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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, 'APRIL 30, 1004. 13 CRA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET Borthweit Btsrs and SoaUwuit Eater tbs Fit. Built INCREASE EXPECTED IN VISIBLE WHEAT apply Ma? Exceed Lut Ytif1! tn- Weataer Ideal far Wheat. ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 80 cars, against 61 car inst weeg ana 19b a year ago. Pino weather started the corn market rather eaBier. The strength In wheat, how. ever, had a counterbalancing enectt tne market becoming firmer on a moderate de mand. The close waa barely steady. Julv opened ftc lower at 48(&4Sc and closed at 4BVc. nay ciosea at 4o-o. ijocai re ceipts were 161 cars, with 30 of contract gtnde. Sentiment In the oats pit was very bull ish. The market closed firm. July opened So lower to o higher at S83rJ9o, ranged between S8c and and So, closing at 890. Local receipts were 20 cars. Liquidation due to a bearish hog market waa' responsible for lower prices throughout V. a. n.-irt4 .-in 11a. Th. m a r kr n t r'niarl weak Ohio valley there 1 total failure. Some at tht low point. Final quotai J on July org were on loc at 112.110; lar,.. was nown IHlSc at 36.72V36.75. and ribs 16o nt 16 45. me leading luiurea rangea as iouowsi Artlclee. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tea'y. OMAHA. April 28. 1904. The northwest seems to be arrayed In the wheat situation against tbe southwest and the miouie west, ihe hoi inertia are bearish ana tbe southerns end easterners bullish. The weatlisr Is now perfect lor spring wheat and the seeding, with the ex ception oi me ttea Kiver vaiiey, is tar along and going finely. Manltooa sends good reports, s'or tbese reasons tbe norih western mills are bearish and must of the cash wheat men In that section also are of that turn. BU Louis, on the other hand, has turned bullish and so has Chicago, and the buying Thursday and touay WdS largely by professionals In these p. acta. The buying of cash wheat, however, has Wen largely ef tbe retail sort and It no change oauies soon tbe visible supply will be larger than than last year. The world's Visible supply la now so. Bnow's weekly report Is considered very bullish and induced some buying. He finds the winter wheat average condlton has iowered sine April L Ohio, Michigan and ndlana are bad and in some points of the Ohio valley there is total failure. Some points In Illinois, Missouri and Kansas are also poor. Bpiing wheat seeding has progressed well exoept In Red river vaiiey. The oold weather has delayed the germina tion. Interest centers In the May delivery of corn. It Is generally conceded Armour can control the cash corn after May 1 and It Is expected he will move it out freely. There Is muoh speculation as to what will be done in olearlng up his short line of July and long of May, In which he Is thought to still have contracts which will cover a large part ef his holdings. Tbs next corn movement will probably not start before the end of May. If the present Stock Is disposed of before that time deal ers look for high prices, but If it Is not, then low prices will be experienced. No decline Is thought likely 'fur the present with the corn on a shipping basis and close to an export basis. The buying sentiment In all futures had control of the Omaha market this morn ing, and as everyone had the same Idea, no grain was fur sale for future dallvery ana tne market was at a stanusuu. The range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close today and Thursday were as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Thur. wneatr May . July . Corn May . July Oats- May 40 July 86 Kept 80 A asked. B Did. Local Cash Grain Market. The only feature of the spot grain busi ness today was the advance of com another half cent. The cash grain men feel that tbe low limit hue been reached until at least the beginning of the May delivery. They are however on the fence as to later conditions. Receipts were: WheaJ, 10 cars In and 10 ears out; one week ago, 4 and 1 car; corn, U oars In and I cars out; one week ago 88 and 11 cars; oats. 3 cars in: one week sro 3 cars in. Chicago received one car less of wheat than Omaha and only 30 cars of oats Representative sales of our lots by sample on tracx, umaot: Mixed corn. No. 3, 1 car, 47c; 1 car, 46c; Jso. 4, 1 car, 46o. White oats. No. 4, 1 cars, S9c. .I ' I W . XJ A t T,.. miiim wa.mi, , vis vn , iiu. WHEAT No. S hard. R3'u5c; No. t hard, SlihlUc: No. 4 hard. 7l.'76c: . No. 3 spring. 83(&86c; No. I spring, Rl!03c; No. 4 spring, TlWibo. CORN No. oiuoaoo omAin ard rao vinos s restusi ef th Treats sua Cloalaaj Prices Board ef Trade. CHICAGO, April . la the face of ex cellent weather for all kinds of farm work a majority of wheat traders today remained bullish on the crop situation, buying orders being of sulllclent quantity to cause a net advance of 4fc In the July option. Corn shows a loss of c. Oats are up o. Pro visions are down UVfca o. Influenced by the exoeedlngly favorable weather wheat ODened a trine easier, July being off 'ac at 84jc. Shorts were active buyers of the May delivery, advanc ing the price of that option about lo. July in the meantime sold up to S6c. The market held strong until the laat half hour, when a reaction occurred on protlt-taklng. A firm tone prevailed at the close. Final figures on July were at 84c. May ranged between SSc and 8c, closing at a9o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to i,4i on. Exports or wheat and Hour ror the week, according to Biadstreet's. were SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS other Influences curtailed the supplies of money on m mwni today. Discounts were nrm. vonnois were in atfronr invest' ment demand. Home rails were subject to scattered profit taking. Americans were OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Market Conines Apa.htlio and Irregular 2?')&0t& ed Cattl. Beoslptt Mors Modsratt and Pxloss Within VarTow Bound FIRMNESS DUE TO LACK OP SELLING Totals of Exports for the Week Far la Excess of Aay Previous. Exports for the game Period. NEW YORK, April 29. There waa little change today in the character of the stock market, which was one ot apathy and Ir regularity within narrow bounds, as the equal to l,0uo,OU9 bu. Primary receipts were I moods of traders changed. The firmness 162, 2u0 bu., compared with 21,S00 bu. a year . was due rather to a total absence of sell- Wheat May a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Corn- May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork- May July Lard- May July, Sept. Ribs May July Bept 894JS9 6eJ 11 80 13 16 I 65 so 36 6 40 e 6 Urn so- U koj 4Mal 48i 89S iVi30tfi, U 87Vi! 13 221 I 65 s& 6 8a 40 6 67H IV 11 70 12 06 87H 6 26 6 46 60 8474;84Hg 81 6 4M4I 40H U T2V U OS 67 76 6 87 27 4b 60 81 oO?i tng pressure rather than to support by buying stocks. London also helped in a sympathetic way, but did nothing prac tical in the way of buying stocks. Reports of railroad earnings at hand today made a very poor snowing, even Reading and Le high alley making a poor comparison with last years corj egponuing period, wnicn was, however, one of large earnings. We- oasu and uanauian t'acino snowed even less favorable comparisons. The average of the decline In near earnings for March Is thus expanding to a substantial per centage. Tne high priced coalers were In clined to run on as easily as they have recently advanced. Stocks held rather nrmer on the an nouncement of ll.6ou.0O0 gold for export to morrow by J. P. Morgan & Co. A small niuamint had been announced earner in viucmo rer. the day. This brings the totals for the Con. Tobacoo 4s, week up to lU,8oO,ow, which is far In ex oess of any exports from New York tor a single week heretofore. The record ex port for a month stands at Zi,4WJ.oou, tor May, UH, The money market was sun unaffected cy tnis neavy aruin, out me dimensions of the movement had an effect -on sentiraenL Today a engagement of gold will not figure In tomorrow's bank statement. The San Francisco transfers have taken from . v. . tcimnM hilt Ih. Awiruu in cash Is likely to be reduced to under 12,000, below the best quotations of the day. Hew Tork Money Market. NR7W YORK. April 29. MONEY On call. offered at 1 per cent; time loans, easy and dull; sixty and ninety days, 2tji'i per cent; six montns, fiwn per cent; prime mercan tile Paper, u. rer cent. BTERUNO JLUHA .NU Fi Firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84.879 4.8706 for demand and at 84.StxuM.S510 for sixty-day Dins; posien raies, m m ana st-ss; commercial bills, t4.494.84V SILVER Bar. Mc; Mexican dollars. IJONDfl Government, strong; railroad. Steady. The closing quotations on nonas are as follows- C. B. nl. U. ng....llManhktUa a g. 4s.. .109 tu eonpoa iik,m. Cantrsl s ri to Is. ng 1M 4o 1st Ino. U to coupon 1"T4 Minn. (. U ... M Co sow 4a, rag !,., k. a t. iw in coupon lM4i do at n o old 4s. rt 10? N. R. R. of M. o. 4a. n Eald Otnera'lj 6tdj. HOGS CONTINUED I0WNWARD COURSE Tory aa all Rob ot Sheep sue Lassos tM ana Everythla Waa Boaght tp la Short Order at Good Steady Prloea. BOUTH OMAHA, AprU , 1904. Recelota were: Ottlcial Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Ottlcial Thursday .. OUiclai sYioay CaUle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 4..1MI s,oJ a,lsa ,.. 7,138 16.786 .. 6.614 14.IKU .. 8,024 12,ui 4o eoapon 107 u. Alchlaon gai. 4s luo So aaj. a i Atlantis a U 4s M', B. a O. 4s 100H Mo t t4Vk Ctntrsl Oa. ts....lMVk la I at Ino TO Ctira. Ohio 4V4t...l01 St. U A 1. Chlcao A. IV,a... 77 it. Lll N. T. C. (. HS M N J. C. s. Ra Ut No. FaolAo 4s 10SH do Is VI N. A W. a. 4s 17 O. B. L. 4s A par.... M Pann. eonv. Im Reading son. 4a l M . a. ta..iu F. fg. 4s. KH C, B. A 4. a. 4s... Mli St. L I. W, 11 MV4 C. N. A B. P. g 4a.llVt Saaboard A. U 4s.... W O. A N. W. s. Ta..lV So. paollo 4s 1 C, B. I. A P. 4s... viv, g,. Raiiwar a IUUj do col. Is so Taxaa A P. la lll C.C.C. A B. L. s. 4B..10M4 T.. It. L 4 W. 4a.. H UX Vnloo PaolBa 4a 104 Colo. A So. V. A R. O. 4a.... Krta prior llaa 4s. do son. as. P. W. A I. 0. Is. as 17 .107V. do conv. TJ. S. Staal Id la, Wabash it , do deb. D. W. A U g. to wis. rstral 4a... .1" s Five days this week... 26.834 6L711 81.991 Same days last weck....21.6t 64,o92 83,i2 Same week before 22,uvi 4&,od3 i,o6 Bams three weeks ago.. 17,911 87,178 k9,b92 Same four Weeks ago... 20.714 62.7S4 2,v82 Same days last year....l,io2 8a,140 16,914 RKCE1PT8 FOR TUB YEAR TO DATB. The following table, shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oman for the year to date with comparison with last year: riwot. iiru- ino. Cattle 87.80S &!1.195 6.6US Hogs 89,897 741,990 87.907 Sheep 688,016 462,649 136,8tft Averase nrlnea noM for boss at South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Late. I U04.U0l.rista.lS01.l00.USN.loM. Hocking Val. ....!( Colo. P. A L a. la.. Ta l a w. uu. as. ut Offered. Bostoa Stock (kootatloas. BOSTON. April . Call loans. 83SH per cent; time loans, Sl?4 per cent. Official April April April April April April closing of stocks and bonds I 1.. n k.. a. .... h ih. 1 1 lu f I OAtoSlaoa adj. to II ,Watlns. .i.! I mnwmm mnvmant Thft nn V nr PA mnVtt- I AflTaniUrS 48 48 40 as 81 11 96 18 26 72 87 1 uu 42 o 01) 6 70 81 70 46 4u 83 76 46 46 40 80 81 76 46 40 86 80 82 B 81 B 7bB 76 B 46 B 464B 46B 46B 40B 40 B SO A 80 B express movement. The only price move ments nr imnortanca were in BDeoiaiues. w- ---- - - . I Local gas stocks moved up on rumors ot closer association. Tennessee oai was forced down on reports ot reinstatement of old control in the property, Erie March earnings continued to burden that stock. Amalgamated Copper seemed affected by the atrenath of the ooDDer market. The advance in the United States Rubber stocks wits unexplained. The heavy gold engage ments had little effect on the market. The unwonted appearance of J. P. Morgan & Co. as esporiera caused some apprehension that none nr tne Drevioua exports were 011 account of the Panama payments. Tne week's exports of wheat are pronounced iIia amillnt In fourteen vears. The re port of a syndicate to take the 827,000,000 Dominion LAS. Max. Central to. Atchison do pfd 'Boston A Albany. .141 Boaton A Maine.. ..It Bnaton Eiavaled ....HI 'Filchburi pld Ul Max. Central N. T., N. H. A H..18KV Per Marquatle 77 Union Paciflo Amar. Araa. Cham. do pld 71 Amar. Pou. Tuba... thi Amar. Sugar Iff do pfd in Amar. T. A T 1M Amar. Woolao 10 do pfd "4 W Allouea Amalgamatad .. Americas Ains Atlantla Bingham , Cat. A Heals.. Cantennial Copper Kanga . Daly Wast Dominion Coal itv hnnrla Indicate the DrOBDect of COn- ttdlaon E1c. IllU. iini..H vr,al..n nf tha loan item of the Qaneral Biaotrle No. 1. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: PLOUHPIrm. atsadvj winter natemtx. $4. 7uhh. 80; winter straights, 84.40c(4.80: spring banks. Bonds were steady. Total sales. atraianta. u.wiftd 1 rmr value, ll.soo.uuu. uniteu otatea an u vanced ana tne new as per cent, wu call. 1 ,i following were the Quotations on the New York Stock exenange yesterday; buies.Hlg h. Lo w.Close. Atchison 6,400 73 72 72 S, 47SH8c; No. 8, 4R0 patents, $4-iVu4.60r spring 4.10: bnkers. I2.668.80. WHEAT No. 8 spring, 90S 94c; No. 8. 85 94c: No. 2 red. tl.0mul.02. CORN No. 8. 66c: No. 2 yellow. 60t ic. OATH NO. 2, 40i4i41c; NO. 8 White, 45C ; imo. 3 wnite, zjHuo. It I ti ISO. X. 7U4kl'10. BAKLEV Good feeding. 800380: fair to cnoice malting, 4.'u'ac. 1 flax, 81.01 ; No. 1 north western, 81.08; prime timothy, 82.96; clover, contract grade, 810.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 811.70 CU.YO. lard, per 100 ids., its.btra.tu. wnort ribs sides Ulooee), 86.12(&6.2&; dry salted snouiders (Doxedj, s8.6Ui36.7d. The following were the receipts and shipments of Hour and grain: RecelDts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 23,100 16.200 Wheat, bu 121,000 16,600 Corn, bu 1S0.4O0 18l.W Oats, bu 91.400 99.400 Kye, bu 1,000 1.000 Barley, bu 26,400 o,60u On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creamery. 14i'23o: dairy, 14321c. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases included, lbwiec. unease, wean, yioc. 47o ; No. 4, 44CdH6c; no grade, 8fi40c; No. L..iwa yellow, 4849c; No. 8 yellow, 4(Va-;o; No. Ja, leataa white. 47048c: No. 8 white. 464H7C. " supyh OATS No. 2, 404j'41c; No. 8, 8a4iP39c; No. 4, 87ijic; No. 3 white, 4y41c; No. 8 white. swu4va.; no. e waive, aowtav;, elo, Holes from the Exchange Oltlaea. Exchange visitors were E. O. Pierce, of . Leigh. Neb., and C. C. Clifton, South vmana. of wheat, 8 cars graded No. 4 hard and 1 TV St. Louis Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. April 2S. WHEAT Higher on Dai crop news ana snorts ouying; ino. 1 red, cash, elevator, 98c; track, 99ctiS1.06; May. 96c; July, t2c; No. 2 hard, 806fc. CORN Weak : No. 2 cash. 484c: track. 60c: May. 4ti4,c: July. 47c. UA18-t,afly; tracg, 4-U4jc; juiy, siw. September, 31c; No. 2 while, 4foftf4o. FLOUR Higher: red winter patents. 84.906.00; special brands, Vo'u'oo higher; extra fancy and straight, 84-404. 85; dear, oar No. 4 spring; of corn, 1 car graded No. t, t cars No. 8. 1 cars No. 4, 2 cars No. 3 yellow, 4 cars No. 8 white and 1 car No. 4 white; of oats, 8 cars graded No. 8 white, S cars no. waits ana 1 car no graae. Grata Markets Elsewhere. ' Closing prices of grain today and Thurs day afc uie luaiaoM ukuicu www mm iwuvna. CHICAGO. Closed- Wheat Today. Thurs. May 1 ................ eaA oJCj July Corn May July AsseSMJewSSAev e 84 80)f i4sllllli4seoe4eta IIM4tteM44 46B U KANSAS CITY. Wheatr- Iay .'.Ma..... ........ . 82 B July 74 Corn eaHIlltllll44 44 .... 48 ST. LOUIS. May July Wheat May July Corn - May July Wheat May .. July .. 98 B 82A 80 4 43 5 SEED TIMOTHY Steady; J2.4CKg2.60. COKNMEAIj-steady; z.40. BRAN Hteadv: sacked east track. 90c. HAY Firm and quiet; timothy, 87.009 14.00; prairie, 88.0010.00. IRON COTTON TIES 820. BAQaiNt-c. HEMP TWINE 60. PROVISIONS Lard lower: prime steam. 16.26. Pork lower; jobbing, 811.87. Bacon lower; boxed extra snorts, (.zo; clear rioa, MIA. . K r. t nU. . 7(t Po.TT.TRY Steady : chickens. 10c; springs. 83.0016.00 per dosen; turxeys, uotao; oucxs, 11c: aeeee. txuic. BUTTER Steady creamery. I724o; oalry, 144J180. rteoeipio. cuupmenta 1 wu.uo. M . do utd Baltimore & Ohio.., do pfd Canadian Pactno ... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton...., do pld Chicago O. W , Shlcago & N. W.... ., M. & St. P , do pfd Chicago T. At T do pfd C. C. C. & St L.... Colorado Southern.... do 1st pfd do Id nfd Delaware & Hudson.. D., L. Sl Western Denver 4 Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do Dfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N Manhattan L Met. Securities ....... Met. Street Ry Minneapolis & St. L. . M.i St. f. dk s. a. M. do pfd Missouri Paciflo ..... M , K. & Texas do pfd N. R. R. of M., pfd. N. Y. Central Norfolk & Western.. do pfd Ontario & Western... Pennsylvania P., U.. V. dfc BL Jj.... Reading do 1st ptd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co. do pfd St. L. at S. r. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd 200 1,700 4 7a 93 79 93' 2 Maw. BlevU-lo x do pfd Maaa Oaa Vnltad Prutt Vnltad Shoe Maoh. do pfd V. A Staet da ptd Bid. Asked. MttiKranklln 11 Orancr Iala Rorala .. Maaa. Mining . Mlchiian Mohawk Mont. C. AO.. Old Dominion . nacaola Parrot Qutncr Bbannoa Tamarack ... Trinity TJ. g. Mining.. 0. 8. Oil Utah Victoria Winona 8 .1MM . m ' . n .10(V . 4tt . 10' KlWolTerlne . TT . 8 . I . 41 . 10 .441 . 11 . 40i . TU . T . 4 at . II . I . K ,. I' . 1014 s . . n 1. I. 8.. 4. I.. 6.. T.. April 8.. April S... April 10.. April 11.. April 12. April U. April 14.. April 16. Ann is. April 17.. April is, April 19 April SO.. April 21. April 22. AprU 23. April 24. April re. April 86. April 27.. April 28 April 29.. T 28 001 7 84 4 981 T 847 4 901 T 271 (OS 'M 46H 4 80V 4 86 4 Skis. a 4 76 w lr 4 81 4 81 4 74 4 78 4 74 4 71 4 6 T l ssi 6 68 8 681 7 86 T 86 7 21, a 7 It 7 21 7 16 7 07 7 18 7 14 7 101 7 lo 7 06 7 01 7 06 7 04 .-92 6 83 6 77i lfl s 00 I S8 S 96 1 696 01 X 79 S 89 83 a 86 6 96 6 91 6 9b, 6 99 S 96 a 6 88 6 86 6 86 6 96 7 08 98 a 7 07 7 OS 108 S 16 i 80 6 80 6 301 171 k S2I 871 6 j t 91 6 98 0t a 01 6 93 ( 92 a hi 6 891 t 861 I t 801 80 t 76 6 77 6 77 6 72 e 66 8 64) 1 1 1851 1 Ul 1 71 8 661 8 71 6 36 6 83 6 40 6 48 a S 46 6 66 6 49 6 46 6 46 6 42 a 586 t 32 6 86 6 39 6 34 6 87 8 631 3 64 8 68 3 6 3 67 8 63 3 61 3 67 3 72 3 72 8 68 3 71 8 75 2 77 3 7 1 67 8 66 3 66 3 61 3 69! 8 69 3 7 3 71 8 71 V 371 3 71 67 8 70 8 87 3 61 a 3 60 8 61 3 68 3 73 3 84 3 74 a 371 8 64 3 79 8 77 3 7 ,.14a .Hk .uo .. r I. ? .. IHI ,. 4M . lao . no . tao . 1M I 10 1 I 10 1 8 X CALVES ..li9 ..11M 9 10 I M I M I M I 14 I n 1 00 1 to 1. 1... la... 1... I... 4... 8... 1M M 141 , 130 , 140 170 130 I TS I M 4 16 4 71 4 TJ I 04 I "0 I 0 8 M 4 O 4 08 irr U4 8TOCKKR8 M I IS 740 I 440 I Is ITS I 00 140 I 00 I0 t 00 III 18 10 8 40 STAGS. 1 1T40 4 n I 10 4 It AND FEEDF.R9. 1 44 10 1 H4 I U 707 I 7 I Til I 71 M Il I 10 II 14 8 IS t 4'. I S 1 47 I M hiki-Kecelota of hogs continued heavy this morning and the tendency of prices downward, 'ihe market here was very siow in opening, as buyers and sellers could not agree ou terms. The tarly salon were a big nickel lower and tne situation grew worse rather than better as the morning advanced, the later sales being oijflOo lower. The bulk of the early sales went from 84. 60 to 84.67. with the choker loads mostly from 84.70 to 84.76. The bulk of the ar rivals waa sold by the middle oi Uie fore nniiti at thma nricea and then packers wanted to get the rest of them at prices ranging from 84.62 to M.67. Salesmen, of course, were not willing to taae ore mat much and trading again became slow and for a time very iltUu business was trans acted. Packers would not raise their bids to any extent and the bulk of the late sales were made right around vt.6o, wub tne ligni stuff selling from that down. Practically everything waa sold before noon, rtepre- lower: light 34.SOtt4.7Bi medium and heavy . ... oiiti'.i- ajni) uuuts-Kecripta, nv head; market firm. lass City Lira Steele Market. gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 8oO head; mar. let steady; stockers slowj beeves, x h& 4 80; cows, puns ann mna, n..m(j.Kii stockers and feeders. S8.OOW8.90; calves and yearlings. 83.761f3.75, ... nrxi.4 Tteoeinm. 1300 head: market So lower, selling at S4.6od4.70; bulk. 84.40-uM.66. Wool AprU Market. !. WOOL Territory Pulled Indicates Sunday. Ths official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: tatue. uogs. sueep. a see. . 1.100 117 1167A 116 . 200 169 16W 1OT . ON o1 asfe oe'i 81 . 1,700 16 16 10 .' ',& M4 143 143 , 176 aeaa ml III! Sal 17 Hew York MlatasT Stocks. NEJW YORK. April 29. The following are tne closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Can Alios ...a Braeoa Brunawtok oon Comstook Tunnal ... Con. Csl. Vs Horn Silver Iron Silver Laadvllla Con , SS . . IS . I . 9 .116 .110 .IK . I Lit t la Chief Ontario Oihlr Phoanls Potoal Ravage Starrs Navada Small Hopes . Standard . 8 171 6i0 I II 10 ...... M 11 M C. M. 4 St. P. Ry.... 1 Missouri Paciflo Ry.. 2 Union Pac. System. t- 3 C. & N. W. Ry F.. E. & M. V. R. R.. 18 C, St. P., M. & O... 16 B. tt M. Ry 26 C, B. & Q. Ry 1 K. C. & St. J 1 C, R. I. & P., east.. .. C, R. I. Ac P., west.. 41 Illinois Central 14 3 60 16 164 'i i a Total receipts 113 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 100 74" U" 300 200 1.600 9,800 1,400 1,800 i See 63 28 73 16 16 68 22 25 63 39 157 167 iCTO 20 25 63 as 68 28 159 100 278 273 200 20 20 69 26 63 88 67 85 400 130 180 180 , 17 13 100 85 85 86 400 107 107 107 9U0 142 142 142 Bank Olesurtngrs. OMAHA. April 29. Bank clearings for to day were 21,288.046.96, a decrease of 817, 192.96 from the corresponding day laat OMAHA wholesale: market. Condition of Trade aad Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce, EGOS RecelDts. liberal: market steady: fresh stock, 16c; Including cases. 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 10c: roosters. GA1A.I .... I. ... 11., , . I. .. m a. uuTTlDit facKing stock, I2c; choice to fancy dairy, 1 Ma 16c; separator, 22c. Omaha Packing Co. Hwiit and company Cudahy Packing Co Armour de Co Armour di Co., S. City.. Vansant & Co Louman & Co W. I. Stephen Huston & Co L. F. Hum Squires & Co Hobbick & B Sol Degan S. & S Root & Co Haggerty utiier buyers 76 4,1 863 42 68 8 1 I e 5 2 113 62 69 284 l.b27 2,606 2,033 2,193 006 225 880 12 16 687 FRESH FISH Trout, 9010c; pickerel. 6 i6c: pike. 9c: perch. 6ifro: bluensh. 16c: Whitehall, 7&10c; salmon, 11c; haddock, loc; 900 400 enriflatt. rMltimnnnp. lie lnrtalAi. hnllaA '800 113 lii 112 per lb., 40c; smoked whlteflsh, He: bull. . ... 46 Leads, lio: catfish. 13314c : black baas. 20o: nanuui, 110; crappies, ac, nernng, a-rkc; white bass, 13c; blueflns, So; smelts. lOOllo; finnan haddles, smoked, 8c; roe shad, 76o; snaa roe, sac; snuui ciscoes. 100. OxBTERS New York counts, per can. 48c: per gal.. 82.00; extra aeleot. per can. S60: per gal., 81.75; standard, per can. 27c; per gal., 11. duCTl.w. UitAiN Per ton. 119.00. HAY Prices auottn! bv Omsha WliAlauiala dealers association: Choice No. 1 upland. ino. i, rs.uo; medium, it.u: coarse. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu.... uets, ou.... 8.600 8,000 ..16,000 ..13,000 4,004 B7.0D0 38,000 24,000 MINNEAPOLIS. eeeee-aseeee4ee DULUTH. Wheat- May July MW YORK. Wheat may July ..,.. sits e-a 91A r 91B 91 S0B 90B 8VB 90U Kansas City Grata aU Prwrislaas. KANSLAS CITY. April 29. WHEAT Msy. wLhaih 8Z0; July, 4o; septemDer, iro. jasn: no. S hard, noS'icc; no. s, osc; no. 1 reu, ai.i 1 jvi . ita w UKfinMA uotainrs 1 Bk na ra 4.Va, iU. 4, OVUAVV. ktuvi v, mm . eaa a. CORN May. 44o; July, 43c; September, 43o. Cash:, No. 2 mixed. 49c; No. 3, 48o; No. I white, 49c; no. 8, 4c. OATs-no, a wnite, kuuc; no. s mixea. Southern Railway do pfd Texas Ac Paciflo T.. Ut 1. 4 W 100 do Dfd sou Union Paolno 8,800 do pfd iou ' I w 1 . . ' KUUII ........ W J - . . 1 K, 11 UU LI1U ., ,WW Wheeling oV I EL Wisconsin central.... aw do pfd .... Adams Sx press ..... American express U. B. Express - Wells-Faigo alx HAY Firm; onoine tunotny, io.oo7U.w; 1 Amal. Cooper ... choice prairie, 88 254.60. American C. F, SlU .......... 90 A 89A Oats, bu. RYR-No X. 64C. tittttkr Treamerv. Miffi20o: dairy. 17c. BOOS Steady: Missouri and Kansas. cases returned, 14c; new No. 1, whitewood Included, uo. Recelrtrs. Shipments. Wheat, bu.. 19.300 31.200 Corn, bu 4,000 ti.zvi 100 61 61 61 117 92 92 92 17 174 17 87 ... 86 1.800 116 115 115 1,200 67 67 67 100 8S 88 88 1.600 22 21 21 82,900 118 117 117 .... 68 3.800 45 44 44 100 78 78 78 61 200 23 , 22 22 200 63 63 63 46 100 14 14 13 200 84 84 83 . 7.300 48 47 4ft 400 21 21 21 4u0 huC 66 84 28 16 26 25 29 88 80 85 84 84 92 92 S3 18 18 18 88 38 88 16 13 17 17 ee tan W aes 130 saee U0 .... M . 100 206 49 48 48 17 17 IT 70 69 69 28 88 ..16.800 .. 2,400 .. 80O r$L it5 1.00S 8,000 '80S liU 18 MEW YORAC eBNBRAL MAHkJKT auetatloas the Day Various Casasaadltles. NEW YORK. April 29.-FLOUR-Re- ceipts, 19.341 bbla; exports, 6,038 bbls.; mar ket shade easier and quiet. Winter pat ents, 86.00(36.36: winter straights, 4avuo.u0; Minnesota bakers. 34.0u4iA.2O; Minnesota winter extraa, (.8bt4.w; winter low graus, AMaS.SO. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. ta.-lou-t.oo; cnouie 19 iauu, ti.wi.iv. C IKINMBIA Ki eieaoy ; yetiow wwiein. Phlladelshtev Produce Market. PHII.ADELPinA. April 29. BUTTER rirni ana in gooa aemana; extra wniarn enumrrv. SRc: extra nearby Prints. 27c. KUU8 r irmer; ireen nearoy, a mark; fresh western, 18c; fresh soum- weatarn l7Uct fresh southern. 17c. rHRRfiffl-Oulet: New York full cream ery, choice to fancy, 10c; fair to good. a. Minneapolis Orala Market, MINTTEAPOLI8, April 29. WHEAT Clnae: Mv. tltc: Julv. S5o: September, - K m 1.1 Hi A 1 . r,Mii v : vi'i 111 n wEn,c. 11, I . z . . . . . , . flOOUO; city. li-LH; kiln dried. 82.9, flVic . track; no. 1 naro . ihc FLOUR First patents, 84.90i.Oi; second (.10. RYE eteady; Na. I western. 70c, to ar- ri vis nrnm nt BARLEY 3ulet; feeding, 4So, a L f.. New York; malting, 6586c. c. T. t., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts 12,009 bu.; spot mar ket, firm; No. 1 red, J1.04, elevator; No. 1 red. 81.06al.08. f. . b, afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth. Sc f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, nominal, f. u. b., afloat. Options At first declined. The market closed rathsr firm st cent net advance. May closed 92c; July, 89 3-16iuwc, closed at 90c; September, KTtBiieu, miaw ai aj o, December ciosea at eoo. , mumriw.lntL d aoo bu.: exDorts. 60S bu Boot market, firm: No. i 61c elevator and fco f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 yellow, 6.0; No. ex ".1.1.. K 'vnl.. rnurkal nriawnAldl sVai-sklV .tZXv.iA wheat cloainf at snd cent aull; No 1 Clfornla. 7. m mjt i l .. , .,!....l . KAa.,, I Muv. 4s 8Hd l Julv. 6s 4.d I u K'lT.4iUlln C nWin M.I DI'AU. I X. . . . , ..ww uu . , m... . ..uu . ... natural white, patents. M80t49O: first clears,; second clears, tz W- i. BRAN In bulk. Milwaukee Grain Market, MILWAUKEE. April 2S. WHEAT Higher: No. 1 northern, 8Hf7e: No. I northern. 3tf?96c: old July, 860 bid. RVKlttirher- No. 1 TZfflVao. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 63c; sample, 40 dtolr. i UBfl-Jf irmsr: rvo. a. omnoic; auiy, am bid. Liverpool Grata aad Prevlaloas. LIVERPOOT April 29 WHEAT Spot. calirornia, 7s; lutures, quiet; IUI , -I i - , ' lOl 1. ,1 OO VU'II lrV-U, - ... I, . - . mA. m- V Receipts, 64,000 OU.; exports ju, , i ;iew. " ' . . ' bu. Spot market, steady; mixed. 86 to 82 lures, quiet; aiay. ts svsa; .my. o7u. do nfd Amar. Cotton Oil.. do Dfd American Ice 100 do pfd 100 Amar. Unseed Oil do Dfd .. Amer. Locomotive.... do pfd American 8. & R-. do pfd Am. Sugar Refining Anaconda ad., to Brooklyn R. T... Colorado F. tc I Consolidated Oas Corn Products do Dfd Distillers' Securities.. General HlecUio International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pra National Lead North American Pacific Mall Peoples Qas Pressed Slsel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pld Rubber Goods uu pm .... Tennessee C. de I.... 1,300 IT. 8. 1eather soo do Dfd SOS IT. 8. Realty do pfd m. L800 U. S. Rubber 8.9uO do pfd two U. 8. Steel 2 600 do Dfd 18.800 Westlnghouse Eleo..., 300 Western I nlon Northern Sncuritles Bx-Dlvldena. Total sales for the day, 168,000 shares. , 8.800 ISuO , 200 127 , 1.200 80 ..14.800 47 .. loO 82 .. ,900 200' .. 800 10 'o6 iki 'ioo 400 49 17 Ji 28 18 80 19 49 49 95 95 95 127 127 78 78 46 46 82 22 H 208 309 13 13 13 71 71 70 .... 21 160 161 uu .... .... m , .... 66 4... 38 75 T6 76 16? 16tf 16 sea wT 26 87 97 97 26 26 M TO no 6 606 400 'ioo tii" til 6o0 I 7 -m, i-:: 42 1UD IS IS IS TT 86 36 7 86 6 SO .79 SO 874 67 66 17t 16 1 6 66 liI 10 104 M M 167 166 165 .. sv pounds, 45-leo; SO to 8 Dounds. 4f,(M:o: clipped white, 86 to 40 pounds, 61 dido. Options nominal. May cloaed at 47c; July closed at 470. TALLOW-titeady; city 83 per pkg.), 4o; country (pugs. tree. a'c. HAY Steady ; stui'plng, 6&4TTOc; good to HOPS Steady; state, oomman o choice. 19u3 crop, 26-J36C; 19o8 crop. K4i 9 14c; Pacific coast, 19u8 crop, Z3d30u; IftiA crop, 'u 26c; old, 945 14c . ,t , i, , S . i .. . i aa . aa ik. IllfLO DltWir, VftlTWWil, W 1 18c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., lo; Texas dry. 24 to 30 Ins.. 14C. I.KATHKU Firm: add. 2M.6c. RICE Uulet; domestio, fair to extra, SUc: Janan. nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, steady: family 39 60 E10 60; mess. SVOutgatio: Oeef hams, t-Uto 6u; pai-ket, 3o.6ova1l.6i; city extra Ind.i mr.i. in vwi l mi. t ul meats, iiuo, pic.u-a U'lllea. 86 7S-I1-7.60; pickled shoulders, 86.64: . t .L V, .. ... m tfl 1..,, 1,1 iVI I .-.I ahmu L . A a? ,,.1. H . .1 ...... tlnent, 87.80; SouLh America, Si. 76; com pound. 36Xxu3;. Pork, quiet; family. 814 60: snort clear,; mess, 114. is U14 2f BUTTER Firm; freeh creamery. 149 24c; stale dairy, common to choice, 14 ai-!,v CHEESE? Weak: stata full cream, large and small, fancy, September. 10ijlle; ctop tvmber. good to prime. 91l9a KiitiiJtlrm; wee tarn hisla, 18c, storage Belectlnns 1KC. PULThY Alive, nominal; diesaed, weak; weaKern chickens, Lllci tuwls. Dulutk Grain Market. DULUTH. Minn.. April 29. WHEAT-I store and to arrive, No. 1 hard, 8lo: No. 1 northern, 9o',c; No. 1 northern, 78c; May, ikmc; July, sua; oeptemDer, bio. OAIS un trade aua to arrive, oc da accouat Anaoeoda ....m.... 4 AUolaoa do Bit sai. Baltimore A Okie.... n raaadlas PaclAo f'haa. A Ohio ... Cbicaf o Ot. W. . o., at. st at. r. DaBaars P AS O da pld ....... kla tin market was a Utile drraer In London, I JJ J,J lioslss Steek Market. LONDON, AprU IS. Closing: Ceasola, svhmt MmiM. T. Caatral avinunois a w de ld sou Oaurlo A W. .... tlsl lit ....... 6114 ta eo. 37.00; rye straw, 36.60. These prices are for nay or gooa color ana quality. leinand lair ana receipts ugnr. .TROPICAL. FRLT1TB. ORANGES Navels, choice, all sixes. 32.60: iui:y iiavu, an HEtiB, e . in. LEMONS California, tancv. SflO ta 33.50; choice. 240 to 270 sixes. aa.nuex.J5. r itio ivBiirornia, per 10-10. cartons, too; Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 12c; t-crown. ci 1 -crown. 10c. BANANAS Per medium alxed hnnAh. aa.uutU2.oii: iumDe. II, T b M f.. n rm 1... v ..e an 1. mm. per lb. In 60-lb boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, 32.40. COCOANUTS Per sack. 84.00: oar doa. 10c. APPLES Oregon ancy reds, ner box. (1.90; New York export Greenings, Russets ana oaiawins, s.w. STRAWBERRIES Texas, par 24-Ojt. 4J.4&U4.0U. V ISUGTAllliEB. POTATOES Coloraao. 81.26: Dakota, ner bu.. 81.20: new Bermuda potatoes. Der bbl.. o.uv; eariy umo seea, noruiern, per Du., ai.-o. . NA VT BEANS Per bu.. 34 26422-36. ONIONS Spanish, per orate. 81.60: Ber muda, per 60-lb. crate, 12.00. CAttJAUi calirornia, per IB., o. CUCUMBERS-Per dos.. U.26. - TOMA TOILS Florida. Der a-basket nrata. laucr, ai.vv; cnuioe, ax.'Q. KAUISHKS-Mr dos. Dunchec. Vissoa. LETTUCE HEADS Per dosen bunches. ei.4; lop lotiuue, per uusen, aoiuooc. TllDk D. U,V..l . Una A iin ii u-duu . . . v. am. . uu. . . BEETS Southern, per doA, 76a, CARROTS Southern, per dos., 76u. PARSLEY Per dos., 30l46c. SPINACH-Per bu.. tl.0uul.2S. BEANS Wax. inl bu. cox. 33.00: string. per bu. box. 83 00. ABrAHAUlo fST BOX ! On uOBSn boxes, 82.69. S ukeen PBPrEW Per a-Makst crate. X2.0W. . . l-AJu r iajv i r er aos.. SQUASH Florida summer per dos., ILoS. uiav.ii.uuisiuua CHEESE Wiwconslu twins, full aream. Ho: Wlsosnsln Young Americas, Uo; block bwiss, ioo; Wisconsin uric a, uo; v lAconaia Umbergsr, 18c tiuiK-er ddi.,; per ddl, a to. Vian ana t-oioraao, per a irames, tJ-ou, MAPLU HUtiAlV-OtUO. DOT lb., lea. , 1 , ,- r - ,i , - , .. at., a . al . lUiiaOHU. m M 1 vwu. mi, 4. W. m rJi. ma-. No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 3 aaltad. aoi lio ! vaai calf, 3 ta lbs., Sc; No. 1 veal calf, U to Is lbs., eVc; ory salted hides, lAliej Sheep pelU, 24'27c: harsehldes. (i.60&2.60i HORSERADlai Psr case of 3 dosen. packed, tee. NUTS Walnuts. Ne. 1 soft shalL aer lb.. 16o: hard shall. sr lb.. 14c i No. 1 soft shell. per lb., 18o; No. 3 hard shell, per lb., 12o; pecans, large, par lb., 13c; small, par lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., Sc: roasted peanuts, rsr lb., So; ChlU walnuts, mplSu Urge Ickorv nuts, per bu., 31A0; Sraails, per lb,, Uc; Alberts, per lb., lie; almonds, soft shell, oer lb.. 16c; hard shell, lie: shall. parks, per DU-, 42. uu; diaoa walnut per tu., aia. Certtoa Market. LIVERPOOL, April 28 COTTON Spot, Totals 1.994 10.012 CATTLE! There was aulte a liberal run of cattle here this morning for a Friday, but some of them were billed through, ana the demand was sufficient to hold the mar ket generally steady. Trading was not par ticularly brisk, but, on the contrary, waa slow in opening. Most ot the cattle, how ever, were disposed of by the middle of the forenoon. The market on beef steers could safely be quoted generally steady. Buyers did not seem to be particularly hungry for fresh supplies, but at the same time they were willing to pay yesterday's prices. Some thing that just suited them may have been a trifle stronger, but common stuff may also have been a trifle weaker. The change In either direction was hardly of enough importance to be worthy of mention. As compared with the close of last week there is also little change. Prloee advanced the first of the week and later the gain was lost. If there Is any difference at all It Is a little stronger feeling on desirable, handy cattle, with a little weaker feeling on others. The cow market wss also about steady with yesterday. There were not many on sale, and while the market could not be quoted exactly active, still a good clear ance was made. For the week there Is very little change in the market, partlcu lartr ror gooa ugni-weigni cows ana heifers. Heavy cows and the less desir able grades may be a trifle lower than the close of last week, but not much. The market on bulls was steady today and for the week It Is higher. The choicest grades win now bring ngnt up to 84.00. veal calves are unchanged. There were so few stockers and feeders on sale this morning that the market held Just about steady, in spite or tne fact that the end or tne wees is at nana, nepru- seniauve saies: BEET STEERS. At. Pr too ) oo SO 140 1044 I 10 HO IH 771 I M IOU I to 11S0 I , IX II , m i it 1061 8 H Ml) 8 W , 114 I K loo 8 , Ill I 10 1041 I H UW 4 M , HUM 4 00 , lo1 4 04 , Ml 4 M , IM 4 04 , M6 4 44 , lbll 4 M , M IS 1111 4 m in 107 4 OS Ml 4 M loss 4 Ot 1048 4 10 ...... .1014 4 10 lilt 4 It IH lit 1VM 4 It U..m,...m,... M0 4 If 1104 4 19 No. At. Pt. II v.. .1078 4 M II llnl 4 M 8 1044 4 14 11 101T 4 10 I r.iw 4 to 4 1171 4 M St. 1111 4 10 T 10117 4 10 1 1000 4 U 11 liftO 4 It II 1171 4 It 44 .....1411 4 II 1 1321 4 II 1044 4 M 11M 4 U II 1101 4 40 II 11J7 4 40 II 4 44 I 1460 4 44 M Uif 4 40 14 IIM 4 a M H'4 4 a 14..: lut 4 a 11 1171 4 4f M 1171 4 41 M UN 4 40 14 lilt 4 M II 1171 4 M M 1127 4 10 4 UM 4 10 II.. ..IOU 4 to 81 ......111! 4 IS It - 1441 4 Of I MM 4 7t II UM A ra BTEIIUI AMD COWB. .. rri i to U tot 4 is ..... Ill 4 10 Ill 4 10 IM 4 44 14 1011 4 It M ill ; 11 ltM 4 d STEERS AND HEIFERS. 11....... M4 ill 10 1046 4 14 M. ra 4 II 14 11 10 4 40 It..... U74 4 M - -..UU 4M 18...- l3 8 wns No. 8 1 I 8 8 11.... 1.... 2.... I.... I.... I.... I.... 1.... 14.... t.... 1.... 1.... 4.... T.... 4.... 8.... 14.... I.... It.... 1.... II.... T.... 8.... P ... 8.... 4.... 11 II M 18 It. Pearl Craia Market. PEORIA, April 2a. CORN Finn; No. 8, 47o; e. 4. ufto. Metal Market. NEW YORK. AprU 29 METALS The spot there closing Ze ad higher at 1 lSe ! miaoli Tceatrai" aa, wane luiuraa auvaucvu ae w aiJ lis I LouJa. A Null- Ill, .uueauy, tin was a anaae rag tier on the Inside Price, nut quiet, closing at 886. i0 tja oo. copper aavancea as oa in ionaon to AOS Ids ea iur epoi enu sua ius tor fu ture. Locally, copper is steady and un ..17 ..141 .. , .. tlVa .. TU, .. II .. It .. 41 ..IK ..110 changed. Lake la Quoted at U.j7418.tU. electrolytic at til-4ii - and casting at Hi..iau iV- ieaa was sieeay ana un changed at t-aua-4.M in now xorg ana AC 12 lie 4d in Londou. Spelter also was uu changed lu both markets, with London closing at 23 7s id and New York at to Atfio 2&. iron closed at ki aa in uias- gow and at 44a 6d In Middleaborough. Lo cally, iroa is uulet at recent prioes. No. 1 northern foundry la quoted st 816.86416 76; No. 1 northern foundry, 114. 76ul4 2. No. 1 tiouthern foundry and No. 1 southern foundry, eon, 8i4 ttl4.7&. ar. l,Ofia, A)'Kl a. -MKT A I J! -Lead, dull at t4.A Bpeiier, Bbsauy at te-sv. In moderate demand, prices S points lower; American middling fair, 7.9M; good mid dling, 1.82d; middling, 7.72d; low middling, SiiA .uj .rrflnurv T A&A n,. In... 1 0.1 1044 I Futures opened and closed' quiet; American j miaaung, g. o. o., pru, v.4a; April ana July.' T.S4d: July and August, l.sld: Ainruat and September. 7.06d: Rent ember and On to oer. atia; ociooer ana November, l.lod; VAWAmKAW .nil tW.mlM. M. tmA Hi-mK.. 1744 I anA J.nnan Iflfid: Ji. n lia Mr mnX 1T.Krn.rif ' ' - " 11 I ty-nr vwY m an m ... my . wihaak "J eloeed quiet, 10 points lower; middling up- Jo rm "::::::":ni ,and. " d. mwdung gUif. ic; saies. s4 U , K. A T 17 Spaalak 4s W I ". . . SILVER Bar, steady, SHU per ounce. V"J1rir? iiE'wf'y" VSS MONEY-i4jC pr cent. I .ur "".API'.'. -W.4I M?ul9 . .. . . .ii w i.. ,l. i li nc june. u ve'uiia.vuc: juiv. 14 ihTi4 l in : for short bills is 8 per cent; fur three H;?.K;.1?,LU;?J'U5S! Paaoarlvanla Rand Mloaa .M. aaaaiog da lat ptd do Id pld Se. Railway ao a44 ... So. Paolto .. Uoloa PaclSa do p4d ... D. S. 01 3... I8 M t M0 8 40 1 IM IU ii m eVaeass4ae IWSJ I la. ... 174 8 44 474 I 44 r. .......... Mt 1 44 .......lll 8 44 l.. 1SU4 8 40 4 HI 3 44 1 -..1114 8 04 II II r ao Tit 8 44 40 I 01 1US tvt 1111 I M 1144 8 It Ml I 16 104 I 90 tt 18 IM I 44 laiBiiiiialll M...1074 8 44 flaee)44 i. llt4SS444 1 8... t S. ...... 6 1 T Ml I 4S 14 10M I 10 ....T0 I 10 ....1130 I M .... 7Sw II ....1144 I 44 ....1117 I 41 ..UT 44 ....14M 8 M i h ,....1110 it ....mi t aa 8 mi t 10 4. UM I ft L....u 170 1 Tl J ............ 1110 71 ..-.a.. ....112t I 71 .... tao I 71 101V I Tt 1041 I It 4 Hi IM t.. .,... .lunl t 40 8 ilit 8 M 3 taO 8 M 8. 1010 8 M 8. 104 4 44 t 8 14 14..-..., 1 , 1 1. 44I44I IM.4 4a.l. JAeBaisae ! ::rr.:.i:::l I.. TI4 I 41 S... .. LUWB APIV tiaasisAB. 1.......... 404 I It 41.... 444 4 48 ... aaa to liriFERA. senlallve sales: Mo. 40... II... Tl... Tl... M... n... IT... M... II... It... 17... II... 0... II... 41... T4... T4... II... II... 41... II.., TO... 77... Tl... 71.. 71... 10... M II TO 10 44... It... Tl... TO Ill III) Tl.. Tl.. Tl II Tl 41 tt II I ro 17 T4 44 II 41 BHEKP There were only about three cars of sheep here this morning and they sold readily enough at good, steady prices. Wooled ewes sola as high us ti.2o, wooled wethers brought 86.60 and wooled lambs 86.00. For the week the market has been in a good, healthy condition, with tbe de mand fully equal to the supply, in spite of the fact that receipts have been very liberal. As conmared with the close of last week sheep may be quoted steady to trong, wun some desirame graaes pernaps i trifle higher. Lambs, however, have ad vanced considerably, the general market being mi2bc higher, the greatest advance being on clipped stock. The latter in some cases have sold more than a quarter higher, (quotations for cllmied stock: Good to choice lambs, 3r.60i.8j; fair to good lambs, 86.0vii6.60; good to choice wooled lambs. $6.60ti6.90; fair to good wooled lambs, 36.00 yjtj.bii; good to choice yearlings or wethers, 88.16i6.60; fair to good yearlings or wethers. 84 800(6.10; good to choice ewes, S4.761io.00: fair to good ewes, 84.60W4.76. Representa tive saies: No. 80 western cull ewes , 1 western buck 10 western cull ewes , 161 western ewes 187 western wooled ewes .... 36 western wooled wethers 147 western wooled lambs ., months' bills, 3 6-1642 per sent. rerelga FlaaaelaL BERLIN, April 38. Exohange on London. torn 42 pfgs for checks. Discount rata: Bhort bills. 4 per cent: three months bills. 3 per cent. Prloes on the Boursa today were weaa. American rails were weaker. PARIS, April 3. The lone an the Buurse today was nrm at nmt, tut subsequently became heavy. Russian Imperial 4a cloaed at 91.70. Three per cent rentes, 87 f 70o for the account. Exchange on Loudon 2Sf 110 for checks. LONDU.N'. AprU . Ths mouth, sail with ft ...... 11 tu ,,rl 1 M.-. rJn.n,l. tl 91. VuA . uecemDer, ii.iiy11-40, npot, quiet ana steady; sales. TuO bales; ordinary, llf-16c; aood ordinary. ltc: low middling. lAVao: middling, 13o; good middling, 14 t-l&c; mid dling fclr. 14 9-lec; receipts. 1.667 bales; u,irV 174 Old iMlea. r. LOUIS. April 39. -OOTTON Market o lower; middling, Wcj no sales; reoeipts. en Dauea; .... ...... aaa a m at IM 1 IM 3 40 I........... TU I M ao l aa J.I.MMIMI. 44 8 14 m I 44 1. . 74 I 04 1 4M I 14 1 no i tt 1 Tt t A 8 Ill I 14 8 174 8 T4 1 HO t 71 T.. W IN 1. .... ...... .load 8 M it.. .. mi 4 n ' bales;' shipments, 477 bales; steok, U,ui I lae I .... !.... 7 3 44 1 14 4M uiii n. NhlW ORLRANB. Amil tt.-acretarv Hester statement of the world's supply of cotton shows a total of 3.874.111 bales. against 8.964.64S last week, of which S IbLlll la Aiuarluaa, agauosi j,ti(,u4 last wees. 1.. 1 le 1 1 -..ITS It IM I 10 ....14M I M ,...17M 1 Ot .... 140 8 It .... tao I tt ....llao I H M 18 1... .ISM 8 44 17 8 M HA) 8 44 , 1M0 I M - 1M 8 M la I M , Has 3 M 444 8 W At. ,....1M ,....101 ....111 ....170 177 404 ,....171 ....1M .....IM .....III ....201 10 ,....114 ....lit Ill ,....1M ,....204 KIT IM tu 1.10 no 247 110 ,....144 Ul 141 IM Ill lit ill Ul lol 210 110 114 .....111 ..20 ..101 ..171 ..111 ..110 ..243 ..IOO ..111 ..121 ..221 ..111 ..114 ..141 ..111 ..Ul ..111 ..101 ..211 a. 131 ..101 .161 .tit .111 .147 .lit .210 .Ul .264 8h. IM 40 M 140 110 100 144 M 40 IM 40 10 40 120 lio 44 IM 10 180 Pi. 4 10 4 M 4 10 , 4 M 4 M 4 M f 4 40 4 M 4 M 4 41 4 12 4 4 It i a 4 M 4 M 4 U 4 4t 4 M 4 II 4 M 4 it 4 M 4 It 4 M 4 M 4 41 4 If 4 II 4 45 4 II 4 II 4 It 4 It 4 14 4 M 4 41 4 U 4 M 4 14 4 M 4 14 i 14 4 W 4 41 4 It 4 Ct 4 a 4 64 4 41 v 4 14 4 It 4 If 4 It 4 K 4 II 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 7 II 14a It 17 14 47 41..... 14.... T7 IS I M...M, Tl , II , TO TT 0 10 141.... II 10 17 17 , Tl , Tl Tl II 41 Tl 71 78 15 II II 10 U 46 12 H 8 , 17 II 18 , 70 17 I IT It 14 40..... II 41 11 11 II TO M I II 13 W 40 16 6G 71 72 II 11 41 8b. 44 180 114 At. ..237 ..231 . .130 ..161 ..Ml ..141 ..111 ..let ..111 840 ..Ul M ..Ut M ..til .. ..131 10 ..! ..MS 110 ..!'.' ..1-4 110 ..111 IM ..200 luO ..141 .. ..217 .. ..216 .. ...171 14 ..211 ..116 120 ..Ul 40 ..211 120 ..111 ..! .. ..226 10 ..141 ,..141 IM ..127 ..Ul ..2f8 ...167 ..111 ..221 ..231 ..271 ..244 .. ...221 ..117 ...US ..264 ,..114 ...111 ,..311 ,..2S0 ...274 ...114 ...247 ...111 ...141 ...Ul ...Ul ,..177 ,..110 ,..274 ...261 ...274 ...241 ...807 Pr. 4 17 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 li 4 87 4 IT 4 n 4 17 4 17 4 47 4 47 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 47 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 47 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 47 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 174 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 7 4 17 4 70 4 TO 4 70 BOSTON. wools are well cleaned up, wools are quiet Foreign wools have shown more activity, leadlng quo tations sre: Idaho. llHIfloo: heavy fine. II ti 13c; fine medium, l.16c: medium. lOtf 17c; low medium, l.&lic, Wyoming, flno, 141i Ibc; neavy nne, 1.11110; nne meoium. lh'uioc; meuium. iwih'; low meoium, is 45 190. Utah and Nevada, fine, 14gi6c; .......... 1 .. ll,111lAi Ana. mavtllim 1f.Lt.-rt 111,. medium. lW.9o; low medium, 19!ffl!0c. lia kota, nne, lMflSc; nne medium. ituia: medium, 1810; low medium, 19fKlc. Mon tana, fine choloe, 18!ffl9c; line average, 1751 18c; line medium choice. KflSc; average. ltVal7o; staple, HHu'JOo; medium choice, IK) 19c. The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow win say: The wool market is dun, aside rrom the purchases py tne American women compnny, which have included about i,w,. OH) lbs. Montana, 8.000,000 lbs. staple Oregon and 4,000 bales of New Zealand cross-nreua. The sales were made at low prices, staple Oregon selling at 18o In the grease, nr 4So scoured, and the croos-breds st 31a In the grease, or 464146c clean. Foreign markets are firm and tending higher. The new clip In the west Is selling at full prices. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from pecember M, 190S, are 74.641,817 lbs., against 82.106.843 lbe. at the same time last year. The reoeipts to dot are 81.710,656 lha.. against 87,949,487 IDS. lor tne same penou, last year. , 8T. LOUIS, April ii-wuiii-Biwwi!ri medium grades combing snd clothing, 18f Co; light flne, 14J17o; heavy fine, iaiil4o; tub waacea, avwiuev 40 o 40 to to 40 iit Uu 4 70 .. 4 70 SO 4 74 .. 4 TO .. 4 TO 4 70 4 74 4 TO 4 TO 4 70 4 70 4 71 4 70 4 TO 4 TO 4 70 4 TO 4 TO 4 70 4 T2 4 72 4 T6 4 T6 4 Tl 40 IM 120 ib lio 40 Oils sued Roala. NBJvV YORK. AprU 39 OIL Cottonseed. dull; prime yellow, 30c. Petroleum, weak; reflned New Yo?k, 38 IK; Philadel phia ana iJaiiimorw, ao.xw, yuiuo m vu.-m fu .20. Turpentine, Steady. ROSIN ateaay. . SAVANNAH. April IS-OILS-Turpen- tine, Arm. .... .... RtSsiN-Flrm: A, B, C. D. 13 60; E. 3J 5J; F, 32 60; Ol 33 6ll; ri. tt.70; I. 82 80; M. 33.25; tf, 33.46; Vy- 0, 38 80: W W, 33 W. , OIL CITY. April 39. Credit balances. 31.61!; certificates, no bid; shipments, 87,117 bbls.; average. 63,815 bbls. Runs, 97.714 bbls.: average, 7S,7irj DDia. nmpmenia, umm, 01. m bbls.; average, 69,604 bbls. Runs, Lima, 69,871 bbls. : average, 60868 bbls. P1TTBBURO, April 29. OILS The Stand ard Oil company today made a cut of 3 cents on all grades of crude oil except Rag- land. Isgar and Molasses. XIITW VflTllf Anril SS. sugar Raw. steady: fair refining. 3 S-l&W T-32c; centrlf- Ugal, 98 test, B 11-ltXU'a -oao; liwituoava lie tar. li 10-iHEit l-sio; renmo, iwaui. , Mtiw nfil.lUMfl Anril 29. SITOAR steadv; open ketUo, 23 8-lSc! open kettle centrifugal, 8(23ic; centrifugal whites, 4 1 4tic; yellows, t MOLASSES Nom tne; centrifugal, KKtfl6o. 20326c. (S4o! aeoondA 3'ti)3c. iilnal; open kettle, 2trS yrup, nominal. CoSSee Market. 7M7TW YORlf. Anril OOFFEla The market for futures opened steady at a de cline Of 6 points. Bales were reporiea ax 17,260 bags, Including May at ft-sOfto-Soo; July. 6.IO0; Beptemoer, a.aoo; xecemuer, 6.60. Spot, Rio, quiet; No. 7, Invoice, 70. Mild, steady; Cordova, luyiso. Dry Goads Market. NEW YORK. April S8.-DRT GOODS Av. . 80 . 200 . 88 ... 95 ... 99 . 70 Pr. 8 00 4 00 4 00 4 75 6 2o 6 60 5 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Friers Rale Steady, with Good Shlp- meats of Hogs and Sheep. CHICAQO. ADril 29. CATTLE RecelDts. z.600 head; market, good to prime steers, K.ouao Bo; poor to medium. S3.90di4.86: stock ers and reeders, WU0U4.50; cows, 81.60d4.85; l, I 0 'ri '. . A r. . Ar.nA.M ai r.' .r:. o . :,i v. . . 1 1 .,.,1,1 a, , mm,mu- t wnvi., . i . uv- u, , uuu,, $.2D'a4.00; calves, 326tXi6.75; Texas-fed steers, 34.0OQ4.60. . HOOS Receipts. 23.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 16,000 head; market, mixed and Dutcnera, 4.s8t.w; medium to cnoice heavy 34.90(6.00; rough heavy, 34.85i36.46; light, J4.oOii4.Ki; bulk of sales, (4.80&4.90. HH1IP AND LAMBS KecelDtS. 15.000 head; market for sheep and lambs steady; good to choice wethers, 34.75(56.65 ; fair to choice mixed. W.ioiH.TJi: western sheep. Ib.wou.6o; native iambs. i4.Viiaa.vo; western lambs, t4.7tX0a.oo; wooled western lambs. lfeTT York Live Slock Market. NEW YORK. April 29. BEEVES Reo- eelDts. 3.586 head: market for steers slow but steady; Duns nrm; medium and com mon cows unciiangea; gooa cows shade higher; steers, M-wu.36; bulls, 83.6Ctli4.60; cows. 12.0uii-4.10: extra fat Kentucky. 34.50. Cables noted live cattle selling at 1101120 per pound dressed weight; sheep at 13c; yearlings, 14c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef. 10iiil0c per pound; exports today, 13 cattle and 60 sheep; tomorrow, 1,264 cattle, 74 sheep and 8,000 quarters of beef. CALVliB- Keoeipts, 499 head: market steady; veals. 83.5068.00: no little calves: oily dressed calves steady, 69 per pound; country aressea, o'fl.c. 1100B Receipts, 1,184 head; no sales on live weight: market nominally steady. B lllili.r AMU lAMlla Receipts, 8,474 head; market, sheep steady: lambs slow: about all sold; wooled sheep. 86.00: olloped tamos, v(Vfo.zo; unsnorn lamps, lkl.Jl ciippea,'WO.aa. Buyers in the dry goods market are pur chasing simply for current' needs and at existing prloes. In certain quarters sellers are not as inclined 10 sen at concessions aa during tne last lew aays, ana ina market In these sections has a nrmer tone. REAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record April 29, aa furnished by the Midland uuarantee ana itusi com- . 1 , l. ... ...... 1 ..' 1 i pany, . oonueu bubuivivi, .uii 1 ui.,u afreet, for The liee: Charles Kurbach and wife to Amanda VYUhelmlna Morlnrlty. part 01 101 1, block 11. V. Smith's add $ 700 William M. Jenkins to Timothy J. Moriarlty, part of lot 1, uiock 11, E. V. Smith's add 804 Catherine Holmes to Badlo Holmes, part of lot 6. block s, Kounuse s tra add 1.200 Mary A. Dixon and husband to Julia Hi. etreux, lots tu ana 41, uioca a, M nr va villa 971 Katharina Frederlke Masslon, adminis trator, to Carl Alfred Masslon, part of block 6. Bowery Hill 1 William Erikson to Addia Williams, lot 8. block 3. Klrkwood 1.4UV. Peter E. Peterson to Frances A. Peter son, lot 14. block 6. Van camp a add a Margaretha Uofmann to Interstate In vestment Trust, limned, 101 0, diock 7. Kountxe and Ruth's add 6,304 National Life Insurance company to Leone K. Miller, lot 7 and part of lot 6. block 10. Kountze Place 4,303 Omaha Realty company to Chris Qrot- mak, part ef lots 8V ana 40, Windsor Place L&tt Sidney W. Smith to Eslele Duffle, lot 6, block 16, Hanscom Place 1 Sheriff to Earnest W. Arthur, lot 3, Rogers sub 233 Dennis Purcell to Richard H. Purcell, part of lots 62 and 64, McEntee's add X Kate P. R. Thrush to Stephen and Sarah Rice, lots 1 and 3, block 4, Pruyn Dark 20 Beth K. Humphrey to Mary V, Brown ie iota 44 and IB. block u, ttriggs ' Place . L600 Sheriff to Joseph C. Reeves, part ot ee'i. 9-14-10 10 Hans N. Schmidt to Wllhelm Peters, lots U and 12. block 12. Millard 100 Andrew Hansen to Dora Hansen, east 10 aores or sw sw it-10-13 1,400 Cecelia Ruser, administratrix, to Wil liam Von Dohren, part nw sw 80-16-18 A.0M Charles W. Hayes and wife to William h-rlckson and lluida JOricKson, lot 4, uiuua r. M7 11U v to w ..... m George Staton and wife to Dolores Mo- Uaugh. lot S. blook zis. Florence.... Zera Snow and wife to Isabella A. Rushenberg, part of lots 4 and 5, blook 18. McCormlck's 150 ' Dennis Purcell to Ida Puroell, part ot lota u and bs, Mcmniee s 1 Anna C. Peterson and husband to Chris Orotmak. lot 88. Wlnd-ior Place 1.100 Byron Reed company to Thede B. Reed, part ox lot 4, block L Drake's add. and other land 1 Thede H. Reed to Abraham L. Reed. et al, lot 10, block 8. Drake's add, and other land I Edward Murray and wife to John Mur ray, lot 12. block L Brown Dark 1 John Murray to Edward Murray, MUM I Kansas City live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 29-CATTLE-Rs- Mlr.1. 1 7AA V, A I ., 1 . . .4 1 . If,, -r 1 V. . v ijiwi ,,iv uamu, 1 1 1 M Al ,1 iiiv ,uuiiidiii, market steady; export and dressed beef a ciX'TtCL HE a . 1 . . . . 1 t. i . ., mir lu,, western fed steers. 339094.76: stockers and feeders, 38.2a4.M; southern steers, 88.761 4.46: southern oowa 32.76fi8.40: native cow a 82.00ir4.26; native heifers.; bulls. t8.iXPt76 calves, .7b'iT9.0O. t HOOS RecelDts. 11.700 head: market Bo In.r.r. li Q'lU, V..,1L. I. 1,"V,-f 1 WT. K u h aw". , 1 ''V i T-- r. . . - , i. -, .. am .f . S4.to4.9Z; packers, 34.70u4.8&; pigs and lights. 34.25(34 80. BtltifD . IMn T 1 UUU Rw.lnr. 1 MA head; market steady; native lambs. ' 86.6mj 34.80(S6.50; yearlings, '0iti.OO; stockers and leedert, ti.wua.uu. St. Louis Live Stoek Market. ST. LOUIS. April 29. CATTLE Receipts, 600 head, no Texans; market steady; native shloDiiur ana export steers. m.u'ul4o: dressed beef and butcher steers, 84 00a6.26; steers under l.uvO lbs., S4.ouau.0o; storknrs ... I...1... t 1 1. VrlA. i ' r, ..u, . a, ., DllH ivou , , " 1. " " 1 nm ' V. .,-. 1 , I2z64i4 16; canners. Sii0(i3.16; bulla, U.w 4.iu: caives, hw.w; lexas ana inuian steers, t3.6oQ4.7i,; cows and heifers, 3.60 1.70. HOOS Receipts, 6,000 head; market 60 lower; pigs and lights, tl-fc'a'-l.lB: packers. 84 71KU-4-90; butchers and besl heavy, 34.8jd s.w. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.600 head; market stronp; native muttons. 34 60 86: lambs. 85. 210,7 Oo: culls and bucks. 15(09.00; stockers, 82.oua3.ou. Stoek ta Sight. Following are ihe receipts of live stook ror the six principal western cities yester day: South Omaha . ChloagO mm Kansas City ... fit. Louis St. Joseph Bloux City Cattle. Hogg. Sheep. .8,i'il .2.6j0 ..1.7-10 .. "0 .. 777 .. SuO 12,11 28.0uO 11,700 6,mi0 8.7S3 3.200 U7 16.0 ) 4.0M0 1,0 p0 luO 1 i DEPARTMENT OL t. UT3I A ROAD.) Oer Ba4 Salsa whisk Sere keaa IsoISmIiI ts ear sasaral sroksnee U STOCKS AND GRAINS km U4 s to ssUkilsb s sraaiAk BONO ts FiHralEKT. We es aaS sckr, ar win boy OVIMSUTIOaOS RAILRIAIIBNBb NNICIPAl I0IDS gad other HH IR4I1 IUUC1TIII Fit IAIN Saataaaa aaa Preixik dAaaa. aaa to goes el aay ef ear 1st Aalirar nese lira euf gvaaral amoaa la Ml&aaapaus isroasa aur Ua 1T4 ana eal sa4 suae toaka vtuak axa ear Bond LUU Bent on B4qut GOE COUUISSION CO. CrmlaShxkiBoBim, . T. OKIE HAL OITIOS, L4le Slide. Hlaaeaielia OMAHA BsVAJICB. ttlM rarsus B4. TaHerpkesaa SVAgT. THOS. ML. WAJ3V1CK, Oer. Totals ....... . 8.600 83,713 31.287 St. Joseph Lira Stook Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 29 CATTLB-Rs- ed ms. 777 head: market steady: native U.7buD.26; cows and heifers, 11.7634 6u; ttiH'krrt and feeders. 83 0tu4 86. UOti -Reoeltg, 8,7t! bead; market 6SIO0 i L0WREYBR0S.&C0 COMMISSION MERCIiANTa Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Room 211, N. Y. Ufa Building. 'Phone 801S. Special a ttn lion Alvea to telegraph an4 BaU ordera. OMAHA.