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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1904)
n - f . PERSONAL DR. ROT. Chlrooody, R. 2 ft it, 1S05 Farnsm. U-lVi NlAllPlC I iV-Bmlth, 118 N. li. 2 fl. R. 1 U 0 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHON E 35.1" U 3 TRAPSES made and fitted to men, women and children. 140 Fnrrvim Bt. THE H. J. PEN KOLA) CO. LKTOVSKY'S orchestra. Telephone L2"'! u m ACCORDION and SUNBUKST PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS Send for l'r.. U; biiJ Hainpl-r. THb GOLDMAN PLbAl ING CO. 200 Douglas Block. Id. 196 c 3r;o fENNELL Mllllnerr Co.. ntw location, 111 Bo. 16th St.. opposite old postonVe. U MIKU N2S TUB, vapor and alcohol bath. 7i) S. 1. th. U-2 DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we teat eye free for (liases and guarantee satisfaction. . THE 11. J. PENFOLD CO.. Leading Opticians, 1108 Farnam. - L-2T13 DRAWING and PAINTING from life. Mr. Una a Art Claim; atudlo 4, Union blork, ' ntn and Firnam. U 21 HhlLBRONN SANITARIUM, SOUTH OMAHA, NliB. Magnesia Mineral Water for rheumatism, blood diseases, constipation, kidney dis ease, etc. Saline and Turkish bath. Ad dress 11. J. Aberiy. Medical Director. m I;' 335 LARSON A JOHNSON, cut rate to all point. 1404 Farnam. Tel. Bali. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. m U-337 COOK wanta special work for parties or families out ot help; lirst-class city refer ences. 3413 Jackson; 'phone U-lzs.i. L'-Ailtt N28 USE lilanchard'a Enema Lotion on skin diseases. All drugglste. or address Bruce Ac Co., wholesale drug house, Omahu. - U Mju3 N19X ART BT LDIO Mrs. Livingston, 318 N. :3d at U MM N22 'PHONE 701 and a mar. will call and tune your piano: $2. Pertleld Piano Co., liiil Far nam. u 36s Wanted The Deaf to Hear Free tens of instrument for the deaf. Hutchison Acoutrtlo Co., olS N. L. H!dx. UOJi Nio NURSES' COLLEGE. Pueblo, Colo.; foutlh year; unequalled; diplomat; misHage taught: open Deo. 1. U MUM NJTx THEATRICAL maaq. costumes. Llcben, H10-1J Howard. U Mu.a THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing, In fait anything you do not need; io collect, repair and sell for cost of col li ctlng to the worthy poor. Cull 'phono 4-aS and wagon will cull. U 611 "VIAVl." way to hcnltli. 360 Bee Bldg. U-301 PIANIST (gentleman) for dancing classea, clulis; populul' music; goud time. E 56, lie 4. U M678 8x ADDRESS wanted of Charles or Florence Norton, who lived In Kansas City about m. Ooorge Law, N. Y. Life bldg.. Kan sas City. U A1677 7x AST person giving evidence or Informa tion to me, the undersigned, leading to the discovery of the present where abouts or date and place of death of William Dawson, the younger, cattle deuler, who left Winterton, In the county of Lincoln, England, In or about the year 1KX3, will be rewarded. J. Wilton Andrews, solicitor, Dorcaster and Scun thorpe, England. U M623 &x NOTICE We are selling all sewing machines for storage charges. There are In good con dition. Expressmen's Delivery Co., 214 N. 16th. U-630 7 PIANOS 'SOLD AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES Wo need the room for holiday stock and in prjer to move 100 new and slightly used urauu square ami uprigm pianos quickly we quot the following prices: S square pianos, good makes.. s.$u, $20, Vow square, round corners $ fi Kngilsti upright, wulnut case 6 Ebony, good condition 75 1 K Initial, ebony case loo 1 Chlckering, rosewood case ta Singer upright, Jarge sise, oak lift New sample piano, worth 1360, only, lso Uf0 Gramer piano,' used but a short tltno , no Hon Bteger upright, slightly used. T3& WW Emerson, returned from rent &) oOO Bteger upright, concert siie, only., as Krunli-rr & Bach Grand, ebony case.... 3u0 Kimball Baby Grand, oak case 360 Knabe Concert Grand, big bargain. 4 eastern made sample pianos, worth double the money.. 16j, 1185, $206, $ The above bargains will be sold on terms of $10 cash and $5 per month. CREDIT freely given to everybody. Write i. for catalogues and bargain list or pay us a visit of inspection. New pianos for rant, $3, $4 and $5 per month. Six months' rent allowed If purchased. , Expert piano mov ing. Schmoller & Mueller, The Big Plnno House (4 stores and 1 fac tory), 1311 Farnam St. Tel. 1625. ' U-629 4 OMAHA party' wants to get good quail hooting in Nebraska will pay expense of person owning flrat-class bird dug who will show him same. Give full particu lar. Addresa E 53, Omaha. Bee. , - U-C38 6 WANTED, Information as to the where abouts of next kin of Alice Hall, or Sirs. W. H. Had. recently residing at 2tVj Went 37 1 h at.. New York City. Brownell ft Tllden, . attorneys, Hudson, N. Y. U-Mtt2 Sx WILL the lndy who. on Wednesday, about t p. m. took Farnam car at 16th and Farnum grant an acquaintance to the gentleman sitting next to her) mention sum Incident. U 64, Bee. . U MtUl Sx OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Rarngs Bik. U-3W OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 014 N Y. Life bldg. Tel.HMl MRS. JOHN R. MUS1CK. Osteopathy Phy sician; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2823. 367 DR. FAHWfJ.L, specialty nervous disease. 604 Paxtn:. . 358 Huntington & Btratton, 833 N. V. Life. tm N4x PRINTING LYN08 TAD RL'FFNEK. PRINTPRi Crounse Block, Corner of I llli I CI0 istd m. and Capitol Ave. 374 KRAMER St CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS, 1106-O8 Douglas St. To de liver work when promised Is our hobby. , -375 J. M. 8IRPLE88, reliable printer; estab lished U years. 208 8. 13th St., Omaha. , -X77 '4 FLORISTS HESS a- BWOBODA. 141S Farnam. -43T -HA EDERER Reasonable. Bristol, Tel. 17a6 30th and !-M82S U. HENDERSON, Farnam. Send fof price list of cut flowers and plants -43J ALFRED XNAQllfK, JR . 1607 FarnaTn. TejLJ.lW. 4;J DRESSMAKING WE do everything In nrst-claas, np-to-dat dressmaking. For one week only we lll mihk sireei euus ai a.uu. Mrs. M. K. ClHrveau, 618 Bu. . 20th. Tel. FI7K7. M-441 1 Mill V. WOX. 4reesmsklng. 17 8. lt.o Ht. SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES VESTED CHAPTER, No. ORDER EASTERN 8TA R Regular meeting t"i urday. Nnvrmlier I, at 7:30 p. m. Visit ors welcome. Winifred Wall.ire. Secretin-- BUSINESS CHANCES AHTIOTT-COWAN CO.. lt Nat. Ilk. bldg., canjietouln or out of bueinear. Y 3sl BHOLES-ARMSTRONOCoTtzTn. Y. Life. Tel. 48. Y 3SJ tOK SALE Bakery and vonreetlonery In . a good town, luu miles from Omaha, clearlrg $Ju per mouth; owner has other business to look alter. Addrera E, 42, care Dally Bee. , Y Miii 7 WHEIs you wan to buy. sell or exchange your property or business quick, eec J. H. Johnson, 813 N. V. Life. 'Phone LJ270. Y-3X3 DRL'O Stores-Kniest, R. P., N. Y. L. Bldg. Y 384 PHYSICIANS located. Knlest, N. Y. L. Y-M3S5 STOCKS bought and sold4, confidential. Address KM. Bee. Y 491 6x WILL Invest $3,000, legitimate, proposition; give otter. Aiidrees E 43 Bee. Y-M561 8x NEW Arkaniws Oil Field. O. M. Bailey. Missouri Pacific immigration agent. Little Rock, Ark., can get you an oil lease, trifling expense. Fortunes from future sale leases. Y 670 Jl . A SNAP. Best paying saloon in Omaha, clearing $400 to $.Vo per month. Breweries have noth ing to do with this. For sale, and a bargain. MAINS-CASE CO., 634-35 Paxton Block. Y-684 FOR SALE A clean stock of general mer chandise, $9,no, with established business in live town of 7,564 in central eastern Ne braska. Address owner, P. O. box 637, Co. Bluffs. Y 590 14 DESIRABLE general loan, real estate, fire Insurance nnd rental business In Nebraska for sale. A splendid opportunity. Address Box 678, Ashland, Neb. Y' MtWo 8x I WANT FARMS. HOMES, BU8INE3S! Patents, Mills, Mires, Oil or other prop erty to sell; always save you money; bank references. STEPHENS. Co-operative Dealer, Muncle, Ind. Y Mtftit 6x FOR BALE Stock of dry goods and groceries; Invoice $2.20); established trade tnd best of location. Address Hox 418, r.lalr, Neb. Y M6 '1 5x LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. V. MOREARTY, Attorney, 437 Paxton. Tel. A2C39. , 434 JOHN M. MACFARLAND. Now York Life bldg., rooms 304 and 319. Tel. 1552. -438 COLLECTIONS promptly reported. 514-5 Paxton block. 436 LOST. LOST, dlnmond ring. P. wart for rtimi to 934 N. Z4th St. M073 X P0ST0FFICE NOTICE (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending No vember 5, 1904, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the General Poslofflco as fol lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post mails for Germany close at S p. m. November 7. Regular and Supplementary mnlls . close at Foreign Station (corner of West and Morton Streets) half hour later than clos ing time shown below, (except that Supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY (5) At C a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for Liverpool, Scotland 1 and Ireland must be directed "per a. s, Philadelphia"); at 8:S0 a. m. (supplement ary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Campania, via Queenstown and Liver pool; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Zeeland (mall must be directed 'per s. s. Keeland"); at 8:30 a. m. for "ITALY direct, per s. a. Necknr (mall must be directed "per s. s. Neckar"); at J2:?J) p. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Astoria (mall must be directed "per a. a. Astoria"). Sialic for Booth and Central Amerlon, West Indies, Ftc. V SATURDAY (5 At S a. m for BER MUDA, per s. s. Trinidad: at 8:30 a m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Mara caibo (mall for Colombia, via Curacao, must be directed "per s. s. Mnracalbo"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RTCO, per s. n. Ponce, via Ban Juan; at 9 a. m for BRAZIL, per s. s. Byron, via Pernnm buco, Bahiu, Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for northern Brazil, Argentine, Ur- , uguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. s. Byron"); at 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.). for FORTUNE IS LAND, JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, ex cept Magdalena Dep't, per a. s. Biblrla (mall for Costa Rica, via Llraon, must be ' directed "per a. a. Siblrla");- at 10 a. m. for CUBA, par a. s. Mexico, via Havana: at 12 r. tor NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. a. Gregory, via Para; Maranham and Ceara, , , . , NOTICE) Five cents per tialf ounce in ad dition to the regular postage, must be prepaid on nil letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited in the drops marked "Letters for Foreign Countries," after the CLOS INO OF THE REGULAR MAIL, for . dispatch by a particular vessel, will not be so forwarded unless such additional postage is fully prepaid thereon by stamps. Supplementary tranant'antia malls are also opened on the piers of the AMERICAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH .steamer, whenever the sail ings occur at 9 a. m. or later; and late mall may be deposited in the mail boxes on the piers of the German lines sailing from Hoboken. The mnlls on the piers open one hour and a half before sailing time, and close ten minutes before Ball ing time. Only regular postage (letters 6 cents a half ounce) is required on ar ticles mailod on the piers of the Amerl can, White Star and German (Sea Post) steamers; double postage (letters 10 cents a half ounce) on other line. Mall Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ux eept Transpacific. CUBA Via Port TUmp. Florida, closes at this office - daily,, except Thursday, at 15:30 a. m. Hhe connecting mails close here on .Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat urdays;. MEXICO CITY-Overland. unless specially addressed for desputch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m- and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 P. m. and 10:3" p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (exoept Parcela-Post Malls) By rail to North Sydney, , and thence by steamer, closes at this offloe dally at .S0 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thenoe by steamer, closes at this office at :30 P m. Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia, and thence by steamer, closes at this offlce at 10:30 p. m. Wednesday MJWUELON-By roll to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this ofllc daily at 6:,i0 p. m. BRITISH HONDURAS, HONDURAS (eaat Coast) and GUATEMALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this otllce dally, except Sun day, at l:t d. m. and ifl:30 p. m., Bun days at 11 p. m. and jpcao p. m. (con- rTi'." ,l clo here Mondays at 110:30 p. m.). COSTA RICA-By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this ' ! 2 ? P' m- Bl"" at 1:00 p. m Z".. "i.' .'r""1" mioses NICARAGUA (East Coaat)--By rail to New i7i ic-Miie, " .. "' "leanier, closes at this offlce dally, except Sunday at a, ,A . .. .. HAM .. ... n . ' ' u a 1:U p. m. and10:0 p. m. (connecting Registered mall closes at 6:00 p, m. pre vious day. TranspaeiBo Malls, Forwarded Over. janai mur, The schedule of closing of Transpacific their uninterrupted overland tronslt t port of sailing. The final connecting mails (except registered Transpacific mulls which close :) p. m. previous dayf close at the general poslofMce, New York, as foi.iws: HAWAII, JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and 111 11 I lr. IDLfAni'O.' l bum null' t .. .. . . 1 . j. a ii m Kuvember 4 for de- spstch per s. s. Dorl.-. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except wreir. 1 ii- v . 1 ..j.. . - . - ' ' HAWAII aid specially addressed inall 4or the FIJI - IBUANL3, via Bbo Fran- cioae at p. ui. nywinuw THE OMAIIA POSTOFFICE NOTICE despatch per s. . Blerra. (If th Cunard steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with this despatch, extra malis clcslng at 6:3' a. rn... 8:3a a. m. and i p. ni.; Sundays at 4" a. m., 9 a. m. and a p. m. will be made up and rorwarded until the arrival of the Cunurd steamer). FIJI ISINL'S, rllso specially addressed mnll for AUSTRALIA and NEW CALE DONIA, la Vancouver and Victoria, B. C-, close at ( p. m. November i for de spatch per s. s. Mlowera. HAWAII, JAPAN, COREA. CHINA and specially addressed mnll for the FHIL lI'PINfc) ISLANDS, vin San Franrlsco, close at 6 p. m. November 10 for despatch per s. s. Manchura. JAPAN, COREA. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at 6 p. m. November 12 for despatch per s. si. Tremont. HAWAII, vln San Francisco, close at p. rn. November 14 for despatch per s. s. Alameda. JAPAN, COREA. CHINA and sneclallv addressed mall for PHILIPPINE -ISLANDS, via Tacomn, close at 6 p. m. November IS for despatch per s. s. Deu calion, v. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 8 p. m. Novem ber 20 for despatch per s. s. Mariposa. JAPAN (except parcels-post mnllsi, CO REA, CHINA and specially addressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close at 6 p. m. November 22 for despatch per a. a. Empress of China. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS nnd GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. Novem ber 26 for despatch per I.. 8. Transport. MANCHURIA (except New Chwang) and EASTERN SIBERIA is at present for warded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand-via San Francisco, and certain plnces In the Chinese Province of Yun nnn. via British India the quickest rontes. Philippines specially addressed "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the forelpn rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. E. M. MORGAN, Assistant Postmaster. Post Office. New York. N. Y Oct. 2S. 1!X14. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, iyds will be received until 4 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, November J6, llt04, at the of fice of the undersigned in Lincoln, Ne braska, room lul ot the central building, state university grounds, for the construc tion of an administration bulldiiiv fur said university upon Its grounds in lincoln, ac cording to plans and specifications on tile In th oltice of the superintendent of con struction, room 112 .in said central building. Bldora must consult the superintendent before preparing and filing bids, upon nil mutters which may apptur to their, uncer tain in either plans or -forms cf contract and bond on die with the superintendent. They must also personally inspect the uni versity campus nnd the building site there on selected. Bids must conform strictly to the plans and specillcationa und to the requirements of this notice. Bidders must be prepared to furnish commercial rating.) or satisfactory references upon their finan cial standing, if the same, be required by the university authorities. Each bid must be accompanied by a certllled check on some Lincoln bank, puyable to the Uni versity of Nebraska unconditionally, for the sum of $600. The check of the auccess ful bidder, in case of an award, will be held as n guaranty for furnUhlng to the superintendent schedules of materials with quantities and prices, signing the building contract In form as proposed and furnish ing security company bond In a sum equal to one-third of tho contract price of the building. Both the security company of fered und the form of bond must bo satis factory to the Board of Regents or its building committee. In case the successful bidder falls within two weeks from the date of the award to file said -schedules, falls to furnish and file bonds as required or to enter Into contract at the amount of his bid the check deposited by him will be forfeited to the university as liquidated damages without further proceedings or notice. The check of the bidder whose bid is second best, In the judgment of the. Board of Regents or its building committee, will also he held pending the negotiations for the closing of a contract with the first best bidder, or until it is determined whether the second best bid will be taken up or reblddlng called for. All bids must bear the residence or business address of the bidder, must be signed, sealed up, ad dressed to the undersigned, and be plainly marked on the outside with the bidder' name and the words "Administration build ing bid." The bids will be opened and in spected as soon after the dato above set for filing the same as the Board of Regents or Its building committee can bo con veniently assembled. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Address the undersigned at room 101, central building. Stnte university, Lincoln Nebraska. Sta tion A. J. S. DALES. Secretary. Nov. 6-12-19. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Fort Des Moins, la., Oct. 24. 1904. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 ft. m., standard time, November 8. 1904, for storm sash for five 'public buildings at Fort Des Moines. In. 'information furnished on application. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all "bids or porta thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Storm Sash," addressed Cnntnln L. Hardeman, Q. M. 024-25-26-27 N5-7 RAILWAY TIME CARD l.MON STATIOX TEXTH AINU MARCY Chicago, Rook Island Pacific. EAST. Lenve. Arrive. rhlenirn Ilnvlleht Ltd ..a 3:35 O Chicago Daylight Local. b 7:00 am A 9:35 pm Chicago express oii:"i p:T a o io pm Des Molnej Express a 4:30 pm bll:50 nm Chicago Fast Express. ..a 6:40 pm a 1:20 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd.. ..a 7:20 am a 3:50 pm Lincoln, Denver & west. a 1:30 pm a 6:16 pm Oklahoma and Tex. Ex.. a 6:J5 pm all :55 am Fast Chicago a 6:50 pm 7:30 am Chicago Great Western. Bt. P. & Minn. Ltd a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am Bt. P. & Minn. Ex a 7:35 am a 8:25 pin Chicago Limited a 4:50 prn a!0:30 am Chicago Express a 4:30 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Sorlhnsntotr. Ixical Chicago nll:30 am Mail '. a 8:10 pm 8:30 am Daylight St. Paul a 7:6) am ' 10:00 pm Daylight Chicago a 7:10 am 11:60 pm Limited Chicago a 8:25 pm 3:16 am Ixjcal Corroll a 4:00 pm 9:30 am Fast St. Paul a 8:15 pm 7:05 am Local Sioux C, & St. P.b 4:00 pin a :30 am Fast Mall a 9:30 am Chicago Express i.. a 8:45 pm Norfulk & Bonesteel n 7:40 am 10:8.i am Lincoln & IJng Plnev..b 7:40 am 10:35 am Deudwood lJncoln....a 2:60 pin 6:15 pm Casper & Wyoming d 2:50 pm e 5:15 pm Hastings-Albion b 2:50 pm 5:16 pm Wabash. New World's Fair ....a 7:15 am a 9:00 pm Local from C. Bluffs.. a 9:16 am a 8:00 pm Bt. L. Cannon Ball Ex. .a 6:30 pm a 8:20 am Mlaaoart Pacific. Bt. Louts Express al0:45 am a 6:30 pm K. C. & Bt L. Ex all:45 pm a 7:00 pm World's Fair Special. ..a 6:30 pm all :50 pm l'nlon Pacific. The Overland Limited.. 9:40 am a 8:06 pm Colo. & Cala. Ex a 4:14 pm a 6:40 am Chicago-Portland Sp'L.a 4:20 pm Eastern Express . a 5:30 pm Columbus Local b 6:00 pm i 9:35 am Colorado Special a 7:45 am Chicago Special a 6:60 am Beatrice Local b 3:50 pm b 1:15 pm Fast Mall a 8:60 am 1:20 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:25 am al0:36 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:'i6 am Minn. & Bt. Pudl Ex...b 7:2. am bl0:36 pm Minn. & Bt. Paul, Ltd.. a 7:50 pm a 8:06 pm Chlraaro, Milwaukee A St. Panl. Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:55 am all:00 pm California-Oregon Ex. ..a 5:45 pm a 8:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:20 pm . a 7:35 ate Des. M. Okobojl Ex. .a 4:55 am a 1:10 pm IU HLIKGTOS BTATIOS 14TH MASOX Burlington Jk Mlaaoa rl River. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln Nebraska Exprecs Denver Limited ........ R Hills A Puaet B Ex, .a 8:50 am bl!:01 pm .a 8:5a um a 7-4o nm 4 111 nm a 6: -'6 am a 6:0j pm a 3:30 pm al2:03 pm 10:33 am a 8:26 am ,all:10 pm Colo. Vestlbuled Flyer,, Lincoln Fast Mall Ft. Crook Plattsm th b 2:67 pm b 2:53 pm .a 7:50 pm m 'tit n ... Bellevue & Pao. June. Bellevue k Pac. June. Kanaaa City, St. Jo ft Counell Bluffs. ,a 1:15 am a 8:05 pm a 6:25 pm all 06 am Kansas City Duy Ex.... St. Louis Flyer.. Kunsus City Night r.x.. .al0:45 pm a 6.46 am A Qnlnry. .a 8 05 pm a 7:40 pm ,a 7:00 am a pm ,a 4:') pm a 7:25 am .a 9:15 am all. 00 pm 2:45 pin Chicago, BnrllBHton Chicago IJmited Chlcaico Rneclal Chicuo Vestlbuled Ex. Chicago Local vast Mali W EBSTER DEPOT lSTH W EBSTEU Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Locul via ' Weeoina Water h nm a12'33 rim f'lilraa-o,- St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Tuln Pllw P.. a.. , r W M k fl-lA nm - j m r. . ..... w iri khi v v i 1 ,' ' Sioux City Paaxiiger....a 2:00 pm all 80 ain wimi inii jvocui D D pm D I" am w Dairy: t Dally except Sunday, d Dally citpt Saturday. Dully eaoct Monday. DAILY BEE: BATCRDAY. COUNCIL AVESl'E 6 SCHOOL IS READY Board of Education to Formilly Inspect tha Work Today. RECITATIONS TO BEGIN THERE MONDAY On Evening of thrt Day Dedicatory Exercises Are to Be (ondocted and Lsrae Attendance Is Anticipated. A special meeting of the Board of Educa. tlon will be held this afternoon to inspect tho Avenue B school building, which has been remodeled nnd an addition built to It at a cost exceeding $20,000. If it Is found that Contractor Wlckhnm ha fulfilled his part of the contract the building will bo accepted by the board. The building, which now contains twelve rooms, eleven of. which will bo occupied from the start, will open Monday morning. The pupils, who since the opening of the school year In September, have been at tending the Becond Avenue school for a half day each day, marched at the close of school Thursday afternoon from the Becond avenue building to the Avenue B school and assembled in the different clus rooms according to the grades to which they be long. After the children were assigned their desks and had deposited their books they were dismissed until Monday morning. Tho Avenue B school will accommodate about 700 pupils and will have all the grades up to high school, thus obviating the ne cessity of advanced pupils residing In the western part of the city having, as in years past, to attend the Bloomer nnd Washing ton Avenue schools, where the higher grades were taught. The public opening of the Avenue B school will be held Monday evening with appropriate cxercles, when a large attend ance of patrons of the school and residents of the western part of the city Is looked for. This is the program arranged for the occasion: 1 Music. "Our Country. Great und Glorl oua," (Schumann), chorus of Avenue B children; direction oi Miss J,ucue rorter Held stinervlnnr of music. Prayer, Rev. Lewis Ripley, pastor of Ep worth Methodist church. v. "The Bchool Board," J. P. Hess, president of the board. Presentation of the new building, George W. Uormnn nnd w. J. Davenport, memoers of the bulidinas and grounds committee. Response, committee representing west end citizens, speakers: x. ixvett, w. c Bover. W. M. Hendricks. G. SV. Skinner. "The Outlook," W. N. Clifford, superin tendent of schools. Vocal solo, selected. Miss Porterfleld. "Council Bluffs, Past und Present," State Senator C. O. Saunders. "Our Schools," Emmet Tinier, member of the board. Music, "Daffodils" (E. Hermes), ehorus of Avenue B children. Benediction. Rev. H. W. Starr, rector Bt. Paula Episcopal church. Insane Matt Taken from Train. A man whose name ,1s believed to . bo Anton Bremers was taken off an incoming Illinois Central passenger train yesterday morning at the locul depot by the police and turned over to the county authorities. He was in a mentally deranged condition and he was taken to St. Bernard's hospital. His case will be Investigated by the csm- mlssioners. this morning. The man is a German emigrant and a ticket in his possession indicated that he left Oldenburg, Germany, on October 22 and was on his way to Kencsaw, Neb. The ticket, however, was made out In the name of Augusta Timmer or Timme, whom tho man claimed was his sister. Bremers, who told the sisters at the hospital that this waa his name, said his sister waa traveling with him, and It Is supposed that they got their tickets mixed and that the sister con tlnued her journey with her brother's ticket, while he retained hers. Bremers could not speak English and owing to his condition but little could be learned from him. Bremer's condition Is said to be serious and Dr. Barstow of the Board of Commissioners on Insanity, who examined him yesterday, stated It was doubtful if he would recorer. When taken from the train Bremers offered a violent resistance to the officers. The authorities mod an effort to reach the sister at Kenesuw, but up to late last evening nothing had been heard from her. Reaister Today. Today In the last day of registration for the election next Tuesday. Everyone must register this year, as previous registration will not suffice. Those who failed to regis ter last week and do not get their names on the lists today will not be able to cast a ballot next Tuesday. JThe places of registration in the differ ent city preclnctB are as follows: First Ward First precinct, Victor Jen nings' barn. East Broadway; Becond pre cinct, 217 Eaat Broadway. Second Waid First precinct, city build ing, Bryant street; Becond precinct, Lu chow's cigar store, 74ti West Broadway. Third Ward First precinct, Marten's hotel, South Main street; Second precinct, 921 South Main street. Fourth Ward First precinct, 602 South Main street; Second precinct, Kelley house, 1212 South Main street. Fifth Ward First precinct, county build ing, corner of Fifth avenue and Twelfth street; Second precinct, county building, 1611 South Thirteenth Btreet. Sixth Ward Firat precinct, county build Inn, corner of Twenty-fourth street and Avenue B; Second, precinct, building corner of Fifth and Locust streets. Congressman Hepburn In City. Congressman William P. Hepburn, ac companied by Mrs. Hepburn, spent Thurs day night In Council Bluffs at the Grand hotel. He was enroute to his home in Clarlnda from Minneapolis, where he had been assisting Congressman Fletcher In his campaign. Congressman Hepburn delivered two addresses at Minneapolis. The apparent apathy In tha present cam paign, Mr. Hepburn said, waa not due to lack of Interest on the part of the voters, but waa due to the fact, that the people are prosperous and satisfied with existing condition. "A noisy campaign Is what can be looked for when the people are dis satisfied and are anxious for a change," he said. Last Day ot I.effert's BOe Parcel Sale, Today Is your last chance to purchase a C0-cent package at Leffert'a 60 cents a par cel aale. There are only a few packages left. Avail yourself of" this opportunity. The beautiful $26 diamond ring la still un drawn and some one must get It. It may be you. Bo do not miss, this chanco. There are still several other prises In the lot that are wdrth $6 and tlT Remember, Lef fert guarantees every package to be worth 60 cents or more. Two Deaths from Diphtheria. Diphtheria has claimed two more victims In Council Bluffs, making a total of four deaths among the children of the city since the outbreak of the disease a few weeks ago. Eldrn, a 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Btelnkopf, 1017 High street, died at an early -hour yesterday morning from the 1 i'-'- - - - 1 THE TRAVELERS TIME-SAVER Only Railway Guide to NEBRASKA, IOWA, SOUTH DHK0TH AfVO ADIOlhINQ STATES. 25c a Cdpv. $1.50 a Ytir. All Miwiittltrt. Publl$M by TRA VUEKS' QUID I CO., SOI Bt tti't. Omaha. NOVEMBER 5, 1904. BLUFFS. disease, after an Illness ot four dayt. The funeral, which waa private, was held yes terday afternoon from the family residence and burial wai In Walnut Hill cemetery. Willie, the 15-year-old son of Mr. find Mrs. John Snmuelson, S15 Commercial street, died yesterday ' morning from the same disease, after an Illness of less than two weeks. The funeral, which will be private, will be held this morning, at 10 o'clock from the family residence. Rev, l.emen's Estate Small. H. R. Lenien was yesterday appointed administrator of the estate of his father. Rev. J. G. Lemen, founder and 'manager of the Christian Home orphanage, whoso death occurred last week. Mr. Lemen was only required to give a bond In the sum of $.n0, as the personal property of his father waa stated to be valued at $150.only. Letters of administration were necessary In order that Mr. Lemen act as official head of the Institution. It is understood that the trustees of the Home will select Mr. Lemen to continue the management of the Institution, In which he was closely associated with his father for a number of years. Tito Fires In Same Hnlldlnar. Fires of slight consequence gave the de partment two runs to the Metropolitan hotel on Broadway last evening. At 6:30 o'clock fire was discovered in the roof. It had evidently started from a spark from one of the chimneys and was extinguished after a small hole had been burned In the roof. At 9 o'clock the department re sponded to. the second call, fire having started In a closet off a bedroom on the second floor. The blaxe was fortunately confined to the closet, and outside of tho clothing destroyed little damage was done. Landlord Goodrich was at a loss to ascribe a cause for the second Are. N. T. Plumbing Cp. Tcv. --a. Night. F667. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to Tho Bee November 4 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Mary Walsh to Thomas Welch, lot 13, block 7, McMahon. Cooper & Jeffen's add., s. w. d $ 1 Same to Edward Welch, lot 14, block 7, McMahon, Cooper & JefTeris' add., s. w. d J Effle M. Whltelnw and husband to Sherman 8. Elliott, lot 10, block 10, Bayllss' 1st add., w. d 4,250 Alma A. Cheney et nl to Anna E. Cook, eH.sei awi 38-75-88, q. c. d.... 1 Louise Jepsen to Hans P. Hansen, part sw'i rieV4 and part nwW stW 16-75-43. W. d... :. .... 4,000 Five transfers, total '. $1,255 Plumbing and Heating. Blxby & Son. Verdict for Libel. When Judge Scott of the superior court opened yesterday morning tho sealed ver dict returned by the Jury late Thursday night In the libel suit of Mrs. Florence Harrlman against the New Noapsrell com. puny it was found to be In favor 6f the plaintiff for $900.45. Mrs. Harrlman aued for $12,000 for an alleged libelous publica tion. How the Jury came to figure out the odd 45 cents could not be loarned. It Is understood that the case will be taken up on appeal. Rooms and cafe. Ogdt-n noteL MINOR MENTION. ' ' Davis sells drugs. Leffert'a glasses fit Btockert soils carpe's, Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Pearl t. Night school at Western Iowa college. Duncan sells tha best school shoes. Duncan does the beat repairing, 23 Main st For rent, modern house 723 Sixth Avenue. New Picture mouldings. C. E. Alexander, 333 Broadway. C. M. Harl Is home from a trip to Akron, O., and Chicago. Pleasing designs in wall pap'er work guaranteed. Borwlck, 211 S. Main. Now is the time to enter the Western Iowa college. New clusses again Monday. Missouri oak dry cordwood Jo cord, deliv ered. Wm. Welch, 16 N. Main st. Tel. 128. A marriage license was issued yesterday to Peter W. I. Hanaon,agcd 13, of Weston, la., and Augusta J. Omuii, aged It), of Neolu, la. The First street foot ball team defeated the Oakland avenue eleven yetflerday after noon in a hotly conteated game by a score ot 16 to 10. The West End Improvement club at its meeting Thursday night adopted resolu tions of regret over tho death of Rev. J. G. Lemen of tne Christian Home. J. C. Kelly, foreman of the county bridge gang, Is suffering from a fractured arm, the result of a tall from a wagon bridge near Gilllat, la., Thursday afternoon. Rev. A. B. Shrader ot the Lutheran col lege at Carthage, 111., is the guest of Rev. G. W. Bnyder und family and will preach Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:3o p. m. in Bt. John a English Lutheran church. H. H. Seerley,' president of the State Nor mal college at Cedar Falls, spent Thursday night in Council Bluffs enroute to attend the meeting of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers' association at Red Oak. George E. Johnson, cashier for the North western railroad at Missouri Valley, has filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy in the federul court here. His liabilities, which are scheduled at $776, were contracted in Las Vegas, N. M., In 1(92. The 5-yeur-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M linger, 11:7 Kldge street, was re ported to the Board of Health yesterday as nufferlng from smallpox. A member of the family of O. C. Arnold, 724 Mudlson avenue, waa reported to be 111 with diphtheria. William B. Mayes of Bnyder. Neb., and Miss Catherine Jess of Plattsmouth, Neb., were married Thursday evening In this city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hyatt, 3u9 North Eighth street, Rev. F. A. Case, pastor of- the First Baptist church, officiating. Justice Ouren has set Monday for hear ing the attachment suits brought by the members of "The Russian Spy" company against Miss Camille Dagmur, the star, and others. Manager Clark and several members of the stranded company are still in the city awaiting transportation. T. J. Sullivan of Hartford. Conn.', general president ot tne Motet ana Restaurant Em ployes' International Alliance and Bar tenders' International League of America, was In the city lust evening for a short while between trains. Mr. Sullivan Is on his way to the Paciflo roast and while In the city called on several members of the two organizations of which he is the head. Frbm here Mr. Sullivan went to Lincoln, Neb. The pupils of the public schools enjoyed a holiday yesterday, as practically all ot the teachers were. at Red Oak In attend ance at the annual meeting of the South western Iowa Teachers' association. Super intendent Clifford, Principal Ensign and the faculty of the high school, as well as many of the grade teachers, went Thursday night, while the remainder left yesterday morning qn the early train. They will re turn today. Far Rant. Desk room for rent. Be office, 10 Pearl atreet. PAY NO HIGHER SALARIES Typographical Talon Places Seal Of Approval on All But On Proposition. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 4-AU of tha prop ositions voted by the members, of tre In ternational Typographical union have car ried, with tho exception of the cm that provided for an Increase In the salailea of the international p e Ident and Inerni- tional secretary-treasuie.'. Th counting of the referendum was a follows! To harmonise the Interna Imal constitu tion and general luws, 19.9:4 fcr ard 4.618 againt; to incrrnre the salaries cf the in ternational president and secretary-t'eas-urer, 9.436 for and 15,875 against) to a low unions distant from headquarters mors time to make report, 88.257 for and 1,427 aga ni-ll to mike moie effective the law re garding failure of locals to flic repoits aol obey laws and legal mandates,, 23,484 for and 2,154 agulmrt; to require that all ap- Royal Gash Grocery & Moat Market 640 Broadway LEAF I.ARD, II pounds 1.00 SALT PORK, 55r 4 pounds aiJW HAMS. No. 1, per pound CHICKENS, pound 64c 10c PORK CHOPS. Qr nnund PORK 8AUSAGE. pound EGGS. Per Dog 7c CROCERf SUGAR, Best Granulated Cane, 20 Ihs .1.00 3c 1.45 t'NEEDA BISCUIT, Per Pkg... FLOUR, all our High Grade Patents, sack.... Orderev Promptly Delivered to All Parts of the City Central Grocery 600692 Broadway We Will Sell Meats at the Following Low Prices: Pork Loins, lb 7c Hams, No. 1, lb. ; 6c Breakfast llacon, lb., 101c Triiiie Kib Itoast, lb 5c Best Pot lioast. lb 5c Hirloin Steak, lb 7c i'orterhoiiHe Steak, lb V 7JC .Hound (Best) Stwik, lb 7$C And all other us THESE PRICES COUNT IN YOUR DAILY SAVINGS Breakfast Bacon, lb. .. , lie Leaf Lard, 11 lbs fl.OO Batter, grood. lb IT l-ile Veal Stew, lb Rc Veal Steak, lb lOc Hams, lb He Sirloin Steak, lbs. SRc Porterhouse Steak, S lbs 25c Round Strnk, lbs... 25c Good Steak, R lbs 2Rc Fresh Oysters, quart. ....... ..28c FISH AND CELERY THE 0RV1S MARKET S3T BROADWAY. I I DAY SESSION W IT J WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. We have proven that we have THE school. Investigate our success xA be convinced. , New Classes Organized Next Monday Masonic Temple. Phone B - ' peals shall be In written or printed form only, 22,954 for and 1,6-6 against; to estab llHh tha eight-hour day January 1, 1S06, and levy an acsesfment for that purpose, 19,483 for and 6,386 against. FOG IN -NEW YORK CITY Business Is Interrupted by Denseaess of Atmosphere at tha Metropolis. NEW YORK, Nov. 4. A thick blanket of fog which settled down over New York City and harbor during the night seriously disarranged traffic, both by land ami witer today, and resulted In at least one serious accident, when an Bast river boat wan run into and sunk. All of her pas sengers were saved,' but a number of horses were lost. In the city the elevated and surface cars suffered serious' delay and thousands of persons were lata In reaching the down-town districts. The Qarden City, a ferryboat plying be tween Long Island City and New York, col lided during the fog seven times with va rious craft before It reached it slip In this city. It bumped into tha big sound steamer Maine and a hole was stove in the ferryboat's side. The holo was far Above th water line, however, and the ferryboat did not sink. The Garden City had 100 passengers. NEW YORK, Nov. 4-The ferryboat Co lumbla of the Wall street Una was run Into and sunk .today yy the Norwich liner City of Lowell. There was no loss of life. There was a neavy fog on the river at ltm time of the collision. There wero about 1&0 passengers and sev enteen teams on board the Columbia at the time of the accident. All of the passengers were taken off In Safety, but eight or ten horses were drowned. The City of Lowell was coming down the river and in the dense fog struck the Columbia amidships, just clear of the paddle wheel. The Colum bia floated around for a while and began to settle. A hawser was thrown from the City of Lowell and the Columbia mnde fast and. all the passengers, so far as kn6wn, were taken on board the steamboat. Later the hawser parted In some unac countable manner and the Columbia finally sank near one of the slips of the L'nlon Ferry company on the Brooklyn side. Minister Takahlrm Better. NEW lORIC, Nov. 4. h'ugoro Takahlrs, Japanese minister to the United Stales, was reported today to be much Improved. Ir flhrady said he thought all danger was passed. 'la Price of Window Glass. PITTSBURG. Nov. 4. The executive board of the newly organised Manufac turers' and Jobbers' Window Glass associa tion met today and fixed the selling iirhe of window glass for tli nest sigly oWa. 13 Telephone A883 BOIXIONA, fin pound u BF.KF ROAST, good, pound... ,5c MUTTON BTEW, , tiound ti (c BEST SALT PORK. round OYSTERS. FRESH. (J u art GOOD BUTTER. pound 10c 25c .17c 17c DEPARTMENT OAT MEAL, .-pound packag LAUNDRY SOAP, good, 13 bars BEAT 'EM ALL -SOAP, 10 bars ...5c 25c 25c and Meat Market Telephone 24 Meats in proportion. Pot Roast, lb... , .Co llolllna Bret. Rood, lb 2 1-Sc 1Mb Roast, lb Be nr, homemade, S lbs.., , .fetid Pork Roast, lb... .......Re Pork Chops, lb lOo Lard, homemade. 3 lbs , . , , ...Vfie . Reat Halt Pork, lb .lie Pickle Pork, lb ...lOc w Krant, quart Bo Dressed Spring; Chicken, lly ..lOe Mutton Stew, lb .... . .4o Telephone 4tf. 313 iJImiIKiii NIQHT SESSION 6 14 E. P. MILLER, Pres. - .... Special, for Saturday at BROWN'S C. 0. D. it 128 W. Broadway. Tel. 65 Sniokwl Uncoil nt Frt'Hh Drpssvd Spring Chicken Our Beat Pot Itoast -Hef I Boiling Bwf I Mutton Blew Mutton ItOtlHt Prime Hib Iloiist Beef..... 3 pound Hlrloln . . Steak 3 pound Porterhoime Rtenk 1 3 pound. Hound Ktenk 3 pound Homemade Pui'o Pork Hausntfu. . Itemeniber, we will not cluirutf over fie to ikj for our bent Pot lloast i of Beef. Itetfiilar prlee 8c to Nk O HATTEL LOANS A. A. CLARK A CO. , ElUbhlb.4 1MI. Broaawai an Mila It. ever Pierce's Ihee Iter, Y en sorrov say tmosnt es uttU, ksrst bouarhnld furnltur or any cbttl Moiirtt?. I'.ym.nt. can b r,.d. o principal at any Hme to ult borrowar, and Interoot raouoae sorolbl' All bualnno eonSCnilal. r.t.a. OSloo eras a.arr .nlui mi gaturaar etanlog till a. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN 28 PEARL ST.00" ;. Lady Atttndant If Desired. The price so arranged la tha minimum and ran be sold higher If the members so desire. The rate was fixed at a discount from the manufacturers' list of M-2o-'iH for the first three brackets, single, and fc)-10-i!Vi for sIms not Included in tha Aral three oraaa-eta. Market I2'c ... lie 5c-6 c .....2k 3c 6c 7c-8c 1