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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
1 THE OMAItA' DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 19. 1905. FCR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. Sholes Company, 722 N. Y. Life B!dg. v l.ooft8l7 Ja-kson St., 6 rorntui, S3xl2S ft. t 1,400-3624 Charles sta I ronmK, city water, corner lot, 60x127 ft., small cash pay ment down, balance monthly. $ 1,500 2902 Blondo St., corner. 15xl34 ft.. large z-story 10-room house, cost about I4.0UO, One view, big map. 1 1,660-1222 S. 27th St., rooms, mod. except lurrace, nfw piumoing; lot WX1BO It. 11,7501320 Park ave., 2-story and basement. b rooms, ana one I-room cottage, lot HSX13U it. 2,000-2508 Cuming t., 6 rooms, lot 64x124 ft-, a decided bargain. 2,000-934 N. 27th ave.. 7 rooms, new nickel plumbing, hot and cold water, bath, tine shade, lot 62Vxl25 ft. $ 2,500 18j6 Locust St., neat 6-room. 2-story house, strictly mod. Consider cash offer. $ 2,650 Near 26th and Capitol ave., 53x136 ft., 7 room?i, nearly new, all mod. but furnace, built last year. Take food vacant lot part payment. $ 3,200 Near 41st and Chss sts., 9 rooms, well built, steam heat, hardwood finish and floors, lot 6oxl20 It. A rattllnc btirgiiln. I $ 3,000 2014 N. 25th St., 9 roorns, mod., good repair, clxtern, cemented cellar, good barn, shade. $ 3,100 Near 24th and Pratt, brand new 6-room housn, reception hall, mod., beautiful lot, with shade. $ 8,750 2220 8. loth, fiAxllW ft.. 2-story 9-room house, sewer, water, gas, hath, fine repair, beautiful location. Very chenf. 4,300 7'w w. 40th st., 7 room, nearly new. strictly mod., lot 60x111 ft-, choice location. t 4,200-611 8. 21 st ave., lot 60x140 Tt., 6 large rooms, strictly mod. fine shade, good repair, a bargain, close In, $ 4,200 (reorgia ave., Just south of Wool worlh, 60x150 ft., good 7-room house, strictly mod., new plumbing, destra b!e home. 4,500 27th St., near 8t. Mary's ave., 8 rooms, hot water heat, best of plumbing, fine repair. Right In town. $ 4,5003520 Dodge St., choice location, 7 rooms, square house, all mod., oak floors downstairs, pore, bath, full lot. J 6,500 -room mod. house, near 39th and Dodge sts., West Farnam district, large barn, with sewer, water and gas, choice location; Investigate. 10,000 10-room mod. house, good barn, E. front, lot 70x165 ft., permanent walk, paving paid, choioe West Farnam section. 113,000 West Fnrnam district, finest loca tion, nearly new, 10 rooitiB, strictly mod., beautiful Interior, hardwood finish, tiled bath, first-class In every particular. Can't duplicate it for the price. $!5,000:-The Judge Dundy residence, Geor gia ave. ana tcaven worth, ground 150x140 ft., 12-rooni brick house and burn, steam heat, thoroughly mod., cost over $40,000. A bargain. VACANT $ 125 fioxflS ft., on Pacific, near 24th, above $ 65048x125 ft., west front, on 14th, 100 ft north of Dorcas. Big snap. Mv ni raid. SNAP. 100 Wx97 feet 8. front on Harney St., Tel. 49 t 800-123x142 ft., south front. Cass St., be tween 3fcl and 8Uh. lying good. I 85060x113 ft., N. W. cor. 2Jd and Pop- ileton ave. Bargain. 1 1.000110x159 ft., north front, on Webster St., l.K ft. west of 3d. $ 66050x124 ft., south front, on Locust St., Kountse Place, between 16th and 17th sts. SNAP. $ 1,250 4xl40 feet S. E. corner 31st and Jackson, or corner $060, Inside PW). $ 1,60067x116 feet N. front on Davenport, opposite Yates, permanent walk and 12, 150 feet east of ',lh. t 4,360100 feet N. front on Dewey ave., next east C. T. Kountze residence, finest In West Farnam district, psv lng nnd permanent walk paid. Will divide. t 6,600 N. W. corner Farnam and Park ave., 11J5 feet on Farnam, "7 feet deep, fine location for flats. SNAP. LOTS ADVANCE BUY THESE Qt'ICK. BUILD A HOME AND HAVE A GARDEN. THEY ARB UOINQ TO BE SOLD. CASH OR TERMS. I 20060x128 feet N. front, Ames arve. car line, between 33d and 34th. $ 350100x128 feet. 8. K. corner 34th and Taylor St. Fine. Block from car. t 460150x128 feet. N. W. corner 34th and Taylor St., block from car. $ 600-150x128 feet, N. W. corner 31th and Boyd st. 2 blocks from car. Fine. I 6002011x128 feet, 8. E. corner Stith and Taylor St., block from car. Fine. I 760 250x128 feet, 8. front on Boyd Just west of 33d. SNAP. $ 760-12WX138 feet, on Ames ave., 8. W. corner 33d. Lies Una. A GREAT BiU SNAP. INVESTMENT $ 4,400 Near 24th and Charles Bt., 120x127 feet, with four 6-room cottages, renting $40 per month. Bargain. $10,000 Near X2ti and Chicago St., 60x132 feet, with three brick nouses and one frame, renting $117.50 per month. Special bargain to close out estate. Kountze Sub., 36th & Farnam If you don't know the ground take the Farnam car and get off at 37th St., and bo hold the finest tract of residence property In the city of Omaha; absolutely perfect in every respect. Lots 60x166 feet, inside at $4,000, opposite $25,000 homes, are cheap. Corner lots, 79x166 feet, with all specials paid, permanent walks, are also cheap. This ground ought to and soon will bring $125 to $150 per foot. Enough buyers now figuring to take every lot, and more, too. ACRES 62 acres Immediately joining Fort Crook, very fine lund, but no improvements; street cars will soon be running to Fort Crook and this land will then seem cheap at double the price. Can give immediate pos session. Price, $S0 per acre. 74 acres near this very fine land at $76 per acre. Farms 15 to 20 miles from Omaha are selling for $10 to $25 per acre higher than this. RE 1 GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. 'PHONE 756. HOUSES FOR SALE ' rWl ,s- ' 11A T-l ... T , 1 ouse. oak finish on 1st floor. In fli-Ht-clnn condition; fine location and very desirable; IOI 1(0X140 II. $4,500 for 1504 Yates-st., H block east Sher man ave., large 10-room modern house, In first-class condition; good barn, nice shade trees, shrubbery of all kinds; cement walks, asphclt paved street, fine view; Im provements a'one have cost over $7,000; Tot 50x137 feet. Reasonable terms. $3.2o0 for 4124 Farnam st., new 6-room mod ern cottage, hot water heat, oak mantel with gas grate; open nickel plumbing, combination fixtures; cistern water in kitchen; has i bed rooms; Is conveniently arranged on full corner lot; attractive and very desirable; paved street. $3,150 for 1428 N. lath st. Boulevard, 7-room two-story modern bouse, built for a home a little over two years ago; cemented cel lar, furnace heat, open nickel plumbing, newly papered, conveniently arranged; de sirable and within easy walking distance. Reasonable terms. $2,600 for i696 Pratt St., new attractive 7 room cottage. Including hall and bath room, all modern except furnace;, built only Hi years ago for a homer open nickel plumbing, quarter-sawed flooring, polished floors, cliina closet, cemented cellar, cor ner lot, permanent stone sidewalk, seven beautiful shade trees and very desirable for small family. $2,560 for 4331 Franklin St., new modern cot tage, furnace heat, very desirable; lot 6)1x150 feet. $2,500 for 1032 S. 22d St., 6-room cottage, city water, cistern, etc.; In good condition; large, pleaeunt rooms; good barn, fine lawn, iron fence in front; lot 60x132 feet; walking distance. $2,350 for 314 N. 24th St., 7-room cottage, all modern except furnace; In good condition, only 2 blocks west of High school; easy walking distance; lot 83xl08Vi. Immediate XiossesHlon $2,260 for 2028 N. 19th St., 6-room house, large lot, 66x140 feet; room to build another house on lot If desired; easy terms. $2,250 for 919 N. 27th St., 7-room house In good condition; abundance of fruit and shade; lot 62'4xl25 feet. $2,150 for 1111 N. 18th st., 7-room cottage, all modern except furnace; In good condition; painted and papered throughout last fall. Terms, $750 cash, balance monthly. Imme diate possession. $1,850 for 2721 Bristol St., 8-room 2-story house; city water, etc.; cement walk, barn; lot 33x132 feet, or lot 66x183 ft., with Improvements, for $3,400. $1,800 for 2618 Hamilton st., 6-room cottage In flrst-oluss condition; has city water, sewer, gas, cemented cellar, large cistern, new barn, fine lawn, large lot 60x127 feet. Very desirable. $1,750 for 814 N. 25th st., 4-room cottage in Frood condition; city water, sewer and gas n kitchen; close in. $900 for 1117 8. th st., 1-story frame store building; suitable for retail business. Easy terms. $sso for 2314 Boulevard ave., 6-room cottage, city water, etc., near new car barns; reasonable term Desirable lots for sale located In all parts of the city. RE $1,200 on car line. $150 6-room cottage on car line, lot 60x127, 2882 Ohio. 6-room cottage, 2233 Pierce, city water, sewer, lot 34x168. A fine little home. $1,250 rooms, 2247 Pierce, lot 60x168. $1,60 6-room cottage near 27th and Poppleton ave. $1,70 6-room cottage at 151 S. 27th st. Hs modern convenences. House needs re pairs. Make us an offer. $1,600 2X62 Ohio, $ rooms, lot 60x127. $6,000 61a N. 40th, an elegant 9-roora, all modern; new house. Fine location. LOTS $1X 26th and Sprague. 2sth and Plnkney. :-6 H lot, 23nd and Manderson. $.3nth and Chicago. $wo 2Mh and Capitol ave. THE BYRON REED CO., 213 8. 14th St, Tel. 297. RE H 5 Acres H Fine land about t miles southwest of Hans- rom rarlt u k.m t mils weat from Houth Omaha. Owner says to cut the price to $160 an acre. Will tike one-third cash; bal ance easy payments. We also have a number of other i and 10- acre pieces near Florence, Benson ana Dun live. open Monday evenings until 10 o'clock. Hastings & Heyden, lu)9Vi Farnam St. (Ground Floor.) jmu 4209 Cuming Street 7-room house, city water, good barn, nice neighborhood. Price, $2,000. Payne Investment Company, First Floor Now York Life Building. Telephone 1781. RE U34 1$ TOH. BALE, six-room modern house near uuK.uut piua. Apply 416 o. lotn. RB-439 R. C. PETERS & CO. $ 1,000 A good 6-room house, barn, well, pump, corner lot, 66x136, Pratt St. $ 2,000 6-room house, modern except fur nace, east front, on 28th near Leav enworth. $ 3,350 Oood modern home, with barn, cor ner lot, on Spencer street, 2 blocks from Sherman avenue, only $300 cash; owner leaving city. $ 8,400 Nicely finished 7-room house, close in, east front, on 26th street. $ 4,200 7-room and receptions hall, strictly high grade modern house, well lo cated, on Lincoln boulevard, near 34th St.; lot 67x200. $ 4,200 Two 7-room houses, modern except furnace, 1 miles north of postoflice, corner lot, room for another house. $ 4,260 New 7-room house, with reception hall, strictly modern, oak finish downstairs, 4 bed rooms, south front, on Iafayette, near 41st, street is paved. $ 4,600 IS ?w 8-room strictly modern house, with good barn, Maple street, near boulevard. $ 7,000 14-room house, oak finish, elegant reception hall, with lavatory, 8 man tels, large bath room, handy to car. INVESTMENTS $18,000 For pressed brick store building. situated in one of the Dest Dusiness districts the city affords. Location sure to Improve. Rentals $2,040 per year and by terms of lease $2,2ti0 the first of next vtv.. Any reasonable amount cash, balance to suit at 6. $ 8,600 Four 6-room cottages, always rented. Rentals law) per year, inis is a snap. BOULEVARD TERRACE 8. W. Corner 35th and Poppleton. THE PLACE TO BUILD A HOME, high and sightly, well located, water, eewer and gas in street. Take a look at It today and we will do business with you to morrow. Our price and terms are right. N. W. corner 42d and Lafayette, 100x150, fine corner on which to build three houses, either to rent or sell. This Is a bargain. S. E. corner of Dewey and 38th, the most exclusive site for a home in Omaha, Bee our large sign on corner. This can be bought reasonably. OPEN MONDAY EVENING UN TIL 10 O'CLOCK. R.C. PETERS & CO. NO 1702 FARNAM STREET. HOMES EXCELLENT, modern residence. Interior finished In different hardwoods; no more sightly location in the city; large grounds; can be bought at a bargain. Price $12,0o0. Fine 10-room residence, finished In cherry, oak and ash, paneled ceilings; large lot. This choice property Is surrounded by the finest homes in the city; to the right party It will be sold on very easy terms. Price only $8,000. Recently built, attractive Interior, modern In every way; 8 large rooms besides beau tiful reception hall, bath and attic; lower story finished in quurtered oak. Price $6,000. Attractive residence, completed last fall and never been occupied; 8 rooms and storeroom; fine basement; polished floors throughout; grate and mantel; owner built this for a home, but cannot occupy it; possession at once; northeast cor. l!Hh and Hpencer. Price $4,750. Clone in, modern home, 9 rooms and alcove; large attic; lease expires May 1; too large for present owner; located at 2218 Cass St.; cheap at the price, $4,600. Very attractive home on Spencer St.. 8 rooms, grate and mantel, large reception hall; fine lot, trees; paved street. Bargain at price, $4,000. Well built and in good condition, 9 rooms; fine, large lot, 66x138 ft., space for another house; located at 2220 S. loth and a great nap at the price, $3,760. See us about this at once. New 8-room residence; hot water heating plant, porcelain lined bath tub; large lot, barn; on Wirt St. Price $3,600. If you have one or two good lota they will be considered in trade. Southeast corner of 30th and Mason, 7-room house and large lot; shade, puved street; choice location. Price $3,500. Modern 7-room house on Dodge St.; walking distance. Price $3,250. Modern, new, 7-room house on Webster St.; walking distance. Prlc- f.800. Excellent 6-room hous , mode n cxait t u - nace, on Caen si.; In walking oisia,nce. Price $2,650. House of 8 rooms, fine lot, shade and fruit; barn: Clifton Hill. Price $2,300. Oood 6-room cottage, porcelain lined bath tub; close in. Price $2,250. On 18th, near Vinton, 8 rooms, modern; large lot. Price only $2,100. Near Hascom park, 7 rooms, modern except furnace; fine lot. Price $2,000. House of 8 rooms, north side, near 24th St. car; full lot. Price $1,660. On 9th, near Frances, 6-rnom cottage; fins lot: lot alone worth $7oO; house and lot, $1 600 Qood cottage end lot; frultj Frederick, near 16th. Price $976. LOTS 160x100 ft., southwest corner 80th and Burt. Price $1,600. Will sudlvlde. 116x120 ft., northeast corner A and 25th, South Omaha. Price $2.4u0. Will subdivide. 162x100 ft., northweK corner 20th sua Wan croft. Price 2.60. Will subdivide. Fine lot southwest cor. 9th and Frances. Price $750. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RE Improved 40 Acres Near Omaha $4,260 for 40 acres 12 miles S. W. of South Omaha, near Pap lllon. good six-room house, barn and other outbuildings, one-half acre In strawberries, good orchard and all kinds of small trull. Immediate possession, GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. RE-M764 25 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE BEMIS' BARGAINS HOUSES AND LOTS -room house, well built, located near 28th and Woolworth; all oak finish; sold for $6..VO only three years ago, full lot; owner very anxious to sell; price $4,000. I room, all strictly modern; east front. In prettiest part of Hanscom Park dlBtrlct; $4,fO. 8-rooms and reception hall, modern except furnace; cellar all bricked and cemented lot 66x132; located on Bristol St. west of 24th st; price only $2,40). I rooms, nearly new, with good furnace, four Mocks from B. A M. depot on 11th St.; price only $2,K0i); big bargain. ( rooms and large hall, city wster and gss, all In good repair; lot on grade, 60x132. nice lawn, fenced, nice shade trees; near 2th and Pacific sts.; $2,260. ( rooms, corner 27th and Fort sts., being completed, modern except furnace, cor ner lot, 62-foot front; price $1,600. LOTS LOTS LOTS In our new addition on 24th st., just a couple of blocks north of Fort St., $200 each, easy term." If desired; level ground, high and dry; as good building lots as anywhere In the city. S DOWN AND $$ PER MONTH Six choice lots at 36th ave. and Fowler, facing east, on nice high ground, near school, churches, street cars, markets, etc; only $125 each; $5 down and balance $5 per month; this Is an exceptional op portunity for you to acquire a choice lot in a good locality. Come In and tell us your wants. In addi tion to above have scores of others, some on easy payments, some close in, garden tracts .acreages ,etc 40 ACRES 40 acres Just a little north of Ames ave., lays high and sightly; choicest unim proved 40 acres in Douglas county; price $200 per acre. BEMIS, PAXTON fcLOCK. RE BARGAINS THIS WEEK 10 acres extra choice garden land, Just west of city. Only $1,600. 20 acres, beautiful tract, near Center St., pavement, with good house and barn, nearly new, for $4,500. 60 acres southwest of city, near Seymour park; can offer this week for $6,600. Modern 8-room house, fine bath, reception hall, full lot, In finest portion West Far nam residence district; a gem of a home. For quick sale at $6,000. The finest east front lot In Hanscom Place for $2,250. Choice south front lot on Dodge, near 83d. Only $2,250. Full lot, 42d near Farnam; fine place for cottage home. $r50. How Is this for a bargain? Nice little cot tage and lot In Hanscom Place, only $1,300. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Board of Trade Bldg. RE 899 19x 1 ACRE. , 2 ACRES. 3 ACRES. 4 ACRES. 5 ACRES OR MORE NEAR SOUTH OMAHA, NEAR BENSON. Moderate Terms for People of Mod erate Means, Write, Telephone or Call on HENRY F. WYMAN, TeL 1272. NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. Hti b39-l$ THREE SPECIAL BARGAINS About 3 acres on 42d and Fort St., neatv Central Park school; eastern owner says $3o0 will go if sold at once. Act quickly. Oood rcsidonoe lot, 42x127 ft., on grade, one block from Harney street car line, close to Franklin school, good neighborhood, only lio if taken this ween. Warranty . deed, complete abstract. This is away unuer value. Another lot on 35th ave., north of Daven port St., and extending through to 36th si., making two goud building sites; on grade, sewer in street ana paia for, 4.uu; one-thira cash, balance to suit purchaser. HARRISON 6 MORTON, 913 N. Y. Lite. Tel. 314. RE 643 la ONE of the best deals in the city ig 0-room house and lot in Hanscom Piace at $4,000 only; part cash required; balance assume mortgage at bVs per cent. F. D. WUD, 1624 Douglas Street. . RE-M847 21 FOR SALE, a modern home at reasonable price, house large, beuutltul lawn, shade, fruit and barn; ail In. nrsl-class condition. RE M822 21x TWO young gentlemen would like to rent unfurnished, large room with alcove or two smaller rooms; best of references if desired. Address A 9, Bee. RE 628 lax Farm and Ranch Lands NebraSKU, Kaufcds, Coioiuuo and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Depu U. P. it. ti., Omaha, Isco., Dept. "A." RE-617 FOR SALE Bargain in a nine-room house in Hanscom park district; modern except turnace. Aduress owner, X 'it. Bee. RE M39 21x CIiAS.Uillimon. r- U. 8. Bk. Bldg. imaiuouii v-v., 1st Floor. WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to havo yuur abstract ot title made or continued by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., li14 Farnam St. RE 127 FOR SALE One note of $1,800, due in one year, secured by first mortgage on good linpioved Omaba property, bearing t per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note tor $i,to0, due on or before three years, interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely sate and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, 8 2a, Bee office. KE M453 $1,000.00. 2912 Grant St., 6-room house, newly pa pered, good barn, nice shade; will rent ad joining lots for gardening. N. P. DODGE fit CO., 1614 Farnam st. RK-978 MODERN SIX ROOMS FURNACE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT BEST BARGAIN THERE. Address HENRY F. WYMAN, NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. RE 640-19 PASTURE LAND CHEAP. For 200 head cattle; plenty good water; 640 acros under fence. Price $1,000 cash and 6 fier cent per annum on $l,2fo. W. S. Liv ngston, Mahaska, Kan. RE-jM3i8 19x MODERN 8-rooro house and good barn In Kountxe Place; full corner lot, nice lawn; must be sold st once; well worth $4 000; offered for $3,260. This price will also in clude good Steinway square piano If taken within next SO days. N. P. Dodge A Co.. 1614 Farnam St. RE M679 18 CASH TALKS! Immediate possession Look at 621 S. 26th ave., fine 8-room mod ern house. Make roe an offer. It will make a fine home. Will pay 10 on cost as investment. Vacant lot. fine location, one block west Joslyn home; very fine for a home. Low frlc. so lot on Dodge between 85th at. and 35th ave. Cheap. ED. O. HAMILTON, temporary office apartment building, 24th and Farnam. 'Phone 436. RE M5& 18 FOR SALE Two of the most desirable lots In Dundee. No city taxes; price rea sonable. John T. Dillon, 6211 N. Y. IJfe. . RE M lx FOR SALK4-SOL'TH OMAHA. 1$ acres on Q street, 14 blocks east 24th, east and adjoining B. A M. R. R. May be divided Into 3 to 4-acre tracts; $100 per acre; easy payments, A. 8. Bllllnss. 41i Paxtou block. RE Moll 19 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Eight-room dwelling, city water, bath, south front, lot 44x155, - 2S08 Miami street f 1,800. Vacant building site, northeast corner Thirty first and Jackson streets, 140 feet south frontage by 100 feet west frontage. Fine shade trees f 2,000. Modern 8-room cottage, south front, 50 foot lot barn 2640 Harney street $4,000. We write fire insurance, loan money on improved real estate, make a specialty of caring for property, collecting rents, paying taxes, superintending re pairs, etc., and solicit your business. Howard Kennedy 6k Son, Telephone 722 209 First National Bank Building RE Money to Loan . on Improved City Property In Omaha and South Omaha. Loans for Building Purposes. W: H.Thomas, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. P.E- H New Houses H We have Just completed several new houses and are offering them for sale on easy terms and low prlecs. Two of six rooms each lust north of Plnkney on Sherman ave., strictly modern, well built, paved street, good, high ground, on car Hue, large lot, all new houses around these. Prices, $,860 and $3,000. One clx room cottage, 4 rooms and bath on first floor and 2 rooms on second floor, modern except furnace, located lust one block south of Lake street, east front, large lot, fine, high ground, one block from Dodge car line. Price. $2,360. 6-room cottage on N. 24th st., Just north of Spauldlng, strictly modern, asphalt paved street, 60-fofct lot. Price, $2,900. In walking distance, 7-room house on the boulevard, near Charles, east front, 4 rooms on first floor and 3 on second, strictly mod ern. Price, $3,300. 6-room cottage, 3 rooms on each floor, on Miami St., between 2Uth and 30th, large lot; can make easy terms. Price, $2,200. We have many others. Call and get our lint. Open Monday evenings until 10 o'clock. Hastings 6k Heyden, 1609H Farnam St. (Ground Floor.) Phone 1606. WE BUILD HOUSES. RE BARGAINS. 4735 N. 89th st., a fine nine-room house, all modern, three lots to it, splendid loca tion, a beautiful home for $3,500.00. Seven-room, new Bemis park home, well located, a bargain at $3,000. Corner 24th and Davenport, a six-room house, large lot, $2,500. This would make a good investment. Corner 25th and Uavenport, two lots, with large buildings, rental $2,000 a year, for ale for tlB.wO. Will submit any rea sonable offer. New modem house on 24th and La r I more, six rooms, nice shade trees and lot. A snap at $1,750.00. , JOHN B. HANSEN, 821 N. Y. L., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 8432. RE 7!a 19 6-ROOM house, modern, In Hanscom Park district; nice shade, streets paved; a very desirable home. $3,100. SMITH-STE A VENSON CO., $18 Neville Block. RE-892 19 ON LOCUST NEAR 16TH ST., LOT 50x 124. PAVINC1 PAID-$60. 40 OR 80 FEET, NEAR 26TH A DODGE, SOUTH FRONT FRONT FOOT, $30. 2038-38 POPPLETON AVE. $2,250. 10 ACRES, SOUTHWEST $1,50. 20 ACRES, NORTHWEST $3,500. 40 ACRES. CLOSE lN-$4.000. 40 ACRES, IMPROVED, NEAR FLOR ENCE $5,500. HOUSES, LOTS, ALL PARTS OF CITT. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE 758 19 THE FOLLOWING VACANT PROPER TIES HAVE BEEN PURCHASED BY A NON-RESIDENT FROM AN EASTERN TRUST COMPANY AT A GREAT SACRI FICE AND MUBT BE SOLD. Lot 9, In block 7, Creighton Heights, 173 ft. east of 45th, on the south side of Corby. Price $150. V Lot 4, In block 8, Brlggs Place, 143 feet west of 4th St., on the south side of Douglas, the first vacant lot east of 4617 Douglas, a large brick house. Price $350. Lot 27, In block 2. Brlggs Place 47 ft. west of 46th St., south front on Capitol ave. Price $350. Lots 4 and 6, block 1, Cherry Hill, southeast corner of 48th and Brown sts., 243 ft. on Brown by 127 ft. on 4h St., about 2 acres. Price $400. The west, one-third of lot 2. In block "O," Omaha, 22x132, between 8th and 9th, on the south Bide of Farnam. Price $2,8u0. This Is surely cheap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE I HAVE for sale the best ranch proposition In central Nebraska, containing 1,280 acres at $7 per acre. 450 acres level land under cultivation. Improved. Finest water facilities. All fenced. Located close to two railroad towns. Best bar gain In the state. No Incumbrance. All deeded land. Easy terms. Write for full particulars and terms to B. E. Powell, Lexington, Neb. RE M719 21 FINE stock ranch of 720 acres right at sta tion on main line Union Pacific railroad; living stream water; good fish pond, well Hocked with trout; 60 acres under Irriga tion; perpetual water right; 60 acres fine timothy meadow, all fenced; fair build ings; will make Ideal dairy farm. Owner old and wlxhes to retire, will sell cheap or trade for good central Nebraska farm. This Is a money-maker. Mitchell & Faught. Wood River, Neb. RE OR 9-ROOM. desirable, modern dwell ings; owner leaving city. lali steward st. &B-6H MODERN HOMES Modern home, No. 128 North 40th St.; 6 rooms, with reception hall and bath; east front This Is a very desirable property. Within a block of this property vacant lots are selling for what we ask for this Im proved property. DUNDEE $4,260.00 New 8-room modern home, Just completed, with 1 lots, finely located, south front, one block to car, oak finish, finely papered, cement walks. A very de sirable, up-to-date property. No. 4311 Dodge A fine modern home, In fine condition, (lot 73x128.) This Is worth looking up. See us about It. $1,900 New 7-room house, two lots, on car line In Benson. This Is an exceptionally nice property and Is new and clean. Let us show you this at onci. $1,000.00 for 12 lots, 2H blocks from car, In Benson. Here is a chance to double your money sure and do it quick. Benson & Carmichael, 642 PAXTON BLOCK. RE H We Build Houses H And build them as good as they can be built. We don't build the cheap kind. It will pay you to figure with us before you build. We have many good plans and may have Just what you want. We buy our material at low prices, on account of build ing so many houses, and can make you a low figure. We employ only the very best workmen. Open Monday evenings until 10 o'clock. Hastings 6k Heyden, 1609J4 Farnam St. (Ground Floor.) WE WRITE INSURANCE. RE A. P. TUKEY & SON FAIR PRICES We are offering blocks and half blocks two blocks southwest of the BenBon school and one block from car line at particu larly low prices. This property Is improv ing rapidly and is bound to Increase In value over our prices. We can suit you as to amount of ground desired. Will sell you an entire block for $1,500 or will divide It into two or four parts. This property is going fast. OOOD BARGAINS We offer choice of 30 lots on and near 82d avenue and Vinton street at $325 each, on very reasonable terms. Have sold nearly half of these lots that we advertised some time ago. BEMIS PARK We are now grading the N. E. corner of 38 th and Hawthorne avenue and will sub divide it into lots to suit purchasers. We can make the grade now just as you want It. We are filling some lots a block south, fronting south on Lincoln boulevard, and making them very desirable indeed. Also a tine east front 6o-foot lot, very deep, on Olenwood avenue. A fine corner on the N. E. of 38th and Lafayette avenue, 73 iy 164 feet. Between 36th and 3Sth on Lafayette avenue, we have several, both north and south front lots. If you want a home In this neighborhood we can suit you as to location and price. HOMES We have three very desirable homes upon which the prices are right as follows: 2051 N. 19th street, 9 rooms, modern, $2,750. H. E. corner 46th and Ohio, new, 9 rooms, with three ful lots, $4,250. 4040 Charles, 9 rooms, modern cottage; fine shape and good yard; steam heat; $2,800, A. P. TUKEY A SON. Board of Trade Building. RE A BARGAIN 8224 Cuming 8t., 6 rooms, strictly modern, combination gas and electric light fixtures open plumbing, nice bath room, high ceil ings, nicely arranged, almost new, fine cellar, good under-feed furnace, nice large lot, south front on two car lines; owners have left Omaha and are very anxious to sell. Price, $3,300; easy terms. Key at 906 N. 32d st. N Payne Investment Company, First Floor New York Life Building. Telephone 1781. RE 827 19 IOWA STOCK FARM Owner of this 200 acre stock farm, located In Union Co., Iowa, needs money at onue and must sell. This land Is rolling, hest soil, has running water, Is all fenced, fair set Improvements, orchard, plenty tame grass, only two miles; good town. Every feature" of this farm makes It de sirable for farming and slock ralHing. Un questionably cheap at $50 per acre, about one-half cash. Move quick to get this. Immediate possession. ABBOTT-COWAN CO., NEVILLE, Bldg., Omaha. RE- GOOD LOTS CHEAP 30th and Maple, $225. mh near Caatellur (paved), $K0. Windsor Place, $375. 29th, near Hickory (paved), $1,000. 26th ave., near St. Mary's. 66x112, $2,400. lrtth and Center, 122x142, $2,400. 19th and Harney corner, want offer. 44 ft., loth, near Douglas, want offer. GOOD ACRES One acre, Washington Hill, $500. Five acres Coes Sub, $1,210. Ten acres, cottage, fruit to exchange for house in Omaha. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. JUG7U 1 1.1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FCR SALE-REAL ESTATE SPECIAL BARGAINS V- $ $s.w. t S. 84th St.. seven rooms, oil finished, North part of city, brand new six-room nicely decorated, hath, closet, wash bowl, house, strictly all modern, with gs and gas. furnace, hot and cold water, fine electric light combination fixtures, fine eel shade, facing Hanscom park boulevard, no Inr. large bed rooms, SO-toot lot, paved special taxes. Immediate possession. street ail paid for, ready to move right Into. $2,800. J'800' v...,n i .. 4040 Charles St., nine rooms, strictly all ..i ,r?J!3ViJiVrii hwK modern, with hot water beating plant, two ??omP. p;? an. iH ollt m, oil finish, polished floors. 60- L?rf i JrA Jf?, l.l' fln ,ocUon- foot lot. tine shade, shrubbery and lots of property increasing in value. frult gooi barn 0wn u sacrificing. $3,600. $8,250 Each. 3004 Marcy St.. new eight-room house, 60S- B. 85th ave., two brand new six- strictly all modern, with gas and electric room houses, well built, with furnace, fine light, fine cellar under entire house, with cellar, laundry sink, gas and electric light laundry sink, outride cellarway, nice recep- combination fixtures, nickel-plated plumb- tlon hall and stairs, property renting for Ing. oil finish, large porches, east front, $15 per month. This would make a fine In- commanding a fine view. Don't tall to see vestment or a first-class home. these houses. VACANT PROPERTY $;.:5o. " will buy N. W. corner of Georgia ave. and Shirley St.. 100 feet east front otTOeTiVgla sve. by 150 south front on Shirley; Georgia ave. paved, permanent walks around en tire property, all paid for. This Is a fine building corner and is the cheapest corner on Georgia ave. today. Don't fail to seo It. Graded to nice terrace for buldlng. List your properties with us for sale. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE SHIMER & CHASE CO., Builders of Modern Houses. MAKING WAY FOR SPRING BUILDING Closing Out the Following: West Harney Home -room. all modern, full south front lot, shade, cement street walk, barn. Owner leaving city. Want offer quick. West Farnam Almost new 6-r. all mod ern dwelling, every convenience, including gas mantel, permanent walks, etc. $3,0u0. West Farnam Only block from car, south front, pavement all paid, 6-r. brand new dwelling. Make it yours. $3,750. West Farnam South front, pavement, 8-r., new, hardwood finish, gas and elec tric light, gas grate, furnace. One of tha best ottered by any office. $4,800. Desirable new east front 6-r. dwelling, two blocks from Walnut Hill car. $2,700. South front 6-r. cottage, within stone's throw of the north boulevard, car passes door. $1,700. Nearly new 6-r. dwelling, fine residence street, north part of city, $1,700. High corner lot with 6-r. house, only four blocks from car. $1,200. Why Don't You Buy This Acre? Close to car line and Ideal for chickens, gardening and fruit. Must be sold. $2,260. We have very desirable building sites In Kountze Place, east front on 40th St., and east front on 26th St., etc N. B. Don't Hesitate to Ask Questions. SHIMER & CHASE CO., Tel. 3867. 1609 Farnam. RE-757 19 Good Homes Cheap -EASY TERMS $600 3-room cottage, well, cistern, out buildings. Rue shade trees, lot 50x118, 8. E. part of city, $200 cash, balance to suit. $800 6-room cottage, lot 65 feet front, 36th and Burdette, terms to suit. $800 4-room house, well, cistern, outbuild ings, lot 60x112, two blocks from car, $2lh cash, balance monthly. $1,000 6-room cottage, city water, cemented cellar, barn, outbuildings, lot 80x100, one block from car; $200 cash, balance monthly. $1,200 6-room house, well, outbuildings, shade trees, fenced, 8 blocks from Dundei car. A good, cozy home cheap. $1,800 8-room house, water, sewer, east front, on S. 20th avenue, lot 26 feet front; $300 cash, balance monthly, VACANT $175 Ixt 21, block 11, Druid Hill. $325-Full lot, 2Sth and Grant. $500 Full lot 35th and Center. $K 46 feet, 24th, opposite Mason school. $8001 inside, 2 corners, 8 blocks from west side car. INVESTMENT $4,0004 cottages, 8. W. part of city, rent ing for $48. $9,000 Brick building, 2 stores, t 6-room flats, 7-room house, brick barn, all in good repair, renting for $100. Where can you find a better investment? COMPTON-WATTS CO., 635 Paxton Block. P.E 753 19 W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1294. Five-room cottage at 8224 North 24th street, sewer, water, east front lot, 40x110, brick walks, nice picket fence $1,300.00. Five-room cottage on Ohio street, near 22d, bath, gas, lot 30x119, a nice home $1,500.00. Five-room cottage, sewer, water, gas, 2026 Miami, lot 40x122 $1,500.00. Seven-room house, modern except furnace, on Lake street, near 24th, lot 60x140, south front, a nice home $3,000.00. Eight-room modern house, except furnace, on Ohio, near 24th street, south front, a nice home with a good barn $2f600.00. Seven-room house on Corby, Just west of 24th street, large born, full lot. with lots of shrubbery, a nice home $2,000.00. Eight-room modern house on 40th street, near Dewey, a well built home, in a nice location, lot 47x155 $6,000.00. A half block of ground In Boyd's addition, 20th and Sahler, for $1,200.00. 60x124 on Blnney, near 22d, paving paid $1,000.00. 60x124 on Bmmet, south front, east of 24th tt60.00. 48x127 on 24th street, north of Vinton $600.00. Oood home In Kountze Place; must be sold this coming week at some figure. Eight rooms, fully modern, nice barn, cor ner lot, paved street, permanent walks, shade trees. Owner Is leaving the city and would rather sell than rent it. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1294. RE-794 19 3. SNAPS These properties must go by April 1st: 2305 Sprague street, 6-room rn)dern house, 3 years old. Price, $1,600. EASY TERMS. 4706 N. 24th, 7-room house, Just painted, full size, east front lot, large trees, permanent walks, beautiful location. ONLY $1,660. 2759 Webster, 7 rooms, modern except fur nace. 4 bedrooms, elegant woodwork, fine condition; will rent for $30. PRICE $2,600. SWEET & BEST Telephone 1472. 613 New York Life. RE 76419 FRUIT AND POTLTRY FARMS 10 acres, S. W. of Hanscom Park, all In fruit, with good buildings, which owner hus spent twelve years in developing; price, $3,5cO; Immediate possession. 10 acres, 8 miles from Council Bluffs, with good buildings, lots of fruit, ready to movo right on to; owner would consider trading this last place for Omaha property. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor, N. V. Life Bldg. RE 787 19 FIRST MORTOAO KB FOR SALE on first-class Improved Otnaha property, which is gllt-enged sncurity. drawing t per cent In amounts from $;0O up. HASTING! HEYDEN, lotfS Frrmm st. RE m 1 N. P. DODGE & CO. $3,250.00 Strictly modern 8-room hojse, on full corner lot In Kountze Place. Would be snap at $4,000.00 Ottered for 30 days at $3,250.00, and If purchaser desires this price will Include a good Steinway square piano. No other such a bargain In the city. $2,600.00 An attractive cottage home, two lots on corner, modern except filr nnce; new Iron fence; located near HUh and Corby. Price, $2,500.00. Only ' $500 down and balance on time. $900.00 Good 6-room house and good barn near 2iith and Lake sts.; south front lot. $2,260.00 Something good In Walunt Hill, 7-room modern house, east front on 60-foot lot, large shade trees, excel lent neighborhood. TRACKAGE ' $5,600.00 Southeast corner. Business comer, also a desirable trackage property, on 16th and Cuming sts.; lot 66x66. Price, $5,600. Will trade $4,000.00 equity for good clear residence prop erty. ACREAGE We still have some very desirable 6 and 10-acre tracts in our Rldgevlew addition, only one mile north of Krug park. To those contemplating a move to the country this spring we extend an Invitation to visit these properties and be convinced of the advisability of making an early selection before they are all taken. BUILDING LOTS $300.00 Corner lot on grade, east front, at 2th and Grant. $260.00 East front, on 29th St., near Lake. You can't buy at this price a mil farther north and near a car line. N. P. DODGE & CO 1614 Farnam. RE EASY PAYMENTS 2934 DECATUR ST. S rooms. City Water. South Front. Lot 46x130. Good Barn. $200.00 cash, balance MONTHLY, per cent, PRICE $1,200 THIS IS A SNAP. WHO WANTS IT? E. K. LOWER & CO., Tel. 443 203 Brown Block. Tel. A 2730. RE 763 19 A Good Lot CheapClose In $2,000 for 69x140 feet, S. W. corner of 28th and Dewey ave., asphalt paved street, pei inanent brick sidewalk. GbORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. RE-768 19 EXCURSION MARCH 21 TO PECOS VALLEY, N. M. $23.85 Round Trip The artesian Irrigating belt In the Pecos valley, claimed to be the richest valley lit America; the finest alfalfa, fruit, can tu.uue or vcgeiauie lanu, or for diversi fied farming; eqval to Rocky Ford, Colo., land, which sells for $100 to $200 per acre: 460 to 800 feet deep wells, flowing 8,000 gallons per minute, have been secured, sufficient to irrigate 320 to 640 acres ot land. Exceptional climate. Prices, $D to $65 per acre. Write or see us Immediately for partlcu- , lars and Join the excursion March !L D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone 40. RE 612 20 When Planning to Build or Buy a Home Th question arUes, "Where can the mony be had on the best terms?" Tho OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASS'N loans money on the most satisfactory term for wage earners and salaried people. Monthly payments on a loan about equal tha rent. Loans may bo paid off, all or part, at any time. Several desirable homes for sale on monthly payments. During 1904 the Association enabled 94 members to build new homes and assisted 248 members to buy homes already built. We are now In position to surpass tha record of last year. First come, first served. Prompt attention given applicants. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASS'N Bee Building. Telephone 4(58. Six per cent earned and credited on sar lngs account a O. W. LOOMIS, O. M NATTINGER, President. Secretary, RE-846 19 ON THE BOULEVARD Northeast comer of 27th Ave and Webster St., s5xl60, fine location, nice surround lngs, on the central buulevard: can be di vided Into four east front lots. Prica only $2,000. Payne Investment Company, First Flo-ir New York Life Uulldlng. Telephone 1781. RE Kil 19 6-ROOM COTTAGE. $2,000; 9-room house, I lots. $2.6iO; 6-rK,m hoime, 2 lots, $2,3oO; -room cottage, $L'.5U); two 6-room cottHges, mrh Jl.ixi, 6-room cottage, $l,lu0. All on vi-rv easy terms. ANSON fc YOST, 408 Paxton Block. Air- It