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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
V SPECIAL NOTICES Aa-ertlaeaeeats fee calasaa will $ lakn aatll 1- . tar the lav lltlo aa aatll a. a, for tk asa-alasr aa "wada- edltta. Rates, 1 l-r a word ftrat lasertlaa, la a war rmflrr. lotalaa- taken tor leae tkaa SO fop Ike rat laser, tie a. Tfceae advertisement aaast a pa a awaereatlvely. Advertisers, kr reaaestlaaj a iiii Wra rare-, raa have aaswer sd 4reaw la a ainkfrrl letter la parr af Tka Be. Aae-w r aa eddreeae-a' will delivered aa arpapatalloa of MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bid., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in all branches. Catalogue free. B-an CTAWC WALKS, tc per foot! cheaper J Vli, tban wood; mvadtm drive war B. D. Van Court. 1902 Wirt. 'Phon 1S67. J21 FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY TO. Tel. 1812. . R-M7M Je9 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, 161 Farnam and Opp. Union station. Tela. 7M and 1673. R 8: TRT KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 8530. R 343 TREES, Omaha Nursery, lfttb and Douglas. Tel. WW. R-M726 M28 CTHPC"wl and repaired. Jsckson "I' CO Broa. ft Pecs. 711 N. lth. Tat L-23I1. R-te M29 OMAHA Bafe and Iron worka make a spe cialty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and safe. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. R-8M M26 Champ. Carp- Clean. Co., 711 8. 14th. T. 6GB. R-S26 nSILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. VJVJULutlna Co., 1608 Harney. Tel. 263. , H 827 CITT SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per centt R IBS EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all bualneaa confidential. 1301 Douglas. R-a ANTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co., C!l N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R-4S2 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving; and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1116. K 830 I nri'CIWITU C. R. HEFLIN. 80S N. w 'Vorvonn a 16tn. Tal. 2874. R 611 P1rrt- Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A. ClCtlllC chrlstsoson, tax N. 20th. Tel. 1659 R -832 ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools, vaults, remove garbage, dead animali ; reduced prices. 6X1 N. 11 Tel. 1773. R-833 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WH BATON, In the Bee bldg. R 834 SIGN painting, a H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-836 ALL KINlJfl of carpenter work; repairing promptly attended to, J. T. Ochiltree, Soth and Lake. R 370 SPECTACLES, II; examination free; 30 days only. U. 8. Opticians, 308 N. 16th. R 838 CARPET cleaning. J. Wood, 1016 Clark. Tel. A-1847. R M166 STANDARD riltera. Huber. Tel! 391 1301 rarnam. R-691 J22x FURS stored and repaired reduced prices. G. E. Bhukert, 111 8. 16th. R M96J M29 PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In terest; honest values; easy terma. Tel. 701. R-845 H. W. M"VEA, Plumber, 1134 N. 28th. Tel. 3747. R M469 STOVES STORED 1207 Douglas. Tel. 360. Omaha St, Rep. Wks. R-M424 DR. SLABAUGH, Dentist, N. Y. Life bldg. R M894 BICYCLES! BICYCLES! OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. ' R-M307 BARGAINS Uncalled for suite and trouaera 1617 Farnam, upstairs, r. 5. Aak for Forman. R M3S4 SIDEWALKS AND CEMENT FLOORS AT COST M' WILLIAMS BROS , 431-1 Paxton Blk. 'Phones 3360 and B3106 R M702 24 BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell er exchange your property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, Hit N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-227U. Y-M454 GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE Let ua tell you of a profitable investment of a small amount of money that will yield you good returns. Can be taken care of in addition to your regular work or bual neaa. Address The Ahamo Co., Omaha, Neb. Y M3i9 Je3 SHOLE8-ARM8TRONG CO., 723 N. Y. Life. Tel. 4. Y-847 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., let Nat. Bk. Bldg. can get you In or out of business. Y-848 QMOlCPPR1P" Or HASTINGS 6o cl dlUlSrvCgar. Cushlug ft Gauvreau, Dlstb. Y-MJ1I Jl DRUG STORE for sale, stock or stock and building. In the best little town In south east Nebraska; good reasons for selling; cheap rent. Address M 8, Bee oftloe, Omaha. T M720 2?x FOR SALE, cheap, IS-room, $2 a day hotel; only hotel In town of 1.200; good business; best of reasons for selling; for particulars address H. A. Settles, North Bend. Neb. Y-M342 27 FOR SALEOood grocery and meat busi ness, la good location: owner wants to retire. - B. Newman, 2212 Karnam. r 9 21 -4- WANTED, stock of general merchandise of from 16.000 to 110.000 or exclusive drv goods, well located for buainess: none but the owner need anawer. Address M 9, Bee. Y-M73& 30 PHOTOGRAPH ER8. One of Omaha's good galleries may be bought or leased If taken at once. Ad dress M 7, Bee. Y 778 27 WORLD'S FAIR Standard Guide. Includ ing excellent colored map of grounds, street guide and valuable Information regarding St. Ixtila, postpaid, I6o. Standard Guide, 400, Burlington Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. Y M78 27x WANTED Partner; 8600 and service se cures Interest la protected and profitable manufacturing bualneaa; Immediate re turned orders on hand. Address M. 20, Bee. Y-M789 2a LEARN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. B- YOUR OWN BOSS. We give a complete, practical course of Instruction, furnish large list of aaleable property, make you our special repre sentative, co-operate with you and assist you to earn from $3,000 to 36.000 annually. Write for free Illustrated booklet. H W. CHUBS CO.. H4 OTIS BLOCK, CHICAOO Y-M787 Tlx It Omaha Invention of special Interest to idl ireiliion 01 ppeciAi iniereei 10 iui lera In our packing houses rnllronda and power tIanta: will l thousands yearly; C. 8. Can- stockholders smelters, ssva vou thousands yearly ad and Great Britain patents. Owner 1711 fS'uirlaa at. Y-M812 m CLAIRVOYANTS OYLMER. palmist. 718 N. 3M. Tel. B-C4 HWIIINUMI MtDlLM, 718 N. 17th I. 17th et, , aV-Uet WANTED MALE HELP MOSHER SHORTHAND la a vaat Improvement on the old Pltmanic aystema. Position writing slant, and shad ing are eliminated. Student' master It In hHlf the time and make better stnogrphers. The expense In lean and the poeltlons to be had. far better. Investigate It. Catalogue free. Addree", OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas. MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you or this being the BEST, largest and only re ll.tbl. most prsctlcal barber colleg In thle section. Write for catalogue tody. Western Barbers' Institute, omaba Neb. li fetf WANTED FOR U. 8. ARM I -Able-bodied unmarried men between sges of l and 85; citlrena of United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer. 16th and Dodge fela., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B Mljl LARGE eastern plant manufacturer wants responsible man or firm to take ex clusive Omaha and Nebraska agency; manufacturer will do extensive adver tising for agent s benefit. The paint Is a leader wherever Introduced. Address H 44, Bee office. B H81 WANTED, firat-clasa barber at once. F. W. Baade, Schuyler. Neb. B 0 AMERICAN Barber college, Omaha, Neb. write tor tree catalogue; it tens every thing. B-686 28 A LIVE man of good address out of em ployment can secure permanent position and rood wages, references required; experienced solicitor preferred. Apply at W. A. lllxenbaugh. Cut Ware Blk. B 118 WANTED Wagon teams to haul dirt irom grades at 3tn and roppieton ave. Inquire on work. D. M. Owen Co. B M374 YOUNG MAN WICh fslr business eblllty. willing to work to prepare for good .ov t Position Entrance salary, 1800. Gradual Promotion. .Permanent. Box 1. Cedar Rapids, la. B M394 2x WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; splendid demand for fraduatea; can nearly earn expenses be ore finishing. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglos St. B M484 27x WANTED Architectural draftsman. Ap- )Iy Fisher & Lawrle, architects, raxton lock. B b93 STENOGRAPHER Young man for work In railroad office. Address M is. nee. B-M766 2S DRUG clerk wanted for mining camp In Colorado; one that can register and speaK German or Austrian preferred; good waicea for a good man: must be reliable and competent; give reference, wages ex pected, etc. Address M 18, Bee. B-M768 28 ARE you satisfied with your present position r uo you want more salary r Call or write Us for list of vacant posi tions. ' WESTERN ,REF. & BOND ASSN.. 840-811 N. Y. LIFE. B-M798 37 WANTED Balloon man for the Fourth of July. Write Henry Slttler, Deshler, Neb. B M784 28x MANAGER, with capital, to take Interest and manage Dusiness. Address m una. B M810 2 WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. C M3i A GIRL for general housework; no wash ing, mo rara ave. sj nai x WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing. manicuring or facial massage; 4 weeks completes; $12 to 120 weekly made by graduates; splendid demand. Call for write Moler College. 1302 Douglas St. C M486 27x GENERAL housework girl; no washing 1; no washing o good girl. 117 C-4 29x nor ironing; good wagea to d. 2ttn ave. GIRL experienced In office work; state ref- , i . M 15, Bee. C M734 27 WANTED A refined, educated young woman who can Inatruct two young chil dren In German and assist In upstairs work. Apply A. D. Brandela, Boston Store. C 778 28x WANTED Girl for general housework; small tamlly: no washing; references re quired. Apply 416 N. 20th at. C M790 29x AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steady employment with assured good In come; agents In the country with horae and buggy especially dealred. Canvassers make easily ttO to 8100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building. Omaha. J 213 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS HORBE8 for sale; Id-hand harness and Ve hicles cheap. Maionior s oiauies, oui a. iiu P u3 Family horse, carriage, cheap. Bam'l Burns. r-itti J til l 10 BUGGIES, wagone and all kinds of rigs at liall price, it. tosi, ma anu ieaveu worth. P-918 SELLING out b :gf lea, waaons, fcarnass. at cost. Anderson-Millard Co., l&ii CapitoL i- oil jail WAGONS! Delivery wagons!! Don't fail to aee them. The largest assortment in the weat at wholesale prices. Johnson sc 1 Jan forth, 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones sis. P M227 Jel4 A NEW runabout top buggy to trade for driving horse, all N. 16th. P-S78 GENTLEMAN'S roadster, 6 years old. pacer, very apeeay. un uougiua. uirincn & Wallace's atablea. P M8W 30 WANTED, at once, an ANo. 1 solicitor. 402 Broad, up stairs. Council Bluffs, la. P 632 FOR SALE, either separate or together, N. P. Munterferlng'a clieatnut-eorrel pacer, Dan. buggy and harness. Inquire Betta Bros.' barn, 16th and Capitol ave.. or room 16, WIthnell block. P-M700 VETERINARY DENTIST J. W. Boqiiet, 614 8. 14th. P M701 J23 FINE depot carriage, beat make and In fine condition: also light top buggv. har ness, etc. Address M 14, Bee. P M733 30 WANTED TO RENT WANTED An eight to ten-room house, turnlahed; west Farnam district pre ferred; period three to six months. Apply Byron Reed Company, 212 So. 14th at. K-M861 WANTED To rent first-class 8 to 12-room Farnam district preferred. W. Farnam bmltb ft Co., 1320 Farnam St.. Omaha. K-S71 FURNISHED cottage, housekeeping rooms or room and board: two adults; no objec tion to distance; references. M 1. Bee. K-783 2x FURNISHED house or flat, family of three adults, until Heptember 1. Address, with full particulars, L 66. Bee. K till OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1A64. 931 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2086. S2 Fsyette Cole, osteopath, 6u Paxton block. MRS. JOHN P. Ml'BICK. Oateopathlc Phy sician; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2823. 14 Dr. Farwell, specialty nervous diseases. 604 t'SXtOIl; 76. FLORISTS HESS ft SWOBODA, 1418 Farnam. a7 L. HENDERSON, 1618 Farnam. Bend for price Hat of cut Dower and plante. 877 ALFRED DONAGHCE. JR., 107 Farnam. Tel. u8. -6U TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY Your Choice of Twenty Titles Free. llnndmmejy bound books by celebrated authors given away Saturday at Be offiet. riace your Want Ad in The Btt and get your choict of twenty title. See large advertisement on another page. BEE WANT ADS BRIXQ BEST RETURNS. THE BEE riilXTS THE MOST PAID WANT ADS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th ft Chicago. INSURE YOUR HOME IN DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. . . THE STATE 81.26 PER WEEK, Doran house, 422 8 W h. VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fin rooms. Insurance Company ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights, 1 J E 866 1 j LARGE, warm room; steam heat. 19u Of NEBRASKA. 1 Capitol Ave. E Mi nicely furnished rooms, third floor. Hal Home Office Room 1 N, Y. Life Bldg. Dodge SU E 867 THE FARNAM. 19U and Farnam Stf FIRE, LIGHTNING. TORNADO APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN 'Vamy" Pre. ''rffiKXlZ; ' LUTHER DRAKE. 2d Vice Pres. class. U a. IJth St., opposite Millard A. J. LOVE, Secy, and Trees. hotel. E 4i - - PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur- nlahed. 618 N. 16th. E-M3o0 Je3 j - . . NICE front room. 82 week. lWb- HUM DO ,Ur' B-M343 J17 0ny a few b1ock, from Hanscom Park, a NICELY furnished rooms; reasonable. 1"' r;;'rdnen?''il fl5,r'.Ia.; im"1' n;iik i k. v . m MR '9 rumac, nam, full lot. Frio, IblO Davenport. ErMM Cottag of 6 rooms In Council Bluffs; bar- TWO nlc cool rooms; modern; very rea- "'; 300 cash, balance easy payments. enable. 142S N. 17th. E41 I N VFTM F NT 26th St.. near Merrlam. flrst-claas room for v ,u .T w . V, one or two gentlemen; no other roomera; On North 24th street. In good location. 3 telephone, etc. Address M 11, Bee. stores with flats above; rental, 372 per E 728 !6x month. Price. 86.600. . . One of the best corners on Farnam atreet, PRIVATE famllv, nice, quiet location, ele- brick building, gilt-edge property. Price, gant lawn, walking distance; couple 835,000. ' qC;,reu.''Ta7kpdravde: 1 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., CHOICE housekeeping rooms, 22H Douglas 13:0 "rnam Street Ram t E 7 itt 2Hx i FRONT room. 'Phon A2638. 62H4 8. 19th. CJFAR 3:1 N- T' Ut ?ld,B ' E M804 i9 Real Estate and Insurance. . ; . offers for Immediate sale 7-room house and NICELY furnished front rooms, 'phone, barn; excellent repair; paving all paid; on everything modern. 1811 Chicago. SrAl,to1 Bt" one t'ock north of Kh, for E M805 29x 11.800, on easy payments. RE io7 27x PARLOR floor, furnished, housekeeping. U SCQCO H 1436 N. 20th. E M807 29 11 ffOjJ For 62x140 ft., N. W. cor l"th and Spruce, LARGE front room; also small room; tine, large shade trees, room for 2 houses; porch and lawn. 'Phone L2793. 623 N. 20th. 80x 200 ft. on Florence Boulevard, opposite E M801 29x house No. 6707 Florence Boulevard. We . have a large list of bargains In building NICELY furnished rooms; very reasonable. lots. It will pay you to get our list be- 1916 Webster. E M802 29 fore you buy. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern. HaStlngS & HeVden, Phone A2384. 615 N. 30th. E-M808 29 c, J . . 610-511 N. Y. Bldg. RE 778-26 NICELY furnished room. 86 month. 118 N. ; ; 2Bth. E M797 29 GOOD cottage, 6 rooms, 2904 Decatur St., cheap at 3SjO. - House 8 rooms. 2112 Grant St., $1,660. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD h M&-J&rw $1,660. . , Furnlahed rooms, steam heat, with or with- ViV't" " BOOd 00rner' out board. Midland hot!. 16th ft Chicago. 0841 be ' V. T.3RAHAM. . yto , ' Bee Bldg. THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone RE 780 1 86; nice, light, airy rooms; ensultes and Ingle rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en- MV ARTmTIP HDMF tire length of building. F-468 1Yl 1 AIM 13 I IV-. flWlYlD . 1 The "Gem of Clifton Hill," a paradise for BOARD and ' room, 84; meal 16c. 1618 professional man; price cut to $2,800; will Dodge. F M3U rent for $26; part down, balance easy. ' Come, see It at once. 4316 Grant St. Rev, THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; newly furnished R. M. Dillon. RE M637 rooms, good board; rates reasonable. i . : F-M426 je6 Nfw MQDERN HOUSE 1816 DODGE, two nicely furnished parlors, OXftQ fAI 1FORNIA with board. 'Phon A2407. F-M863 V-AUfVJKIN IA a I . NICELY furnlahed rooms and board. 2310 , , JM.OOO.QO Douglas. F M401 27 8 rooms and large hall, beat of plumbing , ' and gas fixtures, large bath room, laun- O M E. TEL. 611. dry, fine yard, artificial stone sidewalks MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. around house. Immediate possession can F-M3K7 Jel be given. FURNISHED rooms and board. $4. 2609 St GEORGE COMPANY Mary save. F M430 Je20 1601 Farnam. - RE 466 NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board, . u strictly modern, rates reasonable. Wit TWO brand new cottages, modern except Cass. F M580 J 21 furnace; one $1,800 and the other 82,450. ' SHIMER St. CHASE. PRIVATE family. f0 8. 26th ave. F-683 Builders of Modern House. . J Rg734 NICELY furnished front room and board. . -,--. n.w.. a. w-- 1812 Chicago. F M806 80x " "Ur property. Baker Bro. EnsCo. , ' , . , i Xtir NICE cool rooms In a newly furnished flat; . single and double; gentlemen preferred. APRF? IN RFNSON Phone. 2234 Farnam" F-M798 29 rtV,ICO in DCHOVll -. Desirable Tracts for Country Home. ELEGANT front room. "Phone F22S2. 2217 Ten acres with bearing fruit, all nloaly Howard. F M799 29 seeded to alfalfa, 81.6U0.00. Five acres, some fruit, three block from ROOM, with board; references. 816 8. lfith. car, $1,200.00. F M796 29 Two acres on pavement, a fin garden tract, 8650.00. , UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BensnPStSa8llhae1, FOUR rooms, parlor floor, modern. 1509 , 8- M1- QM654 THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION Is open . . X. ,u o settlement Send fifty cents to Rath- ONE floor of a three-story flat. 610 N 17th. mn & Keller BonesteeU 8. D.. for In- ' u ' formation and large map showing topog-I ,,,n ; . uu. raphy of country. RE 716 THREE very desirable rooms for light housekeeping. Tel. 8195, 622 No. 23d , t, Harrison & Morton ENGLISH & CO., PRINTING PAXTON BLOCK. On of tl. finest 8-room modern resldenoea " Z T- West Farnam dlktrlut, 82.2ua PRINTING i ctcZot Rg-a" LYNGSTAD t nth at. and capitoiAv. MUST gE SQLD " " , Party leaving for California says get me HIGH CLASS printing at loweat price. ,ny far otteT for my j-room, all modern TI. 1262. I. A. Medlar Co., 4 8. 16th St houae, not far from Mr. Korty' reaidenc. Price asked, 83,760. '.iU Harrison & Morton 34 M REAL ESTATE, 913-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. b-;-;-- Job printing. Best work in city. RE 416 Printing Qu,nCoi. cHAs.Williamson co.,v.V. KRAMER ft CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT- SomJid .Vourhobby "Ver W-M3Ua HERB YOU ARE- promised Is our noooy. EIGHT-ROOM house near 2.1th and Reea GARDNER PRINT1NO CO., removed t sts, south front, full lot; five large fin rooms 3 and 3. Dally News bldg. 'Phone Ished rooms on Aral floor, three large a mm M 7-Je partly finished rooms upstairs; owner '"' wishes to leave town and will make big :. sacrltlce. Price only $1,800; part cssh, WANTED TO BUY .nE' on e"y term'' montMy pay ll-ll l -- - BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 6HONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N Y. . RE-M736 27 Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 8036 MIBBOtjRI LANDS. W. J. Clemens ft Co.. Clinton, Henry Co. Write us jour wants. WANTED, to buy, vacant lot near 25th and n- uati California. Addres. M 66. ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAR 86c D. " W. Forbes. Bonesteel, S. D. RE M288 WILL PAY good price for furniture of T iLvzrk and -V-0- REED HOTEL. WANTED to buy. second-hand runabout. We cn offer for a short time the Reed must be' In good condition and cheap; Hotel, Bouth Omaha, 66 rooma, well rnnt cash. Address M 22, Bee. equipped with steam heat, electric lights, spot casn. Aoareas ., NMgc0 baths, etc.; building alone -cost about $15,000. Price Jl.oou. We are sol agent for this property. PATENTS AND PENSIONS W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. . i 1320 Farnam street H J. ''COWGILI -Patents. No fee unless RE M280 succesafuL 6!$ 8. 15,h. Omaha. T.11796, MAp Q ROSEBUD re.rv.ton , (p , askliig. Write or call for one today. Gas PATENTS guaranteed. Sues ft Co., Omaha. Omaha "Neb"'' m 'r" Iit It'' ittf'' PENSIONS 8. F. Moore. 1628 Farnam. IRRIGATED LANDS on Union Pacific In r -804 Jel8 Nebraska and Wyoming. $16. Uinta Irrl- gallon Co., Omaha, Neb. RE M63SJ21 FOR 8 A LIC 8-room modern house, with LOST barn, $2,400. See owner and house. 1412 N. 36th Bt. RE-736 Je8x LOST, Saturdsy or Sunday, ring with three VI I1W A kit Tri kevs on It. one trunk and one door key. )) TUUWAIN I IU alao ona flat key. Owner will appreciate CCI I A bamit It very much If finder will return to Me bfcLL A rAKAl? , mp' If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell LOST, Fox terrier, near 24th and Capitol the farmer and stock raisers about It Tb ave.; wore collar. Reward on return to best way to reach them la through lot N. 33d t. Ioat-MWl 27x -j g LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED TWENTIETH CENTURY C. JARL, 713 So. 16th rt. TAKMcK M 790 J It Tnl, agricultural weekly goea to 80,000 i - ; - homes of farmera and stock raiser so If E. B. LAWRENCE. 3706 Leavenworth. yo have a good piece of land to sell at a 'Phone L16T6. 18 Jel$ reaaonable price you will llnd a buyer - among them. The coat of an advertisement P. MELCHOIR machlni worka. 13th and ls small 3 cents per word In small typ or Jiew.rd. jt-THlJ iA ..u tcb ' Urge t. , 27, 1904. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN We are offering a large corner lot. close In, with two-story building containing five stores and five flats above, for the very low price of $4,000; well rented and a big nap. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 New York Life Building. W. H. Crary, manager real estate dept RE-M737 27 Will buy the biggest bargain In Omaha to day; In the Walnut Hill district, 6 fine living rooms, with elerant bath room, .new nickel plumbing, new gas fixtures; noise nicely papered throughout, high ceilings, plenty of windows, mantel and grate in parlor; new butler's pantry, with swinging door; hot and cold water; cis tern, with pump on kitchen sink; nice refrigerator room; good cemented cellar; one-half block from car line. MARK the SIZE of lot. 75il4U to alley, with good barn; splendid place -for gardening and raising chickens. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 601 N. Y. Life bldg.. Sole Agents. KE 731 28 REWARD! You will be amply rewarded by buying our beautiful 8-room house at S320 Harney; an elegant reception hall, mantel, hall seat, electric lights, gas, fine furnace, cement walks; owner will sell on payments. THE BYRON REED CO. RE 730 26 FOR INVESTMENT Look St house on California at., 4th and 6th east of 23d at; price $,0iX); but owner wants to sell. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas st RE 777 27 SAVE THE EXTRA EYPENSE If the person who advertised In on of th local papers on Sunday under a certain number will place the ad In The Bee he will not find it necessary to send postal cards to people, calling their attention to It. EVERYBODY READS The Be WANT ADS. RE-M740 Z7x A CLOSE IN BARGAIN 3,500 A modern 8-room house at 714 N. 19th St.; aat front on the Boulevard; nlc walking distance from the business center. If you are looking for desirable property at a very reasonable price, this will be a good opportunity for a charming home. Do not celay or allow this to pass without In vestigation. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, First Floor N. Y. L. Tel. 1781. RE M738 27 SO ACRES, rich high bottom farm In Holt county, Mo., common Improvements, but choice tract of land, 4 miles from Mis souri river; for a special bargain oome and aee this farm; $46 per acre. J. R. Adklns, Craig. Mo. RE-M749 27x 40 ACRES, fine large burr-oak, hickory and Cottonwood milling timber, beet In the county; a bargain; timber will more than Jay for the land if milled; $46 per acre. . R. Adkins. Craig. Mo. RE M760 27x ELEGANT HOME CHEAP Party promoted and leaving the city at one offers his elegant $10,000 residence for $7,700. Ask u about it immediately. HARRISON & MORTON, 912-918 N. T. LIFE. TEL. $14. RE M796 LOOK THESE OVER THEN INVESTIGATE FOR SALE. . 60x187 feet large brick, three stores, three flat, two small buildings, cost ing twice the amount asked to build, rental income $1,260 per year; plenty of room to build three or four more buildings; sure Income for ten years' lease 812,000 100x160, with Ave 8-room houses, all In fine repair, bringing an income of $1,080 per year; good location. Price 9,000 60x132, with four 4-room flats and cot tage in rear, always rented, close In. all In good repair, rental Income $984 per year. Price 6,000 9- room house and lot near high school, rental $264 per year 2.600 10- room house, 81st and Mason, rental $264 per year 2.000 9-room house, 22d and Poppleton ave., near new freight depot .., 2,200 Double frame house between 9th and 10th, on Hickory, rental $300 per year 2,000 J. A. LOVGREN 638-7 PAXTON BLOCK. RE M794 27 MEDICAL LADlfia Chlcheaters English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take ne other. Send 4c stamps, for particular "Relief tor Ladles," In letter, by return mall. Aak your drugglat. Cblchstf Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, $L ' HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman ft McConnell, Omaha. DR. PRIES treata successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, lUlfe Dodge at, Omaha. ui PRIVATE hospital during confinement; bubiea adopted. Mr. Gardel, 2216 Charlus. Tel. A-3618. -801 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. 626 DR. HOSTETTER has removed to the 8. W. corner of 20th and Leavenworth ats. Tel. 778. -602 Je6 PRIVATE home during confinement; bablea adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, top floor, 6 N. 16lh at. Tel. 36'. -324 Jel6 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY Dullding. 1612 and the seoond fljor 1608-10 Howard. W. II. Bushman. . i Ia- IN THE BEE BUILDING. A handsome auite, entrance right In front of the elevator, south eipoiure, hard wood finish and floor, price per month, $40. A nice small office, fourth floor, $10. A good slsed office with large vault, run ning water, on fifth floor, t-O. Heal, light, water. Janitor service Included In rental price of all rooms. R. C. Peter & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. I-H DESK room. 414 Bee Bldg. 1-801 STORE ROOM, 617 8. lth Bt. Inquire of Clark Powell, 1516 Capitol ave. 1743 FINE NEW STORE BUILDING. 1406 Douglaa street, 22x132 first floor with skylight In roof; swell front; fin ce mented basement; the two upper floors are 22x0 each: stairway from atreet; near all car lines; fine location. Will rent floors separately. THE M'CAOUK INVESTMENT CO., 1508 DODGE STREET. ' I-MM6 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A. C. VAN BANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. Ml Nab. Bus. ft Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. UK! WANTED-T0 BORROW. $1,000. 6 per ot-nt five years; first mortgage on good security. Address M 6. Bee. -M7 80s PERSONAL ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING. RUCHING. GRADUATING DRESSES A SPECIALTY, GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 80S DOUGLAS B1K TEL. 1938. U M J DR. ROT. Chiropody, R. 3, 1616 Farnanv DETECTIVE Capt Cormack. 817 Karbach block. Tel. A-2S32. 89J DRESSMAKING. In famiUea. Mis Sturdy, an Davenport MUS1CAI Thoa. J. Klly, vole. DfVdg block. n Accordeon pleating, ctieapeat bet quick est Mrs. A. c. Mark. 17t and Douglas. LA BOOK, ladle' tailoring. 81$ Karbjou block. GENTLEMAN, 88, of good family, holding probably Ufa position paying $.W weekly, wishes to meet party who has a few hun dred dollars to buy a home on the month ly payment plan; object matrimony. A1- ureea 11 , xsee. 1,1 " TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530. PANTORIUM-M- U-887 Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Rsmxbg. ELITE Parlor. 81$ S. 16th, 2d floor. U 888 "VIAVL" way to health, 860 Be building. U 40 PIANOLAS tnf rant: month' rent al lowed on purchase. SchmoUer ft Mueller, ait m a maui. i j. lue, u-i TUB, vapor and alcohol hatha. 730 S. 18th st THEATRICAL maaq. costumes. Lieben, wis r arnam. u w ROBERT Ul'HK of Belfast, Ireland, ar rived this country 1M on Mary dison; communicate John Duncaji, 862 Grand St., l-aterton, N. J.; something to his advan tage. U M816 30x DR. C. II. DE LONG, Dentist. 868 Bee. U 41 JeS EXPERT piano moving, lowest price. Schmoller ft Mueller, U13 fata. Tel. 16. BEST photo from $2 to $10 per doaen and a 14x17 or 16x20 photo not crayon Included In each doaen FREE. Frame if dealred at very low price. Stonecypher, pbotog- rapher, 1312 Farnam at Tel. 8622. u I -928 LODGES, dancing club or meeting of any Kino, can secure a nail in to ee ouna ng, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night electrlo light. piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters ft Co., ground noor, lie Dldg U-Ml CRYSTAL Io Co., 1301 N. 34th. Tel. 2028. U M450 Jell THERE are at least 20 reasons why svery man should smoke the Monogram 6o cigar. The first Is: It Is equal to any lOo cigar on the market W. F. Btoecker Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglaa. u- Viir.N PT1 C treatment ft baths. Mm a J'lrWJllE, I IV. tunlth. 118 N. 15. 2 flr., B, U--J-Jx AMERICAN gentleman of good family. moral, industrious ana gooa recora, wouia like, to meet lady of Independent means matrimonially Inclined; tri tiers and agent ignored. Address M 24, Bee. . U-M816 SOx BTEINWAY pianos are sold exclusively hy Schmoller ft Mueller, 1813 Farnam St vm y woraa. up-io-aat !i iiiaiiia8 Uln Bu Tel KVt V MS67 'PAPA say he can't shake "em off" Hut son's Naw Patent Rimless Eyealaaa: al most Invisible. Huteson Optical Co., 218 B. itn st, raxion Dioca; laciory on in premises. U 400 FENCING lesson given to ladTea or gent at tneir noma, eweousn system, uives you a superb figure, fine .complexion and great atrength. Professor, P. O. box 222, Omaha. U M686 J7x PP7PM A Quickly cured. B. J. Scan C.Z.,1V1A nell. 608 War Block. 4J-M716-J28 NUR8EB' COLLEGE. Denver, Colo., open June 20tn; six weeks course; diplomas; haa no equal; write. U M767 J7x ROSE PRESSING CLUB. 760 a month. Tel. 1978. 414 N. 16th St. U M761 Je26 PPPTAf" '! and eye glasses, from 1 1 ' ' I flL- J 31 up. for weak eye and headache: examination Included. Dr. Rlcharda, 116 8. 16th, opp. Boston Store. u iz i MRS. A. BLAIR THOMAS, artist will open Ketcning ana painting ciassea ai ner studio, 607 Paxton block, Monday,' May 30. U-M788 29x MIDDLE aged; business worth $60,000; wants poor out honest wire; connaenuai. Address Mr. L, No. 802 Washington at, Chicago. III. U-M785 27x FOR RENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. peek. move and store tl. ti. goods. Btorenuuse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Ottloe, lollfe Farnam. Tel. 16&9-M-. D-875 PAYNE-BOSTWICK ft CO., choice house, tol-tug New York Lit id. 'Phone lulu, D-6i6 uni ICCCIn all parts of th city. The HUUatbo, F. Davis Co.. 606 Be Bldg. D-877 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor age CO. lei. 1IW. UIUC KU -iMinr ow ""878 HOUSES, Ir-ouranc. Ring wait. Barker Blk, v si HOUSES JcV.Sinl U 800 I iCT your houae for sal or rent with l-lOl I. N. Hammond. Paxton Block. D 30 NICE 8-room flat, toeing Haaacom Park, $33. 'Phon 628. D-M884 3716 DEWEY AVE., first floor and bath, ,r . . . 1 - . ..1 T 1 Vl t..iA GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT, sin R :ih ave.. 8 rooms, modern conven ience, newly decorated and painted, nlc lawn ana snaae w. 2564 Harney at., good 8-room hous, lawn; walking distance 435. 12-room, modern house, barn, large lawn, shade; close In $50. 1117 D. Via, rooms, moaern ik.oo. GAKVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM BT. D-911 FOR RENT Elegant 8-room modern house, 31st and Cass sts.. $36. 1 nomas Brennan, XeW 1 Ul , WIUS -WJBI FOR RENT A suite of t nlc room In the Davidge building. JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1803 FARNAM ST. D-688 27 2227 Sprue St., 6 rooms, city water, $10. 812 Park ave., 7-room cottage modern ex cept furnace, will put in first class shape, $27.60. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., 13.1) rarnam Btreet, umana. D-M467 FOR RENT 1401 Jackson St., 4-room flat $27. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. D-M456 FOR RENT No. 1641 Park ave.; opposite park, modern brick dwelling, 9 rooms: price $40.00 per mouth. Inquire at Ills B. 82 st. J. M. Richards. D-ftJS 8 ROOMS, modern, with barn, 3 block south of ena or west Bias car, sou d. d ave $30. HARRISON ft MORTON, 913 N. V. Life. Tel. 814. D-7- :t NICELY furnished 10-room house for rent during July and August to couple without email children; unquestionable references required. Address M IS. Be. l M i33 W 1943 8. 11TH, 7-room, porcelain bath. ra. lawn. $20. D-M769 8108 N. 27TH, 6 rooma. water, sewer, sink. KHS, Closet, nnn rniramim. ' SWEET ft BEST. 613 N. Y. L. TelM;1' 8-KOOM modern house. 708 So. 81st street; vacant june i. jnquir io .- -.. D M7V1 29x CKNTRAL modern. 4-room corner Mat. Tlaard. 820 N. 284. X-M5o8 THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for tyre! writer. Neb. Cycle Co., loth and Harney. ' Z-MJuu "J0 r2?1riR. riANO " '5: will trad for 2d-hand furniture. Enterprise Furnl ture Co.. 103 8. 14th. Tl. fca. Zj 10-IN. DISC records taken In exchange for r'T T"or5"- Columbia I'honograrh Co. lic'l Farnam. Z 7,1 Ww!ii'J.? roato exchange for a plnno? Perfleld Piano Co., Bee Bldg. Tel 7"1 . Z-7 UMQtTE Journal, new Mesa sales and exchange. Sample. 4 cents Mutual Exchange. 1313 Howard. Zs$ J3 PHOENIX BICYCLE to exchange for soms of th money you pay the street car com. pany. Louis Fleecher, 1632 Capitol av.-nue K-M4U " WEBER plsno. llshtly used, trnde for hors and buggy. Room 7. Bee blnn Tel 701. Z-M:?) IF THERE I nothing In thla column vou want, put an ad. Id and you will ;, t It Z-i(j IF YOUR old fumltur don't suit we will exchange new for It. Tel, 771. Z M8H $300 AUTOMATIC Rerlna muslo box. fancy io variianpje xur piano or piannia Address K 13. Bee. Z M-813 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ZD-HAND aaf cheap. Deright, U19 Farnam. 4-8u0 100 KINDS ef Mineral Water. Sherman ft KOWVIIUVII LTU V.O.. umiu, bl FOR SALE, aeveral scholarships In a first- riasa aianaara scnooi in umani, compris ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at !!- office. Q iij FOR SALE, will sell at a discount a schol. arsnip in one 01 me oest Uraaha busineat college. Address F 16, Be. (j Mail TELEPHONE poles; long flr Umbers; cneap cnicaen lenc. yui uouglas. g-Ml HEAVY Drummond make top buggy cheap. iv n'w utw uairuw u vaiue. jonn son ft Das forth, B.W. cor. 10th and Jones. Q MV Jel4 NEW Stelnway Pianos are sold only by Schmoller A Mueller. 1813 Karnam. Tal ii:v:f BOG, Poultry, Lawn, Farm and Railroad wire anc. vir woras, til a. 16th St Tel. 1590. Q M887 J) 8 ID-HAND aafa SwarU, Hatter. U4 S. Uth. W 44J8 BAM'L BURNS closing out refrlgeratora W-884 Jej LARGE stock of new and oond-hand automooues. tu u jrraasricitson, Omaha. Neb. Jj STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and Retail. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything 00 n- siaerea; cneapesi on ear in; everything hand-made; union shop; headquarters for axle arease and whiDa. J. O. BLESSING, 831 N. 15 th, 80. Omaha. SMOKE Auditorium Brick, to cigar. W 900 WB' RENT Sewing machines. 76o week. We repair and sell parts tor every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $6.00 to $10.00. Nahraakm (?vnlj Cn 'Phon 1663. Corner Uth and Harney.- -4)10 MY diamond ring, oheap; In pawn at Dla- mona xxa uuice, iu ougiaa: they II how you. Q M40O CLOSING gaa fixture at coat. Sam'! Burn. W M5 jell FOR SALE, rails of all weight; also wucnes, irogs ana car lor sidetracks and tramways, locomotives, steam snov els and contractors' tools. We make a specialty of cutting rails to any length desired. M. Mltshkun Co., Detroit. Mich. Q MSU FOR RALE: New and second-hand auto- moDiiea. X. w. acon, Baum iron Co., Omaha, Q 288 FOR SALE, cheap, a fine Sohmer grand piano, slightly used: easy terms If de sired. J. C. Acton, Fremont Neb. Q M877 J SODA fountain. Richmond, Deiight Co., iaua 1 arnam. w 7 Jel FOR SALE Cheep, ink barrels. Apply press room, ee ouiiaing. w XaZ4 x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bill mat nave- accumulated during th wintar It might be an advantage to you to secur money from us and pay them, and then pay us in weekly or monthly payment until you get out of deot We ioan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rates are as low as any and a great ueui tower man some, uur service is quick and without publicity. If you have dealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and if you are displeased, tell us, Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 118 Board of Tide Bldar Tel 2A (Established ISM.) HM South 36ili St X-910 MONEY1 MONEYS WE LOAN MONEY TO A.i f.MsoW residing in in city and noiuiog a peiwa nent position with a resuonaiuiu nrin. ON PLAIN NOTE, Nu ENDOUoERd. ana at me lowest rates on lung time, easy payment plan. We also loan N FURNITURE, WITHOUT REMOVAL, Pianos, etc., at the same low rates ami easy terms. If not convenient for you to call at our office. WRITE OR '.PHONE US AND AGENT will call on you to explain our system and arrange loan at your residence. AU buainess confidential. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 8UITF, 6H. PAXTON BLOCK. TELEPHONE 1-7. X M.w If you are FINANCIALLY EMBARHAH8E1). come and have a CONFIDENTIAL talk with ua. STAR LOAN CO., t44 PAXTON BLK. X Ma-9 MONEY LOAN s'hoenlx Credit Co., J Pa-ton Blk. X-81' MONEY iO LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, DIAMONDS, SALARIES, ETC. W charge iiuliiirig for making papers. Loweat rale and eaay teiuis. ALL BUSINESS IS PRIVATE. Tel. B2418. OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BAKU, 1404 Farnam St., upstairs. 'Phone A2U3. A. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PKUPLK and otner wiin otuiuj, w, om-.n., largest busineas in 48 principal ciUo.. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Coinim-rce bldg. X-912 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 10 loaned on your personal W .. 7. ill . ' L M I' UL I. U All note St l-r-n 7 ". " good loan wanted. Call or write and get "uy syaiem. W. 1 Laslinan ft Co., lit Farnam, Omaha. X tit HA LAKY and collateral loans. Templeton, . . m.j f 1 1 . V (117 Zlt iu. . MONEY to loan on furniture, horse, etc. at nan uuai i.ih, ur. niuoeiiiiw, .uyiii 316 at 209 S. Uth at Tel. B-2M4. X-W4 MONEY loaned on. pianos, furniture. Jew elry, nurse, wwi, eic. , v. w. rku. ,1, o. Uth. X-916 CHATTEL, salary snd Jewelry loans, Foley lan uo., uot f arnam su a- i. LOANS, ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. riA'a, LIVE STOCK. ETC. ,. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO 8UIT YOL. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. S07-3O8 PAXTON BWCK'XMT9 STENOGRAPHERS F. J. SUTCL1FFE. 1018 N T. U Iepoal. Uona, cenvsutlooa. lei- MLtm