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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1905)
n THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE; Pry DAY. JANUARY 1. 1903. 15 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES Slaeaale Traflt. tar. let A Capital 5e KEHRAEKA 1'IGE NO. 1. A F A A M Popular mtlnf Tuesday. January 3. nt 7 .a. p. m. C L Shook. W M W. C. McLean Iseeretary. CAPITAL IXiT'lE NO 3. A. K. A M H'-fj ir business meetirg 7.30 Monday eve ring. January r. GRAIN AD PRODUCE MARKET iKtuber Liquidation Takes lorn Dowi Tws Oir.a. OMAHA f HAITKJI NO 1. R A M -Reg-uinr onnvoca'l.n Tuedv. January 2. at 7 p. m. A. llueih Hippie. Secretary. END OF WHEAT DEUVLRY FEATURLESS Rererte'l Oirrrtlmtrt la Odessa Oatsrlo on Mtaatloa Dall ill tittle 'elllna Pressare ata )alet. VEPTA rHAp-HR NO fl. O E F -Liar m- lit m Jsr.jnry J at T -SO. Winifred Wallace, rV-cretary. K'-g- KELRAFKA EOIXJE NO 1. K. of P-P.'r-ular meeting Vn4-ii evening 7 V' Myrti hii 1 1. lnth arid Doug'.n Ft Visitor? wei rom. A. K An1er"n. C C. Roy A. Eiouge. K. R. and F TRIANGLE T,niirjE NO M Meet every Thursaay evening. Castle hall, i-d anil Cuming Visitors alwav weie .me. I. H. FUme, C. c. J Ii. PUne. K R and S. 1. U. O. F. P.KAOO.N EOIKJE NO. HMftmn Tuesday ever lug. Jai ury 8. at o f lora In 1 o. t'. F. ha. I 14th and t- All mem ber please attend K. C. Horkett. N H J I.. Alt.ison Prrreturj . HOI AL AIK .OIM. VNION PACIFIC COUNCII, NO. !. Meeting second and fourth Moncbij each month at Arcanum hall, nortnwest corner ltilh and Hnni i. Visitor welcome A. ex Re ed. IitTctit. Harry fc. Morrill. (Secretary. PIONEEJl im-NClL. NCi" ll-Mrt :'lTi regular session se. md ami fourth 'lio Jiaya in each month in Cont ln-nt al block, lath and Iougias Visitor Invited , Thomas G. Magrane. rie. re tarj . CLAIRVOYANTS OVLMER. scientific palmist, 71 N. -':iu. S-4J1 YOT'R Fl'TI-RE FREE A complete reading as revealed by th staxa. Advice fin Inve. marriage, divorce, business, sickness law cults, did stiiles. will, mortgage. Inen or absent friends, burled trcaaure and all affair of lite. Send nam and date of birth, io cents In silver arid a postage stamp to cover ex pense of oorrwi.oiiiienre Write today. Addreaa. Madam Holi Kulum inoted Hindoo adept i, :inJi Irtxcl houlevard, Lxpt N., Chicago, III. S T.rS Jx YCHR FORTX'NK told hy the most rlial.l lairvo antx; acnd birth dute dlnic nnd atamp Pro' Carl & Rollln, 4Hii N fiurk at., Chicago. 6 :Zl 1 HAPPY NEW TEAR. MME OVLMEK, Omaha a Favorite Pulmint. haa tieen elsht ytara in Cmahn.. and alie take this op portunity of thanking her friends and pu trona for their lilera) jiutroriBpe. She wiahea everyone a haipy New year. The fact of Mnie. Giymer having practised palmistry eiRht years In Omaha is la Iilflcant. when it is remembered that mot-t Ufa readers only remain In one place a few weeks at u tinie. Mme. Uylmer hue proved herself to be a penulne piilitilst. therefore ahe flml no difficulty In getting tifflclent patronage to Juatify her re maining In Omaha. In fact, she has de veloped a business which is no doubt larger thaJt any palmiat In the country ran boast of. Start the New Year right. Mme. Giymer gives advice on all affair of life and ahe tell you what you are adapted to. Get her advice and it will help you. Parlor 716 No. 236. 8 MRS. CARRIE SMITH. Sovereign Lady Queen of Clairvoyant, will safely guide you through the pitfall of the prew-nt to a proaperous and happv future . Tangled love affairs straia-htened out and separ ated ones reunited I can aave you money by aroidlng losses In business deal and Insure 3'our future miccess and constant food fuck Don't be unhappy any longer, ut seek the advice of Madam Bmlth and start afresh. AIho a marvelous Magnetic Healer. One visit convinces. 807 No lKth treet. 8 Ml 1 OMAHA, Dee. SI. lrt. Tr.e t'e'-emher liquidation cam to on end ir. whgt without any dr-m r.-ratlon of arv s'.rt. hut the end r.f the Iere-r.t.r (xrn h-'iuaht a 6-r,r t of 3" from tt.e rp"n mg I hie made the corn JV un ier the May option. The wheat market was nervous, bu' not so mjcl. o aa during the pre ceding day. Friday It was most cotifu ng as by some it was thought the Wail street pool was It holdings and by otin-rs this selling was considered merely IT the purpose of shaking off taller ' ioKKO eleventh-hour taller did liquidate. hi(h caused some weakness The Iiecero her wheat rrened up tndiv at li.l-s, ore half i-mt above the Frhiav close. The b Ph point was fl 14,, but tre market weakened toward the close and the last quotation on Icntr wa fl IS The -May wheat closed Fridav at $1 H opened tods Bt r.141,. declined to fl.W arid rallied at the clos to tl ,14V The eastern long interest bought moft " wheat at tear the i"-'-nt f pire and hs no inducemert to sell now The speculators are holding over until aftT the holiday. An Odessa cable gives the crop st 3 omi. w hereas It was ll.n'0.'"' in J!C Uroomhall estimates tfie world s ship ment for next week at f.(i.0' tius-heis. 7.2i'.iti to go to Europe. He xpect a fair decrease in breads'uffs afloat Australian wheat shipment for the week ore 3i2.'m. against ( last week ami ;w2.iim' last year Ta-o elevator 1 nes In Minnesota are reported as aayit.g their houses hold less wheat now th;m the same period last year Minneapolis s'itped 8S.v today and no.if" flour. Tlie Minneapolis S'ock of No. 1 northern is 8 4C.7aS arid of all grade 14. " H 1S!T, an Increase of r.l.f bushels The 'nturio croj-, is said to he smaller than estimated, b (fi:Mt asrainst S' for last eHr. and 'he Ontario millers drawing .'im.k .(, from Manitoba. The December liquidation in corn brought a Weak close Tie FrldaT session ended at 44 .. and today opening was 441,0. hut the market Pteadlly declined with .ne or two wnall hulpep until the closing figure wst 4-Scv The corn situation is dull. The wil ing pressure i not urgert. but It Is hirer enough to keep the market from going tip. The buy ing Is not In peratlve. but it comes from Inltientta! Interests and is in volume enough to keep the market firm. Farmers City. Illinois reports corn in that section Is fro-n one-tii.lf tn t hree-foui th marketed The price h;. ve be-n good enough to sat isfy the farmers and the road have been m good condition The oat market Is also dull The vls'ble. is so laree as to deter outside speculation The receipts are norm.-1 und the demund not particularly stronr Omaha t ash alrn. WHEAT No 3 hard. 1 cur. ST lb., tl 04; no giade. 1 car 47 lbs. Doc foKN'-Nn. a white, 1 car. 4ie- OATS N . 1 white, l tttr, lc; no grade, 34 ilia , l'c; Ouialaa 4 ash Market. WHEAT No. I hard. 11.04: No. T, hard. $1.01'; No. 4 hard, KiKufc.K.; No. 2 apiirg. f,.M CORN No 2, c; No. 3. 38C No. 4. 87 . 4:tsc; no grade, iluu :;7c . No. 2 yehtw. :;7c; No 2 yellow, 3V; No. 2 while. r; No X White OATS No. 2 mixed. isi,c: No. n mixed, m-j'iM: No. 4 mixed. IVnloc; No. 2 wh.te 2c: No. It white. 2(iV,c. No. 4 white, 27V& 2m standard. "c. Carlo! Herelpts. Wbea.t. Corn. Oats. Chicago js 37(, M Minneapolis jr.7 Duluth 67 ... i KaiiMu City tat 7s ii St. Louis 38 4f 21 Omaha 40 126 10 Markets Elsesi here, Closing prices in otuer markets were as (HICA4VU GRAM AD rnOVIIOt Feat a res af the TraaMa a4 Clasia. Prlcr-s aa Baard af Trade. CHICAGO. Iec. L Improved milllr fle mii,o wa one of culel lanors 1:1 a iuu.. market touay. inai y-. 'ta tioi.e ou juny wheat shooed a net gin tf S c. torn i up !u'c. Oats and pro ikiutisare uin hanged. , A niooerstt binge in wheat prices oc cuned at ihe immeuiate open.i g Toe cause Was a fainv good commission re use oe n.and kit was 'sVe to WV higner at I-l.-s4il.14 'Ihe b-. n.g a a parti ine re sult i'I continued .igt.t teceipts in t tie north wyes.. aii.vMis touay being almost bait wnat t.'i'i were a year ago. Anomer lae tor ir.nuenc lr g tbe Situation w us a report that pr pect are good for a considers hie decrease .n the amount of wheat on pas sage and In the wurid s shipment. Af .e Aia had advanced to n 14-, a quiia reac tion occurred on realisms by pit trade!, the price declining to fi.lKVol IvS the breiiK. however, ine market met with good supjiort from a leader of the buil wulck recovery fo lowed Pncea were given a de cided upward Impetus by new from the northwest whete cash markets showed un usual strength. Reports from Minneapolis, r. aiming tog sale of flour, were an adii tional Lull lr.fii.-nce. A late factor was a rumor to the eflect that the Illinois crop report would be quite bullish. 1'uring the lapt hour of trading the market held re markab.y firm. orTerinesi being compara tively InsigniM'-ant After selling up to 11 HS'iii 1 May closed at J1.14V Clear ances of wheat and floUr were equal to Hoa bushel. P'rimury receipts were 678 bushel, compared with 1 o.T.ftio buhels a year ago Minnenpoli. Inilu'h and Chl efcgo teported receipts of 34o car, against uir a year ago. Liquidation rf I'ecember option wa the feature of In the corn market. Thi selling had snme effect on the distant fu tures The general market, however, showed a slight rerponse to the weal;to-ss of th December delivery. Mny opened unchanged to a shade lower at 4f-"lii",o to 4.".1c. old ofT to 4."1c and elod at 4r.Vsi4.V'c. Loom receipt were 275 curs, with 2 of contract grade. The strength of wheat had a steadying Influence on the oats market, prices fluc tuating within a narrow range. The volume of trading was extremely email. May ripened a shade hlclcr nt itlNc. sold off to HIV and closed at 31Htt?.lSc. Local re ceipts were 7.4 car. Provision were a trifle easier earlier tn the day In sympathy wtth a small decline In t1 pnec of hoes. There was some se t lr:g hv small packers, offerings being taken by shorts. A steadier tone developed iHtor in the esion. prices at the close showing a slight gain. Mfiv pork was tip TWoao ht fl2i I,,,rd was up ?'' nt 7.0 7.15 Rib were f,c higher at lfi.7dti 7L1. Estimated receipt for Tuesday: Wheat. 50 cars: corn. f-4r, enrs; oat. C7 car; hog (for Monday i. 41.W head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Article, open. High Low. ; Close. iYts'y. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS I harp Drtp ii Tglnei, Dn to Ipprehen cf &id Kezt Week. PACIFICS ARE NOTABLY WEAK l Ilea tates teel Preferred aad AsaalBatsnated ( rrr Are I alter Prrasare aad shew Paor Rallglar rawer. N'EW YORK. Dec 31 -There was a rather marked revival of apprt-hension of a suc ceenul sttaik upon stuck market vaiues today, caused by a renewed proclamation of tlire thlngf to hap(en next week by the eame auti.ority that upset the recent mar ket. The pharp dip in prices of today was clearly assignable to the quiver of dread thus caused. The day s trsoirg wa. in conseoui ncc. rather an mated contrary to fxpertation. a the principal motive for holding a emu on at ail today wan to bring together the members for the annual New i ear frolic a hrch fo.iowed the session of the exchange The spirit cf uncertainty thu awakened induced eonsderable throwing over of stoc k accumulated during the we k s rle and resulted in an effective curtailment of that rise Amalgamated Copper ehiwed It Re f sensitive to the new threat to .he mar ket, but thfl! stock was supported In the later dealing and closed unchunged Toe Pacific were notably weak and were af fected by the denial of a rumor et in cir culation that the Northern Securities de cision had been handed down. I'nlted State Steel preferred Wai under pressure and showed poor rallying power. It fresh decline In the iste dealli-cs conlr.buting to the irregular closing. The batik statement reflected only a part of the expected cash gain, but the slr.f.lng of trust company account and the ai nuaJ settlements were to 1 reckoned with with confusing influences" on the bank statement, and the showing wa not an Influence cn s ocks. Neither was there anything in the day s news affecting pri pertie to influence the operations in the market. The iota! aJ"si of bonds pur value, were fo.Uw 0o0. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchanpe today: femevH igh Low Close. .N'H' SMt K7.4 87X, Btti ltlV lln'V, 1"1 1, gubseouent'y the tone became flrrr. Rus sian lrrperial 4 wee ouo'ed rt ! 55 and Russian bond of l. St 4:! The private rate cf discount was 2 per cert. F.ERL1N. Iec K i radii. g on the bourse Waj quiet, tele graphic communcstion being partly lrtem.j ted 1 y the prevailing storm, causing a waitltg tndrtiiv in foregn s Curitie. Americans were weaker. Sew Verb. Meaey Market. NFW YORK Iec. -MONEY rn call, nominal, no loans Time loans, nominal. :xty and ninety dsys. f, fl" per c at; aix months. Jansi, per cent PRIME MERCANTILE FAPER 4'(?4V per r nt STERLING EXCHANGE Steady. wtth sc' ial business in barker bills at 4 S'lfj 4 S7.0 for demand and at IimIi' HM'i f-r Sixty-day In :1s. posted rstes. f4k"-ia4SK. cortmerr ig! 1 i;is, f4 M--fi4 ." SILVER Mar, iIV. Mexican dollars, 4o. ROVDS-Oorerntnent. firm, railroad. Steady. The followl: g are the quotations on rtcks and binds: V e r 2s reg 1"4 Rs ctfs ... W't ! coupon ll It s N. unl is... 14 oo li reg HH Man c g 4 . . pif do coupon ' Mex Centrai 4 . 7S-, do ne w 4s reg. lfl do 1st ine -4 do coupon 1'M. St I. 4s... !7 do old 4. reg ..l ii M K 4, T 4s.. P I1, do coupon l'lis do 2 sH Am Tob 4. ctti 717 N R of 1 c 4 W do 6s ctfs IP" N. Y C g Jt,s. Mi. Atchison gen 4s. M N J C g. a l:(6 do adj 4s 4 No Pacific 4 !. Atlantic " I. 4. 1:'M do Us T :Eil At fih o 4s ...p: n ft W. c 4s ,.Vh4 i do S K O S L r 4 . . . , Cen erf Ga. bs ".lt Pern eon v. 3',s. pig do 1st tnc Rerdlng gen. 4s. lnG i do 2d ine 7gic S L4-1. M c fs 117 C. & O 4S 14P LS F fg 4s ! I C &- A Hs . . St L S W c. 4s I i C , P. A Q n 4s Seahoarrl A L 4s sS : C . Hit P. is.. n Po INciflc 4s e J do col fi So Railway .".. ICCCA.S 1.. g 4s.pi TfXn K P. 1 121 .Chicago Ter 4s . 6 T St I. A W 4s 4 'Co'o Mid 4s Vnlon I'hclfic 4 1""H ! Colo. So 4s P? do conv 4s . . U3 ' Cubs ok ctfs . P ?. r S. S'eel id :,s H'S : D. & R G 4s ..l"2i 'Wabash Is Zlfi 'Distillers' Sec fs "PW do di h p. R.-.u, ; Erie p 1. 4 1"'.' West M l 4 do gen. 4s !t w & 'i. F. 4s . V"K r W i D C 1. Wis. Central 4s.. :: Hooking V j'-s. Ill Bid. onilA LIVE ST0C2L MARIET Tat Cattle Hit Loft Mom All the Ad'uro Mde Larlj ia la Weak, HOGS A LITTLE HIGHER THAN A WEEK AGO Demaad for rat krrt aad l-aasas la Esress af Itaaly and Prices Oaar ter la Forty teal H taker This Mrrk Ait, Feeders Mrowg. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. SI. 14 Receipt were. Official Mcnuay C'ttlCau i ue-av I'rT.cial lA'ednesclav . I Official Thursday... Official fridav Official Saturday ... Cattle. Hog fcheei , 1.4."4 1 a.i p 627 i n l 133 in i i l.4 3(.iS l.t' 1 rtw .... ' k oo t stee-- ... r.J I 1 f cows . ..!' II 1 bull .. 14'" i 1 stag W 2 hellers. 1046 I JO r mixed Si S rf HcV.S-Thtre wn s l beral run rf hoga here this ronmlrg for a Saturdr.r nrl a advices frcm other point w-ere rather un favorable the leniency of price was down ward The ma-kei could t"- quoted active and pearl v s t Ii krl lowe. The lotig irtng went at U 4H. w tth the bulk of all the aie st U 4h tc ft w th hog up to U T2i Trnriitg wns ctfte arttve t the dec!. r. that tn s- all th early arrlva." were d,srosil of n good pnnn P imp of the trams were late in arriving, which de layed the dope to nit"c an x'cn Trading on the close was rather slow with the feei ng a little Wrkk. For the wt k receipts have been verr 1 ght. tli-re 1-e-jip g ov,.,.,,. n. cotnparel wtih la't w-ck of ahont 2 o head and .f l.ei head a comtmred with the Kan. I week or Ust your The tendency of jiric-s jwa upward unti' Friday when there whs a reaction, follrwed b' a decline todsv I of about a nickel This leave closing I prices aroutij a nickel higher thar. ther were st tro c-he of last week Repra . sentatlve sale: COLORED woman for general housework; tiermnnent )ilace for reponaihle tterson. 4D24 Davenport St. S MS32 2g HANUM EFFENDI BOORAKHARAKA Scientic Palmist anJ Egyrtian Clair voyant. Palmist to Emperor Nicholas of Russia, entertulned at the harem of Abdul HannJ sail tan of Turkey, coiisulted by sliah of Per sia; she comes direct Itoiii the St. loi.i World's fuir; a gradiiiite of the Occult College ot India. Tola scientific ludy will be seen In her genuine oriental costume and can be consulted PRIVATELY on ull mat ters of business, love and marria;e. Th(ee In trouble call on this gifted ludy and be convinced of her wonderful power. Special Bitting can he arranged hv 'phone. . Hours: 8:) to 12: 1.:. to 10 p. m. C.2.' No ""rt mi., near K St.. So. Omaha. Phone B-3?e P-71'n 1 Wheal M a ... July ... Corn May .., July .. Wheat Mat ... July ... Coru Mav ... July ... Wheat -Mav ... July ... Cora Mny ... Wheat Ma v July ... Whwitt M-y ... VV heat Ma v ... July ... CHICAGO. KANSAS C1TLY ST. LOUIS. MINNEAPOLIS. Dl'Ll'TH. NEW YOIUi. 1.14S.B te. . iS'TiR . i:."A ... i.04iv; . . . 0',i ... 41v, ... 42V, 1.151, itC A .... 1.15T, l.W',4 ... l.flTiVtR MM, i .cx; t Wheat Let. May Jul v Corn Dec. Mv July Oat I ec. Mav J"lV Pork Jan. M-iv Lard Jan. Mav Ribs Jan. May I I I 1 14H; I fill 14 1 14 1 II U' 1 U 1 1 Itbl 14 l&l 14 Wl iWrll '. I I 44S 45'rr JINi ::i 12 sr. 12 72U C 7Tt' 7 (ID "i 6 CT. I MS", I 44 U 4,c I 31, 12 12 824. 6 42H 6 72"-2 I i 13 1 13 ' 1 14 l 1 11 13s i;:v l 14V'1 l." I I 42 42V, 44 45V, 451,'a 4.r.Hj 4f,I, i. 45Sti 25' 2i' 2fi7s SHS1 ViS 31V" S 21S 31SH1VSS 32' 12 4( i 12 Pi 72H 12 m ' 12 77 72i' 6 771,' B 77U uo 7 06 ' 7 02Vs 35 j fi 421.' --14 65 I 6 72V, , 6 7V, No. 2. rRh ntiotntlon were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patent. Sii.lOf? 6C.20; 'raights t4 WKfi nb; spring pat ents I5.onjta.DO; straights, 14.50(64.90; baker'. f2 7tA3 80. WHEAT No. 2 spring tl. 104)1.1"; No. 2, WK'ftl 12: No. 2 red. fi.lnVgii..ft,. CORN No. 2, 43Ve-3c; No. 2 yellow. OATS No. t. e: No. No 3 white. Slfraic. til n; rvo. z, 7&c. white, 22S32',.c; c; fair to BARLEY Good feeding. choice malting, 4UMSc. SEEDS No 1 flux, tl.lfi: No 1 northwest ern. tl.281: prlrpe timothy, "2.72V,; clover, contract gmde. f 12 75. PROVISIONS Mes pork, per bbl.. tll.ntVtT 1115; lard, per lao lb. t6 77i4,: hort rib sides f loose) ft! l"ier;.S714;; short clear sides (bo'-edi. KfiyirtTi:, Receipts and shipments for the day were as follows1: Recelpe. Shipment Flour, bbls 23 j Wheat bu 23000 -7. son Corn, bu ffiO.S n rvi.BOO Onts. bu 55.1')t) lDfi 600 Rve bu 2.S00 pxrlev. bn 11S.S0.1 13 5)10 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was Arm; creameries. 17i528c; dairies, IflflKic. Kru. barely steady ; at murk, cases Included. 2)c5r23c-. firsts. 23c; prime first. 25c; cxtrus, 27. Cheese, steady at ll12c. HEW YORK GEKERAL M IRKET dontstlon PATENTS PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS fciECl RED OR FEE RE TURNED, bend model or sketch for tree opinion as to patentability. Send for Illus trated Guide Rook. Contains lim mechan ical movement arid LIST OF INVEN TIONS WAM ED. TE1.1 HOW To OR. TAIN AND SELL PATENTS, etc. PAT ENTS advertised lot sale ut our extwtise. LVAN8. W I LK ENS k CO.. Keg. Patent Attorneys. 61") F t-trcet, Washington. D. C. H. A. STrROKS. attorney; patents, trade mink-, copyiights; no tua unless auccetisfiil M7 N Y Lue blrtg -M739 . J. EMERY LIFTER. Patents and patent law. mechanical draughting and blue printing Suite 4:ii, I'axton blCK-k. Omulia, Neb. 'Phone 17M6. M-ali J31 J. EMERY L5.-t$rE TATENTB AND PATENT LAW, Mechanical draughting and blue printing, (suite 43T. Pax ton block, Omaiia, Neb. phone 17s 13 1 FOR EXCHANGE Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 31. -BUTTER Firm, exira western creamery, 2'ti J'Vjc ; extra nearby prima. H2c. E iGS Steady ; nearby fresh, S2c, at mark; western. 31c. at mark. CHEESE Steady, eiuiet; New York full cream, fancy, Lo; choice, UVal2c; fair to good, llfcilc. Ilalath Grata Market. DUI.T'TH. rec. 31. -WHEAT-No. 1 north ern fl 12. No 2 northern, fl.0V On track No 1 northern. 11.13; No 2 northern, ti.n.V December, tl.lllv; May. fl.l5V OATS To arrive and on track'. 2S'e. cit the Day on .Various C omraodltfra. NEW TORK. Dec. 31. FLOUR Receipts. 8.9m. bbls.; exports, t;.!)27 bbls. Market inac tive but firmly held Minnesota jiatoniH. ti.S.')4it;.20; Mliinesottt buktus.' f4.4i"o4.7L; win ut patent, fu.h'ifi.u,, winu-r stra-ights. fil.a ia.4ii. winter extras. fS.ti6-fi4.3i', winter low gtades. t3 4.V(j4.30. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. f4 4i"ci47l), choice to fancy. f4 ,75'ivi.Ofi CORNMEAL Steady; tine white and j 1 low. 1.3i"1.3.'., coarse, fl.Hal.2ti; kiln dried, t2 Sk,j a.10 HI K .Nominal. LAKLEY Dull: feeding. 44c, Ycwk; malting. 4fU;i2o. c. 1. t , WHEAT Receipts. (If 'Hid t,u. duo bu. Spot, steady elevator. a.nd $1.12 V. northern, Duluth, fl 251,, MONEOALOAN REAL-.ES TA I E WANTED City loans, it. C. Peters tt Co VV-M.4 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H Tbuuiaa, First Nat l Bank Bldg Tel. Ibis, W i; PRIVATE money. F. V. Weed. 1520 Douglas WANTED City loans and warants. W. Farnuiu Snath 4, Co., 1320 r arnain EL wiai MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co W 442 GARVIN BROS , io4 Farnum. Lowest ratea W nj LOWEST rates on city property : S per cent on farms In eastern Nebraska. Remis, paxton block. W 4C1 OCCAX STEAMSHIPS. 70 by 6. WILL trade sewing machine or type writer. Neb. lytic Co., lath and llaimy. It N IF YOU do not find what you want In thi, co.unm put an ad in and you wl.l t.-uu get it. Z atw PIANO lor horse. Perfleld, pianos. b,n Fur. Z U JaniD s- r 1 f K 1 T" Clark's Cruise Feb. I i 1 K I r i I d up VlMlwl i apeclully churtered S Arabic." lfc.010 tons, tours by specially chartered, new. twin-screw, fast steamer "Caledonia," July 1, via Glasgow. f245. with attractive side trip t I m Anr Send for prog ram. h'. i". riini Jrr Clark, lit Bwsy. N. Y. - W I lv LEGAL NOTICE;. FOR SALE FOUR WiLTo.N RT'GS. Also draieiiet. small rugs, insis etc. ta I at oue st our parol. Arlington elk, lull Dodge st W e are movilig lu out ttcW sloie 1.20 H rnev c-wi.-r luth St. PIANO PLACER CO. Z ML16 21 W'ILL exrhange piano for good roller t ip desk. J. S Canx ron, lo No. lath st Z-MSIO PROPERTY FiR EXCHANGE. What have you to offer 111 the way of farm lands for good income proie-ty' o' a ' k of drug", lurnl uie or g iiersl me-cha 1 dlse In good live town' if you nave some farm you waul to xihang.' for gome bua'.nes let me hear from you Ct'RioNA LIVE BJA'CK INS OO. J P. Falter. Mjir. Plsttumoiii h. Neu. '.-'Si 1 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office ot Let-Uiass-Andieisen Hardware Company. Omaha, Nab., Dec 11, lu4 No tice 1, hereby givan to the stock liu,a! of ihe Le-Glas-Andi eesen Hariwgre com pany inai the annual meeting of the stock noiatrs 01 the company will lie beid ot 1 tie others of the said company, corner of Vlh and Harney streets, in the city tt uiiuilm. In the scale of Neoraska. on Tuesday. Jan. lu. A. D . 1 ai o clock P m.. for the purpuse of electing a board of directors for the company to srrv during ine ensuing ye-r, und to transucl such other buaincss a mny be preset. le.l st such meeting .Seal ) H J LEE, President. V M GLASS. Eecrvtsrv. r. 1 f.. New Buffalo. exiKirts. 45.- No. 2 red, nominal. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 f. o. b. afluat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, tl.OS. f. o. b. afloat. Op tion had a firm opening on further bull support, but quickly woakened under real izing Then followed a sharp recovery on tumors that the visible might show a de crease ou Tuesday, and on reports of a bullish Illinois stale report, the close being firm, al Jc net advance. May. $l.J4V!i 115 Hfi. closed $l.liv; July. fl.UVnl.uZUi, cloaed $1.03'; lH-cember. tl.22Vi. Cv-iRN Receipts, 2i,tl20 bu.; exports, 122, 251 bu. Spot was barely steady. No. 2 yel low. mc; No. 2 white. Mlc The option market upened ate.udy on covering of De cember shorts, but reacted later with the west closing Vc net lower May, DlSlu, Closed Blc. Iwcemtier, f4V'&54':c. OATS Receipts. 12.H00 1)U. ; exiorts, S.0(K) bu. Spot marhet. steady. Mixed oats. 2)'. to 32 pounds. 3 MiiMJVsr; natural white. ;;i to 32 pounds. 3K'i3Sc; ciipiaid white, 36 to " pounds. 3Ji4iVc. HAY Dull. Shipping. GOfifilc; good to Choice. 77150800. HOI'S Steady 1903. Souffle; olds. 14c; Pa cific coast, 14S15Vc. HIDES Firm. Galveston. 20 to 25 pounds, lsc; California, 21 to 25 pound. 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 14Vc Leather, firm; acid. 24$ 26c. PROVISIONS Beef steady; family til 00 ffrl2 00; mess, ts rt 60: beef hama. f22.0) $ 23 Oo; packet, tl0.50all.00; city extra India mess $14 i "ft 14 5o. Cut meats, quiet; pickled tiellics. fi:.7ry7.25; pickled hams. !)c Lard, stead v: refined, quiet, continent. f7 15; com poutid. fl. kij7.37i Pot a Arm ; short clear, tin 75 'dir. 25: mess. $73 Oocu 15.n0. TALLOW Quiet, city. 4c; country, 4, tfi4i,c. Hi TTER Firm: street price, extra cream ery. 2sj2!"-c; official prices, creamery, com mon to xtra. Ikft2fe-; creamery, held, com mon to extra 2i5i2e; state dairy, com.non to extra lp I'i'-o ; renovated, common to ex tra. Il4'ii21r; western factory, common to choice. ItlTKc. western imitation creamery, co" men to choice. 17f2?c. CHEESE S eady; New York full c-reams. fanc v. 12i,c ; cholc. 11'012-t ; fair to good, Hfiii)- EGGS S'rong; western fancy selected, 2'c west-rn fusts. 27c POULTRY-Alive: Firm; wptrn chick en 10c, fowls. 11 V: turkeva. 12$ :z. Iressed: Irregular; western r-floketia, lnj 15c; fowls. l"4iilc; tutkeys. 15S!9c. Atchison do pfd Atlanilc Const Line Bsltimore et Ohio do pfd... Canadian Pacific Central of N. J "hesapeuiie Ohio.. Chicago Ac Alton do pfd Chicago G. W Chicago & N. W C. M. A- St. P Chicago T. A: T do pfd C. C. C. A St. L Colorado a Southern. do let pfd do 2d pfd Delaware A- Hudson. Delaware, L. ft W... Denver Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pld Hooking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. S uthern do pfd L A- N Manhattan L Met, Securities Metrn(OlPan St. Ry. Mexican Cont'al M.. St P. & S. St. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Missouri, K. a; T do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd.. New York Central ... N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk sV Western... do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St L. B. F. Jd pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd 6outhern Railway do pfd Texa A Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & L. E Wisconsin Central... do pfd Adams Express American Express .. U. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper American C. & F do pfd American Cotton OU. Anierlcun Ice do pfd American Linseed Oil do pfd Amir. Locomotive do pfd American S. efc R do pfd Amer. Sugar Refin... Amer. Tobacco pf. c. Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colorado F. sV 1 Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd Distiller' Securities. General Electric International Paier. do pfd f International Pump. do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mail Peoples Gas Pressed Btel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tennessee C. & I.... U. fi leather do pfd U. S. Reslty U. S. Rubber do pfd U. S. S eel do tifd... Va -Carolina Chem . do pfd WeaHinghous Elec. W est era I ntott inn 2T. 4i0 2.100 loo vm 2KI s.ri" 3i T.OD)' lim two vv inn loo 24M) 13.300 1 4.i 4ol 12.tS n 1H0 4M4 42 (.:;, 22 , 2))S 172 1.1, 2H IV)" Sell, 37 754 12,'ts, 131". 10) 4S 42 K3i ins 171i, l:"i 4:14 It" (Dll, 3"H 75 l.OtiO 157 II0 1U0 l.fsVi 2ii 2)10 I Ii0 2.7.10 300 5.400 400 611O l'tWi 300 :.noo ra'io 1 20.5 )0 100 2S'700 BOO 2.010 nro 700 12.10" pi Hull 2mi Si) . i'"4 5110 fVK) 200 'fvVi 200 92,2it 41 til O-o 2ii 5.1 14a:, Die, ll'", is-, io-; 32', 04 1414 4"), 81 . 131)" 7' 7KN. 91 ir 85 71 c. tv-v. 115 3.r'H 35 V, 3G", liiv, 97 21 a 42-v, 22 45 la'.V 2gi, 139'a )i5 7H l.w, 22 8H 107V, 32 OI4 142' ' 4014 7) 1371,' 77H 7HV. 91 Sfii, M'Z 7014 25 57 M 115 34 W 84 a' lis'i 97 21 42 21 i5 Tin 34 irr" 6V, 6V 34 37" 0 2"0 35 34 1,210 loo fi.DOO ioi) C.l'Xl 700 I.stiO Inn 7"0 HDD UK) : ion IK. 3')0 'K i 41 If I 1.24X) 1110 100 '7110 Soil nio Kin . 2,'o') . t "mo . 1,4.10 "gl'iO 300 . 2S () . 62. Too Kit' 20o 4ii S2 113 H-ri, us' ' 01 47 lW- 21 7k4, 39 1K7 23 70 89 26" 101 44 1W 39 90 17" 71 oil, 102 ?" no 93-, 41 110 IK) 93 gl llf 141 io?'' 611 4' 197 n 7K 31 187 2"V 7-1 39 ?; n. 43 lts 39 -) 16 To e TOW 1S 0i ;':3 9S 29 92 89 110 ) 93 123 14 -. 1.12', 1!. is 42 80 2ii. 171 12 on 90 23 61 3)1 184 340 22 8 37 75 5n 90 92 15i 30 fifi as 52 139 164 79 120 22 90 146 107 32 68 39 141 40 80 94 138 2?" 84 30 84 71 25 57 4 115 34 ). 34 ! 113 97 21 42 18 si 45 240 108 120 235 71 33 9n 37 37 15 :t4 no 81 11 2 142 92 106 61 46 197 fn 1 1 38 186 7f 39 86 24 100 44 !OJ 38 tsi 233 1)1 7o 2i; 9s 71 13 in 70 HH 9 29 92 39 110 1K1 82 gtoek Market. 31 . call loans. Bf? 4 per Boston ROSTOV. Dec Cent: time loans. 3t,fi"r, per ce col"g of stock end bonds: Atchison adj. 4. 94 Adventure Total this week 84- 29 3o . Total last week 12. .34 53. 34.. 11 143 Total week before 21. 5' 41. OP k: Same three week ago .1.344 65.'s)j J? Same four weei.s ago 2c 6' f 6 jlli.i Same wee k last vear 12.12b 4ii 748 In. 2 Total for DeeemWr 6- il 214 .Vsi 8' 1.1 'lotal 19 6V.569 a; 1ii) .m Total December, lttt K7 Ml 225 229 Total December. 190;.... 61.184 567 724 1.1. Total Decemlr. 19K. 49 686 9.5 5i.l3 Total Decetr.t-er. 1X99 ....53.32 IS 999 ie..' Total December lM ... 4S.017 JlOH 4' Total De-oerribrr. 1897 ....68.9 IK f Si- Total Iecember, IWf,... 41 9 "0 131 K7 11.19 Toisl for vear 19"4 944.192 2299 2 7 l.M.Ki Total for vear 1113... 1.071.177 2J"1.".7 1863 7'3 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following tab e show the teceipts of caitie. hogs end sheep at South Omaha for the year to date with comparisons: 194 19J3 Inc. Dya Cattle H44.ts.-8 1.071.177 Hogs 2 299 684 t.22.1 067 Gh.Cn Sheep 1.754.606 1.863 796 lii0 The following table shows the average price of begs at South Omaha lor the lt uveral aays. w:th cotnporisoiur: 7 Ai.. Me. do 4s Mex Ceintral 4s. Alchlson do pld Boston & Boston A Boston L Fitchburg pfd .. Mex Central N V. N H A II Union Purine ... Amer. A Chem. do pfd Amer. P Tube... Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. T... Amer. Woolen . . do pfd Dom 1. ft- S "Edison E L... Gen. Eifaric ... Mass. Electric .. do pld Muss. Gas "United Fruit .. Unitevl Shoe M . . do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Westing com Bid. Asked. l"i Allouer 73 Amaigamate-d . 87 Amrr. Zinc ).. Atlantic 2..;: Bingham .1.3 Ca.. A- Hevla.. 155 Centennial .142 Copper Range . 21 I aiy West 19S', Dominion Coal 118 Frtnk'.ln 21 Grancy 86 Isle Royale . 4 Mass. Mining . 141 Michigan i;i Mohawk 140 Mont C. & C. 22 cild Dominion . 92 I Osceola 17 Parrot 25." ivuincy 186 iSluiniion 13 Tamarack 59 ,'Trmltv ... .w U. S. Mining 24 1"6 U. 8. Oil 11 61 Utah 42 81 Victoria 4 1"H Winona 11 92. Wolverine n tate , 19ci4. ;190S. 1902.;i901. U)U0. Ilt 1W" i j tc- i...iTi-v. 436 tw ; 4a' $74 s i i; I'c. t .. 4 4S 4 121 6 UB t Ml ! J 7 tt Ivec f... 4 4; i 4. t 14 b vi 4 4 . 3 2 I w Dec. 4... 4i3 22 6 92 4 J m ' :J . C'n.cial t-ec. 0....1 4 4'' 4 37, f. 24 6 Hi. . " '; r j p-c. J....I i savi . I 171 C W, Ml M, I , g i'M 7.... 4 US 4 H7' 1 I. 4 kl fl-JM 7 19 I 4 2M! 4 ;' C71 ! 71 I D' I U; 7t I J 4 31: i 33 6 06, 6 11 !' . 12.J I c )".. 4 38! 4 46 6 121 13 4 m; Dec. 12... 4 47' 4 49 96 It 4 77, I KJ f Fc' 4 af 4 45 ifi w 5 ' 7 1 I '' 3S 4 38. 4 41. (19 i 8i 3 J. $r) rZ I l""- U- 4 41, 4 28, 6 lti, 6 26 I 4 01 $ ' Dec 17... 4 45',: It f 23 C 34 4 S3! I - 7. Dec. IS... I : 4 27 h 15, 6 261 4 73' 9s; -' Dec. 19... 4 5. 4 3't 01 f. 12 4 77 S 92 3 - M Dec. jo... I 4 50' I 08, 6 04: 791 J 94, $ ! u -' Iec. 21 . . 4 44! 4 m' 6 OK I 81 1 4 Oil 3 it M. 'lav I"'c- 22...I i 38 i 89 6 161 4 sol 4 02, J 94 r, ?" Dec. 13... I 4 38, 4 45 , 6 18 6 00, I d 04, i J; ' Dec. 24... i 41m; 4 4-, 6 27 6 .. 4 86. 1 f 4. 5 l'ec. 25. ..I I I ' I I 2 rf I'ec. 26...! 4 42 4 54 6 36 6 19, 4 K9, 11 S ;j, 4 Dec 7... 4 s 44 . 4 8 4 4H 3 44 " Dec. 29...' 4 55 I 4 61' 6 26 4 77 4 1 41 3 48 li0 Ii.c. 3ii..,4 6i 451 6 8." C .15 ' I 14 3 4s 7! ." I. 31... 4 47 ' 4 62 6 2i. 6 80 4 9u ; 8 al 7S .11 9 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. 81. -Today state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the gold reserve in the division of redemption Hhows: Available cash bulauces, f4S. 609.234. gold. t80,78O,9i2. box of 54 to 04, to Ou MlDneSBOIls Grata Market. WIVVEAPOLIS Dec. 81. WHEAT De eemher fl 1 : May II 15: July, tl 1J; No. 1 hard, tl.lov.: No. 1 northern, tl 14; No 2 rci'ilifti, II 08. FliOUF-Flrst t.atent. t 104j6.2f': second patent If. 'iii no: f-st clears. t4.10'a4.Ji; e"oT-c1 elesrs. f '' 75ifi .? 80, BRAN In bu:k. tlv.50. DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBER, society gud stag. Tel. Fim Ml 4 4 MOKAMiS mld-winier term for adult bs nnera aill o-n on rriiav. January t Lesuuns Tic seiay und Fruity p m. tivt t2 by i (nlng the Ptst of the i-rtn; s i.eea gusranteed )-hiidren nieot Sat urtsy, I p in Pnvaie lev.n dully A ways npeui: Sundays I to 5 . in. Call 11 a aad'Uariisy, or tsl. 1WI J4-19S-J3 STOCK HOLDERS MEETING Notice la hereby given thai ttie annual ne-etilg of the sloes)' older, of The Bee Building company will tie held at 4 o clock p m., Tuesday. January 17, 19 5 at me i.fflee of tlii o.imt.any in The Be building. Omsha fur the election of a board of di rectors fcr the ensuing year and the trans action of ruch other, as may prop erly com lefoie surh meeting Bv order of the prHdet.l. C. C. ROSE WATER. Secretary Notice Is hereby given that E M Brass. E. E. Lowe and John Conway meuJiers of the firm of Nebraska Live Stock ivm pany of bou h omaha. have retired tr ni said him and thai J 8 lmnti. J R Ink ster and J 8 Van Zst.rtt will continue the business us her.-tofor r. assuming all llu hilities and rece-ivn.g all moneys rwlng to said tipm M LRASKA LIVE STOCK COMPANY. i J. R. InkBier, Sec. and lion Kansas Cl Line Stork Slarkrt. KANSAS C1TT. Dec. 81 CATTLE Re el! l. 15)' head Market urichtngeri: choice export stid dress-d tieef s'.eers. (3 wt6 '; fair to good H 7fi$5.0i, western fed steerH, f,; 7e4f. 25; stockers unci leeder. l2 7a$4.o; sou't em sts rs. ou iiern ccw. fl 7jeii2 t : nstive cows, fl.7bni4.2n; native hel'ers 12 IV 1.1 4. ; bulls, tl 25i4 ): calves. $1 ir"jt. . receipt for week. 1 .iim bead Hi 'OS Revelpia. t .v head; market steady to Ic lower; toil. tlfS; bu'k of Sal's fl S'"$4 ' packers. T4 4!vjii SO. pig, and lights. f3.8ucii-i.5i, rece.pu fur week. 21.1 if' hi ud SHEEP AND LAMBo Receipts. l.Soo h'-ad. nmrket steady . na'lve lamlis. tii.5 tjr 1 no. tative wether,. $4.!e(g5 S: na'iveewe. 14 2"(u5i.; weeitern lambs. i, tiucfiwTa; west ern y earhtigs f4 7ii5 75; we-stern stieen. f3 75i5i'. t-iocke-rs and feeders. t2 &'a4 5"; rec ipts for tilt Wee k. OOI) bead. Peoria Market. PEoRiA. Dee. u. CORN Steady ; No. $, 4v',,ci Nu. i. ic, uu s-faUe, avv- Toial sale for the day, 468."ti shares. Loudon Stork Market. LONDON, Dec. tl. Clewing quotations on stocks and bonds: Consols money H8 1-18 N. Y. Central 147 do account .. 88 1-16 Norfolk A W 14 Anaconda 5 do pfd 9.'.i, Atchison S13 r,titarlo ft W 42 do pfd 109 Pennsylvania 7i Ral a- Ohio 107 Rand Mines 115 C-in. Pacific 196 Reading 4", Ch's at Ohio 50i do 1st pfd 46 Chicago Gt. W.... 24 I do 2d pfd 4." C M t St. P ...176 So Railway 36 DePeer, 18 do pfd 9 I Ac K. G 79 Ro. Pacific 67 Erie 7 Union Pacific ... 11" do lt pfd 1 77 I do pfd n' do 2d pfd 57 V. S. Steel 9'A, I. lino! Central... 161 do pfd 22 l,oul & Nash. ..143 Wabash ,...43 M . K. eV T 88 1 SILVER Bar, quiet. d per ounce MONEY 3 per cent. The rate of discount in the opt n market for short bills is 2 per cent; for three mouths' bills, 2 per cent. Hew York Mining Storks. NEW YORK. Dec. tl. The following are the closing quotations on mining sloes : Adams Con Jo , Little Chief 6 Alloe 1 Ontario 175 fcieeoe 18 lOphir iuo Brjnsw ic k Con .. b Phoenix S Corustoc k Tun ... poiosl 18 Con Cal ac Va . 2' Sasge 2i Horn Silver K S erra Nevada ... he Iron Silver 2e Small Hope IL, Leiulvtlle Con .... 3 .Standard liw Forrlata I laaarlat. LONDON. Tier 31 Money was In pro nounced year-end demand in tlie market todnv. It was estimated that tii.nouii.ui4i to t"U mio. 0) wa owing to the Bank ol Eng land lii, latest arrival ot gold weakened discount (n the flock exchange opera tions were cheerful but business was re stricted In view of Monday s holiday. Con sols Improved e-n the prospects of easy money, but closed below the iiest quotations of tne day. Home rail wete well sup ported Americans otned weak and Im proved to alsive psrlty The undertone was good, though New Yorl's less confident tone restru u d dealings The market closes ouiti Rio 1 into and Japanese were Mini lnnerial Japanese government 6s of lvol Were eiuoted al 9e, PAKiS Dec. 111. -The trading on ihe Uourac lodaj was kaxialiiis at Ural, but OMAHA WHOLESALE. MARKET. Condition of Trade aad Quotations on Staple and Fancy Proeace. EGOS Candled stock, 23c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7c; roosters, 6c; turkey. 12c; ducks. 8c; geese, 7c; spring thickens 8c. DRESSED POULTRr-Turke-ys. 1517c; ducks, lor; geese. 8c; chickens, 8Qc; roosters, 6c EUTTER Packing stock. 16c; choice to rsncy dairy, 17$lac; creamery. 24$26c, laticv prints. 27c FRESH FROZEN FISH - Trout. 10c; Pickerel. Tc; pike, 9c: perch. 7c; hluehsn. l-o, whltcfish, loc; salmon, 13c; redsnappet, 11c; lobster igreen), 3oc; lobster iboiled;. 3c; bullheads. 11c; cattish, 14c, black bass, 2ac; halibut, 12c; crapples, 12c; buflulo, 7c: white has. 11c; frog legs, per dog., lie. BRAN Per ton. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association; Choice No 1 upland Jil50; No. 2. fd.OO, medium, fi.50; coarse. ta.00. Rye straw, f5.5o. These prices are ioT hav of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York count, per can. 45e; extra selects, per can. 3i.c, standards rer can. 3iic; bulk istandardsl, per gal.. 15ii; bulk (extra selects, per gal., fl.75. bulk (New York counts), jxt gal., $1.90. TROPICAL FRl'lTS. ORANGES California Kedlsnd navels, all Hikes. $2 o,'u3.tio; ciioice tiuVeis. $2.riO'T2.7i; California hecdiiugs, ail sU'-s, fl otnei 34 LEMONS California fane,-, tl iii, iuo and 360. f.' 7,Vrt4 00. choice, f.'l :i.5'i. DATES Per box of 8.1!.. jikgs.. tl.fH'. Hallowe'en, In 7u-lh. boxe-s. per .b 5ni6. FIGS Cixlif iirtiia, per lo-:b carton, 7ui 8,'ic; imported bmyina, 4-crown, 12c; 5 crown. 14c, "-crown, ll'.c; fancy imported (washed), in 1-ib. pkgs.. 16$1m, California per caae of 36 pkgfc., 2.2.r BANANAS I'er medium sited bunch. $20 Hi... i". juir.oos, ,a'lJ .i.lie iVKAl'E FRUIT Per Cub.uO. FRI-ITS. API'LES Home-grown Jonathans, pe: bbl.. f.:.20; B-11 1'avis. $2.2.'.; Now Tots Kings. $1.25; New York 1'ipp.iis. $2.76; Nev Yotk Greenings. $2 61 New York Baldwins $2 75. Colorado Jonathans. $i.tii. Wine Sapr .ler bu. box. tl.U.. PEARS Utah. Colorado und California fall varieties, tier box. n.Sliiil 76. CRANBERRIES - Wisconsin ltd! Bugle, per bbl, $i.50: Wisconsin Bell c nerry ana jersey, tier bto x. $2.75- GRAPES Imported Maltgas $n.00'ri; 50. TANGERINES Florida or California, pei -bc x, $1.50. VEGETABLES POTATOES 1 lome-guivn. In sacks, pe; bu., 4i'c , 1 oloradu, pei bu.. Hue. TURNIPS Old. per bu.. 4"c, Canada rut;, bagaa. per lb.. Ic CARIOTS Old per bu.. 4uc. PARSNIPS Old. per bu., 4uc. BEETS O.d. per l.u., 40c. NAVY BLANp. P.r bu.. fl IMIUO CUKES Per doz.. $2ui$2.2.Y ONIONS Home-grow n. r-u. in sacks pet bu.. KOefcfl.aO: Spaubh. per crate. $1 at, Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c white, per it,., 2e. ' I'CUMFERS Per dog . f2.0fi'2 20 TOMATOES California. leer 4-basket crate. $':.on$ 3.26 ''AIiHAiJt- Hnllpnl seed, per 1h liuc SWEET f' iTATC ES Kansas k.ln dii 'd per bbl . $2 60 lELERV I'er doz, i5oc; Californiii 45r RADISHEP-Hothotise. per dox . 45c. ONlijNS New. soulhern. er dox, 4.'.r. 1 1-RV1P8 New. a .ull, i t'll, per doz.. i'.r BEETS New. southern, per dox., 45c. PARSLEY New per lien., iit. MISCELLA N E U8. SAUER KRAl'l-W lacoiitiii. per ke, $2.5). CIDER New York, per bbl., $5 20; per bbl.. $8 25. CHEESE W iseotisin Twins, full 12c. Wisconsin 1 oung Ani"tira, 13 tew his. new. loc: oil K.'cUi . bric k 14c: Wisconsin limtiu'rur Nl TS Walnuts. No. 1 so't shell crop, p'-r II... 14c; hard shell per Hi No. 2 )'Oft Bhe'.l. per lb, 12c; No. 2 shell, lb.. 12c; pecans, large, per lh small, per lb. l(n. peanuts per lh roasted peantna nee -. h.11 w.unuts per lb., 12yl3c; almonds, soft shell pet lh 17c; hard shell, per In., inc. chestnuts, pe lb . 12$16c; new black walnuts, per bu 7611.1100; shellhark hickory turs. per liu $1 76: lerae Mrkorv ni't.' per bu.. fi.60 HU'ER No 1 green. 7c. No I areen 6c No 1 stilted. 8U.c: No. 2 sh'ted. 7. , No ' veal calf 8 ; No 2 vi p r. If 7c : drv saltei Kilo-: sheep pelt, 2.".cJfl.ii; horse hide $1 Scx-flS.'. enr anc Per box keg cream ; bloc'. WlscotiKIi 13c ne . hi' hsr. ., Uc . 7c The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, rVcb. U. . tt fit fy Capital and Sorplut, SfcOO.OOO BtAW SUtPtV. Ores. U-SH SHAKE Utkajr. FtANk T. ,HT01 aut. Casslsr. Saoelvr, aaesuau af bank, Lmi.kar,. corpus, atitius. Sraar t4 laiiviii,4i, on tavsrsbat term garsig, li iiis bati,M sat sola, LalLsr, et eri4ll MkumC. avs.isbkv Is all a,r.t al la woriu luUtrM gali M. TlSM OcttlgnaU at Iiosav UuwUaw sisi S'iBiplly Siii MUisauw.ig. liui irtsi wiissss. Indicates 6unday. lnd cate holiday The official number of stock brought in today by each road was: Cutlle.Hog Sh p.H'ses C. M. a: St. P. Ry 19 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 2 I tuon Pacific System 23 2 1 C. tt N. W. Ry 1 14 F., E. A M V R. R... 1 43 C , 6t P.. M. o: O. Ry. 2 1 R. A- M Rv 8 C, B a 0. Ry U C. R. 1. A P., east. .. 1 11 Illinois Central 6 Chicago Great Western. .. 1 148 70 12 25 6 Hog Sheep. l.nw Total recelnts The disposition of the day's receipt wa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyer Cattle Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour and Company .. Armour & Co., Sioux City Hill L. F. Husr 6 & S Other buyers 2.307 2.372 S.066 tsll 647 1.091 Total 11$ 10.591 1.098 CATTLE There were a few cattle In the vards this morning, but not enough with which to make a test of the market. For the week receipts show a decrease as com pared with last week amounting to about 8.000 head and of about 2."0 head a uom pnred with the same we'k of last year. The tendency of prices on beef steers wa upward the early part of the week, owing to very light receipts end to a fairly good demand. On Friday, however, there was a liberal run and packers made use of the opportunity to break the mur ket. with the result that they took off nearlv all they put on the early part of the week. In some cases ete-ers that Just suited buyer yesterday sold perhnp a dime higher than the same kinds brought last week, be as a general thing there was very litt.e change In other word, the martiet is back to just about where it was before the bad weather of this week caused a shortage in supplies. Good to 'i.olce cornfed steer may be quoted from Mi to and something strictly prime would probably sell well up toward $6 0" Pair to good cattle sell from $4.25 to $4 7S and the shorter fed and common kinds 'mm $4 15 down. The cow market followed much the same otirse as the st'er market Common to medium cows yesterday lost all of the ad vance of the early Tkart of the week, but -holes cow nnd heifer are perhaps 10c to 'V higher than they were a week ago. tuyers all seem to be anxious for the otter grad and ris n result thev did not "fTer is badly on Friday as the com moner hinds. Good to choice grade sell 'rem $2,911 to $r:.5o. with strittiv choice eaibs up to $3. 8d or a Ittti better., Fair o good go et f 2 25 to t2 .75 and canners -.rrely from $1 60 to $2.0". Bulls ndvanced the first part of the wet: k. 'ut the market rlosed with price. If any. '.ing, a little lower than they were the -eek before. Feeder bull sell moetlv '-om $2i8i to $2 50 with rood fat bull from "IV) to $150 Rolotna bull sell from $2 50 ".own. Veal calve are steady for the 7 -e-k ; best grades up to SS.50. The stocker and feeder market was slow find weal; the first part of the week, but he Inner pnrt the demand Improved, t wing to belter we ither. and dosing pries " jut about the same as they were at 'ie close of last work. Good to choice -ades se'l from f:i.50 to $4 On; fair to good. 2.2.". to $2.50. and commoner kinds from "2 15 down. Representative sales: NEBRASKA 1 cow 13"0 2 3.'. 6 steer. ...1026 3 SO 1 cow lilm 06 1 steer 810 i 00 11! m r; DK4 JUti 1: 1 t" r 1M Slit) st 1S f.f hk. fs "4 .:: .. S'C IK a, ioi . fl rrn. .vs t:. . T4 . ' 3'H tbl : tt.r i"t .M fit . 121 . !f.l . ,i4r . .L'W . Z-'t . M4 . rr t . 21t, . .V4t. .1116 . 31a . m . :m. . -iH . . 2k . .t'47 ..HI'S . . J..;' rsii not SHEEP- r 4 ft 4 4?', 4 4", 4 41 4 41. 4 4t. 4 ! 4 4I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 U 4 4S I 41. 4 41 4 if. 4 4t 4 4f 4 4f 4 tr, 4 41 4 4f 4 41. 4 t 4 41 4 U 4 '' 4 4f 4 46 4 4f 4 4;. 4 4c 4 4t 4 41 4 U 4 41. 4 41 4 4f. 4 4.'. 4 46 4 if 4 4i. 4 4t 4 47 4 4-s, 4 4-v, 4 4-V, 4 47 1, 4 4"S 4 4 47 4 7S 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47S 4 4-1, 4 47V, 4 47', 4 47 V, 4 47', 4 47V, 4 47V, 4 47., 4 47V, 4 ' 4 47V, So 8.'. 17 ,4 . in 14 , it t. i.4 W 7(. i. . m 4 ID tf . tli ::2 RDf ID). l-f Hi l! PiJ lit 44 t 171' lte' ,0 40 a w. tte 1 4I tit .if 1.,: M' . .!4. .14 17 m : ss' . tr .'Jth M . .llr... . 11,7 . r:i . 7DC SHI, til . " . IJ1 . .3.17 mi . . till! . .:'! . .Sin . ti: . 1141 . Vt" . :n Jil '. .297 . 1) .110 . .11' . .:'"7 . in, . i-K . 24;i tu . . .L'teei Xi 4P 1-4 f ll. 1M) SJf m. 41. t40 80 4 4- 4 -- 4 4" 4 4 4-v, O', 4 4"), 4 4-v, 4 47 4 4-v, 4 4-V, 4 4-v, 4 47 4 47S 4 4 v 4 4 4-t, 4 4-V, 4 4-v, 4 4-S 4 4-S 4 4"S 4 47s 4 4"S 4 47S 4 4"S 4 47S 4 4"S 4 47, 4 47s 4 47S 4 4-S I 4"S 4 47S 4 4"S 4 4"S 4 4S 4 4"s 4 47S 4 4"S 4 47S 4 4"S 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 1.0 4 M 4 oil 4 lit) 4 80 4 kl 4 81) 4 Ml 4 i, 4 Ul 4 80 4 do 4 ki 4 80 4 ) 4 80 4 bit 4 te 4 6" 4 il) 4 6" 4 irs 4 62 cars of There were about four sheep and lumbs on sale this morning and they brought .lust about steady price. For the we-ek receipts have leen extremely light, being only about one-fourth as taiga as they were last week and the same week of last year. In view oT the light teoiipt and good demand prices have steadily im proved. Aa compared with the close of last week both sheep and lambs have shown an ad vance of SiSiOo. Whether or not the im provement would have lee n so great had not the severe storm cut down receipts' 1 hard to tell, but packer have hd to have supplier and tbe small number on sals maue competition keen, with the conse quent advance. Very few feeder are coming forward and those that do sell to feeder buyer are mostly led stuff There Is quite a demand for feeding stock, so that anything at all desirable would meet with ready sale at good, strong; pncea Edwards -Wood Go- (Incorporated.; riala Office: Fifth aad Roberts Streets ST. PAUL, nilMN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Braark OSrr, llO-Ill Bnsra of Trasls lllag.. Omaha, Kb. Trlephaae JIMS. 2U-214 Exchange Blrig.. Souih Bell 'Phone 21s. Independent 'Phone $. W. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 106 We buy and sell South Omaha Union Slock Yards Bonds. THE ART OF WfSE tKVETIG. A book every Investor In the land should read, points out the essential character istics of safe securities with a review- of financial pitfalls, etc. Written In an enter taining popular stvle. Just issued. Prios per copv In cloth. $1; by mull, $1 On S5 .Mvfu 15 reel, New York Citjr. MARCONI W I R I- LESS Amer. DcForcst ROUG1IT AND BOLD. FHI;lK.niOK D4IUET 4k CO. r.NLlBTED 6ECTRITIES. KH WAUL STREKT, SEW VORiel C1TT CALIFORNIA GOLD MINES Xi invite jou tn investifatf the iioasihilttle tf ttie Mount VChltnrtr fJold Mln'.iig Ceniipuii.r wi'b a vi-w of iuve-stiiip iti the stork tvhfTtiPi you hate nii ly ensn to puin-liise tt it'i or only able u jiny a suinll jairtion and remit fin- lmlnne In -a?y :myn.'nts. This filJ iijlnini: eeij.iuiii.v is lnttirjioraiftl iintli'r llio favoraMt siws of Arizouo. with a rui'tiai of n.n mi. tlit jwr value of shuros fl.tsi, liu- stiic-U li Ittlly tiaiU un and forevpr lmii-asse'ssalilo. Tmo-iiiIi'iIs of the stuck wns placed in tlie treasury. Hud a small murium of 1 Liis stock Is now t. le sold for the pttrjiose of ilev lojiilui ihe projif-rty aud ere-ctlus stnibj) m'lls. 'I he jivopctiy of the Motiut Vblti)ej- Gold Mluln(r r,nruiuiy, t20 acresi of ten tlaliits Is loemej nl llie lme of Mount Whitney, lu eel - brtted Inyo eounty. rallforuia. 1 1 - uilles from Lone Tine. TIS COUPON, wi hrn sent to ua. will be received In full payment f ti months subscription to I vtstment Securities," a Cali fornia publication of freat vaius. you own, or contemplate own igsoy stock, in any company, , ry place, this journal will turn h uu valuable Information and may slit you money.-- Southwestern rc unties Compeny, Los Angeles. Csl. Kvery tis U.lioJder, large or siuaH iu the eur'i.iriitiou. Is cu an equsl basis. There eon tie no ''fiezln out" of the niiuorlty intere!. as the Hitiount of stiM k thnt eou Is? held hy any ludlvldual Is limited. Every iuonili n tlioroufh reiM)rt Is made Io every stoi-l;hojder eou eemliifr th progress to dute. The officers nnd iilreet'rs are elected hy the stcic kholdei s, au l everj ihiiik' eon celii ing the ei'..iiiuzatioU is ojh-u to the fullest and f r ft lures: V'U tieill. We ould not afford Iii t'fl'el' ttuy I'loposi'.iou lu whieti w did pot h;..te tlie utmost fuiih. We arc stat ing iu this advertisement, as lu ull l'.le inttire that we put out. absolute fum. 1 bllke many other eotniiun'e. nnd proiiioiers c are not j:upruu leelnt; divideuds lefore they are famed. Vh"ii Mfiunt Whi'uey h on a divideud pujlui hosts fvi-ry ojie Interested will reeilve their jn'o rata share, hut beware of those who promise Inim.nhale profits. Your money is Deeded to heltt jiay for and erect u mill on the jiruj. nt aud put It on lioyUif l.iisis. We iiffer this stock u you U suiy at only Vo a share, ai ud iu your sul stTiiition i.t Pff, or if you rare in risk a rslsf to price or tit - lo of -euriue any. write to us at once for fuliesi tuioriuat hni, primed luaiier. re port aud other valuable literature, at lci:s; seiul to u l lie e. ttiioii jiriuted iu this advert ist nieut, as it may uot uu'M-ar nsoiu. Write tr !tiy. r.ol TIIWESTi:U. 111 ItlTlEH (VMI'ANV, C. W. Helliuau Huihl nir. lm Aup'-li-. California.