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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1904)
TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 3. 1904. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET m lport Gsms from All EMm cf Tsrj ' ', , QuitPo! TOO MUCH WET WEATHER TO SUIT "Whs-at U Itwlik, Cara a Field Ssaall Slather BMkwtN, tat iMl I Good M Vmk OMAHA. Jun Si. 1904, Advic from Chicago ax to ths effect that on of th feature of today market ther u th extensive buying of old July wheat against tun of new, wnlch put old to a premium of lVc. TU business wn uppoaed to be a cuanglng order for on of th big elevator Interests which bad bean buy lit tha old July and selling the new a day or two ago at 1c difference, on tha theory that there would t ao Jittl hard winter wheat bar in July that tha two deliveries would oomo together. As no No. t hard winter wheat la deliverable on old July contracts, except at a penalty of to. while It oaa be delivered on tha new J1y contract at a difference of 2c, tha extent of arrival of wheat , of that quality durlnt July might hava a marked effect on tha fluctuation for the two aiykea of contract. Advice from tha southwest yesterday were to the effect that farmers were contracting their wheat freely on the basis of about Slfjo at Chicago, and there might be considerable of a move meat to the Chicago market ia July. One thing Is said to Be certain, and that Is that there will be none of the movement to the gulf en export sales whioh was so heavy last rear, unless a big export de mand 'should develop In the near future. Millers will want a large part of the first arrivals, but If they should be Inclined to buy as sparingly as possible there might be a liberal movement to terminal mar sets. The changing operations in the pit yesterday suggest the expectation of such a movement In this direction. Oats opened steady In Chicago this mora ' Ing, with a very limited trade, the scalpers being the best buy era There was a little July traded In. wheat opened higher, la sympathy with the cable. Gates Is up , posed to have quite a line of July corn and this makes tbs short nervous. The trade on the Chicago board yesterday was said to be so dull at one time that there was) a period of over two minute when not a single trade was wade In either the wheat, corn or oate pita. There have been many times, of course, when any one of thee markets would be neglected, but there was never a time. In se far as the trade can recall, when all stepped going at onca Minneapolis says there la altogether too muoh rain In Minnesota for the good of the crop. Some reports of rust hava been received, and one of the best Judges says the crop Is In none too good condition. This Is about the first unfavorabls report received from that section. The range la prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Thursday and today wars as follows; Opened. High. Low. Today. Thura V neat-' Jul ly ...... 79 8 pB 7 PC T4UB T4SB 74 kx. Wi UK 71' 7 74 71Vs fit Corn June 48 July ?. 4U 4U 43S 43'S (A 44SB 38 4 dL ..... 4&4B Deo. ...... n B 38 18 Oats June 41 July ...... 37U Sept 30jf 41 41 41 41 Eft A asked. B bid. Local cask Oral a Market.. WHEAT No. 1 hard, lejrtta, nominal; Ko. I hard. 80333c, nominal; No. 4 hard, f&fHtc. nominal. CORN-No. t 4-WMTtte; No. I, 4E43o; No. 4. 4e; No. 3 yellow. 4?tff47Sc: No, t yel low. 47o; No. I white, 47Q.47SC; No. 3 white, 4tVg44e. OATSNo. 1, 40c; No. 1, MHc: No. 2 white. 4lc: No, t white. SSS40Soi No, 4 white, 8ilj39o; standard, 41a. Hooolat Oxaaha Market. in. .Wheat I Corn I Oats ; 1 In. Out I 4 Oats ; 1 Cash tales tha Omaha Market. Ons ear Ne. 4 oorn at 44Sej 1 oar No. I yellow oorn at 47c: 1 car Ne. t corn at 4lo and 1 car No. 1 red winter wheat at 86a. Nates f the Sxefcaaare. W. J. Winston of Mexico City wag vis itor on the Omaha exchange today. Snow's report on wheat Is bearish. It aays corn Is small and rathe backward, but the stand Is as good as Usual. The first crop report la liable to t be lower than usual because of the smallnsss - of . the plant. It Is said that foralgnsra have been good buyers of September wheat on the Chicago market. Reports from Minneapolis are to the effect that the wheat stocks there will de reass about 30.009 bushels this week. Minneapolis elevator people are said te be somewhat worried over reports of too muoh rain and rust coming In yesterday. ' St. Louis reported receipts Thursday Kaetloally nothing and several millers try g to buy No. t red at . - Crop conditions are still reported very ' favorable from Kansas City. The best posted grain men say there will fee plenty of rww wheat marketed In Chi cago In July, providing the weather holds dry and pleasant. Omaha Inspection of grain: I cars No. I ' hard wheat, cars No. I yellow corn, 1 car No. corn. Owing to the wires being down to Duluth and Minneapolis the closing prices on grain at those markets could not be obtained this afternoon. The trading lb oaah grain Is very slow on the local market en account of light re ceipts, which are thought to be due to the farmers abelng too busy to market their grain. There was soma trading In futures on the Omaha market today, the trade being prin cipally in July wheat Grata Market Elsewhere. Closing price of grain today and Thurs day at to markets named were as follows: caiCAuo. Wheat Today. Thur. July 85'iB MS September So ly , Corn July 4SB 48HB September S 4S KANSAS C1TX. Wheat-, .July 75S MS September 70S 70SB corn July .. September ST. LOU lb. Wheat- July ttS 8?H Septsmber S"S ftHs CJu!7 .'...47HB 47 September 44SB 47 A MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat- , tuly H ptcmber . PULUTH. . Wheat July w aepietnoer NhiW JCOKiC sVB Whsat- July , September 8?S S M WA A asked. B bid. St. Lemla Grata aad Prevleleas. ST. LOUIS, June 84 WHEAT Higher; fo. I red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, .6C.4jl.08: July, Vc; September. svto; Nu. hard, ISHUKo, CtRN bieady; No. I cash, 4V4e; track. avt-c; July, 4?Vio; September, 46c. OAT-atedy; No. I cash, 41c; track. 4 (TsSo; July, 7c; Septeniijer, Uc; No. 1 aiilte. 46c H.oL'R Firmly held; red winter pa ten ta, U.tuu4.u; special brands, lMS&c higher; ex tra tancy, M..j-t.o; clear, W.JlKvei So. 6Eh.O Timothy, steady, li.4u.Ji. CORNMKAU bteady, li7b. II RAN ttio.y ; sacked, east track. M QMo. HAT In good demand, steady! timothy, fH'HW; prairie, I7.010 00. IKON COTION ilta-ts-lo. BAUU1NQ 11 EMH TWlMfi-4o. VROVISIONS fork, higher; lobbing, fit 10. Lard, higher; prime steamed, (10. Ilaoon, atsadv: boxed extra shorts, fa.46; clear ribs, l.3.H; short clear. rtM-'LTRY Firm; chickens. So; springs, 14ilc; -turkey. 13c; duck, tc: geess, te. BUTTEJl Dull; erearaery, lvauci dairy, JOt)15o. i-KJ Steady, .ltc, case count v Heceipta Shipments. Flour, bu .tM t.tuo Wheat, bd 1 XK J7 00 Corn, bu lo.u SlenO Oats, hu ' rhlladelphla fredsee Market. PHILAOKIfHIA, June M. -BUTTE R Bteedr; extra wetera creamery. Uo. k.14 bieady; freah western, Uo. Ciia-tH Siead y, iSto. Tfslhla Sapply at Cwttaa. KSW ORLHAN1I, June M. Beflrelary slesMr'g alslenieatl d tiie World vlsiltls unpiy of tton shows a total of I.1J0.. bslea sgalnst l.MliQM bale last week. Of this total l,m.VI bales against L1K.08 last week. is American, CHICAGO GHAIS AMD ' PllOVISIOi reatarea ef the TradlasT d CI ! Frlees aa Beard af Trad. CHICAGO. Juns . A cloudburst In Kansas was chief among the causes of a strong wheat market here" today. At the close September wheat showed a gain of Sc. Corn Is off a shade. Oats sre down So. Provisions sre up 10330c. July wheat opened Stlc to '4c hlsher at tSWc to M74c September was up Sc st g"c Prices sdvanced to 5o fof July snd S S0So for September. Later In the day local bears sold moderately and some of the early buyers followed, causing tem porarily sn easier tone. The July option exhibited most wesknesa, selling down to 4a September eased off to 7?c. Within the last hour, however, sentiment sgain became bullleh. The close was at tha high point, with September at SOSc. July was tip Sc at 85Vc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to (1.700 bu. Exports for the week, as shown by Braditreel'a, were equal to 1,270,000 bu. Primary receipts wars 12.700 bu.. against hM.MM bu. a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 141 cars, compared with 125 cars Iset week and 314 cars a year ago. Ths early corn msrket wss strong. Ths strength of wheat was the principal In fluence at the start. July closed unchanged at txc, September opened a shade to S9 So higher at 4kHS4V sold between 4M4c snd 4Mc, closing st 4(He. Local receipt were 111 ca, with (7 of contract grade. Trsdlng In oats was dull and the ton of the market weak. The market opened unchanged at llWa&o, sold between (ISO and U'ec and closed at 31 Sc. Local re ceipts were SB ears. Provision were firm. There wss a heavy demand In ribs. Ths selling was credited to country packers. Ths msln bull factor wss ths strength of the hog market. Sep tember pork oloeed (Oo higher at (1140. September lard wss up 10c st (7.J7S- Ribs were up lS4rl6c at tf.K. Estimated recelota for tomorrow: Wheat. 1 ear; corn, Ml can; oats, 127 cari; hogs, i,0M head. The leading futures ranged ss follows: Artlcl. Open. High.j Low. Close.l Tes'y. Whest a July b July Sept. July Wept. Oats June Juiv Sept, Ieo. Sept. Lsrd- Jtilv Hept Bibs July Sept t WS1 lS K3 80S rs' 4' SIS 79S ;Ss 47i 4fHSW' 40 4t 4 '4XSfrS'4S 4SS 48U' l'ISS " "wrxl ' " "4sri 41 vk 38S-S 3KS" ?S' nM 2S:S?S (IS S2S. ft ;(2Sdst S2S IS w 13 I is eo u to 10 IS 40 on 10 13 40 no 1S 1 OB 1 on T 17H ICS, TXTH( 7 SS1 T6JSI 7B2SI no 7 83SI T 72SI 7 R2SI T 70 No. 2. a old. b new. Cash quotation were as follows: FLOUR Dull but easy; winter patents, (4 6f4.; straights, (4.3ug4.40; spring pat ents, (4.3fi4 70; straights, (3.904.00; bak er' lletfrullO. WHEla-T-No. -spring, 9(fr97e; No. S spring, 86-SV7c: No. i red, K9o. CORN No. 4SSe; No. ( yellow, BOo. OATS-No. X 41S34iSo; No. f white, 41 S JSe. R Y B No. 1 Sc BARLEY Oood feeding, (4S40c; fair to choice malting, 4"62c. BKED Klnx. rio. 1. $1.0i; No. 1 north, western, (1.07; clover, contract grade, (10.76; prime timothy. (2.2S. PROVISION8-Mess pork, per bbt, fll.06 fJIS.lO. Lard, per WO lbs.. (705s?7 05. Short libs sides (loose), (7 (7S7.62S Short clear sides (boxed). (7.253'7). . Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 20.2(10 28,400 Wheat, bu..,.. a0,000 ' 41.100 Corn, bu (01.000 . , 325,000 Oats, bu 140.700 . 115,100 Rys, bu.... 3.000 l.8"0 Barley, bu M,6W) 4,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firmer; creameries, 13H3 17Sc; dairies, HS4lc. Esrgs, steady; at mark, case included, lVoitSc. Cheese, steady, 7S8d. NEW TORE OBIfBRAIi MARKET . t.7D.r o. V.rlo.. Cosaanedltiea. NEW TORX, June - M. FLOUR Re ceipts, 13.211 bbls.; exports. 13, 734 bbls.; market quiet and partially lower; winter patents. M.toeC.25; whiter strslghli, 34.?0fty 4.8of Minnesota- patents, .-4.STi.-30; 'wlnter extras, S3.X03.(O; MlnnesoU bakers, H.fcO SSS; winter low grades, (3 15-B3.70. Rye flour, steady' fair to good, 14.004.28; choice to fancy, (4 264.(0. CORNMKAIj Hteailv; yellow western, (1.10OL13; city, (LiaLlJ; kiln dried, (3.00 ti3 .HI RTE Nominal; No. I western. 70c BARLET Slow; feeding, 46feO, C L t. New Tork; malting, nominal. WH EAT Receipts, Ct.loo bu. Spot mar ket firm; No. ( red, nominal elevator and (1.08 f, o, b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, (1.01S, f. o, b.. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. There was a strong sarly advance In wheat today: July, 8S4) 9 lS-lOc. cloeed at Sc; September, MSMMSc. closed at 84 So; Ueoetnber, 84SO (4Sn cloeed at Uc. CORN Receipts, 64.800 bu.; export 1.643 bu. Spot market easy; No. Z, 64 elevator and K9o f. o. b., afloat; No. 3 yellow, S6Sc; No. 3 white, 64Sc Options were feature less all day, closing unchanged to Mo net lower; July. t3"nt(W, closed at 64c; Sep tember closed at 637o. OATS Receipts, i.twO bu.; exports, 160 bu. Spot market steady; mixed, 24 to 82 lbs., 4A46Sc; natural white, 30 to 82 lb., 4H 4c; clipped white, M to 40 lbs., 60&k. Options were nominal; September closed at 37Sc HAT Steady; shipping. 75o; good to choice, (6c. HOPS Steady: state, common to choice, 1(03, 2&3&c; 1M2, 13(uV6c; olds, 314o; Pa clflo coast iM. 34tJ0c; U03, 23io; old, fiu)E Stsadyj Galveston 20 to 25 pounds, 18c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 12o Texas dry. M to W pounds, Uo, LEATHEH Quiet; acid, 28360. WOOL Steady; Beoce, 2Sifi32c. TALLOW Firm) city, 4Sc; country. V&i let I domeatlo fair to extra, 3V(iCV,o; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS-Beef, steady; family. t 60 10.00; uesa, 0(Sa8W: oeef ham, M.iotf 22.00; packet, lit.U60; city, extra India mess, lia.0utflS.0O. Cut meaU. stesdy; pick led bellies. 7S4fc; pickled shoulders, Hc; plokled hems, S10c. Lard, firm; western steamed, (7.3S; refined, steady; continent. (7.40; South America. (7.76: compound. i 6So per lb. Pork, firm; fsmlly, (14 00; short clear. (IS 25414.76: mees, S14.ileiaP14.7a. BUTTER Firm; creamery, common to extra. Mic; state, dairy, common to extra, 13 a 17c. CH EESli Irregular: state, full cream, small, white and colored, SAVso; large, white and colored, 7uo. EOOS Irregular: western extras, 17SO 18o; extra prims, 17c. POULTRY Alive, easy; western spring chickens, 18c; fowls, 11c; turkeys, 11c; dressed, easy; western broilers, 10022c; fowls, USo; turkeys. 14lo. ' Kaasas City Grata aad Pravtstoas. KANSAS CITT, Juns 14. WHEAT Mar ket steady; July, TSScj September, 70S49 7uSc; December, 71S4jTlSc; cash. No. 3 t,ri k."..! - KIa WO... -.'rt KIrt nil (i.uo; No. 8. S2c; receipts, 28 cars. CORN Firm; July, &H&-4eo; September, tSSS1: December, SWUKSsc; cash. No. 2 mixed, 61c; No. 3, 4Sc; No. ( white, 4tf4Sc; No. 8, 4Mte. GATir-eHeadyl No. t white, 43o; No. I mixed, Ssc. HAT-Weak: rholoe timothy, S10.6OeU.00; Choice prairie, (8.0(ii.60. K7E Nominal; No. 3, 4c. BUTTER Creamery. llOHic; dairy, 13a KOGS ftteady; Missouri snd Kansas nsw No. 3, whltswood cases Inoluded, 13c; case count, 12 toe; cases returned, So lees. Rsceipis. Shipments. Wheat, bu U.M Corn, bu 30.W0 lt4 Oats, bu 4.000 i 2.0O0 Mlsaeapells Grala, Market. MINNEAPOLIS June 34 WHEAT On track, No. 1 hard, KWc; Ne. 1 northern,, MM,c; No. 1 northern, to errive, MSo; No. ( northern, 91 Sc; No. 8. WtS'1'"- FLOUR First patent, MiV(; second patents, (4 snt4 (6 ; Arst clears, (3 otj3 0; second clear. S3 .40, BRAN In bulk, (14 60. Liverpool Oral Market. LIVERPOOL. June 24. WHEAT Spot, easy: No. 1 California, 4 Id; futures, steady; July, Ss (!; Septsmber, ts 4Sd. CORN tipot,-easy; American mixed, new, 4 4d: Ameiiusa mixed, old. 4s 4d; futures, slsady) July, 4 3'd, Septtmber, 4 ISd. Ialatk Grain Market. DULUTH. June 24. WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern. SiSc; No. 2 northern, SuSc; on track. I No. 1 northern. r.'Sc; No. 3 north ern, IMcj maccaronl. No. 1, e4Sc; No. 3, 88c; July. KiSo; September, 81a. Telede Seed Market. TOLEDO, June M SEED Clover, cash, M.10; Octolwr. 86 74. Prim alsik. (e u; Auauat, 84.64 bid. Prtrn IWUty,; fcep teoiber, U-4II, . j- '.,,... NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Specs JgtiTg 8stlinat Disturb! bj Be porti from ibs Wsbssh. COBPANrt BONDS ENJOY AN ADVANCE Later Securities Break and tha R saltlag Depreeelea ASTeeta Evea . lalea Paelge la Spit f Reelataaee. NSW TORK. June H. Speculative seoU ment was a good deal disturbed today by the announcement over night that the semi-annual Interest on the debenture "A" bonds of the Wabash had been passed by tha directors. The 4 per oent Interest on these bonds has been paid regularly since 1M. There has been besides sn extensive speculation In the debenture "B" bonds on the assumption that the company's surplus earnings were on a scale to promise an early distribution on those securities to which the "A" bonds are prior. Even yeeterday the "B bonds enjoyed a speculative advance on the Increase In net earnings reported for May by reason of cutting down In operating expenses and It was favorably commented upon that the small decrease In gross earnings was ths first to be reported by the system In over nineteen months, notwithstanding tho downward course of railroad earnings In general ia that time. 1 he passing of the Interest, although It Is a contingent liability, was oulte a shock to speculative sentiment and weighed on the whole list In sympathy. The Wabashes themselves broke violently, the "As" 7 points, the debenture 'Rs'" 4 points, the f referred stock 2H and the common stock S- Union Pacific made vigorous resistance to the depression, the buying of the stock for London account being a feature. The I balance Inclined generally to the side of oppression, i ne strength in the wheat mar ket on reports of excesslvs rains In the west and southwest supplemented the effect of the Wabash weakness. There was also a week return of net earnings for May by Baltimore 4b Ohio, the decrease from last year's total reaching upwards of ons-thlrd. Some of the stocks which have been lifted by speculative movements during the week suffered from a scramble to take profits when the reactionary character of ths mar ket was perceived. United States Steel pre ferred whs among theee, with marked senti mental e.ffeot on the hopes of an advancing market which the movement in that stock has aroused. The market was benefited by the forecast of the bank statement and a cheerful view of the commercial outlook by the commercial agencies. The buying of Union Pacific, was resumed with a gain of IS and Southern Pacific came into the advance to the extent of . The closing was barely steady. Bonds were Irregular In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value. (8,400,000. United State bonds were unchanged on call. Following was ths rangs of prices on the Stock exchange yesterday: Sales. Hlt rm. Close. Atchison 12.700 7LT4 73 7ZS do pfd 600 KS rSS 5S Baltimore A Ohio .... 4.700 80S SO 80S do pfd n Canadian Pacific 1000 123S 122S 1J3H Central of N. J........ 400 IMS 1"S Chesspeake A Ohio.. SUO SIS si Chicago A Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western 400 US US Chlcjuro A N. W 81 87 7S ias 170 C. M. A St. P 10.300 144 142 143S do pfd 100 177S U7S Chicago T. A T do pfd 200. 1S 16 111 C. C. C. A St. L...... 100 I 70 70 Colorado Southern.... 1,000 14 do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd 100 10 Delaware A Hudson.. 700 164 D.. L. A West Denver A R. 0 700 21 S 16 700 300 600 400 100 do pfd ... Erie do 1st pfd ao ma pxa ...... Hocking Valley do pfd , Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd 86 '666 300 18S 'ioo "Hs 18 300 Louisville A Nashville 4.800 Manhattan L 1,000 Met. Securities Met. St. Ry., ex. dir.. 6,500 109S 108S M. A St. L. M., St P. A S. St. U. - m 4JS S do pfd 800 1S 123 Mlasourt Paclfio 6 KIS RU M.. K. A T 300 16S 164 do pfd .....4.... ...w ,... N. R. R. of Mex. pfd New Tork Central .. ("O 11S H ' Norfolk A Western .. 1,200 MS M do pfd Ontario A Western .. 1.400 S S Pennsylvania ......... 4,900 116 UBS P.. C. C. A St. L Reading 6,400 do 1st pfd 100 do 2nd pfd .... Rock Island Co t,tno do pfd 400 47S US St. L. A 8. F. Snd pfd 'l& 'iis Bt. lvOUIS B. W .. do tfd , 600 28 38V .1,0 TS 4 Southern Paclfio Southern Railway do pfd ion Texas A Pacific .... 300 T., St. L. A W do pfd 200 Union Paclfio 43.000 do pfd 100 Wabash 800 do pfd ,. 6,200 Wheeling A L. E Wlaconaln Central .. 1.200 do pfd ., 100 Mexican Central too Adam Express , .... American Express U. S. Express Weils-Fsrgo Ex Dress .... Amal. Copper 14,60 Am. Car A Foundry.. 2no 60 do tifd 0 nvt T Amer. Cotton Oil .... 100 36S Xh do pfd .... American Ice .... do pfd 100 M M Amer. Linseed Oil do pfd ..... Amer. Locomotive.. do pfd do pfd .., t,'i ..... tner. 8. A R 600 fak fas So pfd 2.100 7S WS rner. Sursg Refining 1.600 137S 13US Amer. dc Amer. 124 721 4HJ 4t 6S 33 S 164 10 ft 28 73 "S AnnriKiutt mm. v.... , ..... Brooklyn R. T 4,6oO 40S 4S Colo. Fuel A Iron .... 100 30 80 Consolldsted Oas .... 4,600 1S IMS , . 1 . . a Corn Products w do nfd sx. dlv 11- 11 Distillers' Securities.. 1 4o0 28U General Electric 300 164S 28 164 inter. J'sper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd National Lead .., 800 North American 2PH Pacific Mull People's Oas , Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullmnn Pal. Car , '88 7S rs V 215S 21414 214 Republln Steel 200 S S S do pfd 0 41S 41 41 Rubber Goods 200 1SS 1S 18 do pfd 76 Tenn. Coal A Iron .. 6"0 8RS 35 V IT. 8. Leather ?on S S S do pfd 0O 80 7S 79 V. 8. Realty tfiO 4 M4 do pfd 300 US 68 SOU V. S. Rubber lS da pfd 100 K WH 6I5S V. S. Steel 8on in S do pfd SS.) MS S M Westlnshnuse Eh0... 800 167 164 1M4 Western Union , MS Total sales for the day, 330.100 share. Laadoa Steak Market. LONDON. June 24 Closing: Ctnol. mosey ... Ml-1t,N. T. CMtral. de account 0H Anco4 tV Atchieee "4fk 4a pf4 M h Ohio.... n Norfolk A W. da ptd Ontario A W t4 Paonairltsnla lt Rand Mluaa laii geadlns mi do let t4 4 4 14 p!4 U So. lUllvay ili do ti rrj Bo. PaolSa 4 Loloa PaalSe ........ to , 4a pfd M 0. S Steal lot do mti I14 Wabash IH do Pfd M (paalak 4 m Cndle ParlSe UH nit. Ohio. 11 CtaMi. Ot. W 14 C , M A SC P HTH DeBxri P. n. O 4e I4 gri .... Se let std..., f 14 ' .... nilaol C antral Uxila. A U . K. A T ... 14 . . ' . . . l .ill .111 . 17 SILVER Bar. quiet, 3SSd per ounoa. MONKY 1SS Pr cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is (4 per cent; for three months' bills, t 3-ltj3S per cent. Hew Tork Mlalaa; itscka NOW TORK, June M. The following are the closing prices on mining stoeksi A save 10a Alto M ItM 1 Tomatoes Tnanol .... 4 Cos. Oal. Va 10 Hers SliTar I Iro Silvar M....114 Laadtliie Cos 8 Utile Calat 6 Oatarls Opblr PkuasU HMoal Satas Slarra Navasa Small Hoses Suittar4 ;;: . it a Caadltiea ( th Treasary. WASHINGTON. Juns U Todsy's eta( raaut of th treasury balance la th gen eral fund. solualv of the tl&O.OOO.uu gold rrv la th divlslea n dsaipUun, shows: Avsllsbl cash balance, $14,011.281; gold, PH,W,tf. BtSIXESS Or ASSOCIATED BASKS Clear!; ( th Great rassxeerrlal Ceateve ait COaatry. NEW TORK. June 24 The followln table, compiled by Rradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for tne weK enneti wune a, with the percent age of Increase and decrease as compered with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New Tork (1.044 U 8481 8 7 Chicago , 157.7M.SM' 4.1 Boston 113.222.93Si 6 8 Philadelphia 108 27,l 3.1 St. Loul 48.758.M7 12.7 Pittsburg 41.011. W9 20.0 San Francisco 8 7 Baltimore 21JW.111 1 Cincinnati 24.8i.y 11 ' Kansas City 14.472. 447 11. ll New Orleans 14.744.2.1" 3.81 Cleveland 12.136. nil M.T Minneapolis 11.P10.2W .( Detroit 10 84 637 .8 Louisville a 10.M2.cs (.3 OMAHA 8.9H0.7W 18.1 Milwaukee 7.007.IW 7 4 Protidence 4.24.3) 1.3 Buffalo 6.4.67t 1.1 Indianapolis 8.201. im 1.8 St. Paul S.414.8-W 11.7 Lo Angele , 448.377 38.3 St. Joseph 4.2i4.82 ...... M.3 Denver 4.61. 24 6.8 Columtais 4.227, 3K 11.1 Memplfls 3.0fo.l!2 29.7 Seattle 4.SS3.7X5 24.3 Richmond 3.595.104 2.8 Washington 3.781.00 3.3 Savannah 8.12S.SS7 12 6 Albany 3,912.72 24. 8 Portland, Ore 3.1.928 16.8 Fort Worth.' t.22.6W M.l Toledo, 0 3.400.708 10.6 Salt Lke City S.fl".2U 7.1 Peoria 1.761.806 37.1 Atlanta 1143. 14.1 Rochester 13.4 Hartford ' 2.274.(!6 8.7 Nashville 1,970.5-rt .3 Pes Moines 1,278. 729 29.8 Spokane, Wash 2.192.36 14.4 Tacoma 1.9?2.72o) 7.2 Grand Rapids 1.85,650 1.3 New Haven... 1,791.159 6.3 Dayton 1.473.397 , 7.8 Norfolk 1.4x3. 53. 1.7 Springfield, Mas..... 1.844.137 7.4 Worcester 1.819.031 18.4 Portland, Me 1.441.963 8 Augusta, Qa 1,059.734 8.1 Topeka 827.975 88.6 Sioux City 1.190,132 16.8 Syracuse 1.2w.037 3.3 Evansvllle l,0G6,6ft8 8.1 Birmingham 9M.2X4 7.7 Wilmington, Del 935. 21.3 Knoxvlfie 1.29. 875 11.3 Davenport 7l4.6f 20.6 Little Rock 715.93S .5 Wllkesbarr 1.01S.21 4.9 Fall River 649.856 29.1 Macon 268,453 49.8 Wheeling, W. Va.... 877.462 8.9 Wichita 1.090.190 60.3 Akron 66.60j 26.6 Chattanooga 739.6M 28.8 Springfield, III 734.170 18 6 ...... Kalamasoo, Mich.... 658.672 3.6 Toungstown 627,302 27.1 Helena 481.718 14.7 Lexington 473,146 4.3 Fargo, N. D 404.658 38.7 New Bedford 360.2X2 31 8 Canton. 0 640,000 3.8 Jacksonville, Fla 840.6"7 186.8 Lowell 439,173 3.2 Chester, Pa. 498,671 13.9 Oreensburg. Pa 891.465 10.7 Rock ford, 111....,...,. 4P2.417 10.4 Blnghamton 406. 2n0 4.8 Springfield, 0 324.9R8 21.7 Bloomington, III 357.884 4.3 Qulncy. III. 334.774 7.7 Bloux Falls, S, D.... 236 42 22.1 Mansfield, Q 6,94l 10.8 Decatur. Ill 285,784 1.0 Jacksonville, 111 215.845 Fremont, Neb.. ...... 22.2 tHouston 10.193.644 19.8 tOalveeton 8 598.0O.) 21.1 (Charleston, & C... - 9W.207 18.6 Cedar Rapids ,. 341,078 Totals. TJ. B , (1,809.776,440 9 Outsld New Tof1t...j 72,o73,r971 2.3 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa , Halifax Quebec , Vancouver, B. C... 19,891.8501 18.1 1.0 10.4 36.8 l.i 6.S 24. 5 1.2 23.4 3.8 S.6 15.710.684 6,127.416 2,534,784 1.581.702 1.4M.80 , 1,727,999 namuwn London, Ont... St. John, N. B Victoria, B. C. v 1,108,8 931. 93 947.774 684,7531 Totals, Canada.,': f 61.3Sl.7lOl Kew Trk MOaey Market. NEW TORK. June 24.-MONET-On call, asy; IS per cent; closing bid, IS per cent; offered at IS per cent; time loans, easy and dull; sixty and ninety days, 3 per cent; six months, JT3S per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3S94 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy. then firmer, with aot'jal business In bankers' bills at 84.87204.8728 for demand and at (4.853034 8535 for sixty-day bills; rates. 84.86)94.88; commercial bills, 4.8526. SILVER Bar, 6Sc; , Mexican posted ft. 85209 dollars, sc. - BONDS Oovemmenh steady; railroad. Ir regular. The closing quotations on bonds ar as ronowsx C. S. rat. ta. reg..l41t lots 104 Ilttl Manhatta a Max. Central f. 4. ,104(4 , 44 , II :S3 do eoupos ... do ia, ra..., de coupon ... do no 4. r do 1st Ine Minn. 4k gt. U 4. M., a. A T. 4a.... do coupon do la S3 do old 4a, ras....lot N. R. R. of II. c. 4a. da esupsa N. T. a g. IHi....lH Atchlao ss. 4s., do adj. 4a Atlantic C. U 4s Bal. A Obi 4s..., 4s la , Central of Ga. 8. do lat Ina ftiea. A Ohio 4Ha. Chlcafo A A. H" ..lul'N. i. O. . la U3 .. 4 No. PaslO 4 164 14 .. KSi 40 I 14 ..1WS N. A W. a 4 H .. M lO. t. U 4a A par... tti ..111 Pona. aoav. I Ha tv .. 1414 Heading sea. 4a MM ..104 agt. L i 1. H. 1 la..U6M .. T st. u A S T. fx. 4a. II .. nv Bt. l. a. w. la ,4.4; . , a. cc t. C. M. A St. P. s 4.. 10 I aa board A. L. 4a... au C. A N. W. . la. ..IMS Bo. Pacific 4 3s, C, B. I. A P. 4s.... It Sa, Railway a Ill o eol. Is 7Mt t.ii A P. 1 Ill CCC. A t. L. s. 4a.. 10014 T., HI L 4 W, 4.. tH Chloaco Tar. 4a.. II jtnloa Pacific 4a.. ..lOMt Con. Tobacco 4a.... Cole. A So. 4a D. A It. O. 4 Brio prior Has 4.. 4o (n. 4 F. W. A D. C. I. Hocking Val. 4a.. L. A M. nl. 4... Bid. . do conr. 4a . HU r S. Stacl 14 Is. inoi Waba.b la , .100(4 de deb. B . M . t U . ... .104 Wla. Central 4.. .10414 ,C la W. A L a I .10114 ::i .. ii Bestoa Stack. Uaetatlons. BOSTON, Juns 34. Call loans. 2g2S per cent; time loons, 3t4 per cent umciai closing of stocks and bonds! Atcklaoa adj. 4S... do 4 , Mai. (.'antral 4s... Atchison do lt Boetoa A Albany. Boaton A Maine.. Boaton ElaTatad . rilchbnrs p(4 .... Mex. Central N. T., N. H. A H Par Marquette ... II t4 1 Wast Ins. oodbsm . n . i . . (Si . I . s .440 . . 71 . Mt4 . 44 . t .ltllVa,Aiiranlur . 43 Allouaa . 1t4t Aaialiamatcd ., . American gin .lava'Ailaxtic. .14 Bingham ..141 ,.11 .. I ,.m al. A Hecla... Ontannlal ..... Copper Hangs , alr Waal .. ii Dominion Coal Union raoioc Amar. Arga. UK Franklin Cham... ltt.Orauvr 8 3 4 do pro u tale itoraic Amar. Pncu. Tub.... 4 Maaa. Mlnlns .. Amer. Sugar Ill do pfd 1 Amer. T. A T ltou MUhlaA Mohawk Mont. C. A C. IS 41 , 4S 1S 11 2 U 10 i , 7l3 Amer. wooloa do pfd , Dominion I. A 6., Edlaoa Ktao. Ills OonaraJ Klactrl , Maaa. Slaclrlc .., do pfd Maa. Oaa , lult.4 rrult .... United Sbo Mash do pfd , 0. S. Heal do pld Bid. 10 DI4 Dominion . ii osocoin . in Parrot .Ill Qulncy .144 j Shannon . llt'Tamarack ...... . 71 .Trinity . IH, V. S. Mining... .1041, V. A Oil . 4-i t'tah . ni Victoria . 10 lWioooa . s!WolTarU Car el gra riaasicisL BERLIN, June 24. Exchange on London, Cm 4oUnfg for check; discount rates for short bills, 3S per rent; for three months' bills, SS per cent. Prices generally on the bourse today were Irregular but rather Arm. Americans were weaker upon yester day' e New Turk advloes. PARIS, June. 24. Trading on the bourse today was Irregular, wltli a slightly up ward tendency. Russian Imperial 4s closed at 93 and Russian bonds of 1904 at a. Three per cent rentes, 97f 82So for the ac count; exchange on Londuu, 2bf 19c for checks. LONDON, June 24. Money was In active request In the market today. The demand will be considerable until ths half year turn and consequently a stringency Is exr pec ted. Business on the Stock exchange was languid. Horns rslis war on the down grsde. Americans wsre firm. Grand Trunk was firm on the trnrno Increase exceeding expectation. Russian and Japanese se curities hardened. Kaffirs were weak. Im perial Japanese government 4 of lte were quoted at 90V Mllwaak Grata Mark. MILWAUKEE June 24. WHEAT Mar ket steady; Nit 1 northern, 9Sc; No, J northern, 9u97c; old July, koUbjoC bid. RTB Dull: No. L (sc. BAJULJdV Dull; No. 3, 63c; sample, 3 tOo. COKN-eteady N f. tS4HSo uly, ((So. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Otitis Btosipti Vsty L;lit sni Good Btnff Held 8tesdT, will O hin Doll HOGS SOLD riVC TO TEN CENTS HIGHER Oaly m Pew Sheep aad La nabs Arrived aad They Changed Hands Readily t A beat Same Price a Hav Im Paid All th Week. SOUTH OMAHA. June 34. 1904. Rscalnt warai Cattle.Hoga Bheep. ,. l.HH 6.340 4.1 ,. 4,?1 11.83 1.969 .. 3.037 11.44 2.181 ,. 1,137 10.209 1.073 ,. 711 IM 997 OfYlrlnl Unnritv Official Tuesday .... umciai Wednesday Official Thursday.. Official Friday Ftv dav this week... 11.491 47.898 10 871 fame dava last week 6! 8 3.618 Same days week before.. 14.271 49 fW 10.1O! Same three weeks ago..lS.8S3 6.96 6.8I8 Same four weeks ago...l4 64.24 ll.iW) Same days last year.... 19,890 64,344 13,288 RECEIPTS TOR THE TEAR TO DATE The followln- tahl shnws ths recelDt Cf cattlt, hog and sbeep st South Omaha for ths year to date with comparison with last year: 19M. 1908. In a. Pea. Cattle 444.23 4u,4.c4 I4.0K8 Hon IlidSII 1 9H f8 M.STt, Sheep tVe.873 649.228 131.644 Avers urines rvnlH he n.s at Rnuth Omsha for the last several days with com parison: Dt 1904. 1903. 11908. 11901. 11900. 11898. PSSS. Juns 1.. 2.. 8,., 4.. 6 . 1. 7.. 8.. d M S 98 6 70- I 70 5 71 70 i 71 6 7T! S3TI t0t 4 n Juns 4 4S 4 49S1 4J4S 4 07 4 S3 wits! Juns I 9 June June 6 86 6 'ill T7 4 14 3 68 lo 7 20 I 161 483 4 41 Juns 4 MS 4 94 3 Ml 4 61 ont 'una f o S 4 SXU 7 18: 4 - M 3 471 8 1 it i 40) i r 6 SOI i 03! June 4 4 6V 6 16 7 21 . 6 871 6 91 6 89i 6 86 81 6 lv 3 41 i 3 94 I 81 in 8 7t t 77 I M 3 43 I 84 e 8 M 8 31 8 72 73 I June 10.. 4 74'n 4 78S 4 81S 4 id 4 0 7 241 3 69 June 11.., Jub 13... 6 08 i S91 8 00 7 331 T Sol 7 31! 4 921 t 87 June lx.. 07 e 4 SH 4 861 a 44' June 14... 3 SSI June 16.. 4 81S ( 38 I 8 4 891 3 64 June 14.. 4 87SJ 4 01 7 24 a 6 83 I 81 4 86 8 62 June 17... 91H 4 92S 6 94 i 97 7 231 T 36 7 33 a 3 63 June 18... I S3 6 06 4 94 4 83 8 0" e 3 44 3 71 June 19... Juns SO... 6 94, 6 88 o 6 921 6 89 S 00 t 07V June si ... 6 91 6 83: 3 6M June 23.. June 28.. June 34.. 6 8.1 3 16 .1 6 06V4I 6 771 7 491 I 6( 6 13 III . ( 12S( 6 67 Indlcntea Sunday. CATTLE There was another very small run of cattle here this morning, and In fact the supply was so small that It could pot be said that there was a market. Packers did not take hold with any life. there were not enough cattle on sale to make a good killing If one packer got all of them. The best that could be said of the mar ket on beef steers today Is that the de sirable grade sold at about steady prices. while the common kinas were very siow and hard to sell at any price. Oood cattle were scarce and there were no strictly prime on sale, though one string was good enough to bring 86.96. There seems to be good demand for wen lattenea ary 101 cattle, but packers are all slow to take hold of the short fed and grassy stuff. As mentioned yesterdsy, good to choloe grades are not over lOtfTOc lower than the hirh time lat week, while , fair to good comfeds sre 2S4jSOc lower arm warmed up cattle and graeser are 60676c lower. The few cows that arrived this morning changed hand very slowly. There were not enough crfered to attract the attention of buyers, ard ar a result It wss a slow market, with best stuff steady and others weak trid hard to 4ell at any price. As compared with the high time last week the market on now stuff Is all the way from 20c to 11.00 per hundred lower. The least decline Is on choice, well fattened heavy wa nrl nn choice heifers, snd the great est decline la on the medium kinds of corn- fed cauls ana on greasers, or, in omer words, the kind that are now selling from 82 76 to 83.26. Canners are not over ooo lower then the high time. The market on ouns, veai itc n stag held about ateany toaay. inoice bulls are not over lOftlio lower than the high time, while grassers ars fW36c lower. Veal calves have shown very little change so far as desirable grades are concerned. There were practically w 'uc , v! on sal toaay. ot hw grades are aroui sieaay, uui wnen n nines to the common stuff the market Is cry slow and weak. Representative sales; Sn.j!.s D a CAxio. He. At. IT. .... Ill 8 N ....1014 8 4 .... 7M 4 00 .... M (H ....low I ....1104 8 t ..1ZK 4 14 No. Av. r. 4 ". 8 8 I 10 I u I 40 6 ' I N 6 98 14... 14 1 40 I , IT 14 , ...101 ...ll ...I860 ...Hll ...1241 ...1117 ,11 aS 4... .,..1407 1114 STEERS AND COWS. 1174 I 40 VUWB 3.... 1 1 44 8 M I U II 8 98 IS lit 4 00 4 M 4 00 4 04 4 84 4 44 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M , 740 . 771 . 110 t I.. 4.. Ul :::::;::: a ........1000 11M II.... I.. I 3 U I ' 111 2 II .,1004 i no 1 1 ...11 St ...111 1 oo 1 looe 1 1148 I Ml ...1000 roe I -ii I 71 Tl I 18 1M0 t.....b...'...lltt I Tl 8 lo . a a oo u a ii I 144 1411 1411 1044 1144 1:::::E::: ll .. 4.... COWS AND HEIFERS. i... 9... I..., 1.... 1... 1... 1..., 1.... 1..., HKirERS. . 4S0 44 8 40 3 3 8 4..... 3 69 1 78 i 0 I 10 8 M I IS 4 40 BULLS ....110 ....1400 ....1310 ....1110 ....110 ....1144 8 K 1 ...1410 ...1110 ... 440 ..KM ,..1010 ..ii; I U i to 1 60 .::::::: i i i 8 44 CALVES. a 104 3 71 1 ITS 71 1 110 4 04 1 140 I N 1 160 4 M 1 14 I II 1 , 84 4 M. 1 144 6 44 .to BTA' 1. . 1M0 9 M . gTOCKERS AND FSEDER8, . 114 I W 19 17 8 78 i iii a ii HOOS There wss a moderate run of hog In sight this morning, and under the Influ ence of a good demand the market Im proved at all points. The advance her amounted to about 6i10o and trading wss quite active, the bulk being disposed of In good season. The most of the good weight bogs sold from 86.10 to 36.16, with the choicer loads largely from 86.16 to 86.24. The light and common kinds went from 36.07S down. There wss one week spot In about th middle of ths market, but It soon strengthened up again and the ex treme close was a little weak, owing to the faot that packers had their more urgens orders filled Toduy's advance carries th market to the highest point reached slnoe prices started on their upward Journey. Repre sentative siss: ha Ik... It... Tl.... 71.... U..., Tl... IS.... T4.... 11..., A. PT. SB, We. to... ll... 41... 40... AV. ..941 ..167 ..W4 ..111 FT. 0 Sk. 177 104 ....lot ....HI ....ll ....117 ....Ml ....111 ....HO ....111 ....114 ....110 ....114 ....144 ....III 0 140 10 1W 110 lie W 144 120 IM 44 44 40 40 8 00 I Ota I 01 6 07 6 47 i. I 07 I 07 6 07 St I 07 6 14 I 10 6 11 14 I 10 I 14 8 14 I 1 4 10 6 10 6 14 4 lu I 10 6 10 4 10 I 10 4 14 4 IV 6 14 .. I l Its 6 10 I 10 4 1 I 1 4 14 I 114 6 U4 I 114 I 114 I 114 I 114 I It 11 40 44 40 14 io 1 110 14 4 44 IM It 141 40 864 II ..Ill 41 ..Ill 4 U4 a t.i ill 14 12 44 ...ItS II 114 11 123 tl 1'H U.... tl.... 44.'.'.! 14.... 14.... I 1'4 i 134 44 161 44 I 134 41... 14... ...411 ...131 ...141 ...ill ...147 ...IM ...111 ...161 ...124 ...144 ...141 ...14 ...144 ...141 ...Ml ...Ml ...11 ...161 ...Ml ...110 ...Ml ...141 ...111 ...Ml ...111 ...4 ... ...144 ...144 ...141 ...Kl i 1!4 40 lm. I 114 4 11 4 114 4 114 i 114 I 114 6 114 i 114 Tl..... 14 44.... 44 W.... 41 II.... II.... 17 ... ).... 144... 41...., 10.... .... 46.... 441. ... 44.... 41.... 10.... 44.... 4..,. 18.... 11.... II.... U.... 4.... 41.... I ... ..101 ..111 tut l' HT .ill 111 .121 44. II. 71. II. I. 114 4 114 110 1 u J 11 I 14 i Tl... ....Iwl ....Pol .... IM ...It! ....144 ....SM 10.. , 10.. a.. 14.., 14.. 71.. 117. Tl.. 1.. 1 11 1 1 4 11 8 14 f 11 6 14 i 14 f M 4 14 4 11 4 40 40 14 10 10 40 40 40 i 14 IM I 14 6 14' ! " 1 1 6 14 40 II V4 41 U M 1 44 ..141 !1 in 6 i4 4 H 8 "4 I 11(4 6 M 6 114 I 114 4 114 8 114 i it 8 I14 4 114 lo 8 11 ill w 4 ii .. I 18 6 ITU 44 4 174 4 4 174 .. a 174 .. 6 I14 4 4 17b 4 4 I44 44 I M ..II .. I 90 ..ID .. a m a l a Put IM ...IN ..111 ...141 ...11 ...ra ...ia ...14 ...144 .. hi ..HI ...144 ...111 ' ...H4 ....147 ...144 M..U ....144 ....144 ... ri 44..., 44... 14..., 14.... 11..., Tl... 44..., II.... 14.. t4.. 44.. II.. 44.. 14.. IM Ml 1ST II... 41 IM 41. ....... Ml 11 aw a 6 lit II. 111 SHEEP Receipt were confined to about four cars today and the market ahowed no change. Oregon grass wetheis brought 84.46 snd yearling lambs from ths sals lot 8s. They were the same as sold on Wednesday of this week at ths sain price, so that ths market csnuol b ejuoied aaytblng but stesdy with Wedneedav, and In fact both graaxera and eornfeds have been coiling in PTAC The actirally the same notches all the week. demand has been fully equal to the supply and each day's offerings hsve bevn well cared' for. Of course common stuff which haa very little kill to It Is more or less neslected. hut anvthlnar answerln to th description of good to choice meets with resdy sale. guotatlons for fed stock: Oood to choice Inmbs. 84.0Ofi45O; fslr to good lambs, 86 60t.00: good to choice yearlings or weth ers, 86.OU416 26; fair to good yearlings or wethers, 84.iiVn6.0O; good to choloe ewes, 84 .n44 60: fair to good ewe. I4.0uq4.2S. Represents Uve sales: No. Wt Pr. 4oi Oregon grass wethers 1'6 4 46 637 Oregon grass lamb 80 Sou CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl Steady, Hog Tea Cent Higher aad Sheep Lower. CHICAGO, June 24.-CATTLE Receipts, 1.000 head, Including 160 Texan: mnrliet stesdy; good to prims steers, f fxiO W; poor to medium, 34.60'iiS.SO: stockers and feeders, 32.6lkp4.6; cows. 31.604.26; hrlfer-i, 320jy4.78: caiiners, 3l.60r2.8O; bull, tl.0n' 4.26; calves, 32.604.00; Texas fed steers, X3 iwn 66. HOOS Receipts. 13.000 head; estimated to morrow, 10.90D head; market 6!il0o higher; mixed and butchers, 36. 106.40; good to choice heavy, 86 8M6 4S; rough heavy, 36.15 f630; light, 36.24X86.36; bulk of sales, $5 SHEEP AND LAMR8 Receipts, 6.0(10 headi market for sheep snd iRmbs lower; rood tn choice wethera 34 6"ii.M: fair to choice mixed, xj; western sneep. nw tr4.: spring lambs. 84.omii7.uo: western lambs, ll.0tfu6.00. 14 Tork Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. June 24. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3.0t7 head; good to choics beevea steady; medium and common, slow; com mon, a shade lower: bulls snd cows. Quiet snd unchanged: steers, 14.4(ta6.'Jf; bulls, 83.26 Cf-4.60; cows, 33.40U4.26. Liverpool and Lon don cables quoted live cattle at 11(4 li So. dressed weights: top price at Liverpool. 2c; refrigerator beef, higher at 9V"l0o; exports, none; estimated tomorrow, 1,060 head cattle and .691 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 118 head; market for veals, firm to 26o higher; buttermilks, higher, all sold: veals. 34.006 26; butter milks, w.oi1; lea calves, 4.w; city arcwni veals, firm at ttaSe: extra country dressed. 64lSo. HoOS Receipts, 987 head; market weak; top price for hogs, 86.76. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 4, KM head: market for sheeD steady, others easier; choice lambs, 2&tic higher; good to prime, firmer; common, unchanged; sheep. 32.76H.66; choice, M.wfiS.OO; culls, 12.002.60; lambs, 36.0V4j7.66; choice, 17.7a; culls, 44.0UV4.6U. K a anas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. June 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,400 head, Including 9U0 southerns: market slow to steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, 36.404.40; fair to good, 84.26epT6.60; western fed steers, 84.2T.4i6. 85; lookers and feeders. 32.60414.76; southern steers. 32.60i86.00; southern cows, 31.50S3.60; native enws. 11 KVS-4 60.- native heifers. 82.60 416.40; bulls, 33.604.26; calves, $2.'ii4.60. HUU8 Iteceipts, neaai rarni inwwi higher; top. 38.30; bulk of sles. 36.106.26; heavy. 36.166.S0: packer. 36.O6.20; pigs and lights, 34.60(.l0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 2,000 hesd; market slow to wsak; native lambs, 8476e.70; western lambs, 34.76ti.70; fed ewes, 34.40ra.00; Texss clipped neep, 140 4J4.75; Texa clipped yearling, 34SW.26; tocker and feeders, 33.0trg4.00. St. Loal IJvo Stock Market. ht intria. June 34. CATTLE Receipts, 3.600 head, Including 3,000 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 3B.0fl4jj4.25; dressed beef and butcher teers, 34 0045.90; steers under 1,000 lbs, 33.76G6.35: ainrkara and feeders. 33.504M.OO; cows and heifer. 32.u6.40; canners, $2.25i33.60; bulls, 32.60a3.78; calves, 32.25i3.7B; Texas stser. 33.6oa5.60; cows and heifers,'aa.n. nina nrlnta. 3.600 hesd: market ( higher; pig and lights, 84.26.00; Packsrs 36ftOS6.20; butcher and beat heavy, 36.160 S'SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market steady for heep; lambs, lower; native muttons, 34 004 60; lsmbs, 36.00fi7.00; culls and bucks, 32.Ml4.7Bi tock er7l2.oO8.26; Texan. 84.004.60. St. Joseph LIT Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jun 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 646 head: market teady to 16e higher; natives. a4.264jS.36; cows and heifers, l.o04j.36; stocker and feeders. W-fMH-SS. HOOS Receipts, 3.136 head; market 510c higher; light. 35.054i.17S; medium and HEEPANb LAslBS-Recelpts. 133 head; market weaker. loos City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Jun 4.-(8peclal Tl gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; mar ket steady; beeve. 34 508.00: cows, bulls and mixed, 33.008.00; tocker "? feeder. 3300fl4.10; calves and yearlings, 32 768.86. HOOS Receipts, 4.200 head; market steady, elling at t5.0O4i6; bulk. $5.065.10. Stock 1 Slant. Following are th for. the six principal day: South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St.- Loul St. Joseph Sioux City receipt of live stock western cities yesier Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. .... 711 8,9s 997 ....1,000 12.0U0 6.000 1,000 600 138 400 6.000 3.600 3.186 4.200 ,.8,600 ,. 646 .. 100 Total 4.276 86,633 8,635 Wool Market. BOSTON. June 24. WOOL There Is a teady market for domestic .wool. Th en tlment prevails that the new wools must bring high price ln order that the buyer may clear a profit on the new clip. Some choice lot have recently been disposed of at record values. Receipts of new grades are heavy daily and are Increasing. Pulled and territory wools are quiet and foreign trades are also Inactive, though firm, ending quotations follow: Territory, Idaho, fine, 17$18c; heavy fine, ltigloei fine medium, 173118c; medium, lK.'19o; low me dium, li918c. Wyoming, fine, 15S16Sc; heavy fine. 14lc; fine medium, lie; low medium, 30021c. The Commercial Bulletin on Satur day will say: Active, fair and hard ening, th week haa been th best that wool dealer have had for a long time. There Is a stronger and even bullish senti ment. Operations by four big consumers have absorbed millions of pounds of new and old territory, Texas snd medium fleeces, partly on the spot and partly to arrive, and Including lots In the original bags and graded wools from the piles. Scoured values ar l$2c higher on actual sales. Stapls territory Is certainly selling at 66c clean. Oood staple Idaho sold at 63640. Large blocks of fine medium cloth ing sold at 60c and soms at 61'a02c. Ohio and up character, preparatory to the clos ing of the market for Sunday, was largely local ln character, though there were houses with southern connections which were moderate sellers. Crop accounts were generally favorable and with weather map fairly so. Exports were full again, ex ceeding port receipts by a considerable margin, while the into sight for the week wae smaller than Pcrd.. . ST. LOL'IS, Jun 14. WOOL Firm nd sctlve; medium grade, combing and cloth ing, l8jr24Se; light fine. injl7c; heavy fin, 12ttl6c; tub washed, 203320. Western advices Indicate th cleaning up of the new clip In quicker time than ever before. Foreign market are firm and tending upward. Shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 81, 1903, are 101,600,247 pounds, against 108,817.870 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to data sre 123,011.722 pounds, against 108. 618,824 pound for th Same period lsst year. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, June 24. COTTON-Spot, moderate business done; prices 6 points lower: American middling fair, 6.38d; good middling, l.34d; middling, 6.14d; low mid dling, til; good ordinary, 6.30d; ordinary, tM&. Futures opened quiet and stesdy and closed quiet; American middling g. o. c. June, l.04d: June and July. 6.94d; July and August, 6 SM; August snd September, t.74d; September and October, 6 41d; October and November, 6.24d; November and December, 621d; December and January, 6.17d; Feb ruary and March, I.17d. NEW YORK, Jun 24. COTTON Spot closed steadv at 10 point higher; middling nnlnnda. 11.06c; middling gulf, 11.30c; sales, 161 bale. NEW ORLEANS. June 24.-COTTON Easy; sales. 4.600 bsles; ordinary, SSI g"od ordinary, 8 11-190.; low middling, 10 t-lct middling, wc; gooa middling, 11 x-jec; middling fnlf. 11 7-16c: receipts. 1.917 bales; stock. 160.162 bsles. Futures stesdy; June, 10 14's10.36c; July, 10.4410 46c; August, 10 21 filOftc; September. 9 61rt 9 2c: October, 9 34 474 36c; November, 4 8;'t9.33c; December, 9.32 S.SJc; January, 9JM)9.41o. ST. LOL'IS, June 24 COTTON-eQulet; middling. 11c; ssles, none; receipts, none; shipments, IS bales; stock, 12,708 bales. Oil aad floslsi. NEW TORK, Juns 24. OILS Cottonseed quiet; prim crude nominal; yeliuw, ifHH'if wo. Petroleum easy; refined. New York, 37.96; Philadelphia and Baltimore 37.90; bulk, 86 00. Turpentine, dull at Wtf Sa. ROBIN Easy; strained common to good, 33.uu4l3.o8. SAVANNAH, Jun 34.-OIL8 Turpentine firm st fcS- ROB I N Firm ; A, B. C. 32 66; D. 3i5; E, 81 7u; F. 32 76; O. Ii 80, II. 13.00; M, 13 45; N, t3 9t; W. W., 84 86. OIL CITT, Jun 34 OILS Credit bal aucoe, fl.67; crUflcate, ne bid. 4tUipmuU, 5S.1.13 bbls ; average, 84.040 bbls.; run. 91.481 M1.; average, 7e.H bhln. Shipments, 14'na, M.ozl bbls.; average, bide, ; runs, Lima, Aio4 bbls.; aval age. sD.itja bbls. OMAHA IA IIULKSALK MARKJBTS Coadltloa ot Trad aad Qaotatloaa a Stspl aad Faaey Prod. EOOS Receipt, liberal; market, steady! fresh candied stork, Htlloc; case count, 13c L1VK 1-OULTKY Hens. 8c; roosters, according to slse, 6V00; lurks, Uc; duck, MjSc, geese, 6c; brullera l418c. BUT! KR Packing stock. 11c; rhote t fancy dairy, 121j14'T separator, 17jl8o. KHKSli FISH Trout, loc; pickerel. 8o, loc; perch, 7c; blueflsh; 12c; whlteflnh, 4c; sslmsn. 14c; rdnppr, lie; lobster, freen, 2oc; lobster, boiled. 30c; bullhead. 1C; cat Hah. 14c; blsck bass, 30c; halibut. 10c; crapples. Uc; ro shsd, 11.00; buffalo, 8c; while bass, llo. frog leg, par do , 36a BRAN Per ton. 119 Ou. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 uplxnd. 37 60; No. 8. 37.00; medium.,'; coarse, 84 00. Rye straw, 8n.60. These prices ais for hay of good color and quality. Uemand fair and receipts light. ORANGES Navels, choice, large alia, 33oo; fancy navel, all sltt-a 33.60; Mediter ranean sweet choice, sll sixes, 33.0iV3l ssffas, ail size. ZZ lbitm. TROPICAL. FRUITS. LEMONS California fanes, 170-300-14)0, 83.76434 26; cho'ce, 83&'i)3 76. CALIFORNIA FIOS Pel 10-lb. carton, 60c; imported Smyrna, l--rown, Uo; 6 ctown, I4r; 7-crosm, lie. BANANAS Per medium-slsed . bunch, 32.ifi2SO; i.imbo, 32.7jljJ.2b. DATES I'ersinn. per box tif 30 pkg.. 32.00: In 40-lb. boxe4. 60 per io.j Oriental stuffed, per box, 32.40. PINEAPPLES In crates of 24 to 43. per crate, 33.004j3.J6. FRUITS. RASPBERRIES Per 24 qts., 32.00; per 34 pt., 3160. , i...,viiERRIES Arkansas, psr 34 at 32.00. c.iERRIES California. Royal Ann or Tartarian, per vox. 41.duu1.5; southern, per 24 qts., 11.26. Hume grown, per 24 qia, 3J.00. OOOSEBERRIE8-26-qt. case, 31i0. PEACH Ivs Texas, per 4-baskl 1 crata, 31.00; California Alexandra, per box, 31.1. I'LUMS-Callfoi nla Clyman. 31-16. APRICOTS Calllornia, 3150. CANTELOi;pJ Xsxas. per crate, 32.60(3 WATERMELONS Per lb., crated, 101 each, 3ojH0c. VEOETABJ.E8. POTATOES Colorado, 31.J0; Dakota, per bu., 81.20; New Texas Red stock, in sack a per lb., 2Sc NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.16126. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lh. crate, 3100; Louisiana, in sucks, per lb., 2S4. CABBAGE California, per lb.. 2SQ2S& CAULIFLOWER Per dox.. 75c CUCUMBERS Per dog, 60c. TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crates, U.00, RA D1KHK8 Per dox. bunches. 200 LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dos.. 300. TURNIPS Southern, per dos.. 260. BEETS Southern, per dos., 2oC. CARROTS Southern, per dox., 36c PARSI.KY-Per dos., iVlc. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, 31.00; per H bu. basket, 75a; string, per bu. box, 32. ou; per S hu. box, 76o. , SPINACH-Per bu., home grown. 36 40c, ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunches, 40o. OREEN PEPPERS Per 4-basket Crat. 32.00. SQUASH Florida summer, per dos., TSe. PEAS Per bu. box, 31. Or. EGG PLANT Southern, per dox., 31.50. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10a HIDES No. 1 green, Sc; No. 3 green, eel No. 1 salted, 7Vc; No. 2 salted, 6Sc; No. 1 vsal calf, 8 to 12 Iba, So; No. 3 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., Sc; dry salted. Stfltc; sheep pelts, 244i 27c: horsehldes, 3168.(0. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twlnr. full cream, llo! Wisconsin Toung America, 12c: block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13Sc. Wiscon sin llmbergir, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16o; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft oholL. ptr lb., 13c; No. 8 hard abU, per lb., 12c( pecan, large, per lb., 12o; small, psr lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb, 4c; rosstsd peanuts, per lb. 8-?; Chill wslnuts, 12618Sc; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almond, aoft shell, per lb., 16c: hard shell, 13c; shll barka, psr bu., 3100; black walnuts, psr bu., 31.2. Matal Market. , NEW TORK, June 24. METALS Th London tin market showed another slight Improvement, with spot closing at 119 6 and futures at 118 17a 6d. The local mar ket responded to the advance with a slight gain, though demand showed no apprecia ble Improvement. Spot 1 quoted at 326.0'd) 28.46. Copper was a little easier In London, closing at 68 13s 9d for spot and 64 12s 44 for futures. The local market la quoted firm at 112..S12.75 for spot, n3.6013.o2S for electrolytlo and 3H12S13.26 (or cast ing. Lead advanced to JU 10s for spot Irk London, but remained quiet and unchanged here at 84 204J4.SO. Spelter cloeed at S4 tVn 4.87S In New York, -or net unchanged, while London was a little higher, at xZt ts 6d. Iron closed at 61 3d in Glasgow and at 92a 9d in Middlesborough. Locally Iron I unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern la quoted at 814.6oiEri5.00. No. 2 foundry north ern at 313.6tKD'14.25. No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at li.254S 13.75. ST. LOUIS. June 14. METALS Lead un changed at 84.10. Spelter, higher at 84.4. Sagrar aad Molasses. NEW TORK, June 24. SUGAR Raw, strong; fair refining. 3 7-16c; oentrlfugal, 98 test, 8 15-16c; molasses sugar, 3 S-l6c; refined, firm: crushed, I.660; powdered, 5.060 ; granulated, 4 98a. NEW ORLEANS, Juhe 21 SUGAR strong; open kettle, 2St(3 8-lfic; open ket tle, centrifugal, 8'fI4S; centrifugal whites, 4S'!7NtSc; yellows, 3SH 6-16c; seconds, 2S9 3Sc Whisky Market. flvrtVMlTI JnriA 94 WHISKY Dis tillers' finished goods, steady, on baa Is ot 81 28 PEORIA, Jun 24 -WHISKT-On basis st CHICAGO. June 24. WHISKT Steady, on basts of 31.28. ST. LOUIS. Jun 34. WHISKT BtdT at 31.32S- Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Jun 24. COFFEE Thg market for futures opened steady at un changed prices to a decline of 5 points. Sales, Including the switches. 1 were re ported of 84.7"iO bags, Including July at 8.75c; September, 6c; December, S.3Sc March. 6V(T 66c: May, .80c. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record June 24 as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: Omaha Realty company to Ouxtnv ' F. Epeneter, lot 8, block , Poppleton park I 800 John Larson to Mary Larson, lots 20 and 21, block 14. Halcyon Heights.. 1 George M. Hasard, executor, to George M. Hasard. lot 21 and part of lot 2, block 1, Donrnan Place too Velora A. Treby and husband to Thomas H. Bower, lots 7 to 12, block 80, George H. Hogg' add 1 Robert O. Fink, treasurer, to Alice M. Craig, loU 1 to 6, block 1, Blftln Place , Tax deed William O, Bartholomew to Theophllu 8. Rice, lot 18. block i, Potter 4 obb's add. ' I William G. t're and wife to Harry Marowlts, part lot 4, blouk 261. city.. 1,700 Frank La McCoy et a! to Eugene JX Smith, lots 1 and 3, blo-k 82. Florence 400 Omaha Realty company to Hulda Catherine Martin, lots 4 to 7, River view 1,800 George W. Medlock and wife to Henry A. Morrison and wife, lot 6, block 16, Omaha Heights KM Ekdwlu-d M. Weilman and wife to tJamuel J. Cuslck, lot 4, Pruyn's sundiv j. l&Q 3. Frank Emmet to Emma J, Case, lot 13, replat of block 6, Be mis Park 1 William A. Case and wife to J. Frank Rmnu'tt, same 1 GOVERNMENT KOTICKS. PROPOSALS FOR BOILER HOU8W. Boilers, etc. Iiepartment of the Inte rior, Office of Indian Affair, Washington, D. C., Jun it, l!o4. fealed proposals, en dorsed "Proposals for Boiler House, fin., Genoa, Nebraska," addresB4xl to the Com mlssloner of Indian AJTalrs, Waahlnjrton, D. C, will be received at the Indian OfTlc until two o'clock p. m. of Thtjsday, July 11, 1904, for furnishing and delivering all necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete a boiler house, with plumbing, piping, boiler, engine, dynamo, etc., at the Genoa Indian School, Nebraska, In strict accordance with 4h plans, specifications, and instruction tn bidder, which may be examined at this Office, the offices of the "Improvement Bulletin," Minneapolis, Minn:; Construc tion New," Chicago, 111.: "The Bee." Omaha, Neb.; the "Nebrtmka State Jour nal," Unooln, Neb.; the "Globe-Democrat. " ft. I.oiila, Mo.; the Buildora and Trader Exchanges st Omaha, Neb Milwaukee, Wis.; St. Paul, Minn.; at th Northwestern Manufacturers' Association. Ht. Paul, Minn.; ths Commercial Exchange, De Mulnea, Iowa; at the U. 8. Indian Ware houses. o2 South Seventh St., kit. Louis, Mo.; 2od South Canal St., Chicago, 111.- ai( Howard St., Omaha, Neb.; and 119 Wooster Ht . New Tork City: and at the S hool. For further Information, apply to W. 1L Wlnnlow Superlutendnnt, Indian School, Genoa, Nebraska. A. C. TONNklft, AcUng Coiumlssiuuer,