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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1904)
1 ! 1 t i .1 SPECIAL NOTICES AdTtrliadiiruli Inr tkee rolasaas rlll be taken III IX for the enlB edltloa anil aalll ft p. for the moralaa; aad Buadar edltloa. Ratra, 1 l-2o a irwrtl flt laaertlou. J a, word taercaftcr. Kotlilns; taken for leas thaa SiOo lr lb lirst laner. tlon. These ailTertUcsueat maat roa eonaecatirely. Advertiser, by rriiaralliig a um bered check, can have immn ad dreaard to aamberud letter la care f The He. Aaarrera ao addreaaeal will bo delivered on1 presentation) of fc.SCELLANECUS SUMMER SCHOOL B O Y L E b HtHUUl Every day 1 an cm oilmen t day. 'iue Bread aid Butter (science are our specialties. -Penmanship, Practical Grammar, Kook- ke.eplng,.tieiurapuy, Toucu l wrl.liig, Call, write or 'phone for Information. 1L B huXLtLrt, t reJ., ' hew York LUe Blug. CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere, P. H. Phllbiu, 16i5 Kurnam nnd Opp. Union sta tion. Tela. 784 and lu,3. It 24 TRY KELLY'fl TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. 3o. K-12i rni n SILVER. NICKEL, TlaUng. Om. JJlU jflatiug Co., lvoo liiuney. 'lei. 2a3o, R CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accomodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R- "(30 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 1621 N. 16. Tel. 1779. R 231 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving nml storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1115. K-231 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON, In the Bee Bldg. R 235 BIUN palnUng. 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglaa. R 236 6PECTACLES, 11; examination .free; 0 days only. U. 8. Opticians, 308 N. loth. R 237 PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel 701, - H--3 II. W. U VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. 26th. Tel. J747. R-240 PAQTP We want every paperhanger In lf0 1 C Omaha to know our "Snow Flake" paste; guaianteed strictly flrst clans. Factory In charge of the roan who marlo Lincoln pasta famous. NEBR. STEAM PASTE CO., 'Phone J760. W N. 16th. R 424 BICYCLES1 BICYCLESI OMAHA LUCX CLE CO., Jbtu aad Chicago. R M3ui BARGAINS Uncalled for suits nnd correct troumr, 1517 Farnam, upxtalrs, room 5. Ask. for Porman. R-M3S4 SUES & CO., Patent Lawyers; advice free. Office: Bee building, Omuha. Neb.; 184 Dearborn at, Chicugo, 111... and 1003 F St., Washington, D. C. R-s Jy21 I fllPF? Stammering-end Stuttering. 1 VUrt: j. Vaughn, Ramge bid., Omaha K-M392 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 8. 11TH. ) 'PHONE 254. Why carry your willed linen? Our wagons call and. deliver same. Bills collected IDOOthly. R 222 IS Ws write Are Insurance. KENNY REAL EST. & INV. CO., 300 Bee Bldg. R M402 26 PACKARD, accountant, 410 Bee bldg. Tel. B-75X R 722 ARTIFICIAL. BTONB SIDEWALKS LOWEST, PRICES McWILLIAMS PROS. 431 PAXTON BLK, TEL. BS106. R FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ZD-IIAND safe cheap. Derigul. U18 Faruam, 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sberman A McCounell Drug Con Ouiaii. , Q M FOR SALE Several scholarship In a tirst-claas standard School in Omaha, comDrlamx comolele course In business. sioriliunu and typewriting. Inquire at ea oiuce. tat FOlt SALE Will sel lat a discount schol arship lu oue of the best Omafla business colleges. Jtauresa r is, cee. 14 junui TELEPHONE poles; long Ur Umbers; cuuap clucaen xence, wu uougiua. y M267 HOG, Poultry, Lawn. Farm and Railroad wire r tnes. vy ir woms, iui b. ittn au Tel. low, - - 14-Maii jy 2D-1IAND aaXe. Bwarta, Hatter, U4 8 13th. y ibt Jyl WE RENT Sewing machines. 7&o week. We rupalr and sell parts for every uiauhlue manufactured. . Beoond-hund machlnea from t.o0 to 110.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 16U3. . Corner 13th and Harney, MY diamond rlnB. lieap; In pawn at Dia mond Loan Oulce, ltul Douglas; they'll show you. y ioJ lull HALE New nuil second-hand auto tnoblln. If. V. Litcon, liauin Iron Co., 1 ...... ' t Vrfi FOK' 8ALE Solid oak' and mahogany top bank or 5nlilor'a fixture, tn good condl- tluu, at btugAin. Aooreaa o. w. Rose water, room luo. Be building. THK'iargest stock of DOG COLLAR FUR' N18ULNUS, WHIPS. SWEAT PADS. AXLE GKEA3K aid HAJlNiCSS OIL DItESlNOS in the atate of Nebraska at the STOCK 1AKO8 SADDLERY CO. J. O. lileualng, prop., 33-331 N. 2ith St., bouin uuuini. union Btiur. ij tuw BTEUER BUNS' 1'iano, in splendid con dition, only been uxed a short time, will Bell at a om oarguui. uuie--s, n J, lie. W 0 pOR SALE Cheap, numbering machine, Iook real, coiy noiurr anu letter scale, all In flrst-cltiee condition. lnuulre of V. E. Zimmerman, 811 N. Y, Life Biilg., car N. I. ur ins. L.O. y ni, PANAMA HATS. X hav a few real 1'aiiiima', which I bought In Central America; If ynu want one tall AT ONCE, room 41 u. o. Nat. Bank I Idx. or at my residence, 4031 lurd at. F. A HarrlHon. M 7(U b canopy top, gund condition; must be sold at once; numbering machine, book rest, copy holder and letter scale; si'. In A st rUm condition. - Inquir of E. E. 2l-nnier- man, six it. l.iiv iuk., cur f. s. iiie ln BILLIARD end pool table. 1407 Harney, .1 , y at.wi jya SHETLAND PONIES 43d and CenUr. 'Phone Ash-37041. U-MTii it FINH milch, Jersey cow for 3). 2f2 St M arsu y e. W r'r' FLORISTS Hi. US & SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam. 330 L. HENDERSON. 151 Farnutn. Send for pric list 6f cut flowers and planla.. 351 ALFRKI DON AG HUE, JR.. 107 Farnan, Iri. StU raj LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED P. MEIXHIOR. niachlu works. 1.1th and Howard. www JB, B. LAWRENCE. 17 Leavenwortt liUuo. Li; WANTD MALE HELP SUMMER SCHOOL Now open at the OMAHACOMMHRC1AL COLLEGE beveateentti ana Douglas. Students enroll every uay. We mM a specialty of all public rScnool, Buaine ami .surmtU Branches. Also Moruinm. 'lenuunii anu 'lelesrapny. Bend lor bummer bcnooi Announcement. HOllKBObUli bHUB. B 721 WAMKU FOK U. a. AKM Y Able-bodied unmarried men between ages oi a j la. alliens oi L nued ht-.tes, of ud character and temperate haults. who can tpeak, read and write aln.liili. r In formation apply to Recruiting" Officer, Utn and uougias out.. Omaha, or iJucoln. Neb. i Mt W. WANTED 5 men to work on brick yard and lender on brick buildings, iveaiiiai Lrick Kara Co., Lesliler. Nru. B M.fl SVMJRTH OF JULY. Wanted, sporta and amusement for BAtne. Address fepurting coramiiuo, Neb. B M310 2 WANTED, a tailor or bushelman to do cleaning, repairing- and pressing. P. o. box DJu, Bpearflsh. 8. Dak. B M622 Jyl OLNG MAN Business college student or graduate preferred from Omaha or vicin ity, to prepare for government position; good Slurry: deserving promotion. Box o7o, Cedar Rapids, la. B M437 tix WANTED Cash and Installment sales man. Apply to Mr. Zerkle, 1611 Farnam t. B M7u WANTED City salesman. C. Adams B 711 to., itu Howard at. WANTED Nonunion railroad telegrapher. Apply room 10, Victoria Uotei. B niH zox MAN, with family, for farm. 48d and Cen ter, rnone Aeh-704Z. uui . A GOOD POSITION alwavs ODen for a comDetent man. His difficulty is to find It We hav openings inr nign grade men or ill capacities executive, technical and clerical paying from $1,400 to 110,000 a year. Write for Plan and booklet. Offices In twelve cities HAPGOOPS (Incorporated), 614 Chemical building, St. Louis. B WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. nun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B M778 26x SALESMEN, experienced In sign and ad vertising novelty business; an attractive line for good men. Box 99, Akron. O. li M 119 ZdX WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tacic signs, etc.; no canvaaalng. Nation.! Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M775 28x LADY or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm or xzfio.nno carnal; salary (1,073 per year and expenses; paid weekly. Address with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Omaha, Neb. B M773 2Cx WANTED A bright young man, accurate jit figures, aa leaser clerk: must nave ex perience ana references. Aaaress i ne People's Store. B M74S 26 WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS. Canadian office, Kith and Dodge. u mu O. K. American, German employment office; oldest, moat reliable In Omaha, 1524 Dodge. C 377 J30X WANTED Girl for general housework. C M379 1518 Madison ave. WANTED At oncl, middle-aged woman as cook and housekeeper; small family. ii 8. 38th ave. C-80S WANTED A girl for general housework:. immediately. Mrs. u. ju. jecx. iui n. 25th St., South Omaha. C M748 SGxi WANTED, all-around laundress: must know how to operate combined shirt and collar Ifoner, in small steam laundry; permanent position; atate wages expected, address E. Remhart, Albion, Neb. O M7S4 M OFFICE GIRL WANTED Must be good penman. Address O t. Bee. C TU 24 WANTED A girl to do housework in a prl- vat ramuy. (jail at zui uouifia si. - C-M788 M LADIES, local and general representative for company manufacturing unexcelled line household articles; write today. Box Ha. Akron, o. oMiui mx WANTED An experienced bill clerk. promptly. Western Reference ft Bond Association, K40-841 N. 1. Lire DIdg. C 756 24 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit suDscription to thai BiUIE'MWPTU f PVTITDV ITlllUE'D. steady employment, with assured good Income; agents In the country with hore and buggy especially desired. Canvasser niak easily 160 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau, Be building, Omaha. J 213 WANTED Huatllng agent In every town to aeji our pateniea cioineeune stretoner. Address, with stamp, ktouaer ft Madxett, Hastings, nop. t M3ie AGENTS "New York's Steamboat Hor ror, told by survivor and eye witnesses; 1.100 dead: 100 illustrations from' photo- rranhs: about (00 pages, THxlO; price, 1.50: selling lik "wild fire;" beat terms, credit given; freight paid. Send 10c In stnmps for outfit and instructions. Kuhl- tnan company, Dept. 4, Chicago. 3 M644 2f x WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED physician wants situation on salary in city. Address o 4, Kee. A M678 t5x SITUATION wanted as nurse, by' young soy rrom country; am not a erraauaiea nurse, but have had considerable emerg ence niirlng in the country. Address O 46. Bee office. A 4U 26x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR sale, good, five retail implement bual. neaa, eastern Nebraska town, established trade; no trad wanted. Address lock box 1284 umana. Y M597. ABBOTT-COWAN Co., 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., can gei you 111 or out 01 ousiness. Y-546 BHOLE8-ARMSTRONG CO.. 732 N. T. Life, lei. v X 244 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange vour property or Dunincea quicK, are J, H. jonnaon, Ml IN Life. Phone L?77a. I Y-M464 CMHk'P PRIDB OF HASTINGS 60 e. wiwtw SILT. uusninaTAUauvrean rtlth X M8U Jyl A MONEY-MAKING bakery and restnu rant for sale cheap If taken -oon. Ad dress Box 1,4. lral MeD T-713 28x FOR BAI-E $2,000 bankrupt notion and rscKft stoeir- Adorers ueorge A. Kellogg, irilBiea, miasouri vnuey, ia. MijU F0)R SALE A first-class hotel, dolna- good buslnqs. In splendid hotel town; or , woum sou lurniture ana rent building Address Ivan A. Howard, Kar Neb X M749 80 USTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Lll bldg. T. 1M DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 833 N. 1. Ufa. Tel MHB. JOHN R MU8ICK. Osteopathic Phy aiviau, vuice. wufiu uiocs. ici. jaws. -13( Dr Farwell, specialty nevous diseases. 604 xj-on. 31 PRINTING PlilNTlNH I High Grad Work. m.-o rin f Crouus block, corner of LYNUS I AD liu Bl. aod Capitol Av. Ml KKAMEK CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT EKii. 1103 raritam. m aenvar work promised 1 our hobby. M-4 Printincr ,ot prtntln. Bee work la city. luaranUeX iill Capltul Av. J. M BIRPLRSS, reliable printer, eetab- Uaie4 13 jreara. lull a. Ulb bt . Oaiahi UM J 14 - 1 " PERSONAL WANTED TO BUY Bee Want Ads Bring A Trial Will Convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOXEU European, 16th & Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Fnrnarn. sOa eWT U.Z5 PER WEEK, Doran house, 423 8. lh. VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine "f"m. ladles' cat, private dining r.; op"""'1'"' KM ' . NICE furnished rooms, 3rd floor. 1420 Dodjje. THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam Bts. APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN lie (Jiialhum; luxurious.y (urnlaned rooms and smoking parlors: appointments ' r"t- Class. 1W 0. Witt tU, opposite hotel, E74 TWO nlc cool rooms; modern; very rea- sonaDie. lu r. 11 in. TWO south front modern, reasonable; board optional. 'Fhone A333, inwyasa. E 014 JyW CENTER HOTEL. 60c, 7c, tL 210 N 17th. ONE large furnished room In beautiful location, for man and wit or two young men; private; reference. Will give board. 627 Park av. E Mttai NEATLY furnished room. 630 So, 17th ave. Br ltt! 2x LARGE south front parlor, alcovt, mod ern, detached house, lawn, pnone. cai N. 20th. TI M',34 &X LARGE front room, single on ensulte. 2039 Harney. . is uicm ax THREE rooms, furnished; light housekrep. lng. 118 N. Z6tn. m Jaiai z-t SOUTH front room; cooL B197S. E M769 26 NEWLY furnished cool rooms; east front; walking distance. BEE THEM. &i h. 2za. E M706 26 LARGE front room; modern. Phone A263S, E M764 27 van o- utn. NICE newly furnished, cool rooms: mod 1707 Cass. E M7T5 26x era. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED, cool, outside rooms, with or without board. Midland notei, lotn ana Chicago. F-275 THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone 85; nice, light, airy rooms; ensuites ana ingle rooms; turraced lawn; veranda en. tire length of building. F 276 BOAiU ft room, 34; meals, 15c. 1619 Dodge. F-277. NICE, clean room on bath room floor; first- class board and accommodations. &m Harney. F 793 UTOPIA Desirable room and board. 1721 Davenport. - FIR8T-CIAS8 table board, 33.60 per week. 211 .South JOth. r aiout) CAPfTOL HOTEL, 18th' and Capitol aVer, broad rerandas. anaay lawns, .moaerat prices. ' F-M600 FURNISHED rooms and board. ..416 S. Kth. . . -TO . O. M. E." TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F M729 LARGE south front room; ' with first class board. 2418 caes. -pnono .a-urm. F M78S TOUNG man occupying, large, cool south- front room, wuines a rooramriie; S'r1 encea exchanged. , 2418 Cass. ,F M732 2bZ BOARD ANT) ROOM. THE PRATT, 312 Bo., 25th St. 'Phone 38. v i tn ITS FURNISHED front parlor, aloovo and back par:or, wun or wnnooi mw rn; rates reasonable. 2210 H", TWO ROOMS, south, east exposure; newly erected modern noune. Ma a. mtij. F M771 T7x LARGE south front room; porch and hwn. Phone. Mrs. C Teaencx, on a. ii. FM765 38 LARGE south front room; cool; 'Pti"ne. 1810 Chicago. jp mioi a. L'PGK south front room; Phone Ttr5. FM768 28 1812 Chicago. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS lit Wlthnen Bldg.. Hth "ind Har ney, single ana en suue ior mui wuun keeping. Be Janitor, N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam Bt . O M653 . FOUR unfurnished rooms; light housekeep ing' perumiea. mm uMTSJ 27 UNFURNISHED rooms; ensulte modern, 2609 St. Mary s. LIGHT housekeeping, t rooms; attractive.. 621 N. 23d. m WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house or flat; faml'y of thre adults: until Deunuiuvr . full particulars, L o5, B. K. calx IF you hav a good room to rent for a saloon or billiards in this city or else where, writ u. We will mak no cnarg for flndlna- you a good tenant. Hav numerous application on file. Th Bruns wick Balk Collndr Co., 407 So-loth St.. Omaha. K-M529 2t WANTED By thre young ladlea, room and board in a country lown or raiiuu for a few weeks; can furnish the best of refererces. State full particulars in an swering, as to rates, ua of driving: horse. etc. Address u li. on uimc ' K-M741 Ox WANTED, furnished room near (1st and Chicago, ny laay, tor a tew wveaa. yu dress O JO. Bee office. K 683 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS HORSES tor ; IM-htvnd hirneii and v- "a7S A NEW runabout top buggy to trad for driving horse. 811 N. 16lh. P-376 . ... A ,(-. 1 Kf 1st PITAL. commouiuu.. u. w THE FROST BAND, or tires, on wagon wuaeis i;. . jj47i i, , ,ir muds Runabouts. Phaatons, eto.. H AlNUat LOWfcbT poaalbU prices. Alat painting, tl"n,l'',:,'i'', tlra. WM. PFK1FFER ( p reuairina and rubter lion am. 220 Leavenworth, All work Ul UARA N 1 fc.fc.lJ. P M7S3 J pi HAMBLETONIAN STALLION BANNOCKBURN Stands 16 hand high, weigh over 1.300 lb. pEDlGlttiE aired by a grandaon, lat dam a sranddaugbter of Hamble Ionian 10th. I will race him against any stallion In Nebraska, wagon and driver welshing no teaa than lbs. BANNOCK.. BURN Is th surest breeder 1 ever naw. Ha will stand for atock at 4021 N. 16th at and R. H. tracks, Omaha.. A THuMr BE.N. P-MK34 DEPOT R047KAWAY, excellent condition. for sal cneap. jiaurvaa r wa. P M604 29 W. J. LAPAOB carrlag nd wagon; tnd hand vhlole for al. 1W" jscsaon. int. liiA. M aioue jiy BHKTLAND pony, buggy and harneaa; on or in in i-nj, . . . .v. drn. BetU' barn, 1416 CpU a FOR BAI.K-On family hnrs. I year old, rl. driver, welabt Lluo- tU3 8- l'h- 'Jr-boba) 4JW1. HEft ; , PATURT) A Y, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H New Houses H J ust Completed -room house on Manuerson street, just west of 24in, vvneie tue big treea ut, modern, strictly up to date, near car on paved street. Price , k t-room house on Ames ave. between .4th and 25th streets, on paved street, fenced, fine location, all mouern. Price $,6j 6- room house on 27th ave.. Just south of Lake, eaat front, modern, high grounu, fine view, half block of car. Pilce..$J,3.0 $600 cah, balance monthly. -room house, Just completed, modern, on 22d street and Saratoga. Price fl.NJO (-room cottage in Florence, on car lim-, Just been built, large lot. Price H.OjO 7- room new bouse In Bemls Park, on Myr tle ave., between 33d and 34th, half block from car line, fine location; house la strictly modern. Price a. $2,91.0 HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610-511 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone KE M 73S 2K LOTS NEAR HIGH SCHOOL We have a south-fiont- lot on Chicago street. Just oast of 25th; good paving aud permanent sidewalk. Also a west-front aro authorized to sell both of these lot very encup. A. P. TUKEY ft BON. 3oard of Trade bldg. RE 757 27 MODERATE PRICED RESIDENCES 12,200 Bristol, near 2-Sth, 7-room, modern, good repair, paved street. $2,200 Dundee neighborhood, 2 lota, 9-room house, modern; cheap. $3,000 Nice 8-room, modern house, near 18th and Vinton; easy terms $3,750 Beautiful, new, modern house, West Leavenworth. Others, all parts city. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLK. RE 7D8 24 BEST THING OFFERED. Farnam at, business property paying $1,800 per annum. (Cnn make long lease). Prlc $20,500 for quick sale. Average taxes for 6 years, including 1904, $352.94. Harrison ft Morton, 913-918 N. Y. Lit. Tel. 314. KE-350 PRICE TODAY, $2,550. Rev. Diuon, who leavej iue uuy, toilers his beau ill ul, mouern Home today at this sau rllice price; purl down, ualauce easy. 4416 Gruut sL KE U ACRES IN BENSON . Desirable Tracts lor country Horn. Tan acres, with bearing fruit, all nicely aeeded to ajfalfa, $l,0uu.6O. Five acres, some fruit, thre blocks from car, $1,200.00. Two acres en pavement, a fin gardea tract, $660.00. Benson & Carmfchael, ' Iril paxtou Hiuck. RB-643 FOR SALETwo modern cottages, Wast Farnam St. uystrlct. only $1,000 tacn. Thomas Urenfiun, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg 'V ' RE 6o5 THE ROSEBUD "Reservation Is open to settlement. Bend 60 cents to Rathinan ft ' Keller, Bonestei S., for lhformation und large map showing topography of country vni FLORENCE BOULEVARD. 6002 is an 8-room, all modern house, oak finish dowristalrs; owner leaving city; must sell this week',' Value 36,000; make &n offer of $4,600. Atft' quickly. Uarrlaoa ft Morton, 912-913 Nil Y.' Life. Tel. 814. RE-664 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS JTOR A ROUND ,,f RIP TO THE ' ROSEBUD EVERYTHING PAID. We vay your railroad fare. W furnish you sleeping cars. We furnish you beds wnll on th ground. W guarantee good meais. W make your papers and give you legal auvice. Thl assures you that you will get through registration witnoui error ana wunoui personal discomfort-or loss of Urn and money. COME AND SEE US. Gas Belt Land Co. 214 First Nat'l Bank, Omaha, Neb. RE 303 ACRES. Nui 1 Imthi ana boutti Omaha, choio and sightly, tract of 146 acre owned by astern client. nus oeairaoi properly could be sold to great advantage by sub dividing into 10-acr tracts, land across th Foad having sold as high as $200 per acre, t 1s th owner's deelr to olose out thl tract to on purchaser ai one ana pnuv ha been reduced to 3110 per acre. .This is your opportunity. W. l-arnam bmitn ot v-o. U20 Farnam BtrL RE-Atf 1PRRAOE fOR SALE. 20 acres three-quarters of a mile from Flor ence car line, spieuaia lruu qui luiusa land; nothing better; offered for quick aT at $100 per acre. This land is easily worth double the amount. i THOMAS BRENNAN, 1 Room 1, New York Life Bldg. W. H. CRARY, Mgr. Real Estate Department. RE 688 24 BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. til.OO On Franklin t, near 2th st; slse 60x127 feet, tieorge ft CO. jj-muso m TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace: cne ji.soo ana me oiuer BHIMKR ft CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. KE 734 A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for th asking. Writ or call for on today. Gas Belt Land Co., 214 First Nat. bank bldg., ' Omaha. Neb. RE 281 C&A8' Williamson Ca.u.ffbWd, ...,..! RE-284 Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE-2S6 820-ACRE FARM near Loup City, Neb.; good cultivation, .good buildings, witn stock-only $12,600. J. Krusiska, 825 8lh ave.. Milwaukee, Wis. RE MT79 26x We handle real estate. KENNY REAL EST. ft INV. Co.. 300 Be. A FINE NEW HOME BEAUTIFUL FLORENCE BOULEVARD. a-rnom. all modern, full basement. Carton furnaoa, white enamel plumbing, marble lavatory, finished in cypress ana nara pine, permanent cement walks and steps; NO PAVING TAXES FOREVER: Park commission keep boulevard sprinkled, care for trees, cut grass, etc.; owner aesires to soil quick. "BEST BARGAIN ON BOULEVARD; only fialf block from car, Price $1.0U0. SHIMER & CHASE, Agents for Owners. 1609 Farnam BL Ground Floor. Tel. I42X RE-7CJ ai LOST LOST Pearl brooch with opal In center. Return to 624 8. 26th St. Hewurd. Lcat-7. 24x LOST Lady's gold watch and fob chain, between Woodmen hall and 60th and Cen ter, oa Weat 1-eaven worth line. ll turn to Be office; reward- Lost ,b 26x LAW AND COLLECTIONS E F. MOREARTY. Att y. A-2639. 437 Paxton. Tel. 250 JOHN M. MAfFARLANO. New York I.lf bldg., rooms got ana n ii. JUNE 25, 1004. m , 1 1 F0R RENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and a tore 11. tL goods. Btorehouae, 1120-24 N. lain. Oiilce, LiliVs Faruam. I el. 15u9-8b3. D j PAYNE-BOSTWICK ft CO., choice bouaea, Wll-tiOa New York Lit ttlug. Phone loli D 21 HOI mPQ'n all part of th city. Tb IlUUJLJo, jr. Davis Co., fai Bee Bldg. D WE MOVE p linos. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co. Tel. 14M. Unit 1713 Webster st, D 291 HOUSES, Insuranc. Rlngwalt, Barker bk. D 261 rlnili" " Part of th city. H. C nwUOLJj.,,,,, 4 Co., Be Building. FOR RENT No. 1841 Park ave., oppoait park, modern brick dwelling. I rooms: price, $40.00 per month. Iuuulre at 111 U U it J. U. Richard. D Mi 64 194J 8. 11th, 7-room, porcelain bath, fas, lawn. IPO. D Mioi 10-ROOM house, near ' 28th and Farnam, only $32.5o. Bemls, Paxton block. D 443 TO LET, FURNISHED. DURING July and August, very desirable 10-room mouern house; west Farnam dis trict; best references required. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., 1320 Farnam. D M371 CENTRAL, good condition, 3-r. cottage. 220 No. 23d. D-M370 FOR RENT Elegant 8-room modern house, best location, $30. Thomas Brennnn, N. Y. Life building. - D 275 Rentals a specialty. KENNY REAL EST. ft INV. CO.. 800 Bee Bldg. D--M404 25 FOR RENT 'uly 1st, 8-room modern brick, 816 N. 23d St. Inquire 320 N. 23d. D M541 CENTRAL A 1. 3 room cottage, 220 N. 23rd. D M6j7 2519 Chicago, 13 r., all raodernA-WO. 3074 Mason, 8 r., all modern $35, 1S14 N. 8th, 8 r., all modern-$30. 1M9 N. ISth., 8 r., all modern $30. 8. 2oth, 6 r., all modern $18, 8119 Burt 5 r., city waltr $10. THE. BYRON REED CO . 213 S. 14th. D 720 26 NEW, modern, beautifully furnished house, with piano and telephone, Kountse Place, from Julv 1 to September 1; very reason able. 'Phone 3140. D M785 26x 6-ROOM. modern house, 718 S. 37th st. Will Browne. D M782 lx' FOR RENT July, 1, 550 8. 2th ave., ( rooms, all modern, $27.60. Inquire 211 8. 17th. D M780-27X' WANTED Couple to take furnished house, all modern, Hanscom park district, and board owner and wife; references re quired. Address O 6, Bee. D 718 26 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building. 1612, and the second floor 1508-10 Howard. W. H, Bushman, ' .. . 1-46 IF A GOOD light is needed, we can show you a north front office on the fifth floor 'a splendid room, at the moderate price of $20. R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor Bee building. 1-623 STORE ROOM, 617 8. 16th St. Inquire of Clark Powell. U16 Capitol Av. . 1-349 . A $10 ofQce in the Bee building carries with li all of the conveniences and advantage in th way of heat, light, janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A $10 office Is now vacant. Call at once. R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1823 FINE NEW STORE BUILDING. 1406 Douglas street, 22x132, first floor with skylight in roof; swell front: fine ce- 1 meniod basement; the two upper floors are 22x80 each; stairway from street: near all car lines; fine location. Will rent floors separately. THE M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., , 1506 DODGE STREET. I-M3SS A PHYSICIAN or dentist. will And a oholo ' of two desirable rooms in th Be build ing: Room 604 1 divided Into a good-sized wait' lng room and a private offlc. It I di rectly in front of th elevator. Th prlc Is $30. Room 216 In likewise divided. It Is on th recond floor and has a very pleasing ap proach from the broad corridor facing th court. Th prlc 1 $16 per month. R. C. Ptiers ft Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1621 FOR RENT Two store rooms In th Pa clflo hotel block; none but flrst-claes mer chants with first-class stock wanted; gen eral merchandise preferred. For partic ulars apply to Jonn Koenigstein, ivorroik Neb. I-M281 27x DESIRABLE corner store, east front, at lrtth and Cuming sts.; recently remod eled througouti exceptional opportunity for drug store. Inquire Joseph Barker, 1524 Farnam St. . I M709 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bills tnat have accumulated uurins iue wuiwr It might ba an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them and thaa pay us In weekly or monthly payments until you get out of dobt. We loan oa furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we mak loans to salaried peopl upon their own agreement u rr nav. Our rates are as low as any and a great deal lower man some, uur service is aulck and without publicity. If you hav dealt with us and r pleased, tell others, and if you are displeased, tell ua Omaha Morlcaxe Loan Co.. lis Board of Trad ihqs Tel. 2296. (histaoiisneu w.i 3o6 couth 16th St. X-337 MONEY LOAN Phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxton Blk. LOANS. ON SALARIED, FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, KTC. . PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT YOU RELIABLE CREDIT UJ. SOJ-308 PAX'iuN BLK. 'iEL. 1411. X-M79J 3 P. C. YEAR FROil iluO to (o.uw ioaneu un iuui vuisonal note at 8 UKM' rtutt xt-Ai All g"od loans wanted. Call or write and get my system. v. caaiuian aa Farnam, Omaha. a 144 DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Pianos UNTIL YuU SEE US. If you cau call, write us or telephone 1607 and we Will send agent to explain and arrance loan at your residence. J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614 Paxton Boclc MONEY LOANED SALARIED PKOPLB and otnera wun securnyt ..i,..., i .u.. inicinitsa In 411 Drinclpai cltiea. Toliiian, room 440, Chamber of Cornmerc Bldg. CHATTEL, anlary and Jewelry loana. Foley Loan Co., 1UH Farnam St. X 641 SALARY and collateral loans. 213 Bee Bldg. Tel. Z'A. Templeton, MONEY loaned on pianos, elry, horaea, cows, etc. C. 13th. furniture, lew F. Rd. list 8. X 34 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR L tri " -aav.i t x M463 SEE FULLER, Psxton Blk.. for loan ou wawhts, tUaiuouds and Jewelry. THE LOBBY CAFE nr--p ot nr. serve noonday luncheon from U:30 t I p. m . Xuci uur atiM'iaJ aunoer. 2oO. Under tn umrmatuient of Miss Richards. U Mi31 25 MAGNETIC lTZb?dr. ITS u ih-Jy- EXPERT piano moving, lowest prlc a. enmouer ft aiuauer, saro. w 323 BALLOON ASCENSIONS i-'ui by in. reilam turn Murphy Miliwa CO., 2B01 UUIUI OU let. U M680 Dressmaking. Miss Sturdy, 2606 Davenport. 8TKIWWAY piano ar sold exclusively by vciimoiier sx juueuer, a " . U 31a Germania Dr; S.rt iVfiftf StTx'fSS: 'PAPA says he can's snake 'em off" Hut aou'a New Pat.nt Hlinleaa Eyeglass; al most invisible. Huteson Optical Co., 213 fl. lth St., Paxton block; factory on th l,remlaea U 20 DR. C. H. DeLONQ, Dentist, 363 Bee. Tel. O-dMa. u ii PIANOLAS for rent; 9 month' rent al lowed on purchase. Bcnmoiier as nueur, 1313 Farnam. T.l. 16S. U-616 CONCESSIONS FOR SALE Wlsner, Neb.. . , . , .a... . 1 1 , f 1 ..I 1 . n r. Urn. ' rfuiy , ivoi, we win navv uinn big railroad circus, hose race open to th world, thre companies of stat militia will b encamped, giving drill and a ham battle; the First Regiment bond will lurnisti tne music with seventy pieces. For concessions apply to committee, A. J. West, chairman. U-M244 1 PARTY who picked up Waterman foun tain pen ruesuay lorenoou ai v-uiuumin National bonk will please return same to Be ofllce. u-aa DR. ROY. Chldropody, R. t ft 3. 1606 Farnam TJ W DETECTIVE Ca'pt. Cortnack, 617 Karbach DIOCK. Tel. A2W2. u oui ML6ICAL Thos. J. Kelly, voice. Davids DIOCK. u m Accordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quick est, sirs. a. c. Mara, inn ana uougu. U 306 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. "PHONE 3636. u no PANTORlUM-rS U-8U 'VIAVI," way to health. 360 Be Bldg. U-3I4 TUB, vapor and alooBol baths. 720 S. 13th st. u t DR. BLABAUGH, pntUt, N. T. Life Bldg. DROP a card for shingling or any othr repairs to R. L. Bailey, 3317 Myrtle av. u lis aoa PACKARD, accountant, 410 Beo b'dg. Tel. 4 CABINET OVAL. PHOTOS FOR fr1 AA The Williams Studio. Full Do. 33.60. 4P1W 1407 Farnam St. umim. ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLK. TEL. 1936. . . c at loo. BPECTACLES and eye glasses for weak eyes and headache, $1 up, examination in cluded. Dr. Richards, 115 8. 16th., op posite Boston store. U M787 26 WAKE UP!1 'Will writer of anonymous letter, mailed June 23, giv more eiennit information T -Party- addressed will pay for It if necessary. Address O 15, Bee office. ; . U-M7S4 25x . THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for typ- . , k u. V'U .V., i 'f ' : -. I -, : i i.-a-i636 10-IN. DICC reorrds taken In exchang for new records. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. Z-33 WHAT hav you to exchange for a planoT iZ-33 PHOENIX bicycle to exchange for com ot me money you pay the street car om pany. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol av. Z is IF THERE 1 nothing In this column you - '. u . u au. iu U1U TUU W.l yet It. ZIU IF YOUR old furnttur don't suit, we will xcnar.g new for it. Tel. 771. msis $i" AUTOMATIC REOINA muate box. j amy rase, 10 exchange lor piano or pianola. Address K 13. Be. 2V-MS19 PHAETON and surrey for exchanjt 1J13 arnam. X ol rf- FINK ;.l-olece dlnlna; room ret; cast $70 . new; will sell or trade; bargain, enter prise Furnltur Co., 102 8. 14th. Te!. 6 - Z-679 WILL exchange second band phonograph records for others In good condition. N 64. Bee office. Z-M222 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine mlll- inery stock, In a good Iowa town. Ad dress N. M. Be. Z M 29 IF YOU want to buy or exchange for a rarm send 10 rent ror the harm Buy er's Guide, containing a description of 135 "fsrms, with owner's name and addres. for sale or exchange. Want farms from owner listed. Horace Grant, Heist Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Z-M681 2h STANHOPE top buggy, rubber tires, for saie or traae. iuo . ztn ave. Z M783 2Tx FOR EXCHANGE, 80 acres finely Improved lnnn in jonnson county, i"miie rrom town; will trade for hardware or (ren'l mdse., to amt. of $3,000, bal. security on farm. Price, $0.00 per acre. Address O 1T, Be omce. Z M790 27x MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail, enerman m aaccouneii, umana. DR. PRIES treat successfully all diseases anu in cguiariiioa v. nuniao, irom any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries. lbll Dodge st. Omaha. 3J JRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mra Garduls, 116 Charles. T.l. Alula. 126 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th, 3d floor.; tel. 2559. M833 Jyl6 PRIVATE horn during confinement; babies adopted. 1 ne uood Hamarltan Sanitarium, 728 lat ave..Councll Bluffs. Ia. Tel. 774. 529 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM aud city loans, low rates. W. 1L Thomas. First Nat l Bauk Bldg. Tel. Ib4&, W-2i 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bml. Paxton block. W- PRIVATE money. F. D., 1620 Douglas , W-I W ANTED, clfy losns snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 130 Farnam at W-00 MONEY TO LOAN, Payn Investment C. W-601 WANTED, real estat loan and Warrants. KC. Peter ft Co., Be bldg. W-iol ( per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnsna. W-su We lor money. KENNY REAL EST. ft INV. CO., 300 Bee Bldg. W-M401 26 We would like a few farms. W would like to make a few loans, $1,000 to 110. OuO on farms in Douglas or adjoining counties. F. D. WE AD, 1624 Douglas at. W 71 2 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN 8 ANT'S school, 717 N. T. Ufa, Sat FACSIMILE letters. avlo addreaaed. Boy la cullMJj ' . - T" . 81IONFELD, th ANTIQUARIAN, RJK Y. Llf. pay t lghest price for books. Tel3036. WANTED A flve-hors power motor, 110 volt, direct current; Stat lowest cash price and condition of machine. The Bennett Company; Geo, Cornell", Chief Engineer. N M392 Hx WANTED A furnished houM for th sum mer; no children; references riven. Ad dress O 7, Bee. N 717 24 x RESPONSIBLE party (maa and wlfert want horse and buagy to us evanlng for Its keep; best of car. Address O 6, Bee. N-716 x WILL pay reasonable prlc for green trad Ins; stsmp books, filled. Address O 2U Be office. N 417 2Kx WOTTLD Ilk to talk with anyon In Omaha with laundry fnr sale, caparlty f nno shirts. nd in good running order. Will par cash If satisfactory; no agents need answer. Address O 10, Bee office. N 423 27r WANTED, a rood secondhand roller-top offlc desk. Call up Immediately 'Prion 1748. N M789 25 CLAIRVOYANTS GTLMER, palmist. 718 N. 234. TL B-324C 8-632 BUSINESS MEDIUM, tlS N. 17th st. B MS76 Jy9x O. M. E Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. 1613 Farnam Street. WILL GET YOUR BAGGAGE THERE! ON TIME, M70. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all interested, as change may ooour at any tlmaj Foreign mails for th wek ending Jun 1 36, I04, will olose (PROMPTLY in aU cases) at th General Postofflc aa fol lows: Parcels-Post Malls close oo hour arller than closing tim own below. Parcels-Post Malls for Osrmany clos. at 8 p. ro, Jun 90 and 37. Regular and Supplementary Mafia close at Foreign Station (comer oi W est snd Mor ton treats) half hour later than dosing tim shown below (exoept that Supple mentary Mall for Europe and Central America, via Colon, clos on hour later at Foreign Station. XVaasailantl) Madia. SATURDAY (J5th)-At 6 a. m. for EUROPE per a. a. St. Louis, via Plymouth and Cherbourg; (mall for Ireland must ba di rected "per a, a. St. Louis"); at 80 a. m. for ITALY direct, par a. a. Prtns Adel ert (mall must be directed "per s. a. 'Prlns Adalbert"); at 3:30 a. m. (sup plementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per a, s. Etrurla, via Queanatown; at 3:30 a. m. ' for BELGIUM direct, per . s. Finland (mall must be directed "per a a Fin land"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s s. Konlg Albert (mall mast be di rected per a s. Konlg Albert"); at 1:90 p. tn. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Co lumbia (mail must b directed "per a. a. Columbia"). , , After the closing of th wppttntontnry transatlantic malls named above. addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers cf th American, English, French and German steamers, aad remain open until within ten minute ot tb hour of sailing of steamr. ., , Mall for loath aad Oaatrtt Xanarlea, Ws ladles. Kta. , SATURDAY (th).-,At 8 a. m, for AR GENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Casllda; at 8:80 a. ni. (supple mentary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per as. Caracas (mail for Colombia must be di rected "per a. a. Caracas); at 9:30 a. m, (supplementary 10:30 a, m.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. COLOMBIA, except Cauca and Magdalena Dept's, and "GREYTOWN, per s. s. Altai (mail for , Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Altai"); at 10 a.- m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD, CIUDAD BOLIVAR, BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a. s. Maraval; . at 12 m. for BARBADOS and NORTH- , ERN BRAZIL, per s. . Marnhense via t Para and Mancos, at 13:10 p. m. for cOBA,i:,' . per s. s. Ollnda, via Mantanzas (mall must be directed "pr a. a. Ollnda"). Malts Forward Ovwrlamd,' Etc, Bi. apt Ttaaifsdla CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at tbls offlc daily, except Thursday, at 16:90 a. m, (th connecting malls clos bar oa Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). MEXICO CITY Overland, unlesa specially addressed for deavatch by steam', close at this offlc dajlv, axoept Sunday, at 1:N p. ia and 10:'. :su p. s. Bunuay mt tav p. m. and 10:80 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND igopt rl-Post Malls) By rail to North Sydney and thenc by steamer, eloses at this offlo . dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here vry Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston and thenc by steamer, closes a csut ouic at 6.3 p. m.. Tuesday and Friday. UIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc by eteam.r, cloaca at this offlc' dally at C JO p. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTES and GUATE MALA By rail tp Nw Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Bundsy, at 11:90 p. m. and (10 30 p. m., Sundays at (1:00 p. m. aad 10:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes bar londays at 10:30 o. m." a C08TA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thenc. by tnmer. loet. at tblir offlc dally, xcpt Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sundays at (1.00 p. m. and 110:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes here 'Tuesdays at 10:80 p. m.. IREQIBTERKD MAIL closes at 6:00 p. m. previous day. . Trawapaelfl Mall F.rwtrt Oyr laad tally. Th schedule of closing Transpacific mails Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port ot sailing. Th final connecting malls a copt registered Transpacific man whloB e'os 6 p. in. previous day) close at th general postofflce. New York, aa follow: HAWAII, via San Franolaco, clos at 1:3 p. m. June 20, for deepatoh per a. Alameda. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Can Fran cisco, clos at f:30 p. m. June 26th, for despatch per U. B. Transport. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, clos at 6:90 p. In. Jun 37th for despatch per a. a. Mariposa. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PWLP PINE ISLANDS, via Baa Fraoclsao, clos at 6:3 p. in., Jun 27th, for deapatuh par a. a. Korea. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver anj Victoria, B. C, close at 6:80 p. m, June 28th, for despatch ixar s. a. Einpresa if China. (Merchandise for U. 3. Postal Akenoy at Bhuughal cannot b tomaidtd via Canada). NEW ZEALAND. ' AUSTRALIA (xce-t Weat), NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HA WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6:30 p. m. July id, lur despatch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to con nect with this despatch, extra malls clos ing at s:80 a. m , 9.30 a., m. and 6:3u P. m.; Bundiya ut 4:$o a, ra.. a. m. and 6:80 p tn. will be made up and forwarded until th arrival of the Cunard staamer). HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and the PHIL IPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at i:30 p..m. July 9th for despatch 'per s. s. Gaelic. . . . FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except West), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close at :M ' p. m. July - 16th fur despatch per s. s. MANCHURIA and EASTERN BIBERIA ut preacnt forwarded via R-iiaia, Instead of via Japan, th usual lout. NOTE Unless otherwise ddresaed. Wt Australia t forwsrdnd via erurope: and New Zealand via San Franclsoo, asd car tain places In th. Chines provinces of lumiHii. jvu'-m now, okciiwih anu Kwangl. via British India th quickest routes. Philippine specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must ba fullv prepaid at th foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via Ban Francisco exclu sively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Post Office. New York, N. T. Jun 17. 1904. UCEAI S TEAMS Hlfa, ANCHOR UKI, V. . MAI TaUaUtmr. MKW YORK, LOXIXlMUKUkl AMD OLAaOOW. HMW YORK. OIBSA1.TAR AND KATLB& upartar aaeaaiawdatloaa. RnallaDt aalala. Th auuilun of Mavuar carafalir 1 1. 1 or rua4-4rta Uuaia bat a N Tark aa soth.' Cngiitto, Iriaa an all r'iuttUl Stji41uy!aa an auutiu.nul bulou at tUruU.a riui a 1.4 twr lw mt Tvara. .Sor tlvkata or ral lulerauUia wM m asr looJ asaat f tat Asolr Use, ar le UUiLUkiAuM MIA, tsi'l AaaaM, Ch JK. "A l V s ) r