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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
TITE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY,- APRIL 30, 1904. i r i I 1. ill lit. ii 3 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements tor Ikftt rolaliM will ! takes antll 1U rn. fur the evealnif dltioa and aatll M p. m. for Ibe Moratna aad Saadar cdllloa. Hat.. 1 a, naval Brail laaertlna. la a ward meresifier. nthlc taken for leas that aoe for Iba fJrat Inaer. fla. Tliese advertisements most It ran (MitlTflr. Advert I.ers. r rrn.ealla. num. l?a " """ " fcereS. eh dressed 10 a numbrrfil Inter In rat of The lire. Answers o addressed will ba delivered en praaaatatlon ef Ilia rherk anly. MISCELLANEOUS PIFTT DOUjARS IN CASH PRIZES for the three beat ea.iays entitled "THE SUCCESS OF BOYLES COLLEGE." Call or wrlie iiow for Information, H. B. BOYLEB, president. New York Ufa Building. The Nebraska Seed Co. Open to 4 30 p. m. Saturday and Monday 10 p. o. 101.--xui nowaia. K-MJ Jl P,RAVFf DRIVEWAYS AND ART1 UrArt V CL F1C1AL 81'ONK WoLKd. E. D. Van Court, lui N. lota. Tel. 1. lt-atil JH CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1506 Farnam and opp. Union Station. Tela. 7M and 1673. Rivi EXPERT ACCOUNTING EMFLOTKll WORK VERIFIED. BUSI NESS SYSTEMATIZED INTlJ UEPAIU' UKNX3, BOOKS OPENED, CLOaliU AND BALANCED. TtH.MS REASON ABLE. BEST REFERENCES. E. A DWORAK, 113 Ramge Building. 'Pnone 1413. 11-M49J Ma OMAHA Safe and Iron works maka a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and saxes, ti. Andreen, Prop., Iu2 H. lot 11 st. IV DM A1JS Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 B. 14th. T. 663. a nni I SILVER, NICKEL PlaUnjg. Om. JlJUUi iaUug Co., liwo Harney. Tal. M K eu! CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 pcr'centT R JkJ RIPYPI PQ LARSENB '04 medal Is UlUlULIiJ best. Large line of bit yole sundries at bottom prices. Tel. F. 1371 14a N. 84th. R-M It J Mo EAGLE Loan Office: reliable, accommodat ing; ail business confidential. 1301 Uouvlas. It bit) EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co moving and aiorage. u rt. ibin. jei. K 8.1 LOCKSMITH g-t'iSW1 109 K R 873 Plortrir-'arpet Cleaning Works ClCCUlC:h.hiteTison. 2221 N. 20th. . N. A. Tel. 106. K 289 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbnge. dead animais; reuueea prices, b.i tt. is. Tel. 1770. K 674 PUBLICITY DESIGNS . The Bee bldg. W1IEATON. In R-87S "STRONGEST In the world." the Eonlta- ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager, mercnanis fnauonai nans: blflg., Omaha, Neb. R 876 SIGN painting. 8. H. Cole, 130 Dousing. ALL kinds enrpenter work: repairing . i promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake. R-J70 FOR noon- luncheon try the Karharh res taurant; reasonable prices. 418 B. 15th st. n Km mis CLOTHES pressed, altered. Yousen. Pax- ton note! tailor. R 881 EPBCTACLEB, 81; examination free, 80 1 aays oniy. u. a. uptlolans, 308 N. lAth, R-ia PERF1ELD Piano Co., Pee Bldg.; no Inter. m, namn values, aasy terms. R Hal H. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. IS; Tel. STOVE storage and repairing, Hughes rinvB ncpair worst, sai cuming st. Tel. r , K Q. E. KOCH, tinner, f7I7 N. 14th. Tel.iL-lM. Agent tor coiumDus roor cement paint. R-273 Je21 X CLEAN, dye, repair clothes. M N. lftth. K M309 J 023 CARPET cleaning. Tel. F-3071. Wood, J0i cinrk. R Ml STOVES STORED 1207 Douglas. Tel. 860. Omaha St. Rep. Wks. K M4il4 Ma BICYCLES! B1CYCLES1 OMAHA BICYCLE CO., lath and Chicago. QDTPV MHlM-tM. V n n. w...,.v.u.. .,.,,, i. i wru, tV MW4 M14 COOKING, heating, gas, gasoline stoves re paired. City Stove Rtp'r Win. Tel. L2V15. , KM32 M13 FERFIELD Blano Co.. Bee Bldg.; no in terest; honest vaiuss; easy terms. Wl. II. W. UVaa. Plumber, 1124 N. th. Tel. S'47. H-M469 FURS stored and repaired reduced prlcea. vr. JM. DHUKtTl, Ola a. 1 n 1 1 1, f mvos JBJV BAND LIME BRICK, rwady for wall In U hours. I have solved tha greatest of all brick questions, and have received patent on the simplest, best and eheanoat av.tnm ever known. Making 90 per rent face brick, m hard as flint at common brick prices. If you have the sand I can make you a rich man. Now is the time for this great nueatlon. Bend me a ssnipla of your sand and I will send you brick made from vour own sand. Can make rock-fuced brick without extra cost, where all other kinds cat via per thousand extra. Sam plea of tMs brick sent on application. rieger eana-uime uric l-o. Bonham. Texas. n t!'t3 s BUSINESS CHANCES To GET in or out of buslui-ss call on Wll- Mms, room 4U, Mucague building, 84 KHOLES-ARMBTRONQ CO., TU N. I". Lira lei. t. I dia ABHOTT-CUWAN CO.. 318 Brown block. can gt ou iu or out oi Business. FOR RENT Hotel of 22 rooms, with furni ture, iu good Iowa town. u. H. fulrlck. III NaL Bunk BldiC.. 1XS Moines. Iowa. Y-M7.4 lx TO PI 1 YB1C1 AlB 84.0CQ practice given to phyalciua who will luiulaso laaidcncu and ortu'e fixtures. Address K 1 cars live. i liisra l JXiR BALE News and stationery stock and fixtures; write quuk. A4dr IU:1 aj I Co.. Newton, la. 1 J4 Jus WANTED First cluss attractions. Lake Madison veterana ussoclatlun encamp- iieni June 14-17. 1UUI. inuulre or 1'. W Doughorty, chairman, Dell IC.pU!. 8 V. WANTED TO RENT DENTIST wants nfTlco room with doctor. Address n it, cee. " WANTED Furnished room within walking distance of liilll and CUllinn.. flonreM K 15. Bee. Iv-M Ji Jx FLORISTS HESd SWOBODA. 1416 Fsrasn.. fcl 1 HENDERSON. 11 Feraam fend for prtte Jisl el cut flowers sua plants ALFRED DONAaUL. JR.. Mill Farnaru, '1 al auUS. WANTED MALE HELP bummer School Wa ira ar.ilna til liava th largest Slimmer School wa Mv aver had. It will be for those who desire a short course In Book keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting. Tela- arunhv anil T'pnTnanatiln Tt will begin uhout the 2"th of June and last until Sept. I. Ttnchers. bookkeepers, stenogrsphere nnd icegrapn optrniors can tiwi fn f!,00vrHa oonc n:nuui cnnaren i. ii'kiwi? Cata- OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLtUt ... . ana uougias airsais. Mt.N to learn barber trade. Tree railroad mm iiaoiv, most practice! ouroer iu'i 1 this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' IniUtute, Omaha. Neu. I WANTED FOR U. S. A RM r Able-bodied unmarried men between ages 01 ? to; citizens of United States, 01 gooo. character and temperate naona, win, .-... speak, rend and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, lBtn and Dodge tits., Omaha, or LlncolnND. LARGE eastern paint manufacturer wants responsible man or nrm w ia - clumve Omaha and Nebraska agency; manufacturer will do extensive adver tising for agents benefit. The paint Is a leuder wherever Introduced. Address H 45, Bea ofRce. Ul CLERK or BRIGHT YOUNQ MAN to fit for Oov't Position. Blartin s.uary auu. Promotions as deaonred. 1. C. I., Box 6i0, Cedar Rapids, la. B toi nus FIRST-CLAPS sodawater dispenser. H. B. 408 uranam, mn ana i' arnam. MEN TO LEARN barber trade; fret rall- roas rare to any otner school you name. lr arter readme our catalogue ana en dorsements, you deelre to go elsewhere. American Barber College, Omaha, Neb. writ fur catalogue. n ,i WANTED, a reliable man to Handle a first- class line of cigars as a side line on com mission tor Nebraska ana adjoining terri tory, only workers need reply. eier- ences. Address L, care The Bee. STOUT BOY to learn trade; 85.00 per week. w ire works, 611 Bo. ltiih st. v NTKrvst a !..- it v BViTt WELL. ES TABLISHED HUISE TN BlfiLL Ul ytORS AND WINES TO CONSUMERS DIRECT IN KANSAS AND NEHRASKA. THOBE WITH EX.PERIEISCK AI.l BREAKING GERMAN BRKFERRKD. UOOD REFERENCES OR BONU KK OI'lRCTl IPPl.Y TO S. H. OPPENHEIMER, WHOLESALE LlyUORB. ST. JOaEfll, MO. o 4H Vt WANTED Good live boy; state age; chance to learn good buslnes. Address in own handwriting, P. O. Box 136, Omaha. & All Q OU WANTED An experienced salesman for .Nebraska; must be laminar witn me nm, klove and fur trade; an exceptional oppor tunity Is odered the right man 10 secure a des Irtiblw Dosltlon with an 01a eauio- llshed innnufacturlnK house: references re quired. The Moraweti Co.,, WIS. B Mi 13 1 WANTED Coot maker at once. Carl P. Llndecrantx, Holdrege, Neb. B M77Z 4 600 PAINTERS at worlds fair, St. Louis; union men; 60c per hour: no trouble. Ap ply at worm s l air urounas. M8U3 OX WANTED Experienced bookkeeper: must be able to give references. Address nox m, Bee office, south omsna. u msj WANTED Man willing to Invest some money in iuuu uaying uuaineea. Auurtn i.r m T-) - r ff-ft o . w NONUNION machinists and machinists' helpers wanted for Western railroad; must be experienced and competent: good pay. Apply room 10, Bt. James hotel. B MS0S lx A GOOD POSITION Is always open for a competent man. ' His iMfTlniiltv la 1t Anil It. wa hav. nnpnlltn . . . . . ... - - - , h'Fn trade men of all capacities i"cu . , iwVi a nr i, 'i " from 81 800 to 810,000 a year. Write for blan and booklet. Offices In twelve cities HAPGOOPS (Incorporated). 818 Chemical building, Bt. Louis. UN WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. Nation' Adv. mireau, (.nice go. u aiw zx WANTED Electrician and engineer for light plant In country. Address-with run particulars, K 24. Bee. B-Mwo zx WANTED By E. B. St A. L. Stone Com nsnv st waaswortn. NevRds. teamaters: wages 82.25 per day; to build irrlgat'on ditch for the government; onlv eight hours' work per dav. One million acres of land through which this ditch runs will he thrown open for settlement on up a frm and earn your living n the I same time. m mvui i WANTED FEMALE HELP ANYONE need of housekeeping or man and wire cull Canadian omce, ittn ana uoone. WOMAN not over 40 as housekeeper In Omaha family or three male adults on May 1: a permanent position to one ca pable of doing all the work. Address. stating references as to chaxactur And honesty, 11 la, Itee. u-kmi WANTED Agents to sollolt orders for tapestry painting; big money. 823 8. 19th. t-w MIS IT A Til lAU hnm. wnrb atanmlntf- Wi.M'. ' . .".'r'-'r:' :.'r : !".r "ur,,,r" a"'H l"- i i'"-ei.n. Lmi oa uuuHius uiug., opp. itfiygrns C-rM7t4 M25 WANTED A cook at The Hillside, lttt N. nm st. c in ix GOOD girl for general housework. 1024 Park ave. C-M7T8 3g COMPETENT cook and laundress, two in family; waxes 85. 8523 Harney street. C-784 WANTED A good girl for gensrsl house work; steady position: good wages paid. Mrs. R a). Wilcox. 3109 Wirt St. C 700 WX WANTED Bookkeeper of exnerlence: give rereranees ano eainry expected; lady or gem. Auarrai iv w. uee. t; is WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED NURSE. Mrs, Nclle. Sti.8 California. A 718 x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS HO Y Ala HOTEL. European, ltu Chicago. DEWEY. European hotel, 13iu and Fartum. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omuha Btsuiii LAUiidry, litxj leaven worm. nuu A-liM. ie O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. SlL E j0 I'ER WEEK. Doraa house. B. lKlh. VIENNA HOTEL, loll Farnam: line roc mv Wales cars, private oiuiiig r.; opm mgnts i J8 LARGE, warm room; steam beet i Capitol ave. b MiJU NICE furnished rooms. fc4 N. 15th. E 664 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 14) Podge st. E 8u4 FOR KENT one large east room with large closet ana emaier room adjoining; two doore from "The Georgia:" privilege of ue of telephone and piano allowed. litxl oeoigiu A,a. tll Jx VERY nice room In strictly private fam 1 1 . rent i desirability. II)'; rent to gentleman who can show 114 bo. ltn. I-M740 lx FOR RENT One beautiful large aunnv rront room witn large closet; two doors from The Georgia; tenant allowed ure of telephone uud piano; reaaonable prioe. lu ucorgia Ave. v m ix THE FARNAM. lth and Farnam ata. i evs NICE large room with outside entrance. very Haul re Me tor sumraar. Modern, on car line Kuluble fur twe gentlemen. 14J6 N. 17th bL E Jdo-M-lx BINGLE south front room, nicely fur- nlbhed: latodern; walking owtan.e: raa- souabie. 2tu4 cass. ,-Ai-usia 2tu3 Choice of Handsome Books Free to Want Ad Patrons Today. BEE PRINTS MOST PAID WANT ADS-BEE WANT ADS BRING BEST RETURNS. COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. rent-furnished rooms . 1 BACK parlor, suitable for two, reasonable. ltl0 i)aVeiiDort. E M942 2x LARGE room, walking distance, porches, lawn and shade. l.U Cass, js MiHJ x LARGE room, gentlemen only, modern, Itaa, bain. iut catuornia. t msmo its APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN. Tb Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooms ana amoKlng parlors; appi.inimenia nrat riaaa. uu 0. inn ai., ujjpoi-ue hotel. E 1. NICELY furnlahad room. 2234 Fornam. E m;; ix SINGLE room: reasonable walking dis tance. AM Ieavsnworth. Hi MtWix 523 NORTH 20th; large furnished room; porches, lawn, shade. t-MSUl lx SINGLE front room and suits of rooms for housekeeping. 1804 Chicago. E M960 Zx ONE room for housekeeping, also one sleep- ing room, mil Cass. hi M;fl lx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, llh & Chicago. F 9UI 1617 CASS, rooms and board. F-M41S Mil ST. JAMES hotel, day board, msl tickets FURNISHED front room, with board; flna location. xio r arnain F M7.7 U GOOD table board. The Rose. 7020 Har-F-M799 lx nov. ROOM and board, reasonable. 2013 Doug las. ivisou ix 2020 HARNEY St. The Rose: handsomely furnished rooms: good board; reasnnublo rates. F Msol lx FtTRNI8HED south front parlor, board. uu uougiaa. 1 mshs -x FURNISHED room, with board. 84 00 week 611 in. istn. tr M4t zx 1816 DODGE, furnished parlor, suitable for , ooara. r :x FURNISHED room, with board 1709 Dodge. l iWtMn -'X UNFURNISHED ROOMS 31ST ST.. one )lock north of Hanscom park. Address P. O. box 414, City. u MtWO JUl SUITE of unfurnished rooms; parlor floor; modern; waiKh. dintance and on car line. G M804 SUITE of unfurnlstu'd rooms; parlor floor; modern; walking distance nnd on cur line. 2402 cass. o rvifttt ix FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND sars etieap. Derlght, 1113 Furnaro. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y ail SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables billiard tables repaired; large stock cheai bar fixtures, Cigar counters. Tha Bruns- wiok-uaiKe uouunaer uo., wi-b b. lutn. Q-913 150 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left in pawn, cneap. Ulamuua Loan Utiles, iwi uougius. W sit FOR 8 A LE Severn.! scholarships in a first- class standard school In Omuiia, compris ing complete course In business, slrort hand aiid typewriting. Inquire at Bee otilce. Q 852 FOR SALE Cheap, old ink barrels. Apply to ttie pressroom oi in. tstia. ij-jm FOR BALE Will sell at a dlsoount a sohol. arshlp In one of the best Omaha business toiicgts. xuareas u, we. 1J-WM TELEPHONE poles; long flr tlmbsra; .r.. wv uii... W sauaa HEAVY, full leather top buggy in good condition; urummona make; su; aiso hurusss. Johnson cfe Danlorth, B, W. or. 10th and Jones. Q-MIKI Ml FOR BALE, rails .of all weights; also switched, frogs and cars for sidetracks and tramways, locomotives, steam shov els and contractors' tools. Wa mike a specialty of cutting rails to any length desired. M. MiUbkun Co.. Detroit, Mich. 2D-11 AND safe. warU. Hatter, 114 8 13th. Q-44u JyJ WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Bam' I Burns. tinn pnltr. T a.n rm and Railroad i ?r77." ,7,..i. o iT,7. ir Wire Fence. Wire Works. 611 S. llh Bt, Tel. 1580. V-M387Jy8 FOR SALE New ana second-hand auto mobiles. IT. w. uacou, todum iron i o., Omaha. Q-71 M12 STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and Retail. HARNESS and 8ADDLE8: everything con stdered, cheapest on eurtn; averyining hand-mad; union shop; headquarters tor axis grease ana whips. J. U. BLEbSINU, 331 N. 25th, So. Omaha. SMOKE Auditorium Brick, to cigar. W two TAP We sell TAR. Write for prices or I nl telenhnne 741. Omaha Gas Co. !th and Lincoln eve . Omaha. Neb. Q-213 MH KIMBALL piano, Beginning April 10 price will be reduced 12 oauy until noio.. price will be reduci Room 7, Bee bldg 4 mj&o FOR BALE Two eight-foot standing desks. one roll top deug, one Keiningion ijijo writer and desk. William K. Potter, re ceiver. No. 808 Brown block. Q 434 WH RENT Sewing machines. TSo week. We repair and aril parts or every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines front 3. to 810f"V Nabraska Cycle Co.. ' 'Phone 1883. Corner 15th and Harney. xis BOKA FOUNTAIN Good as new doubts head counter rountnln, 34, with Ice box, Dottles, etc., complt'te. 2001 LeKe st. Q-M78S lx FOR 830 Reglna music box and 22 tune sheets. Good as nsw. Cost 85. K 17. Pee, Q-M5!v8 M-S FRESH cows at 281 Webster. Q-780 lx AUTOMOBILES OIDSMOBII E slightly used st a bargain. uios uas tngins works, lias r emain St. 4uo I FOR BALE Violin. Nlkolaus Amatl. genu Ine hsnd-tnade Instrument. In givid condi tion. Addre.a 8048 So. 18th; call after 4 p. m. I els so FOR BALE Baby go-cart McKlnlev styls. in gooa condition, used one year, inquire 509 N. 284 st. i x vtrM.TM for ale srus ft isth 0-MR 1 I ' -- FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1518 ana the eeeond iwr avwaw n vw Kg v. a. m umai 1-SJ2 IN THR BEK BU1LDINO a handsome suite, entrance right In front of the elevator, south exposure, hardwood nntsh and Hour, rrlca per mon.. jO. A nice small office, fourth fUKr. 810. A good-aiaad orTlce with UrKa vault, run n n. vatar nn nflh floor. Heat, llnht. wittr. ianltor aarvlce Included in rental price of all rooms. H. C. Peters Co , Rental Agents. Uiuwod Floor, Bee Buna. na. i .,i . FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE 2fi01 Bouth 11th St., 5-room I W rivi Knuth mh St., 7-room, corner ,tW0 1 Elm St., 5-roum house, barn 1. !1M4 Bouth 2Mb st., two houses 1.M0 1 Ci 2 South 2-'d st., S-room house, modern S.7W M North Zilh ave., modern Wi North 7th are., 7-room .W Wit North 7th ave., lo-room house.... 2.000 1KIS-4U-42 North 2id St., B-room, 4 lots.... 1.100 2616 Hamilton st., 10-room house, modern t.600 19 North 43d St., 8-room house, modern 1.6) 14 North !7th St., 7-room, modern.... 2.60(1 3X) Franklin st., 6-room house l.loO 837 Decutur St., "-room house 1,400 N. P. DODUE & CO., 1014 FARNAM St. RE 790 JO SPECIAL BARGAIN. An attractive new 9-room house, fronting east on 29th ave., Just north of Jackson, with red oak finish and flooring, electrlo light and gas fixtures, butlers pantry, laundry end all modern Improvements; permanent walks and driveway, asphalt pavement with lot 50 feet front nnd HO feet deep, running tlironsh to 3th ftve. Price, $7, Sit) und teinis reasonable. Apply THE BYKON HEED CO., 212 B. 14TH HI'. rvc 010 a 5600 DON'T DODGE $600 Beat all streets for big snars. We have two lots, ad Ave. and Dodge, ground lOOx 12 reel, tor owner muBi bbu. Payne-Bostwick Co., 6th Floor. N. Y. Life. ' RE-7G8 M30 HOMESTEADS. THE "Rosenud Bill" Is now a law; send 2o stamp for map, etc. The Nebraska & So. Dakota Lund Agency, Bonesteel 8. D. RE M738 13x SPLENDID PROPERTY CHEAP. Party lenvlng for California will sell his fine 2-story, 9-room, all modern house at 2013 Pierce St. for 83,750. Improvements alone are worth more money. 8300 barn, lot 60x160. high and sightly; fine trees. If rot sold, will rent. See us quickly If In terested. Harrison & Morton, 912 N. Y. Life, Tel. 314. RE-M732 5-Acre Tract on West Dodge, . $800. Owner asks 88C0 fur this land, but is very unxlous to get hold of some money, uet' ter see us about this. It will sell quick. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., W. liU list Fluor, N. i. 1. RE 753 29 WANTED Homesteads on the Rosobud Revervutlon; kchU uo cents for large sec tional map and full information. Bone- steel State Bank, Bonesteel, So. Duk. RE MbK5 2x FOR SALE 6 Irrigated farms In Big Horn valley. Clias. jVorland, Worland, Wyo. RE 4110 VUix ENGLISH &CO., PAXTUN BLOCK. One of the finest 8-room moacrn desldencss In West tarnam alstrlul, W.JW. RE (21 CHA& U, 11;.-, rv, 1st Flnor E. vv uiiaiuouii --v.,u. e. bk. bldg HE-7M MY RESIDENCE house, 8 rooms, all mod ern, iiiitj bpenccr; terms easy, vvui aiaiaa, P. O. Box otw. KE-M14S A3t IF YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN IN AN ALFALFA ABM UU NOT OVERLOOK THIS. 160 acres of choice smooth land In Platte valley, best black loam soli, clay subsoil, 70 sores In alfalfa, balance In cultivation, t.ll tenced and cross-fenced, bouse, bain, sheds and corrals; W mile frm station on mam line U. P. railroad, immediate pos session. Bargain at J-'.ouO, but owner will take 54,000 if sold Immediately. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY. Ground Floor, Bee Building. RE-M4a TWO brand new cottages, modern except i irnace; one (i.soo and the other 5Z,4oo. EiHIMEK & CHASE. 3'..:!ilers of Modern Houses. 1(09 Farnam sf. Tel. 2422. RE-818 30 FINEST view In Omaha, on Florence boulevard IS. 20th St.), I blocks north of Ames ave.; no special taxes; large lot, cast front; 8-room modern house and barn; for sale at reasonable prioe and terms. Fred U. Youngs, 5C0I Florence blvd. RE M301 WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAil wny, '4xioMpBO.N-Bii.LDEN, OtlcliAKD- w ILHciH. i HE YuuiNU MEN'H CHRiBllAN iCSlClATiON and tne contenipiateu aduiilon to the ller Orana noici all on ism and tioward aireets, will surely enhance the value vf ail South I6tn atreet nrooerty. Every thing north of the viaduct, and we hav a line lliree-story brick block, wsll rented, on the west side of Isib stiset. owned by eastern parties, and our Instructions are to aell at once. Bee us quick and you will make money. Low price and easy terms. I per cent Interest. Thomae urcnnan. room l, main floor Nsw Voik Life bldg. W. H. Crory, manager real estate department. ti.iL lam Modern Cottage. Close In. WIT! have a T-rnnm mmlum atpnt fit. nace, cottage at ioth and Davenport St., one-half block from car. three and on. half blocks from High rchool, three and one-half blocks from Crelghton roil'ge; easy walking distance Firat Methodist, Congregational end Kountxe Memorial churches and Dostofflcp: sniendid nclao. borhood; price 8-.2UU; i00 cash, balance three to five years, 6 per cent.; a bar gain; see us at once. R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor Bee Building. RE-M784 SO WK CAN SKI.L YOUR FARM. WRITE for details of our special plan. rietcner neat ustute Co., uniaiw, ItnnU gration Agents "Burlington Route." RE-M7U3 MM Illua your property. Baksr Bros. Eng. Co. IU.-I4 83.tyjB. ON easy tsrms will buy the most beautiful home on Clifton Hill cheap when you aes It throughout: owned by Rev. Dillon, wno leaves tne city; 4Ji urint. RE-M413 THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION Is open to settlement. Bend riftv rents to item man & Keller. Bonestcsl. S. D., for In formation and large map showing topig- rspny oi country kc-ho HOU8KS AND LOTS FOR SALE. IT'S Larimore ave.. 4 rooms, 31.0OU, 8S Lnrlmore ave.. t rooms, f'JU) H-8 Boyd St., 5 rooms. 3u0. f.;4 Franklin st , 7 rooms, fl.lM 4oo8 Hamilton st., 8 rooms, 31 l'i. 2.l8 A St., Bouth Omaha. 4 rooms. lOfO iHS T st., South Omaha. 4 rooms, fSOO. 8 Bth St.. 5 rooms. 11,800. 53u2 Pacific st.. IU arm i rooms. 31.500. Vacant lota in Boyd's add . 27th ard Ames ave., in Vacant lot. Hth and Hickory St.. 80. Vacant lot, 2'.th snd Woolworth St.. t810. Vacant lot, rt and Dndge sts.. 3'-M Varant lots, 31st and Martha sts . 8400. Vacant lot. 32d and Mnrcv ata. gl.COO. Manv other linuu, m,A in, a and vscsnt lots In different parta of city. Call and THE O. r. DAVIS CO., 508 Bee Ridf. RE 7i6 30 40-ACRE FRHK HOM B9TEAD8. The Klnkaid bill grunting eio-acre home steads in western Nettraaka hs Just be come a law. There are over 8.UH.0UO acres to be thus dlaixiaed of. Bend fitty cents for copy i f the luw, man of district cov ored bv the law and. instructions aa to steps to be taken to secure one of thess nomeaiautas. Addres Kochanan tt rat tr.nn. Land Attorneys. N"rth Platte INcbraska. liS U4 8 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE WILCOX ADDITION The CheaDeat lota between Omaha and South Omaha. More prospective Imiirnvemnnta and de velopments than in any other part of the city. New XWOrf) ear Knrn noa alraal rae Una on 24th street, subway under railroads on Bancroft street. Great Western, elevator and terminal grounds. I have tha nheanaat lnta In that addition See these: 12-jO each for six lots nn Tfith and Ban croft. 8300 for t inside lots. 8400 for 3 fins corners. 3400 for 4 fine Inside lots. 3600 for 8 splendid lots. 8400 to 31,000 for several others. Get terms and prices at once. GEORGE G. WALLACE. Brown Block. RE 822 80 SOUTH OMAHA ACRES. Acre lots, $250 to $300. 5 acre tracts, $875 to $1,500. 10 acre tracts, $1,750 to $2,000. N. P. DODGE & CO., 2512 Q ST.. SOUTH OMAHA. 1614 FARNAM ST. Tel. A 386, South Omaha. Tel. 829, Omaha. Open Evenings. RE-7S9-30 950.00 2912 Grant Street Five-room house, barn and lot. 30x118. Fine flowing spring; no water to pay for. Can sell adjoining lot If cestrea. N. P. DODGE & CO., TEL. 8. 1614 FARNAM flTRBWT. RE Sir SO TWO BENSON SNAPS Nice new 7-room house In Benson with eight 50-foot lots. A snap. 2,600. Two acres In Benson, on ;aved street. 3W0. BENSON & CAHMICHAEL, C24 Paxton Block. RE '92 29 HOMES. West Farnam Location, Modern 7-room resilience, oak Interior, best plumbing, best lurnuce, best construction tnroughout, built for a home and first class in every particular. Price reduce! to J,0j. Eoutli front on Harney St., a beautiful home, attractive; one of the finest loca tions in West Farnam district. Price 84., 60 We have some cf the finest nomes In the I West Farnam location for sale which we are not permitted to advertise. Get par ticulars direct from us. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. .UM n'arnam tstreet, RE MHO FOR RENT HOUSES THE OinuuM Vuu uud biurnan Co. pack. iuuvh aiiu aiuiv xt. li. gooua. aiumouuH, li-u-.l Isia. ouico, iui)i Faiiiani. Xsl. 1WK-603. t Z PAYNE-BOSTW1CK CO., choice bousea bol-tw iNew lock iaio Bldg. Pnone lois. It IU6 uril ItCC iu all parts of the city. The nUUJLJ u. t; ,avls Co., buS Bee Bldg. 1 Sal WE MOVE pianos. Muggard Van & Stor age -o. ii. hjo. oiiim ilia vvoosicr st. HOUsEd, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. 1-ju Un IC.CC In all parts of the city. R. C. 1IUUJLJ peters a. Co, ie Bulidlng. . u sal FOR RENT Bevon-room house, all mod em, XJUa California tit.,, Including Water Lux. lnguire al su7 N. Lith Bt 1 iklbM I IQ.T your bouses for sals or rent with e-'" l. i. Hammond, Paxton Block. D-8J0 FINE 14-room, strictly modern, brick Uli B. lltli. DM&M dwelling, entirely new, Bends, Paxton Block, R. C. PETERS & CO., Mummers of Real Estate. 22115 Blnney bt., lo rooms, modern, hot water neui, no. 1521 Park Ave., new modern 8-room flat, across from Hanscom Park. VUL ttvo Lodge SU, east H nsw uuuble brick. nswiy iiaparvu, nicKui piumuing, exclu sive neighborhood, 8 rooms, Ui w. 80b 3. 27tn, 4 rooms, city water and sawer. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor Bee Bldg. D 808 FOR RENT Four rooms, lower floor, newly papered; city water in house; 3124 Maaon til.. i. C. M. Lacnmann. UU pax ton Blk. D MiiJ NICE 8-roora fiat, facing Hanscom Park, Ui. 'Phone 528. D Mk4 No. 11,29 Bo. 80th Ave, 11 rooms, oak finish, laundry, best of condition. No. 1041 So. 40th Ave., 10 rooms, 3-tub laun dry, oak finish, all modem. Address W. D. Mead, Jr.. York, Nsb. D-M65T FOR RENT 8-room house, furnished or unfurnished. Dr. Gage, 807 North 30th, D o8 4-ROOM,, modern flat, 1113 S. 11th st. D 5-ROOM modern brick house. 18th st. Apply R4( 8. 1J -787 lx FOR RENT 210 8. 3.1th ave., modern 8 room house, In good repiilr; nice lawn and shade; (40 00. Ourvln Bros.. Ii04 Fjr nam st. D-M793 I 4279 OHIO Five-room modern, 312. 2201 N. J9th Eight-room, barn, 310. 2oll Sherman Ave. Eight-room, modern, laundry, furnace, barn; very cheap at K: will luase. 37th and Douglas New, all modern, 7 rooms. 3'i5 GEORGE a. WALLACE, Brown Flock. I S21 30 NURSERIES TREES, SHRUBS. FLOWERS. From the F W. Ueneiay Crescent Nursery Co., 8 miles from Omaha. Larg si ss eorlment giown In the west. Flowering shrubs, heavy clumps, beauties. We csn plsasa ou bold In prioe. end quality. Sales ground. e. and Farnam, where stock That falls to grow Is slwsS re placed according to contrac. G. H. Ktyes. Omaha, ti g r. 'Phone 5357. M7-S May TREES. Omaha Nursery, lath Douglas. Tel. !o6. M-T'a M H PATENTS AND PENSIONS II. J. COWGILL Pstents. No fee unless successful. 618 S. 15th. Omaha. TelK4. PATENTS guaranteed. Sues at Co., Omaha Stat PENSION 8-8. F. Moore. 1823 Kamanj. i4 JsU LAW AND COLLECTIONS STILL MAN PRICE. 410 1st Nat, bk. bids'. E r MOREARTY, Att'y.. 437 Paxton. Tel, A-a. '0 JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York life bldg., rooms M aim 119- Tel, PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody, K. I, lilt Famaia. u mi Paper Hanging cV.S.JTMuSSl; c P. MccLaiN. teed at reasonable prlcea 210 N. lila Bt. Tel. B-2647. U 843 Accordeon pleating, cl cheapest, best, quirk- est. lira A. C. Mar, a, inn ana uouauta U a LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 518 Karbacn oioca. j Sit PANTORIUMc Tal. 88. eanlng, Dyeing ui ao. i6i n. U-964 ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron ef the Salvation Army Home for Women, 8R24 N. 84th at., Omaha. Neb. U M526 Mix Stammering cured. J. Vaughn. Ramge bldg. u ett ELITE Parlors, 315 8. 18th, Id floor. "VIA VI," way to health, W Bee building. U-4'T VV"AT'S nicer than acoordcon pleatlngT ?. nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., JoO Douglas blk. U-4H8 SEND 26c for HOMESTEADER'S GUIDE, containing forty-eight pages of valuable Information. OFFICIAL MAP and full iTiVJ,"!?". how t0 . a cUtm on the Vi . RESERVATION. Forbes Lo cating Agency, Bonesteel, 8. D. U 861 PJAN9LAS for rent: ' months' rent al-!?w"l-on fur:hase. Sehinoller A Mueller, 113 arnam. Tal. l&Sfi. iimi TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th St U-8M DR. SLABAUQH. Dentist. N. Y. Life bldg. u Mm BM,9K,B..cPt- Freer a Greenlander cigar. . 410 S. 18th. U-M817 Mayl TftJSAX,R,CA1, nesq. costumea Llsben, 1018 Farnam. Utb LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kmd tan secure a hall In the Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all nicht, eieotrlo light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. U-S41 CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1305 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. 4 U-M450 JelO THERE are at least 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram 5c ciaar. The first Is: It Is equal to uny 10c ci.-ar on the markot W. F. Btoecker Cigar Co., maniiracturers, 1404 Iouglaa U 103 WALL paper cleaned. AS38. Ulddlemlaa. Tl. U-M146 AM READ THIS If you are Interested in clean clothes, then patronise the Domeetio Laundry, 241tt N. 24th. Tel. B H82. U-M4S3 FAuflLY wnshlng and rough drying a spe cialty. 3014 N. "4th St, U-505 M5x DR. C. II. DE LONG, Dentist, 352 v m M4 M A P. 1MPTIP treatment & baths. Mma lUrVJPiC I 1V Smith, 118 N. )6. 2 fir. . R. 1 U-Uu-M-ix BTEINWAY pianos are told exclusively by Schmoller & Mueller. 1318 r-nam St. U-M800 Pr7omi SALVE. Quick, absolute cure. CCZema , j. Bcannell, 509 Ware Blk. U-M008 M9 ft . uys wonts, up-to-aare ..,ciiiiaina8 Ulh Bt. T1 jgv;. U MS57 BEST photos from 32 to 810 per dosen and a 4x17 or 16x20 photo not crayon Included la each dosen FREE. Frames If desired at very low prices. Btonecyp'ner, photog. r.phei, 1812 Farnam at. Tel. 8522. U 828 PENNELL MI'.LINERY CO.-New loca tion, 111 Bouth 15th St, Opp. old postofflos. U-822 M14 PHOTOGRAPHIC negative retouching complete course 325, 310 down and 33 par week, for five weeks. Suite 2, Krug Thea ter Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U-822 MIT LAWNMOWERS sharpened. 2708 Leav. Tel. L-1678. U M340M18 DR. FICKES. G. C. B. 8. dentist, 838 Bes bldg. u mki7 mis C. r P A RTQ and Baby Carriages Mtg , JJ V-ttl I iJ gold from mfg. to buyer; retail at wholesale, prlcea- sstisraction guaranteed. Omaha R. tfc R. Works. 418 . 18th. U-M367 'PAPA says he can't shake 'em off' Huts son's New Patent Rimless Eyeglass; al most Invisible. Huteson Optical Co., 213 8. 18th St., Psxton block; factory or. the premises. U 400 MRS. DAVIE9, 1516 Burt, electric and tub baths, second noor, room i. u-aira sx WIIJ. the young men who looks Into the PARIS WOOLtTt CO. B windows. mt Douglas, every evening at 6 p. m., kindly Mep Inside and leave his measure for a 320 suit, cut and mado by Omaha tailors. V V72. 8 MEDICAL MAGNET PILE KILLER, IT CURES. -955 At druggists, i. HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail, onerrnan m mcvonntm 858 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases snd Irregularities or women; riprriniitiu, reliable, 161H Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha. s"' PRIVATE hostlpal during confinement! UaDles anoptea jnr. ", Charles. Tel. A-2S18. -858 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted The uocxi eamnnian wuiui"""i 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. PRIVATE hospital before snd during con- flnement: bsntss nnopi.u ana v--mjim. Mrs. NeAln. 808 N. lfttn. -MtW HtnyT m FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS HORSES for ssle; second-hand harness and vehicles cheap. Melchior's Stab as. 501 8. 18ih. ru HAVE your wagon paintad or repalre by H. Frost, 14tb and Leavenworth. IIORSE, phaeton, surrey, Burns. eheap. Sam'l P 848 UU WILL sacrlflc high-grade 8128 runabout for 371.; eieo ow "K "' Johnson Jones. r-iu Mil FOR SALE-Light. 2-seat surrey with rub ber tires, in good order. Milton Rogers & Sons Co.. 14th and Farnam st, P 431 HORSES CLIPPED0 T'W P-M763 l 40O-LB. WORK horse, or trade for small driving horse. 1717 Cass St. P M771 lx SHETLAND PONY msre. 338 Webetsr. P 781 IX HORSE for sale, good 8-year-old pony. Club stable, 80th and Leavenworth. y M364 J DETECTIVE AGENCY Capt Corniack, 517 Karbacb blk. Tel. A-M.T3. When You Write to Advertisers reinemLer it only takes an extra stroke ef two of tne pen to mention the fact that yos saw tlie aa In Ths Bee. DRESSMAKING IN families. Miss Sturdy, 3608 Davenport. WANTED, dressmaking In families; best of references. Address H 88. Bee. -Ml Mis M CLAIRVOYANTS OYLMER. palmist, 718 N. 33d. Ttl. B-Ba PROF. LESTER, test medium, gives fscls, nsmee. dstes. ete. patrons out of city write for wonderful free book 1810 Jv enport st, B-S73 MtJL. STENOGRAPHERS P. J. SUTCLIFFE. 1018 N Y. L. Deposl. lions, conventions, lei. is. n-aw FACSIMILE letters. Boyles College. N T. Ufe Bldg. M MM THIS FOR THAT 7-ROOM, modern house, porcelain bath, steam heat, gas, city water and Sswer good location. In Omaha. Will trade tot town'r sallery la Nebraska or lows SHOLES-ARMSTRONO COMPANY, TL Til N. Y. L i is bldg . itW MJo HA..T2Ui. vlult ,ot to exchange for parlor suite and a planoT Address K , K-Miott Mix WJLI4 t."dr ,wln .machine for typewriter. Nsb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney . . Z--M700 IF YOUR old furniture don't suit, we will exchange new for It. Tel. 77i Z-M733 M9 8900 AUTOMATIC Reglna muslo box. fancy case, to exchange lor piano or rlanola Addreea K 13, Bee. Z M711 M2H ' I3C0 FISCHER PIANO for 375; will trade for 2d-hand furniture. Enterprise Furni ture Co., 103 8. 14th. Tel. CM. Z-7U 10-1 N. DISC records taken In exchange for new recorda Columbia Phonograph Co., 1821 Farnam. J4 751 A FINE set of books by the greatest ora tor America has yet produced, will sell chesp or trade for good guitar. Address K 20, Bea Z 783 SOx WHAT have you to exchange for a planoT Perneld Piano Co., Bee Bldg. Tel 701. 55-783 830 ACRE ranch, fenced end well Im proved, near North Platte, Neb., to trade for etock of merchandise or Improved firoperty In any city east. Addresa Bos i. North Platte, Neb. 15 M74 30x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. It you are annoyed by numerous email Mils that have acoumuiated during the winter It might be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay tham, and then pay us In weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels snd we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Cur rates are as low aa any and a great deal lower than some. Our service is 2uick and without publicity. If you have ealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel 32. (Established 182). SM South 18th St. X-8S1 MONET! MONEY! ARE YOU IN MEED OF MONEY! WE LOAN ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, Etc WB CFFER THE LOWEST RATES BEST TkRMS FAIR TREATMENT. LONG TIME, EA8Y PAYMENT PLAN, With rebate when paid before due, and extension of time when alck or out of work, without extra charge. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., SUITE 514, PAXTON BLOCK. TELEPHONE 18(77. X-781 CASH. Tou can establish a CREDIT with an aid RELIABLE firm and secure money whenever you need It. We will advance you enough money to pay oft all your debts, so that you will ewe it all in one place, where you get courteous treatment. Otir easy payment p'an has astonished people who had previously borrowed of other loan companies, on account of our liberal rates. We make loans en SALARIES, FURNI TURE, PIANOS, LI VE STOCK, eta RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 307-8 Paxton Block. X-M823 MONEY to loan on salaries. Essy money, easy terms; quick ana courteous treatment. STAR LOAN CO. - ' 844 PAXTON BLK. 'TEL. F-129J X-M861 MONEY LOAN Phoenix Credit Co., 638 Paxton Blk. X-81T MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others witn security; easy payments) largest buslnsss In 49 principal cltlea To man, room 440, Chamber of Commerce bldg. X-084 JpTC. YEAR FROM 1100 to 8S.000 loaned on your personal note at 3 Pe.11 1 imk, ino money shsrk deal. Call or writ and get my system. W, L, Eastman st Co., Uug Farnam. Omaha, X M328 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, ete., st nan usual rains, u. irioumtuw, room 115 at 209 B. 15th st. Tsl. B-2964. X-8 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horsos, cows, etc C. F. Reed. 319 a utn. A ii CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley i.oan co., loot arnam at. A ftts SALARY and collateral loans. Templstnn, ziz Itee mag. lei. zsot. x-uin MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE FARM und city loans, low ratea W. IL Thomas, irst J. an uana uog. 1.1. imj. W-8H8 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 n. Y. Life. W SIS 4 TO I P. C money. Bemls. Paxton block. W .11 PRIVATE money. T. D. Wead, 1530 Douglaa w n WANTED City loans and warrants. B'ai-nam fimlth A Co.. 1820 Farnam st, W. W-873 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, ifV"w77 WANTED Real estate loans snd warrants. K. c. peters st co., ee oiog. v ., I per cent loana Oanrln Bros., 1004 Farnam. MONEY to loan, Kenny Real Eatele and Investment Co., r. 300 Bee bMg. W-873 CITY loans. la D. Holmes, T13 N. Y. Life. W-815 M-t WANTED 70 BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN 322 N.T, Ule, pays highest prioe for books, isl. IM ID-HAND furniture; high .Prices. Tsl. 1030. Chicago Furniture Co., HlO D0!.. 000 FEATHER beds, pillows and; Wf&mt cash price paid. C. Ri.8. loth. LIGHT oak cheval dreeser. Address K 10. Uaask flmri. -' -w WANTED, pair of fairly heavy, aotive horses for general purposes In mountalr country; young, sound, well brok.n. good lookers, t niodsrate price: wrtte full SSrtlculxrsT S. A. Bsxter. Ixtonotel. WA VTED Largs rsfngtrstor sight by twelii: good shape. Addrew K U, Bee N 768 sag WANTED To buy 8-room cottage; give lo cation and pries. Address K 18. Bee N M788 80x PRINTING PRINTING I cro'upss SoTk!1 corner Of LYNGSTAD) Mth it, and Capitol Ava HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prloes. Tsl. WA. I- A Medlar Co., 44 8. Uth bu J. M. SIRPLE88, Reliable Printer: eetab Uhad 18 vrara. aV 13th sL. Omaha. ni9 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment. Get our prices. Tel. 1 U1S l nicage. t nicage. II-MU1I Df-intif-irr Job printing. Beet work I riinung Uuaraaleed. laU Capitol Beet work In City. avs. V