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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1905)
THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1WS. IS GOVERNMENT NOTICES f'ROPoFALfi FOR tlx BK1CK UCIL1 Ui-. Winer. B-wei and fcie'iric L,iglit- yetem. I itartmem of ih Interior. I'ilice of Indian Aflnlrs, Wahli-Uin. U. C, June , IK i, h...ied proposaii,. endorsed rruoosals for Huiidinits. nc at Whkmi. 1s. I., una atldrewM-a to the CommmHionttr cif Indian AAuira. H munition. I. (.".., vul be received at the Office until J o'clock . m. of Jucmu). July id. li, for furnishing and delivering- the norfuar; material), und lalor required to construct and complete ta tiurmitorlee. a at haul house, a iness Ka.ll, a laundry and a nr liouse, all ui biic. with piurtitniiB, sieam hetf and electric liRht. alKo wittr, scwt-r und electrio lighting systems, at the sits of the iit-w scin.ol, nt-ar Wahpetun, N. I) , In strict Hcrordatinf with inans. specifica tions and inatrucuona to bidders, whmh may be examined at this ofT,c, the oftices ut the "jastie.", N. 1).; Urn Tribune.." iiHniirck, b U ; Uie Arufrs Leacier," BU.ux Falls. 8. V the "Improve ment Bulletin," Minneapolis. Mum ; the 'f'loiiecr-I'ret.s." tit Paul, Minn., "Amerl an Contractor. " O.icuko, 111 ; "GlotH-Iiem-ocrat," 8t. Louis Mo; "Bee," Oniulia, Kvh ; the i'.uiluers and Traders Exchanges at Omaha. Neb ; Milwaukee.. Wli.; Bt. i'aul. Mum., and Minneapolis. Minn ; the North western Manufacturers' Association. Pt J'aul, Minn ; Cawum-i-cial Club, lea Moines, la.; the I. S. lmlian Warehouses at fcnuth Canal St., Chhapn, III.; n Woosier 8t., New York; Sin finuth Bt., Bt. Louis, Mo.; bib Howard St., Omuha, Neb., and with the ieiniuster at Wahpeton. N. D. For fuiiner information apply tu C F. Larrabee. Act In Commissioner J 6--10-l-lt-l7-a-22-24 PROPOSALS FOIl CLEANING MATE rlal, Lamps, xtc. Ofboe ir the Lie pot quartermaster, Omaha. Neb., June 17. fcoaled proposals In triplicate, will be received bt this office until 10 o'clock a. m.. June I". lfKf,. for a polio, concentrated he, lamp supplies, Mc. I'nited States reserves the rlsrht to reject any or all bids, or parti thereof. Information and sjiectficaliotis furnlHhed on application. Envelope con taining bids to be marked "I'ropimals liir nnpollo. lamp, etc.," and addressed to Captain Thomas. Bwobe, quarlemiueter. M J CHIEF QI'ARTERMAPTER'P OFFICE, Omaha, Nebraska. June 15. 190& Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will lie reoelved here until u o'clock a m . cerrtral etandard time. July lu. Ihi. for dlelnterlnn. boxing and preparing for shipment approximately ooe hundred and aeventy-flve (JTr.p remains, end a like numler of beadPtone. at Old Fort Hay cemetery, Elllc county. KanmiH. BlK-ciflcation and full Information fui nlRhed on application here. Envelope con taining propiw.Kl to lie marked "FropoalR for dlFtinterihfr remains," and Bddrened to J E Sawyer. Chief (JuartermaHtcr, Annv Htilldlnc. fmaha Neb .1 17-r4-Jvl-;-li-n LEGAL 07IC12I1. FUULIC NOTICE. By virtue of an order of the district court of lioufclaa County, Nebraska, in a auit therein pntidinp, entitled Frank J. liennlson agamiit Western Anchor Fence Company, entered June lb, VhXi. 1 will Bell for caah, either privately or publicly, all the aaeta of the Western Anchor Fence company of every kind and deecrlptlon. In cluding material, machinery, .tools, fixtures, office furniture, patent rlpht and every other specie of property owned or enjoyed by the Western Anchor Fence company. Said property will lie Bold In Hepaj-ate Item or a a whole. Any part thereof not previously sold privately will be offered for sale ct public auction on July Hi, If, at 3d o'clock a. m. at 2(15 North 17th street, Omaha, Nebraska. All bid for said asset, or any part thereof must be accompanied by the cash, and will be reported to the court for confirmation. Hcfore the time fixed for the public Bale of aald unet 1 Id therefor will be re ceived at my office In the McCague build ing, Omaha. THOMAS H. M'CAOUE. Receiver for VeBlern Anchor Fence Co. J IS d20t m RAILWAY TIME CARD IMOK UlATlOft TENTH A AD MARCT. lalua Paclfks. Lieave. Arrlre. Oveiiand Limited a v;40 am a pro Caluornla Express a 4:10 pm a.S:S0am California Oregon F.x a 4:2o pm a 1.10 pin Norm i'laiie lAjcai a 7 ;iu am a S:2u ptu Fast Mail a 7:66 am a t :jO pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am Heatrlce local b S;16 pm b l;tu pm St. Louis Express 6:30 pm :M) am bt. Louis Local tlrom Council Bluff sj :1 am 10:10 pm Shenandoah Local (from Council Kluffm B:46 pm tM pm Cbluaatt, Hack 1 aland ravclfle. EAJsT. Chicago Limited a 1:26 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:ia am a a:uU pm Chicago Li.., Lch al . . . .bll:4U am a 4:W pm lies Moines Express a 4.30 pm bU:6u am lies Moines Louai a b.66 pm Chicago Fast Express, a (:4U pm a 106 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Una d. a 7:20 am a 8:80 am Colorado Express a 1:110 pin a 4:65 pm Oklahoma A Texas Ex.a4:Hupin all: 40 am Colorudo Nicht Ex a 6:6i pm a 7.26 am I'kicaa kBitkwsMera. Local Chicago all .30 am 1:46 pm Fast Mail a fcJ pm 6:30 am Lavlishl St. Paul a 7 .6u am 10:00 pm Iiayllght Chicago a 6:00 am 11:60 pm Limited Chicago a 6:36 pm am Local Carroll a 4UW pm l:6u am Fael St. J'aul a 6:26 pm 7:06 am Locai Hioux C. fit. F.b 8:60 pm l:3 am l ast Mail .... i:60 pm Chicago Express a 6.o0 pm a 7:30 am Norfolk sc 71oiiestsl....a 7:40 am 10:36 am Lincoln st Long lJine....b 70 am Ui:3a pm Casper 4t v yonung....e t.mi pin suo pm Lead wood Lluooiu....a 3:60 pm 6.15 urn Hasiinga-Aiblon b :6u pm 6J pm Mtaaoart I'aelBa. St. Louis Express a 1:00 am a 6:30 am KC.Sc Bt. L. Ex allU6 pm a 6:ou pm . blcaso ureal w ntera St. Paul & Minn a:30pm a 7:16 am St. I'aul Minn a 7:46 am a 7:66 pm Chicago Limited a6:uopm al0.Su am Cliicago Express a 6:(E am a 3.30 pm I kicaga, Mllwsvak.M A bt. ParnL Chicago Layllght Ex.. .a 76 am all:00 pre California-Oreson Ex. ..a 6.46 pm a 3:10 Dm Overland Lii.ated a 3:36 pm a 7:36 am 1mm m Okoboji Ex... a 7:66 am a JJiu pm llllau. C cMtrax. Chicago Express a 735 am a!0:36 pm tUilcaao L ml ted a 7:60 pm a 1:06 am Minn. & bt. Paul Ex..b 7:26 am bl0:36 pm MUin. t 6 Paul Ltd . 7:60 pm a 3:06 pm HI RI ITinOH-HTH 4k MASON Arrive. 1 'Hi tM a t:IH om a 7:40 pm aliiOfc pm alu:i6 am b 3.32 am Barllagtosu Leave. fenver 4V Or.Ufornia ....a 4:10 pra Northwest Exjress ....all :10 pm Nebraska points a 6:60 in Lincoln Fast Mall b Hi pm FX. Crook 4k Plattam'Ui.b 2:62 pm Hellevue fit Plattam'th. .a 7:60 pm P-ellevue Pac. June. a t.soam bellevue fc Pac Junc.aU.16 pm Ienver Limited Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Express a 4:oo pin Cblcago Flyer a 6:06 pm lowaLooal a 16 am St. Louis Expreas a 4:46 pm Kansas City Bt Joe..al0 46 pm Kansas Tlty & St. J:e..a $ 16 am K.ansas City & St. Joe. a 4:46 pm WERITEB DHirOT lUk WEBITEB Mlsaarl raclsle. vhrnnira T .oral, via Leave. Arrive Weeping Water b 8:60 pm b!2:S0pm Ckioas. t. rmmu HlsaeayelM Oaaabau Twin Cltv Paaaenrer...b 6:S0 am b :10 pm Sioux Cltv Passenger... a t oo pm all :91am Oakland Local d pm us ioam A dailv. b dally except Sund.iy. d dally except Saturday e daily except Monday: OCEAN HEiMEHI. a 7:10 am a t:66 pm a 7.116 am a!0:63 pm all.30 am a 6:46 am a C:U6 pm aaicjuua UN3 o. a sulo. wtim TEW TOKK. IONUOkUKXaT AMD OLASOOW. KEW TOkK. eiakAldak AMB MAPLEA. Superior aoconusadatlaa. KxoslHut ruSUB. Ts Coaiiuft al Puiisra CArsIuilr tiuiar4 Slu. or kawS Tri TioBals Mw biKB New I are na buuwJt. Kugluli IrMO u ell pnnopal Uuauul ul&La at attlaaUM fstas haS tor JtauS ml Tour, fur tiuS'a or fMerki huiauiluu svif U uf local as"! SI IH aaciier w ar SiarliSi.aa" ru NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS rv1 Bell drugn. Ptockert sells carpets. Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Sen. lira Woodbury, dentists. K Pearl street. Morgan & iJickey. headquarters for fire works. Leffert'i l:.iproved torlc lennei Rive satls- furtion. The latest shades and pBttem In wa'l pajwr at Borwlck s. 211 South Main. Woodring-Scbmldt Undertaking Co., 2J6 E aay, succenors to Lunkley. Tel. 339. SiK-clal stteutlon plven to pictures for wedding rifts. Alexander ICUi B way. I'uncan, 23 Main St.. guarantees to do the beet shoe repair work. Give him a trial. Dr. Luella B. Iean. homeopath, disease of women and children. Koom 3, Brown Lldg. Tel. M. James McOuckln, a shorthand student of the Western ob college, secured a poi tlon with Allen Pro., Omaha. A marriage licence was issued yesterday to James Busk, aged 27, and Anna M. OlBen, aged 27, both of this city. I'isc record for Columbia Graphaphones alwaya on band at Bourciu Piano House, tiead quarters lor Talkir.g Machine. S.I6 Broadway. Hon. C. A. Walsh of Ottumwa, la-, mem ber of the democratic national couimlttee, was the guest yesterday of 6. B. Wnd worth and other friends in Council Bluffs. Deputy Cltv Marshal C'rum was called upon to kill a large mastiff dog which had been shot and wwunded by someone. The dog was llng en the sidewalk at Avenue B and Thirtieth street. The hearing lb the Manawa fence suit wa continued yesterdj- in the superior court until Monday. The evidence, with the exception of the rebuttal for the de fense, is all In and it is exi-cted the case will te submitted to Judge Scott about Tuesday. Have you money to" burn? Most people have other use for It. Tou will ".ct burn up Bo much by buying jour martlea. burner and globes, etc., of u at jobbers' pricea We do nickel and copper plating Lawn mowers sharpened. New Specialty Manu facturing company. 'Doc" Sheldon, charged with obtaining money under Ialne pretense, w.s removed yesterday from the city jail to St Ber nard s hospital In order that he might re ceive treatment to a.HHist him In recovering from his protracted ppree. He is confident that as soon as lie recovers hi relatives will come to his assistance and square up his financial troubles. Complaint wa made to the police yester day that a dog belonging to Mrs. Hunt, who conducts a small grocery store at Avenue O and Fifteenth Btreet, had bit ten a small hoy named John G.1 Mr. Hunt told the police that if i 4 boy's parents insisted she would havf ti.e dog killed, but that she needed tlie Hog to mind the store at night. The cummiHHlotiers today will Investigate the case of Adolph Shumate, the man who was found wandering about the city a few days ago in a mentally deranged condi tion. Shumate wa taken into custody claiming to have been at one time an inmate of Cherokee asylum. Up to date the commissioner have not neara irom the Cherokee authorities. A M. Ellsworth. In hi $20,000 damage suit against Peter W. Cramer and other resident of McClelland for his arrest on a '.harge of attempting to set lire ui nis i.,.t-i hiiiirlin- in that town. yesterday filed an amended petition In which he re lates the history oi hi arrest auu uu eequent indictment and acquittal. He de niKMia riKHio damares for his flrBt arrest and 310,000 lor the subsequent Indictment. STATE BOARD CALLS CITY KORTH WESTERN RAISES BRIDGES Loses Ko Time la Arreptlast Prlvile-a-e Granted bv City. The Northwestern railroad has lot no time after securing the oonsent of the city council to the raising of Its tracks across Broadway In order to permit of the raising of its bridges, In commencing the work. C. F. Wiley of the engineering department of the railroad arrived In the city Thurs day night and yesterday had a large toro of men and a steam derrick at work. The two large steel bridges which span Indian creek Just north of Broadway be tween Eleventh and Twelfth streets will be raised about eighteen Inches and this will necessitate the raising of the tracks for a considerable distance on each side. It Is possible that the platform around the pas senger depot will also have to be raised. The raising of the railroad's tracks aoross Broadway will necessitate the city raising ths grade of Broadway for a blook at least each side of them. It Is figured that by re laying the granite block paving from Ninth or Tenth street to the Illinois Central's tracks Junt west of Twelfth street this can be accomplished with but comparatively lit tle expense. The Northwestern railroad has four bridges across Indian oreek, and It baa con sented, as the other railroads have, to con tribute E4.000. or B.000 a bridge, towards the expense of dredging the creek from Seventh street to Sixteenth avenue. In addition the Northwestern has ofTered the use of Ui platform dredge to the city, the latter merely to pay for the actual ooet of oper ating the machine by the oompany's own crew. With the raising of the Northwest ern s bridges at Eleventh street, it Is be lieved that the main cause of Indian creek periodically overflowing at this point will be removed. Mission Entertainment Draws. There was a large attendance at the en tertainment given last night by the girls of Rev. De Long's Industrial school at Mission No. I. on Avenue F. Mrs. Robert Mullls assisted with two solos, and Dr. P. J. Montgomery addressed the audience, ex tolling the work done by Rev. Mr. DeLong and his wife. The Misses Standeford, Chrls tensen and Johnson assisted on the pro gram with recitations. The girls served loe cream and cake and expect to be able to furnish the hall with the proceeds of the entertainment. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tei. SO Night, FMB (MMTS. IMIIM (iBIX 2n CCHPASKIE &EF.ERALE TftAsiaATlANTieuC rfrenrh EOna, Kew Turk to Parts, His Days, rtil""jT atvary Tbaraday al 1 an, Lb Lorraine Juu IS. La KntVH July M. L lfc:usua.....-Julr 4. La Lurrm.u Jul? 17. L aviu Jul? IX, L Tuurt m Au . . BiutMarB. suu l-osrv aaS aw ausiuan, naval jOiuara' MUi-ui-r aiautenii. iuuifau) kmuIiuImi iraloa. fcuir-farta. 4 ksttim, T. ,...ui.i iiicuaui r kur leia-aui am mma. a. auur ' VauakU K K . 1WU fWMs Sliuac Uu Maaa. iral Kauiui.1 itaaa. .. a kulBanara. I. K 4- ' itl raruao, S'MC u. aV AlllwU, ASM t'auia raiuiu a. a. iliu LIMB loti L siau. sraaMgai MilKTktM. u LTVKkiHMlL. Waekt SaiUiiaa Si. Lawvaaba KuuLa Slinnant. aui'imuaai and muat ptiurasnua. tr lAtl Tttto.S Tk II' LA SCkk t'.UMU ' Viutariax" aui "Vlrauilan' -s: ittua a-vft. TWIN Sf"Kir STEaalkKi 'Tuniaiuu" au4 "fcavariaa" K.aav tans aaaa. APPljr u aa luual aa-ui. ar U -.. L wtawili iu-vb- CUiCaM. White Rose Flour, 1 4j per Back IsTU Cherne' nigh Tatent 1 Mf Flour, per Hack .... I s4 U Supar, 17 pounds J QQ Or K-10 per 100 pounds. Best 20c prade Coffee. 1 fl O C pounds IsUU Best Country Butter, 10, per pound I OC Best Old Potatoes, An per bushel tUG New Iotatoe, 7C. IfT bushel fuC Everything guaranteed. C. 0. D. GROCERY, 132 W.Broadway. TcL L-B45. 8. CHERNES, Prop. Aiki for FacU to Bnbtuntigte Butemecti Eeparding Eailway Aueumezit, LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN oo nriei aa. Lavty Attmoawt tf Dsntrnd. UNION PACIFIC ONLY ONE WITHIN REACH Mlleace la Mate ta All within the City and Kbowlnc mill Be Made ns te the Value of Com pany's Property, it is now up to Council Bluffs to demon strate to the state executive council by rarts that the projierty of the t'nlon Pa cific railroad Is not sufficiently assessed and thst while the assessment has been ma terially lowered in the last five years the value of the property has not decreased. A. H. Devlson, secretary of the executive council has written, acknowledging receipt of the copy of the resolution relative to the assessment of railroads in this city passed by the city council at its Inst reg ular meeting. In his communication Secre tary Du-laon says as follows: Permit nie to FiiBret that your people, who are willing to declare these matters In resolution form, m-ennre a statement of facts which would supjKirt the conclusion and present the same to the executive council I have no doubt your people, at least many of them, have gotten the im pression that the statements of the resolu tion are substantially correct. The execu tive council, however, will lie confronted by the statute an It exists when It conies to the distribution of the values of railway property, and while there may lie a very much larger value of railway property lh Council r.luffo than is reported by the as sesnmcnt certified through your city, the law mukes It impossible to chance the as sessment except by lncreasitie the assess ment elsewhere as well as In Council Bluffs. Fads supportins your contention relative to the value of the I"nlon Pacific In Coun cil Bluffs would be gladly received by the executive council. The representations to the executive council during the past years have been directly opposite to your con tentions, and in order to raise the valua tion, something tangible, no doubt, should he presented to the executive council on which Xrr base the srfme. The resolution as It Is presented, unsupported by facts, would not warrant a change In valuations of property, and I call your attention to the matter at this time In order thut you mav not complain, but may fortify yourself with facts to present to the executive coun cil. While the city efflclals realise that to change the assessment of the railroads whose mileage extends outside the city under the present system of assessment cannot be accomplished they glean a ray of hope from Mr. Davison's letter that it may le possible to show to the executive council that the property of the fnlon Pacific, whose mileage Is entirely within the city, should be assessed at its former valuation, in view of the contention thai the value of Its property has not decreased In the last five years. City "ends Reply. The following reply was sent yesterdav to Secretary Davison: We are well aware that the executive council does not make, neither can it change the existing laws relative to the mode of railway assessment, which wei know is unjust to terminals; for instance, the Mason City & Port Dodge railway pur chased its right-of-way In this city at an expense of more than l2(Wi.0tX( for private property and then expended over $1(10.000. and todav the taxable value of its property Is S10.847.K6. A similar condition exists with the Inibuque-Sioux City railway tlllinols Central.!. We do not expect relief from this unjust law at this time, and know that an In crease to us would make a corresponding increase of assessment elsewhere, excepting such roads whose mileare is eatirely within our city, as is the case with the Union Pacific. Inasmuch as the assessment of the rail roads Is entirely taken from ub locally it Is difficult for us to furnish facts supjKirt Ing our contentions without data to work upon, such as is furnished the executive council by the different roads. However, we do know that five years ago the Union Pacific was assessed at ioo.uuu per nine and now at only Hw,omi, and we do not believe that there has been an actual de crease in value. If you will furnish us with a copv, at our expense if necessary, of the last statement of the Union pacific, as required to be furnished by section 1SH4 of the code, we will endeavor to support our contention with facts or prove to our selves that we are wrong. Mayor Macrae announced last evening that he would call a special meeting of the city council to consider this matter and a special oommittee will probably be ap pointed to take up the matter and secure the necessary data on which to make a showing before the executive council. It is likely that the assistance of the Com mercial club in the matter will be asked. rasor. Paddork-Handsrhy Hardware com panv; second prise, quart of wine. L Rosen feld": third prise, art picture. C E. Alex ander; fourth prise, white rabbit, park board. Pule climbing contest : Prise, sugar-cured ham. C. H. Huter a Prother Cstcliins greased pip prise, the pig Throwing base ball, hoys under If years: First prise, leurue base 111, D. W. Push nell; second prize, sweater. Joe Htnlih A On.; third prise, pocket knife. D. W. Bueh nell; fourth prise, white rfcliolt. Park toard Punning Jump: First prise, suit case. John Petio company; second prise. Jointed fish pole and tackle. L. C. Bracken; third prise, quart of wine. L Rosenfeld Hack race: First prire. cap. Metcalf fc Metcalf: second prise. "Illustrated Book of Adventures." L W. Bushnell; third prise, pocket knife, Emi'kle-Phug&rt-Hill coin lnr. Tnree-legced race: First prise, two silk neckties. Joe Smith ft ; second prise., two boxes of soap. Scliaefer drug store; third prise, two base bal!n. Ewulne Msuer. Women s race, ' years or over: First prise, ti fan. W. G. Woodbury company; second prise, red stein. "Holland Girl.' W. A. Maurer; third prise, two pounds of tea, U. P. Tea company. Pie eating contest: First prise, leather belt, Brandon Fleming; second prise, pocket knife. Peterson & Schoenlng; third prize, hair brush. Camp Bros.; fourth prise, white rabbit, Park board. Ijargest familv prlre. one sack of John Alden flour. 8. T. McAtee. Babv carriage rwce. carriage to contain babv pushed by father: First prime, lace babv cap. John Heno compar ; second prise, coffee pot, Empkie-Shucart-HUl com jianv; third prise, box of Mennen's talcum powder, Camp Pros.; fourth prise, patr of child s slip-, people's store. Paper chase race. o;n to all: First prise. K In gold; second prise. Japanese goose, 'Togo.' value IHi. Park board; third tinae. catcher s mlt. The Cydery. Tup of war for women, ten to compete: First prise, ten-pound box of candy, J. G. Woodward & Co. ; second prise, doren silver tenspoons. P. C. DeVol Hardware company; third prise, ten soda water checks, Clark Drug company. Women's race, old enough to marry First prise, solid gold brooch. H. M Lefferts; second prize, set of bread and butter plates. Grand Union Tea company; third prize, bottle of perfume. Harie-Haas Drug com pany, fourth prize, box of perfume, Clark Drug company. Most benutiful baby. Georp-e H. Mayne Judge: Prise. talr of solid gold baby pins, C. B. Jacquemin. BEARING DOWK OX 8ALOOXMEK Provisions of Mnlrt Law Most Be Better Observed. "The saloon men will have to make some concessions and conduct their places more In conformity with the mulot law," said County Attorney Hess yesterday In discus sing the demands made by Revs. A. E. Burlff and W. B. Clcmmer on behalf of the Pottawattamie County Anti-Saloon league. Mr. Hess stated that he believed the saloon men would see the matter in the right light and not force the hands of the organization represented by the reverend gentlemen. Further, Mr. Hess said he would Insist that all money Blot machines be removed from the saloons, and this, he added, would apply to the entire county and not Council Bluffs alone. The Antl Saloon league is insisting that the saloons be closed on Sundays, and If this has to be done in the city the resort at Lake Man awa wftl also have to fall in line, and the sale of liquor there on Sundays will be likewise prohibited. . Several conferences have been held within the last few days between County Attorney Hess, the ministers and the city authorities, but as yet nothing definite has been ar rived at beyond the announcement made yesterday by Mr. Hess that all cash slot machines would have to go. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee June 22, by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: John Drlscoll and wife to John T. An derson, lots 13 and 14. block 10, Ev ans' id Bridge add., w. d f 1.S36 John J. Dohany to W. A. Maurer, part lot 192, original plat, w. d 1 Two transfers 1,337 Endeavorers End Meeting;. "WOODBINE, la., June 23 (Special.) The annual convention of the Christian Endeavor societies In the Seventh Iowa district adjourned last night, having been In session three days at Woodbine's First Methodist Episcopal church. Officers of the association were elected as follows: President, Rev. W. H. Schlmler, Anita; vice president. Battle Pugsley, Woodbine; eoretary, Mary McTherm, Oakland; treas urer, L. L. Sample, Woodbine; Junior su perintendent, Sadie Pugsley, Woodbine; missionary superintendent, Olive Jackson, Avoca; superintendent of Bible study. Rev. J. George, Atlantic. The next con vention will be held at Panora. SOMETHING IOIG AT THE PARK Program for Fourth Arranged to Fnrulsh Fun for All. There will be all kinds of sport and fun at the Fourth of July celebration and basket picnic in Fairmount, Judging from the program which was completed yester day by the committee on arrangements. There will be old-fashioned contests and races fur young and old, of both sexes. Including catching a greased pig, the porker to become the property of the per son securing It- The merchants have con tributed generously and there will be all kinds of prizes to compete for. One feature which is expected to attract a large list of entries will be the baby show, a valuable prise being offered for the most beautiful Infant. .Attorney George H. Mayne, the Adonis of the local bar, has been selected aa Judge for this contest, as he has a reputation of being the greatest connoisseur in this line in Council Bluffs. George B. Wright will be director of sports and will be assisted by Fire Chief Nichol son as starter, while Chairman Graham, Frank Peterson and Captain J. J. Brown of the Board of Park Commissioners will act as Judges. Mayor Macrae will be mas ter of ceremonies and Alderman Gilbert will be on hand with a wagonload of Ice to keep the people cool. The celebration will commence at t p. m., by which time, it is expected, the pic nickers will have finished their lunches and will last until 11 o'clock. As soon as it becomes sufficiently dark JiiOO worth of fireworks will be set off from the highest peak in the park. Hon. A. S. Haielton will deliver the ora tion of the day and there will be a number of musical features. Including playing by Scotch pipers in costume, singing by pick aninny Jubilee singers and a male quartet and music by the band. This is the program of sports and list of prises for the several events: Boys' race, under 18 years: FlrBt prise sweater, Metcalf Metcalf; second prise, hat. Joe Smith A Co.; third prise, pocket knife. P. C. DeVol Hardware company. Girls' race, under 10 years: First prise lady's pockett.ok. 0. H. Brown; second prise, bottle of perfume. Hansen Wesner third prise, bottle of violet water, U. P. J ea company. Flag race, ten to enter: First prise box of Havana cigars. Peres-oy A Moore, second prise, box of domestic cigars, C. Zermulilen third prize, hex of domestic cigars. Prank Levin. Tug of war, ten men to enter: First prise box of Havana cigars. John G. Woodward; swond prise, box of domestic cigars, Frank Peterson company; third prise, box of do mestic cigars. Maloney ft Healev. Fat men s race, 2bw pounds or over: First prise, nickel-plated soap cup and bar of a polio, J. C. Biabr Bon; second prise pound of allvor prunes. S. T. McAtee; third prise, botU oi an U -fat. Harie-Haas Drug company. Ptfiai raoa, open ts aU; First prist, Mas- nnal Peeenlier In Reverse Order. MARSHALLTOWN, la., June 23. (Spe cial. ) Mrs. Hattle Sawyer, a widow and mother of nine children, and who has seen the suns of 41 years, was married Wednes day at Toledo to Carl W. Thorn, a minor of only 10 years of age. Both parties are residents of Marshalltown, but went to Toledo to have the marriage ceremony performed because Clerk Lounsberry re fused to grant the necessary license, on account of the boy only having the consent of one parent, his mother, who Is a younger woman than her new daughter-in-law. Attempt to Wreck Dam. MASON CITT. la., June 23 (Special. ) An attempt was made last night to blow out the dam at the outlet at Clear lake with dynamite. The explosion was terrific and was felt In the town a mile away. Rocks were thrown a quarter of a mile and a big one demolished Farmer Ingersam's henhouse. Only a small breach was mafl In the dam and no damage from overflow resulted. If the attempt had been success ful a large area of farm lands and a por tion of Mason City would have been inundated. Posse (apt area Mnrderer. KEOKX'K, la., June 3. (Bpeciol. V-Hld-lng in a field of high grass, Henry White, a negro, was captured by an armed posse yesterday afternoon. He was taken to the county Jail here. White shot down Charles Lewis, a negro. Wednesday, then conoeald himself tn the grass where the posse located him. When found he took to his heels. A shot or two caused him to change his mind and he surrendered. niamer Reliool nt Woodbine. WOODBINE, la., June 3 (Special. ) The Harrison county teachers' summer school is now in full blast and will re main in session for six weeks. It began Monday and is held in the normal school building. The attendance is forty-four, but will be much larger. The Instructors are as follows: D. E. Bratnard, M. A. Reed, F. J. Howe, G. B. Rlgg and Bertha Cad-well. Wants rtamaaea or Hnsbauil. MOUNT AVR, la.. June 3.-( Special. ) Blockton people are highly excited over a suit for 125.0110 breach of promise, started by Miss Lena West against Druggist Charles M. Duff. She avers that he prom ised to wed her two years ago. She Is the eldest of ten children. Duff is very wealthy. Legss Bar Draws Prise. LOGAN. Ia., June 3 (Special V Angus M. Berry has been awarded the KX prise offered by the world s fair management for the best poem written by a boy under 21 and will deliver the poem at the fes tival hall In Portland on American Boy oar, July i M'PHERSOS GIVES ADVICE Write. 0urtic Letter to Km Who Objeoti to Berring on a Jurj, ADVISES H1KI TO GO TO FUSSIA 0H TURKEY Resolution to Repeal Exemption Laws Bothers Both State Federation of Labor nnd Rrtnll Grocers' Association. (From a Staff Correspondent ) DE8 MOINES. June . (Special.) In a letter to a Juror drawn to serve in the federal court In Davenport. Judge Smith Mcpherson practically says: "If you hsve conscientious scruples against serving on the Jury go to Russia or Turkey where they don't have Juries." Frank Kelley was drawn to serve on the Jury at Dav enport and wrote to Judge Mcpherson, ssy ing that he had scruples against such service. Judge Mcpherson refused to ac cept the excuse and says: "If you are opposed to our system of government, a part of which is the trial by Jury in certain cases, then you should move to Turkey, Russia, or some country where Jury trials are not allowed and where you will find your ideal government." Will Condemn iJind. Notlficstion has been given the State Railroad commission by the Rock Island railroad that It desires to condemn cer tain land in Washington county for the purpose of straightening Its tracks. The commission has set June 20 at Brighton as the date for having the hearing. Census Appropriation rbort There are fears now that the appropria tion of the legislature to take the state census will not lie sufficient for that pur pose. The appropriation wus $15.00o and the clerks have weeks and weeks of work ahead yet in the tabulation of the figures and the appropriation Is very materially reduced. The cost of taking the census Is borne by the counties and taken by the assessors. The tabulation Is done by the appropriation of the legislature. Chloroformed nnd Robbed. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kunkle of 407 South east Sixth street were chloroformed and robbed of S2R and their house all but burned down last night. The fire depart ment was called to put out a fire and on entering the house Mr. and Mrs. Kunkle were discovered to be unconscious from chloroform. They are elderly people. Mr. Kunkle being a veteran of the civil war. They were revived. Motor Plant Coming. It was announced today that arrange ments are all but completed for the re moval of the St. Louis Motor company to this city. Negotiations have been on for some time. strife on Both Sides. Both the State Federation of Labor and the State Grocers' association are having trouble over the agreement at the Council Bluffs convention to repeal the exemption laws. The laborers' wages are exempt for ninety days and the professional man's always exempt. It was agreed that all ex emption laws should be repealed. The laborers think the legislature will never do this and so think they gained la get ting the return promise of the grocers to support child labor legislation. Andltor Pnrrhnses Home. Auditor B. F. Carroll today concluded the purchase of the Captain Twombly projierty at 1330 East Ninth street. He will move to the residence at once. He states that the purchase is much in the nature of an investment. Auditor Carroll's home is at Bloomfleld. Lawson nt Missouri Valley. Governor A B. Cummins has received a telegram from Thomas Lawson of Boston stating that he will speak at the Missouri Valley Chautauqua, July 12. The people of Missouri Valley were very anxious to secure him and enlisted the assistance of the governor with success. From Missouri Valley Lawson goes to Minnesota. He will speak in Nebraska, Kansas and Mis souri before coming to Iowa. Musicians Have a Grouch. The state music teachers today elected diaries' Grade of Muscatine as president, Mrs. Grace Clarke DeGraff of Des Moines vice president and Rev. Charles Bohn of Mason City secretary and treasurer. A resolution thanking the Plymouth church for the UBe of the church and organ for the organ recital last night was voted down because it was claimed the organ was not in good condition, a resolution to thank the Toung Men's Christian association for the use of the auditorium was refused because the auditorium was dirty, annthor to thank the Savery hotel was refused because the hotel was paid, and finally the convention refused to oome to Des Moines next year, though this was the only city that asked for the convention, and voted to go to Grlnnell. Christian Jubilee Convention. Addresses by Governor Albert Cummins, Mayor George W. Mattern and Rev. T. J. Dow, pastor of the East Des Moines Church of Christ, formally opened the Iowa Chris tian Jubilee convention at the University Place Church of Christ tonight. Responses to the addresses of welcome were made by Rev. H. J. Palister of Delta, Ia. The sessions of the Women's Christian Board of Missions concluded this after noon. The board subscribed S3.5II0 toward a hospital in Mahoba, India, to be known as the Iowa hospital. the Japanese tongue. "Before this Russo Jsr contest began." he said. "1 didn't have a single pupil receiving Instruction in the Jspanese language; non I have forty-two of them, and they are under the care of two Japanese instructors. As for Russian, the war does not seem to hsve aroused any ambltloi in our people to learn toe language. I have Just seven pupils In mj Russian class at present " SUPREME COURT SYLLABI The following opinions were filed June R. 1: i2Sl'7 New C'nisha Thomson-Houston Electric Light Comjuuiy SKUInst Icnt fc.r ror from ImuRlas eoumv on rehearing, former Judgment adhered to. Holconili. 1 Whether plaintiff s Intestate, an experi enced lineman with telephone and telegraph wires, hud such knowleUgc and rxipvnctioe rcsiectlug the handlitic of wires charged with heavy currents of electrlcltv and useU for lighting and power purposes and of the character and piiahilit) ot the Insulation thereon as to Its being brittle and liable to break when twisted In fastening because of age and wear and nhetbei he acted without due care and caution under the cir cumstances and was chargeable with con tributory nerclipence. held not to lie so con clusively proved ns thst there is no reas otialiie chance of different minds leaching ulrierent conclusions, and to have been proery submitted to the Jurv for its de termination tai An employe assumes only the risks arising from the appliunces and material' to be used by him or from the manner in which the business in which he is to take part is conducted, when such rinks lire known to him or are apparent and obvious to jierson of las experience and under standing Utuon S. 1. Co. against lioodmau, oi Neb., las. 3 'i'ether or not the eniplove exer cised due care and caution i looking lor breaks In the insulation on the wire he was working with and fastening, and whether he wua guilty of contributory negligence In respect thereto, held, under me evidence to have lieen protwvly submitted to the Jury lor Its determination . (si A break occurring in the insulation on the wire which wus being handled und fttBt eiied around a glass msulutor bv the pluin tltTs Intestate, is not kti open and obvious defect notice of which will be imputed to him where, under the evidence there ex ists reasonable ground for difference of opinion as to his being able to observe such break In the ordinary wav and with out making an extra effort sperm II v lor Hie purpose of ascertaining the condition of the insulation where the break occurred alter the wire was fastened. . The rule announced in New Omaha 1 homson-Houston Electric Light Company against : Rom bold. Neb.. AT. N. W. 1(6. on the evidence In that rase as to the duty or a lineman of an electric light company to inspect wtres with which he was work ing to discover delects held, not appli cable to the case ut bar and the case cited is therefore distinguished. (a I The Judgment of affirmance hereto fore entered, New Omaha Thnmson-HouB- K'rKaT'v-1' 'KliI.Co'm'anl Pat Ierit. Neb., tel. N . W Bif). adhered to. 13502. Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company against Kerr. Brror from Douglas. Affirmed. Holcomb. C .1 1. Vlhere a tietition is for the first time assailed In this court because of Its al leged failure to state a cause of action its allegations will receive a liberal construc tion with a view of giving effect to the pleader s purpose, and. if possible, sustain the petition. a.) A reviewing court will hot only lib erally construe a petition thus assailed In order to uphold It if possible, but will view It in the light of the entire record, and where, from the nature of the answer and the testimony adduced. It appears that both parties hsve placed the same construc tion on such petition, this court will not Ignore such construction In ruling on the Sufficiency of the petition, even though the petition standing alone might not admit of such construction. (b.) A defective or ambiguous petition may be aided and its infirmities cured by averments in the answer. Bebee v. Lati mer, fill Neh.. 0fi. (c. ) The petition in the case at bar ex amined and when construed In the llpht of the entire record and under the rules above mentioned held to state cause of action and sufficient to support a Judgment in plain tiff s favor. 2. The master is liable for the acts of his servant within the general scope of his em ployment while about his master's busi ness, though the act lie negligent, wanton, willful or malicious. (a ) Evidenue examined and held suffi cient to support s verdict In the plaintiff s favor and to show that the acts done by the servant, which are complained of. w-ere within the general scope of his employ ment and authority, and in furtherance of the business and Interests of his master. 13il3. Sheeliiey against Hurley. Lrror from Dixon. Affirmed. Sedgwick, J 1. The statute allowing a public officer a fee of 25 cents for "euch certificate and seal" does not contemplate that the offi cer must formulate a statement of facts to which he certifies. If he ujkui request performs such service he will Is? entitled to reasonable compensation therefor. The Tee allowed by the statute Is fot tht Bet of perilfvltig tn the paper and affixing his seal thereto. 2. The rlerk of the district court cannot le required tf searrh the rer'rds his office to ascertain tint Hens, if snv. exist ssiilusl land decrtM.d m an shmract of tttie snd make and enter upon the sbstract s compilation snd statement of the result of such senrch If hr perform such serv ice he is entl'led to a reaeonsbie compen sation for makinc such statement snd en tering It Upon the sbouact He Is not en titled to a fee for making a search of his records necesaarv to the perfo'nance of another service "to which a fee Is al tuc hed." t per. !m Cobbev s Annotated Statute. IMC. prescribing a penalty fur taking illegal fees by a public officer Is highly penal. In an "action to recover such iehBlty If it Bppciirs that the fee received was exacted by the officer ftr services that he was not retitilred to render as such officer, and for which be was entitled to reasonable romjwnHaTion. torethcr with other sere ices for which It would hsve been Illegal tt. exact a fee. it will not he presumed (In the slisenee of proof up.m that point i that the fee exacted was more than the sere Ice, for which he was entitled to compen sation, wus reasonably worth. i:m Knight sgnlnst lmcsster County. F-rror from Lancaster. Affirmed. Ames, C. I 'I vision No 1 The set of April 1. 1R01, entitled "An art lo amend section W of chapter a. Compiled Statutes, lie, and to rejeal said sections now existing" Session Lsw. chapter si, page C3. is void, because the matter sought to !e added bv amendment is Hot germane to the subject of the section as enacted. j CHEAP EXCURSIONS VIA 26.75 Round Trip Rat from Omaha ASKT'KY PARK, N. J. a m On nab? June 2" 1o July 1. wfa IU BALTIMORE, Md. 0 JC On gale July 2 to 4 i)L,Li BUFFALO, X. T. On sule July 7 to 9.. riTTSBUKG. rn.- nc )c On utile Aug. 1" to 18 A.J.L.U Tickets to points Itelow on sale daily, pood to return tinTll Oct. 51: CHICAGO 20.00 ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS. 12.50 MONTREAL, P. Q NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. CHAI'TAUyl'A LAKE, N. Y PULUTII. Minn 42.85 41.50 1 4050 16.&U MACKINAC 1.VLA.MI, M1CU25.75 DETROIT, Mich 84.85 lh: il s i.akl. n. i ALEXANDRIA. Minn BEMIDJI, Minn SP1CER, Minn. iGreen Ijike) MINNETONKA BEACH. WATER VILLE. Minn.,. CLEAR LAKE. Ia , OKOBO.TI LAKE, Ia WATERIXiO. In CHEROKEE, Ia In addition to above. rurslon rates to many other points in Minnesota. Michigan. Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania. New York. Massa chusetts. Maine. Canada etc. delightful steamer trine from Chi cago or luluth and the Great Lakes and Bt Lawrence River. Bt earner reservations made In advance. Coll on or write me about your trip and I will cheerfully give you com plete Information regarding rates, routes, connections, etc. W. II. BRILL. Diet. Pass. Art. I. C. R. H. 14412 Farnotu Ut, Omaha, Sjefe. 19.45 15.25 16.05 15.35! 131 10.50 -.10.70 9.95 11.85 6.85 special ex it eo pea Cracker Pleat. 6IOUX CITT, la., June 13. (Special Tele gram.) The National Biscuit company, which closed Us plant here about two years ago, has secured an option on two pieces of property and It is understood It will build a new plant and reopen business here. If you have anything to trade, advertise tt in the For Exchange column at Ths Be rant ad pa. SUNSTROKE NOT ACCIDENTAL Iauranee C ommisaieBer of ObIo Rales tt Oat of AerlAeat Policies. Insurance Commissioner Vorys of Ohio has issued a letter to all accident lnsuranoe companies doing business in Ohio, setting forth his ruling that death by sunstroke, freezing, septicaemia and hydrophobia. In asmuch as they may or may not result from accidental causes, cannot be legally in cluded in an aocldent policy. The letter Is the result of the commis sioner being asked to pass on the legality of a clause in the policy written by a com pany doing business in Ohio, tn which desth by sunstroke was called an accident. Other companies desired to incorporate the clause. He made a searching study of the causes of sunstroke. Sunstroke comes from the overstimulation of the heat center in the brain, and Is caused by the body heat being maintained at a high point during a number of hours. The affliction gets its nsme from the fact that the victim falls suddenly. If sunstroke was declared an aocldent apoplexy would be tn the same class, Mr. Vorys says. The Investigation revealed the fact that sunstroke, contrary to popular belief, comes often In the night, when the sun's ray Is hid by the earth. Chicago Inter Ocean. A Boobs ta Jamaica. A teacher of lunguages says that the war In the fax east lias given a great boom to GREATEST PREMIUM OFFER EVER MADE BV ANY NEWSPAPER A $12.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPHOliE TO OLD AND KEW SUBSCRIBERS OF THIS PAPER PRACTICALLY FREE IKIS IS THE COLUMBIA'S $12.50 DISC GRAPHOPKOKE- IT CAKXOT 1 BOUGHT ANTWKERE FOR LESS. IMPRISONED III THE COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHOliE RECORDS ARE More than ten thousand different classes of entertainment. wet Melodlr Rich. MukIc Classic Hones Oorule rionps Funny rUorleii Good Joke, ana aa udless amount of cood things from all co.nerg of the globe. Xf you po to the tbe.nter, near a catchy aonj, one tnav you would like to bum, pluy und whistle over but can't, you can purchase a Columbia lleeord with the. Tory hong Imprisoned on it and have your Columbia Urupbopnoue play It tor you to your heart's content. DO YOU WANT ONE? By iTieclal arrangement wltb THE COLUMBIA GUAI'IIOPHOXE CO., 1421 rnrt:s.m fetnet, Omaha, Neb., we are enabled to prevent to both old and ut'W subscribers A SI 2.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPKOKE PRACTICALLY FREE. Cut out the attached coupon and mall it to ClUCrL.ATJ.ON IiErAllTMSNT jMAIIA BEE, and e will send our representative to demonstrate and ex pin la now you can aactire It. MAIL THIS TODAY-HOT TOMORROW. COUPON OF INQUIRY. CIKCUI.ATIOX DITARTMENT OMAHA BEE. OMAHA, NEB.: Please hi nd yonr representative to my address, aa irlveo belaw, to snow the GKAI'UOI'lioNE you offer with one year'a subscription to THE OMAHA BEE. Nam Address Pate