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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. MAY 27, 1904. 8 SPRINGS CET THE LAST ONE Dopey Ball hj Hunt T am kfaVe lh' Los an F17 One- ONE INNING CF -'.CADLISS PLAYING Pfeister Pltckes Well, bnt Hae a Bit f Bed Fleldlnn- Ucklnd Him, While SlcSeeley U Invincible. Omaha, lout the last r.rnw of the home erlea to Colorado Spring yesterday by 4 to L Pfeister. was In the box for the home teem and pitched a very good game and received tome very dopey aupport. Three f Colorado Springe' rune were directly due to the dumb fielding of the home team. In the sixth Mining, after Thornton got bsse on bulla, Radcllffe hit to PfetMer, who held the ball for a moment end then threw to first. It just so happened that Thomas wns not at hla station and by the time ell hand got through parsing the ball aimlessly around the diamond both runners had cored. In the next Inning Carter muffed a fly and the runner reached third. On the second out Oondlng tossed the ball down carelessly, thinking the side was retired, and the man on third scored. These runs were pure gifts. Colorado Springs eame.1 the first run and Omaha got hers by A base on balls to How ard and singles by Dolnn and Miller. Car ter's return Of a fly from right field, cut ting off a runner at the plate. was the fea ture of the game. McNeeleys pitching was gtlt-edged and his support was high-class, too. Last night the Omaha team left for St. Joseph for a series) with the Saints, and on Monday will play two games o(i the home grounds with the rejuvenated flloux City team. Attendance yesterday, 1, 2a. Score: .. - ' . COLORADO fiPRINfia. AB, R. H. O. A. E. 0 1 8 2 0 1 2 1 0.0 o . o ; i o o 10 9 1 0 2.1.0 10 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 5 0 0 n o 0 o 0 1 0 2.0 4,7 27 ' "5 0 R.- H. O. A. B. 0 0 11 1 11 I 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 1 12 0 0 0 8 0 2 0 2 0 8 1 01 18 0 - 1 0 0 0 8 0 7 ft 27 7 7 0 1 0 2 1 0 0--4 0 10 0 0 0 0-1 Kill. Vo.l , Graham. If , CongsJton-'Tf... Thornton, lb.... Radollffe, ss.... Kahl. ab..:. Blake, cf...i Baerwald, c.... ...6. . ...i McNeeley, p..i,..u,....8 Totals .84 AB. Carter, rf...... Howard, 2b. i.. Miller, If 4 "Welch, ct..4 ....4 IVilan. ss ...4 Thomas, lb .......4 Bhlpke, lb...,.,. ,..4, Oondlng, c...... ...I Pfeister, p I Totals Karned run: Colorado Springs. Two-base hits: Blake (2). Graham. . First base on balls: Off Mefieely, 2; off Pfeister. 6. Struck out: By McNeety, 7; by Pfeister, 9. Left on bases: Colorado Springs, 8; Omaha, 7. First base on errors: . Colorado Springe, L Time; 1:46. Umpire: Keefe. Festoon mt Loops fee Dee Moines. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 28. St. Joseph shut Deo Moines out this afternoon by a score of 8 to 0. The locals played an errorless game, McBrtde on the Infield ac cepting Ave difficult chances. Maupln, for the locals, allowed the visitors but five scattering .hits. -. Morrison was rapped nearly at will. Attendance, 600. Score: R H E St. Joseph ....0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 6 11 i , Dee Moines.... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 5 4 Baiterlas; Manpln and Garvin; Morrison and Towns. , CptavlaJ Help TVwn Club Los. SIOUX CITY. la., May 28. Captain An drews of the Sioux iCjty team largely con tributed to Its defeat today with twe er rors. Hcarel-. i.,-. R. H. K. Denver 0 0 1 0 0 f 0 0 6-e 10 8 Sioux City ....0 0000. 0 200-2 63 . Batteries: Koetai and Hess, Kenna and' Lucia. v , i Standlna; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Denver 27 19 8 ..704 Colorado Springs ...... 28 15 8 ' .662 St Joseph , '..? ' 14 'IS .618 Oroaba ....28 Des Hc4nea. 80 18 12 7 16 .464 18 .4110 18 .280 Joseph, Sioux City... ... Games today? Omaha at Sioux City at Des Moines. St, Colleg-e) Base Ball Games. At Giinnell, la. Grlnnell, 10; Simpson, 8. At Notre Dame Notre Dame, 11: Purdue, 1 At Champaign, 111, Illinois, 2; Chicago, 1. GAMES Iff THE AMERICAN LEAGCK nwaassaMsaai PhJlavdelpliln's Star Pitcher Shines with Vnasnatl Luster. PHILADELPHIA. May 26. Waddell was the bright particular star of today's game. He held Detroit down to four hits, struck out twelve men and shut out the visitors without a run. Carr, because he could nbt hit retired. Wood going to first. Later Buelow'a hand was Injured by a foul tip and Wood went behind the bat, Stovall taking tua place at nrat. Attendance, 3,121. Score: PHILADELPHIA. - E.H.O.A.E DETROIT. R.H.O.A . Martial. If... 3 I 1 0 ft! Barrett, of... 0 I 4 Mckartna. el. 1 4 I I 1 Mrlntrra, If., ft I I Roblnanii, lb. 0 1 4 ft 4 4 0 0 ft Dal. lb... ,011 U Ooaa. lb., ft . 1 Hoffman, rf .i 1 Powara. rf.... 4' Murpbr. So. .. 4 4 1 1 ft 4 Carr, lb ft Wood, lb-c. 6 1 0 1 11 4 4 4 10 0 Oremtng'r, lb 0 Crawford, rf. 4 I I 1 ft ft 4 0 brack, o..... ft ft II Waddell, B...0 4 1 M. Croaa, as.. Ill I 0 A II 1 4 Bualow, e.. Suva 1 1, IB. 0 4 1 ft 4 I ft 4 I 4 14 O'Laary, aa. Donovan, p, Totals...... I U 17 1 Touts 0 I M I 1 0 2 0 -6 0 0 0 0-0 Philadelphia.. 2 0 10 0 Detiolt ..i.... 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base hit: Davis. Sacrifice hlta: Davis U. Double plays: Schreck to Mur- rhy, Murphy to Davis. Left on bases: De rolt, 1; Philadelphia, i. First base on balls: Oft Donovan, 1; off Wsddell, 3. Htruck out: By Donovan, 8; by Waddell. It Time: 1:28. . Umpires: Sherldun and Carpenter. Chicago Wallops Denvn Eaters. BOSTON, May 26. Chicago batted Tanne hlll hard enough to Win tne game,' 3 to 0, Altrock and Holmes making home runs. The locals could not bunch hits. Attend ance, 3.3H2. Score: CH1CAOO. , BOSTON. R.rUOA.E Holmaa. If.... I 114 0 Douahartr. If 4 4 I ft 0 Jonaa, of 1 ft 4 4 0 I olllna, lb... 4 14 11 Pavla, aa 4 111 1 8tW. cf 4 114 4 Oraan, rf 4 1 I 4 0 r rarutan, rf . 1 I 1 1 lwmohua, lb.. 4 I 11 t aa....O till latiall, lb I ft 1 I I LaChaooa, lb 0 111 ft 0 Tannahtll, fb 4 1 I 4 Kama. lb.... 4 4 I I 1 Mcrarland, 4,4 I 1 0 Karrell, C....Q 4 114 Altrock. p.... t 111 Oi J. Tan'blll, p4 1 a 4 p.... t 1110. i.f'.n ii "J Touts ToUla. 0 T It 14 I Chlcajro f...... 1 1 0 U 1 0 0 0 0 i ....... oooooooo o-o Boston .. . 0 0 0 0 Two-base hlta: Davis, J. Tannehlll. Home runs: Altrock. Holmes. Stolen bane: Free man Double plays: Freeman to La Chance, Collins to Ferris to LaChunce. First base on balls: Off Altrock, 1. Struck ?ut. By Altrock. 2; by Tannehlll, 6. Time: .17. Umpire: Connolly. ., ' ' WuMsgtan Gets Off Easy. WASHINGTON, Msy 38. Washington and Cleveland plr.yed only seven Innings touay to allow the locals to catch a train for Boston. The score stood 7 to 3 in favor of Cleveland.' In Washington's half of the eighth Inning they had scored three runs and had two on basest with one out, when Umpire O'Loughlln stopped play at the time agreed on, the score reverting to the a vent a Inning. Attendance. l,6u(. Score: CLEVBLANO, . WASHINGTON. H.M.Q.A.V.l H.H l A t Bay. t 1 II O'Maran, ss.... 1 4 4 4 4 Luak. It....- I III CouiUlIn, lb. I 4 I 1 Uraaiajr, lb.. I III 4 onh, II 1 lilt Lajuta,' aa.... 4 14 4 l Drill, a 1 1111 yilck, rf I 4 14 ftll'aaaidy. cf...O ft I 4 Hkliuo, lb. I 4 I I ulMrCorat'k, lb I 4 4 4 I sVavarta, lb. I 1 II 4 Siahl. lb I 4 14 1 I AkaoK, 1 1 I I ftjliuaovaa, rf . . 4 I 1 4 4 fcarnware. p.. t, Jauabaan, p.. 4 4 16 4 TuWa I lltU l Tola la I 4 II II I Clsvelai.d 0 8 0 1 0 3 4 T Waehliiglon 1 0 0 0 0 2 0-3 Two-base hits: Bradley (I), Lajole. Three, bass hMS. Bay, Drill, rincrtnoa hits: Cough 1m, Csssldy, Slavhl, Lush Uvrnhaid. First base oi( balls: Off Jacobsen, 2; off Hern liard, 3. tiiruck out: By Jecoheen, 1; by Iter n hard, 2.x Left on bases: Washington, 4; Cleveland,. 4. Tlmp 1:30. Umpire: O'Lougbiin. Takes Eleven laalaaS. a Win. NEW YORK. Msy M -Heavy hitting and tooee fielding marked the last gams of the garleg iwas Hu Xxtuia aiid tStw Ywk today. The home team won rmt In the eleventh Inning. Attendance, 1.600 Score NEW YOSK. ST. LOUIS a. no A R.H.O.A.B K1r, rf.... i nnrny , aa. ... 1 William, lb. 1 Anrfaraaa, It.. 4 CmwI, la... ruiti. f Mrtl.lre, ... 1 Thonr, tb. .. 1 Haghea, p.... 1 1 1 O'RnrkMt. It.. 1 1 Haiorlen, ef.. I Hampklll. rf. 41 Wallace, aa.. Jnn, lb. ... . I Hill, lb ..... 1 PMn, lb... I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I ( t I II I II 1 1 (iiiiHn, r.... 4 (HovalU Tcrtala I II U II Total! . 11 1111 One out when winning run was scored. New York 0400001800 1 9 St. Louis 80010001100-6 Left on hanaa- N.w York. 12: St. Louis, 11. Two-has hits: Fults (2). Thoney, Wil liams. Hnrhaa Palln. Three-base hit: Hushes. Marrtflre hits: McOuIre, Wll- liama. HoirtH, k ntolan basest Keeler, Williams 2), Ounsel, Wallace, Jones, Held- rlck 4, Hemphill (Z). lounie pmya. nomy hill to Knvrlon. Wallace to Fadden to Jon First base on balls: Off Hughes, 8: off Howell, First base on errors: New York, 1; St. Louis, 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Hughes, 1. Struck out: wy MUgnes, ; by Howell, 3. Time: 2:60. Umpire: King. Standlna- of the Tnnasa. Played. Won. Lost. P. C Boston Cleveland Philadelphia .... New York I'hlcago St. Ixiuls Detroit Washington ..21 21 17 .677 12 13 18 16 1 20.. 22 .5.16 .... ....81 ....80 ....84 ....30 ....31 ....28 , 18 18 14 11 8 .61 .667 .523 .467 .3 2M Games today: Washington at Boston, Philadelphia at New York. GAMES IN THE NATIONAL LEAGIB Plttsbiirgr Holds . Cincinnati Down Intll the) Game la Lost. PITTSBURO. Mav 28, Lee. with good support, held the Cincinnati's down -until the sixth Inning, when seven hits were made scoring seven runs, -and the game was lost. Harper kept the hits scattered and was given excellent support. Attend ance, 4,231. Score: CINCINNATI. PITTSBURO. R.H.O.A. R.H.O.A Husclna. tb.. 1 Donlln, It.... 1 I 1 I t 6 Beaumont, dt 1110 Clark, if.... Ill Kallr. lb 1 t II 0 Laarh, lb.... I 4 I Seymour, cf.. 1 0 1 l a o l t o 0 Wiinir, as... 0 Dolan. rf 1 Sabring, rf..; J I HraaaAaU. lb 0 -J II f'orroran, aa.. I Woodruff, lb. I Hltcha, lb.. B 1 I ram, c 1 Harper, p.... I Phelpa, o 0 1 I 1 p v u CamnHt, p. 0 0 0 0 1 Totals.. I 16 17 I 1 Kruiar ToUla.... 1 I 17 II 'Batted for Cemnits In ninth. Cincinnati 0 0 0 1 0 7 1 0 09 Pltuburg 0 o u v o i Two base hits: Leacli, Donlln, Keliey, Woodruff. Three .base hit: Donlln. Dou ble plays: Rltchey and Bransfleld; Wag ner. Rltchey and Bransfleld. Corcoran and Kelley.-1 First on Balls: Off Lea, 2; ; off Harper, 8. Struck out: By Lee, 1;' by C'amnlts, 2; by Harper 2. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Zlmmer and Moran. Heit York Wins In Last lanlnir. NEW YORK. May 2ft New Yorfc de feated Brooklyn again, today, scoring the winning run In the last Inning. Taylor re ceived better support than Jones. . Attend ance, 4,000. Score; - .. NW TOP.H.. R.H.O.AB. BROOKI.TM. R.H.O.A.E. Brawns, rf... 1 1 1 I ft Shwkart, If. I Lumlar, rf... I V Dobba, of II Dillon, lb.... 4 4 II Strang, lb... 4 4 1 Babb, aa. 1 I 8 M.M'Cmk. Ikt 1 I Raraan, a.... 0 I IMTlln. lb.... 1 0 I McOann, lb.. I 1 11 ft Martaa. If.... 4 1 4 H.M'C'mk, ef 11 Dahtan, as. .. t 1 t 4 Ollbert. lb. 111 Warnar. e. 0 1 .. Tar lor, p.. .. 1 I Jonas, p., 41 Crontn, p 4 4 1 Totals 6 I 17 II 1 Oaaalar . . 0 4 Totals.:. ...I 4 Kli 6 One out when winning run was scored. Batted for Jones In the eighth.. New York 00000130 1- Brooklyn 1 0 I 0 .0 01 0 0-4 Left on bases: New York. 11: Brooklyn. 3. Two-base hits: Devlin. Ollbert, Babb. Three-base hit: Sheckard. Home run: Lumley. Double play: Taylor to Dahlen. Sacrifice hit: Dillon. First base on balls: Off Taylor, 4; off Jonea, 4; off Cronln, 1. First base on errors: Mew xorK, l. Btrucx out: By. Taylor, 9; by Jones, 1.. Wild pitch: Taylor. Time: 2:10. Umpire; . O Day. Postponed Games. At Chicago St. Louls-Chioago game post. poned; ruin- . ,. . . 'Standing; ef tn Teams. ' Played. Won. Lost. PC. 6f Cincinnati ... Chicago New York' ..- St. Loula Pittsburg ...... Brooklyn .... Boston t. Philadelphia, .. 20 15 13 10 . 10 .667 .; 80 ......80 81 . 32 ......83 23 10 II 1 19 20 23 .4(1 ' .333 .173 Games today Sit. Louis at Chicago, Cln- clnnatl at Pittsburg, Brooklyn t isew York, Boston at Philadelphia. Cadets Beat Weeping- Water.. WEEPING WATER, May 2d. The Wes- leyan university cadets are 'having a fine time in camD today. Their bail team de feated the Weeping Water team. Score. 12 toll. - GAMES IK AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Millers Bhnt Oat the tjorn Hnakers at Minneapolis. , MINNEAPOLIS. May 26. -Thomas pitched wonderful ball today and allowed Kansas City but one scratch hit, but two men getting to first. Olbson was easy and Min neapolis scorea almost at. will. Jkuena ance, l.OOQ. Score: , MINNEAPOLIS. . XAXIAS C1TT. R.H.O.A.g K.H.O.A.H Malonar, rt..l Bulllran, of., I Coultar, If.... 4 Campion, lb. 1 Weavar, e.... 1 Foi, lb 1 Mi'NIcb'la, tb I Oylar. aa I Tboaiaa, p... 1 1 ft MHII1, rf 4ft I ft ft 4 VanBuran. It. 4 I 1 1 1 Nanca, ct..,. 4 Bonnar, 3b..0 Rran. o ft 01 1 1 I MoBtg'ry, lb. ft ft 4 Murphy, lb... 4 ft T Lwaa. aa..,. ft Ulbaon, p ft Oaax ft ft 4 4 4 ft ft ToUls 11 IT 17 4 01 TeUla 1 14 II 4 Batted for Gibson in ninth. Minneapolis 2 4 0 0 2 t 0 ' 11 Kansas City 0000 00000 0 Two-base hits: Thomas, Sullivan, Bon ner. Three-base hit: Sullivan. Home run: MeNlchols. Sacrifice hlta: Caraulon. Thomas, Oyler, Coulter. Stolen bases: Cam pion, Weaver. First base on balls:' Off Olbson, 2. Struck out: By Thomaa, 4; by Ulbson. 5. Hit by pitched ball: Mont gomery, iett on bases: 'Minneapolis, 10; Kansas City, 2. Umpire: liart. Toledo Short of flits, TOLEDO. May 26.-Toledo failed to hit Cromley In pinches today, while Indian apolis Halted opportunely. CromJey's bat ting and the work of the Toledo outfield figured conspicuously. Attendance, 2ou. bcote: ' INDIANAPOLIS. TOLEDO. H.H.O.A.E. I M.H-O.A.I. Horlar, lb ft III ft Prlabla, ef... 1 1410 Matron, aa. .. I Mui'raery. cf. 1 i u'H.ra. if.,.. 1 1 Long, aa. 0 I Haialton. lb. 1 fvtnlngar, rf tt Biown. o Bwi.dr. II.. ft Carr, lb 1 Hrydon, a...'. Harry, rf 1 1 lunar 1 Irumlay. p... 1 Burna. lb.... Urowhara, lb ft Hearing, p.... I . V. 'Heading Tatala... i ii it r i Totals I I 17 11 I Reading batted for Deerlng -In ninth. Indianapolis 11101102 28 i'uledo 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 03 Left on bases:-. Toledo, 8; Indianapolis, 7. t'worbase hlta: Brown. Cromley. Home runs: Haselton, Crumley, Maguou, Sac rifice hlta: Long, Carr,. Berry. Stolen base: tiwander. Double play: Hogrlever to Magoon to Dickey. Struck put: By Leering, 2; by Cromley, 3. First base on bit:ls: Off Leering, 6; off Cromley, 1. Hit with ball: Brouthurs. Time: 2:1. i Umpire: Holllday. , " ', ' Could Not Stop Colnmbas. LOtnSVILLE, May 24. Columbus today doleated Louisville In a looaely played game. Columbus balled Egan hard, wmie 0. 1usled kept the I oca la' hits well ecutteied. t-iiun wan relieved after the eighlh inning '1 ho batting of JulnJui) and the fielding m j.lSHtieur and W ngiey were features. Al leuuance, J.iaA). Score: - jltolumuus. . Louisville. m.m.o.ak m.u.o.a.i. f)avl. rf 1 14 4 Karwln. rf... 4 4 I I 1 vlntiay, lb..l III ttillan. ct., 1 I ft 4 Kri4. b 1 1 ft ft a, H.n. if 1 4 I ft 4 Kill in. lb. ft 4 14 Ci Aindl. Ik.... 4 11-14 ( luirr, o(.. . 1 14 1 I LWuar, lb...,l 1 14 4 Martlu, U ... 1 lift U Braahaar, Ik.. I 1 bnawrll, aa..4 114 llSciriavar, e. . I ft I 1 0 1. ar. a.... 1 4 0 yuiulaa, aa... I 4 I 2 UlmMad, p... t I ft 1 V't-gaa. p ft I a 4 I) Vampkall ... 4 ft ft ft 4 Totals 114 11 I I Wrigkw p.... ft 4 4 11 Totala 4 I 17 il "4 Balled for Egan In eighth. Columbus . t-ouisillle . 110 1114ft l-io evoviioio 4 Two-base hits: Wiigley, Hullman, Civ. mer, gulnian. Tbree-Iase hi In ; Davit, L;uinlan, liluisted, Dexter, Martin." Stolen buae: Clymer. Struck Out: 11 r Olmsted, ft: by Ej.n, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Kerwln, llalliuuii. Left on bases: Louisville, , Columbus, ft. Time: Uuiplia: Baus wlne. ''.' aarosaera Shat Ont tho SnJnla. BT. PAUL. May . -Curtis held the locals down W a lui whlla aitlwaukee not ten safe ones. Including fire- two-beggtra off Slagle. Attendance, 800. Si'ore: MILWAIKK. , . ST. CAUU R H O A E ' A. H O A.I St on, rf 1 I ff 0 Jonoa. rf 0 1 S Srkaofar. aa. . 1 1 1 I CKnaman. n. n 1 to t 4 JI'Nwhi, rr..4 0 1 I WWW, If... 0 1 I 0 O'brlan, IB... 0 10 19 1 K-llr, lb 0 II t 1 Marran. I I 1 t 0 SulllTan, e... 4 4 I 4 8Ml. P 0 1 O'Brtan, lb.. I 2 Clark, lb 1 P.m.. 11, If ... 0 t I H-mphlll, cf. 4 1 Baton aa. If I 2 11 SlaHarv, .... 4 I Cirtlaa. p.... I Total I 10 17 It I Total! I 1 17 IS I Milwaukee 10000100 13 St. Paul 00000000 0-0 Two-base hits: Curtlss, Schaefer, Stone, Pennell, Bateman. Double play: Clark to O'Brien to Bateman. First base on balls: Off Curtlss. 4; off Slagle, 1. Struck out: By CurtUK. 6; by Single, 6. Sacrifice hit: O Brlen (Milwaukee), blattery. Time: 1:36. Umpire: Peara. landing of the Teems, Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Milwaukee Columbus ..... ..29 18 11 .(121 ....en ....8" ....: ....;i4 ....l-s ....27 ....27 17 IS 16 17 12 10 9 11 12 14 17 17 17 18 .6'7 .61 ,6. .6 i .414 .370 .?S1 St. Paul Indianapolis ... IxrilnvHie ...... Minneapolis ... Toledo Knnas City .. Games todav Toledo flt Columbus, Louisville at Indianapolis. Milwaukee at St. Paul, Kansas-City at Minneapolis. Orhnyler Wins In Tenth.. SCHUYLER. Neb., May 26. (Special Tele- grum.) tli.-iiuyler tleteated North Hind Ilia ten-lnnlng same here this afternoon that on the whole was a good game, except a couple of hulf Innings. In one of which North Bend run in four stores, in tin; other Schuyler running In five scores! largely the result of errors. It whs devoid of the scrapping. that usually characterizes ball games. Score: Schuyler ,....0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 6 19 North Bend ..0 0 0310040 08 Earned runs?' Schuyler.' 4: North Bend. 3. Two-base hits: Uillls. W. Klmmell. Stolen bases: Brown. Straver. Double days: Dworak, Hlldebrand, Spalding. Bases on balls: Off Klmmell. 2: off Fulmer. 1. Hit by pitched balls: By Fulmer, 2. Struck out: By Klmmell, 8; by Fulmer, 10. Bat teries: Schuyler, Fulmer and Whiting; North Bend, W. Klmmell and Cnsack. . Ord Seeking; Games. ORD. Neb.. Mav. 26. (SDOo'.al.l Thp ftrat ball game of the season was schcdulec" today and will be with Loun Cltv on Deco ration day. Three of the salaried ieam ar rived today and the rest of the' players Will report before Saturday. After June the team will be oorn for euicammentH with any team In the state. EVENTS . OH THE RI X.M.IG TRAC KS l' aaasaansannnna. locker Henry linn n Herloaa Pall at - Chi cab. . ruir Ann tvi v, . . . l.x., u a Aaau aV. aJ wntsy Iir-tn j. TV 1 1TJ had the mount on Michael Byrnes 'In the first race at Hawthorne today, was seri ously Injured. Mlchuel Byrnes, together witn ki otros, ridden by eicht, and Dixie L.d, ridden by C. Gray, fell at the hnlf mlle pole. Felcht and Gray escaped with a shaking up, but Henry was badly hurt. While Henry's Injuries are not believed to r..l ..III .Kuv nrlll 1. .... him , , nf KA middle for some time. Three favorites, two second .choices and a 6 to 1 shot divided first money In the different events. Weather wet ana cool; tracK muddy, Kesuits: First race, four and a half . furlongs"; Broadway Girl won, Scotch Irish second, Florentine third. Time: 0:67. Second race, six furlongs: - Alma Dufour won. The Mighty second. Duskv ' third. Time: 1:16H. " Third race, one mile and a quarter; Mo harlb won. Horatlus second. Rankin third. Time: 2:10. Fourth race, five furlongs: Sylvia Talbot won, Americano second. Sad Bam third. Time: 1:02. Fifth raoe, one mile and three-sixteenths: Thane Won. Nlaxus second, Marcos third. Time: 2:03y. Sixth raco, one mile: Forehand, won, Walnamolnen second, Ben Heywood third. Time: 1:46H- i ST. LOUIS, May 26. Results: First race, six furlongs. Belling: Sceptre won, Tenny Belle second, Dominls third. Time: 1:194. , Second race, five and n half furlongs, sell ing:' Mordella won, Selected second. Lady Fonso third. Time: 1:18. Third race, six furlongs, selling: Fickle Saint won. Sweet . Charity second, Sharp Bird third. Time: 1:)94. i Fourth race, the Debutante, for fillies, four and a-half furlonga-Klnda won, All Black second. Violin third. Time: 0:58. - Fifth race, one mil 4: King Ellewqrtb won, Tower ewond.-Hor.wley tkird. Tlnoei ltlfiVs Sixth race, six and a half furlongs: Mar tin won. Baronet second, Alflo third. Tlmo: l:26i. NKW YORK, May 26.-Results: First' race, handicap, about six 'furlongs: Reliable won, Jimes .V. second, Wotan third. Time: 1:09. Second race, selling,' one mile' and a six- (6 Howr ju?l V" I 1TH " .alvBr' I M-J llMSMjTi POINTS OF Jl U-yr EXCELLENCE jk f ,j 'lijijFf aad peHsh.' I I f ' t-K!U.'flikX j rtaoa?r"Cl krvw If II l!Lf JSYf ' "CLEAN" TASTE-The abseaee of II p t-in I i"V dlaagreeaMe foraiga or ' after- 4 II V Wi ' X. 1 taste," proving scrapulons cleaall- Jl If 'I tyl H t " durisg the brewing process. f I ILL: J f rM ''"wTJ "SOLID, CREAMY FOAM" Aa in- ' 1 f J "' M 1 fallible Indication of body, age and If M W eacelleace ol brewing malarial. ; mm TM A 1 'PURITY" Impossible to Bad In 1 l 2 I I ot bottled beers, becsuse their R f, f I " preservsUoa Is gained Uroagh 1 I V i I Mi I chemical adalteratloa. gfl SI. an yuan II jg SI- Tjaaaganiaaani jrgjoa-ayynrfaiai .Louis a . , The Rurlinfjlon is the Bmooth road to 8t. Louis and the' World's Fair. You are sure of a comfortable and Bafe journey if you see to it thafyour .ticket reads over the llurlinfton. Call or write for World's Fair folder, wbich tells you everything about fct. Louis and the World's Fair that you wish to know. It's free. rrr c teenth: Stuyve won, Charlea El wood sec ond. Sheriff Bell third. Time: 1:4a. Third race, the Expectation stakes, tne furlongs: Song and Wine won. Csaraplilne secunil. Veto third. Time: 1:01. Fourth rsce, the Brooklyn handicap.. Fifth rnce, about s'x furlongs: Witch craft won, ietota second, Julia M. third, lime: 1:UH. Blxth rsce, five furlongs: Diamond won. Agile second, Escutcheon third. Time: 1:1. CINCINNATI, May 28. Results: First race, six furlongs: Outwsl won, Montpeller second. May Combs third. Time: l:14i. Second race, Ave furlongs: Stroud won. Wexford second, McClellan third. Time: 1:03. Third rnce. one mile: Fleuro won, Del- monlco second, Florence K. Fonso third Time: 1;42. Fourth race. Cltrinatra atakes. for 2-yeaT' old fillies, five furlongs: Iidy Savoy won intense secona. Lmtsy Dean tnira. lime l:wm. Fltth race, one mile and seventy yards Grand Mary won. Barney Burke second. Glenwood th rd. Time: 1:46U. Sixth race, six furlongs: Flying Ship won. Jigger second. Uenmora third. Time: J:13. ATHLF.TIC AT PHILADELPHIA Interest Increasing In the Big Dine Ribbon Event. PH'IIADELPHIA Mav 2. Athletes by the dozen have arrived here for the blue ribbon event of the college event of Hie athletic world, the Intercollegiate meet, which will he held nn Franklin filed to. morrow and Saturday. The number of the men entered in the thirteen events Is the largest In the history of college events Among the men are America's best col lege athletes. Tomorrow will be taken up with the heats and preliminaries for all the events on me program witn tne exception or the one and two-mile races. Yale, with all her men In condition, la expected to win the championship. This has been prac tically conceded by nearly all the experts. The real fight will be for second and third places. " Raping at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., May 28. (Special Tele gram.) The racing season opened here this afternoon with a matinee given by the Beatrice Driving association at the new park. The attendance was good. Results: Class 2:46, mixed race, half-mile heats, best two In three: , Quakeress 2 2 Nellie Midnight , 1 1 McConqueror 8 I Time: 1:18, 1:18. Roadster race, half-mile heats, best two In three: RnseDud 1 1 Black Bird !. J Leon 2 2 Time: 1:31. 1:26. Class 2:26, mixed race, half-mile heats, best two in three: Idabell , 15! Sparkle J 2 1 Thelma 2 1 1 Time: 1:16. 1:14, 1:13,. Running race, half-mile - dash, won by Roeus. Time: 0:69. Pittsburg; Man Knocked Out. ST. LOUIS, May 26-Mlke Schreck of Cincinnati knocked out Jim Scanlsn of Pittsburg at the West End club tonight In the fifth round of what was to have been a lif teen-round bout. , With the Bowlers. On the Omaha Bowling assoclatlofn alleys last evening the second week's series of the Armour Bowling league was finished, with Carter's Stars still In the lead. Score: MELROSE. Hanchett . 89 118 163 370 Shanahan HI , 166 134 43) Kngles ..,.111 164 119 484 Duke ...,.13 144 168 4U6 Totals , Burson ... Wilkinson Kohansky Pollard ... . Totals 534 671 BROCKTONB. ' :..148 129 674 1,779 139 143 189 164 416 421 467 432 ...'....LS ,;' tl41 .15l 156 137 127 663 - REGULARS. 1st. .......... ..16 , ; 648 626 L73S 2d. 161 108 116 139 Id. Total. O. Hern ., Brown ... Friable ... Chumlea , ' . Totals 146 84 138 140 42 273 409 447 ..156 , 148 .660 613 B28 1,591 ' Diamond Dost. The Omaha Nstlo.-mJ' bank ball team challenges any teamj.oomposed of players representing the other hanks of the Oi maha CI"! arlng house Xor a "ame arty date after Ju The Eclipse beat' tfie. Stars Stripes, core. 10 to 4. ...Batteries: Morse and Wll- Sc liamson, Pierce and- Peper. - Next Same played by the Eclipffe with the Orioles today. in council uiuns FLAVOR" The distinctive Indi vidual cbarncterlstic of any hever- ae i as peculiar to it alen ss Is Its or to the rose. A delicious and pronounced hop aroma Is Uat highest stsadard. A. B. G. Is the ONLY beer that possesses aU of these esscntlsl aaallAcatlons. Its purity is sbaolately gnarsnteed Vr 1U makers. It is the ONLY beer that can be so guaranteed, ba-caaae It is the ONLY beer botUed exdn sively at the brewery. THE AMERICA If BIEWW0 CO. T. LOUII, V.B.A. H. MAY & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS. nd Return TICKETS, 1502 -FARIIAO ST. LULL IN THE VOTE MARKET la Th But" Fonr'h Contest for Tn Fre Tript to 8t- Lou I Expositita IVIDENTLY UP TO THE OLD TRICKS langldates Bonad JVot- to Let the Right Hand Know How Many Votes Arc Held la the Left. The fourth day of the fourth contest In the present series conducted by The Bee ror ten free trips to the St. Louis exposl ..hi. arems to nave generated fully as much sluggishness as any of the rrered lng days, and If appearances were to be relied on one might wonder if the majority of the candidates had not fallen asleep In tho woods like old Rip Van Winkle and were waiting, one and all, to be resur rected In St. Louis a hundred veers henna They would, no doubt, In that event wit ness a remarkable spectacle but we for get they are not to be Judged by appear ances, ana when Saturday comes around at 2 P. IP. We mav har avan Xf nrimil.'. score of two two-ten louder than the Irnn horses on their way to tha wonderhmd of 8t. Loula. The voto at S p. m. Thursday, May 26. was: P. M. Frederick rmnh. 1.100 1,018 477 475 4t 42. 40 10 10 1 2 1 Jessie Bangs, Athlon, Neb... Charles H. Mellwlg, Omaha... Herbert Smalls. Fremont .... Mrs. Llszle Cruse, Omaha.... Roy Pierce. Omaha L. H. Mover, Low City. Ia... Lottie Lovely, South Omaha.. William Bruett, Omaha Milton N. Griffith, Omaha Irene Lucas, Omaha Tho Chief of Healers. Old sores, ulcers, piles, fistula and Ilk stubborn maladies soon yield to Bucklen'g Arnica Halve, or no pay. 25c For sale by Kuhn ft Co. Snow in Wyoming. CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 26. (Speclal.)- Southf astern Wyoming, northeastern Colo rado and western Nebraska were visited yesterday by a snowstorm. Tho weather wag quite cold, but the storm was of short duration. Yesterday the' temperature was high and wraps were cast aside, but last evening a cold wave swept over this sec tion and overcoats and heavy wraps were Immediately called out. Omasa Men Drill for Oil. BASIN CITY, Wyo., May 28 (Special ) An Omaha company, headed by William Coburn, has sent In a complete drilling rig and will bore for oil on leased land on Paint Rock creek, in the Bonanza oil fields. No Stomach Troublt After three days If you write to Drake Formula Company. Chicago, for free bottle of Drake's ' Palmetto Wine. Stops Coastlpauoa in a day. Your Summer Vacation May be most agreebly spent atthe delightful resorts reached by the North-Western Line The Black Hills, the Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota Lake Regions and scores of other pleasure grounds are reached by the Chicago & North western Railway with the fin -est train service. Excellent service to St. Paul and Minneapolis, giving ready access to Lake Minnetonka, White Bear Lake and other Northern summer resorts. Fast daily trains make con nection with all lines east of Chicago. Special low rates are- In effect from all points during the summer. and full Information on application. Otlices: H0M403 Fanum Si- 4Tkaff 1UA & iswn Omaha 6:30 laava at. Louie 7t30 Many mJlcg thortevt eafwtVoTaale ill. i-in.v irr Ask ronr neare-t anerit to an tn forma ttoa call at Wabaefc HARRY O. I Tickets Ticket nwsso afS V f M Tf'B "T"V .a''. -rhjw mtmmmm Y7 . Ths f Ail jjHciiiPijLin If You Think of Moving Your Office Now la th time to select a room. --.',.' There are only a few vacant office la Tha Be Building, but two -or three of these are very desirable. :-'. . The Bee Building offices are so well kexrt and .The Bee Building service Is so far ahead of other offloe buildings, that there Is some ant. - UfaeUon to have an office where you know there will be no cause to move again, v ' We oan show you offices from C&00 to per month. ' ''' '' May la moving time, and It ts best to make your si action now. -" R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents To men who are weak mentally, morally and physically, whose systems have at some time been polluted with poisonous private diseases, - those whose depleted manhood forbids any advances toward matrimony and those who have made the mistake of marry ing while there lurked in their system some frightful weakness or poisonous taint of private disease,' and who now find themselves on the verge of social ruin. To all such men a conscientious WE CURE . Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Dsbillty. I m potency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, ' Kidney and Urinary , Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self n k.i.s imWnr tha raanit nf aneclflo or orlvate diseases. alCI II T 4 TIAM FflFF If you lUllJULIrlllUll IHIL Office Hours- a. m. to 8 p. m, STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I30S Farnam St.. Bet. 13th and 14th St.. Omaha; Nob. 'Follow The Flao." TAKE THE WABASH TO SjADNT H3DID0S THE ONLY LINE TO MAIN ENTRANOK. 'BAGGAGE OHEQKED TO WORLD'S FAIR ROUND-TRIP $.3.30 P. M. Arrive WorKTe Fair 700 A. M., P. M. Lv. Wogld'a Pair 7:45 P. AV Thick of time saved, not to speak of east and to fit Loch, 4urtnf t1e fatr. wnte you via the WaUah B. B For Worid Fair deexrtpOTe matter and City Offloe, 1601 Farnam street, or write MOOKES, G. A. P. D. OMAHA, NEB. That Ground Floor, -The Bee Building. ; and. nxperlenced doctor would advise you to consult without delay the best specialist, one who has made a life long study of Just such oases, one who ' can quickly and fully understand your troubles, one who will not deceive vou with false promises or unbusinesslike oroDosltlons: one who can and will cure you in the shortest possible time snd at the least expense to you. Any i man in need of such medical advice or treatment should come at once to the ' State Medical Institute. cannot call write for symptom blank. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. OHOUMDS' t. Louis 7MB A. M. Arr. OiU (U20 A. M. the lnconv,n oe hetnr BTOPOVEB8 ALLOWED , B