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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1905)
16 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1903. MERCHANTS READY FOR WAR Stttilm of 8ttte Organis ,fr A jfTeiiiT Ltgiilatm Campaigm. tlWL GO AFTER EXEMPTION LAW AGAIN leeatle-e) Committee Meets la Omaha I Select M Who Are te Pro stata latere Asso elatloa at Lincoln. The Nebraska Retail Merchants' sssocla tion has organised for an aggressive legls latlve campaign. At a meeting of the executive committee held In Omaha, at which President J. Tungblut of Lincoln. Vice President 8. T. Davles of Nebraska City. Treasurer O. C. Thompson of Blair. Secretary Harry FUcher of Omaha, W. O. Wllke of Lincoln and other outalde and local member were preaent. the assocla tlon organised for the campaign. Th fol lowing vice president! for th aenatortal dlatrict wer appointed, who will be re sponsible for affair of Interest to th association In their districts: Joseph Zuelk. Humboldt; J. W. Roscow. South Auburn; It. W. W. Jone. Dunbar; W. K. Jenkins. Murray; Joseph Vlasak. Prague; William Wllke, Omaha; R. J. Mitten. Te kamah; H. Miller Crelghton; J. J. Andre. Petersburg; H. O. Bomer. Fremont; Oscar I'Me, Norfolk; Mai Uruckner, Platte Cen ter; W. M. Becker. Burwell; a. W. Wild. Sargent: A. N. Conklln. Ashton; Louis Velt, Grand Island; E. II. Bishop. Central City; C. L. Burke, Foley; W. Q. Wllke. Lincoln; S. C. Van Riper, Blue Springs; II. Benedlx, DeWItt: A. V. Boggs. Endl cott; A. Blaaell, Tork; E. H. Fifleld. El dorado; C. D. Myers. Superior; 8. J. Owens. Hastings; J. A. Frederick. Holdrege; R. J. Finch, Arapahoe; J. S. Brady, Kimball. The following committees were named: Legislation H. Fischer, chslrman, Omaha; J. Tungblut, Lincoln; E. D. Jackson, Up land; W. J. Nagle, South Omaha; E. H. Bishop, Central City. Organization J. B. Coningham, chairman, Omaha; L. H. Head Strom, Stromsburg; J. P. Hendry, Lincoln; Ia Goldsmith, West Point; V. Swanson, Aurora, Fnlnance O. C. Thompson, chair man, Blair; D. Oroxs, Omaha; Fred' Arm brunt, Omaha; H. N. Towne, Lincoln; 8. T. Davie. Nebraska City. Same Fight This Year. Two years ago this UKBocintion, with kin dred organizations, made a persistent fight to secure the passage of the exemption bill, which Governor Mickey vetoed after it had passed both house and senate and after the most potent Influences had urged him to algn It. It is understood the same or a similar bill will be undertaken again this year, and also other legislation of a like character. R. W. W. Jones of Dunbar, one of the vice presidents of this association, was a member of the house two years ago and became one of the leaders on the floor In behalf of this kind of legislation. This year Mr. Jone is a member of the senate and, It 1 understood, will renew his war fare for bill along this Una. About a doien member of the state association are preparing to go to the eighth annual convention of the National Association of Retail Grocer to b held in Cincinnati, January 23, 24 and 26. Presi dent Tungblut will attend and Secretary Fischer ha been asked to deliver an ad drees. The association has been given a rate of one and one-third fare. The Ne braska and western parties will go forward and connect with the official train In Chi cago going east over the Monon from there. THE NEW YEAR Opens Favorably for the Bankers Reserve Life Company of Omaha, Nebraska WITH AN INCOME RATE FOR 1905 THAT WILL APPROXIMATE One Half Million Dollars New agents ore constantly being attracted to this ag gressive Western Company. Money making contracts in choice territory may be obtained by calling on or addressing B. H. ROBISON, President. MONDAY A PARTIAL HOLIDAY Department Stores Divided on Claslagr aad Smaller Shops Will Have a Half Day of Trade. Monday will not lie so generally ob served as a holiday as was last Monday. The greater number of the retail shops are to be closed for a half day, doing busi ness tn the morning and allowing their em ployes an outing In the afternoon. This applies about equally to all lines of, trade. Among the department stores and other Urge retail establishments the houses will either run all day or keep closed the whole holiday. The division will be practically as It was Christmas morning. Among the jobbers and manufacturers something more than half the establish ments will observe the day. Cudahy's and some others among the establishments which usually close Saturday afternoon, continued buslnes today, so that they could remain closed all of New Tear's Monday. This was because they did not feel that they could remain closed for so long at one time. Some of the Jobbers will close at noon Monday. The commission houses will observe the day by somewhat shorter hours than on usual business days, but the perishable character of their merchandise make It difficult for them to close the entire day. The office of the Commercial club will be closed and a large part of the professional men of the city hav expressed the Intention of remaining away from their office for a whole or a part of the day. The banks other than the savings banks' will be closed, but the savings banks, owing to the nature of their business, would cause a hardship by closing. The Grain exchange will be closed and the grain and commission house will be unable to do buslne whether they wish or not, a all of the grain market else where will also be closed. Th poatofflc will be closed Monday at 10 JO a. m. for th remainder of the day. Tber will be two carrier deliveries during th morning In th business district and on In the forenoon In the residence dis trait. Th money order office will be Closed all day. City and county office will take a rest. COMMISSION'S LAST MEETING Nebraska Board to World' Fair Wlada I'p Work with Pond ' tow All Claim. Th Nebraska commission to th Louisi ana Purchase exposition hld It final meeting Friday afternoon with all members present. Including Secretary Bhedd and James Walsh. Th final report was sub mitted and the commission has ample fund to meet all claim. Th report will be made to the governor at once, it la now In th hand of the printer and will be ready for publication In a few day. Th commission was entertained at dinner at th Omaha club Friday evening by President Wattle. The dinner was an Informal affair and was confined to the member of th commission and a few Invited friend. Closed Monday, January S. W desire to announce'that we will close our Store all day Monday, January t. ORCHARD A WIL11ELM CARPET CO. Agnes JT C. Federal Uulidlug Soles. Judge Carland of Kloux Fall will ar rive Tuesday to assLst Juilge M linger In the dispatch of th court business, occupying court rom No. L Th motion for a new trial In th Ai FYlElall 150.OJG daman ami an.ln.l I Root and 8am Smythe Is being argued' be. tun juail Aiunifer. , Th wuather bureau and Postomce depart, fnent will observe Morday, as a holiday. None of the paseni;rr elevators in the federal building will b running that day. Th United biatea court and offices will resume business Monday without reference to It being a holldry. aeveral oases are to be called la lit dmtriut court, and th SPADRA COAL OUR. ARKANSAS ANTHRACITE One of the PUREST and BEST hard con Is oil tbe market. It Is a free burning coal, Is easy to kindle, requiring less wood than other coals, and Is always sure to Ignite. It requires Icxs conl in the fire-pot, and less draft, und you can always depend on lis burning freely. It contains neither Hulphur or Iron, so will not melt and stick tn store llniut. Does SM per cent of the service of Pennsylvania Anthracite, aud sells for 20 to 80 per cent less. ' For elf-feed and front-feed base burners, grates, ranges and cook stoves It has no equal. For furnaces and arte heaters lit gives perfect satisfaction. Spadra Grate, price 8.50. It Izniteg Quickly, Burns Freely, Lasts Long, Has No Slate. No Clinkers, No Impurities. C. B. HAVENS CO., 2 19 S, 16th Street Tela. 317-825. Is L bl'l u yiyiii hi The New Location Opposite Auditorium FOR COAL and ICE Our business has outgrown our old quarters at 411 South Fifteenth Street, and we have moved to our new location at the corner of Fifteenth and Howard Streets, where we will be pleased to welcome you. The telephone will remain the same 455 and 373. c OUR ESCEST COAL : 3 WISH nil TO ALL rib m n nn r r w 111 ill! OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY mm Tiim BKL1ABLB STORE. OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY Our Great Annual Linen Sale BEGINS MONDAY, JANUARY 2. $50,000 worth of Table Damask. Napkins, Pattern Rpts, Pattern Cloths. Stand Covers, Lunch and Tray Cloths, Towels and Toweling at Sonsatloniilly Low Prices. $1.25 IRISH TABLE DAMASK All linen. h-ine. wide. ten patterns to select "T-ir. from, sale price, yard " $1.50 SATIN DAMASK Irish Table Linen, bH-lns. wide, 12 patterns to select nuc from sale price, yard 1200 double satin damask Irish Table Linen. 72-lns. wide, 1 ft r 2.50 silver sale price NAPKINS to match above 20x30 size per dos TSc OKKMAN TAIU.IS L1K.'N bleached (guaranteed), J) patterns .ItJc to select from, at, yard WAM ASK, pnra V Ins. wide, 10 pal. ' 75c $1.10 GERMAN TABLR linen, sliver bleached, 7: terns to select from at. vsrd $1 2fi OKRMAN TABLE DAMASK. KS-tn wide. 14 patterns to select from. $2:n' N"rKlNH.''bieached,''ji fifj linen, at. do HLEACHKD NAPKINS. C all linen, at. do Pattern und Hemstitched Table Cloths ntvl Napkins tn match th finest line whown Sum r'y.! 3.b5 to $25 Sheeting and Muslin Bargains M 4 iV Peperall J-4 Bleached 8heetln; 2lC Peperall 10-4 Bleached Sheeting 0'lr at Pepera.l It. Brown Sheeting 5jjC Lonsdale Muslin at, "7 If yard .' a Fruit of the Loom Muslin, yard i COc Keady-tn-use Sheets, 81x9o size, at ffcc Keady-to-uae Sheets, 81x90 size, at 6oc Huckaback Hemstitched Towels, 24x4j. each .' 15c Doub.e warp Turkish Towels, eucli 15o Plllo wide, at, yard. .74c 45c 50c 25c Casing, bleached, 42-tn. 1 1 r Ko 1'lllow Casing, bleached, 40-lns. 10r wide, at, yard lie English Long Cloth, Qn yard - -,w lbr Keady-to-us Pillow lllr" Slips ... Me Keadv-to-use Pillow Slip, Hn 1.e 4x.t6. at 1 iw K'C Keady-to-us Sheets, 72x90 size. flQc at. 10c 74c 19c Fancy Huck Towels, at 1 I luck Towels, 18xtti size Irtr"'8i..c Linen Finish Glass fia IC I Toweling UU Grand Clearance Sale Specials Our Invoice Is complete on the foUowing lines and Monday morning w place on sale several broken lines tl'nt we must cloy out eulckly. HAMiKLKCillKlS. 1 iLI.HW TOPS. LAl'M'K Y RAGS, COMBS AND BULSiU.S, LAI I ES MVKWKAH, HAND BAGS AND MANY OTHER ARTICLED AT RADICAL PRICE REDUCTIONS. Handkerchiefs at 4 k. Including pure linen Initialed fancy lac dice and embroidered, worm Hr :oc to l.')C. all go at jw IQ For pure linen embroidered hand l"v keiclilels, worth 25c and 3ic. $1.W Hand Bags, CXOn . 69c . 7Qc l;c 40c Handkerchiefs at 2 he. Son-"? slightly foiled, worth lOc-a full line o fancy initial and ail colored Oln l.oiuelK go at "I" HI--. For all i'tc and "'c scallojied em broldered handkerchlets. Lie Laundry liug.o, 12 Ac Soc Pillow Covers, 25c l'.c Hose SupporJers. 7ic 5c Ilose Supporters, IdC 50c Hose Supporters, at 25c Tooth Brushes, at 25c 9c nt. $1..V H,i ud Bags, at SL'.ihi Hand Bags, at 6oc Silk Belts, at 7Ec Hair Brushes, at 60c Hand Brushes, 25C - I nc T MILLINERY AT HAYDEN'S Enticing Bargains Kcnday h Oxtrlcli , PATTERN HATS. $1S, $15 yf AA vnlties divided Into two p ( f lots for Monday, nt $8.00 J" VELVET HATS, trimmed wlLh Ostrlcli plunit'H n nd oruuiueuls, if? and $S values at and $10 l una J. L. BRANDED SONS S irS'-i.-URRAY'S biOV; P. B. Murray's Market will be mov ed Jaji. 1st from 1403 Douglas St. to -the new building at 317 So.-16tb St. This market has always carried tbe choicest line of fresb and salted meats, and will open at tbeir new building with the, best possible , equipments and tbe most carefully selected stock in the city. Our. prices will interest you. Itemeniber the new building. ' . MURRAY'S MARKET 317 SCUTH '6TH 8TR LT has made a "hit," and if you haven't tried it yet, let us show you what it will do. A high grade coal at the right price. We solicit your patronage and hope to hear from you. SO. OMAHA ICE & COAL CO. 1 usual public buslnes will be transacted In th federal circuit and district clerk's offices. Peteraon ft Edqulst, and th former will be riven th contract by the Board of Pub lic work. STAMPED F0RTHE DIRECTION Post.; Put on I-ctter According; to Way It Wti to TrareL Carrier Metoalf of the Omaha postoffloe fore had a rather droll experience a few day ago with a patron on hi route In th residence district. A woman handed him a letter to null, th stamp being placed on th left hand upper corner. The oarrier suggested to her that ah should have placed th stamp on the right hand upper corner, for the convenience of handling In th canceling machine. Th woman nulvely replied: "Oh, I didn't know that, but then, you see, I put th stamp on this way as th letter I to go west." Marriage License. Th following marriage license wr lav sued up to noon December 31: Name and Residence. Age. John oaalavotaky, Uretna, Neb jja Minnie Tkchsdnitich. Gretna is Vincent Biancl.l, Omaha 21 Ami MriiiaUs. Oniuh George J one. Omaha & Lottie King, Oinalia '. 21 ltoicoe B. Morion, Waterloo, Neb fci Mary J. Taylor. Waterloo u U-K tteduiiig Rings. EdUoliu, Jewlr, Clly Frlatlag Contract. Th contract lor th city printing, sta tionary and lithographing has been awarded to the Klopp & barllutt company by the Advisory board, this Arm having submitted the lowest bids of six competing foi tb Work. For Dlxtrlct Hewer iol on Capitol avenue, from Thirtieth street to Twenty eighth avenue, John F. lalley submiiud a piioa of $taa.U against that of MI-MI by Lr. Werti, th popular dentist, who haa been located at 1618 Douglas street for th pat 18 years, ha removed his dental office to rooms 804-6-6 Paxton block, 16th and Farnam street. Attention, Tamp 120, M. W. A I Chrlsimaa and New Year entertainment will take place Monday evening, January 1, at Oermanla hall, 1818 Harney street. COMMITTER Did you ever eat Kopps Molaaa Sat' InettsT Try tham. 1303 Farnam. Hav Root print It. Balldlog Permits. Fred K. Bautln has secured permit from the city for four 11.5(0 frame dwellings at J4"3-8 North Twenty-fifth street, and Thomas Herd has secured a permit for a 2,600 frame dwelling at Thirty-third and Maroy streets. Holiday at l-lbrary. Th museum and reading room of th Jublie library only will be opsn Monday, anuary t, from I a. m. to I p. m. All other department will be closed. ! V II Hill l'KETTY STIJKET HATS, worth $2 and $3, at 9Sc and 25c CAPS of All Kinds, from $1.50 to 35c Phone i017 MISS BELLE KN0WLT0N, Mgr. MA YD IP IV! RRO s, EIQ TEAMS Almost Lest His Wife That is what a customer told us who sent home some other coal which was repre sented to be "just as good as'' our Economy Nut $6 Per Ton For 15 YEAKS we have conti oiled the tutut of this coal and all that time other inferior coals have been sold upon the claim that they wt re ''just as good''. Get the genuin eand Keep Your Wife Sundsrland Bros. Co. New Ofllc 1608 Harney. YELLO- 1 taken when yoo deposit your ear ing In th Omaha Loan & Building Association On dollar safely deposited I worth two In the band. Too truth of this la best known to those who bsv not cultivated the art of savlnw. Try the monthly or weekly plan of saving. We pay per cent dividend on savings aceonat. 1704 Farnam. Bee Building. O. W. Loomls. Pre. O. M. Nattinger, Sec psMiiaj. .MUiujTyiiiiMaij.iMiiuwnnnw I I El .. i! S HI! a i i hi HI FMrf BmUI ' -r EDITABLE Btonacyphsr prints. UU7 Howard. Tel. 1310 Oaa and electrlo table lamp mak ac repiabl Christinas presents. Nebraska Eiectilo Co., 13th and Harney. Men', boy', children' clothing, hat, ladles' suits, skirts, millinery, etc.; cash 01 credit. People's Store, 16ih and Farnam. DIKD. MENOEDOHT Henry J., December 29, 1MM, aged :'S yeaia. Fum i 1 nunday. January 1. 1906 at t p. m tiiip' the residence of his futher VrA 11.... i .1.1 KM . n .. . . . . - 1 . . , (Mul Uwn cemetery. JiYlend Invited. cSa 8U itu it., Oswaa. Nt. hffOUNDw WILL POSITIVELY CI KK Kidney and Liver DUease, Rheumatism, Sick Headache, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Ca tarrh, Indigestion. Neuralgia, Nervousness, DyspepHtu, Kyphllllio Diseases, Constipa tion. 1Z.26,60 people wer treated in 1103. All druggist. DR. McQRE W SPECIALIST. Treat all forms f DISEASES OF MEN tS Years' fc-soerleooe -lg t ears iu Uutetia A Med leal Its per whose reiuaraable eueeee has anM baea eacelled. Nearly 3J,wMJ Cases cured. VsrieMsle: B,drl.. ;kfcn,i"11,0!J Kimu rMhiliir. Ua al " Vluui. His Home ireaimept u BWBsn.iitli re feesMDd ( SUM ef areale ..rfuus. kir w Biwiaw sad Skis t MHI t tull east. tine sue duhlf bf ( crlulus tou, um orll. (ur Hg MOOg sue Iuh t iraetaxat. atei.iue erai la iwn Charga low Consultation Fre 0l H.urt i a. B. U . ! SuncU1. I i u p m en wrua. aas i . ARE YOU SATISFIED with the shoes you've been buying for your girls? The bu-le't department In our store I our misses' and children's. Only one ieaon the quality we are giving fog th money give perfect satisfaction. Our trade tncrtases every day on our misses' und children's plump kid and box calf rchool sho button or lac. Chllds' tiers. 8H to II, Sl.SJ. Misses' sizes. 114 to 2, VI . Women's slsea :tt to 6, 2 50. These lat with low beet. Drexol Slios Go. 1419 PARKA- STREET, Omaha's Op-ti-li:i Sbsi Hoass ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE H n I" hjrriiitnnwiii nnm BH bill. I IIUIHU rii.i.i H Orl.ln.I mmi VflT tlualu. 1 8OSw9oewe0e9s'wSSw Z mr w m nrv i v -a S Th yarn market Is very high and all yarns have advanced 35 per cent. A Notwithstanding the rise of wool we , are going to continue to sell th yarn at the old prices. j Our best uerman yarn, zoo Basin; best Saxony, 9o skein, 8 for 2Bo; 4 or 8-fold Gerrdajitown Zephyr, lOo a skein; plain large skein. 15o each; O domestic Saxony, 6c a ekeln. Th?s 9 are the old orlces and on should not 9 i" " a Dounu 10 go up. Hosiery, and Beads a usual. ! JOS. F. BILZ, 322 So. 16th St., Omaha. im WANT STYLE CHICMCCTCH-n eNSLISH bM. KlS VEKTRILODUIH. Vrm la irnti tfc. Sutm, MIb4 lot. K4in S..M Umm M, U4ad' ent ! WrltlRf, Blc. Wrll. taSsr. I'll Ull see how It's all .. temps. Dr. C. . Ui-Voll. (18 Wheeler Street. Fort Worth Txas. UJLPCTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTT!, D. V. S. CITY VICTEHIMARI;. Office and Inflrmary, nth and Mason 8 La OlUHi, NUat. Tslsphen M. ill kIB Vm W.I.I1U k wllk kiM rllik... 1 k. .lkw Baftae bamnna. Miik.Sl.yM. ul Ulta. St... S. f y.ur ftrau tat, tt mm4 4,le ubd. fcr, T.Hai..Uls M 'N.ll.r fur I..HIm,"h Uwr, bj n, Imrm kl.ll. li.m.o t ...iibu.i.1.. (yM .11 nrw,!.!.. t ' Ma rtlll.S. ti kQOAT LYMPH TREATMENT nninuia, Lbeneuiiini, rtlHT. Oar IM fOAf LTMPN TskLIl . rMltm of ! Lati rr.a... i 1. Coonnipans ial hunl oaafi THIS) Mat 0O4T1LIM kwafa. far rhS attiU. ftp. .Hi n.l bt.DralhiB or lra hvWrt toria. M S Mill, aoWpftld WrIM 0O4T1LIM old tT Bharman ft McConnell Drug Co. For Menstrual SupprejsIon.uw tSLTSSL PEIN -TAIN -GOT Ml la oauaa k SkaraM s A aloaa.ll lrg Co, ktatl arSara aiiaa. Inf MlM. U Ml I No man will buy shoes, even though they are easy. If ha has to hide them under ai chair everywhere he goes. Jt'a th look that count. IN ALL OUR SHOES No matter how you Intend to wear tbem you must be satisfied. Our shoe hav the style, fit and wear. Just now try patent colt or dull calf In laoa, button or blucher. S3.50-S4-S5 I FRY SHOE CQ I rirnillHI tf&D01l!iLAOi I I DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY TUTtHI-AHIAN. Office and Infirmary, 2ch ar.3 Maaca SLa, OUXUX. VSS. .almhooa Uk