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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: BUXPAY. JANUARY 1, 1003. 4 I ii ... X n FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A NEW YEAR'S GIFT We offer n clioi.1 resi.iVnrp iro'rtv having ivceptinn ball, first anil sevnnd parlnr. dining mom ami kitt-lirti, five slipping rooms, all ool size, liijrh rnlin;. rlotlu-H iIosHs In each room, thoroughly modern, Peninsular furnaee, hath, closet, hot ami coM water, basement, sein'iiM and nereen d(rs, porches on three sides, large barn oinl carriag(? house, having two double and one single stall, room for two carriages with wash rack and hydrant, har ness room, carpenter simp, wood house, size 12x15. Hydrant in yard, ground, .SSxlTo feet, east front, nice lawn, large shade trees, permanent walks, alley in rear. This elegant home located just south of Kouutze place. This residence will be sacrifleed this week at $4,000 It is mortgaged for ,400, so that you will only need a small amount of cash to win this prize. FITZGERALD-DERMODY CO., STITE 835-6-7 N. Y. LIFE BUILDING TELEPHONE 5108 RE TEN LOTS With rooms and barn, on N 11th st , 8 blocks from cur: easv pavmcnts; $1.5o. F. D. WHAD, 1524 Douglax. 11 K 8.7 1 FARMS FOR SALE THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPAYN. 303 First Nat'l Bank BIdg., Omaha, Neb. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF FARMS FOR SALE. HARLAN COUNTY. 1ne alfalfa ranch proposition; lms son acres, of which !t.i acre are In alfalfa; all alfalfa land; f irm all level; famous Happu creek liiroiih'u three lorn-, ere tracts; well Improved and price la $,(, with $.?,inO cash anil balance three to eight years nt ii i. r cint. Rented fur next year; ha v. one-half in stuck, anil grain In gran.iry. If) acres 2 milea from Oxford; all love! and cultivated lit .) acres pasture; no Improvements rile,. 2,Vit, easy terms. Jtf) acres miles from Alma; mi txtr. flne, level qusrter, except pi acres will grass. Improved. and : r;ce is Just Jl.ti, Kino farm on Republican river bottom, miles from Oxford; t;: acres extra nlfalf balance level, well improved. 1'rlce 'i.- Finely Improved 240 acres, 7 miloa fro Herirnnd, 100 acres cultivated. 1 ri. $j,0UO. lt acres 4 miles from a good town 1. Nuckolls county; li) iicres smooth an cultivated. 8 acres In alfalfa, bo acres . pasture and hay land, with never fulling spring am! natural timber. Farm ai. fenced and crose-fenced. Ijirgo bearing orchard and grane vineyard; good hous of six rooms ni:d closets: In good repali new barn 2-lx."rt. wltn 14-fnot posts; gran ary, corn cribs, cow barn, milk house, chicken house, two wens, pumps ana windmill, tank and cemented cistern. This Is the bent stock und grain farm we know of for the price wi nsk you. Tele- fhone line and rural mail service pass he door. We have this bargain for i short time only at $j,nnn. Purchaser could secure possosslnn March 1, 1906. bv paying tenant reasomiblu price for work done. 160 acres 5 miles from Pauline, Neb.; 1(0 acres upland, Ii) ncres cultivated, 8n acre In pasture, which lies nartly nn trie croelc nnd has siino natural timber nnd water. House 22xJV feet, one storv, live rooms, barn IHxl1. with drivewa v. hog houso 20x'. crib 2"'x3J. milk ho'ii. ci.b house, chicken house, well, windmill and buildings. Tills farm is all lenced with red cedar posts and wire; one-ihird of twenty Hcres of winter wheat which Roes with the place. Price, Just $4,150. Rented for next year. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, First Nat'l Bank FARMS FOR SALE 1,520 acres of best improved farm land In Unoiie county. Nebraska, about lim miles weat Of Omaha, near bt. Edwards, on the i . P. R. It.; will sell In small farms of 160 acres inch, from $37. im to W per ore, according to Improvements; this land Is practically all under cultivation; has Ave sets good Improvements, is all fenced and cross-fenced, over 2(0 acres fall wheat and rye nnd some alfalfa. If sold before February 1st. pos session wli: be given March 1st. Terms, sbotK one-fourth rash balance ten years at 6 per cent annual Interest. OEORGli COMPANY, ltl'l Farnam Ht Omaha, Neb, 7ih 8 Nebraska and Kansas Lands Buy from us, for you. W have ground-Moor figures Take the NATIONAL KANL) ADVERTISER First edition February 1, 1906; 15.UO0 copies; Xoss all over. Hubecrlptlon, $1 In advance. . monthly paper devoted aolely to the fetUng together of the seller and buyer; u 11 value guaranteed. Advertise your property with us and we'll find you a buyer. Endorsed by home business men. V want prospective buyer In the west to make known his wants through our col umns free If you are a subacribcr. Make all remittance payable to Z. O. Hhcrmun, Manager, Wymore, Neb. M 481 1 Sholes-Armstrong Company 722 K Y. Life lildg. Telephone 49. 6tf acres, handsomely Improved, adjoining good town, HurTalo county. ThU Is all good land and a bargain at $S2.50 per acre. 64o acres, the best lmprovtd section in N. K. Kansas. Improvements cost over 114,000. We can, sell thia at a great big bargain. Price, $im per acre. This farm is a fortune to any man. 4iM acres, Dawson county, 6 miles from Lexington. Very line improvements; XXI acrrs of the best land In the county. Pries $12.0W). 4oU acres, smooth, level land, Norton coun ty, Kansas; encumbered for $2,uoo. Want to trade equity for small cottage In 4)maha or will sell cheap for cash. Part of this land adjoins town. 40 acres, fair Improvements, good laud. This Is within easy driving distance nt Omaha and is a snap for party wanting small country place. Price $5,5ou. 160 acres of the best buy land in the state. Joins good shipping point. Clear of all encumbrance. Piic $25 per acre. Wtuit to trade for g6od Omaha cottage. Sho!es-Armstrong Com pany WHY pay $50 to $100 for land In eautsm Ne braska, when we can sell you Just as good in eastern Kansas for" $20 to $15? C. R. Glover Bon. main floor N. Y. Lire, Omaha. 'Phone 133. 7i',; 100 ACRES. Ness county, Kansas; T-room houso, good barn, never failing springs, some natlvo timber, family orchard, 40 acres rich bottom laud, Mi acres rich up land, fine wheat, corn and alfalfa soil MUST BE 6GL1V $1,500. C. R. Glover & 6un, main floor N. Y. Life, Omaha. -16 TIMHEH. roal and farms lands, south and Southwest; locations for Industries; mug. aslne free, Jo A. Parker, Louisville. Ky. 716 lx BIDE LINE traveling men ran make $'5 to $.'i0 per week carrying side line of mo.t up-to-aate Advertising Funs of our ex cluilve gnd special designs: season now onrnlng. Apply at once The Kemur Thomas Co., Fan Ppt., Cincinnati, o. rJ 1 . SHORTHAND AND 1 YPEWR ITIN A. C. VAN BANT'I school, 717 N. T. Life. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and W yoming; low prices; ten years' time, Land Dept. U. P. K. H. Co., Omaha. Neb. Dept. "A." RE 4J FARMS FOR SALE 16H ncres within one mile of railroad sta tion and small town In Clay county, 6" acie.i cultivated, I'M acres In pasture, all fenced. Price $4,200. hi acres 11 miles from Hastings, on rural route, near line, new school hous'; i5 i'i T' s cultivated; level, good soil, ITi-aere imstui'M, hay, orchard, alfalfa four-room house, other huliding. well, windmill. Price tt.KA Posstss:on March 1. V acres, all cultivated, no Improvements, mostly level, ti miles from Harvard, in Clay county; t2.Foil takes It now. but you must see us during t lie next few days if ou expect to get it. o ncres In Fillmore county, 4 miles from Fairmont, I.'!') aires cultivated, balance "asture, crchard. grove, feni-ed anil' crops 'enced. Improvements poor, consist of "our-room house, stable for ti horses, well nd windmill. Price Iti.SiH). ncres C miles from lxington and one hilf mile from Darr, Neb.; three acres of imhrr, 5" ncres of pasture, 53 acres of lfalfa. balance under prow; one So-acre hog pasture und one 3 acres in alfalfa; 7-room house, barn. 30x2S, nnd with a lean-to. and haymow; hoir house, 12x.'!2; corn j-rlli. 12x32; cow sheds, ltx3rt; wind mill, tank, scales, cattle feeder, 17x16. holds Vdii bushels of corn; tine apple and cherry orchard. A tine farm all around, very convenient to school. Only $4,600. 160 acres 5 mile north of Tx'xlngton. under cultivation. Hint all flrst-c'ass land; close to church, and school; six-room house, frnme harn, gran.iry. corn cribs, etc.; wi II fenced and cross-fenced; an excellent farm. Price $5,000. 160 acres 3H miles north of Ixlngton, all under cultivation and nil flrst-clasi land; 20 acres of nlfalfa; corn going 60 rui. per acre; SO acres water right. Price $",456. 800 acres In Custer county, sll level lnnrt. watered by Ixutp river nnd large spring, fenced and cross-fenced w'th redir posts and S to 5 w!rs: water In feed lots and house; tine, large imorovements, cost tio.ono nf every kind: nil good clay soil. Price $20 per acre. Liberal terms. 85 acres near "Mod lie, Iowa.; second bot tom or bench land; new 6-ronm house. . new barn; all cultivated; nn finer land on enrth. Price 'tiri per acre. Time on one-hnlf If desired. Possession March i. ;og. BIdg., Omaha. RK MONEY TO LUmpJ CHATTELS MONEY WL LOAN ON f urnlture. Pisnua. Live Sloe a. Salaries, Best Rates. Easy PaymentJ. Quiet Bcrvioe, Any tlpie. WE CIVM WE WANT Y'our Business ' If Y'ou Ever Borrow Money, OMAHK MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 118 Board of Trade BIdg. Tel 22fcj tEstsbllslied 12.) 308 U Pith 8L X 466 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curities also on SALARIES Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service Call on us if In need of MONET. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. m Paxton Block. X-4SS bOWEN'S MONEY Easy to gel on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, Jvwulry, or on oui plain note if et -adily employed. 703 N. Y. Life bldg X ti The J. A. Hutton Co. LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS 614-515 Paxton Block. X-M&rtJ MONEY LOANED SALARIED PKOPLK others without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49 prlnciudl cities. Tolinan, Room il4. N. Y. l.lle X-470 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. preb- benow, room 214 at tut . 16th St. TeL B-2804. X-7l SALARY AND CHATTEL LOAN RELIABLE CREDIT CO . $07-1 PAXTON BLOCK. 'PHONE 1411 X 471 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Ureen Loan Co. I Barker block. X 4TI MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew elry, horses, cows, etc. 0. F. Reed 31a d Hth. K 47 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 44 PAXTON BLOCK. X-4VI BEI5 FULLER. 426 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. x-t; CHATTEL, salary and lewelry loans , Fo ley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam at. X 477 8AF.AHY end collateral loans. Temnlet-n. 211 Bee Bldg. X 471 LAW AND COLLECTIONS K. F. MOPEARTY. Attorney, 437 Paxton. Tel. A26S8. 60 JOHN M. MACFARIxAND, New York Ufe Bldg., rooms 3o4 and 319. Tel. 155$. -461 FARMF0R RENT 7'" acres six miles N. W. cite $3 p r acre. tii acre three miles wst of city, 4-ruim house, near car line-$5 p-r acre. UEOROE & CO., 1&1 FARNAM ST. -766 I BUSINESS CHANCES HOTELS FURNISHED One. 40 rooms. m'HKin; only $2 house In live western Iowa tomn; line business. One 60 rooms, modern, well and completely furnisned; commands nne trade; strictly 9- house; tiesr i.nylng proposition In NrbrnKki. If you want a hummer here Is one, a 4o room houf, muuerii. fine business, will furnished; roomers only, In live Nebraska town. Ala another line one of b rooms, modern, well furnished, palng bu. Fii more county, Neb. Many other smaller houses. The turniiure of the mwjve houses for Kale at right figures. Write me, .! It. JOHNSON. N. Y. Lile. Y-7:t9 1 SPEND the winter In Cubrt; money making propositions awaiting northern ene. gy ana a little money. Roind trip tickets, $77.50, good to June 1st. U5. Cuttle railing ncta 38 to 53 per cent; fruit nnd vegetables? make growers weultny. October to May pi oilmen beat gardtii truck. Richest land In the world. C. R. Ulover & Son. main floor, N. Y. Life, Omaha. 'Phone 133. Y it DO YOU want to buy, sell, rent or ex change your property or businew, borrow rr.uiiet quick.' See Comptott-Watts Co., 535 Paxton block. Y-M527 USE Landreen's AntLeeptia Hair Tonic. 1' I jo J 14 . , i WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange your property or business quick tee J. 11. Juhnson, M3 N. X. Lite. Phone L i'-.o Y 4o2 Foil SALK Bids will be received until , Januury 14, 1905, at J. I.. Brandels & Sons' office, for tho following buildings to be torn down and removed: The triple four-story Hiirton flat building, on Douglas street, adjoining the Y. M. C. A. building. The double three-story Iufrene flat build ing, on Douglas street, adjoining the bar ton Mats. The two-stt,ry hrlck Horbach residence; on corner 17th and Douglas streets. Bids will be received for any one building or for an inree. All buildings to be torn down and removed within forty-tlve days after bids are ac cepted. Y' 138 12 ATTORNEYS, everywhere. If you have an account, note or claim of any kind against person, lirm or corporation we ran settle it for you. THE NEW HNOW-CH I'llL'H CO., main floor N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Y-103 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you In or out of biuines Y 406 BHOLES-ARMSTRONQ CO., 722 N. Y. Life. TeL 49. Y 4o7 HARDWARE A number of first-class stocks, well established business, located In Omaha and Nebraska and Iowa towns; stocks range from $2.6i to $i.oto; will con sider city clear residence property or imp. farm land. J. II. JOHNSON, N. Y. Life. Y- 1 NEWSPAPER for sale, good Missouri town of 1.000: no opposition, fine opening Ad dress K 30. care Dee. Y M125 LAUNDRY5I.S00. Good opportunity; good reasons for selb iug. Address Room 1, I". S. Bank Bldg. Y lt FOR SALE, a splendid paying hardware nnd Implement business In southeastern Nebraska; good and ample reasons for selling; would take a good M) farm as part payment In south central Nebraska. It will pay you to look this up. Address O 02, cine of Pee. Y M 135 9 BLACKSMITH shop, tools Rnd lot for sale; doing good business. Louis Rlum. Mur dock, Neb. Y M419 3x FOR SALE MILLINERY'. Old established business with branch stores In eastern Nebraska, doing the best busi ness In tho county; one of the. best coun ties in tho state; will m11 one or all; reason for selling nge and poor health. For particulars addreu K 4S. Hee. Y M' S lx GROCERY and meat market, old estab lished money maker; cause of selling, owner wants to retire. Address P 5, Hee. Y-62 WANTED Location ' In Swedish Lutheran settlement for a $4,000 shoe and clothing stock: also Swedish young man to take half or part Interest. Addresu F 7. Bee. Y-627 5 I CAN SELL your uusinesa or real estate, no matter where located. Properties and business of all kinds sold quickly for rash In ali parts of the I'nited States; don't waft; write today, describing what you have to sell nnd give cash price on same. A. P. TONE WII.8ON, JR., Real Estate Specialist. 415 Y Kansea Ave., Topeka. Kan. Y YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings accounts with J. L. IJror.dels & Sons. Bankers. lHth and Douglas fits. Assets over $100,000.00. Y- GENERAL merchandise stocks wanted; will pay spot cash for good, deal' stocks of general merchandise Invoicing $5,000 up to $20,000. Mitchell & Faught, Wood River, Neb. Y ADVERTISERS SEEKING OUT OF TOWN BUSINESS And largo returns should use this special Metropolitan iibt, Willi u cutnbtned cir culation of 1.75U.OUO each Sunday. For $10 we will insetst, one time, u 25 word classi fied ud in tho following 25 Sunday papers: 1 4'tilcaKu Trlbunn. 13 Atlan't Cunvtuuiloti. Z Bt. Louiu Puat-ll- 14 New Orleans Pl"alllie. pat'h. 15 San Autumo EkiirM. S Kuiibaa City Star. 1 lallH Neva. 4 Omtitia Bee. 17 flttntmrg rreaf. IS buffalo Tlmra. 19 Cincinnati Knqulrer. SO Cleveland Plalndealer. 6 Milwaukee Kftittnel. t Minneapolis Tlmea. t tmirolt Kraa Hreaa. S Jnillanatiolla Sentinel. 21 Columbua Dianatoli a benvar Newa. 22- Dulllth Newt Irlbuna. IV Ufa Molnaa Hejialar ij Mmnvlila Cummer. Ul and Leader. Appeal. 11 Si. faul llloba. 24 LuuUvllla Herald Jl Lunula Sla'.e Journal. 26 Philadelphia Itecord. If you udvcrtle for Agents, Business Op portunities, Real Estate, I'urms, etc., tlia above list will bring you immcdiute and big results. GIVE THIS LIST A TRIAL. We prove Insertion of ad In each paper. Ad vertising placed In all newspapers and magazines everywhere. Our Advertiser's Pocket Uuido FREE. OT'ENTHER-URAD-FORD ii CO., (Established lHio), lo Ran dolph St., Chicago, 111. Y OUR LIST TODAY 3 Groceries. 1 Bukeries. 3 Rooming Houses. 2 Restaurants. 1 Flour Mill. 3 Saloons. 1 Livery Stable. 2 Harness Shops. 2 Blacksmith bhops. 1 Paint and Decorating Shop. COMPTON-WA1TS CO., 535 Paxton Block. Y-760 1 WANTED Hotel end saloon, or saloon otkly, in country town. Address P 18. Bee. Y-760 1 Bl'SINESS chance. We have the best money making proposition In tho coun try. It Is easily sold und a necessity to all retail merchants. The liberal commis sion of 50 Per cent la given agents, who can make V'V) i'r month without leaving home. Write for particulars. Vendor Manufacturing Co., room 71 De Menll building, St. Louis, Mo. Y 755 U Gl'IDK TO Sl'CCIiSS explains a sure melhud of making money every week tu t he market. Sent free with market let ter. The ligan Roach Co., (inc.), 27li La Salle St., Chicago. Y 751 lx bTg PROFITS IN GRAIN AND STOCK H. Success; that Is what our customers are having. Why not you? $100 invested In wheat last week would have made $325. Send for dally market letter and booklet, "How to Speculate;" mulled free. E. J. Morton & Co., Board of Trade, Chicago. Y-752 lx DRI'G STOCKS Several up-to-date, In city and live country towns; good business; stocks $2,5i1 to $fi.0CO; cash or Improved land conbldered. J. H. JOHNSON. N. Y. Life. Y-80J 1 FOR SALE, meat market, county seat town, central Nebraska, doing good busi ness; complete set tools and fixtures; De cember business averaged $51.20 cash daily. If you want a market you won't look any further. Address P 3, Bee. Y-700 lx RESPONSIBLE men can earn large In comes with us; real estate brokerage busi ness: some salaried positions; others com mission: reference required and given. Write for plan und particulars. Pacific States Promotion Bureau, 6j6 Commercial building, St. Louis, Mo. Y" 703 lx VIO bargains In new pianos: 4 or 5 sample pianos direct rrom iaciory ai factory rices, j . n. 1 amerun, im ra, nun si. Phone L-lSiW. VM 1 GREAT activil;- in wheat presents splen did opportunities for large profits; $2VJ margins, bu.. t cents; send for free book. Facts and Figures, explaining op tion trading. Osborn Grain Co.. Mlntio sol!s. Minn. Y 71$ Is BUSINESS CHANCES The Abbott-Cowan Company First Natl. Bank Ulig. Omaha, Neb. Phone 395. WEEKLY ni'Ll.Ell.N OF Bl'SINESS CHANCES AND INVESTMENTS. for good restaurant In Howard county. Neb., town. $450 for furniture in 10-room flat, close In, on Capitol avenue. $425 for furniture In 9-room boarding house near Auditorium. fSco for V, Interest In real estate business wiilch maue $12,wi 1st year. Located In town of 9,oufl. $ for furniture In 7-room house on N. 19th near Capitol avenue. House heated by stoves and very cheap rent. $750 for furniture of 11-roora house, close In, on' Farnam. $45o for furniture of 10-room flat, close In, on Farnam. $.150 for dandy barber hop In good Iowa town. Wholesale candy manufacturing business take about $Tuu or $100. Sells ail the Omaha Jobbing grocers. $2,600 for Omaha dray and transfer busi ness, 17 horses, 10 wagons and rolnplete equipment. Best reasons for selling and price cheap. Grocery and hardwnre stock, Invoicing about $lo,0(i0; leading business in town of 3.5uu. Will discount 15 per cent for cai"h sale, and terms if desired. Best billiard and pool hnll In western Iowa town of 6,0W). Price. $1,100. Jewelry and china store In good western Iowa town. Invoice about $1.2oy. Good business. , , $700 for furniture In lo-room house. Cost over $!0 tiiree months ago. House full of roomers. 3 good millinery storks 2 In Nebraska and 1 In western Iowa town. Prices, $no0, $iO0 and $l,0oa. Get particulars. Party with $1,000 can secure a manufac turing business that Is very desirable. Tills amount will purchase the business and leao ample for working capital. fi-room flat, N. ltith et. Price for furni ture, $225. Omaha restaurant for $125. Farnam st. R-room flat, N. !3d st. Price for furniture, $200. $.1,500 for furniture In 55-room hotel best in Neb. town of 4,0n0. About $1,500 for an Omaha Job printing office almost in w invoiclr.g $3,000. This must be sold by Tuesday and Is a snap for someone. SEE i:s. The Abbott-Cowan Company 301 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y FURNISHED ROOMING HOl'SES-9 to 20 rooms, well located, paying business, fur niture for sale; reasonable. J. 11. JOHN SON. N. Y. Life. Y-S02 1 "NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS." OTHERS ARE MAKING MONEY. WHY NOT YOU? $VX) Invested by our "conservative plan" In Stocks, Grain or Cotton should maks $1,000 profit in a month. Write for par ticulars and market letter, mailed free. V. A. Xylite & Co.. Rankers and Brokers, Keystone bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Y 757 lx INVEST In a womlerful money making Im provement; ground floor opportunltios for Invistors to duplicate Bell telephone, Westlnghouse, etc.; success. Particulars free. Frederick Kunnecke, Room 12ol, 103 Fulton St., New York. Y 745 lx POKER PLAYERS should writ me for Free Particulars regarding the most valu nble Information ever given on Draw Poker. Address: F. R. Rltter, Columbus, Ohio, U. 8. A. Y-744 lx JOB PRINTING office with $3,000 per year contract work for two years; $1,750 cash. Address or cull Room 19, Patterson Blocka Omaha. Y GINSENG If you want some Information about Ginseng send for "Mv New Book of Advice." It's free; also mV Great Seed Catalogue for 1!H5. F. B. Mills,' Box 441, Rose Hill, N. Y. Y FREE SIX MONTHS A mining paper; worth reading; It shows how to make money; write for It. North American Miner, 31 Broadway, New York. Y-6G3 lx LAND FOR MDSE.-ltiO-n. imp. farm, 6 ml. from Waterloo, Neb., $50 clear of Inc.; Iu5 a., well imp'd, Richardson Co.. Neb., a fine farm; also many other good farms for staple stocks of goods. J. H. JOHNSON, N. Y. Life. Y Sol 1 CORPORATION whose products are han dled by leading whnlemle und retail deal trs want competent man to take man agement of Lranch office; salary $2,500 per annum and commission. Energetic man should earn IH.OOO ;er annum. Must ln vect from $1,000 to $ In stock of com pany. Unquestionable references as to sblllty nnd Integrity required. Address Box &"6, Madison, Wis. Y 7o8 lx A LOCAL agent Is wanted to represent us In selling and promoting patents and new Inventions; we have many money making Inventions that C3n be promoted to splen did advantage; a good man can handle our business in connection with other work; liberal terms will lie offered. Ad dress Union Patent Investment Co., De troit, Mich. Y 706 lx FOR RENT, brick storeroom and basement 25x90, large plate glass front, central lo cation, county sea', center of prosperous farming district, ratted for clothing and furnishing goods. Address P. O. lock box 528. David City. Neb. Y-38 i FOR SALK Meat market, In good Iowa town, clearing $l,.vo per year; good re 1 son for selling. Baker & Wilson, Me Clelland, la. . Y AN INCOME FOR TUB FAMILY Divi dends that will please you. Address In ttrnatlnn Lumber Development Co. (As set $13 000,000), Odd Fellows' Bid., St. Louis, Mo. Y-717 lx CAPITAL FURNISHED Responsible peo ple desiring to develop or Increase good mining, oil or Industrial propositions where strong showing nf earning capacity and personal responsibility can be had: best references given and required. E. S. Barnum & Co., 1S9 La Salle St.. Chicago. Y-723 lx WANTED, to buy a one-chair barber shop; must be only shop In country town. Address T. E. Bowlln, Elm Creek. Neb. Y-694 lx MEDICAL LADIES When In need, send for free trial of our never-faJIIng remedy; reMef quick and safe. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, Specialist o women snd children: So years' practice Office, 22o6 Cuming. Residence telephone. S'Kiti; office, 1647 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4u stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, "a. FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief In 1 to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure Mall orders promptly filled. Price, $1 DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO, R. S7, S4 Adams at., Chicago. 454 DR. PRIES treats successfuly all diseases snd Irregularities of women, from any t.iuse; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries. UUMi Dodge St., Omaha. 456 PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adapted. The Good Samaritan Sanl. tarium. tii 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, Is Tel. 774. -M PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies hoarded snd ad"nt-d Mrs. Oar1-i, J.'l Cl'srles. Tel A ?t 4fi OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. Bit N.Y.Life bldg. Tel. I6ft4 MRS. JOHN R MUSICK. Osteopath Phy sician; office, Douglas block. Tel. Zill 7 . 1 , DR. FARWELL. specialty nervous disease. til 3 N. Y. Life. 463 Huntington aV Stratton. Ot N. T. Life PERSONAL GREATEST PIANO VALUES IN THE CITY. Every one fully guaranteed. Economically disposed piano buyers can find the great est bargains of high grade Instruments In the city at the warerooms of Schmoller ft Mueller. These Instruments have been taken In exchange for our hand made Mueller piano which Is fully guaranteed for twenty years and offered at absolute cost of production. 1 Gilbert upright, good condition $ 63 New York upright, mahogany case $ So Arlon cottage upright $l' Cabinet grand upright, almost new $125 Also a number of slightly used Stelnway, Weber Chlckerlng and other high grade upright pianos. Terms to suit buyers. The Schmolltr & Mueller guarantee goes with each instrument. Pianos tuned, moved, repaired, stored and exchanged. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1313 Farnam Street. Telt phone 1025. FRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, " N. 16th. Tel. 3559. U 108 Jl 05 DRAWING and painting from life. Cases Art Class, 15o4 Farnam, room 1 rear. YOUNG lndv In black at Orpheum, Tues day evening, who noticed young man second row baik. Addies P. 17, care Bee. mi nuon incident. u M4i0 ais. PRPQCODII IM Clothes Pressed. 1324 a noujviviuiH Farnam. U-M411 Uasq., theatrical costumes. Sack. 8318 8 $0lb U 4i JJJX LARSON A JOHNSON cut mes to sll olnts. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B211$ Mem er American Ticket Brokers' Aae'n. U aia " inc-nii a sincere man or means '" position who would appreciate thetrienil shlp of a telineU, attractive woman of 30, tt , . ... . 11 ,..,,'' la . .1 eociai position in snmu Object, matrimony; no trlfiers; refer ences exchanged, p. 1, care Bee. U M477 $lx PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; U Per3eld Piano Co., Ml Farnam. U 460 THEATRICAL tnaaq. costumes. Lleben. 1410-U Howard. TJ-M151 VIAVI," way to health. 50 Bee Bldg L 463 THE Salvation Army solicits enst-oft cloth, ing; In fact a.iythlng you do n3t need; we collect, repair and sell for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor Cu)l 'phona 413j and wagon will call. L til OMAHA 8tamm4.rera Institute, Ramge Blk MRS. GEORGE K. DILLER of 94 Church street, jvew Brunswick. N. .. wlsnes aa dress cf Dr. or Mrs. F. N Heelev. U M476 31X iMACiMFTlP treatment & baths. Mmj. NIAVJ1 C 1 II. smith. US N. 15. 3 fl. R. t J. lfi0 HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS Massacon cures middle-ear trouble. Acoupticon aids the hearing as glasses do the eye. Hutchison Acoustic Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1999. U M34 STRANGER In city d"8lres the acquaint ance of refined voting lndv not over 2o; must be good looking and stylish. P. 22, care Bee. I' M478 31x TRY KELLET S LAUNDRY. 'PHONW 3530. U 441 WANTED Physician In salaried position BH medical adviser to sanitarium out of city; also opportunity to build up ouisiae practice. Aaaress o ou, care uce. V M440 2x TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women and children. 1408 Farnam St. THE H J. PENFOLD CO. U 441 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCH1NG BUTTONS Send for price list and Samples. IHb GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 2w Uoulas tiiocic IcL 1936 U-44 YOL'NO man who was noticed by bionde young lady wearing red hat, Wednesday, between a and 4 p. 111., In front 01 buiiK on ainam st. Is exceedingly desirous of making lier ucquaintance. Address P. 40, Bee olflce. U M47!) Six TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. U 445 DON'T fool with your eyes; bo careful who examines them; we test eyes free tur glasses und guarantte satisfaction. THIS H. J. PENFOLD CO. Leading Opticians, 140 Farnam. U 44$ TRY Landreeu's AnUeptlo Hair Tonic U 454J-I4 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge blk. U-4 J 25 GENTLEMAN. 30 years of age. wunts to heal from joung lady school teacher who cun devote two or three evenings a week to instructions In some special oranches. P. 10, care Duiy Bee. U M48o 31x YOUNG man with excellent position wishes to correspond with young lady with a view of early murriuge. MuBt be of rep utable character, und musician preferred. Address P 2, Bee. U M497 lx OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. A-2662. 3210 Cuming. Established lb!8. VIAVI A wholesome, rational home treat ment; Invaluable In all Inllammatlnn and displacements. Send for booklets. 350 Bee bldg, -Omaha. U-678 1 A WEALTHY and attractive maiden wants without delay kind husband to relieve her of business cares. No objection to honor able, capable poor man. Address Cook, 67 Flournoy, Chicago. U 750 lx SCOTT'S DIGESTIVE TA BLETS Guaran teed by Kuhn &. Co., 15th & Douglas Sts. U M666 31 SEWING In families by experienced dress maker; first-class references. P 2C,. Bee office. U-M787 in GENTLEMAN, stranger ln city, wishes to meet respectable young lady with musi cal or literary talent. Object, friendship; matrimony if suited. Address P 24. Bee. ' U-782 lx LADIES to do piece work at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C-726 lx MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 2tf7, Tekonsha, Mich. U-724 IX WEALTHY retired gentleman, unencum bered, seeks uppreriutlve wife. Address Mrs. Cole. 1714 Chestnut, Room 306, Phila delphia, Pa. U 690 lx GENEROUS PROFESSIONAL MAN, worth $50,000, desires deserving, Industri ous wife; money no object. Address Mr. C, 67 Clark st., Chicago, III. U-731 lx ATTRACTIVE WIDOW, very weulthy, wants, immediately, good, honest hus- bnd. Address Aetna, Oneonta hi).. Chi cago. 111. U-730 lx PLAIN, kindly buslnes man, aged 43, wealthy. LARGE INCOME, want a good wife. Address Curran, 1213 Wabash, Chicago. U 729 lx SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. BIG tmrgnlns In new pianos; 4 or S sample piano direct from factory ut factory prices. J. 8 Cameron, 106 N. 16th st. 'Phone L-1968. , U-792 1 FLORISTS HESS SWOBODA. HIS Farnam. 46$ CHAS. EDERER. Reasonable. Bristol. Tel. 1793. $oth snd -M929 L. HENDERSON. 1511 Farnam. Send for price list of cut flowers and plants. -464 ALFRKD DONAQHUE. JR., 1907 Farnnm. Tel. tags. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR At,E. new and second-hand billiard snd pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for ratslogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8 10th ft., Omaha. Q-M4J9 COMPLETE lint new and ld-hhnd furni ture. Chicago FurnilUie Co., 1410 Dodge. ici. zum. vj jy END-HAND safe cheap, nam. Dertght, 1UI Far. Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We bare atout mu tret 00 stranded electric light cabU and cne HuO ampere knife twitch. Address Bee Building Co., or pee w. It. Bridges, engineer, iiee tmiiaing. Omaha. Q 63 EVERYTHING for housekeeping. Including furniture, carpets, stoves, crockery, etc., etc., 26 per ce-it cheaper than all others. Terms: $2n worth, $1 per week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between 12th and 13lh, on Farnam st. W 1 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE ll uu Maul a uai(m m.ii. vaJ and look over the following supplies; ttt-iuch JenKlns Uiobe valves. U-lnch Gate valve. I $-inch Austin horlional separator. 1 4-lnch Austin vertical separator. 1 t 11. P. horiiontal engine. These have been tsKen out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee build ing, Omaha. Q 54J TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOlLlkRB FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used out six years, made or firebox steel, triple riveted but and strap Joints, Insurance company permits of pressure of 125 pound. They are now in use and ran be seen st boiler house, rear of Bee building. Can be delivered at once. Call or address W. 11. Bridges, engi neer, Bee building, Oniaba. J MKvj 100 KINDS of Mlneial Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 39$ ( U. P. ENGINE. We have one six-horse power horizontal engine. The engine has never been used. Will sell It for about one-half price. W. H. Bridges. Engineer, Bee building. Q 11$ SHOWCASE, new design. 613 Paxton blk. VJ-Alaas J 1 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, shorthand- and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q-aU CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H Philbln, liuo, phone i4. W M9t SHOW CASES Edholm, Jeweler, 107 N. 16th y 191 WE RENT sewing machines 75c week. We repair all makes of machines. Sec ond hand machines $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1003, Corner 15th and Harney. Q-3U5 CORN cribbing, tel. poles, long hr timbers, cypress fence lath, i-ply wbltebasswood. iJl Douglas. U 391 FOR 8ALE Bids will be received until Januury 14, 19o&, at J. L. Rrandels & Sons' office, for the following buildings, to be torn down snd removed: The triple four-story Barton flat building, nn Douglas street, adjoining the Y. M. C. A. building. The double three-story Dufrene flat build ing, on Douglas street, adjoining the Bar ton flats. The two-story brick Horbach residence, on corner 17th and Douglas atreets. Bids will be received for any one building or for all three. All buildings to bo torn down and removed within forty-five days after bids are ac cepted. Q 437 12 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. $0 Pulleys, from 6 In. to 48 iu. In diameter, $ Countershafts complete. $0 Feet 1 7-16-in. shafting, with couplings und hangers. 40 Feet 1 15-16-in. shafting, with couplings and hangeis, together with about Sub feet ot helling from 3 to 6 In. These ar all in first-class condition. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. Q-UJ ' BUILDING FOR SALE. 9-room house, S. E. corner 2oth and Far nam Sts. Mut be removed at once. Submit bids. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Far nam St. Q 166 31 OLDS GASOLINE ENGINE and pumpers are rename, several Fiigntiy uaeu engines cheap. Dept. C, 1116 Farnam st. Q-M238 31 FOR SALE, fine 2-seat sleigh; nlso car riage, pnaeton, harness, etc : very low prices. Address O 60, Beo office. 0-M433 31 HARD coal base burner, steel range, din ing room table, iron bed, mattress nnd snrltigs. all nearly new. Call 25R Pop pleton ave. Q M470 31 FOR SALE. FOUR WILTON RUGS. Also ci r.inerles small rugs. mats. etc. Call at once ut our parlors, Arlington blk., inn iioiiga sr. we are movintr to our new store. 1R20 Hnrney. corner ltith st. PIANO PLAY'ER CO. Q-M51S 81 HARD COAL nnse burner, steel tango, d'n. k lug room tnble. Iron bed. mat'resi -nd springs, all nearly new. Call (after Mon day) 2ofi5 Poppleton ave. Q 66 1 FOR HALE Thoroughbred Barred Ply mouth Rock coclterels. 4210 AmeM Ave. Q-M6T.5 2x SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., Manufacturers of Pianos und Organs, offer greHt Inducements to retail buvers; 300 instruments to select from; tho finest works of art to the Inexpensive, though dependable pianos, for humble homes. One profit only from our factory to you. Inspection earnestly solicited. Slightly used second-hand pianos taken In exchange for new Mueller pianos nt a great reduction. Standard squire pianos, $15 and up; upright pianos. $i5 and up; useful organs, $10 and up. Pianos to rent, $2, $3, $4 and up. We sell nerv pianos on V monthly payments and give a hand some stool and scarf free with each in OFFICE AND WARKROOM. 1313 FAR NAM ST., TEL. 1625. Q- OLDS GASOLINE ENGINE and pumpers are reliable. Several sllirhtly used engines cneap. Dept. c, 1116 f arnam st. Q-MW7 7 AN upright piano In good condition: until Wednesday; price, 50. An uivlght piano, used only two months; price. $150 this one cost $273 sixty days ago. Terms to suit you. Omoha Furniture and Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th, on Farnam st. Q 606 1 FOR SALE, good Garland, medium else, hard coal stove. 1718 Mason. Q-M77 2x BIG bargains In new pianos; 4 or 6 sample pin ros direct feom factorv at factory prices. J. B. Cameron, 106 N. 16lh st. 'Phone L-166S. Q 793 1 FOR BATjE, Infant's on' fit; never been used. Call Mrs. Parker, 1618 Webster. Q-83J lx 15-KEY B flat clarionet: also Colt's "New Pocket" revolver. Address P 28. Omaha Bee CJ-MHM ?x FOR SAl HORSES & WAGONS FINE $."175 pneumatic Stunhope, nearly new, $I2j; open pneumatic runabout, $60. Drum mond, 18th ami Hurney. P 434 NEW sample buggies and farm wagons for sale cheap. Anderson-Millard Co., 1518 Cuipitol Ave. P-lil $1 GOOD carriage, runabout wagon and har ness, cheap. Jnl.nson & Danforth, S. W, cor. 10th and Jones sts. P MISS NEW piano to trade for 'driving horse; twicer preferred. J. B. Cameron, 106 No. 15th. P-MsW HAVE YOU A IKJR8E? To Introduce our Plxlne Vet. Remedies, we will mall our valuable Horse Book free. It tells all about lameness and other liors (llments; how to detect, locate and cure them; write for It. PIXINK CHEM ICAL CO.. Vet. Dept 13, Troy. N. Y. P-717 lx DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A-H7-6. U100 JS MR3. M. E. GARCEAU. no man ave. Tel. Red 446. at t Sher. -M371 J 13 Mrs. A. furnla. W. Smith, reasonable. $016 Call--M371 J12 FANCY embroidering. Miss N. Anderson. 210' N ,17th. -M373 J12 . TWO 8-room flats, with steam heat. 706 North 16th st. Inquire CI engineer a-c2 is FOR RENT HOUSES GET Landreen's Antlseptlo Hajr Tonic. D 457 J-14 I7V 8. 1ITH ST-7 rooma. modern. $3.54. E. J. Sullivan, 323 B. 13tb Su D 4J FOR RENT- room house; sll modem ex cept furnace; ?oa N. th St.; $1. C. M Bachmsn. Hi Paxton lcck. D 65 120 N. 25TH. rooms, modern. $35 00. D Milt HOUSES, Block. insurance. Rlugwait, Baiker D 4.7 Hni KPC. In all parts of the city. Tha I1UUJCJ o, 1,-, Lavla Co., ivs Lie hldg. D 428 FOR RENT, l-room house. In tVst-clas condition, with large lot; convenient t car line. $16. v5 N. 26th s. D MS5 WE furnish the house complete: the largest stock in Omaha und tin) lowest prices. Terms: $25 worth. $1 per week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co.. between 12th and 13th, on Farnam st. DN6 1 A HOME on Binney st.. 10-room house, to deniable party; $10 per month. Telephone B2W7. D 30 THE Omsha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Ottlce, lHVt Fsrnam. Tel. 15;. D 4il WE MOVE pianos. Mngsnrd Van Stor age Co. Tel. lib. Office 1713 Webster 8W D 413 Hfil IQP; ln 'l Prt of the city R. C, I1UUOCO Peters at Co., Bee Bulldlrg. d as FATNE-ROSTWICK CO., cholc houses. 601403 New York Life Bldg. 1'hone loll D-434 I-ROOM cottage. 1RS0 B. 2sth St. Clark Powell, 1516 Capitol ave. 'Phone $21. D-M49i McCauley Express Co. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 615 S. 16th. Tel. 1454. D 42 People's Ex. Co. hauls trunks. 'Phone 422. - D Mlti J 22 l-ROOM house: $S per month. 1819 N. 2tt h. D 216 FOR RENT Modern 9-rocm flat cn Dewey ave.; best of repair. John F. Flack, at City Savings bank. D 219 81 LIST houses with us; we can rent them. Compton-Watts Co., 535 Paxton blk. D M316 FURNISHED. 6-ronm, modern, cottng after Jan. 1; one room rented. Inquire 1113 S. 28th st. D 113 Six 8-ROOM brick house: modern; 2715 Jackson. Inquire 4019 Hamilton. D M472 lx To LET, furnlHlied 5 rooms of R-room mod ern house for the winter: located nesr lllfch M lirvil. W. 1'ariiiim Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. D 054 2 HOUSES, 2 rooms and up; also INSUR ANCE. CI1AB. E. WILLIAMSON CO. D- 6-ROOM house, furnished, one block from S. Omaha car, $l.oo. 5; Paxton block. D 7n 1 HOUSES FOR RENT. ?220 Douglas, 8 rooms, new brick, $"0. 1S24 Webster. 7-r.. modern. $:t5. 844 Park nventie, fl-r. crtti:e. $20. H'li! Shirley. 7 rooms, bath. $17. M7 8 22d 7 rooms, barn, $11. 5o9 Corliv, 5-r. cottage, hath, $11 22'-'2 S Inth u-T. cottage. $12. 1211 S. 17th, 5 rooms, $12. 34J1 Muson. 5-r. cottag, $10. IMS 8. ISth, 4 roonis, $!(. 3010 Alius ave., fi rooms. $!'. UARVIN BROS., l'f4 FARNAM. D-0S9 1 S320 MANDERSON, 5-room cottage. $10; 2721 Dodge. 4-room cottage, $!; 26-'7 Hamil ton. 6 rooms, $13; H. W. cor. 30th and I lodge, 9 rooms, new, modern. Brick, $42.50. Riugwult Bros., Barker Blk. D-M688 I HOUSES. 940 N. 27th ave., In rooms, all modern. .$35.00 ("34 N. 27th ave. 7 rooms IX. 00 2.M5 Hamilton, 10 rooms, city water 25.00 W Hamilton, 6 rooms, modern except furnace) 20.00 122a 8. 27th, 6 rooms, modern except furnace IS. 00 FLATS. 709-713 8. 27th ave., 3 room each, each. $10. 00 1920 S, loth, 6 rooms, city water 8. On 1022 S. loth. rooms, city wuter 8. no Wlthnell block, 2 steam heated rooms.. ai.OO N. P. DODGE & CO., ltili Farnam St. D M7ht 8 FOR RENT. 33d nnd Lincoln bvrt., S rm., MODERN, NEW, $35. 16th and i-othrop sts., 8 rm., modern, $25. 4012 Seward St., 8 rm., modern ex. furnace, $21. 813 So. 34th. 8 rm.. NEW, MODERN. $.W. 1310-13 So. 29th ave., rm., rlno brick tlata, $:.7.50. 1137 So. 28Ui St., 8 rm. house, MODERN, $:;0. 2210-12 California, 8 rm., NEW, VERY FINE, $15. 3224 Cuming St.. 7 rm. house, modern, $J0i J .Pratt st., 7 rm., city water, $15. 211 So. 28th ave., 5 rm., $15. liiM Sherman ave, one 3 und one 6-rm. flai, modern, $11 nnd -0. PA Y N E I N V ESTM EXT CO., Main Floor N. ' Y. .Life. D 788 1 FOR RENT 291b and Dewey, 7-rm. hrlck tlats. In FIRST-CLASS CONDITION, newly painted, papered, now plumbing, storm doors, etc., $22.50 each. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. . D 7X6 1 DES1RABLD 7 room house with large barn, lawn and trees; close In; $25 per month. Richard C. Patterson, 1224 K ir nam. D M18I FOR RENT, 8-room, steam heated house; nil modern conveniences; 218 N 17th st.j $45 In summtr, $57 in winter. Apply to 11. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge st. D 777 1 $2-S320 Hamilton St., 6 roonis, all modern except furnace. $10 2560 Jones ft., 4 rooms, all modern ex cept furnace; porcelain buth; walking distance. $35 3o07-9 So. 20th, two 6-room flats, 2 stora rooms, large contiguous baking oven, barn and sheds. Good location for bakery or laundry. D. V. SIIOLES CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. D 773 1 FOR RENT, 8-room house Bt 3415 Cuming St., with barn. Inquire Mullen, 1914 Grace st. D 821i lx P FOAL INDUCEMENTS Will be made on' any of the houses below. We are anxious to get them rented and It will pay you to look them up: 3034 S. 18th. 3-R.. brick, city water, good cellar, $8. 141oH N. 17th st., 3-R., city water, close In, on car line, $9. 2716 Parker. 6-R-, barn new, strictly all modern, paved street, nice location. Only $27.50. 2312 Michigan ave., 6-R., city water, close 8U"'h. 34th. nearly new 7-R., ALL MOD ERN house. $30. 1540 S. 27th St.. 7-R., ALL MODERN, close to park. $27.50. 13o 8. iith, 8-R., strictly ALL MODERN, large yitrd. good barn, paved street A etaj reduced from $.10 to $20. A snup. 2410 Seward st., 8-R., modern; will rent f two families. $20. 608 S. 27th, 8-R.. strictly ALL MODERN, house in Al shape und within walking die tance. $35. 2430 Bristol st., 8-R., all modern good barn, $25. SOU S. 88th. 8-R.. strlcllv all modern, harH wood finish and everything first-class. $48. $802 Farnam, DR., strictly ul 1 modern, jiavedstreet, on car line, locution excel- " PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., SIXTH FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BLDG. D-831 1 HOT W'ATFR HEAT And all other conveniences, together with excellent location. 832 S. 29th st., 8 rooms, $37. IV". Lock it up sure. PA YNE-BOSTW1CK & CO., 6th Fl N Y.L. , D 830 1 102 S. 25TH ST., ti-ruom, city water an gas. Key next door. D 834 31 FIVE-ROOM house, city water and gas. 917 80. 25lh ave. D-M812 2x NEW 8-room modern hnutw, elegantly fur nished; close in. Address p la, Hee D-' mm PRINTING PlflMTIMPa HIGH-GRADE WORK. r . Crounse Block, Corner of LYNGSTAD Kth St. and Capitol Ave. . "7 KRAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS, 1106-48 Douglas St. To de liver wjrk when prumleei Is our hobby. J. M. BIRPLEBS, reliable printer: estab lished U jeurs., 203 tt. Uth St., Omaha.