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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY HKH: SUNDAY.- APRIL 16. 1903. 19 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE , FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE North Omaha In building up more rapidly with a mod erate priced rlam of houses than any other part of the city, whkh la accounted r ir. for the reit an n that tlio ground In more level and no ravines and unhralthy hol lowt, as are found In many other part! nf the rlty, and the prlro of lots are within r,ch of the majority of the people, the r service In Hood, many paved streets, .nid schools ftnd churches, and easy ac- to the center of the city. We Are Offering For Sale BLOCK OE, 24 LARGE LOTS 50x124, known " 8LXPHCK SPRING3 ADDITION, at prices of $650 for lota fronting north on Wirt st., and 1700 for south front lots on Binney at.. Just east of Sherman ave., across the atreet from Kountze Place. This Is a beautiful pjece of high ground. It will pay anyone to look at this before you buy a lot. fiewers and water In front of all Iota, will sell on easy terms, or will build h house to order on any of these lota, or any lot In any part of the city. We have many other lots In all parts of the city at all prices. Bluff View Addition Just i blocks farther north, beginning at Plnckney st., we have a few left, for $600 and $550. West Omaha, Benson, Dundee and Florence We have a good list of lots In tho West Kaxnam district, near 42d and Harney, for $500 and $600, near 41ft and Dodge and Dav enport on the hill, for $. $700 and $S0o. Choice lots In DUNDEE for $550 to $700. Choice lots In BENSON. $150 to $Si; also many good 1 to 6-acre piece. Choice lots in Florence, $150 to $400; also many good acre pieces. Summit Addition AI.ONG THE BOUTH BOULEVARD BE TWEKN UANSCOM PARK AND SOUTH OMAHA, between 2$th and th sta., and e xtending north and south of Vinton street, Ik the finest piece" of ground offered for sale, between Omaha and South Omaha. This Is hlirh and sightly and afford a fine view into the country, South Omaha, Omaha and the river. Lnte last Tall we put on sale about 50 lots, and have al ready sold nearly half of them to South Omaha stockmen, who are now busy build ing homes, most of them have purchased from 2 to 6 lota each, which will ttlve them plenty of room. . The rots range In price from l TO $500 EACH, ON VERT EASY TERMS. With all the prospects of improvements that will be made along S2d and the ele vators, mills and lnterurban lines, exten sion of the South 32d st. car lines to South Omaha, It wilt only bo a short time until these lots will be worth $200 to $500 more than we are selling them for at present. Call and get a plat showing the unsold lots. Remember we make easy terms, or will build you a house to your order. Acres Now is the time to buy acre pieces near Omaha, th prices will never be any Jess and the chances are that they will double In value in a short time. We have the best list of anyone in the city. Try us and see for yourself. Every body should buy a small piece of land, which is the safest Investment you can make. Here are a few bargains: 10 acres near Fort Omaha, slopes gently to tho north, Ann place for raising fruit. Price. $1,500. 3 acres 6 blocks west of Miller park, high and sightly, $250 an acre. Will divide. 4'i acres in Benson, 2 blocks from car, $1,000. 5 acres lVa miles from South Omaha, sloDes arently to the Bouth, $750. 6, 10 and 20 acres close to Florence, $106 an acre. Open Monday Evenings Until 10 O'clock HASTINGS 6k HEYDEN 1609 1-2 Farnan Street, Ground Floor RE $6500.00 For beautiful 10-room home, 810 Worthlngton street, opposite Brownell Hall. 65x137. To be of fered for only thirty days. Hot Water Heating AM WORK GUARANTEED 5 YEARS. Hot water, or strum heating is cheaper, and gives more satisfaction than furnace or stove. We install these heating systems In any size house in or out of Omaha. Dis tance makes no difference. Prices reason able. Write, 'phone, or call for particulars. T. K. lialfe, 1607 Howard St., 'Phone 743, RE Omaha, Neb. 6-room house on Webster, near Wth St., " W L SELBY '00,i rTalr- Paving paid, for $2,900. ' F D WEAD S34 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel.1510. LJ' 1624 Douglas. RE-MSfiO IS RE Bargain Bulletin '. hot witir Vacant building' 'she. 32d ; Street ' beat, barn. Jr . 1921 Wirt Street. facing Hascom Park. ,- $6,000. - - . $6,000. ii. ' " ' ' ' - - U X 126 , 76 X 160 ' Two good cottages, water, sewer-' Two well built houses, first class age. lawn and shade trees. condition, desirable neighborhood. 2107-2109 North 28th Street. 1031-33 South 81st Street. ... 3-j.MO- . $5,200. Seven room modern house, furnace, jwo cottages, large lot, second lot gas bath, south front on car line. soutn of Leavenworth street. , ""'California Street. . 607 and 809 South 26th Street. $3,300. ; . ' $2.600. - 40 X 120 40 X 120 Good four room house, city water, . Two good small cottages, . city gas, cellar, cistern, chicken house water, gas. Just off paved street, and barn. , Monthly rental $17.00. 1723 Van Camp Avenue. i 111-113 South 28th Avenue. $1,000. $1.600. '" 60 x 112 67 X 124 1 South front, vHcaut. lot. near car YMSt (ront vacat ,ot 22d Street. Bkfndn between 34th and 35th Streets. 2d lot south of Manderson Street. i $400. ' $1,000. Howard Kennedy & Son 209 First National Bank Building Telephone 722 RE New Beautiful Home 242$ Manderson Street This is a well built house, modern and up to date, 7 rooms and large reception hall, street paved, pretty surroundings. i'Vr price and terms see R. H. LANDERYOl'. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151 HE COUNTRY HOME NEAR DUNDEE ON WEST DODGE ROAD, $2,660. Cottage of 8 rooms well built and In best .of repair. Also new barn. Good yard and shade trees. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. RE M8U5 10 NEW MODERN HOUSE Near Hanscom Park "Not a item" but a well built, brand new house, three rooms and reception hall on lirst floor, three bed rooms, hall and bath on aei'oml floor, front and back stairs, every modern convenience, electric light, gas. butli, washstand. furnace, best of plumbing (food sized lot, lawn, shade and cement street walk. No. 1515 South. 28th St.; can make terms; price $3,250. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RK CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. . . Low Priced Property Bargains. IMPROVED $650. Two small cottages and lot on Sahler Street, near 29th. $t, 260. Small house and full lot on 27th Just south of Leavenworth, east front. $1.250. Six room cottaite and lot en Bancroft, near 24th. $1,360. Six room cottage, thirty foot lot. fronting two streets, former price $1.6uo. $96 rash, balance $17 per month. This property always rented for $lo per year and has been newly painted. Owner will also paper and paint the entire interior at the cut price named. It is a case of FORCED SALE. $fc50 South 29th, near Dupont school on car line, small lot, 6-room house. $1,800. Two .houses North 28th Avenue, near Cuming. 6-room. $1.760. Webster Street, near "36th, three liuusea, 3-rooms each, renting $264 per year. $1,760. Two houses. California and 14th, small ground, rents $3U0 pr year. $650. Four room house near 11th and Bancroft, full lot. $l.7N. Five room house 2411 North 24th, near Itke, also burn. A business lot. $950. Five room, 2620 Grant Street, one-half lot. SOMETHING SPECIAL IN ACRES Just received a few that are hlKh. beau tlful and sightly that we ciui offer on very easy terms to HOME builders. These are the hist that we now know of. Better em braee the opportunity. A few tomorrows will be too late. VACANT LOTS 4bu. South 28th, also South 27 Hi. near Hascom Park, two or three choice lots. It:.",. Leavenworth and 31st, two small lots, south front. iU. ITtli near I-ake. full small lot, $65 cash. - $60. Nice south front, 46th and Burdette. corner, $35 cash. ELLISTONE PARK PLACE Nearly one-third of this fine property. Aores Berr: Gardenold already this spring, - we are already beginning- building and one uuycr ulone expects to put $&.oA) Improvements on thla summer. Firestone lioulevsrd is to be developed. The city will also make some Important improvements on this Boulevard, hut at no oust tu' owner of lots. See the illustrated bee for other Interesting ral estate items. Only $22.60 up to $100 will secure possession to one of these lots. Cun raise enough ber ries In 11-1 years to pay whole price. Get In on this before too late, if you have a good rental property and want to get on more ground and raise something, we will consider your property in trade or sell it for you and apply proceeda. SEE US FOR OTHER SIZES AND PRICES. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. Ground Floor U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. , . BE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS An Inspection of the following properties will convince you that they are BARGAINS The northeast corner of 19th and Spen complete home; 8 ruee rooms, besides rece room; best plumbing and furnace; s-rate a tractlvt Inside and out; fine lot. This ho would build it for jour home. Price red Close in and one of the most desirabl residence with 41x132 feet of ground; clos ways occupied by the owner until the pa or sooner; new and best plumbing throug last fall. Price, only $4,5). Do you want a nice, comfortable, 6-roo an excellent location? l.ook at 2J9 Iouj close to snores, schools and churches and I Price reduced . to $2.sn0. and we think e has a barn, fruit, shrubbery. i er. brand new and a beautiful, modern, ptlon hall, bath room and attic store nd mantel: polished flours; hall sent; at use Is built tw well or better than you uced to $1.6. e locations In the rlty. a modern. H-rom e to business, schools and churches; al- t year; possession can be given June 1 hout; lest furnace; beautifully papered m residence with a fine, large lot and in t street, near one of the best car lines, n a neighborhood absolutely desirable, veil less might buy 't. This property also INVESTMENT The double brick flat building at 2013 and 2015 Douglas street, with 1''xl32 feet of ground, rental $1,080 per yearT space for another double flat. Price of entire prop erty, $12,500. We think the building with the ground it occupies can be purchased for $9,250. LOTS Near Bemls Park and close to car, 82x128 ft., on grade, permanent walk price, $1,200. Six choice lots on Furt street, near Florence boulevard, at $:l5o each. Do you want to build some cottages to rent or sell? Then buy ltBxpiO ft. at the northeast corner of 20th and Bancroft, paved street and permanent walk. A snap at $2,500. Fine lying lot on 37th, near Cass; sightly location. Price, $5'Ci. Choice corner, 9th and Frances sts., for only $750. Southeast corner 10th and Frances, only $1,050. Northeast corner 25th and A sta., South Omaha, for $S50. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farn am Street. RE 4503 GRANT STREET CLIFTON HILL Nicely arranged 8-room house, large hall, gas, city water, sewer on street, permanent sidewalk, fruit and shade trees. This Is a very desirable home; easy terms if de sired. $2,0U0. R. II. LANDER YOU. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE 840 15 c,ElAS-Williamson Co.u- fJh?'- RE-729 6-room, nearly modern cottage, two blocks west Kountze Place, on Spencer street; lot 34x90; south front and corner. tzM cash, balance monthly. $1,500. F. D. WEAD. 1624 Douglas. RE FOR SALE My home. 9-room house; 100 feet of ground; modern improvements; In first-class condition; fine shade trees, beautiful lawn. Anyone deslrlna modest but attractive home at reasonable price should investigate. Richard L Metcalfe, 3840 Charles St. RE M372 GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. 'Phone 156. HOUSES FOR SALE $6,500 for 2109 Wirt St., one of the most desirable and attractive 10-room houses in Kountte Place, modern and up-to- date, two mantels and grates, good barn, fine lawn and shade trees, cement walks and sidewalks. Lot 76x124 ft. $4,500 for 1504 Yates st V, block E. Sher man ave.), 10-room house, all modern. In good condition, large barn, fine yard and shade trees, cement walks, paved street; Improvements alone have cost over $7,000; lot 50x137 feet: reasonable terms. Extensive special improvements contemplated in this locality, which will increase value of this property. $4,250 for 816 N. 41st St. 3,i blocks N. of Farnam St.), 10-room modern house, near school and Joslyn's fine home; good loca tion; lot 89x116 feet. $3,200 for 4124 Farnum St., 6-room modern cottage, hot wafer heat, oak mantel with gas grate, best of plumbing, combination fixtures, good cistern, full corner lot, at tractive and very desirable. Immediate possession can be given. Must bo seen to be appreciated. $2,800 for 2103 Locust St., 7-room, 2-story house, all modern except furnace, in first class condition, new barn, easy terms, lot 36xl46?4 feet. $2,600 for 259 Pratt st., new, attractive 6-room cottage, all modern except fur nace, open nickel plumbing, china closet, full corner lot. permanent sidewalk, beautiful shadu trees. Very desirable for small family. $2,440 for S. E. corner N. 19th, Boulevard and Lake st:, 8-roorh house, all modern, in ftrst-class condition; reasonable terms, $2,150 for 1111 N. 18th St.. 7-room cottage, all modern except furnace. In good condi tion, painted and papered throughout last fall. Terms, $750 cush, balance monthly. Close in. $2,100 for 2.9 Miami st.. new 6-room house, all modern except furnace, piped for fur nace; will be completed in a few days; one-half block to cur. Terms, $500 cush, balance monthly. $2,000 for 2U2S N. lOrh St., 6-room Mouse, large lot. 66x140 feet, room to build an other house on lot if desired. $1,750 for 314 N. 26th St., 4-room cottage. In flrst-clnss condition; city water, sewer and kus; easy walking distance; $1,650 for 1551 N. ISth st., 7-room, 2-story house, modern except furnace and bath, In best condition; fine shade, trees; close in. Immediate possession can be given. Easy terms. INVESTMENTS $3,000 for 1433 S. 16th St.. two-story frame store building, 6 large living rooms above, also small house In rear; pays over 10 per cent net after deducting taxes and In surance. $l,6o0 for two 6-room cottages In north part, on good street, 8 blocks from 24th st. car line; property in good condition; rents for $30 per month, and Is always occu pied. Iot 45x125 feet. $900 for 1117 8. -16th at.. 1-story frame store building, sultablo for retail business, renting for $10 per month; easy terms. ACRES 20 acres 1V4 miles N. W. of Benson; im provements consist . of 4-room house, small barn and other buildings. Price $125 per acre. Reasonable terms. VACANT W. corner of Sstlr st. AW special improve" $1,000.00. 2912 Grant st., 6-room house, newly pa pered, good barn, njee shade; will rent adjoining lots for gardening. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam st. RE 731 CHOICE INVESTMENT. Three-story brick block on. South 16th St.; three stores and 40 rooms; all well rented. Eastern owner will sell for $16,000. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Lite Bldg. RE M6S8 WANT OFFER On 3-room house, full lot, 2529 So. Sth; good roof; property rents at $tk per year. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE $2,000-69x140 feet, S. and Dewey ' uvcf menta in. " ; $1,000 60x'lo7 feet, S. front on Burt st-.;-51 feet W. of 24th St.; on grade. $1,(100-100x128 feet, N. . coi ner 29th und Franklin st. $70037x100 feet, 112 feet 8. of Nicholas St., E. front on 40th st. Special taxes paid. RE 281W2813 PINKNBY ST. Two six-room houses and good lots, non resident owner Is anxious to sell. I-ook at this property and make offer. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RE Clifton Hill ' 403 Grant Street Here Is a very desirable homo with 7 rooms and large reception hall, on fine corner lot, finxluO, fruit and shade trees, permanent sidewalk, city water, gas, sewer, easy term l( desired; price, $2,000. ... R. H. LANDERYOI", 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151 RE PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. FIRST FLOOR Ni. Y. LIFE BLDG. 2722 S. 12th, 6 rooms, l-story houso, cast front; owner anxious to sell; mort gage $500; might exchinge equity for vacant property In the northwestern part Of the city. 4209 Cuming St., 7-room house, hath, gas, good barn, fine neighborhood; price, $2,000.00. ' 924 N. 420 St., 7. rooms, all modern, east front, nice large porch; price, $2,300. 1815 Locust St., a strictly modern 6-room cottage; price $2,500. 3224 Cuming st., 6 rcoms, strictly modern, combination gas und electric light fix tures, open plumbing,, nice bath room, nicely arranged, almost n w. fine cellar, good full large lot, which will face Bemis Park when the old houses west of it are removed. Price. $3,i0. 2710 Davenport St., 5ox130, south front, fine neighborhood, house of 8 large rooms, bath, gas, furnace etc. Price, $3,5o0. 'VACANT Lot 9, in block 7, Creighton Heights, 173 feet, east of 45th, on the south aide of Corby; price, $150. Lot 4. in block S, Brlggs Place, 47 feet west of 46th, on the soutff side of Douglas, the first vacant lot east of 4617 Douglas, a large brick house; price, $350. Lots 4 and 6, block 1, Cherry Hill, southeast corner of 48th and Brown sts., 243 feet on Brown by 127 feet on 48th St., about 2 acres; price, $400. ) Northwest corner of 27th ave. and Webster, 80x126, suitable for subdivision; price. $2,800.60. The west one-third of lot 2, in block '0, OniHho, 2x132. between Sth and 9th, on Farnam; price, $2,800; this is surely cheap, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Tel. 1781. First Floor N. Y. I.ifp Rlrlcr ' TV RE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FCR SALE REAL ESTATE I nvestments 4.Vti acres timber land in Iuitslana $.1.50 per aero. .OP0 acres timber land In southeast Mis souri, suitable for colonization, will sell whole or half interest and assist In colonization. 20.tO acres, northern Louisiana: rich river bottom land, best In the state; owner wants capital to Incorporate company to utilize lumber and erect first-class wood acid plant; land worth $50 per acre when cleared; big money If properly pushed. 33 quarter sections (5.280 acres), In eastern Colorado, nearly compact body; $-.50 per acre; examine It and you buy. 6,380 acres, all under fence, f 4,fX worth of Improvements on the land, $5,000 buys it. This Is 10 sections In compact body, Colo rado state school land, 5 cents per acre rental. $,300-acre farm In tlie Elkhorn valley, best In the state for the money well Im proved only $15 per acre. See it and you bur it. 2,000 acres of deeded land In Cherry Co.. Neb.; a snap for the right man. CUBA 13,300 acres, provinces of Matanzas and Santa Clara, crossed by two railroads and one important river; best of soil. Our Cuban correspondent says: "If this land Is not worth $10 per acre cash I know nothing about property in Cuba." You put up $28,262.00; I will put up same amount, making $4.25 pes acre; will deed the cntlro tract to "you and tako back contract to sell and divide profits." This is a good proposition and perfectly safe. C. R. GLOVER & SON Room 3 Main Floor N: Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone )h Omana. Neb. -KB W. G. SHRIVER, , Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals, ' ... 1023 New, York Ufe Bldg. $7,500 Buys a 10-r., strictly modern house, 60-ft. lot; fine location, fine shape; $1,0U0 cash, balance $50 per month; , will rent for $45; 4 blocks from court ' .".house. ,... v . $3,800 Buys one of the finest homes on tho hili, 8 r.. modern, full lot, near 40th ; and Hamilton. ' $1,500 Buys 7-r. house, barn, etc., near Blondo and 25th. $2,200 Buys 6-r. house, corner 25th and Parker. $2,200 Buys tlno 6-r. dwelling, 60-ft. lot; modern except furnace, near De catur and 27th sts. $ 850 Buys new 6-r. house, water, sewer, 40-ft. lot, 26th and Spencer. $2,800 Buys 7-r. house, modern; barn; 22d and Locust. Vacant lots In all parts of the city. 10. 15 or 20 acres, miles from postnfflce, $125 per acre. 10. 15, 20 and 30-acre fruit farms, near Council Bluffs. RE 192 16 NICE HOME 40TH AND FARNAM, $2,500. A good seven-room house, bath, etc., south front lot. on grade, good surround ings. If you ore looking for a moderate priced property for a homo investigate this. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RE- When Buying Real Estate Be Sure You Don't Buy a Law Suit Have Your Abstract Made By Neale& Norton Abstracts of Title. 218 So. 17th Street, Bee JBldg OMAHA, NEBRASKA Telephone 1079 Herbert H. Neale Frank J. Norton . - RBV- The Bee published 70 per cent more ReaJ Estate Advertising in 1904 than its nearest competitor, and it has increased its lead so far this year. Real estate men patronize the paper that brings returns. BEE WANT ADS DO THE BUSINESS. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone 297. HOUSES . T t 1.200 A good i-room cotago on Ohio st., near car; electric light, city water, etc. t 1.250 A (rmid 6-room house near 24th and Pierce; lot OuxlSx. t 10 A fine S-room cottage, within Walk ing distance; cltv water, ntwer; lot 34x16. $ 1.750 ood 7-room house st 2S7 Tierce st.; rents for lis per month. $ l.tfO A fine 5-room cottage on 21st st., near Manderson; nice east-front lot. I 1.200 A new 4-room cottage at 30th and Spring: south front, city water. Can sell on easy terms. $ 2,650 A tine 7-room, all modern cottage on 41st ave., near fuming st. $ 2,650 A new 7-room. modern house on t'pltol live., near 26th st. Owner will accept lot In part payment. I 3,fi00-i0 N. 40 h St.. 7 rooms, all modern. f 4,2-'iO-Northeast corner 4oth and Hurt St., rooms, all modern. W, 300 70S N. 40th st., 7 rooms, all modern. f 6.300 34th and Harney, new. 8 rooms; something fine, tiled bath room and vestibule, electric Ught and gas, ce ment walks on payments. 6.000615 N. 40th St., a fine S-room, all modern house. Just complete. The new cathedral -will make this a val uable home. r . 7,600 On 31st st.. near Pacific st.. an ele gant 9-room house, east front. f 8,500 On 30lh ave., 9-room, all modern home; nothing nicer in town for the money. ' $13,000 A fine brick home In West Farnam district; good corner lot. $10,000 The lr. Parker property. On th southeast corner of 25 th ave. and Dodge, 9 rooms, barn, etc.; lot 121x 132 $12,000 A 10-room. frame house on 25th ave., near Douglas; lot 120 ft. front; brick barn. 212 South 14th St. . VACANT $ UiO 1 lot left on 2th st. near Fpragv. $ 6ii On Bristol st.. near ISth st. $ 4,"-Ou Boulevard, near Mand.reoo. $ 6V Northeast corner ZM and Laird. 10 xU'4. $ 5(i0 Southwest corner Kth and Pprsgue i AKw-On Chicago, near tho Boulevard. I 650 On Capitol ave., near 17th st. 750T-WX132 ft. on Howard, near 36th at. 850 Fine lot on Maple, near 20th at. only two lots left; you want to hurry. 700 On 24th st. and Arbor; good corner. !o on 24th st., near Vinton st. 600 On 30th and Bancroft; paving paid. . $ 1,300 Corner 40th and Webster; vary choice. $ 1.200 Next to corner, 40th and Webater. t $ 3.250 Northwest corner 24th and Bristol; a fine corner for four houses. $ 5,750 For that fine lot on the southwest corner of Ssth ave. and Dodgo; pav ing paid on both streets. Something for Subdivision The 9 acres on northwest corner S4th and Fort. This would make a flno bunch of lots. See us for price. We have a choice 8 acres at 27th and Laxl more that can be bought now at a bar gain. INVESTMENTS , 2710-2712 Parker at., two 6-room house, on paved street; rent for $W0 per year. iTIce, $3,250. Northeast corner 24th and Lk at.. two-story, pressed brick bldg., 74-ft. front on 24th st. Make us an offer. 15 PKK CENT. 4 good houses, renting (or $t"i0 per year; always rented; city water and aewer la each house $4,7&0. ACREAGE S acres northeast of Krug park. ' 5 acres southwest of Benson $750. 20 acres in Benson, 4-room houso $135 4Ut acre. 10 acres on West Dodge, St. $2,000. 10 acres west of South Omaha $1,250. 10 acres just north of Florence $1,600. so acres In Benson, at $125 an aero. 80 ucrcs on Military road, at $S0 au acr. BE ' WESTERN NEBRASKA RANCH FOR SALE On account of old age I want to retire, and now offer for sale one of tho best cattle ranches in the sand hills, located fifteen miles southeast of Alliance. Consists of about 2.720 acres deed land, 640 acres school land plentv of free outside range and natural meadows that cut over 2,000 tons of hay annually. Houses, good sta bles and corrals, over 20 miles wire fence, 7 winhtillls with tanks, several natural lakes, stock scales, dipping vat. dehorning chute, mowers, stackers, rakes, plows, wagons, harness and all Implements used on a first-class ranch. Also offer 80 head horses, 60t head cattle, with or without ranch. Prices and terms reasonable. A bargain and will be taken soon. Write gulck, or come and see the property. Alonzo Hague, Alliance. Neb. RE-M952 23x S-ROOM house on Bouth 31st at., north of ; Hanscom park, all modern except fur nace, with east front, nice shade, paving fully paid. This ia a nice home; can b. had for $500 cash, balance to suit $3,100. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE WE CJOI OFFER B-room house in Bemls park for.. .....$1,600 6- room house near 28th and Lake...... l.IM It-room house, Kountze Place 8,700 7- room modern house. Orchard Hill.... 1,800 TxH In Plalnvlcw addition 00 Lot in Orchard Mill COO HUTCHINSON-BOLARD CO.. 1623 Farnam St. RE Ml2 18 WE OFFER some choice residence prop erty In Omaha. Nice, homes from $1,600 up, V. S. Sales Bureau, Bee bldg. RE-149 18 Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. 836 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. BUILDING SITES $500 60x136, east front on 35th, 50 ft. south of Cass st. $500 ; 60x118; 144 ft. west of 32d; south front on Cass. $.,0060x127; east front on 2tith and 50 ft. north of Hickory. $000-60x127; lot adjoining above on north. $1,00050x159; north front on Burt St., 170 ft. east of 36th. $1,001-50x150; north front on WebBter, 150tt. east of 30th. ' $1,200100x10; south front on Cass, 50 ft. west of 30th. Will divide. $1,20050x128; south front oh Chicago, to ft. west of 30th st; paved atreet and porta nent walk. ; i i , IMPROVED PROPERTIES $1,000-4 rooms; lot 160x150; 28th and Maple . $1,250 Easy terms; 6-room cottage, full lot; large amount of fruit; $3o0 cash, balance $l,6081,oms",partly modern, full lot; 3835 Franklin sL; $400 cash, balance $18 per $2,0007 rooms, modern except furnace; 22d and Grace sts.; $200 cash, balance name a $2,400-8-room partly modern house, at 25th and A sts.. South Omaha; lot 60x130; large amount, of shade and fruit trees; must be sold at once. $2 5uo-.7-room modern house except furnace, 30th and California; south front; on grade. $2,5007 rooms; gas and electric light, bath, rlty water and sewer, cistern, south front lot, on, grade; Hhude. and fruit trees; 3flth and California sts. $3,2007 rooms, all modern, finished last November; lli-Bt lloor finished in oak; nice $3,400 6-room, all modern house, built two years ago; lot 88x135; 33d and Myrtle ave., Hemls park. . . , $3,500-8 rooms, all modern, full lot, east front, 30 ave.. south of Pacific. $4,000 8-room. all modern brick house, slate roof, Kountze Place; full lot, ahgdo and fruit trets; $4,000 if sold this week. . , , . $4,ourt7-room house, modern except furnace; lot 50x187; li5-barrel cistern; shade and fruit trees; south of Poppleton. $4.20i 7-room, all modern .house; paved street- and permanent walk; 35th ave. and $5,0oolroom. all modern house; hot water heat, mantle and grate, gas and electrlo light, bath, closet and lavatory, city water and sewer; electrlo . bell: iicreen. storm wish, cement- basementjinder whole house;-2 lots 100x130; good barn; shade $5,5?)41 rwms'fTnished In oak and birch; heated by furnacef two mantles and grates; gas and electric lights; porcelain hathcloset and lavatory, cement base ment; built last summer; preened brick foundation; asp(mlt paved street and ce ment walk; 19th and Binney. RE 10 ACRES S. W., $1,250. 10 ACRES EAST OF BENSON. $2,000. FI'LL IXJT NR NEW CATHEDRAL. $HaJ. LOTS NEAR 34TH & FARNAM, $1,6)0. lOOxllT FT. S. W. CORNER 32D ST. AND POPPLETON AVE.. $4,250. . WEgT FARNAM DISTRICT. 2 ' BRICK COTTAGES. RENTAL $510 YEARLY, $4 500 HARRISON COCNTY! IOWA LANDS TO EXCHANGE FOR OMAHA IMPROVED PROPERTY. 1143-45 N. 17TH. RENTAL $304 YEARLY; PAVING PAID; CHEAP. $2,3ilO. 26Ti7-71 DODGE. 3 HOI SF.S. RENTAL $i00 YEARLY; 'CHEAP. $4,500. JOHN N. FREN.KR, OPP. OLD P. O. HE-164 16 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE carefully and promptly compiled and ex tended. Omaha Abstract Co., bonded ab stracters, Geo. B. Rlker, H-r., 4i Bee bldg. Tel. 612. - RE-47S M7 merits. ;$2,ooo: F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. Two hptuBCs on South 18th et., near VIu i . ' ton. ha,ve city water and clstcrus, rent $240 per year; these can bo sold, oil pay - . - T.H- FOR SALE One note of $1,800, due In one 1 year, secured by first mortgage en good Improved Omaha property, bearing 8 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $I,tiu0, due on or before thr years, interest at 6 per cent, payable attml-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely . safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 26, Bee office. ' RE-Me MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY in OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA and COUNCIL BLUFFS LOANS FdR BUILDING PURPOSES. W. H. -THOMAS, l?t National Bank. Bldg. OMAHV