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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
THE 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1&04. CRM AND PRODUCE MARKET Wit Bulls Ooap&r ButUtiw of Fremt with Uut Tun DIVIDED OPINION ON NEBRASKA CORN Soa therm Cora Paar ftaeealstlve V, Cask Markets Art ;s Vrr DalL OMAHA. May 24. 194 . 1 possewaea of the bullish sentiment are making comparisons, sta tically, of thin vear and May, !, which the year of the loiter 4Jeal. They Attention to the fa-t that tha rislm supply in the United States in today smaller '""It wss In that year. Ths tnial visibl in 'th United States and Canada i nmjui j,iai,noo onshels more than in ims '" people, however, do not say that th Tii" croP m. world for 197 waa only while in laa it u r.'A (lnfi tS nor In ennaeqtienre of thin that the world visible la now lM.OW.Ott) sg&lnst Ul.flno.ntu. Further, the worlds wheat crop for 18RI i"" to m oniy z.i4,ouh.siu, wnile the prospect for the present year ia much In excess of that amount. lar letters aent to Nebraska, finds these re sults: Ninety per cent of the corn toss been planted and the Increase In acreage Is 7 per cent. Of corn In farmers' hands only 12 per cent remains. of the replies win m isir iiiuvemeni couia re fx rected during the next two weeks and fifty-seven held lha nnnnaiie nnlninn The Price Current gives this aa the fourth week of very favorable weather for th wheat. No Adverse circumstances . have ior?n. out tae growth la somewhat lata. The acreage ta large for corn, the start alow, but lb soli good. Corn' In the south ts fair to poor. The market was dull this morning. Everybody la afraid of ths short aide of wheat. Chicago reported no clearances today and Duluth wires the stock of No. 1 northern wheat there Is all gone. Liver pool strengthened late Wednesday on buy ing by a large bouse through rumors that Argentine wheat was sprouting In the har bors there. Ths rang la price, of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Wednesday And today were aa follow) Closed Open. High. Low. Todny. Wed'r. Wheat- Mar ....... July ...... - Sept , 71H . Corn-. .May ...... 48 June July Sept. 42 , Oats- ........ 1 - May ....4 July ...v(...... Sept. Ktt 61 92 88 n U B .... 82 B 81 B 72 TH, 72 B 71HB 48 47Vi 4 B 18 B 48 B 4 A 46'aA 4&4A 42 42 CB 4ZHB 42 B 4IAB nvin m b 80H V ' 80HB 80 B X asked. B bid. Laval Cash Grata Market Dull la the only word to properly describe the spot' business this morning. Brokers who had corn were not anxious to sell It at the price offered by those wbo wanted It. Receipts were: Wheat. 1 car In and 1 car out; one week ago, and 11 cars. Cora. 88 cars la and 8 cars out; on week ago. 8 and 2 cars. Oats, none; one week ego, cars In. Representative sales of carlots by sample ori track. Omaha: Mixed Corn-No. 2, t tar, 47c; No. 4, 1 car, 4tHc: No. 8 yellow, 1 cars, 47Hc. White Corn No. 8. 1 car. 47o. WHEAT-No. 2 tiara, SotJSic; No, 2 hard, M87c; No. 4 ham. 80Q82c- Wheat quota tions are nominal. CORNNo. 1, 4ffHc; No. 8, 47gc: No. 4, 47c: No. 2 yellow, 48V4C4e, nominal; No. 2 yellow, 48c; No. 2 white, WrfMDc, nominal; No. 8 whits. 47&4ta. nominal r ' OATS No. 3, 45c; No. 8. 3839o; No. 4, 88 S7c; No. 2 white, 43c; No. 8 white, 409hc; standard. 42c. Oat quotations are nominal. Mates fsK the Csckuta offlees. Omaha stocks of grain In public bouses are: Wheat, ,1U,64 bushels; com, 2U,28 bushels; oats, 24,738 bushels. Contract corn In public bouses amounts to 144,029 bushels. Of this 113.63) Is In tbe Merrlam A Holm qulst elevator anJ.2e.is8 In the Union ele vator. The board of directors -met In special esalbn this noon to hear a complaint of A. B. Jaqulth against the Merrlam A Holmqulst elevator. Mr. Jaqulth charged this public house with irregularities. The board did not make any ruling against the elevator people. Exchange visitor's were: J. J. Roach. New York; E. H. Chambers, Columbus; 8. Bau- dsr, Bloomneld; u. H. Bggieatpn, .Muraook; M. Buckley, Strogntmurg.- - ,h, Grata Markets Klscwkex-e. Closing prices Of gtajn today and Wedties day at ths markets named were as follows: CHICAGO, Closed . Today. Wad. .-.8SV4A. 8 Wheat July September Corn July September Wheat . 80 , 484A 47A 47B 47 KANSAS CITT. July September Corn July ....... September Wheat July September Corn July September 7BH 78HB 44 4IT 4SHB 42B ST. LOUIS. ... 84HA 84 80 80 47HA 47V 4Vi 48 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat- July ....... September Wheat July September Wheat July September , 81A 81 DULUTH. 3UB tVriB 81HB 81B NEW YORK. H NEW YORK GENERAL . .MARKET eaatattaas at ha Day aa Varlaas Caasaaadltlea. NEW TORK, May 28.-FXOTTR-Recslpt, 18.U0 bbls.; exports, - 44M- bbla; . market quiet and unchanged: Minnesota bakers, 84.O0tf4.2O; winter patents, $6.104.40; winter straights, H.StKtjt.K; winter extras, 4.00. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 4.18: choice to fancy, 84 164.80. CORN MEAL Steady: yellow weatem. 81.08 110: city, ILlOBiLUi-klln dried, 88 OOflllO. RYB Pull; No. 2 western, 70o, spot BARLEY Dull; feeding, 48c, c 1. f. New York. WHEAT Receipt!, T.000 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator, and Jl.ltT. f. o. b., afloat; .No. 1 northern. Duluth. 81 03S. f. o. b., afloat; No. I hard, Manitoba, nomi nal, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened Arm. May closed at 6SHo; July, )fl ft-lAo, closed at 01 He: September, R3StfH4 l-lo. closed at 82Tic; December, WHSc, closed at MSc CORN Receipts, none; exports, none; alas, 25.0(1(1 bu. futures. Spot, steady; No. 2, 6ttMc, elevator, and o. f. o. h.. afloat. Options were quiet, but stronger, with tha close partly io net higher. May closed at UVc; July, M"4(ftMS'. closed at Hc; September, B'i(Bf4y, closed at 63Lr. OATS Receipts, 73. bu. ; exports, ; bu. Spot, quiet: mixed, 2C to 22 lbs., 4K 4o: natural white, 80 to 82 Iba, 4S4c: clipped whits, 88 to 40 lbs.. 80i$2e. TALLOW Quiet; city (12 per pkg), 4Wc; country (pkgs. free). 4V44Hc. ' HAY Steady; shipping, l4770c; good to choice, tbvWAo. HOPS Steady; state, common to eholoa, 14, 2MJ-30c; 1W2, KWtto; olds, ffl4o; Pa cifto roast, olds, bttto. HIDEB-Steady: Galveston, VS to 28 Iba., 18c: Texas, dry. 24 to 20 lbs.. 14c. LEATHER -Btesdy; acid, 2826c. RICE Steady;, domestic, fair to extra, 2'T6le; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet: family, 88. R0; beef hams, tt OtfflV0O; city extra India mess, tl0W8(W. Cut meats, dull: nlckled bellies. Aa.lBifld.7h; pickled hams, 89.Onftl0.0O; pickled shoulders, 2880. iArd. firm: western steamed, 88 80; refined, flrm continent. M86; South America, 87 88; compoutHt, 8S7VftiX). Pork, steady; family, tisto; short . clears, $1SioH4K: mess. 2l2 7WtlS 28. POULTRY Alrve. steady; spring chick en a, 20423c; fowls, 14c: turkeys, 12c; dressed, steady; western fowls, llVfcc; turkeys, 14 18o. BITTTER Steady; creamery, common to extra, ivnl8c; stats dairy, common to ex tra, lS?flTic. CHF.Df K Steady: state full cream, small colored. 7V0: small white, 7r7c: amall nd large, white and colored. 6tT7'c. Koaft Week; weatern storsge selections, 17w17feci firsts. 17c. Philadelphia Pvaaaea Market. ' PHILADELPHIA, May 28. BUTTER Steady: extra fair demand: western cream ery, 17 Wc; nesrby prints. 10c. EOOS Firm: good Inquiry: fresh nearhv and south western. 17Hc. st the mark: fresh weatern. lc. st ths mark; fresh southern, 1-iUc. st ths mark. CHEESE-julet; choice to fancy old.84c; fslr to good old. TM7Se; fancy new, 8c; fair to guod new. (Vtmc. LIVERPOOL, May 8 WH EAT -Spot, easy; No. 1 California, as 10,1 Kuturrs quiet; May, nominal; July, 8s 4Sd; Septem ber Vk1. CORN-Upel, Arm ; Amertcsn mixed, new, 4s M: Amarlean wrUed. 1, 4s 7d. rutures ouii. May. nominal; July. 4a tt. CHICAGO AMD PltOTISIOXt Fea tares at the Traalag ad Clmirag Prleew ea erg at Treee. 4HICAOO. May M Nervons suspense ermrar-tensed wheat trading todsy. July wheat ctriei d at a getri of c. Corn Is also up n. Oets show aa advawca of Se and provisions from 10c to V. For a brief period t the start the wheat maraet exnimtxi a Arm undertone, opening ales of July being up HPSc to SeMiesSc. The market closed firm, wun July at tc, after trw pry had toached 8se. Mar rsnged between Vc aad 7", closing at !r. Clesrances ot wheat and flour were equal to XiS.Mti bn. Prlmarv receipts were wii,"t mi., compared wun wa.iw a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 122 cars, against M last weak and 11 a year ago. rneetued weather msde iraning in corn rsther hstardous. July closed at 4Me. loca receipts wers cr, a-th 81 of contrsct grsde. i ne monotonous dullness in corn was re. Ileveg io a considerable estent bv the ac tinty In oats. Alter opening unchanged to a shade higher st asmotav Jnlv "id be tween mr iim xc. closing at s"c. Coveting by shorts msrsed tne trading In provisions, i he market cloned at about the highest of the day, with July pork up 20c at 811 at. July lard up llsyc at ttM and ribs w nigner at Estimatfid receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, v cars; corn, cars; oata, us cars; nogs, ViO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. High.) Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat Mav I a July 7i' 7ilwiffT,T4p' rn o July wvai w i w a Sept. b Sept ' Com "S'a W8i son -Wsvi weH I 47' 47H! 47s! 7h! 47H 4 H;HMi4T4i . 4 47'A VU 47 47'474i. 47, May July Sept. Oats- May July Sept. Sent. 41 40j 41J4 St .is 21 II 4 H 20 11 46 8 4?H 880 880 8 86 11 20 11 46 11 S 11 80 8 K0 11 IS 11 82W 11 27H Lard- July Bent. 27H IK 8 87H 88T) 1 a 7t 8 80 8 80 8 68 Rlba 8 87h! July Sept. I47H ( No. t a Old. b New. CnsD quotations were ts follows: FLOUR Stead v: winter union UMtl 480; stralghta $4 40f4ft: spring patents, 24 .JOffW; straights. $; bakers', 2.85 WHEAT No. 2 spring, K7c; No. I spring, 8690c: No. 2 red. 21.Cbl.oi CORN No. J. 4Sc; No. 2 yellow, 80c. a in no. z, w no. 8 White, lfcti4Zttc. RYE No. 3. 76c. BARLEY flood feeding AfiAiOc! fair to choice malting, 4fffWc. DbLUo no, i nax, 81. 0; No. 1 north western. 81.064: tirlme ll ninth v aee1 xinfi- clover, contract grade. 218.78. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 111.28 11.80. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 42H. Short ribs sides (loose). HJTMt.tO. . Short clear aides (boxed). 86.268.60. Tbe following were the receipts and ship ments yeatarday; Recelpta Shipments. Flour, bbls x& 7tm umn Wheat bu 21.60s . m inn Corn, hji SW.0 l''l,700 Oats, bu 81 Ohio Iilioo Rye, bu... 8.W0 . 10,400 Barley, bu .8U0 2.600 On the Produce eschanee toriev the hni. ter market waa Steariv: creameries llUjffl 17Vc; dallies, 12421ftc. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases included, lo4J16c. Cheese, easy, f 8sC St. Loals Grata aad Pravlsloas. 8T. LOTJI8, May 28. WHEAT Higher; 81.07(51.10: No. 2 hard, 86&9c; July, 84Voi September, SOSflWIte. un nignerj jno. a cash, 4Sc; track, eoacoHc; July, 47Hfi47Vo; September, 4C! A sj if-rvii, V. m V"4h, Ut, 8l I Hill; No. 2 cash, 41c; track. 42A 4Zc; July, ne; September , WHo :- NO. I wnne, c. FLOUR Steadv: red winter ml,nt m $6.10; spacUl brands. 16(26c Higher; extra fancy and straight, 4.7o.; dear, 84.00 SEED Timothy, steady, I2.404M.7I, CORNMEAL Steady. $2.40. BRA N Dull; sacked, east track. (Sc. HAY Irregular: timothy. lAlWVaisnO! Aral. rle, 88.00(ff8.80. IRON COTTON TIES 82c BArjQINO Jic. . ... H3CMP TWINE 8o. PROVISIONS - Pork, higher: Jobblnr- 11.86. Lard. hher; Wlme steamed. 88. aeon (boxed). Arm: extra snorts. 87 ISu: wr riue, sj.w; snori clear, si.o. POULTRY Steady; chickens. Uc; springs, 2028c; turkey, 11c; ducks, go; geese, 6o. . BUTTER Quiet; creamery, l64flo; dairy, lOffllftc. . . - EGOS Steady at 18c, case count. . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl. 1,000 .. 5,000 wheat, bu 16 000 ' - T8.000 Corn, bu ,M T7.000 r 24,000 Oats, bu 48.000 u,ooo Kaasaa City Grala aad Pravlslaas. KANSAS CITY, May 26-WHEAT-My, 87e; July, 76jV7bc; September. T3Ve; cash. No. 2 hard, 0w3c; No. 8. 828c; l3o. 2 red. $1.0301.04; No. 8, $1.0041)1.01; receipts, 62 cars. CORN May. 48c; July, 44o; September, 42t42Hc; cash. No. 2 mixed. 48VMlf4!c; No. 2, lfi8c; No. 2 white, 62c; No. 2. 61iSlttc. OAT6-N0. 2 white, 48cj No. 2 mixed. 46 048c. HAT Firm; cholc timothy, 210.Bartll.00; choice prairie, 28.60. . RYE 87c. BUTTER Creamery, laH'fl'lSHc: dalrv, 12c. EOGB Steady; Missouri and Kansas Cases returned, 12c; new No. 2 whltewood casas Included, 12c. . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu 42,400 17.8,0 Corn, bu....... 40,000 46Oo Oata. bu 6,000 6,000 Mlaaeaitolls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 38. WHEAT May, 84'4iffD4Hc; July. 93Hu834c; September, 8IU0; 86jic; No. rmrthern, 3p. rLuuifr-rim patents,; recond patents. $5.10; first clears, $1.60; second Clears, $160. BRAN-1 60tffl7,00. . Mllwaakoa Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, May 2. WHEAT Mar ket stesdy; No. t northern, Ti&MHc; old July. 87fc&$7Ho asked. RYE Market dull; No. 1, 88c. CORN Market steady; No. 2, 4fftlc; July, 48346VbO bid. Dalath Grala Market. DULUTH. May 28. WHEAT In store. No. 1 hard, MVic; No. 1 northern, 96c; to arrive, No. 1 hard, 8Hc; No. 1 northern, 86c; on track, 7o. 1 northern, Mc; July, 9Se; September, 8JV4C. OATS On track and to arrive, 42c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. May 28. SEEDS-Clover, cash. $8.30; October, $6.72. Prima timothy, $1.46; September, $1.47V. Pearta Grala Market. ' f PEORIA, May 28CORN-Steady; No. 8, 45c; No. 4, 43c Metal Market. NEW YORK, May 28.-METAL8 Tin was somewhat irregular In London, but showed rather a better undertone on the whole, snd closed 2s 8d higher on futtlres at 1 23 15a. while spot wss Is 6d hlSt"' at 124 Km. Locally the market contlrrfrfcl quiet, but offering were smaller and the market a Shade higher, closing at $27.6M'28.(ni. Copper advanced 2s M to 68 Us 8d for spot In London and was Is 2d higher at 68 lis id for futures. Locally copper remained quiet, with lake quoted at $li.00tfl$.12. electro lytic at $ll.,8l8.( and casting at 812 60fl 12 78. Lead declined la 2d to arU 12s U In London, but locally tbe market waa steady at 64.464H60. S;elter closed unchanged at 22 In the Iondon market, and In New York It was steady at 6 ,tf.10 Iron closed at 61s 8d In Olasgow and at 43s 7d lit Mld dlesborough. Locally Iron was easier, war rants being nominal at $8.26, No. 1 northern foundry aak Quoted at ltTWH&.'Jl, No. 2 northern foundry at $14 26114.76 and No. I southern snd No. 1 southern soft foundry at $12.6081$ 76. ST. IUIS, May 28. METALS Lead, dull, $4.26. Spelter, lower, $4 78. Cattoa Market. LIVERPOOI May 26.-Y)TTO.V-Stot. unchanged; American middling, fair,- 7.24d; middling, 712d; low middling. (7d; good or dinary, 4.844; ordinary, i.84d. Options opened easier and closed dull; American middling, 5. o. c. t.COd: May and June, $ 6d; June and uly, $ 8ld; July and August, 6 6.24; October and November, 6.784; November and De cember, 6 7(d; December snd January, $.70d; January and February. $.M. NEW YoHK, May 2.-COTTON-ruturea closed ateady; May, 12 83c; June. 12 ttu; July, 12 sue: August, 12 ate; September, 11 16c: October, 10 77c; November. 10. Wc; Decrmber, ID. 67c: January, 10 c ST. LOUIS. May MX)TTON Market quiet and unchanged; middling. 13c; aaies, none; receipts, none; shipments, 62 bales; Stock, 12.1 bales. NliW ORLEANS. May M.-COTTON-Market steady: sales, fciO bales: ordinary. 10 8-lec; good ordinary, ll'ac; middling, Uc; good middling. 12$-18c: middling fair, U$ lc; recelDta, $4 bales; Block, ITu.H bales. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Brnkrys Ettdioip ProT$ Too Itroag- for Br:kr8 to Beaiau MARKET IS LEFT ALONE TO DRIFT AT WILL Desaaad tor t'ahaa Beads Desaaa strates that There la Xo Lek at Raaaarrea la the Eastera Market. NEW. YORK, May 26 -Brokers put in a rew orders for slocks early today and then went off to the Brooklvn handicarv iMvin the market to drift listlessly to Its own de vices. No serious comment can be offered on such a market beyond Its negative slg ntflra.nce. There was no trading or move ment of prlres to Indicate that tnvnni, held any sentiment In values or the outlook for vnlues. but It wss a fair Inference that VM-y profound and universal uncertainty Is i. l"" luiure. inai it ts not nr lack Of resources t v... ,1,. free outflow of capital In response to the offer of Cuban bonds, which were Inraelv over-subscribed both here and In other mar- seis wnere tney were offered. The demand for the recent Russian end l.n.naa, l.M r. oflerings as well aa for New York City's $37,000 bond offering was nmnf In the uma direction. This weeks statement of the Bank of France affords striking evidence of the growing accumulation of capital resources. lust banks gold holdings Increase this week from iam.7HO.rmo to 8S4 which la isr neyona anything In the previous history or me Dang. Besides tne immediate nota tion of the Ruasian loan It Is evident that far Is. with Its enormous holdings of Rus sian securities, feels constrained to prepare for possible eventualities in the course of the war. This filling of French bank coffers to repletion continues without effect on our money market arid sterling exchange was Strona tndsv In enlte nf eritlltlrtniil one-acre. ments of gold for export on Saturday. It la signincant or tne tenaency or tne currency to contract thst the current redemption of bank notes by the treasury for the twenty three (ruslness days of this month reaches $22,126,126. or shout $1,000.0(0 a day. The late tendency of the market left the day's changes trivial And irregular. Bonds were stesdy. Total sales, par value. 81.425,000. United States bonds aro stesdy and unchanged. Yesterday's quotations on the New York Btoca exenange were as rouows: Bales ilLKn. low. i lose Atchison do preferred loo Baltimore Ohio.... l,3u0 'in'iil '4O6 '160 to 78i ?;- 77H do Dreterred .. o 117 11, 11( Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago Alton .... do preferred Chicago Q. W Chicago N. W C, M. Bt. P las son son 37 8'iYi 8DVi 00H 14 Ho, 14 130 leu's, ltta 8,900 140H iK l.'SHa 17o 100 4j M do Preferred Chicago Term. A T. do ureferred 2UU U 14 14 ...... . C, C, ot Mt. L Colorado Southern... HjO lMt 16 Xo biMk 20 do 1st preferred..... do 2d Dreterred Del. Hudson , Del.. Lack. & W U0 1W Ut lal zoo Uenver & R. O 20 do nreierred VM 2, alio OUU 4tW M fro W tilt 4 BU .8 tW Erie do 1st preferred...., do 2d Dreterred...., 34 bi a4 1 Hocking Valley do preferred , Illinois Central 7 Iowa Central , 1H ao Dreterred , 88 K. C. Southern , do preferred , Louisville Nash...'., Manhattan L Met. HecurlUes ...... Met. Street Ky Minn. t Bt. L M.. St. P. A B. . M do ore (erred ....... 700 1V 8i 400 lu74 'lOO 1444 100 ' 77N 10714 la 101 143 77 1W 40 tu lis b 1 iH M 114H 7i l.UOO IOIH4 108 Missouri Pacific 6,ui yo K Mo., Kan. at lex do preferred N. R. R. of Mex. Dtd, 100 S8 M 'm wii 'm" i!96o 21 'iiii New York Centra.... Norfolk Western .. be 80 do ureferred r , Ontario ft Western.. Pennsylvania P.. C. C. 4k St. L 21H 6,000 US 113 113 be Reading 0U 43 48 43 78, 60 ao 1st preterrea.,.. do 2d preferred. '206 "ii Rook Island Co........ da ureferred . 800 , 6 1 iW 20 83 21 23 38 83 80 16 83 16 16 tJ 1H0 100 2(0 6H4 16 ' 89 27 88 in 7 26 18 80t St-.L. A 8,K. 2d pfd. Rt 't-nnla h. W 1.200 ia" 20 1ZW 4 20 do nreferred 2.S00 Southern Psciflc S.100 Southern Railway ... iuu do nreferred Texas A Pacific Tbledo, St. L. A, W.. 200 do preferred .800 Union Paclflo 7,400 do preferred '. Watash 4(0 do preferred 1M Wheeling L. K-. 2S 38 83 80 3 38 82 80 Wisconsin central Mexican Central Adams Express .. American Express U. 8. Exoress .... 1.700 7 7 WellsFargo Exp.. 100 BUI 200 60 1 Atrial. Copper 26,300 61 16 Am. Car A rounary 100 do, nreferred Am. Cotton Ol! d6 preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Am. Locomotive do preferred Am. Bmelt. A Refln.. 6.800 61 ?I - 60 do nreferred 6,500 Am. Sugar Refining. Anaconda Min. Co... Brooklyn Rapid T.... Colo. Fuel Iron... Con. Gas. ex-dlv Corn Products do preferred ... Distillers' Seourltles. General Electric .... International Paper. do preferred International Pump. do preferred National Lead Mnrth American .... 2n0 128 125 125 75 76 47 47 20 29 206 206 100 76 $,0 47 200 29 800 308 66 20 165 104 6 86 70 19 81 26 85 J4 67 210 8 15 77 . 33 60 16 88 8 M 165 8 200 20 100 166 2O0 10 700 65 20 168 10 85 600 19 18 Paclflo Mall 100 People'e Gas 200 Pressed Steel Car do preferred Pullman Pal. Car 2A 86 85 Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Tenn. Ccal Iron. 100 $8 21 100 34 84 '79 7 80 16V, 86 6S U. S. Learner do preferred 800 V. S. Realty. 6.000 do preferred 6,600 V. 8. Rubber 100 do preforred 200 V. S. Steel 700 do preferred 14,000 Wcatlnghouse Elec 80 T 62 16 tan! t 64 Western cnion Total sales for the day, 129.800 shares. Bostaa Stack ttaotatloaa BOSTON. May 21 Call loans, 2$3 per cent; time losns, 44j6 per oent. Offlclal closing ot stocas ana oonas: Atrklsos adj. 4s M iWeattas. ... n ... m ... 1st ... 6l4 ... H ... V ... 30 ...4Si ::: n ::: Sit ... IS, , 8 11-11! ... i ... ... 4 ... 40 ... 4 ... US. ...) :::. ... t ... ... ::: '22 ::: & do 4a Mas. Central 4a.. Atchleon do fd Bootoa A Albaay. boatos A Ualna.. ..1W Adventure .. aa Allouaa .. aa4l Amalsamatad .., .. tlVAaerlnaa lino . ..Ml jAtlaatlo ..144 Bingham ..140 ral. A Heals.... ..1M jlantannlal .. 1 "0Pper Rants .. ..lsTi Daly aat Boatoa ElaTataa ... Piuhbani p(4 Mai. Ontral N. T.. K H. A H Kara Vtarsuatta .... I nloa pacilo Amr. Aria. Ckais. de pfd A rear. Pnea. Tuba.. Amar. Sugar do pfd Amir. T. A T law. Weolen da pfd Potnlbloa 1. A 8... gdiaoa Elac. Illu . . Oanarat KlaiMrie ... Maaa. Rlartrla .... da pfd Maaa (iaa I nllad Prult I sltad itbue Mack . do pld V. 8. steel da pit Bid. ll Dominion Coal rranklla Oraacr Ula Roy a la Maaa. Mining ... Miohlaan . 14 . u . 17 .114 1H Mohawk H44 Moni. C. A C..., Itt Old nomlnlo .., 14 .Oaraolt 10 Parrot .114 .Ita . II . Tl . 4u Quinsy ,, 8rtanaon Tantarark Tnaitr I. s. Mlnlna..., lusiC. a. Oil . 41 I UI . It Marls .. . 1 Winona ., . (4 ' Wolverine Xer York Mlniaa Stacks. NEW YORK, May 28,-Tbs following are the closing prices on mining stocas: Adaml Cos e Little Chief A lie Breace amaarlrk Can .. CoatatMk Tnaal Co.. Cal. A Vs. Mors Silver Iron 6llver Uadvllle Cea .. . if . ia . li . I .144 .1 loa . 8 Ontario Opi Phoeal Paaoa! lavage Slarra Navada null Haeas . Siaadanl m .440 . I . II . M . 10 . II 111 NEW YORK, May 26.-MONKY-On call, easy at lt1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at ! per cent; time loans, easy; sixty days. 1 per cent: ninety days, 2 pet cent; six months, IJ1 per cant; prime mercantile paper, 3VtW per cent. STERLING EXCHANUk-8trong. with actual business In bankers' bills at 84 SlHog 4 8716 for demand and at 64 c iOtf 4 a0 for sixty-day hills: posted rates, $4 8SHQ4 88 and K ;ueS; commercial bllVa, 84.84M. SILVER Bar. 66 V; Mexican doIVara, 44,e. BtDNDS Oovernment, easy, railroad, ir regular. NEW YORK. May JR.-The National City bank todny announced the engage ment of ll.ono.nrio In gold bsrs for shipment to Europe on Saturday s steamer. Tbe closing quotations on bonds are a follows: I' 8. ret at. rf 4e ooupoa w.... Ae ta. reg e eeusea 4r new 4a, res da eoapaa do old 4a, raj.. do roupeo Atrhllmn fea. 4a.. do fit. 4a Atlantic C. A. 4 , A O 4a do IVM Cantrml ot u. la. do let laa rhe. A Ohio 4H .IMa.Manntniia e .. ! .IMV 'kn. reatrtl 4i (,t on in tat 11 1M. Miaa. A St. L. .... M 1 M . K. A r. ,...1"V4 1UX! 4o la ... nt 4S. U .... m 1K. K R. et M. ....liNw N. T. C. a. IU ...ii ... i ... v S ...107 . T4 ...1IH N. i C. (. U... .N. raci8e ..... 4a u N. A W. . 4... O A L. 4a A par roaa. ceor li ...Ml ...104 ... lt ... wl ... M neadlac son. 4a M 8t. L. A 1. M. r. la..lM4) Pi. L. A 8. P. fx. 4s. 11 Pt. U g. W. U M Oilraxo A A. IWa r . B. A Q. S. 4t 7 144 C. M. A 8. P. g. 4a..l .SMboard A naaoeani A. U. 41 ... TO C. A N. W. f. 7... .117-4 Po. Plrldr 14 80. Rallwar Be 111 Taxat A P. 11 Iitia C , R. I. A P. 4a.,.. do cel. It r r.r. A f L. t u..iei T.. Bt U A w. 4a.. 7a S4 I'nlan Piclftr ta 1041a Chlcaro ler. 4a T4 Con. Tooaeeo 4a.... t'olo. A 80. 4a D A R O. 4a Erla prior llao 4a.. do fan. 4i P. W. A D. C. la. Hotklnf Val. 4a. L. A N. unl. ea.... Offered. . M'4 . MS . tOVl . M 1 " .104 .107 "4 lea do tonr. 4a rt V. 8. Stool M ta.... tiu Wabarh la 11.1 do dab. B ttii W A U C. 4a I a-la. Ooatral ts M Colo. P. A 1. c. aa.. 71 Loaloa Stack Market. LONDON. May 2ft. Closing: Coneola. money .. do aooount Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio, t'anadlan Plclflc .. Ckea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C. M. A SL P... DaBeara I). A R. 0... do pfd Erie do lot pfd do Id pfd Illtnola Central ... Loula. A Naoh M., K. A T H. t. caetral.. .lit H . la . ut . ioh . . . II . IrOla . M . 47 . US . . . Ml . 17 . Ift P"V, Norfolk A W... 114 do pfd Ontario A W... Pannaylvanla .. Raad Mlnaa .... Raadlnf do 1st pfd... do Id pfd... 8o. Railway ... do pfd to. Pacific t'nlon Pacl6e .. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd WabMh do pfd .. 71 .. M .. fWH ..HI .. HI ..II ..144 .. US .. 30S .. MH .. MH .. MH .. J5H ..IMal ..110 I 1M Span lab 4a 8ILVKR Bar, steady, 26d per ounce. mu.n c i t(fl i per cent. The rate of discount In the open mnrkcl for short bills Is 2)&2 11-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 1-1632 per cent. Foreign Financial. PARIS, May 26. Trading on the bourse today opened dull, nut prices strengthened and cloaed Arm. Russian imperial 4s closed at 90. Three per cent rentes, 96f 26c for the account. Exchange on London, 26f 15c for the account. BERLIN. May 28. Exchange on London, 20m 40pfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 2 per cent. LONDON, May 26. Money on the ex change wax inactive. Trading on the Stock exchange was Irregular. Pricea were fairly steady. Coneola were a shade easier Americans opened steady on New York's support, sagged to a little under pstitr. rallied and closed firmer. Grand Trunk was strong on bear covering. Weekly Bank Statement. LONDON, May 26. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decrease, 269, 000; circulation, decrease, 22,000; bullion, decrease, 292,136; other securities, de crease, 19,000; other deposits, decrease, 238.000; public deposits, decrease, 318,000; notea reserve, . decrease, 286,000; govern ment securities, decrease, 269,000. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liabilities this week is 48.10 per cent; last week it was 48.09 per cent. The rate' of dis count of the Bank -of England was un changed today at 2 per cent. OMAHA WMOLK8AI.B; MARKETS. Coaaltlon ot Trade aad 4aetatlas aa Staple sad Fancy Prod ace. SGGS Recelpta 'iberal; market steady; trash stock, 15'aic. LIVE POULTR if Hens, 10c; roost ers, according to lte, aVJySc; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 9c; geese, 6c, BUTTER Packing stock, 10c; choice to fancy dairy, I4itci separator, iwaaic VHDHH r'loH Trout, lie; ;Muk,erel, 10c t pike, Ur; percn, W bluehsh, lie; whlte nsh, 12c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lob ster, green, 28c; lobster, uoiiea. Joe; bull heads, 11c; laitlsh, 14c; black bass, 20o; halibut, 10c; ct apples. 11c; roe shad, 86o; shad roe, 36c; buuul6, 7oj white Sags, Uo; frog legs, per 'dox i6t." BRAN-iper ton, 11900. . HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealels' association! Choice No. 1 up land. 88.60; No. 2, 88.00; medium, 87.60; coarse, 87.U0; rye strtw, 6a.60. Thaae prices are for hay of good cotor and quauty. le mand Xalr and receipts Hht TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, large else, 22.26tt2.60; fancy navels, all slsss, to.76ifti8.uO; Mediterranean sweets, all Slsss, 83.76; J al ias, all sixes, 82.76. . LEMONb t'euifomlk" fancy, ' 800 to 889, 13.60: choice. 240 to 270. 63.00113,26. CALIFORNIA FlOoU-Per 10-lb. 60o ; imported Smyrna,' 2-crown, crown, 4c; 7-;rowr, 'lto. BANANAS Per isedium aised iim hi: 1 urn ho tntoM.'A. carton, 12oi i- bunch, DATES Persian, per bog 5 of 20 pkgs., 82.00; in -ID. boxes, 6c per lb.; oriental stuffed dates, per box, 6X40. PINEAPPLES In cratel or 24 to 42, per crate. 83.80. FRUITS. : APPLES Oregon fancy Ben Davis, per box, 81.60; New York export Russets and Baldwins, 44 uo STRAW bKRRIfca Arkansas, per 24-qt case, 1.76&2.00. CHERRilitt California, per box, 31.609 1.75. EQETABLKS. ' POTATOES Coioraao, 31.20; Dakota, per bu., )1.0oai.l0; new Texas Red stock. In sacks, per bu., 1.25$1.;I6. NAVY BEANS Per bu.,, ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-1 b. crate, 82.00; In sacks, per lb.,- Je. CABBAGE California, per lb., 2c; southern, per crate, 82.60. CUCUMBERS Per dos., t6S7oO. TOMATOES Per s-baaket crate, fancy, 82.60, choice, 12.00. RADISHES Per dog. bunches, 20c. LETTUCE Top lettuoe, per doa., 40e. TURNIPS 43outhern, per doa, 460. BEETS Southern, per doa . 76c. CARROTS Southern, per doa.. 76c, PAR8l.EY-Per doi., 40c. BEANS Wax, per bu. basket, $1.001.26; string, per bu. basket, $1.001.26. SPINACH Per bu.. home grown, 80840c. ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunches, 40c. GREEN PEPPERS-Per .-basket crate, 82.00. EOO PLANT Per dot., 8108. SQUASH Florida summer, per 4)04.. Tic. PAS-Per bu. box. 82.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, lie; Wisconsin. Young America, 12c; block Swlsa, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiscon sin limberger, 18c. CTDER Per bl! . 88 60; per bbl., 83.25. MAPLE SUOAR-OUlo. per lb.. 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; No. I graen, 6c: No. 1 salted, 7o; No. salted. 8c; No. 1 real calf. 8 to II Iba.. 9c; No. 2 veal caif. 12 to 16 Iba., 6c; dry salted hides, Sffiao; sheso pelts. 244i2Tc; horsehldes, 11 60 NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; N. hard shall, per lb., 12o; fiecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb, Oc; peanuts, par Ib.c 8c; raaated peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, 12(alje; Urge hlokory nuts, per lb., lie; almonds, solt shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, 13c; shell barks, per bu., 8100; black wainuta, per bu L26. Wool Market, BOSTON. May 1-WOOL Pulled wool I firm, with trading quiet; old territory wools Arm, sales chiefly in small lots; Idaho, fine, 1821io; heavy fine, 13$Uc; fine medium, 16'dl6c; medium, 16rjT17c; low medium, 17 18c: Wyoming fine. 14l6c; heavy fine. 12 ftlSHc; fine medium, luyion; medium, W0 lbc; low medium, 18tlrV. ltah and Nevada flnf, 14T15c; fine medium, 1&Volc; me dium. IMf-ISc: low medium, lwa0c. Dakota hue, i.Hiiec; nne meaium, iwfl'iBn; mealum, lUtflSc: low medium, IftfiMOc. Montana flna. choice, lStrlac; fine, average. KaJlSc; fine. medium, choice, lsiainc; average, 16Bl7c: stnnle. lSlr1c; medium, choice, 181T190. ST. I5UIS. May 26 -wooL-Btesdy; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 1K 4io: light fine. l917c; heavy fine, 12014c; tub washed, 21(jj32c. Oils anal nasln. KMV TriRk'. MSV 26 OILS Cottonseed Arm: niime crude, nominal: crime yellow. 27c. Petroleum, steady; refined, New York, 88 lil; Philadelphia, 8 16; In bulk, 86.20. Tur pentine, steady. ROSIN-Sieadv. strained, common to 'saVanNAH. ,May 28-OILS-Turpentlne, Wk-A. B C. P. 22.80: K. 32 68; f. 8J70; (1, t:.7t; H. 12 ; I. 6.1; K. 83 20; M. 83 2; N. 83 M: WO. 83 60; WW, 83 80. OIL CITlr. May . OILS Credit bal ances, tl 62; certificates, no bid; ahlpmenta, 101,141 bhla.; average, 77.808 bbls.; runs, 106. 966 bbls.: sverage, 75.862 bhls. Shipments, Lima. '46.803 bhls.: average. 80.471 bbls.; runs, Lima. 73.870 bbls.; average, M.718 bbls. I)ri UaaAs Market. NEW YORK, Msy 28 DRY OOODS-Ths demsnd throughout the entire dry goods market has been of a moderate character and little haa been done In the way of fu ture deliveries. Spot goods have shown a slight Improtsment. owing to the warm wrather, but outside of this and lha Inter est taken In certain auction sales little has traneplred In tbe way of new developments. ' mU LIVE STOCi MARKET Lighter letaipte aod t, Gentnl Advstos All king the Lin. G000 CATTLE GENERALLY TEN HIGHER Hags Active and Strang; t 6e Hlgker wltk Kverylhlag elllac In 6a lessea-.keep and La sake Actlra aaA Strang, SOUTH OMAHA, May M, la Receipts were: Cattia Hog a. bbeap Cimcial Monday 2.19 ll2 . umclal Tuesday l.tbi 11,146 4.17 Offlclal Wednesday 4.oii KHI k,Jd7 umctai Thursday l.t 841 Four HaLVa 4hla ! 11 Mt 4K T?o a unmi days last week, ...13.726 66.171 11.6vt Same daya week beore. .H.7JJ 29,226 9.4 Same three weeks ago... 17,014 4i,tt4 18.1S4 Same four weeka ago. ...23.811 49.o 21.4i4 Same daya last year 16,8m 63.646 8.9,'t RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATBj Tbe following table shows the reoeteta of cattle, hogs and ahaep at South Omana fot the year to date, with comparisons wlta last ysar: isnl 1S Inc. Cattle 88H.6M 8M.4M 4 Hogs iHAtUL 844.716 108.866 Sheep 846.814 H1.8X3 134,432 Average prices paid for hogs at Bourn Omaha for the last several days with com- panson: Pate. 1804, 11802. i0l. 1801. 1800.1W9. 1898 May L.. May I... ta 6 17 I 61 f 68 I h I 61 .3 in May 8... May 4... May ... May 8... May f... May 6... May 6... 1 34 I 22 3 8 8 N 4 6 m T 0 84sm 8 Sj 6 M 8 4 3 M n 8 86 a 3 88 lit iin, I tft 8 46 8 II 6 84 i 10 d ZHl 6 til T 88 8 681 6 11 6 16 May i.. May U.. Mar li.. sC I 97, 8 61 3 96 8 97 41 4 36 4 22 a 4 8a 1841 6 aai 6 161 8 41 8 86 4 88 I 6 4i 6 98 6 161 May It.. May 14.. 6 41 7 0 I 6 I Tl, 8 84 a 3 67 6 88, 4 62 I" t 12 T 07! 17 8 II 6 23 May 16.. May It., May 17.. May 18.. May 19.. May 20.. 4 80j 4 62 6 861 4 1, ! 6 W 8 83 t 71 ( 73( I 20) t 4oj 4 48 4 29 4 li 4 2 8 62 6 11 3 69 I 86 8 66, 4 81 tin t 10 4 46 i 41 6 27' T 11 ; on I 7 08 7 06, 8 73, 6 031 a S 06 I 08 May 21.. 6 13 May 22... I ! l 1H! 3 62 3 6 3 68 e May 22.. 4 18 4 82V 6 61 6 87 1 I 61 6 01 4 23 May 84.. May 26.., 6 04 6 04 6 041 4 99 4 26 4 17 8 041 May z.. May 86.. 4 33 6 04 4 17 6 93, 6 96 3 6o 4 18 Indicates Runrlav. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, C, M. 4k St. P. Ry 3 21 Wabash 4 1.. Mo. Pacific Ry 11., Union Pacific System. 12 IS ., C. & N. W. Ry 14 F., E. A M. V. R. R 14 Si 1 C, It. P., M. 4V 6. Ry 6 8 B. A M. Ry 41 24 C, B. ft Q. Ry 18,, K. C. A St. J 1 C, R. I. A P. Ry., east 4 C, R. I. St P. Ry., west 1 2 . Chicago Great western 1 .. Total recelpta 86 120 1 The disposition cf the day's receipts wm as rouows. eacn Duyer Durcnasing tne number of head indicated: Cattle. Horn. 8 Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co 467 1.017 686 1.212 94 449 4,179 896 1,75 217 1,475 w.. i 'ii? :::: 1 87 84 .... 9 7 86 Om. Pkg. Co., from St. J. Armour, from Sioux City Vansant tt Co w. i. Stephen Hill & Son Sol Began S. 8. Co Morrell Root M. Hagerty & Co Other buyers Totals... 3.067 .7S2 C ATTLHJ Recl ptg were, much smaller than yesterday or the day before, while the demand waa equally brisk. The result was an active market with values 10c higher on all desirable kinds of dressed beef. As waa the case yesterday and the day before there were a good many right good cattle here today, there being some good enough to bring 85.80. The offerings were praoticuiy all taken In good season. Cows and heifers were also In very good remand, while the offerlnga were limited. The market was stronger. In many oaaee 6O10c higher than yesterday. The demand for DOtn cows ana neuers iwa ueen umni mMA oil t M week. t. m ' j - . . , . , There was oonsiaeraoie inquiry tor biock- ers and feeders, but the offerings were small. In fact there have been very few cattle of that kind In the-yards this week. The prices paid for the few here today were fully steady or perhaps . a little stronger. Representative sales: - BEEF STEERS. No. A. Ft. I .11(1 4 71 1 14 4 It 1 IIM 4 76 It tie 4 tO 1 110 4 10 10 1111 4 14 100 4 10 Tl Ha 4 IS 17 101 1 4 It II 1144 4 H I ! Ill 4 I I lit 4 It M 1141 4 II 10 11(16 4 14 ii mi i kt It 110 4 at m mi 4 ii 14 UTS I oo 1 1141 i oo lo in oo M 1101 I M II 1141 I I 71 Ull I 10 II... 1000 I II 1(17 lto! 6 IS 81 1410 I M 14 4 ea I.,; 114 4 84 KH 4 SO I IM 4 14 1004 4 aS 1J Ml 4 49 1144 4 44 14 1114 4 40 14 1MI 4 41 4 1070 4 6 47 T44 4 II 10 lone 4 e M ..1070 4 M 14 ....IUI 4 It M 1011 4 18 U IUI 4 U 1 1M 4 e 14 Ull 4 M If ill I it 1041 I as 41 .v..l01l 4 at 1 14 4 t (0 ...111! 4 10 8.. W' ' U 1114 4 II ins 4 71 86. , 11 fed 1 TI " "8fEER8 and ccvVs. ' BTB EB8 ANb Mitir"! B8. II I M 10 111 4 TO 711 4 I 1. i 1111 I 71t 4 M 14 1146 4 If ..... Ill IM I. IUI. 4 t MS 4 K IT, ,1444 I M 1144 4 1 II ltn 8 10 Ill 4-Arfsw COWS. re., til." !.. it..' u'.'.. II.'. It'. to'.'.. 14.., .101 I 1 1 106 4 M .1100 I 5 1 1111 4 Ot 1 ......1440 4 10 6 M0 4 10 1 17 4 1 t i.. ,11(11 4 It t 0 4 II i mi 1 it 1 1070 4 It 1 110 4 It 1 1130 4 1 1 1410 4 (l 1 ..110 4 1 ISM 4 15 1 ....Had 4 M I 110 4 I ,,, IAA I 40 ...10'iO 8 M ... t to ...110 j T .. .1M I tt ...lilt It ...lirti I ti .,.1110 I M ...1111 1 lo ...lilt i to ...1040 I tO ...UM 4 60 ...If) 4 00 ... at in HEIFER3 Ml I H 4. a av I 06 4 It I i Tt i n ts 4 t 4 it to 8U t 1114 4 11 1 111 I 34 aaa i l BUjIJS. ..1146 ..117 ..1411 .116 .140 . .1140 I M .1471 I ao .ITU I 10 .1740 4 C . 10 4 at ,.lt I 11 I.. 7 ' 1 loot I 71 I, 144 I IS 14TS SO CALVES. 1 MO 8 00 I... 47 I M 1 10 I (1 Nt IM I IN IN 1 11 Ill I tt TOCKER8 AND FBEDERB. a lit t TO 3 44 IN A J I S HOQB The receipts wers not s large today, while at th satna time there was a good shipping and local demand, which, together with a bettsr provision market u..i.4av. nut new Ufa snd strength Into (ha trad. The market opened up atrong to 60 higher and later became A good 66 higher, some ni u ruina iwiwi higher. The market waa active at the arj ..n and the most of the hose ehansed handa In good aeason. Today Is th first time that There hss been any material ad- vanne In tne nog rneraei in aove-ei aays. In fact th advanca today makes up tot a good part or tne aecuns mis wsea. riepro. sentatlve sales: Ma A. . 40 141 ..IN tt 170 .. 4 M It 171 .. I'H II f ..4 tt loi 140 4 10 41 .114 40 4 lS II ttt n 4 W ao til e 4 totg 44 til M I tit II Wl .. IM It lot IM 4 M 41 IM 140 4 M 4 XT 4 4 It Tt. It .. 4 U IT lat .. 4 It tl trt M 4 K II lit 40 4 14 It. tat .. 4 1 147 .. 44 t) SM 14 4 ti Tl tu M 4 M T) lat .4 1 11 4 la 4 M a 114 40 4 14 tl Ill 44 1 M tl tnl 44 4 M 11 ..ill M ttt 44 4 tl at lt .. 4 U 18 u ..68 we. a. a Pt. 7 4T ....147 40 4 Hit ,...t0 4 4 17 U ... li 44 4 II 'i ... 111 In 4I2H .,. .. 4 11V ... .rt 4 40 ...,1M .,4 4 ....11 ..4 4 ....14 IM 4 IV ....141 .. 4 4 , ....4 . . 4 M ... i;i M 4 40 ....IM .. 4 44 ... HI 40 4 0 ....141 4 40 ... 271 14 4 M . ... lal 44 t 40 ... t int 4 : II 71. 14. !! 11. 11.. iu. i.. 44.. ti.. 11.. M.. II... 14.. tl.. II . 70.. 11.,, II.. ...,4 M IN ...14 ... 14 I ...144 11 4 40 ! 4 M 44 4 40 I 4 ....II ...lit IM ....tit ...444 tt ...141 4 M t M tt., "I . M., .,..! IM 4 40 ...if ..4 4 ... lat U 4 t Vi 4 lt 140 4 I 4I M I 44 117 M 40 l4 .. IM It! IM 4 40 14 t4 4 4 1.41 I4 4 40 M 4 44 SO.. TT., Tl.. Tt.. a si. . 4.. I . St., , t.. rt.. ti , 71., 4 4. li., 17. 44 . 40.. !.. 10., 0., ao. !.. II.. ..! ..W ..ill . K4 ..I1T .14 . .IM 4 US 4 7 . .117 M 4 40 tn 4 aa W I o .. 4 40 .. 4 40 .. 4 41 , .. i3 40 4 4tSt 0 I 4ta ..141 . M .jot ..t0 . m .141 .171 ..141 ..IM ..IM ..1I ,.r0 . 117 ..171 ..147 I tT 4 1(4 4 .7 4 4 iT(a 4 17 74... tl... It... Tt... to... It... 7... 74... Tt... ... 14... 41... ..Ml .171 IM 4 I7VI ..144 4M 4 ll4 ,..4 .. 87-s ..111 IW 4 474 . l it 4 -7 v ..lit ao 4 i7o in 4 in, . Ill 100 4 ITU ..1AI 4 4 7t ..144 ( 4 Itta . i .. 4 at I 41 I a 4 41 4 41 4 44 4 41 4 41 4 4t ..111 ,170 140 4 4S ,.thl IN III 44 U .541 IN 4 I74 7 , .11 M 4 4114 8HKE41 There was only one car on sal today and It brought what looked like a rood, strong price. Aa already noted, this "eek the tendency of valuea has ben steadily upward snd the market for the week Is all of 164126c higher than it waa a week ago. Packers are In need of siioDllea of fat sheep and lambs, and anything that v. in answer to mat description meets wun resdy sale. Quotations for clipped slock: Oood lo choice lambs. 88.6"600; fair to good lambs, t3.rv5.M: good to choice wooled iSISj 3 6c7.go; ftJr to good wooled lamba, 88.0vB4l.6O; good to choice vearllngs or wethers. 2SJOJ6 60: fair to good yearlings of Wethers 7 a, iyi . - nkni 84 70S6.00; fair to' good ewes,! Representative sales: jo western culls 66 3 10 76 western lamba 80 6 00 CHICAGO 3.1VR STOCK MARKET rattla Strang, Haas Hlaher ail Sheen Steady and Lower. CHICAGO. Mm v r i tti it n...i. 7.000 head; market strong; good to prime ateere, 36 274?6.86;- poor to medium. M-ti L26JL",2ke ,nd feeders, j!3.2o,4.76; cowg. 32.0O5M.70; canners. I2O0442 90; heifers, 360 nune. calves, t:.B(a.0; Texss fed atears. 4.2IVrt.l0 HOGS RecelntK 24.000 head! eatlmateit in. morrow, 18000 head; market stesdy to 6c higher; mixed and butchers. 34. 46X14.66; good to choice heavy, 14.66114.67; rough heavy, $4 40 4 66; light, 34.45.fj4.60; bulk Of sales, 84. 60 4.60. HHKRP AND t.AMRSReo.lnl. innnfl heftd; msrket steady to lower: medium' to choice wethers, 66.zfc4i6.6O; fair to choice mixed, $4.00i6.00; weatern sheep, $4.7rft6 60; native lambs, 86.0006.60; western lambs, 85.404.66; spring lambs, J6.6O7j6.70. Kansas City Uv Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 26. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2,700 head, including 176 head of southerns; market strong to 10c higher; ex port and dressed beef steers, 84.966.60; fair to good, tl.36$4. 86; western fed steers, $4 36 if 6. 20; stockers and feeders, 83.26S4.70; southern steeis, 33.8004.76: southern cows, 22.2614.00: native cows. J2.60t(i4.60; native heifers,; bulls, e2.7684.00; calves, J2.7tV?4 75. HWis-Receipts, 8,700 hesd; market wss strong to 6c higher: too. 84.66: bulk. 14. So-'? 4.47; heavy, I4.4fxfi4.65; packers, 4.40ni4.5o; plks and lights 83.764.46. fihEKr AMLI L,A M MS KeceipiS, .1.l head: market ateady: native lambs. ..6.SM 6.10; western lambs, 86.6OiS7.Tl0: fed ea-ea, 34.606.C6: Texss clipped year'.ings, 35.009 6.76; Texas clipped sheep, 34. 60S. 00; stock ers and feeders, 33.70riJ4.75. If eve York LIto Stock Market. NEW TORK. .May 20. BEE VE8 Re ceipts, none: no trading; dressed beef. steady, 'tJSc. Cables unchanged. Exports, 410 head cattle and ao Head sneep. CALV us Receipts, none; 00 neaa real on sale; no trading; feeling weak; city dressed veals, slow, S$8c, a few choice car casses at.8c, hogs-Recelpta. 3.160 head: market, no sales reported: feeling stesdy. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.644 head; market for sheep about steady; win ter and spring lambs, slow, vt&0c lower; 9 cars unsold; fair to choice sheen 14.759 6.60; common to prime lamba, 15 SOOT. 00; prime to choice spring lambs, 88.2&18.60: d re need mutton, steady, RtJ11c; dressed lamba, alow and weak, 12&14a; (Sresssd spring lambs, 14(ffl0c. t. Loals Live Itock Market. ST. LOUIS. MAV 26 CATTLE Receipts. t 000 head. Including 600 head Texans; mar ket steady to firm, active; native shipping and export, steers, 35.25495 76: dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.10ra6.86; steers tinder 1.000 lbs.. l4.00rjT4.86; stockers snd feeders, 83.6ftff4.8S: oows and helfera. S.3fxS6 00; can ners, l. iVjTJ.90; nuns, w aims. 10; csives. i.ij 4S6.00: Texas and Indian steers. 33.16m.90: cows and heifers, 83.00(84.16. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market steady; pigs nd lights, $4.1004.50; psckers, 64. 4004.66; butchers and best heavy, $4,606 .66. fiHKF.P AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.000 head; market steady; native muttons, 84.26 J 16.66; culls and bucks, 33-6074.56; stockers, 2.5003.00. St. Jasesrh Live Stock Market. ST. JOBEPH, May 26. CATTLE R- celnta. 1.S59 heed: market steady to 10c higher;' natives, $4.8506.60; rows and heifers, J2.z6(ta.l5; stockers and feeders. $3.5C-("i.jO. HOGS Receipts, - 6.634 hesd; msrket jrtesdv to strong: light. $4S5iZi4.45: medium and heavy. 34.40ri4.66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 883 head; market steadv to 10c higher: shorn lambs. 26.60; shorn wethers, 35. 60; shorn ewes, 36.35. took la sight. ir Allowing sre the receipts nf llvs stock at the lx principal western cities yesterdsv: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha i.9on 8.2K6 sil Chlcsgo 7,000 24.000 J.r..(ioo Kansas City 8,700 6.700 , 000 Ft. LOtUS Z.I'V o.'"J .IPI St. Joseph 1,859 5,631 883 Bloux City ...... ,.; im Totals ....... ...18.666 63,119 :3,224 Ilt Cits- Llrt lock Market. CfTlTTir flTV uv aa flrt.la1 Tele. gram.) CATTLfe Receipts, 100 head; mar. LBGAIj kotice. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Mntira is hereby given that sealed bids for th construction of a ditch In Dodge county, Nebraska, known aa the Bowman' ditcn, Will oa receivvu oy inm cuumy ciera of Dodge county until 10 o'clock a. m. June 2 liM. Said ditch to be conatructed ac cording to ths plans and specifications of th county surveyor, which are now on file In th otflre of th county clerk. Th party or parties to whom th contracts are awarded must give bonds in the sum of 8800 for faithful performance of con tract, and tl,300 to secura th paymant of laborers snd mechanics. Each Did must be accompanied with a certified check on torn Fremont bnnk In the sum of 3100 payable to th county treasurer of Dodge county, to be forfeited to said county In case the party awarded th contract fails to promptly enter Into satisfactory con tract. Sealed bids to b addressed to C. O. Bo, county clerk, Fremont, Neb. The board ressrves the right to reject any and all bids. C O. BOB, County Clark. M24d itm 871 EVERY DAY tit im i at u as i si HI sa 4 tt .ia ao 4 n 07 J40 4 as III M 4 ITU IM l (1 4 4 M .111 140 4 JT4 Cclifcrnla UMffi? f . AND ALL PRINCIPAL WESTkRN I Lim Ontika Dally 3i20 p. m. and A DOUDLE DERTH $9.70 fall fsi'snasKM srafiAe ea ass WaUs Is CITT TICKET OFFICII, w 384 FA 8t 18 A M IT. S, nssg 814J. ket steady; beeves, 84 0054 f; cows, bullf snd mixed, 82 26; stockcr snd feedera, 8.1 01 ii4 00; calves and ycarllnga, $2 TSVljS 78. Ill MeS Receipt, head: msrket 64S10 higher, selling st $4 2vgi 40; bulk, $l.j4.C. RRAI. KSTATR TRAXaFRrt. Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nlxhed by the Mldlsnd Guarantee A Trust Company, bonded abstracter, ltU4 Far nam street; Alexander M. Ferris snd wife to Kd wnrd snd Tercoa Morrlaon, part of lot 7. block 15, Patrick s 2d add $1601 Wm. I McCague to Charles W. Hayes, lot 8. block f Myers, Rich ards A Tllden's add I Thomas F. Hsll snd wife to John Betta, lot 12. Hall Place 1X Andrew II. Jones to Andrew M. Galla gher, lot 2. block 10. South Omaha.. l.SXI Suren P. Chrlntensen to Kristlne Chrtatensen, lot 84. Oak Hill..' 161 Sheriff to Kraetua A. Henson, guar- dlan, lot 4. Uock 11. Brians Place.. 870 John R. Doly and wife to Arthur Remington, part of lot I, Mock 18, ' Highland Place 2.X Chnrlca A. Haltlwln, admlnstrator. to Georgia Merritt, lot a. block 2. and other land 1 Charles A Baldwin, administrator, to Grace Hheelv, lots 1 end 2, block 2, sub. of Orammercv Park Reserve.. 1 Peter Mitchell to Michael Mitchell, lot 4. Murk 54; lot 8, block 61, and other land. South Omaha 7,000 Edward H. Kenaon to Peter t Ram uelnon, lot 8, block 6, Sulphur Springs add 463 Frank H. Parsons to Interstate In vestment Trust, limited, part of tax lot 8 In n ne M-15-13 8,tVfl Charlotte It, Guge and husband to Paul Eugene Barger, lot 1, Ludwlck Piece 100 Some to Laura May Cox, part of lot 101, Glee's add I t Harry 8. Jordon and Byron R. Haat Ings to Mary A. Cobry, lot 8, block 8. Drake s add 2.200 Edwsrd L. McShsne and wife to John A. MeShane lot 7, block 16, Omaha 1.001 John A. MeShane lo C. W. Hall. same. 2,00) William K. Potter, ree., to William B. Allen, lots I and I. block Q. Lowe's add 60 The) Only Double Track Railway between the Missouri River nd Chloa.o. AILY TRAINS OMAHA TO 8.15 pm THE OVERLAND LIMITED Magatfloaat aolld dallr traia as CM car. Oowitart. jaont and draelat-rooa alaoeing oara, library, bnget. ' oar War, bat Ii, telophase, 4lolaa aan aad oeaarratios ara. Rlaolrlo llgkled tkraaakaat. 8.00 am THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS fuliavft drmwinir-roon d ttMirlm ltxipiac evt. aad ttrt, tOid frMi ro.intai4T iwir cx. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pslinan 4 rawing roam and tonrtat alaaolns oara, frao raollnins ahalr asm, smget librar aad gaioklag Sara. Dialas oara. . 2 OTHER DAILT TRAINS 30 III frewlng-roem glassing oe.tmr7etenek 4x11 km Id and library care anil free naetililnf .W nna CDllr Mn) u chloago. lltalag oara. 11.30 am Tkronsli aarelea Omasa to Ohloaeo Kortll-WaaMrB ataedara day aoaohaa and free eaalr eare. Ulalas aan. 2 DAILY TRAINS st, pauSMpolis 7 35 AM bTaa?lM M' CW' arr a4' 8 111 BgJ'Pallman alasmns ears, hotel tlbrarr I II I 88 tu asd tne rseuaiag aaaU oan. BLACK HILLS ft-.) Ctty. intTTaV. RQM Lot RpringTw- rnVhaUsT eSjartll 1 I t 111 T rranonVLIiiltt. Whi, Horfolh, 719 AM Long IMn. T.rdlr VbttMd tb. Eatbna lad laa RMrtitiaii eantrf- CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 farnam Street. OOVBRNMBKT NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Dee Moines, Iowa, May 28, 19G4. Sealed proposals. In triplicate. Will be re ceived here until 11 a. m., standard time, Juns 20. 1904, for conatructlon, plumbing," heating, electric wiring, bowling alleys and gymnastic apparatus, gymnasium and post exchange building at Fort ties Moines, Iowa. Information furnished on applica tion. U. 8. reserves light to accept or re ject sny or all bids or parts thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be en dorsed, "Proposals for ," snd addressed Major K. B. Turner, W. M. -M28-30-S1JM7-18 OFFICE CON8TRUC7TINaQtT A RTERM AS ter, Sheridan, Wyo May 27, 1404 -Scaled priipoBals In triplicate will he received liete until 10 a. m. June 20, 1904, for constructing a brick gymnasium and post exchange building at Fort Maokenxle Wyo. Plans, specifications and other Information may be found at offices of the Depot Quarter masters at Denver, Omaha, Bt. Paul and Chicago, and at this office. U. 8. reserves the right to accept -or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelope containing proposal should be endorsed, "Proposals for Qymnuslum," addressed CAPT. THOB. BWOBE, Q. M. M27-28-20-31-J17.18 ' OFFICK CONSTRUCTING QtTARTKR master, Sheridan, Wyo., May 27, 1904. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re. celved here until 19 a. m. June 13, 1904. for furnishing and setting up Wall Lockers In One Double Barrack building at Fort MacKnnzte, Wyo. Plans, specification and other Information may be found at offices of th Depot (Juartermastera at Denver, Omaha, Chicago and St. Paul, and at this office. U. S. reserves ths right to aocept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Propoesls for Dock ers," addressed Capt. Thns. Bwobe, Q. M. M27--S0-31-Jel()-U CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFIciT OMAHA. Neb.. May 4. 1U04 Sel4 pro posals. In triplicate, subject to the ususl conditions, will be received here until 10 a. m.. central standard time, June 4, 1004, for constructing brick building at Fort Crook. Neb., for use as a swimming pool. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plana and specifications may be seen, or to tne quartermaster. Fort Crook, Neb, Proposals to be marked "Pro posals for Swimming Pool," and addressed to J. K. saw IKK, cmer quartermaster. M-7-27-2S-ev-31M IN THE YEAR Orcgcn Washington POINTS 4i20 p. m. 5