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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1904)
TITE OMAITA DAILY TtEE: TUESDAY, ATTOUKT 10, 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES AdTcrtisenteata for thee eolnmaa mill hm take aatll 13 m. for th rata- edltloa aad aatll A p. nt. o the morning and Mular dltton. Ratea, 1 a wor flret Inaertlon, a word thereafter. Sotnlna- lakea for leee thaa SOg for the Sre laaer. tloa. Th adrertlaemeala xaaat roa fm,rD(lTf lr Advertisers, fcjr re-qweaHnar nam. bored rkrck, eaa hiri answers ad dressed to m aambered letter la ara of Th Ilrr. Anawere ao addreaaed wilt be delivered oa preaentallon of r rieek MISCELLANEOUS 1904 FALL TERM Boyles College SEPTEMBER 6 Catalog Ready. Day and Night CUT-RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1605 Farnam and opp. Union sta tion. Tela. 784 and I61S. It 616 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. KM. R 896 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R-897 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accomoda ting; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas 11 saa ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. 1621 N. 10th. Tel. 1779. R S99 EXPRESSMEN'8 Delivery Co., moving and storage 2U N. lOlh. Tel. 1195. It 900 PUBLICITY DESIGNS VVHEATON In th Bee bid. R-901 SIGN painting. S. H. Cole, 1302 Douptas. R sua II. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. flith. Tel. 8747. R 904 BICYCLES! BICYCLES! ' OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 10th and Chicago. If I IRP Stammering and Stuttering. VUIC j. Vaughn, Ramge bid., Omaha R 9v7 STANDARD filter, Huber. Tel. 1913. 1301 Farnam. R 909 r,n rveiLVER NICKEL Plating. Cm. JJ L,l-'pittUng Co.. 1508 Harney. Tal. 2F35. R-910 FURNACES Repaired and reset. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 12o7 Douglas U Tel. 900. , R M404 s A. MURPHY & SON, horseshoers, carriage builders, general blacksmlthlng. Tel. 1 l.t. 1410 Jackson. R M499 So NAT. STEAM DYE WORKS. 211 8. 14th. Tel. B2229 H M376 81 OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO, 1S21 Howard at. R M757 SID MODELS and experimental machinery built; patented articles and novelties mad for Inventors and others; model makers' supplies, tools, castings, gears, etc. Write for terms. Alf. R. Gardner, - Atlantic, la. R.-M7G5 S10 P. MELCHOIR, machine works, 13c li and Howard. R 140 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 S. 11TH. -PHONE 264. Why carry your soiled linen? Our wagons call and deliver same. Pills collected monthly. R Ml 48 S15 BUSINESS CHANCES A GOOD laundry plant in a good town for sale, lnilulro of Box 182, Pender, Neb. Y 126 20x PRIVATE party wants to borrow $1,600 from responsible private party for 30 . days on first-class collateral security. W 61 Bee. Y 130 16x .WANT to borrow $750 from private party on my diamonds for 30 days; don't an swer unless you are responsible: willing to pay $75 for use of amount. W 62 Bee. J Y-131 15x .WANT to borrow $375 on my diamonds for two weeks. References exchanged. W 63. Bee. Y 132 15x DRUG stores bought and sold, every stute; , special plan. b V. Knlest, R. P., 701 N. Y. L. Bidg. Y-916 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., can get you In or out of business. Y-911 611 OLES -ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y 912 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange rour property or business quick, see J. I. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. TPhone L2270. Y-H13 TO get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or sell real estate see Omaha Real Estate and Business Chauee Agency, 4u N. Y. Life bldg. Y 914 A YEARLY Income guaranteed to the ones Interested with us, a proposition as good ua a government bond; last month's divi dend paid equaled U0 per cent; bunk refer ence given: write for literature and pros pectus, which will be forwarded free upon application; representatives wanted. Davl dor Promoting Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Y-M417 A18 BUSINESS CHANCES FARM LANDS. OMAHA APPRAISAL CUMPAN T, 322 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG., 'PHONE FSoiS. Y-M707 COUNTRY MERCHANT. Do you want to retire troni business? If so we have an exceptional proposition to sub nit t. THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO.. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. . Y-M20. A NEW modern front storeroom to rent for clothing store In Nebraska's best town of 1,60 Inhabitants; an exceptionally good opening; building to be completed October 1. Address T 60, Omaha Bee. Y M494 19 FOR SALE, a prosperous grocery business In Fremont, Neb ; stock i;i.5uu; reason for selling on application. Address W 9, cure of The Bee. Y M728 23x FOR SALE Restaurant and confectionery In county sent town of 2.0u0, doing Kood business; 13 furnished rooms In connec tion: wuter and ass In building; rent, $:il; will sell for Invoice. Rent of reasons for selling. Address tit. IS, care c.f lie. Y M778 IS A FfUNISHED BARBER SHOP to rent reatomMe; in good town. For terms write John Moflult, Flutla Center. Neb. , . Y-M159 IS WANTED Real estate loans of $I0 00 and up. L. W. Tulleys, 102 Main street. (ui s(nlrs),Coiini II ''un'.i.Jtt. Y M nil 10 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FA KM and city loans, low rates. W. H. '! hoiuu. First Nat l Bunk bldg. Tel. low, W-991 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W-l'D2 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Famuli, Smith ft Co., JJ-"0 Fuunum ht. W 'Ji3 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne lnveatment t.'o AV-994 6 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., lbo4 Karimm. W iM LOWEST rates. Bemls, Paxton block. W-Mia MONEY to loan on real astute at 6 uni 6V per cent. AV. B. MtUla, 2.6 Rumse BUlg. W-MJ PATENTS b 1 ' I-S ti f'., Patent Lawyers; ailvlro f 1 ee. 'i line I'ii.s: lu-e buililnig, Omahd, -Noo: 14 I; ;,l I... 1 II SI , ChlcifaO, 111., S!.J luul tT St., W usldl:gUiU, D. C. Tel. 1" ). R U03 A19x U. J. COW GILL, 4j0 Paxton bik.. Omah, tJS LAW Af.D CCLLECTIC::3 f N M M A KAK! ,. .'1 Yoik 1 ir 'li. WANTED MALE HELP FALL TLRM of the Omaha Commercial College 17th and Douglas Sts. Opens Thursday morning, September 1. New classes In all depsrtments. Best time to begin ntRlit school September L Send for free catalogue,. Address: ROliRBOLGlI BROS., Om2llas;ll1'50' WANTED FOR V. ATlMY Able-bodied unmarried men between sges of 21 snd . cliutens of United States, of good cnarsc ter and temperate habits, who csn spea. read and write Engi.sli. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13 th and louglas sts., Omaha, Lincoln. Nf; Sioux City. ia. B M297 WANTED Bookkeeper for grain buslneae; must give references. Address Tjjjy' DRUO employes, managers, salesmen, etc . for any stale. F. V. Knlest, R. F., iOI N. Y. L. Bldg. B M708 WANTED Salesmen who are selling gro ceries to rsnehers to handle our goods. Addreps Chicago & San Francisco Oro oery Co., San Francisco. B MM6 S12x WANTED 18 to $12 weekly easily earned by either sex knitting seamless hosiery for the western msTket; our Improved family macnlne with ribbing attachment furnished worthy families who do not own a machine on easy payment plnn: write at once for full particulars and commence making money: no experience required. United States Woolen Co., De troit. Mich. B MS13 300 MEN WANTED for packing housa la borers, butchers, etc., at South Omaha; good wages and permanent Jobs to com petent and satisfactory men: no office help or watchmen needed. For wages snd particulars send name and address to T 39, Bee olflce Omaha. B S28 WANTED Men to lenr barber trad. Ad vantages of steady practice and instruc tions are given that ennnot be bad else where. Few weeks competes. Can nearly earn expenses before finishing. $12 to $16 weekly paid graduates. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. B MS99 J9x AMERICAN BARBER COLLEjK. leading barber school In the wes Write lor turns. 11 20x nOtin colleetor nnd solicitor. Gents' furnishing salesman with experience as window trimmer. One druggist registered In Sou Dakota. One soda fountain man. One billing and shipping clerk. Good stenographer. Did you see our record or me past wees in the Sunday papers? We have the posi tions, have you the ability T Call or write for list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. BOND AS3 N, 840-841 N. Y. Life. B 146 18 GOOD TIMES FOR MECHANICS In build ing trades. High wages, reasonable hours. Open shop city. Finest climate. Investment opportunities. Mention pa per. Address Box No. 301, Sacramento, Calif. B M157 25 WANTED A first class cleaner and dyer at The Pantorlum, 407 8. 15th street. B M158 18 WANTED Young man to loin private class in bookkeeping; rare chance to ac nulre a fine paving nrofesslon. Address C. W. Warren, thlsj office. B M'52 16x WANTED FEMALE HELP 0 GIRLS; Canadian office, 15th apd Dodge. C-921 O. K. American-Germnn employment office; oldest, most reliable In Omaha. 1624 Dodge. C M496 Si WANTED Ladles to 1 irn halrdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis (removing hair and moles by electricity); few weeks completes; can nearly earn expanses before finishing; graduates earn $12 to $'.0 weekly; dlploma-s granted. Call or write Moler College, 1302 louglas street. C Mba8 19x WILL GIVE a paid-up business and short hand scnolarsnip to rignt pany, same 10 be paid out of salary when course la finished and position secured. Address W 88, Bee. C-M835 31 WANTED Girl for general housework, three In family. 2106 Douglas. C-M98S lGx WANTED, two competent girls, or man and wife, to cook and do the second sturk, for family of two. Reference re quired. Apply 832 South 37th st. C-138 171 WANTED Young woman, with taste for art, to learn book and magaxlno Illus trating. Address C. W. Warren, this of fice. C M150 lx FEMALE HELP WANTED Good cook; family of 4; no washing or Ironing; refer ences required. Apply Mrs. J. E Baum, 3.rd5 Harney. C M147 18x WANTEDSITUATIONS WANTED A position, by young woman recently thrown upon her own resourcea; energetic, Intelligent and refined; able willing to work. Address W SI, Bee. A 820 17x WANTED By competent person, a posi tion In millinery house (wholesale pre ferred), or care of a gentleman's home and children. Address W 81, Bee. A-819 17 WANTED, hy an experienced lady with a boy 10 years old; position as housekeeper In Omaha; also place for a girl 13 years old to take care of young children for board while attending school. Address B t'-t), South Monroe St., Grand Inland, Neb. A M958 16 EXPERIENCED New York trimmer would like position with a fine western millinery house. Address W 64. Bee. A 146 16x WANTED Situation In merchandise busi ness; good, all-round man: can speak German and Danish; furnish referenda. Address W E5, Beo. A Ml 51 18x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FARNAM STREET BUILDING Fine building, 2x100, 4 floors, elevator: steam heut; water; alley, etc.; well adapted for wholesale business on lower Farnara st. For further particular see PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., SOLE AGENTS. 001-3 N. Y. Life bldg. 1-990 TWO-STORY building, 1512, and the second floor 1&06-10 Howard. W. XI. Bushman. I 9S9 IF A GOOD lliiht is needed, we can show you a north front office on the fifth floor a splendid room, at the moderate price of i'M. P.. C. Peters & Co., ground floor Bee building. 1822 A $10 ollice In the Bee building carries with It all of the conveniences and advan tages in the way of heat, light, J.tnitor nti icu, an niKm anu au uuy una Buuuay elevator service. A.$10 office is now va cant. Call at once. R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee building. I Jl THREE-STORY and basement brick bldg., 103 Farnam, 22x100, hydraulic elevator suitable for wholesale or uifg. 3)4 1st Nat. bank bldg. I M877 FOR RENT Warehouse, ground floor, 6 000 square feet with office and trackage at 17th and Nicholas sts. Inquire uf Wood man Linseed Oil Works. L-M726 It DESK ROOM at 712 N. Y. Life bldg IK22 II STORE CENTRAL LOCATION. 1C11 Howard street, with basement.... $ti0 00 . GEORGE & COMPANY, lixJl Farnam st. I-MH37 20 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Rornn and board In Christian Silence family, convenient to buslntms. Address W 31. Bee. K SIS 17x WANTED To rent house suitable to keep roomers near business centi-r: north pre ferred. Mrs. A. E. litck, UluWwoori, la. KM'.;d M LOST LOST Friday evening, on Sherman ave. tur, near or at Couiland itrucli, ladies' lmt pin, surmounted wun agate stone in fild tup witli monogram. Keward If re ui ned t Mr. W. U. Bciicctt, Main floor, l'. Miiu'lt s Lost M V k AGENTS WANTED LADY A 1 KST8 muke big nrollis anv vihoie witn our piopositlon. loo for s inii la worth ix;. Ll ocboil, W Walilng tou st., CluiufcO'. J-MU l.t In the 1903 competition for city printing The Hoe's competitors could not show even 5,000 circulation in Omaha. This year they didnot compete. MoraWL'uc your want ad in The Bee circulation brings results not noise. ) N THE BEE PRINTS THE MOST PAID WANT ADS. BEE WANT ADS BRING BEST RESULTS. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th at Chicago. hi Ikii DKWt'r, European hotel. 13th and Farnam. $1.26 PER WEEK, Doran house, 422 S. 18th. E 99 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine room, lad lea' cafe, private dining r.; openiights. THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam Jjj"- Midland Hotel. .16th ft Chicago; reaaonab.e. 16 M46S TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. Apply 2il9 Jones t. E Mt48 DESIRABLE room for gentleman, private family; West Farnam district. Addreg W 8, Bee. E M723 lbx FRONT rooms, new modern flat. 6?2 So. lath. K M.8 18 DOUBLE, also single room; modern. 621H 80. 19th. E M789 IS ELEGANT MODERN ROOMS Gentlemen preferred, board optional, 2234 Farnam. E M758 17 LARGE front parlor. 'Phone A-2:.9.1. Ad. dress W 26, Bee office. E M 108 19 LARGE front room, modern, two gentle men. 19-i3 Dodge. E MW4 13x LOWER room, suitable for two gentlemen. Address W 24, Bee. E MS01 19 NICELY- furnished room: all modern. 2041 Harney treet. Phone 2S40. E MW4 18 WELL furnished bed rooms, single or double, 315 N. 17th. E M124 20x COOL front rooms, modern, corner flat 1901 California. E M125 16 NEATLY furnished front room for 2; all modern Improvements, In private family. Gents only. 210 N. 23d st. E 141 16x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'prone 86; nice, light, airy rooms, ensuite and single rooms; veranda entire length of building. F-946 O. M. E. TEL. 611 MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. ' F $48 THURSTON HOTEL; cool, outside rooms, 1 $1,60 to $4.00 per week; board, $3.60. F-334 Midland Hotel, 16th ft Chicago; reasonable. F M48 FURNISHED rooms, modern and board. 626 8. 19th. F M460 Six IN NICE locality, for gentlemen; refer ence. 2323 Harney. F 712 15x FURNISHED rooms, with board, for a few jp en tlemen. 2215 Farnam. F 771 lax UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 3210 CASS ST. Two south rooms, partly furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. U eVs LARGE, desirable, unfurnished room and board. The Utopia, 1721 Davenport. G 716 15 FOUR connecting, modern, lawn, shade, no children. 2212 N. 19th St. Q M933 16x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, $1.00. Has there not been times when it would have been worth more than 100 cents to you? It Is our busi ness to supply you with money when you need It and allow you . to return It in small weekly or monthly payments, as may best suit your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos Live Stock and other chattels, and we make salary loans. Our term are as good as any and better than many. We are the oldest concern in our line In the city, with all-around consistent dealings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 119 Board Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1S92.) 306 8. 16th St. LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT YOU. PELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-308 PAXTON IliiK, TEL. Hil. X 923 DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Pianos UNTIL YOU SEE US. J. A. HUTTON CO., 514 Paxton B?:k 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to u,i.uu loans on your personal note at 3 PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wanted. Call or write and get my system. W. L. Eastman ft Co., Uu8 Farnam, Omaha. X 920 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE an.i others without security; easy pay- ninnts; largest business in 49 principal . . w... ......... r.lA KI V 1.1.. cities. Tulinau, room 714 N. Y. X-927 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., at half usual rates. Dr. Pribbenow, room 216, at 209 S. 1Mb. St. . Tel. B 2M4. X 98 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loun Co., 1&U4 Farnam St. X 929 SALARY and collateral loans. Tenitileton, 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2904. X-930 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13 6. X-931 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X 932 SEE FULLER, 426 Paxton Bik., for loan on watches, diamonds and Jewelry LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curity, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If in need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block. X 253 WANTED TO BUY 6HONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 8U34. N-967 HIGHEST price paid for furnished flats. 8 34, Bee. N M61S WANTED 100 cars of bones, also buy scrap iron, tin foil, rubber, copper, snd all kinds of Junk; can olo furnieli Sash weights, any amount. Samuel M. Hey, 1400 Indiana, Kansas t ity. Mo. Write m. N-M755 Blic PRINTING PRINTING LYNGSiAD High Grade Work. Crounse block, corner of ltith St. and Capitol Ave. KRAMER ft CHANDLER. QUICK PR 1 N I -Eft llol Farnam. To deliver work when promised Is our bobby. J M BIRFLKBS, reliable printer; estub 'llalied 12 years. 2o3 8. 13lh L, Omaha. CLAIRVOYANTS GYLME1L palmist, 716 No. 230. Tel. Iit6. 7 8 1JU BUSINESS MEDIUM, 718 N. 17th street. I & M 'xj9 bux WANTED TO DUY W4NTI ! to bov, featbr bda. M. Ana J.U.. 1.-V Cuu.u.- St. "'""lIfig FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 26TH AND FORT ST. , Nent cottage, 6324 N. 2iith St.; owner leav ing city. To be sold this week for $1,100. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1C14 Farnam St. RE M831 18 S20 ACRES CENTRAL NEBRASKA. Fine grass and hay land; $3, W0 last week, $3,lou this week; II no cheaper each succeed ing week until sold. One-tenth cash, balance In nine equal yearly payments. WILLIS CAD WELL, Broken Bow, Neb. RE M937 20 FOR SALE New brick building, 71x140 feet In sue; suitable fur manufacturing or storage purposes; cheap If sold st once. The Parirluge-yiielly-Xhompson company, 2bth and Martha sts. RE MX41 20 F. D. WEAD, 6-r modern house, 3519 Lafayette, In Bemls park, email payments down. 1624 Douglas. RE-M109 18 FOR SALE One note of $i.!ini, due in one year; secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, beuring 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $l,6u0, due on or before three years; Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually; secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S. 25, Bee office. RE M4")8 SCHOOL and Indemnity lands on the Rose bud reservation will be offered at public sale August 20, 19o4. at Fairfax, South Dakota. For descriptions, price and terms apply to C. J. Bach, commissioner of school and public lands, Pierre. South Da kota. RE 767 A24 H Canada Land H Can't be beat; sure crops every year, large yield, good markets, good neighbors, low taxes. Write us for map snowing where the best land Is, also pamphlet regarding the country. . Hastings & Heyden, 16U Farnam St. 'Phone lo6. - RE 144 15 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $1,800 and the other $2,460. SHIMER & CHASE, Builders at Modern Houses. RE-734 Ilua. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co, RE 95$ Williamson Co., u-&aS'rdg- HE 939 FOR SALE Two modern cottnges, West Farnam st. district, only $1,600 each. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 960 New BARGAINS You cant beat these: One at $2,000, the other at $2,500, 8 rooms each, lull two story, cemented cellars under whole house, porcelain bath and nickel plumbing, barn with one; brand new, and you can't builj them for th money; close to car and easy walking distance; must be seen ta be appreciated. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RE 394 112 BY 27 FEET, on trackage, 24th at. and. Grand ave., near cur barns, for sale, $1,860. Q. A. Boeder, Grand Island, Neb. RE M356 31X DO you want a; free home? Why not take a homestead in South Da kota? Inquire W. T. DALY, 701 S. 16th. Tel. 2341. . ., , RE M44S S3 TO BE SOLD The property southeast corner of 13th and Davenport sts., with two stores, two fiats above, and cottage, ha been ordered SOLD. This property produces good Income and can be made to produce more. Will sell on easy .ferms. Make best offer QUICK, a It 'will be sold. For full particular see THE M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. RE M39S Three miles north of the Country club, mile outside of city limits, 35 acres with good house, barn and poultry house, fine grove of native forest trees, as pretty a a park, large number of apple, cherry, plumb and peach trees and till kinds of berries nnd small fruit, a large grapery with $1,000 worth of grapes on the vines now; horses, cows, wagon and tools on the place; all goes for $8,000. HARRISON & MORTON, 813 N. -Y. Life. Tel. 314. ' RE 143 15 FINE 7-room house, strictly modern, full lot, south front, shade and fruit, barn and permanent walk. Inquire 4248 Buidetla. RE 744 BARGAIN to home purchasers If you mean business. Call 436. Board of Trade. RE-M491 A21 NORTH OMAHA BARGAINS. brick cottugo, store building and cottage attached, lot 77x161, on car line, rents $z.S; $2.wi0, half cosh. Apply to owner, 301 N. Y. Life. RE M447 DO YOU VyANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmer and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach .them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6-room modern house, fur nished, near lianscoiu park. Apply 416 8. litli or Ui 281b. st. D 448 PAYNE-BOSTW1CK ft CO.. choice houses. 01-W.-3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 9u2 HMl 1QFn 't U parts of the city. The IIWDCO o. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee bldg. D-uJ THE Omaha Van and Storagsi Co. puck, inive and storo II. 11. goods. Storehouse, - 1120-24 N. 19111. Office, lUIVs Fat num. Tel. 19. D 9ul WE MOVE pianos. Muggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 14u9. Office 1713 Webster St. Y D 61 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker bik. D-ui I J O I If C C tn all parts of the city. R. C. IIWUJLJ Peters ft Co., Bee Buildln D 9-ju RESIDENCE on Georgia ave., near Pa cific, lu rooms, attic, basement; modern; east front; fine grounds, 60x140; trees. Apply 314 First Nat'l Bank bldg. D 7o SEE CUIUS BOYEK. 2d and Cuming. D A14U1 NICE 8-room house, modern; lawn. 719 & 3Hh St. D tiil 2i' HOUSE FOR RENT Modern, 8 rooms, 2723 Juckaon street 111 60, to small lamily. Wheeler ft Wheeler, ILlh and Douglas sts. Telephone 1&6. D 11 44 J (-ROOM, modern flat, 1st floor. 1112 8. 11th. D-UVi FOR RENT. $30 "0 for 1016 Howard su ec-t, t-room mod ern Hut. $J7 00 for 2:io9 California street, new, 8 rooms; etrlotlv modern. GEtJltUE ft COMPANY, ldul Farnam st. D MS37 20 FOR KI'.NT T, n-rooin modern house wet of Hh school. The O. F. Davis Co , b 4 Le L.dg. X Vil 1 FOR RENT HOUSES WEST Farnam district. 8-rm.. strictly modern fTT.M 1014 N. 27th St., 8 rooms 17.50 W. Farnam Smith & Co., 13JO amsm nt. n-7 PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 &3. 1505 Farnam. U 95 DETECTIVE Cart. Cormack. 617 Karbarh block. Tel. A 2M2. U 976 M AniMCTTIf treatment t baths. Mma, ninwitL,! v Smith, 118 N. la, 2 fir, R. i U 699 S7X nprminii W'k. Up-to-date clean- uermania ayer, m s. 13 st, t. sj. I J A TC cleaned, shaped and pressod. Ilrt 1 i SM ARSE'S HAT FACTORY, 06 No. 16th U M774 Al TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 35J0 U 980 TRUSSES made nnd fitted to men, women and children. 140S Farnam St. THE 1L J. PENFOLD CO. U M358 VIAVI." way to heafttu 350 Bee Bldg TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8.13th. DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes free for glasses and guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 1408 Farnam. U M3u9 ( ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLbAUNG CO. 200 UOttiUiia ii.UK.. 'liiU 1936. U 94 . WORLD'S FAIR accommodations, every convenience, three car lines, 7 minutes' ride to fair. 944 Laurel ave.. St. Lout. Bell telephone. Forest 966 A. U M361 bl LARSON & JOHNSON, cut rate to all points, 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2U3. Mem ber American Ticket Broker' Assn. U M118 81 DR. KLAUSNER. Dentist, 607 Karbach bik. Tel A2904. V M417 tit A SINGLE gentleman, president of prosper ous corporation, wishes to correspond with lady of means, with a view of early mar riage and a trip to Europe this summer; persons expecting to have fun through .such correspondence need not answer, us Nlhey will be disappointed. Address P. O. box 260, Washington, D. C. U 3S6 17x VIENNA CAFE New management; mer chant' lunch, 15c; snort orders a spe cialty. Win. Miller, Prop., 1015 Farnam. U-M367 SI LADIES 25c In stamps will remove freck les, tun, sunburn, etc.; not a toilet article; a medicine to apply each night. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. . U M598 86 DR. J. S. ALEXANDER (Homeopath). Office 446 Bee Bldg. Tele., office, ltii; res., 864. C 4,91 til WANTED By two young men of 23 and 27, with no debts, rich wives; no trillers. W. L. QUELLE It, Denver Mills, Colo. U-387 16X $100 REWARD for arrest and conviction of anyone molesting my mail or any peniten tiary offense, li. W. Alklre, Stewart, III U-389 17x WANTED, street shows, balloon and other attractions for annual street fair and cur nival, Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, at Humboldt, Neb. Address Frank Snethen. Secretary. U M949 16 FRANKLIN Tailoring System taught. 1754V4 Leavenyorth. . U 846 813 Why didn't you come Mon. Must leave this week sure. TelegTaph 1427 N. 17th street. Clark. U M158 16x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO, Manufacturers of pasta for all purporte. Tel. A-2062. 2210 Cuming. Established 188. U M149 16 WANTED Performer at once for street carnival. Wm. Maloney, 15u9 Capt. ae Omaha, Neb PU ill 60 16x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safe cheap. Der-.ght, 1119 Farnam. Q 900 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Eherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. , QVJ51 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first-class standard school in Omaha, comprising complete course In business, shorthand and typewritiing. Inquire at Bee office. Q 852 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. Q-953 WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell part for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $5.00 to $10.00. Nebraska. Cycle Co., 'Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. Q 963 FOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture, In good condi tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose water, room 100, Bee Bldg. Q 824 ELECTRIC nickel In lot, Peerless piano players and Regina music boxes, big money makers, cheap for cash or time. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farimm. Tel 10:3. Q 065 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been ued but six years; made of firebox teel, triple riveted, butt and strap Joints, insurance company permits of pressure of 125 pounds. They are now In use and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about Auaust 25. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building, Omaha. Q M9U2 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furnl. ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 956 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargain in good in pawn. 1401 Douglas. Q-967 ANTIQUE oak bookcase and desk com bined. Call 2104 Maple St. Q 447 AUTOMOBILE $1,300 newSheIby. 2 or 4 passengers, with top, $S50.-H. E. Fred rickson, 1502 Capitol. Q M419 83 FOR SALE Second-hand Brome. Apply A. J. Simpson 1411 Dodge. Q hil ANY DAY this week we will well Singer sewing machines from $3 to $10; cash or payments. The Singer Manufacturing Co., 1614 Douglas St. Q MS41 FOR SALE A 16-ft sailing canoe of J. H. Rushton, Canton, N. Y., manufacture ; 80 square feet of canvas; top of sol lit mahogany; fun-folding centerboard. All In good shape; cost when new $150.. Will sell for $:6 If taken at once. Reason for selling, need the money; now In com- - mlisslon at Lake Manuwa, where It can be seen, or will send photograph on ap plication. Address W 41, Bee. Q M8 8-IIORSE power gasoline engine for mile. 1014 Capitol ave. Q M123 20 FOR SALE Columbia disc graphophone and 62 ten-inch records, complete. $:15 00. 13 No. 17th. Q 129 17x FOR BALE 75 head freh cows and spring ers. Iminlre 2413 Cuming street, or tele phone 8176. Q-M135 17x VERY fine, fresh cow. 19u9 Douglas, Q-l 3'J 1 7 X FOUND FOUNl Pair of gold spectacles In caxe. on Hurney St. between 14ih and 15th, Friday moriilug Owner ran have same by call ing on Mr. W. R. Bennett. Main floor, Her nett'a. Found M ''"T 10x SHORTHAND ANDTYPEWHniNG A. C. VAN BANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. -J7 FACHIMII K letters, envelope udditf'd. liojU ucikgs ' THIS FOR THAT WILL trade 'sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 16lh and Harney. Z 97'i WHAT hsve you to exchange for a piano? Ferfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. Tel. ciL j 07a IF THERE Is nothing In this column you want, put an ad. in and you will soon get It. Z 15.4 WILL exchange second-hand phonograph records for others In good condition. N. 64. Bee office. Z M222X FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine milli nery stock. In a good Iowa town. Ad dress N. hi.. Bee. Z-M296 FOR TRADE, hnlf section, Woodson Co.. Kan., In oil belt; good Improvements, all fenced, orchard, grove. PK) acres In culti vation, 120 acres meadow, piO acres pss itire; leased for third of crop and $1 per acre cash, oil lease with royalty. Price, $40; will consider trade In desirable Omaha residence or rental property. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. 1320 Farnam st. OSTEOPATHY Johnson InsUtute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. l84. MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Osteopathic Phy sician; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2823. DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous disease. 64 Paxton. 934 MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyai Pi. Is are the best. Safe, reliable. Take n other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Pblladelpnla, Pa, HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman ft McConnell, Omaha. 986 DR. PRIES treats successfully all disease and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511ft Dodge St., Omaha. 987 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluff. I a. Tel. 774. -626 BT. JOSEPH'S hospital; everything modern. Tel. 111. M IMS ox LADIES. Anterior Regulator, sure. $2 00 box. The Columbia Co., Clarlnda, Iowa. M 430 S3x PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 600 N. 16th, 8d floor. Tel. 3559. M2. A16 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS HIGH-GRADE rubber-tire runabout. slightly soiled, at nan value. Also good top buggy and harness, cheap. Johnson & Danfurth, 8. W. Cor. 10th ft Jones Sts. P-96S SEE the ft no line of vehicles for sale by Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 869 W. J. LA PAGE, carriage and wagon; 2d hand vehicles for sale. 1607 Jackson. Tel. 2466. P 466 A20 15 NEW "UTILITY WAGONS below cost, 1 axles and wheels, 8-ft, body, buggy top on seat. Snap, $68.00 each. Drum mond, 18th and Harney. P M778 tf FINE-LOOKINO family horse ai d almost new stanhope. Cluo stables, aiitn and Lei venworth. I' M-44 17x A SNAP Two-seated canopy top, rubber tire surrev. at about half value: good con ditlon; at 2112 Douglas at; phone 1722 or S770. r-Mis;ui FLORISTS HES3 ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam n L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Bend for price list or cut nowers ana plants. -917 ALFRED DONAQHUE, JR., 1607 Farnam. Tel. 3333. a 18 POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read daily by all Interested, a changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending August CO, 1904, Will Close (PROMPTS in a.11 cases) nt the general postnrnce as fol lows: Parcels-past malls close one hour earlier than closing time snown below. Parcels-post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. August 16th and 22d. Regular and supplementary mall close at Foreign station (corner or west ana Mor ton streets) half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that supple mentary mails for Eurooa and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign station). Transatlantic Mails. TUESDAY (16th) At :30 a. m. for EU- ROPlu, per - s. s. Kaiser wnneim oer Grosse, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen; at 6:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. a. Prin Adalbert (mall must be directed "per s. s. Prlnz Adalbert"); at 7:30 a, m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Noordam (mall must be directed ''nor h. a. Noordum"!. WEDNESDAY (17th) At :S0 a. m. for EU- KOP-fci, per s. s. Majestic, via vjueens town and Liverpool; at 9:30 a. m. for ITALY -direct, per s. a. Nord America (mail must be directed "per s. s. Nord America"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. United States (mall must be directed "per s. s. United States"). THURSDAY (ISth) At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, BWITZEKLAKU, ITA1.I, SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. T.a. Tonralne via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per T.a Tonrwlne"). SATURDAY (20th) At 6 a. m. for EU ROPE, per s. s. Germanic, via cneroourg and Southampton (mall must be directed "per s. s. Germanic"); at 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE per s. 8. Etruria, via Queens town and Liverpool; at 8:30 a. in. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Finland (mall mtiat be directed '"per s. s. Finland"); at 11:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per 8. 8. Columbia (mall must be directed "per s. a. r'rvii.roMu" "VfOTICE. Fl'va cents per half ounce, In ad dition to the regular postage, must do prepaid on all letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY WAILS, and letters deposited in the drops murked "Letters for Foreign Countries," after the CLOS ING OF THE REGULAR MAIL, for des patch by a particular vessel, will not be so forwarded unless such additional post age Is fully prepaid (thereon bv stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls are iilao opened on the piers of the AMB)R ICAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH steam ers, whenever the sailings occur at 9 a.m. or later; and late mail may bedeposlted In the mail boxes on the piers of the Ger man lines sailing from Hoboken. The malls on the piers open one hour and a half before suiling time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only reg ular postaire (letters 6 cents a half ounce) Is required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN. WHITE STAR and HERMAN (sea post) steamers: double postage (letter 10 cent a half ounce) on other line. Malls for Sooth sad Central America, Wrat Ininea, Eta. TUESDAY ( At 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10 30 a. m.) for nilakauua (except East Coust), HONDURAS (except Fait Coast). SALVADOR, PANAMA. I iKP'T OF CAl'CA IN COLOMBIA, KCUAIMIR. PERU, BOLIVIA and CHILI, per a. s. Alllanca, via Colon (mall for Guatemala iiuiMt be directed "per s. s. Alllanca"); at 9:30 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for 1 NAG UA, PORT DE PAIX, CAPE HAITI, GONAIVKS. ST. MARC, JEKEMIK arid MAGDALEN A, DEP'T OF COLOMBIA, per s. s. Flan rirla (mail for other parts of Haiti and Colombia must be directed "per s. s. Flan drla"); at lu a. ni. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns Wlllem III. (mall for Cupe Haiti, Port do 1'elx, Curacao, Veneiuela, Trini dad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Prlns Wlllem 111."); at 12 m. for NORTHERN BKAZIU per . . Basil, via Para snd Mhiiuox; at 12:10 p. m. for ANTIGUA. MARTINIQUE. GUADALUPE. BARHADOH. TRINIDAD. BRITISH, DUTCH AND FRENCH (H'lA.NA. per s. s. Procldu (mall must be directed ' ier s. s. I'rocniu ) WEDNESDAY (17lh) At 12 30 p. m. (mip- piemeniary 1 p. 111. ior 1 i rra ini.uii and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per a. a. bemlnole; at 12-30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. in ) for l.EEWARK snd WIND WARD ISLANDS. BRITISH. DUTCH AND FRENCH GUIANA p.-r s. s. Pr Ima (mull for Grenada snd Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Parliuu";; at t in) p. m. for POR TO PLATA, per 8. s. Ve rona, from R'iMoll. THURSDAY (iMh) At 8 a m for CUBA, YICAJAN anil I'AMI'KI'IIK, per H. s. Monteiey (mull for other parts of Mrxh 11 must bo directed "i r s. s. Montciev' ); at 12 in. f"r M KXIi o, per a. a. Niug.iru, via Tumplco (mull must be directed "per a a. Niksura"). FRIDAY (iiMhi At 8 JO a in. for ToUtH- DOtf, BlUTiSii, I'L Kll AND FULNOI POSTOFFICE NOTICE GUIANA and BRAZIL, per P. a. Poling, gin, via Pernamhueo, do Janeiro and Santos (mall for Northern Brasll, An gentlne, iVunay and Paraguay must be directed "per a. s. Bellagglo"); st .M a, m. (supplementary 10 .30 h. m.) for 1NA (JUA. HAITI. SANTA MARTA and othr places In MAGDALENA DEPT. COLOM BIA, per a. a. Valencia (mail for oth-r parts of Colombia, via Huvnntllit, must b directed "per s. s. Valencia"): at 12 m, (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHA MAS, per a. 8. Orlraba, via Nassau (mall for Santiago must be directed "per a s. Orixaba"); at 30 p. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY GMh) At 7.30a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per a. s. Silvia; at K a m. (supplementary 9 30 a. m ) f r I-OHTO RICO. CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per . a. Caracas (mall for Co lombia, via Curacao, must be directed "per s. s Caracas"); nt 9 a. m. for A IN OK NT IN E, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Ripley; at 9:30 a. m. Ouppl,- mentary 10 30 s. m l for FORTUNE IHf. AND, JAMAICA nnd COLOMHIA, except (aura and Magdalena Dept's, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Itlra. must be di rected "per a. s. Altai"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Ha vana: at 12:3o p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Ol i ml a, via Matansas (mall must be di rected "per . . Ollnda"). Mall Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ei. rep Transpacific. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes st thla office daily, except Thursday, at 5:30 a. m. (.the connecting mails close here oa Motntajs, Wednesaaya and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, clone) at this office daliy, except Sunday, at l.W p. ro. and 10:30 p. m. Sunday at 1:00 p, m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Pnreels-Poat Malls) By rail to North Sydsev. and thence by steamer, closes st this office dally at :S0 p. in. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday). JAMAICA By rnll to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 4;3tt p. m Tuesday and Friday. M1QUELON By rail to Boston, and thene by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 n. m. BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (East Coast) ana uuAii.MALA-Hy rail to New Orns, "! thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sundav, at 41:30 p. m. ana I0:30 p. m., Sundays at UrtH) p. m and 510:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Monday at $10:30 d. m , COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence ny sienmen, closes at mis office daily, except Sunday, at $1:30 p. m. and 110:84 p. m., Dundays at (1:00 p. m. and $10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tuesdays at 110:80 p. m.). NICARAGUA (East Coast) By rail to New Orleans nna tnence by steamer, close at this office daily, except Sundav, at $1:30 p. m. and 10:30 D. m., Sundav at 1:00 p. m. and 110:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes nere inursaays at 110:30 p. m.). IRegistered mall closes at p. m. prevloua day. Traaapactfle Malla, Forwarded Overs land Dally. The schedule of closing of Transpacific mails 1b arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malls (except registered TraiiRpaclflo malls which close at 6 p. m. previous day) close at the general postoffice, New York, as follows: HAWAII. JAPAN. siOREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6:30 p. m. August 18th, for dispatch Per s. s. Manchuria. JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and specially addressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. m. August 21st, for dispatch per . s. Kana gawa Maru. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at 8:36 p. m. August 22d for dispatch per a. a. Alameda. HAWAII, JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and specially addressed moll for PHIL1P- ' PINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m. August 26th for dls- fiatch per s. s. Siberia. IILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, ! San Francisco, ckose at 6:30 p. m. August 27 for dispatch per U. 8. Transport. JAPAN (except Parcels-post malls), COREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Vlotorla, B. C, close at 6:30 p. m. August 30 for dispatch per s. s. Empress of China. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m. September S for dlapatch per . s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive in time t connect with thi dispatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m.. 1:30 a, m. and 6:80 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, Via San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m. Seps tember 9th for dispatch per a, s. Mari posa. FIJI ISLANDS AUSTRALIA (except west), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close at 4:30 p. m. September 10 for dispatch per a. a. iVf fi n u It&s MANCHURIA and EASTERN BD3ERIA at present forwarded via Russia, lntead ( via Japan, the usual route. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia is forwaraed via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese Provinces of Yun nan, Kueichow, Bxeehwan and Kwangsl, via British India tne quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Can ada" or "vlr- Europe" must be fully pre paid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is for warded via Han Francisco exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Poetofflce, New York, N. Y., Aug. 16. 1904. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. FORT MEADE. S. D., JUL"' IS. 1904 Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re- ceivea uniii p. " - vuw-v w- -constructing at Fort Meade, 8. D., a flvo hundred thousand-gallon reinforced con crete reservoir, putting in new water dis tributing system, consisting 01 aoout i.iaw feet 8-inch pipe, 11,820 feet 6-inch pipe, 41 r hvdranta. Information furnished upon application. United States reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals for Res ervoir and Water System," addressed GEORGE L. B Y RAM, Constructing Quar termaster. Jyl8-19-20-21-Al5-16 OCEAN 8TBAHIBiri, ""OOLLEriO-fiLIERICa LlaE. Maw Tvls-Scrsw stsamsrs of U,loa Tons, NW IOHK HOTTUHPAM, via HolLOUMsV SU11&8 TuasUsj, st II A. at. BtsUndtm Aug. 1 Krodara Sept. It Potsdam Au. M Noordsul Sept. . Rotterdam SVpU l Slatendam Sept. 17 H01.I.AND-AWCRICA UNI Is D Harbors t.. Csl caso. III.' tiarrr Moors s. lfJl fsruais 8L C. KuiS.rtoni. UU Faroaai SUl i. . ksaolaa, lio Faraaui at Scand!n2visn-n::ric2n Una. Fast Twls-Sersw rasseossr Stsamtrs Dlrset ta Korway, Swidtn and Denmark Direct Conoertio as With Russia and Garmany. A. E. Johatus ft C., 1 Broadway, Kew York. O. M. E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAOQAajfc 1412 Farnam Street. WILL GET TCJR BAGGAU8 THERM ON TDM B, -M7M ARRESTED FOR WIFE'S DEATH . . . I, , . i Dr. Jooea Wataon Charged by Dead Womaa' Father with He Harder. NrSW LONDON, Mo., Aug. 15.-Dr. James Watson, the death of whose wife July I hua been the subject of an Investigation by the coroner' Jury, ha been arrested charged with the murder of hi wife. John J Buter of Palmyra, father of Mrs. Watson, made the affidavit. Thla sensational turn followed the ver dict of the coroner's Jury yesterday after noon, after It hud deliberated 'twenty min utes, holding that the deceased came to her death by meana unknown to the Jury. Dr. Watson carried Insurance amounting to $;o.O) on the life of hla wife. In an alleged runaway near London the doctor asserted that she wo- thrown from the bugcy Into Suit river, at the edge of which she was found. If you have anything to trade, advertise It In the This for That coJuniu lu the lis Want Ail Page.