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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1904)
8 fllE OMAHA DAILY IJEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 23. 100. Get Them While They Last Men's and Bovs' Four-riy Linen CollarsNo such values ever be fore seen in Omaha Sf! at, each kJ What Do You Think of This? Griffin, Ideal, Monarch and Oak Brands Shirts an Immense line, all sires, latest patterns, regular 75c to $1.50 2 Sc values Saturday aw cJ w s IUUV TUB HELUHLE ITOIIE. THB RELIABLE! STOHE. THE REI.IABI.K ITU RE. E avmf AVfil iuM Pews ULSaVtA U IZJ m . i BARGAINS IN LADIES' FURNISHINGS 10e Lad lee Veata lOa. Sleeveless and ahort sleeved with lace and fancy yoke; all sties, IOC 28c Lisle Vesta 15c. This Is a snap. Don't miss It. SOe Ladle' Knit Pants 2.1c. Fin Lisle thread, trimmed with Torchon lace, ail alzea. 25c at , SHa Children's Veata and Panta 12 1-2 Odd lot that we must dispose Of before Inventory. Don't miss It. BOe Coraet Covere 2Sc. Trimmed' with fine lace and embroidery, worth 39c to 60c, OEr choice , . aSOW Clearing Sale of Low Shoes All Qxfords and Slippers at less than re gular prices. . Wa do not wish to carry ver any of this season's Oxfords and 'Slippers, so have marked all down within reach of YOUR pocketbook. . Women's 12.60 and $3.00 Oxfords and Juliets biack-r-men s W.36 Unen aais (very coou Bala Brooks Bros.' $3.00 and $3.60 Welt and Turn calf and vlcl '. lien's $3.60 Corona colt and Arabian colt Bala ' Turn or Welt Shoes... Men's $2.60 and $3.00 Calf or Vici Kid . Oxfords ,., Child's 86c 5:8 patent Roman "trap Sandals Strap slippers child's $1 S:8 sumple Shoes, Canvas Shoes... Youths' Tennis Oxfords SATURDAY ONLY Misses' $2.26 Chrome Patent Calf ......... v DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS ALL DAY IN OUR TWO BIO SHOE DEPART MENTS. Bole agents for the STETSON, CROSSETT and JOHN MITCHELL Shoes for men and the ULTRA and OROVER shoes for women. . No trouble to wear these shoes, as they are made to FIT your feet. We carry the biggest line of GROVER hoes west of Chicago. , See Them Saturday ; . ' Those fine Festoon Decorated Dinner Sets, direct importation from L.. Barnard & Cie, Limoges, France, Sets not as good as these, sell for $30.00 to $35.00. These sets on sale i Q Q C tomorrow,' at ..... . C You must see them to appre ciate their beauty. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA ', -i looaevtH and Fi'ibn'ii Club it Already Organised for Campaign. REPUBLICANS GET ACTION ON FORMATION B. E. Wilcox Chairman af Tessperary ' Orsaafaattoa, Walch Will Be Com plate ' at Jorgveaaea'a Hall - Xext Taeeday. Evealngt. Between twenty-five snd thirty stalwart republicans met at the omce of B. E. Wilcox, tut N street, last evening and organised the Roosevelt and Fairbanks Re publican club of Sputh Omaha. Temporary officers were elacted as follows: B. K. Wilcox. . chairman; E, ' I Gustafson, sec retary, . and Frank J. JQne.s. treasurer. One vice president was chosen from each ward and here is the list: nrst ward. A. H. Murdock; Second ward, Frank Koutsky; Third ward, 3.' C, Bowley; Fourth ward, William McCralth; Fifth ward, Frank Ma aura; Sixth ward, W. B. Vansant. A com mittee composed of J.' J. Dally, William McCralth and T. E. Jones was appointed to look around and secure a hall for per manent headquarters during the campaign. At the suggestion of Mr. Jones the chair man was requested to appoint a commit tee en constitution and bylaws. These were named by Chairman Wilcox: Patrick I. Tralnor, Joseph Koutsky, B. R Leigh. At the request of those present the chair man was added to this committee. The next meeting of the club will be held at Jorgenaon's hall,' southeast corner of Twenty-fifth and N ' streets, on Tuesday evening, June TS. General satisfaction was manifest at the result of the convention la Chicago, and everyone who attended the Fooling the Feoplo Abmhaat Lhvola .it you ran ftxl nmn il all the tiioe. tm eaa foul II ihs people soaie- Bat yea eaaaot f vol all tae po le aU Ue Utae. THE OELL Goihos mm t.i ere the eoffaee that ur by all the fopU all the time. A.k your nwr tor U BUL ..uni ikae Cullov . ttutux-t to iun.4 BiH iuHiloui.1. It i him I. your liua't. If v lunre, A.k lur U. O. rull)aJM ta Hm rl(t, I iu. ur Inrnti b i.i ml l 40 rts.lur liu timt kt kit tu., feautw al ga tif.t sue du aut luat lu-cr ItCO CHACON TEA, IJ1U4 JAAM TO ItUtt TAftLK Corset Clearing Sale 75c Tape Girdles 39c Ladles' anil misses" Girdles, In white, pink, blue and drab a great HQc nap at w Ladies' Straight Front Corsets Dip hip, hose eispporters attached 4QC Dr. Warner's Rust Proof Corsets $1.00 Supporter attached, front and aide we have these Coraeta in extra large alaeg (or (tout figures. G D Corsets at $1.00 Girdle top, with Princess hip and hoee upportere attached a large line of reg ular O. D. Coraeta at $1.00 and up. Accurate Fitting a Specialty. f-T.OO Underskirts 1.0O. Made of finest cambric, trimmed with deep ruffle of solid row of Insertion, embroidery, Valenciennes and linen Tor chon laces, your cbolee, CH Saturday . I.UU t'nsorpassed Hosiery 25c to SOc ladles' black and fancy hose, at, pair 19c Ladles' fine lisle thread hose, In black and fancy colors, worth up to 11.00 special Saturday, at, pair V" 28c children's black drop stitch hose, at 15c lo Children's light and heavy ribbed fast black bicycle hose, all sixes, 12JC misses' 11.25 and $1.60 Slippers, red or nine geni s i.ou tan can ... Oxfords patent kid, patent . women's $3.00 tan and black . 1 98c 1.98 1.96 1.69 child's $1.00, 8:11 Patent or kid button or lace misses' $1.00 fCir VI 40c 1.59 . Drug Department Specials v An excellent Perfume at " rx .. ounce , VW 10c EKftVern. .f !? ?.r.!!!1-,ar - 60c Etpue'M.! Dr. Graves' Tooth ............ Powder ..I2C Kirk's Oatmeal, Honey and ' "si Glycerine Soap cake d jC R"tr's Violate Cerate 50c meeting predicted the election of Roosevelt and Fairbanks. rtevlsed Brand Book. Claude L. Talbot, chief brand inspector at the stock yards here for Wyoming, has received the new brands listed at the Wyo ming cattlemen's convention held at Cheyenne in AprlLMr. Talbot Is now en gaged and will be for some days In copy ing the brands Into his office books and also Into the books used by the men In the yards here nnder him. Mr. Talbot said last night that aU this work would be completed long before any big runs Of range stuff commenced to arrive,' and that the force here would be familiar with all of the new brands filed and accepted by the association at Its last annual meet ing. Mr. Talbot aald that he looked for a big run of cattle from the Wyoming ranges to this market during the fall and early winter. , 'Last Besafoa Today. - Today is the last session of the Board of Review. At 6 o'clock this afternoon the board will close Its doors and cease to hear complaints. As soon as the doors are closed the members of the board will proceed to act on the complaints and ren der a decision In cases not already acted upon. Yesterday the Omaha Cattle Loan company filed a remonstrance, alleging that It should not be taxed here, aa the stock of the eompsny la held In the eaat. The complaint was similar to the one filed with the city council some time ego. Clay, Robinson & Co., live stock commission dealers, also filed a protest, taking prac tically the same grounds. Other corpora tions slso remonstrated. Today Is ths day when it i Is expected the corporations not already complaining will come in. As matters stand now there Is no telling what the valuation will be when the Board of Review gets through Its work. As turned In by the tax commissioner the valuation was little orer -Still Outage I p. The packers have given the retail butch ers another Jolt on pork loins. Retail prices for loins now are 10 and UH cents. The former price Is for whole pieces and the latter where the butcher has to make cuts. All smoked meats have advanced 1 cent a pound, Mutton Is axtremely scarce. The retail pike Is 11 cents for mutton and 15 cents per pound for lamb chopa. Porter house steak la held at 10 cents per pound, with but few calls this kind of weather. Rtall butchers hire say that trade In fresh meat has fallen off greatly within the last two or three weeks, and they do not look fur any Improvement until there Is either a drop in prices or a drop in temperature. Dealers In fresh vegetables assert that they have all (hey can do to aupply the demand. None of the South Omaha puck ers appear willing to even Intimate when the prlcea of pecking house products will be lowered. Plaaalae; Aaetaev peaool Ballelag. It la aeeorted on what is considered good authority that no more attempts will be made to enlarge the Llucpln school build ing. Some time ago bids for an extension to this building were advertised for, but when opened the Board of Education re jected all of the bide and directed the sec SATURDAY t. SPECIALS IBe Chilton Stock Collar Foundation, ftlr on sale Saturday each VlfW 80c Ladles' Fancy lOr Neckwear Iw "on??.8' 50C 25o8tocklnet Dress Shields IOC ll.oo Fancy Ribbons OCn per yard AJV A NEW DEPARTURE We have a complete stock of Natural Hair Pompadour Rolls regular fi.60 article all colors on sale Saturday 25C J5c All Bilk Veiling"" ' "71 at , itw 0o All Silk RIbbone n per yard , IUC J6c,t 85a and SOc ladles' Belts lQc SATURDAY, GREAT BARGAINS IN WOMEN'S GARMENTS. Waists, Skirts, Ran? Coats, Children's Dresses. Manufacturer's Stock ot Rain Coats, from Goldstone & Co., 5th Ave., N. Y. Extra Special Hayden Bros, make big purchase of rugs at lowest prices yet. We got in before prices were adjusted for the season by the leading' manufacturers, and are going to give our customers the benefit. .' ! . ' ' "" . ' Monday, June 27, xll-Wilton velvet rugs the $26.00 kind Monday r 17.50 -$xlO- Royal Axmlnster rugs sv sri $26.00 klndr-Monday "ou 9x12 Royal Axmlnster ru $27.60 kind-Monday .... 19.00 No miter seams all regular woven rugs desirable designs and colorings new fall etyles Call and see. them. We have the goods." retary to return the certified checks ac companying the bids. Although plans for the extension were drawn 'the understand ing Is that they, will not be used. The statement was made yesterday that instead of enlarging the Lincoln school a new eight-room schooihouse will be built In some ; locality east of Twenty-fourth street in order to relieve the congestion at Lincoln school. By constructing an en tirely new building pupils living east of Twenty-fourth street will not be compelled to cross the tracks to the school and will be much nearer home. This plan of con structing a new building Instead of enlarg ing the Lincoln school seems to meet with considerable favor among members of the board and those who have looked into the matter. Temperance Valoa Coaveatlon. Saturday the Woman's Christian Tem perance union of Douglas county will hold Its annual convention at the Methodist Episcopal church. Twenty-third and N streets. This convention is to be called to orde.' at 10 a. :n. Everyone attending Is Invited to bring a basket and Join In a luncheon at noon. The afternoon session will be called to order at 1:30 o'clock, when n Interesting program will be rendered A contest for the Demoreat medal will be held In the evening. The following will contest for the medal: Dora Curfman, Earl C. Clark, Margaret Preiss, Gladys Van Bant, Marlon Dennla, Mabel Ingram and Jay Smiley. Muslo for the evening will he furnished by the Omaha Male quartet. No admission will be charged. Sunday evening will be devoted to a maas meeting, when addresses will be delivered by Mrs. EL M. Covell of Omaha, Rev. R. L. Wheeler of South Omaha and Dr. F. M. Lankton of Omaha. , Wsr4 Boaadary Llaes. Chairman Adklns of the special committee-appointed to rearrange the ward lines, said last evening that the committee had completed a preliminary sketch. "This sketch will be materially changed before a report Is made to the city council," he said. "We have.'as a committee, practicably decided upon ths lines for two wards. This leaves us four wards yet to determine the boundaries. It Is the Intention of the com mittee to keep at work on this matter every, day until the time for a final show ing. A report will be made to the city council on July I by the committee and until the report Is ' filed the exaot boun daries will not be known." Lotas Clab Oatlasj. Elaborate preparatlona are being made for the annual outing of the Lotus club, i i i i .1 m For Children, Too. Mf. Wiley Hunt. Ennis. Texas. wrAeei We ave Drake's Palmetto Wine to two cblldrea be vera afflicted wlia bed welllus. Two bottle I of brakes Pluivtu Wloe cured UU. It is now a Bionin siuro ibey look lb last oi toe wine aod do return of ibrir trouble. 1 told e neighbor who b4 a til lid troubled m wy wbl tbe win did for ourcbtldreo. Tbey ol a bottle of Priik Psiiuetio Win and in one week tbelr tMd b4 no more trouble with bed writing-. Tlx Urk formula 'oaiwnr. lrk KiilKlu., CMrefo. Ill . will sud a Iriul bolus of Uruk a Paluieuo Win free aid prepaid lo anj rriuirr of I a jpoiwr wbo wUliee lo lest lrke'a 1 aH Bieiie Wiue wiiaoul mhM A trial bolil rieucum. OrioouMsaar will eureawji buMkiat r iuieie livable to ever carea, As a Special for Saturday We havo secured 300 Solid Leather "Suit Caees worth up to tin at ridiculously low prices and will sell them Saturday choice $4.98 DON'T MISS THIS SNAP. WOMEN'S CRAVENETTE COATS $8 98. All the newest styles and colors, mde to sell for $15 and flR I hey are truly de serving of your attention t Oft Choice Saturday U.VO $1.60 CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES 49c. The entire stock of a manufacturer who was hnrd pressed for money, we are not permitted to use ills name these gar ments are actually worth up to ACr $1.60 our. special price Vl WAISTS, WAISTS, WAISTS. Another tremendous shipment from NA TIONAL WAIST CO. Broadway N. Y. . All colors and white, frtmmed with tuck. Insertion and embroidery, most '10r remarkable values ever offered, at. ""w THE SEASON'S BEST BARGAINS. Beautiful waists in all styles, including the bertha lace yoke, lace trimmed sleeves, they are certainly well worth $2.50 0r to $3.60 special for Saturday . $6.00 WAISTS AT $2.50. ' Ambrose A Co. stock, 3rd avenue, N.' Y. Japs, taffetns, linens, lace, organdies, the most beautiful garments ever of fered at the price. . 2.50 your choice Saturday FROM 8:30 TILL 9 A. M. Women's lawn klmo.ias In dark colon., at 25c '49c FROM 7:30 TILL 9:30 P. M. Women's lawn and calico wrap persat , Startling Rug Prices. Begins Sales from the t 9x1$ wool top -Brussels rug " 0 Rfl the $18.50 kind MCNida ., Ai. 9X1$ famous Shlroz 'rugs same ' on both sldes-the $3).00'klna SC nfl Monday . ...... . 8-3x10-6 best body n Brussels, rugs woven through and throiwn . . 0 0 Rfl $27.60 kindr-Monday;,,'. OU which will be held n Thursday, June 80. The club will go to Manawa by special motor, trains leaving Twenty-fourth and B streets at 1:15' p. nu- sharp. At the lake there is to be ' boating, fishing, bathing, dancing and a dinner at the pavilion. The party will be mad up of about twenty five couples. ' . , Clothing? Sale at Half Price end Less, Genuine bargain kale In clothing, shoes, hats and men's furnishing goods are not so common in South Omaha that you can afford to miss this one. Nothing but the weather Is responsible for It; there was no spring and the consequences are that toward the end of the season we still have le;ft an Immense stock of merchandise that must be sacrificed. That's the story In a nutshell. It's-the strongest sale we have ever held. We never before had the chance to sell such splendid goods, at such low figures. We not only offer them at less than others sell for cash, but 'w make purchases 'easy by1 extending" long-time credit If you desire' It. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES: B0 dos. shirts, ! collars and cuffs, worth 76c, on sale Saturday 2o 160 dos. men's underwear, in two colors, pink and blue,, worth 75c a garment, on sale Saturday ...89c 260 suits, worth. 115.00, on sale Satur day , 9.50 All-wool pants, latest style, worth 13.00, on sale Saturday 11.85 Oxford shoes, worth 12.50, on sale Satur day $1.49 PIONEER CLOTHING CO., 1515 N Street. , South Omaha, Neb. Magle City Gossip. Arthur Tagg has returned from a ten days' stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Fred- Fushard has returned from Colfax, la., where he spent a couple of weeks. Frank Dolesal left yesterday for North Platte, Neb., to be gone for a few days. Mary A. Pollock has secured a permit for the erection of a dwelling at Twenty seventh and C streets. Myles E. Welsh writes friends from Ex celsior Springs that the baths are doing him a greet deal of good. . ' John . Gallagher, Twenty-fifth and D streets, is confined to his apartments after an operation for appendicitis. The funeral services over the remains of Prank Benda will be held thla forenoon at the Bohemian Catholic church. Rev. Irving P. Johnson of St. Paul, Minn., will occupy the pulpit at St. Martin's Epis copal church on Sunday, June 26. Mr. William A. Jones has been elected delegate to the grand lodge by Superior loilga No. IDS, Degree of Honor. Fred Melcher la in Ban Franclaco. He write his father that he met Ed Johnaon out there, and the latter said that he was looking for a place to local. Mr. Melcher will remain on the coast until August 1. A telephone meSsHge was received at police hexdquarleis from Albright yester day stating that the Rock Island event was being held up. Chief lirlKg answered the call and found that the Keni waa merely having an altercation with a young msn. These blrtha were reported yeaterday: J, W. Hliumwuy. Fifteenth and W streets, daughter; A, J. Thompson, 2ol North Twenty-sixth etreet, daughter; C L. - Larson, Twenty-sixth and county line, daughter; Robert Parks, Sixteenth and Missouri are nu. sun. Howard Wiley, I years of ag, I quar antined at tit North 'Jwenty-ihlrd street with s case of amalloox. The lad was sent B me from an Omaha hospital a week ago afisr undergoing an operation. It la Inltrreil that he conlracloa Ut OJSteBe wtill la the hospital Special Announcement Monday w Imjuratt our Stml-Annutl Prt'lnvtntorj Silt ot Sllki. This occasion is eagerly looked forward to by our many patrons because they know at no other time of year can they secure such wonderful bargains. Cost cuts do flgure--its simply a question of unloading before in ventory so prepare for the greatest Clearing Sale of Silks Omaha has ever known. Descriptions and prices in Sunday's papers. SKIRTS, SKIRTS. SKIRTS Entire stock of Golden. Brauni Co. $ WALKING SKIRTS AT $2.95. All wool etamlnes, Sicilians and many other fabrics, in plain colors and neat mixtures, with strap seams, , t QC worth up to $8, Saturday WOMEN'S WALKING DRESS SKIRTS. in Panamas, Sicilians, cheviots, broad cloths, serges, etc., In checks, stripes, plaids and plain colors, worth up CL t to $10 choice Saturday v" ELEGANT DRESS SKIRTS Voiles, Panama, etc., trimmed with sev eral rows of taffeta, the most elegant garments shown this season Q Qfl worth $15.00 to $20.00 at O.VU BEAUTIFUL WASH SUITS, $5, $3.98, $2.96. About one-fourtli thlr actual value those who waited till now surely have the chance of a lifetime. Don't fail to see these suits at $5. (JO O flft $3.98 and VO SILK SUITS, SILK SUITS. Most handsome weaves, elegant in design, most stylish colors, $18.50, f if $15.00, $12.00 and We show twice aa many suits as any other house. BARGAINS IN WOOL SUITS. . Here Is where the best values can be seen, , suits that were sold for $40, $30 CL W and $20, now, $15, $10 and O.UU FROM 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M. " $1.50 women's percale wrappers $1.00 $2.00 moiro underskirts $1.00 $2.00 crepe kimonas, satin trimmed. ...$1.00 Women's light lawn wrappers, worth up to S3.00-at $1.60 Great Purchase. 6x9 wool top Brussels rug the $1Q.OO kind-Monday ... . , ; i . a . -9x9 woo) loop Brussels rug-" the $12.60 kind Monday .7,25 10.00 7 9x10 wobl top Brusssels rng tne it.uu nina oaonaay ... WORK OF THE CONFERENCE Elder Jeaniojt Reports an Dolngt of ths Delegattt at Lot Angeles. HOW OMAHA LOST A BISHOP'S RESIDENCE Aniultloa of Des Moines Divides the Vote a ad Left Both Cities Oat , la the Cold When Coant Wae Made. . Members of Hanecom Park Methodist Episcopal church listened to a very In structive and entertaining address In the church parlors laat night by Rev. J. W. Jennings, presiding elder of the Omaha district. It related to a few of the many changes made in the rules governing the church at the Los Angeles general confer ence recently held. 1 .. . After describing the rules governing the place of residence of the bishops of the church, the speaker said: "The matter came up in the general conference as to whether we should district bishops. It was doclded that the districting of bishops would destroy their Itinerary, which It was the taeslre, as was proven by the vote cast, to preserve. Under the present rules the general conference is. estopped from destroying tbelr itineracy, and It can only be done by a change In the constitution in the tegular way. Bishop McCabe petitioned the committee on episcopacy to leave him without an official residence, and he thus unintentionally weakened tbe ; case of Omaha in securing tbe location of a bishop In this city. How Omaha Lest Bishop. "Three of us went before the committee and Insisted that Omaha be continued as an official residence, but Des Moines en tered the contest for the location of an official residence and divided tbe vote, which resulted In both cities being left In the race. There were 184 votes cast. New York received tbe highest number out of sixteen cities to be chosen with lsV The city which stood lowest In ths list having a majority of the votes cast was Buffalo with 131. Omaha secured eighty-one votes and Des Moines fifty-seven. Had the Des Moines vote been cast with Omaha, U would have given us 111 votes, which would have been greater than that given Buffalo and we would consequently have been designated as an official residence. After the vote was counted Dee Moines waa willing to reconsider, but It was too late." Dr. Jennings explained that the five superannuated bishops retired were allowed fell pay for a period of six months after their retirement and thereafter half pay, amounting to 12,360 par year, for the reet of their Uvea. He expressed the belief that the members of the conference ahould not be designated as cruel, under the oJr cumstanees of retirement, as had been In timated by some. He also explained that members who are on trial by the church no longer have the right of appeal to the quarterly conference, but that each quar terly conference will hereaftar choose one official trier who will hear auch cases, and Ladies' Kayser tJtw klhi-Tv VnBt!i yy "Mir Great Values Saturday IN Men's Furnishing Department 8ft e Men's Fancy nose 8 l-3o. Several sample lines of Men's Fancy Hose, great variety of patterns, in black and colors, worth up to S9c, qi at, pair OfrC f 1.60 and S2.00 Men's Shirts fH. i Our entire line of Men's Fine Madras Shirts, In t $1.60 and $2. Ehlrts, In bRaket weaves, worth QQn t.w, at , v 25c to BOe Fonr-ln-Hand Ties IS l-2e. 1,000 dozen Men's 46 Inch Ties and Midget Bows, In all the new and up-to-date paf . terns. Bell regularly for 25c to 60c, your choice Saturday Mb We Retail Groceries to the Con sumer at Wholesale Prices. Headquarters lor Fresh Fruits, Etc. W bars best Jjeundry Soap for. 85o w-ib. sack High Patent Minnesota Flour n.20 Large sacks Cornmenl 12V4o Good Japan Rice, per lb 8V0 X Celo, Vigor. Vim, Malta Vita, Egg- O-See, Nutrlta cr Force, per pkg 7ftc Finest Pearl Tapioca, Farina, Sago or Barley, per lb.; $40 Fancy Alaska Salmon, per can 9o Oil Sardines, per can 4c The beat Corn Starch, per pkg o Beat bulk Laundry Starch, per lb $Hc The best Macaroni, per pkg 8Vso $ bars Wool er Armour's White Soap... JOo Large bottles Pickles, any kind you want ..v, 8Vo Iarge bottles pure Tomato Catsup So t-Ib. can solid packed Tomatoes THo 8-1 b. can Koston Baked Beans 8o Your Eyes Hurt You? 'Bring them to our Optical Department and have them tarefully attended to. ALWAYS THE LOWEST PRICES. nine of these triers shall compose a court of appeal. Doctorate for lie v. Ciasell. Following the address the speaker pre sented Clyde Clay Clssell. pastor of the Hannrom Park church, with a diploma from Missouri Wesleyan university carry ing the degree of doctor ot divinity. e remarked that It Is customary where a pastor has filled a term of efficient and conscientious service extending over a period of five yeara with one church, as Pastor Ciasell. has. done, to give him a token of the regard and esteem in which the members hold him, and It was for those reasons, and the further reason that the ability of Rev. Dr. Clssell entitled him to the diploma that it was given. Rev. Dr. Clssell thanked those present In a few brief remarks for the hoi:o conferred. DRINKS ACID TO END HER LIFE Marie Allan Tires of Her Miserable ICxIatenee and Commits suicide. Marie Allan, a young woman living at 18 Capitol avenue, committed suloide last night by drinking carbollo acid. Acoordlng to the story told by her neigh bors. It seems that the girl and her lover A cup in the morning Is the most appetizing, wholesome, refreshing breakfast . any one can make. Alwayi frti a turmetieatly HoUi can. EmCffiLlE Silk Gloves All shades. Paris Point stitching at nri- $l.on, 7f and OUW LADIES' SILK GLOVES also Mltis-the most complete line Kflr .tilLDREN'S LISLE GLOVES In all shades Of. at i Ow Special values In ladies' Lisle Gloves 50C & 25c - The Most Complete Line of Para Q sols and Umbrellas In the City . . .. Dili, 1 I. I. nl.Jn and fancy colors, at $1 2o and..'....."J Al! Silk Umbrellaji-a handsome 1 DQ line at up from $2.60 and a.J Foncy Parasols an Immense va- (5f rlety of colors at up from.. :.. "-"- Children's Fancy Parasols lOc up from k. ...... OUR Ttto Men's Balhrlttaan I'nierwtw Be. An elegant line genuine French Of- Balbrlggan Underwear, at OVW SOe Odd Shirts and Drnwers SSe. Art Immense tine In both plain and OBf, fancy colors, your choice fJl.OO Fnney Sospenders ItOe. Men's Fancy Suspenders, something extra fine, worth up to $1.00, 39c 2fto Linen Handkerchiefs Be. 600 dosen of themx-platn and fancy borders, worm up to znc, tne greatest E. values ever offered for. '1' w New York Ring Apples, per lb........... Ttto English cleaned Currants, per ib THo London Layer Raisins, per lb....,, TVio Large Italian Prunes, per !b 6o Fancy Muir Peaches, per lb... '.. To The very best full grass Creamery Bat ter, per lb JOo . OMAHA'S FRESH FRUIT HEAD QUARTERS. Delicious, lare, juicy Pineapples, each. 7fto Large, Juicy Seedless Lemons, $br dos.. lto Large, Juicy Sweet Oranges, per dos.... 12o California White FTga, per rkg ;.y 6a TEAS AND COFFEES. . , Good Rio Coffee, per lb '.12Ho ' Golden Santos Coffoe. rer lb.............. 16o H. B. C. Bpeclal Fiend, ir lb. ....I7Ho B. F. Japan, Oolong, E-.gllsh Break- - fast rr Sundrled Japan Tea, per lb...' t5o Choice Tea Sittings, per lb UVio wtty,mmmL Whun .: you oaa , buy' meats - here at ,un equaJled low prtoesT Umb Stew per pound $Ho Lamb Roastr-per pound 7Ho Lamb Legs per pound VO Val Stew per pound t 6VW Veal Roas; per pound to Spare Ribs per pound to Pork Roastper pound - To Pork Chops per pound 10o Boiling Beef per pound $Vio Pot Roost per pound la Sirloin Steak per pound UHa Porterhouse Steak per pound loo No. 1 Hams per pound 10o No. 1 Bacon per pound llo California-Hams per pound...1.". la Leaf Lord per pound 74q had a quarrel on Tuesday night, ' during which the man attempted to cut the woman's throat.' She was able to ward him off and managing to get the . knife, ; but him on the breast: Later, hearing that he was likely to get b'.ood poisoning, she bought the poison and went around among her friends,- bidding them farewell snd saying that she was going to kill herself. As she had been drinking - few paid any cttentton to her, but among these few was Florence Burnett; her nearest friend, ' who followed the girl, asking her to be reason able. Marie Allan ran from her to the house of Stella Dean at K(H4 Capitol ave nue. The Burnett wpma and Stella Dean tried to catch her. but tripped over each other, and before they could recover them selves she ran to a back room and swal lowed most of the contents of the bottle. Her friends grabbed the bottle from her, but It was too late, and she fell on the bed saying, "Girls, don't drink carbollo acid." The police surgeons were totlfled and In company with Dr. Decker and Dr. Lamer attempted to save her life, but with no success. Her friends say the girl's parents are well-to-do people In Wyoming, and that the girl herself ran away from a convent where she had been placed to get edu cated. Coroner Bralley took oharge of the remains and It Is expected that the in quest will be held this afternoon. iTTW MlMi s