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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1904)
TriE OMAITA DAILY DHEs TUESDAY. AUGUST lfy 100. i : PA TARES OSE MORE CAME , ' IeU Sioux, MaUngTen Victories Out of Lait XleTen Contests. J- PFEISTER TOO MUCH FOR TAtLENDERS rlold Thfm Dowb to ror Hit, Walla Howard and (he Rfil Omaha. :-4 Mmit Klrrrm Bale 'i' .(: .. One. ,L ' Easy moneyt Playlnf bsse ball with Unci Fleming's ',7.Irote(fPi from Bioux City la the beat ( acheme that ra'a children have .vet atnmbleil acres except, of course, that Colorado Bprlnga nap. Whether It be on the Jawn up at Bloux .City or on the green sward at Vinton atreet, It mat-""-tera not to the happy bcya who look to Rourke for their pending money. They ;ran relish Slnux City sculps anywhere and I ' .any time. Just let Mlster-r-r Kelley Bay "play ball" and there you are. And Judg ing by that "genial" umplre'a conduct yes- .? :'trday it Is evident he ha switched break ..last food, much to the delight of She fans end others. Only once yesterday after f tioon did Kelley haVe td look crns and . that was but for a. fleeting moment. The 'look chased across his faca Ilka a little cloud on an otherwise clear' iky. It was j . impressive. Brothers Pfelater and Gondlng let the fcloux down easy yesterday afternoon, athcrwise the news mltcht have killed dad. Tho facta of the case, are that the mem- Cries of the victories won at Sioux City wera yet fresh In the minds of the Rangers, who do not believe In overdoing a good thing. They Just kept Chief Fleming and Ilia band of braves far enough In the rear to make It look good and once in a while let out a little string Just for old time's t sake. Tnat's what they did. The score book ahoirs it. The local beauties made eleven hits, two Cf them being of the kind that permitted lloward to run all the way to third base without any of the up-river players getting ,.,'near him and Pfejater plucked a double i"; Out of the eleven. In the third Inning Howard's excursion flyer brought Thtel and Carter in with two to (he good. Thlel had .'"previously ridden to first on a pass, whlla .'" Carter 'earned hi passage with a hit. Harry Welch then came to bat and every one said he would make a hit and he did, and Howard came In from third. This, ."""made threo runs and only one out, Pfelster, ','. the first man up, having a-ruck out, Welch was now on first and Brown to bat Brown another hit and Welch hiked to sec ,',dnd, Then Thomaa walked, which made tt three men on bases, three runs and one out, all In that inning. Schlpke came to bat, sent out an Immature Infield fly and I . -went down and out on a double play with .'"Thomas. And thus ended the third act. 1 4 Thlel Start 'Em In. ' In 'the lucky seventh inning Thlel again V.tarted th wheel of fortune with a hit. Carter followed with what he Intended to bs a long range hit, but Just as he knocked . the ball ho thought of a letter he had In his pocket and which he forgot to mall to i"' his wife, so he only sent out one of those 5'" two.for-a-cent kind that put Thlel out on a fielder's choice. Howard, however, was next to bat, which means that everyone get busy, except the peanut man, who atop -to , watch- Howard. Howard made , whla second three-base hit to the brewery .''sign and Carter scored. Welch and Brown ''" then went out and left Howard on third "i-base looking at the brewery sign. Thlel made, a running catch off Hutchln--;v son in tha ninth that will be talked of .a hundred years from-now and Schlpke ' made several rapid firer assists that caused -'people in the aeate to say "Goot Knoben '-' Frits." - Four hits 'and a sacrifice were the beat " the Sioux braves could do with Jack .Pfelster. Tha visitors played a neat, clean j; game of ball and are a genial lot of fel lows, . and Pa's family Is alwaya- glad to have them come down and play In Its vi back yard and holler down Us rain barrel i'lf they wish.' After Walking to first in tha third, Colonel Fremer Anally scored -when '(f Fleming made a three-base liner. But didn't Fleming go around those bases In -,' a cloud of dust and land on third Ilka a man going to a barbecue and an hour late! It Was the prettiest run of the day. It was ladles' day and all the women and 'girls clapped their. Ill th?. hands and said: " Gracious goodness, see that man run.'.' j,., That waa the Inning in which they made , . their first score. The other was made In .. the fourth when Mcsaerly 'got to flrst by v Virtue of an error by Pfelpter. Meseerly scored when Graves made a three-base hit. Thomna put Hutchinson out this inning by "running three miles after a foul' fly and "'"catching the ball while under a full head of steam. In the fifth Inning Jarrett, '.''. Iawlor and Fleming struck out In one, two, ., thre order. Of the last eleven games played Omaha ha won ten. Attendance 1,500. The score OMAHA. 'A Thlel, B rrter. rf , . JJnward, 2b Welch, cf , , Tirown, If , Triomiis, lb . Hrl.ll.Ue, Jl , lo tiding, o , ' pfeuttr. p AB. H. H. PO. A. E .. B .4 .. i .. 4 .. i .. 4 0 15 0 0 Totala U 4 11 " 8IOCX CITr. AB. R.. H. PO. A. E. .. 4 .. 4 3 I.nwler, If Fleming, cf .... Out ley. 2b , ..'Measerly, lb 4 - llut-hinuii. 80 '" CI rnveit. o . . 4 Un v. Ue, ss Fremer, rf Jnrn-tt, p. 4 , Kcjly 1 0 0 0 1 .. S 0 0 0 1 0 0 Totuls ...HI 1 4 24 8 1 Batted for Jarrett In the ninth. vrOmnha -...0 0, S 0 0 1 0 4 H'eux City 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-8 Eurnncl runi: Omnha, I. Two-base hit: -I'ftiaUr. Three-base hits: Howard 2), '3 1 m Knjoyits flavor, ita oroma. Us sparKla. rft Art ft is P (2 tiiji LSI ll in 'j' maHe" con i r .i-s i tirs ofu all. It is tha si - n-ifti d Lyuhich to judge v.Ly. . i. Fleming and Grnve. First bne on balls! Off Pfei.tcr, 3; on Jarrrtt, S. Ptnltn ha.e: Thiol. hit: Untrhlnion. Hit bv pitched Imll: Thlel and Frerner. tMrurk out: Hv I'f'-lster, : by Jarrett, 4. Pn'd ball: Graves. !ft on bnxet lmh, ). Fioux C'liv, 7. First he cn rrrors: (mmh 1; 81-iux City. t. Doulle plnvs: Hownrd to Thomnn; Ilrevette to Curley to Me. i''r1v. Dine of game: l:Sa. Umpire: Kelly. One for Dm Moines. DKa MOt NFS, I.o., Aug. 15 ninched hit by lies Moines Snd bunched errors by St. Joseph tell the atory of today'a r"rn-Ttf ftt-ot e R pes Moines .. 0 0 3 0 0 n 0-7 f St. JoKeph ...1 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 ln Batteries: I.lefleld and O. Clarke; Clark and McConnell. Rattlnar Rally nt the Bprlna. COI-ORADO BPRINGH. Aug. lB.-'olorado Pprings won from Drnver in the third in nliiK, when a series of doubles and triples, together with bases on balls, scored a x runs. Errors gave Denver Its only run In the eighth. Score: R.H.E. Colo. Springs. X 0600000 -4 91 Denver .........0 0000001 0-1 80 Batteries: Villeman and Baerwald, Hos teller and Lucia. Standing of the Team. Played. Won. Ixist Pet. Colorado Spring 81 M 83 .m Denver i ' Omaha " -MS Pes Moln'rs 1" f W Pt. Joseph W , 41 M .4.4 Sioux City 81 - 6 .813 Giimrs todny: Sioux City at Omaha, St. Joseph at Dc Moines, Denver at Colorado Springs. GAMES IX THE RATIOS At, IKAGIE Plttabara Oatbat. bat Boston Make Error. BOSTON, Aug. 15. Bostom's more fre quent errors offset a slight auperlorlty in batting. Leever a pitching hand was split by Geier's hard drive in the flrst Inning. Attendance. Score: ' PITTsnURO. I BOSTON. R.H.O.A E.l R.H.O.A.H. Lerti. lb.... 1 0 14 j'Oeler. cf 0 0 10 1 0 lT"iinT, 1B...V v u I v 0 0, Ab tidilo. u. 1 I I I 0 1 0 f.'snnell, It... 0 1 I 0 0 0 Oilnlehint, lb 0 I I I t 0 (VRsymer, lb... 0 0 6 I 0 4 OiCarney, rt.... 0 0 110 1 Oi.Mnran, t 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 Mi Nichols P. 0 1 1 I 0FIber 0 0 0 Feaumnnt, cf. 1 I 0 McCorm'k. rt 0 0 1 Wiliifl'. 0 11 Br.imfleUl. lb 0 0 It KruK'r, If.... 0 Rltchsr. tb. rrta-ti, c Levr, a... Fblllppl, p. . 0 0 . 0 1 . o o . 0 0 Totali...... I 4 17 11 sl Totals...... 1 17 II Batted for McNichols In the ninth. Pittsburg 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6-t Boston 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Delenanty, Abbattlchio, Wagner. Sacrifice hit: Raymer. Hits: off Phliippl, 6 In elKht and two-thirds Innings. Stolen bases: Wagner (2), Beaumont, Ab battlchio. First base on balls: Off Me NicholR, 4; oft Phliippl, 2. Struck out: By McNichols, 4: by Phliippl, 8. Wild pitch: McNlchcls. Time: 1:15. Umpires: Moran and Carpenter. Chicago Win nt Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16. The local were unable to hit Dundgren et epportune times and Chicago won. Attendance 3,760. Score: CHICAGO. 1 PHILADELPHIA. K.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Rlaxle. If 0 110 0 Thomaa. cf... 4 0 0 0 1 0 Tiiua, it u 0, Wolisrt a, 2b 0 0'MiO. it.... 1 O'nlraann, 2b. . . 1 0 Mitchell, lo.. 0 0 Roth, c 0 l Donahue, si.. 0 0 Sulhjfl. p.... 0 -! Kraner. p 0 . I 7 27 1 1,'Lu.h 0 Ceaey, lb 1 Chance, lb... 1 McCarthy, cf. 0 O'Nflll. Fviri, 2b Jonpa, rf barry, aa Lundgruu, p.. Totala.. I Totala S 17 10 t Batted for Sutthoff in ninth. Chicago 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 03 Philadelphia 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Stolen bases: Barry (2). Two-base hits: MoGee, Wolverton. Three-base hits: Chance. . Sacrifice hit: Mitchell. Double pluys: Casey, Evera and Chance; Barry and Chance; Sutthoff and Mitchell. Deft on bnBea: Chicago 11, Philadelphia 4. Hits: Olt Sutthoff 5 In eight InnJngs, off Fraser 2 In one Inning. Struck out: By Sutthoff 2, by Dundgren 6. Base on balls: On Sutthoff 6, off Dundgren 4. Hit by pitched ball: Chance. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Eroulle. Brooklyn Win in Ninth. NEW YORK, Aug. 16. Brooklyn wound up the serie with St. Louis today. The viHltors had the game well In hand when hit by Dillon, Dobbs and Sheckard turned the tide and gave Brooklyn the victory in th ninth inning. Attendance, 2,600. Score: BROOKLYN. R.H.O.A.E Ocaater, rt.. Dillon, lb.. Dobbe, ef... Sh.ikard. If Elrani, iU.... 1 1 llabb, aa 0 1 Heigen, c 0 1 McCorm'k, lb 0 0 Jones, p 0 0 1 1 1 14 1 .4 BT. LOU IB. K.H.O.A.E.'. Farret, 2b.... 0 Shanuon, rf.. 0 Ueckley, lb.. 0 Hrala, aa 1 Smoot, cf..,. 1 Barclay, If... 0 Llurke, 8b.... 0 McLean, c.. 0 Taylor, p 0 1 1 1 1 I 11 0 4 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 I 0 0 brown, rf Devlin, lb Doullu, cf. Mertea, It. Dahlen, aa. Gilbert, tb CuWfcrm&ti, Totala I 7 27 51 1 Totala 1 426 IS 1 One out when wini.lng run waa scored. Brooklyn 00001000 23 8t. Loula P 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 ' Two-base hits: Babb, Dobbs. Left on baxes: Brooklyn, 3; St. Louis, 8. Flrwt bae on errors: Brooklyn, L Struck out: By Jonaa, 1. Time: 1:14. Umpire: Zlra mer. empire Get in Hi Work. NEW YORK, Aug. 16.-Inability to hit McOinnity caused Cincinnati's defeat to day. President Pulllam has suspended Mo Uann of New York and Harper of Cin cinnati for three days for disputing with the umpire last week, and Kelley of Cin cinnati has been laid off indetlnltely. At tendance, b,"60. Score: NEW YORk. , I CINCINNATI. R.H.O.A. 1. 1 R.H.O.A.E. n..nah'n. lb 1 I 4 I 1 Dolan. lb 0 1 0 ,..10 10 o,eyinuur, t. v v w a ... 0 0 0 2 t, Sebrms, rf...O 0 1 V 0 ..114 0' 4'Ortwell,' If.... 1114 .. 1 2 I 0 0 Corcoran, aa . 1 0 0 I 0 . .0 1 3 I J etclnfoldt. Ibl M 1 I ..0 0 4 1 2 Hchlel, c 0 1 4 1 o. 0 1 4 1 0' Woodruff, 2b. 0 0 6 1 U IdcOlnulty, p. 0 0 0 0 Hahn, p V 0 1 9 1 Totala 4 T2 10 6 . Totala 1 I H 1J I Hahn out, hit by batted ball. Cincinnati 01000000 01 New York 00010 012 4 Two-base lilt: Bresnahan. Home run: Doulln. Sacrifice hits: Gilbert, Blelnfuldt. Double pluys: Gilbert to Dahlen to Brtsa nuhan; Corcoran to Woodruff to Dolan. Lett on bases: New York, 1; Cincinnati, t First buae on balls: Off McGinulty, 2, off lluiin, 2. First base on errors: New York, 1; Cincinnati, 6. Struck out: By McUlnnlty, 2; by Hahn, i. Time: : 1:40. Umpire: Johnstone. Standing ot the Team. Played. Won'. Loat. PC. New York Vl 70 1:7 .722 f'hlcnin SS 1 ' 87 .! PltUburg ." 67 .bvi Cincinnati 1U2 & 4) ''s St Louis K't 6U 60 .6'0 Boston 11 SS ,. 3 .378 Brooklyn lot W .847 Philadelphia 'J .27 72 ,278 Games today: St! Louis at Phlladelplila, PlitaUurg at New York, Chicaiiu at Boston. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. GAMES IN THK AMtUIUCAM HCAGlli Cajole Score Only Hun la Game H , tween Cleveland and Washington. CLEVELAND, Aug. 15. Lajole scored the only run of tho gajne. He was hit by u pitched ball, stole second and scored on Bradley's siuftlu. Attendance. l.Ui. Score: CLEVELAND. I WASHINGTON. J141.U-A.B.I n.n.u.-ni. Bay, cf Luth, If Klua. rf Lajoia, lb'... ItKiiiley, lb. ('rr. lb Turner, aa... Duelow, c... Moure, p.... V 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 I 1 0 4 0 II 0 0 0 00 I 0 4 0 0 O'Nrll, cf.... 0 0, Hill, lb 0 Uj('4r1fl-y, aa. .. 0 l' llulW'inan, if. 0 b M, Corui k, lb 0 o liunuvau, rf . . 0 0 Clarke, lb... u kllirwlkce, 0 0 0 t 0 1 0 o 1 0 0 1 . 0 12 4 I I 1 a mini, p. 1 0 4 Totala 1 I 27 14 l Totals 0 I 14 It I Cleveland 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Waahlngton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 First base on error; Cleveland, 1; Wash ington, 1. Sioieti buHes; LaJuU Brad ley. Double plays: turner to 1 ujie to Curr (2). FliHt oase Ml brtllb: OK Mnure, 1 Hit by puched ball; liy Moot. 1: by Towrnend. 1. Left on bases: I'luvelund, i VV'asliington, 4. Struck om; by Moure, e; by Ti,wns;iui, b. Time: 1:4J. l-'nipiie: Dwyer. , St. liuul Get Hew Ilrand of fitch. ST. l.Ol.'Id, Aug. 15 Chesbro'B clsver pitching coiiiplully butrlej the St. Louis club here today. He allowed the only five hit and struck out ucven of tliem. A throw by Heidrlck In the eighth Inning, fin ting AiulriHon uff at tne Hum pluto, wi. the feature of the came. Gun-id. In jured at iliat, waa succetUed by Alulerson. AlU uiluncu. .Wi. 8c vie: hSIV YKliK. ,1 T. Let ts. R . 11.0- A. IS- I ll H u IS. drn; HeMrlcle to Kshce. ra"ed ball: Kahoe. S:ol-n be: Htldrlck. First baa on balls: Off Pelty, t; off Chesbro, 1 Struck out: By Pelty. 8; by Chei-hm, 7. Left on bases: St. Louis. 7; New York, 7. Time: 1:44. L'mptre: Connolly. Pitcher' Buttle at Chlraao. ClHCAOO, Aug. 15 Today' game w a hard-fought pitcher" battle, but Chicago bunched four hits In the first and sixth, scoring two of their runs, and an error wss responsible for the third. Attendance, 8,3u0. Score: CHICAGO. I BOiTOI. Dougherty, It 0 Klr, rf.... I V Itw i l.'M, e. u V. llll.un lb. 1 (mi, el. lb. .. 0 Ainit-ion, lb. 1 1- ua. ci 0 i ui'ioy. yb. . . 0 l. t,u:r, c. . . 4 I I, Put', O, p.. .. kltoluow, ... 4 I 1 I II 0 il'ldiltk. CI 1 H ..;.., aa. u II) nca. rf. . . 0 J num. Ib. .. U 6h,ii,u, lb. 0 l nau, lb. . 0 Kiitiuv, v... P 0 'HtfUipbill . 1.1 -I Totala 1 I it IS I Totala I I If 14 l! Jlulti'd for M.irun In the iiluth. Neve- York 0 0 0 1 It 2 0 0 0 I rt. Loui 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 i-'.ii in 1 run: Nrw Voik. Two-bune. bV: Ili,ii!.k hi-i'lir, s luiTt'ii. 'I lit re-l.rt.- lib: A nib i n. Mi ihli Lit: Iiou,, ! t y. iijutid i.i.. Vi iiuhui i l'vlty i-J bi.'- If .. 0 . 0 , 1 , 4 . 4 , V . 0 . 4 . 4 0 4 R H O A R. rf 1 1 I 0 SHhech fire II. Holinea. rt.. Ji.nea. rf I Callahan. If.. 4 Davla. aa 0 Tannrhlll, lb 1 Irhell. lb 0 iMinilon, Ib... 0 McFarland. c 0 Bmllb, p 4 H H O A E. if... sails 4 Parent. M.... 14 114 0 0 Stahl, rf 8 1 0 0 4 Colllna. Ik ... 1 1 0 t 1 1 0 Frreman, rf.. 0 I I 4 4 1 Lai'hanre, lb 0 4 II ( 4 4 0 Ferrla. lb.... 0 1 0 I 4 I 0 Olaer, c 0 0 4 1 4 1 0 Dlnren, p.... 4 0 0 1 4 1 0 Farral 0 1 Total! 1 5 17 7 01 Totala I 4 14 It I Batted for Criger In the ninth. Chicago 1 0100100 -I Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Left on bases: Chicago. 4: Boston, ft. Two-base hits: Green, Tanehlll, Ferris. Sacrifice hit: Green, Jones, Isbell, Ferris. Struck out: By Smith. 4: by Dineen. 4. Passed ball: AtcFarland. First base on balle: (JfT Smith, 8; Off Dineen. 1. Wild pitches: Smith, 2. Hit by pitched ball: La Chance. Time: 1:34. Umpire: Sheridan. Detroit' Rattlnar Lame. ' DETROIT. Aliar. IS Detroit rnlilrl tint hlf Waddell at stage when men were on base. Attendance. 8.600. Score: PHILADELPHIA. 1 DSTROrT. K.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.S. Harttel. If..,. 110 Q Barrett, cf...O i 4 Fickerlrf, ef. 0 1 4 0 0 Coughlln, Ib, 4 1 1 DkTla. lb 0 14 4 1 KlLinaon. If . 0 110 L. I'roaa, lb.. 4 0 4 10 ( rawlnrd. rt.. 0 0 0 4 svlxxi, rf...O 4 10 0 Hickman,- lb. 0 1 11 0 Murphy. Ib. j. 0 0 I 4 0 Lowe, 2b 4 111 M. rrnee. aa.. 0 4 I t Drill, c .'. 0 0 10 Schreck. e.... 0 4 ( 0 0 O'lary. fa . I 10 Waddell. p... 0 04 O.KIteoo, p 0 0 0 1 Miilna 0 10 0 4 I 27 IS I Totals...... 1 I 17 4 1 i Totala Batted for Kltson In ninth. PhllAdelDhla 10000001 0 Detroit 00000000 0 v Sacrifice hits: Iowe. Plckerinsr. F1rt Kuu ImII.i l ft H',. .l,l.!l u L-i,Bl l.n cn errors: Philadelphia, 8; Detroit. 1. Left on oaaes: .Detroit, li; i'tillarielpnia, . Struck out: By Kltson. J: by Waddell. 7. Double rilay: Lowe to O'Leary to Hick man, i Time: 1:30. Umuires: O'Louahlln and King. - . Standing ef tha Team. j Chicago isew lpric .... Boston Philadelphia .. Cleveland Detroit St. Louis Washington .. Games today: Washington at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Detroit, New York at St, Louis, Boston at Chicago. GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION St; Pan I Win at Twelve-Inning; Game ' at Calombns. COLUMBUS. Aug. 15W8t. Paul defeated Columbus in a twelve-inning game today. Yea kit a errors at third base were coatly. Attendance, g.tbi. score; ayed. Won. Lost. PC. 101 bl 40 .t04 W 68 88 .m 9 '69 40 . 61 16 66 40 .6? 1H 62 42 .fSS 87 41 fed .43 82 87 65 .402 to 42 74 .228 BT PAUL. R.H.O.A K Jones, cf Ill Jarkeoo, rf . ..411 Wheeler, lb.. Ill Kelley, lb.... I I 14 O'Brien, aa... 14 1 Marcan, tb... 0 14 Bulllran, ... 0 4 4 Chech. If 114 lagl, p 10 0 Totala. , 4 14 it 14 2 COLVMBL'I. R.H.O.A B. Darla, rf... Martin, If.... Klhra, lb Yeager, lb.. Abbott. Wrlsley, Hrlilwell. HjOlmattd, -Hlckey Olenrion, 2b. I I I I 1 It I I Totala. 4 11 IS 14 t Batted for Olmstead In ninth. St. Paul 0 0500001000 2-8 Columbus ....2 0000000400 0 Saerlfloe hit: Kihm. First base on balls: Off Olmsted, 2; off Glendon, 1; off Elagle, 1. Two base hlta: Martin, Kihm, Yeager, Jones, Jackson, Wheeler, O Brten. Three base hit: Martin. Double play: Wheeler, Marcan and Kelley 2. Struck out: hy Olmsted. 3; by Glendon, 2; by Slagle, 1 Hits: Off Olmsted, 10 In nine Innings; off Glendon, i in Ithree inning's., Time: 2:00. Umpires: Hart and Klem. Minneapolis Pound AIIemanK. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 15.-Mlnneapolia founded Allamang for fourteen hits, ei.oilng I runs through ragged fielding by the lo cal team. Attendance: 1,V00. . Scores i MINNEAPOLIS I INDIANAPOLIS. M.H.O.A.E. ' R.H.O.A. Maloney, rf.. 1 Freeman, lb.. 0 Coulter, If.... 0 Grerolng'r, lb 0 Weaver, c... 1 MrNlchola, cf 2 Fox, Ib I Oyler, aa I Thomaa, p.... i t 0 4,1 4 0 4 1 4 0 I 0 0 0 4 I 1 4 o: McCreary, cf . 4 Jilaaoon. aa: . 0 Carr, 8b 0 Swander, if.. 1 haillippa, rt.. 1 Dickey, lb... 1 Heydon, c... 0 Lyach tb.... 0 Allemani, p.. 0 llll 4 4 1 ii. 7 4 1 Totala 11 14 17 4 l Totala I 4 17 17 7 Minneapolis 0 1 0 0 1 4 4 0 1-11 Indianapolis ;..0 0000020 11 First base on balls: Off Allemang. 1: Cfl Thomas, 1. Struck out: By Allemang, 2; by 'l nomas, 4. wua pitcn: Aiiemung, t. nil uy pitcher: Oyler, 2. Two base hit: Thoma. Three baee hlte: Maloney. Oyler. Sacrifice hit: Coulter. Double play i Magoi n to Lynch to neyaon. eioien nase: tox. itii cn bases: Indianapolis, 0; Minneapolis, lo; Tlmi- ll ITmnlro! Ifilln Louisville 1 Ontpluyed. LOUISVILLE. Aug. 16.-Kansas City out played LouUvllle at all stages of the game and won the closing game of the xuries. Campbell was batted hard while Frantx held the locals sale at all times, .uatcnes bv Olilnlan and Mataev. Ryan'a fielding and Nance's batting were the featured. Attendance: 1,)0. Hcore: KANSAS CITY. i LOUISVILLE. R.H.O.A. B.I K.H.O.A.B Rrn, (a...... 114 4 Nana. If..... 114 0 Hill, cf 14 0 Bonner, tb... 0 111 Maeaey, lb... 0 f 10 0 Durham, rf. .l 4 0 I 0 Fulllvan, lb., 0 10 4 OJMonlg'cry, JHitlcr, .,.;. 1111 0 mulnlan. ii rant, p 0 0 1 Karwln, rf. .. t I 1 0 0 0 li.llman, U.. 0 I 0 0 0 0 Hart, lb 0 1 11 0 0 0 Arndt, Ib 0 1 1 4 0 0 Dealer, c 0 4 I 1 0 0 llraahaar, lb.. 1 1 4 1 0 cf 0 0 1 0 0 .. 0 0 4 1 0 0 Campbell, p.. 0 0 0 4 0 Totals,'..... 4 II 17 11 ll ToUla I 7 17 11 0 Kansas City 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 06 Louisville 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0-3 "Pao base hit: Hart. Three base hits: Nance. Ill II, Brashear, Kerwln. Home run: IN mice, dioibii oaae: ouiuvan. cacriuue hits: Frantx, Nance and Butler. First base on balls: Off Frants, 1. Struck out: By Campbell, 4. Hit by pitched ball: Mont gomery. . Double plays: Quinlan to Bra shear to Hart; Campbell to Quintan to Hart. Left oft base: Louisville, 4; Kan- Baa City, 4. ,nme; i:-o. umpire: lia use wine. I RnnnlnaT Rae at Toledo. TOLEDO, Aug. Is". Toledo and Milwaukee Indulxed In a tierce batting melee today. the vlMltnrs winning by taking advantage of the disastrous error. Attendance 400. Score: MILWAUKE3. 1 ' TOLEDO. R.H.O.A art, as... I 1 0 I lilt Bun,, lb.... 1 14 0; La, rf .. I 4 111 Hannlvan, If. I 110 0 Murlarlty. Ib. 1 Batrnian, lb.. I 4 It 1 01 Friable, cf.... I Hem, 2b I lit I Brown, -lb.... I 111 0! Heading, e.... 4 Oernian, p.... 1 MILWAUKE3. 1 R.H.O.A. E.l Stone, rf 0 1 I 0 0O'Ha gcliaefer. as.. I O'Hrlen, If... 4 Clark. 3b 4 humplttll, cf. 4 14 1 Slaitery, c ... 4 FtriLklelt. D.. 1 pousheny, p. 1 4 1 4 Total! II U S7 il I lforton, Oauck and Hartley. Struck out; By Adams, i, by Gauck. 8. Reaeata Are Shat Onf. FREMONT, Neb.. Aug IS. (Special Tel aranv) The Omaha Bcaents were dc fivited by the Pohl 4 Shephard ball nine here thl afternoon by the ecor of 13 to 0. Kennedy wits the only Omaha man to find the ball and he only poked it out for a single The druggists started the fun In the flrsl bv piling up four runs on three doubles and one. single. Both sldea put up a goorl fielding game. T'emlergrast succeeded I.ynd in the box but could not hold the druggists down. Score: R.H.E. P. A S 4 4 1 1 0 -13 17 1 Regent 00000000 0 0 1 4 Struck out: By Bearrtsley 6, by Lynd 1, bv PendergrHSt 1. Butteries: I'. & 8., Heardsley and Carroll; Regents, Lynd, Pendergrast and Donahue. Lincolnlte Loia at Greeley. GREELEY. Neh., Aug. 15. (Special.) The Lincoln Originals and tha home tenm played here Saturday and Sunday, result ing In a shutout for the Originals In the first and defeat in the second by the score Of 8 to T. EVENTS -OS THE RIHMJG TRACKS a li Prince Sllrer Wing, Ontsldev in Det. tins-, Win at Chleaae. CHICAGO, Aug. 16 Prince Sliver Wings, the extreme outsider in the betting, won the feature of the opening day at Haw thorne today, McGee and Clifton Forge, coupled, were held favorites but they were not In the race at the finish. Result: First race, five and a half furlongs: Al bert Fir (6 to 1) won, Usaful Lady aecond, Caoltanaio third. Time: 1:09'-,. Second race, eteeplech, short course: Weird ( to ll won, Allegiance second, 8w?et Jane third. Time: 3 48. Third race, the Speculation stakes, one mile: Prince Silver Wings (18 to 6J won, Phil Finch aecond, Clifton Forge third. Time: 1:40. ' , Fourth race, aix furlongs: Idfc Davis (5 to D won, Sylvia Talbot second. King Ells worth third. Time: 1:14. Fifth race, mile and a sixteenth: Port Royal (4 to 1) won, Incubator aecond, Gregor K third. Time: i:4i'4. Sixth race, one mile: Freckman (9 to 6) won, Gold Mineral aecond, Ben Heywood third. Time: 1:43. . Seventh race, rive and a half furlongs: Rams Horn (J to 2) won, John Bmulskl aecond, Handzarra third. Time: 1:10. SARATOGA, N. Y., Aug. 16. Results: First race, seven furlongs: Mimosa (13 to 0). won, Wild Thyme second, Armenia third. Time: 1:26. Second race, steeplechase, short course: Sea Gull (IS to 10) won. Bonfire second, Libretto third. Time: 4:vt. Third race, the Kentucky, five and a half furlongsi Candida (5 to 1) won, Caar appine aecond, Fleur de Marie third. Time: 1:07. Fourth race, mile and a furlong: Elliott (4 to 1) won. Dalesman second. Carbuncle third. Time: 1:53. Fifth race, six furlongs: Mirthless (4 to 1) won, Raiment second, Bulwark third. Time: 1:144. Sixth race, one mile: Jocund (4 to 1) won, Dimple second, Aurumaater third. Time: 1-Sr-H. ' , ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. If). Results: First race, seven furlongs: Eleanor How ard (8 to () won, 1 Amorous aecond, Baby Hall third. Time: 1:28. - Second race, four and a half furlongs, selling: Our Jo (60 t 1) won. Wakeful econd. Lady Lou third. Time: 0:50. Third race, seven furlongs, selling: Mln dora (8 to 6) won, Ivernla second, R. Q. Smith third. Time: 1 :2S4. Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap: Com modore (6 to 2) won, J. P Mayberry sec ond. Evening Star third. Time': 1:14. Fifth race, five furlongs, purfe: Arlena (11 to 2) won, The Cook econd, Picture Hat tbird. Time: 1:02. 4 Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth, selling: Iras (5 to 2) won, Rvevale second, Triple Silver third.. Time:. 1:48. Basket Ball at St. Lonla. ST. LOUIS, Mo , Aug. 15.-The prelimi nary game's of the Olympic Basket Ball championship ef the Young Men's Christian associations of the United State were played today at the Stadium. Six cities are represented: Chicago, 111. (Central); Hamilton, Ont.; Cincinnati. O.; Denver, Colo.; rfioux City, In., and Joplln, Mo. The remills of today g;ime te a follows: Denver, SC; Jopiln, M; Sioux City, 4.'; Il.itn ilton, 82; Chicago. 78; Cincinnati. :'-1; Sinu City, M; Denver, .10; Cincinnati, 4.1; Joplin, i; Chicago, 27; Hamilton, The semi finals and finals will be played tomorrow and Wednesday respectively. It AOS ft- I THE GRAXD (IBrilf Six Thousand Spectator Enjoy First Day's Sport. NEW YORK. Aug. 15 The Grand Circuit me-tlng at Brighton Bench bcan todny under the most fnvornhle nusiices. The we-atbtr was perfect, the track fabt and .0"0 spectators enjoyed the sport, which" nn sensational from the first to last beat. The lo.Oi".' Senbreeze stake was the event of the day und it resulted in the defeat of tho favorite. Dr. Strong. Iri the first beat Con euela S won. but the necond stilj found Dr. Strong the choice and he won out, but a bad bieuk In the third und driving heat lost the favorite the race. The Coney Island stake of $:.(Xn for 8-year-olds brought out a good field of six with I'rlnciHS Athel the choice nt 60 to 3". The Princess won In straight bents. The 2:05 pace, the Inst of the flay, was one of the best contested. Hetty G. sold at $r-0 to $15 for the field and et the word she started out to win, with Nathnn Stenaus and Frank Ynnkum close up. The quarter was passed in :3ol und the half In 1 :il Vfc and the veteran mure came home in l:04Va, two lengths In the lead. Results: Pea Breeze stake for 2:10 trotters, $5,000, mile heats, two In three: Consuela 6., b. m., by Directum, dam by Nutwood (Peryrter) 12 1 Dr. Strong, gr. g. (Oahaga) 8 11 John Taylor, gr. g. (Wilson) 8 7 8 Ncrrle, b. g. (Shank) S 4 dr Mntallas, bl. h. (Andrew) S 6 dr Prince Oreenlnnder, br. g. (Davis).., 7 6dr The Roman, br. g. (Snow) 4 S ds George G., b. e. (Geers) 8 da Kent, ch. g. (Snear) ds Time: 2:(V4, 4:0, 2:10. Trotting, 2:30 cluss, 8-year-olds, purse $2,0, mile heats: Princess Athel. b f., by Directum Kelly (Deryder) 1 1 Wlltonette, b. c. (Winnings) 4 2 Major Gueltlileln, b. c. (Hudson) 8 8 Pleasant Thought, b. f. (McQuade) 2 ds Dnvld Ross, br. c. (Dunn).. ds Tho Hermit, bl. c. (Freeman) ds Time. 2:14. 2:15. Trotting. 2:10 class, purse 00, dash, mile and one-eighth: . Alexander Campbell, b. g., by Bnron Star-Florida W.. by Florida (Cummins) 1 Ruth C. ro. m. (Kenney) 2 I Leonora, b. m. (Deryder) 8 Travelens u., Di. g. (ucers) j Conflenza J Victor, Jr , Time, 2.yH. . M Pacing, 2:17 class, purse $00, dash, one half mile: , Gordon Prince, br. h., by Oratorio-Twinkle, by Dictator (Snow) 1 Lookout Hal. b. h. (Shank) 2 Dwey, ro. g. (Dlckersnn) 3 Winnie King, ch. m. (Wilson) 4 Pig Boy 6 Mark Hendrlcka Time, 1:01 Vt. Trotting, 2:13 claes, purse $GO0, dash, one half mile: . Jovmaker, b. h., by Norcatur-Roxle Lee, by Bay Star (Gcers) 1 Single K.. ch. g. (Cummlngs) 2 Anna Little, b. m. (Tlcehurst) 8 Ilallle Hardin, ch. m. (McGuire) 4 Blackthorn J Birney . J Moon " Time, 2:4. M t Pacing, 2:05 class, purse $900, dash, one wL'tVv n h. m.. bv Fear Hot-Nora B. by I Betterton (Murphy) 1 i Frank Yoakum, b. g. (Oosnel) 2 Locanda. br. h. (Rosemlre) '. 3 Nathan Straus, b. g. (Curry)... 4 Joe Pointer Little RqiiRW g Shadow Chimes i. 7 Time, 2:04 Telephone Talk Fatal. f M ATlTKinXVIT.LK. Kvl. AuaT. 1S. Mis Clara Bmirtand, the 16-venr-old daughter of Hon. W. E. Bonrtand of Dixon, has been killed by lightning while talking over a telephone during a heavy thunderstorm. 4 1 11 fV-AVV ijjm How lo Judge Beer ."CLEAN" TASTE Th absence ct a 4itaxrab foreljrn or "anertasta," ferov Inji scnrpuloas dearJinesgowinjj tb w-awlng process. The great majority of beers posseaa mould) or musty flavor, which leavea most disaffree ble twanjj in the mouth of the drinker. This is due solely to lack of cleanline, many brewer being indifferent to thi virtue. la brewing, the' latnoui rn . A. B. C. Beers (Tb only beer bottled the Brewery) the moat acrupulou cleanlineaa i exercised over all . vessels, pipes or any object with which the beer come in contact, ana every precaution that will con duce tq sanitary purity is employed. """l.Tai 'aaMaaaJaa.,' "aa -ll -Oi I Tho American Brewinf CoM St. Loals, U. S. A. II. May & Co., Wholesale Dealers Total! 14 14 IT 10 4 Milwaukee 1 6 3 0 0 0 t Toledo 0 0 2 8 0 622 0 0 5 4 0-14 Stolen bases: Hemphill, Relts. - Sacrifice hit: Clark. Two-baae hita: Iturns, Lee, Moriuriiy, Hannlvan, Bateman (!), fttrlek- lett U). htomphlll, Blattery, Stone, t'lurk. Three-baiw) hits: O'llara Ci). Reading. Home run: Schaefcr. Doubl play: Fria ble and Brown (2; Morlarlty, tirown and Heading; rttricklett, itelic ana Hnleman Haaea on balU: Off Gcrniun 6. olT Huirk lt!tt 1. Struck out: Hy Oerrnmi 2, by Dougherty 1. Hits: Off Btrlcklett 19 in eight and two-mini InnliiKa- Hit with ball: Iteltx. I'aeHed balls: Reading (2). Ift on bases: Toledo (, Milwaukea 6. Balk: Btricklstt. Time: Z;00. Umpire; Franklin. , Btaadtngr of the. 1'aajat. Flayed. Won. Loat. Pet. fit. Paul .. Columbus Milwaukee LoulHVllle ..113 72 41 .M7 .110 t6 4 .li'.'l .113 tVeJ 47 .l.H m:; til 61 ,&i5 Mluneuixilis )u8 H ti Indianapolis .114 (1 M .474 Katmu City 1)S 41 C7 .80 Toledo 113 HI SI .217 Camea today: Toledo at Louisville, lu dianupoli at Coluiubu. 1 i Weatoa Win m Warm Owe. WESTON, Neb.. Aug. 18 (Special.) Wesmn defeated Valparaiso yealoidity In one of the faateat gaines of ball ever wit nessed here. Hut for an error in" the ninth not a Vaipitramo man would have goiien beyond ai'cond Ii.iiw. Only twnty-iilue men faced Focal during the nin lunliiKd. The scora: It. H. K. 0 O0O0OO0 t-x 1 1 ValiMraluo ...0 0000000 1--1 1 I Latteries: For Weston, Fo-al and Walte; fur Valparulao, DwMan, Olbsuu and Che ver. Kiriick out: Hy I'ocal, lu; by Dungtn, i; by (ilbiuui, i. Three-base lilt: FtuIiiiuiii. CmpIre: lingenbat k. r Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear. The BEST HOT WEATHER MEDICINE CANDY CATHARTIC PREVENT ALL 8U3R1E(I DOWEL TROUBLES An Orsnuu 634 4V -FOR E "We will make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailment, an ex amination that will disclose your true physical condition, without n knowledge of which you are groping In the dark, and without a thorough understanding of which no physician or specialist should be allowed to treat you. All men, who are not what they should be, who are weak, nervous and debilitated from any cause, or who have contracted any private dlaease or secret habit of anv klnd,vor who may at present be Buffering from any poisonous discharges, will find it well worth their time to come to the State Medical Institute for consulta tion and examination, which has been established for the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and weaknesses that destroy men's mental and physlu&l pow ers, making the duties and social obligations of life a hardship and the enjoy ment of marital life and happiness impossible. We treat men only and cure them quickly, safely and thoroughly. Every man suffering with any private diseases Varicocele, Stricture, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poisog f5yphilis, Weakening Drains, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, with nnv of their numerous nmV dlatresslng symptoms, owes It to himself. Ms family, and especially to the future generations to get cured' promptly, -safely and thoroughly. f flMQIII TATIflV ftTFF If you "cannot call write for symptom blank. lUrtJULIfMIUIV IHLL office Hours S a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 130S Farnam St.. Bet. 13th And 14th Sts.. Omaha, Nt. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS 7r Kaaian Are t'.aar, RRATRK'h;, Neh Aug. 15 (Ppecliil Tel eilrhm. ) I ho Hen trice hull It-am oamiy de f.KlcJ th Hurl. hi (Kim ) nine hero Oil SfiiriiiMin in a even-Inning grime by lli luiit1 of IX to L AlU mi. in. u eiiuiL -ire: li 11 k:. Te trice 1 1 0 0 4 2 17 4 Il iiton 0 8 0 1 0 t 0 I i 6 La tic rite: luirlott, Aduuia and Wllnvii; wni UtaeMI 44w nt WABASH : THE LANDS YOU AT. WOKLD'S FAIR. BO OTHER LINE CAN. ' ' TRIP RATES: 8.50 HtSSR $13,80 1 mm READ DOWN FAST TRAIfJS DAILY 7;45 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 6:30 P. M. 6:45 P. M. 7:00 A. M. 7:35 P. M. 7:50 P. M.f7:15 A. M.Arr. Lv. Omaha Arr. Lv. Council Bluffs Arr. Arr. World's Fair Station Lv. St. Louis READ UP B:20 A. M. 8:05 A. M. 7:45 P. M. 9:15 A. M. Lv. 7:30 P. M. 19:00 A. M.' 9:00 P. iJ. 8:45 P. n. Compare Thio Timo With Other Linos. ALL WORLD'S FAIR MAPS SHOW VADASH STATION AT MAIN ENTRANCE. WE HAVE OTHERS. CALL AT WABASH CITY OFFICE 1601 FARNAM. OR ADDRESS HARRY E. PI00RES, G. A. P. D. Omaha Neb. i: