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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1904)
THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: iTilDAY. JUNE 24. 100. GRAIN AXD PRODUCE MARKET Btpcrti of Sp'sntia Crept in All Parts f I Country. CHANGE' QUIET ON LIGHT RECEIPTS hlpplnar Interest Aasert They Cmn aot HtncMkcr a Tin Wkt ' Cora Waa aa Dull a'-" at Preneat. ir: OMAHA. Jan. 23. 1904. Report ef (ha splendid condition of cropa In all parts of tha country continue to coma In. While thera are a few discourag ing feature to the outlook, they are ao ainall that they cut very little figure. The latest reporta irom Minnesota Inuicate that wheat, oata and barley are In splendid con dition In all parte of the elate, the only exception being where they were poorly put In, and In the southeastern part somo field are ao rank there la danger of lodg ing. Th Cincinnati Price Current aaya that crop reports are favorable from all sources and that where harvesting has begun the yield equals or exceeds previous expectations. Corn la clean and of good color. A private letter from North Daaota aays tha wheat crop Is fine. The official .government report of Canada places the total Canadian yield this year at 99,500,000 bushels, of which 61,000,000 bushels will be available for export. The Ontario wheat crop Is estimated at 19.000. 000 bushels, which la 6, MO, 00 bushels less than last year. Manitoba and the North weft Territory promise 80,500,000 bushels, agalnat (3,000,000 bushels laat year. A private cable aaya that wheat la advancing on account of bad weather reporta from Argentine. A leading Chicago broker pre dicta tha sums sort of a aurpiiae in store in July wheat aa waa sprung in July corn today. Bt. Louis wired that a car of new Indian Territory wheat had been received there and that 81.08 was bid for It, but It waa not old. Chicago reported a very quiet open ing on oat and trade of a general char acter. The wheat market opened with very light offerings. Receipts of corn con tinue fairly good and the demand poor. There la practically no export demand for wheat, except lor occasional loads of strong Manitoba to mix with weaker Indian and Argentine wheats. Th business Is mostly In No. 1 Manitoba, there being little. If any. No. 1 available. on the basis of 82c at Fort Williams. The trade la even quieter for shipments of tha new crop. Pains have been taken by a leading Chicago broker to- Investigate the matter, and he believes that not mora than ten loads have been aold abroad for- August, September and October shipment, where one year ago at this time probably 26.000,0(4 bushels had been sold. The local market is very quiet on ac count of light receipt. The range In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Wednesday and today were as follows: .. v Closed ; Open. High. Low. Today. Ys'y. Wheat .'. July 78 79 74 i73 71B .... 46B 46 4 B 46 43 43 38 B 88 41 41 87 38 30 31 Bept. Dec Corn June July Bept. Dec. Oets June July Sept. ,..p, (J 74vB WB 71 B 71 71 B 48 B 46 4i B 46 43 43 38 & 38 B B , 41 38 31 41 88 81 41 Local Casta Grata Market. WHEAT No. t hard, 84388c, nominal; No. 8 hard, 80QS3C, nominal; No. 4 hard, 6575c. nominal. ' 4, 4244cs No.T yellow, 47&47c; No. 3 yel low, 46447c; No. 1 whit, 47i&47c; No. S white, 445of i t OATSNo. 8. 40c; No. 8. 38c; No. whit. 41c; No. 8 white. 8&40c; No. 4 white, IhjJ&c; standard. 41o. ' of" t Market. Kane City received Its first ear of-new oata yesterday tfom Texas. It Is expected that- new. oat from central and southern Illinois will begin to arrive In the Chicago. market by July 15 If tha weather continue' favorable. ' iTh Kan Wa nnta,.r rnminntlnl Mwa ya ht reports' from the state of Waah-i-ton -Indicate th wheat crop there will the largest on record. Th total acreage crasr la esUmaHtd to be- 10-. to -ISO pe ent. as Shipping Interests assert that they can fiardly remember a time when the trade In 'corn waa so dull aa now. Except for tha (peculator, It la i'said the trade In corn (Would be sorr, fndie(l,;dosplt tha limited receipts. ,- ";" . -.The Chicago wxchange will close' privilege (trading tomorrow at I p. m. Instead of 2:30 Ms usual, ion account of tha grain conven tion. '.'.-, . . Chicago reported that the strength In com -. - w WA Wv (.bin. In A T . . 1 3hedges on a rumnr that corn in one of the levators is seur land out of condition. It I supposed the corn in question Is low grrade. ' ': 3 Omaha lnspcUtna-.o grain were 9 oars. 3o. 3 hard wheat, 1 cor; No. 3 corn," 8 cars; Wo. 4 white oau, 1 c-arund No. 4 rye, 1 car. I Reectta v of J.Oanaka i Market. ' f . ' i " , I"- Out 8'hea,tV Corn ... ..... 8 .... 0 Gralw 8f avkeV'' Elsewhere. f. Closing prices of grain today and Wedne- pay at the market named were a follows: CHICAGO. Closed Wheat- MJuly F September Corn CJuly C September Today. Wedns'y. 84 S4-, " 79! . B -48UA KANSAS' CITT. Afheflt- . 74H' 74HB .JOB JO VI .. 45A 43iiA , 43VA It orpipiuuer corn 4Julr September. heat " Jnlv 62H 80 47 ? September (Corn ; fJuly I September W'hoac i. . 80v . 47H 47 A lilNNRAPOLia. 92V4 oHB Jf September DULUTH. . Wh LThent t July- ...... f September Kvheat-1 ; 9?s ;hb 804B )a t..;... XKW YORK. July .............. ' September ....... !. A asked, t B old. S4 - 84W (3 04 KW YORK GGRJU. ' MARKET (ao'tatloBB of th Day aa Various . . Coatesodltles. NEW YORK, June 23. FLOUR Receipt S0.871 bbls. ; exports, ti.SbX bbls.; mar ket dull, large arrivals checxlng de mand; winter paitufs, 35 0ou.0; winter straights, M.7Ly4.iKj. MJnneauia pat enta, kimer extras, UU-i; Minnesota buaera,; winter low trades, J.15a '0. Rv Hour, steady; tair to good,-44.vv.44.26; t no ice to fancy, W.2int 4 (W. . " t C0RKME:AL Steady ; yellow western, 81.101.12; city, Lliul.l5; klla dried, (3.00 4UJ 10. RVE Nominal; No. 8 western. 70c, , BAKUY-Blow; feeding, 4&c, c L ., 24ew York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Receipts 80.000 bu.; export, T.IW bu. ; spot market lirm; No. Z red, nom inal elevator, and 11.08 f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northera Duluth, S1.01V4; No. 1 hard Man itoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; options dis played notable at length; September, Mo) 4Sc. cloned Mc; December, 84Vc, Closed H4e. . - CORN Recelpta 50.626 bu.; exporta 65. W0 bu.; spot inarket firm; No. 8, fcoc, elevator and t t. a. b, -alloat:' No. 2 yellow. &6c; No. 3 white, fciWc;. optlen markrt had ' big advance on July during the forenoon, but reacted with wheat and cloaed only Wo net higher, July, tuSc, -closed 54c; Sep tember, (jrt54c, closed tic. OATS Receipts ,unO bu.; mixed oats, T7 1o 33 pounds. Vku4vVc; natural white, 40 t U pounds. 4S4i4lc; clipped white, .w and 40 jioumls, 6ki)jJc, option market, nominal. HAY Steady; ahtpplng, Tm: good to chrH.. 95c. m t IKPS Steady : tate. common to choice, J lUWiM'l it, lactic; olds, M,4c; liiecoast tvK; lrU, tHuZm:; old. u He lllpEH Steady: Oalveston 20 to 25 pounds lk-; Call.'ornla, il to 'ib puunda, lao: Texas dr', 84 to pounds, Vjc I.hTHLH-Quiet; acid, MlfXc. -. WtlijJj Steady; fleece, 2Siu-Uc. TAjJ-pW-r'lria; city, 4Vc, country, 4 aliit'ri-ulet: domestic fair to extra. A t;6Hc; Ji'Hn. nominal. PRO V let 1 u.N S Heef. firm: family, t 5i 10 00; tivs. i'uiO; Deef lianx, .0.5iw Uuu; picket,. t ut'i'K 50; illy, extra lnIU tiiees. liluwlS.'. Cut meats, steady; plik led tteltlea, 7Vti N--, vl. k lud shoulders. Hu; ilckled hams, lfj)ic. LiJ. firra; western ieni1. 37 35: refined, steady; ronttnrnt. 41.W, SottiB America, 37.7a, compound, J ic per lb. Pork, firm; family. $7 4 00; short ciear, may 14.,: mess, 14 X-glt... CHICAGO URAl.V AMI rROTlIOS restart! of th Trading aad tloslag Prices oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAOO. June 12. Pearlsh reports from the northwest and southwest regarding the condition of the wheat crop brought suf ficient realising tudsy to cause a slight loss at the close, September being down H". The market opened firm. July being un changed to a shade higher at 4f'9c. Sep tember was unchanged at 7Sfc7Hvc. Toward the end of the sexslnn the bearish Influence overcame the effect of the early bull fac tors, and for the remainder of the day tn market waa subjected to considerable selling pressure. The demand waa not efual to the supply and In consequence a weak undertone developed. July selling off to A4N September declined to 79c. Th cloae on both September and July waa at the low point. Clearancea of wheat and flour were eotial to 40,ftn0 bu. Primary re ceipts were 213.900 bu, compared with 280, 300 bu. a year sgo. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported recelpte of 1SS cam, against 25t cars last week and 209 cars a ytar ago. An urgent demand from shorts for July corn caused a slight flurry In tha market for that cereal, forcing the price of July r.early a cent above yesterday' closing figure. The market closed stesdy, with July He lower at 4ft,c. after selling at SS4e. September closed a shade to HliHc higher at 4S'y&Wc, aold between tfsio and 4tc and closed at 48H4SSc. Local receipts ere 218 cars 1 of contract grade. The oata market displayed a weak un dertone. Estimated receipts for tomorrow and the early strength of wheat helped to steady th market. July closed WSSc lower at itH3Sc. September opened un changed to a shade higher at CfcSttHc, sold between 31 c and 32c and closed at 3-C. Local receipt were 108 cars. Provisions were firm. The principal de mand was for rlhs. The strength of the hog market helped provisions. September pork closed 10c higher at $13.20. Dard waa up 2V'i&c at 8717VS- Rib were up &&74c at $ 7fr7.70. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 9 car; corn, 305 jcars; oats, 67 car; hogs, 20,000 head. The leading future ranged aa follows: Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close. Yes'y. Wheat a July bJuly a Sept. b Sept Corn . June July Sept July Eept. Dec. . July Bept. Sept. 86tfM! 87 86ff M m 84SI 84 8H4I4(8l'y .MV&K5, 4HI HI ili 79 78 79 48 48 47 474i 48 4SH 4S 4H 48H 48&Hi48HH 45HSV 49 41' 88H'S8ft-, 41 s 32 ' r 12 80 13 10 97 7 16 7 42 7 62 39 3'J4 82H, 3132 82 127 13 00 12 87 12 90 13 10 ' 7 00 44 AO 18 27 13 16 7H "7 06 97 7 16 7 40 7 60 7 22 7 15 7 40 7 60 7 17 7 B2H1 ' 7 7 70 7 Bx No. 2, a old. b new. Cash quotation war a follow: FLOUR Dull but easy; winter patent. 34.664.fi6; straights, $4.8u4.40; spring pat ents, $4.3o4.70; straights, 33.9034.00; bak era", $2.5062.90. WHEAT-No. 2 spring, 9396c; No. 3, 85 95c; No. 2 red, 98fi9c CORN No. 2, 4S4c; No. 2 yellow, 60c. OATS No. 2. 41&41c; No. 8 white, 41 44c H YE No. 2. Rc. BARLEY Good feeding, 8440c; fair to choice malting, 4262c. SliED KIhx1. r.o. 1, 31.01; No. 1 north western, $1.07; clover, contract grade, 810.75; prime timothy. 32.92. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $11.90 12.96. Lard, per 100 lb., W.j.97. Short rib sides, floose) 37.37'a7.6t; dry raited shoulders, (boxed) 37.254260. ' Receipt and shipment at this inarket today wer a follows: . Renelnts. Shipments. Flour, bbl .'. 33,4(V 18,100 Wheat, bu 17,000 67.900 Corn, bu.... 232,200 261.4O0 Oat, bu 113.600 111,700 Rye, bu 8,000 . Barle-y,- Bu.V... .:-..-. J 24,700 . 6,900 On the Produc exchange today th but; tcr market waa steady, creameriea. 13flf 17c; dairies, 1116c. Egg, tedy at mark casea Included, 14&14c Cheese, steady, 74jc .'. It. Loai Grala aad Provlaloas. BTtoifisl June 13 WHEAT Stronger: No. 'i red cish.' elevator, nominal; track. Jl.O&fo Aw7$l.t for old; July, 8204 Sep tember, oc; iso. J nara, c. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 48e; track. 494kp0c; July( 47c; September, 470. - OATS Firmer ; No. 2 cash, 41c; track, 42c; July,' 87c; September, 31c; No. 3 white. 46c.- FLOUR Market stead to firm; red winter patents, $4,804)4.90; special brand. 10 to 2So- higher; extra fancv. $4.86!84.50. SEED Timothy, steady, tlWQi.lo. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.75. BRAN Dull; sacked, eaat track. 846e. HAY-Steady; Umothy, $8.0014.00; prairie, $7,004(9.60. ' IRON COTTON TIES-82C.' BAOOINGr-J. HEMP TWINE. 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; lobbing;, $12.90.' Lard, higher;, prime steamed, 36.3s. Bacon, ateady; boxed, extra short, $8.12; clearrlbs. $8.28; short, clear, $8.37. POVLTRY rrm; chickens,. 9c; springs, 14'18c'; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 8c; geese, 8o. ft UTTEH Slow ; creamery, ltflSc; dairy, 1EOOS-i-Steady at 13c. case count Receipt. Shipments. OTnnr bhla-. 4.0vO' 5.000 Wheat' bu - 5.000 63,000 Corn, but ...13.000 64.000 Oata, bu..... ,.,20,000 27,000 Kaasas Cltr Grala aad Provleleae. KANSAS CITY, June 23. WHEAT Steady; July. 74'374c: September. 70o; December, 7oi4e70c. Cash: No. 3 hard, Rtktsxo! No. 4. Sifdsftc: No. 3 red. $1.00: No. 8, 96b98o. Receipts, 13 car. CORN Bteaay ; juiy, tone; uepiemoer, 4344c;- December, 8So. Cash: No. 3 mixed, 50c; No. 8, 49U4c; No. 3 white, 4904lec; No. 3, 48c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 43o; No. 8 mixed. 840c. i HAT Firm; choice timothy, $10.6011.00; choice prairie, $8.2f.8.60. RYE Steady at 65c. EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansa. new. No. 8 whltewood cases Included, 13e; case count, 12c, cases returned, o less. BUlTh.'R Creamery, 13iaci dairy, fancy, 12c. t Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu ... 4.8O0 Corn, bu 22,4n0 18,400 Oata, bu 4,000 idW Mllwaakoo Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, Wl., Jun 23. WHEAT One-half cent higher; No. 1 northern. 9&9c; No. 2 northern, 95SSvc; old July, ivflSG'tc asked. RYE Dull; No. I. 68o, BARLEY Dull; No. 3. 63c; ample, 80 CCORN-Steady; No. I. 4849c; July, 48Ho bid. Dalath Grala Market. DULUTH. Minn.. June 23. WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern, 82c; No. 2 north- ...... ft.,!, a. nH V a HA.kAM. O -)1 . No. 2 northern, 9ofcc; July, 92c; Septem ber, Hoo. OATS To arrive, 41c; on track, 40o. 'Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. June 23. WHEAT-Spot, easy: No. 1 California. s 6d: futures, steady: July, 6s 2d; September, 6s 3d. CORN Spot, easy; American mixed, new, 4a 4d; American mixed, old, 4s 6d: futures, dull; July, 4 3d; September, 4 2d. " Mlaaaapolia Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 23. WHEAT July,; 'Jc; September, tc; December, 7SV: on track, No. 1 hard, 94c; No. 1 northern, Vic; No. 3 northern, 91o. Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO, June 28 SEEDS Olover, cash, I'VlO. October. $5.7; prime alslke, I6.8X Timothy, prime, $1.45; . Setpember, $1.47. Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA, HI . Jun 83.-CORN Firm to higher; No. 3. 4t46c; No. 4. 42c. , taaar aad Molasses. NEW. YORK. Jun 33-81'Q AR-Ra w, Arm; refined, firm; No. . 4 5c: No. 7, 4.56c; No. 6. 4.55c; No. 9, 440c; No. 10, 4.35c: No. 11, 4-JOo; No. 12. 4.26c; No. 13. 4 !0c; No. 14. 4.15c: confectioners A. 4 80c: mould A. 4 50c; crushed. 5e6c; powdered. f.O&c; granulated, 4.U6c ; cubes. 6 20c. NEW ORLEANS, June 23.-8UQAR Strung; open kettle, SVtiJ3 li'.c, open kettle centrifugal. 3u3Sc; centrifugal whites. 4'4 44c; yellows, 3V64 6-lc; seconds, 2SJ 8Hc. . MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 20jt : centrifugal. 10'il5c. Syrup, nominal, 2oiu 25c. Dry Uooda Market. NEW YORK. June 23 DRY OOODS Tha dry gixxla market has not developed acceding to the expectation of sellers and tl ey are disappointed in tha reception with wnlch the revised prices have wet at the hands of buyers. Th latter, however, seen, t have no onnfldenr In th altuatloa and sye anticipating further revlMona, which, however, sellers claim ar lutucxt-,iui. NEWYORK STOCKS AND BONDS Ezcn!T Blafgithntig is On of the rituri of ths Vej- PRICES HIGHER THAN PiUVIOUS DAY . . - - lalted 'States Steel Preferred Prove aa Iadex of Trad Which Ha It laflaeace oa th 1 Market. NEW YORK. June 26 Excessive dullness and sluggishness were the teaturea of the stock uiaiket again today. The narrow mat gin of price, however, were above laat night level for the most of tne day. ow ing to the importance attached to in Iron and eteei trades aa an Index of trade, L lilted Statea Steel preferred had a very Innuentlal sympatny e fleet on the whole market Ita Immobility today In contraat to ita recent advance communicated a tendency to the whole market. Amalga mated Copper unresponsiveness to news of a favoraDl judicial decision In Montana waa also regarded as highly significant of th quiesenc on the part of capitalists whose movements are closely watched for leadership by the rank and file of specu lators. Increasing in May net earnings by reason of reduced expenses, Wabaah and Central of Mew Jersey revealed a tendency from which much 1 hoped toward re insurance of capital. The atrlngent disciplinary measure ad ministered to members by the Stock ex change authorities for relations with out aide organixatlona against the existing rule may have some restrictive effect ou the dealings. The newly relisted Ameri can steel toundry stock were dealt In at quotation considerably below the laat prices before them before they were stricken from the Stock exchange Hate. Changea on the day were Insignificant Uonda were firm. Total sales par value K.'.lu.OOO. United States bonds were un changed on call. Following ws the range of prices on th jtock exchanae veeterdav: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison . JO, 400 ..1 Ui do pfd B. A O do pfd Can. Pacific Central of N. J Ches..aV Ohio Chicago 6t A do pfd Chicago Ot Western C. N. W C, M. St P do pfd Chicago T. A; T do pfd C. C, C. 4 Bt L.... Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware A H Del., L. Sl W D. at R. O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd 111. Central Iowa Central., do pfd K. C. Southern do Dfd 1.800 963 96s 4,100 81 80S 9il 123 ll 80 37 ?X 6,900 124 900 161 122 161 900 14 13 13 600 170T4 170 170 6,100 144 148 U3 100 177 177 177t "266 ii 15 15 SH0 41 100 20 6u0 156 48 48 20 19 166 156 268 900 200 1,800 700 200 21 71 24 58 36 600 131 131 '166 21 21 Ia ft N 6.600 110 Manhattan L. .. 1,400 148 600 77 4,0 111 100 44 4,500 67 1,800 124 1,800 93 100 1 100 87 ""66 116 1,100 66 Met Bee u title Met. St. Ry Minn. A St. It..., M.. St P. As S. St M. do pfd Ho. Pacific M., K. & T do pfd Natl R. R of M.... N. T. Central Norfolk AW..'. do pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania P.. C. C. A St. L.... Reading do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd 8t. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd St U a W do pfd 80. Pacific. So. Railway do pfd Texas A Pacific Tor,. 6t. 1 A W...... do pfd Union Pacific... do pfd...... Wabaah do pfd W. 'ft Lake Erie Wis. Central do pfd v Mex. Central Adam Ex American Ex U.- S. Eat Wells-Kitrgo Ex. Amal. Copper Amer. Car A F do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil.... do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd Amer. Smelting A R. do pfd., ex-dlv Amer. Sugar Ref..., Anaconda M. Co..... Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A I Con. On , Corn Product do pfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump.,., do pfd Nat l Lead No. American Pacific Mall People" Gas Pressed Steel Car.... Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal ft I U. 8. Leather do pfd...l U. S. Realty do pfd U. 8. Rubber.. do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Westfngh. Electric... Western Union 800 26 26 25?s 13,900 116 116 11 6.60Q. 700 T.906 100 "ao6 200 10,100 3.100 100 1.200 I.4O0- 800 10,400 800 . 500 17 1,400 3 100 . 16 8,600 200 MO 100 400 22 152 200 300 79 6 69 100 7,600 11.700 300 1M 156 400 87 , 87 Bostoa Stock tgaatatloa. EOSTON, Jun 33. Call loan, C3 cent; time loons, 3&4 per cent 0c closing of stocks and bonds: Atcfiimn adj. 4s ttttA4Ttar do it ...10HiAlloM Mm. Ceatral 4s 41 AsulsaauW Aicklsoa IHilAOMricaa Sloe ..... Bid MVAtUr.lla Pol icial 1 14 silt 4M 41V W 41 t I 1 4 1 Boston Albany 2ylnti naia a UIUI 1W ci. a Htcia... cntonn1al Ctpoer lUng .. bosum Bloreiod .....10 KlUkbur aid 17 Max. Ctrl "'H thiir waa N. T., N. H. A H...M4 Domlnloa Coal Pare atarquatl 74 irranklla t alon partso Amar. Arga. Cham, da Bid Tta'Orajicr 11 Sa iia Korala ......... II Maaa. Mining Amar. Pneu. Tuba Amaa Sugar ... 4 IMIchlgaa ,..ll7'Mohawk 41 4 id pfd Amar. T. A T Amar. Weolao do pfd Dominion 1. A Ed 1 ton Kla. Illtt... Oaoarsl Elaetrle ... Maaa. Rleotrlo do pfd ., Mais. Oaa tuliad 8boa Mack.. s pfd U. . stael do pfd Moat. Coal and Coke .lWalotd Dominion 13V, . lt. Uaraola Tl Parrot .. a .. 41 .. tvt .. Pil .. tl .. to .. V4 .. Tl 1 Qulncr Bhannon .HI Tamarack . IHt Trlnliy . .Tl V. I. Mining. . i v. a. 'on . It t'tab . H Victoria ...... . Mi Winona . ma Walvsrtae .... . n 1 Waatlng. Bid. Unloa Stock Market. LONDON, June 23. Closing: Canaola. mouar S0S4 N. T. Cantral.. .tlVa . . 514 . atVi . l-v . , . 41' . UV . 31 . . to . Pi .101 . 71, da aoreuat M l-lt NoHolk W.. ... V no pfd ... 7414 Ontario W.. ... Pa Pennsylvania .. ... MVKand Mmaa ... Anaoonda - AUhlaoe do pfd Baltimore A Okie Canadian Paf- - C'hra. Ohio rklais Ol. W ... C, M. A l. P.... PaBaara p a a a do pfd grin - do let pfd...... do M pfd Illlaala t'anlral .. Lauia. A Kaak.... ...127V Haadlas 11 14 do at pfd da 9d pfd. do. Railway . do pfd .... o. PaciSe ... I a Ion Pacltn da . pfd .... V. . iiael.... do pfd .... Wabaah do pfd ipanlak aa ... ..147 .. in .. Ilia .. Mv, .. MV. .. .. M ,.1U ..lit M . K. a T P1LVKR Bar. (teudy, 2bd per ounce. MONB1-J per cent. The rat of dlncoont In th open market for hort bill Is i J-)'Wvi per cent; for three month' bill, itl-'e per cent. Xew York Meaey Market. NEW YORK, June tS.-MONET-On call, extremely easy. &! per cent; loweet, per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; laat loan, per rent; clotting bid. 1 per cent; of. ir4) at 1 ft ceau . Tlta loau. easy aud dull; 80 and 90 days, ;g2 per cent; 3 moiilfi. j.-.t. per rem. pkimf: MERCANTILB pAPER-34 per cent. HTKHMN'fl MrHlNf.PII..if atlth actual business In bankers' bills at 34 875 04 87; for demand and at 34 8f..'5rr?4.5535 for eo-rtev bills; pontea m'e. H.Si and 4.m; commercial bills. 4.85h4 s. SILVRR-Rar. 5.".c; llexiian dellars, 4c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. The closing quotations on bond are follow: r. 9. ref. Pa. rag. .14 'Manhattan e g. 4a.. mil do coupon 1"-'S Met. ontral 4t UVi do 3a. re 114' do lat Ine II do coupon I'M Minn A St U 4a ... MVi do new ta. rag IK M . K A T. 4a Mv, do coupon 13-'V do 2a do old 4a, rag. ...M N. R. R. of M. e 4a T4 do, coupon 107 N. T. C. g. IHS....WS Atrhlaon gen. 4a 1"2t 1. J c. g. ta 1114a do . d. 4a sa1 .o PaclBo 4 1"4 Atlantic C. L. 4a P1- do a 74 B. A O. 4a N. A W. e. a P do la PS n. I. L 1i t par.... Pv Central of On. 4a llnT4 Prnn conr, Va 44 H) dfl lat inr TA nmmAinm mmm Am . .1,11 Cnaa. A Ohio 4H ...1 St. U A 1. hi. e. Sa .llSH i-nnajo a A. iwa.... ft. U S r. fg. 4a. n r . B. A O. n. 4. ... V fit I. s w. ! 14 V C. M. A St. P. a 4a. ' Sf.ho.rH A 1 aa... MX4 C. A N. W. c. Tt...114 Bo. Pacific a 3S C, R. I. A P. 4a...; an ;o. Rallwar ta 117 do col. ta 7-l4 aT.v.a A P la 11 rrr. A St. U g.-aa..loo it.. 8t. L A W. 4a.. 704 C'hfcato Tar. 4a it" Inlon Parlgo 4s lm4 Con. Tobaooe aa 1 l do conr. 4a PUS Colo. A So. a H 'a V. ft. steel id 4a 7tA D. A R. O. 4a Iiw iWahsah la UT Erie prior Hen 4a....lM! do dab. B to do (an. 4a !' W A U 4a 1 F. W. A D. C. la...los4, wia. Central 4s Hocking aVI 4a.,.ln tolo. r. A I. c Is.. 4 L. A N. unl. 4a 101l Bid. Jfeaa Tork Mlala Storks NEW TORK, June 23,-Th followln are th closing prices on mining stock Adama Con Co Ontario Alloa fctraaoe Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vn.. Horn SUrar iron Silver Laadrllla Con Little Chlgy .. 2i .. It .. I ..1JU ..las .. I .. 4 Ophlr i... Phoenix Potnai lavage Iftlarra Nora da ... mall Hopaa IBtaadard ......... ..IM .. .. 14 .. I'J .. 11 .. 15 ..IvO Korelca Financial. BERLIN, June 23. Prices on the bourse today were rather firm, with a light volume of transactions. Americana continued to Improve. I'AKIS, June 23. Three per cent rentes, 8 per cent. Exchange on ixindon, 26f 18c for checks. The weekly statement of the Rank of Prance shows the following changes: Notes In circulation decreased 4o.46o.wuof, treasury accounts current In creased 29,8'JO,uuif, gold In hand decreased 6.4ib,v"tf, till Is discounted decreased 11,150. onof and silver in hand increased 4,325,UUOf. Prices were firm on the bourse today. In ternationals had an upward tendency. Rus sian Imperial 4s closed at 91.70 and Russians or 1SK4 at 6 06. LONDON, June 23. Money waa In keen demand today end sales were tinner. Dis counts were sympathetically harder. Trad ing on the Stock exchange was quiet and dull. Conaola dropped aa a result of the uncertain outlook of money, but- recovered at the close. Home mils were easier. Americans opened steady. United States Steel whs the feature. The market closed quiet. Canadian Pacifies were buoyant. Foreigner were quiet, linper'al Japanese 6s of lH were quoted nt M. Bullion to the amount ot i.5"0 was withdrawn from the Bank of Knglnnd for shipment to Gibraltar. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: At Madrid. 38.67; at Lisbon 22; at Berlin, 23. The woekly statement of the Bank of , England shows the following changes: ' Total cash reserve Increased 681.000. circulation Increased 42,000, bul lion Increased 723,OM, other securities In creased 659,000, other deposits Increased 408,000, public deposits Increased 918.000, notes reserve Increased 54,000 and govern ment securities were unchanged. The pro portion of the bank reserve to liability this week Is 61.83 per cent. Last week it was 51.84 per cent. Condition ot the Treasnry. WASHINGTON, June 23,-Today tate ment of th treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3150.000.000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, how: Available cash balance, 3163,113,517; gold. 864,440,143. . Bank Clearings. ' OMAHA. ' June 23.i-Bftnk blearing for today, 31,108,6830. decrease of 33U8.317.87 from th correepondlng day laat year. OMAHA . WHOLESALE MARKET! Condltloa of Trade aad Quotation oa tapl aad Fancy Prodnce. EGGS Receipt, liberal; market, steady; fresh candled stock, Iuljii caae count, la. LIVK POULTRY Hma, c; rooster, according to slid, 66c; turkeys, 13c; duok. blade: geese, 5c; broilers; lTitfZvc BUTTER Packing slock, He; choice to fancy dairy, 13&15c; separator, 17c. . FRESH FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel, 8c; fiik, 10c; perch, 7c; bluefish, 12c; whlteflsh, 4c; salmon, 14c; redsnapjpar, 11c; lobster, green, 26s; lobster,- boiled, 80c; bullheads, 11c; cattish, 14c; black bass, 20c; halibut, 10c; crapples, 12c; roe shad, 31.00; buffalo, go: whit baas, 11c; frog legs, per do., 36a BRAN Per ton, 319.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 37.50; No. 8. 87.00; medium, 36.50; coarse, 36 00. Ry straw, 36.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. ORANGES Navels, . choice, large sis. 83.00; fancy navel, all situ. 33.50; Mediter ranean aweets, choice' all slies, 33.uu4jsi.i5; Jaffa, all sizes. 32.7533.0t. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS-rCaUfornia fancy, S70-S0O-S4U. $3.7564.26; cho'ce, 3.5HgJ75. CALIFORNIA FIGS-Pet 10-lb. carton, 60c; imported Smyrna.' 2-rown, 12c; 5 crown, 14s: 7-crown, 15o. BANANAS Per niedlum-slxed bunch, 2 w2.50; jumbo, 32.7j4i3.25. DATE Persian, per box of 80 Pkgs., 82.00; in 60-lb. boxes. 5o per lo.; Oriental sttilred, per box, 32.40. PINEAPPLES In crate of 24 to 42, per crate, (3.003.25. FRUITS. 8TRAWBERRIES-31.504j2.60. 3ACK&ifcitiu.k.o-Aiaaiusua, per 34 qts., CHERRIES California, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per dox, 31.amaL76; aoutheco, per 34 qta., 1. 2o. GoGSEBERRIE326-qt. case. 310. PKACHK& Texas, per 4-busket crate, 81.00; Calilurnia Alexandra, per box, $1.25. PLUMS California Clyman, 31.35. APRICOTS Calltornta, 31.W. CA.NTELOUPE iJtas, pr crate, $2.60(9 X.75 WATERMELONS Per lb., crated, lc; ach, 8v4oc. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, j,ai; Dakota, per bu., 81.20; New Uexa Red stock, in sack. per lb., 3c NAVY BEANS Per bu., 32.16ff2.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 50-lb. era la, 32.00; Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 2c. CABBAGE California, per id., 282io. CAULIFLOWER Par do.. 75c. CUCUMBERS Per do., 50c. TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crate, 81.00. RADJBHES Per do, bunches, Mc LETTUCE Top lettuce, per do., 80o. TURNIPS Southern, per do., 25c BEETS Southern, per do., 26c CARROTS Southern, per aos., 2oc. PAKSLHY Per do.. 36c. BEANS Wax, per bu. box $1.00; per -bu. basket, 76c; string, per bu. box, $2.00; per -bu. box, 76c. SPINACH Per bu.. home grown, 35&40C ASPARAGUS Per do bunches. 40c. GREEN PEPPERS-Pr -basket crate, $2.00. SQUASH Florida ummer, per dog., 76c PEAS-Per bu. tox. 31.0C. EOG PLANT Southern, per do., $L60. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 greer., 6c; No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted. 7c; Nc. 2 salted. 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.; 9c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry salted. 812c; sheep pelt, 244j27c: horsehldes, 31 6062.60. - MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, full cream, 11c: Wisconsin Young America. 12c;. block Swiss, ltc; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiscon sin llmbergir, 13c. ' . , ' NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb- 14c; No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 3 hard shell, per lb., 12; pecans, large, per lb., Uo;-. email, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb, 6ci Ppasted peanuts, per lb. 8 ; Chill walnut. 12'alSc; largo hickory nut, per lb,, 11c i almond, soft hell, per lb., 16c- hard shell, lie; shell, bark, per bu., 32.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.26. - Cottoa Market. ' LIVERPOOL. . June 23 COTTON Spot, aulet; prices 2 points lower; American mid ling fair. .44d: good middling. 6.30d: mid dling, n.20d; low middling, .4 otid; good or dinary. 6 92d; ordinary, 4 7-'d.t Future opened ateady ad closed easy; American middling, g. Of' q.. June, 6.96d; June and July, 4d; July and August, 6.8ud; Aug ust and September, 6.66d; September and October 6. 3d; Uctulxar and November, 62od: November and December. 5.15d; De cember and January, 612d; January and February. 6 lid; February and March. 5 lid. NEW ORLEANS. June 22.-COTTON-Future. steady; Jun.. 10 45c; July, 10f2'(4 10 54c; August. 10-2410 25d; rleptember. i61c: tK-tober. 9 SU'til 33c:1 November, 9.81 i9 82c; December. 9.314,9 32c; January, 9 38 4j9 3c. Spot, steady. Salea, I.TjO bales. Ordinary, kc; guod ordinary, 9 11 -loo; low middling, 106-lHc; mlililllng, loc; good middling, 113-lbc; middling fair, 11 7-Uc. Receipts, 4s& bales: stock. lOo.afi bale. NEW YORK. Jun 21 COTTON-pot closed quiet and 30 point lower; mldoilng uuland. 10 93c; middling giilf, 11.20c. Sales, 3u bale. ST. LOUI8, Jun 28 COTTON Quiet ; middling. Ho. SK. 10 bales; rccel.ts 46 bale, ahlpiuent. none; etovk. 12,71 bales. 01IAIU LIVE STOCK MARKET Ca'.tl lUcd pu Trj Light and Duirtb't Ortdtt Bold Cttadj to B'.rong. HOGS OPENED LOWER, CLOSED STEADY mall Rib a( Sheepi aad Laanba aad t'ader the Inflneac of a Good Local Demand Market Baled Aetlve aad Generally Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Jun 23, 1901 Recelpu war: Cattle.Hogs. Sheep. Ottlclal Monday l.Vit 5.J40 4 tml OfT.cial Tuesday t.7t2 11. i Official Wednesday 3,u37 11.684 S .81 Official Thursday 1,137 Iv.Mi L'l3 Four day thl week. .10.780 10.874 Same daya laat week. ...12.270 45.348 4,116 Sam day week before.. 13,360 41.061 9 7S8 bam thre week ago..ll.)l 45,321 4 39 Sam four week ago....l,3ul 45.127 L,866 Sain day last year lS.Lln) 47.620 12.815 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE- The following table show th receipt ot oattls, hogs and sheep at South Umaiia for th year to date wlin comparison with last year: . lH. uu. Inc. Dec. Cattle 446,654 474.868 31,214 Hogs 1.2i,914 1, IKS. 136 97,778 Sheep 679,476 648,094 131.782 Average price paid fur bug at South Omaha for tn last veral day with com parlson; Date U04. 1903. 1902. 11901. 11800. 199. 11893. June Jnn 1.. 3.. 8.. .. 6... 6.. 7.. 8.. 9... 4 63 I 4 4 49; 464! 6 931 ( 07 6 99 6 86 6 i6 t 77 49 ( 80 oa Oj ( W 6 701 4SS) 4 831 ;J, 4 91 4 94 4 a j t 02 8 60 8 55 3 591 4 21 4 12 03 4 19 jun J 07 7 13, B 6 70 Jun Jun Jun I 16 70 6 71 1 Oil 1 4 63 6 U, 3 68 4 01 I n. 8 M J urn. I la, Jun oo-l 4 68 trjs B 6781 6 u 8 60) t 87 un 7 81, 8 61 8 6 8 i 3 as une lu i 2i une 11.. un 12.. ;iinrt ia 4 78 7 3i T 331 1 36 I 31 5 11 6 89 6 86 t 81 0 wi a 3 8a a 3 71 3 79 3 77 8 99 8 63 3 80 a 3 80 3 81 3 3 $ 72 5 99 Ui 4 92 4 nti 3 J7 3 64 Jun 14.. June 16.. Jun 16.. June 17.. June 18.. June 19.. Jun 20.. Jun 21.. June 22.. Jun 23.. 4 861 3 86 6 981 6 86 4 8 3 64 3 U 4 4 8ii 6 01 7 24 a 6 83 6 8! 6 92 6 89 4 M l 4 92i 6 94 7 13 a 6 43 3 63 a 3 64 3 71 3 63 6 97 6 94 6 88i 7 28 7 33! 6 06 6 00 6 07U 7 41 4 94 4 98 6 u 6 12 7 431 6 81 6 89i I I Ott,! I 6 0u 5 S3 8 tf' 6 771 7 49 3 t3 Indicates Sunday. The official numbei of cur of stock brought In today by each road was: 19 1 .. 1 23 2 4 81 13 1 29 1 9 1 6 6 3 1 146 11 Mo. P. Ry .. O. P. system 7 C. ot N. W. Ry F., E. aV M. V. R. R. 2 C. St. P.. M. to. Ky 1 B. ot M. Ry 29 C, U. ot y. Ry K. C. At St. J 4 C, R. 1. & P. Ry., E. .. C. R. I. ot P. Ry., W. .. Illinois Central 1 Chi. Great Western .. Total receipt .... 48 The disposition of th day receipt was a follows, each buyer purcnaslng tn nuxn- uer oi neau inoiuatea Buyer. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. .. 216 1.384 Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company ... Cudahy Packing Co. ... Armour fc Co Swift at Co., K. C Armour A Co., K. C... 828 4il 171 49 62 2.341 - 821 2.1 23! 2,668 11 Armour 4k Co., S. C. .. ..... Vansant A Co .'. 1 L. F. Huaa 43 Klngan ot Co l Squire ot Co Root 28 Haggerty , 17 1.067 177 816 Other buyer 87 -Total 1,413 10,191 L078 CATTLE There waa an exceedingly light run of cattle her thl morning for a Thursday, and aa backer had to have oma freah supplies, tha downward course of the market was at least temporarily checked. Trading, though, was not very active, but still practically everything In the- yards waa disposed of in good season. There were only a few cornfed ateer on sale thl morning and th better grade sold without much trouble at fully ateady price and some ot thera were a little stronger. There were no strictly choice cattle on sale, as will be seen from the aale below. Warmed up cornfeds , and grassers were more or leas neglected, th same as ha been the cas all the week, but owing to the scarcity of - the better grade they finally bought them at fully a good price a were paid yesterday. The market on that class, though, has been so uneven that It la difficult to tell lust what such cattls are worth. A com pared wtlh th high tlm last week, choice cattle are about Iu4j20o lower, fair to good 26&60C lower and grassers aad warmed up cornfeds 604y76c lower. The cow market showed very little change from yeatcrday except that It wa eaaier to make a sal owing to the small supply. Good dry lot cow and heifers could be quoted a little stronger and some of the better grades of grassers were fully steady, tut the commoner one wer very low aale, th am a they hav been all the wek and showed no Improvement In price. The better grade of cornfed are 15&30O lower than th high tlm last week, fair to good cornfeds 8oc to 70o and grassers 76c to 3100 per hundred lower. Canner r around 60c lower. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold In about the am aotche they did yesterday. Th etookeT and feeder market waa very quiet today, aa but few cattle arrived. Anything good could afely b quoted ateady but common klnde wer low, ther being very little demand from the coun try for uch cattle. Representative sales: X ' . " . w Mo. U 4 II 11 SI 4 41 41 44 M 14 '.'.'.y. At. Vr. .. Ml 4 36 ..1014 4 10 .. si 4 4a No. A. FT. I to SI.... II.... 8.... 12.... 1.... II.... 41.... II.... It.... 1144 1021 1140 Hit I 14 I 44 .10l 4 40 I 44 ..1431 4 70 1210 I to IU I 40 .1164 I IS .111 I IS 1371 I 4 I 70 .114 .1J77 I W 16M 1J5 t 14 .1151 ( M STEERS AND HEIFERS 744 4 18 H. .1141 .liSi .1174 .1018 I SO 4 40 4 44 , 717 4 10 14.... 4 40 ... COWH. ...1041 ... 414 9 19 14... I TS I aa I 10 17.... 464 ...IM 9 10 ..1034 4 00 ... ira i n 10 4 00 ... 440 I 44 .1077 4 00 4 10 ...1114 3 46 .laa4 3 00 .111 00 ,iau I 14 ..1000 4 15 ..1044 4 JS ..iui 4i ..401 4 40 a U ..1140 ,.1110 . J1O0 ..1110 ..1110 ..10W I 40 I 40 104V 1IP0 4 60 4 SO I to- I 44 9 10 1114 4 10 1104 4 M looo na 4 44 4 44 3 44 HEIFERS. , 400 I 00 3 !4 3 90 404 8 M MUliLiH. 1 44 1 40 4. IH IM , 444 8 40 7S low 1114 li4 101 1.. 1.. 1 . I.. I W a oo 8 44 .120 .1110 .1444 4 40 4 40 4 40 3 44 3 4 1... STAGS.- UN 4 CALVES. tit 8 44 4 14 4 4 1 70 4 40 1 lit I M 1 917 IN toO I 34 130 I t J 14 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 40 8 00 1 4.1 8 44 Pa 8 40 t 440 t 40 , 70 3 44 M 101 III 4 I 40 J. Schwenvllle Idaho. 1 bull 1470 2 eo 11 cow 1134 16 leer....116n; 4 25 O. Hogan Idaho. 1 cow 1010 3 60 30 feeder. .1059 2 cow 1105 3 86 3 steers.. ..1143 William Banks adaho. V I loer....H4a 9 91 8 steer. ...1253 Uo Pck Idaho. 7 feeder. .1030 8 76 1 cow ,1220 8 85 3 80 4 24 4 85 886 j. Vt. roio luano. 10 feeder.. 1058 3 75 . 1. a. rona inano. 2 60 3 bulls 1426 3 00 3 80 1 bull... 23 steer 1 cow... ,.1130 ..1U4 A. llarlss Idaho. ,. 900 ..1200 2 60 14 cow 976 3 60 1 cow. 3 86 7 steer. ...1134 3 9u 4 26 4 steers. ...11.3 IIOOS There wa hogs thl moming, other point were a fairly liberal run of nd, aa reporta' from unfavorable. Chicago and a nickel lower. being quoted dull packer were bearish ere also. Th market opened 2c to 6c lower, the great est decline being on the light and common hogs. Trading, though, wa not very actlv at the decline, and when the provi sion market came higher aalesmen held for more money and packsra finally had to raise their hands. The later sates wer right around ateady with yesterday, the early selling decline being about regained. The bulk of the bogs sold from 3i .112 to 86.10, with choice loads from (5.10 to 86 0. Th light and conimcn hog sold from 36.02 down. A good clearance was made, practically everything being Bold by II o'clock. Rofiroetntatlv salea: No. A. IT. - . Aa. rr. Sn. 4 114 .. 4 a I 14 I a (a la ,. 4 M 44 law .. I U It.. i4 ... 4) 4 .., Ut 69 6 46 T7 - .. I '4 M ; 40 4 44 44 ?M, .. 4 71 lU'i 120 4 Oa T llil f) 4 "5 ta I as tj : .. 4 11 223 H I .... H4 .. 4 0 74.; 244 14 I 04 tit 0 I M 76 rw 40 4 4 11 J 14 .. 4 04 71 1:4 40 4 04 72 241 .. 4 "4 40 131 49 8 0 44 :1 40 4 414 44 2f4 .. 4 071, 44 til 10 4 "7i, 71 1.0 t I 071, 74 117 .. 4 VTt 74 21 140 4 t7 i .. 0T 47 141 .. 4 074j 11 lit . . 4 07 H 7 24 300 4 0714, Ol r.i .. 4 47i 40 21 40 4 071, 77 .Ml .. 4 011 M H4 .. 4 07V 76 224 120 4 071, 7 221 14 4 071, I. t 40 I 07Vj tV 2JI . 4 10 4S 14 fO 4 10 7 171 0 I I 44 24 140 I 10 $ tf.4 130 I 10 M I5 .. 4 10 14 , 21 40 4 14 70 Ill .. g 02V 74 ft 90 4 OH 134 .. 4 02t, 4 ill 120 S OJi, 44 114 40 4 OTV, 14 II .. '4 210 M 02 -4, 2 Ill .. o:v, 1 Ill .. I on, 70 2. 40 4 02V, 74 f .. 4 P24j 17 Ml .. (ljw, 43 Ill .. 10714, 77 224 40 I 02V, ,..2.1 .. 1021, 4 Ill R0 I 031, 74 221 ten i vi 14 tn 40 I 02V. ta . . ..7 4 in tan i mi i. A. ; .. lio I 214 40 I 05 (...' Ml IPO 4 14 44 227 M 04 41 M4 H IK 1 t'l ..lot ; 40 M 40 4 11 4 10 I 01 M in 10 I 1IV, 71 1.40 44 4 04 44 K 10 4 11 vi ' 47 Ill .. I M 14 K 40 111, 1 1'10 .. 01 It Ill 0 I 13V, 11 140 840 01 11 171 .. 112V, I: 0 Of. 4" :il 44 I 13', 71 211.40 1(1 II l.M .. I1IS 7 I?4 tn 04 74 174 I1 I 11V4 4 Ifl 10 I OR 71 -.241 M I 12Sp 121 .. 10 0 IM .. 4 14 71 1I 14 05 40 Kl .. I 14 41 Ill 40 I 06 M Jt .. 4 II 40. ...... 141 40 I Oa 18 114 .. Ill 70 141 0 JJ II 1(4 10 I II 7 140 TOO 4 W 40 410 140 I N 8I1EK There was a very small run ot sheep and lambs her thl morning and th mantel coula nut be quoted anything but leady and active. There seems to be a brink demand for anything good In the way of killers. Two cars of Wyoming grass wethers' sold for 84.30, whlcn was about a steady tirice. and that was the only test made ot the market on grassers. rcu Mexican weiner soia hi pvao. may were the tall-endn from the hunch tnat sold here Tueaday for 34.6. bom fed ewe sold for 33.86 and a little bunch of fed lamb brought W 60. Uuutatlons for fed stock: flood to choice lambs, 36.0065.60; fair to good lamba, 86.60436.00; good to choice yearling or weth ers, 36.00&6.26; fair to good yearling or wethers, J4.7fnff6.0O; good to hole awn, 34.iou4.5fl; fair to good ewe. 31.OOOJ4.26. Reprcsentativa sale: No Wt Pr. 15 Mexican wether 90 3 00 168 western we. hem 99 4 30 Sel western wether 99 4 80 218 Mexican wether 93 4 34 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Blow and Steady, Hoc Lower aad Sheep Lower. CHICAOO, June 23.-CATTLB-Reeeipta. 6,000 head; slow and steady; good to prime steers, 34.6mijli.60; poor to medium, i.WS 6.40; stockers and feeder. 82.504f4.50; heifers, p.Wtfi.ZO; cows, 31.6iXu4.50; canners, 31.600 20; bulls, l.'.00i4.26; calve. 32.6Ou.0o; Texaa fed ateera, 34.6og.40. HOC8 Receipts, 26,ooO head; estimated tomorrow, 16,000; left over, 8,566; msrket 60 lower; mixed and butcher, 8.165.25; good to choice heavy, 36.8036.37; rough heavy, 36.10ti5.S0; light, 35.00(.25; bulk of sales, 36.2fvtf6.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8,000 head; market slow to lower; good to choice sheep, 34.30(36.25; fair to choice mixed, 34.000 4.76: western sheep, 33.604.75; spring iambi, 84.606.00; western lambs, 4.004.00. Kama City Live Btoek Market. KANSA 3 CITT, June 23. CATTLB Re ceipt, 4,800 head, including 1,000 southerns; market steady, closing weak to 10c lower; export and dressed beef steers, 36.606.40; fair to rood, 84.35ig6.60; western fed steers, 34.2&S6.8&; stockers and feeders, 38.00itf4.75; southern steers, 32.5wu6.50: southern oows, 32.5034.00: native cow, Uefl'a-i.cM); native heifer I2.5OU6.40; bulla, 82.tMiT4.36; calves, 82.504iM.b0. HOOS Receipts. 8,600 head; weak to 60 lower; top, 35.21; bulk of sale. 85.00y6.10; heavy, 35.106.22; packer. 36.0016.10; pig and light, 14 406.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 4,000 head; market 1016c lower; native lambs, H-lVeK-JO; western lambs, 34.75jj4.70: fed ewes, 34. 404). 00; Texaa clipped yearlings, 34.6046.26; Texas clipped sheep, 34.004(4. 76; Btockar and ieedere, 33.O0fflH.0O. 1 .. -v ' ' St. Lol Llv Stock Markat. .BT. LOU ISt .June 23. CATTLEv-Receipt, 6.100 head, Including 3,800 Texan; market teady; native shipping and export steer, 36.ui.50; tire seed beef and butcher steers, 4.26ft6.26; steers under 1,000 lbs., 34.0Oij5.86: stockers and feeders, 83.00e4.60; cows and heifers, 32.2Et?6.40; canner , 322532.60; bulla, 32.7b4i3.90; calves, I4.0;s5.60; Texas and In dian steers, 33.0046.(6; cow and heifers, 2.76(T8.76. HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head; market slow and lower; pigs and light, t4.2t&5.00; pack ers, 350O43.6.15; butcher and best heavy, 36.10tfj6.8O. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,600 head; market dull, slow and lower; native muttons, 83.7&ii'4.6o; lambs, 35.267.36; cull and bucks, 32.26(0.4.76; Blockers, J1.604J3.00; Texan, 34.25414. 76 J Pew Tork Li-re Stock Market. v NEW YORK, June 23. BEEVES Re ceipt, none and no trading; market weak; no change In cable advices. Export esti mated for tomorrow. 50 cattle. CALVES Receipts, 884 head; market teady; veals, 84.otljj5.76, no choice; butter milks, 83.50. Iireseed calves, slow; cite dressed veals, 6iQ9c per lb.; country dressed, 6(ft8c. . 1 HOOfl Receipts, 1,363 head; market barely steady lor live hogs; few iat hog old at 85.75. 1 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,698 head; inarket for sheep alow and weak, good lambs strong, common lambs dull: sheep, 33.80tfJ4.80: few export wethers, 36.26 &; lambs, fc. 257. 15. Stock la Sight. Following ar th receipts of live' stock for th six principal western cities yester- auy : Cattls. .. 1.1.17 .. 6.000 .. 4,800 .. 6.600 .. 3,878 .. 300 Hog-. 10.208 26.000 6.500 9.000 6,170 3,500 Sheep. 1,078 ,0P0 4.000 8.500 9u0 South Omaha.. Chicago Kansaa City... St. Louis St. Joseph Sioux City Total .19,116 60,879 16,473 St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. 6T. JOSEPH, June 23. CATTLE- Re ceipts, 8,878 hond; market l(jai5c lower) natives. 84.00tfj.25; oows and hetfera, 81.604J 6.25; stockers and feeders, 83.0ut4.86. HOOS-Receipts, 8,170 head; market 60 lower: light, 35.00t3C.10; medium and heavy, 35.(66.22. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 900 head; market steady to 10c lower; spring lambs, 86.95. Sloez Cltr Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITT, Ia., June 28. (Special TU gram.) CATTLE Receipt. 300 hand; mar ket, weak to 60 lower; beeves, 84.60jJ4i.00; cow, bull and mixed, 33.(XKg6.00; Blocker and feeder, 33 .OOojH.OO; calve and year lings, 93.OfKu3.66. HOOS Reoelpta, 8,600 head: market, weak to to lower; lllng at; bulk of sales. 36 .074j.l. Metal Market. ' NEW TORK. Jun 23.-METAL8-London tin market took a sharp upward turn to day aa a result, it waa reported, of bull manipulation and closed at 119 2 6d for spot and 118 16 for future. The local market, affected by the advance abroad, alxo showed flrmnena, closing at Ut.Ohff 28.26. Copper also ruled for more In Lon don, closing 58 15 for spot and futures. Locally girlces were steady end unchanged, with lak quoted at 812.62, electrolytic 112. 60 and casting 312.12. Lead waa unchanged at 34.2o4i4.SO In the local market, but was a shade higher tn London, where It closed at U8Hd. Spelter also waa unchanged at 34.75(0-4.87. and higher In London, wher the closing piloe was 22. Iron closed at 31s 3d In Glasgow. Locally lead wa un. changed; No. 1 foundry northern, 815.50; No. J foundry northern. 315.36; No. 1 foun dry (outhern soft. 313.25tjl3.75. ST. LOUIS. Jun 23 -M ETA I A- Lead un changed ut 14.10. Spelter, unchanged at 84.07. Wool Market. BOSTON. June 23. WOOL Thr ' is a steady market for domestic wool. Th sen timent prevails that the new wools must bring hih prices In order that the buyers may clear a profit 011 the new clip. Bom choice lot hav recently been disponed of t record value. Receipt of new gradea are heavy dally and are Increasing. Pulled and territory wools are quiet and foreign grades ar alao Inactive, though firm. Jending quotations follow; Territory Idaho, fine, 17ijl8c; heavy tine, 14ijl5c; fin medium. 174111c: medium. 1Hi19c; low me dium. lVil9e. Wyoming, fine, li4fl6o; heavy fine. 14ifl5c; flu medium, l'c; uw niedlum, Ji-Hi'-'lc. ST. IjOI'IH. June 23. WOOL Firm and otlve; medium grades, combing and cloth Ira:. l4i:'4'4c; llnht fine. 1Ui7c; heavy fln. 12 u 15c. tub wanned, 80433c. Evaa-orated Ales mm Dried Frail). NKW TORK. Jun 23 -lTVAPORATED I APPLES-Ik Bikrkat 1 qull and via. I 73 14 M 4 PS u 17 .. 4 4 4 1 .. 4(4 u l'T H In 7i in Mu I oo 71 211 14 I 04 41 J 21W I Ml 7 .."4 M ft) 44 14 .. 4 0 11 PO 4 00 44 roe .. oo 10 21 44 I on 4 114 40 I 00 7 1S7 n in !: ) Ol. 71 114 40 4 C"4) ll.i f" .. I 07', 0 ?27 .. I OH, 41 17 0 4 .' M m 200 I el", 47 11 .. 4 0314 changed; cemmon are quoted t 4fi6Vc: prune, 6i5Ve; choW, fic; fsnry. it. CAI.IKORMA 11R1ED FRIITS-rrtine . are unchanged and quiet at 2c to 6c, according to grade Apricot are quiet and .inchanged, with choice quoted at 7W10c; xtra choice, ltVac: fancy. lltriJe. Peache. steady; choice, ,t7c; extra choice, 7c; fancy. 9tl0c. Milladelnhla Prod are Market. rillLAPELrHIA. June 23. RTTTTER Steady; fair f.enmn.1: extra western cream ery. ic; extra r.eaiby print. 1c. t OtlS Steady: fair demaid; freh nearby, 18c. loss off: freeh south western. i1c; freah weetern, 18e. , CHKKSK Fair: good demand; Nw Tork full cream. 649c. te7ee Market. NEW TORK. June 23 COFFEE The market fur futures opened steady at an advance of 6 polnta. Sales 4.660 liags, In cluding Julv. 8.75t(Oc; September. Mc; October, .lili'.15c; l'ecember, .2Co; .-t-i-uary, k.36c; March. 6.75c. NEBRASKA FORESTRY SURVEY Bares of Forestry Detail a Party of Six to Make Valaahle lavtlratl9. For eomi year now the United State Department of Agriculture, through tha Bureau of Foresty, ha been tudylng the timber reaouroe of Nebrkaka. In the sum mer of 19-71 g party of seven men made a. thorough survey of the western portion of th Mate, the reul of which will be pub lished In tha near future. Following thl survey th Dlamal River and Niobrara river foraot reserves were et lde nd a third tract of about 600,000 acre In the sand bill werev withdrawn from settlement. During the present summer the urvey will be extended so as to cover the 4 a tern part of th state, where a vast amount of forest planting ha been done In the last thirty-five or forty years. Indeed this part of the state ha been veritable experi ment station tn tree planting during theo 1 year and It I proposed now to make a thorough tudy of thl planted Umber, ths result of which, when published, will aerve as a valuable guide in futur planting. A feature of thl investigation Will b th making of a large number of measure ment In commercial plantation in order to determine the amount of material In cord wood, post, ttea, etc, that may be ex pected from a planted grove In a rpeclfled time under a given set of condition. Th Investigation will serve, too, to determine what tree are best adapted for commer cial planting in th various localities to b studied. v . . While th rapid growing tree, uch box elder, soft maple, -willow, etc., have a place In .forest planting, yet such tree have already been too largely planted to th exclusion of the more valuable species. There should be a gradual weeding out of these lea valuable orts, and an effort made to substitute for them such tree a . black walnut, hardy catalpa, ash, locust, elm, western yellow pine, etc. Experience ha shown that forest planting, If ef th right kind, will yield return on the Invest ment equal to or better than that which may be expected from field crepe. Hier Is an Increasing demand for such material aa can be grown in the farm wood lot, price are steadily appreciating and ther I otherwise every justification for th attll further extension of tree planting In sucti tate a Nebraska. While th study of planted timber will be especially emphasised in this invest! ration, yet th natural forest resource will not be neglected. Th distribution of Our natural forest wilt be carefully studied and their conditions will be noted. There 1 a marked tendency to the natural exten sion of the timber area In .Nebraska, a may be noted in so many place along the streams where fire and live stock ' are excluded. Thl Is another of ,lbe ques tion to be especially, emphasised ra .thl investigation. - The bureau of forestry will detail 44 party ' of lx of It agents to make thl Investiga tion, with Frank O. Miller tn chaige. Mr. Miller is tn th field now and bis party will follow In a few days. Two parties will be formed, each to travel overland by team. These partial will be outfitted at Lincoln and will start frdm there about July L The Investigation will cover, all that portion of th state oaat of the ninety ninth meridian, and it I upected that th field work will be concluded by October 1. COMPLAINTS AGAINST AUTOS Nameroe Protest Lodared with Cltr Clerk that ChaatTear Drive Two Feat. ' Telephone comunlcatlon to the city clerk's office during ths laat few days seem to indicate that a number of auto moblllsts are breaking the speed regula tion all to piece and frelghtenlng men. women, children and live stock. Clly Clerk Elbourn has grown o tired giving a list of the name of person holding of fending number that he has prepared a schedule showing th information. To day citizen semed - to have special griev ances against car 42,. C, XI. Wl'.klns, Dwey hot!. cwrvr; car 33, F. W. Conner; room 16 Continental block; car 66, D. C. Brad ford, 1506 Harney, and ' oar 17, owned by A. I. Root. Complaints loud snd long wars heard agalnat these auto, it being declared that they wer driving fast and recklessly. Some of the Inqulrte war (rotn the police. On reoslpt of a complaint from Council man II. D. Zlmman, aaylng that automo bll No.' 17 wa tearing up th ground near Twnty-nlnth and Farnam street. Officer Brown was seat from fh police station to round up th sailing chauffeur, but ths beat th patrolman oould do was t get a record of tha number of th. ma chine and the speed at Which it went. Of.eer Btvn ald th. auto went from Farnam to Leavenworth Street in forty econds, which 1 at a ret of about forty mile per hour, mors than th law allow. It la also said th machln passed thn officer a number of tlm, a though -ita automobile was mightier than tha law.. A complaint, it i said, will be Bled-' against th owner of th machln. FROM CHARITY CONVENTION CesnaaUsloaer CeaooUIr Retara frosa Mala with Heoert of Pre at- ' able Trio. Jame P. Connolly,' county commissioner, has returned from Portland, ,M., whero ha ha been In attendance at th National Conference of Charitle and Corrections. H say th convention ' wa attended by over 1,600 delegate from all sections of th country and tha dlsouSnions of charitable and correction work were interesting and Instructive. On th trip" ,Mr.. Connolly topped st a number of eastern cities. "The most Interesting of all my obaervs tions," he eald, "waa th excellent condi tio!) of the paved street in all th cities I visited, this being In striking contrast with th torn and unsightly pavement of Omaha. In Buffalo,' for Instance, as soon a a hoi wear to a depth of a fraction or an Inch It I repaired. The repairing outfit there la always In service, and a a result ther are no hole of any depth or sire In the paving " Fair Trial Law I Ceaallt etloaal. HELENA,- Mont., Jun 33. Th supre-ne couit Ima unanimously held that the Pair trials bliia enacted at a aperial ae anion of the legislature last Iiecember, ie con UtiatVoiial. Th law waa attacked In the ra of the Anaconda company against ths Montana Or Purchasing company, and much litigation bat ween th lopjea la tere I 1 luvvlrad. '. ' 1 V