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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1905)
( 12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1903. i. ! i mm Twnr n I inn I n I ill ill i n I I 1 1T1 mini i , Easter Millinery claims first attention no topic is so vital to the shopper at this period as the selection of lashiona ble and becoming hat. It is at Uiandeis' (hat the tastes of discriminating women are satisfied. The Easter hat that excites the admiration and envy of womankind on Easier is sure to come from Brandeis. The later models from Paris show even a greater variety of becoming modes than the early spring importations. We phew an entirely new array of designs which embody the lates achietntnts oi n atter milliner. As an Easter slyle show th isplay is superb. The air cf chic Parisian style that lends character to the Brandeis hats is not to be fovnd in other models. Combination of shades and artistic tone blending is a dominant feature of Inter spring style. riquot ribbon Is extensively used in trimming, while Mllnn and eoque breasts are in Inch favor. June roses, forget-me-nots, hyacinths and wisteria are extremely modish just now. EASTER SPECIALS 71 Each Hat Pictured Here Is An Original Brandeis Model Sketched in Our Department. A Stunning Easter Hat at $7.50 We show Monday most of them their first appear ance several hundred absolutely new models for Easter wear. The charming late spring innovations in all the newer shapes and combinations of shades. There was never such an exquisite array of fashionable hats priced so moderately a Bran deis special at ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE EASTER MODELS Here are the freshest models from Paris, just received from the customs house, consigned direct to Brandeis scarcely a pattern of merit from the great millinery salons of Paris that is not faithfullv coDied in essential stvle features never such w brilliant and bewitchincr assemblage of millinery art in the West range of prices from New Millinery Modes at $10 A specially fetching array of hatsTommy Atkins turbans, new Plateau hats, short front and high trimmed back models, Silft Polo turbans, tricornes, etc., at r V TWO NEW SUIT HATS SPECIALLY PRICED A Jaunty little ready-to-wear hat for Satur day's selling made of the new colored straws, effectively trimmed many of CA the prettiest ideas for street wear at.. J" Up-to-date little street hats in turbans, toques, sailors, etc. latest style trimming for smart street wear a wide variety of very C A becoming modes at ww 4 1 . One very popular model shows a per- osnllne double rueh on a high back and short front sailor. iwvRxa with wisteria. A green and tusean combination is effectively brought out with different shades of heliotrope. Peroxaline braid and Tusi aus are employed to a great extent EASTER SUITS, GOWNS AND DEMI-COSTUMES at BRANDEIS' pj J iWvi t 0P ill 11 Iff 8 p Original and Lato Styles in Ladies' Apparel Always Seen First ait BRANDEIS. L&dies' Sample Suits, worth up to $35 a.nd $49, at $19 As an Easter special we place on sale 180 tine tailored suites in voiles, mohairs, broadcloths, serge?, etc. -now all-round blouse, Rodlngote, Eton and ft f reefer stylos, siirm in the now aide and box pleat effects most of the lot are samples, of which there are no jfc WZw duplicates, at VJ Ladies' Beautiful Silk Suits at $24.59 Beautiful silk jacket and bliirt waist suits sample suits with new blouse and jacket styles skirts shirred and ploated the most popular colors nany suits in Cfl the lot worth up to $45, at &ntD3 Light Weight Silk Coats High clais silk coats that will be extremely popular this summer ' new half and three-qurter length loose effects shirred and pleated Redlngotes, etc. they g f Q Un J CV are pongees, shantung, rajahs, taffetas, peau de soies, etc. all the new spriD shades, in- J f ft . ?lST eluding whites and blacks, prices range from. VJ to p m Also a fine line of the new lace coats one-half and three-fourths flyfQC up (DfC lengths, white, cream and black lace, at 1 rOwr Q pJ Stunning Covert Coats Extremely pretty line of the swell newcor set shape and mannish box coats, from Dainty White Summer Dresses A great variety of the newest styles made of Jap silks point a t,3prit, Swisses, Persian lawns, etc., charmingly trimmed with lace and nuns- vei price Confirmation Dresses Pretty dresses special designed r confirmation white lawn, not and Swiss for little minses from 14 years, daintiest, styles, at prices from 7.50 r.p 22.50 .sprit, owisses, rermnn tawns, etc., cnarmintriy nmod with lace and nuns- f AQ q Cf1 if !r. J. Jo to esses Pretty dresses special irmatton whUo lawn, not and Swiss -4.98 14.85 Silk Street and Summer Dresses Crepe de Chine taffeta, peau do eoie, printed Japs, etc. light summer shades and white prices, from Fine Tailored Skirts An entirely new line of the finest spring tailored walking and golf skirts white and colored mohairs, Sicilians, panauias, voiles, silks, etc. new est pleated and flounced effects, 24.50 $75 6.98 Z 22.50 LADIES' EASTER GLOVES Xewest spring shades for fashionable street and dress wear, special odd shades to match Easter costumes these gloves are the famous Perrins, Iveyniers, Monarchs ( CQ 1 worth up to $3.00 a pair, at, pair 4 t-I' CHARMING EASTER NECKWEAR Many new and charming ideas in the small nex'kpleees, stocks, turnovers, collar and cuff seta, etc. many dainty hautl embroidered C QH lace effects, etc.. at JL-JUC- JC VEILS AND VEILING FOR EASTER WEAR All shades of chiffon crepe and silk chiffon, high quality for Easter, veils and 1T.T'.8:" 25c49c SPECIAL SALE OF LACES A new fresh shipment of cluny and novelty Guipure bands and insertions, white, ecru and two toned effects, also point d' Paris, vals, torchons, etc., at a yard. EXTRA WIDE EMBROIDERIES Crisp new embroideries brought forward for Monday many inuertlngs the lot Includes flouncing up to 18 inches wide new ' 1 (J- C Qs patterns on bargain square at lUC'IJC'JC'ttC ll .5c-7c-l'0c 1 Ladies' Fine Shoes on Main Floor Ladies' $5 Shoes for $3 and 3.50 Fifteen Distinct Styles Including all the very newest and swell est Ideas, lasts and patterns In hand turn and welt soles In Patina kid, Sool tna kid, vlrl kid and shluy leather, such as worn today iu fashionable cir cles In New York. These soles are all the work of the most artistic shoemakers of Hoeuester, N. Y. C. P. Ford & Co. whose name will be found stamped on every pair. We personally guarantiee evory pair of tbeie shoes and confidently aay that aurh remarkably fine fhooa have seldom If ever been on sale at such prices before. MONDAY IS THE GREAT mm TABLE CLOTH AND NAPKIN SALE ANOTHER GREAT PURCHASE BY BRANDEIS High-Class Douglas Satin Damask Pattern Ta.ble Cloths Napkins That were specially made in Ireland, for the "Linen Shop," an exclusive Linen Store in the East that became financially involved. The highest grades of pattern table cloths and nap kins thatare brought to this country, in the newest and most exquisite patterns ever seen. Iu New York some of these patterns are controlled by a swell Sixth Avenue store. In Philadelphia they are placed with a house of national reputation for carrying only the finest goods. In order that these stores might have no competition it was decided by the owners that this lot would be sold out West, and we bought the entire lot for spot cash for about one-third its real value. Such a buying opportunity may never occur again. FINE TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS A',ii;:.T&rnrM "u,'c The Cloths come in the following sizes: 2 yards by 2 yards 2 yards by 2 yards 2 yards by 3 ynrds 2 yards by 3$ yards 2 yards by 4 yards 2fc yards by 2 yards 2i yards by 3 yards 2 yards by 3 yards 2fr yards by i yards 3 yards by 3 yards Special Sale of Hih-Class Bed Spreads In connection with our sale of pattern table cloths and napkins we will sell five hundred high grade genuine Marseilles and satin Marseilles bed spreads, both fringed and hemmed, that were most advantageously b( lipht. by us. In a regular way these bed spread s would sell at up to $5 each. They will be sold Monday for, each 5ALB BEGINS MONDAY MORNING uu.jumjLii.yL in un, iMllw,Bii.ij..Mmiii.ijU! aimimuiiiiimw 1-98 Easter SaJe of Dress Goods 75c All Wool New Spring Dress Goods, 39c a. Yard-One bar- gain square will contain about 50 pieces Sicilian, TrfT snepnrd checks, shirt waist suitings, mannish cloths, suitings, yk U doited brillianteen, black and all colors, albatross and heprletta, Jr Jr cream, ngni ana uarK snaaes, ai, yaru Ituf JjlU 1 VUU 69c $1.50 Finest Imported Latest Style Dress Goods, 69c Front bargain square will have the best from abroad and trustworthy American dress stuffs. Sicilians every color and style. Voiles and Panamas, shirt waist suitings and the best black goods. Tartan voiles, pretty blue and greun effects, at. yard DRESS GOODS SPECIALS IN REGULAR DEPT. 75c Nuns Veiling all colors, cream and black, at. .. 75c Cream Mohair, at at. $100 French Voiles Iu color the best known and most trustworthy, at $1.35 Silk Crepe -44 inch, at f g I 50c Shepherd Checks Oreen, fl I brown, navy and black. Every imaginable shade, n 49c ' 39c 69c ..$1 - PANAMAS Plain and fancy effects, jac quards, checks and plaids, 49c-69c89c-$i $1.25 Cream, finest French voile 85c $1.25 Cream, silky Siollian 8 So $1.50 Yachting Twill Flannel, 62 Inches wido $1.00 WASH DRESS GOODS-MAIN FLOOR SECTION Ladies' Oxford Ties on Sale on Main Floor The first sale of Oxford ties this sea son. The entire new upring stock of Indies' white, brown, tan and chocolate Oxford ties, lUucher Oxfords, (ilbson ties and Christy ties of a Lynn, Mass., niaiiufucturer of tine shoes, on sale, bt'nIiiniiiK Monday, at less thau actual cost to manufacture. These are all higU grade, low shoes of the very newest and prettiest sum mer styles, and the snip beginning Mon day Just as the season starts, nlves It an importance that cannot well le over estimated. The prices during this sale will be, 1.59, 1.98, 2.50, 3.00 Four Extraordinary Bargains Monday Muslins at 5c Yard By aerreeinif not to advertise the name, we have succeeded in getting control of all the mill lengths from the largest muslin mill in, this country. These goods are as well known as Coats' inroad; tho.y eenerullv sell fur 10c yard. You win know tne Drana as Boon aa you sen the - K'K'ri; we are not al lowed to aflvertlsa the name, but we will sell the goods for per yard yard, xou 5c 15c Long Cloth for 5c Per Yd. One bier counter of mill lengths of the very best grades of Ion? cloth tfo at, per yard Unbleached Muslin This ia the finest and bet unbleached mus lin raado "'i'Dund Sterl ing" is the nume w will soil it Monday at, per yard 5c This ia ittcueu in us- 15 c" An Extra Special Event in the Basement. Onu table of black and white shepherd check suiting and one lot of new fancy cranh suiting these are very stylish and wo offer them tomorrow at the unheard of price of, yd 60-Inch wide Eollenne, crysta- Cp line, silk voile, check voilo. . . sf 59c pure Irish Linen, white, A a yard TC Organdie: The best style and quality silk of Hue floral and dotted, sell- log everywhere at 60c, Monday at JC 50c White Wash India Linen, 40 in, inohet wide, per yard iJt SHEET MUSIC BARGAINS Where Itolls the Oregon l.nees and nraeea-Kustllug Silks All Almard for Dreamland O Listen Iluth Just a Hunch of Wild Flowers What's the Matter with the Mall-Heart's Iream Waltnes Sweet I torn Dell The Motinte- uann Always in m way sweet Kitty McCoy When the tiolden Hair has Turned to (Silver Orey Carnival Times, and THE CANNON ItALL positively the best rag ever published, a worthy successor to Maple Lear, at Add one cent for postage. Write for our latest calaluguo. -ii ii. in iias 15 c LACE CURTAIN DEPT. NOTTINGHAM CURTAIN8-4t Inches wide, Qfi .'I1 a yds long, at, pair ' OC SCHIM CURTAINS-Batteuburg braid edge 1 Ci worth pair, at .' 1.3U FRENCH NOT CURTAINS Ivory and Arabian, Rat teuburg edge and insertion a uew line dls- J flQ played for the first time at, pair ,JJ ROTE PORTIERS New line, all colors, for single and double Q TOS doors, nt pr. A , TAPESTRY I'ORTIERS About 25 fine styles In Ori ental, plain centers, stripes and all over patterns some sold as hl'h as $t).5o a pair, T QQ choice at, pair J,JJ COUCH COVEB 5-A big variety special Monday each, at 75c CARPET DEPT. SPECIALS Our spring showing of carpets Is the most complete In Omaha the greatest variety of absolutely new pat terns for 111.1. FINE VELVET CARPET New line of parlor, sitting room, hall and stair patterns at BEST WILTON AND EXTRA AXMINSTER CARPET A new Hue of handsome patterns, usually sold at $1.75 yd., Monday, at, yard ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPET.S-25 rolls of new goods that usually sells at 8.1c a yd., goes Monday, at yard FINE NEW LINOLEUM Tp to four yards wide, tiling inlaid wood patterns, iuid other designs, nt yard... FLOOR OIL. CIX)Tir All widths, bright F f new patterna, excellent grades, at square .TP. S. ll. 98c RPET 1.25 if new 65c tiling 49c-59c.65c 4 II BL M V BB1 SSBBV-mUK i i varu f,o.-r SOUS VLSIMSVS cbHS SPECIAL SALE of FINE SILKS A broad variety of charming silks, exclusively our own smart styles for suits. Pretty new silk for dressy waists and entire gowns. The ultra fashionable raw silks for the new coats, the correct fashion mirrored in every pattern. 50 pieces 27-inch Black Bonnet Taffeta This tilk is guaranteed ana nas name atid guarantee woven on selvedge of evory yard actu ally worth tl.5D. In this sale Philos Th new rough Pongee Silk, SJ7 inches wide, pure silk, and made f a in all the new spring VhJC 98c shades. rm AOS mm. New Shirt Waist Silks Just Received All the new effects so The New Chiffon Taffeta French Plaids, conliiiad to Bran deis in Otnuha, now and original, only 1.69 New Foulards best quality, in far spaced pin dot $1 The World's foremost manufacturers seek Urandeia' Store as agent. Brandeis are Omaha agents for the Winslow Taffeta, and show a complete line of 'shade and combinations, tf f as well as black, 27 inches wide Fresh Lot Fine Rustling Taffetas in all colors, new Lou i serine Bilks in neat stripes, Shirt Waist Silks in lCn large varieties of styles ou sale at fciUC