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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1904)
TITE ; OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1904. HORSE SIIOW . IN TI1E FALL rui Thursday '1 lt Children's ' Wash J-l Dresses w flsl SWMMMMP OMAHA WCATHER-Wedesdiy, Fair and Warmer. Alwsys Best Goods at v Lowest Prices Always Best Goods at lowest Prices Omit to Hat fhe Hxhfbition at the Audi' torinm in September. THE RKLIADMH STORK. Will BE ONE OF THE AMERICAN CIRCUIT pr. C D Garmo Grar Comes to C etWo "h Vrellmlnarr Arrt (seats and Proii)ci Oat look Satisfactory. ' l ' T. C. t Garmo Gray of Bt Louis,, rest Bent manager of the St. Louis Horse Show association and organiser of the American Ioraa Show association. Is In the city, and baa Just completed arrangements for the Omaha 'horse show, to take place the last yretk tn September at the Auditorium, un der the auspices of the Omaha Horse Show association. This sssoclutlon is composed of uch, man as Edward Peck, Fred Nash Qtxnpas c. Burns, and other Omaha cltl sens equally prominent. Th4 prises will aggregate f 10,000 and the leading; show stables of America will be represented at the exposition. Among the tables to exhibit at the show will be those of It C. Crane of St. Charles, III.; W. O. Carting of St Paul. Minn.; J. D. McArdle of Minneapolis; Augustus Busch of St. Ixnils: Thomas Bass of Mexico, Mo.; Win ton D. Cook of Des Moines Fred Tfrry of 8a -Joseph, Mo.; Dr. Iluss of Denver George E. Palmer, Herbert Wolf, J. D, Eubanks, W. K. Rule of Kansas City, Mo.; H. K. Herbert of Bloomlngton, 111.; Willie fisher nf Sprlngfleld, 111.; Edward Green of Milwaukee; Frederick K. Bull of Ra cine; Edward Maynard of Waukesha, Wis.; fllmms Bros., of Chicago; P. A. Valentine of Chicago; 8. H. Harris of Oconoraowoc Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudahy of Kansas City; Bldney Harblnson of Louisville, Ky. ; Colo bal Blees of Columbia, Mo., and a host of others of like prominence In horss show Circlss. After carefully examining the Auditorium In Omaha. Dr. Gray pronounces it perfect tar horse show purpose An archway will be made at the main entrance whereby the entries can drive directly into the Auditor lum and not interfere with the general public. Stable accommodations will be provided near the bufldjng, with quick hitching tents, thus enabling the entries to move in and out as rapidly as a well con ducted theatrical performance. The executive committee has decided to organize- an Important social function In connection with the horse show, which will be known s the .Horse Show club, under the title of "Bit and Brittle." members of which will be selected as "associate mem bers of the Omaha Horse Show association from among the prominent society people of Omaha, and from elsewhere throughout the states of Nebraska, Iowa and Mis sourl. Congratulates Omaha. Dr. Gray said last evening: "Omaha Is to bo congratulated upon obtaining a date In the American Horse Show . association this year, and from tho outlook this early the Indications are for a most promising sjuooess. Omaha Is now a member of the American association, and the securing of tho show hero this year is the result of two years hard work, and a half a doaen visits to the- city. The show will occur during Ak-Sar-Ben time. Omaha has a trreat many fine horses that will make a fine showing among the professional show tables, .particularly in the roadster and runabout class. It Is extremely rare that uch large prizes are offered for a first year's meeting as are offered for tho Omaha show, but having gone over the ground thoroughly, I am confident that It will be a complete success, it will be the leading social event of the season, and Is one that appeals to the masses and classes, as well as to the commercial interest of tho community. The American Horse Show circuit comprises the cities of Louis ville, Ky.; St. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Denver, Topeka, 8C Joseph, Mo., and Omaha." The horse show will continue one week, ftnd It Is expected to be the means of at tracting many visitors to the city. Horse show colors will bo prevalent, mingled with tho Ak-8ar-Ben colors, and the show will contribute very materially to that gala vent. Dr. Gray will leave today for St. Joseph, Topeka and St. Louis, and will return with his staff to Omasa1 in August to open up tho permanent Horse Show headquarters and will leave no means untried to make the enterprise the moat complete success. Some Good Tan Shoe Bargains 4 On the Bargain Table Ws have taken from our stock a lot of odds and ends and broken Rises In Ladles' Tan Shoes and put them on our bargain table and put prices on them that are only a small part of their value. It will pay to "look them over. Ladles' 11.60 and 13.00 Tan Oxfords. Lndlea' 60 and 3 .00 , Tun Oxfords All the odd pairs of Ladles'. Tan High Shoes that were old at U 60, $3.00 and 13.50 are on the table 95c ' Here are some great bargains In summer shoes if they'll fit. . rnYsnoEco. .50c 75c H 3 .DIAMONDS, Today are a better Investment than X government bonds for they are con- T stantly Increasing. Sn value on account of scarcity. Ws have thra In alt 1 lies and would be pleased to show T thvra to you yi5-& DODGE. T Today the Greatest Sale of COLORED WASH GOODS That has ever taken place in America 50c and 25c Kelley - Stiger s Colored Wash Goods at Your urestricted choice of all the colored wash goods from the Kolley-Stlger stock that they sold for 25c to 50c a yard, in on great sale at Five Cents a Yard This sale consists of thousands of yards of ' Mousseline de Soie - Lace Lisle Lawn Silk Mulls - French Zephyrs - Wash Voiles Wash Etamines - Mercerized Suitings Silk Organdies Madras Suitings - French Muslins India Striped Zephyrs - Mercerized Foulards Lisle Lawn in Mercerized Lace Effects White Madras Waistlngs - White India Linon Dotted and Figured Duck on Black and White Grounds All Go at 5c a Yard Bargains Like These From ECelley-Stiger Stock On SaJe Every Day To make the Kelley-Stiger stock sell even faster we have made more extraordinary reductions.' Want of space forbids our mentioning all, so come each day and you will find surprising bargains in e,very department. These Are Without Question the Greatest Bargains Ever Offered by the Boston. Store ! Ladies' Dainty White $2 Shirt Waists at 69c From Kelley-Stiger Stock Thousands of pretty new whit em broidered waists that Kelley-Stiger priced at $2 on Bale tomorrow at 69a made with lace edged berthas or round yokes, charmingly trimmed with lace insertion, medallions, wide pleats, tiny j". C pleats, tiny s j". tucks, all Jf T T sizes, actually k-. Ii J worth II. BO If VV 71 and $2.00. UH 10c Linen To well nf, at, yard 5c 10c large Doylies, 21c each 1 Bed Spread. AQc uch 2 Bed Spreads, ORc each.., 14 Bed Spreads, J QQ each.... 12 Table Damask, 03r at, yard VOW $1.25 Table Damask, :Qr at. yard .... UOW 76o Meicerised Table Damask, OCp mill ends, at yard 11. tt fast co!or Turkey Red KQp Fringed Table Ootha, each....c' 10c large slse Fringed O In Unen Table NaDKIns. each Ladies' $3 Oxford Ties $1.65 Very fashionable ladies' hahd turned oxford tiesbutton and lace stylish Cuban and military heels fl regular ?3 low shoes II Ii Tv WEDNESDAY SPECIAL at, pair vr w Just Oive-Half J?r i ce AnMensSiits Your unrestricted choice of all the fine suits in stock (Rogers-Peet make ei cepted.) These are splendid high cjass summer suits from recent purchases even at former prices they were bargains these prices are now cut in two. tftTC BUYS ANY MAN'S spJ.iD $7.50 SUIT. CJ-T rn BUYS ANY MAN'S CpsDU $15.00 SUIT. A A BUYS ANY MAN'S UU 120.00 SUIT. , CA BUYS ANY MAN'S DU 25.00 SUIT. $10 $12 mm MU mm A Regular Smash t iaWomens Waists Sale Wednesday morning Nearly one thousand waists white fancy and solid colors, this sale includes waists that sold from 75c to $2.50 each. We are determined to close out our surplus stock for cash at once. COME AND GET A CHOICE OP THESE WAISTS FOR 48C. UADlliS' AND MISSES' WASH SUITS. Nearly five hundred suits formerly sold at from $6 to $12.50 at two prices $4.95 and $3.95 Do you want to keep cool? Here's a chance. Ladies' fine lawn and dimity dresses, for house wear. worth 51.25 and 1.50 on sale at 89 MANUFACTURER'S SALE OF SAMPLE TRAY CLOTHS, DRESSER SCARFS AND RENAISSANCE TABLE TOPS WITH EXTRA STAMPS FOR WED NESDAY AND THURSDAY. TRAY CLOTHS AND DRESSER SCARFS 25 dozon ALL, LINEN TRAY CXOTHS 24x24 and 22x31, In pretty damask patterns, pretty hemstitched borders. Dretiaer scarfs, 11'), all linen pretty damask borders f with hemstiched enda, all worth "Do each, J iC Wednesday and Thursday each J J And 2 in "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps. RENAISSANCE TABLE TOPS AND BAT TENBURG DOYLIES ach 75c Worth $1.50 and TL75 each Wednesday and Thursday- and U in "S. & H. 8' Young Men's Suits $3.50 & $5 All long; pant suits In sgos from 13 to 19 years, made up in cheviots, worsteds, casalmeres, sergns and tweeds, all, (Treat variety of patterns, and havtns; a snappy, stylish appearance that la very pleasing to the wearer excellently tailored with Rood ltiilnsr and trimming. Worth $5.00 to $8.50 tipei'lal Wednesday. at $3.50 and $5.00 V M tn $3.50 boys' knea pants suits, at , . . . .. . 1.95 Oroat variety of fabrics, In overplalda, fancy mixture and plain colors, douhle breasted and Norfolk styles many of tho pants have douhln seats and 4 O-i kntet BpecUl Wednesday at DON'T MIS3 Til 13 CHANCE. Children's wash knee pants 71r- V iSo value at , !' Men's fine pants 4 mr worm up to w.uo-at s.i-v SEE OUR MEN'S OUTINO SUITS. A swell lino, in all fabrics, worth up tp learins; Sale Price 5.00 WEDNESDAY STARTS OUR GREAT BARGAIN GIVINO SALE OP BLEACH ED ANL( UNBLEACHED TURKISH BATH TOWELS-ALL ESPECIALLY LOW PRICED FOR THIS SALE. Five Hundred Eleven Pairs of Ladies Fine Oxfords in, all leathers. Oxfords we have been selling for $250, $3.00 and $3.50. Among them One Hundred Forty-Nine Pairs Dorothy Dodd Oxfords. All must go Wednesday, t O Z pi at . And 3.00 in Little Green Stickers with every pair. High Grade Summer Fabrics on the Bargain Counter. THIS IS THE WEEK FOR REAL BARGAINS IN OUR MAIN WASH GOODS DEPT. Many thousands of yards of the moat desirable FABRICS now being ottered at less than half the IMPORT COST. Your choice of our entire stock of fine suitings, unens, xancy cotton, etc, sold at 49o to 86a Os-, selling now at OC Your choice of our stock of wash suiting sold up to 49o a yard now selling at -w (We have more than 800 Dleces from which to choose In these two lines). Your choice of our stock of fancy white mercerized waiaungR, worm up to oSc a yard all new, desirable . c weaves now IVt Fancy silk finished, plain color champagne lawns, real vajus ni 25c at lAjC Silk mu!l, embroidered or plain, in all col ors and white, (no black) Our 0ir 40c grade now selling at adlnes, mercerized and beautifully flnlKhod faacy shirt walt, (colors tan or white) the finest "open "work" fabrlg made for the purpose real value" nsn $2.25 to $2.60 now selling at vOC All our black and colored Imported gren adine, (mercerised and beautllully finished so'.d up to 68c a yard, ... now aelllng at ,4j7k Silk novelties (silk warp and silk embroj. dered) for waists and dresses on , sold up to 76c yard '"w PONGEE (SILK AND LINEN) (IN THE NATURAL AX.L HILK PONGEE COLOR) FULL YARD WIDE, A PER- ACkn FECT WASH FABRIC, AT G GROCERY! GROCERY!! EVER IN TrJE IEAD PURE, FRE8H, NEW GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. Laundry Soap, bar...'. '. ; 2 l-2c The best the mAcJVtt produces, Bennett's Bargain Soap, bar .2 l-2c 1 - WEDNESDAY ONLY. Baking Soda, pkg. t...4o I Potted Ham, can 4o Japan Rice extra line, lb To I Sliced Peaches, can .10o Imported Sardines, can lOo mm SI si muhj. 28c V COFFEES Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per pound And $1 worth "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps. TEAS Tea Blf tings, Qr 1-lb. pkg lOW And $2 worth "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps. CHEESE New York Cream Cheese, Oflf per pound avV And $1 worth "S. A H." Green Trading Stamps. CAN DV Special for Wednesday Chocolate Creams, fresh made, vanilla flavored, 12c per pound ImW Green Trading Stamps? Why! Certainly!! Peaches Peaches Peaches The balance of the car to be sold out Wednesday This Is eletrant fruit Freo- stone fine for cannlnr. 4 baskets In crate at ..68c Single baskets each 17c NO LIMIT ALL YOU WANT. LEMONS LEMONS LEMONS Large fancy Highland seedless lemons, per doxen izo Large sweet Juicy oranges, dos 12o Large fancy bananas, dozen lfto A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS IN GROCERIES. 10 bars best laundry soap 25c 48-lb. sacks High Patent Minnesota , r 3C CHEAP rEXCURSIONS VIA Illinois Central R.R. Round Tri5 Rates From Omaha Detroit. Mich., on sole July 5 to 7 , 119.25 Atlantic City, N. J., On sale July 0 to 10. S34.00 Cincinnati, Ohio, on sale July 15 to 17 $22.75 French Lick Springs, Iud., on Bale July 22 to 25 S20.75 Boston, Mass., on Bale August 11 to 18 830.50 Tickets to points below on sale dally until September 80th. Return October 31bL I TT . Flour ti.n 3 bars Wool or Armour's White soap ,...10o Potted ham, deviled ham or Potteo beef, per can SHn The best bulk laundry starch, lb Stto The best soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers., per pound 60 Force, , Vigor, Vim, Neutrlta, Egg-O-See. or x-Celo, per pkg ....714a BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER Just scoured, another large shipment of 10c and 20o tubs of fancy dairy but terThis Is the finest yet secured this seaaon tomorrow, we will sell 20-lb. tubs each t?.4 10-lb. tubs, each ..$146 NO LIMIT-ALL YOU WANT. rn AivotKer "Election" Is On Begins July 5iK and Closes July 23d Montreal, P. Q $33.00 Buffalo, N. Y 827.15 Put-In-Bay, Ohio 822.00 Chautauqua Lake Points. 27.15 Chicago 820.00 Chicago (via Bt Louis one way.... 820.00 Charlevoix, Mich 82 .25 Windsor, Ont 821.50 Quebec, P. Q 838.85 Mackinac Island. Mlcb. 826-25 Toronto 827.15 Cambridge Springs, Pa. $27.15 St Paul-Minneapolis. . . -812.50 Duluth-Superlor 810.50 Alexandria, Minn 815.25 Walker, Minn., (Leech Lae 817.10 Rice Lake, Wis 815.00 Wlnnepeg, Man 835.00 Watervllio, Minn 810.50 Madison Lake, Minn. . . 810.50 Spirit Lake (Okobojl). . . .ftB.95 Waterloo, Iowa 811.85 Oherokae, Iowa 86-85 Correspondingly low rates to many other points In Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ontario and New York State. Attractive tours of the Great Lakes via rail to Chicago or Du luth -and steamer. Before planning your trip, call at City Ticket Office, No. 1403 Farnatn Bt., or write W. H. BRILL. Dist. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb. SET sir FREE TOR A GUESS A gold Ailed watch given to the pel son guessing the omt it will slop. The guess costs you nothing. See us about it 'MAWHINNEYTc RYAN CO.W 15 m and ooueiAS srs. omama,jvcb. : 'J 1 Ten One More Week's Bee Acconv Inps t(J tions at the the ; Inside St. Laiis jnn for World's the 3 Fair Highest READ THE BEE Exposition Dept. Omaha Daily Bee Omaha. Neb. ' Coupon on 1 FOR ALL THE NEWS . .jss, g , B Bfl g y