ii; western lambs, S5.0iS5.5U. 8.8:. 15.1.. IS 8 . 17.7 . 2 1. 11.2. . 1 0.7 1 59.063.636; 15.0. Balances paid in cash. tNot included in totals because containing other items tnan clearings. Kew York Money Market. XEW YORK. June 23. Money on call, easv; highest. " jk r ce"nt ; lowest. 2 per cent; ruling rate. 2- per cent; last loan. 2l per cent: closing bid. 2 per cent ; offered at J1 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days. 3 per cent: ninety days, 3 per cent; civ K. (Tt4 rer cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 1 ruled ! per cent. I nrDi ivn rVPUlKfiF Plrmpr with ant,u' business in lianiters' bills at 94 8705 C14.S710 for demand and at 14.8515114 K20 for sixty day bills: posted rates. 14 88; commercial bills. 14.8; BAR SlLVER-58c; 45Vc GOVERNMENT BONDS Steady ; rail road bonds irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were: V. g. ret zi. re ...104 JMin 4. tits 101 j do eoupon 1U4' t j ti aeriea W1 , C Is. ref 1 do 4Si. Clt It an coupon in L tc is. um. w i r g ar 4a. reg 1st MauUittnn c. 1. 4a do coupon Mca. CntnU 4k... V a. old 4. nt I do 1. 111c do coupon IM M. 4c Bt. L. 4a... Am Tobac-ro 41 rt! Ilia 11 . K ft T do Ii. cttB Atthisun gen. 4b. do dj M 86 and Mexicua dollars. Totals CATTLE There was the usual Friday's break in receipts today, only about forty five loads being on sale. This market, in common with other points, has suffered for some time from the heavy receipts, which have tecen the chief cause of the continued decline. With a lightening of receipts the middle of the week the market took a turn for the better and showed more strength and activity the last three market days of the week than on the opening. Packers want a few cattle, but heavy re ceipts would in all probability force prices i still lower. i Beef steers constituted the big end of 1 the receipts today and on account of the ; llcrht supply buyers were out early and there was considerable activity to the j trading, a clearance be ing made in good season. Reiorts from eastern points were I encouraging and this lent a little- better j tone to trading here and the market ruled I generally steady with yesterday. On the ! good kinds. In some cases, prices looked a little stronger, while the common stuff was tn a little lietter demand. The quality of the beef cattle was fairly good. There were only a few loads of cows ' and heifers here and buyers were better traders on this account. Anything good falrlv steady and some salesmen i thought some loads sold a trifle stronger. ! Common and grassv kinds were Just about steadv with y-sterday. Bulls, veal calves and stags were In about the same notches as yesterday and prices I were fully steady. There were no stockers and feeders on sale today. There has been little demand for these cattle for some time and receipts have been light for several weeks. Rep- Kaxtaas City I -Ire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.100 head, including 600 southerns; market steady to a shade lower; choice ex )ort and dressed beef steers. 14.lsii5.75: fair to good. H.itfsjMW; western fed stee rs, I4.25y 6.26; stoc kers'and feeders. 13 oocjii ; south ern steers, 13.ifii.60; southern cows, 12 25' 3 75: native cows. 12.2515 4. 35; native heifers. IS ixfi4 .75: bulls. 82.2664 75; calves. S1.0lti5.50. H GS Receipts. 6,i8; head; market opened 2V(j5c higher, but closed easy; top, 3tR2l; buik of sales. SS.l' &.: heavy, S5.2"4j-o.271: packers, t5.2' 5.32V; pigs and light. 5.224. SHEEP AND LAMES Receipts. 2 .000 head: market steady; native lambs. 36.253 7.0u; western lambs, I5.75a7.00- western fed ewes and yearlings, S4.2t,(y6.5i: Texas clipped yearlings, S4.75iQ5.25; Texas clipped sheep. S4-2564.75; stockers and feeders, S2.60S3.75. St. Lonls Lire stock MarkeK PT. LOUIS. June 23 CATTLE Receipts. l.Oiw head, including 8110 Texans: market strong; native shipping and export steers, 14fi6tfj;oo; dressed beef and butcher steers. S3.9oti5.76; steers -.inder I.00O lbs., S3.50cg.416: stockers and feeders, S2.omS4.25: cows and heifers. $2.oorl.75; canners. Il.40c32.l6; bulls. S2.6i2 9; calves, S4.Ooeci6.26; Texas and In dian steers, S2.5eKii4.lXi; cows and heifers, t" ooefi4.00. HOGB Receipts. S.0O0 head; market Sc higher; pigs and lights, 14 9t.eg5.30; packers. S4.5etrS.90; butchers and best heavy, $6.2v8 6.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.6O0 bead: market steadv: native muttons, $3.wx7j 6 75: lambs. S5.0ii,.S0: culls and bucks. 12 I'm 4.50; stockers, S3.8aS.30; Texans, S3.753' 4.75. nd the market waa firnlly flrm at a net advance of 5i ;l points Sales ere reported cf 5.S !.- Including- Julv, 6".i4V, Fepten.trr. t. .viejjt, . l'e-.-mbcr I8"0o96c; March. 7c: May. 7. Inc. tjK't Rio. steady; No. J Invoice, 7 ll-l.c. OMAHA WlrOLF.'ALK MARKET. raaaltloa of Trade aad oa Staple and laser Proaaee. EGGS Keolpta. fair; market, steady! rirni od stock. 13e. LIVE I vil LTia - Hens. !ii9V; roosters. he, turkts. lil.'K-. duck. spring chickens. 1, to 2 lbs., c T lb. HI' TTKR Pack ing slock, 13c; choice to fancy dairy, ITjlSc; creamery, 2cij21c; prints. 27c. Sl'UAR-Ptandard granulated, S 21 ef Ct.; eules. i;.ti ler cI , tut loaf, 1. 4 per cat; No. I extra C, Sc. 16 per cwt.; No. lie extra C. 15 H5 per cwt : No 16 yel low, 16 75 per cwt.; XXXX powdered. I su per cat ; bar powdereu, i;.4 lr cwt ; wile tablets. 17 95 t-r cwt FRESH KISM-Trout tc: ballbut. 11c; buffalo (dressed 1. 8c, pickerel 1 dressed . sc; white bass (dressed), l.c; sunfish, lie, perc.t scaled and dressed). 8c; pike sc; cnlflsh, l:.c; red snapper. l"c. salmon. Ic. cruppiea, 12c; e-l. 15c; bullheads. 11c; black baas, Wc; whKefish d-ess.di. 10c; frcg legs, per oos,, '; lobsleis. green. 2"c. boilea lobsters, ..T, shad roe, 45c; blueflns, 6c. KAY-lYlocs quoted by cHnat.a Wholesala Hav Dealtrs' association: Chclce. iT.iAi, Na. I. 10 50. No. 2. S6 00; coarse. 5o0 These are for hay of good colur ar.d (juui iuv URAN-rer ton. S1S.O0. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all sixes. S3 76 3 4.0u. extra fancy Mediurranean sweets. .i sues. Is 5"; set-dings, all a lit a. S3.i; Va lencia, all sires. 14. iv. LEMuNS Iltiioiuera, extra fancy. 270. Si and i' sixes. 14.75. fancy. 270. ' and SCi sires, 14 i: i.t. sue. S3 oo; "i and UaV sues, 12.50: ao aie. 12 25, 24o size. 12.50 JA'l ES I'l-r hex of 3u 1-lb kgs.. S2.J8; liuliow e e-n. In 7v-lu. buxe-a. per lb. Sc. FiUS California, per lo-lb. carton, 1i RTc: Inxuted Smyrna, four-crown, 12c; five croan, Kc. BANANAS-Per medium-alted bunch. SL71 02 : JumNis. t2.5ciiS 18). PINEAPPLES-Florida, per crata of H 30 and 36 f ixes. S3 .25. 42 sue S3 00 FRUITS AND MELONS. APRICo'IS CaUlomta, itr 4-Uitket crate, II. 10. PLUMS Callforr.ia, per 4-backet crata, 11.10. I'EACHESTexas. per crate, 1; California, per 2i-lh. box, Sl.lea. CHI-.KKjES California, black, per S-Ib. box. H.76; white, per s-lb. box. 11.76; alls scuri. box of 24-Qts , SJ.Od. STRAWBERRIES Hume grown, per 24 qt. case, 11 75i-'2 (A1; Hood River, ir caaa of 24-ata.. 12.50. CRANHEl'.Kiis jerseys, per crata, li no. GOOSEBEHRl I S B x of 24 gta. : tO. CANTALOUPES Mexican, per crata. S3 0i.4j4.00. WATtnMtiUJS Aiaoama coeeia, aouf 5fc each; crated. 1C lr lb. RAsFEEKKlhS-liM, nox 01 zi pig., til black, box of 24 pts.. 12.00. BLACKBERRIES lane 01 .1 Qia . u.w VEGETABLES TURNIPS New, !- 25c CARROTS New, per dox., 2.'.c PARSNIPS Old, per bu.. 40c. WAX BEANS 1'er t-bu. box, 75c; strlni beans, per Vbu. box, 75c; bu. box wax or string. S2.0ti4j2.2a. PejTA 1 OE liome-grown, in autcaa, per bu., a5c; Colorado, jr bu., 4ic; new pota toes, per bu., 75c. BEAN 8-Navy, per ba.. S2 00. CAULlFlAiWER Home grown, per crata Of 1 doE . 11.00 CUCUMBERS per aox.. aajcac PEAS New. per bu. box, 11.00. TOMATOES Texaa, per 4-basket crata. Si. 00. SPINACH Per bu., 60a CABBAGE Callt-'enia. In crates, par lb., Sc, Mississippi, Sl.-Wff2.25 per crate, ac cording to sire. ONIONS New, per aox. Duncnes, 10c: Bermudns. per crate of about io lbs., 11.25. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per dox . LETTUCE Hot house, per dox,, S5Q0c; head lettuce, per dot.. Tic. BEETS New, per do.. 10c. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin bric k, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; twins, 13V 14o; oung Americas, 14c. NL J J5 ainuis, NO. 4 sun ncus, new At Untie C. L 4 likllimnrc e& Ohio do I4 Central of Go.. 6a do in tnc do :d Inr Chca. A Ohio 4S' Cl.ltlfi, ft A III. II C, D ft Cj new C. K I. ft P. 4i dti COl. &B (V-l- 4 8- L- X Cr. trago Term. 4.., 1 old M Hi land 4 Colo Southern 4i... do ind. ta. A do b Cuba Ii. etfa rimver ft K. O. 4 I'laullertt 8et-ur. u Eric, prior lien 4a. . do fen. 41. F. W ft I). C. la . Horliins Vallry i Offered. . 7 .101 v 118 do it "la .K'. N. R. R. ot M. c. 4 11 . t S T. Central I S . 0'fi .l"i S J. Central I 6a 1 ,1H Northern Parlttc 4a. .1"" . 7(a do 7114 1 II.. 119V K. ft W. con 4a. ...102w ' 4... . 17 Ore. B. L. rldg 4a . Ii H Pe-nn coo. 8-ti. 12 16 t .... 4 Tex. 78 1(1 34 44 r.i It tl .108. Rev Si oi i St.. 4H..1CB Bt. 1 M't 81. dint 'sen. 4s li'Jai L. ft I at. c. 6a 11S I., ft i T fa 4a i'a L. 6. W. e-on. 4 4.. . . . 6eboiird A L 4a. in: So. Pacini- 4a ...SI fa. RailwBT Is . ... 71.4, Tea. ft FaclBc 1 ... HW T . St. L. W. . 7: 1'T.lon Pacific 4a. 70 do conv 4s ll. V S. 6trel 2d la 8 . is i 121 .li:t M I l(Ti .131. ' MS .Vii WtuaiJi la 1:74, 1 . 71--- do deb. B 7:S KH Wra'aro 4a asl . Ve", W ft U K 4 M l:(i Wla. Central u US' lit I Boaton Hocks aad Itoada. BOSTON, June 23 Call loans. 2'gA per cent; time loana, Wa4W per cent, cifncial qu otations in stocks ai.d tioncls were: adj. "4c: No. 1 Pearta Market. PEORIA.' June 23. C-clRN Iiwer; No. I yellc.m. Stc; No. S, S4c; No. 4. ISc, no grade, fco-jlci. OATS Higher; No. S white, 65c; Nix white li'.jamc WKUKT-S: r rradaaa Eirkaaa tea Oaatrra Faeartk. NEW TORK. June a The New Tork Produce exchange will te cloaeei Mouday, July S, ft -J a, oa Fourtt. Lesadoa gtex-k Market. LONDON". June 23. Closing quotations on stock aeie: Cor.aola. money... e 1-14' N T Central do accaeiut Anac-ejoda Alrhiaua ......... do pfd Han 1 mora ft Ohio C'aaadiaa Pac-lftc t-bea. 4k Ohio . . . I Imaxo Gt W . C . U ft St. P.. IielWra Ix-aireir 41 S. C ... do ld Kn. eka 1st fd da Id ytt Illmaia Oatral . LHlla. A Kaak... at . k ft T SILVER-Bar 147 f 1-liiNoHalk ft . a, do s!4 . al fi,t. ft eat.... .11 ! Pemna lraaia ... UH kand Mine .1- keaadlbs ii I do 1st pfd . 1V do td pld .;., so Ei'ar . 14 I do pfd . au IgoLthcrn Paelflc . 1 t aioa Panic .. . 41V da pfd . 1.4, f. Kmi . c I de pfd i;i.Vahah HI do pld - atwauk a Steadv. 27 1-lld ncr nunn 1 1 icfiH per cenu The rata of dissunt In the open market for short bills Is 1 ll-l45rl per cent ; for three months' billa. 1 li-lcj2 per cent. a- . 7I- W . le. . " . !., . U . M- . (1 l(m . id : Trtaiil tlarVeai. WASHINGTON. June 23 Today a state. Ditnl of lue ueajajjr bajanccs u lb gta- sl Adeentcra lulw All.iura 71 Amaisamated . tC" American giae li-a Atlantic 2:4. bn.cham 177 hi. ft Hex-la. T,T 4 rntean'.al .... 141 ( opper ftani 2 Paly Weat 11 pomtntoa Coal Frarklla iSf Grar.liy li 1,1c Knral ... V Maaa Miaing . : b ran 1S7 Mchaak H14 Mom r ft C. . X. ci, d liootinlon .lu44, (.areola . :r Parrot .241 Oulnc Electric 17IVj Phannoa Electric II Tamarack Cl Tncity 44 t ntted Copter Pitt, r. c. Mm u.j 70 f. S Oil II ftah a.a Vt.-toria 1:1 Wthona av AKSiaoa da 4a Mm Central 4a... Alrh taon do pfd iicHloo ft Albany. B aton ft Maine . . Boston Elevated Fitrbburg ptd .... Mexican Omral .. ) S T.. N H ft H Per Marqueua . t'aion Pai-lflc Am. Arac. Chem. da pfd Am. Pnea. Tuba.. Au. Sugar . Amor T ft T Am Woolen do pfd rX'inlmcm 1. ft 6. Ediaon Elcc. Ilium (eet.eral "Mia do pfd... Maaa (. .. l anod rrult Ittiu Ihoe da p!d V . fleel do !d Weerttiig. common d.U Ae ach I1 ! He 1 J Ma 17 ?o U 74 I 64 l. " II ' ii Ma : in 71 10 I xw lt" 44 BEEF STEERS. At. Pr Ko. A. PT. .. CS I 71 41 1!40 4 50 ..f!ir. I Hu 1 100 4 50 . li;e 4 no 1 isrj 4 74 .ICWI 4 Of. It 1!! 4 70 .. T71 4 11 4 127 4 71 ..1104 4 55 4 1S1T 4 15 , 10:t 4 tl It' 1S31 4 SO ..PC! 4 40 1 lli.O 4 M . .ltll 4 40 II 1!)4 I 00 ..11H 4 40 Si' 1S.I I 05 . .1040 4 ii 1 1140 I ( tiTEKKS and COWS. ..171 I M 40 CSt III .. ISl i 75 I kf.4 4 25 .. W I at ? PJ46 4 40 COWS. .. ast) 1 n i mo t 40 .. fl'S I 00 1 ief7 I 40 .. 7t.l t 4 lent I M .. 770 t la 1 1"33 I Hi ..140 t II 1 12H) I M; t 40 t n 1 si ..125 m t iota 1 70 .. 741, t r.n 4 l.'-iH 1 75 .. ten t 74 t iit 1 74 .. 4i t 71 t r.e 1 no .. f.o 1 00 4 12.M1 4 uo ..una 1 o t um, 4 o .. 173 I 16 1 um. 4 no ..11:0 1 it, 1 lSlj 4 jg ..til I 40 CuvVS ANT) HEIFERS. Bt. Joeeeta Llae Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, June 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 24 head; market dull to steady; natives. IS Runi 30; cows and heifers, tl.&a 4 Ml: stockers and feeders. I2.7&&4 0. HOG 8 Receipts. 3!.i head; strong to Be higher; lights, JS2j.1iC.22Vi; medium and heavv. tR.2tKgi'-0- bulk of sales. .i.2oD.S0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3W head; market steady; shorn lambs, 16.3a. glonx City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX C1TT. la.. June 23 (Special Tele gram 1 CATT'E Receipts, 4fK) head; mar ket, steady; beeves. IS TfiS .!2; cows, bulls and mixed, t2.7i4j4.o0; stockers and feeders, :;.& 4.00. calves and yeariings, 2.7.'.4i3 8o. HOijS Receipts. 6,'KiO hend; market, shade higher; selling at $o.l035.20; bulk ol sales, li.l-' Mock ia Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal crop, per lb., lie; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb.. 12c; No. 1 hard sheila, per lb, 12c; pecans, large, par lb.. 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; loaned peanuts, per lb.. Sc; Chili walnuts, per lb., U-aliie; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; shellbarg hickory nuts, per ba.. 11.7s; 1 Tge hickory nuts, per bu., li.5u, HIDES No. 1 trecn, 7c; 10. 1 green. c; No. I salted. tV; No. t salted, 7Se; No. 1 veal calf, li; No. 2 veal calf. c; drjr salted, 7&14c; sheep pelts. 2i.cfcll.uv, boras hides,'3.00. .. 404 .. 140 .. 474 .. I'd . .14:10 ..mi ..i..(i .. 7S ...ii;.o .. las .. J40 .. :i .. ISO ... 170 131 I 10 HEIFERS. 1 40 ii t M 1 I 40 BULLS. I 40 1. ... t 7r. 1 171. I t 71 t J SO 1 I I!' CALVES. . 110 ,. 7M . aba .1410 . I:.. ..1140 . li.ii .1740 t W) I SI I 46 I I if I 6f 1 71 I ai t 76 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 .. :r .. 1. . . 100 .. IBS ... 160 t 1 :i I Mi I 71 I 11 lew Tork Mlnlag Stork a. NEW YOItK. June 23. Closing quotations on mining stocks acre: Adama Coa tl Liu la rklet I Alice al Hirlarto 404 breeca In ceihlr u; hrunaarick Coa 4 rt.oe-nla I I olaatn. k Tunnal I Potoal 12 Con. e al ft Va 10 Ravaga 41 Hra Silrar 171 h.erra S'crada 0 iron FilTer I0 ifmall Hopaa al Laadriiia (da I !Lar,dard la Offered. STO' 'KERB A2'D FEEDERS 1 170 I 41 4 444 I ci 1 Ijo I 00 1 140 1 ti. I ... I 40 1 Iw I M HOGS There was another guod run eif hogs I., re today, about l.u loaus being 011 sale-. Buyers a ere cut early and the mar ket eipenefl in gnod season, with the bullish features of yesterday trevalent today. The hogs ere if gjoU quality. ith the light weighta still in the best demand. Owing to eni-nuragiiig reports from eastern rxiints sellers had the advantage ar.d prioes showed an advance. The market ruled generally 2c higher than yoeteiaay, with tops showing a nickel higher. Trading wns slow, buvers not meeting the advance read ily The bulk or the hogs Sold at 1,1.,1 E 17H. with the long string selling at li 15. tops reaching xo.. 1 rauing on the close xiepreacniauve sales: western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha Sr73 12.D4S 2,7 Sioux Citv 400 l.OiKi Kansas City LI' 6.J"0 2.00f St. Joseph 245 l.SSKI 3? St. Louis 1.000 .WJ 1.W0 Chicago 2.0ou ,o;i Total 5,708 46,039 14.743 Forelga Financial. LONDON, June 23 Rates for money and discounts opened steady in the market to day, but the Indifference of the public minimized operations and they closed ir regular. Prices on the Stock exchange weakened In view of the uncertainty of continental politics and on Paris selling. Americans opened firm, but later there were fractional mixed changes from parity and storks were mostly lower. The tone was unsettled and the dealings were re stricted. The market rallied somewhat later, hut at the elotee prices were easier. Continental securities were heavy. Rus sians were lower. Colombian bonds were weak on the report that a hitch had oc curred in regard to the claim against Panama. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1!i4 were quoted at 1'B. PARIS, June 23. The Bourse was much agitated today by apprehension regarding the Moroccan question, causing a heavy decline in rentes. Threes went off 35 cen times at the outset on many offers. BOSTON. Commercial Wool Market. June 23. WOOL The Boston Bulletin will say tomorrow of the wool market: Buying has been less ac tive owing to lack of supplies and the pre vious heavy purchasing by manufacturers. However, a satisfactory volume of busi ness has tieen transacted with prices still Maintained on their high basis. Foreign wools are in good demand and some have l-en resblpped to England. Shearing in Montana has been materially delayed by heavy rains, while prices are slightly easier there. Contracting for l(n; has been done In Idaho. Fleece wools are demanding high prices. The foreign markets are still very rlrong with only light supplies. The na tive English wools have advanced 1c. Tho shiments of wool from Boston to date from Ieeemier 1. I!. according to the same authority, are llk.HKMiaf, lbs., against fc!i.t!i, 4We lbs. at the same time last year. The re ceipts to date are li. 577.134 lbs. against 121.Kr7.371 lbs. for the same reriod last year. ST. LOUIS. June 23 WOOL Market was steadv. Meiiiu:n grades, combing and cloth ing, 2fi?le: lu-ht fine. 'Ii'tc; htmvy fine, 2u&22Sc; tub washed, SlfnCc. Metal Market. NEW TORK. June 23 METALS The London tin market wag somewhat easier, closing at 131i 7s 6d for f-jKit and 137 17s fid for futures. Locally the market s steady, however, and closed a shade higher fit ! 40w Copper alsei was lower in London, closing at i3 17s 6d for both spot and futures. Lex-ally the market remains unchanged Some dealers are still reported to be holding lake at 115 25. but both lake p.nd elect ml tic are generally quoted at lla.ti- casting;. H4.75. Led "s -' -..,, at 11 In London and at 14.51 4 60 locally. Steeiter also was unchanged in both ,,,un. tts, closing at ti 3ft in New York and at L'A in London. Iron closed at 41s 4d in Glasgow and at 4is fr1 in Mlddlesborougli. The local iron market is easier. No. 1 foundry, nortnern. Is quoted at lifi2,Val7a; No. 2 foundry, n irthern. fi5 Tijlb 25; No. 1 foundry, southern. and No. 1 foundry, southern, se ft, at 115 TlljjlS .'S; No. 2 foundry, southern, i5.2uH 16.75. Baak f learlaga. OMAHA, June 23 Bank clearings for to day were 11.2(15 12 14. and for the eorrea pundinc date last year. ll.utii.Jsi 4. lialath Grata Market. DULUTH. June 23-WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern, tl 12V On track: No. 1 northern, tl 12W: No t northern, tl MVej; No. L laic: No. 1 4e: July, 11.12; September, uew. 8.",c: old, Sc OAT6-T9 arrive and on track, 47c. was Na as.... 10... 17 ... fti... U ... v.... II . . . 11.... II.... it ... . 47 ... little weak. A. k. Pr. . Ml ..i:l . : . r.i . tu . .CI . lei. . I 11 . .231 . .it! . ' .IT I . !41 . t4 . Jfi'7 . rji . tel .114 .144 . Ul .11.1 ..HI . J ..IM ..lal ..4 ..IM . tl 40 io au I itv, I lla I list f. li -a I Ul I lt'a 4 1 if, 1 it 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 I u 1 it 1 ii 1 11 1 11 I 11 1 u I u I li I li I li I u 1 11 I II I u I '.I f li Ko. 74... II... II .. 70 . .. 14... 41... 44... 21. .. 4 .. tl... 41... SO .. 1u.. t .. 44... n .. T7... 70 ... a). .. ... I... a .. ... 14.. Tl . M... 44... T7 .. T. . il ... At. . t3i . . Mil .IfH. . -JVi I I tut .lei . I'b . Wj . II ..It . 1.4 . i2t .121 . til .11 .ft . t4 .til .ISO ..47 ..til ..III ,..1T ..111 ..til . ia . t.i tn. Pr. 100 I 11 lie' I li 441 I 11 1(0 I IS laei I lu 120 i 11 k 1 ii .. 1 is .. 1 ii l 17V, I li, I 17 V, I V1 I 17 I 17V, I 17V, I 17, I 17V, I 17V, l"a I 17, I llv. I J7V, I 17V, I 17s. I 17, I J7V, I 17V. I 11, I' it 144 40 4 120 VJ u tUO li ao to 10 ao Cottaa Market. NEW TORK. June 23 COTTON Spot closed quiet at 10 points higher: middling uplands, f.SOc; middling gulf, I iic, aales, none. ST. LOUIS. June 23. COTTON Steady and unchanged; middling. Vac: sales, 1U bales: ree-eipts lno tales; shipments, 27t bales: sVH-k. 3,l.r,l bales. LIVERPOOL. June 23 COTTON Spot In modeiate demand; prices 14 peiin's higher; American middling fair. 6 5&d; good mid dling, i.25d; midiiiing. 5 n&d; low middling. 4 tod; good orttlnary, I 7Sd; ordinary, 4 tid The sale of the da were S.OKi bales NEW tiRLEANS, June 23 COTTON Market firm. Sales. 2.1Hi bales. Ordinary, 6vc; good ordinary, 7-16c; low middling. 7-16c; middling. l-16c: giKl middling. hKf. middling fair. tll-lUc. Receipts, J.U bales; lock, ad.lii hales. Kansas City Grain and Provlatona. KANSAS CITY. June 23. WHEAT July, HV; September. 77c: December. 77i&77'4jC Cash No. 2 hard, ibofpfl.tio; No. 1. t."alK.i:: No 4. 75&'.i31c: No. 2 red. W-Otic; No. I, SKifcWc; No. 4. 7Ti&!i3c. CORN Julv. 4!ii:'84rc: September, 4."c; December, 43v,i643:.c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 5Hc; No. 1. filyiic; No. 2 white, ESifoS'iic; No. 3. 520. ... a OATS No. 2 white, S2Q321c; No. J mixed. SOffj-Slc. EGOS Higher; Missouri and Kansas stork, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 13c: case count. 12c; cases returned, c less. HAY Steady; choice timothy, .&i.ai0.0u; choice praiiie. 17 751 s. CO. BYE S'eadv, 65'gOtc. BUTTER Creamery, litg lf.ic ; packing. 14c Receipta. Shipments. Wheat, bu 'M ? 12 Onrn, bu 12 MH0 rl.Bni) Oats, bu 12.0UO 11,000 agar aad Molaaaea. NEW YORK. June 23 SUGAR Market for raw, firm; fair refining. ISiii 11-li.c; centrifugal. ! lest. 4 15-lilc; molasses augur, 313 7-lGc- Re fined, easy; No. . 4 85c; No. 7 4S0C. No. c,. 4.7'ic; No. K. 4.1V-; No. 10, 4 Hoc: No. 11. 4.50c; No. 12. 4.4&C; N'o. in, No. 14 4.3IK-; confe-M loners' A. 5.c; mould A. SeVic: cut loaf. 6.15c; crushed. 6.15c; pow dered, t.afic: gTanulated. 5 45c; cu1es. B.7"C. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, open, kettle, good to choice. 2(ei35c. NEW ORLEANS, June 2S SUGAR Mar ket eiuiet; open kettle, IV''4c; open ket tle centrifugal. 4Hi4c; centrifugal whites, 6c: vellows. 440i4 lb-lfir: seconds. lc. MOLASSES Nominal: oin-n kettle. 13(c 2c; centrifugal, iyl4c. Syrup, nominal. Sue. Oils aad Koala. NEW YORK, June 2S OILS Cotton seed, irregular; prime crude. 21Wc, nominal; prime ellow, 2Vu4c. Petroleum, easy: te:in"'d New Tora. I'.X'; Phlladelpfiia and Baltimore, ftf at; in bulk, H U. Turpentine, ateedv at CVvjC. BUSIN ! idy ; strained, oommon to good. t3.7a3 75. SAVANNAH. Oa , June 21. OIL Turpen tine, firm st tyHfrflmiiC. t ROSIN Firm Quotations: A. B, C, 11 ; E r.W: F. 13 6('; G. 13; H. IX 76: I. IS af.; K. 14.05; M. R15; N. 14.30; W G. t4 60; W W. t40. Philadelphia, Praiaca Marker. PHILADELPHIA. June 23 -PUTTER Firm; ex;ra western creamery, 3oc; extra, nearby prints, 22V". Ufj(jSprm, nearby fresh. 17t,c, loss off; nearby fresh. 1CV, at mark; western fresh, refin at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full cream, fair to good, new, ivlPc; domesUfc Bwlsa, U14c. lagar Prleea Iiwer. N'EW YORK. June 23 All grade SniJ refine-d sugar aere reduced 10 cents per 100 pounds today. f eagee Market. NEW YORK. June 21. COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices at an ad vane of 10 points In re srK.nse to higher European cables. There waa considerable liquidation and during tha mid-day session prioes dropped off to nearly the close of the previous day In thep it.aence of support, but later buying orders from Furvi ct;4 a SwSuLe ' - - Edwards-Wood Co. flaeorsorated ) nam Offlcst Fifth tmii RoWts SsrMti ST. PAUL. fUNX DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Iraark OBeea. llSVlll BteaarA Tra II4, Osaka, Sea. Teleaaaae aU314k, r.t-U4 Exchange Uldg.. South Omaha. E3 ita iJm a, aOitixai-a. 'eVUua i