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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAIW WEE: SATURDAY, APRIL 80, 1004. 10 r OSTEOPATHY Johnsoa IuUlutt, IU K. T. Life tM. T. ISM DR. QRACfi DIEQAIf. HI N. T. Ufa. Tl i Fayette Col. osttopath, ! raxton block. MRS JOHN R. MU8ICK, OetfOpathto Phy. slcian; office, Douglas block. TL t-2X -7v Dr FnrwtH. specialty nervous diseases. Psgtnn. TT7 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Csnrssslnc acents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THK TWENTIETH CEN 1 UhV FAHMSH; steady employment wttb assurs1 good In. come; aaents in tha country with h're and bucy especially deairod. Canvassers make sasily Md to tllsj per month. Ail dress Century Farmer Solicitors' iiure.'iu. Baa Building, Omaha. ZtU AOFNT8 maka W dally selling th cheap eat and most perfect Water Filter ever tivented; retail at 12; big prcftt; exclusive territory. BKNECA FILTER CO . Hon (MlMo, J M744 fx SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A. C. VAN "sANT"8 achowl. 711 N. Y. Life. l Neb. Bus. A Shortliand Col.. Boyd theater. sal g3S New Tork JJ building. Omaha. -4H m:o LOST $20.00 REWARD. 16.00 each will be psld for return of two palms tnkon from the southeast corner of 25th and St. Mary's avenue on the night of April tmh, and $10 00 will be paid for voluntary information leading to convic tion of thief. Mrs. T. R. Kimball. Lost 20 1 MUSICAL THUS. J. KEL.LT, voice, Davldge block. J9 DAISY HIOOINS. voice, piano. SOU Lear. Tel. A-2741. -W7 CHA8. H. KEEPER, piano, Barker BIK. . 38 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR EXTENSION OF wnter system. Department of the Inter ior, Offlca of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, April lit, ltM. Sealed proposals endorsed Proposals for Water System, Qrnoa, Neb.," and addressed to the Commissioner of in dlun Affairs, Washington, D. C, will be re ceived at the Indian office until 1 o'clock p. m. of May IT, ll4, for furnishing and de livering all the necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete an extension of the water system at tha Umiiw school. Neb., In strict accordance with plana, specifications and Instructions to bid ders which may be examined (it this office, the offices of the "Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis, Mint.; the "Construction News," Chicago, 111.; the "Nebraska State Journal." Lincoln, Nab.; "The Baa," Omaha, Neb.; the Builders' and Traders' exchnngr at Omaha, Neb., Milwaukee, Wis., and St. Paul, Minn.; the U. 8. Indian warehouses at No. 2 So. Canal at., Chicago, I1L, No. '3 Ho. Seventh St., tit. Louis. Missouri, Nu. IS Howard St.. Omaha. Neb., and No. 119 Wooster st.. New York City, and at the cnooi. ror runner information apply to V. H. Wlnslow. Sunt. Qenon. Nab. A. C. Tenner, Acting commissioner. AZ1-U-ZS-H-90X3-S-7-1Q PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SIIPPI.1KSU Department f the interior, Offlca of Indian AOoiiT, Washington, D. C, March 21. liM. pea Ka proposn.s, indorsed proposals for beef, flour, etc.," as tha caaa may be, anil directed to the Commissioner of Indian AN fairs, 263-247 South Canal street. Chicago, III., will be received until 1 o'clock, p. m. of Tuesday. May 8, lisX. for furnishing for tha Iljtf aarvloo, beei our, bacon, beans. Coffee, augar, rice, tea and other articles of aubsltitence; also for groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, ate, ecliool aupiilli, and a long list of miscellaneous articles ? Healed proposals. Indorsed "Pro. foa.tla ff rubber goods, hardware, etc.," aa he casie tfiajr be. and directed to tha Com missioner 'of Indian Affairs. o2 Houth Sev enth stt ei, St. Ixiula, Mo-wlll ba received until 1 Vclock p. m. bf Thursday, May 6, IWH. for furnishing for tba Indian service, rubber gfe'da. boots and enoea. hardware nd medical supplies. Sealed proposals, in dorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cat ton goods, clothing, eto.," as tha case ttlky be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Noa, llft-121 Wooster tract. New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock u. m. of Tuesday, May 24, 1IM, for furnishing for the Indian service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and cap. Bids must ba mad out on government blanks. Schedules giv Ins all necessary Information for ni,lTr will be furnished on application to the ln dian office. Washington, D. C: the U. S ,1 Xiidlan warehouses, 11-1!1 Wooster street. Csew York City; i&.n South Cfcnal street. Chicago, 111.; kU Hownrd atreot. Omalm, Neb.j M Houth Seventh street, Ht Louis. Mo.; the Commissaries of Subsistence, U. S. A., at Cheyenne. Wyo., and St. l aul. Minn ; the Quartermaster. U. 8. A., Seattle. Wash tha postmasters at Sioux City, Tucson. Portland. Spokane and Tacomn. and tha Manufacturers' and producers' association of California, San Francisco, Col. Bios will be opened at tha hour and days above Stated, and bidders are Invited to ba present at the opening. The department reserves the right to determine the point of delivery nd to reject any and all bids, or any part t any bid. W. A. JONES. Commissioner. AlUJIt-m CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha. Neb.. April 26. W04. Sealed pro poasla, In triplicate, will be reeelved here and by quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a m., central standard time, May , W04. for furnlahlng wood, coal and charcoal during the fiscal year ending June 40, I, at Omaha Q M. depot. Torts Crook, Robinson and Niobrara. Ne braska, Jefferson Barracks. Missouri. Fort Leavenworth and Riley. Kansaa. Forte D. A. Russell. Msckensl and Washakie. Wy oming. Fort De Moines. Iowa, and Fort Meade. South Dakota. Proposals for de livery at other places will ba entertained. V. 8. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here or to quartermasters at sistlnns named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Fu" and ed-arss-aed to Major J. E. SAWYER. C, Q. M L n Ma n a u ' LEGAL NOTICE. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha .Neb. April 27, 1SC4. Sealed pro poses In triplicate, aubject to th usual conditions will b received here until loi. m., central standard time, May tl, 1604 for conatrucjlon of a frame gymnasium bulld- i run iwinnmin, iseoraaka. Full In t in mint Inn fttmlihwl -nu . - . . . .. . -fj(i,uva iu tnis office, where pinna and specifications may be seen, or t the Quartermaster, Fort Ro Inaon. Proposals to be marknd "Proposals for Building .- and addressed to J. E. SAWYER, Chief Qunrt-rmast-r A'M3-au-a-a-24 NOTICE. To Whrm t May Concern: Tou are hereby notified that my wife ba left my home and I will not be liable for any debt made by her after thla date. WILLIAM OKOWOB HAM POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, a Changea may oocur at any Ums.) ioreian mails for the week ending April . IlM. will cloae (PROMPTLY In all cases; at th viieiieral Postomc as fol lows: Parcels-post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-pust malla lor Germany close at p. m. Monday. Regular and supplementary malls cloae at orelgn elation (corner of v est and Mor trtn stivets) h: hour Inter taan closing time shown below, (txerui that supple mentaiy malls for Eun-p and Cehiral Anieriia. i Colon, vlus oil hour later et foreign elation). . 1as)salls(le Malls. SATURDAT-At I 10 a. m. for IRELAND. fr a. a ttrurU. via gueanstuwu (mail for oiher paru of EuroL must be di rected 'pel s. a. Elruria'l; t t i . , for EUltoPt per a. a ii YouJJ1 VT. Plymouth and CharUour; at .. nx. for SCOTLAND direct. pr a a. Columb4 (mall must be directed "per s s. Colum bia"); at k SO a. m for BtLUll'M direct, per s. a. Finland (mail auusi be directed per s. a. Finland"). Ifter th cloalng of th auprlementary i ranaj&llanlii' iiiaIIs mtiikri . . dltiunal suipemeniary mails are opened on th pins of the American. English, French and Oi rman steamers, and remain open until wMhln ten m'.nuue of the hour of sailing of atramer. Malla lor gemtk Ceatrsl Asaerlra, West lag lea, Kl. tATURDATAt I W a. sa. tsufplementery POSTOFFICE NOTICE. a. m for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VKNKJ tlA, par a. a. Caracas (mail for Colombia must be directed "per s. a. Caraiaa; at A0 a. m. tsupple mentsry I mt a, m ) for ST. 'IHOMAf, ST. CROI.. LEEWARD and WIND WARD WLAND8. BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH UL'lANA. per a. a. Korona (mall for Harbados, Urenada and Trini dad must be directed "per s. a. Korona ): at 8:S0 a. m (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for roHTlSK UUNI), JAMAICA. CO LOMBIA tescept Caura and Magdalena Iwp'lil snd UKEYTOWN, par a. a. Altai (mull for Coata Rica must be directed 10 a. m. for URENADA, TRINIDAD and CU DAO POUVAR, BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH OL'LANA. per a. a. Gren ada: at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per a. a. (Jllnda. via Matanns (mall must ba di rectd "per a. a. Ollnda"); at I p. m. for ARGENTINE, URIMJUAY and PARA OL'AJ, per a. a. Sailor Prince. Malla Forwarded Overland, Etc., Et ept TransparMle. CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, cloaea at this office daily, except Thursday, at H 8J a. m. (tha connecting malla close her oo Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unleee apcUlly addressed for despatch by steamer, closes at this offlca daily, exert Sunday, at 1: P. m and 10:k p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post Malls) By rail to North Sydney, art the nee by aieamer, cloaea at this offlca dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malla cos hers every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at tbla offlca at 6.30 p. m. Tuesdsy snd Frldsy. MiQl'ELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, cloaea at thle offlca daily at BFl'lE.'pUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By i all to New Orleans, end thence by steamer, cloaea at this offlca dally, except Sunday, at IT:H p. m. and (10 99 p. m., Sundays at 11(0 P. m. and to :3) p m. (connecting mall Cloaea here nndayi at 10 30 p. m.). C08TA RICA By rail to New Orleans, end thence bv steamer, closes at this oflVe dally, except Sunday, at 1 1) p. m. and 111 30 p. m., Sundays at 1 00 p. m. and lo p. m. (connecting mall cloaea here fueidnye at 110 30 p. m ). BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Poat Malls' By rail to Miami, Fie , and thene by t'umtr, closea at 6:S0 a. m. Wednesday. IReglsiered mall closes at 6:00 p. on.- pre vious day. Traaspaelfle Malls. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April Inclusive, for despatch per lT. S. Transnort i ran NEW ZEA lAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI, 8A MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April isoth, inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Sierra. (If the Cunard ateamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand dofa tiot arrive In time to connect with thla deapatch. extra malla clualng nt 5.3) a. tn. 8:30 a. m, and 6:80 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., ( a. m, and 6:10 p. m will be made up and forwarded until the ar rival of the Cunard ateamer.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle (specially addressed only), dote tiers dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April :iuth. Inclusive, for de spatch per a. s. Tremont. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. cloee here dally at :' p. m. up to April !-th. Inclusive for acapatcn per s. s. impress or i mna (Merchandise for U. 8. Postal Agency al Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can' ad..) HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA nnd PHILIP PINE ISLANDS. Yla San Franclco. close her dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May 2d. Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Mon golia. CHINA and JAPAN, via Taeoma. c'ose here dally at t V) p. m. up to May !th. Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Nlng Chow. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:So p. m. up to May 19th. In clusive, for despatch per a. a. Alsmeds. HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP P1NB ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 0 10 p. m. up to Mnv llttn. Inclusive, for despatch per s s. China AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally st 6:30 p. m. up to May ?lt. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Mlowera. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close her dally at 6:30 p. tn. up to May l?4th. Inclusive, for de spatch per a. e. Mariposa. NOTE Unleee otherwise addressed. West Australia la forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines via Bin Frsnclsco the quickest routes. Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the forelrn rate. Hawaii Is forwarded via Sen Frsnclsco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland trsnstt. Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. post Ofe. New Tork. N. T. April 2. 1904. RAILWAY TIME CARD rJIIOJI STATION lOTH AJtD MARCY. Chleavo, Rock Island at Paclfl. AST. taara. Arrive, rhicaito Darllsbt l.lmltM a t:fia am a I M am rhlr.i rylUht Local iT:i im a J pm Cnlcasn CaprM lt:il am s I'u pm r- Maln BisreM llHpoi bit Si am Chicago Fast Eipnaa a l:SS pm a 1 ;5 pm wCST. Rockr Moentala Llmltas a T SO am a T:tS ra Llncola. Cnlorade Springs. Daa- vee. NMle ana weat a 1:10 pm a 1:06 pm Ta, California and Oklahoma Flyer a 41 m el! W sat rnfoa Paclfle. Tba Onrlui Umlte a 6 40 am a I N pm Tha Faai Mall a I to am a 1:10 pm Th rallfuraia Kxprass a 4:M pm Tha Atlantis Spailal a T 10 pm Tha Fertland-lTiUaiO 8paolal...a 110 pm a 10 pm Tha Ailantlr Eiprcas T topm The (olorada tperisl iU:S fa a I 40 am Tha rhttase Spaalal a 1:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice aa4 atrems- buri Eipreas S 4 00 pm kit U pa Columbus Local b 4.0 pm 'b 1 11 am Chleag aV Wrthvestera. Fast Chloaao s I 40 am T 14 am Local i kkase all 10 am Mall a 1:10 pm a I to pm Local llosi City k I 46 pm D7llkl St. Fast lIKia at 00 pm Dailiaht Cblcaau a t oo am all to cm Limil.d Chieag" a I ie pm a I 14 am Feet CMraga a 1 .4 pm a 1:41 pm Local Ckiaase a 4 24 pin Fast It. Faul a 4 14 pm iMtla si. Paul Bipraea a I M am Fast Kali a 1 40 .m Lecal aioui City h 4 00 pm a to am Norfolk and Bonaataal a 4:04 am fclO U am Dncoia au4 Lang Flo b 4 04 am kl: 44 am Daa4woo, Hat springs aad Unoois alMpm a I 10 pm Caapar ani Wjromlos Eipreaa... t 60 pm s:14pm waaiisga, sspartar aa Aiama-.e 4 4V m 4.10 pm Ckleage, MUwaeke a St. Pwal. Cklsago Darllfht s T H am all :11pm Chicago Fast Eipraaa a 4 44 pre a I 10 si Ovrlu4 LlmltaS a I 14 pm a 14 pm Daa Unlaaa Eipraaa a 144 am a 4:10 pa Illinois CeatreJ. Chicago Eipraa a 1H pm Sl4 44 pm Chirag. Mianaapolla sV at. raui Liraitea a T a4 pm a sa am Miunaapolia A at. Paul El k J &0 am blO.B pm Mlaaoarl Paciae. Bt. Loals Eipraaa alO 44 am IS pm K C Bt Louis Eipraaa all 44 pm a I'M am World'. Fair Special a 4. 44 am all:M am hlcasu Great Wcatera. Faul ani Hlnaaapolla l.mt4 it II in St. Viiil and Mianaapolig Ex... T ii am a SO pra Cklrago Limited a 4 40 pm slO 44 am rial. Mloa. m Chicago Ei. a I M pm CkUiaga Eipraaa a 4 40 am a 4.04 pa Wahaah. St. Lmiia "Canaan Ball" Ea...a4 Wpm s t am t. Louis Leva! (Cs. ttlul.) a 4.14 am al 40 piu BIRLIXGTOM ITATIOX 10TH a MASO rhlcago, Barllgte at tialaer Lmtc ArriT. a I 54 pm a 1 44 am all aa fm S f 44 pa Chlcuo Saaclal ..a 1 M aa Chicago Yaanbulse Eipraaa a 4 04 pm caicago aaiiDuias sipn rhl..w Im) Chicago Llalle a I M pm ria aaii 4 44 pm til IT a. Kansas CltF. St. Joseph at Co Kanaaa CHy Par Bipreaa a t it am Si Louis Flrr a 4 14 pm Kaasaa Clip Nlsst Eipraaa al 44 pm BarllBaTtaa at Mlaaoarl River, W'raor. Pwairle aad Linaola. a I 44 aa Nabraaaa Iipnu a 4 40 aa Ma tar Llmlia a 4 1 pm Buck HUH 4V Fusa Sound Es. all. 14 pm Olanute Vaallbuled Flrar Lincol i Fau Mall k I H pm Fart IVooh and Fjaltamoulh. . . .k 4 10 pm Bllavue ad Pacific Junction. ..a T pin balletae and FaciSo Junction. ..a 4 40 am a 4 at pm ail am a 4 a aa kit 04 pm T 40 m a 4 44 am a 4 u4 pm IIS pm ail 06 pm k4 tb am a 4 11 am WEBSTER DEPOT-10TII at WEBSTER Mlaaoarl Pacta. Leave. Am. Nth. LacaL via Waaplag Water, k 4 10 pa all 44 pa tales, Bt. Paal, flaa. at Omaha. Twla CKr Passenger , k 4 Z aa k 4 14 pa waa Cur Faaeai.g.r a I 04 pa ill D -m 04iu4 Lscal k I 46 pa k I 14 am a Iwiir. k rwllp eieapt Suadar. 4 Pally xpt awi.g. v c'e w . , CURRENT COUNCIL HEAT TRAIN IS THE DITCH Book la' and Tuc'ti Blcoktded t Fiw Kilos East of EhJby. ALL TRAINS ARE F0KCCD TO TRANSFER Brakes Track t ader Ob ( tb Cara eppoeed to Be Caaa of tha Ac cident 7I Oae Hart la the) PlleaB. A Rack Island meat train was wrecked on and a half miles east of Shelby about I o'clock yesterday afternoon and twelve car were thrown Into tha ditch. Tha tracks war badly torn up and trains from the east and west were run to tha wrack and tha passenger transferred around It. No, 37. the fast mail due here at 4:50, did not reach Council Bluffs until 8. SO p. m. It waa thought her that the tracks would not be cleared before morning. The cara In th ditch were out of the middle of the train. None of the crew was Injured. The acci dent Is supposed to have been caused by a broken truck. Constable and Jastlce Reply. Constable Albert! and Justice of th Peace Ouren take exception to the state ments of County Attorney Klllpack rela tive to the controversy over the fees for which Albert! secured a Judgment against the county. Referring particularly to the case In which the county attorney called atten tion to the fact that no lean than nineteen ordera to produce had been taxed up by the officer at 40 cents each, or a total of $7.60. Constable Albert! states that in thla caae there were four defendant charged with breaking '.nto a Rock Island car and that the preliminary hearing was continued no less than three times, each continu ance being at the Instance of the aasist ant county attorney. Referring to the case of James Ellsworth, charged with the theft of coal from the Union Pacific, which was dismissed the other day for want of prosecution on the part of the county authorities, Justice Ouren states that the caae was continued no less than seven times because th as sistant county attorney was unable to be present. In this case Constable Albertl loot practically three and a half day without earning a cent, owing to the case being Anally dismissed without prosecu tion, despite the fact that he had to be In attendance on the court each of the seven time that It waa listed for a hearing. "There would not be so many order to produce," said Justice Ouren, "If th county attorney' office paid more attention to the coses In the Justice courts." . Com menting on the methods of the county at torney's office Justice Ouren said: "When a few year ago th board of county supervisors consented to the county attorney employing an assistant at the ex pense of tbe county It was on the direct understanding that the assistant should tsk charge of and prosecute the state case In the court of the justices of th peace. Thla understanding, however, ha apparently been lost sight of and Instead of the assistant county attorney looking after th state case In the Justice court hi time ha been aJmost wholly occu pied In prosecuting cases In the district court." Justice Ouren further atatea that not a ingle fee waa certified by him to th county board to which Constable Albertl was not entitled under the law. That these fee could be materially reduced Justice Ouren say would be the case If the assistant county attorney devoted mora tlm to th justtc court ease aad lea to the work tn the district court. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. t; nlgljt, F-eM. Hake Paascager Raaa Loager. Beginning May 1 crew on through train on th Burlington road will run between Burlington and Council Bluffe Instead of changing at Creaton a heretofore. The new order will affect trains Noa. t, 4, 13 and 13, and alt other trains which have had through crews. Tha change will re sult In Creaton being abandoned aa a division point for through passenger trains. It I understood, however, that trains No, t, 11, 10 and 14 will continue to be mad up the. The change It Is said is th result of the policy of economy now being carried out by the management. It will sav th company four crw In Iowa. Two craw will run th fast mall, No. 7, InaUad of three, a heretofore, and it la Bald that It Is mora than likely that tn th near fu ture tbe crewa on fast mall train No. TUB ONLY ABSOLUTELY MODERN BVSIftESS AM! NORM Al, COL LEO 151 THE WEST. Student may enter any tlm. Excellent placea to work for board. Tuition very reasonable. Write for aamnla tnnv nt our College Journal. Writ or call fur informa tion. E. P. MILLER, Free. Masonlo Temple. 'Phone B814. LEWIS CUTLER MownciAW. ft. CoauncU BlaSav OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HOLUND-AUERICI LINE. Mis Twin-Straw Staamsr at 14.44 Tana. HEW yoksv mTTa.klAM. at ttOULutiMtV ail lag Taaadar, at tt a, an. roudaa aia 14 fcooiSam ku tl KeiLaraam Maj 11 kialaodam ., J una I fcynuam ktajr II Poudnm Jsaa 14 HOLLAND-AM aaiCAM UK, as DaerWa St.. ca cao, IU.; Ha.r, Maarm. 14wl larua S4. 1 O. Kuiaarfor. Ui Snxnaa aM-. 4. aV Ha) aolla. li4 rarnam as. C0MPA6NIE 6EKERALETRAISATLAKT1QUE 4 ranca itua, 4em lark la atntrs ta ttaja tailings saary ianaday nt I a. an, LaUitTaiua, avar il. Ja Ii J air t. As. 44. Lauia. nUr 44. Jan 14. Aa. 4; aft. A Lalaaoyn Mar 14; 4a.e it. Jul 4 '. 1L Lalaiualaa. Ma 4. 4ano I, Jul tl, It. UfcraLagJM, 4uaa u; JI Mi asst. k-kf, 0a4. at. ki. awtlara. aiua. Tia-ea and t ijrim Slaaiaara: naal aaooia' sana'Ol-war dlacuiua. 1 fit'T'i eaaukviad traina, 4iMra-4nnx 4 ana, Harrr K Monras. 1401 rarnam tV Lou ia Naaea. kirst Katiosal aana. & av hmnatlord. IU yuraaai kac lata kj. AMcitoa uns v. a, rrcAMsatrs. hSW TOkg. LOMPONLiKKBT AND OLASOOW. KtW TOkK. (alBBAJ-faa AND NATL fssarlor araommad Ulona M-ll( eviaiaa Taa aomtort o aaaeaaas aaraiailr winimt Slsgia aa rwaad Utp tinia katea Sav Twra aad aaatca. gagl'a. Irian u,a ail frrtaclBal taadlaavta aad i.l : n.a'al notnta nt aurneuvn mua. Saad aw Iwi af Toura. For lltkaia ar gaaeral IslarmaUoa af 4a say toaul agant of Una AacSae Line ar I Mabav.4 fciUm-a dea l aeu. LAM 414, NEWS OF IOWA. BLUFFS. I and IS will run through direct from Chi cago to Council Bluffs. The new rule will affect a number Of conductors, brakemen and flagmen and It Is estimated that about thirty fomillee will be brought to Council Bluff by th change. Matters 1st District Cosirt. In the district court yesterday morning Judge Wheeler took from the Jury the ult of Henry Miller of Omaha, adminis trator of the eetate of Samuel Living stone, against John Anderson, and directed a verdict tor th defendant. It was claimed that Anderson bid for and had knocked down to him for $19 a jack at an auction of the property belonging to the Livingston estste. Anderson gave a check for the price of the animal, but atopped payment of It tha next day, claiming that ha had been drinking and had no Intention of buying the animal. He made no effort to take th animal after It waa knocked down to him and th court held that the plaintiff had failed to show that there had been any delivery of the property alleged to have been purchased by Anderson. This makes the third rase which Judge Wheeler hae taken from the Jury and directed ver dict for th defendant In the last week of court. Following the Miller-Anderson case a Jury was Impaneled In the suit of A. R. Headlee' against E. Meyer. Headlee seeks to recover )3,0no damages for alleged illegal arrest and malicious prosecution. Head lee wa formerly a clerk In the employ of Meyer, a grocer. Meyer' bam was broken Into and a horse and buggy stolen. Head lee arrested, charged wtt h the theft, but was acquitted. Since bringing Me original suit, Headlee amended hi petition by charging Meyer with conniving and conspiring with one, Marcus Cohen to falsely accuse him. Robert Musselman, wbo live on Stuts man street, ha secured In the district court a temporary Injunotlon restraining Al Lalnson and wife, who live on Damon street, from Interfering with hi water supply. The water pipe from which Mus selman' residence was supplied ran through LaJnson'a yard and Musselman claims he paid Lalnson for this privilege. A few day ago Lalnson, so Musselman al leges, disconnected the pipe and thus shut off Museselman's water supply. Hemstitch Box Stationery, lie. Save your carpets by placing them over our deafening felt, or carpet lining. O. Hofer, 'phone 202. Wife Falats la Coartroosa. It waa a pitiful tale that John Dolan told In police court yesterday morning when he faced Judge Scott on a charge of ateal Ing coal from the Union Paclflo railroad. Dolan waa arrested Thursday night by Spe cial Officer Weir in the act of carrying away a wheelbarrow load of cool. The fear that her husband might be sent to Jail and thereby lose his Job, which he had recently secured after several months' idle ness, proved too muoh for Dolan' wife and when the court suspended sentence during good behavior, she fainted and had to be carried from th court room. ' Dolan I a lather by trade and recently obtained work on the Auditorium In Omaha. During the winter month, he told the ourt that work in his line was scarce and that the struggle to provide for his wife and two little children bad been a hard one. Judge Saott, after fining Dolan S26 and coats, suspended the sentence dur ing good behavior. Last Day mt 11-Ceat Sale. All our fine 60c perfumes, Including the populsr Spanish Geranium, on sale today, one half ounce 11c. Bring your bottle. De Long's, SOT Broadway. De Long's 11 cent sale close tonight. Fraaels Grass Die. Francis, an old-tlm resident and con tractor and builder of thla city, died last waning at his residence, (02 Wast Wash ington, after an Illness of two week. He waa n years of age and had reelded In Council Bluff for over forty-flv year. Hla wife, four daughters, Mr. H. C. Dye of Tabor, la.; Annette, a teacher In the Washington avenue school; Sadie and Fanny and two ions, Fred, mayor of Ma cedonia. Ia., aad Robert, a clerk In the poatofflc, survive him. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Royal Arcanum and Independent Order of Odd Fellow. Half Oaac of Flae Prrfamt, lie. This morning for eleven minute, from 11:00 to 11:11, fin too Hemstitch stationery, on bos to a customer, only lie. De Long, 107 Broadway. Plumbing asd heating. Blxby ft Boa. MarrlaaT Licenses. License to wed were Issued yesterday to th following: Name and Residence. Age. H. C. Peterson, Loveland, la 91 Anna M. Schroder, Honey Creek, Ia 20 Louis Eugene Quroey. Council Bluffs.... M Ella Mori Beach, Council Bluff ,. 2t Haal'Katat Tt-aaafer. These transfer were reported to The Be. April 29, by the abstract, title and loan office of Bqulr 4V Annls, 101 Pearl street: Frank F. Everst and wife to John Rodwell. tot a, block 1. Wilson Ter race, w. d IU0O O. W. Uegeath and wife to Alfred Moraine, lots 28, 27 and 28, block itt. Central subdiv.. q. c. d 1 James G, Megeatn and Jam L Dru len and wife to sume, same, w. d . 22S John Mullowney to John Riley, lot 1 to 10. block 4, Thompson's add., 0, o. d 1 L. V. Klncald and husband to Wil liam Boiler, lot to 1, block It. Walnut, w. d Tbomaa W. Leonard and wife to C. L. Peck, part block 20, Neola, -w. d. C. L. Peek and wife to Thomae W. Leonard, part wSk n w30-T7-41, w. d. William A. HalU part of lot T. Audit. 1,100 1,000 1.100 ore aubdtv., aeV, i? a-TV. 7, acres, w. d 1,400 Eight transfers, totsl tU.62T MIHOH MEITIO. Davis sells drug. Leffert'a glssees fit. tockert sell carpets. Th Faust rigor, I cent Peterson, gun and locksmith, CO B'y. For rent, modera houa. Tit Sixth ave. Paints, oil and gloss. Morgan a Dickey. The 1st Long Industrial school will meet thla afternoon at S o'clock. Special aole en floor eaaela and acreen. Alexander . SJ3 Broadway. For wall papering, painting, ansrure fram ing, se Borwick, 21 Main at. 'Phone A-aJO. Paul Hasen of Avoca, eon of former Sheriff John, Haaen. was In tb city yater. day visiting friends. Chief of Police Richmond went to Kan aaa City last evening on bualnea connected with the departwenL Aa a harbinger of summer, th motor company hnd open core running yesterday on the Fifth avenue and Fairmouat park line. Devoe'a mixed paint. Morgan Dickey. City Clerk Zurniuehlen la now lssulnv dog t4T for th ensuing year. Frd atone, the newly appointed poundmaater. vlll start out about May I after all untagged canine. Htvi your carpet taken up, cleaned and rlald bv modera method. Old carpet aaad Into houdavm ruga Council bluS Carpet Cleaning Co., U North Main atreet. Phoae lit. Judge Smith McPherson has made an or der adjudging Thomas F. Guthrie, formerly of Carroll. Is., a bankrupt, and referring the case to W. S. Mayne. Guthrie Is said to be a reetdent of Omaha now. Special exercises In observation of Arbor and Bird day were held In the ward schools of the city yesterday. The programs were on the lin Suggested by Slat superintend ent Rings tn a booklet furnished t th teachers. All member of the Knights and Ladlee Of Security who expect to visit the South Omaha council this evening, are requested to meet at the corner of Pearl and lfrond way at 7:jn. as the degree team will leave at that time. Clyde and Joele White, charged with con ducting a disorderly houee, were fined SlOO and costs each In police court yesterday. Not having the funds wherewith to pay tha fine they will be required to board It out at the city Jail on a bread and water diet. Oeorae Cramer, wanted In Omaha on a charge of robbing H. J. Rowel I, an old soldier and peddler of brooms, of a horse and wagon and other property, waa ar rested yesterday ty Detective v-aiiBgnan. Cramer was found at the hay market on South Main atreet and the stolen property, with the exception of a watch, which he bad traded away, recovered. Cramer was later turned over to an Omaha officer. Complaint was made yesterday that th wagons hauling dirt for the rilling of the south section of Havllss park were drop Sing the dirt on Willow avenue the entire Istance from Third atreet to the park. It waa said that the paving was In placee covered aeveral Inches deep with the yel low clay dropped from the wngons. F. F. Everest, who, haa the contract far filling the park will be required. It was stated by a city official, to clean the mud from the street. MARRIES AMD ROASTS HIS ENEMIES Eldora Preacher Hire Opera Howse aad Deliver Address. SIOUX CITT, la., April 89 CSpecIil Telejtram.) Rev. J. C. Lemon, pastor of tha Christian church of Eldora. Ia., and former pastor of the Christian church of Sioux City, shocked the people of Akron by hiring the opera house and Issuing publlo Invitations to his wedding with Pearl Bullivan, a handsome 16-year-old girl of that town. The marriage waa carried off without unusual ceremony until the Justice of th peace finished the ceremony, when the groom stepped In front of the footlights and Indulged In a sarcastic and Imblttered invective against his enemies. There had been considerable talk In the towrt over the approaching marriage, and threat against the preacher were whispered by those who felt that he was wrong In mar rying a girl, but no violence waa offered. The minlBter'a most biting sarcasm was directed against a well-known widow of Akron. As the bride and the groom left the opera house they were aerenaded by a gang of boys. Until they left town In the even ing they were the center of attraction. SlOtI CITY A WIDE OPEl TOWM Gambler to Pay Fine af fSOO Per Month to City. SIOUX CITT. Ia., April 29. -(Special Tel egram.) Th arrangement are being made today to throw wide open tomorrow night the many gambling house working under cover for the last two year. An agree ment between th gamblers and city ad ministration Is said to hsve been reached, although vigorously denied by the latter. The four houses where the preparation were the most elaborate are the largest of their kind In th state and are elegantly equipped. Th proprietor claim that they will pay license fine into the police court treasury of 1300 a month. Th fine have been fixed so high that other house ex pected to open will remain closed. An ticipatory to th Inauguration of tbe "open town" tomorrow night the city Is tilled with gambler from Omaha, St. Joseph, Minneapolis and De Moines. In harmony with th open town principle the merchants today started their slot ma chine running in opposition to the sntl- g ambling ordinance passed by th tat re publican council. 8IOUX CITY, Ia., April 2.-8pclal Tel egram.) The city administration today completed arrangementa for the mounting In Children a park of a Chinese cannon captured by the late Lieutenant W. C. Davidson of the battleship Missouri, killed in an explosion during target practice. Th cannon waa preaented by Lieutenant Dav tdson come time before hla death and will ba appropriately embellished with me mortal tablets. Attorney an Rmbeaaler. CLINTON. Is,. Amil 28. tSnaclal Tel. gram.) Julius H. Plngle, a well-known attorney, waa found a-ulltv of smbania. ment In the district court. He appropriated money to his own us collected while acting aa attorney tor Joseph Brown. SMALL FORCE AT SAN MIGUEL Caaaty Still Caaer Martial Law aad Soldier Are Praetlcally Dalag Police Daty. TELL,VRIDE. Colo.. April tt Though Baa Miguel county is still under martial law, there are only about twenty soldier on active duty In the district. There re mains between fifty and sixty union mln era In town, and some of th more radical of th member of the Cltlsen' olllenoe want to drive them out. Captain Wells, military commander of the district, ha Informed M. J. Sullivan, president of th local federated labor union that the mln srs should either go to work immediately or get out of Tellurtde, saying that with hi limited military force he could not guarantee them protection. A Fas-writ Reasedy fr Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt eurea have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fa vorite with the mothers of email children. It quickly eure their cough and oo'.d and prevent any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequence. It not only Cure croup, but when given as soon as tb croupy cough appears, will prvnt tb at tack. HYMENEAL ail-ae. YORK. Neb., April 2S 8pecUl.) The friend of Miss Jan Nobes, daughter of Mr. Helen Jane Nobes. who are tempo rarily at Long Beach. Cat., received notice of tb marriage of Mia Jan Nobes and Mr. George Nlel. Miss Nobes is one of York's most popular aoclety young women and Mr. Nlel was a former resident f York, and hss for the laat two years Wen in Omaha. The cards state they will b horn in York after May 2E. yaoldWllsaa. PAPILLION. Neb.. April . (Special )- James Reynslds and Miss Agna Wilson were married last night at tha residence of Mrs. Fannie Reynslds. south of Papll Hon. Numerous friends and relative from prtngfleld and Papllllon were present. Maaa-Bov. YORK. Neb.. April 2-8pec!a! Mr. Steve Mans, a prosperous York county farmer, owning a farm near McCool, and Mlaa Maude E. Bove of Rlueva'.e of county were married by County Judge Taylor. Alt s""4t .old it huwni.n'1 Jewelry tor guara. d t ta arlos quality METHODISTS AT LOS ANGELES General Con ertnoe Will 0pn Tnttda at Htsard's Faviiioi. GOVERNOR WILL WELCOME DELEGATES Election of Bishops Will Re One at the .Most Imports at Faaetlaa f th Meeting af General Coaference. LOS ANGELES, Cat., April .-The offi cial program of the thirty-first general conference of the Methodist church, which will open at Ilatard' pavilion, Ias An geles. Tuesday, May S, has Just been made public. Stephen M. Merrill. V. 1.. UL. D.. senior bishop, will preside at the opening session. Rev. P. S. Monroe, t. P., secre tary of the conference, will call the roll of delegates. The remainder of the first ses sion will be devoted to routine matter and at o'clock In the evening proper will begin. Addresses of welcome by Governor Pardee and Mayor Bnyder for the elate and city, respectively, will be followed by other ad dressee by representatives of the church In southern California and response by prominent visiting churchmen. Tbe most Important business of the con ference will be the election of bishops. The date of election Is not given but It la un derstood It will occur on May 16. Balloting for general conference officers will follow Immediately after the election of bishops. There have been a few sriittered arrivals of delegates, but no formal welcome will be given until next Monday, when the recep tion commltte will meet the first of the special trains. SAN FRANCISCO, April Z.-At today's session of th Methodist Missionary con vention addresses covering various fea- ures of missionary work were delivered by Rev. W. F. Oldham, I). P.. assistant sec retary of the Missionary society; D. 8. A. Leonard, corresponding secretary of the Missionary society, and Bishop John W. Hamilton. Cither speakera were Editor J. Berry of the Epworth Herald and Bishop F. W. Warne. There also was n Woman's Home Missionary society session at which addresses wers made by Mrs. Mary 1eonard Woodruff, Mrs. May Com Isky Bliss and Mrs. M. E. Roberts. Will Try Hobry at Drailnood, SIOUX FALLS. S. P.. April 29.-(8peclaJ.) Oliver S. Pendar, clerk of the United States court In this city, and D. S. Olldden, United State Jury commissioner, have drawn the petit jury for a regular term of federal court, which will convene at Dead wood on May 17. Among the Important cases to be tried during the term will be hat against Daniel K. Robey, a Nebraska tockman, who Is under Indictment for the alleged murder of James Ramea, a mixed blood Sioux Indian, whose home was on the Rosebud reservation. The caae waa tried at the recent term of United States court tn this city, but the Jury disagreed. Stargcla Bank to Bnlld. STT'RQIS. S. D., April 29. (Special.) The directors of the Commercial National bank of this city have purchased lot In the center of the city and will Immediately begin the construction of a banking house with all modern conveniences. The build ing Is to be two stories In height and will have a Are and burglar-proof vault. Increase Dakota's School Fnad. PIERRE. B. D.. April 29. (Special.) While State Land Commissioner C. J. Bach I probably not doing as much celebrating over the matter aa are residents of Greg ory county, he Is probably as well pleased over the situation a many of the rest- GOOD MEAT IS OUR MOTTO THE ORVIS MARKET IS THE PLACE TO GET YOVR MEATS AT THE CHEAPEST PRICES ALL THE TIME. These Prices Will Continue All Next Week Your Last Chance 16 Leal Lard for FRESH BEEF Good Steak, 5 pounds 25c Round Steak, S pounds 2!c Best Rtrloln Steuk.. 10c Best Porterhouse Steak...' 10c Ron at Beef . Bolllnn Beef Veal Roast Vent Stew .. Lamb Roast Lamb Stew . 2c TO 5c !5c .3c Good Butter- I Telephone your order will dellTer to ssy part of tha elty. THE ORVIS MARKET TELEPHONE 46. We 'White Russian Boap, 8 bars 2S Diamond C Hon p. 8 bars 23c. Beat "Em All Boap. 8 bars 3c Bwlft's Priiie Boep, H bars Tea Sittings, pound Uo Comb Honey, pound 153 UP-TO-DATE GROCERY 531 S. Main St. II. SOKOLOP. Prop Special Prices on Meats Armour's No. 1 Itacon 9j u-lb. rail Jtt st ltar LarU 31b. Pail Hest laf Lard pare ibn .... liest Knit Turk Kusrar Cuntl Hams Kujjar Cum! Hams Boiling Hwf We've i t't t'ivt d a carload of Mf-Ksii.u Lemon, fucli CENTRAL GROCERY & MEAT MARKET 600-632 DROADWAY. 'PHONE 24. dents of that county. This opening add to the state school land over t(vio aic, which cannot be disposed of at leas than HO per acr. and will probably go nt a higher figure when It la aold. This means an ad dition of over 130.000 to the fund at the lenst. C N4WFORD ME AltK F.Xt'Ot RAGEU Predict Hla Nonalaatlna for Governor Early la Balloting. IIl'RON, S. V., April .-tSpeclal Tele gram i Full delegations from Miner, Fplrk, Kingsbury nnd Headle countlea. ronstitut. Ing the Ninth Judicial circuit, met In con vention here this afternoon. Maurice Mf rarity of Splrrk county was chairman and M. T. Mumford of Miner wa seorvtnry. Judge Chillies S. Whiting, now serving under appointment, waa nominated for Judge by acclamation. He then addressed the convention and waa followed by brief addresses by Coe I. Crawford nnd Father D. F. Desmond. Tha enthusiasm was marked and th convontlnn wo a unit for Whiting for Judge and Crawford for governor. The meeting of the Beadle county dele gation to the state convention resulted in electing A. W. Wllmurth, chairman, and R. O. Richards, committeeman. The dele gation will go tn Sioux Falls Monday. At the Crawford headquarters tonight lndlon. tlons are considered particularly bright for his nomination for governor early In the convention, assurances of support from heretofore doubtful delegate having been received today. r Indiana Will Sell Stray Horses. riBRP.E. 8. D., April 29. 3rerlal.)-A large number of strsy horsos belonging to whites are running at large on the Chey enne River reservation, and the Indians on that reserve are preparing for a gen eral roundup of these animals. .MI horse which are found which hav no .ght or the raserve will be advertised for sale, nnd the proceed turned Into the school fund for tho maintenance of reservation schools FAST TIME MADE IN MICHIGAN Mlchlsen Central Bay it Ha Estab lished Wtorld'a Record for Speed. DETROIT, Mich.. April 29-Offlclal re ports were received today showing that the unprecedented speed of 109.4 miles an hour has been made by the Michigan Central train carrying President Ledyard and Pres ident Newman to Chicago. The remarkable time was made Wednesday between Brownsville and Springfield. Ont., S.47 mllea. according to the duly verified statement of th train dispatcher. Thl establishes a world's record. A pilot passed ahead of the train, and all crossings were guarded, but the switches were not guarded, nor was th regular running of train Interrupted. TWO ni'MlltED TEACHERS ATTEUD Interesting; geealoa of Western Ne braska Association. SIDNEY, Neb.. April .-Speclat Tele gram.) The twelfth annual session of the Western Nebraska Educational association opened here today with more than 200 teacher present. Addresses were delivered today by James La Mcintosh, Stat Superintendent Fowler and Deputy Superintendent McBrlen. A number of interesting papers were read by the , teachers and many discussion fol lowed. Tonight Dr. Balrd of Chicago delivered a fine address. A splendid musical program extended out the evening' exercise. To morrow promise to be th big day, which will consist of lectures, election of officers and general business of the association, and th meeting will cloae tomorrow night with an elaborate program. Pounds of $1.00 FRESH FORK Pork Chops, S pounds 25c Pork Loins 7Vc Pork Butts OH? Fresh Spare Ribs 3c SMOKED MEATS Skinned Hams 034c Regular Hams 8!4c ricnlc Hams l Best StiKar Cured Bacou 11c Best Salt Pork 8o Kettle Rendered Lard. 3 lbs.,.. 25c i7Hc S37 WEST BROADWAY. Are Still on Deck with our offer this week to give you this PIANO FREE as premium. Just patron ize our store and buy first-class goods that Is all wo require. Our Ooods are al A ways fresh, sweet and palatable. Call at our store, whether you buy or not, you are always welcome. NOTICE PRICES BELOW. Potatoes, per bu 96e Cracked Hominy. 8 lbs So Flake Hominy, 8 lbs 2Sc Jam, ult kinds, 1 qt. Jar 16c Maple Syrup, qt l&o Parlor Matches, doa. boxee lOo OiC J 1 "a 32c 5c 6c ...7c ...2ic 2JC fancy Nav l Oranges, each Ic lc 'Phone 444. H I