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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
- TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1904. if' 10NEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE NEWS OF INTEREST FROM - IOWA. T7- tl ti 1 . InnMM 11 1 ' W tl - 1 liwu, flu Nat l Bank JJlug. TeL lMi PRIVATE money. Sherwood, (3T N. T. Ufa 4 TO t P. C money. Bemis, Piston block. W A PRIVATE mootr. F. D Wead, UOO Poug a . w WANTtD, cltv.osn sn4 warrant. Vf i aruara Jtmiio Co.. UM Farnam at, . 1 W-att MONK If TO LOAN, Payna Investment Co. WANTED, real HUH loan and warrants. ii. -. raters Co., Bee bldg. w :' I par cant loans. Qarvln Bros.. J 804 Farnam. W J4 C1TT loans. U D. Holmes. 712 N. T. Ufa. LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTT. Atfy., 437 PaXton. T1 . - . . tea JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York X.lf Diag., roonu U4 ana 3i. lei. i&x. POSTdFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, aa cuansea may occur ai any lime. iormn mujl for ilu week endinn M 2s. mot, wnr clone (PRumpt Li X la all cases ai me uenerel i-osioMlc. aa fol low.; j-aroeis-post, malls close one houi earlier than, closing Uiue shown below a t'arceiB-poet mulls (or Gorman close at e p. m. May a ana w, . lu-tiular sou supplementary' malls cloae at coreign smiion icorner pi West and Mor lOl Hr, na tilir lamp lhBnn nain ' time shown below, (except that supple mentary niaJla (or Dumu and -iiir. America, via Colon, clone one hour later ai r-oreigo aiauon. ., Transatlantic. Malls. FRiriAT' l"71hl A, -ft n ... fin A7rkTtTfl IdLANDii, per a. a. Canoplo, (rom Boa- ion. v.- . t Saturday (2suo At a. m. for eu KUrto. per a.- s. -St.' Louis. vU P i mouth and Cherbourg (mall for Ireland muai oe uirectea per s. a. at. Louis ai.-e.ju a. m. isuppiemeaiary iu a. m. Xor EUROPE er a. s. Ktruria. vt Wueenetowni at kiSu. a. m. for BKLOILM Direct, per s. a. Upland (mall must b directea "per a. a. Inland"! : at f.iO a in. for ITALY direct, per a. a. Konlgln - auiHe (mail mutt be .directed "per s. s Kontatn LuUe"i: at 1:30 d. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per a. s. Columbia (mall must be dlnoeted "per s. . Columbia ) After the closing of the supplementary Transatlantic malls named above, ad ditional supplementary malls are opened on us vi'" o( tne American, eingusa, French and Oerman steamer, and remain open until within ten minutes of the nour ox sailing -of steamer, Stalls for Hoath sad .Ceatral America, West ladles,' Bts, FRIDAY (27tn) A t 7 a. Wi. for AROEN TINE, UHUOUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Hypatla; at 7:30 s. m. for NEW- lut'NDLANU per s. s. Silvia: st :30 -a, m (supplementary 10:30 a, m.) for IN AUUA, HAITI and SANTA MART A, per a. a. Adirondack (mall for other parts or Colombia, via Havanina. must be rected per a. A. Adirondack'.'); st 12 m (supplementary ' 12:80 p. m.) for BA HAMAS, per t.s.' Oriaaba "(malt for Ouantanamo and Santluao must be dl- SATURDAY 42th At-4 a. m. for AROEN TINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a, a. Aramstaii: ai a. m. (auupie mentarVi l:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, curacao and Venezuela rer a. a. Caracas (mail for Colombia muat be di rected " per a, a. Caracaa"); at :S0 at. m. auppiemeFtary w.m ai m.i ror itoktuhh ALAND. JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, ex cept Cauca and Magdalena Dep ts, and GREY TOWN per- s, s. Valencia (mall for Coata Rica, muat be directed Ter s. .Valencia , si lu .a. w. ror cuba, per at 10 a.' m.' for CUB a, Jlorro casus,, via itavana: at 12:30 ni: for ri'UA. ner a. s. minds' Vis M. atanxas (mail must D directed "par a. s, Ollnda-. alalia Fornardeel Overland. Kte- E. sap Trsaapaelflsv CUBA--Vla Port Tampa, Florida, closes at , this office daily, except Thursday, at 16.10 ' s. m, (iua connecting mans ciose pere n Mondays, 'Wednnduya and Batrdaya). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless BDeolall addreased for despatch by a team', eiose St I n is onice asuy, exoepi aunar, si iu p. m end lo: p.' as--Sundays' t 1.-00 p, m. and 10:80 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND lexcept ' r-l-Poat Mall) by rail to' Worth Byftney. 1 and thence by steamer, closes at this bftloa . dally at 4:30 o, to. (connecting malls Ciose her every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday!. Jamaica By rati to"Btn. and thence by steamer, sloses a tnlk pflice at t.M p. Tueeduy antt Frlduy. HlQUKLON By rail to Boston, and thence vy sieanier, vioses mv mis suits uauw ai XII n m feELlZE. RUERTfT CORTEZ and OUATE- SMALA-Uy -i-atl to New Orleans, and thenco by steamer, closes' at tbl oflloe "dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 110:94 p. m., Sundaya at tlaK) p. ro. and fi 110:110 p. m. (connecting mail closes tiers ? Mondays at il0:80 o. m.. COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and ''thence' by steamer, closes at this otDcs . dally, except Sundsy, at 11:10 p. m. and 'lio:so p. m., Sunday at tl:W p. m. and 10:S0 p. m. (connecting mall closes bsra Tuesdays, at 110 10 p. m.. IREOISTERBD MAIL closes St 4:00 p. m, previous da.y. . , rraaspaclflo Mails 'PorwarOed Over - lead ally. th schedule of closing Transpaclflo mall Is arranged on the presumption of their . uninterrupted overland tranalt to port I of Balling. The final connecting mails (ex- copt registered Trunapacino in ana which close 4 p. m. previous day) close at the . general poatofllce. New York, aa follows: TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via - San .Franclaoo, close at 4:30 p m. May ; 84th, for despatch per a. a. Mariposa. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Sun Fran cisco, ciose at 4:30 i. m. May 17th, for '' despatch per U. fi. Transport. IIAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA . and specially addreHHPd mull for the PHlLlPPlNa i ISLANDS, via Sun Francisco, otoae .at 4.90 p. nu May 27th, for dapatch per I s. a. tkirlo. IIAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close at 4:80 , p. m. raay rou, i or qeapaicn , per s, a ' Alameda. " - ' CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma. closes , at 4:30 p. m. Juno Id,, for -despatch per s. s. iiyson. - - t HAWAII. JAPAN. ClltNA and PHILIP. PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at e:au u, aa, yuns ,jur osspaicn par a s. Siberia. ' 1 CHINA am. JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, closs st 4;30 p. m. June 7th, for despatch per a a Empress of Japan. (Merchandise tor U. S. Poital Aaency at Shanghai, cannot b forwarded via Canada!. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except Ween, NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HA WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran. 4 Cisco, close at 4:30 p. in. June 11th, for despatch par a. a Ventura, (If ths Cunard steamer carrying British mull for New Zealand does not arrive In tlma to con nect with thla despatch, extra malls clos ing at 6:30 a. m., 1:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. m.; Sundays ut 4:30 a. m. 4 a. in. and 4:10 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until th arrival of ths Cunnrd steamer). FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except West), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close at 4:30 p. m.. June 11th, for despatch par s. a Moana. , , - . .. MANCHURIA and EASTERN SIBERIA at present forwarded via Russia, instead of via Japan, tlie usual route. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via esurope; and New Zealand and Philippines via 8iu Francisco the ' quickest' routes. Philip, plnea specially addi-eimed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must he fully prepaid al th foreign rates. Hawaii la tor warded via San Frsndsoo exclusively. . . CORNELIUS VAN COlT, . Postmaster. Post OfTies New York, N. T. May 10. no. . .. OCBAR ITBAllgillPt. cc:.:?AGr;sE cf herale TRANS ATLAHTIOUK ( " t.imm, nm-w ion ( i-arla Six IMkrsV aaiUaa Ktery Ikwelaf a4 10 sT saT La Lamm Jvu La ia,u..,.ja La Owiiubi. 14 Juli i U ! La (AMOtttAS ....Juijr 14 Mw, atsSars, aisaau lets-araw (.ibs4i s TouaaM miua, Xrnf 4 t. Urr k. MiMacas, 141 lr.m.i su. Lma Mmm. rtnt nti auia. c a. aouMviMd, uj sttcHoa UK u a stall, arsjuisHira UW tMI, UMDOMUKltar AND OLA1O0W. MSV TOaK. OIBKALTAg AND KATUta sswtar aonsii 41tM. aHasllal nlslsa f- el4 al a sr W0 an Blasts r4 tils ium Mim K. fara s4 aslua. lis aae ail lacll 4udiaa,l.a s4 iii,.iiU emsls ! sixmos rsbw. tul U l Tus. ru tlskMa M awnl lularauilM tw-J ts F bMl xaat ttm tM Urn MM sBssia 1 siiiaa. lie. COUNCIL ' -i Davis sella, druga IfferVs glasses fit. Stockert sells carpets. . The Faust cigar, 6 cent. Peterson sharpens mowers. '420 w. B. W. Full line fishing tackle. Morgan, Dickey. Tel. 1M. caae Stora Blue Ribbon been, Pictures for wedding gifts. Alexander's, fSS Broadway. W. - B. Huston is home from MudJavia, Ind., much Improved in health. For wall papering, painting, picture fram ing, Bee Berwick, 211 Main-at. 'Phone A -MO. Mrs. W. F. Sapp Is home from a month'a vlnit with frlenus at different Colorado points. Cement block. Newest thing In building material, see them at iiarer a lumoor yard. 'i'hona 202. James W. Scott snd Helen Grayaon, both 01 umana, were married in inia ciiy yes terday afternoon by Justice Oursn. . . There will be a meeting this evening of tne directors 01 ins council muns sisn and Oame Protective association at the city hall. Jap.A-Lao floor finish. Morgan at Dickey, The funeral of Mra William Garner will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the family home In oamer township ana interment win do in tne oarner town ship cemetery, W. M. Marchbanks Of Rock ford town ship brought Into ths county auditor yea terday one old wolf and two cubs, for which he received the bounty of It. Charles D. Kastner of Hasel Dell township brought in one old wolf and secured the bounty of V. ' The junior and senior classes yesterday decided to jointly purchase a sliding cur tain for the auditorium. The senior clasa decided to charge 'A cents admission to the class play and give the proceeds toward purchasing a curtain. Ths curtain will cost about llbO. The city council ha sanctioned the re ducing of the width of Vine street from thirty-eight to thirty feet on condition that th abutting property owners bear th ex pense of moving the curbing. The street has been ordered paved and reducing th wiuin win materially aecreaaa the expense 10 uis property owners. - - Chii Dreohtneler of Underwood, charged with, being dipsomaniac and a fit subject for the state hospital at Mount Pleasant, waa brought to the city last evening and placed In tha county Jail, awaltlna- dlsuo. sitlon of his case by Judge Wheeler. , The Information against Drecnmeler was filed oy city Manual cook 01 -Cnaerwooa. "Articles of Incorporation of the Ander. sen-Clwiatenaen company of Council Bluff a were Hied yesterday. The Incorporator are ueora-e l. umitn. Axel Anaersen.- c Chrialensen and J. P.. Chrtstensen... The capital stock la placed at IJO.OuO and th company will assume the business of snd continue to publish the local Danish paper, tne uansK .juaieKioenaa. The funeral of Mrs. - Markaret Harcourt waa held 'yesterday arternoon irom th residence, 711 Cook avenue. Rev. W. N, Graves, pastor of the Fifth AVenue church, assisted iy Rvn. Rlpleyand Stratton, con ducted the aervlc. Intermenwas In Wal nut Hill ce"mfttery. ' Ths palllTsarers were: Rev. James Slms.'Kev. A. uverton, w. w. Cones. F. M. Owena. B. L. Ogden and W. M. Plunket. Edwin- t. Fuller of 3&3 Harrison street was summoned yesterday' to appear In police court this morning and answer to a charge of dumping a wagon load of old tin can and other, refuse In the gutter on the newly paved Harrison street. Ful ler Is ald to have dumped ths refuse dur ing the heavy rain Wednesday, so that it was carried down by the flow to ths oatch basins oVer the sewers, which, consequently became clogged., 1 Abner Wool man. father of Deputy Sheriff Clarence Woolman, died yesterday morning at St. Bernard a hospital of locomotor ataxia, aged -M years. -. Besldea bis wife, (oun sons, Asa of Seattle, Wash.: Edgar of. Dallas : Center,- la., John, who is In Alaska, and C larence of thla city, and two daughters,"Mra.. Kdwln Gallup of Garner townshlD and Ma ; arte who lived at borne. survlveliim. -Uio resided at 1310 Avenue H. . The funeral will be held Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock from the residence of his son, 1304 Avenue a. Jvir. wooiman nau been a resident of Council Bluff for twen ty-Mlx yearaHe was bora In Henry county, 1UWB, ' N. T. Plumbing; Co. Tel. SO. night, F-467. ' Ileal ' KBtavte Transfers. These- transfers- were reported .to The Baa May 24 by the abstract, title and loan office of Squire & AnnU, 101 Pearl Street: v.ra T ririall in R. P (tbenhard. lot " y . . . .. , I . . nr. 8, block 1, pierces aunaivision; w a.. um late W. Shaw to J.. M. Borton ana B. F. Cook, lot 14, block L Morn Innlde addition: s w d SO Mary E. Harkneas to J. M. Dortoa and B. IT. COOK, 101 10, utoca 1, luorn-. InKside addition; w d.. 50 Interstate Realty company, - Council Bluffs, to . A. .warren, ""." block 4. Evans' 2d Bridge addi. i. a 100 Florence F. Everest and husband to J. w. wesion, 101 1, uiocs. 00, rail road addition; w. d... ............. ...... Margaret L. McOee ana n us nana 10 William JU nap Lvina w inn us, iiari nwii aeU sec. 28-76-M; W d. .........' 120 Joseph P. Hartwell to H. O. McUee. lotri and 2, block 15, Stutsman's 2d addition: w a Sheriff of, Pottawattamie county, la., o .Iowa Central Building and Loan . . . . . . , ft a mil,.,1 100 asociauon, 101 i, uivi v, 0.1 aitlAn: a d 7ti C. D. Dlllln and wife to Julius Adolnh Anaeraon, ioib o ni o. u.v im Burns' addition; w d i-'v.v 200 Yf. P. Websrer to aeorge B. vvrigni. lots z 3, 4. -I a. " anu 10, uiw . . lots' 1 to -30, including block 27; lota 1 to 15, Inclusive, and 1 to 80 Includ ing block 28 all In Bayllfw' 8d addi tion; part lot 7, block 16, Riddle's sub division; s w A 100 Ten transfers, total $2,092. l " TBI OHtiW ABOLrTari.T HODIBI BCSIXEfg AID IOHMAL COL. LkyU II Till WKf. Students may enter any tlma Exoellent Dtacea to work for board. Tuition very reasonabla ' Wiite for aampi 00 py of our ollea Journal, writ or cau lor inionasj. tlou. B. P. MILLKIt, Proa. Maaonla Tsau4a. ... . 'Pbono Bali LRWIS CUTLEJ&! liOWrTOl! -1 ffff m H MI01aUKI IsWX. tf Ji U ALL JUNE WED- fl H . DINGS wUI have III a ma in common x ti H I 1 1 Lyoiuinger i u Glassware B bithcr pMca or sat H I n iusE?' 1 1 BLUFFS. TROUBLE COMES IN FLOCKS Orticgat Oity lfn Arrettsd fof 64oiai; t Wtgoa Loid of Fiiu. GIVE BONDS FOR APPEARANCE SATURDAY Later Ther Are Arreste 01 tks Charge of Craelty to Aalmals, Tkelr , Tea as Belasj s ', Starrlag Coadltlea. . Ed Cavanaugh and Frank Foots, living near Crescent City, came to town yester day with a load of fish which they admitted they had seined in the Boyer rlvef. Deputy Fish and Oame Warden B. C. Brown spotted them when they bad been In town but few minutes and not only confiscated th fish, but arreited the two men and took them before Justice Ouren, where they subsequently gave bond In th sum of $100 for tbeir appearance Saturday morning. - Cavanaugh and Foots were driving team of the sorriest looking horse ever seen on the streets of Council Bluffs and this got them Into further trouble. The attention of the city authorities was called to the' starved looking animal and Mayor Macrae ordered the team taken to a barn and fed, and warrants Issued for the ar rest of Cavanaugh and Foote on a charge of cruelty to animals. On this charge they gave bonds in the 'sum of 135 each for their appearance In police court this morn ing. One of the horses was If anything a worse looking specimen than the other. When taken to the barn the wretched animal fell In Its stall with Its head In the manger and would have choked to death if the barn men had not lifted It to Its feet again. Cavanaugh claimed that the team did not belong to 'him, but to a man named Kissel, Tearing! Va Old Walks. " If Mayor Macrae's Instructions are car ried out residents of the western part of the rlty will - be obliged to do without sidewalks until the contractors succeed In laying the new brick walks. The old plank sidewalks have been In a deplorable con dltlon for a long ttoie and In many places are practically unsafe for travel. As ths olty knows to Its cost, these defective side walks have been the result' of numerous personal Injury damage suits. In several of which the city haa been mulcted. Mayor Macra advocates the tearing up of all of the old plank sidewalks which are In' a bad .condition and In fact has in structed the contractors to tske up the old boards on every street on which they have contracts to lay brick walks, then place their -cinder filling aa quick as pos sible and eventually follow up with the bricks aa soon as possible. According to the mayor's view of the ltuatlon - it Will be safer for the public to walk on the ground awhile until the new brick walka are laid than to continue to travel over the old plank walks. In accordance with.. the mayor's . suggestion Contractors Harden and Besley have taken up long stretches of-' th old plank, walks, but this 'plan proved' anything but a com fortable one for the residents of the west ern part of the city during the heavy rain Wednesday. In many places the planks have been taken up before the arrival of the cinders, with the result that pedestrians have to walk In the mud. Baakers Convention. . - - Group No, 4 of thelowa Stat Bankers' as-' aoclatlon will meet : In this city Tuesday next Tb sessions will be held In the ball room of the Grand hotel and the meet ing will be called, to order at If a. m. by the chairman, W. W. McRory, cashier of the Citlsena' Stat bank of Oakland. What promises to bo , an interesting feature of the meeting will be an address by United States Senator 3. H. - Millard, president of the Omaha National bank Congressman Walter I. Smith of this olty and Arthur Reynolds, president of the Des - Moines National bank, ars also on the program for addresser L. F. Potter Of Harlan, president of the Iowa State Bankers' association. Is expected to b In attendance and address the meeting. Group no. 4 of the Bute Bankers elation comprises tha banks in southwest rn Iowa and theae are the officers: Chair man, W. W. McRory, cashier of the Citl sena' State bank of Oakland; secretary, W. H. Johnson, cashlsr State Savings bank of Logan; executive oommlttee, Erneat E. nart, president First National bank Of Council Bluffs; C. K. Prioe, cashier Cora. merclal National bank of Council Bluffs; Dr. J. 8. Patterson, cashier of the Dunlap State bank; D. U Helnshelmer, president of the Mills County National bank of Glenwood, and L. F. Potter, president of the First National bank of Harlan. Plumbing and heating, sixby aV Son. ' '.Matters la District Coart. ' " The trial of the suit in which the daugh ters of the late Mrs. Christian Ryan seek to have her wilt set aside was begun be fore a Jury In the district court yeaterday. and la expected to last two or three days. Mrs. Christina Bmlth, Mra Emma Smith and Mra. Josephine Wood worth are the plaintiffs, and Lewis Ryan, huaband.of Mrs. Chriatian Ryan, Is defendant In ths action. The plaintiffs are daughters of Mra Ryan by her first husband, and they allege that at the time their mother made her will. maxing lswis Ryan her sole legatee, she was mentally Incompetent of executing such an Instrument. - Fifty acres In Garner township are Involved in tb dispute. Lewis Ryan, th defendant, was at the time of his marriage to Mra Ryan, thirty years her - junior and had worked on- the farm during th life of her first husband as a hired man. - The suit oi trial la the fourth begun by tb daughters. Richard Deveney, charged with breaklna Into and robbing a Union PaclCo freight car. was found guilty, the jury being out but a few hours. Judge Wheeler dismissed the petit jury. with the exception of twelve men Impaneled In the Ryan will ease. Bafer sell junmber. Catch th Idea? , , Eleetloa la Coaaaan- L. Colonel James Rush Lincoln of Ames. commanding the Fifty-fifth regiment, Iowa National Guard, has ordered an eleo Uon to be held Tuesday. May IL by Com pany L of thla city t 11U the vacancy caused, by th, resignation of Captain Pan L Van Order. The election will ,"b held from 4 p. m. to p. m. First IJeutanAnt Thomas JL Rutherford will, it is said, undoubtedly be the ehoioe of th company to succeed Captain Van Order and his election proeolaea to b by acclamation. Second Lieutenant R n Rutherford win step up a notch hlrhar and sucoeed bis brother aa first lieutenant while nrst Sergeant. 8. A. Greco Is said to be slated for second ltn,.r,. , First Usuienant T. R. Rutherford, cora m rifling Catmpanjr I has aiiaeunoed. th following promotions among the nonoofav missioned officers: To bar sergeant. Cor porals Wood run and Richmond; to b cor norals. Privates Walters,. Baldwin and Batcbelor. All members of the company have been ordered to report at the armory this even ing for special drill' preparatory to par ticipation In the Decoration day parade. Hasbaad Cosars tor Faraltoro. Charles Moran, husband of Mrs. May Moran, the woman who died Sunday from a self-inflicted pistol wound, arrived In the city yesterday from Manning, la. Ha came here for the purpose of taking charge of the furniture and other effects of his wife, but until ordered to do bo by th court, , Coroner Treynor declined to turn them over to him. Mr. Moran' effects, which were packed by her ready to be shipped to her former home In South English, la., are under lock and key In the apartments which ah occupied on West Broadway. General Dodge Conaes Today. Major General Grenvllte M. Dodge I ex pected to arrive In Council Bluffs today from New York for a wo weeks' visit at his old home here. His visit 'here at this time Is especially to attend the unveiling exerclsea of the Union Veteran , legion monument on Memorial day and to par tlclpate In the -Nebraska semi-centennial celebration In Omaha on- June 10.' Marriage Licenses. License to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: , . , Name and Residence. Age, William A. Youll. Missouri Valley. Ia. ...40 Elsie A. Buckman, Cedar Rapids, Ia 34 Jamea W. Scott. Omaha ...11 Helen Grayson, Omaha 18 Olla Goes to Colorado. AMES, Ia., May 26. (Special.) Prof. W. H. Olln of the Agronomy department of the Iowa Btafe college has been elected and accepted n position with the Agricul tural college at Fort Collins, Colo. Prof. pllh has been at the Ames college for the past two years, and has made and helped to carry on some very valuable experi ments, which have benefited the farmers of the state to no Small extent. He will take charge of his new field of work July L which will be along agricultural lines, similar to the 'work being done by the Agronomy department at Ames. Father Enjoins Soa. CEDAR RAPID3, Ia., May 26. (Special Telegram.) George E. Palmer, a carpen ter, filed an unusual petition In district court here yesterday.,. He asked an In Junction restraining his - 20-year-old Bon from coming around his home. The boy Is larger and stronger; , than hla parents and refuses to work and mistreats and abuses them and does all he pleases around the house and they are unable to control htm, and the fathr asks the court to re strain him from sleeping, eating or Maying around the house. Bloox City Maa KUla tllmaelt. SIOUX CITY. Ia,. May 28.-(SpecIaI Tele gramsDonald .Campbell, a veteran Sioux City business man and hi present buyer for the Pellltlcr Dry Good edmpany, committed suicide tonight, for unknown reasons. While Bitting in the Office of .Richard Webber, a friend, he saw a revolva;ln a pigeon hole. Without saying a word, 'he grabbed up the gun, placed the munle 'to hla temple and fired. Hla death .occurred one-half hour later at the hospital. He-teaves a wife and one child, f,n . ArraJsmed on Cfcarsre of Aaaaalt. ATLANTIC, ;Ia., May y z&V-fltSpeoIal.) Julius Westpbalen, a young farmer living a few miles north of thli city, , was ar raigned In , Justice Presahall's court this forenoon on the charge of assault pre- I ferred by Miss Augusta Stahl, a good looking German girl, aged 16, a domestic In the Weatphalen home. The young; man Is a-prominent farmer, unmarried, about 21 years of age, and has borns a . good name hitherto. - ... Memorial Day at Creatoa. CRE8TON, Ia., May t. (Special.) Judge J. H. Macomber of thla city, formerly of Omaha, will deliver the ' Memorial day address her next Monday. W, J. Bryan has consented : to be present provided he can return from Texas In time.- The vol unteer firemen have decided to take rt In the parade and the day will be made memorable. tart oa Electrlo Line. s IOWA CITT. I a., May l4.-HSpeclal.V-Yes terday the first rails were laid by the Cedar Rapids dt Iowa City Electrlo Rail road company. This oompan is the first to lay rails for an electrlo Una within the city limits, ' , ... , FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair- and Varner for Nebraska, aad : Iowa Today aad Tew morrow. WASHINGTON, May 2 Forecaat for Friday! and Saturday; , For Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and South Dakota Fair and wrmer Friday; Saturday fair. For Montana Fair Friday and Satujrday. For Wyoming Fair Friday, preceded by rain In southeast portion; Saturday fair and warmer. For Colorado Fair In west, , rain In east portion Friday; Saturday warmer In east portion. , ' For Illinois Fair Friday and Saturday; warmer Saturday; light to fresh northwest winds, becoming variable. For Mlsaouri-rFalr and warmer Friday; Saturday fair. Leeal Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA,. May 24. Official record of tem- erature and nr.clnltatlon comnamii with no corresponaing aay or ine pi ast three . ma. nan. years: lint. mux. Ma xlmum temperature.... 66 70 fid 711 Minimum temperature.... 44 &S 66 44 Mean temperature 64 64 40 M Precipitation - .00 .3 T .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day slrtoe March 1. lt4: Normal temperature 4$ Denolenoy for the day I Total deflalency since March 1 74 f formal precipitation .15 Inch Mllciency for the day IS Inch Precipitation since March 1 8. DO Inches ExceH sines March 1 .44 Inch Exceu for cor. Mrind. 1$03 1 11 lnnl. Deficiency for cor. period, lduS.,., i. U Inches Keporta (rosa Stations al T P. M, ' CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. Omaha, clear... 431 V( 6o ai id Sni 44 4A 40 4 to r.' 82 4 a W 44 i .71 44 4 44 44 44 6 as - ax 4 44 H valentine, clear.... North Platte, part cloudy , Cheyenne, raining , turn lhb. city, tiouay Ha old City, clear Huron, clear , VVIlliston. dear , Chicago, cloudy , , ut. ixiula. cloudy HL Paul, clear... Davenport, clear... i... Kansas tlty, clear....- Havre, clear .1...... Helena,- otoar .1. ..... Klamarck. clear , Oalvwiton, part cloudy.. , . Av-A, Wjri.ftU, 1,414 lVltl.4AUlt-. 1 TROUBLES FOR N DEMOCRACY I Strff for Control of Conmltt4 V lot Into tig Court. HEARST CHAIRMAN CHANGES HIS MIND ladlratloa Kavr Are tbat Two Mea WUI Contest for the Honor of Calllaa- Ooaventloa to Order, , DBS MOtNES, May 26.-(Bpeclal.)-Thert Is Imminent' danger of, the 'row between democratic factions getting into th courts. The sntl-Hearst people threaten to enjoin Chairman Maxwell from making further pretense of acting- as chairman of the state committee, and 4sr)eclal1y If he attempt to issue a second- call for the nominating atate convention,- as he has eald he would do. Chairman Jackson, who haa been chairman tha paat three years, presided at the committee meeting here and haa iseued the official call for th convention. The agreement was made that the reorganis ing of the committee ahould not be made until after the national convention, but Maxwell of the Wghtb district, whose se lection as chairman had been made by resolution of the state convention, after ward changed hi mind and appointed com mittees to look after the state convention and to arrange details. He has since said he would not recognise the call for the convention issued by Jackson', but would Issue another. To all appearances there I will be a conflict when the stata-- conven tion meets, snd when It Is called to order there will be two persons claiming the plat form and the right .to start the convention off. The antt-Hearst democrats believe that they got the best of It, In the commit tee meeting and that the Hearst crowd missed It by not coming in force to that meeting. The next state convention may be asked to rescind the resolution which was passed at the last one making Max well chairman and thla will bring on a sharp conteat. .Names Factory laspeetor. Edward . D. Brlgham, State labor com missioner, has named Frank Bradley of this city to be state factory inspector. He Is an old soldier. In the malting- of this appointment for the first time the' soldier preference law was considered seriously. There were many applicants for the placs. and the veterans demanded that one of their number be selected. Which waa done. Governor Cummins will tomorrow take I up the caae. of application for a requisi tion for Dii Dlsbrow of Crelghton, Neb., who was arrested at Sioux City and Is wanted in Washington for alleged obtain ing money by false pretenses'.' The trouble grew out of the sale of a liquor cure estab lishment. He la here and prepared to fight requisition. Nebraska Indian Peaaloaer. Added to the list of Indian pensioners on the books In the Des Moines pension office Is that of a Nebraska aborigine, who signs- if Sr-ha-ha-ba-we-kaw Lamb. He Is that, county 1b tiow on hi way after him. said to be able to pronounce It. Final pa- Goldberg, who Is also known as Ed King, pers In his caae were made out yesterday alias Ed Quthft, escaped 'from the Kala by Agent R. P. Clarkson. Mr. Lamb is a masoo sheriff on November . 1908, by jump resident of Nebraska and was a soldier In Ing .from the closet window of a car on the the civil war, where he distinguished him- Michigan "Central while" the train was going self not only by carrying arms, but his serial name asV well. Mr. Clarkson sfsteaJ that, the name when pronounced In Its en- tirety has by no means an unmusical sound, but that it would necessitate years of practice to arrive at any sort of pro- ftclency In handling It. , Oa Trial for . Procuring. A case which has awakened much In- toA M.I lnAItAtf..n In hl M4 of the state was concluded today, that of John Dlckerhoff, accused of enticing a ' young girl from the sotthern part of the stats to come to Des Moines and enter a house of ill fame. Miss Anna Tollman, the young woman In question, told her story on the stand today and the case went to tha hands of th Jury lata thla afternoon, .. . Child Baraod by Acid. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., May 26, (Special Telegram.)- The infant child of Mr. and Mra 80I Rossen waa seriously burned with nltrlo acid yeaterday. The acid was used to teat Jewelry, and the little one got it while behind the counter. It was badly burned about the arms and body, but .may MAKER Bl'EB TO GET BACK VOTES Alleges Be. Never Received Valae for Thoaa. , . w . xt-k u.,aM.i,n ..v, I by counsel ror Jonn lu. uenaon, the call ALMA, Neb., May M. (Special.) A rather e.tate dealer. whwaji Indicted sensational .action was brought today by Lewie L. Swindell of Harlan county against Dr. L. W. Rork and Fred W. Byrd of Ox ford, to obtain possession : of two notes, each for 1200.06, dated about April 1, 1804. and made payable, to one 3. W, Howard, now deceased, and signed by Ia Ia Swin dell. Mr. Swindell claims that 3, W. Howard, during his lifetime; and on the date he executed the notes in -dispute, claimed he waa an agent for. the Indiana Stat. Life Inaurance company, and that he gave the notea to Howard upon certain representa tions made by Howard in regard to a policy In aald company, and for the payment of III 4X4U CVUIl'tUIf 4UIU IWI Jmjf UIVII, wai'' a a . k .t.A 1 nn MniiA.s A Aii.aai I tiM lmAwn And tiftri. It ia ru nrinr That the company never delivered the ordinary blood medicines. In the first place S. S. S. it a guaranteed, -policy of insurance' and that ,tbe atate purely vegetable compound, made exclusively of medicinal roots agent, George 3. Cran of Omaha, claimed .eiectei for their wonderful ourifvinff and tonic propertie that act' that Howard waa not th agent or tne company at th Ume the note and appllca- tlon were given. Upon the death 'of Howard, Swindell's notes cams 'Into the bands of ths defend ants. Rork claimed he did not have the notes, but that bis friend did, and that he would not tell who that friend was, but subsequently admitted It was Byrd. As there are a large number of other notes obtained by Howard under similar circum stances from persons In this vicinity, this suit Is ths beginning of a number of other. Platto Coaaty Democrats. COLUMBUS, Neb.,- May 14. (Special I Telegram.) The democratic county con-1 venUon waa held in thla city at the court house tbla afternoon. P. K. Mo- lliw iirnwii. . ju. K 11 lip of Humpbrsy acted as chair- I man. Resolutions were adcfitad ra- affirming th principle cf th 'HAn- aas City platxorm. one paragraph the resolutions reads aa follows: "We be lieve the true value of a horse, a farm or a railroad la ths money it wUI bring In ths open market and wo demand that the railroads of this state shall bs listed for tsxaUon at a sum not less than th mar ket value of their stocks and bonds." Ia r. Latham waa named for county attor ney and John W. Bonder for representa tive. - Delegates were named for tb eon- greoslonal convention at Fremont and were Instructed for P. E. McKMlilp. Delegate to th state convention -were Instructed to vote for William J. Bryan, William H. Thompson and Q. W. Phillip for dele gates to the naUonal convention. Waatod la Mlcklcaa. FREMONT. Neb., May, Mv(8peclal.r- Jake Ooldberg, who la at-rvlig a thirty-day teres In th scanty )aJl hare for disorderly conduct, Is wanted; la Kala masoo, Mica., ENSIBLE and good looks and press up like new." ' . . - v ; l": ,:: A hundred new patterns in the - famous Ballybo Homespunswood browns and heather mixtures. : , ; Ask for Kirschbaum Summer, .. Clothes (Warranted). Good stores everywhere, $ 1 0 to $2Qy r - ' ' Insist on geeing the Kirschbaum, Jabel . ' inside breast pocket of coat. , '' ' K' ' ' ' - '' - For Bale In Ofnaha by Berg - S a n son G b , for burglary. . Deputy Sheriff Shlpmari of at the rate of slxtv miles an hour. Tester. day ha tried tt escape from, th iail here' by attempting to crawl through the slide I in the cell door used for passing food to the prisoners, but stuck, and It required the united, efforts of -several men to get him back. '.When discovered he was hanrin I with his head and one arm outside and struggling-, tailing fcfr-hotp. I -- "" Port Crook School Closes. FORT CROOK, Neb.,. May 86. (Special Telegram.) The , dosing exercises of the Fort Crook public schools were held to night at the post hall. Addresses were I made 'by ( Colonel O'Cohnell and Chaplain "liver of the Thirtieth' infantry, and the music was furnished , by the post band. Tne class mat tins Juat finished tha courso numbera seven, and each bad a part In the, lirogrsin.' '' - Don't Lose a Meat -Through dyspepsia and indigestion. Take Electrlo Bitters. They cure stomach troubles K P7- Only SDq. For sale by Kuhn & Co. . The Be Want Ads are the Best Business Boosters.' Rofaaes Habeas Corpus. NEW YORK, May 14. Judge Lacombe' In the United States circuit court today dismissed-the writ of habeas corpus secured for bribery and fraud in connection with the alleged land frauds. Benson was held THE BLOOD PURIFIERS No lemedy ever Vet discovered oooular favor as S. S. S. The people it. and thero are few homes where . . - . - ' UP"" lm t urB'"8 ' 1 natural conauiont ai, ms game time, uuu m mini, cuwu uw cucim system improves, the slugfish Organs are tonea up, anu renoweu etrengin and vigor and better health is the result. No bad ufter-etTects follow tha , use of S. S. S.; as so often happens with blood medicines containing strong minerals, which derange the stomach' and digestion and in other ways damage the system. For diseases of the blood, such as, Ch'onic Sores, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Boils and Pimples, Kuzema, Tetter, ,' Blood Poisons, and bf her trott- AlWats kesps b. s. b. on hand. blcs due to in pure or bad Vontloollo, Ark,, May 81, 1903. COncUion of the tilood, TiO 'oontlemon:-For about twelve rears I have ror ;dy acts SO prompClr and been aalng your B. B. B. as a household 1 have taken It as a tonlo and appetir, and b.- caches peep-seated ioriir. Here there la Bono better. 3 have need it for my ,nni. rflfl, ' -JXjX hildilTartous time forittUskla eruptions, Wnaintt rases, Upon -TVCQ ,miiM,iiiTwnw..i..,i.. - . - .. - bolis aad poisons eausea oy pivying witn B. B. S. 1 my rtandard, savor ulna wnat tnattsr. Ill ns a ootti 01 a. . D. it 3ibs syaiom, oioaas.n im bww aw mm again. JU aa au-ronnd family medicine St. a. B. th best remedy of th kind ever used, aad generally keep ft oa hand as Uy remedy. MRS. V. O. WHITTIWOTOK. blood the fixed.' Doison nd and purifies weak, thin blood and stimulates the circulation. . Pure, blood is essentia) to health., You can exist without good blood, hut c an never be robust and strong; for every organ, tissue and nerve in the body look to the blood for nourishment, and unless this vital fluid 'ia kept In a pure, healthy atate, the rest of the body suffers and the system toon breaks down. Nature has provided in S. S. 8. a remedy for diseases rf'tbe blood which long experience and a thorough test have proven superior o all others, and the acknowledged King of Blood Puriliert,", OUR MEDICAL DEPARTMENT maintained for the benefit of those mation in regard to-their, case. . blood is out 01 order, write us, and charge, W SWIFT SPCCtFlO CO.ATLJLTJTAs CA - Xg-- . --irf it Summer attire- a Kirschbaum light-weight ... suit . will retain ' its . shape "by Commissioner Shields for 1 tradition to Won shinrton (.nd the writ, was secured to - pre vent his removal to that, olty- for. trial lie will now have to go. The Signal ot rDlatross. - Whites of eyes and skip yellow sliow liver trouble and jaundice. Dr. King's. New'Ufa Pills -curs psy. Only Kc. For sals' by Kahn & Co. H :: ' v-t't T Tlie Bee Want Ads are the test Burlnesa ' Boosters...'. ., -. , .. c'i. .' RUSH TO SEE MISS ROOSEVELT Five Thoaeanel people,- Mostly Woman, Crowd aad Jostle Oae Aaotke at tho station.' ' ST, LOUIS, May J8.-A crowd of MOO persona, more-than three.faurtha of. whom were women, Jostled each other for a ' glimpse of Miss Alice Rootevelt, eldest daughter of the, president ef - the United , States, when sherrlved for a veek'a visit. Four hundred women broke through the gates to the Midway when the train ar rived bringing Miss Roosevelt, Mis Alio Warder of Washington, and several maids, The woman arewded about Miss Roosevelt at the train steps, delaying her advance In spite' of the protection furnished by two policemen, who led ' the party. ' Miss Irsn . Catlln, whoa, guest Jlas Jdooaevelt Is, and her brother, T. E. Catlln, had great diffi culty In keeping linar the party. - , 80 great -was the ruh at th 'carriage that the president's daughter' was almost forced against the wheels before she sould enter. The enthusiasm -attending) the re ception was entirely unexpected by th po-. lice or Union station officials. Only a few officers were on hand to control ths throng. ' has met with tvich everywhere Indorae S. S. S. for the blood it A al in manv WaV8 tO I lie , - . nA V,;; iw a'V,.1m,.' " V . i ' - - 1 ' remedy, IhcuOJglily 84 '8. S. S. It r r , , , - . , wooas. mc u-umai jr yuaou is tns sapart la rriVOuna8 nave QO up u effcct, Even where there IS 1 V neloonsldsr an hlvrsditnry . predisposition f at I have to tsease, 8. 8, will search' ro wvu a fern- cut and nmove from -' t be buf Id c p ,bn health t it enriches is an important part of our bo sine, who need advice or some special Infor If you have any reason to, think; ypoi our physicians will advise you wilLout v