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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1905)
20 THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. APRIL 16. 190?. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE . THOMAS BRENNAN Room 1 N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone 1264 Open Monday Evening HOMES f l.OMV-BlT Mlnr.ey it.. I room. ' I I 2S1 Blnney St., 6 room I I.fln Blnney St., 6 room. I 1.1 2417 Blnney st.. S room. I l.Vy-X2 Ohio St.. 7 rooms, t lots. 1 I.XiQ 13 V. T2A ft., room, 3 lot 1.6001237 n 13th St.. h rooms, lot 2x100; psvlng all pni'l . . )i.0rw.2O and m N. 44th St.. I-room. brlrk house. AO-ft. lo with each-- 11.800. B.N A P. l.0:412 nnd S414 R 17th at., 1 hrlrk house, 1 frame house-only $1.V for both. S,(jnComrr lot, with 8-room brlrk houso, south and past front, on 3Mh and Jack son; lot alone worth $1,730. f J.1O0 l'i (mi on flcoigia avc, with i-rooni house; paving paid In full; slxe of lots 100x150. I l.Ma-Beautiful east-front lot. with Rood f-rncm, modern cottage, 11H 8. th St. i i.WlOt H. Sth St.. 7-rootn, modern house and barn. I l.oooC(,riir lot. with 2 good houses; room for 2 more; rents for HO ir month; 1W)1 nd 1506 S. 2Mh St.. nar Han Doom pnrk. t a.OOn Element 10-room. modern house, built by a contractor for his horn'-: 2210 Tcp- plton avf. t 4.non"20 pnpp)(ton ave., lo-room, modern house. $S,0(.--An elegant 9-room. modern, hrb'k house, slate roof. West Farnam district; house, could rot be built for ti.'K- KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS $ 2.100 9-rnnm. modern house and eood barn; south front, on F.mnvt street, west of SOIh street. , . ' t 4.00ft-O-roum. modern house and Rood barn, north front, on Blnney St., between lfth and 50th at. I 4.100 11-rooni, modern house, on Sherman ave. I 4 joo 3-room. modem house and burn, south front, on Spencer et Klegint 4-room, modern house and largo bHrn. rorncr lot. 100x124 on Mrt at. INVESTMENTS $ fjoo TBxUo, ent front, on 15 th et., one store building; and 3 cottages. A SNAT tit $4,600. 7.0OnFln double brick, rents for $70 per month, closo In. I $.000 Klegant double hrtrU, all modern, close In; good neighborhood; rents for l0 per year. . t .000 How of 8 modern hoiifca, blocks went of Bennett store; rent for $900 per yr; walking distance; nlway rented. 115,0003-story brick on Cuming at., between luth and 20th; rent for $1,9') per year; ahould rent for more. JlOOfto Vatorv brick, on 8 l'h at., north of Leavenworth. $15,000 S-story brick, on 8. 16th at., 3 stores and 40 rooms; well rented. Remember our telephone Is !2i4. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 N. Y. L. Bldg. V. II. CHART, Manager Real Estate Department. RE- BENSON $1,000 12 bus, 3 blocks to car. You enn double your money on tlnre lots this summer. New houses going up on adjoining property. $1,500 Fraetlrslly new d-ronm eottnge, two block to cur with two oust front lota. This I a nice property and l rheiir. $1,700 Fine, prarllcnlly new 7-room hotiae, electric light, flnelv located. on block to car. The house alone I worth nil that la naked for the entire property 2 lots. Terms, I UKSll. $2,100 Nsw room oottnge, half block to eor, 4 lot. Terms, 400 cash, balance $20 per month, 2 ACRES IN FRUIT To finest tWo-M"re tract around OnnhH, 7-room house, In fine repair, chicken hAiiSe, amnll barn, entire two acre In hearing; fruil of all kinds; sightly location, right an fiar line. Terms, half cuah. l'ricf, 3,2t'o. Two beautiful 2fl-ncre tracts, finely located. Price, $125 per acre. $roo lty-aer tract, three blocks to enr: flf teen new housed on adjoining property. Hero 1 another chance to double your money. DUNDEE A ine iouth front lot, one-half block to ear. Till lot Is worth $500 today and hould ?ll for that figure. $C50 Comer lot, finely located, cement walk, nice shade trees. A beautiful locution for home. $1,300 Two of the finest aouth front lota to be luni in Dundee, close to car. MODERN HOME A benutlful modern 8-ro6m l,ome. 14 lotn. south front, tine location, oh" block to car, oak finish, finely papered, cement walks. This Is a beautiful home. Price $4,250. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Blk RE A BENSON BARGAIN FOR ONE WEEK Watch the Dirt Fly for New Houses Four acrt?8 at prtwut time; only two blocks from llenKon far line--car line to be extended oou. Good houses on two sides, easy accessible and lay well. Tour to tive blocks from Heuson school. Will be subdivided to suit purchaser. $100.00, $173.00 and $200.00 per half acre. J. A. LOVGREN $17 Paxton Block. RE 3EO. B. R1KER, Manager. TITLES PERFECTED Telephone No. 512. OMAHA ABSTRACT COMPANY, BONDED ABSTRACTERS 406 BEE .BUILDING, Omaha, Nebraska. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor New York Life Bldg. DWELLING HOUSES In the. Walnut Hill district, great aacrl (lee sale. room, parlor, sitting room din ing room, two bedrooma, bath room and kitchen on flrt floor, three bd rooms and toilet on second floor, ga. hard oil finish, polished floors, hot water heating plant, barn, shade, fruit, one block from car. 2 .80. S3J N. 17th ave.. rood ft-room rottng-e w It h city water, sewer connection, porcelain sink, cistern, fine shade, shrubbery. Unlv $1,200. 215 Charles at., I rooms, oil finish, atrlotlv all modem, furnace, W-ft. lot, flno hade. $2,750. In the north part of city, corner lot. 67x125, two houses, gns city water, cistern. $2,800 for both houses. 421 Farnam at., nice s-room modern cottage, in god neighborhood, nearly new, oil finish, porcelain bath, gns, good lot. $2, $00. In the N. W. part of city, i-room house, small barn, chicken house, 50- loot lot. Immediate posseefion. Price. $. 27th and Bpatildlng. corner lot B7XI2R. with two good houses, oil finished. clv water, clsfrn. pump In kitchen, paved street, permanent walk, floe jihnde, entire property. $2,800. On West Farnam. new R-room house strictly all modern, south front, flue cellar, furnace, nickel pint plumbing, gns. Prlc e, $?. West Farnam district. Hn new house, airl"tly all modern, with gas and electric light, well located, high and alghtly, rust front. Thl property bound to Increase in value. Don't foil to ae It. VACANT PROPERTY On Georgia ave , joo-foot east front by 150-foot south front, corner. Georgia ave. paved, permanent walk around entire property, all paid for. Room to bu'ld four or five houses. Th owner has held this property at $.5f0. but will sell now for $:!,250. This Is the cheapest proposition in the city. Dont fall to see It. On Wth at., aoutli of Dewey ave., full lot which cost owner over. $1,200. We daro anvhndy to make mm offer of 4"0 on this lot. Flno building lot on Farnam at., paving, permanent walk, sower, water and gas all pHld for. Price, $1,400. Owner will lake good driving horse and surrey in part payment. East front lot :it 37th and f'npltol ave.. owner has reduced price to $."00. Two fine building lots in Orchnrd Hill district, oust front, one block from car. well located, for JS00. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 601-3 New York Life Bldg. RE BOULEVARD BARGAIN 7 Rooms. New, All Modern $2,350, $950 Cash, Balance $20 Monthly FOR ONE WEEK ONLY we offer this PHENOMENAL HAIMAIN, situated on the southeast corner of Houth 19th Street and Central Houlevard. Thin lot has a frontage of 50 feet by 130 feet on the boulevard, and there is ample room for two more cottages. The location is perfectly delightful and the accessibility easy. Oet off the car at 20th and Vinton; go one block south to boulevard and one block east. See u early Monday morning about this. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN T rooms, modern, $2,850. WEST FA UNA M SNAP 7 rooms, all modern, new, $3,500. IIANSCOM PARK SACRIFICE 7 rooms, all modern, $3,330. Telephone 2400 DENNEY 524-5 Paxton Block -RE KENNEY REAL ESTATE AND ' INVESTMENT CO., LOANS MFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT 1NSCRANCE. RENTALS A 8FJ1CIAL.TY. $00 Bee Bldg. H. I.. WHITNEY. Mgr. RK-524 16 6-ROOM house and barn, on Blnndo St., near 84th; has corner lot, south front, alxe 60x130 ft. $150 cash, balance monthly -$W. F. D. WEAD. 1524 Dorar.AB. re ACREAGE. Fine. 10-ntre fruit farm southwest of city: all kinds of fruit, good buildings; Imme diate pOasCHsiun. Also 10 ecreis, threa mile from Council BlutTa; well improved, Including good hoiiss, barn and all kinds of bearing fruit; price, $3,S0. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 601 -0J N. Y. LIFE BI.DO. RE I-ROOM house, full lot, on S. 28th at., near jiicKory. owner needs money. F. D. WEAD, 1521 DOUGLAS. RE QUITE SNAPPY. TWO houses and small lota, always rented, on laurormi net ween win ana 14th sis. Reduced for quick al to $1,750. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON i-.Ct. Qrouna Floor U. B. Nafl Bank Building. Kt!i ISO It. BRAND NEW HOI'SE, built late last fall, strictly modern and built for a home; houaa la bnck plastered, which makes It warm In winter and cool in summer, and has pot'cnlnlt-a bath, hot and cold water, gas, modem plumbing, etc.; alao good arn. Located In bmt purt of North Omaha near Boulevard. Neighborhood and aurrouhdfngs choice. This ut an Ideal home and ran he bought at a reasonable price. B. R. Ball, 526 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-2i7 10 KENNEY REAL ESTATE AND " INVESTMENT CO. LOANS LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. RENTALS A SPECIALTY. tOO Bee Bldg. H. L. WHITNEY. Mgr. RE 228 Id 5-ROOM cottage and barn, 118 6. 29th ave.; property Juat nrlng painted on outside. This la Snap--JI,5H). F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOrOLAd. RE- GOOD HOMES $000.00 buys A new 6-room house on North Wth b.vo., Ml blocks from postofltce. This Is an excellent Investment. $1,200.00 buys a good, large nnd well lo cated homo on 2Sth ant) Spauldlng. $.'1,500.00 has been mad the price of the best lot. 190x50 feet, between Leavenworth and Jackson streets, fronting both on 17th avenue and 18th street. This njust be taken goon If desired at that price. W.OOO.OO for a new, well built, modern "room.' .rh hom. Thli Is a rare orsortunlty. For other good Investments and cheap, wall located homes, see me. JOHN B. HANSEN, $21 N. Y. Life BWg. 'Phone S432. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 140,000-acre well Improved Texas ranch, 4 miles at., all can bo irrigated small ex pense, good soil; $2J8 acre, partial pay. ments. M.000 acres rich muck prairie lands, no swamps, In Florida. Solid body. Ilnoai na tive grasses, Mne augar lunda. $1.00 acre. 4.2O0 acres Dickinson, N. D., $4.00 acre. l.luO acres hardwood timber and land, N. Ark., near R H.. all level, rich anil, no overflow. $9 2D acre. 43,000 acres In Culdwll parish. La., cut 4,0oo feet hardwood Umber acre, $160,000. Many other rare bargains In pine and hardwood timber tracts. KOBKRT MATHER. 8J St. and ikl Ave., Cedar Rapid, Iowa. RE-111 IS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Lot, oo feet fronting on Vinton street, IV on Pith street; Al hrlck building: second story cinialns three all modern Mats; ibi feet vacant on Hth street fnr mote buildings. Price. $10,000. Flva I-room houses, all modern except fui naces. In guno repair; rental $i,.) per yenr; Int i-hxi.tO teet. eaxt trout: one mock trom car and school, 1 minutte waiK to business centr. Price, w.ino. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE W. H. GATES, SIT N. Y. Life. Phone 1294. A nice home rlace in Orchard Mill, four room cottage, with chicken house and out bulldlnas. on a plete of ground lSnxl:, on small payments. ll.-TXi. Five-room cottage at 2St2 Ohio, lot 50x LI, south front, fl.ltn Five-room cottage sewer nnd water, on Miami near 2uth. ll.tfO. Seven-room house at 22U Ml.tmi, w II built, bath, barn, lot o"xl:. nice location. $;.io. Seven-room house on the boulevard, lust smith of Ukt. srwer and wstei, lot 30x11. I.Kl(J. New 5-room 'ott;,te on ;.'d near Urme. modern ex.-ept furnace, east front, nice home, lot atxnu. Jl.SfO. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE E. K LOWER & CO. Tel. K'.. 21 J Brown Block. IMPROVED di'.xlju. east frrnt. With S nice tints; cottage in i-ki; i ne h.ocK ironi S.t.t.i iimanH inr line, tmrth part ot c(j ; tmnmes' wa.k rrnm r. i.; tfri.iHii. tit I Pi-room house, up to ilo!e except fur. Wdihs; rental S, p.r 5ea:. Jnc-, ,...,v. j hl""- on Lock-! n.ur ! Weven-room eot;awc cm l4ik- strict eact or Zitn. south trout, lot 4"xm. fomc 1 thing nice. I'l.riKi. Lot fiOxl4H, 8-rrom house, nil modern except luiiiace, gooo irn, riiHoe ,res, prr.n neu. Willie. I'dvcu i;i.'., iitui JlL .ill. .l.itjn sinrif. irUe, ',-.i0. Two-story u-room house, all m idem exjipt tUlllllll, lot U.JX14C, vHol Li. Ill, .j.. .... . I'opp i icn avenue. I'r.ce, .,ovai. Lot tjxoj; nice 5-room brick (Oltuge, l.v; od uim t)Ui".. tuny i,im, auu toe U.a: letus iot i. per loontu. Very nice S-room house on 3.W and Cah lutnia; ncusi in iiia.-cltirs tunditiuil ..uu uu liei c.l line, l lice, A newly built seven-room house, all mod sin, in lint Mciiuty of tui ai.u i. r. siit-ets, clut! lo a.riei owner Wu.itiug to iit uu uccuUol ut i -nib uie un, nrst-clftis residence :uiper(y located livul' u.l ahu v-Uoulict, l...,c ,.tsilt luo.e, lUlllaCU, llli V L.fc O, UVtu iuiCl, f-" 1U....VH1. iu.K, .OL uXiuv, buutu uliu tnei llvllk, fiOuu nt'.ftlluci llOOb, A..uH.... ... ap.ciikiiu conuiiiu.i, ..oiiiiumDcu vi ru,, itttd na it.iuut ueca, v,-cv. Nice nut. s.A-.uui.i i,bb.M w.i coriit-r of ud auu i. aiitui'iita, ioi oi'..y; win eii Ui low puce ut tl.luu. Nicu I.... ..,-1 von, coiai(5c in pretty good,oll, 1U1 M.A11U, lit.... mill Hllu v.a.- loi ma, 1,000. A iiko n.v-.Liom cottage, bath, gas, near isi and oiiio, l,oio. C.c iiiHi-c.aari in.'ated act o property a Hide nortn ot rvi ug f'ai'K, ,a mi to, .tv per acic. $b uinunce one, two i.iu iiirto eats at n per vent. Iai uOXiiM souiii ot I'aHit-iiai on 20th street, eaai iiotu, paving aim peruiatiHiit Wdiii uu paid in fun, t-mo. 8bl leei on itn BifetM north of Bancroft, by 124 leet dep, wiin a sinan noune. l'h) kiounu Is m,i,ut i'vt acrea. ia nigh i.ia sigiitly auu 1 tnitiA enn oe bonam ior juc. inis is one ot tno higgrHt urn gams in tuai part ot tne cny uu uccouiil ut oelna Clone lo Kivervlew park uuu I lie bouiti vard. Goon neighboi nood. I hau llaied wttu mt tno other day one of tna most beuutltul leu-acre tracts that can nuw b uougtn fur lue money, Jum a iittie nortn ot me water woihh ai I'tor (tnco, and aa you have prouaoiy read In the papeis thai tne mayoi' and city cuun cil ot I'lorunca have giutiteu a boulevard Whlcn will come close to inia lU-uci'o Place 'inis property has lormer.y ueen neiu uc xi.6c0. but can now be bought for !). 'i'here is $6uo worth of wood oil the lo a tree. 1 nave S lots, 60-foot, In Benson, only one block south ot street car, on wi high ridge, all facing eaxt, that have been llbicd with me only lor one week, as tne owner reeds money and will Bell for the low price ot ijou a lot: omy a short distance trom the country ciut. J. A. LOVGREIN, 53; PAXTON BLOCK.' RK- N. P. DODGE & CO., HOUSES WHEN buying or selling real 1st b sure 10 nave your aDatract or title mads or continued bv the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., 1014 Farnam at. RE 730 $1,70 J51.6SO 700 $1,000 2.000 52,600 $1,200 $1,500 8-room house and S-room eot taae. lot tux 160. on Park ave. hear Poppleton av.; rent $i.uu per month. tl-ruuni house, modern except iurnuce; i-'.i a. iiiin St.; run iot excellent neighborhood. 4-room eunugo at 2212 Plarce St. 6-room cottage at 3417 Jackson street. ti-roc. in largo lot, at 2Bo$ Cuming ut. ; plenty ot room for store minding. Three cottuges on N. 22d at near Clark; rent, $34 per month want a cash oiler. 7-room house, large corner lot In north end; $30n.m cash, with Balance on easy terms. tl-ruom voltage. with citv water, in good repair and newy painiea, ui in. ;min at. TRACKAGE IT IS LIKE EVERY OTHER BUSINESS ALWAYS TRYING TO PLEASE. LOANS FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Abstracts of Title to Omaha and South Orrjaha City ProDerty and Douglas and Washington County Farm Lands and Town Lots carefully and promptly compiled. ALL ABSTRACTS COMPARED WITH RECORDS. THE COUNTY 110,000.00 Bond Filed s Required by State Lav.-, in Surety Company A PORTION OF YOUR BUSINESS IS RtSPfcCT FULLY SOLICITED. RE II nni en for rash, or on cusy payint nts. lir new home, you orranpe your plau, we do the rest. I'iro Insurance in any company, or in tin 5 Million Dollar AMKKK'AX of XKWAKK, XKW JKKSKY. A rr! timo for Tornado Inmirant i', !!." p-r ?100 for on year. VttlJ. rifin-"e of tne best corners in the i.vwv city, having trackage facilities, being the N. V. corner ut inn and Harney sis., ttuxl$2. C Cnrt Another full trackage lot on luiJUU the 8. K. corner of 14th and Leavenworth. BOULEVARD LOTS Do you know what it means to own a lot fronting tho Boulevard'.' It means that you win never have to pay for paving, but that the city puts in a flue road anu seeps it in good commission. Moreover there Is a broad parkway between the side walk and the r.lail. where treen urn i.lanie.l and ras9 sown. 1 he city even puys tor yuur BiuewHiK auu Keps 11 111 goou conoi tlon. In other worus. you save about $600.00 by buying one of our lots at 2h ave .and Cass., fronting 011 the boulevard. They are wortn $l,ovO each, and our prices for 30 days are from fiOo.oO to $obo.(W, ac cording to size of lot. If you are ever expecting to buy u nome you had better buy one of these hits. In two years they will be doubled in value. Buy one oh speculation and see If we cannot resell the lot and inflae money for you. INVESTMENT We sold our laat Investment snap before ins newspaper was dry irom the presa. Here Ik another one: $3,11)0-We hevo cut this prlco from $4. 00 00 111 sixty unjs; .mjs. -i ii-.u ,-ailH soft 2111114 Izard st : two five-room houKc. and two With three roomSI tfranlte paving in street and alley; never uai a onnar or rem 111 nve yeirs nor had a house vacant. We know Of nothing better at the ;irce. N. P. DODGE &CO., IBM Farnam 81. Tel 8J. S.M.SADLER Abstracts of Title 1623 FARNAM ST., OMAHA Sight-room two-stuiv house on Ohio neur 22d. rmrn. $2,(t5o. Klght-rniini modern house on Ktnmet mi) of 24th. well butlt nnd In the beat (if iirdei, south front. S4.f(o. A very line up-ti-usie hiitie on I It 11 1 1 e . new. south trout, lot i.i'vllt. something nice. a.Mti. ISiRiit-vnimi icodcin lictise at I'll I.otliiop for only $2,77,'i. Two coltHRCH on snuthcast ciiut ISth and tirHce and ground tWxUU, font $ Only 2.400. tCxl.tO, enst front, on 40th street rcur Tti wey nve. Jl.Stt, JOxlilO on fsss rnst of Soth. Only $'i0t. IG.too Investment on 14th street, well lo cated, good order, rent $72.0ii per month. RE V J. W RO B BI NS. BARGAINS IN HOMES. & 7 flfiM l'oublo dwelling of 8 rooms I ,WJ each, on one of the best cor nets In Hmiseom IJlce: fln lnhed ill fpiortef-iuwed ck. hot wattr heat, modern plumbing: ntieet and alley paving and permanent side walks paid; un- nual rentnt, Mti. A new. thorctighly modern res idence, with large lot on the best street In West Fsrnnm district. Inquire for partku tnrs. S-room modern house and barn nnd na: front lot loixbii ft., on 32d ave., at the corner of Hatis eoin park. 7-room modern bouse. 1o4l (lerrg'a ave. Mut he so'd this month. WANT AN tifFSR S-room modern hojse and barn on Farnam and 44th. 8-room cottagp and beautiful east front full lot. on pu-ed rtreet, one block from Hanp- com park. 5 rnnma and large lot, 16th ant) Willis m. 6 rooms and bsrn, on N. IT ih St. Elegant -rootn hII modern house, corner lot. paved street, taxes all paid, good barn. Will sell leassimble and rn terms. Adjolntnf Kountse iaco on the south, 7 rnoni house, lot xm. house nuHlern ex cept furnace, $2.loi. tn terms to suit. 112 B. 2Mb nve. S rooms, city water In j nrti. ioi rtenia now t'T !.. t Alt i, 1 kiiiehi 1 n'np, msKe otter. 1 nis is within easy wnlklns itistan.-e nnd will ink" 11 good Investment. On r.M t.. between I'lurk soil Uraee. t rooms, new, modern cottage, well hullt, lot 3:tx!l , good neighlioi hood. H,7(i. Un terms. l-i-iotn co'nge. Hii'oin f'line. east front, on pined l. , best of neighborhood, $2.JU0- VACANT LOTS 6 lota. :Ud and Houlevnrd. $I2S each. 1 lot near 20th and Vinton. Make offer. .' ! lf corner. Omnhti "lew. 32d and Mapl t., ;'(i.i each. 1 lot coiner omI and I'lnkney, $1iX. tl luts .Hist mirth of the I'onntrv club, mora Hum 111 acre of ground, lss well, is leic oil. M ike offer. J lots Hour l?th ami Atlns, $.V each. A niiiiilief of good lots north of Msndersnn and Miiiitli of Atnes, lietween 16th and 24th sts., for $&' and 00 each. This part of ths cliv is going in grow fast. Better buy n lot now. We h'tve others. See tm befoie buying. If you have property for sale list It with us. E. K. Lower & Co. Tel. 4'2. 20a Brown Hlock. RE 515,000 $ 4,000 $ 3,500 $ 2,800 $ 2,000 $ 1,80 $ 550 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. tf O OAfl &OX155, on $Sth avr., nearDrrtge; JS Z.lK) special taxes all paid. CHEAP. o enn a fu'1 lot' ono iP 40th, near tne site $ 1,600" . corner. of r on new Cath olic cathedral. SNAP. -100X145. on Lafayette sve.. be tween frith and 88th; or will di vide. This I a beautiful piece of ground, with sewer, water, gas and snsoe trees, nna front ing south or near Far- a on iked siren 100 ft. w de. tfr 1 OT 46x127. on 87th si iP nam. 7rn 474X1W, a(t front on 24th, near Hnnrroft. jrA-Mxl3S, on Hamilton .. Rmla 'sV park. j rQ 60xl.Ki, 41st, near Iavenwoith. I have other bargains in both vucunt and Improved properties In different parts of tne citv. stt, ik httoKf; m iiKtt AND 1.1 ST yOl'R PROPERTY WITH MK FOR SALE. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1!03 FAHNAM BT. , RK- M. T. Brennan Abstracts of Title Bonded as Required by Law 419 New York Life Building Telephone 470 A. P. TUKEY & SON. COSTS NOTHING TO LOOK COSTS BUT LITTLE TO BUY IN BEMIS 'PARK 60x119 feet, south vard, eaat of .IXth, 60x1 teet. south vard, earn of 38th, 6oxlCj feet, south Lincoln boulevard, 40x160 feet, west Lincoln boulevard, 40x150 feet, went Hawthorne ave., $7 5UX145 feet, north west of 3tith, $750. 8uxT6 feet, west Hamilton, $300. 6ox7a feet, west Hamilton, $40. on Lincoln boule on Lincoln boulu corner of 38th and on 38th, north of , corner l.'&tli and on Lafayptte ave., , corner .ISlh and front on 38th, south of front $780. iront $1,000. Irottl. $1,200, ti mil $000. front CO. front front IN HALYCON HEIGHTS Tha following blocks and half blocks are only one and two blocks from car line and two blocks from Henaon school; south of the main street In Henson: of block V. in lots, $100 each. N. Vs of block 23, 12 lots, $9oe. H. 4 of block i3, 12 lot, JDUV. . S. V, of block 24, 12 lots, $. S U of block 24. Vi lota. k,00. N. 's of block :', 12 lots, $760. S. of block 26. lots, $750. IN THOMASON & GOOS South of lianycom park, on both sides of 3-d a vm. nnd south of Vinton st. 26 lots, oixU'S feet, each. HOUSES 1134 S, 30th ave., 11 rooms, modern, $6,000. .1010 Lafavotte ave., 8 rooms, modern. $3,600. S. K. cor. and l.ake. s rooms. 8. E, cor. 27th and Maple. 7 rooms, fur nace, $1,31X1. A. P. Tl'KEV & BONB. 444-445 Board of Trade Bid. 'Phone 21M. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE IS THR TITI.K TO Vtd H UY.M, KSTATK ALL KltJU'r? IF NOT YOU SHOULII HAVK AN AHHTHACT MADE AND TITI.K PERFKCTKD HV A 4JOOI HKLIABI.K COM TAN Y. THIS COMTANY HAS THR BK8T i AND MOST COM PI.HTK 8KT OF AB- j STnACT ItoUKS IN DoI GLAS ! i "Ol'NTY. J i CAM, AND KKK I S AM WK ! 3 BIG BARGAINS Modern 7-room all conveniences, near Farnam car Hue In West Fiirnam feslflencc district. A perfect home; only $E,C0u. One of the choicest Iota in the upper Far nam rjjdenc dliitrlct: perfect grade, water, sewer and pavement: for $2,200. Also offer 10 acres choice land Just went of city; beautiful tract; nothing finer around Omaha; only $l,60o. Call and sec us or telephone 1149. Hicks Real Estate Co., 439 BO VRIl OF TRAI'E. RE- D. H. CHRISTIE CO. Room , Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 13 Notary Public ROOM 7, PATTERSON BLOCK PHONE 1326. SH.W.L RK 4H.AH run COST OF ABSTRACT. TO OI VK YOU MAKINC AX THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. 1614 FAKNAM STKHET N. P. DODGE, JR., PKtSIUh'NT nr.- k-l-vl'l'.ll lloliMi all'l llnlll, , ..... 2 lib" k west of t'lili; iin li s on Ix.tu atreets. fullv piild for. If sold In-fore we pnlnt will take $2.i, on part payments. F. I). WEAD, 1521 I'OL'ULAtf. iOS- ROBINSON & WOLF 423 Paxton Hlk. BARGAINS IN HOMES AND INVESTMENTS fii.niiiiThree brick fliits; rent fcr D0n a ycaf; 10 mltiutef' ws'k from Ben nett's. $7,500-Double brick lltit; reni, $70 a month, stir) la:ge inconl l-t; t m nutes' walk from postofflce. 14,2 ,ii-Three 0-roeui brlrk Irmscs, modern; rent for $.' m mth; high and sightly. !5,oiiU-Two-story fr.une flat, x apart ments, rents for $fl7.6" month, on main street M.0"0- Lal gn lot on West Fni nanl strett with two cottages; lhl Is a snap. $:',S00-Thiee I'tittages on 33d Street, somh ( f Fiirnam; rent for $83 a month. $I,M-Ten-room, double house, 10 minutes' walk north on Htli street; rents for $:'A s month. Hpe ioi burgiiiiia all over town, t'ome unl look over our list. Robinson & Wolf. KENNEY REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENT CO. LOANS L(KK, 1'irtK. ACCIDENT INSCRAKCIS. nF.NTALS A fll'KCIAI.TV. $00 Bee Bldg. 11 I.. WHITNEY, Mgr. ItK-K lti AIC.'O evM t'.iniii house, tfoni and pnrily nioiii-rn; full lot. located In resl isticc .li-irut w 'S uf II in. i,ii ibik; cn b. I., pgr.- ii $;.ii) i ji. i uu,. ,-, It N. V. Life Bld'g ON BKACTIFCL CLIFTON HILI I rooni lottage and barn, city water, gas, fruit and shade. Addrtss C 44. Bee iifc-lM U