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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1904)
TIIE OMATTA- DAILY' BEE: TUESDAY, AUOEST 16, 1001. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Threshing Eetiinn Confirm PredJctioni of . . . Damage to Wheat Crop. CORH SAID TO It SUFFERING FOR RAIN On aad m Half to Two Mi a Mall Centa Higher Deferred Corn early Oae kd a Half t Two . One-Eighth Higher. OMAHA, Aug. IS, 1804. -Tieat Was 1H cent mgner ti noon touay I ban at the clone ua Saturuay. 'i be curaen 01 tiie news trom the Dukoias una Minne sota was of tna nme harrowing nalura that has been burdening tna wires and the mans (or weeks past, only that there was a little mora o( lu In place oi preulctions there were actual threntilng results, and tney were rar irum inspiring conndeiice in the position of the bear. A the threshing goes on and the returns sre received 11 or dins to look mora and more as It tuere might be trouble Id finding the wheat to euver on September contract. .Many short are being converted to UU theory ana me ' ringing or settlement action on. ma Chicago speculative market was a lec ture of the day. Not only were the dm.iage reports on wnfat insistent, out mere were many re ports ot tiring of corn from Indiana, Illi nois, eastern Iowa and some psrts of west ern Kansas and Nebraska. This Is sup posed to be the weather that advance corn so rapidly that the listening ear tan liexr It grow, but the tale ot the gosMps this morning was otherwise. It is claimed that the earlier rains have packed the ground and that the eon son of drouth ex perienced in the Inst few weeks has fired tho corn. Of course, the gossip mills are working overtime these days and the corn crop Is far away from being destroyed It will probably be a bumper, but the market evidently took stock In the fire rumors, for the price was advanced sharply on the September delivery and nearly I point on urn ueiorreu juiurea. Onte also got a' hump on themselves, moving up with the rest of the list, but only "A cent. The bulls were In control of wverytning and they were not rushing 10 take profits, showln Ing a feeling of confidence The future may change in the situation. It, but for the present prices are satis factory to elevator men and should be gathered In before rain knocks corn down. Twombly, Son A Co had two samples of northern wheat on exhibition In the stalk, with them were letters and an nplnoon from Mr. Twombly, sr. to the effect that the damage had been exaggerated. The samples shown were bud, and certainly not attractive as flour producers. The Omaha cash grain market was splen did. The assortment of wheat and corn was good. The wheat prices are especially attractive, ranging from 76o for 48-lb. grade to 91Hc for M-lb. No. 3. When 65-lb. wheat pells at We the wise elevator man will tag his cars to Omaha and not to any other market. The strength at 'the close In all cerenls was verged on the sensational In the mat ter of strength. Wheat Increased Its ad vance to 2c lor September IVio for Decem ber and 2Hc for May. Corn closed c, mc nnd IHo higher on Beptember, December ami May, and oats l?tc. lV4c and 2Vo for the game futures re spectively. Omaha drain Inspection In: 8 cara No. 8 hard wheat, 12 cara No. 4 hard wheat, 1 cars no grade wheat, 1 car No. I corn. T cars No. 3 corn, 1 car No. 4 corn, 1 car No. 8 white corn. 1 car yellow corn, 1 car No. S rye; total, 3.1 cars. Out: 1 car No. 2 hard wheat, cars No. 8 hard wheat, 2 cars No. t corn, 4 cars No. 8 corn, 1 car No. I whit oats; total, 10 cars. Omaha Cash gnles. 1 oar No. 8 wheat, 86 lbs.. 9c; 1 car No. 4 wheat, 65 lbs.. 9uc; 1 car No. 3 corn, 48c: 1 car No. 3 yellow corn, 49tyc; 2 cars No. 3 corn, 49c; 1 car No. 4 corn, iC. 8 car No. 3 wheat, 86 lbs.; 90c; 1 car No. 4 wheat. 55V, lbs., 90c; 1 car No. 4 best wheat, M lis., 84c; 1 car No. 2 hard wheat, Klc; 1 car No. 4 hard wheat, 82c; 1 car No. 4 hard wheat, 83c; 1 oar No. 4 hard wheat, 84c; 1 car No. 4 hard wheat, 88c; 1 car No. 4 hard wheat, D3 lbs., 87c; 8 cars No. 4 hard wheat, 66 lb 90c; 1 cor rye, 62c, 1 car rye, 64c. Cash sales late Saturday! 1 car rejected wheat, 48 lbs., 75c; 1 car No. 4 wheat, 64 lbs, Sue; 1 car No. 8 wheat, S7 ds., sic. Cash Prices. '.Theat No. 2 hard No. 3 hard 'No. 4 hord VT.. 4 . Omulia. 83 82 (jSUft Chicago 95 til 03 95 ftfl 00 1 03 r'-tt 1 06 95 tfl 03 trl 03 - la to ,e.No 8 sad- k vt , r-i No. 2 sui'lna . No. 2 Spring No grade ... Corn No. 8 No. 8 , No. 4 No. 3 yellow No. 2 yellow No. 3 white No. 8 white No grade ., Oats 95 V4 76 4 a9 4KH4H3 48 . 64 04 63 Cj 60 f 64 54 65 64 u 64', W Di 8 Jo. I S3 SlWf 33 at 81 a SlVi o. 8 o. 4 . .'. a v No. 2 whim 33 35 85Vi jno. 9 wniie ji'.iftJJ r-ifri so " No. 4 white 81 84 l 344 ' Standard Sl'-i UQ 35 No. 3 rye 82 01 Omaha Grain Quotations. The range of prices on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and the close today and Baturduy were' Wheat Sept. . . Deo. .. atom i Sept. . Dec. . Open. High: Low Today. Sat. 92V ii 92U mH 92V4B !2 H U1H-V 47 4a B 48 B B 45HB 47 B 48 B 46 B 4DVjB 47 A World's Wheat shlpmeat, This , Iaat Week. Wtek. Lost year. American Husslan Iiuublan Indlun gentlna ..ustralian Chill, No. Africa. 1,1'H.OOO 1.7(i2,Oi0 8,413. 0-X) 1,816,(0 I,gs8,nu0 lMat.OK) l,21S,iX l.WS.OoO 2,iHi0"0 z,soi,o()o z,Z!j,mKi taw.w 1,744, uijO l,lM,0i0 .. 604.0110 2ye.ou0 6li,tXi0 ., 2411,000 1 U,0U0 Totals 8.504,000 8,112.000 8,813,000 World's Cora Shipments. This I Ji at Year Week. Week. Ago. American KuskIhii , Dtinuhlan Atgeiitine Totals 64, 0"0 24,o0 707.0TO S7G.CMK 4l2,(ll0 148.( 3!4.(i0 868,000 730. 0 A 2.D02.0W) J.&aO.lM) S.On.Oi'O ... 3,916.000 3,660,000 4,61,000 Visible Bapply. , Wheat, 12,558,000 buahcla; Increase, 45,000 (inhels. Corn, 6 OIKi.uu) bushels; decre.i.-e, &79.UOO bualu-ls. Oats, 8,379,000 bushels; In crease, 27,000 bushels. Xurthwestera Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oat a. Chicago, bu ltd 94 8--3 Minneapolis, pu lit ' .. ... liuiuth i 41 .. ... Omaha 17 " 14 ... Grata Market .Elsewhere. ' Closing prices ot grsin today and Satur day at thu markets named were as follows: CM1CAUO, Wheat Today. ..1 0." ..1 tct, ..1 04 Sal. 1 Oil' 1 011, s fcrpu'inber lecombr . May Corn- 64Ho December b.i o of.,0 May 6-vsU bi)i Otiis brptember 3IV'U 33-a December , ft'.'.c Sto May ...s 'ihno 8T. LOUIS. Wheat rleplember 994B tV ' December l.ui U 1.00 Corn Beptember 64i 6: December buht ' KANSAS CITY. Wheat . - Heptember 87Vi litwmbr , 6H', s;t, Corn ' h-liember 4! 4sT4 December 46 'B . 4u MINNEAPOLIS. Whest Pt'litember , December Wheat September December Corn 8ptember 1.03V4 1.01 NEW YOKK. '. ..1 03 l.OuTi 1.02 96 5i LOT, 57; Commerelsl Gossip. Oood demand for Uteel preferred snj rrnna lvanla In 1"3 crowd. American stocks In Itndon rm and C'i pvr cent sbove siaturday s parity. Heavy block o Atchison common bor rowed for some months bus tern returni-d. Southern Pacific, earnings show s de erMe equal to 664 per cent on common si.ak. Thirty-four roads first week In Auttust 'J average eiy lurrvue In tarnli.g tf IT per lent, i . , Omulia contract stocks of wheat. 41 1 lul. T.'ial st.x'he H..b ll4. wliBBt, bik.Jl bu. c to and o.j bu. (,ti. t:""B" M.ll.iiiuo i f itin.len. J I) ew Xtl vl luii.iis J. riUxlpa ot Niuun uJ T. U Martin of St. Louis wers on 'change today. , . Governor Odell bgln suit 1 to recover fl'rt.nro from original promoters ot Ln-ted Blates BMp Hunulng company. Beginning to gt bad reports on corn from Kansas. Nebraska and Missouri. About half of Illinois westher very dry and corn Is suffering In Indiana. It looks as though this corn would sell higher. Mr. Parson of the Western Elevator com pany of Winona says: "From lett"rs and samples of wheat received toosy wo think the threshing returns will be disappointing to the farmer and the damage to the crop fully as large as has been stated. Otir crop on the Une from Tyler, Minn., to Astoria, S. D., la very late. No cutting et and agent from Hendricks, Minn., writes crop not over &o per cent of what was expected a week ago. Crops east of Tracy, Mlnrt., are fairly good and we will have some No. 2 wheat. Minneapolis wires: "I find samples of new wheat here from White Rock, 8. D., goes four bushels per acre, weighs forty- seven pounds, grndes rejected; Anoover, r. D., seven bushels per acre, weighs fifty pounds, grades No. 3; Tlntah, same as above; Fulrmont, Martin county, Minn., where they expected big crop threshed Bnt urday, got twelve bushels per acre, grade rejected, weighs forty-five pounds. Trav eling men on floor say Day, Hargent. Mar shall and Roberts counties. South Dakota, ptactlcaily total failure. Rumple from Eu. reka, N. ., very fine, weighs sixty pounds. CHICAGO GRAIN A31) PROVISIONS Features of tho Trading; and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. 15. Wheat Was nearly crowded from the spot-light area of spec, ulative Interest today by a drouth scare In corn. Wheat, however, as the result of fresh reports of crop damage, remained the chlel attraction, Heptember advancing 2c from the lowest point of the day and finishing nlth a net gain of 2c. In corn the chief trading was In the new prop deliv eries, December closing with a net ad vance of m'a'ic. Beptember corn scored a net advance of 1C. Oats were up He, Provisions closed 2Vu7Ha higher. Opening trades In heptember wheat were made nil the way from $1.0'. to 31.01, being Vic to o lower to Vyfcc higher than the previous close, fluctuations within that range came so rapidly that for a time the trend ol the market could be followed only with great difficulty. Kepteniber climbed step by step to $1.03, Sales by scalpers caused a reaction In the Beptember option toward the close to $1.02S1.024c Tho strength, however, was well maintained to the end. The market was paradoxical In that the later strength was helped by the tone of the corn market, which hitherto has borrowed much of Its strength from wheat. The amount of flour and wheat on passage moving the past week showed an increase of 4W,0X bushuls and the visible supply Increased 460,ii bushels. Primary receipts were 1,316,000 bushels, compared wllh t7,0OO bushels u year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 334 oars, against 853 last week and 209 cars a year ago. A new and serious condition appears to confront the corn trnde. Complaints of backward growth and poor prospects be came so pronounced today that bulls nnd bears alike gave heed to them. The result ing; wave of speculative buying changed the market from steadiness to buoyancy. September sturted He lower to He higher, at and advanced to 64ttc, the- clos ing figure. The lend of the commission houses was soon followed by those local traders who sold short early, and on each succeeding bulge the offerings became lighter. The upward tendency was most marked In prices for the new crop months, December starting with a gain of W(tc at MV' and closing at 634c, a net gain of 2M(2c. May sold up from 50H to 61c at the opening to b'2c. in the flnttl trading, a gain of 2MiC. Local receipts were 94 cars, of which two were of contract grade. There was activity In the oats trade, which shared the strength of corn and wheat. Beptember opened unchanged at 33140 and advanced to 34Hc. Some influ ential trading by one of the speculative loaders checked the advance and carried tho Beptember price back to 34c at the close. The tune was lirm at the lower flgure. Local receipts were 322 cars. Apparently an effort was made to bull the provision market at the start and higher prices ruled. A large line of lard was thrown on the market by one of the large packers and its effect was to stay the ad vance. The market sold strong, however, unde: liberal commission house demand and the close showed a gain In September pork of 7 Vic at $11.67A; of 6c In lard, at $0.82H, and of 2VC. in ribs, at $7.474. Esti mated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat H61 cars; corn, 191 cars: Oats, 611 cars; hogs, JAODO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. I High.l Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat I I tSept. WVM 104 102 104S 10?H $9ept. 100'iU, 103 100H 1024 100 Doo. PU-IOo'm lOL'Vi 99 102-H 8f May lOHioJ 104M 10114 lWvi 101-4 Corn 'it 1 Bopt. $:Wti t) 83 644 6SH Dec. RlN'uV 63"il 51 13'tlWtfhi May ' SOSM M7 60H 62 Oats I I Sept. 33S4 4H 33i 34, 8"i Dec. 844 It 8SHl 3fis t May StiiiTui 7Hl361,j'5i, SnVmri Pork I I I Hept. 11 70 11 72H 11 60 11 87W II V) Oct, 11 8:" Jl 82V 11 70 11 77 11 70 Jan. 12 92il 13 16 12 2 13 15 Lard l II Sept. 8 82 85 80 1 6 82'4 6 77H Oct. 6 90 6 f2 6 87 92 6 87 Jan. 6 97 7 00 6 97' 7 00 Ribs I . I Sept. T 47 7 47 7 421 7 47 7 48 Oct. 7 45 7 47 7 42 7 47 ' 7 45 Jan. 8 72 6 87 6 72 6 87 No. 2. tOld. $Now. Cnh nuot.ttlons were as follows: T'LOT'R Market steady; winter patents, $4.7041 4.90; straights, 34.40 4. K0; spring pat ents, 4.70tjB.20; straights, M Uil4. i0; baker, $3.03.70. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $1.1,08; No. 3, Kcfr-Jl OS; No. 2 red. $1.0.'-gi.03 CORN No. 2, 64c; No. 2 yellow. Wc. OATS-No. 2. 810i32c: No. 2 white, 34 C:c; No. 3 white, 1-135C. RYE No. 2, 71c. BARLEY Good feeding. 8S0; fair to choice mailing, 40c. 8EED No. 1 flax, $1.15; No. 1 northwest em, $1.23; prime timothy, $2.50; clover, contract guide, $11. (XKy 11.75. PROVISION! Mess pork, per Mi.,' $11.70 f?11.75. Lard, per lou lbs., i.7i .77. Short ribs sides (loose). 7.37!57.50. . Short clear sides (boxed), $8.00i8.26. Shipments of flour and grain were as follow; Receipts. Shipments. FKur, bbls lR.lOO 10,6'X) Wheat, bu mono W.KiO Corn, bu. 127,500 . SSJnO Oats, bu 414.7110 ; 2hi. too Rye, bu 18.000 1,i0 Barley, bu 4,4(0 IO.&iO on the Produce exchange today the but. ter market was firm; creameries, 13i( 17c; dairies, l-'ruliic. 1-:;kh, steady; at mark, cases Included, 13(yl7c Cheese, steady, 1 &i0. St. I.onls Grala and Provlsloas. BT. LOUIS. Aug. 15. WHEAT Higher; short covering; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 9lHc; on trsck. $1.01fl.02; September, 9HVtf,(i K!'Vr; December, $1.02rl.08; No. 2 hard, 99c.ii $1.01. CORN Higher; western crop news bad; No. 2 cash, 6-le; on track, 64S54c; Septem ber, 64c; December, 60c. OATS Higher; No. 2 ensh, 83c; on track, 33d;:l4Vc; September, 34c; December, 85cj No. 2 while. 80c. EIOl'H Nominal; red winter patents. $4 M(5.00; extra fsncy and straight. 14 4'J iii 40; clear, $3 it4.(U. SfcF.n Tlniothv steadv. $2 406176. lidKNMKAb- Steady, 11 .Ji. LRAN Firm and higher; sacked east trsck, 67ci Mic. HAY trld, weaker; new. firm: timothy, $.'il2O0; new. $10.00j 16.00; old prairie, $6 (m(i,J 50. . IKON COTTON TIES 95c. HAfHIINCJ 7i7He. TWINE Hemp, Ve. PROVJSIONtJ-Pork, higher; Jobbing, $1177. lird, higher; prime steam. HJ. liacon. steadv; boxed extra shorts, $8.37; clear ribs. 3S C; short clear, $S.&7. POri.TnV-Onlet; chickens. c: springs, llc; turkeys. 13c; ducks, 7c; geese, 6c. HrTlfcR-yulet1; creumery, 14yl8ci dulry, l(i(i!rc. LGUS Higher; ICo, case count. Keceipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls t 12.o"0 8O1O Wheat, bu 34''C) ln.i.') Corn, bu 45.i0 S;.of) Oats, bu lM.yX) 44,ouO tiara, trio; io. 1. J.(c; No. 4, fcj-.itlc. CoHN firm; Pe.leniber, 49o; lie-em-ber, 4oi4.,1,c; liiv, 4fc: cash. No. 2 mixed, 4H(if.e; No. 8, 491uj(jc; No. I while. t"c; !a. I. toe, OATtf-bleady: No. t white, $KtfS5c; No. 8, S-.-He. lit"! Tt-R Creamery, 13(riMic; dairy, lie. E1IO8 Firm: Missouri and Kansas new No. 2 wbltewood i-asi'S Included.. 17n. HAT-Firm; choice timothy, $ 5o; choice prxlrte, l f,."i6.7, 1 1 u 4.. u kW, A rt l..UB Reci-lf ts. Blilpmenls - o-i) 12 ( f ' U v liA.-O ' (,u W Ileal, huslu-ls Corn, bu- ln-ts Outs, buDlit la , Pvarla Grala Market, PEORIA, Aog. U.-CORN-bleady; No. $. iic; No. 4, Kjtnsaa Citir frala mm A Vnl.u.a KANSAS CITY", Aug. 15. -WHEAT Steady to hlRher; Beptemtier, s"c; Decem ber, Kic; May, 9;',c: cush, No. 2 hard. 9iU'i&c; No. 8, k.'u'nc; No. 4. 8mi.S7c; No. i NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Prices Develop a itrong Upward Morement and Volurao Increases. ALL DIVISIONS OF MARKET SHARE BOOM Early To no Gives Convincing Evl- 'deaee of lomethlBSJ Llko Crys tallisation of Confldeneo la Fatare Operations. Nfc'W YORK, Aug. 15.-Th creeping movement ot pi Ices which was the cnar acterisiic ot last wees, a stock market de veloped into a strong and comprehensive upward movement today. Ihe volume 01 transactions roi- above the previous total of any day miring the present movement. The market was broad and the strength and activity vt-rj all Distributed, prac tically all uivlslons of the market sharing in the sdvsnce. There was much selling to take profits during tne day and con stant actions In consequence, but the man ner of digesting this profit taking was more convincing as to tne health of the market than the upward rush of prices It self. There was no Important development In tho news today or since the close of tho market last week, but the early tone gave convincing evidence of something like a crystallizing or confluence in the tuture of the market. London was reported in more confident mood over Its money out look. That capacity was said to draw aft augury of a hastened peace In the far east as a consequence of the serious reverse to the Russian naval forces. The basis ot the growth of confidence here was quite clearly the faith that the country Is to enjoy prosperous crops. The corn and cot ton carriers showed the greatest effects from this ralth, but St. Paul, as a wheat carrier, w ith large spring wheat traffic, was not excluded. Good prospects In the stfel trade have held Pennsylvania at times, but the movement of these stocks today seemed more to be based on assump tions of the good to come from the croiis to the whole country. United States pre ferred was the conspicuous laggard In the days movement. Southern Pacific was also under constant pressure to tnke profits and made Its highest price on the running quotations and at the opening. The Metro politan tractions were feverish and Irreg ular. Bonds were Irregular; total snlrs, par Value. $.1.77.0fl0. I'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. . Quotnilons ramred ns follows on the New Tork Stock exchange: Sales. H'h. Low. Close. A tohlson do rfd .69.V 82 81 H 81 S.ZI fN(A if 1 'M 98 Baltimore & Ohio ... do pfd Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio . Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western Chicago & N. W C, M. & St. P no pfd Chloago T. & T do pfd C, C, C. A St L... Colorado Southern . do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd Delaware & Hudson. P., L. ft W Denver ft K. G do pfd 7,800 85 85 85 90 127 166 37S 40S H 1800 1 28 i27 100 186 1S 7, mo SK- 1,200 40 2.100 "i5 37 40 183 86,600 151 149 150 79i 3,000 101 .... 100 272 .... 6'K) 2.1 .... 1.200 74 ....16.100 20 .... 7.900 66 .... 1,500 39 .... 300 7H .... 1,000 83 .... 7,000 137 .... 600 204 .... 400 3 .... 300 22J .... 600 44 .... 8,100 120 .... 800 151 ....43,600 96 ..,.21,700 124-14 'ji! L900 - 7" .... 100 181 272 - 270 Erlo do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd Hocking Valley .. do pfd Illinois Central .. Iowa Central .... do pfd K. C. Southern . do pfd L. ft N..... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry M. St. L M., St. P. ft S. Ste. do pfd Missouri Pacific . ..29.200 95. M., K. ft T 4.200 do pfd 1300 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 200 N. Y. Central 2.1"0 Norfolk & Western .. $.800 do nfd Ontario ft Western Pennsylvania 4 P., C. C. ft St, L.. Reading do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd . 4.400 81 81V .93.100 123 121", '.49.600 '65 -64 . 600' 84 MV 200 72 72 Rock Island Co 16.2(H) do pfd 2.800 St. L. A 8. F. 2nd pfd 2. 900 St. Louis 8. W 1.6no do pfd t.OoO Southern Pacific 68.200 Southern Rail way 1...IO.S0O do - pfd Texas ft Pacific ... T.. St L. ft W do pfd Union Pociflo 2.1O0 ...". 2o0 -20 400 SA 71,900 , 800 400 . 1,900 do Pfd Wabash ... do pfd ... W. ft I j. B. Wisconsin Central ,. 700 do pfd 0 Mexican Central ,...14,5u0 Adams Express American Express IT. S. Express 18 40 10 Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper ...78,100 Amer. C. ft F , do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd ... American Ice . do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil . do pfd , Amer. Locomotive do pfd Amer. 8. ft R , do pfd Amer, B. R , Ana. Mining Co..., 300 2oi) 300 33 . 4.800 22 . 2o0 89 . $.400 60 21 8S 60 . 1.200 104 104 . s.ioo 134 , fX) 75 113 133 IS' 13 Urooklyn R. T. .19,4(4) t4 64 87 196 13 67 61 3 190 13 68 164 15 72 83 78 2-' 89 28 101 75 217 7 44 17 Colorado Fiiel ft Iron 1.000 37 Consolidated Gas A 1.900 19i Corn Products ...... ,5o0 3 do pfd 200 68 Distillers' Securities General Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump , 165 164 15 15 72 72 'iri "224 & 89 2S 28 101 101 33 33 ftoO 600 an prd National Lead ,.. North American . Pacific. Mall People's Gas pressed Steel Car . do pfd Pullman Pal. Car . Republlo Stetl .... do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd , Term. Coal ft Iron. ., 2,400 .. 4o0 .. 500 .. $.300 .. 1,100 900 600 7 44 '79 44" 79 1,700 46 . 46 44 7 7 84 84 49 19 19 75 75 12 12 6!- $: 169 159 U. S. Leather 700 7 do pfd 7u0 85 tT. B. Realty IT. 8. Rubber floo 19 do pfd 5O0 78 TJ. B. Steel 100 12 do pfd 4.900 o Westlnghouse Elee... 6u0 160 Western I'nlon 63 Total sales fur the day, 861,900 shares, London Rtoek Market. LONDON, Aug. 15.-Closlng: Conaoia. mousy N. V. C.ntr.l jt! ds s.-couut .4 Norfolk 4k W AnftonU lo Pfd Ill 14 AK hiavn Ui Ontario A W 424 do pra loo reonarivanis f 2 , Baltlmora Ohio.... 117 hand Mines 1"4 Canadian I'aclflo Ill Kradinf tt ( llrs. Ohio Ml do lat pfd 41 Clilcaso Ot. T ....... loV do Id pfd M C , M. St. P.. V-i'i to. R.llw.x t7 fv.lle.ra 14 4a ptd )i D. H. O t So. Pacinn '. 11 do pfd "' Inlon Paclflo loiu Eria do pl4 M da 1st p(d V. S. Btl U do Id pld t4 do pid tr Illinois Central U7 Wabaali lxiula. NaaB 00 pis J4 i . K. T tl Spanlah is M SILVER Bar, quiet, 26K4 per ounce. M O N E Y 2 6 2 per cent. The rate of discount In the mien market for short bills Is 2'(i'2 per cent; for three, months' bills, $ 3-lou'J per cent. Hew York sllalnic Storks. NEW TORK, Aug. 15. The following are the closing prices ou mining stocks; Adasia Cuo ... to Llttla Chlsf I Ontario , IhO 0tur ji-'J Aluo It r (.- brucawlrk Con ... j ... It ... 14 movnlx .. la Ciiniitis S Tunnal Coo. Cal. a Vs.. II.KIl Kilnor IrtMl Bllvtr LadriUs Cos .... Futoal .IK I8aias .158 Biarra Kndl .... . si .145 Small Hupos Hi . . I Sludard lav Fore Is; n Plaanelal. lurnf tv . i .v . t. ir ...... - , .i......... o. r,Luauuc on i.unuon 20 murks, 47 pfgs for cliecks. Trading on the It. i-irte today was quirt ajd had a wall lug tendency. l.OMioN, Aug. 15. Money was In mod erate demand la the market today and In g.joj supply. Prices on the stock exchange were steady, but trading had an tincorisTii tendency and operators generally were Idle, many taking advantage t,f (ho unpopular nineteen ds.vs account to enjuy a hull. lay. Consols Improved the rlieapiit-ss of uiotii-v. Auierii aris of., ne.i hnn In some places in New lurk. r'oreliciiers were liiacilvs, be ll, is artert-d by ti.e Paris holUliv. Jop.o e hviltielied. RoSHians Slid 'lurks Wt-r Wouk. Impeilbl uvtf lillltul IUcO cf ij i wero quoted st H The amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of England on bal ance today .n (, WASHINGTON. Aug. 15. Today's stat ment of ths treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $!art.ono.(m goM reserve In the division of redemption. Shows: Avntlsble rash balance, $150,9,1.666; gold, $4S,fta,91. New York Money Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 16. MONET On call, easy at ul per cent: closing bid, 1 per cent; offered, 1 per cent. Time loans, easy, but dull; 60 nnd 90 days, 2cf2 pe' cent; months, 3 per cent; prims mer cantile paper, 4S4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, then firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.rS-rM.W for demand and at $4.8.Y!5 f 4 8630 for 60-dny bills; posted ratea. $4V( 6 and $4.Mtf4.fti; commercial bills, $4.M. SILVER Bar, 57c; Mexican dollars, 45c. HONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. The following nre the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: TJ. S. ref. ts. rs-...lHiManhtttan e. g. 4s.. .10 do eoupon lmt Xri. Central 4s ?H do la. reg 104S4 do 1st Inc 1K do eoupon l"i iMInn. a- St. L 4s.... ds sew 4a, rag Ill !!.. K. T. 4s do ennpon do la la do old 4a, reg.. do eoupon Atrhison sea. 4a. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a. B. O. 4s do IV.I Central of OS. is. do lat Inc N. R. R. Of M S. 4a. 7 N. T. C. g. 11 .IMS N. J. C. . Ha..." 1H . ft , No. Pat-Iflo 4a I' .10" do tt 1 .l'US'N. A W. c. 4a mn. . O. I. L. it A par.... f-H .11" Penn ronv. IH NVHaadinx sn. 4a Chi. Ohio 4Wa....W7 Bt. L. & I. M. o. fta..lia Cblr-aso A. awa... 7v- Kt. U 8. T. fl 4s... l C, B. a I). n. 4a..,. 1H!8. L. 8. W. la M'4 C. M. 8. P. a 4a.. P Saaboard A. u. 4s.... 7S t N. W. e. 1....lf4'8o. Pacific 4a 4 C, R. I. A r. 4s.... T.l So. Railway lis. 117 do eol. 6a. ... UVTeiaa A P. la. ..11 CCC. A Ft. U g. 4s.. lul T., St. L. A W. 4.. tJ Chlcairo Tor. 4a 74 I nlon Pacific 4s.. .JOS' Con. Tobacco 4a KH do cont. 4a Colo. A So. 4a M r. S. Steal Id (a.. D. A R. O. 4s li" Wnbanh la Erla prior Han 4s.... do deb. B do gen. 4a. M W. A L. E. 4a..... F. W. A D. C S....1MV( Wis. Central 4a..., Ilocklns Val. 4a. . . . l.' ; Colo. Fuel C. s.. U A N. snl. 4s 1011 Offered. ..104 ..117 . t"4 .. tin .. TI Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. Aug. 15,-Call loans, 23 per cent; time loans, 3'3 4V per cent, umtuu Closing or stocss ana oonus: Atchison adj. 4a t4 Weatlng. common Tt to do 4s .idii Advanture . 44 lAllouca . 1H Amalgamated .... . 99 lAmrtcan 21H0 . In Atlantic .181 lllngham .H;al At Hacla.... .137 Centannlal . llk Coppcf Rangt .... ,111 Pair West . 74 I Dominion Coal .. Mn. Central la.. Atchlaon do pfd Pmton A Alnsnr... Beaton A Main.... Iloaton Klevatod ... Filr-hburg pfd Hex. Ceutral N. T., N. 11. A II.. Per Marquette .... t'nlon Pacific 10 11 10H I4'4 it 11 sovt S VKrnnklln Amer. Arse. C'uem. HVOranoy do pfd i54 Ule Royals . Amer. Pneu. Tuba.... SllMas. Mining Amer. Sugar ..lra Michigan .:n nfd 131 Mnhawk 14 I a. 41 Amer. T. A T ;..13iaSMont. C. A C i Amer. Woolen 11 it Old nonunion iz-t do pfd Dominion I. A 8. Edlaon Klec. Illu.. General KlaetrU ... Mafla. Electrlo do pfd , Maaa. Uaa I'nlted Fruit Vnlted Shoe JUch. do pfd V. 8. Steol , do pfd Bid. "Asked .. 71 Osceola 4 24 .. 814 Parrot ..Ml Qulncy ..lMVhannon .. 17v"Tamrack .. 7SilTrlnltr .. 40V v. b. Mining. '4 ts tS 11'4 . .nxl l'. 8. Oil.. 10 60 ftah 31 11 6D Victoria .. Winona .. Wolverine I II NEW YORK . GEXERAL MARKET (notations of tho Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. 16 FLOUR-Recelpts, 19.346 bbls.; exports, 72 bbls.; market dull but firm; Minneapolis patents, $5.60'5.ik; winter patents, $l.Mortj.35; winter straights. $4.44.ko; winter extras. $3.35ii.90; winter low grades, $3.153.70; Minnesota patents. $n.60jju.90; Minnesota bakers, 3 !KK(4.30. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $4.154f4.40; choice to fancy, $4.4('t(4.(jJ. i ..... V . , .1 .a.AB,, vallnw wMarn $; city, $1.12iai.l6; klln-lrled, $3.10 i3.2ti. hi k ivominai. BARLEY Bteadyl- feeding, 46c, c. 1. f. New York WHEAT Receipts, 26,000 bu. Fpnt, firm; No. 2 red nomlnnl elevator and $1.03H. t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.22H, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 31.0K, nominal, f. o. b. i afloat. . At first wheat acted weak and heavy " under favorable weather news. vThr close was aiTZv-c ne: higher. May. $1.04,i11.0i;s, closed at $l.Hii September. $l.034'fif.0S4j, closed at $1.06; De cember, $1.03Hj?i.o closed at $1.05. IY,nV IMnr.l,,ta; IflftrtMl ,ii ' m r nnrts. 107.- 76 bu. Bpot, firmNo. 72. i'Jkc elevator nnd 69Ho, I. o. b. nnoat; no. x yeiiow, s.'ic; No. t white. filUc. Ontlons ad vs need over 2c a bushel; today'Dn covering caused by complaints , of hot i winds in Kansas ai'd closed strong at 2H3c net advance. Sep tember, 694i597ijo, closed at (tic; Decem ber, 87Hf(6c. closed at 69Hc OATS Receipts, (3,000 bu. Bpot, nominal; mixed. 26 to 32 lbs., 4of41c; natural white,, 80 to 32 lbs.,' 464tic; clipped white, 86 to 40 lbs., 4BSJ6ZC. TALLOW-Dull: city ($2 per pkg). 4Hc: country (pkgs. free), ilbii4c. RICE Julet; domestic, fair to extra, Shi fAie- Japan, nominal. hai uuiet: spring, Oivtc; gooa to cnoico, 9Co. HOPS Firm: state common to choice, 1903, 26634a: 1902, 21423c; olds, 7(ffl3c; Pa cllio coaat. 1903, 26290; 1902. 2130; old, 7&13e. YI mlTa a.nA-.t fin lirsatnn X iit 9ft lVa I1HT-O Oirau , van i ? lull, aru t.u w s t 17c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 80 lbs., 14c. LEATHER Hteady: acid, 241'Hc, PROVISIONS Heef. steady: fomlly. $1K: mess. 39: beef hams. 3-'2 2MT24.0O: packet. $!.5O(Jjl0.&0; city, extra Ind'a mesi, $140fff 18.00. Cut meats, ouiet: pickled bellies. $9.00 (filO.OO; pickled shoulders, I7.Z5; picked hams. Il05onu.oo. jarn, nrm; western stenmed. 37.26: refined, steady: continent. $7.30; compound. $5.S2M,ifi6.12: South Amer ica, $7. so. Pork, easy; family. 315; short Clear, $13.MV&T5 n; mess, 313.50S14.00. RIITTER Firm: street price, extra rreamarv. 18c. Oftlclsl prices: Creamery, common to extra. VJiR18c: state dolry, com mon to extra. 12fil7c; renovated, common to extra. IflifflSe: factory, common to choice. Ilfl3-c: Imitation creamery, common to choice. 1l"Tl,riC. CHEE$E Firm; state full cream, small, colored, fair to fancv, SfFS-Tio; small white, foor to fancv. 6U(i8,c; large colored, poor o fancy. 6HQ8Vc; large white, fair to fancv. 7VVR8'4c. EGOR lrresrular; western fsncy, selected, 21c: etrs nversee best. 19HCr'?0c. POTTTTRY Alive, firm; western chickens, ISc: fowls. 13Vtc; turkeys. V!c. Dressed, stnady; western chickens, l&lGe; fowls, 13 folic; turkeys, 14S15c. Cotton Market. MVFRPOOU Aug. 16.-COTTON-8pot In moderate demand; prices 8 points lower; American middling fair. 6.24d; good mid dling, 6.101; middling, 6.98d; low middling. 5 821: good ordinary, 6.60d; ordinary, S.SikI Futures opened and closed quiet; American middling g. o. c: August. 5.67d; Auinist and Benlemher, 6.61d; heptember and Octo ber. 5 Bid: October and November, 6.20d; November and December. S.27d; December and January, 6.17d; January and February, 6.14d; February and March, 6.14d; March aird April. 6 lid. 8T. flCIS, Aug. 15 COTTON Quiet and unchanged; middling. 10-Sc; sales, none; receipts, none; shipments, none; stock. 8.1. 17 bales. ' GAtWESTON, Aug. 15. COTTON Steadv. 10'c. NEW YORK. Aug. 16 COTTON Spot closed steady, 6 points lower; middling up lands. lO.Duc; middling gulf, lO.TSc. Bales, 1.621 bales. Futures closed steady: August, .9Sc; September. 9.76c: October, 68c; No vember. 9.64c; December, 9.56c; January, 95xe; February. $60c; March, .64c; April, 9.(iSc: Ms v. 9 67c. NEW ORLEANS. Aur. 15. COTTON Fu tures oulet but steady; Auarust. 10.17-fJi 10 20e; Bentember, .rff 69c; October, 40 ih-9 41c; November. .37r.$o; December. 9.S9c: January, $.4rifti4,46c: M.irch. 9 63 tl9.KSc. Bpot, oulet; sales, 160 bales; ordl nsry. 7 ll-16c: e'ond ordinary. 9c: low mld dlln. c: mlddllna-. WMr: rood middling, 10 9-16c; middling fair, 10 13-16c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 15.-METALS Tin was a little easier In the London market, clos ing at il l for spot and 123 12s tld for futures. The local market Is meeting with a very light demand and responded to the slight decline abroad, closing quiet at $:"; o0 Si -lido. Copper was a little higher In Lon don, with spot quoted at 54 l,a 6d and fu tures at Aid lHs M. Locally, copper was steady and unchanged; hike Is quoted at $13 62(4: electrolytic $12 5oi 12.C2H; casting, $l2 2f,iil2 60. Leud was unchanged bis 3d In London and at $4 2oU4 2S In the local market. Hpelter also wna unrhsnned In both marke's. closing at 32 6s In Lon don and at Hv!)S In the local market. Iron was a In tie lower abroad. It closed at 62s in GlasKow and at 4:is 6d In Middies borough. Locally, Iron was unchanged; No. 1 northern foundry la quoted at f 4 .mni 14 60; No. 2 nor'hern foundry, $i$.7WI4.wi; No. 1 southsrn foundry and No. 1 southern foundry, soft. $13 00113.76. KT. Lol lfl. Aug. 15.-MEJAI 8-Iea4, dull, $4 Oi4)4.o:yi; spelter, dull, $4.72Vu4.7j. Dry Goods Market. NEW YOU K, Aug. 15 DRY OOOD8 The ruarkul lots quielly at s . olid haiiils and during the dtiy little acilvliy mis notli-eahlf . in jobt.iiifr h.Misrs, how evrr, a lM-iter denisnd was In rvi.lvnce and the tiumb.r of buyers operatiiiMj tx.t Lirgr-r tl.n st nny tlniu rtn.-e. it. s, ..ii i,t.-i,j. iiic s it,i,..ii.. 4 fi -i slid L. i,4. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattls Receipts Very Ettrj. but Cornfodi and Best Weitcrni Steady. HOGS OPENED A LITTLE HIGHER Receipts ol Sheep Moro Liberal Tfcaa ot Lata aad Mbllo gome Early ales Wero Steady tho Close Was glow and Weak, SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 15. 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllcial Monday 6.1"0 .24 Sums day last week .... $.! 4.2h Bams week before 2.6,3 S.imo three weeks ago... 4' 63 Baine four weeks ago.... 7? 1,464 Ha me, day last year 34 4,500 2.iX 2.o'Ji 184 RECEIPTS FOR TUB YEAR TO DATE. ihe following table shows ths receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Sauth Omaha for ths year to date with comparison with last year: ISrH. 1903. Inc. Cattle 608,197 697 Hogs 1,646.8. '3 l,6.-9.;ir Sheep 776,083 746,t9$ 29,184 Deo. 69, 7o 13,. 6 1 Average puces palQ ror nogs at South Omaha for tho last several days with com parison! Data. I 1J04. lKa.l'2.Uul.iMf.ti9S.18g. July 20. July 31. July 23. 04 ( 10 July 24... uly July 26... July 27... July 23... July 2... July 30... July 31... August 1. August 2. August 3. August 4. August i. August 6. August 7. 1 Augus: $ August 9. August 10 Auifiut 1 1 $ 064j 6 WW. l'Vi $ 6 lti, 0 v 4 99 4 92H 4 6 Otii $071 6 10 ' 6 OOvi 14i 4 67 4 81 August 12 4 94 August 14 August 15 5 01H Indlcntes Sunday. The ofllcial number ot cars ot stock brought In today by each wast Cattle. Htfgs.Sti'p.H'Bes. C, M. 4 St. P. Ry 2 1 7 Union Paeltlo system.... 12 (16 17 C. N. W. Ry 1 F., U. A M V. R. R.... 84 24 1 17 C, St. P., M. eV O. Ry.. 1 3 B. & M. Ry 100 U 1 I C. , B. A Q. Ry I C. R. 1. & P. Ry., east. .. 1 Chicago Ot. Western 2 Total receipts 211 47 18 45 The disposition of ths day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. omana Packing Co.... Swift snd Company .. Ctidahy Packing Jo... Armour A Co Vansant A Co Carey ds Benton Lobman A Co Hill A Son Hamilton & R L. F. Husi Wolf A Murnan Bol Degan Boyd & Li Hodden Haggarty Root Bulla A Clene ...1 McCurry A Co Other buyers II? I 3! 4 98 4 19 $ M 6 22 7 52 6 01 4 Jl 3 81 6 1M T 41 $ CI 4 94 I 79 6 2.. 7 3 6 7M $ If. I 82 I 18 7 41 I 6 16 4 26 6 Ou Hi & 74 0 0)i 4 81 $ 81 7 hit t 6 U3 4 27 i HI 4 96 1 6 8 $ Ml 4 32 3 77 4 96 7 13 6 13 4 33 $ 67 6 06 7 66 6 47 4 83 $ 72 6 0a 7 47 16 Hi $ 08 $ 74 6 021 7 il 1 61 6 091 4 82 4 971 I 41 (W 6 16! 4 18 $ 79 I 7 30 6 76 $ 18 4 26 I $ 74 119 $ 79 6 161 4 3 $ 67 6 03 7 39 6 10 4 43! $ 61 ( t 7 82 6 84 I 4 441 $ 71 6 0i 7 W $ $0 6 04 I $ 77 6 Ot 7 271 6 tk. 6 141 4 3S1 6 12 7 18i 6 66 6 161 4 XT! 3 81 7 15 6 7o 6 041 4 $2 $ 67 5 19 I 6 741 i 00 4 2S, 3 61 6 23 7 041 4 99 4 291 $ 1 6 2- 6 78 8 74 4 S i 3 48 6 16 6 81 6 77 4 43 $ it 6 II 6 73, 6 73 4 97 4 43 6 26 68 6 78 4 97 4 41 3 79 891 R8 670 476 8W 725 1,033 603 l.Oul 49 6T 104 100 1 .... .... 14 23 136 7 111 W 29 98 14 408 '796 Totals ...t". $,9-D 27777- 3.984 CAxiiE ins heaviest run ot cattle In many weeks arrived this morning, over 2uo cars being on mule. The big end of the re ceipts consisted of western, though there was quite a- sprinkling of natives. Re ceipts at other points were not as heavy as generally expected and as a result tho market held up in fairly good shape. Packers started out In good season this morning and they all seemed to want a few corn-fed steers. As there were not many on sale eulusmen exuerlenced little difficulty In getting Just about last week's closing prices for everything at all desir able. Most everything changed hands In good season. Buyers also picked out the better bunches of western grass beef steers and paid just about steady prices for them. After that was done, however, the market was rather slow and around a dime lower, some sales being as much as 15c lower where the quality was not good. There were quite a number of westerns on sale that could not be classed better than fair. The cow market was very uneven. The better grades in most cases commanded steady prices, but the fair to medium kinds were rather neglected and sold steady to a dime lower. Canners snd common cutters seemed to be as much of a drug on the market as ever and at a late hour quite a number of that kind were unsold. Bulls, venl calves and stags did not show much change from the close of last week. They were rather slow sole. Offerings included a stood many stockers and feeders for which there was a very limited demand. Speculators carried over a good many from last week and indica tions are not considered very favorable for much of an Improvement in the demand from ins country this weeg. as a result speculators were very cautious and the market should be quoted slow and 10'glao lower. Representative sales: BEEF BTEEKS. No. 1.. Ai. Pr. Nat A v. Pr. 4 0 4 SJ A i 40 t 60 I 00 4 a 4 4 46 n... 14... IS... ...lint ,..1110 ...1413 44.. ..11187 ..1170 ..114? 1... 14... .136 .1310 tt.. It... E& ii. STEERS AND COWS. ..1001 4 40 Id.. .1093 1 CC2-W8. . 410 1 SO . 1... ..1174 ..1170 ..1124 ,.10i 2 TO t n i to I 14 3 15 1.... a 1..., IK (.... . (HIT . til .1010 BULLS. ..1110 ..U0 I 26 1.... .3010 3 60 BTAUS. .1050 I TS STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. sf j 1 w a T4 1 00 3.... 1.... 4.... S') J L0 26 1061 I lb 72T 4 no NEBRASKA. t cows.. 944 924 $ 60 1 cow. r!30. 2 M 7 cows.. $ 50 8 30 1 75 2 80 8 00 $ 20 3 60 I feeders.. 750 2 75 14 feeders.. 871 1 cow,, ..1100 t cows 70 6 cows.. ... 916 18 feeders.. 1038 17 feeders., 997 1 75 2 60 $ 20 2 W 22 cows.. .. 7n7 ..1185 ..105 ..1067 2 steers. 27 steers. 37 steers. WYOMING 1 bull 1360 9 cows 9n7 6 feeders.. 875 4 cows 1000 4 cows 1ok5 4 cows lwa 1 70 $ cows 1130 t 25 2 75 2 80 $ 00 3 SO 1 65 2 76 2 75 2 60 $ 80 2 80 8 80 2 cows 1225 1$ cows 9!i(! 4 feeders.. 55 21 st. cows. low) 3 30 20 steers. ...1284 SOUTH DAKOTA. 14 steers.... 121 8 8 60 $ cows 1170 1 steer 12W 3 60 2 cows 1190 1 steer 1110 8 60 K. rinckan . D. ..10(10 2 00 1 bull 1480 ..1.1S0 16 I bull 12') 1 cow.. 1 bull.. 2 2 15 2 75. 8 25 8 70 3 00 1 cow 1.120 $ io 6 cows. .,..1026 2 cows li;) I 75 1 steer lino 2 feeders., 803 1 7U 8 steers... .lira t 45 1 feeder... 1009 16 feeders.. 1069 A. 1 feeder... 70 If. Ames Neb. 2 60 6 feeders.. 1000 1 10 $4 steers.... 1225 8 90 A. J. Abbott Neb. 8 90 M. Tolland Neb. 2$ steers.... 1227 J. 1 steer 1010 8 00 21 stews.. .1175 .1040 3 50 8 60 2 steers.. ..lino w 1 steer... . 8 steers.. ..IU6 $60 B. F. Ore Neb. 21 feeders.. 1456 8 40 1 steer.... A. Jones B. D. 23 steers.. ..1037 $70 130 4 10 Jt.. i litis o. u. 7 cows 950 2 1 steer.... 4 steers.. ..1"j2 $65 12 steers... imo 1010 8 $6 $ 66 $ 40 t 00 I 1$ C w. rtooerts B. u. 5 COWS 1.24 $ 60 feeders. .1116 A. jenerson n. u 23 steers.. ..1128 $ 63 2 cows. ..1000 ..1420 Li. L.ewu a. u. 9 steers.. ..1272 $ 55 1 bull.. 14 cows 163 8 60 K. W. Roberts Wvo. 21 feeders.'. 840 8 05 4 cows... .. 937 .1040 t 75 8 00 t 75 1 feeder... t icow... 1. iinrsnman isen. 1 cow lOoO 2 66 1 feeder. ..1170 20 feeders.. 9" 3 20 w. 11. Jones H. ij. 2 steers.... 1026 3 no 21 steers.. ..1025 Ed BtengiT-H. D. 7 cows I'M 2 75 16 steers. ...1274 8 49 t 0 1 CO 1 60 $ 40 $ 60 $ 60 $ 70 4 00 $ 70 iierai 1 attie tu-sseu 1 cows. 870 2 no le X $ 60 8 cows 9fl3 1 cow ll.-O 8 cows.'.. 89 cows... .. 8 , 5 2 60 ..12 3 40 24 steers... 1U4 1 alter. .. J. B. Bhow-Wyo. ..1?..0 8 60 4 steers. ...1143 ,.11!4 $ O) $ Steers. ...1141 ,.1M0 $70 A steers. ... Xs 1(. Mnlhewtg-H. I. .! S 75 43 steers... .lf.46 H A. Rlckl-y Wyrj. .1..1 3 u mixed... .1010 .1 ' i lli W. A. Morris Wys, ..UvJ 7 - 1 steer... 31 steers.. 1 rttir... 1 cow 1 cow iu siorrs... 4 steers.,, Jacob Lcbo Wyo. 21 steers.... 11. -ii 3 10 Charles V, arnschoff Wyo. 1 cow lot-) 8 00 3 feeders.. 9S5 $1$ 11 feeders.. 80 8 15 I-nuls Colqulst Wvo. 1 heifer... 600 1 60 7 heifers.. 7S8 $40 W. Sand Neb. 1 cow loso tfO 8 cows $40 t 00 14 cows 9" 7 2 50 O. (. Todd-Wyo. 1 steer 107" 8 10 1 cow 1180 $ IS 15 feeders. . 700 3 40 HOGS There was a modern te run of hogs In sight this morning, but the de mand also seemed limited. At the opening ,)f the merket buyers took hold f.-ilrly wel. snd picked out some of the better loads at an advance of Ouioc. the light weights of good qunllty showing the greatest Improve ment. They only bought a few loads, how ever, before they begun to benr the mnrket nnd flnallv stopped trying- to buy anythtnu. That beln- 'the esse salesmen who had heavy and particularly cosrse heavy hoirs could scarcely get a hid on tnem, to soy nothing of getting what looked like n sstlsfnctnrv nrlce. The hp.ivv hogs Sold early, mostly from $4 95 to $5 00. with some common stuff from $195 down. Mixed hogs sold mostlv from 15.00 to $5 06 nnd choice lights and butcher welchts from $ii.05 to 5.12. with a few hogs st $5.15. At noon there were ten or a doxen loads In first hands and puckers seemed to be pretty well filled up Some sales wero made about noon at 2U,fi5c lower than the morning market. The general situation could best be described by calling the mnrket opening fcifiloc higher and closing very siow, with part of tne advance osu Representative sales: No. At. Sh. pr. No. Av. th. Pr. 44 tHJ il 4 ail, TI 174 .. I 00 t 311 tOO 4 tin 14 !4T .. 00 54 JC. .. 4 5 SH -' 80 S 04 W 29 II) I IS T7 12T M 4 Vd n 2(3 140 4 S U ?1 140 I 031 St. 2'.h 1:0 4 T 1.1 .. S vj SO 170 40 4 i K6 13 SO 5 03 St i'O ISO 4 93 Fl JUT 40 S 0 SS I4 ., 4 97V, T2 r? .. 4 OS S ISO 4 " S4 2'- SO S 08 SS Ill .. 4 171, CO J17 40 S OT SI tfi SO 4 t7t T4 114 SO 6 OT SS I-'l 80 S 00 85 1' T 4ii 4 0T 55 t'2 .. I 00 tt IKS to I 10 'i t2H .. 6 01 7( It . 4 0 t) 14 .. I 00 73 10 110 i lift SS 223 40 4 00 IS lul .. I lj CI ir.4 .. 8 00 ST 1S .. I 16 Ul SO 4 00 SHEEP Receipts of sheep and lambs were more liberal this morning than ot lute, but trains wore rather slow In arrlv Ins. The few that wer" on s:ile at the opening sold at about steady prices where the quality was satisfactory, but after that the market was slow nnd weak. Buyers did not seem to have very heavy orders to fill and took advantage of the opportunity to pound the market to some extent. The day wns well advanced before the bulk of the arrivals wns disposed of. Pome of the same Idaho wethers that sold for :i.6o Inst week sold early this morning for the same price a,id some Idnho ewes brought $3.40. There were very few feeders Included In the receipts this morning and the demand wns sufllclent to hold prices steady. Hie demand for feeders is still far In excess of the supply. Quotations for grass sheep and Iambs: Good to choice yearlings. $4.00tf4.25: fair to good yearlings, $3.506r4.00; good to choice wethers. $3.tXK((3.75; fair to good wethers, 33 2513.50; goodto choice ewes, $3.25113.60; fair to good ewes, $2,754)3 25; good to cftolco lnmhs, $6,6016.75; fair to good lambs, $6 00 fiS.&n; feeder yearlings, $3.253.50; feeder wethers, t3.iW&3.2S; feeder ewes, $2 00(i2.6; feeder lambs, $3.7S-i.50. Rcpresontatlvo sales: 845 Idnho wethers 88 8 40 131 Idaho wethers 9 3 40 239 Idnho wethers 99 3 60 14 Wyoming ewes 102 3 40 1(W Wyoming ewes K 3 40 601 Wyoming feeder yearlings... 84 8 50 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Strong., Hogs Ten Cents Higher aad Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Aug. 15. CATTLE Receipts, 15.000 head; market strong; good to prime steers, $u.0ui6.9o; poor to medium, $4.00(4.90; stockers and feeders, $2.26i'a4.0o; cows, $125 4(4.26; heifers, $2.0o4i4.75; canners, $1.2n4i2.45; bulls, $2.00Tr4.25: calves, $2.50(&6.00; wetttern steers. $3.7r,4t4.36. HOGS Receipts 17,000 head; left over, 8.382; market 10c higher; mixed and butch ers, $o.40; good to choice heavy, $5.36,; rough heavy, $4.975.25: light, $5.25 4(5 55; bulk of sales. $.15i-;.40. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 18.000 head; mnrket steady; good to choice weth ers, $3.60)4.10; fulr to choice mixed, $2.75 43.00; western sheep, $2.7u(f?4.00: native lumbs, $4.0ud6.00; western lambs, $3.76(u6.oo. ITevr York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 16. BEEVES Re ceipts, 8,241 head. Market for medium to choice steers, firm to 16c higher; common grades, slow; fat bulls and good cows, firm; other grades, steady; steers, $4.50f&fi.07H; stags, $4.60; bulls. $2.60t;4.30; extra fat, $440 CH.60; cows. $1.70414.25. Cables wero un changed. No exports. CALVES Receipts, 4.124 head. Market for veals, steady to 25o higher; grnssers and buttermilks, firm: veals, $4.00(87.00; some early sales at $7.25; grassers and buttermilks. $2.76-83.50: city dressed venls, 76 10c por pound; country dressed. EijOVtc per pound. HOOS Receipts, 9,973 head. Market firm to 10c higher. State and Pennsylvania hogs. $5.8056.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 14,554 head. Market for sheep, firm; others, steady; prime and choice lambs, strong; under grades, weak. Sheep. $2.60fr4.,2H; few choice, $4.25fj4.4fl; culls. $1.5Cii lambs, $4.50(g6.75; one car, $7.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10,000 head, Including 6,000 southerns. Market steady. Export and dressed beef steers, $5.0(V'ri.8K: fulr to good, ?..Toa 4.75: wealern fed steers, $3.76'? 5.25; Blockers nnd feeders, $2.50fi4.26; southern steers, $2.50? 4.00; southern cows, $1.5003.25; notice cows, $1.75(54.00: native heifers $2,604(4.85; bulls, $2.oo-"3.25; calves. tt.OOfjf4.60. HOGS Receipt a. 2,500 head. Market strong to 10c higher. Top. $5.25; bulk of Miles. $4.0Of(n.2O; heavy. $4.96ifr5 15: packers, $6.0Onfl.20: pigs and lights, $4.76!fi6.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.800 head. Market weak to 10c lower. Native lambs, $4.0O4j3.00; native wethers, $3 6O(7j4.10: native ewes, $3. 00ft 3 66; western lnnibs, $4.o0 (ji3.00; western yearlings. $3 o.r4.00; western sheep, $3. 264; 3. 75; stockers and feeders, $2.50 4.25. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 15,-CATTLE-Rccelpts, 8,000 head, Including 3,000 Texnns. Market steady to strong. Native shipping nnd ex- Cort steers, $4.50?(6 30; dressed beef and utcher steers, $4.0og5.4o; steers under l.dK) pounds. $3.9fl4?4.85; stockers and feed ers, $3.0051.4.00; cows nnd heifers, $2.254.60: ennners. not quoted; bulls, $2.2.V?3.2!; calves, $3,004(3.60; Texas and Indian steers, $2.76fi l.nO; cows nnd heifers, $1.5'Kff2.76. HOG-Receipts. 4,000 head. Market 10f 15o higher. Pips and lights, $5.(KKf(S.2(); packers, ' 1W5.30; butchers and best henvv, $5.2!f(5.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 bead. Market steady. Native muttons $3.6(fi3.75; lambs, $100-756.25; cull and bucks. $;.rKMT3.75; stockers, $2.0063.20; Tex ans, $3-40(83.70. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. GT. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 15. CATTLE Receipts, 8,300 head. Mnrket steady to l.'c lower. Natives, $4.o04r5.K5; cows and heif ers. $1.26ij4.7&; stockers nnd feeders, J3.oi.k41 3.66. HOOS Receipts, l.Sftt head. Market 1W 15c higher I.lrhts, $5.05!ii5.16; medium and hesvv. $5.uO(F(5.15. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,500 head. Market steidy to 10c higher. Slotix City Live Stock Market. 8IOUX CITY, Is.. Aug. 15. (Special Tele gram CATTLE Receipts. 1.400 head: msrket 10c higher; Blockers strong: beeves, $3.75(''f6.75; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.X'i;3.76; calves and yearlings. $2.603.60. HOOS Receipts, 1.000 head; market 10n higher; packers dull) selling, $4.756.0C; bulk, $4.9u5.00. Stock In Slafct. Following sre the receipts of live stock for tho six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hosts. Bheep. Hoiith Omaha 6 1' 3.206 4.600 Bloux CKv 1 1 4o0 1.0.0 Kansas City lO.noo 2 6"0 2 MO Bt. Joseph t 8.:io() l.wlO 8 5oo Bt. Louis 6. too 4.0"0 J, 000 Chicago ...r 15.OJ0 17.000 18.001 Total 1,3(0 29,628 . 86,r0) fills and ltosla. NEW YORK Aug. 16 OII.R Cotton seed, firm: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow. 2'.rff'ii,o. petroleum sternly; re fined New York, 7 7(i: Philadelphia snd Baltimore. S7.66: Philadelphia and Balti more. In bulk $1.75. Turpentine iOfSTc. ROBIN M-irkvt quiet; strained, common to good. $7 00. OIL CITY Pa . Aug. 15 OIT PCre,1lt balances $1 60; certificates, no btrt; ship ments, 15' 190 bbls.; average, 14 fi:e bbls.; runs. 177 W Mi's : average, 8.1200 !,!. Pblomenis. Lima n.f.tfi bbls.! sverage, 69.. Mi 1,1,1s - runs. Lima, 125,706 bbls.; average, 4V'9 1, 1. 1 8AVANNAH On., Aug. 15. OH, Turpen tine firm s f,3c ROflN Firm: A. R. C. f nn: n. 7 6: Fl, I" 4Vi; F. t'S: ( $"60: ir $2 70: I f3 K, tfi; M, $3 86; N. $4 00; W O, $4 Sf.; W W, $4.30. . gnsrir and Molasses, NEW YOKK. Aug. 15 - BUGAR-Piw firm; fair refining, 3 ll-Kic; ren'rifugil 81 t. et, 4l,c, lii.iiu. s, r, 3 7-l(ic; r II ,ed firm 1 NKW ORLEANS, Aug 15 -BI7OAR-Market strong: 01. en kettle 2 ,j 1 3-l.-; .rn kettle teul.'lf uyal, iJ J kC, ctnli lr ittl whites, 4c; yellows, 3fi4Vo; oeoonds, 2S MOLABSES Market nominal: open ket- tie, ituix-: centrifugal. bfulSc. Syrup, market nominal at 2d2," OMAHA WIIOLRIALS Jt 414 MET Condition of Trado and Oaotatloas Stasia aad Faaey rrwdaeo. FOGS Hecelpts, moderate; candled stock. ITS J lc. LIVE rOULTRT Hens, W. roostors, 5o; turkeys, l.c; ducks, ic; gerse, 6c; sprinsl chickens, Ionise. Ill 1 '1 r.H t Hi-King stock, lovc: rholeo to fanjy ditlfX. 12'ul4c; sepsrstor, ljtlTc, KUEsi: Hsu-iroiit, lie. pickerel, c; pike, loc; percn, c; uiunnsn, ui-; siiiinnn, l4e- salmon. 14c: redsnapner. He: lobster. green. 26o; lobster, Nille.f. c; bullheads. lie; c'aUlsfi, 14c; black bass, 2.y: halibut, I.,... . . I n - 1 ,rt . 1. .1 lul.lll S... . White bass, 11c: frog legs, per Oos., 8rc. BRAN Per ton, 418. 'HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Chiles No. 1 upland, $7(); No. 3, $6.6u; medium, $(1.00; coarse, $5.50. Rye straw, $5.60. These prices ar for hay ot good color and quality. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Sweets, choice, all sixes, $3 21 t3;V; Valencies nil sixes, $4.00. LEMONS California fancy, 270, 800 and $6", $4.2V,i4 60 : choice, $3.75114.00, CALIKORNIA FliJB Per 10-lb. carton. 60c; Imported Bmyrna, l-crown, 12o; 6 crown, 14c: 7-crown, 160. BANANAS Per medlum-slied bunch. $2.09 0i.o0; Jumbo, $2.;6'a3 25. FR L" ITS. APPLES Home gtown, per bu. basket, 85c; per bbl., $2 25. RABPBEKKIbia Red raspberries, per Z4 pis., J.2i.4i.i0. tnACKur-ttlUES Home grown, per 24 QtS., Wf.'- BLUEBERRIES Wisconsin, por It qts $2 no. PEACHES California Elbertas and Bus quehannss, $1.10; home grown clings, per ln-lh. basket, i!c; Missouri, per 6-basket crate, $1.65. PLUMS California Kelaey, $1.40; Tragety, $1.26; Greengage, $1.35. PEAKS Culiforniu, per box, $L755f2.00t Colorado, $l.&0's1.76, CANTELOI.I'K Arkansas and Indian Territorv. (rr crate, fii.!iii2.76 WATERMELONS Per lb. (crated), la CELERY Per dos.. 3o(63oO. VEGETABLE. POTATOEB New home grown, In sacks, per bu., 36-1(450. NAVY P.KNP-Per bu.. n.fxVM.OO. ONIONS Homs grown, In sacks, per bu., 85c. 'lOMATOEii Home grown, per marke.1 basket, 860. CABBAGE Home grown, per lb., lo. Cl'Cl'MBKRB Per dos., 15c. TURNIPS Houi gron, per bu., 600. BEETS Home grown, per bu., 0o. PAHSLEY Per dos., 25c. WAX BEANS Per market basket, 60e. BTRING BEANS Per market basket, $0dv GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket crato, SQUASH Home grown, per dos., JOo, pttAS Per bu. basket, 75e(S$1.00. EGG PLANT Southern, per dos., $1 BO. SWEET POTATOES Per market basket, 7601 MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HONEY Por $4 frames, $3.60, MAPLE SL GAR Ohio, per ll.. bjo. CHEESE) Wisconsin twins, full crenm, 11c; Wisconsin Young America. 12c: blocsi. Swiss, new, 15o; old, 16.17o; Wisconsin brick, 13Vjc; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7Vo; No. 2 green, 6'4c; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 3 salted, 8c ; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 13 lbs., c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs., 7c; dry salted, 8JJ12c; sheep pelts, 24027c; horse hides, $2.76. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 8 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12o; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., lOo; peanuts, per lb., 60; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12&13c; large hickory nuts, per lb., lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15o: hard shell, 13c; shellbarks, per bu., 23.00; black walnuts, per bu.. $1.25. Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 15. WOOL Ths market Is quiet. Fleeces snd territory ars firm snd the present demand for fleece is largely for the medium grades. Old wools arc quiet. Quotations are as follows: Idaho Fine, 17 fclSc: fine medium, 17iil8c. Wyoming-Fine, lM17c; fine medium. 17(al8c. Utah and Ne vadaFine, 16H'al7Ho; line medium, 17Jf ISc. Montana Kins choice, 204i21c; fins me dium choice, 20521c; overage, lftfcaOc. Col. ado Fine, 18(ul4c; fine medium, l&jliic; coarse, Wttfc. Pulled Scoured haala, Une. 485uc; extra, 66((66c; extra superfine, iu'fj 48o. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 16. WOOLMarket steady to firm: medium grades tjomblng and clothing. 2025Ho; light fine, lo'2oe; heavy fine, 1216c; tub washed, 224l36Vo. Philadelphia Pradxee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 15. BIJTTE5R Firm snd c higher; extra western cream ery IStye: extra nearby prints, c. EGGS Steady; fair demand; nearby flrsta. 19Hc at mark; western firsts, 19i30o at '"cHEESE Firm and higher; Now York full creams choice to fancy, 8(&9os -do fair to rood, Sitf-hVic. Visible Sapplr of Grain. KEW YORK. Aug. 15. Tho visible supply of grain security August 13, as complied by the New York Produce exchange, la as fol lows: Wheat. 12,558,000 bu.; Increase, 46,000 bu. Corn. fj.OOil.OuO bu.: decreaae. 579,000 bu. Outs. 2.879,000 bu.; increase, 270,000 bu. Rye, 878,000 bu.; increase. 82.000 bu. Barley, 620, 000 bu.j decrease, 62,000 bu. 1 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 15 WHEAT Bpot, $1.04((i 1.04t4; December, $1.014 ; May, $1.0Si;; No. 1 fcani $1.13,; No. 1 northern, $1.13)4; No. 2 northern, $1.00-14. FLOUR First patents, $5. 60(715.70: second patents. $5.4Wi 50; first clears, $3-801.90; second clears, $2.75. BRAN In bulk, $15.00515.75; shorts, $18.00 6 18.50. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAl'KEU Aug. 15. WHEAT Firm: No. 1 northern, $1.09; No. 2 northern, $1.0itf) 1.08; new September, $1 . RYE Lower; No. 1, 7!c. BARLEY Dull; No. i, 6103c; sample. 30 CORN Hteatiyj rvo, s yenow, mtuiwVsc; Beptember, 61c asked. ( ItnlotK Grain Market. DULUTH. Aug. 15 WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. $1.11Vi; No. 2 northern. $1.07IH On track: No. I northern, $1.114,; No. 2 northern. $1.074; September, $1.0i"H; Dectm her. $1.00. ' OATS To arrive, S4Hc; on track, 27c; Beptetulier, 34Hc , - I Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 16. WHEAT Bpot, nominal; futures, steady; September, 7s d; December, 7s l-lid. CORN Spot, firm: Amerlcsn mixed, new, 4s 3d; American mixed, old, 4s 9d; futures, firm; September, 4b 6d; December, 4s 6!4d. Toledo Serd Market. TOLFDO. Aug 15 BEED Clover, cash. . . ... .. $7.50; October. $7.20: December, $7.16 hid: prime nlstlte. $7.26 bid; August allke, $7.25 bid; prims timothy, $1.45; September timothy, 11.45. .Elgin Hotter Market. ELGIN. 111., Aug. 16 BUTTER Market advanced lc a -lb. on the Board of Trndo today, being quoted at ISc. Bales for the district wers 763,3'X) lbs. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DFEIV4 filed for record August 15, as fur nlnhed by the Midland Guarantee and Trust coinpuny, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fur nam, for The Bee: Roilo A. Williams nnd wife to N. P. Dodge, Jr., lot 8, block 2ufl, Omaha, and other property $ 1 Frank Thompson, executor, to Duvld 5. Condi t, lots 4 to 7, block 10. Omaha View 135 Chauncy P. Coy and wife to Hardy A.' Luck wood, purt of out lot 1 In suc tion 10-15-10 125 Omaha Security company to William T. Nelson, lot 46, Cunninghum A Bruner's add., and other property.... 60 George H. I'uyne and wife to Nona Baldwin, lot 14, block 2, Avundalu park ... 1 Howard B. Smith, executor anJ trus tee, to Putrlck O'Domiell, lot 1, block 1, Maynu Place 8u0 William S. Heuton nnd Wife to Patrick 0 lMJiint-11, lot 2, block 1, Muyne Place 700 Gertrude N. Krlcdler and huxbund to Francis W. Conklltig, lot 7, Union siiunre 1,150 Omuhii Realty company to Augustus L. Bwl'-k. part lot 2J, Windsor place. 600 Bertha Pi tcrson und husband to Peter l'eterson, lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, block 6, lliiriilmin Place 1,000 Matilda and John Wilson to Katie A. Hall, part lot In, block 2. Belvedere. . , 2s5 Stephen D. .Bangs and wlfu to l.llxa h. Hi Clark, lot 8, block 2, Boggs A Hill's add 2,0u0 Tukey land company to Clara J. Clark, lots 4 unci 6, A. P. Tukey'a replnt of block 2, Iliinla park (TOO Mary K. Hale et nl to limy A. Loch bis hl.T, port lots T und 8, block 18, Wilcox's 2d nil, 1 700 I.lolnK. r si Men .ilf roinpaiiy lo l!cn. vli-v,, fiTionm-ll ft al, lot 14, block 6, M ush's add 1,2m) Ltl.el II Wilcox to f atli M-lnser, part .i 13 and 111, block 5, birii,g lutks jo 1 k 2jQ go. ilii una bit Lund company t 1 lirles I. (iowt, lot 14 block La buutli Oioulifi ............ t 3