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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1904)
TI1E OMAHA DAILY. BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 10U4, 11 V RENEWWORRONTflE CAPITOL Commission Pi-sparing to Cottiov titan iir Btaairi ci tin StTVotar. RESTORE THE SUPREME COURT ROOMS ftwm Dinii Be Mad &ood Ftres""' Rasss Pt OO Plaaa . or Railroad Exten ataaw (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, June 24. (Special. )-Th members of ths Iowa Bute Capitol com mission arrived Jn the city thia morning and began a session at which it la expected plana will be laid for the remainder of the Improvements on the capltol. Messrs. A. j9. Funk of Spirit Lake and E. P. 8hoent n of Council Bluffs met with Prof. Charle A. Cummlnga. the local member. The superintendent of work haa been get ting out estimates for some time fur the work to be done. The commlstilon has only a small amount of the funds avail able for this year, hence the work has not been hastened, and It Is the intention to have most of the work done on contracts wtalch will be done at one' time. Jt Is ex pected that a great deal of the work will be done next winter. The first work to be done, and this will be commenced at once, la that of restoring the supreme court rooms and chambers to their former AAnfflttnH ' Tka ' . .-..- watersoafced and the extensive fresco can vasses which adorned the celling fell off. These were uninjured and will be returned to their places, but the walla will have tn be frescoed again snd the ceiling will be mucn repaired. The- court has aaked that thla work be done during the summer va cation, and. the commission Is planning to begin now. The commission will ultimately spend about HOO.000 In completing and re pairing the capltol. j Flremea Rapes Postponed. The races of the State Firemen's asso ciation for todsy were postponed until to morrow, with good prospect that the re mainder of the races will be abandoned. The heavy rains last night and today made it impossible to continue the races at this time, and there are indications that they cannot be completed tomorrow. The tournament was one of the best and largest attended ever 'held In the state and com bined both the paid departments and the Volunteers. The races were unusually fast and some fine work . wss done. Great crowds attended the meetings, which were held on the state fair grounds. I Hay Banker is Still Alive. The story haa reached Dea Moines to the effect that Frank La Hue, the Coming banker, who Is alleged to have killed him. elf last winter, la not dead at all, but that the story o his- suicide is a fake and that he Is now enjoying the benefits of his Ill-gotten money. LaRue was reported to have attempted suicide once before. When aa lnveitlvn tlnn K-...n ,. quietly held. -Now the Investigation shows hat nearly $100.000 of money In-the bank is entirely unaccounted for and there Ja no theory on which his friends can show that ha squandered the cash. Then he had 150,000 6f life Insurance which was payable even n case of suicide, and this has been received by hla wife. All these and other things are being considered and the theory has been evolved that LaRue did not kill himself, but Is still alive and In hiding. Will Rehalld the nad. General Manager Day of the Minneapolis St Louis railroad and the Iowa Central la In the city and states that the JKtnne apolla 'wUI begin" aa soon'-'e If tecures possession of Its newly acquired , ' tes Moines at Fort Dodge line to make exten Iva repairs and will practically rebuild the line. It has been operated by the Rock Island, under a lease -for many years and has not been kept up. There have been no repairs and the, rails are badly worn, while the depots are old and out of date. General Manager Day, state that there witt urn vue Amount or mnnv a run , upon tne road the next few years, hut plans, have not been perfected. It Is ex. ected there wilt be some extensions In he northern Dart of the nnno up the system a little better. There may also be, some extensions southward from this city. Mr. Day intimated also that there -would be a. trafflo arrangement with the Rock Island so that the latter would 'be able to reach Its new Gowrle-Slbley line oyer the, sametracks. that are now used. "'; , -., Ckrlatlam 'Association .Convention. ' ALBIA, la,,, June 24. (Special.) over 300 delegates are attending the convention of the Iowa Christian association here. The following officers for the ensuing yesr have been elected: A. M. Haggard, president; W. J Hastie, vice president;' J. J, Grove, recording secretary; J. M. Lucas, treasurer; B. S. Denny, corresponding secretary. The trustees of Drake university were named as follows:. C. B. Medbury, Captain M. T. Russell, . J.. II.. Btockham, F. I Moffatt, H. I. Pruaia and N. E, Coffin. The con vention will- be held In Des Moines next year, " It will ' commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the organisation of the Iowa Christian mlnslonsry' convention and plans are being made for a great celebration. .nla the Beneh. CLINTON, la., June 24. (Special Tele gram.) Judge P, B. Wolfe of this city, who bad been on the bench of the Seventh judicial district for thirteen years, an nounces that he will resign to resume the practice of law. . WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE A very high grade 1 Business College and Normal College, ' - New rinse, will begin Monday, June ti. Beginning claiees In all subjects. Review elnes In all subjects. ' Write or call or Information. . . E. P. MILLER. Pres. Masonlo Temple. Phoae B114. WOULD YOU WIN PLACE? Be cxan, b6th in and out We can not undsr take the forrmr task--that lies with yourself but ths latter we can aid with HAND SAPO LJO. It costs but" a trifle its u'je is a fin: habit. 2 LEWIS CUTLER' MORTICIAN. BlWJlt., Cuuiioll Bluffs.. 'Phone 17. ftrrttctt Cbnybaqy 16th and Harney 6ta., Omaha,. U. S. A. Sweltering daya outside), but It'a cool and refreshing In the (treat west's great eat store. The roominess, the airiness, the full and uninterrupted sweep that one'a ere can have of every floor even the basement accentuates thla feeling of coolness and refreshment. There's the harinonlua, pleasing, musi cal buza of scores of electric fans to help you keep cool. We like to aee visitors on a ramble through the store. We like to meet them in the elevators and auy, "How-dor Order by telephone! No difficulty getting us on the wire we have lots of phones. You can either ring up indi vidual departments or give your order to the awitchboard operators. They're tnoroughly competent to take au order dealing with all departments, because they know the stocks and the latest bar gain prices, too. We give Green Trading Stamps with all telephone order. When you stop off at the third floor remember you are on the largest sales floor space given to furniture, carpets and draperies that you will find west of the MIsHlsfllppl, and the goods are there, too. There's variety and abundance In Bennett's furniture display, desigua In parlor and dining room ftrulture dating before the reign of Queen Elizabeth up to desigua that will b in the flush of their popularity a gener-itloii hence. Furniture artists will bttar ua out In thla. If you can t call at the store, THONE If you can't 'phone, SEND A. MES SEN'GEIt If you can't send a messen ger, MAIL A POSTAL If you can't mail a postal, HAIL THE FIK8T BEN NET WAGON YOU SEE. Bennett's wagons are the next commonest things) on Omaha's streets to the street cars. Fact! Let's have your orders. You need ua and we're tickled half to death to have you. Mall order people get the fullest possi ble advantage of our daily advertised bargains. ' Mall your orders immedi ately the paper reaches your territory, and if the goods are unsold we will till your order. , The demonstrators are a Ways inter esting. We've three on hand for Sat urday. One ia In our basement demon strating Wlggle-Stlck -the best laundry bue Idea yet invented. All you do is to WIGGLE the stick of Wiggle-Stick in the water, and quit wiggling when you have got the intensity or the shade you wish. N - Two dollars worth of Green Trading Stamps are given with every new collecting book. One dollar you get at our Premium Parlor, second floor; the other dollar at the "S. ft H." Trading Stamp Parlor, 210 Jforth 16th street Saturday evening 7;30 to 10:0OKaufman's Orchestra of picked players will give a popular program. COUNCIL OAS RETl'RS TICEET LEFT Bouth Dakota Man Arrim Mlnaa Bit Konay and Pooketbook, ' THINKS TWO STRANGERS TOUCHED, HIM Possibility that Cash May HT ' Lett f.4e Pillow mt Hires Hotel, bat Hopes Batlded . , 1 om that Are lias. .' . ' John Travis, superintendent of ths Clark county. South Dakota, poor farm, accom panied by his wife and little daughter, ar rived in Council Bluffs last night enroute to ths St. Louis exposition. Whether they will continue their journey or return home Is a matter of doubt. The truth of the matter is when Mr, Travis arrived In ths city last night he had little left except his baggage and return transportation, outside of some small Changs which his wife carried In nr. pockstbook. On lea v. Ing Huron yesterday morning Mr. Travis had tucked away la a poeketbook In his inside pocket 1100 n greenbacks and a draft on hla home bank for 160. On reaching the Transfer depot last evening Mr. Travis had occasion to msks requisition en the greenbacks, when to his dismay he discov ered that his poeketbook and all his money ha'd.vanlshed. Mr. Travis who Is an elderly gentleman of an apparently benevolent disposition, remembered having had a more or less In teresting conversation on the train with two strangers who were, like himself, bound for the St. Louis exposition, and he thinks It possible that they may have succeeded In abstracting his poeketbook unawares te blm On the other hand Mr. Travis does not like, to cast suspicion on any person even though he be a stranger and he ' thinks It might be possible that be left his poeketbook under his pillow In the hotel where he and his wife slept Tburdsy night before leaving Huron. He telegraphed back to the hotel, but up to midnight ' last night had received no answer. Plumbing- and heating. Blxby eV Bajotas Illinois Central.' ' Mrs. Jans L. Knowles, who owns a farm In the Immediate vicinity of the rtprapplng work being done by ths .Illinois Central railroad at The Narrows, a few miles north of the city, secured yesterday from Judge wheeler of the district court a temporary Injunction restraining the railroad com pany and Its agents from further trespass ing on her land and cutting down her timber. The suit Is brought by H. B. Knowles as egnt for Mrs. Jane L. Knowles. and the papers filed yesterday allege that the railroad company has not .only Invaded Mrs. Knowles' property and cut down her timber, but ,ln dragging this timber to ths riprap works has destroyed large tracts of valuable grsss Isnds. It Is slso alleged that the railroad company In cutting down timber . for Its riprap work has taken a number' of valuable walnut trees from Mrs. Knowles' land, drspltc her, protests and notice served on the roe 1 road eompany'a contractors that tbey were trees pass trig. Attorneys for Airs. Knowles stated yes terday fV-.t while the Injunction proceed ings iad been brought to prevent If possible further trtspssslng another action, would be brought against the railroad company to recompense Mra Knowles 'or tse dam ages which she hss already eurrjred by the cutting down of the timber on her land and the damage otherwise to her property. H. J. Angeteed. Chsrles Quade and Peter Vols, In charge of the raUroaa OMAHA Saturday we expect showers and Saturday Shoe Sale Double Ore il Trading 5 tamps Until Noon. Jilen's seamless Kangaroo Calf Lace Shoes, with tips or plain toes (U. 8. Army the fA Men's Regent $2.50 Viei Lare Shoes 1.93 Men's and Boys' Canvas Lace Shoes, from f 1.50 More late styles in Men's and Boys'' Oxfords Ties than all Omaha, and at lower prices. n Clothing Dept. Close Prices Doing the Work. Our Cloth ing Sales Have More Than Doubled. ti.m mpn's and vounsr i no man' a fliiira trn nt, . . "...1.70 men's Suits go at J18.00 hand tailored Suits at 10.00 Suits go at 8.50 5.00 ' New, up-to-date patterns. $25.00 hand made Suits J (Jg $15.00 all wool Suits W ffn go at leOU Elegant style fine finish. 22, 25, $30 Suitsnothing to ual.?.t?.T. ....... 12.45 $4.00 boys' Knee Pant QC Suita,go at . . 7 0 $3.00 boys' Knee Pants j QC Suits go at JsU $2.00 boys' Knee Pants QOr Suits go at VOL 50 dojs. Rough Rider Suspenders Value 50c 75r go at wt BLUFFS company's VHprapplhg work, at Tile Nar rows, ars 'made party defendants - to the action, . . .Can Sell, bat Not Us. While Chief of Police Richmond, acting under instructions Issued, It Is said, by Mayor Macrae, has given official notloe that no toy pistols, cannon crackers, dyna mite caps or the discharge of blank cart ridges from revolver or shot gun will be permitted on the Fourth of July, no order haa been Issued . prohibiting the. sale of these dangerous and nolss-produclng arti cles. - On the other hand, ' the dealers In this class of explosives have called upon the chief of police and asked If they were to be prohibited from the sals of such ar ticles snd In each Instsnce they have been Informed that there Is no city ordinance prohibiting their sale. At the same .time Chief Richmond Informed the dealers that while " they would not be Interfered with In the eale of such explosives, any person found using .them would be at once ar rested. Local dealers In fireworks and other Fourth Of July explosives had prepared a petition which they Intended to present to Mayor Macrae, protesting against the em bargo, but when Informed by Chief Rich mond they could sell all of such stuff they could find a msrket for, they decided that such a petition would be unnecessary. It now remains to be -eeen with the sale of the prohibited explosives permitted, Jiow far the order of the .chief of police as to the' prohibition of their explosion on the publlq streets will be obeyed by the youth ful and adult celebrants of the great na tional holiday. . ' . Edward Shipley, local agent for the Oreat Westrn Railroad company, appeared In police court yesterday morning with a big bandage over his right eye. X removal of the bandage disclosed the fsct that the eye was In deep mourning. Mr. Shipley had not been cutting kindling wood for the family, as he Is as yet unmarried, but his darkened optic cost H. J. Ryan, a brake man on the Oreat Western, nothing short of 3S snd costs. r Rysn, who Is a big, muscular fellow, while Mr. Shipley Is of diminutive stature, was laboring under the impression thst the local agent "had It in for him," and Thursday evening when Mr. Shipley had occasion to call Ryan on the carpet Ryan, ks he admitted to Judge Scott in police court, simply "handed him one." The evi dence showed thst the asssult was en tirely unprovoked and the court, after making a few calculations on the back of an old envelope, figured that the pleasure which Ryan had derived In handing hla superior "Just one" was worth at ths pres ent state of the market at least $28 and costs, leaving ths question of whether Ryan will continue to bold his Job or not to the officials of the Great Western to decide. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tsl. HQ. Night F647. I Hack Driver Arrestee. While Council Bluffs Is without any ac tive branch of ths National Humane so ciety Chief Richmond Is determined that Inhumanity to dumb animals will not be tolerated as long as hs Is at the head of the police department. In accordance with hla policy Leo-jard Hulbert. a driver In the employ of the Ogden 'lvey, will have to answer to a charge of cruelty to animals In police court this morning. It is alleged that Hulbert overdrove a team of horses attached to a hack until they ware bsrely able te stand. Teachers Take a Holiday. Todsy the teaehers attending; the ccunty normal Institute will enjoy a day of rest snd recreation. A number of them have planned an outing at Lake Manawa, while others have arranged te take In the anai SBjSMSSjsllB DRY GOODS STOCKS SOME OF THE FKIDAV SALES THAT WILL BE CONTINUED SATURDAY CRAZY fATCH PIIAOWS ench.... , PORCH PlLJOWS each.. 95c 25c STAMP SENSATION IN TEAHL SHIRT WAIST SETS ' rUY GOODS SECTION 1,000 sample Shirt Waist 8ets all thia season's plain and fancy patterns good values up to fl.00 Bet jffp tonne' a 5SaS,i i Friday, per set AND 60C WORTH OF NOTION BARGAINS WIRE HAinriNS bundle. COMMON PINS paper 1 IRONING WAX- D A R N I NG ' COTTON- : ic .;. :...,ic lc lc HOOKS AND EYES- 2C card I Underwear for Men 35c Ralbriggan at. ....... .23c 75c Balbriggah at.. 50c $1.23 Union Suits at S9c Men's and Boys' Straw Hats 10c value 4c 15c Talue 9c 25c value 2kc 50c value 25c Men's and Boys' Felt Hats- $1.50 Hats 69c $1.75 Hats... ........89c $2.00 Hats 1.00 Men and Boys' Shirts 50c value at 35c 75c value at 50c $1.00 value at . i... 69c $1.25 value nt 89c concerts of the Omaha musical festival. Some will possibly improve the hour and go shopping or making, social calls., In any case It will be a day relieved of study and attending lectures in the high school audi- torlum.- The first week of the-Institute, which closed last evening, has 'iee'tt en, eminently successful one from all points' of view. The attendance' has reached ovS'f the 300 mark and with the closing; of a number of the schools In the rural districts this week, this number will undoubtedly he materially Increased when the Institute reconvenes Monday. , 1 Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were repotted to The Bee June 24 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: ' George E. Blake to the Walnut Hill Cemetery association, part set neK 80-75-43, q. s d ....T .. 6 J. M. Pullen and wife to O. P. Timber man, part lot S4 Aud Bob. of se iwU 12-75-40, w. d .?..... 150 J. M. Purer and wife to town of Oak land, part lot S4, Aud sub sett sw!4 12-75-40, w. d..... I .Three transfers, total ,.';$1M . MINOR MElfTIOR. 'i. Davis sells drugs. v.-..: , Leffert's glasses fit.- . , Stockert sells carpets.' 4 c -he Faust cigar. S cents. Tor rent, new storeroom, 2 Main St, ' Full line fishing tackle- Morgan Dicksy. . Tel. 134. Case Stors Blue Ribbon beer. Buy Hafer lumber. t He will treat you rla-ht. .. . Jflctures for wedding gifts given special attention. Alexander's. 333 Broadway. floor finish. Morgan & Dickey. The Lady Maccabees will entertain their friends this evening In Maccabee hall at a measuring party. Sugar has advanced. Still we sjlve 10 lbs. for 11.00. U. P. Tea Co; 4u4 B way. 'Phone 762. Assistant County Attorney snd Mra J. J. Hess ere home from a trip to Jefferson lake, Minn., where Mr. Hess enjoyed some excellent llshing. - , Mr. and Mrs. John C. Schmld, formerly of this city, but for severs) years resi dents of Ann Arbor, Mich., sre guests of Mr. and Mra J. H. Pace, on Mynster street. . Dr. and Mrs. N. D. Hillls of Brooklyn, N. y., were In the city yesterdsy enroute to Colorado. During their short stay here they were the gueets of the family of Dr. A. P. Hanchelt, on Sixth street. Winchester & Cullen, the contractors, were Issued yesterday a building permit for the construction of the Carnegie li brary, the cost of same being placed at 70,uu0, the amount to be given by Mr. Car negie. ' The Sunday school of the First Presby terian church will hold Its snnual plcnlo this afternoon tn Hanscom park, Omaha. The children will leave the church at 1 o'clock and, after a ride through the city, will go direct to the park. Two special cars have been enguged for the trip. Chris Drechmeler of Underwood, who has alternated between the county Jail and 8L Bernard's hosultal for several weeks aa the result of a' protracted spree, was yesterday ordered committed to ths state hospital for dlpsumanlacs st Mount Pless snt for one year by Judge Wheeler of the district court. The funeral of the late Xenophon Kynett, one of the early pioneer residents of Coun cil Bluffs, was held yesterday ufternoon from the family residence on Plainer street, and was attended by a large gath ering of sorrow InR friends of the deceased snd bereaved family. The services were conducted by Rev. Harvey Hostetler, pas tor of the Second Prewbyterian church, and the remains were followed to the ceme tery by a long cortege. The pallbearers were William lleeley, P. L. Pryor, A. W. Hutchlnsou and U U. Scott. Bolls, tores aa Felons Find prompt, sure cure la Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, also ecseiaa. salt rheum, burns, bruises and plies, ox no pay, , 2fa, For ssls by Kuhn Co. Epworta I.eagne Caaieatloa. MARION, la., June M. (Special.) About K0 delegates are In attendance at the Cedar Rapids district convention of ths Epworth league, that opened a three days' session at Marlon. The program Includes addresses by some' of the prominent league workers of the state. Bee Want Ads sre th t Business Boosters. thunder storms. SWIM CX'RTAIN NKT (at the fOln Harney Street Entrance) '"' WOMAN'S WASH SLITS Qtir H6, U K, U4& and .VOW "& ft H.' 1UW QREEN TRADING STAMPS. FANCY SIDE HOSE BUTPORTERS N a'insook dress shiel'd8 QC to'let'com'bs ' " 10c CURUNO IRON LAMPS 23c STOCkiNO DARNERS Qq each VSB1.II HMMIHll t MMMtlOKMfO'-' Kodaks and Cameras And Photographic Accessories Come and see some of the wort done by inexpensive cameras work that's local work that YOU co-.ld do without much trouble. Everybody loves . pic tures, and that's proof that everybody Las a natural aptitude for taking pic tures. Here are the goods, and the prices are very reasonable S, B. Coraer Main Floor. Meats and Provisions EVERYTHING OF THE BEST QUALITY AND GUARANTEED. Fresh Dressed Chickens. 9c Old Roosters ,7c CHOICE FRESH YOUNO MUTTON ' LEGS (yearlings per pound.. LAMB SHdULDER ROAST per pound 10c . 5c ROUND STEAK-r 12ic per pound 14C snd ..'"w BEBF ROAST fic i naf nnund ............. PORK ROAST 7c per pound w IS POUNDS FRESH LEAF! . f Qfl LARD for .'. y?l,uu MORRELL'S IOWA PRIDE ilr BACON (backs) per pound 11 NO. 1 PEX OR WINCHESTER 44 HAMS per pound TrSST BONELESS OR COTTAGE JOr- HAMS per pound...; ., 5-POUND PAILS OF SILVER Attn JLKAF OR REX LARD iKVPOUND PAILS OF SILVER Ct Pjm LEAF OR REX. LARD ptAO l-POUND PAILS OF SILVER BTAB-JOn OR WHITE RIBBON LARD. SC 10-POUND PAILS OF BILVER HTAR7Rn OR WHITE RIBBON LARD 4 OC BUSINESS MORE .CONFIDENT - ' r . , . ( ': Political Convention Hai Cltarsd 0cm- tnsrcial Atmosphere. ; CROPS BIGGEST TRADE INFLUENCE NOW Seasonable Weathes Stlmalates - Dis tribution of Merchandise and Retail Business Improving; . ( Very Macs. " NEW YORK, June 14. R. O.. Dun A Company's weekly Review of Trade to morrow will say I Aside from the strike of garment work ers, developments of the last week have tended to strengthen confidence. One po litical convention haa ended and although Hi action alnv-st a foregone conclu sion, ths Industrial kemosphore Is sllghtiy cleunr.' The fiscal ear is v'wlng ip u close with national finance !n sound con dition, the email shrinkage In federal cus toms' lecelpts being no cauie for uneasi ness. The most Important trade infl lsiwe Just now is ths progress of the crops and the last week has -brougju no setbacK. bii(iiiiih'e weather has stimulated dU.rl butiiu f ire-uhandlee, retail ouilnesd Im lyiovi ig very noticeably at many citlr-, although It r not customary to rind m t Increasing nt this time. Railway earnins thus fur for June ars surprisingly satis factory, un increase over lust year of it ptr ceni being reported. No Mi(.es are named in the situation at iro.i furnaces and steel mllis. Nominally the list of nice l.maln ths bume, although r.mll C'onoeeah.ns are resorted on Some orders that were not urgent, snd the &. euis,i of all rroducts of the Industry is a triili lituer ri'nuse of the deultnei ulilcli Were practically confined to pig iron. Taking the Industry aa a -whole, reports are almost ununlmoua regarding the lack nf new orders, bat there Is wide diversity, of c pinion ss to the future. Many authorl tier anticipate a revival in the fall, others believe that there will be no material chaitK untl.' spring, while July 1 Is made the. turning point by the most sanguine, bituminous eosl snd coke feel the stsg nctlon keenly, but hard coal is moving freely. Wu(tern markets have ruled very dull. Packers hold for full price, but tanners buy Kills, as recent declines 'In leather depressed that market below a parity with hides. - Footwear salesmen returning from wf st ern trips report a good sample business in spring shoes, but wholesalers are con servative regarding supplementary fall or ders. In the primary market for cotton goods further reductions In price have occurred, chleflly in staple lines of printed calicoes. Thus far the response to the lower prices has been most discouraging. New Mnes of light-weight woolens nave ben opened from changing condition, but the closing of the heavy-weight season has proved much better than anticipated. The raw wool market Is very strong, .despite small buying by the mills. Fsllures this week number 227 In the t'nlted States, against fit last year, snd 23 tn Canada, compared with II a year o. WESTERN TRADE MICH HIPHOVEO Better Crap Advlees Have Good In. flaenee on Business, NEW TORK, June 24 -Bradstreet's 'to morrow will ssy: There hsa been some demand at ths west this week, but the betterment as yet is largely one of tone and Is predicated on the unquestionably better crop advices re ceived from nearly all section. The Iron trade appears to be grounding upon the bottom, as regards prices, end curtailment Is becoming widespread. From the textile Industries the story Is one of slmost mid summer dullness and of a waiting dis position on the part of msnufucturers. Prices generally except cotton and textiles show few important changes and really evince considerable steadiness. Railway earnings for the elapsed portion of June promise to maks rather more favomble comparisons than Ihs esrly spring month, while bank nleurlnss belrsy Irregularity, coincident with varying Influences effectlns bank operations at different renters snd sre below last week ami luet year. No particular improvement In collections Is to be seen, and a long spell of warm weather Is still regarded as necessary If retail trade in seasonable goods ia to be tlmulated Borne good-elsed a!es of Bense mer pig Iron have been made In the central valley at close to lowent prus on the present movement. In finished products oullnees prevails st eastern inarken, but there Is claimed to be more Inquiry for rails at Chicago, one lot lelng bought by the Jspanese government snd i0 two tons having been Bold to s western road, t'bi easo rev irta steel hoop - higher, billets easier and bar Iron lower, wLiU old ma- Sheet Music Musio by Innes and his band. A souvenir collection. Prince Charming (Innes), A Whispered Thought, Southern Smiles, Venezuela Dance, Saturday for... ....... 25c Pi and $2.00 in S. & II. Green Trading Stacps. Grocery bt 1inii nnnn tub nrcsT TRADING center FOR GROCERIES BEST QOOLiS, LOWEST PRICKS. 8II.VKR THIMBI K FBKK. With each pound csn Bennett's -yA r Capitol BRklna PowrtT V A Sterling Sllvsr Tlilmble Fres Saturday only. 11.00 worth "8. ft H." Oroen Trndtnir Stumps with three lscults 10V 80c worth "S. Sc H." Own Trading Stamps wlthir" each, pkg. Vim lu" W.dO worth Green Trading Stamps with 2-oS. 1ir bottle Extract 1 . 11.00 worth Greon Trading J Stamps with pound New York Cream yfir ) 1 Cheese ' 12.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with half pound Bennett's Capitol 34g Jaran Rice fine pound Candles for lanterns, each... Preserves, assorted, jar. Potted Ham, can Evaporated Cream, can...... Salmon, 1-lb. can.... Bl'TTER ' Received dally direct from ths best dairies. ' Fresh Country Butter, lb 13o Bennett's Capltol Creamery, lb 220 CANDY-Saturday's Special Offer IRc Ponnil Marshmallows, fine flavored, lb lLo nnx'T vnfmv.-r this GREAT FR E N C H J"IT3POT 2.00 In -8. & H." Green .Trading fctamps with any ulpe worth OE. Up from. irom . THE HOME union made cigar, 7 for... 25o HI PI pi lo .90 4c So 100 , carries $1.00 in little Green Stick ers along with it-r-and every hammock we sell under $3 (and we have them as low as 68c) will carry $5.00 in Little Green Stickers. I terlAl la rijwillnlrtff mt all Tnp.rfRed Inquiry for hardware Is noted at western pointa ana ratner more nrmness is seen in prices for tin snd copper. Eastern shoe manufacturing Is rather quiet. Wool hss firmed up mainly because old supplies are scarce. The key of the situation, . of course, Is the demand ' for woolen goods, which will be cloeely watched from now on. Reports from the clothing trade the- country over are on the whole optimistic. Wheat, Including flour exports for - the week ending June 23, aggregate 1,271,417 bushels, against 2,044,261 last week. . .,618,142 this week last year. 8,382,701 In l9oi and 4 8)14,147 In 1901. From July 1, 1903 to date they aggregate 132.727,439 bushels, against IOO G1 1 . .4Ji f J9 'IU I,. tOTW mnA ! 11.159,892 bushels tn 1901. Corn exports for the week aggregate 37,002 bushels, sgslnst 298,998 last week, 1,2S,254 a year ago.. 130,102 In 1902 and 2.455. 460 bushels In 1911. From July 1, 1903 to date they aggregate 51.018,9(5 bushels, sgalnst (5.55.14 lust season, 24.82S,9G5 ia 1902 and 171.471. 116 bushels in 1901. Bunlness failures In the United Ststes for the, week ending June 23 number 216. against 181 last week. 171 In the like week of 1902, . 153 In 1902, 191 In 1901 and 182 In 1900. In Canada, failures for the weea number 23, sgalnst 18 last week and Is In this week a year ngo. Prises for Farmers. AMES, Ia., June 24. (Special.) This week the Cook trophy, which wus offered by A. E. 'Cook, proprietor of the Brookmont farms at Odebolt, has been received at the Iowi , State college, this trophy .was of fered for excellence In com Judging at the short course held here In December of each year. It was manufactured by Gorman A Co. and la a handsome piece of art and statuary. It is of bronie snd In addition to the figures of an American Indian and the late Charles W. Cook, who established the Brookmont farms, It has three hermet ically sealed cylinders In which the three best ears of com from each contest will be kept from year to year. Notice has Just been received from the Union Stock Yards HERE VE ARE AGAlfJ! PRICES LOWER THAN EVER NOTE A FEW: Our Best Sirloin Steak, lb. .. , ................. 0c Our Best IUb Hoast, lb.... , QC Boiling Beef, lb 2 sC Best Breakfast Bacon, lb. .QiC iSalt Pork, lb , 6C Fancy Cometl Beofj lb. 3iC And all other moats In proportion. Central Grocery and Meat Market 600602 Broadway. 'Phone 24. loun Come Boiling Beef, per lb. 2c Fork "Roast, per lb. 8o Good Steak, 8 Iba It lb Roast, boned and rolled. 25o per lb.. , 6o Spare Ribs, lb 5o Veal Steak, lb IOC Veal Htew lb 5o Pot lioast, per lb 8o Round Steak, lb Ho Slrlolu Steak, lb Ho THE ORVIS MARKET DELIVER TO ANY PAR OP CITV. Telephone 40. COUNCIL, BLUFFS. 537 W. Broadway. Jewelry Counters Rntnrdnv whole bnnch of Drummers' Parnples of Ladles' Holts In crushed leather and fabric belts every single one of them worth up to 50c QA Saturday for 1C And Nc worth of Little Green Stickers thrown in. TWO BKAlTIFtX I.OTt OP , SII.K GIRDLES. Lot 1 easily worth 1 fl tp toll, Saturday. Z$JC And $1.00 "S. & II. " Ure-'U Trading Stamps thrown In. Ixt 'i easily worth up to fcl.5o Sutuitlay ftb ior yoc And 13.00 In Little tJrecn Stickers thrown In. PPT m Does Your Watch Give You Trouble? nrlnp it to our watch hospital Main' Floor Jnst inside SUtecnth street en trance. Yotir watch troubles will he remedied without much cost. V.'e have two expert watch trakcrs nd v-e fr.isr nnrf thplr Wort, (iond wniches ' fines run slow In hot weather. Iet'a regulate youra. Fine Stationery At a Price - Just received, a large shipment of im ported linen I .awn Note Paper, assorted beautiful tints nud new designs. This is the best paper made for gen teel correspondence, and we sell it at less than HALF THICK. Saturday only 4 quires Linen Paper, worth $1, "JCn price 4mJ 1 pkg. (23) Linen Lawn Envelopes A worth 25c, price 1UC A Hammock A Hammock Oh, the luxury of it on a porch or on the lawn between trees. Isn't it just lovely in a fine new swinging hammock, in one of those fantastically fringed af fairs with a nicely set pillow and a spreader of just the right size? Isn't it cozy, though? Saturday every ham- J AA mock we sell up from.". . " and Transit company of Chicago that thsy have decided to offer two new trophies to take the place of the Spoor trophy, which has been won. by the Iowa State college three times in succession and has beoome the permanent property of this school. It is their purpose to offer one of thess trophies for excellence In Judging cattle, hogs and sheep, and the - other for Judging horses.' These prises are to be offered to students representing the various agricultural col leges of the United Statea and Canada, at ' the coming International Live Stock ex position In Chicago the first week In De cember, and In addition it Is expected that liberal cash prises will be offered. Old Soldiers Meet at Marlon. ' MARION, Ia., June 24. (Special.) About 150 old soldiers were present at the opening session of the twelfth reunion of the Twen tieth Iowa volunteer regiment at Marlon yesterday. The day was spent in renewing old acquaintance and talking over old times. The women of Marlon served a din ned In the park and a camp fire was held in the ovenlng, which was addressed by prominent Grand Army men from this and other states. There were about seventy five members of the Twentieth Iowa at the meeting representing seven states. ' The meeting will continue over today, when the election of officers will be held. Class Day at Harvard. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.; Juns 24. Clsss day, the greatest festival of the year at Har vard university, waa obnerved today with an enthusiasm which was more marked because of yestri day's base ball vlotory over Yale. The seniors, numbering about 500. assembled In front of Holworthy hall . and marched fo Banders' theater, where the literary exercises were fceld. ArJtur D. Frtcke of Davenport, s,. read the clsss ode. . Trust Prices Torterhouso Steak, lb Veal Roast lie ... Go Lnmb Stew, lb Skinned llama Best Bacon . . . 12o i 12o Home-Made Kettle Rendered Lard, 3 Iba 25c Beat Salt Pork fco Good Butter 10'O Iaf Lard, 13 Iba. for 1.00 Strictly Fresh Eggs, dog 15c Pi : IP 1 It -w Klin I i 1