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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REMEMBER We are open Monday evenings from 7 to 10 P. M. Telephone Number 1264. . List your property with us for quick sales. HOMES f 1,500 1204 N. 27th St.. large house and barn, W-foot lot; fine shade tree. 1 brick and 1 frame on 8. 17th at, only $1,600 for both. t 2.100100 feet on Georgia ave., with cot tage; paved street. I 2,200 7-room frame residence on paved street; all paving paid for; only 6 blocka from postofllce; price this week $2,100. I 2,300-2715 Hamilton st. $ 2,500100 feet on N. 20th St.; paving nil paid In full. $ 2.500 7-room modern house, and barn; Wejt Farnam district, only $2,.i0. $ 3,500 2M4 Emmett St., 9-room modern house, and barn. $ 4.0004 cottages at 18th and Izard; will ell separately. $ 4,000 8-room; modern In every way; Just north of Joslyn's mansion. $ 8.600 Elegant &-room all modern home, 1 lots, corner on Wirt; good barn. $16,0008 brick houses, 10 rooms eaoh; rented for $160 per month. 115,000 Fine Investment on 16th at., north of Leavenworth; 3-story brick block. VACANT 1 2,200100 feet on Georgia ave.; corner lot; paving tax paid In full, permanent sidewalk, sightly corner; ripe for Improvement. 1,00095 feet on 36th St., near Leavenworth. I 800-Nlce lot on 39th St., south of Cass st. I 1,5002 lots In Kountze Place; paving tax paid for BOTH. $ 3,000 Corner lot, 4 blocks west of court house; south front; just right for modern brick row of 7 houses. South and east corner, 100x150; high and sightly, north of Hanscom park; A SNAP. 13x285 feet trackage on N. 16th St., south of Btors brewery. Come In and let us show you some of the brick business blocka which we are offer Ins for saie In all parts of the city, rang ing In price from $6,000 to $80,000. THOMAS BRENNAN, ROOM L NEW YOHK LIFE BLDG. W. H. CHARY, Mgr. Real Est. Dept. ItE $1,600 House and ten lots on paved street; $3u0 cash, balance easy. $1,660 Buys b-room house with porcelain bath, etc.; $4uu cosh, balance easy. $2,800 Buys a auostantlal 7-room house and lot on Farnam street, on car line; $l,4oo cash, 1,4U) mortgage. $1,100 Buys o-room house and full lot, Or chard Hill; $300 cash. $800 Buys 6-room house and lot near Deaf and Dumb Institute. $1,600 Buys 6-room house, electric light, on Spencer street; $i0O cash, balance easy. $1,600 6-room house on hill near Dodge car, east of Dundee. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas Street. RE 848 19 SNAPS FOR SOMEBODY $260 Ukes two lots, 32d and Maple. ' $500 takes line lot, 26th and Maple. $1,000 takes four lots, 44th and Dacatur, only one block from car line. $l,80u, half cash, takes 24-room flat and full lot, bouth Omaha; rented for $60. J. B. Piper, 411 Karbach block, Omaha. RE 879 19 FINE tract of ground Just outside city limits. A FEW ACHES CHEAP. Write me at once. Must go to California. Lays fine and has some bearing fruit. Ail- . dress A 21. Bee. RE 877 19 FOR SALE, large flve-room cottage, on coiner lot, with shade trees; bricked cel lar, city water In house; good cistern near ' house; medium sized barn; picket fence; only one block from car line; Jl,9c0. Ad dress A 12. care Bee. RE M20x W. G. SHRIVER, 1023 New York Life Bldg. Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals. GENUINE BARGAINS. B-room house, 26th and Parker $2,200 8-room house, corner Kountze Place modern 3,200 8 rooms, bran new, modern In every respect, hot water heat, barn, out houses, full lot, Wirt street 3,300 Corner on 16th street, two cottages, rent for $12 each, room for two more, 1 block from street cars, fine loca tion 1,650 8 rooms, all modern, Kountze Place 3,500 7 rooms, Emmet street, 100-foot front- . 1,600 6 rooms, brick, 66-foot lot, N. 28th ave. 1,200 VACANT. 60x60 feet, 26th and Parker; snap 650 72x160, on three streets, room for four houses, Ni 33d street 900 Full lot In Hanscom Place, east front 500 . Two full lots, one block from Hans com park, both C00 Fine buldlng lot. 38d and Burt 8U0 130x127 feet, corner. Franklin street, near 28th 800 ACRE PROPERTY. 30 acres. 6 miles from postofllce, high and sightly, on macadamized road., 3,000 20 acres West Dodge district 3,000 Acres on N. Boulevard, near Fort street. i 40 acres near Herman, will exchange for house and lot 2,000 I have a large list of Improved and un improved properties in Omuha, also Im proved and unimproved lands In Douglas ' and Sarpy counties. Have a number of . small fruit farms near Council Bluffs. RE BARGAINS Lot 60 feet fronting on Vinton street, 1S7 on lrtth street, Al brick building, 2d story contains three all modern flats; 150 foot vacant on 16th street for more buildings. Price $10,000. ; Fine $-room houses, all modern except fur i . naces, In good repair, rental $1,UM per year, lot 100x150 feet, east front, one block from car and school, 15 minutes walk to business center. Price 89.500. 66x140, east front, with S nice flats, 6-room ' cottage In rear, one block from South Omaha car line, north part of city, 'JO ,,' minutes walk from P. O., permanent walks, rental $876 per year. Price $7,0oo. Two 6-room houses In good repair, city . water and gas, full lot, south front, he- tween 9th and 10th on Hickory. Price ' $2,S00. Lot 50x146. 8-room house, all modern ex- cept furnace, good barn, shade trees per manent walk, paved street, near 31st and Mason streets. Price $2,250. 4-room house, with large lot, all fenced, with stable and wagon shed, chicken houses, only two blocks to street car. easy walking distance. Price II. oo. Lot 60x136, 6-room cottage, electric light, smsll barn, rent now for $15, will bring $16.50; will sell within the next three days for $1,200. J. A. LOVGREN, (36 and 637 Paxton Block. CHEAP LANDS. CHEAP HOMES IN WESTERN KANSAS AND EASTERN COLORADO. , I have engaged tourist car that will leave Omaha over the Rock Island Wednes- . day, March 22d. at 4:16 p. m. Berths will be free to land buyers. Have a few berths unengaged. Call on me at 836 N. Y. . Life building. A. W. Wluegar. RE-86& 19 NO BETTER built house In Omaha than this: has parlor, dining room, and kitchen downstairs; oak finish; 4 bed rooms and bath room, with bent of plumbing on 2d floor; rooms not large; gas and electric lights; tine furnace; within easy walking distance; 2 blocks from Farnam st. car; close to Turner park; new house. Will make a low price. Am giving up housekeeping. STRINGER, 681 Paxton Block. 'Phone L4327. RK-463 19s FOR SALE REAL ESTATE VACANT SNAPS Owner of 90x132 lot. east frontage on 22d near Mason, will sell for 82,6iO or divide to ult purchaser. 66x1, room fnr two cottages, on grade, 17th and Martha. $.160. A SNAP. Improved Properties I1.2S.V-EA8Y TERMS. 6-room cottage, full lot. rental $15 per month. $.150 cash, bal ance $11 per month; large amount of fruit. $1.6" Br:.MlS PARK. 4-room cottage, built two years, full lot, one-half block from car line. $1.M PARK DISTRICT. 7-room modern house, rental $.0 per month. $l,9r) DCPONT PLACE, two cottages, one i and one 2 rooms, one-fourth of a block fr im car line; rental $22 per month; good repair. $2.y CLOSE IN, 8-room cottage on paved street, near 24th and Jones, easy walk ing distance. JWi-NKAK BOULEVARD, new -mom cottage, nil modern, full lot. east front; easy walking distance to new car barn. $2.5tO N. 24TH ST.. 8 rooms, m-'l"rn ex cept furnace, full lot, paved s..eots. ce-m-nt walk, shade and fruit; ;8th and Bristol. $2.7:o-o.N BOULEVARD. 8 rooms, all mod ern, rori N. 1"th street. $.'.'' K KM IS PARK. 6 rooms, all modern, cement walk, built three years ago. $4.ih . 1 1 ANSI 't M rLACE. 7 rooms, all modern, full lot. 13-.5 S 33d street. One third ensh. balance to suit. $4.20" WEST FARNAM. 8 rooms, thor oughly modern, cement walk, paved street; rental $40. 26th avenue and Har ney 4,;, u-WEST FARNAM. 7 rooms, modern, paved street, permanent walk; rental $40. Sutli avenue and Dodge. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 871 19 FARMS FOR SALE CHEAP FARM LANDS 80 ac-es near Alma, Harlan county, sp.en dld soil, well Improved, house, barn and other outbuildings. $-H per acre. lw acrei-, good t-oll, well Improved, near Pierce, .el. $4,000. ltiu ncres. m and one-half miles from Elk luiii, .e...; all under cultivation, three ucics oi chard and grove, good house, burn and other outbuildings. $90 per acre. 6io sires best improved stock farm, cen tral Nebraska, adjoining Elm creek, Buf fulo county; 90 acres under cultivation, largo amount of alfalfa. $22.50 per acre. ntzgerald-Uermody Co., Tel. 6lus. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. 873 19 KANSAS farmers are making money; Kan sas lurms are too cheap; prices will ad vance; buy now for sure protu. Address fur circular and list. Noble & Co., To pekii. Kan. 674 19x 120 ACRES IN IOWA. $40 FOR $30. For quick sale will laae jo per acre for this good Iowa soli, luu tulles east of Omaha. D. C. Patterson, 1023 Farnam. 776 19 FOR RENT 25 ncres close In, about H in fruit. Call 1810 Grace. 790 19x FOR 8ALK 268 acre farm, two and one half ml'es from Falls City, Neb. Well fixed fo:- tt stock and grain farm. Owner will take a small farm as part pay. Dif ference can be arranged. Possession can be had at once. A good chance. Address, Box 60, Falls City, Neb. 722 19 OCR list of Improved and unimproved farm land In Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska Is complete. If you a look ing fur land we can surely sal Af you. U. S. Sales Bureau, Bee bldg. 817 19 280 ACRES, Harrison county, Iowa, all good improvements; price $20,000.00; easy terms. L S. Sales Bureau, Bee bldg? 814 19 480 acres, Harrison county, Iowa, two sets of Improvements; price $10.00 an acre. U. S. Sales Bureau, Bee bldg. 815 19 1,010 ACRES, Holt county ranch, good buildings and other Improvements; price. $15,410 an acre. U. S. Sales Bureau. Bee bldg. 816 19 60 ACRES In East Omaha and new four room house. 25 acres under cultivation. Rent. $150. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Far nam at. M891 21 FARM IN TOWN 10 acres, 5-room house, barn for six head, chicken house, buggy shed, good well, one acre grapes, four acres alfalfa, 1,000 fruit trees. $2,800. Two acres on Florence boulevard and car line, i-room house and barn, cistern, large amount of apple, cherry, plum, peach and apricot trees, grapes and small fruit. $3,250 if sold now. This district Is Improving very fast. Fourteen ncres, 3-room house, adjoining Papplo sidetrack In Fort Crook. $1,400. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 5108. 836 N. T. Life Bldg. 872 19 FARMS FOR RENT 120 ACRES, 10 miles west of Wahoo and 2 miles west of Weston, Neb.; all but 7 acres subject to cultivation. Good build ings. Cash rent, payable when crop is marketed. 451 acres, 2 miles west of Jackson, Neb.; 2uo acres In cultivation; balance in grass; grain rent. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. .837 19 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS QUICK MONEY Is sometimes a necessity. Our facilities are unsurpassed for quick and confidential service. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Warehouse Receipt, Live stock, etc. we also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE On their own agreement to repay; no other security requited. With us you pay for wnat you gel una only tor wnai time you keep it. It is our motto to try to please. If you have dealt with us and are pleuned. tell others; if displeased, tell us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board ol Trade Bldg. Tel. 2:9a. (Established 1892. ) 806 SO. 16th St. X-324 LOANS mude on all kinds of chattel se curities, aiso on DAijAniLo, Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and confidential service. Call on us if In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block. X-323 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prebbe now, room 214, at 2u9 S. 15th st. Tel. B:;M. X-324 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Oftlces In 6a principal cities. Tolman, room 714 New York Life building. X 425 BOWEN'S MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note if steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X-326 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loun Co., 8 Barker olock. X-327 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-328 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-329 SEE FULLER, 425 Paon block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-330 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-332 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. X 331 SALARY and chattel loans. 212 Bee Bldg. Temnleton, X-SS3 FINANCIAL TRADERS A pocket encyclopedia with latest prices and statistics. 1) pages. RAILROADS. INDUSTRIALS. COTTON, GRAIN. Send 4c stamp, state which edition desired. C. MONT. BENTON CO.. 526 West 2Mh St., N. Y. 729 l'.ix AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE, on account of death of owner, late '04 model 24 H. P. side door Peerless touring car, with elegant canopy top, heidllghls and other extras. Cost 4,5ou. Used only about 2, miles. Just revar nlshcd. I.Ike new. Price, $2.76o, or nearest otter. Moriarty Co., Kansas City, Mo. 7M 19x FOR RENT HOUSES PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO.. 2010 Webster, 10-r., all modern; close In; $40 2J4 Ohio, splendid -r., all modern home; large lawn; $30. 2212 California, very choice, new 8-r., strictly modern home; close In; $42.50. 2412 Seward, good 8-r. house, all modem except furnace; close In; only $3". Best thing on the market for the price. A bargain for someone. 1310 Park ave., choice 8-r., strictly modern; tight on car line; 877.50. 602 So. 35th ave., 8-r., strictly modern; In fine Shane: onlv LY. Think of It. 1546 So. 27th st., 7-r., all modern; close to park; only $27.50. 818 No. 33d, bran new 6-r. cottage, on car line; $30. 3715 Parker. 6-r., choice, all modern house; Just finished resdy to move into. Some thing good; $27.50. Shades furnished. 1807 Mason, 6-r.; city water; $10. Will put In shape. 933 No. 26th, 4-r.; close in; $8. 3036 So. isth, 8-r., brick; city water; nice shape; $8. 1410 No. 17th. 8-r.; city water; close In; $9. We have others. See our list before you move. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 601-3 N. Y. LIFE BLDG MMI bi all parts of the city. The I1UUOCO q u; Davis Co., 60S Bee bldg. D-314 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move nnd store II. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Ottlce, 1511V4 Farnam. Tel. 1559. D 312 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van V Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Otiice 1713 Webster st. V 313 UntlQCQ 'n Parts of the city. R. tlUUiCi c. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. , D 311 2666 DOUGLAS, 8 ROOMS, $27.50. D 816 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. . D 318 HOUSES FOR RENT. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th. D 816 FINE HOME TO LET. North 24th St., 1 block from Park ave. and Sh?rman ave. street car lines. 9 rooms, strictly modern, fine lawn, all kinds of shade and fruit trees and shrubbery $30. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. D 824 CENTRAL 8-room cottage. 217 N. 24th. D 269 COUNTRY PLACE. Handsome country house, one mile from Omaha car line, in Co. Bluffs. New 11-room house, all modern, witti 10 acres of orchard ground, In full bearing, und stable. High, sightly location, overlook ing Lake ivlanawa. Will rent furnished for the summer months. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St., Omaha. D M608 FOR RENT, excellent 7-room, all modern, house. 2123 California St., $32.60. Apply at 607 N. 19lh at. D M961 HOUSES furnished complete on 6 hours' notice. We have the largest stock In Omaha. Prices from 25 to 35 per cent cheaper than Installment stores. Esti mates furnished free. Terms, $J5.00 worth, $1.00 week; $100 worth, $2.00 week. Omuha Furniture & Cuipet Co., between 12th and 13th, on Farnaiu street. D 808 19 1101 SOUTH 30TH ST., ten-room thor oughly modern house, oak finish, $45. A. G. Elllck, 303 city hall. D-129 SIX-ROOM, nil modern house, 2524 Dewey ave.. $27.50. G. E. Turkington, 6u3 Bee. D-M582 8-ROOM modern brick house, Hanscom Park district, $30. 8-room modern brick house, West Farnam district, $25. 8-room modern house, 2029 No. 20th St., 20. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. D M603 20 NICE 8-ROOM house, all modern; fine lo cation, 1311 S. 30th ave. Apply Mr. Allen, next door, or James Stephenson, Murray hotel. 2515 Hamilton St., 10 rooms $25.00 2023 Burt St., 12 rooms, modern 45.00 2919 Grant St., 7 rooms 15.00 2627 Harney St.. 13 rooms, modern 60.00 3103 Marcv St., 7 rooms, modern 21.00 8343 Harney st., 8 rooms, modern.... 35.00 1312 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern 37.50 1314 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern 37.50 813 S. 24th St., 8 rooms, modern 32.50 1111 S. 30th ave., 10 rooms, modern.... 5o.00 2M7 8. 31t St., 6 rooms 10.00 1410 N. 30th st. 6 rooms 15.00 2711 N. 26th st, 8 rooms, modern 18.00 2124 Miami St., 6 rooms, modern 20.00 2702 Cuming vt., 6 rooms, modern 16.00 824 N. 35th St., 4 rooms 8.00 1920 S. 10th St., 6 rooms 8.00 17;6 N. 24th St., 4 rooms 8.00 N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. D 784 19 FOR RENT 9-room house, modern, $40; 8 room house, modern, $37.60 ; 8-room house, not modern, $17; 8-room house, new and modern, with gas range and water, fur nished, $45; 5-ruom furnished cottage, $24; 4-room cottage, $10; 6-room cottage, $15. ANSON & YOST, 4o8 Paxton block. D 8(14 19 FOR RENT Nine-room house, modern ex cept furnace. Full lot; fine shade. In quire 601 8. 13th. D 841 19x NEW house furnishings for spring have ar rived. Visit our carpet department, the largest and btst in Omaha. Our prices are nt least 25 per cent cheaper than at In stallment stores. Our terms, $16.00 worth, $1.00 week. Omaha Furniture & Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th, on Farnam street. D 807 19 TO LET. Two choice flats; one of 7 rooms, one of 6 rooms; owner furnishes heat and water; oak finish, tiled bath; each $56 per month. W. FARNAM SMITH & Co. 1320 Farnam street. D 834 19 ON GEORGIA AVENUE No. 832 South 29th street, a splendid 7 rnom house, strictly modern, Including hot water heating; several minor repairs needed will be granted; rent $37.50. A splendid home for someone. Payne, Bostwick & Co.. 601 3 N. Y. L. bldg. D 875 19 S224 Cuming St., 7 rms., all mocWrn. fine. $30. 28th nnd Dewey ave., 7-r. brick flats. $22.50. 1564 Sherman ave., 6 rms.. modern, $19. 1314 Park ave.. 8-r. mod. bricks, $37.60. 2215 Blnney St.. 9-r.. beautiful home, $40. 502 S. 35th St., 9 rms., for 2 families, $25. 1612 Lothrop st., 8 rms., all modern. $25. 3103 Marry St., 7 rms., modern, $21. 3323 Francis St., 7 rms., modern plumbing, $22.50. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D-897 19 WANTED, responsible couple without children to take furnished house, all mod ern; Hanscom Park district. Address A 37, care Bee. D-913 19 FOR SALE First rate drug store; very cheap or will trade for store elsewhere. Box 93, South Omaha. Y M8J2 2ox HOUSES FOR RENT $32.50811 No. 39th St., 8 rooms; modern. $34.001623 Park ave., 8 rooms; modern. $J2.50 3511 Dodge, 6 rooms; modern. 16. uo 2IH5 Piukney, 9 rooms; modern, $22.504318 Farnam, 8 rooms; modern. $10 .50 2:o6 No. 27th, 6 rooms; modern. $16.002611 Burdette, 6 rooms; modern. $15.00 2122 No. 26th. 7 rooms; modern. Inquire H. C. Peters & Co., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. D 836 19 4758 N. 24th St. (N. W. Cor. 24th and Tom pleton ave.), 9-room modern house, large yard with nice shade, an ideal summer home; rental, $27.60 and water rent. 2548 Chicago St., 10 rooms, all modern, place in nrst-ciass repair; rental, $4e.00 per month und water rent. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. D-MWl 21 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life Bldg., rooms 304 and 319. Tel. 1552. 372 O. T. VORHEES. bonded. Our system collects. Claims against corporations so licited. 317 N. Y. Life. -M826 ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main A. N. Y. L. 'Phone 112. 106 BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 M. Mala St., Council Biufls. BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick see J. 11. Johnson, bU N. Y. Life. 'Phons L 2270. Y-itel ABBOTT -CO WAN CO., 1st Nat. Bfc. bldg, can get you in or out of business. Y 283 IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or reil estate, consult U. 4. Sales Bureau, 634 and bJH Bee Bldg: Y M2M IF YOU w-ant to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or business QUICK see Comp-ton-Watts Co., 636 Paxton blk. Y 2a6 WILL invest $3,000 In merchandise line. Ad dress Y 48, Bee. Y M396 lax HOTELS exclusive. Hart, 401 N. Y. Life. Y-497 CONSTANT OIL CO. Stock will soon advance. Buy now. Have 760 acres in Chanute Oil Fields; enough for 260 wells. 6 already producing; 10c a share. Constant Oil Co., 3ol N. X. Life bldg. Tel. 1"2234. Y-M501 DOCTOR wants good country location. Ad dress A 6, Bee. Y 692 19X YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings accounts with J. L. Brar.dels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Duuglas Sis. Assets over $400,0cO.O0. Y- CASH for your real estate or business no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312 Bank of Commerce Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Y DO you need money? Our system places you in position to secure any amount on your personal note at 3. Rust 4 Co., Cedar Rapids, la. Y 681 19x BIO MONEY $10 buys, puts or calls, on 10.000 bushels wheat; no further risk; movement of 6 cents makes you $600; write for circular. The Standard Grain Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Y 679 19x SOCIETY women, school teachers, church workers. Increase their income under my method without Investing a dollar. No canvassing or soliciting. Just Informa tion, that's all. Absolute privacy assured. Address: Phil Dean, Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. Y-656 19x CASH paid for clothing, gents' furnishing stocks, large or small, located anywhere in i niieft states. Ulve tull particulars. No agonts answered. Wilson, 1413 Masonic Temple, Chicago, III. Y-659-19X DO YOU want to go Into business? A woman's business for women; we sell our corsets in shops established by our selves. Write us for particulars. Sylph Form Corset Co., Detroit, Mich. X-666 19x DO YOU need capital? We will Incor porate, organize, complete and finance high class, strictly legitimate enter prises; positively no wildcat scheme en tertained. American Finance & Indus trial Co., 123-126 La Salle St., Chicago. Y 669 19x GUARANTEED, positive, reliable eczema cure; Immediate relief and cure; one trial convinces. Send four 2c slumps. Rand-Solace Company, 809 Tacoma Bldg., Chicago, 111. Y 673 19x Stop, Look- and Listen QTf)p fooling your money away In wasteful speculations and ha ardous schemes. I OOrv ,or ""fety. first; sure and rea wwrv sonably large profits, second, and accessibility of your capital, 3d. I ISTFIM to tnls statement of facts. For L1J many years Investors In cotton nave been paid every month large and sure profits earned safely by the "Storey Method." Never a dollar lost. Capital always subject to withdrawal subject to terms of contract. Send for "AS OTHERS SEE US." Mailed free. Write now. This advertisement may not appear again. STOREY COTTON CO., 660 Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia. Y 696 19x InCOme Assurance. Banks pay depositors 2 per cent to 4 per cent per annum, while the stockholders receive 20 per cent to 100 per cent. We offer you an Invest ment which will place you on the same level as the bank stockholder. Absolute safety and a large regular monthly Income guaranteed. Write for particulars and receive our book let entitled "Income Assurance," de scribing our methods, which are meeting with great success with all classes of investors. The Loan & Savings Co., Incorporated. Capital, $260,000. Home offices, 20 St. Alexis St., Montreal, Canada. Y 694 19x MAIL ORDER MEN We are manufactur ers of everything In drug and medicine line. Scientific remedies for nil diseases. Correspondence solicited. Denthoyl Chem ical Co., Detroit, Mich. Y 708 19x FREE Full particulars of winning mall order scheme, averaging $3 to $8 dally; In vestigate now. F wash F. Booth. Seattle. Y-701 19x PRINCIPALS or reputable middleman: $50,000 cash buys business block netting $20,000 yearly, in old live railroad town, Arizona; good reasons for selling; Tread well's big copper smelter, Just completed, Insures 15,000 population by 1908, like Cananea (Green Copper) and El Paso, Texas; also have two large copper mines, one developed; banker's reference. I guarantee, correctness; penalty, expert's expenses. S. R. Rhodes, 17 Broadway, Room 20, New York. Y 743 19x HIGH grade Investment: a profitable man ufacturing enterprise, established twenty years, offers for sale a limited amount of 7 per cent preferred stock, the only pre ferred stock ever offered. Full particu lars and Information. Address 600 New England bldg., Cleveland, O. Y 738 1 9x WRITE Medina (Vld Mining Company, 624 University building. Syracuse, N. Y., for March dividend circular, (27). giving lat est developments of its gold and copper properties. Y' 739 19x $2,510 WILL BUY Interest. 100 acres min ing proposition, Golddeld. Nevada; money refunded, sale stock company to be formed. Klcvenaar, 1643 Champa St., Denver. Colo. Y 740 19x BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-We want live men to co-operate with us In selling real estate; this Is no easy snap; It requires men with ability and brain, but, ns our special proposition now under way Is one covering town lots In a new town that Is backed by six banks, and. Inas much as the price per lot. $30.00. Is split up Into four easy Installments of $5, $7 60. $7.50 and $10. you will find that the aver age man will take kindly to the proposi tion; at a commission of $7.50 per lot our agents lire making $60.00 to $1001)0 per week Send references In answering. Davis-Elton Realty Co., 275 Odd Fellows building, St. Louis, Mo. Y 737 19x MARRIAGE paper; prints photos and all addresses; 8 pages. 10c: correspond with out further expense. A. Stover, Drawer E 667. Chicago, III. U 746 19x $10 WILL start you in a business of your own, that will pay you $50 profit the first month. Full particulars upon re quest. U. S. SOUVENIR POST CARD CO., Suite T, 1140 Broadway, New York. U-724 19x FOR SALE Good meat market well located. Only one other shop In town of 3.500. Best of reasons for selling. Box 60, Falls City, Neb. Y-723 19 FOR SALE, dental office nicely furnished; established several years. A bargain. Ad dress A 11, Bee. Y 749 19x FOR BALE, good paying drug stock 8. E. Nebraska, or will trade for land if satis factory. Address A 10, care P"e. Y-748 19x SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings call and look over the following supplies; 1.8-lnch Austin's horizontal separator. 1 4-inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Bee building. Omaha. Q-633 WILL purchase 7 or 8-room modern house in Omaha or northern part of South (imahu if the owner will take 160 acres of land In central Nebraska at $10 per acre; will pay balance in cash. The land la cheup at price. A SO, care Bee. Y-70 19 RESTAURANT Must he sold this week If possible; a paying proposition; fine location. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-857 19 PARTY coming to city wishes to pur chase srnnll confectionery and cigar tor. A 18, car It BUSINESS CHANCES U. S. SALES BUREAU 634-636 Bee Building. BUSINESS CHANCES We buy and sell for clients. All branches of the mercantile business. If you wish to buy, or have a business for sale, we are the people to see. CITY PROPERTY Our list contains business, resident and va cant property In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. If you have property for sale, Hat with us. EXCHANGES We can "match up" any property or mer chandise you may offer. Our list is full of exchanges at all times. FARMS Our list of Improved and unimproved land and ranches Is composed of rare bargains. We can dispose of your farm to your en tire satisfaction. RENTALS If you have rental property that you wish placed In competent hands, Investigate our new plan of protecting clients. U. S. SALES BUREAU 634-636 Bee Building. RE 820 19 BUSINESS CHANCE. We want to hear from small Investors who are desirous of taking an uitetest in a legitimate enterprise which will yield 80 per cent on the investment. We Uo not-wlali anyone to purchase a large interest, Out, on the contrary, would prefer to divide the stock on the basis of ten men taking $100 each rather than for one man to take $1,(00. Our preference Is due solely to the fact that as the business grows we can Increase the capitalization much eaale.r with a number of shareholders than we could with a few. All stocK sold will be Issued in the form of a profit sharing cer tificate bearing six per cent annually and also entitling ine holder to a pro rata share of the net profits. Every profit sharing certificate will be protected by 20-year 6 per cent gold bonds aepoulted with a large trust company In New York, and such bonds are a first Hen on the company's en tire property and assets. Thu proposition Is one which will strongly appeal to the man of moderate means who cannot afford to run a risk in investing his earnings. Space prevents our going into details here. The fullest investigation is courted and we would ask that you send for a prospectus, which Is free, and satisfy yourself tnat this Is the greatest oppor tunity ever offered to tho rmall Investor. You cannot possibly lose, but, on ths other hand, have a chance to make 30 per cent on your money. Write us today, as the amount is limited and stock is being Is sued in the order that applications are re ceived. UNDERBILL & COMPANY, 27 Pine SL, New York City. Y 695 19X NEWSPAPER AND PRINTING PLANT Fully equipped, old established, good cir culation, paying proposition; live eastern Nebraska town: splendid opening at right figures. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. X-855 19 MAKE SOLID MONEY And make It quickly by Investing It In small amounts of $1 or more weekly In New York City lots Rosedale Square Borough of Queens at $89, up, directly benefited by the $90,000,000, improvements for Tunnels New Subways and Union Stations New York Real Estate Is the . n r. . . ., ......... ,A ...- T,- . I 1 n ni'.iiL mi luiiuuca. Alio bimiKQ i miss It. Titles guaranteed. Write for free booklet. THE BROOKS & BROOKS CORPORATION, (City Department), 115 Broadway, New York. ' Y 735 19x PERSONAL PERSONAL l . Lj. Her, V Schmoller & Mue 1W FARNAM STREET. Unloading "Steinway" Pianos Unloading "Steger" Pianos Unloading "Emerson" Pianos Unloading "McPhail" Pianos Unloading "Hardman" Pianos Unloading "Steck" Pianos Unloading A. B. Chase Pianos Unloading 20 other makes Piano Prices Tumble. This Is a sale wherein the greatest barsaln hunter cannot fall to nppnviate the navlnc as the high quality of tlila stock Is familiar to all and the prices on the tags are sharply rut from figures already the lowest lu tht "west tliey are going rapidly better InTestlsate. CREDIT FREELY GIVEN TO ALL. Schmoller & Mueller, THE ONLY ONE PRICE PIANO HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. ESTABLISHED 1&19. 1313 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. FRIENDSHIP CLUB Correspondents everywhere. particulars tree. hoi z, Cleveland. Ohio. U-5 lx SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by eleotrclty; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 4-2 N. Y . Life. U 70 19x GENTLEMAN, wealth, kindness and In tegrity, seeks congenial wire. Attoresa Mrs. Cole, 506 Walnut, Room 7. Philadel phia, Pa. U-710 19x I WILL suitably reward any one notifying me of the whereaDouts or jvteivtn Bamii. From his mother, Mrs. Ida Barrltt. Hast ings, Neb. U M736 26x DR. IEVERS' "Safeguard" protects you from accidents; absolute guarantee; size adjustable; sample mailed, 10c, 3 for 25c. Henry levers, Suite 70, 32 Broadway, New York. U-741 19x FRANCIS POTTER'S school of Mandolin and Guitar, 55 Barker Blk. Tel. Red 6i3l. U-731 19x JEE-POAL, R 1392. Indies' regulator. No failure. Hare. Powerful, no nausea. iTice J1.06. What women, young or old, should know, free. Jee-Poal Remedy Co., 619 Main st Cincinnati, O. U-6S9 19x NEATLY furnished 6-room flat for sale cheap If taken at once, inquire at iiat 6, Davldge block. Y-S29 19 WHAT alls you sexually. Don't send for some rane remeay.Dut see one wno nas naa twenty-five years experience. Address, P. O. Box 754. Omaha. U-MS36 26 ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Kn snuare nlanos. Including the following makes: Emerson, Vose & Sons, Gabler, Hallpt & Cumston. Waters. Light & Co., etc. $10.00, $12.00, $18.00. $22.00, to $3o.OO, on payments of $3.00 caan ana doc a weeK. These pianos are fully repaired and good for a beginner. Bill of exchange given in writing allows purchaser to trade back without discount any time within three years. See them at once. Schmoller & Mueller, Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCHING GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLK., OPPOSITE HAYDEN BROS. TEL. luati. -U IF MRS. RUTH HL'RLBURT or Alexander Duncan, living about 1KW, or ht-lrs, can prove Interest as benellclaries in Insur ance Issued about said year by the Hope Mutual Lite Insurance company of Con necticut (formerly, communicate with Attorney, P. O. -.H, Stamford, Conn. U 910 iOX B. L. LOVEJOY will repair your sewing machine and warrant It. Address 2mij Spruce st. U 914 19x . ELDERLY gentleman, widower, wanta to make the acquaintance of middle-aged woman of means. A 44, care Bee. u 90s ax YOUNG lady who addressed stranger aa "Fred" after the performance of "Parsi fal" Wednesday evening, will you kindly send your address to A 22, care Bee, to "Fred." U-911 21x PIANOS Piano Makers. 1313 Farnam Street. U- MONEY. MONEY. All our clients are maKlng money every week, every month and every year. Ac counts can be withdrawn on demand. Our small as well as large customers benetlt equally. We make no distinction. Mercan tile and financial references. Booklet mailed upon request. Leslie, Morris & Co., Inc., The Bourse, Phlla., Pa. Y-651 lflx STOCK or bond issue reputable corpora tion, mining. Industrial or railroad, wanted. Have every facility for selling same on commission. Give particulars. P. O. Box Hti3, New York City. Y-650 19x MONEY GROWS at the rate of 15 per cent every month, pay able In weekly installments, by our proven system of selling privileges on wheat. No loss ever mude by us. Full particulars on request. Address Tho Privilege Selling Co., Mitchell Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. Y-713 19x GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET One of the finest locations In Omaha; dally average sales $80 to $100; commands best prices; good profit; stocks will not Invoke over U.oM. This is a fine opening. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. i-56 19 THE FURNITURE of a 22-room flat, cen tral location; must be sold this week. News stand, confectionery and cigars, making better than $!') a month; low runt, living rooms In connection. Laundry; gross receipts S1U0 a week; ex penses $)'.'. Mnks us an offer. SMITH-STEA VENSON CO.. 318 Neville Block. Y-S34 19 FOR SALE A drug store doing a good business In a live town In northern Ne braska. Address A. 18. Bee. Y MS39 25x Hotel Furnished 26 well furnished rooms, modern $2 houpp; paying business; fine northwestern Iowa town; controls the commercial trade. Ow ing to sickness of proprietor the entlie furnishings can be had for one-half cost to owner few months ago. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-863 19 ROOMING house, very close In; ten rooms, well furnished; rooms all rented; well established business. Owner must sell and will sacrirlce at $j50. A 8. care Bee. V 808 19 OWNER of a green bcuse snd vegetable business, established 20 years, wishes to retire and will sell business and location very cheap. splendid money maker. A 15, care Bee. YStH 19 Furnished House 10 rooms, well equipped, fine location; full first class roomers; money maker; must be sold at sacrifice. Be quick. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Llf. V-8i4 19 1904 RAMBLER, used two months; perfect condition; almost given away. 1103 Far nam. 1 19 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 615 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel.1604 3t)9 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Osteopathy Phy. slclan; office, Neville block. Tel. 283. -370 Huntington 4 Stratton. 833 N. Y. L. Tel FbbM. '9 . TYPEWRITERS OMAHA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Iensmores. Buy and sell any typewriter. Your prices. Expert repairing. Iul2 N. Y. Life. Tel. 4916. M871 WE RENT typewriters. $2 50 per month. Bllck Mfg. Co , 88 N. Y. Life Bldg. ,1M M26 DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, society and singe; new classea bow forming. I'tione r-uu. -Wl WIDOWER, with two small children, who nwns nirA home. opAiren acausiniance oi refined woman, not over 35, matrlmonlallly Inclined. Address Y 51, Bee. U 903 21 X VIOLA, the Information furnished Is not sufficient. I regret same. Goodbye Jack. U-593 19x LARSON & JOHNSON Cut rates to all oints. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem er American Ticket Brokers' association. U 351 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. Uth st. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. U 511 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, KUCHINO BUTTONS Send for price list and samples. k.L OOlUiaN PLtAllNU CO.. Mi UOUULAS ttlAJCK. TEL. 1936. U Mi CH.VA1P10M CARP in CLHAi UN'tf WORKS, 720 a Hill bl'. ThUAti Odd. U 55o TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. U 343 H.HENKKR, eye speclallst.307-8 Neville blk. U Sso Piano tuning. Tel. 6604. Dalbey, 2207 Mason. U-M368 Allx OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturers of paste lor an purposes. Tel. 4621. 2210 Cuming. Established U- MARRY Wealthy and beauty; marriage directory tree; pay when marrieu; en tirely new plan; end no money. Address: H. A. Hurton, Dept. ml, Tekuusha, Mich. U-U6J lDx ROYALTY paid on song-poems and mu sical compositions. H e uirange and pop larize. Pioneer Music Pub. Co., Inc., M) Manhattau Bldg., Chicago. L. 077 19x FRENCH, Spanish, German lessons. F, Peltier, 116 S. 2tah. C MUi A4x OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Kamge blk. U-341 Pf"7PAA absolutely cured. B. J. Scan CVv.C m neu, 6u9 Ware block. U 449 31 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1505 Farnam. J-337 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge lilk. U-338 PIANO CLUB Just forming 6uc and $1 wuunly; pianos de livered immediately ; piano lessons tree. Call tor particulars. ItiU Farnum st. U 353 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; $2. Pertleld Piano Co., lbll l'aiiiain. U 4iS THEATRICAL, masq., costumes. 1410-Li Howard. Lleben, U 340 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. A2018. U-345 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Cor. 16th and Harney. U-S46 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases anl irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Plies, 1611V Dodge St., Omaha. U-348 PRIVATE home during confinement ; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 First ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U 02 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE lliM. U-349 Kl AflNIPTir' treatment Jtr inlth, 118 N, baths. Mme. 16, 2d n. r. 2. U-BfiO INFORMATION wanted of Thomas Wil son; luK heard of In May, 1877, when ad dress was Coshocton, o. Any Information f:lnil!y appreciated by nephew, Geurga iowen, 107 Lome St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. U IsA lauc Weather is against us. We make prices that will sell our pianos. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK OVER OUR STOCK. We represent the state for three large factories and do more wholesaling than retailing. We have a fine line of sample pianos that must be closed out at retail at wholesale prices. OUR LINE THE CHICKERING, THE CHASE, THE HACKLE Y, THE CARLISLE, the bolt vvoou, and the adams SCHAFF. OUR BARGAINS 1XJR HIS WEEK. One $450.00 elegant walnut upright for $248.00 One $;)60.00 elegant oan uprlgnt for.. 198.00 One $360.00 Haynes Bros, uprlgnt ebony 148.U0 One XJ60.00 Arion OttK for 125.00 All sold on easy payments $10.00 cash and $5.00 to $10.00 per month. Outside pur chasers write lor catalogue and terms. Goods shipped any place on approval. J. S. CAMERON, Sample Rooms 106 N. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. U M882 19 MEDICAL $1,000 REWARD-LADIES $1,000 REWARD LADIES, 1 positively guarantee my Never Failing ERUO-KOL.O REGULATING COMPOUND. Safely rolieves the longest, most obstinate, discouraging cases of sup pressed or delayed monthly periods within THREE to FIVE days without harm, pain, disappointment or Interference with the regular routine of life. ERGU-KOLU COMPOUND Is ulso a sovereign remedy In painful, Irregular or profuso periods. A remedy of which no woman can do Jus- tlce to herself and be without. Saves you time, money, worry, embarrassing exami nations and useless experiments. Securt this remedy at once, that never falls to bring you SPEEDY RELIEF." By mall In plain, souled wrapper. Price, $1.5o: double strength, $2. "SPECIAL FOLDER FOR LADIES" FREE. Write today. Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co., Otllccs C. C 616 Main st., Kansas City, Mo. FOR WOMEN ONLY-DR. RAYMOND Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no interference with work; relief in 3 to 6 days. We nave never known of a single failure. Price $2, by mall. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago. -M789 PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladles; never falls, $2 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha 365 LADIES Dr. Martinet will advise you free. 28, x The T. &' P. Chemical Co., Dept. i Bridgeport, Conn. 882 A6x LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no othor. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlchestar Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children; 30 years' practice. Office, 23ii6 Cuming. Residence telephone, 3606; office, 3W. LADIES tronted successfully by mall. Write today, st'itlug how long suppressed. Dr. Biiiuy, 182 State street, Chicago. MEN. If you are small, weak or undevel oped, have lo;t strength, our Acme Vac uum Developer wll restore you without drugs or electrh-lty ; urethral obstruc tion and varicocele permanently cured In one to four weeks; 75, (Km in use; not oim failure; write for free book, sent sealed In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co., 728 Barclay blk., Denver, Colo. LADIES, use our reliable monthly regu lator. Send for free trial. Purls Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. MONEY TO LOANREAL ESTATE WANTED City loans R. C. Peters & Co. W-356 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bunk Bldg. Tel. IMS. W-367 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 162" Kougjaa WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 lriiam st. W-159 MONEY TO LOAN Payno Investment Co. w MU GARVIN BROS., ltt"4 Farniitn. City loans at lowest rules; no delay; gel our terms. W-361 -tAiVa, LOWEST rates city property; 6 p. c. on farms in eastern rw r. iit-mis, puxinn iik. W .2 MONEY to losn on Improved Omaha prop. erty at lowest rates I nomas iuennnn, room 1. New York Life Bldg. W-16S Low Rates. Private Money. $1"0 and Up. CHAH. tS. WJLL1A.MSU.N W