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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1905)
EDITORIAL SECTION. The Omaha UNDAY Bee. PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, AI'IJIL 1G, lKOo. SINGLE COPY, FIVE CENTS. It A a 4il.08 Copyrighted books . . . 49c In Klaborate Bindings and Beau tifully Illustrated. "Call of tho Wild," by London. "Ited Rock, by Page. 'Letters from a Self-made Mer chant to Ills Son," by Lorlmcr. "Soldiers of Fortune," by Davis. "My Lady rnramount" by Ilarland. 'Wolfvlllo," "Wolfvlllo Days and Nights," by Lewis. "Grey Cloak," by MacGrath. "Main Chance." by Nicholson. "Amatuer Cracksman," by Hor- nung. "The Crisis," by ChurchllL C25 Titles. Book Stalls, Main Floor. Monday For One Hour only From 10 to II O'clock Forenoon A Millinery Sensation Stunning 1905 Spring Street Hats Here a. Sample: We offer If at a price that compe tition couldn't guest at, not sure that you could buy this particular bat anywhere. It's a hand-made yeddo braid turban hat in pretty shaded effects brown to ureen, dark yreen to light green, and other desirable blcndings and shadings. It's a (4.60 value, we sell it ordinarily for 13.50, that's the price we II ass: lor it outside this chosen forenoon hour, it's yours Monday forenoon between 10 and 11 for,. MS Grand Easter Display Omaha's biggest store in fullest bloom for taster tide, every thing is fresh, sweet and clean. In attractive Easter merchandise we direct your very special attention to our magnificent Millinery Department, the cause of more compliments and expressions of delighted surprise on the part of visitors and shoppers than any other Omaha exhibit to date. Also to the resplendent Chinaware Section, richly stocked, elaborately laid out, glitteringly attractive, also to the Art Galleries where some very desirable Easter Noveltks can be purchased at the easiest of prices. All ovtr the house, in all departments, with out particular qualification, there are special efforts put forth to make Easter a festival of bargains. Oil At 00 raw Monday For One Hour only Fiom J to 4 O'clock Afternoon A MILLINERY SENSATION A DASHING DKESS HAT-large Gnlnslioroiigh of alternate Tuscan biaid Hiid pale blue t ill (Ton folds, largo crown with ruflles of chiffon at edge and shirred chiffon fa el nt;, elaborate drape of silk self-toned not and huge bunch of pale pink roses at left side; It's a stunner, it's a fy.l8 alue, It's price out side tlil.s chosen lifter noon hour Is $M..rKi yours for one hour from 3 to 4, p. m.. . i no EASTER NOVELTIES A Large and Exclusive Assortment i:STi;it POSTAL CAUDS in new designs, illustrated in beautiful colors, each 0c Uc T i and lCASTKU GIFT OAKPS AND HOOKLKTS, elaborately printed In cold and colors, with little verses, Ko to. . 1 I TISSI K l'.XrF.K AND MECHAN ICAL NOVELTIES. Chickens, ltabhlt and Enster Eur designs, something new --something 'Z pretty, 75o to EASTEK CARDS IN HAND COT,. OKS. Duster Tally Cards, little Chickens and Itabbits. STATION E H Y S ECTION. H Hardware Specials for Monday NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR IIUBBEK HOSE. Prices up Q from JC Every piece guaranteed. Double Green Trading Stamps Monday Lawn Mowers, all kinds and 1 QQ grades, prices up from t,JQ Double Green Trading Stamps Monday Double Green Trading Stamps on all Screen Doors, prices up 7 Q from... $ OC Double i.i'iii Trading Stamps on all Screen V , i.ulows, prices up from , ItC Thirty i$.') Green Trading Stamps with 2i Une Steel Lawn A Itake rZC Thirty Green Trading Stamps with 14 tine Steel Garden IP. Stamps Itake Thirty ($3) Green Trading with 12-tine Garden Hake , Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with best Steel Hoe. Twenty (.52) Green Trading Stamps with Steel Hoe DON'T FORGET WE ARE HEAD QUARTERS FOR JAF-A-LAO AND ALL KINDS OF FAINTS AND OILS. Double Green Trading Stamps on nil Faint and Oil Monday. 38c 45c 20c i mm Omaha's Peerless Easter Display The most complete lines of Easter Hats ever brought to Omaha. Rare Easter Creations. Perfect copies it hats that will be the reigning modes in Paris, London and New York. Original ideas from our own regu larly employed artists, than whom there are no cleverer west of Chicago. These Hats on sale Monday for the first time (no two hats alike), $7.50 to $12 All goods shown during Easter week are strictly new, specially displayed and will have thzir Initial and final display '- during Eastertide. The styles shown, the assortments and the varieties run well up into the hundreds, the whole making the most splendid millinery display west of Chicago, and not surpassed even there. Hats for every pocketbook. Hats for every taste. Every vagary, whim or caprice ot fashion has its exposition in tsennett s Great Millinery. Great closing cut sale to make room for our superb Easter winnings. A very bewitching ensemble of Five Dollar Hats. In this very entrancing display are a number of French models, styles that are strictly confined to Bennett's Millinery; you cannot get them elsewhere because they are unknown elsewhere- They are the admiration of every visitor. Here s a sample: A large high crown, band made shape, beautiful quality red satin braid with pleated Maline edge aud insertion, high roll at left side with Cas cade effect of cherries drooping to the hair and self-toned red C satin ribbon it's a daisy an $8.50 value for. P J Here's Another A mndinm sized Blnette Chin with' Inch back, tilled in with shaded bluette poppies aud foliage, finished with elaborate black velvet ribbon bows a queen of a hat easily an $ S.50 value for. - 4-1 H V $5 AX EXTRA SPECIAL LINE OF CHILDREN'S TUSCAN TOKE ISONNETS T JO with elaborate chiffon triminlng-$3.00 value for JitJ Street Hats Street Hats Misses Street Hats Ijirge flat shape drooping effect on - hair on back, comes In Tuscan braid with fancy braid combinations, elaborate trimming of. quills aud velvet good value f (Vn for $3.50 Monday for ...J(j .NORBY STYLES IN STREET HATS Dozens of styles and every idea desirable $1.4!, HSo and 49c Veilings, Ribbons, Foliage, Flowers, Sprays, Buckles, Buttons, Cabichons Everything in Millinery Trimmings. Headquarters for the home milliner Prices rally at wholesale. Manicure Sets and Manicure Requisites FK-xll)l Nail Vll.-s, nil kIihI"1: TockPt Nail Kllis. tloxlM or Miff, ivory nnd HnM.i-r Nuil Files, rocket Nail Clips, Manicure Slicks In nriwiKS wood, liearl or walrus Ivory; Manicure Htlckw, nrnfpHstonnl l7.o In ornnne wooil, vclvrt llnlHhiil; rutlclo Scissors. Null Sclssorn, Corn llnx""., Pocket Manicure Set. In lirautifnl Morocco case, contains tiles, scissors ami iearl manicure stick, u t2M value, US Monday for Nail Horrors, all lengths ami shapes. In kid and chamois, every UiliiK for maiilcurlnK. IHHTil.K IlliKKX TRADING ST A MI'S WITH At. I- SLCH MON DAY. I'crfumcry Aisles, main lloor. Hat Brushes Cloth Brushes Hair Brushes A TTAT UHl'SII In ehonlaed wood, also In fox wood, nine rows of bristles. It in a wiperl) piece of goods, our Monday cut price Twenty i$2.W Oreen Trading Stamps. CI.OTII BKl'SH in ehoiitscd wood, a gentleman's cloth brush, one you feel like making a present AQc of to a friend, Monday -x Twenty ($:'.) Green Trading- fit am ph. 1IMR imi'SH, solid back rhonlzed wood or fox wood, nlno rows of bristles, a splendid value, 40C Monday Twenty CJ2.00) Oreen Trading Stamps. All kind t of brushes, toilet requi site tin hand at low prices. Toilet Hoods Section, Perfumery Aisles, Main Floor. Bennett's Big Grocery The Best Values in First-Class New Table Products. No Better on Earth. Special Prune offer. 25c 15c 25c ..?5c ....24c 4c ... 4c 5c 7c ..10c Ten ($1.00)Cirecn Trading Stamps with two pounds very choice large California Prunes Ten ($L00) Oreen Trading Stamps with pound Evaporated Peaches, at Ten $1.00) Greeu Trading Stamps w:ith three cans Rocky Mountain Cream Ten (11.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with pint, bottla A. B. C. 'yCXn CajBup.. miJt Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Thomp- BJC son's Seedless IUiislns Trading. 50c Fifteen ($1.50) Green Stamps with five cans Tomatoes Fifteen ($1.60) Green Stamps with five cans splendid Corn Trading 50c Fifty ($5.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with ten-pound bo fine QEri California Prunes OOW ...... y..... California Raisins, pound Vegetables and Flower Seeds, package Potted Ham, can Oil Sardines, can Corn, two-pound can Pepper Sauce, bottle Salmon pound ca u Sale of POPULAR ART PICTURES MADONNA PICTURES (llko cut) framed In oval black ixfl fran es, a special 4 i(l' Faster value, at I-UV Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. THE SAME) MADONNA, framed In a 10-ln. ell'fl.i frumii un ..1.1 a k .. . . . i ....... ..... .... ...... . 1 1 1 . . . 1. 1 n i vciy artis tic combination, an Kaster epecial 2 jQ One Hundred ($10) Green'Trading Stamps. The art critic, Lorado laft, says of this beautiful Xfadonna: "'Hie artist has had the extreme ymid for(uite to find a model of pure and almost perfect features, and ex pression, more astonishing still, a baby of spiritual cast of countenance. Theu are I... i i a v - rtupuuy puscu, aimmi unconsciously. 1 would not have believed it possible to do anything so poetic and ethereal directly from nature" F2MlDanaC.Tf...N! "1NTT PASSEPARTOUTS at 25c, ""ASJ i.79 -nijr ureen rraoing Stamps -Monduy with this outfit. PICTURE FRAMING Is whro we excel, prices mean saving to you ARTIST MATERIALS a full line-prices right.-Second Floor. 12c TRINITY CHUHCM, BOSTON. The... ..' t -... Ill l mi .--ar v urn f EASTER. shoes are ready for you here in great profusion. And if there is one day of the year more than another when correct apparel is imperative, it is Easter. Fashion de mands it good sense approves it. We show, as always, the , correct and fashionable styles. For witness see our display of "Dorothy Dodd" shoes for women. They have the little wrinkles of newness the dash of style that removes them from the common place. If you would escape alP criticism if you would possess the fascination of a pretty foot, get the "Style of the Dorothy Dodd." Special ' btyle $3.00 Regular Styles f Low Cuts, 2.50 Boots, fJ.OOi JM uxelujhJtly at thU ior "Special" Styles The Bennett Company. i0 JAPANESE CHINA SAMPLES AXOTHKK LOT OF SAMPLES l-'HOM A NKW YORK LM-POKTED-MAXY HEAI TIFLL PIECES. ' I5c 25c 15c Peppers and Salts for f C 25c, -tie and ..IJC Stiirar and tYenniH. 'J C pair .fl, 7.V, 5ic and. mD, Teapots ut TiOc, 35o and Cnps and Saucers, at J3e, ac and Bon Bon Boxes, at C OUe, 35e and D Trays, Olive Dishes, Uuc, IWc aud SALAD BOWLS UP EltOM fL2T and as low priced as Vases up from 75e ( and ONLY .OXE Ol-' A KIXD FOK MOXDAY. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Japanese China Monday VIEWS OF OMAHA OX C1IIXA--Prominent buildings, af ftn dainty souvenir up to W)c each, and at l!3e, 10c and lUt Match Snfes, Pin Trays, Cups aud Saucers, Plates, Vases, etc. 25c 75c 50c TOILET SETS Special showing, many new designs, QO 0 piece sets 1 . O and up to 10.00 Double Green Trading Stamps on any set Monday. CKOCKERA SECTION Second Floor Lace Curtains First Mill Runs We Itought 65 cases of first mill runs from a manufacturer of Not tingham Curtains all perfect as far as wear is concerned, but woven a little uneven. The second lot goes on sale Mouday morning at prices that are less than the cost of tho yam It took to make them. Salesman's snniplcs, : ruses, com prising all tin; grades worth up to $."kH pair at, Q- each ZJC HALF PA111S-5 eases in all-You will Hud values up to $o..0 pair all full lengths at, 1 each it C PAIRS AND HALF PAIItS-All wld, worth up to $5.00 Aln see them at, each JC Some of these are slightly dam aged, but they are very cheap. $J.r( Cl'liTAIXS Thirty-live styles, Nottingham and nulled KwlssX'urtalus at, ftO pair VOC $:i.5() CURTAINS Fifty-swen styles, to select from, full sizes, extra fceavy at, t LQl rlr 1.00 EXTENSION RODS Highly ikI Ished, extend from 3W to ( 51 luches at, each WINDOW SHADES-Cxd; A special, each UC WALL PAPER. We carry a large stock, ranging frcru a good white blank, per roll .' To Imported goods at, roll.... 3. 00 THIRD FLOOR. , On Sale Monday Made-Up Rugs At Very Small Prices. You can take your choice of 100 beautiful IJugs at less than the materials cost to make them. We have combined all our remnants of carpets with a lot of bor ders bought at less than half the usual selling price, and added nothing for the work. The greatest values that we have ever offered. A few of the prices, below. Scores more at equal values. 8 -SxO-7. made up of best Tapestry Carpet 8-;tl(M, made up o best Tapestry Carnet PxlL', made up of best Tapestry Carpet 8-3x11', made of Ex Carpet, worth $1.73 per yard, at S ilxliMi, made of Ex. Carpet, worth f 1.75 per yard, at 10xlt1-7. made of Wilton Carpet, wortb. Jfl.rxi per yard, at . . lottxl'-', made of Wilton Carpet, win tb $I..r0 ler yard, L a... 11.50 11.98 14.50 s . Axuiliistcr 21.50 x. AxmiiiMter 19.50 24.50 Wilton Carpet, 25.00 THE STANDARD METAL FOLD ABLE BED 10.75 INCLUDING THE 20-YEAR GUARANTEED RIP VAN WINKLE SPRING. The illustration below shows with what ease this bed may be converted into a compact, closely folded sanitary and room saving device. This Bed Will Be Demonstrated Tomorrow on our Furniture Floor. The Sta.ndrd id not exclusively a Fold ing Bed. Iu looks aad appearance it is just a handsome Standard Mtai Bed, with the extra advantage of being foldable. Open or folded, the veutilatioa is perfect The floor beneath is readily swept with a broom, and the spring itself may be dusted ever morn ing, an advantage not posses-ted by the ordi nary bed. When folded it occupies less floor space than any other bed now on the market. It presents every point of excel lence oi ttie ordinary metal De:i and every desirable feature of the folding bed. with the objectionable features eliminated. Beside the handsome Bed we offer Monday at We show 10 other stylos, ranging in prioo to l-i. 10.75 1 irii if k Hiiliilf 10 ml Dennett's Candy Section Birds' Nest with Eggs 5c Jap Confection, eack 5c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Easter novelties 25c CIGARS Great Five, paeked Vi y r In a box Zt D C Jtlaek Hi-ss, a good clfar, IA tor Thirty i3.00) tirern TrudlnK Btumps. 1.25 Torto' Hlco PtOKlea, loo In a box 1.50 Iroen Trading Thirty (fcUmi Klarni). Joe Wright, a loo elgar, each. . , , Fifty for :.Sc 2.2$ 1.00 $5 Clothing Section April showers don't scare the boy who wears "Perfection" clothes. Of course he'll get caught and drenched if he has half a chance, but don't worry about his clothes. They'll be O. K. in the morning if they're "Perfection." A11 our materials are thoroughly sponged and shrunk before making up. Wet won't hurt 'em z any more than wear. They're built for boys and will 'stand the pace the seapon round. Come see what we mean. Made up in sacks, ningle and double breasted, Nor folks, Etons, Butters ages from 20 years to 24 prices from 7.50 to YOI7XO MKX'K SUITS 0.73, $8.50, ifT.uU, ?G.50 and lpuiemb'r the Clothing nale of Mpkhix Hart & Kohn, New York $50,000 Block bought for npot cnli now on sale in Clothing Sort ion at about half price. MKX'S SUITS $20.00 Suits at $10 MEN'S SUITS :MM SuitK at $15 Furnishing Goods MONDAY ALL DAY Choice of any Klgin. Vilson Bros.', Ideal. Lion Shirt h on bargain wpiare woilli $1.00. at IIATSUne wimple line of Men' and Bo.v' Soft AAA ' Hat, worth up to .2.r0. all day Monday, at IUU KASTKH NKCKWKAK Shirts, anything in Furnishing, ' . we have it, in its latest style and good $1.00 Neckwear, at JUC RAIN COATS $20.00 Coats at $10 SI'KIXCi OVKKCOATS $1.".00 Coats at 7,50 UONT FOUGHT TIIF CI.OTIIINCi SAM:.