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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1904)
" 3 TIIE OMAnA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 24, ISO. 10 5 3 j i ir SPECIAL NOTICES Advcrtiaeuaeats for taese Mliuim rlll be take 13 nt. tor the errata edition aad aatll S a. . for the mofala a ad Soaday e-dltloa. Rates, t l-2m a ward flrat Insertion, la a wtrd thereafter. Kathlac takaa for less thaa 20e lor tka flrat laaar tloa. Tkrie adTartlaeaacata saast be raa roaareatlvely. Advertisers, br reojaestlas; at nam bered check, caa tiara aaarrara ad dressed to a namhered letter la car af The Bee. Aaswere ao addreaaed will be delivered aa yreaeatatlea ol MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLE S' SCHOOL.. Every day la an enrollment day. The Bread aid butter Sciences are our specialties. , Penmanship, Practical Orammar, Book- keepiug, tttenograpny, Touch Typewriting, etc. Call, write or 'phone for Information. M. B. WUYLtB, Pres., f New York Llfs Bldg. CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. pbllbln, 1606 Karnam and Upp. Union sta tion. Tela. 7M and 1678. B 225 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. . R 22 HOI l SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. UULU Plating Co., lot Harney, lei. 2uJ CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 229 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accomodat ing; all bualneas confidential. 13U1 Dougins. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 1621 N. 18. Tel. 1779. . . R 231 EXPRE88MKN B Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th, Tel. 11!. R-23:! PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON, In the Bee Bid. R 235 SIGN pointing. U. H. Cole, 1301 Douglas. SPECTACLES. II;- examination free; 10 daya only. C. b. OpUclnns, 3u N. Uth. R 237 PERFIELD l'lano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In terest; henest values; easy terms. Til. 7011 - . R-SS H. W. M'YEA, Plumber, 112 N. 26th. Tel. r7. H-I40 pCTC We wsnt every papernanger In I AO I C omaha to know our- -Bnow Flake" paste; guaranteed strictly first class. Factory In charge of the man who made Lincoln paste famous. NEBR. STEAM PASTE CO., 'Phone 8760. .' '. SOU N. 16th. R 4Z BICYCLES! BICYCLES 1 OMAHA BICYCLE CO., ltim and Chicago. ........ R M30I BARGAINS Uncalled for suits and correct trousers. 1517 Ftrum, upstairs, room 5. Ask for Forman. R M384 SUES dc CO.. Patent Lawyers: advice free. Offices: Bee building. Omaha, Neb.; 184 Dearborn at, Chicago, 11L. and 10O3 F st., Washington. D. C. R-689 Jy21 Iri IDC Btsmmering and Stuttering. VU IC j. Vaughn. Raroge bid., Omaha . R-MS92 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 111 S. UTH. " ' 'PHONE 264. Why carry your soiled HnenT Our wagons call and deliver same. Bills collected monthly. . R-r222 J29 ,We write fire Insurance. KENNY REAL EST. dt INV. CO., 100 Be Bldg. i R-M402 25 PACKARD, accountant, 410 Be bldg. Tel. B-752. R-722 OMAHA -STEAM PASTg CO, Manufacture pasta for alf purposes. 'Phone A-2tK2. 1210 Cuming at. R M4 14 ARTIFICIAL STONE ' SIDEWALKS LOWEST PRICES McWILLlAMS BROS. 432 PAXTON BLK. TEL. E3106, R FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, U19 Farnam. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water, Sherman dt AlcConneii Dru co.. uinana. y jxt ' FOR SALE Several scholarships In a lirst-cluss standard school 111 Omaha, ' comprising comaiaie course In business, shorthand. and typewriting. Inquire at . fc olUce. . . , , . W e52 FOR SALE Will sel lat a discount schol arshlp lu one of the best Omaha business colleges. Auuiese b ia, too. j aiwu TELEPHONE poles; long Or timbers; cheap chicken lence. wu. vqugius. . 4 M257 HOG, PoulLry, I -awn, Farm and Railroad Wire Feu!. Wire Works, 611 B. ltith Su Tel. 1MU. y-asm jya JD-HAND safe.. Swarts. Hatter, 114 8 13th. , . w -so jy - WB RENT Sewing machines, 76o week. We repair aod sell pails for every machine msnutactured. Second-hand machines -i.-, . from 15.00 to 110.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1061. Corner Uth and Harney, 11 Y diamond ring, cheap; In pawn at Dla mond Loan OlUce, 1401 Douglas : they'll YOU SALE New and second-hand auto mobile. W, Bacon, Baum Iron Co., oinuna- bODA fountain. Richmond, Denght Co., 1J03 Far nam. W hi jezs I'DK SALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture, in good condi tion, at a narg.un. Aaareaa v;. nose air, room Iu0 Bet buildiug. Q-a.4 THE largest stock of DOO COLLAR FUR KifiHINGS. WHIPS. . SWEAT PADS. AXLE QHEASE and HARNESS OIL DREB1NUS In the state of Nebrsska at the STUCK I Alll-B cu. J. O. Blessing, prop., lls-331 N. Uth at., , South Omaha. UNION SHOP. Q UW STEOER SONS'-tHano, In splendid con Jdiiion, anly been used a short Uiu; will sell at a via uargain. auuiim, n u, uea. . W FOR SALE Cheap, numbering machine, - , book- rest, copy holder and letter scale. n In ftrat-cbtMS oondiLlon. Inaiiire of fcL ' K. Zlminerruan,' 111 N..Y. Life Bids., care N. x. l-Jie ina. .o. . . w-uin FOR 1 SALE. ' cheap, two-seated surrey, .. n t . . . ..nil rmrxAHinn' mini Via an..! at encer numbering machine, book rest, copy holder and letter scale; al! In class condition, inquire of E. E. Zimmer man. Ill N. Y. Life bldg., care N. Y. Ufa '-.. Co.. . .. Q-iil.i BILLIARD and pool tables. 1407 Harney. v . - Q-M4 Jyi ' , Shetland Monies 43d and Center. Phone -Ah-TT04t ; jj M746 : FLORISTS HEIsS 4b 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 360 L. HENDERSON, 161 Farnsm. Bend for price Ut of cut flowers and plants. - 351 A UFRKD DQNAGHUE, JR . 1607 Farnam Tel. l;iol 1 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED P. MKU'HIOR, macldne works, tsih and Howard. Mo4Jyii Jft. K. LAWRENCE, 1701 Lesrenworth; 'Vhoot Laff.. . M-bJsJylO WANTD MALE HELP SUMMER SCHOOL Now open at the OMAHA COMMtRCIAL COLLEGE fcevcnleeiilh and D,ualnS. BtudentH n.ioii pur aay. e make a bpeciauy oi all fut.ll': oc.iool, !"." and .Normal iiiirnea. Alao Shortnana, 'lpeiilina anu 'leiesrapny. uctiu tor buniiiier boiiooi Announcmeut. nuuhbutOU BROS. B 21 WAMED FOR U. S. ARM i' Able-bodied uniiiarriud men betnern agea oi a ana ij, citizens ol United States, ol good character ana temperate habits, who enn speak, read and write English. For in formation appiy to Kucrulung Officer, Ulli and Douglas Bis., Onmna, or tancoln. Neb. B M15! WANTED i6 men to work on brick yard ond tenders on brick buildings, uesnier Brick Kard Co., Desnler, Neo. B MiW FOURTH OF JULY. Wanted, sports afm amusements for SRmc. Aauress bporting Commuiee, Neb, B MJIO a BROKERS wanted to sell treasury stock lor further development in legitimate goJ mining property; llbersl commissions to right sanies; references required. Ad dress W, P. O. Box 07, Missoula, Mont. BMT. 4x WANTED Men to learn barber trade by short and practical method; lew week completes; tools given, board provided, positions waiting. Call or write, Moler Barber College. 1302 Douglas St. B-U421 24x WANTED, a tailor or bushelman to do cleaning, repairing and pressing, r. u. box W0, Spearflsh. S. Dak. BM622 Jylt YOUNG MAN Huoincss c-jllege student or graduate preferred from Omaha or vicin ity, to prepare for av.veroment position: good Siilary ; deserving promotion. Box llO, Cedar Hupids, la. B--M637 20.1. -WANTED Cash and Installment sales man. Apply to Mr. Zerkla, 1621 Farnam t. c B M703 WANTED A boy, about 18, for office wora; a stenograpner prererrea; can promptly. Western Reference Bond Association, 140-841 N. Y. Life bldg. B 714 23 WANTED City salesman. C. F. Adams' to., itus Howard st. ttm WANTED Nonunion railroad telegraphers. appiy room 10, victoria Hotel. B M753 ZSx WANTED At once, dictor for small Uwn, eastern icbraka; rlcn rarmlng country; small, growing practice fjr sale for price of office fixtures. Address O 8. Bee. B M7j2 24x DON'T WORK FOR OTHERS. ' BE YOUR OWN BOSS. LEARN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS and start in for yourself. We make you our special representative and tench vou the business by mall. We furnish large list , of saleable property and asslt you to earn nom ,,uoo to annually. Write for free booklet and particulars. H. W. CROSS & CO., 247 Tacoma bldg., Chicago. B M747 24x MAN, "with family, for farm. 43d and Cen ter, none Asn-3704Z. B M744 26 WANTED A bright young man, accurate at ngures, as ledger clem; must nave ex- S-rlence and references. Addrers O 12, ee. . B M74S 2 MANAGER for rraln and coal hiiklnrai-. capaoie oi graaing grain ana Keeping duoki. Two traveling salesmen for wholesale con re me. An experienced bill clerk. An experienced stenographer. An office clerk and one beekkeepr. WISDTllltn KCf . ANM BOND ABSlN. 840-841 N. Y. Life. B-M7S1 24 WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS. Canadian office, '16th and Dodge. Cr-M24 O. K. American, German employment onice; oiaesi, most rename in umana, 1624 Dodge. C 177 J30X WANTED Girl for general housework. 1618 Madison ave. C M87I WANTED At once, mlddle-ared woman as cook and housekeeper; small family. 218 O. 9QLJI RTC, tJO WANTED Girl for general housework; no ' washing, 824 Worthjngton Place. C 367 23 WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng. manlcurlns; or facial massage. Short and practical method; all work done free; 111 to 116 weekly paid graduates; position guaranteed, diplomas granted. Call or write, juoicr v.ouege, uvx uougias bi. C M427 24x WANTED A good girl at once at the creenn, mn and Harney. u X7 a WANTED Girl ; cook and general house work; no washing-Ironing; good wages must be competent and well reconv mended. 1922 S. 33d St. C M742 24 WANTED A girl for general hourework Immediately. Mrs. G. Ej Beck. 1610 N 25th St., South Omaha, f C M748 15x WANTED, all-around laundress: must , know how to operate combined shirt and collar Ironer. In small steam laundry; permanent position; state wnges expected. Address m. neinnart, jyiDion, jveD. C-MJ54 26 OFFICE GIRL 'WANTED rMujt he -food penman. Address O 8. Bee. C 712 24 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing- - agents In every county to solicit isubacrlotions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER: steady employment, with assured good Income: aaents In the country with horse end buggy especially desired. . Canvassers make easily-ajfiu to rioo per month. Ad dress Century Fsrmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J IIS WANTED Hustling agent In every town to sell our patented clothesline stretoher. Address, with stamp, Mouser ds Madrett, Hastings. Neb. J M31ft AGENTS "New York's Steamboat Hor ror." told by survivors and eye witnesses; ,1.100 dead; 100 Illustrations from photo- fraphs: about 600 nges. 7Hxl0; price, l.'oO: selling like "wild fire;'' best terms, credit given: freight paid. 8end nc In stamps for outfit and Instructions. Kuhl man company. Dept. 4, Chicago. J M844 2 WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED physician wants situation on salary In city. Address O 4. Pee. A M678 25 SITUATION wsnteit as nurse, by- young Indy from country; am not a graduated nurse, but have hnd considerable exnerl ence nurlnar In the country. Addresa O 4 Bee Offlce. A 411 20 x WANTED TO BUY, BHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Jfe, pays I lghest price for books. Tel. 30.16. N 243 WANTED To buy feather beds. M. An slyn, 1721 Cuming st. Tel. 1407. N-tn x WANTED A five-horse power motor, 110 volt, direct current; stste lowest cnxh price and condition of machine. The Bennett Company; Geo. Cornelius. Chief Engineer. 7 N M393 16 x WANTED A furnished house for the sum mer; no children; references jrivrn. Ad , dress O 7. Bee. N 717 24 x RFP.PON'SIBLE psrty (man and wlfen wont horse end buagy to u-e evenings for its keep; best of care. AfHrea O 6, ' Bee. . N--7U 25x WILL Tav reasonable price for sreen rsd Ip atmp books, filled. Address O 21, Pee office. N-417 x WOt'l D live to fk with snyone In n-nh with laurrtrv for sale, capacity oiy shirts end In rood rnnnlne order. Will rav esh If trfctor-: no nt need answer. Address O 10. Bee ofWce. N-4" 7x LOST LOST In Bostun store or Centrll . meat market, black music roll, containing ex ercise Lor and 4 eonga. Finder pleaae re- ' turn to 2016 St. Maiy'a ave. and rereiv reward. Loat-4s4 21 LtlST Pearl brooch with opal In center. Return 10 tC4 S. 15lh St. Reward. Loet-7.4 14X There are "tips" come yet. Those Want Ads. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL. European, loth & Chics so. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and 'a in m. 11.25 PER W EEK. Dr.ran ho'ise. 4.2 8. !M!t. r. .iv VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farn im ; t'.ne looms, ladies' cale, pr.vute dining r. ; open n.gnie. E 71 NICE furnished rooms, Sid floor. 14-ti UoJk-. THE FARNAA1, lath nnd Farnam Pts. v- - -1 1 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN cnuii.aiii; iJihunouA. inrn.Hitd luo.ns anu uiiioHing parlors; appointment I.rst ciass. Hw . Uih St., opposite Miliiird hotel. E 271 TWO nice cool rooms; modern; very rca- L.. ....... . . . ' l,. 1!. unaoia. iiw n. iun. " TWO south front modern, reusonsble; board optional. Phone 24oi Cass. E yi Jyio NICELY frnlshed front rooms; modern; 'phone. 616 H -21. E M7 24 SOUTH front room. B1971. E Mo66 24 NEWLY furnished cool rooms; east front; walking distance; see them. 516 S. 22d. E-MJ03 iix CENTER HOTEL. 60c, 75c, IU210 N 17th. tl-M361Jyl7 ONE large furnished room In beautiful location, for man and wife or two young men; private; references. Will give board. 527 Park ave. . E M6S5 NEATLY furnished room. 6.10 So. 17th ave. E Mi7 29x LARGE south front parlor, ulcov, :nod ern, detached house, lawn, 'phon. 1 23 n. soth. n:-.vr.3i itx LARGE front rooms, single on ensulte. 1039 Harney. E-M',36 2ux THREE rooms, furnished; light housf-h'p-lng. 118 N. 26th. E-M737 2i NICE newly furnished, cool nom.: mod ern. 1707 Caes. E-M7T5 2.'.x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED, cool, outside rooms, with or . without .board. . Midland hotel, 16th. and Chlcago.V F-275 THE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge, 'phone 85; nice, light, airy rooms; ensuites'and single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 276 BOARD & room, 14; meals, 15c. 1619 Dodge. F 27. NICE, clean room on bath room floor; first class board and accommodations. 2323 , Harney. F 794 UTOPIA Desirable rooms and board. 1721 Davenport- F MH63 Jy FIRST-CLASS table board, 83.50 per week. 211 South 20th F M609 26 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol ave.. broad verandas, shady lawns, moderate prices. ! Mti FURNISHED rooms and board.. 816 8. 26ih 1 F-&a O. M. E.-.TEL. 611. MESSENGERS (ND BAGGAGE. F M729 LARGE south front room, with first class board. 2418 Cass. 'Phone A 1094 YOUNG man occupying large, cool south front room, wishes a roommate: "refer - enoes exchanged. 2418 Cass. F M732 28X BOARD AND ROOM. THE PRATT. 211 So. 25th St. 'Phone SI 38. F-M704 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS in Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Har ney, single and en suite for light house keeping. See Janitor. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St , O M653 FOUR unfurnished rooms', light housekeep ing permitted. 2408 Cass. 'Phone A 2073. C.-M73J 27 LIOHT housekeeping, 1 rooms; attractlvff. 532 N. 23d. G 727 WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house 'or flat; family of three adults; until September 1. Address, wlih full particulars, L 65, Bee. K folk IF you have a good room to rent for a saloon or billiards in this city or else where, write us. We will make no charge for finding you a good tenant. Have numerous applications on file. The Bruns wick tsame uouenaer lo., n- bo. una St., Omaha. K-M529 2c WANTED By three young ladles, room and board In a rountry town or ranch for a few weeks; can furnish the best of refererces. State full particulars in an swering, as to rates, use of driving horse, etc Address O 11, Bee office. K-M74J 26x WANTED, furnished room nesr Slat and Chicago, by lady, for a few weeks. Ad dress O 20, Bee office. K 633 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR sale, good, live retail Implement busi ness, eastern Nebraska town, established trade; no trade wanted. Address lock box 1284 Omaha. Y-M5S7. FOR SALE Telephone line (close corpora tion) owning and - operating sixty-one miles, supplied with guaranteed toll 'phones now earning over 12 per cent an nually on selling price ef property. This can be doubled by sddlng new 'phones ap plied for. Splendid opportunity; - gilt edged' Investment; growing country. M. J. Ureevy, Bee bldg., Omaha. Y 856 ABBOTT-COWAN Co., lat Nat. Bk. Bldg., can get you in or out of business. Y-245 BHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 4. 1 Y 244 WHEN you want, to buy, sell or exchango your property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, i3 N. Y. Life. Phone L2270. I Y-M454 ClUrWU PRIDE OF HASTINGS So ft OlYlUJNC rar. Cushlng & Gnu vremi dint b. Y-MS82 Jyl A MONEY-MAKING bakery and resfu rsnt for sale cheap If taken voon. Ad dresa Box 171 Crelg, Neb. Y-7J8 28x . ' FOR SALE 82,000 bankrupt notion nnd racket stock. Artdren George A. Kellojtg, trustee. Missouri Valley, la. Y-M750 27 FOR 8 AI E A flrst-cla hotel, doing a good bUHlnefw. In splendid hotel town: or would sell furniture snd rent btilMtn. Addrrss Ivan A. Howard. Egr Neb. Y M74S Wl PRINTING PRINTING r, LYNGSI AD ii High Grade Work. rouuav bloua, coi ner of b St. and Capitol Ave. Z4a KRAMER ft CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT ERS 1103 Farnam. To deliver work when promised Is our hobby MJ49 Job printing. Best work in city. I i ii i uuaianueu- uu i.ipiuii av 241 J. M. 8IRPLESS, reliable printer, estab lished 12 years. 303 8. 13th St.. Omaha. I . M296 Jyli When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke r two of the pen to mention the faot that you saw the a 4 la The bee . 1 and "druuns " and Some peoples tips are to desiring to get to the top -must use Bee FOR SALE REAL ESTATE All Bargains JUNE S3 AND 21, 14. 2417 Dodge, 53x124, 8-room, modem; price, !4,0o0; close In; land worth the money. Corner 20th and Chicago, directly acros3 from John A. Crelghton's; 132 feet on 20th by 66 on Chicago; besides 14 feet surplessage; good 8-room hou-e; price, 16,000; a bargain; room for 1 flats on 20th. 66x132, almost across the street from the above; large 8-room house; non-resident owner says SELL. Price, $6,X0y Make an offer. 2101-2101 Douglas St., large brick, three full stories, rental 11,800 a yesr. leased 'three years to a good party, land 66x132;-owner moved to Denver, built there and needs money; says get an offer. .Price has been 818,000. We would submit as low an offer as 116,000. Property was once mortgaged for 112,000. This may be Just what you want. Look It up at once. Fred M.. Youngs has the finest ligation on Florence Boulevard. He leaves for Port land Sunday and offers his beautiful eight room all modern house for quick sale at 14,600. Oak finish down stairs; has prac tically two lots. 53 feet of his own and 60 feet of street Joining It, which Is beau tifully parked, on which he pays no taxes and which Is not likely ever to be dis turbed. There are no special paving or sidewalk taxes. The park board keeps up the 100-foot boulevard free to the ad Joining owner. If you want the best look at this. Do It today. See the owner or us. 1911 8. 29th (Park) Ave., 125x150 feet, front ing beautiful Hanscom Park, seven roms, partly modern, houre all on one floor, street In front of, this Just being paved at the city's expense. This is the first time this property has been offered; the price is 14,000. The most beautiful grounds for their size in the city. Owner com pelled by circumstances to leave. If you have not the money we will loan a large part of the price to the right man. House vacant; possession at once. 2613 Pierce Is the home of John A. Weaver, who has Just left for California and says sell my house for the best price you can get; If you can't sell it, rent it. Large grounds, large house, large barn. Your price and terms; we ask 13,750. , We still have for sale the John Francis place. Mr. Francis fitted this up In the most elegant style for himself; ground 125x125 beautifully parked and gardened; line-room all modern house, large barn; all vacant, ready to move into today. Mr. Francis, having been promoted to Chicago, will sell very cheap. Price has been 17,500. Want , offers. lorence Boulevard ' has lately attracted ;he attention of one of our millionaires, who Is quietly buying a large piece of 1 ground for a home. Directly opposite we offer Ave lots with sewer, gas and water at 1800 each. A little1 further up we offer 190x250 feet for 12)000. -..These are bargains. .. . -. - Harrison wfy Morton, 112-913 New York Life. Telephone 314. P. 8. This ad will appear but one time in this form. If interested you had better - save the- paper of cut the ad out H. & M. RE 710-23 PEST THING OFFERED. Farnam st business property paying 51,800 per annum. (Can make long lease). Price 120,600 for quick sale. Average taxes for S years, including 1904, 1382.91 Harrison & Morton, 9U-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 114. BE 350 PRICE TODAY, 2,550. Rev. Diiioii, who leave tne cuy, oils is his beau in ul, modern nuine looay at nils sao rilice pi'ice; part uown, balance easy. 4416 Grant xt. RE 40a ACRES IN BENSON Desirable Tracts for Country Home. Ten acres, with bearing truit, all nicely seeded to ajfalfa, ll.U0u.00. Five acres, some fruit, three blocks from car, 11,200.00. Two acres on pavement, a fine garden tract, fbou.uu, Benson & Carmichael, 44 Paxtuu Jiiouk. RE 843 FOR SALE Two modern cottages, West Farnam St. district, only i,wu0 eacu. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-4M5 . THE ROSEBUD Reservation Is open to settlement. Send W cents to Ratnman A Keller, Bonesteul, S, L., tor Inhumation ami large map showing topography of country. Kik .'87 FLORENCE BOULEVARD. (002 is an 8-room, all, modern house, oak finish downstairs; owner leaving city; must sell this week; value !6,ooo; make an offer of 84,500. Act quickly. Harrison & Morton, 91i-13 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. 811 ' RE 4 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS FOR A ROUND TRIP TO THE ROSEBUD LtU,llll,KU 1A1P, Wa pay your railroad tare. We iLiriiiaii you aieepjng cars. We furnish you beda wniie on the ground. We guarantue good meals. We make your papers and give you legal advice. This ensures you that you will get through registration without error and without personal dlcoinfnrt or loss of time and money. COME AND SEE US. Gas Belt Land Co. 214 Flrat Nut'l Bank, Omaha, Neb.' RE 301 ; . ACRES. Near Omah.i. aiu bouih Omaha,, choice) anil sightly, tract oi iw aviea owned by eastern client. This auairable property could be sold 16 great advantage by sub dividing Inlo lu-uui a uacta. land across the ;oad having sold -s limb aa foc per acre. It 's the ovner's desire tu close out this tract to one purohaser at once and price has been I educed to 4110 per acre. Ttus is your opportunity. W. Farnam Smith & Co. LKv Farnam btreeL RE-i We handle real estate. KENNY REAL EST. at 1NV. Co., 3u0 Bee Iiidg. RE M403 21 DO YOUWANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm er ranch tell the farmers and stock raise-re about It. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H 10 Acres Improved H 1J Miles Southwest of Benson Has 4-room house, good well and other out Luiidings; tine land; on main road, l rlce 8-.3O0 4't acres, 2 blocks from end of car line, in Benson; fine garden land. Price Il.ouo S half-acre, lots In Benson, '.n Military pHVcd road, 7 blocks from caf. Price, each halt acre 41tU 10 acres 1 mile south of Benson I1,S0 Lots in Benson 1100, floO and 82U0 each. HASTINGS & HbYDEN, 610-611 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Pnone !. RE i ACREAGE FOR SALE. 20 acres thiee-4uai ters of a mile irum Flor ence car, spiei.did iruu and garuen land; noihing better; ottered tor quick saie at 4iuu per acre. Ihm land la easily worth uouble the amount. . THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, Mew York Lite Bldg. W. H. CRARY, Mgr. Ileal estate Department. RE-6S8 24 BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. 8250.00 On Franklin St., near 29th st; site 60x127 feet. Ueorge & Co. RE MU98 26 TWO brand new cottages, modem except furnace; no und the other 12,450. 6H1MER & CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. ' RE 714 H New Houses H Ju;t Compjeied 6-room house on Mai.ut.rjon street. Just west of 14in, wheie the big trees are; all modern, strictly up to date, near ifer, on Daved street. Price 62.0uO 6-room house on Ames ave. between -lih and 15th streets, on paved street, fenc-d, hue location, all inouern. Prlie -,6j0 6-room lioube on 27ih ave., just souih of Lake, east front, modern, high grounu, tine view, half biock of car. .filce.-tAiM) 1500 cosh, balance monihiy. 5- 1 oom house, just completed, modern, on 22d street and Saratoga. Price tl.MM) 6- room cottage In Florence, on car line, Ju&t been built, large lot. Price tl.o&o 7- room new house In Bern to Park, on Myr tle ave., between 33d and 34th, half b.oik from cur line, fine location; house is stiictly modern. Price l-.OtO HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610-511 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone X006. RE M 13 A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for the asking. Write or call tor one today. Gas Beit Land Co., 214 First Nat. hank bldg., Omaha, is'eb. RE 281 C&AS- Williamson Co., rfbWdg RE 284 Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 284 FOR RtNf HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1U0-24 N. 19th. Onice, lull Farnam. Tel. 1559-863. D 2s8 PAYNE-BOSTWICK ft CO., Choice houses. eoi-603 New York Lite Bldg. Phone lots, D 24 HOUSFC,1" all parts of ths city. The UUUJLJo. F. Davis Co.. 60s .Bee Bldg. D aw WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. 14M. Olbxe 1711 Webster st D-291 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker bk. - - - - - ' D 291 HOI 111 Part ' th City. R. C nuusi' 3 Peters 4s Co.. Bee Building. ... D 294 FOR RENT No. 1541 Park avs.. opposite park, modern brick dwelling, rooms: price, 840.00 per month. Inquire at lilt S 12d at. J. M. Richards. D M764 1944 S. Uth, 7-room, porcelain bath, gas, lawn. 820. D-4i6 10-ROOM house, near 28th and Farnam, only . 842.50. Bemis, Paxton block. D 443 TO LET, FURNISHED. DURING July and, August, very desirable 10-room modern house; west Farnam dis trict; best references required. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam. D M371 CENTRAL, good condition, l-r. cottage, 220 No. 23d. D-M370 FOR RENT Elegant 8 room modern house, best location, 840. Thomas Brennan, N. Y. Life building. D 275 Rentals a specialty. KENNY REAL EST. & INV. CO., 800 Bee Bldg. D-M404 25 FOR RENT July 1st, 8-room modern brick, 814 N. 23d St. Inquire 320 N. 23d. D M541 CENTRAL Al, I room cottage, 220 N. 23rd. D Mo67 2519 Chicago, 11 r., all modern 160. 3074 Mason, 8 r., all modern 835. 1814 N. 8th, 8 r., all modern 130. 1816 N. 18th., 8 rf all modern 130. 1064H 8. 20th, 6 r., all modern 818. 8119 Burt 6 r., city water 110. THE BYRON REED CO., 211 8. 14th. D 720 2i all.nrodern, Hanscom park Ulstrlct, and board owner and wife; references re quired. Address O 6, Bee. D 718 26 FOR RENT For summer months, fur bished house, near high school: references required. The O. F. Davis Co., 6 Bee Bldp. 1VW 21 FOR RENT blUntii & OFFICES Iivu-blulil building, lb.i. and the second floor 1508-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman, i . IF A GOOD light Is needed, we ran show you a north front ouico ou the tilth tloor a splendid room, at the moderate pries of Vm. R. C. Peters dt Co., ground poor Bee building. I-rU2 STORE ROOM, 617 S. 16th St. Inquire of Clark Powell, 1516 Capitol Ave. 1849 A 3U office in the Bee building carries vrlth it all-of the conveniences hhJ advantages - in the way of heat, light. Janitor service, all nigiit and all day and Sunday elevator ei-viiie. A 110 onice is now vacant. Call at once. R. C. Peters sit Co., ground- floor. Bee building. FINE NEW STORE BUILDING, 1405 Douglas street, first door with skylight In roof; swell front; fine ce mented buscinent; the two upper floors are 22 x80 each; stairway from street: near all car lines; fine location. Will rent floors separately. THE M CACH E INVESTMENT CO., 106 DOUGK STREET. I-M3S A PHYSICIAN or dentist will And a choioe of two desirable rooms in ths Bee build ing: Room 604 la divided into a good-sized wait' ing room slid t private office. It is 01 rectly in front of the elevator. The price Is 130. Room 21$ Is likewise divided. It Is on the second floor end has a very pleasing ap proach from the brosd corridor facing the court. The price is 816 per month. R. C. Peters dt Co., ground floor. Bee building. DESIRABLE corner store, east front, st ltith nnd Cuming sts. ; recently remod eled througout; exceptional opportunity for drug store. Inquire Joseph Barker, 1524 Farnam st. 1-M709 USTEOPATHY Joinson Institute, si N. Y. Life bldg. T. 144 DR GRACE DEEGAN. 831 N. Y. Tjl It. MRS. JOHN R MUSICK. Osteopathic Phy sician; office. Douglas block. 1eL Dr Farwell, specialty ne-vous diseases. J64 Paxton. PERSONAL THE LOBBY CAFE BEE BLDG. serves noonday luncheon from 11:30 to I p. m., 8oc; our special supper, 2jc. Under the inanugement of Miss Richards. U Mj31 2a , MAGNETIC TJiTn, W U -' Jy-x EXPERT piano moving, lowest prices. Schmoller Mueller, Uii Farn. Tel. 16 U ifci - BALLOON ASCENSIONS l?,eu ti' tu leaiau,e baul aaUiphy ua.iwou Co., iuoi AUauti bu Tel. 3w4. U MuSO Dressmaking. Miss Sturdy, 2608 Cavenpoit. STEINWAY pianos are sold exclusively by Schmoller Mueller. U13 Farnam St. nprmini l W'ka. Up-to-date clean- uermania era, aye, m . u st. t. o-7. U 419 "PAPA says he can' snake '.em off " Hute son's New patent Rimless Eyeglass; al most Invisible. Huleson Optical Co.. 211 8. lbth BC, Paxton block; factory on the premises U 120 DR. C. H. DeLONG. Dentist, 2 Bee. TeL B-3246. U-791 Jy6 PIANOLAS for rent; I months' rent al lomed o.t purchase. Schmoller dc Mueller, Jill Farnam. Tel. 1616. U 11 COiM'EoSlONS FOR SALE Wlsner, Neb.. July 4, 19o4 we will have Oolimar Bros, big raiiruud circus, hose race open tu tne world, three companies of siate mllltlA will oa encamped, giving drill and snam battle; tne tirxl iteguiient build wnl lurinsn ttiex niualc wiin seventy pieces. 1 or concessions apply to, A. J. West, cliairiiuiu. U 4144 2 PARTY who picked up Waterman foun tain pen Tuesday forenoon at Comniercia.1 National bank will please return same to Bee oillce. U 821 DR. ROY, Chldropody, R. 1 dt S. 1606 Farnam DETECTIVE CaDt. Cormack, 611 Kerbach block, y-l. A2832. U 307 MUSICAL Thos. J. Kelly, voice, Davidge block. U 9 Accordeon pleating, ohespest, best, quick est. Mrs. A. C. Mark, lith and Dougius. U J TRY KELLY'S LALNDHY.- "PHONE 3W0. U 310 PANTORiUM--"' 407 So. 15th. U 311 "VIAVV" Way to health. 350 Bee Bldg. U-314 TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 11th st u-ne DR. SLABAUGH. Dentist, N. Y. Life B dg. WANTED Information as to the where abouts of G. O. Vanlnwagen. Address waa Cmaha some years ago. Address Harvey Spalding ft Sons, Washington, D. C. U M646 24x Cppp TAfl pCaccurately fitted. Sat ' 1 "t-lsfactlon or money re turned. No charge for examination. Dr. Richards, 115 S. lbth, opp. Boston Store. U M708 24 DROP a card for shingling or any other repairs to R. L. Bailey, 3317 Myrtle ave. U 716 25x RETIRED BUSINESS MAN, very rich, seeks honest, home-loving wife; money no object. Addresa Mr. L., 202 Washing ton St., Chicago., U M761 24X PACKARD, accountant, 410 Bee b'.dg. Tel. B-752. U 723 I UMBRELLAS. WE sell them; WE repair them; WH recover them. Lowest prices. BOSTON UMBRELLA CO.. 608 So. 16th St Phone 1617. U- CHICAGO LAUNDRY WE TAKE THE DIRT AND LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES 'PHONE 206. . 214 N. 16TH ST. U CABINET OVAL PHOTOS- FOR (jt AA The Williams Studio, Full Dog. 12.60. Pl-W 1407 Farnam 8t U-M728. ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCH1NG. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLK. TEL. 193C U M730. GEORGE FUHRMANN of Pomogy, Hungary, who until Septem ber 1, 1903, was In the employ of the Union Pacific railway, Omaha. Nebl, Is Hked to send his present address to the Austro-Hungarlan consulate In Chicago, III. U-M740 24x MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Shermau tk McConntll, Omaha. -324 DR. PRIES treata successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1611 ft Dodge st., Omaha. li PRIVATE hospital during- confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2216 Charles. Tel. A261. 836 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th, Id floor.; tel. 3569. M333 Jyl6 PRIVATE home during confinement; bablea adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st ave. .Council Bluffs.Ia.Tel.774. 626 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS HORSES for sale; 2d-hond harness and ve hicles cheap. Melchlor's StabUs, 601 S. 19th. P-278 A NEW runabout top buggy Jo trade for driving horse. 811 N. 16th. P-JVti Dr W. C. Langdon. VETERINARY HOS PITAL, commodious, up to oats. 2411 N. Is P-M499 Je40 THE FROST BAND, pr tires, on wagon wheels stick. lth and Leavenworth. 'I' 379 U M r mac's Runabouts, Phaetons, etc, H A IN UatlAWEST possible prices. AIsj painting trimming, repaking and rubber tires. WM. PFE1FFER ('phone 374), 2uAt Leavenworth. All work ' P-M82 Jps HAMBLETONIAN STALLION BANNOCKBURN Stands 1S hands high, weighs over 1,200 lbs. PEDIGREE sired by a grandson. 1st dam a granddaughter of Hamble tonlnn 10th. I will race him against any stallion In Nebraska, wagon and driver weighing no less than 350 lbs. BANNuCK 1'URN Ts the surest breeder 1 ever saw. He will stand for stork at 4021 N. 16th at. snd R. R. tracks, Omaha.. A THoMf SEN. P-MM4 DEPOT ROCKAWAY excellent condition, for sale cheap. Address N 65. Bee. P-M804 25 W. J. LAPAGE earrings and wagon; fnd hnnd vehicles for sale. 1507 Jnckson. Tel. 2455. P MV Jly 20 FOR SALE One family home, 1 years old, nice driver, weight 1,100. 611 8. 14th. Phone 1301. P-724 CLAIRVOYANTS UYLMER, palmist 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-2241. BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. S M75 Jy9x SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C VAN BANT S school, ill N. Y. LIN- -.1 FACSIMILE letters, envslopea addressed. Boy lee college 4'4 UW AND COLLECTIONS E F MOREARTY. Alt' jr.. 437 Paxton. TeL A. 2639. JOHN M. MArKAni ANH. New York Life bldg.. rooms 804 and 819. Tel. 156. 261 THIS FOR THAT WILL trsde sewing machine for type- vrlter. Neb. cycle Co., lith and Harney. J X-3i 10-IN. PI8C records taken In exrhsnge foi new records. Columbia Phonograph Co, K-'l Farnam Z 333 WHAT have you to exchange for a plunol Perfield Piano Co., Bea bidg. Tal. 7 4 Z gu 11 EN,X bicycle to exchange for some ol tne money you pay the street ear com pany. Ltuts Flescher. 1622 Capitol ava. Z CW IF THERE is nothing In this column yon went, put an ad. in and you will oon It. z-m IF Tour 0d furniture don't suit, we will exchange new for It. Tel. 771. zV-Mll e.T AUTOMATIC REOINA imisln box. fancy case, to exchange for piano or pianola. Address K It Bee. Z-MM9 PHAETON and surrey for excHsnre 1H4 Farnam. a fc.7 J:l FINE Jl-nlere dining room set: coat 17 new; will sell or trade: bargain. Enter prise Furniture Co., 101 & 14th. Tel r"4 Z-870 tVILL exchange second hand phonogTarh records for others In good condition. N 64. Bee nfflce. Z-ME? FOR BALE OR EXCHAHO&A fne mlll Irery stock, In a good Iowa town Ad dress N. M. Bee. r M 2M IF YOU want to buy or exchange for a farm send 10 rents for the Farm Buy ee's Guide, containing a description of IIS farms, with owner's name and ndde a for sule or etrhnng. Wsnt frn frf-m owners listed. Horace O ant, 'elst BMg., Knn City, Mo. 7,tf 2 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annojed by nuuie.oua siuull bli.a that have accumulated during tne winter it might be an advantage to oU (o recur money from us and pay them and then pay us In woekly or mor.inly ray incuts until you get out of debt. We loan oa furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agiement to re pay. Our rates are as law aa any and a great deal lower than some. Our service is 3ulck and without publicity. If you have ealt with us snd are pleased, tell others, and if you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg Tel. 2296. (Established 1892.) 06 South 16th Ft. X-317 MONEY LOAN Phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxton Blk. LOANS. ON SALARIES, r UnNUUKE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, ETC PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT TOU. RELIABLE CREDIPXO. 10(-8US PAATON BLK- TEL. Mil. - X MT9J 3 P. C. YEAR FROM 4100 to I.kvw loaned un our pc.soiial note at 3 PER CENT PER YEAR. All good louns wanted. Call or write and get my system W. L, Eastman dt Co., 1108 Farnam, Omaha. . X 148 DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Piano UNTIL YOU SEE US. If you can call, write us or telephone 1607, and we will send agent to explain and arrange loan at your residence, -J. A. HUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. X 441 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others with security; easy payments largest business In 43 principal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . X-4H1 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley I-onn f'o lUti ('irimm fit . . V 147 " X-J471 SALARY and collateral ,oana. Templeton, 212 Bee Bldg. 'lei. 9fc04v . MONEY lonnod on pianos, furniture, Jew . eli y, horses, cows, etc C. F.. Reed. 319 & 18th. - , Xr-3 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. X-M4U' SEE FULLER, 426 Paxton Blk.. for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelrv. X-301 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rates. W. It Thomas, f irst JNat t wax niu. lei. Tel. lo44 r 4 TO 6 P. C. money. bemis, Paxton block. - , W kB t PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas V ; WANTED, city loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1820 Farnam st -.: W-fts) ' MONEY TO LOAN, Payne Inveafroent Co, W 801 I WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters dt Co., Bee bldg. W-801 , I per cent loana. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam, w-aoi i Wo loar money. KENNY REAL EST. dt INV. CO.. 300 Bee Bldg. W-M401 We would like a few farms. We won HI like to make a 'few leans, 11,000 to 110,, 000 on farms In Douglas or adjoining counties. F. D. V7EAD, 1524 Douglas St. W 719 19 P0ST0FFICE NOTICE. (Should be read daily by all Interested, changes may occur at any tlnto) ' Foreign malls for the week ending June 26. 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases) nt the General Pomottlce aa fol lows: Parcels-Post Malls clotte one hour earlier than closing tli.ut linn below Varcels-Pnat Mnlls for Germany close nt 6 p. m. June 20 and 27. Regular and Supplementary Malls close at Foreign Station (corner of West nnd Mor ton streets) half hour later than rinsing time shown below (except that Supple mentary Mails for JCurope and Central America, via Colon, close one hour inter at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY C6.h)-At 6 a. m. for E'.'ROPB per s. s. St. Lo;.ls, via Plymoutn and Cherbourg (mail for Ireland must lie di rected "per s. s. St. Louis"); at u.30 . m. for ITALY direct, per a. s. Prlni Adel bert (mnil must be directed "per . a, Prlni Adelbert"); at :30 a. m. OUH, piementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurla, via Qiiernatown; at 8-30 a. ni. for BELGIUM Clrect. per s. s. FlnlHiid, (tvall must be directed "per a. s Fin lend"); st 8:30 c. m. for ITALY direct, Tr s s. Konlg Albert (malUmust )e di rected per s. s. Konlg Albert' i.t 3:30 p. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per a. s. Co lumbia (mall must be directed "per . a. Columbia"). After the closing of ns supplementary transatlantic malls named sbove, addl tU nal supplementary mails sre opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamera. und remain open until, within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malta tor goath sad Central America, West ladles, Kte, FRIDAY (24:h). At 9:80 a. m. (supple, nientary 10:30 a. m ) for I NAG IT A, HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per a. s. Valeni.lg (m.iil for Columbia, v-U H.ivanllla, mnsl be directed "per a s. Valencia"); at 12 in. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BA HAMAS, per a. a. Orizaba (mall for Uantlago muat bo directed "per a s. Oil subs); at 6:30 p. m. for BERMUDA, par steamer from Halifax. SATI'KDAY (25thi. At I a. m. for AR GENTINE. I.'HUGUAY and PARAGUAY, iter a. s. Csslldu; at 8:3u a. m. (supule mentary 9:8o a. m ) for POHTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. . Caracas (mail for Colombia must be di rected "per s. s. Caracas); at 9 80 h. 11. tHiiuitlementsry 10:30 a. m.) for F'Ht- , TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, COLOMBIA, I t except I'auca and Magdaiena Dept'a, and GRI'YTOWN. per a. s. Altai tinall for I osts Rica must be jHrecled --per . a. " !. v 1 Akal"; at 10 s. m. for CUBA, per . a., f ' Kdiri-o Castle, via Havana; at 10 a m,, t for GRKNAPA, THINIDAU. ' ll.JJAII BOLIVAR. BRITISH, DUTCH snd FRENCH GUIANA, 8. s. Mai aval; at 12 m. for BA BBAuOS and NORTH ERN BRAZIL, per a. a. Marnbcas via. 1 "S I f !