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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1904)
V TIIE OMAHA DAILY . BEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 24. 190. 8 OMAHA WINS BATTLE ROYAL Taks ,. PitoW.' Ba'.tlf w'uh Oppoi3 to Ohinn, FfebtM HOME TEAM PLAYS ERRORLESS GAME Fkntmrntl - Work In the Box la Matched by Uil-Eled Support la Both Oat and Ia elde. It wu a. battle royal between the slab men of the Kidnapers and Trainrobbers, and the fan who mlsed It need not ex pect to ace Its duplicate any time soon, for they are scarca'artlole Id the Weatern or any other old league. Pfeleter, for Omaha, let the tit. Joseph Blbffgeri down with a lone hit - ana no rune, and Chlnn, for the visitor, allowed two hit .and two run. Rain stopped the just a thj vis itors were suing to bat In the eighth In ning. It came r .near putting an end to things In the first of the1 sixth, Just In time to . let Omaha have the victory, but J. I'luvlus was good,,1 to the Jo Jos and let things drift along a little further,, but it was no use.' Pfelster Simply was Invinci ble and the support behind him faultless. Omaha .played an errorless game. In but one Inning did 0L. Joseph get mora than three men to bat and only ono did it get a man aa far a second. Both these phenomenal achievements war wrought la the first, inning, Hartmaa led off with a flyto Dolan at short. McBrlde laced one down the left field line for two clean bases. Big La. Zoote poked, three cavities In the atmosphere and big Bill Kemmer drew four wide ones. In the meantime MoBrldo, who, like Brutus, ..was ambitious, decided he would move up a peg, but J. Oondlng shot the ball down to Shlpke yet, so fast al ready tht Mao scarcely knew he had been running. It was one, two,, three then the rent of the game, and in the sixth Inning rfelster actually' pitched Just three balls, one to Mr. Garvin, one to Mr. ,Chlnn and one to Mr. Hartman. Garvin . and . Hart man drove theirs out Into Dusty Miller's hands and Chlnn consigned, his to Dolan. Hut be It said for Dusty that Messrs. Oar vln and Hartmaa were not careful In plao Ing th. piglet exactly bt his mitav Hart man's certainly would have been a triple had Dusty been two-eighteenths of a sec end later, and OarvuVa took a long run. It waa a day for the Omaha outfield. Dusty taking two. Carter two and Welch three, all the chances they bad. i . . . . Lasotte Draws- av Base. The only other, time St. Joe got a man on base was In the seventh when Lasotte walked. Pfelster twice had struck him out after giving him three balls. This time the Pirate threw three ... wide . ones and then two strikes and it looked as if the big1 fel low would fan again, but th last one went ' to the bad and lie took a base. MoBiide had already , flown rt .and Kemmer fol lowed Laaotte with, frot grounder to Dolan .which. Joe, took care of very nicely, pasilng, It over to his friand Howard, who n turn, continued .the, sphere on Its ,way to the gentleman over at first,. Mr. Thomas, the result of. all whloh was a neat double piar. , ; . Pfelster then, it (a demonstrated, was .a veritable. Jonah to the visitor giving them une' hit, ho runs,'' a totaj of only four base :ai striking,' out four. BuC on the' other liand, Chlnn was no mark. The best Omaha could do with hlro'waa a pair of hit la th ilrst Inning, and while Pfelster was steady, Chlnn gave no free' passes and fanne4 vluree men. ' He held up" hi end of th ;ug of war. "'- - - ; Omaha's good things were plucked In the Irst inning. Bobby Carter led off 'With a , .wo-beggar down into left field and was loUowed by Howard with a timely single. iarvln' , wild throw to second to oatoh Howard on a steal, let-in Carter and after Miller, had Jfanned Howard scored- on a grounder by Welch to McBrld which th utter, fumbled. The, other time Omaha :.ot a man to first was In the sixth, when rfelster got there pn a fumble by McBrlde. ' The. presence ,ln f he middle of the dla r.iond of Bobby. paruthera.wa highly rel ished by. the fans,' as well as the player. Bobby heiof old Chris Von Der Ahe's fa mous four-time . winners never mad a hitch ;and that Is a ' treat Today Is ladles' day with Brown, the wonder. 'm the box for Omaha, Attend ance, 600, Boor: ' v OMAHA. AB. B, BH. Pa A. f-'rter. rf... ' 'xwuird. 2b. Ulor. If.... " "loh, cf..,, . 9X1 s 1 1 10 0 S 0 0 0 m. en.;. I 0 6 i , o o '" "iniLS, lb. . lpko. 3t. ...... 2 0 anef aj' ,ail; ALL HAVANA M lOc.Cigar KL rOSTEJI 1 CO. ' MAKERS . . V . . KtW YORK ALLEN CR0S. CO. DISTRIBUTORS ' . . OMAHA i! TUB INDIVIDUAL FEATURES . if Ui Monogram Cigar Is Its frtgrant i loiue and even flavor. It is made with I est quality of Itller so blendtMl Uih it will V'ase the muni particular of smokers. W. jr.'- BTOkJCKER CIQAR CO. , ' ' ' Uwt iVougla tVMt - . t i rzz m u- Grinding, c 1 t 1 Pfelster, p... 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 24 Jl 4 0 BT. JOSEPH. AB. R. BH. PO. A. B Hartmnn, cf 4 0 0 2 0 0 Mr Bride, ss 10 111 Ixzotte, rf 1 0 0 6 0 0 hemmer. lb 1 0 0 i 0 Belclen. If 10 0 10 0 nrwter, 2b 1 0 0 2 10 Bralbwk, lb . I 0 0 1 t 0 oarvin, o 8 0 0 8 1 Chlnn, p 1 0 0 0 0 Total 10 0 1 21 14 Omaha 2 0 0 0 0 0 02 Bt. Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-hase hls: Carter. McBrlde. Struck out: By Pfelster, 4; by Chlnn, 1 Double play: IKilnn to Howard to Thomas. First base no balls: Of? Pfelster, 1 TWt on bases: Omaha, 1; Bt. Joseph, L First base on errors: umaha, Z. Time! 1:15. Umpire: Curuthera.' TTiirtean-Innlaar Game. SIOTTC CITT, la.. June 21 It took thir teen innings for Colorado Springs to beat bioux cny loany. a nome run ay Ryan settling the question. Lindaman pitched the gume of his life, and there was ex citement throughout the contest. Score: R.H.E. Colo. Springs ..2 00011O0O00O2-0 17 4 Slmix City ..,.0 1 0 0 i 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 0-4 10 4 Batteries: Llndaman and Kelleyj Vllle- raoji ana eserwua. Dm Moines .WIbjs Great Game. DF.8 MOINES, la., June 23. Pes Moines defeated Ienver today in a game the re sult of which was In doubt until the last man waa out. Cushman pitched great ball for Pes Moines fnr seven Innings, but weakened at the last . Score: RHR. Dee Moines ...3 1100001 7 11 2 Denver 0 0 0 0-0 1 0 1 14 I 0 Batteries! cushman and Clark; Vollen dorf and Luoia. Standing; of the Teams. . - Played. Won. I-ost. P. o. Colorado Spring 43 2 16 .63 Denver .....50 11 10 .020 Omaha 40 26 24 .611 St. Joseph 47 23 24 .49 Dea Moines 65 - 26 80 .466 Sioux City 40 13 13 .aa Games today: St, Joseph at Omaha, Col orado Springs at Sioux City, Denver at De Monies. GAMES IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE Running; Catches Featare ef New York and Boston Game. BOSTON, June 21. Mathewson pitched fine ball today and kept Boston' hits well scattered, while New York's were bunched. Running - catches of fouls by Bowermaa and DeTehanty were feature. Attendanoe 2,600. Boors: NEW YORK. I . BOSTON. B H O.A.g. K.H.O.A.B. Bmubu, of 1 0 lOelsr, cf. 9 I t 0 Browns, rf... 0 ill WTaanty, lb,.. Ill f 1 IXrtllo, 3b.... t 1 0 10 McOsno, lb. 1- 1 10 4 MKs, U ... 1 1 4 Csnnali, rt... 4 I 14 4 ?5l iii Ab'tlobie, DtiiKa. n.... i I i o Ollbcrt. lb.... 114 11 Bswennsn. 1,1 III I t sUtbswsoa, 4 I I i I NHima RarsMT, V IS... t ty, lb 4 I ir. .. 0 4 4 OsUbsaty, I 3 I 4 rituagsr. ToUl. 4 11 IT 14 ei Totals...... I t IT 11 I New York 0 0 1 1 1 4 0 0.0-4 Boston J0 lOOOOOlO-l Two-base hits: - Browne, Delehanty. Three-base hit: Mertes, Stolen bases: Mo Oann, Mertes, Gilbert, Mathewson. Double plays: Gilbert. Dahlen and MoOann; Mathewson, Bowerman and Gilbert. First on balls: Off Mathewson 4, off Plttenger 4. Struck out: By Mathewson 4. by Plttenger 4. Time: 1:66. . Umpire: Zlmmer. Close Game at Brooklyn. BROOKLYN, June 28. With a batting rally In the ninth Inning, Brooklyn de feated Philadelphia today. Thomas was struck in the face by a thrown ball In the third inning and was forced to give way to' Barry. Attendance 2,600. Score: BROOKLYN. I PUILAOKtfHla. K.H.O.A.B. R.M.O.A.B. Dobbs, 1 it. O'Barrr. ..... 4 114 Dllloo. lb, 1111 0 ThomM, of... f its 4 0 Brgas, lb.... 4 Lumlr, H... 0 X Guslar, it.... 1 4 Bsbb, ss 1 I R.ldr. lb..... 1 i 4 4 .1 0 4 4 UMSOB, ID... 0 Lash, rt...... 4 0-1-4 0 Doris, lb..... 1 1 III Titus. !..,. I 114 4 Doola, a...... 114 4 HsIL lb...... 0 114 4 Hulwltt, .ss.. 4 1114 Dusskaby, p.. 1 I 1 I 1 i 4 1 4 11 McCona'k. lb 4 I I I 4 Hitter, s 4 14 10 FooM, I I 4 Totals. ID1I a Totals...:.. 4 PM 14 1 On out when winning run waa scored. Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 -i Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0,2 1 1 0-4 Two-base hits: Lumley, Babb. Home run: Duggleby. Stolen bases.: Barry, .Doyle. Double plays: Lumley, Poole and Babb; Barry. Hulewltt and Hall, Left on bases: Philadelphia 7, Brooklyn 6. First base on balls; Off Poole 6, off Duggleby 6. First base ' on errors; Philadelphia I. Hit by pitched ball: Duggleby (2). 'Struck out: By Poole I, by Duggleby I.' Time; 1:43. Umpire! Johnstone. PIttsbnraT Benrea en Error. PITTSBURG, June 23. Pittsburg could not hit Taylor at any stage and scored their only run on an error. Leever' arm went wrong In the second inning and Miller made a good effort to save the game, but oould not do It with such poor work behind mm. Attendance s.&oU. Score: BT. LOUIS. riTTsBtma. R.H.O.A.i: B.H.O.A.S Farrall, ib.... 1 1 I I 1 larti, lb 1 1 1 I 4 Bbannoa, rf.. 0- 1 Backlar. lb... 0 1 Baaumoot, cc. 4 1 I 4 4 Clarke. II ... 4 114 Wacner, aa... 0 0 1 4 I Hraneflala, lb 4 4 4 4 ( arrlih, lb... 0 0 I 4 4 Sabring, rf... 0 4 1 4 4 Kllrtils, lb... 4 4 1 I Smith, a 4 4 4 I 1 Leever, p 4 4 4 4 Millar, 4 0 14 Phelps 4 4 4 4 4 8 moot, el 1 0 Brain, as..... 1 0 I 4 0 Barolay, It... 1110 uurka, lb.... s 0 I McLean, a.... t 1 Taylor, p 4 4 0 1 C Totals I I 17 10 Touts...... 1 417 14 I 0 h 0-1 Batted for Miller In ninth. St. Loul 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pittsburg 1 0000. 000 0-1 Two-base hit: Clarke,' Farrell, Beckley Barkley. Three-base hit: Leach. First on balls: Off Taylor 4. Struck out: By Miller t, by Taylor 6. Wild pitch: Miller. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Mo ran. , . . i ; Poor Fielding at Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, June 23. Th Cincinnati played a poor game on the field. . Corrldon waa succeeded by Briggs In the seventh after three hit had been made off him. Attendance 5,064. Score: CHICAOO. K.H.O.A.B Blatla, U 114 4 1 CINCINNATI. K.H.O.A.B. Huxslna. lb.. Ill Caaajr, lb 4 4 William., lb. 1 1 nol anbr. of. 0 Doollo, lb.... 4 4 M uo trail. II.... l Seymour, ef. . 1 Dolan, rt 4 Ht.lnl.ldt. lb I Jouea, rf 1 . 1 KTera, lb.,... 1 t Kllng. ... . 0 4 , 1 4 , 1 I ,44 0 i:oriioran, ss.. 0 fiPclti. o 0 (i Hahn, 4 Tlukar, p.. Corrldoa. Brltfa, P.- Totals...... 4 10 It 10 I Totals -. 4 IITll I Chicago 0 0 2 10 2 0 0 1 Cincinnati .....1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 04 Three-base hit: Kvers. Stolen bases: Donlln, Slagle, Williams, Casey. First on balls: Off Corrldon 4, off Brlggs 2. Sacrifice hit: Slagle. Struck out: By Hahn 3. by Corrldon 2. Time: 2:06. Umpire: Moran. l Itandlngr of the Teams. Played. Won. Loet. P. C. .704 .636 .411 .610 .6w0 .Wi .m .OA new ior oa ss 16 Chloago .....62 11 Cincinnati so - 24 Pittsburg I....64 21 St.. Louis ..U as Boston 66 21 Brooklyn 67 23 Philadelphia 61 11 19 a 26 .Mi 34 16 34 Game today: New York at Boston, Phil adelphla at Brooklyn.' Harvard Defeata Yale. CAMBRIDGE. Mass., June 23. Harvard detoated Vale at base ball here this after noon by the score of 6 to 3 in the tliat game of the series between the two colleges. The runs were the result chiefly of er ratio fielding on both aides and there was little In the game to arouse the enthusiasm of the lZ,iAj spectators. GAMES IN THE AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit hats Oat 8t. Lonls is Featareleea Gam. ST. LOl'IS, June 23-The Detroits shut out St. Louis her today by a score of 1 to 0. KUllan and Glade both pitched good ball, but the - former ras the more ef fective lu pitches. The game waa without a feature. Attendance, IMl- Score: DBTROIT. , ST. LOUIS. K.H.O A ! B.H.O.A.g cr....l II Burkatt, !(... Ill kK.iityra, II.. U 1 Lowa. Ik 4 CrawlarS, rl.. 1 1 Tarr, lb 4 1 Uremia' r, lb 0 1 llualov, a. ..4 4 Hllllan. .... 1 O'Laanr, aa. . . 4 0 Maluphlil, il.l I I I I jou.a, lb I IS I s I 4 HiMlsmaa. rl. 4 4 1 4 4 1 Hill. ab.. 4 14 10 III I t I Paadaa, lb., 1 4 Olaaaon, aa. . I 4 Kahoa, .... I 4 UUaa, s..... 4111 144 1111 Totals I tllll 1 Totals T rt u 1 letrolt 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 ot. Louis 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 00 Two base hits: Mclntyre, Gremlnger, Baurett. Sacrlhce hit: Lowe. Double Play: O'1-e..ry. Lowe and 1,'nrr buloa bases: lluikiu. Barrett. Greminger, lilt Liases: iiuikiii. narreit. ureminger, lilt Liy pitched ball: By Kllllan, Padutu. Uaae 1 in balls: Off Glade. 1. struck out: Hy Lilade, t; by KUllan. 1 -Left on bases: St. I uy nn Glade. xxiuie, b; uetruit, 7. Time: l ii. Umpire: O Laughlln. . Matting Wins at Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, June fl -Timely hit ting resulted In a victory for the home t mi m tuilay. Bosten s only run waa mnd,i lu the etgUUt ba a dwuMe aad a atiagi hy Btahl and Freeman. Attendance, 4,211. Bcore: I'HlLADBbPHLA. I BOSTON. a. H O A B I R.H.O A B Harlsall. It... 4 14 4 llahl. et 1 114 4 Dr.r. rd 1 11 OColllna. lb... 4 1111 Hoflmaa, rf .. 1 1 4 4 0 Fraeman, rt.yO 10 0 4 L (roaa, lb.. 1 S I I 4 Parant, M.... 4 1114 a.rhola. lb... I 111 0 Tannhill, ir. o I o Murpbr. lb... 1 14 1 4 UChanca, lb. 4 I I 1 4 M. Ornaa. ss.. 4 4 I 1 Kan-la, lb.... 4 4 4 4 4 Pevara, t T I t Farrall, S a I f Plank, .... 4 14 1 (), p 0 4 111 T.ritar 4 4 4 4 4 Totals I 111 I M I Totala 1 1 14 11 I 'Batted for Gibson In ninth Philadelphia 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 J Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Home run: Murnhy (2). Sacrifice hit Seybold. Stolen base: Hartsel. Double plays: Powers and L. Croea. First base on balls: Off Gibson, 4; off Plant, 4. Hit bv pitched ball: Farrell. Struck out: Uy Gibson, 1; by Plank, 1. Time: 2.-00. Um pires: Sheridan and Carpenter. Pitchers' Battle at Chlcano. CHICAGO, June 23. The locals won an other hard fought pitchers' battle today. Both Smith and Bernhard were in great form and backed up by perfect support. The former carried off the honors, not only by his excellent work on the slab, but by a timely hit which tied the score and scoring What proved to be the win ning run. Attendance, 3,600. Score: CHICAGO. CLEVELAND. K.H.O.A.B K.H.O.A.B. Duadoe, lb... 0 ill 0 Flick, rf 0 0 0 1 1 Jon... c( 0 0 I 4 I Lu.h. If 0 1 I 4 4 Callahan, lf .. 4 4 0 0 Urarller. !b... 0 111 (ireao. rf 1 10 0 Lajoia. aa 0 1 1 I ll. vl.. aa 0 I I I 0 Hickman, ib.l 1 I I 1.111. lb . 4 4 4 1 0 Bamia. e 0 140 Tanuchlil lb.. 0 4 0 1 0 1I.T. cl 4 0 10 4 Mctarland, o. 1 1 4 I 0' Abbott, lb....l 17 1 SmtU. p 1 1 I 1 OlBrruliara, p.. 4 4 0 1 4 Totals...'.'. I 1 17 11 o Totals 1 I 14 14 1 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Cleveland 0 0100000 0-1 1 mft nn nmmm PhlraM K Pl.vnldnH A. Two base hit: Smith. Sacrifice hitei Smith, Lush. Stolen bases: Jones, Green, uouDle plays: Met arland and - JJundon. Struck out: By Smith, 4; by Bernhard, 2. Passed ball: Mc Far land. Banes on r.ap a i . u a. nv o -t- i . 2:10. Umpire: Connolly. Washington Likes to Lose. WASHINGTON. June 23 Washington and New York had an Interesting tie con test today, until the eiahtn lnnine. when Selbach's three errors let In five runs. At tendance 1,000. Scores NBW TORK. , WASHINGTON. K.H.O.A.B K.H.O.A.B Dougherty. Ill I I 1 OjCouKhlln. lb. 0 I 0 1 yulta, cf 1 1 0 0 1 l Caaaldy. cf... 1 I I 0 0 Williams, lb. 1 1 Donovan, rf.. 1 0 4 0 4 Moran, aa.... 4 1 I 4 1 Balbarh, If... 4 114 1 McCorm'k. lb 0 0 1 3 0 Btahl, lb 1 I 10 1 0 Clarke,- o 114 10 Amlereon. rt.. 1 I Oanael, lb.... 1 1 1 0 1 o atouuirs, s... 1 1 I Ulteen, as.... 4 4 1 1 4 1 Thenar, lb... 1 Pea-all, p 4 114 Townaeod, p.. 0 1 1 .1 0 Totals t 11 37 II ll Totals 4 11 17 II 4 New York 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 07 Washington 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 21 Two-bise hits: Bel bach. Stahl. TownBend. Stolen bases: Selbach, Clarke, Anderson, Gansel. Sacrifice hit: Williams. Double plays: Townsend, Clarke and Stahl; Os teen and Gansel. Bases on balls: Town send 1, Powell 2. Hit with ball: Townsend. Struck out: Townsend 2, Powell 7. Left on bases: Washington 0, New York 7. Wild pitches: Powell 2. Time! 2:16. Umpire! Dwyer. Staa dinar of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P. C. 63 16 18 .660 62 31 21 .m 66 32 28 .680 62 28 24 .638 60 ' 28 24 -620 60 24 26 . 480 61 22 29 . 431 61 . 42 .177 Boston New York .. Chicago .... Philadelphia Cleveland .. St. Louis ... Detroit Washington Games today: Chicago at Detroit, Boston t Philadelphia. GAMES ' IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION LonlavUle Poands Oat a Victory aad Defeata Indianapolis. INDIANAPOLIS. June 23. Louisville pounded Newlln all over the field today. Newlin's support was excellent' until the last Inning, when the team, seemingly, went to pieces. Attendance 1,730. Score: LOUISVILLE. f INDIANAPOLIS. K.H.O.A.B. R.H.OA.B. Karwln, rf.'.f. 1 I'l O.t'romler. If.. 1 1 1 1 0 Itallman, If., J 1 4 0 0 Makoon, aa...v J a i i Hart, of ; 110 0 Horteer, lb 0 I 7 1 4 Arndt, lb..... I 4 0 0 ,0 Mcl.'reerjr, ef . 0 0 110 Dsitar, e 4 11 1 0 Dlckajr, lb.... 1 14 0 0 Braahear, lb.. 0 1 4 1 0 Carr, lb 0 1 6 0 0 White, lb.... 0 1 4 0 0 Parry, e 0 14 4 1 Qutalan, sa... 4 I I I 0 Phillips, rf... 0 4 0 0 0 Wright, P...-S.1 4 4 I 0 Newlln. p..,.. 0 4 4 11 Totals..'.... 7 11 17 I o' ToUla ..... I 117 14 I Loulvllle .........,..0- 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 17 Indianapolis .....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-2 Bases on balls: By Newlln 2. by Wright 2. Struck out: By Newlln 4, by Wright 1. Three-base hits-: Cromley, Magoon. Double plays: Barry and Hogriever; Qulnlan and White. Stolen bases: Hogriever, Carr, Arndt, Dexter. Left on bases: Indianapolis 6, Louisville 7.- Time: 1:50. Umpire: llart. Columbus. Has Easy Victory, TOLEDO. June 23. Columbus had no trouble In batting out a victory .today. , At tendance 460. Score: - , COLUMBUS. I TOLEDO. n u n a a I r.h.o.a.B. Daala. rt 1 I 0 I 0'Frl.bla. ef.... 1 1 1 1 Wrlsler. lb.. 1 14 1 I Burns, lb..... 4 1111 Frlal. lb I I I I 4,Lee, rf 0 14 Klhm, lb 4 1 10 4 4Dalnlnar, lb 1 4 1 1 4 Clrsner. cf.... 1 114 OCHara, if.... 0 4 4 4 0 Martin, If 4 1 1 4 0 Brouthars, lb 4 I 1 4 1 Brldwall, as.. I I 11 Oi Donovan, ss.. 4 1 I 4 Yaagar. c... 114 1 4'Brown, e 4 4 111 Hlcker. p.... 114 1 4lCrlatalI, p.... 1444 Totals... ...14 11 tl 11 4t Totals I 4 17 11 1 Columbus 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 110 Toledo 1 0100000 11 Left on bases: Toledo 4, Columbus 10. Two-base hits: Lee. Burns, Davis, Klhm, Hlckey, Clymer. Three-base hits: Davis, Martin. Home runs: Friel (2. Stolen base: Donovan. Double plays: Yeager and Frlal; Frlel and Klhm; Yeager snd Wrig ley; Brown, Brouthers, Donovan and Burns. Base on balls: Off Crlstall 4, off Hlckey 6. Struck out: By Hlckey 6. Wild pitch: Crlstall. Sacrifice hits: Hlckey (2), Frlabl. Burns. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Klemt Postponed Games. At St. Paul: St. Paul-Kansas City game was postponed today on account of rain. At Minneapolis Minneapolis-Milwaukee game postponed; rain. Standing of (he Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P. C. Columbus 68 86 20 . 643 St. Paul 67 36 22 . 617 Milwaukee 68 38 26 .600 Louisville i 61 83 28 .641 Indianapolis 6S 20 20 .6U0 Minneapolis 6 24 . 82 -4J9 Toledo 56 20 30 .364 Knnsas City 63 17 36 . 321 Games today: Toledo at Louisville, In dianapolis nt Columbus, Milwaukee at Min neapolis, Kansas City at Bt. Paul. Lushton Wins Purse. GENEVA. Neb., June 23. (Special Tele gram.) The game on the fair grounds to day between Bruning and Lushton for a purse of 1126 was won by Lushton. It was a hot same and there was a good attend ance. The score: R H 12 Lushton 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 06' 13 0 Biunlng 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 10 1 Batteries: Hall and Garrets, Wright and Cook. ' Oraad Island a Winner. HABTrNOS, Neb.. June 23. (Special Tel egram.) Hastings and Grand Island played on the local grounds this afternoon. The core. R.H. Hastings 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-0 10 Grand Island 0 0010000 S-7 11 Batteries: Shufflebarger and Mace for Hastings, Longnecker, Hart and Kelso for Grand Island. i EVENT ON THE RUNNING TRACKS Graslallo Wins Ike Handicap IUea at Saeepshead Bay. NEW YORK, June 23. -Graslallo, at 12 to 1 In the betting, won the Sheepshead Bay handicap, one mile, at SheepHhead bay today, defeating a first-class field In the fast time of 1:384, Savabla and Hoehamp ton ran head and head to the stretch, where Martin sent Graslallo to the front. Savable was second, a length In front of in gold. White Crest easily won the Rockaway Cup steeplechase over the full course. Sweet Alice, carrying ninety-eight pounds In the last race, a handicap, six and a half furlongs on the turf, lowered the track record one and three-fifths seconds by making the distance in l:ltS. Results: First race, five and a half furlonga: Vol adsy won. Hot Shot second. Phob third. Time: 1:08. Second race, selling, mile and a furlong! Reveille won, Bobadll second, Agnes 1 third. Time: 1:66. Third race, the Rockaway Cup, steeple chase, about two and a half miles: Whit Crest won, Bonfire second. Turn CdVan third. Tlkne: 6:14V Fourth r;n e, din hephead Bay handi cap, one mile: GraslHllo won, Savable see on. 1. lngold third. Time: 1:38. Fifth race, selling: six furUmgs: Win chester won. Little Buttercup second, Fleur de Marls third. Time: 1:14. Blalh race, handicap, six and a half fur longs, on turf: Sweet Alice won, Mon treaon second, John K third. TJme; l:l'j',j. ST. LOl'IS, June a Colonel White was the only . winning favorite of a fair card at the Fair Association track today. Lite, third choice- In the feature event, ran away from Ut aqual favorkua, Thau avud 1 We kave Ind'Te Jientaf Tne, ilor .i 2TL C and Bott l r FuLT 1 "L Order a. 1 ij 4 i -. v'i .-MP.i'ikr4aveu Irish Jew!. Forty-two book did a big Dusiness. J racK gooa.- Kesuits: First raco, Ove furlongs, selling;: Lone Wolf won. CaDtaln-'.Neroth second. Wll- lowdenn third. Tlrpe:, 1:04. Second race '-mile 'Hd twenty yards, sell ing: Lady Fonsewon, Missile econd, Overhand third. Tttne: 1:7V. ' " - Third - race;' fojir and a half furlongs, purse: Colonel White won, Amuskoday second, Oceaner third. Time: 0:64". Fourth race, mile and seventy yards, selling: Kile won;" Thane second, Irish Jewel third. Time: i 1:48. ' Fifth race, six furlongs, purse: Follies Bergeres won, Mafalda second, - Bonnie Mary third; Time: '1:164- Sixth raco, mile -and twenty yards, sell ing: Caithness wen. Wessendine second, Eleven Bell third. Time: 1:46. LOTUS LOSES THE FIRST RACE Challenaver front . St. Joseph Beatea Handily by the Defender Araro. The boat race for the Manawa challenge cup between the Argo of the Manawa Yacht club and the Lotus of the Lotus Yacht club of St. Joseph was won. by the Argo In 1:03:06. A heavy full sail breexe was blowing when the Btart was made at 8:38. The Lotus got the best of the start, crossing the line seven seconds ahead of the Argo. Before the first buoy was reached the boats enguged In a short luffing match. The Lotus rounded the first buoy six sec onds In the lead. On the run before the wind the Argo caught and passed the Lotus, rounding the second buoy four seconds In the lead. The boats Immediately split tacks and on the first tack the Argo commenced to gain. After coming about the Lotus carried away one of its jib halyard blocks and Its mast began to give way. It stuck to the race and on thetlong beat to windward the Argo continued to gain, rounding the third buoy one minute and thirteen seconds In the lead. On the run home the Argo set Its spinnaker and slowly widened the gap between the boats. The Lotus, on account of its weakened mast, did not dare to put the extra strain , of its spinnaker on it. They sent a man aloft to fix the break, but could not strengthen It enough to attempt the second round, so after crossing the starting line they hauled off for home, .the Argo continuing the race ulnne. Thla race did not give a very good teat of the boats, as it waa very close until the Lotus' rigging broke. The Lotus crew said that they will be ready by thla after noon for the second race. IOWA . FIREMEN! TOURNAMENT Contest Between Volanteer and Paid - Flvemea Interesting. DEB MOINES. June 23. (Speclal.V-Th state flrtemen' tournament has developed some Interesting contests. The tournament I held on 'lis state fair ground and Is well attended. - The . contest are open UT How fag fit The al beer bttl4 Mclaalv! at lb THE AMEE1CAN EIEWIN0 ST. lows, u. s. A. MAY CO., WHOLESALE You cant buy Lellcr Leer an perfectecl every Hie clioicel Imporlccl Bokemia.T Hbpa selected and shipped to xr hy J. K.iJlorz ermany . 'Tlie fmcl American Barley maH otlainatle . Pure ypa r kli nrf LArt ' i I eaTian water YAAer I Rlttoil monflia. H is. drawn from fli nrouoj'k wkite wood pulp ready for Our new Loltl r'n i r 1 tittea with the latent and moat cientitic apparatus. Every totlle ij- w a ked , veven timeJ" kefore filling (ken .teriiz,ed and Patcuraxed . ( SkoYT. Blue Ritkon Beer doej not I contact wifk air from, line, of a ixtitil you open fke Loie on vour at nome . n ' cac tor your no me. TORZ, BREWING the state and running team of men and horse re here from several of the town and citfos. The greatest surprise was the victory of the Neola team in the straight away hub and hub race, 260 yards, which was won in 0:26. - The race for the. best paid department was won by Sioux City lii a fine run of a half mile and coupling in' l:24i. The flag race ws won by Iowa City and the running coupling contest by Neola. In the paid fire department race today Des Moines won In 1:23, with Sioux City second. The time was slow for both teams. The amateur hose race was won by Neola In 0:47. with Iowa City second. The novelty hose race was won by Sac City In 1:06, One heat of the hook and ladder race was won by Marlon in 1:40 and will be finished tomorrow. ROUND ROBIN TENNIS TO URNAMENT Harvard Team Brought Aajalaat Each Other In Contests. NEW YORK, June 23. Two . tennis matches of unusual interest were played today in the continuation of the round- robln doubles tournament on the courts of the Crescent Athletic club at Bay Ridge. The two Harvard teams were brought against each other with the result that Hi Ward and B. C. Wright defeated the pair composed of the national ex-champion, M. t. Whitman, and R. H. Carleton. The final score was 7-5, 6-3. 6-4. In the second match W. A. Larned and O. L. Wrenn, jr., faced C Hobart and B. C. Ml!lett, the former winning, 3-6, 8-6, 6-4, 1-6, 6-4. ' The play of Ward and Wright was again the feature of th day. Gaoda Crowd at Races. BEATRICE, Neb., June 23. (8peclal Tele gram.) The matinee races at the Driving park this afternoon drew a falr-sised crowd. Mixed trotting race, mile heats: Ida Belle 1 1 Mt Conqueror 2 ? Time: 2:35. 2:32. Three-minute roadster race, half-mile heats, best two In three: - I-ockhart , Ill Blackbird 2 12 Jack Daniels 3 14 Fox 4 4 3 v Time: 1:39, 1:82, 1:24. Trotting, 2:45 roadtiter race, half-mile heats, beat two in three: ' Belle '. '. 12 1 Wymore Boy 2 12 Black Diamond 3 3 8 Time: 1:28. 1:23. 1:24. Pacing race, mile heats: Jack Patton 1 i Thelma 2 8 Time: 2:26, 2:30. Mexloan Onnboats Go. NEW YORK, June 23 The New1 Mex ican gunboats Tampleo and Vera Crui sailed for Vera Crux today. to Judge Deer BRILLIANCY flan-ttv and noUsh. 1 troy- Wi i i v ' TT . - it t perfect Wanting and IscmanU uoo. BrilliancY U uwoy fowvd In beer it the brewing nd mashing ha been properly conducted, and the fermen tation of the brew completed nnder careful and scientific regulation of temperature. No other Deer equal th famous A. h. c. n a Bohemian la tbi quality of brB ssacy. It la gained by the unremit ting watchfulness bestowed upon each brewing, and without the uae of chemical preservative, thu giving at. an0'ss- I l I . ( . and iellowtone free on application. II f V-t ! city Tleket OOea, wad raraasa it. iV' w hole tola and exhilarating beer. brewery" C(X DEALERS feature of ilj manufacture,. le . rurc j-p from our own trewmo every drop o f Jlorz- 51 uc Beer ij" yJored m larg'e licriMevically vaty m refntferalor room and a5ed for j and ec va ind workj (com plelei o 0 i i i ill avor. y 1 Call This Institution ha long been established in Omaha for the benefit of snf-' ferlng men. For the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and weaknesses - that-destroy men's mental and physical powers, making them unfit for work, study, business, or marriage, snd depriving them of social duties and pleas ures of life and marital happiness. Men, don't delay If you want to be saved arid -restored to perfect health and strength, with mental and physical power complete. Come to the men's true specialists and learn your true condition, Oet the right treatment and be cured quickly, safely and thoroughly. We will make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailments, an examination that will dlnclose your true physical condition, without a knowl edge of which you' are groping In the dark, and without a thorough under standing of which no physician or specialist should be allowed to treat you. We want all ailing men to feel that they can come to this Institution freely for an explanation of their condition without being bound by any obligations whatever io take treatment unless they so desire. Men Who Need Skillful nodical Aid will find this Institute thoroughly reliable, different from other so-called Insti tutes,, medical concerns, or specialists' companies. You are Just ae safe In dealing with the State Medical Institute a with any STATE OR NATIONAL BANK. We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, emissions, Nsrvo-Sexuai Debility ' Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self auuse, excesses or the result of specific or private diseases. . CONSULTATION FREE If you cannot Office hours 8 STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Parngn St., Bet. 13th and 14th Mret, Otmha. Nob. Esna-xlM ,m WmWWL i MiW-IHiMl- W - 1 .Li1 , JAIIL.L.U, L .,.,JaJ P - 1" H ' 1 M Colorado ?? 4 I A U I I I J EVERT DAY to Sept 80th, I I I I 1 inclusive, with final return 11 , I i J UNION PACIFIC I till on AH A . . I riustrated publication "TU Rockiet, Ormt Salt Lak j " well . 1 aJ filtered inc. la1 year rr come, an LrewiTid up 12.60. i CO. V4 ' if j. A.----, call write for, symptom blank. a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday, 10 to 1 only. e . T.i t ' I fl!