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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1904)
TflE OMAITA' DAILY DEE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 100. 14 SPECIAL NOTICES Aa'Trrtleea.aats tkea Mli" till lakes iittl II aa. far tka errata 4ltloa i aatll 8 p. m. far tka aaoralns; ul liafif adltlam. ) 1 l.Sat m aui Irlt faaerttoa. a ward tkaraaftar. Nathlas takaa for laaa tkaa BOa tor tka flrat tlaa. Tkaaa aaertlaeaaeta aaaat ba imm eaaavcatlTalf. AatTcrtlaara. .fcr raestaar a aam krrad cheek, aaa - aaawara ad. reaaaa ta a aaasberea letter la eara at Tka Baa. Aaawara ao addressed will ka delivered aa praaaatatlaa af ektck. MISCELLANEOUS Day School Night School BOYLES SCHOOL Enter Now Catalog Free H. B. BOYLES, President New York Life Omaha. TRY KELLY'S TOWKL SUPPLY. Tel. 3M0. R 3-5 CMflWC PRIDE OF HASTINGS. Pest uimwimi 6-oent cigar on tann, nv CITY SAVINGS BANK paya 4 PerI CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ' 211 SOUTH 11TH. 'PHONE 261 W a trust everybody. Have our wagons can; ouia collected rngnuuy. EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, aecommodat : lng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R 3li Anti-Monopoly Garbage Co., 821 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. , R-329 SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole, 1303 Douglna. ; . R 330 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. MO. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wlcs. R-331 P. MELCHIOR, machine worka. 13th and Howard. K-332 4? l' Q PIPRPP Specialist, Eye, UK. A. O. rinrVVCi Kar & Chronic diseases. Many yeaia' experience in east ern hospitals and other practice. Office tooma, Frenser blk., 16th it Dodge. Pri vate Infirmary, 611 N. 2Uth. Tel. A2553. , .MiO. in27 0. E. WALLACE, taxidermist, 606 S. 13th. R-338 - N Pi R A V I N P. J- T Copper, 633 Paxton Gil VJPrt V 111 vjfjik. Fine monograms. K-S96 N-3 IF YOU (want to buy, sell or rent property, ., borrow money, sell note or account, call at H. 8, N. Y. Life. Tel. 133. Glove.1 & Son. J , R 3J4 OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3846. John Morrlssey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 31114. R 33a CHICAGO LAUNDRY WE TAKE THE DIRT I ; -AND LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES ' vnntJK !m; 214 N. liiTH ST. It JUt 8 ,XDV. CUTS-WHEATON, In Bee Bldg. R 33fi FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS lOO KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & e McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 3)3 SHOW cases, all kinds. 618 Paxton blk. ,- . y M966 26 FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard - and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments; send for catalogue. I Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8.-10th St., , Omaha. Q M429 'POOL, tables, show cases. 1407 Harney et. . . Q-315 CASH REGISTER. National, for sale. Late . $315.00 model. Slightly used. In best of condition. Make an offer. D.-B. Co., Gothenburg, Neb. Q M92S CORN cribbing; tel. poles, long fir timbers, cypress lence lath, 8-ply white b.sswood. tol Douglas. Q loot . 0 HEATING and cook stoves; big sacrl , flee. Chicago Kurnlture Co., 1410 Dodge. - Q-510 N30 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargains In goods In pawn. 1401 Douglas. . ' Q-337 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris . ing complete course in business, short '' hand and typewriting. Inquire at Hee office, Q 852 ELECTRIC nickel In alot. Peerless piano playera and Reglna music boxes big " money makers, cheap for cash or time. 1 Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 16a (J 339 PIANO, upright, $80; Chlckering bargain; . 10 others, slightly used, II weekly; organ, ' , 116; piano tuning. Fcrfleld Piano Co., Hill .: Farnam St., telephone 7ol. y M646 11 FOR SALE One billiard and one poal , table. Address Lock Box 94, Sidney, la. . y-Mfoij iix "FOR SALE 16-room lodging houre, 26th and P; a good money maker; $250 on time. - N. P. DODGE, . 2611 Q at.. South Omaha, Q M581 t COMPLETE line new and Zd-hnnd furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. . . Tel. 2020. Q 311 1ND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Fnr- nam. Q 342 f . . . SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings call ana iook over me lonowing supplies: i 6-lnch Jenkin's Globe valves. H-inch Gate valve. .H-trch AuHtln horizontal separntor. V-lnch. Austin vertical separator. t,i H. P. horlsontal engine, i-lneh. E-lnch, 6-inch and 8-inch pipe and flttlnga. Tbase have been taken out on account of , changes In our steam plant and are in good condition. Adross Bee Building Co., or see W, II. Bridges, engineer, Bee build ' lug, Omaha. Q-632 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We have sbout 2M net uo stramled light cable and one 800 ampere knife " switch. 'Address Bee Building Co., or see i W .H. Bridges, engineer, live liulldlng, Omaha. y 6J3 MOTORMAN, or anyone else, ran buy a brand new fur coal at a bargain. Apply E 48, Bee. y Muii " WE RENT " " 1 1 1 Hewing machines, 75o week. 1 1 . , v Wa repair and sell parts t lor avery maenine manuiaetured. Second-hand machines from 85.W) to $10.00. f Nebraska Cycle Co., .'Phone 1663. Corner 16th and Harney. y 340 FINE harness ana saddles, trunks, baes, , all leather suit caBe, $6. Alfred Cornish, , U10 Farnam. Q M445 17 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL I TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years, made of firebox steel, triple riveted butt and strap joints. Insurance company permits of pressure " of 12S pounds. They are now In use and C ran be scn at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about AtiRURt . 25. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building, Omaha. Q M,2 1S 00 HOT BLAST coal stove for $8 .00. Call 1668 poppleton ave. CJ M6.'0 6 FOR SALC new, nandaoine. 6-room cot taaa; modern plumbing, porcelain bath ' tub; cemented cellar; shade trees; good neighborhood; 28th and Cap. ave.; terms assy. Inquire at 607 N. lth st. Q 3.6 FOR EXCHANGE WILL trsda sewing machine for type ' writer. Nob. CycU Co., lath and Hnrney. ; , ' Z-313 IF YOU da not find what you want in thia ' column put an ad. In and you will mn ' get it. ' Z-W3 WILL TRADE my beautiful upright piano for good horse. Address E 7. Bee. Z 883 TO TRADE a good Mtt-acre wheat farm In Oklahoma for a atork of good mere-ban- ' dlse. Will par dlfter-uia In cash. If ,y. Addr... S 1. ty liMwj t WANTEDMALE HELP FALL TERM NOW OPEN Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Sts., New classes In nil departments. Day and evening sessions, bend for free cata logue. Address KOHRBoL'GH BROS., Omaha, Neb. j B AO MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our lallure to convince, you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college in the United Btates. Write lor catalogue today. Western Barbers' Instituta, Omaha, Neb. B 361 WANTED Two city salermen at once. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. B 352 DRUG CLERKS, Knlest, R. P., N. Y. L. Bldg. B-354 WANTED FOR U. S. ARM Y Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and i, cltisens of United States, of good chaiac ter a-nd temperate habits, who epeak. read and wrlie English. For Inlormation apply to ItecTuiting Oitlcer, 13th and Douglas sts., Oman i ; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B-M297 EXPERIENCED grocery clerks, and no others, can get work. Mains-Case Co., 634-86 Baxton Blk. B M319 WE need a good R. R. Abstracter, A No. 1 Real Estate Abstracter, Young Man. good habits, good education, 4 Office Clerks, Good Bookkeeper. Call or write for list of vacancies. WK8TERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, 840 N. Y. Life Bldg. B 648 4 WANTED, ditchers on Hamllton'a farm, two miles north of Coffman. David V. Shipley. B-M508 YOUNG man, good education and apme ex- licit advertising. D 62. care Bee. WANTED A mnn with family for farm. 43d and Center. B 5U1 9 WANTED Foreman for news and job de partments. Tribune, Hastings, Neb. B MjS9 6x WANTED Ambitious young man to take a private course In pharmacy. Rare op portunity. Address E. C, this office IF YOU are In need of a posltlm, call and havn a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT, 93 N. Y. Life. B-M614 D3 WE prepare you quickly as Illustrator, car toonist, lawyer, pharmacist, stenographer, bookkeeper, journalist and writer, corre spondence man, bunker. Write for free book, "Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools, 82 When., Indianapolis, U. S. A. B WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair ed ucation to travel for a firm of $J50 0 capital; salary $1,072 per year and ex- Senses, paid weekly. Address, with stamp, . A. Alexander, Omaha, Neb. B-M654 6x WANTED, MEN EVERYWHERE Good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. .National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M653 6x WANTED Man for the west: sa'ary $S0 per month and expenses; good xefe ances a necessity. Address Dept. A, Room 305 Insurance Exchange bldg., 15 North Fourth street, Minneapolis, Minn. B M650 7x YOUNG man, as permanent Omaha repre sentative ror corresjonaence scnooi; mostly office business; experienced man preferred; part timo only required; a lu crative proposition will be made the right mnn. Address Immediately, A. C. Hoff, Byrne Bldg., Los Angeles, Cnl. B-M668 7x WANTED At once, a good typesetter nnd practical printer, write at once, stating wages wanted, etc.: steady 1ob to right party. Address Sun-Review, Fairfax, S. D. B 634 5 QUERY BOOK Containing large number of Decullar and Interesting questions. Should be in the hands of every student and teacher. Post paid only 10c, or will send it for the names of young people interested in a commercial education. Address; i OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Omaha, Neb. B 637 4 WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRL!; Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 349 MILLINERY Trimmers and girls who l. . I . , I . V, . i,.... 1 .. i i.u u . . i . i . -1 1 . u .... ti iinui , atayj nLrpicu .tices. Apply Hayden Bros., Milnnery Dept. C M6i6 6x WANTE1D A good plain cook; no laundry work. 3136 Chicago street. C M662 6 HOUSEKEEPER In family of 7; state age etc. Address John Cockle, R. F. D. 1, Bradshaw, Neb. C M547 6x WANTfTiD Lady to travel and Introduce, novelties; salary and expenses p . 11; muse have rood references; good position anl quick promotion, according to abill.y. Address Dept. A, Room 3o5 lnsuraoce Ex change bldg,, Minneapolis, Minn. C-M632 Tx WANTfiHD 10 experienced lady stenogra phers to list with HART THE EXPERT, 9?3 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone F-2856. Guaranteed positions. C M664 7 LADIES to do plain sewing at home on collars; nothing to buy; material rant everywhere free. Send addressed enve lope. National Mfg. Co., 259 W. 116th St., New York. C M661 6x GIRL wanted for general housework in small family. Inquire at 318 South 26th streot. C M578 5 WANTED Young lady to take private les sons in stenography; fine chance. - Ad dress E. C this office. C WANTBID A good girl, at tha Creche, lth and Harney. C M6 4 fix APPRENTICE for dressmaking. 1045 S. 2oth. C 647 6x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED In this locality, a reliable man or woman to manage a bram h - supply office and headquarters for salesmen; no invtstment, deposit or canvassing re quired In the position; expenses advano d; liberal weekly (alary and 6 per cent com mlHBlon. APPLY AT ONCE. Address Mgr. Supply Department, 6th floor, Thompson bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M660 7x WANTEDt SITUATIONS WANTED Position bv competent young lady stenographer; three years' experi ence; good references. Can furnish new typewriter. Address E 64, Bee. - A-M659 6x FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE Brand new buggy, Just pur chased; never been used; price a bar gain. D. W. Williams, euro Omaha Bee. P MW6 7 FINE $375 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, $1.2; open pneumatic runabout, $60. Dru al mond. 1NIQ and Harney. P 370 FOR SALE Horses for city driving or de livery. Your livery trade solicited in either buggy or carriage work. Mol cholr'a Livery Burn. P 372 ROCKAWAY, high grade, second-hand, good shape, cheap. H. E. Fredrlcksoti, iMl Capitol Ave. P 948 N25 STYLISH carriage traps, good as new, with one or two seats, at ridiculously low prices. Johnson & Danforth. S. V Cur. loth and Jones Sts. P M100 FINE S-year-old registered Parcheron stud, cheap, S. Llttleliuld, Syracuse, Neb. P-M532 14x 2 8-YEAR-OLD horses weight 1.450 lbs.;l 4-year-old and 1 6-year-old. weight 1.400 lhs. Pioneer Livery Ruardlng Stablea, 411-415 8. 13th St. Telephone 111 P-672 4x CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY Dl'EKN C CLA1 KVOV ANTS; everything told, pant, present and future: satisfaction or no Jay; also wonderful inuntk healer. f N. Uth st. 0 M627 6x Second Week of Our Liberal Offer. A 2 Pound Tackage of riLLSBURY'S VITOS With Every BEE WANT AD, for Friday. Saturday or Sunday. Tut Your Ad In The Pre and YOU'LL GET UETrRNS-Iu Addition. YOU I.L GET A PACKAGE of rlLLSRURY'S VITOS. RntPR, One Cent Per Word Xo Ad Tnken for Less thnn 20 cents. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chlcno. E 360 DEWEY, European hotel, Mth and Fat nam. E ubl VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; dne rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E 32 NICE comfortable room for one or two gentlemen; very reasonable; modern N. 17th. Iv-M914 MIDLAND hotels, lfith and Chicago; Pteam heated; medium price; cafe in connection. E M5.S0 NORTHWESTERN hotel, 619 N. 16th; Euro pean. E-M5.J4 30 19"9 DOUGLAS; ueatly furnished single room; modern. E M619 ti LARGE front room; also others. 2103 Doug, las. E M618 6x 1120 DOUGLAS, south front; two gentle men preferred. E M617 6x LARGE aouth room, first floor, 2201 Doug las. E M616x 1811 DOUGLAS; three furnished rooms, $8 to $16; also housekeeping basement. E M615 6x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-363 THURSTON HOTEL; steam heated rooms, $1.60 to $4.00 per week; board,- $3.60. F-364 MIDLAND hotel. 16th and Chicago; steam heated rooms, with or wltflout board. . F-M681 1712 CAP. ave.; large and small; modern. E M674 7 623 NO. 20, steam-heated parlors 1st floor. E M673 7 LARGE front rooms; modern. 616 No. 21st. E M672 7 1816 DODGE, 2 parlors and single room. li-M671 7x 811 SO. 23d, room, use of kitchen; cheap If taken at onco. EM670 6x THE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge St. Tel. 85. Family hotel. F 366 609 S. 26th Ave., pleasant room; good board; private family. F 367 LARGE east front room, with grate; fine location. 820 8. 21st St. F 973 ROOM and board for two. 116 K. 25th st. F-607 FURNISHED rooms with board; modern; - steam heat. 2215 Farnam. F M628 6x BOARD, with large south room; suitable for two; refined neighborhood. 627 Park Ave. F 695 FOR RENT Steam-heated rooms, with board. The Hillside, 18th and Dodge sts. F 6-2 lox 1811 CAPITOL AVE., modern; $4 ard up. F M675 7 FURNISHED room, with breakfast, to gentleman; elegant, modern flat, 29lh anl Leavenworth. Address E 49, Bee. F 63 6x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 OR 6 unfurnished rooms, modern. 624 Couth 26th avenue. u os ex ONE large, unfurnished room; price rea sonable. 2221 California St. G M665 6 : THREE rooms, single or en suite, furnished or unfurnished; close in. os . zin ave. Tel. A-2928. G M669 6x 815 8. 18th, three unfurnished rooms for rent, reasonable. G M612 6x WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your rooms and houses. Room 8, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glover & Son. K 378 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE in the Bee building carries with It all the conveniences and advan tages in the way cf heat, light, Janitor service, all-night and hII day and Sunday elevator service. A $ia office is now va cant. Call at once. R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee building. 1823 S-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 Farnam, 22x100, hydraulln elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First Nat'l Bank building. 1399 IF A GOOD light Is neieded we can show you a north front office on the filth floor a Bplendld room, at the moderate price of $20. R. C Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee building. I-S22 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $1.00. Have there not been times when It would have been worm more than 100 cents to you? It Is our bus iness to supply you with money . when you need it and a. low you to return It in small weekly payments as may best Milt your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock and otner chattels and we make salary loans. Our terms are as good as any and beLer than many. We are the oldest concern in our line in the city, with ail-aiound consistent dealings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade b.dg. Tel. 22;6 (Established 1S92.) 3o6 S. 16ih St. X-4U0 MEN IN BhSTPOSITI01NS Sometimes need money. We can supply the need without publicity and at lowest rates on salary or on furniture, pianos, etc. Dealings fairest. See us before bor rowing elsewhere. Open every 'luesaay and baturday evenings until 8 o clock. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-616 Paxtun block. X-410. tJOWEN'S MONEY " Easy to get on furniture, pianos, horses, cows. Jewelry, salaries. iuj Y. Lite. X-M411 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo ley Loan Co., li04 Farnam St. X 412 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., 8 Barker Block. X 113 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curity, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Kusy ierms. Quick ana Confidential Service. Call on us if in need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block. X 414 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. 0. F. Keed. 3ttf S. 13th. X-416 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X 416 6EE FULLER, 425 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-417 SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 29U4. X 418 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tolmun, Room 714, N. Y. Life. X-419 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rules. Dr. J'rlh benow, room 214 at 2v9 S. 16th ft. Tel. H-'JxA. X-M479 SALARY AND CM ATTETlOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT TO , IV7-I PAXTON BLOCK- PHONH 1411. X-MtU3 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DESIRABLE COTTAGES FOR SALE GOOD LOCATIONS. $2,500.00-919 N. 27th St., lot 62x125 feet, 7 rooms, newly painted; abundance of fruit and shade trees In yard. $2.2n1.0n 3021 Chicago street. 7 rooms, mod ern except furnace, paved street; rent t2.ViO.0n 1111 N. ISth street. 8 roooms. mod ern exrept furnace, newly parted outside and best of repair; rents $1L'.50 per month. $1 , 650.00 1.-J51 N. 1Mb. St., T-mnm house, tine yard, 30x140 feet; just been painted outside. j $1,800.00966 N. 26th St., 6-room cottage' eur.y payments; casn, oaiance io.i per month; lot 6Jxl25 feet; lots of fruit and rhade trees. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE-641 6 H 4012 Farnam Street H 2,800.00 7 rooms, modern but furnace, porch In front and around the side, paved street, paving paid In full; permanent sidewalks, full lot; fine shade trees; barn; now va cant. House open Sunday from 2:30xto 4 p. m HASTINGS & .HEYDEN, 1609V4 Farnam St., (Ground Floor.) RE 643 6 BURT COUNTY FARM 240 acres, well improved, 8-room house, with bath room, large barn, cribs, hog pens, chicken houses, line shape, an up-to-date farm In every respect, six miles from good town; price, $66 per acre. Call or write us for particulars. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 636 6 TRACKAGE 162x1264, with 6-room cottage and largo barn, renting at $12.00, in northern part of city $1,600.00. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. 'Pltnne 1294. RE 639 6. Y INVESTMENT Four houses renting for $55 per month, always rented, near 24th st. car line. R750 THE BYRON REED CO., 212 South 14th St. RE 671 4 TAX SALE Is your property being sold for taxes? If so, we have parties who are ready to buy. the same, taking title subject to taxes. If you wish to unload- now Is tha time. Let us know what you have and what you will , take for a warranty deed subject to taxes. ' N.P. DODGE & CO,, 1614 FARNAM ST. RE M625 6 TUKEY & SQN, THESE WILL BE ELECTED. 5, 10. 15 and 20 acres of beautiful land In Maj field, west of Dundee, $160 per acre. 6 houses on 19th north of Pierce, with 10uxl40 feet of ground, for $3,000. Will di vide to suit purchaser. 40 lots near 32d and Vinton; your choice for $326 each. Easy terms. Baptist church, on 1'arn avenue south of Leavenworth, including large church build ing and good cottage, with 97 feet front. Will sell cottage and part of ground if de sired. This is an elegant opportunity lo buy a flr8t-cluss church for some congre gation who has no meeting house. 8 very cheap lots at 6lh and Center on easy terms. We have some cheap lots on 25th, 3 blocks north of Ames avenue. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Board of Trade Bldg. RIS-668 4 IF YOU want to buy, sen, rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call It K. L N. Y. Life- 'Phone 183. Glover Sou. ' RE- M28i FOR SALE One note of $1,800, due in one year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,600, due on or before three years, Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable purties. Address the owner, 8 25, Bee office. RE M 458 Four-room house, city water, house newly pupercd and painted, south front, near car line; a ba rgaln $700. Nearly new house, on car line, with five rooms, modern except furnace; if sold this week. $1,700. SHIMER & CHASE. 16u9 Farnam St. RE 460 FARM. Farm of 75 acres 3' nilles directly west of the So. Omaha stock yards; about 60 acre.) In cultivation; fair improvements; this tract is especially well adapted for feed ing. Price only $7,750. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RE 620 TAX SALE We have two lots near 2-lth street, with double front on Lake and Ersklne sts., 96 feet front on each street. These lots will be sold for taxes next week, the taxes amount to about $210. The owner will take (joo and give a warranty deed subject to taxes. This Is a snap. See us about it at once. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM STREET. RE M624 183 BOSCHE'S subd.. 182 Brown park. So. Omaha, south lot 12 and north H lot 11. block 14, Kountze'B 3d add.. (Ira ha; south 25 ft. east V, lot 63. Harlman's add., Omaha; lots 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, 13. block ti, Cloverdale, Omaha; block 4, Wind or Ter race Ornaha-for sale. Lock Box itO, Westport, Neb. RE M6j7 7x GEO. T. MORTON. Many of my friendj do not know mui i am a candidate for the legislative. I am ono and am on tha democratic ticket If you favor what you knq,w I stand for good government, quality In taxation, etc. vots for me. GEO. T. MORTON OF HARRISON MORTON. RE-153 FOR SALE 64f-acre ranch for stock anl funning; strip umber lithe i"i, two houses, stuck bains, corrals, two Weils und mills; puitluliy fenced. Price, Write M. 11. Brown,, Neb. RE-MS '3 6x IF YOU wart to buy or f,r lands send ID cents for 1 arm l. a e a Guide; contains descriptions cf 19 arms, with the owiirr'i addieai, fur sal- o ex change. Want farms ta II. ito.'ei-o Grant, Kaunas City, Mo. RiJ li.W 7 FCR SALE REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY We have the BEST BARGAIN In the way of a WEST FARNAM 7-room modern house, reception hall, bath, as modern In all ways as can be, oak finish, etc. This is better than you will Imagine. If you have cash nnd want a home don't delay come and see us or 'phone us. DON'T MISS THIS. GOOD FOR ONLY A FEW DATS. The Abbott-Cowan Company, Room 304, 1st Nat Bldg. Tel. 3906. RE-645 4 FOR SALE 2214 No. 28th ave., 7 rooms, modern.. 2927 Dtipont St., 10 rooms 234 Francis St., 4 rooms 4719 North 4th, 8 rooms 42"2 Lake St., 6 rooms 2722 Charles st., 6 rooms, modern 2MJ5 Dupont St., 2 houses 6118 Pierce st., 4 rooms..." 2112 Elm St., 6 rooms 2X21 So. 24th St., 2 houses 4628 Cuming st, 7 rooms 4Hr7 Dodge St., 7 rooms, modern 624 A St., South Omaha 4608 Hamilton st, 6 rooms , 3343 Boyd St., 6 rooms 36:i6 Seward St., 7 rooms , 30 Parker St., 6 rooms , 1318 Capitol ave, 8 rooms...' S1J Marcy st., 10 rooms, modern 2609 No. 17th ave., 6 rooms 4fKil Seward St., 7 rooms 42ii2 Lake st., 6 rooms 2.S05 Dupont St., 2 houses , 2S02 Hurdette St., 6 rooms, modern..., 3206 Maple st., 5 rooms And many others, low prices, easy .$1,3.V1 . 1.500 . 6 0 . nan . 1.200 . 2,500 . (too . 6"0 . . 2,000 . 1.K0 . 2.7.VI . 6.'i0 . 1.100 . 1,150 . 1,350 . 1.100 . 8.000 . 3,500 . 1.4O0 . 1.2M) . 1,2) . 850 . 1,600 . 800 terms. ' THE O, F. DAVIS CO., 608 BEE BLDG. RE M667 7 MODERN HOUSE, BEST LOCATION ON PARK AVE., 7,000.00. 610 PARK AVE., EAST FRONT, ONE BLOCK SOUTH NEW BAPTIST CHiTRCH Lot 76x140 feet, 9-room house, strictly modern, has Just been put In very best of condition, redecorated Inside, now plumbing, new gas fixtures, very best up-to-date furnace. This is the best prop erty In the city for the price. Immediate possession can be given. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE 610 C H 320 Acres H At $6.1)0 an Acre. 10 miles north of Lexington, Neb.; fine road to land, good soil, rolling, cut 75 tons blue stem hay this year; all prairie, 1 mho to school, 60 feet to water, well settled dis trict, good crops. Owner needs the money at once and offers to sell It for $6.50 an acre. It will pay anv one to look It up. Hastings & Heyden, 1609H Farnam. Omaha. Neb. RE 644 6 CHS- Williamson Co..v-S RE 380 Two Pound Package Pillsbury's Vitos FREE With Every Bee Want Ad Ordered for Friday Saturday or Sunday GIVEN AWAY Friday and Saturday With Every Want It make no difference how small or how large your Want Ad may le, nor how many times you order it, you will receive a package just the same. Hates are always the same. 'One Cent a word no ad taken for less than 20o Pillsbury's Vitos WANT ADS TAKEN UNTIL 8 P. M. SATURDAY... FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Bensonhurst A new model residence place Just west of Country club on Military boulevard, lots 63x226 feet, avenue to he macada mised nnd parked. Sidewalks laid, street trees planted by proprietors, only 80 lots In the tract. Pint nnd specifications for street Im ' provements can bo seen at otir office. We offer for two weeks lots In this plat, after which no lots will be offered until the Improvements are completed. In no event will more than one-fourth of the lots be sold Ht present time and prices, and then only to those contem plating early improvements. Benson & Carmichael Paxton Block. RE M666 6 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 421 FRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas W 422 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-423 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne lnveatmeat Co. W 424 5 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 425 LOWEST rates. Bemls, Paxton block. W-426 MONEY to loan on real estate at 6 and Bij per cent. W. B. Meikle, 2u6 Ramge bldg. W 427 WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 8C2 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 3036. N 346 CASH for your horses. Meichoir's Livery barn. CASH for your horses. Meichoir's Livery I VT.V, barn 4l WANTED Stork . general merchandise, $10,000 to tl6,CMJ. Address E 45, Bee. N M560 8 WANTED To buy several teams, of horses, about 1,300 pounds each horse, young, sound and gentle. Inform Tom Baker, barn master, Bennett's. N 087 4x I WANT a few cheap quarters of land In Nebraska; will pay cash. Send legal de scription and price to C. A. McClure. Ot tumwa, la. N M69i 6 MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale, re tail, Sherman & McConnell, Omaha.- 428 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1511H Dodge St., Omaha. 429 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, i28 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la., Tel. 774. 526 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs Garden, 2216 Charles. Tel. A2618. 430 j. 1 Tl- i' iilfcaCrrT 1 rfaViffitiftiiiMiaas 1 1 J (iwftianS'tnHTiiiiinniiM, im ., iimtnutttflA 1 1 Mi vl Via eh Kg R 0 amgK SSfP J. 1 i " IP mm healthulness and also its keeping qualities- It never becomes rtarchy when boiled, but preserves its granular form always. A single package of Vitos will produce twelve pounds of delicious food. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES. Insurance. Klngwalt, Barker Block. l 4ol I1WUOL.J O. F. DuWsCo., 5u8 Bte beig. THE Omaha Van nnd Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H c ni!t. :tirchou.e. 1K0-24 N. 19th. offir-, lJin, Farnam. Tel. 1559. 1 403 6-ROOM cottage nnd barn. $16; 2'!12 No. 15th, Call 2012 Emmet M. D M553 6x DE81RABLE brick flat centrally located; good condition W:lhain K. Potter, re. ceivcr. 3tl Brown block. D-974 WE MOVE piano Mm: Hard Van 8tor. age Co. Tel. 1469. Dili. 171.; Webster SU 1 4" HOI IQF lr " ,nr,9,,'f " ' city. R. c. Ilv-'UOCiO 1'eters At Co, Bee l;iihtn,. 1 4"ii FAYNE-ROSTWICK CO., choice house, 601-603 New York Life Bldg. Phon.. 1 D 4t 6-room cottage. 2125 f. 34th St. $ 'a 50. 6-room house, 967 N. 26th st. 1- j". 10-room, strictly modern, detached, brick house, 607 S. 29-h st. 3X WALTER L. SELBY, 334 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. 1T.10. D-Mi!2 FOR RENT BEST MODERN HOME ON PARK AVE. 610 Tark ave., 9 rooms, modern, best of eon. dltlon, newly decorated, new plumbing, gas fixtures and furnace, lare yard, $55. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam Street. D-I-M661 13 FOR RENT Modern 8-room flat opposite Hanscom park, $34. 'Phono 523. D M663 SEE M'CAULE Y EXPRESS CO. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 809 8. 16th. Tel. 14M. i 407 A HOME on Blnney st., 10-room house, t desirable party; $40 per month. Telephone, B2627. D-16S SEVEN-ROOM, modern bouse, with large barn $30 per month. Richard C. Patterson, 1224 Farnam st. D-M965 FOR RENT 6-room cottage. 624 North 22d, $22; 4 rooms, 26th and Blondo, $s 50. Ap ply at 607 N. 19th St. , D-MU.1 TEN-ROOM all modern house and barn, 2i06 California St. Fine neighborhood. Now being put In first-class repair. To reliable tenant, $35 per month. Tenant pays water rent after January 1. in quire southwest corner 17th and Douglas Sts.. "phone 2857. D M5S6 ox FOR RENT A pleasant east-front, 7-room house, 1630 South 2Mh. Apply to Philip Potter Co., 420 N. Y. Life. Tel. 470. D-M666 7 FOR SALE Two modern, brick houses, 7 rooms each; will rent for $10. Price, $2,500, easy terms. THOMAS B REN NAN, Room 1 New York Life bldg. D M648 3-ROOM cottage, 2635 N. 16th st. D-M6U x HOUSES FOR RENT. 2514 Emmet St., 6 rooms, city water. ...$12.60 2439 S. 20th Ave;, 6 rooms, city water... 11.00 2203 Pierce St., 7 rooms, modern 18.00 2424 Emmet St., 6 rooms, city water.... 13.60 802 S. 29th St., 7 rooms. 1st floor, mod.. 22.60 1037 S. 20th St., 9 rooms, city water 20.0O 2717 Charles St.. 6 rooms, city water... 12.60 1117 Brlggs St., 6 rooms, well 10. "O 2603 S. 2"th Ave., 4 rooms, city water... 10. 01) 2310 N. 26th St., 5 rooms, city water 10.7 1306 8. 31st St.. 7 rooms, modern. 22. fO 12.11 Park Wilde. 12 rooms, modern 45. 00 8465 Larlmore Ave.. 5 rooms, well t.00 M CAUL K IN v r.M mi cwi tu., 1506 Dodge St. D 631 15 PATENTS PATENTS H. A. Sturgls, registered attor ney. Patents, trade marks, copyrights. No fees unless successful. 617 New York; Life building, Omaha, Neb. 36 SUES & CO., Patent Lawyers; advice free. Three omces: nee nuiioing, wiuhoo, nt., 184 Dearborn St., Chicago. III., nnd 1003 V St.. Washington. D. C. Tel. 1623 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. 400 Ad Large or Small. Is the cJvoicest product of the best wheat in the world. It is thor oughly sterlized, which insures its ! CV"