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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1904)
Y THE OMAHA" DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, (JUNE 25, HKTf. 12 F RE E... Saturday Only A Day of Great . Bargains Don't Fail to Attend These Sales Ber'm SATURDAY THR RFMARI.E ITORR. t -r , , , ii "i i ssssttKr-riiSxmK B n nn riri f 4 iff i Ml ii i n ii ii h i i i i y rv u II I El . 9. 1 V 8 I' v. DIED MEET THIS SEASON . ExcaHsnt Program Arranged" f Matines Eaoei at 8pr;u Prt HORSEMEN ENTHUSIASTIC OVER CARD Few Eu' for tks Afteraooa a4 Ammm Will la Stsirt la Class A If Track la ', " Thl afternoon the enthusiasts of ths Omaha Driving olub will lead their nags out to Eprague .Street park for the third meet of the aeason. Aa the racing day a on metropolitan track about the country come nearer to the season's senlth, the Interest of the local horsemen increases and things begin to strike a livelier gait. The races will start promptly at 2 o'clock In toe afternoon with the claaa A light harness pacing event. There la a good list of starters In all of the four racea on the alata and keen competition la antici pated. Cspecial Interest la attached to the meet In Tlew of the fact that Anna Will, driven by Robert Lowry, will start In the olaes A vent and. If the track la fast, may lower the season's record of 1:06V Anna Will made the mark at the iaat meet of the Driving club. There will be five atartera In the class D trot and a stubborn fight for plaoa may be expected. Floyd Campbell and Clinton II. Brlgga. who corn pose the racing committee of the club, announced the Hat of entries. They promise a good program, and from the slate such a one certainly Is to be expected.. William Bapp of Council Bluffs haa been elected to alt en the judge's, bench and give the word.' Other officials of the course will be named later. Al Peppers gepertateadeat. The club Thursday announced it had se cured the service of Al Peppers of Des Molnea to act aa superintendent of the track, for the - remainder of the present season. It is hoped that the ground will be sufficiently dry and hardened to permit of soma fart stepping Saturday afternoon. Omaha lovers of good horse flesh will not be a little gladdened to learn that there Is a possibility of one of the best matinee steppers In the country being brought here. Clinton H. Brlggs is carrying on negotia tions with Ed Oaylord, a prominent Den ver, horseman, for the purchase of Agnes Le May. Mr. Oaytord'a mare is not only one, of the fleetest performers la Colorado, but for amateur driving haa few peers. Agnes Le May holds the track record of the' Gentlemen's Driving and Biding club of Denver for a half mil In 1:034, and that's goln' some. Mr. Oaylord took his mare to the recent Cleveland horse sale, which, aa horsemen know, proved a rank failure. He bid her in at 1900. The consideration named by Mr. Oaylord la 11,500. Mr. Brlggs baa not de cided whether ha will accept or not, but if be does he thinks he will have little difficulty in showing the dust to many who have passed him on the road in times agone. ; The entries for the meet follow: Class A (Pacing) Roy F. (Floyd J. Camp bell), The Kid (H. W. Dunn), Tony W. (W. K. Mackay), Anna Will (Robert Lowry),, Bluttm (Mr. Kendall). Class B (Pacing) Pet (Ely Brothers), Albert L. (ChatneldV, Rose M. (Joe John son), Ba (Mr. Morlarty). Governor Taylor (L. P. Crofoot), Black I lawk (R. Thomp aon. Clafcs C (Pacing) Red Buck (J. S. Iman), Chant Wood (f. W. Carr), Robert Poet (O. A. Redlck), Lady Belle (A. M. Hender eon). Eld die D. (Ed Dietrich), Fay Esse (E. Smith), Robert (O. J. Mlllliran). Class D (Trotting) General Nottingham (Ed HeeJon), 8ady N. (Fred Nash), Myrtle Boy (Thomas Byrne), Almont Junior (W. II. Dudley). Consider (Charles Lane). FALL FINALLY TAKES LIFE Picas;) Dows Elevator Shaft Kills . WIIUs Palmer, Right Watch- au of Paxtoa Block. Willis Palmer, a night employe of the Paxton block,. who fell four floors In the elevator ahaft a week ago last Wednesday, died at Clarkaon hospital Thursday after noon. Spinal meningitis Is , given as the , cause of death. Palmer was 44 years, of age, single, and resided at 2408 Far nam street The remains will be taken to St. Philomena's cathedral Saturday morning and then to the Holy Bepulcher cemetery - for interment. , Coats Md Pants $5.00 It;a about the same kind you pay others from $U0 to (10.00 for. Young Udn's Suits S3.S0 . They wlU fit small man, as well ss boys. ' It's from a purchase made from a hard-up manufacturer. The cloth, without the making, cannot be procured for that price. Spscfel P.its Value, $1.39 Light colored cuff bottom pants, all wool black cheviot, fancy worsted, also blue serge large assortment to choose from. Suninur Coats Front 45c Up Light summer ' coats, 46c i .black alpaca coats aa low as ICes better onea In pro portion; white duck pants, 86c Alfred Bsnjansln's Fine Clothing JN'o others fit aa well: - No others wear aa well. No others will retain their shape aa well and the prioes we aak for them axe no higher than you pay to other (or Inferior quality. 25c end 35c Hen's Kloso Your Choice I5p 1 Now .on Bale A lot of Imported and domestic Men's Fancy. Hose tan, high colors, as well as neat patterns an enor mous lot , to choose from regular retail price S6o and Sic sale price, 16c a pair.. Tha Guarantee Clothing Go. 1513-1521 Douglas St. Headquarters for Silk and Mohair Bhtrts. tovdle :-vv lasareaPart.SefLhlu8kia j 'jmS . eetM Keauna and Tttter. Ab solatalr sud Prmuntly J klM, riinsUa, KadutM. Bun- gpou i.e. vmwa w-f .; Persik-aursla Bos a Tm . y wi kia u lawna, . i . loM a. nrasalsta. as aav he afaerei sired. aersa-lieale ateap, aa cau, av aaaU. The Derssa-Boyale Co Clneiaaatt, SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE CBUS STORE i 11 tturuiwi Irrll.llou. it ulutr.UoM k ' "3iail4siiCu ' C. sm r " V V tmtmH, 1 aH iHrslsa, . . , sa la vreviwf. v - ... r - j J ( M. .fc.(..J T. . V, or la Ut.itWf sa ea . Summer Underwear Sale, ALL THE SAMPLES AND SURPLUS STOCK FROM A. W. PORTER & CO., 4f5 WHITE STREEt, N. Y. . More Than a CivrloeLd of Underweixr en v Dipnrn vcT a l.n in anit vesta, plain and all over lace, at 25o. and short sleeve vesta and extra size At. MAph . S0& Union Sulta 29c. Summer , Union Suits lace trimmed a re markable bargain for Satur-Q. day only, at totJK' Special Sale Ladles', men's and children's tan and fast hlaok hose all over lace, plain lisle, fine and heavy ribbed, tables,, at... 10c-121c-15c LADIES' PARASOL SALE Prom the great purohaae of Cans Bros, of Baltimore. The daintiest and pret tiest Bummer Parasols ever shown In Omaha 100 atyle plain and fancy silk, aatln, silk .chiffon, etc. deep ruffles, eto. Also special lot of Silk ' Umbrellas sterling silver and gold trimmed handles natural wood at $2.98, $2.50. $1.49, 98c and 25c. Mlaaea and Children's Parasols prettily trimmed worth up to $1.00 at 50c, 39c, 25c, 10c. Ladies Summer Neckwear, 10c 15c-25c All the prettiest kinds of neckwear for wear, with shirt waists and summer costumes In daintily embroidered and trimmed stocks, tabs, bows and yokes, at Handkerchiefs Fancy Swiss embroidered, hemstitched and lace trimmed handkerchiefs, all icu imiiunriuinriB, txki 5c-lQc-15c wiatns of hems, at...., 1. L BRANDEIS fc SONS BOSTON STORK. - Four Big Saturday Specials Regular 25c made-up Bow Ties, three for. .......... 25c $3.00 Fancy Underwear suit. 1.50 New Gun Metal Suspenders.... 50c A beautiful white pleated Soft Shirt detached cuffs. .1.00 ALBERT CAHN, Shirt Maker and Men's Furnisher. 77 Ghe Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago CHICAGO . .20.00 and return .. CHIGAUO and return aa ec via bt. louis one way. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. 11 A A and return July -10...H.UU CINCINNATI. O., and 0") 76 return July K to 17.... l3 INDlANAPOLje and Q CC returo June it and XT... LOL'loVlLLii and Al It return Aucust If to V..liv bT. PAULr-MINNBAP- IA Cfl OUfl at ret. every day. '"' MAW hA l U Si UAKU MADISON every day DULUTH and return every day 10.50 .15.05 AfcHUANU and Bayfield and return every day.. 16.15 MuNTHEAL and ret urn every day .32.75 BUFFALO and Toronto 07 C and return every day...'l Lowest Bates to Many Points. ii City Offtoaa 1401-1403 FARNAM 8T. OMAHA tel. e24-eet PARKER'O Hair Balsam 1'ioiubioa uu growta of tna Iialr and gives It the lua'je and aiULlueaa of youta. Wnea tna hair 1 rray or faded It BRINGS BACK THI YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and baar fulling and keepa toe acalp Clean and healthy. IF YOU HAVEN'T TRIED IT. A RARE TREAT IS IN STOKE FOR YOU at about one-hall prlca. 15c Underwear at 5c Ijadies' and children's sleeveless vent very light weight for summer wear Saturday, at, each ........ 5c 25c Underwear at 10c Ladles and mlnses' slefvelosa and wing sleeve Tests, plain and fancy colored, aome silk mer cerizedSaturday, at 10c 50c Underwear at I2ic & ; 15c Ladlca all over lace llalo and lace trim mod underwear, white arid fancy some slightly damaged, worth 17,a1'in BO cents, at ..... nrocht trimmed rrenon lima Also extra ilza. loug pants, ........... 25c Boys and Ql rls Underwear-Gauze . Cotton Vests, Pants and drawers. Stf.?:..; 121c-19c of Hosiery Imported hosiery, ladles' and men's fine macro cotton, lace lisle and drop atltch lisle hosiery, many worth 2S5.. 19c-25c-35c 10c, 15c, 25c Summer Qloves- Lisle and silk gloves black. white ana coiorea correct ror summer 10cl9c-39c wear, ; . at....:..., 219 S. 14th St. ICE-CREAM SODA ' "5c. at Our Soda Fountain. Mint Freeze .' 10c Boston Store 10c Russian-Jap Mix 10c Vug Malted Milk 1.5c Minted Cocoa 10c Port Arthur 10c Pineapple Puff 10c Yalu Punch 10c Claret Float 10c Egg Maple Frappe 15c Maple Frappe 10c Claret Phosphate 5c Egg of AppoiinariB Lemonade 20c THOROUGHLY MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Omaha's Model Brewery The Beer You Like Thoroughly agod and Pasteurised. No beer brewed Is better. One trial convinces. Cder now. Remember. four-two-naugUL That's tha telephone number. Keep It la mind. Os ftaJ oa Dials aaa Baffet Cars. Fred Krug Brewing Co., Oaaas't, Model Brewery. Telepaoae 4SO. OMAHA. IT1 TEN CENTS i What To Eat K aod tor eorr. M mu r CO a year. Keiiatile UeUtk aruukea, taUs) eHavwav Jeeta, rawM, CWrev VHau, A wj trimti to lerlsTbeea Tqmr ll re an sueaia Tvll etf aaret siissi'ia law nirtalnrr. T bm taitt BtalMla w-T taa mI4 ke o knw m U kpn im ml tAU wu subllimiMa.'' iyiiw'Ts ecus WHAT TO BAT (Meatar M Ws il a. a4 tM in, n i a . Si . ST r i "T 'V aw'a fa ma. fk SATUROAY, JUNE 25, we give this FULL SIZE UAf.lI.10CK, 78x30 in., ABSOLUTELY FREE to each purchaser of one pound of our celebrated Baking , Powder at 60c. SATURDAY ONLY. Have you tried OUR FINEST JAVA & MOCHA at 40o per pound? One cup of it calls for another. It a th9 kind you have wished for. Wegrind Coffee the way you want it, coarse, fine, or pulverized. Every variety from 15c to 40o. 'PKQNE BI775 GRAND UNION TEA GO. OMAHA, NEB. Largest Exclusive Retail Millinery House In Omaha Enormous iHinery .Bargain Sale SATURDAY of UIGII-GRADE UP-TO-DATE BEAUTIFUL U1LLIHERY. Extraordinary CUT PRICE on Every Hat In the House Pcys. 1508 DOUGLfiS STREET Johnson & Goodlett Co. 'PHONBilSTS AND 4743. ri' t.xaT rnntnlns values which cannot bo found anywhr else in the city. Tfcose who havebeenffur ateaay patrons for 16 Lrtnwr 1 1 en well we ex- tend a cordial invitation to come &nd get acquainted. Call ua up for your Saturday KXTKA flPBCXAIob PACKAGES of DR PRICKS FAMOUS BREAKFAST FO()D GIVEN - AWAY ABSOIAITELY KREB ON SATURDAY one pacaage with S PoTATOES-resh and gnoi QQq . else, per paolc...: COUNTRY BUTTER Fine, fresh, - aweet dairy. Just aa goo a as creauieir. IOC n.r lh 4 KIPPERED HERRING Best im- -iTc ported Aberdeen, per can CORNED BEEFVl-lb. cans, beat ,14C qiiauiy, per tan ROAST BEEF 1-lb. cans prime IOC roast, per can MACARONI Good 15o grade, ' OiC per pkg f. POTTED HAM 6mall alae 3tC TiAr can ....ti. CATSUP bottlea good lOo t3C caisup iw " - LAUNDRY SOAP-8 bars Cudahy s 25c tor , CHERRIES Homa grown, Qq per box CAKES Fine. I-layer white cakes, nut, or ange, caramel cnocoiaie or cannot (ret batter quality, no HOC matter what you pay.-each; . CERO FRUTO ' Re Per pkg iu FRUITS AND v VEGETABLES All tha best ana rresnesi, uoiuo -ruw a m lowest prioes.. Johnson & Goodlett Co. XMb ad ttk Bis. Groceries, Meats and Bakery. $1.50 Shoes i for Boys. Wa ara ready to fir tha boya out with the right kind of ahoes for Taoatlon wearehoea tfcat fit easy and comfortable and that will atand a lot of bard wear and tear. $1.50 will buy a shoe of this kind that Is worth more In real comfort and wear than any other shoe at the same prloe. Ws have others, too, all kinds from a tennis oxford to a fine dress shoe or dancing pump. TOYSHOP n TWENTIETH CENTURY, FARMER 113 SOUTH 16TH ST. Business Stimulators If you haven't bought your meats here you are undoubtedly aware of the ad vances In the retail prices of meats by the weight of your purchanea The situation remains unchanged, wltlV a slight gradual Increasing tendency, but we shall continue to maintain form or prices and guarantee quality the very best. Boiling Beef , !Xr Per Tb. ....J ..Ac er'lb8! b. . .a".tT. IO-124C Swift's Premium Hams , 124c 11c 30c Per lb Young Hens ier id SPRING CHICKENS (our own dressing) each SPECIAL. FOR SATURDAY. With every package of Dr. Price's Wheat Flake Celery Food purchased Saturday we will s-lve one full sixe Dackatre FREE. which reduces the price to 7V4c per package. Don t forget to include witn your order 1 pkgs. Dr. Prlce'a Celery .......15c Fo rood for. 2 pkgs. Vigor 5c for Malta Ceres. . 5c 124 c ...... 8Jc ; 15c 18-20c 25c ...7.. 25c 124c Per pkg Hire's Root Beer Extract Per bottle Jell-O Per pkg... Knox's Gelatine Per pkg Strictly Fresh Eggs Per dos Choice Country Butter "er id i... Choice Ripe Tomatoes Per basket Fresh Sweet Peas Per peck , Extra Large Pineapple Uucn S0MMER BROS. Exponents of Good living, 28th and Fatnam Sts, Telephones, 736, J8!rt, 1831. Your Sunday Dinner Will not be a complete success unless you have a gooa riD roaai. wo nave tiucmu some special good ores for our Saturday trade, uome in iuu ..vw Hero are some Saturday prices; RIB ROAST, (extra fine) QC per pound Chuck Steak ttic per pound ... Bound Steak 12 4 C per pound .m..-. ..- - w Porterhouse 15C per pound ... . Pork Chops 10c per pound ....- ........" Chickens HJc per pound " If you are looking for first-class meats, at the vary loweet possible pricee, phone us your order aud we will collect oa de livery. Exposition Market, Tel. 1047. 209 M 16th Street TWENTIETH CENTURY .FARMER arae Beat Weeklx Wonderful Clothing Values WITHOUT DOUBT THE GREATEST CLOTHING SALE OF THE SEASON $12.50 to $18 Suits at 7.50 and $W We hare just' closed out from two of the largest eastern man ufacturers 1,200 men's fine suits worth from 12.D0 to $IS. We secured them for cash at a ridiculously low price aud are going to give our customers the benefit. For Saturday selling we will divide them into two groat lots- Lot 1 Consists of fine cheviots, P-X&'sr ' I V Mini v;r yJ f -V' ! "', Oopyrljhi 19M by But Sch.fflMr M fm See our Sixteenth Street Window Display See our line of Boys' knee pants suits at....... Boys' wash pants Saturday for Your Hat Manufaolurer'a stirplus atock of felt hats In all shapes, worth JJ i up to 12.50, your Ichoioo . Saturday . I BUY A PANAMA While j ou can get th choice of our en'lre ,.,4.98 stuck, worih up to $10 Men's, boys' and children's straw hats,' worth up to 76c, - . 26c. 16c and 10c GREATLY REDUCED RATE'S COACH EXCURSION v ' TO a AAA a . Mm T ATTm r&rKrWL PCS K af4 i Wi ft TICKETS WILL BB ON SALE JUNE 20 nd 27, good for return paasagd within seven day a from date of sale. Everyone should visit this the greatest Exposition the world has eree known. This la a delightful season for viewing the wonderful sights. Ample Hotel and Boarding House Accommodations for 1L REASONABLE! BATES. v ' See Local Agent tor further Information. T. F. GODFREY, Pass, sad Tlekal A art. TOM HUGHES. Trav. Pass. aart. OMABa, KEBRASKA. H. O. TOWX1BKD, Gen. Pass, and Tick at Aaani. ST. LOF1S. MO. mu4 m Call or pbone TODAT for one bottle TKh It makrs you feel. Imllvered free. m HAcIKKK H C1!T fHIl'lO DKIKI lftth and Chkasx Sts . Omaha. 'Phones 147 and TOT. Uth and N tita. South umana, i'lioue ko. I. ata Ave. ana cassimeres, serges, plain, fancy and unfinished worsteds and thibets, in the best of patterns and colors,' good linings and trimmings, hand padded shoul ders, self retaining hair cloth' fronts. Excellent .values at, v aa v v tM U U, y 7.50 $12.50; our special price Saturday. .. Lot 2 The most elegant lino ever offered at the price. Ex clusive in style, perfect in fit, excellent in workmanship, hand tailored throughout by high grade workme'n, hand padded shoulders, hand filled collars, self retaining hair cloth fronts, in round cut and double breasted square cut sacks of silk mixed and unfinished wor steds, Scotch mixed cheviots, tweeds, thibets, etc. The beat chance of the season to secure a big value for a very small price; actually worth $15 and $18. Our sale price 10.00 Saturday.. 1 95 Opportunity V I .I II llrS World's Fair MONDAYS JUNE 20th JUNE 27th 1904 POISON IN THE SYSTEM. rtiyelalan ! SrleDt IMS . m that umm of Ut aM OI RKeumatism reui lUiM froiQ rLasmnaUtasn, aggraTsUsxl hy u Mrrmii trfMsUusmu dnv tl p.nsoi but-k ! alepoait Uicmu la thm loinu and uatu. TU pvl 14M kamtieu yj uymmm auu aiiiavcv tnUUiUsaV 1 iM UaU Ut a. tL. root uf ill. ' aLHUH4TIN uilMunlrna tl mra. TUs Is tM frmX trupi bik B.-..U. ar. bUMd. Tl. 1LIIUJV4T19N U Da un)T ravUoaal arid radU laer absxlull id iiemu.nUr IMHUN mm I im. lutl iiief do U uikiy and ImmMi Mr. M- a irtiMi, a efuiiiliMUt UMie ieklMB, VumlllMai IlMieklaVUl til looinAld, I., ft d ons of Ut kMt known Odd i low in UaA Wfli,taUalaOWtfurrin.iia eurM aatia HlieumiUiu, itim aufTajrln ftftMq BlOUllsS. li Bmfl ''OlsJ buMU ClflsktlT lal(Hd I, SAtt VMr HUD! Ulf INWW UVtit. 1 K . . e mmlArmkr .r.d. Ii U Itvv two pioull.. n I h. fell a twins uf tn. old aiu." kundJMl. ef tbr low.. lulk. .imhIaf iMUiitunr. Ask your srusxiM sbout F eaa LUbIwmi c fU iu tm ttuuklek Cllmluo Madklna CoM Dc Molnw, U. mr w'tijJf of fcUrnlno and sea new MUCK BET- For sole by H1"Uliirj. E T. TlUl tTODnslOr. Main St., Council Blufis, j'none a. ) ! -fasw 9, J. ar Bast ravaa rases. AtKVLU EVf.KYWttt.U6