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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1904)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY I1EE: -WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1904. 9 r r P0ST0FFICE NOTICE PINK ISLANDS, via Ban Frnr!or. cIok t p m . July Jlst for despatch per s. . lr)n(roli. KKW ZEALAND. At'STR ALIA 0rept VVet). NKW CALEDONIA.. BAMoA. HAWAII mid FIJI INLANDS. vH Sun Frinrlro" none nt S:&) p. m.. July !3d for despatch per . a, Bnoma. (If the Ounard Stcmicr frr)ln the British mail for New Keslsnd does not arrive In time to eonnert with this despatch, extra malls- closing t S:30 a. m.. 9:30 a. m. and 8 -.SO f. m.; Sundays at 4:.Vl a. m., t a. m. a-id 30 p. m. will be made up and forwardd until the arrival of the Canard nKsnur l S'HILIPriNiL lBLANDtl. via Ban Fran elsco, close at 6.30 v m.. July tftb. lot depat h per V. 8. Transport. HAWAII JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP . PINH IHIA NDfl. via Ban Francisco, dose t :30 p. m., August 1st, for despatch per s. a. China. TAHITI and MARQVESA8 ISLANDS, via flan Frar.rtaoo. close at 6:jn p. m , August 4th for despatch pr a. a. Mnrlpopa. MANCHURIA and EASTERN SIBERIA at present forwarded via Kussla, instead of via Japan, tha nsual route. WOTB-I'nleaa otherwlee addreaaed. Wm( Australia la forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via Pan Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese Provinces of Tun nan, Kuelrhow, H7.cohwan.and Kwangsl, - via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via din- - ada" or "viv Europe" must he fully pre paid at tha foreign rates. Hawaii In for warded via Ban Frnnolsoo exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster.. Post OfnV, New York, N. T. July , 1904. ; O. M. E. Tel. 611 . MESSENGER A.ND BAQOlAOE, lfiU Farnam Street. v ii , ON TlilJS. aiioi RAILWAY TIME CARD KIOJV fTATIOlf lOTII AKD MARC V. Chicago, Reek Island fc Paelfle. AST. tMT. AfTlTS. Chlease DerllfM Uslte IMiH Cslcaco Xlajligtn, Lml ........ 1:00 em I It Chicago Kipreee bU 01 m 4:14 pm IMS Moines Bipraas ., a 4:44 pat bll 4 e Yslcase Vut Baiiress ... ; I'Sk sis WEST. ek Mountain' Unite .1:10 am al:Maa Woeoln. Colorado Springs, r. rneblo tut tm .... Chicago, Milwaukee ... 1:0 pa a l:M at It. FaoL Lmti ,.a IK am a Arrira. 11:00 pm 1:10 pm 7 44 am 1:10 pm Chicago Daylight Kipreae. ... California-Oregon Express... Overland Limited ,. Imi kalnn Okobojl Kz... I uiea raclfla. The Overland Limited .a l:4t pm .a I to pm a IK am .a t:40 am 1:06 pm 4:40 am 1:10 pm 4.44 am 4:40 am 1:14 pm I W pm TBs -Colorado and California Ex.. a 4:10 pm The thloago-I'orilaod Kpeclai ...a 4. Jo pm 1 ha Kaatern Express , Tha Columbus Local , Tha Colorado Special , Tha Chicago Special .. Toe Beatrice Local ... Toe faat Mall b 4:00 pm .....a 1:41 am a b 4:40 pm .....a 4:40 am Chlcaso A northwestern. . Ltara. fast Chisago a I W pm Looa Jhloeo il:l3am Mali 4:10 pm lieyllght Bt. Paul a 7:W am liayllght' Chlcaso ......a J m ArriT. 1:40 am 4 10 am 10:00 pm 11:40 pm 4:16 am Umlled Chicago a e pn ,B 4:0U pin LotaJ Carrol: 4at BL 4aul I H4 am J a 4:14 pm t:0Sam Local aim City Bt. l'aul.... :w pm 4 80 am rut Mall Chicago (xpreaa ..... Norfolk BcnestMl. .a l it pm .a 4 46 pm .a 1:01 am 1".3S am . 4:04 am 10:44 am .a 140 pm 4:10 pm .d 1:40 pm S 4:10 put b 140 pm 4:10 pm .a 1:40 pm - 1:14 pm .aU 60 pm 1:30 am coin ex Long nne ieadwood Sc. LlneolD. Caeper A W romliig ., )luttnga-Albloa ...... ralrtax-DaneeMel .... Bonesieel Special ..... Chlcaso Great W esterxx. Past MloBtapolls Liav- ttas ..a g:4Qp a T:U aa I. Paal atlaaaasolls auv press .a t 44 aa a 114 sat a o.ev pi al4:44 am a 4:04 pm Cblcaga KxP'saa i.Mwtif 4 4 .40 an Illinois Central, . Cbloage Bxprees ............ ...i.a T:40 am al0:44 m xJhlcago Llmiud a 7:4) pm a 4:04 am una. and at, I'aul Kxpreaa....k 1:40 am bl4:J4 pm Ulna.' and at. Paul Limited.. ..a 1W pu a 4.04 pa Mlaaosilrl Faeifle. : t. Lottla aUpreaa-..-.w.....'.10: am a 4:44 pax Kaaaas City ds St. Louis Ba BtW aliTtt pea a 1:44 am warid'a rau gpeoul .ttwta aU:44 aa Wabaaav, at Loala "Can eil' .40pa a 144 aa biaw World's fair ,...a t:4 aa a 4:4 pa Laoal trotu Ooliaall BluBa lilt aa a 4:44 pm BVRUNQTOI BTATIOM lOTn at MAfOl Ckleaso, Bmrllatea at giaer. Art re. Chicago peolal a 1 .00 aa Chisaao Vestlbulad Bipress ....a 4:M pa Cblraao Local ,...a4:laa Cbloaao Limited ...a 4 04 pm saat Mall ." ......... a 4:44 pa a 1:44 aa all . 00 pm a f ;44 pa ti4 (a Kansas C4ty, at. Juaevh a Co. OltvJts, Kaaaas City Day Exroa .a 4:14 aa a 4:0 pn 4it. Loals fat' eeuwea Itaaaaa City tiiabt Kxpntas ....al0ie pa Bnrlluaton ds Mieaaai-I Kltsr. " Wrsaore, Beatrls faunou 1:44 aa Melmaaa kUpreas a 4:4 aa . beaver Ltmlua a 4:14 pa Black Hlila ei fuget Sound Bl.allil pa llado Vertlbuled flyef Uuooln Faat Mall b 4 47 pa tort Crook d fUtUmaulk b 41 pa Sallevua A faciao Juuolioa .a l:e pa ellafus t facliwi Junction ,.l:Wa aii:0t aa a 4:4 aa bll:04 pa t 1:44 ua a l:4 aa a 4:N pa a 4 44 pa aU.t pa k!4:44 aa a 4.41 aa WEBSTER DEPOT XOTU e WEBSTER aBBBSBSBBBBBI Mlaaourt Paclflo. . , Laara. . Am. Kebraaka Loaal, VU Weeplsg Water 4:10 pa alt: pa Chleaso, it. Paul, atlnn. Osaaha. Twla City PasMBger 'v.. 4:44 am b 4:14 pa Bieux City faaaauger ...... .s I'M pa all 44 aa Oakland Local ............. ,s 4. a pa k 1:14 aa a daily. Batvtday. b dally except Bandar, a daily axoept Moaeaa- 4 daily assspi OCKAH BTBAUBUIPB. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Sew Twla-a-:re Bteamers of U.400 Toui. ' EW YORK HOI'TkHiJAM. rla BUULOUMB. ' Balling TueeUax. at 14 A. M. rotartam July 14 Noordam Aug. 14 Rotterdam Aug. I fitalendam ., Aug. 21 Hynrtam Aug. 4 I'otadam Aug. 30 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINK. 4 Deaiorn St.. Chi cago. 111.: Harry Moore a, ltul Varnam fit, , C. Rutherford, 1UI Karoam Bt. i J. B. Rexnolda, 1401 yernam at. GOVKRXMKHT NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING guartermuater, bl'4 Dooly Building, Halt Lake City, L tatt. July , lMi. tiv tied tro HWula, In triplicate, will be' rectlvod hero until 11 a. in., standard time, August 8, IwH, and then opened, for the cnntrucilon vt -MHeatiHiii Rouds and Cement Walks ut Fort Uoimlas, 1'to.h. Uidders will state In their bKls the time In which they will com plete the work. Full Information and blunk furms ut proposals furnished ttu applica tion to thla otticev Flans and speclhYutions may be seen here. United Htates reserves the rlglit to accept or reject-any or ail proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes contnlnliiK proposala to be endorsed ' Pro posals tot Itoatla and Walks," and ad tlrenxed to Captain bam'l V. Hum, Quar termaster., . Jy-U-1 13A7- L 0"FICh) CONSTRUCTINO QUAKTtUt niasier, tilmriday, Wvo., July 11, lam. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re ceived her until 10 a. m. Auguat t, rH, for conatriKtlng at Kort Maoksnale, H'yo.. a brick gymnaalum and post exchange Dulld Ing, Including plprnblng, heutlnt;, gas-piping, electrlo wiring and gymmistio ap paratus. Plana, specifications ami ether In formation may be found itt offices of the chief quartermaste ra at. Denver, iHnatvt, HI. Paul and Chicago And at Oils office. U, 8. reserves the rlKht to accept or reject any or all propoaals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing propoanis snouta o endorsed "Proposals for Gymnasium." ad dressed CAPT. TllOS BWOHK. Q. M Jy 11. . IX. 14-Au. 6. LEGAL KUTICUB. NOTICE OF IHE 8AI.E OV lNTEHBEC TION liONt). Sealed pruposuls will be. received by J. J. Glllin, cftv clerk of the city of South omuhit, Neb., until o'clock p. rn. July 14, 1U04, for thtr iurchiie of an lpuc of bonds In the sum of twenty thousand (JJO.nw.oo) dollars. ' l.oiidn to be inntu'd 111 the denom ination of five hundred dollars each, bearing date of July 1, l!o4, nialuritig In t went v yeara after date, optional after tlve !') yeura. and bearing Inlereal at the rate of four and one-half t4Hi jier cent per annum, payable semi-annually. These are Intersection bonds, lxsued for the purpose "f paying the coat of Improving Intersec tions in Improvement dixtrlcls heretofore or hereinafter created. Principal and lu ter.jii paable ut the Stale Fiscal Agency tf Nebraska In the city of New York. All bids tmiat be In writing and must be ac rompaniid by a tertlrted check for one thousund ttl.otai) dollars, pnvubla to Ihe city of Bouth titnaha. NVb. purchaser to ac cept and pay lor suld bonds within thirty days Irom dite of sale by city. The rlKht U. rSI"i.'0 T,1;t or U blda. LUted M nouOt Otuaka July 1. lvi " J-4dUt CURRENT COUNCIL SAYS ROAD WILL BE BUILT Promoters of Tbor Line Emphatlo in Statements on Subject LINE TO THE DEAF SCHOOL THIS YEAR Promotera Say 1'hla Portion of Iks Work Will Sot M alt for 4he Sale of the Bonds of tho Company. "If I was aa gure of going to heaven as I am that the Council Bluffs, Tabor & Southern electric road will be built, I would be perfectly hppy," was the em phatic statement yesterday of E. M. San ger, member of the firm of Nlckeraon & Company of Boston, which Is financing the propesrd line.. Mr. Sanger and W. J. Dobbs, president of the company, who have been attending the annual meeting of the corporation In Tabor, were In the city yesterday and will leave thla morn Inp for Boston. Mr. Sanger was more emphatic that the proposed electric road would eventually be built within the prescribed time, but that the commencement of the work of construction would depend pn the sale of the bonds. At the same time Mr. Sanger snld he is sanguine that the road as far as the School for the Deaf would be built thlsifall and that aa soon aa he and Mr. Dobbs reached Boston, they would endeavor to aeeure the money for thla part of the work before the bonds were disposed of. All the preliminary surveys have been iaade, Mr. Sanger said, and In fact, bids have been received for the construction of the entire road, but no attempt to build beyond the School fof the Deaf until the bonds are floated. While In the city yesterday Messrs. Sanger and Dobbs talked with a number of the city officials, assuring them of the intention of their company to build the line to the School for the Deaf within the time provided In the ordinance granting it a franchise. SOMETHING DOUG AT , CARNIVAL Elks Torn Ont and Fraternise with the- Eagles. 1 Elks' night at the Eagles'' mid-summer Jubilee and carnival yesterday proved a big drawing card and the grounds were crowded. The Elks, over 200 strong, went In a body to the grounds and helped whoop up things, although the crowd was there to enjoy Itself and did not require much urging. All of the Pnrker company's attractions were in full swing yesterday and were welt patronised. Everyone appeared to be welt pleased with the different shows, which are 'all of a wholesome character. The crowd last night was a Jolly one and the Indispensable confetti ' was there by the bushel. The Ferris wheel and carry-us-all proved popular feature. In the aftenoon all children under 15 years of age were admitted ' free And the grounds were literally thronged by young folks, who thoroughly enjoyed . the num erous free shows offered by the manage ment. With good weather Jhe Eagles' car nival will undoubtedly prove a big winner. Prof. Andrew,' aeronaut at Lake Mn awa, won. the first of tha three balloon races to be run between himself and Prof. Basaelo of the Parker Amusement com pany, on the Eagles' mid-summer Jubilee grounds In Council Bluffs. The winner of the beat two out of three lj to receive a gold medal and $100 side prise money. The other two races will take place Wednes day and Thursday evenings. Plumbing and heating. Blzby dV Son. ' Heal Estate Transfers. "These transfers were reported to The Bee July 12 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs! John E. Lynch and wife to Elisa beth Miller, part original plat lot 7; w d ..11,000 Caroline Dollarhlde and husband to Uanlel Vlaney, lot 17, block ii, Cen tral subdivision: q c d 250 Mary K. Linton and husband to Sadie Cottmlre, lot 7, block 2, Bushnell's addition; w d .' MO E. II. Lougee and wife to Christina Eberhurt, lot , block 6, Jeffries' subdivision; w d ..) 1.200 J. A. L. Waddell.and wife to Mary . L. Everett, lots 7 and 8. block 12, Wright's addition; s w d 1 Susan Stafford and husband to John Yatker, ae part nw ne(4; lot 2, sw4 nwi ?6-74-88; w d '7,300 O M. Cuppy and wife to O. IS. Oln gery, . se4 20-77-34; part ne4, aety ' tieSl, neU swVi. nwV4 sett, part nwtf awi 2a-77-39; w d 26,800 J. W, Squire and wife -to H. a.- An- . drews, lots 4, 6, 4 and 1, Brook- lyn subdivision; w d.... 400 Adolph Slebels et al to Henry Mauer, lots 11 and 12, block 1, Great. West ern addition, Mlnden; w d 409 William E. Cllne and wife to Car rie M. Young, lota 23 and 24, block 10, Highland Place addition; w d... 800 Samuel M. Welch and wife to W. S. Wllklns, lot 9," Auditor's subdlvl- slon v nwtt S2-7MS; w d 1,600 Eleven transfers,' total.'..".....?. $43,ttl nan Down by Motor. Melvln Johnson, the ' 12-year-old son of J. R. Johnson, 347 Lincoln avenue, was struck by a motor at Broadway and Ninth atreets last nlght-and badly bruised. The boy was crossing tha street, It Is said, and stepped behind one car directly In front of another going the opposite direc tion. He was knocked down and pVished along the track for several yards by the fender before the car was brought to .a stop. He wits' unconscious when picked up and at first it was thought he was se verely Injured. He was removed to Mercy hospital, where examination showed that while the lad's head and body were a mass of brulsea and contusions, no bones were broken. Bede to Talk at Carnival. Congressman J. Adam Bede of Minne sota, while In the city Monday as the guest of Congressman Walter . I. . Smith, promised to deliver an address In Council Bluffs on Thursday, September S, repub lican day at the street fair and carnival. Mr. Bede, who was acoompanled by his WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE ' Summer term new open. Students en tering every day. Second Qrude, First Grade, Btuto Certificate work. . Review classes in Shorthand, Bookkeeping?. Typo wrltlng, also beginning classes In. all sub jects. Write or call for Information. E. P. MILLER, Pres. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN, tt poarl St., Council bluffs. TToos fT. NEWS OF IOWA BLUFFS wife and daughter, wan enroute to Dea Moines from the Malvern Chautauqua, where he engaged In A Joint debate with Congressman Wade of this state. No speaker has been secured as yet for demo cratic day during the street fair and carnival. " Arranging; for Whist Uagie, Arrangments for holding the annual mid summer tournament of the" Central Whist league In this city next month are now In progress. According to present plans the meeting will be held Friday and Sat urday, August 11 and 12. Last year and tha year before the tour nament was played at the club house of the Council Bluffs Rowing association at Lake Manawa but this yenr there appears to be i a sentiment in favor of holding the meet-. ; lng up town. Receiver Hart of the Orand I hotel has proffered the use of the large ball room on the sixth floor of the hotel . and the local committee. It Is understood, I favors accepting the offer. Rob Hoose In Daylight. A bold daylight burglary was commltt'.-d yeaterday afternoon At the residence of Mllea B. Crum, 2120 West Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. Crum left the house for about half an hotir and when they returned they discovered that every room In the place hard been ransacked. As far as could be learned yesterday the thief secured Mrs. Crum's gold watch and chain and a few articles of Jewelry of lesser value. En trance was secured by cutting away the screen on a rear window and then break ing the pane of .glass so that the latch could be turned. Defaults on Libel Salt. In the superior court yesterday Mrs. Florence Herrlman In her suit against the New Nonpareil Publishing company for $12,000 damages for alleged libel secured Judgment by default against the defendant company for the full amount of her claim. The New Nonpareil company failed to ap pear or file answer. ( . N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night IW. Marriage Lloenses. Licenses tp wed were Issued to the fol lowing; Name and Residence. Age. Charles C. Whiting, Philadelphia. Pa.-.28 Ethel M. Cooper, Prince Edward's Island 2 Arklnson B. Curl. Lincoln, Neb 37 Maud . A. Thompaon, LincoWrvNeb S3 i m I ' . MINOR M EMTIO. Darts sells drugs. ' Leffeft'a glasses fit. Stockert sells carpets. . For rent, new storeroom, 219 Main Bt New line toilet soap. Morgan & Dickey. Young girl to assist with housework, 222 So. 7th St. Pictures for wedding gifts given special attention. Alexander's. 232 Broadway. Sugar has advanced. Still we give 1SV4 lbs for C.00.. U. P. Tea Co., 404 B'way. Phone 763 Lacqueret makes old furniture new. Pio tures framed. Borwlck. 221 Main, Tel. An2(X Soda all flavors. Morgan & Dickey. ' Dr. James H.' Cole arrived home yester day from kn extended visit In North Caro lina. The machinery to drive the concrete pil ing for the Carnegie library building Is billed to reach here Thursday. 8. B. Wadsworth and O. P. Wlckham are home from St. Louis, where they attended the democratic national convention and took in the exposition. . Thar retgular meeting of the Ladles' Aid society of the Union Christian church will be held this afternoon at the church booth In the Xagles' carnival grounds. After July It, all the lumber used at the Eagles' Jubilee to be sold at cost. Most of this msterlal is 12 inch, 14 and 1 foot stock, boards with no nails in them. C. Hafer. Phone 202. The funeral of the late William Ross of 426 North First atreet will be held this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from Lunkley'a undertaking rooms and interment will, be in Falrvlew cemetery. , William West, wanted at Paclflo Junc tion to answer to a charge of assault, was arrested In this city reslerdy by Detective Callagban. He was taken back to Paclflo Junction last evening by Sheriff Morgan of Mills county. The nrellnilnary hearing of J. B. Cutler, local representative of the United States Installment Realty company, charged with doing 4 business of a building and loan as sociation without having compiled with the state laws, was continued yesterday In Justice Ouren's court until Saturday. John Bobn, Frank Bohn, City Treasurer True, p. E. ' Stuart, George Williamson, T. D. Metcalf. Deputy Sheriff Clarence Woolman. J. W. Mitchell, Claude Cavan augh and possibly Dell O. Morgan will leave Saturday for a hunting and fishing trip to the Little Big Horn canyon In Wy oming. The receipts in the general fund of the Christian Home, last week were $150.35, be ing $ti0,il5 above the needs of the week and decreasing the deficiency, in this fund to date to $5,721.61. In the manager's fund the reOeipta were $8.60, being $.60 below the needs of the week and Increasing the deficiency In this fund to $245.91 to date. Odd Follows Install Officers. . MISSOURI VALLEY, la., July 12. (Spe cial.) At the regular meeting of Red Cloud encampment No. 97 of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, the follow ing officers were Installed for the ensuing term: II. H. Fisher, C. P.; J. Thompson, H. P.; C. C. Faith, S. W.; W. H. Camp bell, secretary; Q, W. Buruenk. treasurer; C. T.' Van Patton, V. W.j George Smith, O.i George W. Arp, first warden; L. M. Walker, second warden; F. A. Heath, third warden; W. StuU, fourth warden; L. K. Waters, first O. T. ; D. M. Harris, sec ond O. T. H. A. Humphreys of Woodbine acted aa district deputy grand master and W. E. Wealer as grand marshal. After the Installation ceremonlas reveral epseche. were made and refreshments were served. Iowa Men for tho Rosebud, LOGAN, la., July 12. (Speclal.)-A large number of Harrison county people are go ing to the Rosebud reservation. The fol lowing have already purchased tickets: Oale MUls, E. Q. Tyler, J. E. Van Scoy, B. ' 8. Dungan, Earl Depew, B. J. Wood, E., 8. Qanlson, Logan; W, A. Skelton, 7. M. Varnes, A. L. Tamlslea. A. J. Tamla lea, A.-H. Tamlslea. W, J. O' Brine, W. W. O' Brine, Martin Burke, John Burke, John Jargena, John Sparks, E. P. Alson, A. Chapman, W. O. Wilson and Mrs. O. H. OrabiU of Missouri Valley. Democrats Select Delegates, MISSOURI VALLEY, la., July .-(Special.) Democratic caucuses were held hereSaat night to select delegates to at tend the county, dslegate convention at Logan Thursday, as follows: First ward, at Oxford hotel, I delegates, W. H. Wlth row, chairman; Second ward, at Times of fice, 4 delegates, Frank Tamlslea, chair man; Third ward, at council room, ( dele gates, Samuel L. Holmes, chairman. New' Raral Ronte. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., July 12 -.Special. )Uural route No. 4 will be established from Missouri Valley August 1. It will run southeast of town and be twenty-five and three-quarters miles In length. It will cover an area of tweoty-flve square miles and will give service to ninety houses, 0r a total population of iUk ' Losses Make Him Insane. IOWA CITY, la., July 12. (Special Tele gram.) J. O. Trlplett of I'nloiivllie. Mo.. Is violently Insane here. He lost heavily on the horse races and at poker. He Is confined in a sanitarium liie) ax rival of relatives, WALKER GETS A NEW TRIAL flnnrt Holds He Wm Convicted of Murder on Improper Testimony. PICH FARMER SERVES TIME FOR ROBBERY State Board Has 44 Hard Time -lar-ln Ont How to Assess Railway Terminal Companies Many 5ew Bnlldlnajs, (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. la., July 13.-8pecial.)-The supreme court tooay reversed She somewhat celebrated case of. John Walker, colored, formerly of Council Bluffs, who Is serving time for the murder of IsaAo Flnkelsteln In this city two years ago. Walker got an eight years' sentence, but Is a good prisoner and has only four years to serve. This will probably end the case. In an exhaustive decision, reviewing tha evidence the court today' reversed the rul ings of former Chief Justice Given as to the admlssabillty of evidence In the case, leaving the case stand m such a wSy that a second conviction Is not at all probable. In fact, the court declared that the evi dence was not sufficient to sustain a con viction in this case, and but for admission of Improper evidence It Is probable there would have been no conviction. ' Isaac Flnkelsteln was foupd , murdered August 6, 1902, near an alley on East Wal nut street. Harris Levlch and John Walker were Indicted for the murder. The theory of the state was that Levlch, who had a grudge against Flnkelsteln, had employed Walker to "do up" Flnkelsteln, and that Walker and another man waylaid Flnkel steln end struck him on the head with a singletree taken from Levlch's buggy. Levlch was tried first and acquitted. His conviction would have depended on show, lng a conspiracy, which was not shown. Walker was convicted and sentenced to eight years In the penitentiary. Wealthy Farmer a Thief. In affirming the conviction of F. A. Greenland of Decatur county the court disposed of a hard-fought case. Green land Is a wealthy landowner near Grand RWer and was sent up for three years for cattle stealing. Certain animals disap peared from the neighborhood and it was found that men m the employment of Greenland drove them to market and shipped them to Chlcagd; where they were sold, and Greenland got the money. Rich ard Pray and Bert Woodard were indicted with Greenland. The latter waa hever ar rested, but Pray was arrested and acquit ted. He Is now serving time for another crime. Railroad Hearing Concluded. The hearing In the matter of railroad ae essments was concluded Dy the state offi cials today. F. P. Crandon appeared for the Northwestern; W. W. Baldwin for the Burlington;, George W. Seevera for the Iowa Central; A. S. Wilson for the Minne apolis & Bt. Louis, and M. C. Woodruff for the Great Western.' The discussion was generally along the line fit Individual com parisons nnd the comparison of Iowa as sessments with those in Wisconsin and Illi nois. An Interesting, question came up in regard to terminals, raised by B. S. Joss lyn, general managerijof e Union Term inal company of Sioux cjty, owner of the union depot, who fronjhsnflcd , f or ay low as sessment on the Sioux City union depot because the owners are'Tiot only out In terest on their Investment,' but under the contracts It Is operated at an. actual loss. In other words, to ret the companies to use It at all the depof owners had to make contracts which cause an actual yearly de ficit. He stated that the present owners had In the property nearly $2,000,000 It Is assessed at less than $400,000. The governor asked him If his people would take $400,000 for the property. . '.'Most certainty not," ho replied, "for we anticipate that some time It will sell for more." He disclosed that there, are prospects ' for at least two other companies going Into the depot within the next year, and when they do It will he a paying property. The .discussion developed the fact that the Dea Moines Union rail way, which owns the union depot In Des Moines, has contracts which provide, for an equal distribution of the expense of ope ration between the companies and thus the company can never have any net earnings. The whole question of how to arrive at the proper valuation of terminals Is therefore a difficult one for the state officers. - The assessment of freight and refriger ator lines and similar5 concerns Is one which Is puzzling the state assessing oerd. The reports from these companies are not at all satisfactory, though perhaps a little better than last year. I Companies are do ing business In the state and their officers claim they have no actual knowledge of the fact that their ears enter the state. At most the state will get ' very little from this source of revenue and It Is regarded by state officials as hardly .worth the bother of making the' assessment. Soldiers' Homo Committee. Commander R. T. St. John of the Iowa Orand Army of the Republlo department has named the committees and others, In addition to his aides. He named Captain N. M. Pickell of this city to be speolaj aide fti charge of the headquarters train to the national encampment at Boston. Ths committee on Soldiers' , Home ,ponlsts of Phil Sohaller, Sac City; L, B. Raymond, Hampton; George Me tiger, Davenport; L. L. Caldwell, Decorah; Alonso Abernethy, Osage; L. H. Severln, Cedar Falls; Henry Keerl, Mason City. , The committee on soldiers' day at the state fair consists of Mike McDonald, Bay ard, and the following of Dea Moines: V, P. Twombly. .W. V. Wllloox, John R. Prime, C. H. Gross. Many Building; Assessed. The state auditor today oompleted the figures showing the results of assessment of new buildings In Iowa this year. They show that the added assessment on aocount of new buildings in the state this year Is $13,841,309, which, with the Increase in per sonal property other than Jive stock, makes a total Increase In actual' valuation of the two classes of property of $11,646,814. The loss on live stock amounted to $16,308,184. This foots ud a net increase nf an 94? a i - -r - ,uw, VI jan Increase in tha talabie value of prop erty in me state or l,bt,41Z. So Strike in pes Moines. Ths proprietors or ths Agar packing house In Des Moines stated today that they have no union men In their employ and their plant will not be affected by the strike. The house has been steadily In operation. The retail dealers In meat were notified of a probable Increase In ths price of meat to them aa the result of labor trouble else where. Debate la Politics. Judge M. J. Wade of the Second Iowa district and Congressman ' Adam Bede of Minnesota debated politics at ths Chau tauqua In this city this evening before a large audience. Both are flna speakers and they were followed closely, ss this is ths first time they have met since the Bt. Louis convention. . Recovered from ' Tetsasi. John Hedenstrom was released from Mercy hospital Sunday afut a Illness of fifteen weeks, during which he passed through the only attack of lockjaw ever before reported In Dee Moines which did not result fatally. Hedenstrom was not told until his arrival home Sunday that he had been Inoculated with the dreaded tetanus, from which no man In this city has before escaped alive after inoculation. When he learned the news he fell uiym his knees and offerd thanks to Ood for his miraculous recovery. Mlasoarl Valley Delegates. ' MISSOURI VALLEY, la.. July ll.-(8Ve-clal.) Missouri Valley will be represented at the republican county convention to be held here next Thursday by the follow ing eelegittes: First ward, A. B. Hosbrook, J. B. .Lyon, Kli Watkins, J. -B. Barrett, Jake Deal and George A. Kellogg; Becond ward, C. W. Kellogg, Ed Reed, L. G. Goodrich and C. A. Walker; Third ward, J. D. Brown. A. O. Do, Ed Myers, L. B. Stokes and H. H. Fisher. FIRE RECORD. Mallory Lino Steamer. PHILADELPHIA, July 12.-The steamer San Jacinto of the Mallory , line was ' damaged to the extent . of $40,000 by fire today wlle lying at Roach's shipyard, Chester, ra., where It was laid up for repairs. The Vessel was built hv th Ttnnnh tthlnhiifMIni fnmrtnrtv at a cost of over $500,000 and was-launched about a year ago. When completed the San Jacinto was placed on the line between New York and Galveston. It was brought to Chester on June 8 for repairs, and would have been ready to take Its regular run within a week. The fire originated In a room used for storing oil and varnish and bad gained such headway before the ar rival of the fire engines that the firemen divided thejr. attention between the big vessel and the properly of the shipbuild ing company adjacent to the dock. Ths flames burned so fiercely and the vessel was in such an inaccessible position that the firemen had to work at a great disad vantage and a score were overcome by heat and smoke. , Sew Jersey linmtr Hotel. MOUNT HOLLY, N. J., July 12,-The Berkeley Arms hotel, at Berkeley, near Seaside Park, N. J., was destroyed by Are today. Loss, $76,000. Cincinnati Grain Warehouse. CINCINNATI, July 12.-The establishment of Henry Hcileac, dealer In hay, and grain, was destroyed by lire today. Loss $SO,000. Annnal Convention Commercial Law League of America. West Baden and French Lick Springs. Ind., July 26-29. The Chicago Great West ern railway will on July 22 to 26, inclu sive, sell round - trip .tickets at one fare, plus $2.00 to West Baden and French Licit Springs, Ind. Tickets good for return un til August 11. For further information apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, general agent. 1612 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. . Bondholders May Loaex. SIOUX f ALLS, . Ia., July 12.-(8pedal.)- According to C. O. Bailey, one of the lead ing attorneys for the water company, the practical effect of the decision of Judge Carland In the water works case Is to In validate the $210,000 of bonds Issued by the city. The bondholders, according to his view, cannot recover from the city either their principal or Interest, and the enly re course that the bondholders will have will be to apply to the United States court to require the moneys paid by the South Dakota Water company to the city for the purchase of the city's plant to be ap plied pro rata upon the bonds. This Mr. Bailey estimates will result In a net loss of from $30,000 to $50,000 to the bondholders. When the temporary . Injunction against tha cj ty waa , granted by " Judge Carland last- January he required the water com pany to furnish a bond In the sum of $200,000 for the purpose of . Indevnlfylng the city for any loss that might result from the granting of the ttmporary Injunction. Thus should the deolslon of Judges Carland and Sanborn stands the water company will be compelled to purchase the city's water- Works plant at. Its cost price at the date the temporary Injunction was Issued. Therefore, through the .wisdom of Judge Carland, the city, no matter If the decision Just tendered Is sfflrpied should It be ap-4 pealed, will not suffer a very considerable loss. I In S. S. S. Nature quirement of the system when In a debilitated, run-down con dition. It contains no strong minerals or drugs, but la a pleasant vegetable reparation. Yon can find no better remedy for toning up the nerves and bring ng refreshing, restful sleep when sick and worn Out with work or worry. S. S. S. improves the appe- ' ' tit anA rlio-eotinn and it4 o-rtnrl 1 bv u,0- 4ud found it to ba an sxoel. tite and digestion, ana lis gooa Unt blood Pttrio,r tonlo My ,riUm baoama effects are seen almost from the very much run down and debilitated. I lost first dose. It acts promptly in twenty or more pounds la weight, had noapp. race of rhronic dvoeosia indi- tit and was In a bad shape Seslnr 8. 3. S. ad cases oi cnronic aypepsia, inai- T,rtl,ed x bmau, ttM,and am well pleased with gestion and all stomach trou- th results after using- it for some li' tie while, bles, and does away with the From 180 pound to 165 is pretty good vtdno uncomfortable, fullness, short- "S.oonioirWaVohio. H'MATI ness of breath, drowsiness and dizziness that So often come after eating. S. S. S. is not only the best tonic, but possesses alterative or purifying properties, and if there is any taint, humor or poison in the blood it searches it out, ani removes it. . Many times a low state of health is due to a bad condition of the blood and can only be remedied by a blood purifier and tonic combined, or such a remedy as S. S. S. If you suffer from debility, weakness, insomnia, nervousness, loss of ap petite, bad digestion, or any of the miserable symptoms of a disordered blood, nothing will so soon put your blood in good condition invigorate and tone up the syrtem rod.restore the health as S. S. S. TNE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO$ ATLAHTA, CA .ORADO P AND RETURN. fu 11 EVERY DAY to Sept. 80th, I I I inclusive, with final return ' I i it limit Oct. 81st, 1904, via 11 UNION PACIFIC Y SI 7zgo 'Vy OMAHA ' I 11 Illustrated publication "Th RockUt, Qrtat Salt Lakt jj oHd YellotettoTw" free on application, Inquire at J City, Tick Office, 1834 Fara tt. f Pbon tit, f MAY RENOUNCE CONCORDAT Premier Combes Quoted as Baying Pope Has Severed Chorea and State. FRENCH BISHOPS MAY BE DISCIPLINED Ministers of Fraaee Instruct Church Dignitaries to Disregard Order from Head of tbs Cath . , olio Cliarrh. . PARIS, July 12, The Matin today snys that eight days after the recall of M. Nisard, former French ambassador at the Vatican, a number of French bishops re ceived an order from Cardinal Vannuttelll. acting for the ' Vatican, to tender their resignations by return of mall. The bish ops. It IS added, consulted the minister of publlq worship and Premier Combes, who directed them not to tender their resigna tions, on the ground That the concordat required the assent of the state before re movals were enforced. Thereafter the papal secretary of state, Cardinal Mtfry Iel Val, threatened the bishops with the termination o their episcopal powers .un less they came to Rome within fifteen days. This also was submitted- to M. fmbs, h forbade the bishops leaving their posts. Bishop Lawal of DIJon, two other bishops and three archbishops having republican sympathies were the ones des ignated. The Matin further asserts that the dis missal of the bishops without consulting the governments wishes will be considered aa a formal renunciation ef the relations between church and state. HYMENEAL Slnclulr-Gordon. LONDON, July 12. Lady Marjorle Gor don, the only daughter of the. earl of Aber deen, formerly governor general of Cnnnda, was married In London today to John Sln clalr, member of Parliament for Forfarshire and a former onptaln of the Royal Irish Lancers. The archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Dnvldson,. officiated. The church wns filled with distinguished people. Mr. Sin clair was Lord Aberdeen's aide-de-camp when the earl was lord lieutenant of Ire land In 1SS nnd was secretary to the earl In 1893-98 when the latter was governor general of Canada. Johnson-Crala". SEWARD, Neb., July 12. (Special. )-Mlss Eva M. Craig and Marsh E. Johnson were married at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Craig, at Ulysses. Heavy Registration at Yankton. . YANKTON, 8. D., July 12.-(8peclal Te!egram.) The registration today at Yankton broke all previous records; 3,914 is the number. This brings the total for Yankton up to date of 16,tX, Or an av erage of 2,282 per day. At the Broadway office three clerks broke the record for an Individual clerk, made at El Reno, of 647. The new record Is 678. Th rush to day was easily cared for as It had been anticipated, . The lines of people stretched' from the doors . of the registration offioe blocks down the street. . , Special Summer Tourist Rates to Ken. tacky, Tennessee, North Carolina .'and Virginia. The Chicago Great Western Railway wilt cell special round trip tickets at very low rates to Crab Orchard, Ky.; Mlddlebor ough,, Ky. ; Tate Springs, Conn.; Ollv Springs, Tsnn.; Asheville, N. C. ; Hot Springs, N. C: Roanoke, Va.; Glade Springs, V4ur. . Radford, Va.; and other points! . Tickets on sale dally, good to re. turn 'until October tl. For further Infor mation apply to 8. . PARKHURST, Gen eral Agent, 1612 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Cannot Be Overdone. Niagara Falls, th most magnificent of alt spectacles, never grows commonplace. Let your summer tour to th east include Niagara. The Michigan Central's Vacation Tours ' for 1904 gives full Information re garding routes and rates. It will be found a great help In planning the summer holi day.- Address, with three red stamps, O. W. Ruggles, O. P. A T. A Chicago. BEST T0MC has provided a tonic suited to everv re A Tonic forjjld People Adds Years to Ltfe, Putt Life Into Yeara Dr. Chase's Blood and Nerve Food, the fJreat HI ood and Flesh Maker, Brain and Nerve Tonic Keeps you from growing old ty keeping; up your vital forces. " Wnen tho human machinery begins to war out, people grow old and go Into de cline and decay, the btood hecolnes thin and watery, the circulation poor, and tho nerve forces shattered and weak, showing that certain, essential elements of Ufa are'beiriK exhausted from tho blood and nerves. Tho ex haustion usually begins with cold and numb hands and feet. Tho stomach, bowels and bladder lose their pc-ver. often becoming partially, if net wholly, paralysed. You grow weak and feeble and your vital forces so low that you begin to see that your health Is being- undermined. ' . Dr. Cbaso's Blood and Nerve Food !, In creases tho action of tluj heart and the circulation of the blood, tnd builds up the system by replacing tie same substances to 'the blood , asd nerves that havo.'. been ?rn fr i '. Price 50 cents. Weigh yourself berf . o taking it. Book free. Sold and guaranteed by lyra-DI Ion I) ri ST to. ..Omaha. J(eb. WJh em y DLfl or FAV0RIT . . . . Every where Ufie Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago CHICAOO and return CHICAOO und return-. 20.00 20.00 34.00 .22.75 ..21.75 via Bt. IjOuIr nne wuy... ATIyANTlfT CITY. N. J., 0 ml return July 9-10.... CINCINNATI, O., snd return July IS to It..... LCUISV1M.E nd return August 12 to 15. BT. I'ACI. MlNNh.AI'O- l Crt 1.18 & ret. every duy.... 8T. PAULrMlNNKAf'OLJS nnd return J'Jly 14 to Is Ifl 7K nnd Aug. 0 to 11. ..,..... ,u' '3 MANKATO tt I.AKK if) tfl MAIM HON every day... '3U ' PUU.'TH und rturu C Cfi every tiny - .'W.wU AdIiLANI nnd iiuy;l'M and return every day.. MONTHEAI, nnd . return every day..','...',, BUFFALO und Toronto nnd return everv dav... 16.50 23.00 .27.15 lowest Kates to Muny Points. Cltr, Officer 1401-1403 FARNAM . ST. OMAHA V 7 TEL. 024-601 fas Chi -rti srCSj'S lN(,Un PffHiyppVAL PILLS B ,-&tV . . 4rlT.T :iTr7 ttee.i.a -TTkVSArs;. I a4le. ... Utii.rlH i nt m it l it' r.Nt.l.lSlf la k.n an .,I4 , .III. a. Iia a,Mrtb-. Lreeelker. H.faM 'SermM Saselilallwe a4 lallaw elva. r area 4e. ie ia,i lr I'artlvMlara, Tee.leelaAs a4 Heller fr l.eel. a l.iur. k. IS laara MiUl. I a... a, . .. S.a. raiuX. "2 . A iT i T- QimKSfMQW f ,N a - t Sbwkw