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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1904)
T7IE OMAITA DAILY REE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER ft. 1004. 10 Colored AH Si.k String Ties, 10c Jfol 3J OJA, LV 0 O S Lace Ton Oier Collars it 21c PILLOW TOP HANDKERCHIEF SALE Hundreds of pretty new btylea in pillow top handker chiefs with fancy colored borders in late nevelty de signs and patterns, mafce pretty kimouas, aprons, dusting caps and entire pillow tops, on bargain A eouare todav. at, each...... 11 avelty s Embroidered edpe handkerchiefs also scalloped and revered edfte. very neat dosiffns, worth 2j rents each, at. each. , i eciKP. very Deal I24c Ladles' and men's fine linen eon vent hemstitched handkerchiefs all widths .iSm of hems actually worth 25 cents each, at, each 12ic LADIES' FALL NECKWEAR Dainty lace and embroidered stocks and tabs in a score of pretty styles also turn over button holed collars and silk embroidered collars, a new assortment, worth up to 50c each, at, each. . . . LADIES' $1 KID GLOVES AT 59c New lots of fall kid gloves on bargain square these are in all sizes and the latest and prettiest shades for street and dress wear for fall and winter button and clasp effeets-worth ?1.00 a pair, at, pair HIGH CLASS KIJ) GLOVES We show the very latest fall styles of Perrins, Reynierg, Dents, Monarch, the Irene kid gloves, etc the choicest and daintiest shades for evening wear and street weai these are actually the highest quality gloves that money will buy, at, pair.... 10-15-25c 59c wtcti- uuu hi ret? i wear $U.50-$2 Hosiery and Underwear Sale Ladles' fine guage, fast black hosiery, at pair. fiHses' and children's fine and heavy ribbed hosiery, at. pair Boys' and girls' heavy ribbed school hose, at, pair..... .......... ........... ..... ..... Ladles extra fine hose, double soles, pair. Ladles' Imported hosiery, black and fancy, at, pair ...., Men' fancy half hoes, on bargain square, at, pair. . ' Ladies' 0O0 Imported lisle hosiery, black and fancy, at, pair Ladies' 60c fine and heavy ribbed vests and pants, at ." ., Ladles' 76c vests and pants, some part wool, at Ladles' $1.00 quality all wool, plain and ribbed underwear, at Boys' and girls' 76o vests, pants and drawers, natural wool and camel's hair, at Misses' and children's vests and pants, all sizes, medium and heavy weight, at Misses and children's union suits, 1ftr. at. suit ........... . ....OVt' Ladles' $1.00 quality union suits, at :. . Ladles' $2.00 fins wool and extra fine cotton union suits, 'ribbon sale in ba 49c 10c 10c 12ic 12c 15c 124c ,25c 39c 49c '69c 39c 25c 40c 60c 98c Thousands of yards of pretty ribbons, in all desirable widths, all the most desirable colors many are extra wide actually worth as high as 85c yard bargain !?. 5cr10c-15c I. L. BR ANDEIS & SOUS, BOSTON STORE. BIYilHIIIi HI " Free 800 Doubte RoastersFree t One Day Only, Saftiiird ay, Nov. 5th. In 'order to Introduce our fine Baking Powder Into more homes we offer a full slue . Double Roaster, FREE, to each purchaser of one pound. Price, 80 cents. The litoaster , alone could not be purchased from a deales for less than $1.00. Seeing Is believing. '. Let us show you Saturday, all day. Prompt delivery guaranteed. i Graovd Union Tea Co. 'SiSffifr Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM SSmTK&TO DENTIST 'PHONB 1786 . Taetb Extracted With l""JNWWfc. The moat enaltlve out Palo. f ? ntrre removed with w ii tag. os Ky- '"N OM! ? , Cnwu. .wihIUO Brtdga Wsrk...--zo ap tPtatie. mm...4iJXI a aolld. WrltUo QuaractMi FIREMEN'S ...SHIRTS... Corns In and ask to see our No. 807 Fireman Shirt this 1. the best that money can produce. We guarantee this shirt not to fade and the best in the market. PRICE $3.00 EACHf We still make Sweaters and Hosiery as usual. JOS. F. BILZi 322 So. 16th St, Omaha. a8anaaaa f rriu,TflaMiia 3 SI.25 Gallon $1.25 We guarantee the contents o every can of our Canadian Mu pie Syrup absolutely pure. 1. possesses that delicacy of flavo. which consumers accustomed h the unadulterated sap everlast lngly crave for. .Everybody win tries It Invariably recommends It to their friends. Pure Maple Syrup per gallon Purina Pancaks Flour t packages tor Purs Colorado Honey per comb Strictly Fresh Eggs per dozen Quail Oats 4 packages for Choicest Prunes grown it pounds for 1.25 ..25c ..14c JO. , 25c .25c If quality and pries appeal to you when purchasing meats, w are confident we'll share a por tion of your business. Fresh Dressed Spring Turkeys per pound.. Fresh Dressed Spring Ducks per pound Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens per pound. : BEAUTY TO look well take cars of your coaplaxkm. Do not allow tin. ; Sightly pimples, blackhead, ua, i trlrsckUsM btsmls your skin. a Derma-Royale . will remove these Ilk magic. ' Curve Eciema and Tetter. , IW with Derma-Royals . Soap, a ssrtsct skis Is . Inaui4 ' SOLD BY DRUOOISTS, at awjr ka anland iMH Dsnsa-Royale, (I per bottle, svprsss paid. , ' banss-Itsysl Seap, IS Cents, by sua, Kuta Is mm package, (, express Said. Poatitla aad IwtiMosUl. ,at aa raquaat. , THE DEHMA-R0YALE CO.. Cincinnati, a , S)lt"a Cat PrlM Dra atar. '. W . for Menstrual .Suppression.."1' ''"r.rM PEN-TAN-CiOT to la Oaaka kr lawaii MaCaaaall brag C kuol irm sitae. Ti aassUaa. U a bust Suaa M TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER TUe Beat Faraa Pae. 20c ..I3Jc lie .....25c ...25c .....25c Hamburger Steak pounds ror , Pork Sausage S pounds for Breakfast Sausage In boxes J for Plan Your Meals as you would In the months of June or July. Vegetables and Fruits of every climate obtain able bare. Sommer Bros. Exponents of Good Living. 28th and Far nam Sts. Telephones 738, 1S3, 1331. 11 10.00 1 Men's Fine Suits, Overcoats, and Cravenettes PROPERLY made clothes, Btylea that are favored for business and for dree9 wear at a positive saving in price?. $15.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS. $10. 00 Overcoats in novelty Scotches and oxford, black and blue vicu nas, meltons and kerneys. Suits of pure worsted, serges and blue Scotch tweedi, at $20 Belt Overcoats. $13.50 Worsted, latest double and single breasted mod- IT J? A els, at. IsJgJU $2.50 All Wool Pants in Co vert $1:25 Fall styles chevi ots and smooth finished cassi meres, plain black, blue, and neat gray effects J 25 Men's $12 Suits and Over coats. $7.50 Stylish tweeds, blue serges and black tblbet Paft Suits; lonf, full cut plain and $10.00 Beaver and Melton Overcoats, $4.50 Sizes 34 to 44 Handsomely trimmed, and long full cut In 1 friezes tnd cheviots at. 4.50 Boys. Eton. Norfolk, Russian and Double Breasied Suits, in solid durable tweeds and cheviots, blue and fancy mix tures, (4.00 values, at 2.50 50c Knee Pants, J9c Extra heavy pure wool, choice mixtures, very finely . made, ages 3 to 17 years 39c Men Will be Enthusiastic Over This Underwear at 39c a Garment. MEN'S SIIIKTS AND DRAWERS extra heavy lined, in mottled gray color, shirts have French necks, all regular 00c values, Saturday, at. ...... . MEN'S HEAVY WINTER UNDERWEAR in wool, camel's hair and derby ribbed, several shades, $ 1.25 values, in Saturday's sale, af. MEN'S AUSTRALIAN WOOL UNDERWEAR Extra heavy, in many colors, specially made for com fort and warmth $2.00 values, at MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS soft bosoms, made of fine French percales, large variety of patterns separate cuffs. PA '81.00 values, at ..... . . . ..... .j3UC COTTON HOSE in fast black, maco feet and tan,. 15c values, at , . . . . fleece 39c natural 95c 1.50 9c Palace Clothing Co. I4TH AINU DOUGLAS IF IT IS THE PRICE ; eurciu No such CUT PRICE MILLINERY Sale ever before held so early in the season. Absolutely EVERY PATTERN HAT. ON SALE SATURDAY All $25, $30, $35 and $40 hats at All $12, $15 and $18 hats at , All $6, $7.50 and $8 hats at , All $4' and $5 hats at..... SI5 $10 S5 S2.75 Music All Afternoon and Evening. Buy Millinery Right, 1508 Douglas. Our Long Lasting Steel j PIUCHTTVL, PVM. HEALTHFUL cs(Q)C2)i:r3 QiAMMAGNS , CKVCO CvCRYWHIRt . .. Your Boy's Shoes Are the hardest to get (or boys sre mighty . hard on their shoes yet ths $1.60 shs we have will stand, mors hard knocks the any boys' shoe you ever bought at this price This has been s shoe we've sold for years and wa know, and ths parents who hav bought them know, that this Is true. Brinf the bqys In Saturday and let VS tit them to a pair You will be glad we aakrd you to after ths boy has worn them. Drexol Shoo Go. . 1419 FARNAU STREET. Qiibi't tl-t-Di!i Shot Horn ASK POR OUR FRKB CATALOGUE. Range will last from 20 years to a life's time will not need renalrlna- In B to 10 veirx will bake hlsruks In S minute with news, papers. All we usk for It Is $6.00 down and $5.00 per month or the wholesale price for CILSU. f J 5 $ ft Tl-i us i jj Mr. Orush. tilt 8. U. says, "The steel range tht we bouxht from you doe all you olalm fur It. It Is the fluent range J ever used. Tho Sfootzel Stovo Co., 714 0. 16th ft W-X ESS T1IK W. a. JERREMS, Pres. 209-211 5. 15th Street Which Shall It Be? READY made Suit for your fall wearing or a suit cut to your meas ure? There's little difference in the price but a vast difference of satisfaction In the wearing and fitting. Nicoll's methods and Nlcoll's prices are lifting the made to measure gar merits above the clothing thunder that gets boreish with their "one-half" ''three quarters" or "seven eights" reduction. You see through it? We're sure to save you some perhaps a good deal! The biggest value for your dollar Is our plan and trade gatherer. Trousers .... $5 to $12 Suits $20 to $50 Let us begin today to save you money. Take a peep at our win dow today if your thoughts are looking tail orward. FRED PAFFENRATH, Mr. ill JOHNSON & GOODLETT GO. These "specials" tor Saturday are new, fresh, clean, reliable goods. Test them by comparlHon. Join the great army of satis fied customers coming our way. YANKEE OATS 6-lb. package always sold at 25c per pack age - BAKER'S CHOCOLATE per cake M-lb SYRUP Kannel brand 1-gal. cans 35c seller per can FIGS Choicest California 1-lb. cartoons cheap at 20o per pkg.... ENGLISH WALNUTS new per pound GELATINE Knox, plain or acid ulatedper pkg CORN New Sugar Corn three cans for TOMATOES New 2Sc thro, ffina. f fir . . . . BUTTER Good country-f- 20c per pound vw POT ATOE8 Good sise, fine qual- Aftr. Uv ner bushel .VrV BACON Lean Breakfast pe.- pound HAMS Sugar Cured fine qual- S itv Der tiound tlW LAMB LEGS per pound LAMB STEW aG nor nound ................a-'v SPRING CHICKENS our own 4 1 dressing per pound sW CAKES Our own make 3 layers white, nut, orange, caramel, chocolate or cocoa nut finest quality 30C FRUITS AND' VEGETABLES All there Is in market. Lowest prices APPLES Fancy Colorado the finest va riety of eating apples in one fS bushel boxes per box s,vf- MAPLE SYRUP 26o bottle L. O. Qc Goe Pure Maple for BUSINESS BUILDERS ARE OUR UN EQUALED LOW PRICES. Johnson & Goodlett Co., SOI h and Laic its. Phones 1B7S and 4743. GROCERIES. MEATS and BAKERY. A veritable feast of bar. ffralas Satnrday. re large ad on pee ft. WOE 11S THK RELIABLE STORE. A Terttabt feast ! ar aalns flatardays ee large ad o page Special Clothing Sale $12.50 and $15 Men's Suits $7.50 and $10. The rerr best styles and fahrlrs, la light, mediant and dark shades, both plain colors and funcy mlxtnres. They are all well tailored and trim med and hare been earefnlly teated and examined as to workmanship and durability. Special Saturday $7.50 & $10 Hand Tailored Suits $i2.50 and$t5.00.' Absolutely srnaraateed la all re sperts. The finest line of suits ctc shown In Omaha at the price. They enme In all the newest fabrics and beat styles, have self-retalnln hair cloth fronts, hand padded shoulders, and possess a marked Individuality of cut very pleasing to the wearer. Kach and every garment bears the earmarks of the exclusive tailor's product, at less than half the tailor's exclusive price. They are worth to f nur special sale price $12.50 & $15 Styles in Overcoats can always be found at Hayden's. We have a line that Is unequalled In the city In completeness, and every con celvable color and style that Is shown any place this season yon will And right here, and at prices ranging; from T.BO to f3S. if Our Children's Department Copyright 1904.' by H"- -haffner & Marx Is complete In every detail, and onr prices will save yon abont 28 pep cent on every purchase made. We are showing a magnificent Una of boys' Suits and Overcoats at from Sl.BB to f lO. HAVDEftS BROS. we Sell Msber Goods 2JS53a pr uw.wi.i. 1 1. iiaaaaaaaa. 'W "-ini '"'"Si.rtJW iM&!'KfMW-r IXFAWT TRfSS I. 5C ATOMIZERS ttc to ClS. Price, fl.OO. I 10c 00WWSMMmr J ga "i rrrrnii!Xu 13c JiS Xf . i 1 Genuine Welt Soles $2.50 A good many men buy our $2.50 wslt sole shoes In preference to the 13.00 and $3.50 shoes of others, because they look as well, wear as well, feel ss well and cost lesB. Why .shouldn't you do the same and save a little money? Anyhow, come In and see them: we have them In box caW, kid snd velour calf: of different weight soles, many different styles and shapes for every foot. They're good looking, fine feeling and long wearing the best shoe you ever bought for the money; and they srs genulnswelt sols shoes. FRY SHOE cq I ... rrrntllHI H:6-D0!)!iLActUiWllflj Ear, Ulcer and Infant Syringe Price, 2Se, by TRUSSES fl.OO to a.oO. We can fit anybody. mall, 80e. WRITE POR CATALOGING RIDBER GOODS, PATENT MEDICINES AND MIH ERAL WATERS. Sherman & IMonnell Drug Co. Corner 10th and Dodge, Omaha, N eh. Cut Price Druggists. NORTHWEST AND RETURN PORTLAND, TACOMA, SEATTLE, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Tickets on ale Nov. 8, 9, 10, 11,-12, with return limit Deo. 31, 1904. One Fare To aooommodate delegates to moet insr of the National Grunge Patrons of Hiubandry, this remarkably low round trip rate to Portland has been granted by tho Union Pacific From all points on its line. Shortest line. Fattest time. Inquire of CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. Thone 810. When You Write toAdvertisers rsmsmbsr It only Uass an eitra stroke or two of ths pen to mention ths taet that jra M ths ad la Tn bss. Specials for Saturday CANDY DEPARTMENT Salted Peanuts, fresh.. Chocolate Drops Fruit Bon-Bons Cocoanut Squares Marshmallows Jelly Beans Butter Chestnuts 26 Sticks Candy 2Q Sticks Oum .. 12c ..i:vic . .12M,c ..nvic . .12'c .. 23o .. Bo .. 6c DRUG DEPARTMENT Wood Alcohol, per quurt, Without bot tle Kg Witch Husel, S os. bottle lzu Witch lluzcl. 1H os. bottle 2va U b Chamois Skin Vests, for ladles or gents Warner s Safe Cure , I'inkliam's Comround I'alnt-'s Ci lery Compound I.Iiioznne Milk's Kmulxlon Htrplclde Syrup of Figs TCo ivn 43i tl0 75)0 jfrTirniirNnrrnrrn ElQ I wrm J I WJ I 1 rl III -JL' ii in i .ir it u c i N a r I I f a mm J? I CI i .M,..,,. ,,..,